This is a repository copy of Family Homelessness in Europe : 7 EOH Comparative Studies in Homeless. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Monograph: Baptista, Isabel, Benjaminsen, Lars, Pleace, Nicholas et al. (1 more author) (2017) Family Homelessness in Europe : 7 EOH Comparative Studies in Homeless. Research Report. Brussels: FEANTSA , Brussels. Reuse ["licenses_typename_other" not defined] Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing
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[email protected] European Observatory on Homelessness Family Homelessness in Europe EOH Comparative Studies on Homelessness Brussels – December 2017 n n n n n Acknowledgements This research was based on questionnaire responses from 14 European Union member states. Each questionnaire was completed by a researcher with expertise in homelessness, often with support from their colleagues and experts from within the homelessness sector in their country. Our sincere thanks are due to everyone who supported this piece of work. It is not possible in a report of this length to fully incorporate the often highly detailed answers that were provided by participants in this research. The authors have made every effort to accurately represent the responses to the questionnaire. The respondents to the questionnaire in each country