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Force officer in our custody,” of our strike was to demon- %  ./ 0 1 2345625/7. Khan said. The announcement strate our capability and will.      was greeted by thumping of “We did not want to inflict any 8&  8  0   .         day after India demanded desks by Pakistani lawmakers. casualty on India as we want- 6        9     Aimmediate release of an The Indian Air Force on ed to act in a responsible man- )    L   M  IAF pilot who landed in Thursday said it is very happy ner.”     .  Pakistan detention on that captured pilot Wing He warned if India moved         .    Wednesday following an aeri- Commander Abhinandan is ahead with the “aggression”,    9          al engagement by air forces of returning home but dismissed Pakistan will be forced to retal- 42   &  .    the two countries, Pakistan suggestions it was a goodwill iate and urged the Indian lead- .    )       6  Prime Minster Imran Khan on gesture, insisting it was in line ership not to push for escala-               Thursday announced that with the Geneva Conventions. tion as war is not solution to      #        Wing Commander “We are very happy any problem.      Abhinandan Varthaman will be Abhinandan will be freed Warning that “any miscal- released on Friday as a gesture tomorrow and look forward to culation” from India would       #.    &  & of peace and the “first step” to his return,” Air Vice Marshal R result in “disaster”, he said,      )  *<8   &%. #  # open negotiations with India. GK Kapoor, assistant chief of “Countries are ruined because    #                                    The decision comes amid Air Staff, told a news confer- of miscalculation. War is not a         !      #$     report that the Indian ence. solution. If India takes any Government reportedly decid- Asked if the IAF sees it as action, we will have to retaliate.” Foreign Secretary Vijay escalation” of tensions with ed that Varthaman cannot be a a goodwill move, Kapoor said, Khan, however, said Gokhale briefed envoys of sev- India has not gone down well      IAF fighters had hit the intend- Pakistan lied that no F-16 bargaining chip and New Delhi “We see it as a gesture in con- Pakistan’s “desire for de-esca- eral countries, including from in New Delhi, they indicated. ed targets. Kapoor said there is was used but there was enough will not strike any deal with sonance with the Geneva lation” should not be miscon- China, France, Russia, the In Islamabad, Foreign     credible information and evi- evidence, Kapoor said. Islamabad for his release. Conventions.” strued as its weakness. “Our United Kingdom and the Minister Shah Mehmood dence that “We hit the intend- Stating that Pakistan air- Khan made the announce- The joint session of armed forces are battle-hard- United States, on the Pakistan Qureshi said his Government     ed targets” and it was prema- craft targeted military installa- ment during a joint session of Pakistan Parliament was held ened and they are fully pre- Air Force targeting Indian mil- was willing to consider return- ture to assess the casualties and tions, he added PAF bombs Parliament soon after Foreign on Thursday to discuss rising pared to respond to any aggres- itary installations in an aggres- ing the captured IAF pilot if it    damage. were unable to damage any of Minister Shah Mehmood tension with India. The sion,” he said. sive manner, resulting in the leads to “de-escalation” of ten- Sources in the Government India’s defence installations. Qureshi said Khan is ready to Pakistani Air Force on Khan said he “tried to call” escalation of tensions. sions with India. said more than 20 Pakistani air- Addressing the media, talk to his Indian counterpart Wednesday carried out a retal- the Indian Prime Minister on On US President Donald According to the sources, %  45625/7. craft had approached the Indian Army’s Major General Narendra Modi to de-escalate iatory strike, a day after Indian the phone Wednesday because Trump’s suggesting that the Khan has to walk the talk on Indian airspace. SS Mahal said escalation of ten- Indo-Pak tensions. struck inside Pakistan, destroy- “escalation is not in our inter- situation between India and investigating the February 14 ebunking Pakistan claims The IAF also nailed the sions had been done by “In our desire for peace, I ing the biggest terrorist train- ests nor in India’s”. The Prime Pakistan was de-escalating, the Pulwama attack. India, they Dthat F-16s were not used in misinformation by the Pakistan Pakistan but India was pre- announce that tomorrow ing camp of the Jaish-e- Minister urged the interna- sources said New Delhi has no stressed, wants immediate, the offensive against Indian military that it shot down two pared for any contingency if the (Friday), and as a first step to Mohammed (JeM). tional community to play its idea what he was referring to. credible and verifiable action military targets in Jammu & Indian aircraft and captured enemy provoked it. open negotiations, Pakistan Addressing the House, role in de-escalation for peace Pakistan’s efforts to link the against terrorists and their Kashmir on Wednesday morn- three Indian pilots which was Mechanised forces were will be releasing the Indian Air Khan said, “The only purpose and stability in the region. release of the pilot with “de- proxies. ing, the Indian Air Force on later claimed to be two and by put on standby and troops Thursday said the American the evening on Wednesday were ready to deal with any aircraft was used in the mis- they said just one pilot was in security challenge, Mahal said.  adventure and also displayed their custody. Rear Admiral of the Indian %  $  P  the wreckage of the ‘beyond The Army and Navy rep- Navy Dalbir Singh Gujral said visual range missiles’ of the US- resentatives asserted that the the force was in a high state of     supplied fighter plane. Armed forces are on high alert readiness to deal with any     % 45625/7. ed with stones and also shot in The move led to more hos- Air Vice Chief RGK and ready to meet any securi- Pakistan misadventure in the     the leg while fleeing. tility and the villagers began Kapoor, who addressed the ty challenge on land and sea. maritime domain.       ing Commander “My objective was to cap- pelting stones at Varthaman media, along with the repre- But the sources added there has The briefing by the tri-ser-          WAbhinandan Varthaman ture the pilot alive. I had seen who by then was on the run. sentatives of the Army and the been no mobilisation of ground vices came after Prime Minister           raised patriotic slogans, fired in the Indian flag on his parachute “The boys chased him until Navy, said a variety of aircraft forces yet. Narendra Modi chaired a high     the air and stuffed his mouth and knew he was Indian,” he fell into a stream and one of was used by Pakistan Air Force Tensions between the two level meeting amid the height-        with documents when he land- Chaudhry was quoted as saying. my nephews who was also — F-16s, JF 17 Thunder and countries escalated after Indian ened tensions with Pakistan       !"# ed on Pakistani soil after eject- According to the 58-year- armed shot him in the leg,” Mirages. This rejects Pakistan’s fighters bombed banned terror and after Imran Khan      ing from his fighter jet, says the old eyewitness, Varthaman Chaudhry said. claims that its air force did not group Jaish-e-Mohammed’s announced the release of an   %  &  headman of a village on the asked some of the villagers if he The pilot was then asked to target the Indian military biggest training camp near Indian Air Force pilot captured     '    % other side of the border. was in India, and the villagers drop his pistol, and was pinned installations during Balakot deep inside Pakistan by his country. The Indian Air Force pilot, tricked him with an affirmative down by a villager to prevent Wednesday’s air intrusion. early Tuesday. It came 12 days The meeting was attended      who has been the centre of response, leading the pilot to him from using any other Asserting that the IAF after the JeM claimed respon- by chiefs of the three Services, !!"#$ $$  global attention since his cap- raise patriotic slogans about weapon that he might have strikes hit the intended target sibility for a suicide attack on National Security Advisor Ajit (    ture on Wednesday, will be Pakistan, told the BBC that he India. However, he was in for had. The pilot attempted to and achieved the mission, a CRPF convoy in Pulwama in Doval, Finance Minister Arun     )   released on Friday, Pakistan ran to the spot along with other a shock. “The boys around him destroy the documents in his Kapoor said it’s up to the polit- Jammu & Kashmir, killing 40 Jaitley, External Affairs *      +*    Prime Minister Imran Khan villagers when he saw the MiG responded by saying, ‘Long possession by stuffing them in ical leadership to decide when paramilitary men. Minister Sushma Swaraj, Home  **%,&  has announced in Parliament. 21 crashing to the ground. live Pakistan’!” Chaudhury told his mouth. However, the vil- and how to release evidence of The IAF showed parts of Minister Rajnath Singh and      Recounting the dramatic Varthaman’s first question the BBC, adding that lagers managed to get hold of the Balakot strike’s success. Amraam missiles as proof that Defence Minister Nirmala      -  events leading to his capture, on landing was whether he was Varthaman then pulled out some papers which were later He was responding to a Pakistan used F-16 aircraft to Sitharaman. A host of other    % Mohammad Razzaq Chaudhry, in India, Chaudhry said, dis- his gun and fired in the air to handed over to the army, the question on the scepticism in attack Indian military estab- senior officials attended the the chief of Horran village in closing that the pilot was pelt- intimidate them. BBC reported. some quarters about whether lishments on Wednesday. meeting at the PM’s residence.      P   O        % 178 / lenge is to make employment bolically presented Jai Kisan       P opportunities available to the Crop Loan Waiver Certificates hief Minister Kamal Nath youth. As per the manifesto, the to 10 farmers. He gave loan Chas said that it will be in the government has started the waiver certificates of 1.23 lakh  % 178 / Nath said that with the for agriculture produce and interest of the State that our work of skill development to to Shakuntala Devi of loan waiver of the farmers, a there should be improvement farmer is prosperous and every provide self-employment to Gouthana village, 1.08 lakh to hief Minister Kamal Nath revolution will start in the in agriculture sector, this is our young man gets work. youth. A stipend of 4 thousand Shivprasad of Lavanya village, Chas said that the loan waiv- agriculture sector. priority. Government is worried about per month will be given to the 1.22 lakh to Ashok Singh of er scheme of farmers is the Debt gets linked with The Chief Minister said both these sections and com- youth while giving them train- Khedi Sanvligarh village and Rs beginning of a revolution in the farmer at the time of his birth that unemployment also is a mitted for their all round devel- ing in various trades. 1.07 lakh to Rama Dhable in field of improvement in the and continues to be with him major challenge. Today’s youth opment. He said that the The programme was also Rondha village besides 6 other agricultural sector. The Chief till his death. He said that loan want employment. If we do not Government has clarified its addressed by the district in farmers. Minister said that his dream is waiver will improve the econ- provide them with jobs, their policy and intention in 62 days. and strengthen the economy of '   (    # charge Minister Kamleshwar Loan waiver cases of 56,721 to see smiles on the faces of omy. He said that in the next future will be in the dark. To In the next five years, people of rural and urban areas. Kamal        Patel and Public Health farmers have been approved in farmers in the coming time. five days, loan up to 2 lakhs remove unemployment in the all the sections of the State will Nath said that the people living #     Engineering Minister Sukhdev Betul district. So far, process of Nath was addressing the Jai of 25 lakh farmers will be state, investment will have to be witness a change in their lives. in rural areas are directly-indi-   ) (      Panse. The minister duo loan waiver of 118.50 crore of Kisan Crop Loan Waiver pro- waived. He said that soon after invited. We will remove unem- Nath said that our rectly financially dependent on    *  expressed gratitude towards 50,259 farmers have been com- gramme at Timarni in Harda taking charge, the government ployment by establishing Government does not make the income earned by the farm-     the Chief Minister for creating pleted in Betul district. Chief district on Thursday. The Chief first of all signed on the file for industries. When industries announcements, it actually ers. Hence it is necessary that Tapti Trust for the development Minister Kamal Nath also ded- Minister laid the foundation loan waiver of 55 lakh farmers. are established, economic activ- works. He said that loan waiv- the income of the farmers’ activities of others continue. of Multai, the river origin place icated construction works and dedicated 13 construction He said that our biggest chal- ities will increase and the future er scheme will increase the increases to enable them to The Chief Minister said of Tapti river. worth 120 crore in the works of more than 42.90 lenge is agriculture production. of the state will also become purchasing power of farmers spend more so the economic that the second biggest chal- The Chief Minister sym- programme crore in Timarni. Farmers should get fair price secure. (!&) +" )0 1)+$!234526   % )* +#), -    

 % 178 / +(, -' ,   #   Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha . '/- 0'1   23 Yojana (PMSSY), Union Ministry of Memorandum of Understanding /  / #-  -$$/*  # Health & Family Welfare. A(MoU) was signed between 4' $     The “Central Instrumentation NHDC (Narmada Hydroelectric $$/ *     Facility” is to be started within spec- Development Corporation) Limited ified time and the Director, AIIMS, (A Joint Venture of Government of Bhopal ensured that it will be com- Madhya Pradesh) and All India AIIMS, New Delhi. It will undoubt- pleted much in advance, meeting all Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), edly enable the Institute to have the parameters set for the purpose. Bhopal for extending financial assis- research equipment and technique for During this occasion of signing of tance of Rs 10 crores for providing keeping abreast with the best of MoU, Dr Naresh Kumar Arya, sophisticated Research Instruments Medical Institutions and Hospitals to DCMO, Sandeep Kumar Jain, DGM for upcoming State-of-Art “Central serve the people in much better way. and Rakesh Kumar Mishra, Instrumentation Facility” at AIIMS, VK Gupta, Chief General Manager(CSR) representatives of Bhopal under Corporate Social Manager (BD)/Nodal Officer-CSR, NHDC and Dr Arneet Arora, Dean Responsibility initiative of NHDC NHDC Limited and Prof (Dr) Sarman (Academics), Santosh Sohgaura, Dy. Limited. Singh, Director, AIIMS Bhopal signed Director (Admin.), Dr Shashank This is for the first ever that a the MoU. Purwar, Associate Dean (Academics), MoU is signed under Corporate During the function, the Director, Jeetendra Saxena, Superintending Social Responsibility initiative for AIIMS, Bhopal Prof Sarman Singh Engineer, Cmdt. PK Mishra, Financial up-gradation of medical facilities at expressed that such initiatives will cer- Advisor, Benny Abraham, Registrar, AIIMS Bhopal. It is a unique facility tainly augment the core activities of Gaurav Dwivedi, Sr AO, Soumya which is coming up first of its kind AIIMS Bhopal where hundreds and Anie Tripathi PPS to Director and which is presently not available in any thousands of patients visit for quali- Vishal Kumar Gupta, AO representa- of the six new AIIMS including ty health care under the prestigious tives of AIIMS Bhopal were present. + ,  -// 1/ ' 4/  1/ /  -

  01/1 %2 1  % 178 / Mehfil Open Mic, music, ences were seen totally    !" $ %&$ Dastan Goi, discussions and engrossed in the melodious he traditional story telling much more. music performed by the young-  % 178 / sions witnessed rainfall in the the morning on Thursday. T'Dastan Goi' when was per-    !$ The series of events began sters of the city. past 24 hours. Cold conditions prevailed formed with the tranquility of with a personality As many as 40 perfor- old winds and chilly weath- Warning of cold day con- along with cloud cover in the Urdu, it took away the hearts of !)$   "! Development classes for stu- mances were held on all three Cer conditions prevailed in ditions in Sagar, Chambal and morning. Bhopalites. Dastan Goi per- *+$ $+  ,   dents and teachers. It was con- days. Being a wondrous pre- the morning on Thursday in Gwalior divisions and Rewa, The night temperature formers Fauzia and Fazal gave ducted by Amir Mehboob and sentation for the old songs the state capital as after the brief Satna, Indore and Dhar dis- dipped to 11.4 degree Celsius a spontaneous performance !$+*+ % ) %!!% Afaque Nadeem. It was fol- and ghazal lovers, the show period of normal weather con- tricts has been issued by Met on Monday in the state capital on Thursday evening leaving lowdd with Mehfil Open Mic evoked a pretty good response. ditions rainfall has been be wit- department. which was 3.4 degree Celsius the audience mesmerised. $+ "-* +),   wherein the young artists recit- Next was the Dastan Goi nessed in the past 24 hours in According to the warning below normal temperature The three day festival ed their poems and performed presentation. The performers five districts in the State. by MET department thunder- while day temperature was ‘Jashn-e-Urdu’ was a blend of "!!++  " $ songs composed in Urdu. The presented Ismat Chugtai's Bhander, Lahar, Morena, storm with hail and gusty recorded at 24.6 degree Celsius. literature, Sufism and art and immense talent of young girls Nanhi ki Nani and another Dabra and Ambah recorded 1 winds are likely to occur in The day temperature was culture altogether. The fest had   $  !*$&    and females of the city was a story Chhani Kababi. It was a cm of rainfall in the past 24 West and East Madhya Pradesh recorded 5.9 degree Celsius a grand closure here on +  !) $+ must watch for the audience. wondrous performance that hours. Shahdol, Bhopal, Indore, in the next 3-4 days. A fresh below normal temperature on Thursday at Ravindra Bhavan The open mic was organised glued the audienece to thier Ujjain and Chambal divisions WD is likely to affect northwest Thursday. with varied cultural pro-  "! )+ !$& !)! + with a purpose to provide a seats. recorded significant decrease in India from the night of 2nd The temperatures which grammes organised. platform for females to show- Lastly, the audience were night temperatures. March. soared around 3-4 day ago The fest was organised by $  +* case their talent before the taken aback by All India Poets In the changed weather The weather conditions have settled down in the past Madhya Pradesh Urdu Bhopalites. Meet. The renowned poets of conditions temperatures have which turned cold in the two days and day temperatures Academy with a motive to The musical performance the country were present on the dipped significantly in the evening on Monday in the have been recorded around encourage young minds of Urdu language. Here on rienced a wondrous event with by young artists added much occasion and recited thier cre- state. Sagar and Gwalior divi- state capital prevailed and in and below 30 degree Celsius. Bhopal to grow their interest in Thursday, the Bhopalites expe- programmes like literary zest in the open mic. The audi- ations before the Bhopalites.

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P 00 12   O 4 5  P     /   )    -  ./0" 67 1/   % 178 / *) ! 5  P A   $+ %  he team of IIM Indore $? !" $+:   % 178 / ! .6 ! learners and said that learning Temerged victorious at the !$+*+  !  *+$    ++ gives creativity, creativity leads city level rounds of India’s 76      he Annual Convocation of to thinking, thinking provides biggest inter-college quiz con- ! + ""   Tthe Jiwaji University,  &!+ )+  knowledge and knowledge test - ‘Numero YONO’ held in !+ Gwalior for presenting the 78 *+$   makes one great. Bhopal on February 26. IIM medals and prizes to meritori- !$!* +    Terming the Jiwaji Indore team bagged annual ous students was held at the +& , 9 *+$ !" University as an apex centre of scholarship of 2.16 lakh that Thiruvananthapuram. Madhav Rao Gymnasium Hall education in India, Dr Tuli witnessed participation of 106 Rajnish Kumar, Chairman, of the University today. Various   !*  $+ commended the university teams from multiple colleges in SBI said, “We would like to degrees were also conferred 7.6 !  & +* authorities for their efforts in the city. congratulate the winning team upon the successful candidates *+$    ! the fields of Inter disciplinary First and Second Runner’s of IIM Indore. Also we want to of the 2018 session. "+ teaching, co-curricular activi- up teams from Maulana Azad thank all the teams for their The convocation ceremo- ties and health and public National Institute of whole-hearted participation in ny was chaired by Anandiben awareness programs. Technology (MANIT Bhopal) ‘Numero YONO’ to make this Patel, the Governor of Madhya noted social worker During the convocation win annual scholarship of Rs a successful event. We hope Pradesh and Chancellor of the Padmashree Uma Tuli brought ceremony, the passing out stu- 1.44 lakh and one time amount that by taking part in this con- University. Jitu Patwari, the to the spot light the emergence dents took the oath pledging to of 12000 respectively. test, students took away enrich- Cabinet Minister of Higher of a large number of girls in the serve the nation and support ‘Numero YONO’ - pre- ing experience of learning and Education, Government of fields of education. She also the values of the university sented by State Bank of India, strong team spirit.” Madhya Pradesh was the Chief said that education is the most community. The convocation is conducted across all 17 cities In the last few months SBI Guest of the programme. important factor that can bring oath was administered by Prof where SBI Local Head Offices under its comprehensive digi- Total 37 topper students changes in the society. Sangeeta Shukla, the Vice- are located. In the Grand finale, tal service platform YONO were awarded the gold medals Quoting Mahatma Gandhi, Chancellor of the university. 17 teams from 17 cities will has come up with diverse youth while 142 students were hon- Tuli said that a society that does The convocation ceremo- compete with each other for the engagement initiatives. oured with the PhD degree. 6 not have the vision of educat- ny was also attended by the top spot to win the total schol- ‘Numero YONO’ is yet anoth- students of the M Phil course ing its youth and is not work- Executive Council members, arship of 5.76 lakh at Mumbai er initiative by the bank to rein- and 137 post graduate stu- ing towards the same is faculty members, students and in March, 2019. Ahmedabad, Amravati, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, force the brand recall for dents were also felicitated. doomed to die. She exhorted general public in large num- The 17 cities include Bengaluru, Bhubaneshwar, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Patna, Pune and YONO among its stakeholders. Delivering the key address, the students to always remain bers. / -    1  -      9 1;%  Bhopal: Piplani police have produce license regarding the nabbed two miscreants from liquor and were nabbed.  % 178 /   !>  *$+ ?$&  Piplani area and recovered ille- Ramesh works for Kabeer and !$  *!$ ! ? !"  )!+ gally transported two boxes of was involved in the illegally n order to provide education @+ $ $ !,   beer and 80 bottles of county- selling of liquor. Ifacility along with residential made liquor worth 12240 on The two are involved for facility to the children of " !)  !! %*+$&: &  $+ Wednesday; accused were car- how long in these activities labourers in the State, decision %! ! :  $+ "" rying liquor in a car for selling would be investigated in the has been taken to start -*     ! %$& !$  *+ $ without proper license. further investigation. Shramodaya Vidyalayas in   )!+ @+  )  According to the police Based on the information Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur and acting of a tip off regarding two of illegal transport of liquor Gwalior. persons carrying liquor illegally when the police started to The construction work of Sajjan Singh Verma has issued Separate hostels are being con- in a car were detained near Old search for the miscreants of the school buildings is being instructions to the officials to structed for 600 boys and 600 Shiv Nagar at around 11 in the provided description the undertaken in Indore, Jabalpur pay special attention to the girls in the premises. night and when the car was accused tried to escape the spot and Gwalior by the Public quality of construction of the About 90 per cent con- searched two cartons of beer after the police personnel spot- Works Department at a cost of buildings. In addition, he has struction work of the and 80 bottles of county-made ted the two accused. total Rs 150 crore. also instructed to complete Shramoday Vidyalaya Bhavan liquor cartons were recovered A case under section 34(2) Capital Project is under- the construction works within has been completed in Indore. from their possession. of the Excise Act was registered taking the construction work of the stipulated time limit. In Jabalpur and Gwalior 80 The two accused were and further investigation has Sharmoday Vidyalaya Bhavan Two-storeyed Shramodaya percent of construction of the identified as Kabeer Shakya been started. The crime record in Bhopal. Apart from the Vidyalaya Bhavans are under Shramoday Vidyalaya Bhavans (38) of Old Shiv Nagar and of the two would be investigat- school building, girls and boys construction in Betma in has been completed. Proper Ramesh Kumar (32) of Bijli ed in the further investigation. hostel, teachers and staff quar- Indore district. These buildings drainage system along with all Colony Anand Nagar. The details of the car would ters are also being constructed will provide facility for study to essential modern facilities has Police said that the two be searched as it is possible that in the Shramoday Vidyalaya 1200 students. The buildings been provided in the were carrying liquor in car for transporting liquor illegal- premises. will have laboratory, comput- Shramodaya Vidyalaya bearing registration number ly the two might be using    / ,    #          * Public Works Minister er lab and administrative office. Bhavans. MP04HA7681 and failed to stolen car. SR     #(    +    1#  !"#$   %"&  !   '     '    % 178 /  % "$&  !$  !)+:     $   &$  $"! )!$ ) (    % 178 /  !)$  )+ %  evelopment commissioner Dhandicrafts, Union %!*  4 ) !"  ;!   oods and valuables worth )   ! ! Ministry of Textiles has sanc-  <= $+  "**  %$" !"  Bhopal: Talaiya police have sustained burn injuries, she was G1 lakh were burgled from tioned HRD project to CRISP booked husband and in-laws of admitted to burn ward of Tusli Colony under Kolar $+ $  !)$  at Tigaria village near Betul dis-  $$& + ! " )!)$ "! a 20-year-old married woman Hamidia hospital and was later police station area on Tuesday; trict. Tigaria is small size village  !!+ for dowry death; woman died referred to LBS hospital after victim’s neighbor spotted bro- ) + )+  !$ having population of about of burn injuries on February 14 three days and during treat- ken locks and burgled valuables 1000 Tribal families. at LBS hospital after undergo- ment on February 14 she suc- and informed police.  $&%! "!*$+   About 40 local participants ing treatment for seven days. cumbed to death. According to the police, the !?   % !?$ $+ !$ from ST category will be trained Wood craft will be taken care of boys in fashion, garment mak- Serious allegations have The parents of the victim Anil Marmet along with in Zari and Wood crafts under by Mrs Ramkumar ,master ing with CAD, interior design- been raised by parents of deceased raised allegations that his family had gone to Indore $ $&  !*   "!*$+ the supervision of assistant crafts person. Artisans will learn ing with CAD facility. Recently Ayushi Sahu who died on deceased was harassed to visit his relative on February director o/o the D C (H) the products which are in CRISP centre has introduced February 7 regarding her death. demanding dowry and in the 24 and on Tuesday he was $ ?+ Nagpur. A briefing session is demand. Training will start the course for the ladies and The parents have alleged investigation it was found that informed that valuables were completed, where the trainees soon and the market led prod- girls/ boys the course called that Ayushi was set ablaze by she sustained burn injuries missing. are given the information about ucts will be introduced after STYLING. This is a new and her husband Rahul Sahu and which were due to her husband A complaint was made by In the burglary the almirah police station area on the HRD scheme of the O/o the four months time. State initiat- unique course for the crowed; his parents after she failed to and in-laws who set her the victim with the Kolar police which was having the valuables Wednesday. The victim, D C (H) and the future benefits ed design centre at CRISP was the batch is full from the day- fulfill dowry demands and ablaze. and in the complaint the victim was targeted and the other Neelesh Dubey’s newly build of the training related to self set up by the DC (H) one where the students are gave birth to girl child. Police found that when had claimed that on his neigh- valuables were not disturbed. house was targeted by miscre- employment for their liveli- Government of India is also being taught the styling for Police said that the woman she was admitted to hospital bor found that the locks were The lock of the almirah was ants on Wednesday where elec- hood. They are quite enthusi- running courses for the girls and their day to day fashion. Ayushi Sahu was a resident of her in-laws informed that she broken and on entering the found broken and along with tronic goods and household astic about the learning of Zari Mangalwara area and married had sustained burn injuries house was found ransacked. the jewelry and cash 15000 was goods was kept. and Wood crafts. to Rahul Sahu of Khathikpura accidentally in kitchen. Goods and valuables worth found burgled. Based on the A suitcase carrying brass Zari crafts will be taken care in the year 2017 and after the The police have registered over 1 lakh were found miss- complaint the police have reg- idols was also burgled. The of by Julekha khan, master marriage she was harassed for a case under sections 498 A and ing claimed the victim. The vic- istered a case under sections 457 total loss was around 1.5 lakh crafts person. she is a award dowry and atrocities of in-laws 304 B of the IPC and sections tim had given keys to neighbor and 380 of the IPC and have claimed the victim. The police winner artisan who will train and husband increased after 3 and 4 of Dowry Prohibition to feed fish in his aquarium and started further investigation. have registered a case under the tribal ladies the zari-ari she gave birth to girl child. Act and started further inves- when the neighbor came to Meanwhile, valuables sections 457 and 380 of the IPC work, this will be the new art Ayushi was admitted to tigation. The accused are yet to feed fishes on Tuesday house worth 1.5 lakh were burgled and started further investiga- form for the tribal ladies, they hospital on February 7 after she be arrested. SR was found burgled. from Danish Hills under Kolar tion. have never learned before. 2&,, //  1  1

Bhopal: A 40-year-old tractor rescue and took him to a near- Naveen High School at driver died after his tractor by hospital where he was Chunbhatti area on turned turtle near Sagar declared dead. Wednesday. College under Gandhi Nagar The deceased was a resi- Police said that the police station area late in the dent of Parvalia village and deceased Puran Singh was evening on Wednesday. used to work as driver. The found in an unconscious stat- According to the police police have registered a case ed near his car and when he the deceased Rajesh Singh was under section 174 of the CrPC was taken to hospital he was injured severely after tractor and have started further inves- declared dead. turned turtle the incident took tigation. At the time of the inci- The deceased used to work place near Sagar College. dent two youths were also in as driver for the Principal of Police said that the the tractor who escaped the Govt Primary Secondary deceased was on his way after accident without injuries as School Jamunia Kalan Ratna loading cement and iron rods they jumped off the tractor to Wadhwane. On Wednesday from Bhopal and when the save their lives. after dropping her at school tractor reached near Sagar Meanwhile, a 50-year-old deceased parked car and later College he lost control and met driver was found dead under he was found lying on ground accident. Locals rushed to his suspicious circumstances at in an unconscious state. SR (!&) +" )0 1)+$!234526 $!$ 8     .   * 1  2. *0%1   5

%  45625/7. On Wednesday, only 27 $ +$ +: !$ 6  $& sent a message to his Attari Thursday “in view of the pre- 6  passengers boarded the train. counterpart that the passenger vailing tensions between ndia on Thursday decided to As many as 375 passengers %! ++   $,  )$  .6B and parcel train which comes Pakistan and India.” -.% $  ))?58?5? Phase Auto Transformer’ was Isuspend operations of the availed the train service in  $& +   $   to Attari station from the The biweekly train was flagged off by ED Bhopal DK Indo-Pak Samjhauta Express February. The sources said the $ C% * ,  !*  +  Pakistan side at 12.30 pm will scheduled to depart from HEL Bhopal received order Thakur on Wednesday. from March 4, on its side due footfall on the train, which not be coming till further Lahore with 16 passengers. Bfor manufacturing and On this occasion GM to drastic decline in occupan- generally records an occupan- "!!" !$   $:  &$  notice, officials said. “Samjhauta Express will supply of 12 numbers 200 (TCB)- Vinay Nigam, GM cy especially after the Pulwama cy of around 70 per cent, has ! + $ !*$ !"  !*$+ 6 Originally, the train offered resume its operations as soon mva, 220 kv, 3 Phase Auto (MM&LGX)- Vipin Minocha, terror attack and the suspen- fallen drastically post the a through service with one as the security situation Transformers from UPPTCL, GM (LGX)- GK Srinivasa, sion of the decade-old train Pulwama attack on February  $:  "$ +   !  rake going all the way between improves between India and Lucknow, UP in August 2018. AGM(TRM&TXX)- Avinash services from across the bor- 14 in which 44 CRPF jawans  *) ? !$ C% *  78 the terminals - Delhi in India Pakistan,” the FO said, not giv- These 12 number Chandra, AGM(TTX)- GP der. were martyred. to Lahore in Pakistan. ing any specific date for resum- Transformers were to be man- Baghel and other senior offi- Sources said that the Pakistan has indefinitely $  88 4C >$   However, now a Pakistani rake ing the services. ufactured in a very short time cials of TRM Department were Railway Board has decided to suspended the Samjhauta )  + stops at Attari at which point The Samjhauta Express, of 8 Months. also present. cancel all operations from the Express. The bi-weekly train passengers have to change named after the Hindi word for BHEL accepted this chal- Due to timely manufac- train’s next scheduled run. was scheduled to leave Lahore trains and board an Indian “agreement”, comprises six lenge and are manufacturing turing and good performance The Samjhauta Express with 16 passengers when the Pakistan had on neighbouring country -- rake. sleeper coaches and an AC 3- all the 12 number of BHEL Bhopal, UPPTCL, runs from New Delhi on suspension took effect. Wednesday cancelled the arrived at Attari from Delhi on Earlier in the day, a tier coach. The train service Transformers in a record time Lucknow, UP has ordered 8 Wednesdays and Sundays. At least 40 passengers from train’s trip on the Wagah- an Indian rake which left the Pakistan Foreign Office (FO) was started on July 22, 1976 of 8 Months i.e, by March numbers more 200 mva, 220 From Pakistan side, the train both countries are believed to Lahore stretch on its side, Old Delhi Railway station at spokesman said in a state- under the Shimla Agreement 2019. kv, 3 Phase Auto Transformers. departs from Lahore on be stranded at Attari, the even as 27 passengers -- 23 11.20 pm on Wednesday night. ment the operations of the that settled the 1971 war In this series the ‘1st Set of These will be delivered in Mondays and Thursdays. sources said. Indians and three from the The Wagah station master train had been suspended on between the two nations. 200 mva, 220 kv, UPPTCL, 3 Financial Year 2019-20. SR *& *+   <  1))  1  P 1/Q1 *,&% - .  /#= / ' /   11 - %  45625/7.  !$ 0! $)$ -*  International Humanitarian % '4.524 .4 The travel ban entails pre- However, on all occasions, ! )! !$$ " !) Law and the Geneva venting the entry into or tran- China, a veto-wielding perma- oogle-owned YouTube on 0!!&    &*  Convention. *++ $ !*  $  $ /1  1Q he US, the UK and France sit by all states through their nent member of the Security GThursday removed 11 !  “It was made clear that Thave moved a fresh pro- territories by designated indi- Council, blocked India’s pro- objectionable video links of Pakistan would be well advised posal in the UN Security viduals. Under the arms posal from being adopted by Indian Air Force (IAF) Wing to ensure that no harm comes %   01 /8'? randum to the Collector. Council to designate Pakistan- embargo, all states are required the Sanctions Committee. Commander Abhinandan requests to remove content to the Indian defence person- The delegation explained based terror group JeM’s chief to prevent the direct or indirect It remains to be seen how Varthaman, who was captured from Google services is regu- nel in its custody. India also he dilapidated houses of that because of the house the Masood Azhar as a global ter- supply, sale and transfer from China will vote on the propos- by Pakistan during an air com- larly updated in our trans- expects his immediate and safe TAssamese writer PWD had to change the plan rorist, a listing that will subject their territories or by their al this time. China, a close ally bat on Wednesday. The parency report,” the spokesper- return,” the MEA said in a Lakhminath Bezbaroa situated by constructing a bad curve him to global travel ban, asset nationals outside their territo- of Pakistan, has consistently YouTube took the decision son added. statement. at Nelson Mandela Chowk “like a death trap” for the peo- freeze and arms embargo. ries, or using their flag vessels blocked moves after the Ministry of Electronics Videos of the captured A host of American IT here has created serious traffic ple. Considering the interest of The proposal was moved or aircraft, of arms and related first by India and later by and Information Technology Indian Air Force pilot were giants like YouTube, Facebook, problem for which local resi- the people, Bezbaroa’s house on Wednesday by the three materiel of all types, spare the US, the UK and France to asked the video streaming plat- being released on the internet Twitter and Google continue to dents had been insisting the should be demolished, the permanent veto-wielding parts, and technical advice, designate Azhar as a global ter- form to do so. and netizens shared these host anti-India and jehadi con- administration to demolish it memorandum said. members of the UNSC. The assistance, or training related to rorist by the 1267 Committee The Ministry had asked videos across social media plat- tent floated by UN-banned for greater interest of the peo- Earlier the locals had UNSC Sanctions Committee military activities, to desig- by putting technical holds. YouTube to remove the clips forms like Twitter, WhatsApp terrorists like Hafiz Sayeed, ple. staged demonstration will have 10 working days to nated individuals and entities. France assumes the crucial following directive from the and Facebook. and the chief of banned terror The design of the Rotary demanding demolition of the consider the fresh proposal In 2009, India had moved rotating presidency of the UN Home Ministry, a Government Hashtags like group Jaish-e-Mohammad and junction, adjacent to the sec- buildings which was later pre- submitted by the three mem- similar proposal to ban Azhar, Security Council in March. source said, adding that the said #BringbackAbhinandan, its leader Masood Azhar. ond bridge over the Mahanadi vented by the police. bers. It is the fourth such bid at whose UN-proscribed JeM The proposal was moved links have now been removed. #SayNoToWar, #MiG21, #F16 Interestingly, these US compa- was changed just to save “We would intensify the the UN in the last 10 years to claimed responsibility for the just two days before France When contacted, a Google and #PakFakeClaim were nies also have a significant Bezbaroa’s house by the Public agitation if it is not demolished list Azhar as a global terrorist. Pulwama attack. In 2016 again, assumes the crucial rotating spokesperson said the compa- trending as netizens from both presence in the Indian market Works Department (PWD). for the public interest. People An assets freeze under the India moved the proposal with presidency of the UN Security ny complies with “valid legal the sides of border turned to but are not taking any action to “The straight approach are witnessing regular acci- Sanctions Committee requires the US, the UK and France to Council. Informed sources ear- requests from authorities wher- social media to express their delete such contents, many of road to the bridge had been dents mostly on the approach that all states freeze without ban Azhar, also the master- lier told PTI that “France is ever possible, consistent with views. which are used for radicalisa- curved to save the house which side of the bridge. Accidents delay the funds and other mind of the attack on the air focussed on bringing individ- our longstanding policy and act “India also strongly object- tion and ultimately lead to ter- is causing accidents of serious started before inauguration of financial assets or economic base in Pathankot in January, ual listing requests of JeM ter- quickly to remove such mate- ed to Pakistan’s vulgar display rorist attacks by the terror nature,” said Manas Boxi, a the new bridge due to bad resources of designated indi- 2016.In 2017, the P3 nations rorists to the 1267 Committee rial”. of an injured personnel of the proxies of the Pakistan Army leading youth leader, who led curve in the approach portion,” viduals and entities. moved a similar proposal again. soon”. “Data on Government IAF in violation of all norms of and the ISI combine. a delegation to submit memo- said Boxi. >  1"?%, O P   7/1    

DHENKANAL: There was cel- ebration in a family of Paramahansapur village under Parjang block of Dhenkanal district on Wednesday when a 70-year-old member, who had been presumed dead around four months ago, returned tak- ing the entire locality by surprise. body were similar. Police had According to reports, Sarat cremated the body by then. Sahu of the village had gone Presuming that Sahu was dead, missing since November last. His his family members had also %  7?27 entire country for welfare of the family members searched for conducted his death rituals. farmers. The second instal- him at various places but in vain. But Sahu was spotted by hief Minister Naveen ment of the KALIA scheme On December 15 and 17, the former sarpanch in the CPatnaik on Thursday financial assistance would be an advertisement with a photo Talcher area on Wednesday attended a Biju Yuva Vahini disbursed on April 1 (Utkal regarding recovery of a body of morning and the latter (BYV) Conclave in Khordha Divas), he said. an unidentified person was informed his family about it. district and inaugurated and Among others, MP published by the Nayapalli Hundreds of locals gathered laid foundation-stones for a Prasanna Kumar Patasani, police of Bhubaneswar. near the house of Sahu as he slew of development projects Finance Minister Sashi Bhusan Sarat Sahu’s two sons, son- reached the village by an auto- worth Rs 672 crore. Behera, Khordha Collector in-law and a former sarpanch rickshaw. Happiness in the fam- The CM urged the BYV Nirmal Chandra Mishra, of the area went to the Nayapalli ily soared after seeing Sahu volunteers to treat ‘Seva’ (ser- Khordha MLA Rajendra police station and informed alive. He later revealed that he vice to others) as their religion. Kumar Sahu and Begunia MLA the cops that the body was of was staying in Bhubaneswar and ' 7  #  '  -  #    #'     7P   #   $   P He also said that the KALIA Prasanta Kumar Jagdev were Sahu as his physical appear- working as a domestic help at a #   $  %#  *     scheme has shown way to the present. ances and that of the recovered person’s house. 4*..    5   & (  '(    /0  #.      %  1? 70 8'? business will now operate on  .. .. both sides of the Indian coast hief Minister Naveen providing strategic logistical CPatnaik inaugurated the advantages to its customers.” second and third berths of the Notably, in 2017, the huge investment in the district; but if more Gopalpur Port on Thursday. ShapoorjiPallonji Group iron dust is allowed to be carried through With cargo handling became majority shareholder in pipeline then thousands of drivers and capacity of 20 million MTPA the Gopalpur Port and under- owners engaged in carrying iron ore by lor- and an investment of Rs 2,000 took the Rs 2,000-crore expan- ries would be thrown out of jobs and fam- crore, the port would boost sion programme. The ily members depending upon them would maritime trade and commerce Gopalpur Port is strategically be put to much hardship. He also criticised and create employment oppor- located between Paradip and the CSR policies of the companies. tunities for 8,000 youths in the Visakhapatnam Ports. Similarly, the District Planning Board State, said Patniak while “The current expansion Chairman’s representative Sushanta Kumar addressing a gathering on the entails a total investment of Rs Kar objected to the project saying that the occasion. 2,000 crore and will contribute JSW should set up a steel plant in Keonjhar Patnaik said, “The significantly towards the eco- instead of at Paradip so that there can be Gopalpur Port will be a strate- nomic development of Odisha more development in the district. Deojhar gic shift in cargo movement on and Ganjam \district in par- Sarpanch Mangal Munda also objected to the east coast of India. ticular,” said Gopalpur Port the project. Development of this port will CEO Sandeep However, local BDO Khirod Kumar provide significant economic Agarwal. Behera intervened and kept the matter %  1 ?.8 2 trict official was present at the benefits to Ganjam district and During his visit to Ganjam pending for discussion in the next meet- Collectorate till last reports create direct and indirect district, Patnaik also laid foun- ing. nraged by alleged physical came in. employment for over 6,500 dation-stone for expansion of Other important problems like elec- Eand mental torture by their The students alleged that people.” the Harbhangi irrigation pro- trical, Anganwadi and education were also Headmistress, students of the the Headmistress has been “The port will play a cru- ject to be constructed at a cost     . 7 08' The product of the plant to would be sent discussed in the meeting. The BDO Kendua Nodal High School in torturing them both mental- cial role in economic develop- of Rs 172 crore. to its steel plant at Paradip through a advised the concerned officials to come Shyamakhunta block of ly and physically. They are not ment of Odisha, especially the The project would enable he pipeline project of JSW along NH- pipeline. But first of all, the company prepared with details so that it would be Mayurbhanj district walked even being provided with ade- southern districts of the state,” irrigation in 3,763 hectares of T520 to its slurry plant was opposed in wants to set up a pipeline to draw water easy to redress the grievances of the com- miles to the Collector’s office quate food at the school. They added he. arable land in 32 villages. The the 5th Panchayat Samiti (PS) meeting of from the Baitarani river to its slurry plant mon man; otherwise, he would take to raise their grievances before warned that they would not ShapoorjiPallonji Port CM also laid foundation-stone Joda held on Wednesday. and requested all the PRI members like action against the careless officer as him on Thursday. return to the school unless the Managing Director AmitSaboo for 24 piped water supply pro- While explaining about the project, the Sarpanches and PS and Zila Parishad deemed fit. Sources said 17 students, matter is taken into consider- said, “The Gopalpur Port is jects in four blocks of the dis- company's representative Prasanta Kumar Members to approve the same and extend Block Chairperson Sukumaree Dehury including girls, of the school ation by the authorities forth- expanding its capacity to 20- trict. Prusty told that JSW wants to set up a slur- their cooperation in future so that the com- presided over the meeting. Anseikala walked for 15 km to meet with. MT all-weather operations in Patnaik later visited ry plant by investing around Rs 10,000 pany can start the project work very soon. Sarpanch Dilip Kumar Naik and ZP M Collector Vineet Bhardwaj. However, no district offi- this phase with an overall Gajapati district to inaugurate crore at Gobardhapur village of Deojhar However, ZP Member Basudev Naik ember Jayanti Banra also participated in However, neither the cial was available to com- vision of 55MT by 2025. The and lay foundation-stones of GP under Joda block of Keonjhar district. said that local people have no objection for the discussions. Collector nor any other dis- ment on the matter. Shapoorji Pallonji Group’s ports projects worth  631.24 crore. (!&) +" )0 1)+$!234526 $!$ B      

:52C?=C6;<<( “The new link will decon- of Delhi include four-laning of 1)(    >:6D9'&'(:'(';< gest Delhi with reduction of 124 km Khekra-EPE junction 6(*CD7;9'6;(;* traffic in Ashram-Badarpur- to Shamli-Saharanpur (NH- Faridabad-Ballabhgarh region 709 B) at a cost of about 1,200  .  >(&&':67< (;* as well as to reduce travel time crore; Rangpuri Bypass to con- )>(&&(;*':(=>* between Delhi and Manesar. nect Dwarka/NH-08 with   #  (:*()(*C-(()<(: This is expected to result in Vasant Kunj-Nelson Mandela reduction of vehicular pollu- Road at a cost of 1,000 crore; )>(&&A;&;<('' tion,” it said. This stretch of the 75 km Urban Extension Road %  45625/7. Mumbai Expressway at ;':9(;<6A expressway will enable com- (UER-2), third Ring Road for Western Peripheral Expressway C07=)(C((' muters coming from East Delhi under Bharatmala at a he upcoming Delhi- and Delhi-Agra Expressway. It Delhi, Noida and Ghaziabad to cost of 4,000 crore and the TMumbai Expressway will is part of the decongestion &':;%:>:( bypass Ring Road and NH 8. 31.3 km, six-lane access con- be extended up to the Ring plan of Delhi. The total cost of >:&&(/C <:( The stretch will provide faster trolled corridor from Road near DND flyover the highway project is 3,580 >:&&("'&>(:'6A link from East and South Delhi Akshardham NH-24 Junction through a six-lane, access-con- crore. to WPE that already provides to EPE Junction on Baghpat trolled road from the Western Union Road Transport and '*96;<&'6;>(;6A direct connectivity to Manesar. Road at a cost of about 2,600 Peripheral Expressway (WPE) Highways Minister Nitin "'6'(96&'6A' This 59-km stretch of the crore. near Sohna that would also Gadkari will lay the foundation <(>:6D9'& expressway will also involve “The project will have provide a fast link to Manesar stone at Kalindi Kunj- construction of 13 flyovers, three-lane service roads each from east and south Delhi. Meethapur road in the nation-  /5#9:6:" two railway under and over on either sides for about 29 km, Over 59-km-long highway al Capital on Friday. The pro- of Road, Transport and km, six-lane elevated corridor cost of 2,300 and nearly 48 per bridges and 10 minor bridges. 7.350 km of elevated section project will start at Ring Road- ject would be in addition to the Highways (MoRTH), these on Gurugram-Sohna Road cent done. The other projects age II, III and IV of Delhi- A no-objection certificate has with two level crossings at four DND junction and pass nine other projects being projects include the 3-km sig- costing 2,000 crore on which for decongestion include the 29 Meerut Expressway costing already been obtained from the locations of Metro line, 18 through Kalindi bypass and the implemented for decongest- nal free corridor from Dhaula work has started and eight-lane km, eight-lane access con- 5,900 crore, where package II Uttar Pradesh and Delhi new underpasses, and nine revamped Faridabad- ing the National Capital Kuan to airport at a cost of Delhi-Panipat highway from trolled Dwarka Expressway is 36 per cent done, package III Government. interchanges with improved Ballabhgarh bypass finishing at Region. 280 crore, which is about 40 Mukarba Chowk to Panipat on costing about 9,500 crore on is 76 per cent done and pack- The other projects which is junctions”, the MORTH said in the interchange of Delhi- According to the Ministry per cent completed; the 22 NH-1 being constructed at a which work has started; pack- age IV is 32 per cent done. part of the decongestion plan a statement.   4 #    -   1  0')1      &    $0 . 0      *"        !!"#$        8   (3%% &% 0   O# 1.  0 0                     %  45625/7. % 45625/7. % 45625/7.            &  bserving that Congress he BCCI on Thursday told he Supreme Court on  #       Opresident Rahul Gandhi Tthe Supreme Court that TThursday stayed its 0  0   and his mother Sonia Gandhi- the life ban imposed on former February 13 order directing 21 2  ) #% headed firm Young Indian % 45625/7. that it wanted quiz them in a Indian cricketer S Sreesanth for states to evict 11.8 lakh illegal engaged in clandestine ways to separate cheating case. his alleged involvement in the forest dwellers whose claims  !!% .  acquire the National Herald he Supreme Court on “We had never ever 2013 IPL spot-fixing scandal over the land have been reject- .0P 0 $ newspaper publishing firm TThursday allowed the Delhi stopped any agency from arrest- was “fully sustainable in law” as ed by the authorities.   *"" AJL’s assets, Delhi High Court’s Police to arrest and interrogate ing and interrogating the direc- he had “tried to influence” a A Bench comprising        Division Bench ordered the in custody Amrapali group tors,” the bench said, adding, match. Justices Arun Mishra and       immediate eviction of Herald CMD Anil Sharma and two “We make it clear that they Countering the arguments Naveen Sinha directed the state L'  7 0   O0 House, the headquarters of the directors on a complaint that (EOW) are free to arrest any or advanced by the counsel rep- governments to file affidavit  5  .    M media organisation. home buyers of their various all directors”. The Bench, which resenting the Board of Control giving details about process  +"*,# 7 0   Upholding the Single December 2010, Justice Sunil make any indulgence into a housing projects were cheated had taken strong exception of for in India (BCCI), adopted in rejecting the claims.     % Bench’s verdict of rejecting Gaur ordered for the eviction reasonable order passed by the and duped of their funds. diversion of monies of the Sreesanth’s lawyer told the The apex court posted the AJL’s appeal against eviction of Herald House. The AJL was writ court in the facts and cir- The top court, which is home buyers by the directors bench of justices Ashok matter for further hearing on   $  order, the Division Bench represented by Congress lawyer cumstances of the present case,” seized of several pleas of home and the real estate firm, direct- Bhushan and KM Joseph that July 10. %%0 % headed by Chief Justice Abhishek Singhvi and the the bench said. It said no buyers seeking possession of ed the court-appointed foren- no spot-fixing took place dur- The top court had on      Rajendra Menon and Justice Urban Development Ministry ground is made out for making around 42,000 flats booked in sic auditors to complete their ing the IPL match and allega- Wednesday agreed to hear the  E     VK Rao said that there was were represented by Solicitor any indulgence into the matter projects of the Amrapali group, detailed investigation on diver- tions levelled against the crick- Centre’s plea seeking with-   '8 “press activity” in Herald General Tushar Mehta. and “we dismiss the appeal”. also ordered attachment of gence of home buyers money by eter were not substantiated by holding of its February 13 &      House and violated and mis- “If all these factors are The Congress leadership is personal properties of the Amrapali group before March evidence. order asking 21 states to evict  O  & '8  used many norms and lease taken note of and a decision is expected to appeal to Supreme CMD and directors — Shiv 22 and listed the matter for The 35-year-old cricketer nearly 11.8 lakh forest dwellers     .8  conditions. taken by the respondents Court soon as a last resort. Priya and Ajay Kumar. hearing on March 24. has challenged in the top court whose claims were rejected.    28 In a 63-page judgment, (Centre) to say that the domi- Already Supreme Court is The trio, under detention The Bench, which had the decision of a division bench After briefly hearing the    % the Bench observed that with nant purpose for which the hearing the appeal of Sonia and of the Uttar Pradesh police and asked the real estate firm and of the Kerala High Court which matter, the bench said: “We stay        just 50 lakh, the Young Indian lease was granted has been vio- Rahul against the Income Tax kept in a hotel at Noida since its directors to either deposit had restored the life ban and hold our February 13   2    in “clandestine and surrepti- lated and there has been mis- fine of more than 400 crore in October 9 last year by the the diverted money or be ready imposed on him by the BCCI. order.”   8'8#8 & tious way” got the control of the use of the conditions of the the National Herald case. apex court for not complying for consequences, Thursday A single-judge bench of the The bench also directed  #      # 400 crore with Herald House, lease, in the absence of mala Meanwhile, in the main case in with its orders, was in for a ordered forthwith attachment Kerala High Court had lifted that the affidavit has to be filed +"*,    by giving the timeline of trans- fides or ulterior motive having trial court, petitioner shock when a bench of justices of personal properties of the the life ban imposed on by the chief secretaries of the       actions, how AJL’s more than 99 been established, the writ court Subramanian Swamy’s cross Arun Mishra and UU Lalit CMD and the two directors. Sreesanth by the states giving details of various        percent shares were taken over has rightly refused to interfere examination by Congress ordered the arrest on a plea by The attached assets also includ- BCCI and had set aside all pro- steps covered for carrying out        by the newly floated firm con- into the matter. lawyers will resume on Economic Offence Wing ed the south Delhi-based bun- ceedings against him initiated the eviction of the forest 28% trolled by Sonia and Rahul. In “We also see no reason to March 30. (EOW) of Delhi Police saying galow of CMD Sharma. by the board. dwellers.

%6>(;9(=67''(;    # 6:*:;'&:<(:*(A': :>:&;'('6;&:=(*'6 '(<(;&''7&6A'& &>&(&'*6;6'((;    $ <%' &97:'A('7: %  45625/7. issued to electors as part of the awareness building exercise, it photo voter slip would no said. Alonger be used as a stand- The slip will also carry a alone identification document disclaimer in bold letters that during elections, and a voter it won’t be accepted for the pur- will have to carry any of the pose of identification. “In order twelve approved identity cards to ensure that no voter is left to the polling station. behind, henceforth EC directs The Election Commission that anybody with the photo on Thursday came out with an voter slip, shall bring any of the order in this regard after rep- twelve approved identity cards resentations were made to it to the polling station for his/her against the use of these slips as identification,” a senior official they do not have any security said. feature. They are printed after Other approved docu- the finalisation of the roll and ments are MNREGA job card; distributed just close to the poll EPIC, passport, Aadhar card, cent electors possess EPIC, health insurance smart card through booth level officers driving licence, service identi- and more than 99 per cents issued under the scheme of (BLOs). ty cards with photographs adults have been issued Aadhar Ministry of Labour; pension “The design of the photo issued to employees by cen- Cards, the order said. document with photograph voter slip does not incorporate tral/state government, PSUs, “Taking all these facts in and official identity cards any security feature. In fact, it public limited companies, pass- view, the Commission has now issued to MPs, MLAs, MLCs, was started as an alternative books issued by bank or post decided that a photo voter slip the statement said. +  $ +  $   ,    '      /  9/ #'     document as the coverage of office, PAN card and smart shall henceforth not be accept- “In the case of EPIC, minor   ) ( / $   ,  2($,3     *    (  6$ :;    ;/  EPIC (Electoral Photo Identity card issued by the Registrar ed as a standalone identifica- discrepancies in the entries   #    #,9  ' /  ) #    / #-,  '   , ,  #6. Card) was not complete,” it General of India under tion document for voting,” the therein should be ignored pro-       (  #  1    7 7  56;6 $$ #+ '   9 ( - 9 /  /  ,  said. National Populations Register. EC said. vided the identity of the elec-  + -' /  4  9   (  '%.( ' / 9  / # #  #6/ 9  The 12 documents accept- As per available informa- However, such slips will tor can be established by the   ($,P  # ##    -#            #     ed for identification include — tion, at present, over 99 per continue to be prepared and EPIC,” the statement said.      /2     .

  . 0  45625/7. shows, wheat production is 996:*;<'6'&'=('/ account of more precise infor- tonnes. expected to touch 99.12 million >7&&>:6*79'6;&?'6 mation flowing over time, it Production of cotton has ue to erratic rainfall and tonnes, lower than the target of )1,"1=6;'6;;&/ added. been pegged lower at 30.09 mil- Ddrought in around 250 102.20 million tonnes. 6:'(;''(:<'6A The total oilseeds produc- lion bales (of 170 kg each) from districts across the country, “Rice production is at an tion in the country during 34.88 million bales, while jute the overall food grain produc- all-time high. We had set a tar- 15"25=6;'6;;& 2018-19 is estimated at 31.50 & mesta output is seen at 10.07 tion may fall by 3.46 million get of 114 million tonnes. But ed output is more than last million tonnes, 1.62 million million bales (of 180 kg each) tonnes (MT) in 2018-19 crop we expect the output to reach year’s second advance estimate tonnes higher than the 29.88 against 10.13 million bales. year (July-June) despite record 115.6 million tonnes. There will of 23.95 million tonnes. million tonnes output in sec- India has been witnessing rice output. As per the Ministry be no shortage of foodgrains in The cumulative rainfall in ond advance estimates of 2017- bumper foodgrains, oilseeds, of Agriculture, overall food the country. We will be able to the country during the mon- 18. The production of oilseeds cotton, sugarcane, fruits, veg- grain production is pegged of export more if international soon season (June to during 2018-19 is 1.85 million etables over the last few years, 281.37 million tonnes this year markets are competitive,” said September 2018) was 9 per cent tonnes higher than the average which has resulted in lower as compared to 284.83 million a senior agriculture depart- lower than long period average oilseeds production. prices for farmers. tonnes in 2017-18. As per the ment official, who did not (LPA). The cumulative rainfall With an increase of 27.61 As per data, as many as 100 data, rice production is esti- wish to be identified. Wheat in north west India, central million tonnes over 2017-18, districts of the country have mated to touch record 115.60 output is pegged slightly lower India and south peninsula dur- total production of sugarcane witnessed a drought like-situ- MT in 2018-19 from 112.91 at 99.12 MT from 99.70 MT in ing that period has been nor- in the country during 2018-19 ation, triggered by failure of MT in the previous year. In the previous year. mal on the whole. As per IMD, is estimated at 380.83 million south-west monsoon. This fre- other words, food grain pro- According to the estimate, 250 of the 681 districts across tonnes. Further, sugarcane pro- quency is now increasing in duction may fall by one per pulses production is likely to be the country have faced defi- duction during 2018-19 is Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, cent in the current crop year. 24.02 million tonnes, lower cient rainfall this year. 31.05 million tonnes higher Karnataka, Kerala, The second advance estimates than the target of 25.95 million “The production figures than the average sugarcane Maharashtra, among a few of Ministry of Agriculture tonnes. However, the estimat- are subject to revision on production of 349.78 million other States. (!&) +" )0 1)+$!234526 ! $!$ 9     &% 3   G28       % 3  3 %&'()'*+ %             4     (        )           2   *HA+ # O  )         & %. 1  -  +1-,          $S                  -&  #      %6  &     S       $(               7 #                     (             €h“i‚‚‡   €hwi‚‚ 7 1       "    # 48$   (         S        (  4   (  "         "   couple of weeks ago, The 9                   Washington Post published an       (             article titled, ‘In Central Asia’s     -  $  2    2       forbidding highlands, a quiet newcomer: Chinese troops’. It (            9‚‚ qh †uh   reported:A “Two miles above sea level in the                       ( inhospitable highlands of Central Asia,    48$    :      .      ( there’s a new power watching over an old passage into Afghanistan: China.” S       : 7 #    S       According to interviews, satellite images,                    photographs and first-hand observations         $(      1S    by a Washington Post journalist, it was found that Chinese troops have settled in                    one of the most strategic areas of central            7 1  Asia, termed “a choke point in Tajikistan.”                  The US newspaper said, “Tajikistan — awash with Chinese investment — joins the         9         ( list of Chinese military sites that includes                  ( Djibouti in the strategic Horn of Africa and                    man-made islands in the South China Sea, in the heart of Southeast Asia”, adding “the     7 $             ( modest facility in Tajikistan — which offers            7 #       a springboard into Afghanistan’s Wakhan ;    4. 5               Corridor a few miles away — has not been publicly acknowledged by any Government.       2             But its presence is rich in significance and 6    9             symbolism.” The region has been (and is)         $          still highly strategic. Last year, a publication, tonnes, in 1961, 96 tonnes and and Moscow had reached a conflict with India, having no                 ‘The 1959 Tibetan Uprising Documents: in 1962, 30 tonnes. This means breaking point by 1959. spares and no fuel. This was The Chinese Army Documents’ was that in 1960, there was a huge The only possibility was recently confirmed to this                    released on Kindle. It was a collection of top surge in fuel import. But some under-the-table purchas- writer by Wing Commander        1    $         /  secret documents of the military intelligence import from where? es through corrupt officials in ‘Jaggi’ Nath, who extensively 0    ! %        $   %  of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), dat- There was no possibility of 67>2.275 Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan. I got flew over Tibet in secret mis- ing from the end of the 1950s till the 1962 any gallon passing unnoticed convinced that the gasoline sions between 1960 and 1962.     $   S          war with China. through Nathu-la or Jelep-la — .42. 4 had come from the same area He was awarded his first Maha   4     48$          9  ( At that crucial time, China had a seri- the two main passes between 95?4054# in Tajikistan where China is Vir Chakra medal for this (he                P  Q ous problem — it did not have an Air Force Sikkim and Chumbi Valley today building a new base, at got his second in 1965 for map- in a position to take on the Indian Air (Tibet) — ditto for the passes 67.77 2 // the edge of the Wakhan corri- ping the Pakistani defences).   P     Q 6         Force. The compiler of the above men- in Uttarakhand or North-East 75.4)?0 .4 dor and Xinjiang. The second upshot is that     . $      5       tioned paper noted: “Disadvantage of the Frontier Agency (NEFA) 1'75 An interesting lead: the area, where the Chinese are   P  O      O          Chinese Air Force is still a major problem (Arunachal Pradesh today) or Tursun Uljabayev, the party today building their new base, in case of a conflict with India. Indian jets even Demchok in Ladakh, .' .4.4.15# secretary of Tajikistan in 1960, is highly strategic, being a rela-     Q .            can start at a low altitude with a full load which had been closed for was sacked and imprisoned for tively easy link between the oil-              "     of bombs and plenty of fuel. Also, India has trade by the Chinese. 75258/>054 serious corruption a year later. rich Central Asia, Afghanistan           (          many airports only about a 100 kilometres The author of the publica- )758/ 475 In all probability, gasoline (through the Wakhan corri- from the highest peaks of the Himalayas. tion presumed that “corrupt” from Tajikistan was trans- dor), the restive Xinjiang (the 1 6        1        Short distance and higher bomb load mean Indian officials had let the fuel 8/ 5 ' 4275 ported to Kashgar (or hub of Xi Jinping’s Road and Belt                     each Indian jet is at least twice if not three be smuggled in. That, too, was / )7.455 Tashgurgan) in Xinjiang and Initiative) and Tibet.                  times more effective than a Chinese air- not possible. First, the officers then taken over the Aksai This raises another issue: craft.” Apart from the fact that many air- of the Indian Frontier .?)?54'5 Chin to be used in western Why did the Indian         6          planes had been sent to the Korean front Administrative Service, posted Tibet. It could have been done Government, which had all the     $                and that the Soviet Union had stopped sup- in these areas, were the most .58'42 at night via the road cutting information about the situation 2                    plying spare parts for the MiG fighter upright people, and in any 758/ across Indian territory, which in Tibet, the deployments of planes, the PLA Air Force (PLAAF) had a case, considering that a mule was the best protected artery the PLA on the plateau and the                   major hurdle: No fuel for its few planes. could only carry 40 kg per trip, 454? .4 in China in the 1950s and lack of Chinese Air Force    2  ?@@@  2%?A 6         The amount of gasoline reaching the it would have meant thou- 45 ?757 / early 1960s as only the PLA (‘Jaggi’ Nath was never attacked         $ wvuhqv     6 plateau from China via the Qinghai-Tibet sands and thousands of mules, ?.25.475 was allowed to use it; the traf- or even followed during his 0              or the Sichuan-Tibet highways was not which did not exist on the fic could have gone unnoticed regular sorties over Tibet), not enough to maintain a large occupation plateau …and they would have  6 45?L for several months. It was use its jets to pound the PLA                      7 force on the Tibetan plateau (read the to have been transparent. probably why Uljabayev was concentration near the Thagla Indian borders) and at the same time, pro- After pondering over the 754/> 465? caught and the import of gaso- ridge in the Tawang sector in vide the necessary fuel for the PLAAF. One issue, my conclusion was that . 65)'//  line into Tibet drastically fell Walong area of eastern NEFA of the published documents mentioned this amount of gasoline could in 1961 …and by 1962 China or in Rezang-la in Ladakh? The     secret statistics for “border trade” and the not have crossed any Indian or )/5 25?7.8 had no fuel for its aircraft. only answer is a woeful lack of import of fuel, gasoline and other com- Nepalese border post into Tibet. The above findings have leadership. Let us hope that the          (   modities between 1953 and 1967. It left few other possibilities. two important corollaries. One, present bosses watch what is What do the statistics show? In 1958, One was the Soviet Union. it confirms that the Chinese happening in this area. (            gasoline of 380 tonnes was imported into Though it had just split with had no Air Force in flying con- (The writer is an expert on Tibet; in 1959, nothing; in 1960, 2,220 China, relations between Beijing dition at the time of the 1962 India-China relations)  )  *            ( #    $ * $         +$*$,     ( .  7       #.  &. 6J 'K  6             %       %7      %    #             -       $   . %..   #    J.  8&  K   # 8  0      #7         %6   &                    %    %    %         %     .     (*: 9'6:  %:&*;' 6;<:&&&>6?&>:&6; /            K    K  K2   K0                          0    (   "                     4       4                                       nity for regional airports to         gain a major infrastructure                  boost.      #            # Sir — This refers to the editorial,        # L.   & &M Varun SD                    ( “Pakistan cornered” (February 28). J)  +!K%.    ) O  @   # Bengaluru The best part about the air attack  @    &  /    (      )        ( by the Indian Air Force (IAF) was J/K        @@0                            that it caught Pakistan unawares.   1& #       <<@             #    1    ( Kudos to our intelligence system       8   & which provided crucial inputs and  %        #  @ Sir — This refers to the editorial,                 we acted judiciously with laser-   . )     #   “Pakistan cornered” (February 28).                      guided bombs in the wee hours.       %.   In a mini throwback to the  2   2     %        #   This is our first air raid after 1971  #  &        1971 engagement on Pakistan and now we not only know of our 8&  O              @ soil, India has done well to reset                 ( capabilities but have also shown to    %  &     its regional equations. We must                    both Pakistan and the world what          .   @ expect international repercus-       #    R  1 2 4 5 S + 1245,  ( we can do if need arises.  O   %        /%8  0   0 sions. Now that we have shuffled Credit also goes to our                     L   %M7  @ the pack overnight, a new deal                    Government that we did not tar- 8      .   &         #     O  is in order. Post Balakot, intru-     "             get any military establishment or &8&    %           8&   &&% sions into Jammu & Kashmir # )  %              civilian areas in Pakistan but just   &  . O      ;6*' from across the border will terrorists camps. As expected,            almost certainly intensify. We                   ( Pakistan retaliated but was cor- would need additional thought-                      nered by the IAF. Now the obvious ful strategies on Pakistan-occu-     "     /    option for them will be to increase     Jaipur, Thiruvananthapuram which is now in the third stage, pied Kashmir. terrorist activities in India. and Ahmedabad. Major airports infrastructure at regional air- If 1971 created a changed                ( Nevertheless, the IAF must be in New Delhi, Mumbai and ports, too, needs to be improved. contour for Pakistan, 2019 could                  ( commended for meticulous plan- Sir — The recent announcement Bengaluru are witnessing huge The Nextgen airports For as well signal a reconfigured              6   ( ning and execution, like what our of privatisation of major airports passenger influx and require Bharat Nirman initiative aimed Line of Control — our recalci-         (           ( Army did during the 2016 surgi- under the Public-Private equal attention. at easing land-acquisition trant neighbour has had scant cal strikes. Hopefully, Pakistan Partnership (PPP) model is a Airports across India are process to enable the respect for it anyway.  1                   will learn from this and ensure it refreshing move at a time when now undergoing a massive infra- development of regional and R Narayanan           1   "      does not allow its turf to be used the Ministry of Civil Aviation structure facelift owing to greenfield airports now needs a Navi Mumbai      .       )  %      for anti-India activities. has turned its attention to increased domestic and passen- further push. Bal Govind improve non-metro airports like ger traffic. Further, with the Undoubtedly, the PPP / <                Noida Lucknow, Guwahati, Mangaluru, inception of the UDAN scheme, model is an excellent opportu- '':&'6>6;:F<=("96= (!&) +" )0 1)+$!234526 $  6     C4        4  %% $.%% /$.  % 0 $/H .-%  $  .%. "# #  "%$  %"  0  %"%%    -  -%   -$   " /-     .  0" 0      @5  ?  L0  L   %  %             $  %  .  $  @   %-    &      ( 3              (  $%&'0      (       (     5'   (  (     (        6  )  9  +6)9, #.(/  !       #        "  2                                 (              (             . (                  O         #                 S                                  %          1              S     t was the military disaster of 1971 that            (   forced the Pakistani establishment and its              Imilitary, which runs the country for all O                practical purposes, to face up to the fact that they could never win a conventional war          (   ( against India. If Pakistan was to avenge its          humiliation and cut India down to size, it had #              little choice but to fight through proxies and   S           bleed India through a thousand cuts.       (  #     This idea must surely have germinated -    :   (    from its successful employment of Islamic mil-        O     ( itants — the forerunners of the Taliban — to   :           ( oppose the rule of the Marxist People’s    Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) that 4          P   Q had deposed former President of Afghanistan Mohammed Daoud Khan in what came to be       #        ( known as the Saur or April Revolution of 1978.            O    ( It was this Pakistani-fomented insurgency that        6)9S AB %   $   finally led to the Soviet intervention and occu-  6  +%$6,   ?@B@ .    pation of Afghanistan in December 1979.   2              Incidentally, while conventional wisdom              ( would have us believe that it was the Central  C P.     1  Q Intelligence Agency (CIA) that came up with #   S     6)9  the idea of using militants to fight the Soviets,             ( facts show that it came to the party much later                and only added its considerable resources to the techniques perfected by Pakistan’s Inter-     S         ( Services Intelligence in the use of irregulars for      )1D      its own ends.         O      S Thus, from the early 1980s, Pakistan      O 6)9      ( commenced its support for secessionist ele-                 ( ments within India that were involved in fight- Most importantly, the timing of the dev- hardly help either side, given the huge chal-           (   ing against the state. First, the Khalistan astating attack left the Modi Government with lenges we face in lifting vast swathes of our       .         ( Movement and subsequently, with greater suc- little choice but to respond overtly and with population out of the twin evils of poverty and                ( cess, in Jammu & Kashmir. It clearly had speed, if it was to still retain any hope of doing illiteracy.         advantages as there was credible deniability well at the hustings. There was also a possi- However, it must be emphasised that true #       6)9       and the economy of effort with the dirty work bility that if India responded in an effective progress will only occur as and when Pakistan being done by proxies, keeping the Indian manner to the outrage, the Government’s stock starts to wind up the jihad factory it has built                ( security forces tied down and finally, the most would go up rapidly and that would enhance 67./5 //'? over these years. In any case, the Indian cross-         (  /   %$6S important of all, creating fear and anxiety with- Modi’s reputation and chances of return to border raid cannot be a one-off affair and we            6)9 .(/ in the general population that impacted every power, just as the earlier cross-border strike 54.40 >15 must be willing to do all that it takes to neu-                 aspect of our democratic way of life. helped the BJP in the Uttar Pradesh elections.  54.425 /.4 tralise the jihadi network and its vast army of .        .    % There is, of course, one major disadvan- This could hardly have been to Pakistan’s financiers, managers and facilitators. B #             tage of using proxies. They tend to have a mind advantage and in the event the attack was facil- 6.775.'5 Finally, while all our attention may be              6)9  of their own and often times, respond inap- itated by the Army, then General Bajwa has 7 42#75)  taken in dealing with the issue at hand, the fact              propriately or work at cross purposes to what certainly made a serious miscalculation. as to what led to the Pulwama attack must not            ( its mentors may be wishing to achieve. The Regardless of the number of casualties that 67 /52 be lost sight of. For this serious lapse on the        (     Pulwama suicide attack falls in this category. the Indian Air Force’s attack on terror camps part of our intelligence services, it is impera- There have been numerous statements over the deep inside Pakistan may have caused, the very 758'/6 0 tive that heads must roll. There have also been            6)9  ( past four years that have made it clear that fact that the Indian Government displayed the clear indications that despite increasing num-           (     Pakistan prefers to deal with Indian intent to take on terrorists inside Pakistan has  0'4 bers of militants being neutralised in the Valley,              Governments run by the more “liberal and sec- clearly changed the narrative prevalent for the 15/.7)% the Army and other security forces were being           4    ular” parties, compared to having to deal with past four decades. It has also shown up increasingly marginalised, especially in south     #         the more conservative, Hindutva-driven Pakistan’s repeated threats of a nuclear riposte )?7.5?.' Kashmir, because of popular discontent.    ?@B@         Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). With elections as sheer hyperbole and bluster. / 85475 They had consequently lost their ability to          ( around the corner and with the BJP facing the More importantly, the initiative has final- dominate the countryside, thereby losing out        *      very real likelihood of a serious decline, if the ly shifted in India’s favour along with world 8 ?)'? on intelligence. These aspects continued to be                ( recent State elections were any indication, it opinion, which has had enough of Pakistan’s .45//.545 ignored by the Central Government and the             ( would have been in Pakistan’s best interest to duplicitous behaviour. Moreover, any escala- military hierarchy. Little thought was given to maintain a low profile. tion above a perfunctory retaliation, which was 5?9.5#.. the necessity for reviewing either counter              Masood Azhar, the Jaish-e-Mohammed to be expected to assuage domestic opinion, insurgency strategies or tactical procedures and ! (         S (JeM) supremo, obviously had a different view. by Pakistan would destroy the fig leaf of deni- .085? .957  the leadership continued to be swayed by tac-               Not only did his organisation carry out the sui- ability it has used over the years. Crucially, it tical successes with little attempt to resolve the          #  .( cide attack that led to the death of 44 CRPF would force their military into a direct con- 75 20'?// growing disillusionment and radicalisation /  !             ( jawans but also went on to take credit for the frontation, something that the proxy war within the population, especially the youth.               ( action. Thus, in one thoughtless act, he not waged by them over the years allowed them This must certainly change.             only destroyed the Pakistan Government’s to avoid. (The writer is a military veteran, a consul-       attempts at deniability but also made Imran In this context, one can only hope better tant with the Observer Research Foundation and Uur v‡r v†Srtv‚hy9v rp‡‚ XCPT‚ˆ‡u@h†‡6†vh Khan’s call for India to provide credible evi- sense will prevail and we will be able to avoid Visiting Senior Fellow with The Peninsula dence infructuous. serious escalation of the conflict, which can Foundation, Chennai) '                                   

the British. Eminent historian beliefs which sprang up in the people of the Indus. reformers of India to work with an had no roots in antiquity. Then, theological. Ayesha Jalal in her book, Self and region. But this synthesis was JT O’Connell, in his 1973 essay, established monotheist faith with there was the case of American his- After word got out about the Sovereignty, wrote that at least more cultural and geographical in ‘The Word Hindu’, published in an organised “history” to express torian James Laine’s 2004 book, contents of his book, its appoint- one of the reasons behind the nature. It wasn’t tied together by a Gaudiya Vaisnava Texts, wrote their cultural and political sepa- Shivaji: Hindu King in Islamic ed publishing house was threat- emergence of Hindu and Muslim single, over-arching theological that it was only in the 16th centu- rateness, Hindu reformers had to India, on the 17th century “warrior ened. The publisher withdrew and nationalism was the introduction thread. ry CE that the word “Hindu” ini- start almost from scratch. king” hailed as an unmatched Jha had to look for another pub- of the holding of a nation-wide The British scholar of compar- tially emerged in the context of Therefore, early Hindu hero by Hindu nationalists. But lisher. The book was finally pub- census by the British, who insist- ative religion, GD Flood, wrote in being a faith. According to him, it reformist organisations such as the Laine did not treat any of the lished, but Hindu nationalist $ 4 ed that the natives declare their his tome, An Introduction to is described as a religion in the Arya Samaj (formed in 1875) myths related to the king as facts. groups demanded that Jha be faith. Hinduism, that the word “Hindu” 16th century Bengali tome based their Hindu reformism on A group of men belonging to the arrested for heresy. As threats n his 1934 book, The Story of Bhai Parmanand should not was first used as a geographical Chaitanya Charitamrita, which the idea that Hinduism, too, was a far-right Shiv Sena stormed the grew, Jha secretly left India. My Life, the early Hindu nation- have been surprised by what the term in the Persian texts of 6th uses the term “Hindu dharma.” monotheistic faith, which had just library where Laine had done his The Muslim religious-nation- Ialist and author, Bhai Americans asked him. The idea of century BCE to describe people Pandey wrote that to overcome one God and that all other deities research. They broke its windows alist narrative in Pakistan, too, has Parmanand, lamented that when defining the Hindus and Muslims who lived beyond River Indus (in this realisation, early Hindu worshipped in India were just and doors and set fire to a number caused fissures. But ever since the he visited the United States in 1914, as separate communities of India present-day Pakistan). nationalists claimed that a major- manifestations of this one God. of books. 1990s, it has developed a less reac- many Americans asked him, “Are was still new to those living thou- Flood also wrote that the ity of non-Hindu people living in The aim was to shape a dispersed One of Laine’s Indian collabo- tive tendency to absorb the all Hindus Muslim?” The Indian sands of miles away. To them, India Persians formulated this word the region had originally been cultural synthesis into an organised rators was thrashed and his face counter-narratives which chal- historian, Gyanendra Pandey, in was Hindustan and its citizens from the original local name of the Hindu and were converted. On the monotheist faith so that it could be blackened. The BJP Government lenge the “mythical” aspects of the his essay for the anthology, Hindus were Hindu just as America’s citi- Indus, which was Sindhu. other hand, also in the 19th cen- used to form a cohesive Hindu decided to ban the book in India. religious-nationalist narrative. In and Others, wrote that even till the zens were American — be they According to Indian historian tury, early Muslim nationalists nationalist narrative and polity. In 2002, prolific historian Prof DN India, the Hindu religious-nation- late 19th century, being a Hindu Christian or otherwise. But Romila Thapar, the term “Sindhu” claimed that their ancestors were In Modi’s India today, histori- Jha completed his book, Myth of alist narrative constituted a lesser largely meant being an inhabitant Parmanand was aware of the fact was derived from “Sapta Sindhu” non-Indian and had roots in ans who hold the above-men- the Holy Cow. Drawing from var- part of the overall Indian nation- of India, no matter what religion that unlike Islam, Judaism or mentioned in the Rig Veda — a Muslim Arabia and Central Asia. tioned view, are under attack. For ious historical sources, Jha estab- alist narrative. he or she belonged to. Christianity, Hinduism was a dis- book of Sanskrit hymns composed But the early Muslim nationalists example, a textbook authored by lished that the cow was not always It only began to assert itself in Both Hindu and Muslim persed faith, which did not have a between 1500 and 1200 BCE. The had an established monotheist Thapar was removed from the sacred in what became Hinduism the late 1980s. Challenging it caus- nationalisms in India have their centre. Sapta Sindhu is described as a river faith to help them concoct a social curriculum. The book was replaced and that ancient Hindus regularly es more bitterness and violence roots in the aftermath of the fail- According to author and his- in the Rig Veda. The post-seventh and political link with Muslim- by one authored by Meenakshi ate beef. He used the word “ancient there — especially by that section ure of the 1857 War of torian Craig A Lockhard, in his century Arabs picked up on the majority regions; early Hindu Jain, a political scientist and a vocal Hindus” because they were prob- of the polity which accuses the Independence. Nationalism as an book, Societies, Networks and word “Hindu”, first coined by the nationalists struggled to formulate supporter of Hindu nationalism. ably not called that at the time. To original Indian nationalist narra- idea was largely foreign to both Transitions, Hinduism emerged Persians to form the word “al- a coherent history of Hinduism. Jain accused Thapar of trying Jha, the issues of cow worship and tive of suppressing Hindu majori- communities. It was uncannily over centuries as a synthesis and Hind” or “Hindustan.” By this, they Whereas it was somewhat sim- to portray Hindu nationalism as a beef in India today are more polit- tarianism. introduced in the subcontinent by fusion of various cultures and meant a region inhabited by the pler for 19th century Muslim modern political construct which ical and ideological in nature than (Courtesy: The Dawn) (!&) +" )0 1)+$!234526 $!$ D

4 A 44 0      &, -.   3

%  45625/7. Tewari said. /01R The party’s chief he Congress on Thursday spokesperson Randeep Talleged that the Prime Surjewala alleged that the 0. .   00' Minister Narendra Modi has prime minister was “hell-bent “misplaced priorities” and that on creating a video-confer- 33-year-old woman was he was “desperate only for re- ence record” when the entire Akilled and an Indian Army election”. It also accused the saf- country was praying for the jawan, currently on leave, fron party leaders of politicis- return of its braveheart pilot. received critical injuries in ing the bravery of the armed An IAF pilot was captured by intense cross-border shelling forces, while referring to Pakistan after an air combat on along the Line of Control in Karnataka BJP leader BS Wednesday during which the Mendhar sector of Poonch on Yeddyurappa’s comment that two sides said they shot down Thursday. India’s “pre-emptive strikes” each other’s warplanes that According to field reports, on terror camps in Pakistan followed an unsuccessful “the woman was sitting in an have created a wave in favour attempt to target Indian mili- open area of her house in vil- of PM Modi and will help his tary installations in retaliatory lage Chajjala when a mortar    '   -    $    2$ 3   7   party win over 22 out of 28 Lok strikes that sparked fears of war. shell landed there causing ) =(  >*#   - (   $ Sabha seats in the State. IAF sources identified the pilot grievous injuries”. She suc- The Congress simultane- as Wing Commander cumbed to her fatal injuries ously distanced itself from the Abhinandan Varthaman. before being rushed to the         9       #  suggestions by Punjab Minister “Glaring case of misplaced hospital.   #      #1' (  ,  2(,3  (     ( Navjot Singh Sidhu for a dia- priorities! 132 Cr Indians pray Police said, “the deceased )=(  $ logue with Pakistan and termed for safe & immediate return of woman was identified as it as his personal opinion and India’s brave-heart Wing Amin Akhtar, D/O Mohd not that of the party. “There is Comm, Abhinandan but Sadiq while Lance Naik Zakir which had triggered panic in Indian army retaliated strong- ( .. a time to act and there is a time Modiji desperate only for re- Hussain, S/O Abdul Hameed the area. ly and effectively. to talk. Dialogue can only take election. Congress cancelled of Balnoi in Mankote received Earlier, Pakistan Air Force Firing in the KG sector place when the atmosphere is its imp CWC & Rally today. splinter injuries while he was jets also attempted to violate air was initiated around 1.00 %  45625/7. about one crore BJP workers in workers need to tell people the conducive for dialogue and Pradhan Sevak hell-bent on moving through the lane near space in Mendhar sector but p.m.After about one hour, 15,000 locations through what benefits of a strong the current atmosphere is not creating a Video Conf. Record his house”. He was referred to alert air patrol of the Indian Air Kalal and Baba Khori area of n the backdrop of the Indo- the party said was the “world’s Government, he added. conducive for a dialogue,” (sic)!” Surjewala wrote on Government Medical College Force chased them away and Nowshera witnessed heavy IPak conflict on the borders, largest video conference”. Prime Minister said it is Congress spokesperson Manish Twitter. hospital in Jammu. prevented targeting of vital shelling. Several local resi- Prime Minister Narendra Modi Modi said in his address necessary to ensure that noth- Through out the day the military installations. dents in the forward areas on Thursday called for not that the 2014 election was a ing is done to dent the morale border residents in the area According to Defence PRO remained indoors as they doing anything that would mandate for fulfilling people’s of the security forces. faced brunt of intense shelling Lt- Col Devender Anand, could not move out due to fear impact the morale of armed necessities and the 2019 polls Modi said India will fight,  9    - as Pakistan escalated tension "Pakistan initiated 'unpro- of getting caught in the cross- forces as he also announced will be about fulfilling people’s live, work and win as one and by targeting several civilian voked' ceasefire violation at fire. In response the Indian that India would work and win aspirations. nobody can create hurdles in its   < areas. around 6.00 a.m by shelling side responded strongly and and continue its march towards Indians have to be hard march towards development. However, shortly after with mortars and firing of effectively. Tension in the area development. working in all spheres and On the political front, New Delhi: Prime Minister first doing a pilot project. It is Pakistan Prime Minister Imran small arms in Krishna Ghati escalated further around 3.00 “The enemy is trying to should be grateful to all those Prime Minister Dismissed the Narendra Modi on Thursday later scaled up. So recently a Khan made an announcement sector". As the day progressed, p.m after both the sides destabilise us, carry out terror who are protecting the country, ‘mahagatbandhan’ of appeared to be making a ref- pilot project happened”, as the to release Wing commander Pakistan army targeted for- exchanged heavy volume fir- strikes... They want to stop our the Prime Minister said. Opposition parties as erence to India’s air strikes on audience burst into applause. Abhinandan Varthaman from ward Indian posts in other sec- ing in Sunderbani, Mankote, growth... We will fight, live, Some people, for their self- ‘mahamilavat’ which he said terror camps in Pakistan when Modi continued, “Now the its custody the roaring guns tors using heavy calibre Khari Karamara and Degwar work and win as one,” he said. ish interests, dislike a strong would send the country to the he said a “pilot project” was real one has to be done. Earlier stopped firing artillery shells weapons. In response the sectors. Modi was interacting with Government, he said. BJP Intensive Care Unit (ICU). recently carried out and now one was a practice. And the real the “real one” has to be done as is to actually give a standing the earlier exercise was a prac- ovation to today’s award win-    tice. ners. We will will give a stand- $     Speaking at an award cer- ing ovation.” , emony for scientists, he said, These remarks of the “You spend your life in labo- Prime Minister were later  "#   Q+    3+ ratories. You have a tradition of tweeted by the ruling BJP. Mumbai: The Indian Navy on & . is being claimed by some for- India, the Chief Minister said Thursday said it is in a high state  )   eign media.” before squarely accusing the of readiness to deal with any Pak Abhinandan’s Mig 21 Bison Centre of playing politics with maritime misadventure amid on Wednesday went down in the soldiers’ blood. rising tensions between the two    %  /  course of shooting down an Questioning the impact of neighbours. enemy F-16 while chasing away the Indian Air Force strike on Pakistani Air Force on amata Banerjee on the enemy squadrons that had Jaish-e-Mohammed terror Wednesday carried out a retal- MThursday expressed con- intruded into Indian territory camps on a hill top near iatory strike across the Line of cern over the safety of Wing in Jammu & Kashmir. Balakot Banerjee said, “we Control(LoC) in Jammu and Commander Abhinandan and The fighter pilot was cur- want to know how much truth Kashmir and attempted to tar- at the same time faulted Prime rently in Pakistani custody and is there in the claim of the get military installations, a day Minister Narendra Modi for was likely to be released by that Government,” questioning why after India’s strike on the JeM avoiding an all-party meeting country on Friday. “We are “the Prime Minister is avoiding facility in Balakot. “The Navy is post Balakot strike wondering anxiously waiting for the safe an all-party meeting to brief the deployed in a high state of as to whether the air raid on the return of our brave pilot opposition parties about the readiness and remains poised on intended cross-border target Abhinandan who was captured success of the air raid,” on ter- surface, under sea and in air to was a genuine hit or a miss “as by Pakistan,” while defending ror camps. deter, prevent and defeat any misadventure by Pakistan in maritime domain,” a Defence spokesperson said in a state- ' ,   - ment.”The Navy assures of a res- olute, swift and strong response when needed. We stand with the Army and Air Force to ensure  'R 3+ the safety and security of the nation,” he said. PTI  . .  0'01 . immediately and call for cease- a war is damaging and takes fire in the border. If this can country back on all levels. aharashtra Navnirman be achieved, then we can Terrorists and terrorism must MSena (MNS) chief Raj believe that Imran Khan’s be ruthlessly eradicated but for Thackeray said here on intentions are noble. If all this that, to wage a war or (create) Thursday that if Pakistan takes place, then Modi should a war-like situation for one’s released India’s in-custody not let this opportunity pass political interest is not right,” pilot Abhinandan Varthaman by,” Raj said. Raj said, while taking an indi- and called for ceasefire, then Raj, who issued a state- rect dig at Modi and the rul- Prime Minister Narendra ment to this effect hours ing BJP for politicising the Modi should not refuse to before Imran Khan made a ongoing military conflict with accept his Pakistani counter- “gesture of peace” in the form Pakistan. part Prime Minister Imran of announcement that “I reiterate my stand Khan’s offer for “constructive Abhinandan would be released that a war or a war-like talks” between the two coun- on Friday, said: “Both the situation is not the answer to tries. nations should resolve the any problems. To take “If Pakistan is really sin- issues through constructive advantage of such situations cere in their offer of con- talks and foster a peaceful should not be disposition of structive talks, then the first environment. That is what I any good government and all step in this direction must hope and wish for”. power bearers should come from them. They have to “A war can never be a keep this in mind,” the MNS release our pilot Abhinandan solution to any issue. In fact, chief said. (!&) +" )0 1)+$!234526 $!$ E

05 4A   7  #> .  (         #   &  

Shillong: Rescuers have The body pulled out of the O  >< retrieved the second heavily mine Wednesday was dis- #   decomposed body of an patched to the civil hospital at Mumbai: Prime Minister unidentified digger from a the district headquarters at Narendra Modi on Thursday 370-feet illegal rat-hole mine in Khliehriat for postmortem said his act of washing the feet Lucknow: Amid reports of dif- ing care of their allies," Apna Meghalaya's East Jaintia Hills examination, Susngi said. of sanitation workers in ferences with its ally BJP, Apna Dal leader and Union Minister district, 77 days after 15 men Fifteen miners were Allahabad recently was not Dal (Sonelal) chief Ashish Anupriya Patel had told got trapped inside the flooded trapped deep inside the coal pit intended for political gains, Singh Patel on Thursday said he reporters in Bareilly last week. coal quarry, an official said after water from the nearby but an outcome of his 'sanskar' had a "positive" meeting with "Now, the Apna Dal is free Thursday. Lytein river had gushed into the (values). Amit Shah, but all options were to make its own decision. A The body, located 200 feet mine at Lumthari village in the He was responding to a open if a certain section of saf- party meeting has been called away from the bottom of the Ksan area of East Jaintia Hills question by a BJP corporator fron party leaders "do not to chalk out our future course mine, was brought out using district on December 13 last from Pune in Maharashtra via change their attitude". of action," she had said. the Indian Navy's underwater year. video link from Delhi, during Ashish Singh Patel, the On Thursday, Ashish Singh remotely operated vehicle Apart from the Indian the party's 'Mera Booth Sabse dence, I had plainly asked husband of Union Minister Patel alleged that a section of BJP (ROV) and an NDRF boat on pulled out of the mine on few days but they slipped and Navy, the Army and the NDRF, Mazboot' programme. them to get someone who Anupriya Patel, had met BJP leaders did not want Apna Dal Wednesday, operations January 24. vanished in course of being the state's agencies are engaged During the programme, works as a class four employee national president Amit Shah (Sonelal) stay in alliance with the spokesman R Susngi told PTI. Assistant Commandant of pulled out of the narrow shaft in the operations that began which the BJP described as the in the government. They found at New Delhi on Wednesday. saffron party. "This section used This is the second heavily Guwahati-based National of the mine. hours after the accident took "world's largest video confer- a Dalit person, and I placed the "We have put up various to create many problems for us. decomposed body to be lifted Disaster Response Force "Efforts are on to relocate place. ence", Modi had direct dialogue 'kalash' in his daughter's hands," issues before Shah. Overall, If they do not change attitude our from the mine after it flooded (NDRF) battalion, Santosh these bodies and bring them Giving details of the with BJP workers and volun- he said. the meeting was positive," he options are open," he said. accidentally on December 13, Singh, who has been leading a out of the mine," he said from Wednesday operation, the teers across the country. "It is part of culture, my told PTI, adding the talks were Ashish Singh Patel said a 2018. team of rescuers from the start- the mine site located on the NDRF officer said five persons, "I have been to Kumbh sanskar," Modi said. regarding the "problems" his meeting of all the office-bearers The first body, identified as ing day of the tragedy, told PTI western side of a small hillock four NDRF rescuers and one (Mela) in Uttar Pradesh, which Modi Sunday took a holy party was facing with the BJP's of his party, which was supposed that of Amir Hussain from Thursday three more bodies of in Khloo-Ryngksan area by from Navy, went down into the was widely appreciated for its dip at the Sangam in Allahabad Uttar Pradesh unit. to be held in the state capital on Assam's Chirang district, was the miners were sighted in last the side of Lytein river. main shaft number 26. PTI cleanliness. Around 22 crore and interacted with sanitation Anupriya Patel had last week Thursday, has been rescheduled people visited the Kumbh. It led workers who ensured cleanli- accused the BJP of "apparently due to India-Pakistan tensions. me to think about the efforts ness during the ongoing not taking care of its allies" and "Our party demands put in by the sanitation work- Kumbh Mela. He described said that her party was "free to appointment of Dalits and ' 9         ers and I decided to express my them as "real karma-yogis" take its own decisions" regarding (people belonging to back- gratitude towards them by whose contributions are being the upcoming general elections. ward communities on 50 per Gorakhpur: Two weeks after he large number of locals as well as he said. group Jaish-e-Mohammed cleaning their feet," Modi said. lauded all over. "Some differences cropped cent police stations of the state was injured in the Pulwama ter- political leaders including those Asked about his injuries, the (JeM). Following the incident, He said people dubbing his Modi also performed the up between the Apna Dal and besides giving either DM or SP ror attack that left 40 of his col- from the ruling Bharatiya Janata CRPF constable who had joined India bombed and destroyed act as a political gimmick do Ganga aarti and conducted the BJP. We had given them post in districts to these cate- leagues dead, CRPF constable Party (BJP). the force in 2011 said, "My head JeM's biggest training camp in not know him well. 'Charan Vandana' (washing the time till February 20 to resolve gory officers. Our party work- Awadhesh Kumar on Thursday Not willing to speak about and hands were injured. Now I Balakot in Pakistan's restive Modi recalled his house feet) of select sanitation work- the issues, but there is no ers should be considered in returned to his native village terror attack, Kumar said he was am better and ready to leave Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, warming ceremony when he ers, as a mark of respect to their answer from the BJP. It appears appointment in various State here and celebrated his daugh- happy to celebrate the birthday home on call (of duty)." about 80-km from the Line of became the chief minister of efforts in ensuring a clean they are not interested in tak- corporations," he said. PTI ter's birthday. of his daughter, who turned two Forty CRPF personnel were Control (LoC). Gujarat for the first time. Kumbh. He presented them The trooper received a on Thursday. killed in a suicide attack in The Central Reserve Police "When people from the 'angvastram' and said he would grand welcome at his village "I am very happy that I am Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama Force (CRPF) jawan's father too administration asked me how forever carry the memory of Aabadi Sakhni on Wednesday celebrating the second birthday district on February 14 orches- was overjoyed to see his son I want to perform the house washing the feet of the 'safai evening as he was greeted by a of my beloved daughter Jyoti," trated by Pakistan-based terror back home. PTI warming of my official resi- karamcharis'. PTI .3    

 . .  0'01 . take necessary precautions in view of budget sessions by two days. the situation in the country. This ses- In a tweet put out later in the after- mid concerns arising out of the sion would have gone on for next two noon, Fadnavis said: “In view of the Aongoing military conflict with to three days. In view of the involve- developments in country and to keep Pakistan, the Maharashtra ment of property like Vidhan Bhavan, availability of our forces free from Government on Thursday curtailed we deploy as many 6,000 police per- other responsibilities, it is unani- the ongoing Budget session of the State sonnel during the legislature ses- mously decided to end legislature, by two days. sions,” Fadnavis said. #MaharashtraBudget session. No rea- Prefacing his announcement “After getting feedback from the son to get panic, this decision is only about the curtailment of the budget top police officials that they need more to make available forces with police session of the Maharashtra Legislature, force to take care of security issues, I dept:CM @Dev_Fadnavis”. chief minister Devendra Fadnavis deliberated the matter with leaders of The budget session, which com- alluded to the surgical strike carried various political parties yesterday. menced on Monday, was earlier out by Indian Air Force (IAF) on ter- Top police officials briefed us about the scheduled to end on Saturday. ror camps in Pakistan and said in the situation. I had one more meeting with Maharashtra’s Finance Minister State Assembly: “In view of the IAF’s the leaders of the Opposition in the Sudhir Mungantiwar on Wednesday airstrike and yesterday’s develop- morning today. At that meeting, we presented an interim budget for 2019- ments, there is tension on the Pakistani unanimously decided to complete all 20 which showed an estimated rev- border.. While the Army is capable the pending business today and cur- enue deficit of 19,784 crore and made enough to look after the country’s tail the session by two days so as to a provision of special fund for farm security needs, it is but necessary that make available more police personnel loan waiver. we take care of internal security in the to take care of the security needs in the The vote-on-account budget, country. In cities like Mumbai, we have city,” the Chief Minister said. which has fiscal provisions for four to maintain extra vigil security mat- Fadnavis thanked leaders of the months of the next financial year — ters”. Opposition and leaders of various from April to July 2019, was passed by “There is no situation or need for political parties in both the Houses for both the Houses of State Legislature us to panic. It is but essential that we their co-operation in curtailing the on Thursday, without any debate. 7      #  ?  <0'

Mumbai: The Bombay High Court asked the Maharashtra Government on Thursday what prompted the Maratha community to agitate for reservation only in the recent past. A division bench of Justices Ranjit More and Bharati Dangre was hearing a bunch of petitions challenging the State Government's deci- sion to grant 16 per cent reservation to the communi- ty in Government jobs and educational institutions. The demand for Maratha reservation was not raised after the Mandal commission submitted its report in 1980 or when the state backward class- es commissions submitted their reports, the court said. "What was the sudden change in scenario in the recent past that prompted the state government to seek data on the condition of the Maratha community?" Justice Dangre asked. "After the Mandal com- mission report, there was no violence or agitation by the community demanding reser- vation. What happened sud- denly that prompted such protests?" she asked. The State Government's lawyer V A Thorat said the community was realising only now that it was being neglect- ed. "The previous govern- ments, whom the Maratha community was voting for, made the community think and live under the perception that they were forward. But now as time passed by, the community has started feeling that they are backward and need protection," he said. "We are only correcting the mistakes committed in the past," Thorat added. PTI (!&) +" )0 1)+$!234526 )!$ 7

& (        * * $ ! $ 456   #  "3      O # P   5; B</

 7"7869 % 45625/7. cussions and correspondence % 45625/7. between the two regulatory apital markets watchdog bodies, the officials said. raud-hit Punjab National % 45625/7. (RBI) had earlier this month FY19. “This on the face of it CSebi wants the Government Besides, Sebi feels there is FBank has been ranked first cut the key interest rate by 25 looks plausible; however, unless to do away with the practice of also the FSDC (Financial among public sector banks in n signs of the Indian econo- basis points and changed its exports in Q4 grow 14 per cent, its board having a nominee Stability and Development the implementation of ’reforms Imy losing steam ahead of the policy stance to “neutral” from attaining 7 per cent growth will from the Reserve Bank of India, Council), an apex level body agenda’, followed by Bank of general elections, GDP growth “calibrated tightening”, saying be difficult.” or alternatively provide for a comprising of members from Baroda and State Bank of India, $ * P  2$*3 #     #  slowed to a five-quarter low of the shift provides flexibility According to CSO, while cross-representation of the two the Government and various said a report on Thursday. )%/%  / * 2/*36      6.6 per cent in October- and room to address chal- agriculture is estimated to grow regulators on each other’s boards. regulators, that has been set up The BCG-IBA report – )    %    / %    December on the back of lower lenges to the sustained growth at 2.7 per cent, manufacturing Officials said the Securities to deal with inter-regulatory EASE Reforms for Public 2%/%3$   #  # /  farm and manufacturing of the Indian economy over the growth is expected to acceler- and Exchange Board of India issues and overlap of regulato- Sector Banks — measures per- *  %/%# growth and weaker consumer coming months. ate to 8.1 per cent in 2018-19. (Sebi) first proposed to the ry jurisdiction. formance of each PSB on 140 demand, Government data Parallelly, eight core infra- However, trade, hotel and Ministry of Finance to amend Following the reservations objective metrics across 6 showed on Thursday. structure industries’ growth in transportation sector growth is the relevant provisions in the expressed by the Finance themes, including customer Also, economic growth January declined to a 19-month expected to decelerate to 6.8 Sebi Act to discontinue RBI’s Ministry on its original pro- responsiveness, credit off-take estimate for the current fiscal low of 1.8 per cent (December per cent during the year. representation on its board, as posal and after taking into and digitalisation. year ending March 31 has 2018: 2.7 per cent, January The Gross Domestic it already has adequate pres- account the fact that certain PNB with a score of 78.4 out been revised downwards to 7 2018: 6.2 per cent) on con- Product (GDP) at constant ence of the Government nom- securities are under the purview of 100 has been ranked first in per cent from the earlier esti- traction in refinery products prices (2011-12) had grown at inees and in its over 25 years of of both Sebi and RBI that are the EASE (Enhanced Access & mate of 7.2 per cent. This is and electricity. Electricity sec- 7.7 per cent in the October- existence the regulator has traded on stock exchanges, the Service Excellence)-index, fol- the lowest growth in the last tor, which last witnessed a December quarter of the pre- evolved as an “effective and one capital markets regulator has lowed by BoB (77.8), SBI (74.6), five years. contraction in February 2013, vious financial year. The of the best in the world”. now made alternative sugges- Oriental Bank of Commerce However, the third quarter posted a growth of (-) 0.4 per growth rate was revised Besides, the boards of other tion to provide for cross-repre- (69), Canara Bank (67.5) and growth rate, which was lower cent in January — the lowest in upwardly from 7 per cent. regulators such as IRDAI for sentation of the two regulators Syndicate Bank (67.1). than the revised estimate of 7 the last 71 months. “GDP at Constant Prices in insurance sector and PFRFA on each other’s boards. PNB has shown “strong       / $ 2/$3-  ' -  per cent in the previous quar- Devendra Kumar Pant, Q3 of 2018-19 is estimated at for pension sector do not have The alternative proposal is performance” in the parameters  ' $ -   6 ( ,2''3-.7%,$  ter and 8 per cent in April-June, chief economist at India 35 lakh crore, as against nominees from other regula- likely to be discussed by Sebi’s like customer responsiveness,  '  -   / $ -  '  was faster than China’s 6.4 per Ratings, said size of the econ- 32.85 lakh crore in Q3 of tors, while there is no corre- board in its next meeting on responsible banking, credit off- cent growth for the three omy (nominal GDP) in FY19 2017-18, showing a growth sponding representation of Friday and will be subsequently take and financial inclusion. months to December 2018. is now estimated at 190.54 rate of 6.6 per cent,” the CSO other regulators on the RBI’s sent to the Finance Ministry for Releasing the report, Finance India thus retains its tag of the lakh crore compared to 188.41 said. board, Sebi has contended. further action. Minister Arun Jaitley said such world’s fastest-growing major lakh crore, which “will help The CSO also revised GDP However, the Finance Under the Sebi Act, the reg- rankings brings about competi- economy. government to achieve fiscal growth figures for April-June Ministry opined that the role of ulator’s board should consist of tiveness and encourages banks to Data from the Central deficit/GDP target for FY19 and July-September quarters of the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) a Chairman; two nominees perform better than peers. Statistics Office (CSO) showed even though the fiscal deficit till this fiscal to 8 per cent and 7 in the financial sector cannot be from the Ministry of the Central It then emerged as the best slower consumer spending at January 2019 is 121.5 per cent per cent from 8.2 per cent and discounted and that the RBI Government dealing with performing bank (in EASE 8.4 per cent as compared to 9.9 of FY19 (revised estimate).” 7.1 per cent. presence helps in bringing “over- Finance and administration of reform ranking)”. per cent in the previous quar- FY19 GDP growth at 7 per The GDP growth rates for all economic view and valuable the Companies Act; one nom- PNB, which was involved ter. Farm sector growth slowed cent “indicates that the econo- April-June and July-September inputs to the Sebi board”. inee member from the RBI; and in a 14,356-crore scam by to 2.7 per cent from 4.2 per my is losing steam,” he said, of last fiscal were also revised The capital markets regula- five other members to be Nirav Modi, swung into black cent in Q2 and 4.6 per cent in adding the GDP growth in Q4 to 6 per cent and 6.8 per cent tor, however, feels that the inputs appointed by the Government in the October-December Q1. has to be 6.5 per cent to attain from 5.6 per cent and 6.3 per of the RBI on policy issues can of whom at least three should be quarter after posting losses in     # '$/  #    '$/ 0A- The Reserve Bank of India overall 7 per cent growth in cent, respectively. be taken through formal dis- whole-time members. the three previous quarters.     2 3  6 9 9 -   , -'$/ - (   -,20A3-,   -,    $$ $ 2/3-/(/  -,2 3- #-$,23 / .        AN '$/  #  0        !    -   . %     ,0 00 .0 % 45625/7. % $  % 45625/7. pany have been grounded on '  ,  account of non-payment of ith the general elections %  45625/7. hares of Jet Airways fell by rentals to lessors. Wround the corner, the Sover 6 per cent on Thursday In a filing to the stock Government has authorised aaree Energies, an Indian after the company said seven exchanges on Wednesday, the State Bank of India to launch  ? Wsolar PV manufacturer, more aircraft have been full-service airline said “an the sale of electoral bonds in aims at adding close to 400 grounded due to non-payment additional seven aircraft have the months of March, April and % > We plan to explain about crore for the financial year of lease rentals. been grounded due to non- May. details when we hold a news ending 2020, exclusively Shares of the company payment of amounts out- The Government had awyers for former Nissan conference next week,” he said. through the segment. Rooftop dropped 6.15 per cent to 211 standing to lessors under their brought in electoral bond Lchief Carlos Ghosn on Ghosn’s previous legal team solar will be one of the key on BSE. respective lease agreements”. scheme as an alternative to cash Thursday filed a fresh bail even deployed a rarely-used focus segments for Waaree On NSE, the shares Faced with acute financial donations made to political request for the auto titan who article of the Japanese consti- .7%,$    P ***  B$'/4 Energies as it plans to add 100 slumped 6.30 per cent to woes, the airline is looking to parties as part of its efforts to has been detained for more tution to force the court to '    # #   ;6.  MW to its overall capacity in 210.15. So far this month, as restructure its debt as well as bring transparency in political than three months, the Tokyo explain why the Franco-   -.7%,$  2   3(/    #  the financial year 2019-2020. many as 13 planes of the com- raise funds. funding. District Court said. Lebanese-Brazilian remained #  / , -  2.  3.7%,$ It is the first bail request in detention. filed by the 64-year-old since he A judge said Ghosn’s con- shook up his legal team as he tinued detention was justified M  ?  crafts his defence to three because he posed a flight risk charges of financial miscon- and there was a possibility he duct. would conceal evidence. Ghosn 4 !#? 4 !8  The former high-flying and his lawyers have argued executive has been in detention that neither of those is the case, %  45625/7. pixel LTPS panel tops off the since his shock November 19 and he even offered to wear a Aura Design. Redmi Note 7 arrest, and has tried repeated- tracking bracelet and hire iaomi on Thursday Pro will feature a gradient ly without success to secure guards to monitor his where- Xlaunched Redmi Note 7 design in the Nebula Red and bail. abouts, pledging to stay in and Redmi Note 7 Pro. Neptune Blue colour variants. Reached by AFP, an assis- Japan. With both the front and The Aura Design that Redmi tant lawyer for Ghosn’s lead But so far the courts have rear covered in Corning Note 7 Pro adopts isn’t just attorney declined to explain shown no inclination to end his Gorilla Glass 5, Redmi Note is about the colours or the how the bail request would dif- lengthy pre-trial detention, no more only about pure Gorilla Glass 5 body, but fer from previous filings. “We which has drawn some criti- grunt, marrying style and about how all components can’t comment on details, cism internationally and from function. The Dot Notch dis- come together to make Redmi including any differences in rights groups. play, measuring 6.3 inches Note 7 Pro one beautifully approach this time. with a 19.5:9 2340 x 1080- functional device. C M Y K

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Q;R  R   < +1 ,   London: A lurcher called Hector, branded as the ‘loneliest dog Hanoi: The US-North Korea previously identified as a yard- president of the Ploughshares content if a pause in missile presidential office said. share jokes in front of reporters. in Britain’ has finally found a home. The two-year-old lurcher nuclear summit in Hanoi stick for success — and reiter- Fund peace foundation, saying testing continued. In Singapore Kim and Looking relaxed but appearing had been in a shelter for over 500 days since he was rescued over ended abruptly without a deal ated their “close relationship”. it showed the limit of summit- But Harry Kazianis, Trump signed a vague docu- to say little, they indulged in a welfare concerns in 2017. A lurcher is a sighthound such as a on Thursday, with President “We just like each other... ry, with “not enough time or Director of Korean Studies at the ment in which Kim pledged to poolside stroll Thursday Greyhound crossed with a terrier, herding breed, or large scen- Donald Trump saying he had There’s a warmth that we have staff” to work out a deal. Centre for the National Interest, “work toward complete denu- around the gardens of the lux- thound. Lurchers are primarily hunting dogs. decided to “walk” in the face of and I hope that stays, I think it Trump flew around the said that no agreement was bet- clearisation of the Korean penin- ury Metropole Hotel. Hundreds of people from all over the world offered to re- Kim Jong Un’s demands to will,” he said. The outcome in world for the meeting and Kim ter than a bad one. “The chal- sula”. Progress subsequently It was a far cry from the home him after a campaign by Little Valley Animal Shelter in drop sanctions. Hanoi fell far short of the pre- undertook a mammoth two- lenge is North Korea’s nuclear stalled, with the two sides dis- height of missile-testing ten- Exeter, Devon, went viral, the BBC reported. The lonely lurcher, The much-anticipated sec- meeting expectations and hopes, and-a-half-day trek through weapons are already a reality,” he agreeing on what that means, as sions in 2017 when Trump who spent more than 500 days at the shelter, had been its longest- ond meeting between the two after critics said their initial his- China in his olive green train, said. “Getting a deal that does lit- the North sought relief from slammed Kim as “rocket man” staying resident. leaders was supposed to build toric meeting in Singapore was travelling 4,000 kms. tle to nothing to remove that sanctions and Washington and the younger man branded “We couldn’t be happier for him,” the shelter said. PTI on their historic first summit in more style over substance. Kim will stay on in threat would be far worse than pressed for concrete steps the American president a Singapore, but they failed to The leaders walked away Vietnam for a state visit, which a flawed deal.” In a phone call to towards it giving up its weapons. “mentally deranged US dotard”. sign a joint statement as ini- with no set plans for a third will include a wreath-laying South Korean President Moon As in Singapore, the two Meanwhile, Japan’s Prime tially scheduled and the talks meeting, though Trump said he ceremony at the Ho Chi Minh Jae-in soon after the meeting men put on a Minister Shinzo Abe backed ended in deadlock. hopes to see Kim again soon. mausoleum, before his expect- ended, Trump “expressed regret” show of bon- Donald Trump on Thursday “Sometimes you have to Ankit Panda, from the ed departure on Saturday. at not striking a homie in after the US president’s talks walk and this was just one of Federation of American The US President, who deal with Kim, Vietnam, with North Korea’s leader those times,” an unusually Scientists, warned on Twitter touted his “special relation- the South’s appearing to ended without a deal. Tokyo downbeat Trump told reporters. that the White House’s expec- ship” with Kim, frequently has regarded the US-led diplo- “Basically they wanted the sanc- tation of further talks “does not dangled the prospect of a matic push with Pyongyang tions lifted in their entirety and have to be a perception shared brighter economic future for a with suspicion, and has we couldn’t do that,” Trump said in North Korea”. “Kim may nuclear-free North Korea, at sought to keep its interests before leaving Vietnam aboard have left irate, for all we know. one point saying there was on the table in the dis- Air Force One to head back to He may have no intention of “AWESOME” potential. cussions by coordinating Washington. continuing this,” added Panda. From the outset, he had closely with its ally But Trump insisted he was In the original White appeared to downplay expec- Washington. “optimistic that the progress we House programme, a “Joint tations of an immediate break- “Japan fully supports made” before and during the Agreement Signing Ceremony” through in nuclear talks, say- President Trump’s deci- summit left them “in position had been scheduled in Hanoi ing he was in “no rush” to sion to make no easy to have a really good outcome” and a working lunch for the clinch a rapid deal and was compromise and at the in the future. leaders. Instead both men left same time continue pro- “I’d much rather do it right the summit venue without ductive discussions, and than do it fast,” he added. He signing anything and Trump urge North Korea to take noted Kim had vowed not to moved up his news conference concrete action,” Abe resume nuclear or ballistic mis- by two hours. “This is a major told reporters after a sile testing — something he failure,” tweeted Joe Cirincione, phone call with Trump. O'6*67&6JP6 % , 0  *(&7==';6 +   4 0 &7:>:&'6*A9'6:&  R  -   0    /  -  Seoul: The abrupt end to the   Q   R 0(;(       summit between Donald       Trump and Kim Jong Un Beijing: Beijing expressed hope  &       came as no surprise to North on Thursday that the US and 8    Korean defectors in the North Korea will keep talking, 8  ? 2  #  South, with one saying sim- saying the nuclear issue will not    ply, “I told you so!” be solved “overnight”, after a  % The defectors, who now much-anticipated summit in live in Seoul, chatted and Hanoi ended without a deal.  $$ .0  laughed at the office of North China is Pyongyang’s sole $$ !1  Korea Free Radio as they major ally and North Korean ('=(;*7    awaited news from the US leader Kim Jong Un travelled       president and the leader of across the neighbouring coun-    #   their former homeland. try by train to his second meet- *+ #    # But they quickly fell ing with US President Donald % silent as it became clear the Trump, which ended ahead of talks were deadlocked. schedule without any joint O.$P/O AFP announcements. AFP $$ P0% .(;6 8  2         0  R  ,          @   O          Q RQ  R'       %L7 #M Hanoi: US President Donald charges, Israeli media reported.   8    % Trump defended Benjamin The reports come with Netanyahu on Thursday as the Netanyahu in the midst of a  / $- %   Israeli premier reportedly tough re-election campaign  $ .  awaits a decision on whether he ahead of April 9 polls. 6( '   will be indicted on corruption Trump said he was not in a       charges. “I can say this, he’s position to comment on the cor- 2#      done a great job as prime min- ruption allegations. Trump again        ister,” Trump said in Hanoi depicted himself as a consum-          after his summit with North mate dealmaker as he discussed &  LM Korean leader Kim Jing Un. prospects for peace between &     % “He’s tough, smart, and Israel and the Palestinians. He       strong. He’s very defensive, his said, “We have a good shot at     &     military has been built up a lot,” peace.” “All my life, I’ve heard that  '   & Trump said. Israel’s attorney toughest of all deals, when they  L     &M general was expected to talk about tough deals, the     '  announce Thursday a decision toughest all of deals would be        on whether he intends to indict peace between Israel and the          Netanyahu on corruption Palestinians,” he said. AFP    %

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ny parent who has been subject to food, shelter, and clothing to some of the new dress, but she really needs new socks term gratification, and “giving back.” You a full-scale tantrum in a grocery other things that might be needed or and jeans. Give her the choice between the gear the conversation to where a child is Astore can attest to the idea that, wanted. This will help them think about two, asking her to weigh the pros and cons developmentally and what he or she can sometimes, kids can't tell the difference needs of a homeless person in the next les- of each. cognitively understand at that point. between a want and a need. In the heat son. For example, a homeless person may Utilize open and frank dialogue when Teaching wants versus needs can become of the moment, it can seem as if your child appreciate socks, a toothbrush, gently it comes to discussing needs and wants. more difficult in certain situations. definitely needs a treat. But differentiat- used books, stuffed animals, or a friend A study suggests parents remind their chil- Clothing is one of those situations, ing between wants and needs is a finan- to play games with. dren of the difference between purchas- because many kids want to have name cial lesson that can stick with kids into Talk to your child about the difference ing something that would be nice to have brand clothing to compete with their adolescence and eventually adulthood. By between needs -- things that are neces- versus purchasing something that is nec- friends or feel that they fit in. While we having frank financial conversations with sary to survive -- and wants -- things that essary. If your child wishes he had the lat- all need clothing, we don’t need specific your child, you can help her understand are fun or make life easier. After your dis- est version of a video game console, for brands. As your kids get older, if you can’t more about wants and needs. cussion, label a piece of construction instance, remind him his older console afford to buy all really nice clothing, you Your kids will probably grow up hear- paper with "Needs" written on one side works well and plays games, so he does- can encourage them to use their ing you say no often, but for some par- and "Wants" on the other. Grab a couple n't need a new one. In addition to being allowance, ask for a particularly nice item ents, saying no to things that kids want of old magazines and look through them comfortable with telling your kids no, you for a birthday or holiday gift, or get a part- can be difficult, especially if the item or with your child. When you find an item, also need to teach them the difference time job. activity is affordable. We all want to please cut it out and ask your child to glue it on between wants and needs. From a young Another difficult lesson for kids can our kids, and many people want to give the correct side of the construction age, most children will understand that be related to school activities. It is impor- their kids the things that they didn’t have paper. For instance, food items would go they need water and food. You can also tant to encourage kids to participate in while growing up. However, it’s really under "Needs," while toys should be past- explain the way that a job works. Explain activities they enjoy, but if you want to save important to be able to say no to your kids ed under "Wants." why you need these things; this might be money, you need to be selective. Most kids when it comes to financial matters. Ask your child a series of questions especially necessary when a child is participate in sports and other school Teaching your kids that they can’t have when she whines about a product she younger, and often demands things activities, so your child might have a hard everything they want will help them pri- wants. This helps her understand the cri- because they want them. When a child is time seeing these extras as wants instead oritize their needs later in life, and hope- teria that make an item a need, rather than very young, you can keep your explana- of needs. This is a great time to explain fully, will help them to value their things a want. If she wants a piece of candy, ask tions short. For example: “The teddy bear the idea of choosing what is really impor- and be responsible with money. Children "Does this make your life easier? Do you costs money, but we also have to pay for tant so that your kids understand that they compare wants and needs and create a need this to survive?" to help her think the pasta dinner we are having tonight.” can’t always pay for everything. You can collage of wants and needs. Students clar- objectively about the differences.  5 4   4 C 1  As a child gets older, you can explain more also teach them to cut costs in order to ify their understanding and interpretation Allow your child to make spending about how you prioritize your budget to make things work. This is another impor- of wants and needs as they compare their choices. Whether she receives an       4  make sure you can afford the things that tant lesson for them to learn. wants and needs with others in the room allowance or she has some spending your family needs. One of the best ways to teach them and in the world. Children start to reflect money from a relative, remind her that  ,   4 You talk about it as soon as they can about money is to just talk to them about on ways they can empathize with and help in order to purchase her "wants," she 4  44   start understanding those concepts. When these issues as they come up. Don’t shy people who have different needs than sometimes has to give up a "need." If children are in elementary school, you can away from money issues especially when their own. you're shopping for school clothes, for    : 44    introduce the concepts of planning and they are foundational issues like needs and Encourage children to think beyond instance -- she might really want a flashy saving, long-term gratification and short- wants.

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     8&           e sits quietly on the to use it,” side and allows his He also worked with Sridevi (English Vinglish) . %L. O      actors, Kriti Sanon, Irrfan Khan (Hindi Medium) as well as directors like         Kartik Aryaan and Amit Sharma, Gauri Shinde and Umesh Shukla from        %. O  Aparshakti Khurana whom he learnt the craft. “I have taken something from          toH corner the spotlight complete- every actor or director as I observe a lot,” he says.         ly. But Laxman Utekar, who makes Incidentally he learnt his craft in that man- his Hindi directorial debut with ner too. He has no qualms about admitting that       #M &  Luka Chuppi, which releases today, he was a sweeper in a studio called Jain % by his own admission is “more of Brothers and rose through the ranks. “The L    an observer than a talker.” That’s camera attendant didn’t come in one day     because he has waited along the and the main camera attendant cribbed sidelines for far too long, being a about the owner taking bookings in the   J. K%.  sweeper on the sets. Then he held absence of staff. So the owner Ashok Jain     somebody’s camera, played with suggested that he should take me as I    @ shots and the rest is cliched histo- had finished my work for the day. I #      ry. accompanied him. I always take up     #  This quality of being an everything with an intensity. He liked onlooker has set the tone for his my work and I gradually became sec- E    L film set in Gwalior and Mathura, ond assistant, then first and so on,” #     far-removed from his native says Utekar, who started his career      % Maharashtra. “The dialect is total- as a cinematographer with the 2007 ?     ly different as is the culture. For one Gwalior, lead actor Kartik Aryaan’s Hindi drama Khanna & Iyer. He      and a half years, my writer and I hometown, that they finally settled 858/5#7 9.4 has been a part of films like Blue, visited the place often and stayed for. “I have worked as a cinematog- Boss and Tevar.      % there at a stretch for 10 days to get rapher in Agra and I was not happy 15545M852 He made his directorial debut 6     @ the nuances right. We made with it as besides the beautiful Taj 6.251'R'5 in 2014 with the Marathi movie  %. O     friends, sat at the ghat, saw people, Mahal, there is not much to the )'15# 4 Tapaal, which first screened at the  #M% the lanes and the cows just ambling city. It wasn’t enough,” he recalls. 18th Busan International Film along. We came back at night and So the crew decided to explore 46 '5.) Festival 2013, South Korea, and wrote the script. We even heard Gwalior as they had heard a lot 75)./06? opened to positive reviews and stories like the one about a couple about the place. It was love at first )?750' acclaim upon its release in who was unable to meet, given that sight. “It is unique, clean and 1>/.4  India. His next directorial O $   !   it was a small town and did so at fresh and has the largest fort in venture was yet another " !)   $ "!  4 in the morning in the public toi- India,” says Utekar. 758?0% Marathi movie titled !$& ): $! !$  ? let,” he says. He believes that he has The storyline of the film, 75> 4 Lalbaugchi Rani, which been able to incorporate the city’s which is evident from the promos, 2.))5?54. 5 chronicled the life of a men- ) $  atmosphere in it. is about a couple’s decision to live tally unstable girl who gets lost !*+ % Luka Chuppi is the latest in the in and their travails when their 15655475 at Lalbaug during a Ganpati )?$&  surfeit of films that are set in small conventional families join them. 2 421 2% darshan and how she meets towns and Utekar explains the rea- Utekar decided to take up the topic 75> 88?5. 5 different people, changing their !)%?: %* son. “Small cities are coming to the as it has a resonance among the perspective towards life.     fore as cinema is changing. With country’s youth. “If a couple wants ?5 8/ Beyond films, Utekar is a ! "  producers like Dinesh Vijan, who to live-in even in a metro, it is dif- restless being. He says, “I can- are approachable for small town ficult to rent a house. If they man- not sit free at home. When I am -* !$: O $   directors coming from places like age to do so, the neighbours cast names in the industry and says that not shooting, I might be writ- !* !)$& %? $ Kanpur, Lucknow and other hin- aspersions and label them charac- he has learnt a lot from them. ing or thinking about a story. ") ,P "      terland with stories that they have terless. So in a smaller town it is “When I was shooting with If I am travelling, then I often seen and lived, there is an element even more difficult where the Amitabh Bachchan for 102 Not wonder what is the relation- $! +!$& ") "! of realism. The audience appreci- atmosphere is conservative. The Out, I wondered if he was the same ship between two people from !)): F  ates these kind of stories.” film is a fun ride,” he says. person whose films I’d watched as their body language, whether  !$ !, ? Moreover, the towns where However, at another level he a child. He has the same energy, they are siblings or a couple.” ! !: !* these are set too become characters does feel that the country is chang- hunger and positivity at this age. However, having done a and reveal themselves to the wide- ing. “Young India for me is smart One wants to be like that when one lot, it is home that he likes  !   ! +"" spread audience. “For the audience, India,” he says and gives the exam- grows older,” he asserts. going back to. “If I get a leave " !) ) ! ),P New York, Australia, Africa, where ple of people in a mofussil town But the list does not end there. for three-four days, I go to L +*   $ movies were shot four to five having access to web content from He says there is a reason why my village Polatpur, near years ago, were all the same, alien all over the world. He goes on to Shahrukh Khan with whom he Mahabaleshwar, which is 8 # & #    $K  and disconnected. But in India, add, “People, having been exposed worked in Dear Zindagi is such a five hours away from after every kilometre, the colours to a wide bouquet of subjects, can phenomenon. “It is not a fluke that Mumbai. My father and my      & and the culture change. We discov- now gauge if the film works for he became one of the biggest joint family stay there. We have      & ered Chanderi in Stree and in Luka them just by looking at the promo. superstars in India. The kind of cows, goats, chickens. I like to ('(D'(%6   Chuppi we found Gwalior. People They can differentiate between the decency and the knowledge that he plough fields, eat farm food and       # like being connected to their good and bad. They appreciate a has about any topic is unsur- drink fresh milk. The atmosphere is    dialect, culture, places and colour,” great plot. You can get any star for passed. He is a director’s actor and different as there is no phone net- says the director who you have to your project but if you give a bad a true gentleman. His co-star in the work. In metros, the phones do not  %     strain to hear as he is so soft-spo- product, it would not work.” film Alia, even at this age, is a pow- let us live, even though humans         # ken. Talking of stars, not many erful performer but her feet are do.” Clearly he inhabits the space        Initially, besides Mathura, Agra might know that he has rubbed firmly planted on the ground. She between the small village and the    was also a part of the film but it was shoulders with some of the biggest knows she has the talent and how megapolis with equal ease.  #    ?O    %   &    O         #  #L.   & &       ?%        1 #?  &    ) 5        &     %  #     '  & ?       #                #    '7 40.? &  7 % .          7 #   here are often vehicles that side support. Really, it should not  #  %. surprise you with sales that have been doing what we were      .   Tbelie their ability, and the doing with the car. Sure, we had Ford Endeavour has always been reduced the tire pressure to give  &  %M one of those cars. Because it is so the Endeavour’s rubber a wider darn good at what it says on the contact patch, but other than that cover, the Endeavour remains and switching the car’s terrain    "$+  one of the best off-road vehicles response system to ‘sand’ mode, !*& ! * & available in India. It is really not there were no modifications to the something that you should con- car. Nothing, nada.  . 0K sider a ‘Sports Utility Vehicle’ We drove over the dunes          but a car that is a full-fledged off- quite comfortably, and the one roader. And Ford India just gave time I did get stuck, it was my fault    &     the car a minor update, adding a in not giving the Endeavour  #  new grille among some other enough gas at that moment. The      - # small things, but most important- one thing about driving on sand &   ly, the Endeavour gets a 30,000- or other non-road surfaces such     50,000 price cut. Prices now begin as ice or gravel is that you often at 28.19 lakh and go up to have to do things that might  & 32.97 lakh. In addition, the range appear to be counter-intuitive.   now starts with a six-speed man- While I’m really not making     @ ual version of the 2.2-litre variant, excuses for my driving abilities, I    and it is not available only in the cannot praise the car enough.     titanium trim. Think about it, this is an almost All well and good, but why, three-ton car driving on a surface L.  &  you would ask rather reasonably, that you would assume something    would a good car not sell very so heavy would need tracks like a    # well. Well, there is the minor mat- tank. .  O  ter of the Toyota Fortuner, which It is not perfect. I do not like &  %.. in terms of almost everything is the incredibly small speedometer not as capable as the Ford but is and instrument cluster, a vehicle’s   built stronger than a Red Army speedometer should at least reflect    tank from World War II and has its size and this one is tiny. While  . O a resale value that would make ber, did miss a trick by delaying $+!*    much more expensive cars like the how nowadays I just see a tragedy you can get a bunch of informa-    & most other cars red with embar- introducing the new Endeavour, :  "* Land Rover Discovery and waiting to happen with no safety tion on the cluster, you have to rassment. While I would consid- allowing Toyota to come in and Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen, but gear. These are light, four-wheeled choose between the rev counter      er the Innova to be a far more steal the market. ) !$ you get the point, right? vehicles unencumbered by the and the trip meter.   N O practical vehicle, the Fortuner But you know what? While !$$: This isn’t the first time I have weight of creature comforts and But these were minor irritants     .O-  has always exuded confidence driving over the sand of the Sam  A!$ been on the soft, fine sand of the ride over the sand with a sense of at the time and living with them   O%.     and power. The white Fortuner in dunes outside Jaisalmer, we saw a  A!$+!$$&  Sam sand dunes. The last time I purpose. And they are fun to drive though could be an issue. I have          particular has been incredibly couple of politicians also driving was in a (then) prototype of the over the sand because you can vir- gone off-roading in the Endeavour popular with politicians. In fact, up and down the sand. And both     Mahindra Thar and even today, tually do anything. in the past as well and then, like #M%1    one would argue that a white those gentlemen and their retinue ! !" !)"! % the dunes are full of Mahindra The Ford Endeavour on the now, it impressed with its sheer  &   # Fortuner is as essential a part of were travelling in Endeavours.   $*+ 540s and Thars with local drivers other hand is a heavy vehicle, with ability. If I was a politician who 0       an Indian politician’s wardrobe as One of them plainly stated that if driving like utter maniacs and full smartphone connectivity, wanted to go deep into the coun-   % a starched khadi kurta. And Ford, you wanted to do this sort of stuff, *)% $+ tourists, without a care of person- three-zone air-conditioning as tryside on tracks rather than on which did have first-mover advan- only Endeavour can do that. Well, + *!  al preservation, standing at the well as three rows of comfortable the road, I know what I would tage in the market if you remem- you can do similar things in back. Sure, it looks fun, but some- seats which include lumbar and buy. (!&) +" )0 1)+$!234526  7B

eople who love to eat are the pickle-ness dominates the plate best kind,” reads a quote on but it doesn’t, in anyway, overpow- Pone of the walls of Farzi Cafe. er the concept of the dish. It Located in the most vogue places reminds you of the fresh achaar of Gurugram, it altogether has a that your grandma would make for different aura to it. Walking you. This plate just mirrors child- through the doors, it feels as if one hood memories and comfort. It is has entered a typical Irish bistro. guaranteed that you wouldn’t want The dim lighting, lounge music, to get over the achari fever. wooden tables and chairs, creates Coming in next is the a vibe that speaks for itself. Mushroom Do Pyaza and Ajwaini Without further ado, food was Paratha. This one too, tastes like a served. First to touch the table was home-cooked dish, that you’d crave the Amuse Bouche — mango for. The ajwaini paratha, with a spheres. Brought in tiny ceramic layer of butter over it, wouldn’t cups, these sweet spheres of what make you stop indulging for more. is essentially yogurt, have a stretchy There is nothing pretentious or yet silky outside and a liquid inside. twisted, it is just pure goodness. These small tangy spheres are cold The very last main is brought and refreshing. This dish is defi- in. This is the Fish Pullimunchi with nitely a smart and rejuvenating way onion ghee pulao. On a bed of rice, of starting a meal, as well as helps rests the deep-fried, crunch and in building an appetite. crispy fish and for the dramatics, In an era of ‘Avocado and the broth/curry of the fish is Toast’, how could we as Indians, be poured around the rice, on the left behind in picking up that table. The light and tangy broth, trend. Giving avocado a desi twist, mixed with ghee rice, is full-bod- cafe aims to cater to the Indian, ied in terms of its flavour. The fish more so, the North Indian palate. adds the texture to the dish and the The Avocado Chaat and Beetroot salt content of the fish, rightfully Gel, was the next dish in. Partly cut eggs were runny in the centre. The balances the plate. avocado topped with onions, toma- '  ( rice balls add a crunchy plus warm Lastly, for the desert, the Lemon toes, sev and the quintessential texture, the parmesan papad and Custard Tart is served with a rasp- chaat masalas, garnished with the mint chutney binds the dish berry splash and house-made vanil- pomegranate and beetroot gel,    together spectacularly. la ice-cream. The dish is present- could not have gone wrong. While 4 4  Back to the North, the dish ed in the way that the tart shell eating it, you feel trendier but still brought in is Amritsari Fish Tacos hides the lemon custard and the strongly connected to our roots. 4@   with sour cream salsa. The hot and vanilla ice-cream. This presentation Coming next to the table was  4 445  spicy Amritsari fish tucked in a is smart in a way that, once you Aloo Samosa Pinwheel Chaat. It is   A  crunchy taco shell with dollops of break the shell, it crumbles over the essentially a deconstructed samosa, the sour cream salsa. Every element custard and the ice cream, which with the deep-fried flour, covering @ on that platter comes together nat- allows you to enjoy the dish. It is of the samosa, made into a pin-     )   A4 ,  urally and is lip smackingly good. the best example of exemplary wheel. What surprised me is the It is an art to pick elements from cooking, execution and the right fact that, while eating a decon-           4 across the globe and blend them balance. The tart shell adds bite to structed samosa, one actually    5 together effortlessly. the dish, the vanilla ice cream is the realises and savours entire ele-  4 #7 017 9.'?. Next up is a palate changer. kind you’ve never eaten before ment of it as opposed to having a   4 This is the Elder Flower Sorbet. Hats and the tartiness of lemon custard samosa as a whole. The beauty of    off to the effort put into the presen- and sweetness of the raspberry the dish is — one can eat every bit a crowd pleaser. might definitely be the choice of all chicken. The shavings of coconut,  ,  5  tation of this one. It comes on a splash will rock your world. For of the element separately and Moving on, a new take on one the sweet-tooths out there. really bring out the flavour of the ceramic tree structure and on one those who don’t have a sweet- rejoice its own, independent of the most popular vegetarian After a long wait, finally came food. This dish will make you 4  : of the branches is the sorbet stick. tooth, too, will enjoy this. It is the flavour. kebabs is brought to the table. This in the first South Indian dish with sweat, but it’s worth, plus you get  C@ 4 The sorbet has a smooth, milky and best way to end the meal. Then, there is Papdi Chaat is the Peshawari Paneer Tikka, an eastern twist. The Guntur Chilli to literally “burn” some calories. creamy yet icy texture. Drizzled An evening spent relaxing but Nachos. Standing on the bed of served along with a Blue Cheese Chicken, an innovative take on the “Food for thought” (quite literally)  : with blueberry compote, this adds also tracing the trajectory of how salsa beans, are house-prepared Raita. While the paneer tikka — chicken 65, wok tossed like chilli — wouldn’t chicken 65 be India’s   a tanginess. The combination real- far Indian culinary has come but nachos, topped with onions, toma- coated with layer of malai, it is chicken. Tucking into this dish, the next chilli chicken? ly refreshes the palate and makes still true to its roots, will fill you toes, peanuts and drizzled with cooked to perfection, and melts in chicken is crispy, with a tad bit of Next in is the Paniyaram Scotch 5   J 5 you ready for more. with pride and of course, the food mint chutney, I must say what a your mouth but the blue cheese sweetness and gets spicier with a Quails Eggs. These are small, fried   Coming to the main course, the will not make your mouth stop marvellous creation it is. The com- raita de-railed the dish. The sweet- strong flavour from the curry rice balls that centred poached first dish that hits the table is the watering. True to its name, Farzi bination seems to be one made in ness from the blue cheese along leaves. Just what you’d expect from quail eggs, served with a side of Haleem Risotto topped with Mutton café will not fail to create a gastro- heaven. Eating this famous Delhi with the sweet coating of the a chicken 65, but spicier, thanks to Parmesan Papad. There’s not much pickle. This plate of food is whole- nomical illusion through its top of street-snack, all I can say is that it’s paneer could be too sweet, but the inspiration from the chilli that can be said about this dish. The some, meaty and scrumptious. The the class culinary art. %'% dish. However, the mustard is the dominant flavour of the dish. $',55&@& With the coming of the Goth .  Aglio Oilio in Linguini, it was time for large plates. True to its name, the food ● 0  (* does look gothic as the pasta was ●   (+" black due to activated charcoal. This  also gave the dish more of a bite than is usual in al dente paste. However, ●   (*" its simplicity speaks for itself. The ●  (*" pasta was packed with garlic and dry red chilli powder and drizzled with ● ) (*" olive oil that separated each pasta  strand. ●      The Lamb Shank made its way to the table and the braised meat stood ● 8  ( " in the middle of a pool of creamy ●   polenta centred with a side of roast- ●   ed veggies. The lamb was cooked to perfection and it was smashing to see ●   (B   how it just fell off the bone. The ● 2 & (B  creamy polenta really gelled with the ly balanced and flavoursome. lamb. Although the dish was heavy ● /  (B  Next dish was the Tomato and with a lot of dense flavours, it was def- ● 8    (*" Fennel Soup. Essentially, just a toma- initely enchanting. to soup served with grilled fennel and The dessert wrapped up the meal. ● ?     ' some veggies, yet, there was some- It was the Classic Vanilla Bean and 0. thing different to it. The tomato soup Coconut Panna Cotta paired with ● &          is finished off with olive oil instead Raspberry Sorbet and dehydrated of cream, which added a fruitiness to seasonal fruits. There are no words to # &    % n a time where everything is about %     (     the tangy tomato soup. It also didn’t describe the panna cotta. The French ● &  # #      % Iinnovation, trend and modern feel off because it was still creamy and vanilla bean was paired with the ● 7    &      culinary techniques, Cicchetti (pro-       smooth in its texture. Pairing it with smooth and silky panna cotta. There nounced as She-ke-tti) wants to grilled fennel was clever. The fennel wasn’t too much gelatin that was             introduce the lost European times .      &&*" introduces a freshness that elevates added and it showed. The raspberry % and traditions to India. Located in the dish altogether. sorbet mixed in well and acted as the ● 7   &#  #    Gurugram’s ‘place-to-be’, the Cyber exquisite wine from around the the attention of all the six senses. As Up next was the Poached Chicken refreshing element on the plate.           Hub, this chic restaurant brings back world, the idea is to make you feel the cover was lifted, one could smell with Warm Mustard Sabayon and There are absolutely no words to  %    # #  # the concept of small plates, while din- fancy. the Applewood chips that were used Microgreens. The poached chicken describe how good this dessert was.   *B"   #      %  ers can sip on their wine. Their vision The first dish to be brought in to smoke the dome. The cheese was shaped into spheres covered You’d just go head over heels for it. is to, bring to the table, healthy food was one of Cicchetti’s hot-sellers, the board included crackers, a cranber- with the mustard sabayon. The mus- The food here breaks the tradi- ●   #    #    and dismiss the association of Italian Smoking Cranberry Jalapenos Cream ry sauce, cream cheese along with tard is not overpowering at all. It gave tional notion of what Italian food    @            food with just cheese. The entrance Cheese Dome. The cheese board was olive and jalapenos. The element of mild vinegary and spicy flavour really is. For the dishes here are deli- &       # of the restaurant is extravagant while covered with a long cylindrical glass smoke that was used, added a rustic notes that comfort the palate and cious yet, healthy. Even though, the       % the interiors give a luxurious and a cover, filled with smoke that you and earthy flavour to each element makes the dish rich. The greens, of plates and servings are small, there is fine-dine vibe. From the cutlery to could smell from two blocks away. and enhanced them. This was a course, bring in the freshness that a saying that all good things come in '</ #  / # 1 >%0 -   6 the chandeliers and the collection of This was truly a platter that caught one-of-a-kind dish that was perfect- cuts through the richness of the small packets. &?% .  &! & * ●   (B""  ●  (B"  ● 5(A ● 1  ( ""  ●  (B""  ● ) (+B"      # ● ? ( ""  .8 1   ● 0  (*B"    &  ● 6  (+B"   %)    ●   (*"" J  K %$%%%%%&  & *B& ● 8     #    #  ●    - (B"  .   %      ● /   (< ● 7       &       # 0.   %     ●    .'    %       ● 0      &    @   .9  E   #      4  2  &      %(' 0 =  &%       ● 1& (*   %2      /  #4S    #O    &  *+  *+ %:9    % ● ? (+   %  #/.9  & #                    &%('0 =*+ *#,""     ● 0    &   %  ●  (+  ● ?   @     *+ %:9*#B""     ;7/1 #/)# ;78 1  #            %     ●      &  # 6   &*#   % 6   &+#   %      %2  ● 8      # ●    E &            &  %      %  #   # ● 8       8  &          1& &    *,"    ●   && #          % 0. 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