Welcome to Venturing 101!

Instructor: Laura Odneal Crew 100 Advisor Fairfield, CA What is Venturing?

 Venturing is a coed program of the Boy Scouts for ages 14-21 (or age 13, but graduated 8th grade).  High adventure activities are one of the highlights of venturing.  Crew activities center around the interests and hobbies of crew members.  Youth centered and youth lead. Goals of Venturing  Learn to make ethical choices over their lifetimes by instilling the values of the Oath and Law.  Experience a program that is fun and full of challenge and adventure.  Have a chance to learn and grow in a supportive, caring, and fun environment.  Experience positive leadership from adult and youth leaders and be given opportunities to take on leadership roles. Ideals

Venturers are expected to know and live by the Scout Oath and Law, ideals of created to inspire a culture of servant leadership, both inside and outside of Venturing. Make-up of a Crew

Crews can be coed allowing both female and male youth to participate. Crews can also be made up of only male or only female youth. Crew members hold elections for officer positions that oversee the crew activities. Crews design a set of bylaws that are to be followed. Youth Leadership Roles

 President  Vice President Administration  Vice President Program  Vice President Communication(Secretary)  Treasurer  Historian  Quartermaster Group Identity Venturers are not asked to conform to a set uniform. They have the opportunity to create their own standards for attire at their events and meetings as they see fit. Crews can center around a specific hobby or interest that identifies the crew. Awards

Venturing Award Discovery Award Pathfinder Award 

Recognition Awards Trust - Religious Quest – Physical Fitness  - Outdoors Venturing Awards Recognition

The awards in the Venturing program are up to each individual youth. The awards program acknowledges and recognizes the youth for their progress through Venturing’s four main areas of emphasis also known as the ALPS method: Adventure, Leadership, Projects, Service. Adult Leadership Roles Advisor – Works with the president of the crew Associate Advisor of Administration – Works with the VP of Admin of the crew Associate Advisor of Program – Works with the VP of Program of the crew Committee Chair Leadership and Mentoring

 Venturers are given opportunities to learn and apply proven leadership skills.  Introduction to Leadership Skills Course – Youth training course.  Kodiak Challenge Course  Once Venturers have lead several activities and developed skills, they then mentor other youth in the crew. Adult Association  Adults serve to advise the youth as they plan events and make decisions, while ensuring the program remains youth-led and youth-inspired.  If the crew is coed there must be a male and female chaperone on all outings. The male and female cannot be married as they only count as one adult.  VLST – Venture Leaders Specific Training Youth Lead As mentioned previously a crew is youth led. Adults are there to advise and ensure the Guide to Safe Scouting is followed on all outings, but the youth are to plan, arrange, fundraise, make phone calls, etc. for each activity or outing that is planned. Community Service

Venturers serve their local and distant communities through personal and group service as the crew plans activities and individuals make progress through the Venturing Awards program. Each award requires a specific amount of service hours in order to earn it. Group Activities and Adventure

Venturers work with teams on everything they do. Their success is dependent on the interaction and cooperation of all, preparing Venturers for their future careers and paths. The officers in the crew must work together and delegate to other members to have an efficient crew. Tier Activities

Tier 1 – Day outing, community service, fundraiser, etc., which involves little planning Tier 2 – At least 2 nights with adequate planning, such as a weekend outing Tier 3 – 3 or more nights with significant planning and preparation Super Activities A week or longer summer activity that the crew designs. Can include going to a Boy Scout camp. Other ideas: Road Trips National Scout Camps Day Trips Hawaii Scout Camp Activities • Backpacking • White Water Rafting • Rifle/Pistol Shooting • Rock Climbing • Kayaking • Campouts • Ziplining • Snow Camping • Boating • Super Activities • Rendezvous • Fiesta Venturing Fiesta  Yearly Venturing weekend for Venture scouts, Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts, and Girl Scouts who are all Venture age.  Held during Labor Day Weekend at Camp Wolfeboro.  Join in activities that help youth build skills, fellowship, and have fun!  Run by the Venturing Officers Association Venturing Officer’s Association

The council Venturing crew Meets monthly to schedule events for crews throughout the council Open to any Venture scouts to join Keeps the council informed of what crews are doing. Hawaii Super Activity Activities

VenturingFest 2018!

July 1st – 6th at the Summit Bechtel Reserve 20th Anniversary of Venturing Open to Venturers, Varsity Scouts, Sea Scouts, Boy Scouts whom is Venture Age, and Leaders