Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 2-54

2.12.11 Test Plan 195 dated 30 June 2010 Document Number Revision •• Test Plan Cover Sheet


-rgnao 5.. Dat: es


Page 1 o•" I. May :200.S : L F-E-I SOS-I RevO Page 1 of I May 2008

, TEST PLAN 19,5


JUNE 2010 QSA 'GO~loc, Inc Jun 2010 Burlington. Massachusett~s Pagei

SECTION 21ITRNPODU TION...... PT. ON...... ,...... ;


3.2 Normal Transport Condition Tests _.._-...,...... ,..-.,.• ,•.. .. •,.....~ 10..

3.2 .HypotheticalAccident Condition Tests ...... -...... ,,...,,...... -. _.. ... 10

13• Free Drop Height Akdjustment .,...... ,...... _...• ..... ,...•...... 41


41. Pass Criteria.....,...... - ...... ,...... ,...... _:...... ,...... ,,.....,...... ,. 12 ,


5.1 Hypothetical Accident Conditions (71.51 (a)(2)).;...... •,.,;,...... ,,...... ,...; 13

5.2 Transport Package: Contents..•....;...,.,,:,.-.•.,.,.•... ;,...,...... •.


6.1 Test Specimen Justification...... ~...... ,1

6.2 S'tru ctural Mat erialJs of Test Spedm en.,.,..•...... -.,...... ; .. ;;;;.15-.

6.3 Temperatutre Conditions: ...... •...... •...... - --...... 1.,,5.•.,...... i

6.4 Pressure Conditions ...... ,...... ;...... S...... 1

•6.5: Vibration Conditions ...... ;...... ,...... ,.... iS


SECTION 8 TEST PROCEDURE...,..,.•,...... ,....,;.•...... ,.,.-....,..1"7

5.1. Test Sequence ...... -.. ~...... 17

8.2 Test Specimen preparation and InsPection-.•..•...... -...... 1..;...7

8.3" 9m Free Drop Tests per 10:R71.73(c) (1)------,--,.--.....---...-.....-...... -.,....•.,.-17

i8.3.1 9 Meter :Free Drop Test Orientation Justification...... 18

•8.3.2 9m Free Dl'op Test Set-upts; ...... ;...... ;...... -;-...... -.-.-...... -...-.19 Tet .Plan 195 QSA Global, Inc Jun.2010, Burlingto, Massaht:setts •Page ii

.19 &3,4 Pm Fret Drop Test Assessmemt.....,...... ,....-..

8.4 Puncture Test per 10 CFR 71,73(). () ...... ,...... -...... -...... -..... 20

3.4.1 Puncture Test Orientation. .... ,...... -...... +...,..,,2 Puencture Test Set-nup,...... +..-....,. ,..+...... -...... 21•,....,.,.$ 3.4.3 Punclture Test Assessment•-., ...... - ,.-,.+-.., ,....., -.. •,. 22

8.5 Pos't Test Inspection,...... +.. ,.,.,...,.. ... ,,...... ,...... ,...... - ...--,...... ThermelTest Assessment per 10 CF 71.73(c)() •, .+,-..•--, ,. ,,.,.+.-+.+ 23•

•8.7 Test Specimen Stoage --...... •....,. ,-- ..-.--...... ,.. :...... , •2


Test Plan No. 195

Section "1I|ntoduction

rA review of the results of Test plan 180 report #2 raised the needi to perform another drop test sequence on~a test specimen built tO the special configuration of the SENTRY transport package. The special configuration, lis: identical tO ,the s•tandard configuration but without, the plastic .inserts assembled into the handling rib- assemblies.

The additional testing inviolvies dropping a test 'specimen in the orientation With the rear plate access port ce down towards the drop pad, This orientation: does not provide much impact absorption with the handlinag ribs -attached. The drop test height shall be adjusted higher tha 10 CFR Part 71 drop height requirenientS to give the test specimen the impact energy equivalent to a -SENTRY uwansport package built to the maximum specifie weight of 780 Lbs. This test specimen built to the special configuration in the specified orientation at: :the adjusted height is the worst case test condition for the 'SENTRY transport .package built-to: the sthndardi configuration..

This plan will test the:SENTRY transport package in the special standard ,configuratiOn to :the. test" requiremenmtsor TypeB(U)-96 packages as described in the Code of Federal Regulations, 10"CFR. Part71,. revised as of March 31!, 1999,. The test plan also covers the criteria stated in the LIAEA Regulations~forthe Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, ,Safety Series No.6 1985 Edition (As Amended 1990).

This documentdescribes the test specimen, testing: equipment, testing scenario, justifies the pack~oe orientati'on and prov ides test worksheets tO record key steps in the testing sequence.

.Roles end Responsibilities:

o .Engineering executes the tests according to the test plan and summr'izes the test results.

oRegulatory Affairs monitors. the" tests and reviews test-reports for. compliance with regulatory requiremments.

oQuality Assuran•e oversees test execution and test report generat ion to assure, compliance, with .the QSA Global Quality Assurance Program.

Engineering, Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance are jointly re sponsible for assessing test and specimen conditions relative to 10 CFR. 71 and [ABA TS-R- l 1996. QSA Globa Inc Jne•2010 ThuriingtOn,M n~ssazhuseutS Page of29

SectIon 2 TranSpor PackageDescription

The SENTRY transport packge• is• a tbmily-of packages', 'consiStinig of 2 ,different:model' numbers. Model. 860 refers to the SENTRY projector- serie~s and Model 867 refers to the :SENTRY changer•.

,The Moe~lo 860 SENTRY Projector series is fnhrbroken down into 2 pro~jetors types defin~ed by kir ~rated caact for coba]k-60, the SENTRY.330• and SENTRY' •1 0 projectors.• Eazch projector type is available in. either• a standard or basic tanport package configurtion. The standard configurtin will mos likely be the most commonly used version of thet~rasort package. The •basic~confluaion is the sae• aste tndr configuration but"without the array. of remaovable handling .rib assemblies.

The Model S67 SE•NTRY source hager is rtdat 3.30 c•urios of cobalt-60. :Similar o te projectors, the. sourcecanger is avaiable in beth a standar•dadbasic configuraton.

Figur 2.1 .is a schenmatic o0verview• ofth'eSENTRY transport package conzfiguaion ree. Test Pln 195 QAGObal Inc June 201I0 Page 5 of29

Table 2.1 is a refeuc table comparing the various SETY:~ o akaecnjtwas

** SENTRY 33O 42465-9 & 60011& 78 .&3 Projetor- Stmidard Ys 42465-10 60012 78 2. 30

SENTRY 330 N 42465-9 & 60011& 70 .&3 Projctor-Basic 42465-10 60012

SENTRY 110 p~• m,.IYes 42465-8 60011 580 2.2 110

SENTRY 110 P~tr-Bsc No 4246541 60011 500 2.3 110

smm ore42465-8, 601& SNYSoreiYes 42465-9 & 60011.2&330 C______-_Standard _ 42465-10 6001230 SENTRY Soturce j24N-8, 60011& 70&. 3 Chager - asic 42465-910 60012

**Indicates configutrion but without plastic imacaU to be tested in this teat pli.. SE1qTIKE TestPlan 195 QSA Globa, n June 2010 Pae6 of 29

Fiue23.SNR Tasoi akg Bai Caigrtln

t .... •mjg.2



FIgure 2.4 SENTRY Transport Package Comm.. Components

All cofgran inld a deplted uaium completely encased and fully supported in a cylindrically shaped, stinlems steel, welded body (See Figure 2.4). The weldedx body, also hel includes two. tube shpd a~cces portos integraly welded on opposite sides of the main body. A twin set of shield mounting barn, one on each side of thea shield, ar welded to the bac~k piat of each aces or tub. Hev dut, SENTINELQSA Global. Inc TestJ•une'2i01 Plan 195, Burlington, Massachusetts Page 7 of29 titanium, shield pins pass through the shield and into bothl shield mounting bars.;ThiS creates.twO positive shield attachmentpoints to :the welded body¢.

The shield source tube ends are also inserted into holes in each of the access part back plate. In th1is, the shield is captured and centrally located between the top-and bottom endplates, This combinationi of' shield securing features provide tor a robust Shield support system' within the welded bodly.. . ..

The inner cavity of the weldedbody, around the shield, is filled with polyurethlane'.foam. The foam_ prevents contamninaticn to and from the depletd uanum shield. Previous thermal tests have shown .charred polyuethnefoam will inhibit the flow of oxygen to the shield and prevent oxidation from-occurring during a. fire as long as the foam remains confined. This is shown on QSA Global test Plan results number 70.

Previous test have also shown thle charred foam will not sup.port the shield at temperatures at r above'800 0C. Therefore, the SENTRY relies primarily on thle shield Support system inside the welded body to hold the shielId in place-during the thermal test where temperatures~reach 8000'C.,

Atitanium source 'tube, cast intO the• center,of the shield, provides:a, conduit for the source wire assembly within, the shield. The source tube of thle SENTFRy projector allows the. source assembly to pas through, the shied. l~owever, .the source tube'of thle SENTRY source changer has a stop to prevent the, source assembly from passing through the center, of. the .container. The :so~urce capsuile, is located: close, to :the :most shielded location-at the center of the shield hinall_ tr'a~kport configurations.

"Ihetwo opposing access ports provide a protected mounting spare for both the r'ear-plate~and front-plate assemblies. The front-plate assembly is used only on the~projector, configurations., The' source .changer,. configuratiOn uses a rear-plate assembly in each access port.

In all con~figurations, thle rear-plate assembly locks, secures, and locates the sou.rce wire assembly tO an ideally shielded position within the package. A redundant iaste~iing system-'attaches thie rear-plate to the welded body. The priniasy attachment method of thle fastening system is achieved by four, high Strength, stainless steel,,hex head bolts, BLT015,'tbireaed into stainless steel rivet nuts assembled into the. welded body. The rivet nuts facilitate repair in the. event the threads are..damaged in the :fiture. An a'lternate configuration consists of using a threaded ~stainless steel.-ring with multiple tapped' holes instead of' using :the rive't nuts. The-'ring. can be rotated to use a different setof tapp~ed holes in the event the initial set becomes damaged,". .. ..

The secondary method of attachment is by a single stainless steel tamperproof button head screw. This screw reduces and limits" unauthoiz~•ed access, to thie source. The' tertiary, method of attachment .is 'proVided by two;, stainless: steel, retaining pins (projectors) or set~screws (changer) assembled to the rear- plate. The pinsor set screws enter :the• welded body-through a horizontal slot in-fthemounting plate. The rear-plate is rotat.ed. 90 degrees to prevent thle pins or set SCrews from passing 'back out through the mounting plate where no slot exsts This .keePS the rear.-plate from'separatring from the welded body, in the event the prni and. secondary attachment, methods are compromised. The recessed location of the rear-plate mounting surface within the access port tube provides additional resmirint preventing rotation and translation on the rear-plate. This effect requires only one screW.0r :bolt to keep'the source, securedtot the. shield in thle welded body.

There are three rear-plate assembly designs used in the SENTRY transport package. All three, designs-_use the' same basic rear-plate assembly concept but thle projector and source changer conifigurations .differ in.the way the source wire assembly iis locked to the package.

Except for the SENTRY 110 projector reair-plate being 0.31 inches thinner than the SENTRY. 330 tear-Plaite, both projector configurations use the same rear-plate assembly. The difference in rear-plate thickness is ~o. allow for thle difference in. length of the dedicated source wire assemblies us~ed in each projector.'

All SENTRY configurations use a selector ring to change. and indicate the safety state of the package. ,When •the selector ring is rotated to the "LOCK" position,-it securely holds the source. wire assembly in place for traiisport. The selector ring. retainer allows thle selector ringrto rotate 'and keeps it'attached to the rear- plate SENTINEL Test Plan 195 QSA Global. Inc June 2010 Budingto• Massustett Page Sot 29

assembly. The selectr ring rtrainer also prvides the housing for•t riia spring-loaded lockin compoenmts and is attached to the rear-plate by 4 stainless steel socket head cap screws.

The prjco cofgrtons use the round ball feature of the connector to capoune the source wire assembly between two spring-loaded locking components, the sleeve and lock slide, of the rear-plate assembly to secure the source wire assembly to the package.

The source changer configuration uses two spring-loaded fork shaped locking pins to hol th hea wra feature of the Teleflex wire or cable to secure the source wire assembly to the package Th sorc chne cannot use the same sourc wire securing mechanism as the projectors because of two reaon. 1. The source changer accommodate two differet length soure wire assemblies. 2. The source changer requires the source to enter and exit fliom the same rear-plate assembly.

A sealed, special form, stainless steel, source capsule contains the radioactve contents of the pakg. Th sourcee capsue and a stainless steel connector are independently swaged to each end of a flexible stinless steel wire or cable to fonn the source wire assembly.

A dust cover over the source wire connecter prevents access to the source assembly until a kee pluge loc i, actuated and the cover removed. Thi dust cover. is in place during tmaspcrt

The front-plate assembly of th. projector does not bold the source assembly but instead blocks access into or out of the source tube cavity fr'om the end opposite the rear-plate access port.

RErrAWUn cLt.2 -

SPACER Pl.AT (33 O0e.Y) ft pjy

Fiue .. SENR Prjco •)Ra-lte Asebly wl source• wr ..

Figur 2.5 shows the rear-plat assembly end of the projector version of Ihe SETY traspor packag. The SENTRY 110 rear-plate is thinner than the SENTRY 330 rear-plate by 0.31 inches to account for the SE JINE Test Pbm 195 QSA Globel, Inc June 2010 Buioln ascuet Page 9 of29 difrec in sourc wire legths. Except for the shild and the rear-plat thidces• all ote copet we idnia as both projector.




fasteningsystem LOidentical QSA Global, Inc June 2010, Burlington. Massachusetts Page 10Oct29

Section 31 Regulatorzy Compliance

The main purpose of this .test plan is to demonstrate :that the: SENTRY' projector/transport package compties with the 1Type B(U)-96 transport package test requirements of 10 CFR 71 and IAEA TS-R-1 1996. 3.1t Normnal TransportCondition Tests

The water spray preconditioning•(l0 CPR 71L71 (c) (6)), the compression test (10 CFR 71.-71 (c) (9)), anid' rhe penetration~testr (10 CFR 71..71 (c) (-10))-were alladdressed under test plan 180,report #1. The: .2'meter free drop test-per 10 CFR 11.71 (e).(7) was addressed undorrtest plan 180 .report•#1I&2. A. tes speiech dropped, in the same orien~tation 'as ,planned-for: this test was dropped from -32.,2 feet ltwice without a change •in the safety performance of the package. All~ components important to safety remained intact and functional after the first drop..Thie radiation dose levels were• below 200-mR/hir on thesurface of th :package after aliltests. Therefore, there is no need to perform the 1.2.meter again before the 9 meter dropist.t

3,2 Htypothetical Accident ConditionTests

The crush test (10 CFR 71.73 (c), (2)) and the immersion test (10 CFR 71.73 (c) (6)) were both addressed runder test plan-180 report #I,

'The SENTRY transport package shall be subjected to the 9 maeter free drop test•(l0 CFR 71.7-3 (c),(1), anid then the puncture test (10 CFR 71 .73 (c).(3).

"Thethermnal .test (hO0 CFR 71.73 (c) (4))ywill most likely be assessed and not pvrfbrmed. The assessment will be based on the 'examination' of the damage to the test specimen after te punctureo test. Experience from thermal testing the Model 660 & Model 680 transport packages has shown the shield will. oxidize and dimnish its ability to protect only when the adjacent foam fill is allowed to c0ombust and then-fall away from •th'e shield.Charred foam' seems to provicdr enough thermal insulation to prevent the. shiield from, oxiiig :as' 'long as the charred foam remains in place. Any damage produicing an unintentional openings'in the-shell or welded-body would need to: be asslessed ,to deteNrmine whether the transport ,package •would pass or-fal .the' thermal test. SENTINEL 'Test Plan 195 QSA Global inc June 2010 Burlington, Massahusetts, Page. 1 of 29

3.3, Free Drop.HeightAdjustment

Assume air friction is negligible for an o0bject dropped from 30 feet.-The kineticonesegy of the dropped package just beore, impact, is equal to the •total potentialenergy just before the pakage began, to dro~p. ,The potential energy (PE) is, simply equal, to the weight (W) of the package multiplied by, the height, (H) of the package jut~before it was dropped. 'PE =W xH. hi thisequton, the weigt (W) is drectly proportonal to the height (H). "h•erore, •aligter, pa :ckaecnbe dropped fro3m a ,highzer drop ,height in order ,to produce equivalent impact energy,'for :a h]eavier package dropped at a lower drop height. The following excample calculates the adjusted 30-foot free drop height• for a SENTRY .330 Standard. test specimen built lighter-than the maximum allowable package weight :for. this configuration.

Drop #1: The max•imum package weight is 780 pounds and the free drop height requirement is 30 feet.

PE (l) --780 x30=23400 Lbs-Ft

Drop #2:Say, fthe 'actual test specimen weight is 734 pounds and adjusted free drop height is unknown,iH.

PE (2) = PE (1) = 23400 Lbs-Ft -743, Lbs x H fteet

H--31.5.feet= 31 feet 6 inches

The actual adjustedl drop heigh~ts for the 30-foot free drop and punctredrop tests is to be detried once.the test spc~imen is weighed and just before the test.

The~adjutsted hieights will provide impact energy"equal to or" greater thian-the maxium 1transportpaj~ckage Weight if •d-pe a the 10 CER Part 71,specified drop heights (30 feet free drop and 1 meter puncture). QSA Global, In~c J!une 2010 Buirlinigton, M •asschusetts Page,12of 29:

Section, 4 Dsuso onSyste Failure Modes :of .Interest

The tests of thisI plan atrempt to cause ifailure or malfunction ,tO critical ,safety;componernts, andlorsystm needed to protect against eevted dose levels -duintg and after a hypo.thetical accident as described in: IOCFR shield.

Possib~le failure mhodes of interst-for this test areas follows:

o Fractur :of the depleted Unurani•um( ) shield causing-fail|re t provde: suffcient sheldig o Damage to the wielded. body ienough ,to-shift in the shield location relative to the.,shielded source assembly causing unaccep table dose levels around .thepackage. *Damage to the .rear plate lock 'as~sembly enough to remove the source :assemblyfr.:om :its :shielded location

assembly-atta ched to the package..

.To confrmn the~package nieetsithe normal conditions of transport requreents;,the test.specimer. shal :,be considere p~assing tee test .if :it does, not show.,any• signs of loss, ordispesalof isradioactive o simulated contents :and also does' not show a, substantial reduction :in the effectieness of ;the

.To:confirm :the. package /meets. the.: hypothetical, accident conditioni requirements, the test Specimen• shall be considered ,passing, the test :if it, also ,does not show .an-increase in-exeral surface• radiatiort .levels~above -l-R/hr at 1 meter (40 :inches) from the packagesextenal surfaceaferthe ihypothetical ,QSASENTINEL GlobaL ie TcstJune• P]n 2010 195s Burlington, Massachusetts' Page 13 of29

SSectiOnm " Assessmaentof Package Conforance

5o1 Hypothef!icaJ A'ccident Conditions (71.51+(a)(2))

'There should beno escape ofradioactive materialsgreater tha A2 in one weekand no ,exteral dose

the package is designed toecarry

5.2, TransportPackage Contents

The• SETRY trnport package: is: designed to cas a-special form cobalt-6O0.source capsule. Containment ofthe: .radioactiv source is tsed at manuhcur. The ,source capsule design hasbee cetfed in accordance with the performance requiremen~ts for 'special fo~rm asspecifiedbin: 10CFR P'artTl anid IAEA TS-R-I 1996.

Tis test plan :therefore does not ,'discus~s!pec~f tests :associated with, the cont•ajinmet of the raioactive• source. The purpose of the tests 'is to ,demonstrate¢ that the source, remains shieldedl within

Since source inegity has been de•monstrated through special form testing, a• simulated source will b usedduring tesrigof the' package, The radiation levelsafer .sting will b meard by replcin'g th simiulated 4SOUrc With an active source. The post-test measurements, will be complared with pr-e-st SENTINEL Test Plan 195 QSA lobal, In€ June2010 Page 14 of29

Section 6 Construction and Condition of Test Spec.imens

The SENTRY truisor pacag te specimens shaoll be cosrce in accordance with QSA Global th intended design aln wit methods fo mutfctrn and vrifying the finihed product

Figure 6.1 is a picture of the test speie. Figure 6.2 is a picture of the SENTRY transport pacag stnd €0.Notice they ae the stone pacag except for the yeilow plastic inserts an ata n hadwr.

!TFigue41...... pp...... f...... im¸•...... Tes peime a CouL~SENTR...... u.... m dom ..ii '••....FIgu __ re~i• 6..Frreeme-_ _¸ ii¸¸¸.._ _..... _ETTrnpr _ _ __•••ii~iiiiiiiii~iiiii•i! SENTINr•EL Test Pl. 195 QSA Global, Inc June 2010

6.1? Test iSpeimen Justification

The SENTRY 330 transport package - Standard configuration is the-heaviest package of all the SENTRY transport packages. Theo maximaum weight of the package in thiis ,configuration :is 780 pounds.• The array of• h andling rib assemblies attached to the welded body increases the weight by 80 pounds'more•tha the Basic configuration. The handling ribs, when present, provide protection and substantial impact energy absorpton to the package in allbut a fw free drop orentations. The f-ew unprotected orietations can be narroweddown t one worst vase orientation ~with the handling ribs attaced.ed This Worst case orientation shall be tested in thtis• plan. The0 SENT•tY 330 projector -special eandurd configuration, :with handling-rbs but without thep~lastic inmserts, shall be used for asessing compliance to the free doptesting requirements of10 CFR Part 71.and• IAEA TS-R-l: 1996 for all :SE'NTRY trans port packages built to the standard configuration.

6.2, StructuralWiaterials of Testi Specime~n

The strimi-urulnateriatls Of ali SENTRY transport packages are Ti-6A1-4V titanium, :304/304L and 1-7-4 PH stiness steel. The shielding materials are U-0 .75% Ti-depleted uranium and tungsten. Fasteners needd to: attach the rear plate •assembly t the welded boiy are type 17-4 PH stiless steel. Materials used in the non- safety related components are 300.series stainless steel, brass, copper, plastic, and rubber.

.3' :TemperatureCon~ditions

The .fracture toughness (strength and ductility) of the primaiy, structural material, 30.4/304 Lstinxless stee, :does not change enough Within the temperature, range of minus 40OF to :plus 10O•F to .affect the resuflts of the tests in this plan. De).pletd uraium is a r'elatively less duc~tile material than 'the stainless steel but al.sodoes not appear to have a ductile to brittle transition temperatur Within this range,

Test plan/report 79. shows thle compressive impact 'strength of the polyurethane foam changes vrey little between minus. 40•F to plus l00wF. This chaange in compressivle strength is nor expected to naffctthe results of the tests. in this plan. The. foarn fillilimits theshields movement during the impa•ct of the-drop test. HoWever, :the -shield relies primarily, on the ,welded stainless steel structure and the titanium pins to keep it secure and in. place during impact., fall test specimens Will be dro0pped at ambient tempera ture since a temnerarure withinminus 40*0 , to' •pins .100°Fis not expected to,change the re~sults, of the tests.

6.4 PresureConditifons

Exc ept for the .source,capsule., the transport package is open .tothe.-atmaospher an4 therefore ,in.equil~brium •with the outside pressure of the package. -The internal operating pressure of the. containment system, inamely thesourc c,.apsule,, has-been tsted to.withstnd the pressure range..of 3.5 PSI absolute to 20 PSI absolute. Thie ' testswill therefore be perform.,ed at atmo.spheric pressure.

6.8 Vibration COndit'ons-

Vibrtion normally occurring in 'transport 'will be addressed under test plan 17•8,. ISO/ANSi 'perfornnance. ,testing,.and is: not expected toadversely affect the s~tructural aspects of the trnport. package. Thenear-plate, assemnbly fastening system ihoweve- could possibly be .affected .by transport vibration. These fasteners are :preloaded or stretched withi tematerias proportional' limit-by a specified torque applied during assembly. 'The assembly preload is designed to withstand diynamic forces and vibration normral to transport SENTINEL TeSt Plan1951 'QSA Global. Inc Ju-ne 2Q0i Burlington, Massacbusetts Page 16 ot2g;

•Section V Mateil and Equipment List

eq•uipment ,used tofaciltate.the tests will belisted as:needed QSASENTINEL Global, Inc. TestJune2010 Plan 195: Burlington, Massac huset-s. Page 1.7 of 29

•Section B• Test Prcedure,

All test specimens must folloW the planned sequencepreeted below. Any changeto the planned drop orientations~a rquire a-documented justiuication and description for the new orientation=. 8.1• Test Sequence

.1. Test.Specimdn prepar-ationi and ispction.

•2. 9m f'ree drop ;test.

3. Puncture test.

.4. Test inspecion:.

;5.. Thermal assessment. O: •Fin~aItest assessment.

8B.2 Test Specimen Preparationand Inspection

S.-Manufacturethae SENTRY testspecimen per table 6,1.

2.- Inspect te test specimecns to en~sure that:•

=• Allfabrication and insection records are documented in accordance with the QSA Global: •Quality Assurance Program•.. The test.specimens, comply, with the. requirements of the dwing.

:3. Perform and record the radation profile in accordance with QSA Global Work•Instruction WI-Q-• 11806.

'4: Engineering, Reguflatory Affairs and Quality Assurance will jointly verifythat the test specimens comply with the ..drawings and the QSA Global Quality Assurnmce Pro ,gram".

5.5 Measure the location of the simulated source.

6. Prepare the test spcmens for-transport;

&.3 Om Free Dro~p Tests per 10 CFR :71.73(c) (1)

The¢ 9 meter'free r•op test-shall demonstrate compliance tothe hypothetical accident Sequence,

The.9 meter (30 foot) drop heights) are minium heights. Th~e actual or a•justed free drop hieights, shah be recorded on the sheet. QS lobal. Inc Test PIa 195 Burlngo. Masacusit Page 18 of29

6.3.1 9 Meter Fr,. Drop Test OrientatonJusiicto

Drop Oriestation Drop Orientationi•IL• • i• •. . .:i::,iiiii,,:•••iii i~•!ii••, i

Exene face of rear" plate access ort • .. luit upa ladto comety.t

-- ' This is the most wulnerable orientation I -- for the standard cofgrain I •\ Rib assembly and trice provides Ex ended ft e point .• aniqd brace defoms rearplatortaccess acess port and rear plate.

, Not the most vulnerable orientation for

Cved side -fi..ofof 1 stopping rate. Test Results of Test Plan welded body at the 180 showed minor damage to this sun seam weld V ,when dropped twice fr'om 32 feet It* N ot the most vulnerable orientation for ...... - thesaandardcofluato.

Curv •g of•,e ,• ... imlpct absorption Curved edge of welded tbo, directlyw t p d•y •

on te-sam-eldNot the most vulnerable oretto for" theiS stadard conigratio.

I.• -•mf• asemblies provide•I.•J~tr'•.Rib susata

Bottom or top surface ima absorp1tSion Bottom and top suraceproectdbbohadlig rbs V"Not the most vulnerable or entio fbr the stndar configuration. SE:NTINFEL Test Plan 195 QSA Global, Inc lune 2010 Bulnt n, asachusetts Page 19 o129

6.3.2 9m~ Free Drop Test Set-up

1. Orient the tes specime on the drop pa&.

2. Photogaph teset-up.

3. Measure and record the ambient teprtr.

4. Ras the test package so the drop= height and in it oretto over thne drop pad.

5. Stait the vide.o reore. 6. D:rop the test specimen.

s, Rzecord an phogap the damae to the test specime..

8.3.3 Sm lFr.. Drop Teat OrlenblRon

Figure S.3.3 shows the package orientation for the 9 meter drop. This drop orientaion attempts to shift the shield enough to break the soure wire and/or remove the rear-plate by damaging the attachment bot. Th inpact sufc is on thle extended face of the dust cover and rim of thle rear-plate access port.

Rasire 83.3: 9 Meter Free Drop Orleatatlo, Q•SASENTINEL Global, Inc Test"June Plan 2010• 195, Burlington. Massa1husetts Page 20.of 29•

8;.3.4 9mt FreeDrop Test Assessment

Upon completion ofleach test, Engineering, Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance teani memberS will jointlytake the foliowing actions:

oRevlew the test eXecution to ensure that each-test was perfbnned-ir accordance With 10 CFR-71, EAEk TS- R-I 1996, and'this test plan.

oMake a preliminary evaluation of the specimens-relatiV~e to the requirements~of 10 CER 71 and TABATS- R-I 1996.. o Assessthe damage to each spec~imen to decide whether-testing of that specimen is io continue.

SEvaluate the condition .0f each: specimen after the 9m free. drop test-to dletermine~what changes, if any, are necessary in package orientati6n in the puncture test to achieve maximum damage.

8.4 Puncture Test per 10OCFR 71. 73(c).('3):

'The package is dropped from i m (4O•'). or an adjusted heightontothe puncture bille.e This test uses the 12"' high ~puncture billet. The billet meets-the minimum h~eight (8") reqluired~inl10CFR 71.73(c) (3).' The specimen .has no projections or, overhanging members longer~than 12". which could act as im.pact absorbers, allowin~g the: billet-to cause.the maximum danmge to the specimen. Thebillet is to be bolted to the drop surface usedin the: drop •test.

The puncture drop height shall be adjusted based on the maximum weight of the package and sha~llbe recorded on the test dat sheet.

8.4.1 ,Puncture,Test OrientatiOn

Figure 8.4. ! shows the package orientation for therpuncture drop. This drop orientation attempts. to daage the, lock assembly on the rear plate and/or remove the rear-plate, bydaaging the attachment bolts. Thle impact surface is the .dust cover inside the rear- plate access port.

If the orientation ~needs tu be chaniged, the new orientation must be documented a~nd approved with ar justification describing hiow it would bea worst condition than-the planned orientation. SENT'INEL Plan 195 June ,2010 :Burlington. M.assachusetts •Page21 of 29

1.: Orientation the test sj~eimen over the punctUre billet.

2. Photograph the set-api

3. Measur and record the ambient tempertue

4. Rase the test specimen to the drop heighitand in its orientation over the pUn~tUre billet.

5. Start the video recorder.

6._ Drop the test specimen. 7. 'Stop the vdeorecrder.

8. Record and phOtograph the damage to the test specimen.: QSASENTINEL Global,:Inc TestJune Plan 2010 195 Burlington, Masahusetts Page 22 of 29

8.43 Puncture TestA sessment

Upon completionof the test, Engineering,.Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assu ranee teamamembers will jointly, take the :following actions:

* -Review the test execution to ensure that the tests were performed in-accordance with 10.CFR 7.1, lABA TS-R-lI 1I996,. and this test plan.

,o Make a preliminary evtaluation of each specimen relative to the requirements of 10CFR 71 and IAEA TS- A•-i 1996.

8.5 Post Tesst Inspection

Pbifomi the test inspection after the puncture test.

1. Measure and record the damage to the test specimen.

2. Measur the locaton of the simulated Source.

3. Remove and assess the condition ofthe simulated source,

,4. R eassemble te packages Using a representative active source,,making sure,that the source loca•,tion and the package. co nfiguaton• are the same as they were immediately, after the puncture. test.

5. Measre and record a radiation profile of each test. specimen in accordance with QSA Global• WorkInsrus~ction WI-Q-1806.

6. Assess the significance of any ,change in radiation• at the surfce and at one meter from the

7 . Deter-mine whether it is necessary to rdiograph the test specimens for inspection• Of hidden component damage Or failure,,

8. Record any damage or failure found in radiograph of the test specimn~s, if performed. SENIEL, QSA Global, inc TestPlanJune 2010 ,195,

8.6, Thermal T~est Assessment per 10 CFR. 71.73(c) (4)

The test.specimen shall be assessed to determine whether the test specimen will pass the thermal test

Theassessment will be based on the examination of the damasge to the test specimen after the puncturetest SExperience fro thermal testing the Model 660 & Model 68(0 transport packages has shown the. shieldwill oxdize and diminih its ability to protect only .when te a djacent foam fill is allowed'to combust.and then fall. away from the shiekLd Charred .foam seems to provide enough, thermal insulation to-prevent the shiled: from oxidizing as long as. the charred foam remains in place. Any damage producing an unin~tentional openig i rthe shell or welded body iwould need to b ass•essed to determine whiether, the transport package would passobr! :fail the term~al test

Engineering, Regulatoiy Affirs, •and Quality Assrance team members will make a' final assessment ofl each test specimen, and jointly determine whether the specimens meet the requ~irements ,of 10 CF~R 71 .and.

'Place the test specimens in an appropriate container, if n~ecessary and store. Written management approval-is needed tco dispose ~of any test specimen of this test plant. If the specimens are disposedof~then include a copy of the signed disposal approval in the SENTRY design history file.. SENTINEL TestPlan 195 QSA Global, Inc June2010 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 24 of 29

Section 9 Workshee~

Use the following worksheets for executing the tests of section 8. Record the information onto copies of these worksheets f~r each test performed.

Attach a copy of the relevant inspection report or calibration certificate after the range and accuracy of rho equipment has been vedfled. SENTINEL Test Pian 195 QSA Global, Inc June 2010 Burlington, Massaol2useUs Page 25 of 29

Test.Spieaue & Equipment List

TestSpecimen &, Eqi~ipment Docu•men~ailion•

TonfiuahuDrsawi|ng Numbe Setrit~,Md!a~l NumberAtahRe A ttaci AttachnReo•


1 4. -

. . . 4l.I

' •11 " • • I I.5. Record nov addi-tional tools used 'tO,'afaiitate the testand attac¢h th* a~pp;opriare irdspection repO~itr c•hihirtif6i

Siga~ture Print Nam~ Date



Qualky Assurance: •SENTINEL QSA Global,• Inc Test Plan 195, SBurlington, Massachusett Page 26 of 29'

Free ,propel& Puctre :Testr Checklis


.. es..Location:

•Step Da ..

.Rc ordt seia n mber......

i3.: Recrd thae ambient temperature (?C):• " Instuent S/N,:~

4. Identify set-p,orientation figure:,

. hoograph set-uo in atrleast two pepuihdieularplaneS. ....

'7. Beginvideo recording, ofthe test so that impactis recorded'.

8. Release the tet speimen,

9., :Stop th~e video recorder. Ensur. th polint of impact and orienltation .specified in the planhas_ ibeen ch•ieved.,

II. Reor l~oc.ation,'of simul~ated source,, if Pgssible•.

" Record the as~sessmenion a separate sh~eet andattach......

Tyestwitnwssed by (Signature)" ' .. Print*Nnmc- Date. ..

Quality Asurance:: .... -SENTIEL •TestPlan •195! Bulington. Masachusett Page 27 of 29

Free Drop & Pntu r Test D~ta'Shee

Test Specimen SerialNo.:. Test: "

TestDate:.•. Test Time=:

'Descrbe drip orienitation and df op height:•

.Des'cribe impa•ct (location, rotationl, etc.):

D•!esieon-rteiske pection (damage, broken parts, etc.):

On-site t est assesseit:

ao 'Any changesto subsequent dro0 orientationsneeded to achive maimum damage?. Yes or No. If yes, then ideintfy. and justify.• ao Didl'•ufflcient damage occur at oron' ifcerearplate attaclirncnt'arca .ttoWanant further, drp testing the•SEN.Tl¥.10• :Projector .- BaicI configuration becauscof its thinner rearplate ? Yes or No. o, Shouldteting conitinue. with this test specimen? :Yes hir-No. If yes, .nextts ______

Engineering:! Regulatory: . QAr:. .

Dbescrib result's Of r'ad'iography (i(f p~erformed):!

C..mpleted by: Date:' Test Plan, 195 QSA Global, Inc June 2010. Burlington, Massachiusetts Page 28 of 29 #'

Test inspection Da.ta Sheet

Test SpecimenSaleri No.: LasL•Test Performned: Describe and measure (if appropriate) any damage,.signs of permanent strain, deformatiora and/or"brokcn parts.

Descaibe the condition• of the simulated source wire aSSembly:.

Reassemble the package using a representatlvc activesouree, milking sure that the~sourceposition •and .the~pack~age9 c~onfiguraton is the same as they •Were immediately after the last test.

Measure and record a radiation profile of.each test specimebn'in acc0ordance with QSA Global Work Intrction W.I-Q- 1806.

.Compare th~e pre-test dose levels with poSt-test dose leveLs at the surface of the package and at ! meter from the surface of the packaet.

.Isa radiogr-aph required to:inspectfor hidden component damage or falurme? If radi!ography is. performed, describe any• :damage or~faihre~s found.

Completed by: Dae:i Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 2-55

2.12.12 Test Plan Report 195 dated 21 July 2010 Document Number 1 Revision F-E-1808-1 .0 • Test Plan Cover Sheet




Quality Asmc -. • •;,xNr••nXDate: • -pAi .

E:E, I808-1Rev0 Page loll May,2008• F-E-1808-1 Rev 0 Page 1 of I May 2O08~ REPORT °TEST PLAN .195: SENTRY TRASPORT PACKAGE ST-ARD CONFiGURATION TYPE (B) TRASPORT TESTS

JULY 201.0 :sENTNL TestPlan 195. .QSA-Global, Lanc JulyI2010 Burlhngton. "Massachusetts Page 1


SECTION 1 INTRODUCTiON ...... ,....,..,,,,, ...... ,,.... ',2



3.1 Test orIentations and FailureModes...., -...... ,...... ;...... •..... ,.... S

3.2' Drop Height Adjustm ent .,,.,.....,...... ,...... -,.... .; . -- :...... '. :

SECTION 4 TEST RESULTS ..,,...... ,...... ,

SECTIOI• 6 TEsT AssEsSMENTS ...... ,...... ,. 11

5.1 Normal Conditons of Transport Test Assessment ...... ;..,..,....,...... -:...... 11

5.21 30Foot Free Drop & P~uncture Test Asse`sme"nt;"...... -"-"...... "...... ;."...... ;11

5.3 Reverse Sequence 30-Foot Free Drop & Punctr Assessment...... , ...., 11

5.4 Thermal TestlAssessment.".",...--'".'"...... '••''""';...... •,..,.,.:.•...... - .. . .. ;.; 12,:

5.4.1 Condit~io of-Test Specimen before Thermal st.• ...... ,...... •...... ,.....f.1.

5.42 Ma/terial Prop~erties at.Elevated Temperatuires.,...... ,...... , •...... ,.. 12:

5.43i SENTRY 330 or 110-rojector-...... Standard Configur'ations-,..,-.; ...... ,-...... •3.

5.44 SENTRY 33,0 o)r 110 Proje-tor -Alternate C0nfigurations;.;.•...... ,...... ,.. 3

5.4.5 SENTRY• Changer (Model 867)--Basic or Standard €onflgurations...,.....;.,---.... .13

'SECTION 6 FINAL TEST-ASSESSMENT.,,,...... ,.,...,,...,...,,...... ,..,5i

A P P EN D IX A : RA D IA T ION P R O FIL E R E S U LT S .. , ...... 16.... 6

APPENDIX B: TEST DATA WORKSHEETS..,...... ,...... ,..,....,,,...,.1•7


APPENDIX D: TEST &iMEASUREM•ENT CALIBRA:TION RECORDS .,..,-...... 1t7 .SE~NTINE TestPlan 95 !QSA Global, Inc¢ July 2010- Burlington, Mtassac htsetts. Page 2.

Test Plan 1:95 -Report

SeCtion-1 Introduction

Thisreport documents the Type Btransport test results~of Test •Plan 195 performed on the SENTRY transport, package in the standard configuration. The results confirm the .SENTRy transport package in• its -heaviest configuration tested in the most vulnerable drop .orientation passes all the hiypothetical accident conditions transport test requirements specified in. Test Plan 195, the Codeof Fedierl Regulations,. 10 CFR Pa-rt 71I, .revised as of March 3-1, 1999::and criteria, stated .in the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioa~ctive Material,.No. TS-R-1 19g96 Edition (Revised).

Inhorder to determine the cumulative effect on -the SENTRY. tansportpackage, the. HAC test evaluaton .is based on the .sequential application, of the tests spe~cified in the o0rder. indicat~ed. in. 10O.CFR Part 71. Alternatively,if the test sequence had been performed in reverse order to the sequence identified in 10 CFR Part 71, with the puncture test performed before the 30-foot :free d rop,; thie damage indicates the there.would be~no.change in the final assessment. See: s~ection 5,3 for the reverse order asessment. Th~e thermal test portion of the. TiAC test sequence is not performed based-on the .condition of .the test spec~imen after the 30-foot free drop and puncture ,testsequence.e See section 5.,4, for this assessment. The following is the pass criteria for a Type B transport package after being subjected to the IIAC test sequence: SThere.,shall' be. no'loss or dispersal of radioactive material ifrom the package. o. There shall be no external radiation dose rate exceeding 10-mSv/h (1-rem/h) at I m (40 in)..from theexternal-surface of the package. SENTINEL Test Plan 195 QSA Gobl Inc uly 2010 -utnaMLmcusUtb Pwage3

Section 2 Construction and Condition of Test Specimens

The test specimen is cosn• e in accordanc with Q•SA Global engineering drawings and QatyAssurnce Program. The drawings and mauatrn documents accurtl depict teintended design along with methods for buldn and verifying the finished product. There were no deviation and/or chne to the test specimen before testing. See Appendix C: Test Specimen Ma~nufacturin Records.

The test specimen built for this test is a variation of the SENTRY 330 "Standard" configuration_. Figpure 7,.1 and Table 2.1 show test specimen, serial number TPI8OD, built with the optional handling ribs of the standard configuration but without the plastic inserts. This variation would not normally be used as a SENTRY transport package, but is tested to demonstrate compliance and allow shipment in the event the plastic rib inseits of the standard configuration were removed or damaged. Shipping labels and nameplates were not attached for testing.

Test Sndne TP8SD.

, I i I al I I m SEWFD~EL TesPlan 195 QSA Global. Inc July 2010 - Manac~b Page 4

F~fl~L as.. / M.



t.oa¢ I '€ • I•wt• m m •lptmM sm.qtci • V A Swapl. M l ifm PM Msel •#&CmwcMr•mmISApurL

Figure 2.2: SENTRY Trausport Package Cosmuxon Components

Figure 2..2 shows the major assemblies and common components of the SENTRY transport package. The nomenclatue used in Figrqne 2..2 is referenced throughout this report. The primury containment system of the package is the completely seal welded Model 600 source capsule assembly. The capsule assembly, tested to the ANSI/ISO class 4 or 7MPa pressre test requrments is manufactured at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature and thrfr does not to be adjusted for the test The seodz containment system, the transport package rear plate assembly and shield container~, is open to the atmosphere and therefore in constant equilibrium with changing

The srcua miatuuials used in the construclon SENTRY transport package retain their key mechanical and physical properties between -40°C (-40F-) and +38°C (+IO00F). Therefore, the temperature of the test specimen did not need to be adjusted for the tests performed in test plan 195. SENTINEL Test Plan 195.. •QSA Global, Inc July 2010 .Burlinton, Massachusetts. PageS5

Section 3 Test Setup and Failure Modes

3.1t TestOriengatdons and Failure Modes

-The test orientations used in the 30-foot free_ drop and puncture the rear plate, ,lock: assembly side of the .package. in' an; attempt tO caus sufficient damage :to elevate. radiation measurements around the package.- The possible: failures ,considered. Under the. required: ,test conditions potentially leading to elevated radiation measurements 'on and around.thetransport package include the following 1. Fracture of the depleted: uranium shield, allowing -a direct beam of radiation to transmft to. the: exterior of te package.. 2. Extremae displacement: of the shield within the package enough to position the source. in a-much less.shielded location., 3., o~n release or loss. .of control, of the source caused by either; damage to .the rear plate assembly :enough to,-allow the ,source to exit the package,.1oss, of..all rear plate. hex bolts and/or detachment of the souree-capsule from the source wire assembly. "4. A. significant rup~tue or opening in the exterior of the :package, leading to loss 0f foam protecting the shield during the thermal test.

3.2 Drop Height Adjustment Th~e drop .test, heights SpeCified in 10 CFR Part 71 are adjusted higher in the: 30-footidrop •and 40-inch puncture tests. The adjusted, drop height allows: for future SENTRY tranpo~rt, packages built :heavier than, the actual test specimens but less. than the maximum 3allowable Sweight specified for the transport package .configuration-to' comply with 10 CFR Part 71. -The adjusted drOp height .is determined by maultiplying the ratio of the maximum iallowable package weight-and the, actual test specimen weight by the required drop-test height. 30-feet or 40-inches,

TP1 80D weighs 725.lbs and is,essentiallY a !SENTRY 330 standard configuration package. The m.aximumn allowable weight for a SENTRY• 3.30 standard •configuration package is 780 lbs. The weight ratio for the adjustedheight is 780.÷725 1.076. ,Therefore,theadjusted height for the 30-foot free drop is•32.3 fe'et or 32 feet.4 inches. ,The adjusted height for the 1 meter (40-inch) punctUre drop is 43 inches; The impact energy ,produced by the comamon-adjusted height i~n all drop tests~iS equal to or :greater than thc impact .energy produced by the transport package built to .its :maximum weight an~d dropp~ed at the required, drop height specified in 10 CFR Part 71. QSASE'NTINEL- Global, Inc TestJuly Plan 2010. l95: Burlington, :Massachusetts Page 6.

Section 4• Test ResuItS

•In :the 30-foot free drop test, test specimen TPlSOD, was dropped from 32.3 fret in ithe planned orientation. The impact hit squarely -on the plastic dust cover and end fae of the •rear :access port, The impact caused thie protruding end of the rear plate access port to pucker in about 14 inch toward the rear plate. The two rib assemblies on the rear access port side of the• Spackage bent outwaid about an inch. Two rib bolts and one load pin broke upon impact.

The puncture drop targeted the dust cover at an :angle• in an.attemptto pry off the-rear plate, l0ok assembly nd attachment fasteners. The specimen was dropped 43 inches in the planned orientation above .the puncture bar onto the dust cover. The-plastic dust cover shifted uip about 'A inch and-dented in from hitting the corner of thc puncture billet..

:After the 30-foot andl puncture tests, the simulated (demo) source remained secure in the fully: shielded position. :No change was found •in the source location meaisurements before and after thhteSts. Post test damage examination revealed the lock/dust: cover and half the source connector could be removed from the package. However, removal of these components and with the source connector cut in half did not compromise the radiological safety of the SENTRY transport. package.

The radiation profile measurements •taken on the package surface and at 1,meter with the :source in-the-same location, after the puncture-test show essentially no change ina dose-levels compared to measurements taken before testing. ,Any Slight measuremen~t difference can be :attributed to a mi!nor variation in,the accuracy ,ofthe measuring equ•ipment (+1-10%A for the E600 probe and meter). See Appendix A: Radiation Profile Results •for the actual -inspection .data. Table 4.1.1 : Maximum Radiation Mieasurements [ At Surface of Package At 1 Meter fr'om Surface of Package Initial Build [ Post Test Initial Build Post Test I -56 mR/h [ :5 rI 1.43 mR/h l..-10mR/h.

The 30-foot and, puncture drop sequence did not create ,anopenfing in the package, exterior. With no opening in the package to allow the foam fill to fall away fr~om the DU shield in-a -thermal test, the package will survive the-thermal test without elevating radiation levels on or :arounad the transport package.

Taibles 4.1.2,and 4.1.4 show the test setup data and orientations for the 30-f~ootfree drop and puncture tests respectively. Tables 4.1-3 and 4.1.5present the damage report for the 30-foot fredrop and puncture tests respectively. Table 41.6 reveals the dam~age to thetesr Specimen !found during the zoSt test examination. SENTINEL Test Plan 195 QSA Global, Inc July 2Q10 B~dm.~b Page7

Impac en the rim of access port tube, face of t~he plastic dust eover and ribs/link plae. * The proztring side of the reartucces port tube bent in towards th pakg. * Two rib bolts broken and renocwed One rib pin and sc•ew br'uoke and rmnoved * No damage to the roar plite or the rfar plate atahmn bolts. Dva.ta,.4 .iuw~.* lvu.aiirm A~w,.n.uw, 4'W~4.~u.haa WW *,W4,.fl 4a5WXW I S.fl W~flS~VC I0 inclw

Droo Tst - Overa •Vie. Irquru .,.z,,., smmi n SE~NLTesPIm 195 QSA Globmi Ic July 2010

Table 4.LS ? DropTest Dennis Ibuaurt Inpact on plastic dust covet opposite the brass plunger lock. * No daag to the rear plate or the rear plate atahmn bolts. * Plastic dust cover dinted and bent. * Lock cover auveans to be shifted towards the ubie lock. unuw•r.• lgaInn Ainwt I E fl inirh, I-...- - Post-ts and radiation pr'of I inspectio 16.ooinhe

om Puncture Drop I 1u 4.1.8: Close-up of damage from Test Puncture Drop Test.

I I m SENTINEL NT• Plan 195 QSA~ Global, Inc July 2010 Bwrlingmn, Mauachuesat Pag 9

z IeuI1

i L J L • i i i k•c •

FIgure 4.1.13: Source connector, lock pin IFigure 4.1.14: Deformation of acem port and cover pins broken by shearing action shown with lock and dust cover removed. of lock cover translating across lock face. h SENTNEL Test Plan 195 QSA Glool Inc July 2010 Bd uaaMumnauffs P,,ge 1O

Figur'e 4.1.15: Source connetor mlee1, Figurwe 41. hafbtrm.e aean euei seby

5rBW13mkvno oter damagIdI; inns[ to usrear inuuuur plae loc ring Dur I'.aeq'~:11grear plte lockvwX aseml.munsue s urn

z'igure ~ ~ngrn ovai snape sa snieau rugure ~ r~o oats source tube (ceuter), but no other damage attachment fasteners. to shield - rear plate interface. SErNT•L. Test Plan 195

Se~ton :5 Test Assessments

:5.1 NOrmal Conditions of TransportTe~st Assessment

effectiveness ofthe packa~ging In •addition,• there was no. loss of shielding integrt .resulting inmore hana 20% incres iin therdiation level! at any •externalsureof.the :package The results of tst plan 180 (report #1-& #2) alongwith tlhe resultsof ,thistest demonstrate ithe SENTRY trnport packagein, the: Standard configuratien meets the~normal conditions of transport (NCT) test requirements.

:5.2 30-Foot Free Drop & Punctre.Test Assessment

•The 30-foot free drop-and pUncturetests wereperforraed in accordace with-test plan 1:95- !0 CFR,71,'IAB A TS-R-l 1t996., Aef~terth3-3Ofoot free drop and puncture tests, the test specimeneicontinued ito successfully meet the .hypotetical laccident conditions trasport reuirements of 10 CFR 71 and IAEA

No. lN;oss or dispersal 'of radioatve: material or contents. ,o ,NO external raiation dose rat•eexceeding 1O-xnSvlh (1-rem/h)at I m (40 in) from. thCeexeral 'surface o6f the plackage.. e. No. es.cape-o.f oter radioactive material.exceed~ing a total amount A•2 in. week.

5.3. Reverse Sequence30-Foot Free Drop-, Puncture Asses~ment

If the test sequence was reversed.andthde punctrete~st performed before th .30-fooitfree. drop, the SENTRtY transport package would continue to. me~et-theHACrequirments of 10 CFR. 1part 71., The test results !indicate• therel is no evidence to s$uggest ,lie puncture bar,is, capable of affecting the source security of the package. The results showthe puncture .test does notdaage the rear plate.lock.!assembly and its .attachment system re~cessed into the access port of te,package. The rec.esse~d rear plate iassembly prevents an impact of te subslequn 30-foot free d~rop test in any orientation to- damage the, rear plate lock• asseibly' enough to"allow the :source wire assembly to. move. out of itsihflly shielded positioni." Therefore,. the SENRY tranfsport package tosuccessfully meetsthe ~hypothetical accident coniditions tranispor tst requireme-nts of iAEA TS-R- 199•6. S• NE et Pla 195ig

Review iof the :damage to the test specimen after the drop tests suggest the fire testwould :have no affect on the radiation measurements .taken after,-the• droip tests. .The reasons: forthi,.s

8.4.1. :Condition of Test :Specimen: before The rmal Test

:The strutur_ cnsists,of the depleteduranium shield, te :stainle:ss s !eweded•

:and t!he stanless :steel rermounting~plates with stainlss steel rivetnuts. A copper: b.larrier exis•ts beweenall istainless steel :components and the.DU shield.:

o• Th•e itst reslts •showed inounintentfion0al opeings •inthe welded shell body to

provides th•ermal• i:nsulation: and. bliocks air flo~w. around the :shield: proetng. it:from oxidizng, during the thermal :test..


:o The.rear plate lock.assembly continues, to secure the, source assembly-to the:

:5.4.2 .MaterIel.Prpeftifes at Elevated• Temperatures

o• The melting .temperature .for all: materials •(depleted uiium •stanless steel,:

• T:he theral e-xpansion for .aillmaterials of the: structre:is- l•ess than the design clearnceallowed for assembly,;

.an~dsource assembl!yhav~e .about::30% and 60% of their .room: temperature .stre•ngth.. at. 8000C,respectively.

The.load condition for thle ,thermala test :is for the.strucur to0 .suppotthesttc: ,QSASENWTIEL Global, Inc •Test JulyPlan 2010 195 Burlington. Massacuset .Page 13

The-3 0-minute thermal, test is not long enough for significantt creep deformation to occur in the structure.

5A.3. SEN TRY 330 or 11i0 Projector- Standard COnfiguration~s

The standard configuration, without its plastic rib~inserts, is-identical to test Specimen .TP180D. The piastic rib inserts are covers for the handling rib mounting bolts, help identify the package,. and provide a mounting surface for the package. .Theaddit0oal 11 pounds of weight added to the package by the inserts is accounted, for in the adj uste.d drop height calculation. The plastic rib inserts will have no adverse'affect-on ,the ability of the SENTRY transport, package to meet the'HAC test-requirements.

,Testing the standard configuration-would not cause radioactive .materi'al .to be released and would not cause, the external radiation dose rate to exceed lO-mSv/h (1-rem/h) at !, in (40 in) from the external surface of the package.

5.4.4 SENTRY 330 'or 110 Projector - Alternate Configurations

The alternate configuration uses a nut. ring feature in place of te rivet nuts-to attach the rear plate lock assembly. The test results show the rivet nuts and the mating rear plate attachment bo~lts ,were not effected in any of the-tests. Both the nut ring and the rivet nults are captured behind the mounting plate anid both are made from an austanitic. stainless. steel. HoWever, :the nut ring is structurally stronger than the, rivet nuts because it is,0.23 inches thicker than the rivet nut thread engagement length. The use =of the nut ring in place of te rivcet nuts will allow the SENTRY transport package •to perform as good or better in the:NCT and H-AC testing.,

,Testing the alternate configuration would not cause radioactive material to be released and would not cause the external radiation dose rate to exceed 10-niSv/h (1-renm/h) at-1 mn (40,'in) frm the external~surface of the package.

5.4.5 SENTRY Changer (Model 867) - Basic or Standard Configurations

The Model 867 changer is structurally identical to the test specimen. However, there are some minor differences, in the rear plate lock assembly and the shield source. tube. The source tube of the Model 867 changer has a center partition which blocks the moyement of the source wires in the-direction opposite-the rear plate lock assembly. The only way out is back through the rear plate lock assembly..

The Model 867 rear plate lock' assembly uses two fork shaped lock pins instead-of a lock- slide and lock sleeve to secure the source wire assembly. The lock pins engaige the helical wrap of the Teleflex wire below the connector of the• source-wire assembly. The soutrce wire, connrector on the Model!867 could-be completely removed from the wire ad the-capsule location, within the shield of Model 867 package would, remain essentially unaffected.

The lock pins are well protected within the thickStainless steel selector ring retainer. No damage was found on selector ring retainer, lock slide or lock sleeve of the tested QSA Olba• i,-In July 2010

specimen TPI 80D. lI~tcan b~ aessumed thae seleto~r ring rtaner and lock pinsof the Model1867 woulid also niot be damaged if tested.

Based :on the, abo0ve, tsting the• Model 867 ,Soure: changer configurtion, would not .aeradioactive material to be released andi wouldnot cause• thie ext~erna radiation

p~ackage. ,SENTINEL TestPlan 195 .QSA Global, Inc uly.2010 Burlington, MassachUSetts Page. 1.5

Section 6 Final Test Assessment

The SENTRY :transport package di'd not lose or disperse radioactive material and did not: have external radiation dose rates exceeding i.OoiSvlh :(1- rem/h) a, 1im •(40.'in)from theexteral surface of ithe. package after being Subjected to-the HAC test sequence identified in 10 CFR :Part 71.

The results and assessments in this report confir• :the SENTRY transpOrt package tested in its heaviest configuration,, worst case co~ndition, :and: most, sevreW orientation satisfies the MAC. test requirements of Test Plan 195, the Code of Federal Regulations, 10 CFr Part 7l• revised as of March 31i, -1999 and criteria stated in the IAEA Regulations: for the Safe Transport, of Radioactive Material, No; TS-R-1 1996 Fdition (R.evised). SENTINEL Test Plea 195 QSA Olobel, Inc Juy 201O

Appendix A: Radiation Profile Results

Radiation Profile liuspectin Infitil Buil Profle Results Post Test Profil Results

IstLE. II_-r

0 ?.... "I•dk i.,_ ,,,•S, .)• JZO..,I

~~.~±2ftQ ~LAZ~A 4P~Cd~ ~ '-- -" I' 'l= =c" I - o- 4- ~k b r.~ i71 I.2s** ~

A~. Al ~ -- I~ F1 1~9? I.O~ £.Z i LI

J~ £


~ A-rn V ~


~-~- I~ I~a iii QSA Global, Inci Test Plan 195 B•urrgo. Masacustts, July 2010 Page 17

Appendix B:• Test Data Worksheets SeeAttahed:......

Appendix C:i Test Specimen Manufacturing Records

Appendix D•:iTest & Measurement Calibration Records:

See:Attached. 9rl•Fmgtoa,•Masaduscts

APPENDIX B: Teat Data"Worksheets SENTINL. Test Plan 195 QSA Globai, #Ic June2•010 Burlington, Messachustts Page 25 of29

Test.Spedimen & Equipment List

Test Specimen & Equipment Documentation

' - ' ,...... - A- • !:,f•

.. . ¢. ,._ _ _ __,C ....

, . ..-.

...... e...... o

Dr'op SurfaCe; Drawing No. T10740 Si EJOl yes

?u,• P•#•G`-E ...•..`.-` 4+ + •:• .`1oLI4 ``3 ______._.__-__._,_.__...• . . ,:._. __'.v: _.:,___..:__,_._.._::. __:_+. W-,<. .. : ': • " :v:P --+q':!•'! i •';.'9 ;:• :i:v :+; " ' ::. . "• . ' " . + ' :'::;b..:':'";:"•g .,,,':•+?+!;::++:

, m<•-,- ... ,~~ / -••,•2.T0 ' _____.____

R 'i ':zi -''•(•la :'d :'-,,ii;'.A'l', . :,'.o:.. :.','d. ,,• .•.,''.:',,... a att th.''': ."-'" -,'.::."c...... •

Regulatory: " t -- TestPlan 195 June 2010 .Burlington, MassPachuse t.s Ppge26of29

SF~reeDrop & Puncture Test Checklis~t

1. aecord test specimen seenal n.m...

4., Identify etUp orientation igu e~. 1 T P .... 1

,7.+ Begin vide eordingof te tet o hat.impact is recrded .,.

,s.. RPelas the test speclmen:

10. Recor the damae to the tet secimen. Use a separate sheet and atach iFnceded.:

! 1. Record loctin of s~niuliatd source, if possible.m

12. EngIneering, Regulatory A~ks and Quality Assurance meke a preliminary assessment relativeto 10 CER 71. Record the assessment on a separate sheet and attach. - "res-~ ~('Ee(Me.-~ Meer~, iz~ z~ ~ '~~' 'ncr ~c ~A Jo £14t71 Tes.+tnwtu e• 1 y(i•¥ nag•ture) .... +++-p+ ...... ,... Print Name+ • <,= Date...... +.,

Qua 7[. yt 9 ,.•Assu+a o QS.AGloba•l,SENTINEL- Inc Test;J~u Pla 2C195 1 "Bizrli,.on,'Me-..chusens, 27. cr:2

Free.Dr'op & Puncture Tat Data Sheet.

Decibe dr, orienttion ad dropha-g

":.Desrb mpac (lcaio, ro..tion etc-..): .o:• ..

• sr Sm 6.meVt.+-p,*.,Gmb m OF" (-'

,* Wasth ea pro•+rmed inaccorance wm- 10 CFR 71t, IAEA TS ],R-1996 an his test p+lanor No.

o Does the e+st pecime mee~t the reqiremets of !0 :CFR 71 end IAEA TS-R.!-1 196.for this t~est7T)r-No.

., ny changeso subequent drop~ or~ntatonneeded toachieve•=m m-aximu: dmai~m Yes o?)Jfs, then identi

, :Shoudtestingcontinue wih.ths test•.speimen~ rNo. If :yes,.next test; •U'CX.Dt 1 "1Z

Desribe any,'change.i~n source•ponition (if posible):..

+Conipl.tedby. ,.: •-" ,. . :,,DaIle: .£"'$: -. ~ 1 :...... "tL SENTINEL Test Plan 195 QSA GlobaL. Ic¢ June 2010 Burlington, Masschusets page 27 of 29

F~ree Drop & Puncture Test D~ata Sh•ee

Descrbedrop orientation aid drop height:

Describe impact (location, rotaton, etc.):"

Describe on-sito inspeeton (damage,, broken parts, etc.)-

On-sits test ssse~ssmenun;

o Was die test peribrine in ac'cordanc with 1I0 CFR 71, JABA TS-R-I 19•96, and this testplan~rn No.

o Does Ihe tes•t specinm m~eetthe requirements of 10 CFR 71 and JABA TS-R,-. 196 for this tcst?•or No.

o Anay changes to su'sequent drop orienttins neededt aciev~e raxhumdamage? Yes ar•)Ifyes, then ideatll•

SDid suficent damage occu at or on the rear-plate atahment• area to warrant further- drop •sdng de SENTRY .1!O' projector- BeSic configuration because ofit thinner rear-ph~ile? Yes er•

o Should testing continue with, this test specimen? Yes or,• If yes, anx. test:______

G Will die test spen'm.npass th,- thermal test iased on dieaccumulate~ddmage asessmcnt?~r No

Describe any post-test disassembly and inspection:

Describe any change in source position (if possible):

D atetibe results' of radiography (if performed):

Comp]etr-• by: •, I Date: En$ -•o'LIo. Co!ee by S. .. .. ! t .L.. ... o SENTINEL Test Plan, 195 QSA Global, Inc Jwie 2010 Burlington, Mcssactnzsets Page 28 of'29

Test inspection Data Sheet

Teat Specimen Serial No.: ~ LastTest Performed: ~

Describe cad measure pro~rIate) any damage, signs orpauiancnt strain, deTonnation mndlor broken parts. 2 ~ * Tu~O B~eoIC~.~~ ~'la~ M ,mw+ ~aurs OrJ B.etotA. ~I~G @V ~$dd~A5~W. '.o~S~ ~o~A~j Los.b. pLed 0'-~ ga6A~SIiibb~'A? ~ AC~&$ mar i.tbe.

* ~ (~ t~e~sr ~ ie~bn~r .~'tp-j~I. 1 6~eo'.~ IA~PA~ bute~4,b,.~ -~a~L~itS. 5 * ~ lA~4c. ~+~a~3 oF ~ST C6v~ ~ &'C ~~lt~-f- O~PDStTe PLi.o.i 5a'~ (~,

* PLuu.a~~ Lozh~ P'a.j, I~i L.nJC. ~ea I'i&'S AAb ~WI~Cd. ~oj eA,, ~I4~aeb

* A~CC~ ?oer FbcX~sa~c~ ('~.J TOz.iA~5 CDA~4~ A~uT Y4 j~L1 AV (~'*~O+tMthia4U.

Describe the condition orthe simulated source wire assembly. '~riai~wiAj4b Soui~~s. i,~Ii&~. ~4~GAt~ 41.~ ~h4E4~b. ~ 4 ~i~ie. ~

£e~,me~. h. L.e4c. A$S04s4I9 - Reassemble the package using a representative active source roaldng sure that the source position and the package 'configuration is the same as they wero immediately after the last test.

Measure and record a radiation profile of each test specimen in accordance with QSA Global Work Instruction WI-Q- l806.~ Cdmpare the pre4est dora loveiswith post-test dose levels at the surface of the package mid at 1 meter horn il~~ surface oflhe package.

I~JO Cf4~.i5 ~ ,. ~ t'~c A~ P~'&-(- +~&t bose. L~A'CLS Op.' $~Ac~z. c~c 1-A~EP, i~i P~.

Is a radiograph required to inspect for hidden component damage or failw~? If radiography is performed, describe any damage or tbilures found.

iaor Pc?~. *:~y. ,[....j Sheet I' of / • -: • :"Shield Data-...

1 f~odel 3~f~ j 5~1j~j ~ ~~)J) R~jj~Clid~~ - C~) Ma~ Capacity 330 Ci SedP/N: 0 •-2•30 ShieldHeat# C~po•- Ao• L4A# 09 CQ |Ioo,•.*

______"_Profile Prcs Dhta .. .. ______So'urceModel: 'la .'.-13Source Sero.# .,?7'f g.-3 Radionuclide: Co -- aO, Activity: / ?E'.,/ Ci

Survey Inst..1 .,i"'l, :Serial# ,, Aft,. DateCal. ,N4-/: Date Due: •''A,,

Inst. Probe:1 i-fAA7O• Seril•# 70~ • nst. Probe: 2 W4/ Se'l# /4¢• Capacit Correction Factor: • 75 1 M~easured Dose Rate mr/Thr Adjusted Dose-Rate mR/hr' Loain At SurFaeaCeo; At 30.Cm ,At One At A•3 m Metner Loain Surfacee. Factor INote 2] Meter- Surface. [Note] Mee Top ii /..o7 . . -3. -2! •1,.t,

Front ______/•t _.__'. ,5' ,30 . 23

Bottom ,5 .... !.• ... /.,. •._____, _ .__ _ Aeceptariee Criteria: <200 NA. ... 6.0"

.Result:• (Check one) Accept ______Reject ______

Comments: ,~ L~ ~ -, ~ 4 / ,~Le- -- i Lq.~ ~ ~ j3~44T~o~ (2~aa 7 ~ 6~ ~Lcp~~~! .30 Notes: I. Refer to T-Q-t1806-1, Shield EfficienCy Testing Surface Correction Factorsfor an existing device model ~or F-Q-l1806-3, Shield Profile Workheet forOne meter acceptanceelimit. 2. The 30cm readings are only required when speCifically requested. 3;.Additional sheets may be used to describe results or indicate reading locations using sketch~es. Number all sheets and indlicate total number of sliiee, Make sure shield ldetificatiOn is included on each sheet. 4.Attach auto profiler print-out~to this sheet if used.

F-Q-18,06-2, rev. 4 PgPage'l oflf 277Joay21 Jariuary:20l 0 QSAsENTINEL Glob~I, Inc Test Plan2Y010 39

APPEN4DIX C: Test Specimen Manufac~tur;ingr.Records Test Plan t95• QSA Global, Erc June-2010 BurlingtonM assachustts Page 26 of 29

Free Drop & Puncture Test Checklist


...... -

1. Record tesrophecime enlnmbrT.~

2. Rei idorcor thedigo test speimnwegt. a m e s eol

3. ReIcord the a iettcmper.ur (0 ) ns.nntSN

49. 'Sdentifysct-uporde n. sainlure:th in o m1tn9on~in pn~id nlz en civd '•Ie


10..lRecord the da-age to the Lost secmen.• Use a separate sheet and attach£, if ne•,edix."...

12. Enugineerng, Re~gulatory.Afi~i'irs and QualityAssurance maike a prelimina-'y assessment re•lative to~ 10 CE 71. Record the assessment on a se-parat shiee and aittisi.


I SCOPE: Pr'oduce-SENTRY 330 Special test-unit' (without plastic rib inserts). .1J Op IWork rSN eeene.yDae.. Tools0 I_.#o Ceotorl Op~eraition PatO oaaSr aecumrt T bl ax Comments.

010O ASBY Asse.mble. BLTOI8 LOT-b9 qG•, .. _____

ASSY-"'" Torque etoQC•. Witnless torque. 020 with TorqUe.Rib Boils TP86000-330X Wr'ench I•nitial &,Date

0,.0 QC, or spect .W..ghTP86Q000.330X . . .•P 4*•/=...

Form E-31i01:-I, roY 0 ..... wtU~:No. TPSO1-3-3" '•l°• C-U Page 1 of

ROUT " - -...... ,J ,¶=' CARD: ,ar• A 4, DRG Qt•



,1 SCOGPE: Produce.SENTRY 330 Test,Specimen witiout Ribs. • " ' " " ...... i: IOpl Work.Rirec

00 SS Welgh assnbly' 8601H0-30 ,SIN • .... ScUle ______"/ 010..S...... ou fom ______sa Weight! •i.. lbs,

020. ASSY faFill assembly...with FOMOO2 TP86015-330 TIN8'0..714; :.

040, ASSY ,install set~screws SCR312 •

Attach roar plate: andi 66021 ...... : :;# 05..SY duteovr 3L01 TP5.lI fe ..

Form E-3161-1, revO ji TMI Dm"o TEST SPCI[WN - SENTRY 33w ssical ROUTE By: •:• . ,Le~-•'[. CARD •"• A I ,•N EcTv,•,I t


MANUFA•CTUR" NGRTDATE• REGULA•TORY" .'-,(_ . DATE Z'•' 3, •.8OPE:SC Produ~ce.SENTRY 330 ,Test"Specimen without Rib& ". op" "Work Refe..ence

86030 06 SY Attach front p~late 86039S : TP80015-3" 00 a8 .ssembly $GRlli4 LOT# •/••4

...... GRE0 03 ______,ASSY Torqlue. ). t., 070 with Torque Bolts BLT0I8 TP860015-30 WrencJt "I' QC mii dtneso.e,

:ASSY worue QO/:towines o 080 wlth Torque Screws: 6CR164 Tp660•e64Dg wrench: cQetIltlai• tome'

090 ,ASSY M~arhk Weld Seam SCR20G/Z P60I.3 .... ___" ______' GLUOOZ ____-______Inspect, :petrfo~i " 100 OC functional test & TP5eo15-33o :Scale. !• ~,/Wih b

Form.:E-3.161-l, rev.O Pumtt ame: Welded Ilfody +Assembly~-- P,,,dudUo• I

• O ''~~ I) niern:Sentry 330 ,Control. " ~ " , i T--'C. V'•' •. ,

...... Numbcr~'s): T L

NJ I .

86005S Lo+A• /'5

86006 86011


030 WE•LD Tacl~wekd __L_- LotW$q; g;.i.v'i[) 86010-330'' Use,welded ib ...... ,, t•assembies 456041)' to

0}40 A.SSY-Etch or stamp "560104e~lr-30: Et-h;r"tampP33 ..... M. " .a. . .. mi.ds,SNbetee

...... "...... t- pppdho~zeti.on•+ 05QC Prfl in pect'I - r: T013•. -330 Tempownijyrill emo.....

F~M-1724-1 1~ev 2 PaflNunba 86010-330 . ~ J'ca• A Page2of 2 Wodaed Body Aau~rnhIy - •Pradu*cuan

__ __ _Order l .. ,, ______N n~e.s: 1OtL'I

..... • ...... I, . . , __ __ ,1:

Latar~:8IN~ I -~'~ '1 [''~-~ I'NiiIDa~ I ~ fQ~~ji~~

060[ WELD[ Finish weld oE•_qLot~•;.i• e~e;•:!-86010-330 -;,• '..

070 ASSY ScOtch b•lie mb' GLU026 " 86010-330 Seal DIU shieldaround .. . (nialte fiish) &.... ____ - lboth ends o ____ ,.pnl° ant ______....

080 ,, ,n. t 60033

F-M.I-1724,4 RcV 2 Jl -ntv

.Sheet / of• , Shield Data

______.... __ • rfie Process D t 'Source Model: £ O0 • Source Ser. # •7?ZI7t Radionudlide: Cv 4-$> Activity: .311 * Ci

Inst. Probe: jI& -.•7 0 Serial # 0 0 S , Capacity Correction Faetor I- •-'&

_____ Measured Dose Rate mR/hr' ______u!sted Dose Rate mR/hr ' A.•ne-At" one Lfo At Suwfiace"Corr. At33Cm At t .UAt 3U Cm Mee Suracatatoi[Nte2] MeterMee To..S....e t 2]o~ Surtrace 21 [N~ote [I

Reas lt: [ /ne)Acet "_-_et '//


N•otes:!. Refer to F-Q-IS06,-l, Shield Efficiency Te.strng Surface CorrectionFactors for an existing device model, or F.-Q-18S06-3, ShieldProflle Worksheet forOrne meter acceptance limit 2. The 30cm. readings are only, required' wh~en specifically reqae~ed. 3. Additional sheets may be-used to describe results or indicate .reading locations using sketclhes. Number all sheets. and indicate total number of sheets, Make suire shield Identification is included on each sheet. 4. Consult instrument calibratilonreco'rds for instrument uncertainty.

F-Q-1805-2, revr3Pay.o Page I of *1 9 Marcharh2a 2009 An,,cr , .prualae ~CN NA ,,L , pmaIlte/ .,,

to usS, Inspection to be vaLd LoUISeriazl f I.. c1•a:. .. ______..

80 days only! ______- ____, ______. ._ 3- [Isnpectiorn Instruction "oriOln~tormlD•t.•,~g.... i,' P l i• ~p-lr.NI• II:S= 1r

ItemnDoSCription:, PIunctre Te~st:IBiIlct ______"______.___

C hiaracferiJsilcs T ule ran wci TIT. IAQL :1 2 3 4| 5 . . .6 "7 ______

Sccrey.onf .N/,N/.° o,0 ,,-0- .o,,\

Se.ial, 0 , 1 0 / __ __ \__

F.Q~l 87-.1, rev;.Oli;ao tlR Page:1 Calibration Report (7)5182

.Date of Verification; ,Friday :September 25, 2009 Location ,.¢1/¢:0 •0 9 0000#0¢•. 40 North Avenue

+Env[LionmentaiConditions (@Time: of-Service. Tempaeatgure;. 70 *,2:"F Rolative Huzmidity: 40% ± 15%

.MG: SaIlerI•noclrim(i•2r .cmo•2D1 Cm+ondtn Good Modl:+ P8100 ci+F1.00 lbm~ LocJ+ept C Ty"+ Platrm-Scale V~erfed Range 10+o-80 lb

T!:+ .O-ofRead•+9 As Found andFin~alRun Data ______Vmxrlflnt,In ,struinsat :rnstnnnen Inslnmsnt• l"ssumnt mmmrepaal• iResoluu~o] I slrtimert v.r• 3 Reain9 R~adlrn9 Rea•lng Reai.. ; Elor .FSimr o6de lb un 1 lb, RunZlb• Aam-a•e lb +bl I b J + - 0.0O •0.0 " 1~ i0.0 ' 0.00 0 Io 0.5 I•_oo ".~ U 100.0 1200.0 100.0 1+00.0 ;0 .0 0.00 0".00O.O0 ,,400.0 399.5 399,.,5 399: .5 ..-0.50 -o•. ____ -....125: _._ 600.0 5-99,0. 59.0g:: '599.0' -•+1.00 0.00, ' .. , - 0.167..... _ s! •800n.0: 798.6. 798•.5 'T-.j•..-... 0.0~0 ____, .- 0.158 __

Cammen~t' 'Asfound lnsrmument'Slmtu. Within nrg. Toerance (I; irt of mrgTolarajicel Needs Aijirslm'n! 0 trnsenrflnalrunStatus Wlthilnnfg. Toerance ra O~tfmfgff.Tole~ranra 0 Need•]sAltmeri I"0

National Institute of Standards :&Technology Traceability Data I43 Amoal, Ima. Dead.Welghla in' AI07CI Calibration Dale 7/15/f2009 raceablllly No. 205442+ 4 Troamnor,+lnc Dead Weights s/n 801-8 Callbration Date 7/1612009 Traceablity No. 205442 P.miEhiP=+tt+•. I'•=•.= Previous Cal. Dale: New ~ ' Cal. Frequency: AnflUSl Caflb~atod By: Cal. ~ueJ~aLo: 912W10i0 illethad Used Dasd WeghtStsndavds The e!mvs aysZem~1n~lnmier,1. E.oaU~olth1!aurai Sufrwco and Oul~ut Cer ~, aid aeuas~wtas has bemcaibtat~dbra~,fmEe~h ~ ~ath~ Sb ale and ie~ The ~de1~rnl~ed WI~s ~orrnc edalartelhar~ end.repez5~ z a! ISOJ2O 17a alM4SIIASOC ZSSD-1. Calbwllwr Pmee*sss iced pev~emeaflurcets~dy ~te~ D~snwequallo4:1 & fliespedflaillne a unltua~erI~t'wfth ac ra~e~erotk=2 aSa ~ftfldEl1ca r2vElare5~,. unlans orheralse rwed.. This wportcn.~mat h~ rep dwWiout~wlUan pemlselenftam Amuitann ~etlhntIon&TestJng Ca, 1nc..~ ...... -






TEPEAUR ~.....3 ALBA~O DU: 2..2. /2011 'RELA TI,,V E MI. I...... HU . . 21......

El 540 KAYE K140-4 ICE POINT REFERENCE 178302 15/2009 5114121110 E2483 FLUKE SSOSA REFERENCE MUL11METBR 257701 Sf2772009 4/2fl~10 E705 FLUKE 5700A103 CALIBRATOR 275832 ij7J2UlO 4/712010

The ESSCO Quality System is.certlflod to ISO 8001:2008 Thur~ ~ Unln~e n~. ~ nIr3mtuu7URoT4:~ ~ ~ i~n ul b~ u Th~s~m~dm~ni~o~ ao b~nb!a ~ - The~n~ru ~u~Ia n~J~:rIku ~tJ ~'JL 2009.und ~n~sv~2h Kevin R. Pistey. rtrum~z~uIISa1~4n~. Quality Assurance Manager In~em~fUssOnIt:2...2...... 2....DT...... 3ESSCO AN: ".27815. 4 I MTR INTK0,0D mV ;32.0 2. DEOF" 31.9 31.9T .I-OSO• ...... 31.5-

2 CA ouTRK642500.0 ,50.0s 2520DEF20.44-~F 20.

7CA OTJ,2:0 0032..5oEGF. 3.73.7-... :0,01t

8 8CAL OUTT 32.0 F= 0.000 .(1 my 0.007 0.007 41.0.02l mV End oF Da Nore:: A = Ad~justed F- =Felled .L~inltedi tz~o1Ogy Service, Zac. -Dama• Sheet •1CC- 231• QSA GLOBAL -Date •Cal:

.~ ID.No.: 5.09/5A0 •E !Date Due:. .4:, ~i2ID.NO.z Serial No. : Model No. - Cal. Prcoc.: No:. 21 Standard No.::02 Cal,..: 08/l28/09 Due,: Accuracy:. GO +0.OOOOiI Standard No. : Accuracy: NO -0.00001" Cal..: Due - Standard, No.:• Due: Temperatue:• 169.90 .Humtidity :

Requ~iredi:, 5 .10~m (0..2"0079" ) Deviation '.: •.C..r0001u 0..00000" •Measured:. 0 ,20079,"

Cizstcmer: OQSA G@LOBAL" P,.O. NO.:• P31995 = "Date Cal- 02/03/10 Manufacurer: VE9rrO G~AG E Date Due: serial, No.:- •Techncian: PR. .Model No..: Cal.. Proc.. No: Standard No.:- 036 :o15eZ Deviation 11.: •Cal.:..012I9 Due: Accuracy• GO -. 0•00O20" Standard No-.:, iCal..:. ue : Accuracy:' NG, '0.00020" standard No.•.

Temperature : 69.2• >,L .Humitdi-y~{ 23% / .Gage. Types•. MS 'X O,8-6G: TBREAD. RINC- SET; NC) Go 4.361mm 440m Devi~ation-:- C. :Measured-: SET. PLUG PASSES SET .PLUG PASSES "

•P.O. No. : 'P31995 IDNo.D::e; 5081099867 _,.,Date .Due:: 020. 1 .2 ID.No.: 02041 ,Deoartment: PRo•i• Standard No..: 158 C 07/03/0•9 Due: Accuracy: +/-4% •al. : Accuracy:" Standard No.: C StandardNo.: •C ,Due: Temperature:- 70.30 22% Geage Type : .3-

Required : 1,.0 30•.0 4_.0 60..0 75.0 ,Deviation:-: Measured'=:. 15l.37 3 0.;81 "46g. 2 62•.11 77.46: r----ogram Vesi!on• : E=60OV4.02a C0o•ib'otion DatJe/Due Datie .:04107110 to 04/07/11! saear fit, cion :1!0% . .. Lawerlhreshord CCL Peons : 2.10 rnV and6.00mV .Upper Threshold Cal. Points :6.00,mv and 60.0OmY

Lower hreshold Inter'ept i-0.0932 mY :Lower -wehold SPan : 0.1111 mY (<--.5) to 5.10 mV(>•5.0)

Upper"Threshold Intercept ::-0.6667 my

Alarm Edui ng- ,. Enabledl

Deep onAUtO-Ronge : No

Rotenieler Mde Support : Enabled•

Scaler Mode SUp:pcrt : Enabled Peak.Hold Mode Suppot +nable.r Bockrun Update Mode Suppart. : enable Lag• 0Source ......

Star K~eyIn egfale~eunctlon :Zero Disp.ay .Scaler .Counting :Mede. .:e l:c.ime "TypeI . "":" .. . : SHP'270O",•' Cal~ibratoio Date/Due Do~te• :4i10•/10 bto•04Il./ 11 Dea.d lme, 13.usec Surface Area :3.00 cm2. Ovenonge• ,:60000.cps Channel 1 Channe~l Type .: Gamima Rate Unts ::R/hr.

High Voillog : 898l Vdc

Selected Whidow : Upper'

tower to UJIpJa', Crossover, :0.0160

.Gamma Chonnel Lnearity Test Results - Pass Toleirance PRus/M~nus 10.0%

Reid Response %~rar

0;.0050 M 0:-.000 /h Poss 0O.0500 R/hri Pas 0.044,e/nr 7.22%. Pass 2.00 R/hr. =7.07%' •Pass.;•% "•::::i -';:, ,:.:'':. "•.

Cable Length: EL... Tn~cties - O~fo.Prfie

~frim~,tgwn : bb, - "-'", """ ;. .° ...... ,- -.. ,•: -:1- -


t I.,4tsta). SCOPE: .BUild 2 drop. height indicators,for .eiyduprst plan" 'WifhypotheticalL;s (j:= f. •,4-ro ec~ident conditions drOP tests g• I

(•I••I•° T10761-•2: SIN P o.t

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Form E-3161-1, rev 0 Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 2-56

2.12.13 USD0' r Special Form Certificate US5A/0603/S-96 Rev 3 U.S. Department 1200 New JerseyEast Avenue Building, Southeast PHH1-23 of Transportation IAEA CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENT AUTHORITY Washington, D.C. 20590 Pipeline and SPECIAL FORM RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS Hazardous Materials CERTIFICATE USA/0603/S-96, REVISION 3 Safety Administration

This certifies that the source described has been demonstrated to meet the regulatory requirements for special form radioactive material as prescribed in the regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency1 and the United States of America2 for the transport of radioactive material.

1. Source Identification - QSA Global, Inc. Model X.2163 source capsule.

2. Source Description - The X.2163 source capsule is a cylindrical double encapsulation made of stainless steel and tungsten inert gas or laser seal welded. The source measures approximately 12.0 mm (0.47 in.) in length and 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) in diameter. The minimum wall thickness on the outer encapsulation is 0.254 mm (0.01 in.) and 0.25 mm (0.0098 in.) on the inner shell. Construction shall be in accordance with attached AEA Technology QSA, Inc. Drawing No. RBAG25SB, Rev. A.

3. Radioactive Contents - No more than 7.5 T~q (202.7 Ci) of Cobalt-GO in solid metal form.

4. Quality Assurance - Records of Quality Assurance activities required by Paragraph 310 of the IAEA regulations' shall be maintained and made available to the authorized officials for at least three years after the last shipment authorized by this certificate. Consignors in the United States exporting shipments under this certificate shall satisfy the applicable requirements of Subpart H of 10 CFR 71.

5. Expiration Date - This certificate expires on October 31, 2017.

1"Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, 1996 Edition (Revised), No. TS-R-l (ST-l, Revised)," published by the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA), Vienna, Austria.

2 Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 100-199, United States of America. (- 2 -)


This certificate is issued in accordance with paragraph 804 of the IAEA Regulations and Section 173.476 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, in response to the September 17, 2012 petition by QSA Global, Inc., Burlington, MA, and in consideration of other information on file in this Office.

Certified By:

Oct 03 2012 A Dr. Magdy Ei-Sibaie (DATE) Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety

Revision 3 - Issued to extend the expiration date. Q1Y STAIN.STL 1 STAMN.STL : TIG OR LASER I LJ WELD TO SEAL




QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-1


3.1 Description of Thermal Design

The Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages are a completely passive thermal device having no mechanical cooling system or relief valves. All cooling of the transport package is through free convection and radiation. The maximum heat source is 330 Curies of 6°Cobalt. The corresponding decay heat generation rate is approximately 5.5 Watts (See Section 2.6.1, "Heat").

3.1.1 Design Features

The Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages are described in Section 1. Components important to safety and materials used in their construction are shown in Table 3.1 a. All components important to safety are designed to retain sufficient mechanical and thermal properties at and within the temperature range of -40°C to +800°C. See Table 3.2b.

The package contents consist of 6°Cobalt encapsulated within a welded capsule. The source capsule, located at the center of the shield and welded body, is crimped onto a flexible wire assembly secured in the shielded position by the lock assembly. The lock plate assembly is attached by four bolts to the welded package body.

The large mass of the depleted uranium shield provides a substantial heat sink for decay heat dissipation through the source tube. The heat absorbed in the shield is conducted out to the exterior surfaces of the welded body primarily at the top and bottom inner contact surfaces of the package. Heat is also conducted out to the sides of the package through the shield pin connections at the access ports of the body. Polyurethane foam surrounds and partially insulates the shield within the body. The foam acts as a thermal and oxidizing barrier during high temperature conditions like the hypothetical accident fire test. The large surface area of the welded body exterior enables heat to be transferred to the external environment by radiant and convective means.

3.1.2 Decay Heat of Contents

From Table 2.6a, a maximum of 5.5 Watts of decay energy is available to be absorbed by the package.

3.1.3 Summary Tables of Temperatures Table 3.1a: Summary Table of Temperatures Surface Temperature Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 & 867 Comments Condition Packages ______Insolation (38°C in full sun) 70.7°C (159 0F) Section Decay Heating (38°C in shade) 40°C (1040 F) Section 0 Fire Test During 800 C (1,472°F) ______

Post-Fire (Maximum Temperature) 800°C (1,472°F) ______Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-2

3.1.4 Summary Tables of Maximum Pressures The Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 containers are vented to atmosphere. As such, no pressure will build up in the units under either Normal or Hypothetical Accident conditions. Table 3.1b: Summary Table of Maximum Pressures Void Normal Conditions Fire Conditions Volume 88°C (190°F) 800°C (1,472°F) Comments IN 3 Pressure Developed Pressure Developed 0 0 psig 0 psig

3.2 Material Properties and Component Specifications

3.2.1 Material Properties

Table 3.2a: Materials of Components Important to Safety

0.68 lbs/in3 (18.8 grams/cc) Nominal Shield Depleted Uranium (DU) 99% Minimum DUDest

Welded Body Stainless Steel 304/304L ______Lock (Rear) Plate Stainless Steel 304/304L Selector Ring Retainer Stainless Steel 304/304L ______

Source Wire Stainless Steel 304/304L ______

Source Capsule Stainless Steel 304/304L ______Source Connector Stainless Steel 17-4 PH Condition H950 Lock Slide Stainless Steel 17-4 PH Condition H900 ASTM F593 Condition AH or ASTM Lock Plate Bolts (Hex) Stainless Steel 17-4 PH A5 rd 6 ls Shield Pins Titanium Ti-6AI-4V Source Tube Titanium Ti-3A1-2.5V Lock Sleeve Tungsten Class I Rotor Shield Tungsten Class 1 or 2 Cover shield Tungsten Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 Tungsten Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 Fitting Brass C464 Condition H02 or H04, ASTM B21

______Brass C360 Condition H02 or H04, ASTM BI16

Table 3 .2b lists the relevant thermal properties of the important materials in the transport package. The sources referred to in the last column are listed below the table. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-3

Table 3.2b: Thermal Properties of Principal Transport Package Materials Material Melting Maximum Specific Heat (J/kg K) Thermal Thermal Temperature Service Conductivity Expansion 0 -Temperature (W/m K) (10-6 in/in C)

Depleted Uranium 1,1300 C 850°C 113 at 2O0 C 27 at 200C 14 (2'0660 F) (1,5620 F) (68 0F) (68°F) (Ref 6, P6-11) (Ref 1, P821) (Value Estimated) (Ref 4, P1.48) (Ref 1, P821)

Stainless Steel 1,400oc 925oc 500 at 20°C 14.6 at 200 C (680 F) (304/304L) (2,552OF) (1,697OF) (68°F) 21.5 at 500°C 18 (Ref 2, P10) (Ref 2, P511I) (Ref 2, Pl0) (932OF) (Ref 2, P490) (Ref 2, P10)

Stainless Steel 1,4000C 925oc 460 at 2000 18.3 at 20CC (680 F) (1-P)(2,552OF) (1,697OF) (68°F) 23.0 at 500°C 11 (1-P)(Ref 2, Pl0) (Value Estimated) (Ref 2, Pl0) (932OF) (e ,P0 (Ref2, PI0)

Titanium 1,688oc 35000 502 at -400C (-40°F) 6.6 at 20°0 (68°F) (Ti-6A1-4V) (3,070OF) (662OF) 930 at 800°C (1472°F) 17.5 at 65000 11 (Ref 3, P513) (Ref 3, P528) (Ref 3, P514) (1202OF) (Ref 3, P516) ______(Ref 3, P515)

Titanium 1,700oc 350oc 502 at -40°C (-40°F) 8.3 at 22°C (72°F) 10 (Ti-3A1-2.5V) (3,092OF) (662OF) 930 at 800°C (1472°F) 11.8 at 3 15°C 20 to 540°C (Ref 3, P 266) (Value Estimated) (Ref 3, P514) (599OF) (1004OF) ______(Ref 3, P269) (Ref 3, P516) 3,410oc 1,5000c 131 at 20°C 185 at -40°C (-40°F) Tungsten (6,170°F) (2,732°F) (268 °F) 115 at 8000C 5.4 (Ref 1, P816) (Ref I, P817) (Ref 1,P818) (1472OF) (Ref 5) ______(Ref5)(Ref____5)

Resource references:

1. Materials Handbook Ninth Edition Volume 2 Properties and Selections: Nonferrous Alloys and Pure Metals, ASM Handbook Committee, 1979.

2. ASM Specialty Handbook Stainless Steels, ed. J. R. Davis, 1994.

3. ASM Material Properties Handbook Titanium Alloys, ed. Rodney Boyer, Gerhard Welsch, E.W. Collings, 1994.

4. ASM Metals Handbook Desk Edition, ed. Howard E. Boyer, Timothy L. Gall, 1985.

5. Mi-Tech Metals Inc. Data Sheet for HD17 with reference to ASTM-B-777-99 Class 1.

6. Eugene A. Avallone and Theodore Baumeister III, Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, Tenth Edition, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1996. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-4

3.2.2 Component Specifications All components are specified and described on the drawings included in the Section 1.3.

3.3 General Considerations

3.3.1 Evaluation by Analysis

Evaluations by analysis are described in the section they apply to in this Safety Analysis Report or when applicable in the Test Plans contained in Section 2.12. 3.3.2 Evaluation by Test

Evaluations by direct testing are documented in the Test Plans contained in Section 2.12 or are described in the section they apply to in this Safety Analysis Report.

3.4 Thermal Evaluation Under Normal Conditions of Transport

3.4.1 Heat and Cold Insolation and Decay Heat

This analysis determines the maximum surface temperature produced by solar heating and the maximum decay heat generation for the basic package configuration when loaded to an activity of 330 Ci of 6°Cobalt. This is performed in accordance with 10 CFR 71.71 (c)(1) and JAEA TS-R-1. The maximum surface temperature will be compared with the maximum operating temperatures of the materials identified in Table 3 .2b. Figure 3.4a Model of Package for Heat Analysis

Conductive and convective heat transfer is ignored while radiant heat transfer is used exclusively. This conservative approach provides a worst case estimate of the package's Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-5

surface temperature since the additional cooling provided by the conductive and convective exchanges are not considered. The first law of thermodynamics energy balance equation is used to resolve surface temperatures from the input parameters of Table 3 .4a and 3 .4b.

The package is evaluated in the orientation shown in Figure 3.4a, which also defines the overall package dimensions. In order to assure conservatism, the following assumptions are made:

a. Basic Input Parameters:

Table 3.4a Thermal Input Parameters - Normal Condition Transport

Parameter Symbol Value ,... Maximum Content Activity A 330 Curies of 6°Cobalt Package Height H 0.31 m (12 in.) Package Diameter D 0.46 m (18 in.) Stefan-Boltzmann constant ar 5.669 x 10-8 W/m2 K4 Emissivity (Clean Stn Stl) 0.3 (Ref, P4-64) (Ref: Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers Tenth Edition, Eugene A. Avallone and Theodore Baumeister, 1996) Ambient Temperature TA 311 K (38°C) Top surface area AT 0.164 m2 Side surface area As 0.43 8 m2 Top surface thickness LT 0.0096 m (0.38 inch) Maximum Decay Heat QD 5.5 W

1. The transport package is modeled as a vertically oriented cylinder having an 18 inch (0.46 m) diameter and a 12 inch (0.31 m) height (see Figure 3.4.a).

2. The top surface of the package is modeled as flat and horizontal. The side surface of the package is modeled as curved and vertical. The bottom of the package does not contribute to heat loss or gain.

3. The exterior surfaces of package are solid, clean stainless steel. The faces are considered to be sufficiently thin so that no temperature gradients exist in the faces.

4. To maximize the exterior surface temperature, the inside package faces are considered perfectly insulated so there is no conduction into the package. In actual use, the inside package will act as a heat sink during daylight hours and a heat source during the night, but this will be ignored for this calculation. 5. Heat calculations are based on the steady-state energy balance relationship between the heat gained and the heat lost by the package.

6. The package is in thermal equilibrium where emissivity equals absorptivity.

7. The worst case decay heat load (5.5 Watts) is added to the solar heat input load. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-6

8. The solar heat gain on the entire curved side of the package is uniform. No shadows are assumed.

b. Specific Assumptions: Table 3.4b: Insolation Data Surface ]Insolation for a 12 hour period 2 2 ______(g-cal/cm or W/m ) Horizontal base (SH) None

Other horizontal flat surfaces (SF) -800 Non-horizontal flat surfaces (SN) 200 Curved surfaces (Sc) 400

The following heat calculations are based on the steady-state equilibrium relationship between the heat gained by the package and the heat lost.

Heat Input, QrN = Heat Output, QoUT in the steady-state

Where: QIN =Solar Heat Input + Decay Heat QoUT = Heat loss by Radiation only

1. Heat input:

The solar heat input to the top and side surfaces are found independently in order to determine the maximum local surface temperatures at these locations on the package. The decay heat is also directly applied to these surfaces as well to evaluate the worst case heat load.

QTs = Local solar heat input on top surface Qa-s= SFAT-=0.3 x800 W/m~x0.164mm=39W

QTL =Combined solar and decay heat inputs applied locally to the top surface QT'L = QTs + Q =39W +5.5W =44.5W

Qs= Local solar heat input on side surface 2 2 Qss = Sc As = 0.3 x 400 W/m x 0.438 m = 53W

QsL = Combined solar and decay heat inputs applied locally to the side surface QsL = Qss +QD =53W +5.5W =58.5W

QIN = Combined solar and decay heat inputs applied uniformly over the top and side surfaces QIN =39W +53W +5.5W =97.5W Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-7

2. Heat Output

The following heat outputs and subsequent package surface temperatures are derived by using radiant heat transfer only. The actual heat loss and surface temperatures in an open air environment would be less due to the cooling effect provided by the natural convective transfer of the still air around the package. This is a conservative evaluation to reflect a margin of safety designed into the transport package.

Q = Heat output radiating from top surface 9 4 4 QTR = O" AT (Tw"-TA") = 2.79x10"(Tw - TA )

QSR =Heat output radiating from side surface 9 4 QsR~= a As (Tw" - TA") =7.45x10"(Tw - TA")

QouT = Heat output radiating from top and side surfaces 8 4 QOUT= QTR+ QsR = 1.02xl0" (Tw - 311")

3. Surface Temperature Calculations

The total heat entering the package equals the total heat leaving the package.

Maximum local top surface temperature, TT:

Qm QTR 44.5W = 2.79x 10-9(Tw4 - TA")

TT= (((44.5)/2.79X 10-9)+ 3114) 0.25 TT= 399°K or 1260 C (2590 F)

Maximum local side surface temperature, Ts:

QSL= QSR 9 58.5W = 7.45×10- (Tw4 - TA4)

Ts = (((58.5)/7.45× 10-9) + 3114) 0.25 T,= 3620 K or 890 C (1920 F)

Average top and side surface temperature, Tw:

QN= QouT 97.5W 11.02× 10-S(Tw" - 311")

Tw= ((97.5/1.02x10"8) + 3114)0.25 Tw=371°K or 98°C (208°F) Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 -Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-8 The maximum surface temperature caused by the effects of solar input and content decay is 1260C (259°F) locally at the top surface of the package. This temperature constitutes the most onerous Normal Transport thermal condition. Based on the package materials of construction for components important to safety, this temperature will not be sufficient to adversely affect the containment or shielding integrity as it is well below the maximum service temperature for the materials. As such, the package complies with the requirements of this section. Still Air (shaded) Decay Heating

This analysis calculates the maximum surface temperature of the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages in the shade (i.e., no insolation effects), assuming an ambient temperature of 380C (100 0F), per 10 CFR 71.43(g).

The same assumptions from Section are used. The decay heat is assumed to be distributed equally over the entire exterior surface of the package.

The total heat entering the package equals the total heat leaving the package.


Where: Q•= Decay Heat = 5.5W QoUT~a Radiant Heat loss by top and side surfaces of package

The maximum surface temperature, Tw, of top and side surfaces based on radiant heat transfer only:

QN= QouT" 5.5W =1.50X 10-8(Tw4 - 3114)

Tw = ((5.5/1.50×10-8) + 3 114)0.25 Tw= 314°K or 4l°C (106°F)

The maximum package surface temperature caused by the radioactive decay of the package contents is conservatively 41°"C. This temperature less than the maximum 50°C (122°F) allowed by 10 CER 71.43(g). Cold Effected Materials

An ambient air temperature of-40°C (-40°F) in still air and shade has no effect on the safety of the package. The safety materials: stainless steel, titanium, tungsten and depleted uranium retain their mechanical properties at this temperature. Thus, it is concluded that the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages will withstand the normal transport cold condition. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-9 3.4.2 Temperatures Resulting in Maximum Thermal Stresses

There are two areas of concern on the package when considering maximum thermal stresses occurring during normal conditions of transport. The top of the package would see the highest temperature differential due to the effects of solar heating. A highly stressed welded body could potentially deform enough to cause rupture at the weld seam.

The other area is the internal depleted uranium shield connection with the welded body at the side access ports. A high temperature differential between the titanium pins and depleted uranium shield could cause unacceptable stress at the connections. This could possibly fracture the shield at the connection and permit the shield to shift slightly during normal handling, allowing the source to locate in a less shielded position which might increase radiation levels around the package. Package Surface

If the top of the package is at 126°C due to solar heating from Section and its initial temperature was 38°C, then this temperature difference (88°0C) would increase the diameter of the stainless steel top plate to a maximum of 0.029 inches: (88°C x 18E-6 in/in °C x 18 in).

However, the side surface would also increase in diameter due to solar heating. The side surface would heat to 89°C from its initial temperature of 38°C. This temperature difference would increase the diameter of the tube shaped side surface to a maximum of 0.017 inches: (((51°C x 18E-6 in/in °C x it x 18 in) + (it x 18 in)) lit) -18 in).

The relative expansion or strain of 0.012 inches (0.029 - 0.017) would produce an internal stress of 19,333 psi: (29E+6 x (0.0 12/18 in)). This stress is about half the allowable yield strength of the material and will be insufficient to cause rupture in the base material or the weld seams. Depleted Uranium Shield Connection

If the maximum side surface temperature of the package at the access ports conducts without losses through to the internal titanium pins, then the temperature of the pins at the connection could be 89°C. In the worst case, the depleted uranium shield could still be at the initial temperature of 38°C for a 51 0°C temperature differential between the pin and shield.

The smallest sized pin mounting hole in the shield when at 38°C is 0.740 inches. The largest pin diameter at 38°C is 0.730 inches. At the initial temperature, a 0.010 inch minimum design clearance exists between the pin and hole. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-10 If the diameter of the titanium pin were to expand due to the 51 °C temperature change, it would grow by only 0.0004 inches (51°C x 11E-6 in/in °C x 0.730 in). This increase in diameter of the shield pin is significantly less than the design clearance for these parts, and will not produce stress to the depleted uranium shield or pin.

Based on these assessments, it is concluded that the Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 transport packages will maintain their structural integrity and shielding effectiveness under the normal transport thermal stress conditions.

3.4.3 Maximum Normal Operating Pressure

The Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 transport packages are provided with holes and design clearance at the access ports to allow venting to the atmosphere during pressure changes. The small openings will prevent pressure build up in the package during Normal Transport conditions. No other contributing gas sources are present. As such, pressure will not build up and will exhibit a pressure differential of 0 psi during Normal Transport conditions.

3.5 Thermal Evaluation Under Hypothetical Accident Conditions

3.5.1 Initial Conditions

The thermal test was not performed. Rather, an assessment was made to demonstrate that the thermal test would not create sufficient additional damage to the package that would cause it to fail the final profile criteria or the source containment integrity.

Consideration of the principle materials of manufacture and their melting points (See Table 3.2b.), along with the results of the 30 foot free drop and puncture tests indicate that these packages would not fail and their shielding integrity would not be significantly degraded by the thermal test.

The worst case initial temperature of the package and its contents is -40°C since this low temperature would provide the highest thermal differential between the contents, shield and exterior surface of the package during an 800°C fire test. There is no worst case initial pressure since the package is essentially open to the environment allowing pressure within the package to be balanced with the surrounding environment. The maximum contents decay heat is 5.5 W.

3.5.2 Fire Test Conditions

The basis for a successful thermal test for these transport packages depends on a number criteria. First, the welded stainless steel body must remain intact to ensure the polyurethane foam protects the shield during the fire test.

The 30-foot free drop and puncture tests of Test Plans 180, 195 and 213 demonstrated the packages ability to withstand high impact and puncture loads without a substantial breach in the exterior of the package surface. Damage incurred during the drop testing (4 foot, 30 foot and puncture) was minimal, consisting of insignificant deformation of the rib/brace assemblies and port extension weldments. There were no holes or tears in the body weldment to allow air to circulate through the package. None of the damage significantly increased, or created new pathways for the ingress of Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-11 oxygen. Oxygen ingress has been shown empirically to be the primary contributing factor in the oxidation of depleted uranium shields during thermal testing (see Sections 2.12).

Under Test Plan Report 72-$2 (Section 2.12), in support of Certificate of Compliance number USA/9035/B(U) for the Model 680-OP Series, camera s/n B198 was subjected to thermal testing. Before testing, the unit was intact and essentially undamaged with no gaps between mating surfaces. After the 30 foot and puncture drop tests, ¾ inch long by 1/16 inch wide gaps were present on both sides of the unit at the side plate/shell interface. Thermocouple readings showed temperatures of up to 1000 0C on the unit and over 900°C within the depleted uranium shield. The foam was completely pyrolized but was contained within the unit. No oxidation of the shield occurred and the unit passed final profile at 0.330 R/hr at one meter.

Under Test Plan 80 Report (Section 2.12), in support of Certificate of Compliance number USA/9269/B(U) for the Model 650L, test specimen TP80(B) was subjected to thermal testing. The drop tests (30 foot and puncture) caused the outer shell to split completely open and the inner shell to crack, creating a 3 inch long by ½ inch wide gap. Subsequent thermal testing caused pyrolization of all the foam and vaporization in the area of the gap. Some minor oxidation of the shield was also noted. Thermocouples recorded temperatures in the shield of over 9000C and close to 1000°C at the shell. Although the shield oxidized slightly in the area of the gap, the unit passed final profile at 0.028 R/hr at one meter.

As demonstrated in previous thermal testing, minor air gaps in the containment surrounding the shield are insufficient to allow significant oxidation of the depleted uranium shield during the thermal test. Without a large breach in the exterior of the package, there will be little or no oxygen flow to allow combustion of the polyurethane foam surrounding the shield during the fire test. The foam and welded body protects the shield from oxidizing and deteriorating during the fire test. The only openings that exist between the shield and the environment are the design clearances at the access ports and the array of fastener holes (when not used) around the welded body.

These openings will allow the polyurethane foam to expand when subjected to high temperatures. The rigid polyurethane foam is a cross-linked thermoset plastic that will not melt, but will instead pyrolize at the clearances and fastener holes leaving an effective thermal insulator as it slightly oozes out and chars at those openings.

The Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 test specimens had no breach of the shield containment and would therefore prevent oxygen ingress to the shield and any resulting deterioration of the depleted uranium shield during the thermal test.

Second, the shield mounting structure must retain enough strength at 800°C for 30 minutes and during cool down to support shield at its post puncture test location. The radiation profile inspection results after the 30-foot and puncture tests confirm the shield support structure provided sufficient shielding of the package contents after the puncture test and before the thermal test. The maximum service temperature for the stainless steel body is above 800°C for continuous use. This ensures the shield will remain confined within the package in the location found after the 30-foot and puncture tests. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-12 Third, the shield material must retain its ability to sufficiently shield the package contents during and after the hypothetical accident thermal test. Again, the radiation profile inspection results after the 30-foot and puncture tests confirm the shield provides sufficient shielding of the package contents before the thermal test. In the case of the Model 867, radiation profile results after testing were performed without the benefit of the tungsten cover shield located in the dust cover assembly. Therefore, any shielding benefit from this component was not necessary to demonstrate compliance to the test acceptance criteria. Since the package exterior remained intact, the shield will not oxidize or degrade during and after the thermal test. The shield melting temperature (1,1 00°C) is well above the 800°C test temperature, and it is highly unlikely the foam insulated shield will reach 800°C during the 30 minute test. Therefore, the shield of these transport packages will keep its ability to sufficiently shield its contents during and after the hypothetical accident thermal test.

Forth, the package contents must remain intact enough to prevent dispersal of radioactive material within and outside the package. The source capsule used as the primary containment for the radioactive contents in these packages has successfully passed the ANSI N542-1978 Class 6 thermal test where it was subjected to an oven temperature of 800°C for 1 hour then checked for leakage. Therefore, the contents at the center of the shield and package will remain intact and prevent dispersal of radioactive material in or out of the package under the thermal test conditions.

Based on the testing performed for the 30 foot drop and 1 meter puncture tests, along with the previous empirical data and analyses, we conclude that oxidation of the shield will not occur, the structural integrity of the package will remain intact and the containment of the source will not be affected. As such, the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 will pass the thermal test without exceeding the final profile criteria.

3.5.3 Maximum Temperatures and Pressure

The Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 containers are provided with holes and design clearance at the access ports to allow venting to the atmosphere during pressure changes. These small openings will prevent pressure build up in the package during a hypothetical accident condition and will relieve any internal generation or expansion of gases created by the elevated temperatures. No other contributing gas sources are present. As such, pressure will not build up in the packages during Hypothetical Accident Transport conditions. These containers will exhibit a pressure differential of 0 psi as they are vented to the atmosphere with no means for creating a pressure differential. No other contributing gas sources are present.

3.5.4 Temperatures Resulting in Maximum Thermal Stresses

The temperature and pressure variations described in Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.3 will not adversely affect the transport package during normal transport since the melting temperatures of all safety critical components are well above these temperatures and the package will experience no pressures sufficient to cause package failure.

The maximum thermal stresses during a fire test are examined at the shield connections with the welded body at the access ports and at the center of the shield at the source wire assembly (package contents). These two areas could potentially experience the highest temperature extremes as a result of the fire test heat input. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 3-13 If we assume the entire exterior surface of the package to be at 800°C and the initial package temperature to be -40°C, then the maximum temperature difference occurring in the package is equal to 840°C (800°C - (- 40°C)).

The package exterior could get to the 800°C flame temperature relatively quickly but the internal shield would delay getting to the test temperature because of air gaps and foam insulation between it and the package exterior. It's quite possible the shield will never get to 800°C during and after the 30 minute test period.

Regarding the shield connection, thermal stress could exist at the pinned shield connection points within the welded body. If we assume the heat from the fire conducts from the exterior surface into the welded body, without losses, through to the titanium pins, then the temperature of the pins could be 800°C. In a worst case condition, the shield could still be at the initial temperature of-40°C. This results in an 840°C temperature differential between the pin and shield.

The smallest shield hole is 0.740 inches at room temperature (38°C). The shield hole shrinks to 0.739 inches due to the -78°C temperature drop from room temperature to the initial temperature (- 40°C).

The largest pin diameter is 0.730 inches at room temperature (38°C). The pin diameter expands to 0.736 inches due to the 762°C temperature rise from room temperature to the test temperature (800°C).

The temperature affect continues to allow a 0.003 inch design clearance between the pin and the shield hole. The clearance prevents thermal stresses to occur at the shield connection points in the package.

Regarding impact on the source wire assembly and capsule contents, a thenmal gradient exists when the exterior surface of the package is at 800°C and the radioactive source at the center of the package is at -40°C. The gradient could cause thermal stresses to occur at the source wire assembly while in the package.

The source wire assembly has the freedom to slightly expand, contract, and pivot within the shield source tube channel. This slight freedom of movement prevents thermal stresses to buildup in the source wire assembly.

There could be a 0.15 inch increase in the length of the longest (10.94 inches at 38°C) stainless steel source wire caused by the 7620°C temperature increase of the fire test. The increase in length will slightly alter the position of the source within the shield, but it is not enough to increase the external radiation dose rate over 10 mSv/h (1 rein/h) at 1 m (40 in) from the external surface of the package.

It its therefore concluded that the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 transport package will maintain their structural integrity and shielding effectiveness under the normal transport thermal stress conditions. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

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3.5.5 Fuel/Cladding Temperatures for Spent Nuclear Fuel

Not Applicable. This package is not used for transport of spent nuclear fuel.

3.5.6 Accident Conditions for Fissile Material Packages for Air Transport

Not Applicable. This package is not used for transport of Type B quantities of fissile material.

3.6 Appendix

Not Applicable. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 4-1


4.1 Description of the Containment System

The primary containment system for the package is the welded radioactive source capsule. This source capsule shall be qualified as Special Form radioactive material under 49 CFR 173 and IAEA TS-R- 1. The special form source capsule is attached to flexible handling wire and maintained within the shielded configuration of the package by means of lock mechanisms after the source wire assembly is inserted into the shield tube(s).

4.1.1 Special Requirements for Damaged Spent Nuclear Fuel

Not applicable. These packages do not transport spent nuclear fuel.

4.2 Containment Under Normal Conditions of Transport

As demonstrated in Test Plan 180 Report #1 and #2, and Test Plan 213 Report the normal conditions of transport testing will not cause any breach of the source capsules contained in the package. Since the source capsules are the primary containment of the radioactive contents and no release from the source capsules occurred, the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 transport packages meet the requirements of this section.

4.3 Containment Under Hypothetical Accident Conditions

As demonstrated in Test Plan 180 Report #2, Test Plan Report 195 and Test Plan 213 Report, after performance of the hypothetical accident conditions of transport testing radiation level at one meter from the surface of the package did not exceed 1 rem/hr and again there was no breach of the source capsules contained in the package. The Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 transport packages meet the requirements of this section.

4.4 Leakage Rate Tests for Type B Packages

The primary containment for the radioactive material in the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages is the radioactive source capsule. All source capsules authorized for Type B transport in the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 are certified as special form radioactive material under 10 CFR Part 71, 49 CFR Part 173 and IAEA TS-R- 1. After manufacture and again once every six months thereafter prior to transport, the source capsule is leak tested in accordance with ISO9978:1992(E) (or more recent editions) to ensure that containment of the source does not allow release of more than 0.005 ptCi of radioactive material. These fabrication and periodic tests ensure that contamination release from the package does not exceed the regulatory limits.

Reference :1SO9978:1992(E) - Radiation Protection - Sealed Radioactive Sources - Leakage Test Methods. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 4-2 4.5 Appendix

Not Applicable. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

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5.1 Description of Shielding Design

5.1.1 Design Features

The principal shielding in the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 transport package is the depleted uranium shield assembly. The shielding is cast as one piece and is essentially enclosed by stainless steel. Dimensional information for the individual shield containers is contained in the shield drawings included in Section 1.3.

5.1.2 Summary Table of Maximum Radiation Levels

Radiation levels shown in Tables 5.1la and 5.1lb are based on the worst case radiation levels produced on test specimens from Test Plan 180 Reports #1 and #2, and Test Plan Report 195. Radiation levels shown for the Model Sentry 110 and 867 packages are based on untested units. Due to similarities of construction, the maximum dose rates from these two alternate models, as shown in the following tables, will be the same or lower than those documented for the tested Model Sentry 330 packages.

Table 5.1a: Sentry 330 sn TP18OC Basic Configuration Summary Table of External Radiation Levels (Non-Exclusive Use) 1'3 Pakg ufc mvh(rmh 1 Meter from Package Surface m~v/h (rem/h Normal Conditions of Top Side Bottom Top Side Bottom Transport2 ______

Gamma 0.26 (26) 0.71 (71) 0.39 (39) 0.0047 (0.47) -0.0128 (1.28) 0.0078 (0.78) Neutron NA NA NA NA NA NA Total 0.26 (26) 0.71 (71) 0.39 (39) 0.0047 (0.47) 0.0128 (1.28) 0.0078 (0.78)

10 CFR 71.47(a) Limit 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 0.1 (10) - 0.1 (10) 0.1 (10) Hypothetical Accident Conditions 2 Gamma 0.0047 (0.47) 0.0128 (1.28) 0.0078 (0.78) Neutron NA NA NA Total 0.0047 (0.47) 0.0128 (1.28) 0.0078 (0.78) 10 CFR 71.51(a)(2) Limit 10 (1000) 10 (1000) 10 (1000) 'Results for test unit TP 180C represent the highest surface dose rates from any test specimen after performance of the Normal Condition Transport Testing. The Basic transport configuration bounds the Standard transport configuration and provides the worst case estimate of surface does rates for both package configurations. 2Survey Results for sn TP 180C are reported after performance of both the Normal and Hypothetical Accident ConditionTesting (See Sections 2.6 and 2.7). 3Table results are extrapolated to the device capacity and incorporate surface correction factors Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 5-2

Table 5.1b: Sentry 330 sn TPL80C Basic Configuration Summary Table of External Radiation Levels (Exclusive Use) 1'6 Package (or Freight Container) Surface 2 Meters from Outer Vehicle Surface mSv/h

SmSv/h mtrero/h) (torero/h) Normal Conditions Top Side Bottom Top Side Bottom of Transport4's Gamma 0.26 (26) 0.71 (71) 0.39 (39) 0.0047 (0.47) 0.0128 (1.28) 0.0078 (0.78) Neutron NA NA NA NA NA NA Total 0.26 (26) 0.71 (71) 0.39 (39) 0.0047 (0.47) 0.0128 (1.28) 0.0078 (0.78) 10 CFR 71.47(b) 10 (1000)2 10 (1000)2 10 (1000)2 0.1 (10) 0.1 (10) 0.1 (10)

Limit ____ Vehicle Surface mSv/h (mrem/h) Occupied Position mSv/h (mrem/hr) Gamma < 0.26 (26) < 0.71 < 0.39 _<0.02 (2)3 (71) (39) Neutron NA NA NA NA Total < 0.26 (26) < 0.71 < 0.39 _<0.02 (2)3 (71) (39) 10 CFR 71.47(b) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 0.02 (2) Limit______Hyothetical Accident Conditions4 1 Meter from Package Surface mSv/h (mrem/hr) Gamma 0.0047 (0.47) 0.0128 (1.28) 0.0078 (0.78) Neutron NA NA NA Total 0.0047 (0.47) 0.0128 (1.28) 0.0078 (0.78) 10 CFR 71.51(a)(2) Limit 10 (1000) 10 (1000) 10 (1000) 'For packages transported by roadway, railway and sea. 2For packages in closed vehicles, otherwise, 2 (200). 3Confirmed at time of vehicle loading prior to shipment. 4Table results are extrapolated to the device capacity and incorporate surface correction factors. 5Results for test unit TP 180C represent the highest surface dose rates from any test specimen after performance of the Normal Condition Transport Testing. 6Survey Results for sn TP 180C are reported after performance of both the Normal and Hypothetical Accident ConditionTesting (See Sections 2.6 and 2.7). Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 5-3

Table 5.1c: Sentry 330 sn TP180G Summary Table of External Radiation Levels (Non-Exclusive Use) 1'3 Package Surface mSv/h (trero/h) 1 Meter from Package Surface mSvlh (morero/h) Normal Conditions of Top Side Bottom Top Side Bottom TTr pransport______Gamma 0.23 (23) 0.53 (53) 0.29 (29) 0.004 (0.4) 0.0 17 (1.7) 0.003 (0.3) Neutron NA NA NA NA NA NA

Total 0.23 (23) 0.53 (53) 0.29 (29) 0.004 (0.4) -0.017 (1.7) 0.003 (0.3)

10 CFR 71.47(a) Limit 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 0.1 (10) 0.1 (10) - 0.1 (10) Hypothetical Accident Conditions______Gamma 0.0054 (0.54) 0.0220 0.0066 (0.66)

(2.20) ______Neutron NA NA NA Total 0.0054 (0.54) 0.0220 0.0066 (0.66) ______(2.20) ______10 CFR 71.51(a)(2) Limit 10 (1000) 10 (1000)_ 10 (1000) 'Results for test unit TP 180G represent the highest surface dose rates from any test specimen after performance of the Hypothetical Accident Condition Transport Testing. The Basic transport configuration bounds the Standard transport configuration and provides the worst case estimate of surface does rates for both package configurations. 2Results shown for Normal Conditions of Transport are the radiation survey results prior to performance of any testing on the test specimen. 3Table results are extrapolated to the device capacity and incorporate surface correction factors.

Table 5.ld: Sentry 110 sn TP178A Summary Table of External Radiation Levels (Non-Exclusive Use)l'3 Package Surface mSv/h (mrem/h) 1 Meter from Package Surface mSv/h (mrem/h) Normal Conditions of Top Side Bottom Top Side Bottom Transport ______Gamma 0.6 (60) 1.02 (102) 0.62 (62) 0.011 (1.1) 0.031 (3.1) 0.011 (1.1) Neutron NA NA NA NA NA NA Total 0.6 (60) 1.02 (102) 0.62 (62) 0.011 (1.1) 0.031 (3.1) 0.011 (1.1) 10 CFR 71.47(a) Limit 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 0.1 (10) 0.1 (10) 0.1 (10)

Hypothetical Accident Conditions ______Gamma <10 (1000) <10 (1000) <10 (1000) Neutron NA j NA NA Total <10 (1000) 1<10 (1000)1 <10 (1000) 10 CFR 71.51(a)(2) Limit 10 (1000) 110 (1000) 1 10 (1000) 'Results for test unit TP178A represent the highest surface dose rates from a typical Sentry 110 package in the Basic transport configuration. The Basic transport configuration bounds the Standard transport configuration and provides the worst case estimate of surface does rates for both package configurations. Maximum surface and 1 meter radiation levels from any transport package will not exceed the limits in 10 CFR 71.47(a). 2Values shown for Hypothetical Accident Conditions of Transport are based on correlation to testing performed on the Sentry 330 transport packages. Due to similarities of construction in the package designs, it is reasoned that the Sentry 110 packages will never exceed the maximum radiation level limit in 10 CFR 71 .47(a)(2) under Hypothetical Accident conditions. 3Table results are extrapolated to the device capacity and incorporate surface correction factors. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 5-4

Table 5.1e: Sentry 110 sn TP178A Summary Table of External Radiation Levels (Exclusive Use)1'5 Package (or Freight Container) Surface 2 Meters from Outer Vehicle Surface mSvih

mSv/h (mrem/h) __ _ _ (torero/h)_ _ _ _ _ Normal Conditions of Top Side Bottom Top Side Bottom 4 Transport ______

Gamma 0.6 (60) 1.02 (102) 0.62 (62) 0.011 (1.1) -0.031 (3.1) 0.011 (1.1) Neutron NA NA NA NA NA NA Total 0.6 (60) 1.02 (102) 0.62 (62) 0.011 (1.1) 0.031 (3.1) 0.011 (1.1)

10 CFR71.47(b)Limit 10(1000)2 10(1000)2 10(1000)2 0.1 (10) 0.1 (10) - 0.1 (10) Vehicle Surface mSv/h (mrem/h) Occupied Position mSv/h (mrem/hr) Gamma <0.6 (60) <1.02 (102) <0.62 (62) _<0.02 (2)3 Neutron NA NA NA NA Total <0.6 (60) <1.02 (102) <0.62 (62) <_0.02 (2)3 10 CFR 71.47(b) Limit 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 0.02 (2) Hyothetical Accident Conditions6 1 Meter from Package Surface mSv/h (mrem/hr) Gamma <10 (1000) <10 (1000) <10 (1000) Neutron NA NA NA Total <10 (1000) <10 (1000) <10 (1000) 10 CFR 71.51(a)(2) Limit 10 (1000) 10 (1000) 10 (1000) 1For packages transported by roadway, railway and sea. 2For packages in closed vehicles, otherwise, 2 (200). 3Confirmned at time of vehicle loading prior to shipment. 4Table results are extrapolated to the device capacity and incorporate surface correction factors. 5Results for sn TP178A represent the highest from a typical Sentry 110 package in the Basic transport configuration. The Basic transport configuration bounds the Standard transport configuration and provides the worst case estimate of surface does rates for both package configurations. Maximum surface and 1 meter radiation levels from any transport package will not exceed the limits in 10 CFR 7 1.47(a). 6Values shown for Hypothetical Accident Conditions of Transport are based on correlation to testing performed on the Sentry 330 transport packages. Due to similarities of construction in the package designs, it is reasoned that the Sentry 110 packages will never exceed the maximum radiation level limit in 10 CFR 71.47(a)(2) under Hypothetical Accident conditions. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 5-5

Table 5.1t": 867 sn C004 Summary Table of External Radiation Levels (Non-Exclusive Use)"1' 35 Packa___Surfacmv/hmrem/h 1 Meter from Pakg ufc mvh(rmh Normal Conditions of Top Side Bottom Top Side Bottom Transport ______Gamma 0.39 (39) 1.17 (117) -0.85 (85) 0.007 (0.7) 0.016~(16) 0.009 (0.9) [ Neutron NA NA NA NA NA NA Total 0.39 (39) 1.17(I117) 0.85 (85) 0.007 (0.7) 0.06 (.6)4 0.009 (0.9)

10 CFR 71.47(a) Limit 2 (200) 2 (200) -2 (200) 0.1 (10) 0.1 (10) - 0.1 (10) 2 Hypothetical Accident Conditions ______Gamma <10 (1000) 5.14_(514 M1100 Neutron NA NA NA Total <10 (1000) 5.14 (514) <10 (1000) 10 CFR 71.51(a)(2) Limit 10 (1000) 10 (1000) 10 (1000) 1Results for test unit C004 represent the highest surface dose rates from a typical Model 867 package in the Basic transport configuration when transporting a Model A424-1 3 source wire assembly. The Basic transport configuration bounds the Standard transport configuration and provides the worst case estimate of surface does rates for both package configurations. Maximum surface and 1 meter radiation levels from any transport package will not exceed the limits in 10 CFR 71.47(a). 2Values shown for Hypothetical Accident Conditions of Transport are based on correlation to testing performed on the Sentry 330 transport packages and the maximum dose rate from unit C004 with no dust cover assembly installed. The results from unit C004 are worst case assuming the dust cover assembly, and associated tungsten cover shield are lost in a fire test. Due to similarities of construction in the package designs, it is reasoned that the Model 867 package will never exceed the maximum radiation level limit in 10 CFR 71 .47(a)(2) under Hypothetical Accident conditions. 3Table results are extrapolated to the device capacity and incorporate surface correction factors. 4The maximum one meter reading for the Model 867 when transporting a Model A424-1 5 source wire assembly is 0.048 mSvihr (4.8 mrem/hr) based on profiles performed on 19 & 20 June 2013. The A424-15 is the shortest source wire assembly transported in the Model 867 package and is limited to a maximum activity of 11 Ci. 5Typical dose rates from the 867 when transporting the alternate source wire assemblies will be bounded by the values shown in this Table for the 330 Ci Model A424-13 source wire assembly. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 5-6

Table 5.1g: 867 sn C004 Summary Table of External Radiation Levels (Exclusive Use)1'5'8s Package (or Freight Container) 2 Meters from Outer Vehicle Surface mSvih ______Surfac my/h mrem/) memh Normal Conditions of Top Side Bottom Top Side Bottom 4 Transport ______Gamma 0.39 (39) 1.17 (117) 0.85 (85) 0.007 (0.7) 0.016 (1.6)7 0.009 (0.9) Neutron NA NA NA NA NA NA Total 0.39 (39) 1.17 4117) 0.85 (85) 0.007 (0.7) 0.016 (1.6)7 0.009 (0.9)

10CFR71.a7(b)Limit 10(1000)2 10(1000)2 10(1000)2 0.1 (10) 0.1 (10) - 0.1 (10) Vehicle Surfac mv/hmrem/h Occupied Position mSv/h (mrem/hr)

Gamma <0.4 (40) .<1.39 (139) <0.5 (50) <_0.02 (2)3 Neutron NA NA NA NA Total <0.4 (40) <1.39 (139) <0.5 (50) < 0.02 (2)3 10 CFR 7 1.47(b) Limit 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 0.02 (2) Hyothetical Accident Conditions6 1 Meter from Package Surface mSv/h (mrem/hr) Gamma <10 (1000) <10 (1000) <10 (1000) Neutron NA NA NA Total <10 (1000) <10 (1000) <10 (1000) 10 CFR 71.51l(a)(2) Limit 10 (1000) 10 (1000) 10 (1000) 1For packages transported by roadway, railway and sea. 2For packages in closed vehicles, otherwise, 2 (200). 3Confirmed at time of vehicle loading prior to shipment. 4Table results are extrapolated to the device capacity and incorporate surface correction factors. 5Results for sn C004 represent the highest from a typical Model 867 package in the Basic transport configuration when transporting a Model A424-13 source wire assembly. The Basic transport configuration bounds the Standard transport configuration and provides the worst case estimate of surface does rates for both package configurations. Maximum surface and 1 meter radiation levels from any transport package will not exceed the limits in 10 CFR 71.47(a). 6Values shown for Hypothetical Accident Conditions of Transport are based on correlation to testing performed on the Sentry 330 transport packages and the maximum dose rate from unit C004 with no dust cover assembly installed. The results from unit [ C004 are worst case assuming the dust cover assembly, and associated tungsten cover shield are lost in a fire test. Due toI similarities of construction in the package designs, it is reasoned that the Model 867 package will never exceed the maximum radiation level limit in 10 CFR 71 .47(a)(2) under Hypothetical Accident conditions. 7The maximum one meter reading for the Model 867 when transporting a Model A424-1 5 source wire assembly is 0.048 mSv/hr (4.8 mrem/hr) based on profiles performed on 19 & 20 June 2013. The A424- 15 is the shortest source wire assembly transported in the Model 867 package and is limited to a maximum activity of 11 Ci 8Typical dose rates from the 867 when transporting alternate source wire assemblies will be bounded by the values shown in this Table for the 330 Ci Model A424-13 source wire assembly. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 5-7 5.2 Source Specification

5.2.1 Gamma Source

The gamma sources allowed for transport in the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 are described in Sections 1.2.3 and 2.10. 5.2.2 Neutron Source

Not Applicable. These packages are not used for the transportation of neutron emitting sources.

5.3 Shielding Model

5.3.1 Configuration of Source and Shielding

A shielding model was not used as the primary justification for these packages. Shielding justification was based on direct measurement.

5.3.2 Material Properties

Not Applicable. A shielding model was not used in the justification for these packages. Shielding justification was based on direct measurement.

5.4 Shielding Evaluation

5.4.1 Methods

Shielding justification was based on direct measurement. See Test Plan 180 Report, Test Plan Report 195 (see Section 2.12) as well as additional profile results in Section 5.5 for radiation surveys of these transport packages.

5.4.2 Input and Output Data

Radiation measurements included in this Section were adjusted to the maximum activity capacity for the package (e.g., activity correction factor) and the surface measurements were also adjusted to correct for off-set of the survey meter probe from the true surface of the package.

Activity correction factors (CFA) were obtained by using the following relationship: Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 5-8

FA=MaximumPackage ActivityCapacily ( As) Actual ProfileActivity (Ap )

ForExample, ifAp = 270 CiandAc = 330 Ci, then

330 Ci CFA=-- 1.2 270 Ci

Therefore all original surface and 1 meter profile measurements would be multiplied by a factor of 1.2 for a package profiled using 270 Ci and a package capacity of 330 Ci.

Radiation measurements at the surface of the container were also adjusted to compensate for the off-set of the survey meter probe from the true surface of the package.

Surface correction factors (SCF) were obtained by using the following relationship:

SCF = d-~- where di and d2 are deter mined as shown in Figure5. la. d1

ForExample, if d1 = 9 inches and d2 = 9.5 inches, then

9 .5 inches SCF - 9nhs= 1.06

Therefore in the example shown, all original surface profile measurements located along the side of the drum shown in Figure 5.a would also be multiplied by a factor of 1.06 to account for surface correction of the detector to the drum. Different SCF's would be calculated for the any dimension of the container where the minimum distance from the center of the activity to the center of the radiation probe is different. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 5-9

d= distance from activity center to surface of container.

d2= distance from activity center to surface of container plus radius of the survey meter probe.


The radiation profile data showed no increase in radiation dose after testing beyond normal measurement variations. All test specimens met the regulatory requirements.

5.4.3 Flux-to-Dose-Rate Conversion

Not Applicable. Flux rates were not used to convert to dose rates in any shielding evaluations.

5.4.4 External Radiation Levels

Radiation surveys for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 configurations showed maximum surface and 1 meter radiation levels from the transport packages within regulatory limits. Radiation surveys of Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages, after undergoing normal and accident condition transport testing, were also well within the regulatory limits.

5.5 Appendix

5.5.1 Additional Profile Supportive Profile sheets Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 5-10

5.5.1 Additional Profile Supportive Profile sheets Model Sentry 110 sn TPJ178A Model 867 snx C004 I

a: SHIELDING PROFILE AND INSPECTION FORM (sPIF) ! F-Q-1806-2 ,..-A (Tz, 3" Sheet /'•of Z• Shield Data Model: ' • 7/ -S•3 o Seriali# C • o Radionuclide: Cco 40O Max. Capacity 33o Ci ShieldP/N: St47cs1-33• Shield Heat# C. •'7/-,4e7 Lot# /,; o> S/')•,/.S"

______Profile Process Data______Source Model: Ag3f-/3 Source Ser. #•'A~g~i A• Radionuclide: C~o 6 0 Activity: • •3. 7 Ci

Survey Inst. 1 4 6 •oc5 Serial # /~•8 3 Date Cal. 7//.2 y/,• Date Due://•//. Survey Iust. 2 Nlt Serial # /tje Date Cal. Nq Date Due: 1{..4 Inst. Probe: 1 5s7pa9o Serial# //,a 9/ Inst. Probe: 2 i'J. Serial# Ak• Capacity Correction Factor: l, / '1 Measured Dose Rate mR/hr Adjusted Dose Rate mR/hr At One Location At Surface Corr. At 30 Cm At One At At 30 Cm Meter Surface Factor [Note 21 Meter Surface [Note 21 [Note 11

Top 3LI L/. ______. 4, 3 .. N•

Front C7/'. oi /.3 ...JLZ/

Left 7,• //.o4 __ ,/- 3j/

Rear 3 3 '.~ __• .• "3, '

.Acceptance Criteria: < 200 NA _• /o. 0

Result: (Check one) Accept ______Reject ______

Inspector______Date: U /.•/fNCR #_____


Notes: 1. Refer to F-Q- 1806-1, Shield Efficiency Testing Surface Correction Factors for an existing device model, or F-Q- 1806-3, Shield Profile Worksheet for One meter acceptance limit. 2. The 30cm readings are only required when specifically requested. 3. Additional sheets may be used to describe results or indicate reading locations using sketches. Number all sheets and indicate total number of sheets. Make sure shield Identification is included on each sheet. 4. Attach auto profiler print out to this sheet if used.

F-Q-1806-2, rev. 4 Page 1 of 1 F-Q-1806-2, rev. 4 Page 1 of 1 27 January 2010 II SUIELDING PROFILE AND INSPECTION FORM m (SPIF) F-Q-1806-2 SSheet •.. of ~

Model: 8t•7/o- 33D~Serial# C•oc • Radionuclide: C• •O.. Max. Capacity •_ OCi ShieldP/N: 8(.2c/-330 Shieldlieat# C. •"7f-4C>7 Lot# ,, o8?/c' /S.'3

Source Model: ,/1 LjF.- I. Source Ser. # .SW$9'13• Radionuclide: C,_• C Activity: p 3•. 7 Ci Survey~nst. I "• d Serial# /I CJ Date Cal. .7/ '/ DateDue: ti/A/,/,/

Survey Inst. 2 Ni/I Serial # ,,/ Date Cal. ./v/.• - Date Due: Mb/•' Inst. Probe: 1. S/•9P.O Serial # Ii• Inst. Probe: 2 /v'4 Serial # V6/•

Capacity Correction Factor: /, / 17/ ______

______Measured Dose Rate mR/hr ______Adjusted Dose Rate miR/hr

LoainAt Surface Corr. At 30 Cm At One At At 30 Cm Surface Factor [Note 21 Meter Surface [Note 2]J Nte1

Front * •oefl _ __,______- 51 //t4

Bottom ______, ______

Acceptance Criteria: < 200 NA • io. a

Result: (Check one) Accept ______Reject______

nsetr Date: 1,//3 i.5 NCR #_____

Comments: 0,. p•J. w,/•,1I /_I c.=, -,. "4s;-e"' .•"7

Notes: 1. Refer to F-Q-1 806-1, Shield Efficiency Testing Surface Correction Factors for an existing device model, or F-Q- 1806-3, Shield Profile Worksheet for One meter acceptance limit• 2. The 30cm readings are only required when specifically requested. 3. Additional sheets may be used to describe results or indicate reading locations using sketches. Number all sheets and indicate total number of sheets. Make sure shield Identification is included on each sheet. 4. Attach auto profiler print out to this sheet if used.

Page 1 of 1 27 January 2010 F-Q-1806-2,l rev. 4 Page 1 of 1 27 January 2010 ~SHIELDING PROFILE AND INSPECTION FORM

P• ' (Th I"• 8• ) Sheet / of c'•

Shield Data

0 Model: •'( ?/•- 3..?o Serial # C oo/ Radionuclide: C• t6 Max. Capacity 330 Ci ShieldPIN: •'O/-33o Shield Heat# C 37/-,4o7 Lot# /,• (>•c/ °

______Profile Process Data______

Source Model: A '/)qi'-/.3 Source Ser. # 5",•# '/391 Radionuclide: Co (,O• Activity: ,,l 9"... Ci

Survey Inst. 1 e•s• Serial# /' .3 /_ Daea.7,ate Due: "*//,/'.

Survey Inst. 2• p/•', Serial # f.14 Date Cal. fV4•) Date Due: . 1/4 Inst. Probe: 1 .g'P,/'9p Serial # //1 5 Inst. Probe: 2 N4 Serial # *V4 Capacity Correction Factor: Measured Dose Rate mR/hr Adjusted Dose Rate mR/hr

Loain At Surface Corr. At 30 Cm At One Att30m Surface Factor [Note 21 Meter Surface [Note 21 Nte1

Top • '/ •) A/ .5 " , ,/

Front • 5"/ p£/ 79•/

Left /,3 /.D• /'/ _____'_ Rear , /-o-C/ .2 Bottom 5-S" / 0• .7 "• "

Acceptance Criteria: < 200 NA ' -- /o" '•

Result: (Check one) Accept ______Reecot ______

Inspector :••IIL.. Date:Li/.4• .f.•.• NCR#______


Notes: 1. Refer to F-Q-1 806-1, Shield Efficiency Testing Surface Correction Factors for an existing device model, or F-Q-1 806-3, Shield Profile Worksheet for One meter acceptance limit. 2. The 30cm readings are only required when specifically requested. 3. Additional sheets may be used to describe results or indicate reading locations using sketches. Number all sheets and indicate total number of sheets. Make sure shield Identification is included on each sheet. 4. Attach auto profiler print out to this sheet if used.

' F-Q-1806-2, rev. 4 Page I ofl 27 January 2010 F-Q-l806-2, rev. 4 Page 1 of I 27 January 2010 :1,


Model: .7 / o -3 • Serial # Cc• •9 Radionuclide: (a •O Max. Capacity J3_3 Ci

ShieldP/N: •g7c/-3•o Shield Heat # C. • /-,'1o7 Lot# / ;o • / /5o3 !•;S::••-::ii!!i.••• ,•'!!•:.)i:•i'::P r fil• Prn '~ c 1i :-::••i~•-::;•:~~a;!:•:i).!-!: : •.:!. -'o ' :. .- Source Model:/]q.~ -/.3 SoureeSer.# 5'f 8','/L Radionuclide: Ca (. Activity: •,53. 7 Ci Survey Inst. 1 •" 6 oa Serial # / •_• Date Cal. 7/&g/,s$ Date Due: //, L//_ Survey Inst. 2 /,j Serial # rtq Date Cal. N4-• Date Due: Nd/• Inst. Probe: 1 .5f-/P• • Serial # //•t •/ Inst. Probe: 2 €.44 Serial # /(

Capacity Correction Factor: /,. / • ______

______Measured Dose Rate mR/hr Adjusted Dose Rate mR/hr At One LoainAt Surface Corr. At 30 Cm At One At At 30 Cm Mer Surface Factor [Note 2] Meter Surface [Note 2] • Note 1]

Front ______/

Botto _____ /. C' 9

Acceptance Criteria: < 200 NA .• /0. Result: (Check one) Accept /V" Reject N/d

Inspector: .. ! - - Date: //1 ,3 NCR # _____

Comments: ~~v-p~~L ~ C~Di-~--- ~ 17

Notes: 1. Refer to F-Q-1806-1, Shield Efficiency Testing Surface Correction Factors for an existing device model, or F-Q- 1806-3, Shield Profile Worksheet for One meter acceptance limit. 2. The 30cm readings are only required when specifically requested. 3. Additional sheets may be used to describe results or indicate reading locations using sketches. Number all sheets and indicate total number of sheets. Make sure shield Identification is included on each sheet. 4. Attach auto profiler print out to this sheet if used.

F-Q-1806-2, rev. 4 Page 1 of I 27 January 2010 F-Q-1806-2, rev. 4 Page 1 of I 27 January 2010 Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

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All parts of this section are not applicable. The Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages are not used for shipment of Type B quantities of fissile material. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 7-1

Section 7 - Package Operations Operation of the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages must be in accordance with the operating instructions supplied with the transport package, per 10 CFR 71.87 and 71.89.

7.1 Package Loading

7.1.1 Preparation for Loading

The Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 transport packages must be loaded and closed in accordance with procedures that, at a minimum, include the requirements specified in this section. Shipment of Type B quantities of radioactive material are authorized for sources specified in Section Maintenance and inspection of these packages is in accordance with the requirements specified in Section Authorized Package Contents

Table 7.1a: Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Package Information Identification Nuclide Source Form Maximum Maximum DU Maximum Weight Capacity Weight ______Sentry 110 (Standard) 60 o Special Form 10C 2 b 15k) 65ls(7 g

Sety10(ai) 6°Co Spca om 110 Ci 320 lbs (145 kg) 525 lbs (238 kg)

Snr33(Sadd) 60C Spca om 330 Ci 485 lbs (220 kg) 780 lbs (354 kg)

Sety30(ai) 60C Spca o330 Ci 485 lbs (220 kg) 700 lbs (318 kg)

867 (Standard) 60Co Special Form 330 Ci 485 lbs (220 kg) 780 lbs (354 kg)

867 (Basic) 60C Special Form 330 Ci 485 lbs (220 kg) 700 lbs (318 kg) Packaging Maintenance and Inspection Prior to Loading Instructions for the Sentry 110 & Sentry 330 Containers

1. Ensure all markings are legible.

2. Inspect the container for signs of significant degradation. Ensure all welds are intact, the container is free of heavy rust and cracks/damage to the steel housing which breaches the container. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 7-2 3. Assure all bolts and fasteners (hardware) required for assembly of the package and as specified on the drawings referenced on the Type B transport certificate are fit for use. Without removing the hardware by disassembly from the device, examine the visible external surfaces of the bolts/fasteners for any signs of fatigue cracking.

Note: A visual examination of the bolt/fastener thread condition is performed after removal from the Sentry Style exposure devices as part of the Quarterly and Annual Maintenance inspections required for radiography devices under 10 CFR 34.31 or equivalent Agreement State regulations.

The bolts/fasteners must be replaced if they are no longer fit for use (e.g., threads stripped, unable to fully thread, signs of cracking, etc). Assure the front port is properly secured in accordance with the drawings referenced on the Type B transport certificate.

4. Ensure the shipping cover can be installed and secured over the lock assembly. Ensure the lock plungers operate from the lock to the open positions using the lock plunger key. Ensure that the lock assembly is securely attached to the projector housing with the hardware specified on the drawings referenced on the Type B transport certificate.

5. Assure the front port is functional and can be properly secured in the closed position prior to transport.

6. If the container fails any of the inspections in steps, remove the container from use until it can be brought into compliance with the Type B certificate. Instructions for the 867 Container

1. Ensure all markings are legible.

2. Inspect the container for signs of significant degradation. Ensure all welds are intact, the container is free of heavy rust and cracks/damage to the steel housing which breaches the container.

3. Assure all bolts and fasteners (hardware) required for assembly of the package and as specified on the drawings referenced on the Type B transport certificate are fit for use. Without removing the hardware by disassembly from the device, examine the visible external surfaces of the bolts/fasteners for any signs of fatigue cracking.

Note: A visual examination of the bolt/fastener thread condition is performed annually by QSA Global, Inc. on the Model 867 source changer lock assemblies. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 7-3 The bolts/fasteners must be replaced if they are no longer fit for use (e.g., threads stripped, unable to fully thread, signs of cracking, etc). Assure the front port is properly secured in accordance with the drawings referenced on the Type B transport certificate.

4. Ensure the shipping covers can be installed and secured over the lock assemblies. Assure the locking assemblies actuate freely when perforning an operational test and that the plunger locks engage and are functional.

S. If the container fails any of the inspections in steps 7.1.1 .2.b. 1-4, remove the container from use until it can be brought into compliance with the Type B certificate.

7.1.2 Loading of Contents

NOTE: These loading operations apply to "dry" loading only. The Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 & 867 packages are NOT approved for wet loading. General Pre-transportation Requirements

a. Ensure the contents are authorized for use in the package.

b. Ensure the package condition has been inspected in accordance with Section

c. Ensure that the source(s) are secured into place in the storage positions in accordance with the following requirements. Compliance with the following requirements ensures that the sources are securely locked in position before shipment.

1. Removal and installation of radioactive material contained within the shield containers must be performed in a shielded cell/enclosure capable of holding the maximum isotope capacity of the container, or by using remote transfer operations for wire mounted sources. Container loading can only be performed by persons specifically authorized under an NRC or Agreement State license (or as otherwise authorized by an International Regulatory Authority).

All necessary safety precautions and regulations must be observed to ensure safe transfer of the radioactive material. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 7-4 2. Model Sentry 110 & Sentry 330 Containers

i.Using remote handling techniques, load the source assembly so that it is fully retracted into the device shield and secured by the lock assembly. Once the source is loaded, install the lock cover, ensure the plunger lock is depressed and the key removed.

ii. Ensure all remote handling attachments are removed from the device and the front plate outlet port cover has been rotated back to the closed position (see the drawings referenced on the Type B transport certificate).

3. Model 867 Shield Container

i.Using remote handling techniques, load the source assemblies so that they are fully inserted into the source tubes with the active end of the source assembly inserted first.

ii. Once the source is loaded, install the lock cover, ensure the plunger lock is depressed and the key removed.

iii. Repeat steps and ii ifra source will be loaded in the second lock assembly of the device. If a second source will not be loaded into the second lock assembly of the device, ensure the lock assembly cover is installed and the plunger lock is depressed and the key removed.

7.1.3 Preparation for Transport Ensure that all conditions of the certificate of compliance are met. Perform a contamination wipe of the outside surface of the package and ensure removable contamination does not exceed 0.0001 pCi when averaged over a wipe area of 300 cm2. Survey all exterior surfaces of the package to assure that the radiation level does not exceed 200 mR/hr at the surface. Measure the radiation level at one meter from all exterior surfaces to assure that the radiation level is less than 10 mR/hr. Ship the container according to the procedure for transporting radioactive material as established in 49 CFR 171-178.

NOTE: The US Department of Transportation, in 49 CFR 173 .22(c), requires each shipper of Type B quantities of radioactive material to provide prior notification to the consignee of the dates of shipment and expected arrival. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 7-5 7.2 Package Unloading

7.2.1 Receipt of Package from Carrier The consignee of a transport package of radioactive material must make arrangements to receive the transport package when it is delivered. If the transport package is to be picked up at the carrier's terminal, 10 CFR 20.1906 requires that this be done expeditiously upon notification of its arrival. Upon receipt of a transport package of radioactive material:

a. Survey the transport package with a survey meter as soon as possible, preferably at the time of pick-up and no more than three hours after it was received during normal working hours. Radiation levels should not exceed 200 mR/hr at the surface of the transport package, nor 10 mR/hr at a distance of 1 meter from the surface.

b. Record the actual radiation levels on the receiving report.

c. If the radiation levels exceed these limits, secure the container in a Restricted Area and notify the appropriate personnel in accordance with 10 CFR 20 or applicable Agreement State regulations.

d. Inspect the outer container for physical damage or leaking. If the package is damaged or leaking or it is suspected that the package may have leaked or been damaged, restrict access to the package. As soon as possible, contact the Radiation Safety Office to perform a full assessment of the package condition and take necessary follow-up actions.

e. Record the radioisotope, activity, model number, and serial number of the source and the transport package model number and serial number.

7.2.2 Removal of Contents

Transfer the package to a remote handling cell, or prepare the package for source transfer/exposure in accordance with the applicable licensing provisions for the user's facility related to radioactive material handling. Remove the sealed source assembly(ies) from the package and transfer to an alternate shielded storage location.

7.3 Preparation of Empty Package for Transport

In the following instructions, an empty transport package refers to a Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 or 867 transport package without an active source contained within the shielded container. To ship an empty transport package:

7.3.1. Unload the container in accordance with Section 7.2.2. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 7-6 7.3.2 Assure that the levels of removable radioactive contamination on the outside surface of the transport package does not exceed 4 Bq/cm2 (when averaged over 300 cm2).

7.3.3 Assure that the levels of removable radioactive contamination on the inside surface of the shield container does not exceed 400 Bq/cm2 (when averaged over 300 cm2).

7.3.4 When it is confirmed that the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages are empty, prepare the transport package for shipment and survey to determine ensure the external surface radiation level does not exceed 5 ktSv/h.

7.4 Other Operations

7.4.1 Package Transportation By Consignor

Persons transporting the Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 or 867 package in their own conveyances should comply with the following: For a conveyance and equipment used regularly for radioactive material transport, check to determine the level of contamination that may be present on these items. This contamination check is suggested if the package shows signs of damage upon receipt or during transport, or if a leak test on the special form source transported in the package exceeds the allowable limit of 185 Bq. If contamination above 4 Bq/cm2 (when averaged over 300 cm2) is detected on any part of a conveyance or equipment used regularly for radioactive material transport, or if a radiation level exceeding 5 ptSv/h is detected on any conveyance or equipment surface, then remove the affected item from use until decontaminated or decayed to meets these limits.

7.4.2 Emergency Response

In the event of a transport emergency or accident involving this package, follow the guidance contained in "2012 Emergency Response Guidebook: A Guidebook for First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Incident", or equivalent guidance documentation.

7.5 Appendix

7.5.1 Reference: "2012 Emergency Response Guidebook: A Guidebook for First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Incident" or later revisions. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 8-1


8.1 Acceptance Test

8.1.1 Visual Inspections and Measurements

Each transport package component is inspected visually prior to shipment for compliance to the following criteria: The transport package was assembled properly to the applicable drawing. Evaluate each shield container for shielding integrity when used in the applicable Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 or 867 assembly to ensure the transport dose rate requirements are met when the container is loaded to capacity. All fasteners as required by the applicable drawings are properly installed and secured. The relevant labels are attached, contain the required information, and are marked in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1904, 10 CFR 40.13(c)(6)(i), 10 CFR 34, and 10 CFR 71 or equivalent Agreement State regulations.

Visual inspections and measurements will be performed in accordance with QSA Global, Inc.'s USNRC approved Quality Assurance Program No. 0040.

8.1.2 Weld Examinations

Weld examinations will be performed in accordance with the applicable drawings requirements and in accordance with QSA Global, Inc.'s USNRC approved Quality Assurance Program No. 0040.

8.1.3 Structural and Pressure Tests

Prior to first use as part of a Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages, container structural conformance will be evaluated in accordance with the applicable drawings requirements and in accordance with QSA Global, Inc.'s USNRC approved Quality Assurance Program No. 0040. The containment system is not designed to require increased or decrease operating pressures to maintain containment during transport, therefore pressure tests of package components prior to first use is not required. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 8-2 8.1.4 Leakage Tests

The source capsules (primary containment) are wipe tested for leakage of radioactive contamination upon initial manufacture. The removable contamination must be less than 0.005 microcuries. The source capsules will also be subjected to leak tests under ISO9978:1992(E) (or more recent editions). The source capsules are not used if they fail any of these tests.

8.1.5 Component and Material Tests

Component and material compliance is achieved in accordance with the requirements in QSA Global, Inc.'s USNRC approved Quality Assurance Program No. 0040.

8.1.6 Shielding Tests

The radiation levels at the surface of the Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 and at 1 meter from the surface of these packages (in the Basic Configuration) are evaluated prior to first transport. This survey, performed in a low background area involved a slow scan survey of the entire surface area as well as one meter from the surface of the container. This survey is used to identify any significant void volumes or shield porosity which could prevent the finished device from from complying with the dose limits in 10 CFR 71.47.

This radiation profile is performed at the time of manufacture of the Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 containers. The radiation profile survey is made with the radiation detector housing in contact with the surface of the container and then also at one meter from the surface of the container. The maximum radiation levels, when extrapolated to the rated capacity of the transport package, can not exceed 200 mR/hr at the surface, nor 10 mR/hr at 1 meter from the surface of the transport package. Since the Models Sentry 110 and Sentry 330 also functions as radiography exposure devices, the maximum allowed dose rate at one meter from the surface of these devices is further limited to 5 mR/hr at the time of manufacture.

Failure of the radiation profile tests for any Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 or 867 container indicates the potential of significant shielding porosity and this will cause the rejection of the affected Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 or 867 package as a Type B container. Rejected packages which do not comply with the construction requirements on the applicable drawings referenced on the Type B certificate, or that do not comply with the radiation profile requirements will not distributed as approved Type B(U) packages. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 8-3 8.1.7 Thermal Tests

Not applicable. The source content of the Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 packages has minimal effect on the package surface temperature and therefore no additional testing is necessary to evaluate thermal properties of the packaging.

8.1.8 Miscellaneous Tests

Not applicable.

8.2 Maintenance Program

8.2.1 Structural and Pressure Tests

Not applicable. Material certification is obtained for Safety Class A components used in the transport package prior to their initial use. Based on the construction of the design, no additional structural testing during the life of the package is necessary if the container shows no signs of defect when prepared for shipment in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of the SAR. The Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 packaging systems are not designed to require increased or decreased operating pressures to maintain containment during transport, therefore pressure tests of package components prior to individual shipment is not required.

8.2.2 Leakage Tests

As described in Section 8.1.4, "Leakage Tests," the radioactive source assembly is leak- tested at manufacture. In addition, the sources are leak tested in accordance with that Section at least once every six months thereafter if being transported to ensure that removable contamination is less than 0.005 microcuries.

8.2.3 Component and Material Tests

The transport package is inspected for tightness of fasteners, proper seal wires, and general condition prior to each use as described in Section 7 of this SAR. No additional component or material testing is required prior to shipment.

8.2.4 Thermal Tests

Not applicable. The source content of the Model Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 packages has minimal effect on the package surface temperature and therefore no additional testing is necessary to evaluate thermal properties of the packaging prior to shipment.

8.2.5 Miscellaneous Tests

Inspections and tests designed for secondary users of this transport package under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 7 1.17(b) are provided in Section 7. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

QSA Global, Inc. November 2015 - Revision 4 Burlington, Massachusetts Page 8-4 8.3 Appendix

Not applicable. Safety Analysis Report for the Models Sentry 110, Sentry 330 and 867 Transport Packages

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Section 9 - Quality Assurance

9.1 U.S. Quality Assurance Program Requirements All component fabrication (including assembly) is controlled under the QSA Global, Inc. Quality Assurance program approved by the USNRC (approval number 0040) and ISO 9001.

9.2 Canada Quality Assurance Program Requirements

Not applicable. This package is originally submitted for certification in the United States and complies with the criteria in Section 9.1. 9.3 Appendix

Not applicable.