
Florin Octavian Popa




Submitted to the Faculty of the College of Architecture of Texas Tech University in Partial fulfill- roent for the Degree of


Clií íirman of the Committee

Programming Instructor (ARCH 4395): Prof. D. Nowak Design Critic (ARCH 4631): Prof• G. Lehman


Dean, College of Arch. December, 1990 E» R. E F A C E TABLE OF CONTElSrTS TABLE OF CONTElSrTS

I. List of Illustrations iii

II. List of Charts and Graphs iv

III . Mission Statement 8

IV. Thesis Statement 10

V. Acknowledgements 12

VI. Background 14

A. Definition 15 B. History of Aquariums 15 C. Function and Purpose of Aquariums 16 D. Design and Architecture 17 E. History of Pensacola 19 VII. Issues 22

VIII. Goals and Objectives 25

IX. Technology 28

X. Environmental Analysis (Build/Natural) 32

A. Recreation 33 B. Bayfront Auditorium 33 C. Port of Pensacola 34 D- Pensacola Beach 35

XI . Site Analysis 36

A. General Overview 37 B. Climate 37 C. Soil/Sand 40 D. Water 40 E. Topography 41 F. Marine Life 41

XII- Space/Activity Analysis 47

XIII . Case Studies 58

A. International Exposition of 1975 58 B • Nat ional Aquar ium in Bal t imore 61 C. The Monterey Bay Aquarium 67 D. The New England Aquarium 72 TABLE OF CONTENTS

XIV . Sys t ems Perf ormance Criteria 75 A. Light in^ 76 B. Structure 77 C. Mechanical/Techni cal 77 D. Water Pressure 78

XV . Economi c Analys is (Cost) 80

XVI . End Notes 85

XVII. Bibliography 87

XVIII. Documentation 91


A. Pensacola Beach 35

B. Technology From the Past 29

C. Proposed Site Naps 37

D. Marine Life Off the Shores of Pensacola 41

E. National Exposition of '75 in Okinawa 58

F. The National Aquarium, Baltimore 61

G. Monterey Bay Aquarium, California 67

H. New England Aquarium 73

I. The Aquapolis in Japan 76


A. Pensacola and Surrounding Area Census Graph 21

B. Pensacola^ Florida, Weather Graph 39

C. Distribution of Western Atlantic Reef Map 42

D. Space List 57



There is a place where the sidewalk ends And before the street begins, And there the grass grows soft and white^ And there the sun burns crimson bright, And there the moon-bird rests from his flight To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black And the dark street winds and bends. Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow, And watch where the chalk-white arrows go To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow, And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go, For the children, they mark, and the children, they know The place where the sidewalk ends. THESIS STA.TEME3SrT


As I see it, architec- ture functions very much like a human body. A piece of architecture must have three things to be considered compelling and unique: the exterior and interior, structural and mechanical, and function. It is my intention to integrate the above char- acteristics by using modern day technology that influences, predicts and characterizes the advancements of architec- ture as a style and a solution for the future; thus, becoming a vision of the future. I predict that arch- itecture will expand to both outerspace and the oceans for the s imple reason of agricultural land conservation. My main focus is on architecture at sea, because I was reared around and have always had a great interest in marine curricular activ- ities . I have f ound that architecture is limited to its location. We have studied famous buildings that are models for architecture, f rom the birth of architecture to the present styles, but they all have one thing in common; they are all built on land. I am interested in creating an architecture which evolves around water.

11 A C ICISr O W L E I> G E M E NT S


I would like to dedi- cate this "Thesis" pro- gram/project to a few very special persons who have played a big role in my life, and who also helped me get through all these hard days and nights of college (in the architecture building). These people are as fol- lows: my dad, Constantine Popa; my mom, Roza Popa; my sisters, Aura Patrick and Lora Popa. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I would also like to speak of my wife Carla. Without her support and trust I could never have done any of this on my own; therefore, I would like to devote this "Thesis" program/project and my entire life to her. I love you very much Carla, and I will never forget all the things you have done for me . I would also like to thank my in-laws, Raby and Verna Smalley, for bringing such a wonderful girl into this world. And raost importantly, I*ra glad that our whole family believed in us and trusted our judgements. Thank you all for everything you have done for me . So to show my appreciation, I am devot- ing all my college years to the people I love the most, my family.


14 BAC :GROUisrr>


The Random House Dic- tionary defines Aquar- iums as:

1. A tank, etc . , in whích living aquatic or plants are kept •

2• A building in which aquatic animals or plants are exhibited.^


Aquariums have been known to exist for at least 4,500 years. The Sumerians were the first known aquarists who kept fish in artificial ponds. As early as 1000 B.C. , the Chinese bred fish with some degree of success. The selective breeding included devel- oping ornamental gold fish which were later perfected in Japan. The ancient Romans not only kept fish for food and entertainment, but also were the first marine aquarists. They filled ponds with fresh seawater to accommodate a variety of marine life. The English also participated in aquatic activities by keeping gold fish in glass vessels during the middle 1700s . In the late 1700s, relationship

15 BACICGROUlSrD between oxygen, animals, and plants was estab- lished; therefore, the art of aquarium keeping was perfected. Philip Gosse was the first to develop the term "aquarium." He displayed the first public aquarium in 1853 at Regent's Park in England. The first American public aquarium was displayed in New York City in 1856, which proved public interest in aquariums was growing. But it was not until after WWII that large aquariums became common. Nowadays many of the world's distinguished cities have public and commercial aquariums. Nany of these aquariums are used in research institutes such as the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolle, California. The first oceanarium was built in 1956 in Marineland, Florida. This aquarium was based on the use of very large tanks , up to one million gallons each, in which marine life was shown in its natural habitat.

Functíon and Purpose:

Aquariuras are used for f our primary purposes: recreational, educa- tional, research, and nutritional. Early aquariums were developed for their recreational appeal . Then publicly


owned aquariums were con- structed for educational purposes. Along with education, research with aquariums became impor- tant. An example of this is: oceanariums capture and train dolphins and whales f or public enter- tainment as well as to expose their importance in the balance of mar ine life. Another form of aquarium management, is the raising of fish to provide food, often called "aquaculture-"

Desjgn and Architecture:

Aquariums have moved through several styles of construction. They have changed from the open air tanks used by the Romans to the more recent trend of emphasizing the indigenous beauty of marine life in its natu- ral habitat. Regardless of the type of aquarium used, they must be constructed with great care. Many sub- stances which are non- toxic to humans are toxic to marine life. The safest, most commonly used material for aqua- rium is glass. Fiber- glass is also used, and if properly treated it is non-toxic. Another adv- antage of using this material is it is light- weight, strong, does not deteriorate, and is easily shaped. Some non-toxic adhesives which


are used include epoxy resins, polyvinyl chlor- ide, silicone rubber, and neoprene. Most large aquariums are built on reinforced concrete, be- cause of its advantage over other materials, such as wood that is subject to rotting if submersed in water for a very long time. It is also common practice to utilize several layers of Plexiglass to prevent breakage. Modern aquariums are built to illustrate the natural environment of the specimen within. To bring about this natural look, many aquariums use marine foliage and/or raural type environmental surroundings. Accessories for tanks normally include filters, air pumps, lights and immersed electrically controlled heaters. Plumbing for large aqua- riums can be very complex• Unplasticized poly- vinyl chloride and fiberglass pipes are the most widely applied materials f or plumbing aquariums. The most suitable materials used for pumps in an aquarium are those that are not highly toxic, such as non- metallic plastic-lined materials. Occasionally it is also sufficient to use stainless steel materials.


The most effective type of lighting for an aquarium, are incandes- cent lamps placed above the front glass. Fluo- rescent lights provide illumination but many times i t overilluminates certain aspects in an aquarium such as the tank walls. Besides, colored lights highlight the natural color in/off the tank; "and mercury-vapor lamps" maintain "maximum growth of marine 1ife . "^

Historv of Pcnsacola:

Pensacola was founded by Don Tristan de Luna, Colonizer under King Phillip of Spain, on August 14, 1559, six years before the settle- ment of St. Augustine. Two years after Pensa- cola's founding, the settlement dissolved due to dissension among the inhabitants. One hundred and thirty-seven years later, the city was resettled by the Spanish. In May of 1719, the French captured Pensa- cola, but the Spanish regained control in November of 1722. In 1763. as the result of a European agreement, Pen- sacola passed into British hands. During the Civil War, Pensacola once again changed hands when the city forces evacuated Fort Barrancas, Fort


Redoubt , Fort McRae and the water battery of San Antonio in favor of the more defensible Fort Pickens on Santa Rosa Island. "In 1862, the Confederate government abandoned the city to the Union forces, and once again, Pensacola flew the flag of the United States "3 In the last four hundred years, the city of Pensacola has changed hands 13 t imes and has been under the rule of five different nations. Thus, Pensacola is also known as the "City of Five Flags . "*

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* A complex relation between water and land activities.

* Circulation on land and water.

* Structure to be dealt with in the water and on the sandy shores.

* Temperature changes on and off shore.

* Winds blowing of f the surface of the water onto land.

* The type of views that are available from, and to the site.

* How to create a structure that will attract the public for enjoyment.

* Transportation be- tween the site and surrounding areas .

* Availability of parking spaces at certain times of the day and evenings.

* How to deal with vegetation on land or in the water, if any are to be planted.

* Size of spaces in proximity of the site; which could have a possibility of sereneness to them.

* Accessibility for handicapped people, if


dealt with as ma jor issue.

* The possibility of materials which would be effective for this type of facility/structure.

* Sun angles at dif- ferent times and seasons throughout the year.

* To respect the sur- rounding in a unique way.

* How to design/build around and about the coral reefs .

* How to naturally attract marine life to the facility.

* The material color which is necessary to create an attraction of aquatic animals to the facility.

* Things which are necessary for this facility to keep the en- closed aquatic animals alive and well.

* How to control the overlapping temperature of the water and interior of the facility from creating dew on the glass, which could pos- sibly distract the vision of the public towards the living activities in the water.



* To create a facility that will serve the pub- lic .

* To create a facility that will be a learning and recreational center for all ages.

* To utilize the best materials that are avail- able for this type of building.

* To create a serene environment within and around the building.

* To create a building where the design will enhance and be enhanced by its structure.

* To create a struc- ture that will attract the public through its aesthetics rather than the function.

* To solve any problems in the func- tion(s) of the facility, to the best of my ability; whether it be lighting, circulation, structure, raechanical or views.

* To design a building that will bring out a vision of the future.

* To avoid the possi- bility of relating the style and form of this certain building to surrounding buildings.

* To design a facility which will integrate


huraans with the living nature beneath the sea.

* To make humans feel as if they were the ones trapped in a tank, like the fish would feel in an enclosed 5, 10, 20 or 50 gallon water tank, i.e., bringing the building to the environment instead of the environment into the building.

* If this building is to contain fish tanks, it is because I believe that marine life is in better hands in a public aquarium rather than in a home .

* To try and balance between public satis- faction and marine life needs .



• echnplggy:

Technology is a major part of all human culture. It has been as important in shaping human lives as philo- sophy, religion, social organization, or poli- tical systeras- Through the ages, technology has been used to invent tools, materials, and techniques to raake work easier and to satisfy their desire for leisure and comfort• Abraham Darhy's Coalbrookdale ironworks in Shropshire, England, Science has also made used another major technological development leading to the Industrial Revolution: in 1709, Darby learned how to smelt iron with a great contribution to- coke instead of with increasingly scarce wood-derived charcoal. wards modern technology. "But not all technology Oifton Suspension Bridge at Bristol, England. compleíed in 1861 aíter a is based on science, nor long delay, exemplified the daring modes of construction that 19th- is science necessary to cen ury technology made possibk'. This print, datmg from before 1861, shows the bridge towers as they had been originally planned. all technology."^ Science seeks the answers for explaining how and why things happen, and technology is more involved with producing results. For example, during the ironmaking era, people dealt with objects made of iron long before they discovered the changes that were manifested in the concept of metal. Generally when tech- nology is spoken of today, it actually means "industrial technology - the technology that helped bring about our modern society-"* Approximately 200 years ago, the Industrial Revolution began in Great (Above) The American inventor }ohn Fitch tricd lo apply steam to water travel; his first model, seen here, was demonstrated at Britain with the develop- Philadelphia tn 1787. It met with disappointmvnt. and the first ment of power-driven successful steamboat was not launched until 1807, by Roberí fulton. machines, the building of

29 TECHISrOLOGY factories and the mass James Watt's reciprocating steam engine, developed during íhe late production of goods. IBíh century, was a major stimulus to the Industnal Revolution. The Once steel was made more motion of the steam-driven rocking beam (top) was converted into available, it became a the rotary motion of the f ywheel (righl) for driving factory engines. valuable material for construction, most not- ably in American "sky- scrapers" and bridges. The changes which have occurred in technology have had multiple effects ne ver imagined in the 1900s. For instance, chemicals from the 19th and early 20th centuries were mainly produced from natural substances, such as alcohol, rubber, or coal . Now the chemical industry produces plas- tics and other polymers f rom petroleum and natural gas. Other types of new materials include special ceramics, such as cermets, and fiber- reinforced materials . Although technology has provided applications for an easier and more comf ortable way of lif e , no one can force its consequences• irinmnrii

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(Left) The modern era of rapid land transportation ws'^ intiiaicd by such steam locomotives as the ínglish enginecr Ceorge Stcphenson's Rockel (1829). It had a tubular boiler, and wheels drivcn dircctly bv Ihe pislons. Rail nelworks spread Quickly across lun>pv aml Amcriía


(Above) Thomas fdison's commercial power siation for incandescent lighting opened in New York Cily on Sept. 4, 1882, shortly after he direcíed the opening of ihe world's first such station in London. The advenl of elecíric lighting in the home had a great impact on everyday life.

(Leíl) Henry Ford's assembly-ltne process— shown at the Ford Motor Co. plant at Highland Park, Mich. — furlher transformed sociely by putting the public on wheels and was adopted for ihe mass production of many other goods. The aulo, however, also created pnllution and energ\ pmblems.




When it comes to enjoying outdoor rec- reation, Pensacola's climate offers the best. In addition, there are hundreds of beaches and inland waterways f or fishing and water activi- ties which can be enjoyed almost year-round. There are also facilities which provide opportunities for leisure, sports and fitness. Not only are water sports available, but also there is also hunting and area golf courses. Furthermore, running competitions are scheduled each weekend September thru July. Two of the most popular events are the Blue Angel Marathon and the Navy Triathlon.

Bavfront Auditorium:

The city owned Bay- f ront Auditorium was opened in 1953 and is located at the terminus of Palafox Place, over- looking the Bay, in restored downtown Pen- sacola. The Auditorium is capable of seating 3,000 people. The arena is most often used for concerts, plays, dances, banquets, trade shows and even Mardi Gras parties.


Port of Pensacola:

The Port of Pensacola is under the control of the Department of Marine Operations within the city of Pensacola.

The Port can accommodate ocean- going vessels with drafts up to thirty-three feet MLW. More than 330,000 square feet of covered transit shed space is available for temp- orary storage of dry products and more than 80,000 square feet of dry space is available for bulk products.^

Major cargoes handled at the port include petroleum products, fer- tilizer, scrap steel, sulfur, agricultural and forest products. As an economic re- source for Pensacola and surrounding counties, providing jobs and pay- rolls, it has an impact of approximately $31 million annually. The Port also serves the region as a transporta- tion center for foreign markets and local car- goes. The Port of Pensacola is used to facilitate international trade between countries .


Pftnsacola Beach:

Hear the surf roll in and relax on the world's whitest beaches... enjoy the excitement of off- shore fishing, wind- surfing, sailing, explore an ancient Spanish fort, beachcomb the miles of natural seashore or browse through dozens of unique shops. Enhanced í-*;^- by the surf and sand, the •• - •'.•.-••-• ^íST'>'V*S^íft*:-? Island creates a relaxed atmosphere for an after- noon stroll along the Gulf or chance to observe the brilliance overhead as you watch the sun go down.



General Overview:

Pensacola is located in extreme Northwest Florida. The city is positioned on the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway at 30o 28' latitude and 87o JACKSONVÍLLE 11* longitude with alt- itudes ranging from sea New level to 120 feet above Orteans sea level. The Pensacola Metro- Q^\j OfMexico politan Statistical Area contains the two western most counties in the Florida Panhandle. Escam- bia County consists of 661 square miles, Santa Rosa County covers 1,024 square miles and the City of Pensacola spreads over 25.09 square miles. Escambia County extends from the Gulf of Mexico to the Alabama-Florida border, a distance of approximately 50 miles. Additionally, there are 64,000 acres of water area .

•STATION Climate: PENSACOLABEACH Situated in a warm temperature zone, Pen- sacola has the climate typical of the upper Gulf Coast region. The winters are mild, and the summer heat is moderated by the southerly winds from the Gulf of Mexico. The city averages 343 days of sunshine a year- Phenomena such as hurricanes and tornadoes do occur, but are seldom and often less severe





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than other parts of the Southeast. The highest winds take place during late summer and fall.

Rnî /Sand:

The surface is mostly composed of white sands, 99% pure quartz; unlike other beaches which consist mostly of feld- spar and ground sea shells. In this sense, it is very unique. Geologist agree that most of the white sand coraes from the southern Appalachian regions of Georgia and Alabama, and that the extra sand comes from the near by continental shelf of the Mississippi Islands.

The water is clear as glass. Beneath the water you will find corals, tropical fish, and many other sorts of natural living things . The water temperature varies with the seasons, but it never reaches temperatures below 45 degrees during the winter, and will almost never rise to temper- atures above 84 degrees in the summer. The low and high currents vary according to the times of the day and the season. The high tides will raise the


water level up to 2-3 feet above normal, and the low tides will lower the water level 1-2 feet below normal.


The topography of the The Soapfish, Rypiicus saporíaceus, area is mainly flat, pholographed while hunling al night. except for the sand dunes that rise on the beach to give it a more serene and unique look.

M^rine Life: The marine life off the shores of Pensacola is better shown with pictures than words; therefore, photographs of existing marine life are provided on the following Terminal phase males of the Striped pages . , Scarus croicertsis, are territorial during spawning periods, but in most areas forage with the large initial phase herds during Ihe rest of the day.

The Yeliowlail Snappér, Ocyurus chrysurus, is commonJy seen in small schools over the shallow reef. It feeds in the water column. and so is more streamlined than its botlom-oriented relatives.


Distribution of Western Atlantic Reef Fish



Small groups of Blackbar Soldierfish, Myripristisjacobus, can often be seen during the day nervously dashing in and out of caves in the shallow reef At night. they spread out to forage in the watercolumn.

An unusual 'centre-spot'variantof the Indigo Hamlet, Hypoplectrus indigo. Similar variants of the barred and butter hamlets occur in the same area. suggesting some interbreeding between thethree'species'. The Diamond Blenny, Malacocíenus boehlkei, is the only member of the genus common on the off-shore reef. The yellow head of this pale índividual indicates it is a male.

The Spineyhead Blenny, Acaníhemblemaria spinosa, like its near relatives, spends most of its time peering from a hole in the reef looking for the plankton on which it feeds.


The spots on the side of a Spotled Goatfish. Pseudopeneus macufatus, fade in and out. and may serve a function in communication between fish.

Banded , siriatus, are common on the shallow reef. wÊf^^SÊ^^^^^Á

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^ -'.w^H ^^^^ f S'f^^H ^^Êff^^^^Æ The Tan Hamlet has never been formally described as a species, Ihough it is common oíT the coast of norida and. with a siightly different colour pattern, ofTCentral America.


This Bahamian Butter HamJet, Hypoplecírus unicolor, has a prominent nasal spot; those from the soulhern Caribbean usually lack such a spot.

Juveniie Queen Angelfish, Holacanthus ciliaris, are brilliantly colourful cleaners that are common around caves and led eson the reef.

The Glasseye Snapper, Priacaníhus cruentatus, is Ihe shallow water representative of the genus, and can commonly be seen during the day hovering over a small hole in the reef. Oílen the hole is too small for the fish to escape into, and afler a few futile attempís to enter, Ihe fish usually ílees the approaching diver.


Yellow Bellied Hamlets, Hypoplectrus aberrans, range in colour from the pale form shown. to dark grey with only a trace of yellow along the underside.

The Blue HamJet, Hypopîectrus gemma, is one of the mimetic species. Compare itscolour patlern with that of the Blue £V- im4 Chromis.

Night Majors. Abudefdufiaurus, are The Neon Goby, Gobiosoma oceanops, widely distributed. but are not often is largely restricted to the coasl of seen by divers because of their Florida, but because of its bright preference for shallow, wave-washed, colours and ready availability, it is the and often dirty areas. besl known species of neon goby.

The Beau Gregory, Eupomacenírus The Orangespotted Filefish, leucosiictus, is the most common Caniherhines pullus, is a relatively large damselfish inshore of the maín reef. It fish that is occasionally seen around can be found in mangroves, around inshore reefs. piiings. and even in grass flats.




The space will consist of a formal entrance that will serve as the main entrance to the facility. It is where the public will enter to access the rest of the facility. The lobby will have the capability of serving 150 people at one time; the people who are to use this area are the public and the employees. The lobby may or may not be adjacent to the restrooms, ticket booth, administration and gift shop. The lobby space will serve as: a tran- sition space into other spaces, a meeting area and information center .


The adrainistration area will house the employees* offices. It will serve the employees in their business related activities. This major space will consist of a few minor spaces: one manager's office, two assistant manager*s off- ices, secretary space, computer room, work room and security room. This space will be adjacent to the lobby but could also be adjacent to some other areas, such as: exhibit spaces, galleries and the gift shop.


Tîr.ket booth:

This booth will control the tickets for admission to the facility for all of the activi- ties taking place. The booth will be located in or outside of the lobby.

Gift shop:

The shop will sell a variety of souvenirs related to the activities which are taking place in the facility. They will sell such things as charms, keepsakes, books, pamphlets, toys, and cards. The shop will be adjoined to the lobby for easier access, and will be used mostly by the public.


There will be as many as four different gal- leries in the facility organized for the public. They will display a variety of marine life posters, sculptures and educational material. The galleries may be adjacent to other spaces, or they may consist of a separate building.


The exhibits will be spread throughout the entire facility. They


could be integrated within a circulation space (hallway), and/or could consist of a separate building, like the galleries. The dispersion of the exhi- bits is strongly empha- sized • The exhibits will store and display objects like the galleries would, but on a smaller and/or larger scale . These spaces will be in direct contact with the public as a guide throughout the facility.

AuditQrium: The auditorium is a space where speeches, lectures, plays and shows will be held. It should be a very large space, enough to hold approx- imately 75-100 people. The space will serve the public and employees, and shall be adjacent to the classrooms and lobby for easier access.


The theater will serve as a tool for educating the public. It will sponsor slide shows, movies and documentaries. The space will have a capacity seating of 100- 125 people.


The theater may con- nect with the same spaces that the auditorium is adjacent to, or it may be a building unto itself.


There will be as many as three classrooms in the facility, and each class will be capable of seating 30-3 5 people. All three classrooms will be located in the same section of the facility. These classrooms will serve the public as a tool for learning about marine life activities. These rooms should be adjacent to the lobby and/or auditorium and theater-

LaboratQry: The laboratory is a space where employees care for their sea life. It is also an area where experiments are being performed. The lab will only be accessible to the employees of the facil- ity. This space should be serviceable to the Shipping and Receiving dock.

ShÍDDÍng and Receiving:

This is an area where deliveries are made and picked up. The pick ups and deliveries serve the


needs of the entire facility. This area should be adjacent to the labora- tory, and galleries, or it could be divided into a few smaller docks which will serve the same purpose as one big dock.

Stora e: There will be many storage areas scattered throughout the building to store supplies and equipment. The spaces will be available in every area that is in need of one and only accessible by the employees.

Mechanícal Rooms:

The mechanical rooms will house the mechanical equipment, such as: air conditioners, pumps, electrical wiring and technical provisions. These areas will be used by the janitors and tech- nicians . These rooms will also be adjacent to almost every space within the facility.


This room will be used to keep stuffed mammals, and other mar ine I if e objects fresh. It will


be accessed only by the employees. The refrigeration room will be connected to the laboratory and the dock.


The restaurant will be a formal space and will be a building of its own. This space will serve the public as well as the employees and will seat up to 100 people at one time • The restaurant will be designed to consist of two levels, beneath and above the water. The views from the restaurant will be focused on the water and water related activities, including a tropical fish tank •


The kitchen will serve the restaurant only; therefore, it will be verging on the restaurant and will have its own dock area• This space will only be available to the employees of the facil- ity.

Snack Rar:

The snack bar will serve fast food for people that want to have a quick bite. It is an

53 S >ACE/ACTIVITY AISTALYS I S informal space located either in the lobby or adjacent to one of the ma jor spaces . ipflnds-on Pool:

The hands-on pool will serve the exact purpose that it states. This will be an area where all visitors are allowed to come in direct contact with the marine life nature. This space will be capable of holding up to 50 people at one time. It can be located any- where in the facility.

The docks will serve the facility for incoming and outgoing deliveries. There will be as many as five docks in the facility, serving the same purpose in different areas• The docks will be adjacent to the spaces which will be in need for one .

Shark Tank: This tank will house approximately 6-8 sharks, and sharks only. The design of the tank will be such that the interior does not have a consis- tency of smooth walls, nor shall the tank consist of simple geomet- ric forms. The reason


for these considerations are that tanks with a smooth consistency on the interior walIs and/or are f ormed in a square shape cause damaging psycho- logical effects on the sharks and could also lead to their deaths. This tank will be located soraewhere on the exterior of the facility, but adjacent to a space from which it could be viewed, such as exhibit halls, galleries and/or circulation halls.

nnlphín Tank:

This tank will accom- modate approximately 10 mammals. It will be located on the exterior of, but adjacent to any part of the building. This tank does not have to take on any specific form, just as long as it is large enough for the mammals*

Ppnsaco a Exhibit:

This exhibit will exhibit the natural existence of underwater activities, objects and marine life off the shores of Pensacola, Florida. The observers should be in contact with this exhibit as they walk throughout the entire facility. This space should be adjacent to the entire building.



1. Administration: 2,100 sq.ft. 1 manager's office (400 sq.ft.) 2 asst. mgr. offices (300 sq.ft. each) 1 secretarial space (150 sq^ft^) 1 computer room (600 sq.ft.) 1 work room (400 sq.ft.) 1 security room (250 sq.ft.) 2. Ticket Booth: 150 sq.ft. 3. Gift Shop: 1,500 sq.ft. 4• Auditorium: seats @ 75 people 6,000 sq.ft. 5. Classrooms: 3 classrooms (1,200 sq.ft. each) 3,600 sq.ft. 6 . Restaura^it: seats & 100 people 10.000 sq.ft. 7. Kitchen: 2,000 sq.ft. 8. Shipping and Receiving: 2 major docks (2,000 sq.ft. each) 4.000 sq.ft. 9. Hands-on Pool: 3,000 sq.ft. 10 . Theater: seats & 100 people 7,500 sq.ft. 11. Laboratory: 3 lab spaces (1,000 sq.ft. each) 3,000 sq.ft. 12. Lobby/Entrance: 4,500 sq.ft. 13. Mechaniqal Areas: approximately 6 (1,000 sq.ft. each) 6,000 sq.ft. 14. Bxhibit Areas: 4 different exhibits areas (1,500 sq.ft. each) 6,000 sq.ft^ 15 . Galleries: 4, different galleries (2,000 sq.ft. each) 8,000 sq.ft. 16. Storage: 8,000 sq.ft. 1 large storage (5,000 sq.ft.) 4 small storages (750 sq.ft. each) 17. Refrigeration: 6,000 sq.ft. 18. Shârk Tank: 10,000 sq.ft. 19. Dolphin Tank: 12,000 sq.ft. 20. Snack Bar: ^'500 sq.ft. 21. Docks: . 4 small docks (1,000 sq.ft. each) 4,000 sq.ft. 22. Pensacola Exhibit: refer to space analysis SUB TOTAL 108,850 SQ.FT

(+/-) 15% Flex. 16,328 sq.ft

(+) TOTAL 115.178 SQ.FT (-) TOTAL 92,522 SQ.FT

57 r--Tt'»>'íTV*''"



(?««<> studv l:

Project: Nat ional Aqua- rium, Marine Life Park.

Place: International Ocean Exposition of 197 5, Okinawa, Japan.

Architects: Maki and Associates.

Engineers: Kimura (Structural); P.T. Morimura (mechanical).

Contractor: JV-Kajima, Konoike, Tokyu, Sumitomo, Kumagaya, Zentaro.

Client: Ministry of Trade and Industry.


The only permanent facility from the Inter- national Ocean Exposition of 1975 is described by Maki as "a path of shade." The Aquarium is seemingly part of the sea rather than being built beside it. The aquarium is oriented in a North- South direction, between the shoreline and a steep cliff . The structure uses two-level arcades to break the sun and the wind, and also to define the building * s ma jor elements and it's process of nature. The design of the aquarium and its exhibi- tions are meant to


enhance the nature of marine life, while the structure itself elicits the characteristics of local custom and culture. Through the way the facility is built, one can tell right away that the buiIding is designed in such that the sun angles, the topography of the land and the culture defines its important functions and its perfor- mance .


Through my under- standing, this project was supposed to be an experiment f or the Exposition in Okinawa, but instead the client decided to make it a permanent structure. I believe that marine life should be kept in facilities that are similar to their natural habitat, and not in a new and experimental envi- ronment. This project is unique in such that it utilizes and respects it*s natural environment - sun angles, topography, winds, con- text, and the relation it has towards it*s culture.



Project: Baltimore Aqua rium, Baltimore.

Place: Pier in Baltimore's Inner Harbor-

Architects: Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc . .

Engineers: LeMessurier Associates, Inc. (structural) and Francis Associates (mechanical).

Contractors: Jackson Construction Co. (general) .

Client: The City of Baltimore.


Architecture is not the issue, rather the new aquar ium ' s form is conceived as merely a device f or organizing a progression of ex- periences so in- volving that you forget about the architecture. Hap- pily, the device is only partly suc- cessful. Within the building, the orchestration of exhibits is so merged with their visual and spatial framework that the architecture be- comes ineradicably


a part of the visitor's total experience. And without... it is surely architecture that establishes the spirited and spirit - lifting landmark at the rim of Baltimore's In- ner Harbor.®

On Pier 3 of the Inner Harbor of Baltimore, the National Aquarium has been designed to create an illusion of being underwater as part of the marine life world. The pools range from 260.000 to 325,000 gallons of water. A visitor would see small exhibits ranging to a working model of a Caribbean A biacklighted mural of life-size shark silhouettes shows the coral reef , the largest varying species in vibrant ocean-deep lighting effect. display of its kind in the United States . In all, over a miI1ion gallons of water are used in the exhibits . In the National Aquar ium, the vis itors are drawn into a journey through raany aquatic wonders by being carried on moving walkways. So rather than the visitors passing by on the outside looking in, they actually become part of the experience. Since the aquarium* s opening in August 1981, water, the lifeline of the aquarium, has flowed through miles of pipelines from tank to tank, through filtering


devices, sterilizers, and heat exchangers.


The National Aquarium in Baltimore is one of the most attractive piece of architecture I have seen. It does not only relate to the water around it, but also uses the water as a tool. The aquarium sits in the Baltimore Harbor as if it was a boat; its colorful materials enhance the harbor and vice versa. This aquarium is unique in the sense that it does not create a focus for it*s outside, but merely focuses on the A view down to the Fresh Water tray (above) shows the cantilevered childrens aquarium that is seen in the up- inside, where most of per right of color photo. the interests are con- tained. Such interests are: exhibit areas, pools. tanks with fish, galleries, the rain forest and others. To the best of my knowledge this project is one of the most success- ful designs featuring marine life .

- -•,- " ^ 1" '•^• .--^ -



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Project: Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation.

Place: Monterey Bay, Monterey, California.

Architects: Esherick, Homsey, Dodge and Charles Davi s.

Engineers: Rutherford and Chekene (civil, structural and marine); Syska and Hennessey (mechanical/ electrical) .

General Contractor: Rudolph and Sletten, Inc .

Client: David Packard, the founder of Hewlett-Packard.


Monterey Bay was found to be an opportune place for an aquarium because of the abundance of t iny organisms that start the food chain. In summer months, wind currents draw nutrient-saturated water from deep on the ocean floor to the surface; therefore, at- tracting a great variety of fish, marine mammals and birds. The site that was chosen for the aquarium was already occupied by an old/cannery which had fallen beyond repair. In order to preserve the appearance of Cannery Row, the architects


decided to tear down the old building and replace it with a similar looking 8tructure. The factory-Iike spaces easily accommodate the huge tanks, labora- tories, classrooms, din- ing facilities and mech- anical equipment. Where as the interior spaces are very random and unstructured. Rather than having a specific route to f ollow, the exhibits are randomly scattered .


The Monterey Bay Aquarium project is very fascinating. This facil- ity is so entertaining that it cannot control the circulation of the number of people which come to visit daily. The original project was to renovate an old cannery, but instead, this project turned out to be a totally new facility with a totally new structure within the parameters of the old. In my point of view, this is the most interesting marine life related facility which I have ever seen and/or studied. The architects responsible for this de- velopment deserve a great sense of respect. These architects have dealt with problems above and beyond their knowledge and abi1it ies.


The only thing that concerns me about this facility is the control of the circulation for the public, since it is meant to be for their use .




Project: The New England Aquarium.

Place: on Central Wharf and extending into Boston Harbor.

Architects: Cambridge Seven Assoc., Inc.

Engineers: Howard Brandston Lighting Design, nc.

Clients: The City of Boston• JV^w JSmgimmdl A^fmøíri m


The New England Aquarium was opened in June of 1969 and was one of the newest buildings on the Central Wharf. Since that time, the area has continued to grow with new businesses and homes. The Aquarium is sur- rounded on three sides by water and is a visual focal point on the water- front. It can be seen f rom almost anywhere on the waterfront and is made especially attrac- tive by its unusual Iighting. Taking into considera- tion the nearby office workers and waterfront residents, the Aquarium was built to aid in upgrading the area. The area around the aquarium is becoming a 24-hour-a- day use, and the aquarium is bringing vital atten- tion to the location.



The New England Aquarium focuses heavily on lighting techniques. Not only did the arch- itects want to make the building appealing, but also they wanted the aquarium to illuminate the site. This was done in hopes of providing additional lighting for pedestrians as well as adding to the uniqueness of the aquarium.



The system that is to be used for this project is somewhat different and uncustomary. It is dif- ferent in the sense that it will consist of all structural and mechanical details blown up to a bigger scale but support- ing different functions. For example a flexible air duct would in this case serve as a tunnel or an access way for circulation of the pub- lic. Another example would be a water line blown up in scale to serve as a secondary access for employees, deliveries and such. In other words, I am bringing out the hidden architecture between the walls. and using it to serve a purpose . This system is unique f or the simple reason that there are only a few type of structures in existence like it that serve the public and function properly. Another reason for its uniqueness is that the essence of this structure could be the beginning of a new type of archi- tecture.


The lighting to the facility has to be controlled throughout the day and night. It needs to be bright enough where one can see the Uiider part of the Aquapolis seenfrom the lower hull on the land side. The horizon line is visible in the distance.


displays, but not so bright that one will get a reflection off the glass windows and the water, whi ch can disturb one * s vision. In this case I have decided to use incan- descent lamps placed above the front glass of the aquarium tanks. This is ment ioned in more depth in the chapter about background.


The structure will consist of the following types of material: steel, concrete, glass, and plastics . The structural system may include such systems as: pier and lintel, ékAqua-hall. One hundred and seven trees throughout the Aguapolis soften the space frame, anchored nature of the spaces, The floor is covered wiih gray, white, and bíack foundation and/or float- artificial-terrazzo tiles. The central pari of ihe ceiling is piiched io refleci ing foundation. lightfrom the Aqua-harbor.


The mechanical system will be controlled in such a way that the air conditioning and heating will not create any dew on the glass of the tanks. The temperature of the building will have to be specifically set to a comfortable condition for the public but where the outside temperature "Maving belts transpori visitors through ihe Marino- will not interfere with rama, which represenis ihe sea at a depth offrom the temperature on the twenty io ihiriy meters. inside of the tanks. If this situation is not controlled properly.


it could cause a damaging conflict between the public and the marine life corafort.

Wflter Pressure:

The pressure of the water has to be con- sidered when designing such a structure as this one. It is necessary to build a facility in which the public can descend to a lower part without having any type of water pressure related spells, such as dizziness, vomiting, etc. This structure must be totally sound. My goals are to see that everything will be Froni lefi side of ihe Aquapoíis seen from the place where the taken care of in the bridge connecis with thefloaiing struciure. sense of controlling the building*s functions and design in a professional and unique manner. An example of this type of architecture can be seen on the two previous pages, on the next few pages and in the illustrations directly to the right. The structure is the "Aquapolis", an Ocean Development Office of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in Japan.

When the Aquapolis is semisubmerged for high seas, the arca beîween two of the massive columns becomes an Aqua-harbor,




This economic analysis was done through util- izing the average high cost for museum buildings as listed in the 1984 Dodee Construction SvstPm Costs. This reference assigned an $84.40 cost per square foot to this building type. Utilizing the gross square footage total proposed for the offshore facility, the following breakdown was calculated.



tem s/s.p. Sstimated QQSK,

Foundations 2.97 323,284.50 Floors on grade 4.07 443,019.50 Superstructure 17.19 1,871,131.50 Roofing 2.34 254,709.00 Exterior Walls 9.32 1,014.482.00 Partitions 9.22 1,003,597.00 Wall Finishes 4.85 527,922.50 Floor Finishes 4.91 534,453.50 Ceiling Finishes 3.65 397,302.50 Conveying Systems -0- -0- Specialties 1.09 118,646.50 Fixed Equipment 1.57 170.894.50 HVAC 10.43 1,135,305.50 Plumbing 6.19 673,781.50 Blectrical 7.87 856.649.50

TOTAL BUILDING COST @ 85.67/S.F. ft 9.001.895.00


Building Cost Adiustments

Size Modification Factor:

This factor was calculated by dividing proposed building area by the average building size. Using museums as a building type with a typical square footage figure of approximately 40,000 square feet, the size modifier is calcu- lated to be 2.72.

108.850 / 40,000 = 2.72

Location Modifier:

The local conditions require additional cost adjustments. Pensacola, Florida, has a city index of 0.788. which must be multiplied by the total calculated building cost in order to acquire a cost figure relative to the site of construction.

$9.001,895.00 X 0.788 = $7,093.493.20

Offshore Construction:

Because of the proposed location of this facility (of f shore) , some addi- tional costs will be acquired as a solution of having to build the facility offshore, and also for towing and anchoring a constructed facility to the site. These special costs are not included in the total


budget. Estimates for these special aspects will have to be acquired through professional con- sultants.

Inflation Factor:

To allow for inflation that will occur between present time and midpoint of construction, the estimated total project cost must be regulated. Using a cost escalation index, a 1.2 percent increase over the present total project cost is anticipated.


Gross square footage of building type 40,000 Building unit cost 21 85.67 3,426.800.00 Size modification factor X 2.72 9,320,896.00 City cost index 2C 0.788


Total Proiect Cost A. Building Cost $ 7.344,866.00 B. Fixed Equipment (8% of A) 587,589.28 C. Site Development (15% of A) 1 ,101,72?,?Q

D. Tntal Cons t rtin t i on ^ 9,034,185,18

E.SiteAcquisition "^" F. Moveable Equipment (8% of A) 587,589.28 G. Professional Fees (6% of D) 542,051-11 H. Contingencies (12% of D) 1,084.102.20 I. Administrative Costs (1% of D) 90.341,85

J RUDGET RROUTRED * fi 11 , 338•268,QQ * Offshore construction costs and inflation not included


Proîect Schedn P

a. Programming: September 19 90 - February, 19 91 b. Design Phase: March - August, 1991 c. Const. Documents: December, 1991 - July, 1992 d. Bidding: August, 1992 - November, 1992 e. Construction: December, 1992- November, 1994

Construction Period: Estimated to be 24 months

Begin: December, 19 92

End: November, 1994

Midpoint of construction: December, 1993

Inflation Factor:

Multiplying the total estimated project cost by the inflation factor of 1.2 will give us the final estimated project cost at midpoint of the construction. $ 11,338,268.00 z L^

F NAL TOTAL PROJECT COST S 13 , 605,921«00


85 E]Srr> NOTES

1 The Random House Dictionary; New York, p. 42.

2 The Encyclopedia Britannica; New York, p. 500.

3 Community Profile; Pensacola Chamber of Commerce, p. 3.

* Ibid. p. 3.

5 The World Book Encyclopedia; Chicago, p. 76 .

« Ibid. p. 76.

7 Community Profile; Pensacola Chamber of Commerce, p- 9.

8 Architecture Records; May 1982, p. 83.



Academic American Encyclopedia. Technology. Grolier Inc., Danburry, Connecticut: 1989. Vol. 19, pp. 59-69.

ALLEN, Lochie Jo, Se Edward C. Kinney - Bio-Engineering Symposium. FCS Publishing 1. Bethesda, Maryland. 1979. "Aquario Di Milano", Abitare, 1985 Apr., no. 233, pp. 96-99.

Architectural Record. McGraw-HiIl Inc., 1500 Echington Place, N.E. Washington, Oct. 1951, pp.138-139; Aug. 1976, pp. 68-72.

"Boston * s Under Water Environment." Progressive Architecture, Dec. 1969.

BRAHTY, John F. Ocean Engineering, Goals, Environment, Technology. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1968.

CANSDALE, George & John Yeadon. "Modern Aquarium Lighting", International Zoo Yearbook, 11: pp. 74-76, 1971.

"Citation: New England Aquarium for New England Aquarium Corporation", Progressive Architecture, 46: pp. 152 -153. Jan. 1965.

"Community Profile", Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce, 117 W. Garden St . , Pensacola, Fla. 32501. 1990, pp. 2-9.

CONE, John D. & Steven C. Haynes. Environmental Problems/ Behavioral Solutions. Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. Monterey, California. 1980.

CONSTANS, Jacques. Marine Sources of Energy. New York: Pergamon Press, 1979.

Design W/Climate, Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism. Victor Olgyay, Princeton University Press. 1973.

Encyclopedia Americana, Technology, Grolier Incorporated, Danbury, Connecticut, 1989. pp. 375-378, Vol. 26.

Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol.l; Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. 1988; pp. 499-500.

EVANS, Harvey J. & John Adamchak. Ocean Engineering Structures. Vol. 1. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 1969 .


"Expo 75, International Ocean Exposition, Okinawa, Japan, 1975." The Japan Architect. (Oct.-Nov., 1975), pp. 22-102.

GAYTHWAITE, John, P.E. The Marine Environment & Structural Design. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. New York. 1981.

GIBSON, James J. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston. 1979.

GRAFF, W.J. Introduction to Offshore Structures - Design, Fabrication, Installation. Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing Co., 1981.

GREENBIE, Barrie B. Space and Spirit in Modern Japan. Yale University Press. New Haven & London. 1988.

GREER, Nora. "Another Powerful Harborside attraction." A.I.A Journal. (May, 1982), pp.170-174.

HILL, Ralph Nading. Window in the Sea. Rinehart & Co., Inc. New York. 1956.

HOLAHAN, Charles J. Environment and Behavior. Plenum Press. New York & London. 1978.

KEHRER, Daniel. "A Symphony of fish." Science Digest. (Feb., 1983), pp. 64-67.

KREAG, Keith K. "Detroits Public Aquarium." Parks & Recreation, Oct. 1956.

MAKI, Fumihiko. "Marine Life Park - Aquariura." The Japan Architect, Oct.-Nov^ 197 5.

"Monterey Bay Aquarium", Architectural Record, V.173, no. 2, Feb. 1985. pp. [114]-123.

"Monterey Bay Aquarium", Connoisseur, 1985 Mar-, V.215, no. 877, pp. 83-89.

"The National Aquarium in Baltimore: Cambridge Seven Associates." Architectural Record. (May, 1982), pp.83-90. The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Pensacola, Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, Chicago, 1989. Vol. 9, p- 266.


The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Technology, Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, Chicago, 1989. Vol, 28. pp. 482-483.

"New England Aquarium; Boston's Newest Waterfront Attractions", Lighting Design & Application, 4: pp.28 -31, April, 1974.

PEARCE, George F. The U.S. Navy in Pensacola. University presses of Florida, Pensacola 1980.

Progressive Architecture. Dec 1969, pp. 96-108; Jan. 1979, p. 83.

RUSSO, August. "Baltimore Picks up the Gauntlet." Oceans. (May-June, 1983), pp. 34-38.

"Shed Aquarium - Marine Mammal Complex", Chicago Architectural Journal, V.5, 1985, pp. 162-163.

SILVERSTEIN, Shel. Where the Sidewalk Ends. Harper and Row, New York: 1974, p. 64.

STEIN, Jess. The Random House Dictionary. Ballantine Books, New York. 1978; p. 42.

THRESHER, Ronald E. ReefFish. The Palametto Publishing Company, 4747 Twenty Eighth Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida, 33714. 1980.

VAN TRUMP, James D. "Architecture & the World of Water: The New Aquazoo at Pittsburgh." The Charette, Nov./Dec 1967 .

WHEATON. Frederich W. Aquacultural Engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985.

The World Book Encyclopedia, Technology, World Book Inc, Chicago, 1988. Vol. 19, pp. 76-77.



The intent of my thesi s is:

To create a unique and appropr iate architectural form which will promote an educat ional interac- t ion for man wi th the sea.

The facility designed achieves this objective by providing opportuni- ties for unified archi- tectural spaces for dis- play, exhibits and hands on exper i ences wi thin a structure which trans- f orms and transcends the traditional boundaries of land to sea and sea to land. Rather than creat- ing an artificial, sepa- rate environment by re- moving marine life from the sea for man to view, it is my intent to bring man to sea.









97 tÆt^-^
