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An Historic Account of Music Criticism and Music Critics in Utah

Basil Hansen Brigham Young University - Provo

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BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Hansen, Basil, "An Historic Account of Music Criticism and Music Critics in Utah" (1933). Theses and Dissertations. 4753.

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basil hansen


department OP MUSIC

BRIGHAMBBIGHAM YOUNGYOUHG university provotprovo utah IH PARTIAL fulfillment requirements DEGREE

MASTER ARTS thesis basil hansen accepted present form department music satisfying thesis requirement degree master arts

may 1933

maormaonmajor professor

thesis coencommitteeitteeattee introduction concerning PROBLEM

subject music criticism utah may arouse merriment perturbation others acquiescent individuals accept thesis stated skeptics hand probably question premise otherentherethepe music criticism utah 11 premise may easily disproved criticism defined elimi- nate fragmentary materials support state- ment criticism however cannot justifiably limited close narrow precincts emotional impression individual permit too limited restric- tion quality intensity measurement made I1 feel therefore I11 am within confines propriety intelligent reasoning my assertion utah music critics music criticism I1 shallbhail surely encounter opposition my assum- ption verbal critical reactions expressed be- tween music leaders state otherwise music developed congregational singing brass ianalanabanaband music capt eittpitt group musicians migrated nauvoo great three cf ADDenappenappendixaixalxdix II11 hundred voices very commendable choral societies city sym- phony orchestorchestrasorasuras professional theatre orchestra variety bands berliPerliperiiapsperliapsadsaps too I1 am conservative fancy presume subtle critical force made itself felt leadership personnel each music organization force music merits trained musicians eur- 0opepe brought them new country men domnicodomanico ballo david C calder C J thomas john tulli- dge others conscious de- mands each musically trained individual makemalcemaleemaiee him stimulated feelings otner critical nature consequently fit category conveniently criti- cism rhe growth music music interest conse- quently reflection thing called music criticism however music public utah yet educated status absorb intellantell igent critical analysis evident fact state proficient critic allow candid expression through journals newspapers utah large enough maintain special music critics heiroheir staffs music critic vere active concerning local productions lielae used professional attainments criteria receive rebuff recip- rocal dissatisdissatisfaction3ffaction effect sales paper yet acute criticism unquestionably jar local talent ou u complacency own mediocre efforts sympathetic bat severe critic rl6iitmightJ even help raise music attainments home talent rhe present revienevienevlereviewersiersdersaers statedstates largest dai- lies frank unpresuming 1 efficient re- viewers considering music reviews oub small part tide work adich hired profession music reviews major music events abundant how- ever almost invariably insipid rehashesrelirelareiaashes pu- blicity folders proverbial adjectiveadjectives taistuistulsyais type review mustmunmum interestinzerestinterestingllania performers anticipate finding thein names written newspaper eco- nornomicic reasons journals do print adverse reactions local talent poterreporterre without thorough schooling music disapproved kreisler interpretinterpreoaua tionulon teetectechniqueUnique incredibly impudent m- usically untutored reviewer capable asseinblingassemoiing applying flowery sentences critic type newspaper comment wanted both performer public conglomeration dainty compliments papers wiiatwxiatwinat want people satisfied music critic perhaps find proprofitaoleprofitableprofi taolecitable employment crit icisingincising radio broadcasts reading result canary PURPOSE 05 THESIS

my purpose making study music criticism utahsutahisutah realize reliabreliahreliableL e historicalhistdistorical account critic- ism expressed means journals growth music within state study granted complete history music utah merely treats phase yet unwritten history secondary interest defend assertion chat utah music criticism eulogize deride music pioneers state may im- press need constructive criticism insure stimulussultasuitasuliaulasulusuius incentive necessary continued growth music center organization scope study includes utahs history music criticism first years settlement until 19351933 mistakes missionsommissionscommissionsom ambiguities contained herein unrealized author


royal index utah newspapers theproblemproblem presents itself prodigious tasktaektasietasictaste pick- ing information news stacks exception four years ehe deseredeserett news first decade Tullidtullidgetullidgesbesges quarterlyquarte deseret weeklywee klykiy utah magazine indices alyatyy method approach gathering material consult utah magazines news papers page page rmethod research later found efficient effective examining week- end music sections program concert announcements carefully searching issue following concert ackiiowled&eiiehtsC 12110 VI ED geliegeleeGEIEEN T

my appreciation extends L D church historians office salt lake public library staff kind consideration given my problem assisting faculties I1 am likewise appreciative brigham young university music department dr lowry nelson I11 am grateful suggestions assistance arrangementARRANGE mentHENT

thesis proper traces major music events utah fronfroin reactions go these events selec- tive list material gathered arranged treatment commences existing musiemusic conditions first decade state music history second distinct stage development treated commences 1860s1860 extends 1878 time itinerant artists commenced visiting critical historical treatments somewhat desultory nearly possible arranged consecutive time sequence type journalistic criticism evinced re- views shown review section contains exam- ples selected representative different years 1878 present bibliography annotated order give reader understanding time period covered each publication general characteristics journals indices contain detailed extended accounts interrupt continuity diminish interest thesis included body material appendices pertinent relationship subject matter study C 0ONTENTN T E wn T introduction pabepage concerning problem purpose thesis viiiiilllil method gathering material vi arrangement viivil acknowledgementsAcknowledgeac 1mam owl edge ments viivil chapter I1 STATUS MUSIC EARLY UTAH 1 chapter II11 CRITICAL expression 5 chapter iliIII111 JOHN TULLIDGE 8 chapter IV development STAGES 13 tabernacle choir theatre music chapter V CRITICAL dissension 25 disagreements daily herald oodwinsgoodwinsG weekly salt lake telegram salt lake tribune chapter VI AESTHETIC appraisals 35 miscellaneous compliments our music status 189519001895 1900 eisteddfod adjudications arthur shepherd john liorgagiorgamoreanmorganmongann chapter yliyllyilVII REVIEWS 50 unfavorable comment wilhelmj sorcerer zionszion musical society richings bernard erminieermlErmi niell favorable comment ilmoregilmoreG choral society dagepage B B young concert choir concert lucy gates paderewski messiah kreisler chapter VIII REVIEWERS 1 EPITHETS 70 conclusion 72 bibliography 76 appendices 78 I1 john tullidge II11 whitney music early utah days III111 theatre alusicmusicblusicmusie IVill evan stephens V eisteddfod adjudications VI first performance meselMessimessiahahu HISTORIC ACCOOTTACCOUNT MUSIC CRITICISM AM



captain win pittspit ts brass band nauvoo blew music notable march across plains 1847 those worthy old footers later constituted nucleus development series music organizations cultivation music audience music enthusiasmentliusiasm eventuallyevenuually elevated salt lake city dignity music center beginning musiemusic sure com- plementaryplementary harmonious blending environs under resolute place themselves prairie peo- ple prairie musiemusic

DESERET NEWS great salt lake city july 10 185018b0 GRANDGRAHD CONCERT our friends fellow citizens emigrants respectfully informed grand concert bowery evening wed 24th24tii instdinst people love amusement design gratify them series comic pieces songs wilch entirely new valley original got expressly occasion particulars see hand bills admittance rby tickets tithing post office 25 each wm clayton expect hear beethoven symphony bach mass handel oratorio community where time newspaper expect satisfactory re- sults announcement 1 keyaeyxey found call post office geniuses schumann wagner found place country where fiddlersfiddfiddlerylers used bows between concerts shooting indians

DESERET lysNEWS reatgreatG salt lake city sept 21 1850 CONCERT our patrons take notice con- cert designed saturday evening unavoidably postponed consequence performers being gone ogden city in- dian expedition due notice oe given take place Wwm clayton

nonsensical extravagance first great news sheet utah squander space criticism formal analyses entertainments passed musicians half dozen performers did best between social domestic obliga- tions alleviate pioneer troubles attractive mel- odies pleasant harmonies anything amiss said sacred music unjust sang god faith assurance degree satisfaction certainly wholehearted genuine felt choral society ever sung perhaps much many ultimate consequence assuredly little place annals world music history maybe significant consequence annals state music history music them expression social group community developed nusicmusiemusic advanced fall year arrival utah old spirit lauvonlauvoobauvoo days revived musical way saints seems several choirs nauvoo least band tabernacle choir made beginning shortly arrival utah singing time did assistance organ people con- tented themselves accompaniment given group seventeen eighteen instrumentalists wm pitt band immediately reorganized settlement val- ley second band existence highly developed ballousbailousbaliousBallous band these two organizations joined forces feb- ruary 14 1853 ground temple broken again april 616 18531855 services laying corner stone ballou band builders hall once bore name west first south street many notable dances given pioneer days music band BTOBI hauvoonauvoo brass band radiated small bands soloistsoloists without number organization called shanghai band especially notable danc- ing entertainments those days social hall opened 18531855 rare entertainment band called african band took part I1 able secure information makeup char- acter work dimmiedimmlerdimmickk huntingtoshuntingtonhuntingtonsHunting tostonstone noted martial band dear bo every boy celebrated ath4th 24th those days reached greatest proficiency sixties composer john tullidge came eng- land tdheche sixties wrote music tabernacle choir high grade anthem how beautiful upon mountains still sung larger choirs church favorite vocal soloist early days john kay whose singing old song sea 17 gave him great reputation among pioneers doubt hearing him render sea president john taylor fittedhisfitted bis hymn seer same tune W C dunbar another soloist sang opening theatre 1862 previously acquired fame through sing zion brother dunbar episode echo canyon war times1 my justification little review others thesis without music criticism art pioneer musicians started things utah fully appreciated perhaps stimulate modern public detach itself pres- ent state delightful complacence understanding early music setting might assist people seeing possible benefit criticism educated childs peevishness corrections offered concern- ing divine art our deficiency lack possibility importing critic probably lacklaek capacity public assimilate criti- cism

1caclof H G whitney music early utah days CHAPTER II11


newspaper built sections satisfy publics musicians few pedantspedanus numerous music critics rare atrocious group criticism may effect local perform ing talent stimulate better performances per- formers must perform audiences pecuniary re- turns zhe audience demands diet diet technical exercise masterpiece int daelee demanding super efficiency compositional technique super excell ence execution interpretation art music disposal few technicians perhaps true art simplicity graspable self exegetic matter within comprehension man assuming man means alert mentally normal individual utah newspaper music reporters tech- nically trained musicians confessed present members reviewing staffs deseret hewsnews salt lakelallelaile tribune part judgment expressed must totally impressionistic perhaps judg- ment reliable perhaps ifouldffould average news- paper man really enjoy musical classic told classic publicity paper gives itinerant artist previous appearance major factor music reviewer draws reac- tion performance 1 newspaper ordin- arily justification itself tolerate adversead ve se reac- tion highly vaunted previous iss- ues reaction expressed paper artificial medley impressions subjec- tive partial resume emotionally disturbed indi- vidual circumstances platos reasoning music might justified music moral law gives soul universe wings mind flight imagination charm sadness gaietygayety life everything else essence order leads good just anclana beautiful invis- ible nevertheless dazzling passionate external form bit excess offers little consolation adamant crusted critic platopiatoplatos gem meant effect lesser exacting individual utahs settlers con- cerned platopiatoplatos music purpose music

journalistic attention devoted music early utah varied quitquiteue proportion size papers 1880 onward considerably greater importance attached music reviews program announcements perhaps due advertising road attractions enthusiasm poetic C 0 goodgodwingoodwinwin be- came editor tribune 1880 journalistic attention present devoted music in- dicated deseret news reviewer varies proportion- ately space ailoalloalioallotedtedtea subject music re- views announcements concerts discussions reg- ulated written accommodate available column inches little idle pleasure simple impressive hymn de- votion oblivious europefseuropeeuropes world music indifferent perhaps few interested whatever ones surmise music status state during first years development learn thing letter tullidgesTullidges history salt lake cityolty

graphic sketchk etehetch artistic pen eslaeoldesbaboldgold digger correspondent new york tribune under date july sth8thesth 1849 1 I day attended worship them open air thousands well dressed intelligent looking people assembled number them foot carriages horses many neatly even fashionably clad beauty neatness ladies reminded me our best congregations new york choir both sexes performed exceedingly well accompanied band playing well almost every musical instrument modern invention peals sweet sacred solemn music filled air diot having heard performance I1 cannot confirm criticcritics opinion music general reasons might feasible bit logic presume just being nice nice used idiomatic sense com- pliplimentarymentary what must appeared bunch fool Morcormonsmormonsmons may rest assured music started early state developed rapidly in- dustriesdus tries periods surpassed size growth guhe15 community respects tuat present status very susceptible improvement CHAPTER lilliiIII111


musician 1862 walked across old trail music culture england valley fifteen years development establishing music prestige music criticism pioneer setting perhaps expected anticipated condition something comparable lone shipwrecked sailor play- ing dominoesdomdomingesinoes each move being well done mate john tullidge 1 upon arriving valley ap proacaedproachproac nedneaqed situation 0 L enjoying music settlement

less seafaring fashion deseret newsdews weekly pu- blished reaction program given deseret aslusiasiaslasi cal 9 sociation thus preserved earliest music eritcrit 2 icismscism I1 able locate rhe article honest opinion concert what reviewers done since good indication peoplespeopled reaction honesty judgment appraisal music tullidge quite shockingly states horns tune finale little note cor lofcf appendix I1 life musical training tullidge 2 cf appendix II11 complete concert review rection let us assume musician sincere disconcerting poorly played horns praise work general discreetly applied complimentary written convince reader krijrajr tullidge merely strutting feathers expense music performers following representative paragraph may well illustrate apparently critically artistic unpreten- tious attitude concerning utah musicians association commenced my old favorite leesgleesQ awake aeolian lyre awake open- ing strain easy rendering without great attention largo movement first grand closeblosebiose dominant cautious awakening necessary slumbering lyre entirely lost order preserve full effect movement tremolo vibrato should employed awake drowsy strings frontrom iteresreeTEs forgetfulness natures simple ease appears authorsauthors11 working second period dominant give rapture reserved finale first subject thor- ough awakening instrument descriptive joyous arousing helicone harmonious springs lively imitation parts produces fine tonic termination laughing flowers around thenthem blow drink life fragrance flow too far fetched author succeeded good interpreta- tion poetry first line truthful enough second drink life fragrance flow too gloomy termination submedsummed lent analytic discussion might stimulate ar- tistic exuberance minds modern newspaper pu- blics pertinent relationship performing musicians my knowledge objective word place aesthetic relations understanding sympathetic corrections never repeated utah music journals 1869 tullidge member utah eagamagamagazinezine staff published extended account mozartsmomartsMoz arts overture figaro lockeslockeelocked macbeth music criticism tieileble seems shifted emphasis analysis performance composition compositional interpretation

may see policy papers 1862 be- ing essentially same todayday reads re- view concert followed account john tulli- dge review contains policy paper concerning criticism published deseret hewsnews month later dec 17 1862 further allusion concerts deseret music association held week tabernacle gratifying us state far satiated taste music performances first evening citizens seemed rather awakened delightful character species amusement truth taletaie thoroughly evinced evening 2nd concert house well filled auditory deterred going notwithstanding existing snow storm during nearly 24 hrs yet full blast hour open- ing disposition enter criticism upon individual performances neither just do regard distinctly stated objects concerts having exceptionally attained publicly exhibiting excellence new system written music connection proficiency classes time having received instruction there- in secondarily obtainmobtainmentent means defray many incidental expenses necessarily incurred during series gratituous winter evening lectures science

anthems choruses sung exhibited general satisfaction tiietiye audience skillful train ing association under superintendence prof D 0 calder admirable manner waich chorus marseillais111arseillaisMarse illais sung fact 20 minutes before classes seems almost incredible justice our own feelings scarcely refrain particularly personallyDerso nallynaily referring enrapturing performances ladies asso- ciationciation prudential considerations commingled hearty appreciation L whole musical performance young old male female forbid nearly I1 determine first criticism composition well performance done same attractive character john tullidge bit constructive criticism directed musician prof thomas situation humorous connotations yet even though stimulus reaction seems accidental unrepeated recorded another valuable eariyearlyearby evidence composition being written criticisedcriticized utah answer professor thomas note ob- serve omission title professor name oversight printer ourselves inspecting proof copy ten- der our apology vievve must however say our atten- tion directed correction errors musical etiquette beg professor bear mind remove errors consecutive fifths very great fault bhe cause necessity changing two notes lais choral melody order render resolution perfect remind him perfect resolutions well prep- arations harmonic combinations required correct progression observe chorale renderings harmonicshar moniesmonics impor- tance melody fact song compositions greati schubert prove songs tietlehie bestowed pains produced effect varied beautiful darharmonicsuannanmonics melodies observe notwithstanding pro- fesfessorsorTSgorts objection our altering melody remove errors correct pointed resolution passage inorelnore compensates changing passing notes subject especially linking character second period altered always much pleased witiawitta professors compositions anaanu shall always glad receive favor him ana say send pieces correct deem sacrilege alter t lleu bu chey gramaticagramatieallygramaticallygrammaticallyliyllyily incorrect must makemaicemalce change observation apply 101.0iolo our contributors 1

loflorf utah magazine 1869 p 347 CHAPTER jtIV

developmentDEVELOP 11lentbent1ent STAGESSTAG ES tabernacle choir

identical old bowery housed first dra- matic music entertainments accommodated taber- nacle choir during first few years growth very nature choir religious worship song ex- tended prerogative exemption critical ex- pression early members weresongsterssonssongsterssongsters parts old nauvoo choirs 1 aims sing praises god leaders musical men musicians

C JT thomas musician schooled accomplished europe arrived 1861 addition assuming lead- ership capt ballots band theatre orchestra commenced work tabernacle choir evidently car- ried witwitlawitiala him ideals english music development anadeanddede- manded something approaching equivalent uis musicianshismusicians professor thomas appointed leader tabernacle choir until took charge under father james smithies choir master indeed tle tabernacle choir never risen above musical status ordinary choir country church lofcf appendix II11 whitney music early utah days under C JT thomas soon became fairly metropo- litan good anthem music frequently performed sundays delight congregation majority whom haanadnaa come musical cities great bri- tain until prof thomas tooktools leadership sel- dom heard salt lakelafkelakkela fceace tabernacle those fine eng- lish anthems vere familiar fine advent C J thomas marksnarkismarkismarrs epoch musical astoryhistory city gave first grand vocal concerts here benefits reaped financial har- vest 1 greater development choir came under direction george careless became conductor 1865 succeeding professor thomas latter called st george held position four- teen years during time commendable progress made organization position careless utah music sig- nificnificantant training class private students development theatre orchestra organiz- ation musicians ghe handel anclana haydn society 2 organization produced messiah 1875 first time oratorio given between chicago san francisco sum receipts two performances 2150502150.50921505092150.50 choir under baton evan stephens yielded spectacular results world fair eisteddfod chicago september 1893 won second place competition high regard musicians nation personnel tabernacle choir conductors ellidgelidgeulullidge history f salt lake city appp 77172771 72 g 2cfmcfcf appendix VI account Messmessiahiahnlahn presented organization 1875 includes stephen goddard james smithiessmythiesSmythies C J thomas robert sands georgeG eorge careless ebineezerebieneezerEbineezer beesley evan stephens C lund evan stephens delightful little posy extended tabernacle choir page rewnewmew york included des- eret weekly june 4 1892 vol XLIV p 782 seen number very excellent notices eastern papers visit presbyterian mi- nisters chis city services attended tabernacle speak terms praise music copy here sample eulogy made reverend W L page rochester II11 Y democrat speaking kindness shown party pres woodruff cormonsmormons generally giving glowing aescriptiondescription city meeting right here let me do full justice second hymn sung wonderful trained choir single choral tune fine harmony sur- passed anything way sacred music I1 ever heard my life paid me my journey across con- tinent linger my memory hour I1 hope go heardear higher music songtill

suehsuela opinion I1 insist criticistcriticislcriticism11 expression judgmentjudgelentbentient final ultimate music images drawn sentgentlemangentlemansgentlemensgent lemans auditory reaction stimuli sound combination ana sequenceseq benceuence impressio- nistic nature every final criterion judgment must include impression reaction critic just every impression must compendium reactions based consciously unconsciously theories value reasoning might serve indicate termed impressionistic critics chat merely traditional type critic minus sufficient potency intelligence logic say impressionists reason even though reverend hewnew york basis judgment comparison effects produced him ciaoclaochoirsirs tabernacle choir estimation preeminent church choir art form must re- spectedspectedspecter criticisedcriticized then appr- priaopriatelytely levy valuation group reverend gen- tleman severity music critic must modify it- self here istisnt judging complicated acquirementsacquire ments final sug6estivenesssuggestivenesssuggesoiveness tone religious setting substantial evidences assum- ption stated problem thesis chat dad unpublished criticism expressed through growth development music contained determined letter deseret weekly evan stephens new years issue 1893 read article reflect course year cultivated choir GO state efficiency won recognition world judges judging world contest recognize importance man utah music history choir old bowery days assumed new attri- butes prestige having won gheohe 1000 prize significant point waewa world large told little church big country developed art critical importance event turn affairs almost wholly due critic trifle severe complacent social group formed part lucid characterization man may found contacting own expressions reading descriptive analysis him our musical mineral resources under remarkably similar conditions present time richelcheichbiehbleh beyond measure each far nat- ural resources go while attained somewhat world reknownbeknown both development infancy languishing better cond- ition things dawn upon us our park tintietintictintleTingintictic mineral districts like our tabernaeletabernacletabernacleTabernaele choir choral society choral organiza tionseions fair index rich undeveloped mate- rials surrounding us what needed what might done fully develop our mineral resources turn them boundless wealth financial pros- perity our growing community I1 shall take themore familiar me musical side question how may develop our rich musical resources what better conditions now enjoy capable first questquestionquestioniquestionsloniionII1 try answer must trained intelligent leaders direct work development making shift long enough musically talented young men women young men especially generally called up- on take charge choirs etc should given time opportunities fully master prin- ciples underlying successful guiding musical growth community perishing musically need natural bright talents many young musician utah being warped medi- ocrity want proper training while masses show devotion divine art left still lower state progress want intelli- gent guiding do understand me mean say behind world generally these things quite abreast respects choir singing especially comparative sense our possibilities considered I1 know people face earth show indiff- erence making possibilities do community our schools where branches well loo100looked11 ed small sprink ling music thrown once twice week nearly every ward throughout our fair land two young men found passionately fond music generally get smattering how read little manage odd moments between hours manual labor innu- merable little duties attended ward capacity young men generally very steady useful then called upon direct musical efforts others own sadly developed too often new charge releases them none duties less time ever self improvement art now direct others mastery music lightly easily won perfection triftrifflingstrifflingfling importance should case community like ours solo- mon realized importance olden times sufficient- ly set apart musicians temple howeownow these young men their talent devotion music proven own labors in- stead being pushed service unripe taken necessary helped financially means couple concerts thoroughly patronized released duties then sent branch ofa spespecialcialelalelai training school organized purpose thoroughly equipping students teach conduct nusicmusic kept two three years necessity required then set work develop musical talent native towns fair opportunity earning lifelihoodlivelihood school teachers let them take charge religious work choir duties return aid given beginning let work class teaching private lessons etc bring them fair remuneration enough do first work farm disposal still none less master music then might look real intellectual soulful advancement our music what follows proposal plan whereby choirs organized conducted systematically under musical supervision addition these items sadly need m- usical journal devoted our special needs chiefly furnish our various organizations suitable music bring our composers1composers 1 works light aid keeping our musicians alive reading musical items day giving encouraging helpful hints intheir labor something help keeping us closely ac quainterquainquaintedted each musical world large compare our present musical condition our possibilities under condition article suggests our present mammoth organi- zation tabernacle choir four five hundred voices becomes proper head gi- ganic chorus trained singers lift us community higher realms art refine- ment religious ffervorervorarvor day may dawn utah little gusts enthusiasm vanish many wards anatandcand seem mock mighty purpose needs carrying outi may crystalizecrystallizecrystalize deeds enable us fully develop talents godG od abundantly belbeltowedbestowedtowed upon us my christ- mas new years wish 1 concerning world fair eisteddfod notes crit- ical interest tabernacle choir found des 9 eret weekly year 2 great eisteddfod choir competition held worlds fair grounds chicago yesterday late night decision adjudications given according thiethlethissthies choir carries oftoff second prize 1000 having lost first arizedrizeprize ralfraifaalfhalf point whatever may mean prof stephens wear gold me- dal being conductor winning organization comments individuals heard organization contest you magnificent choir 11 caradog leader welsh choir won worlds champion cup choral singing crystal palace london ntheanthe finest rendition worthy lanblambiamblamby I1 ever listened T J davisbavisdavig conductor winning ladies chorus

evans stephens music utah deseret weekly vol XLVI hewnew year 1893 g 2deseretdeseret weekly vol ZLVIXLVI september 1893 magnificent singing devoted people sing must good people apmadoeapmadocApmadoe conductor eisteddfod choirs secretary committee H G ehltwhitneywhitneytwhitneysWhitneys impressions performance adjudication follow regarding contest said whitney course disappointment among singers first moment hearing decision soon wore away I1 believe choir reached home happy though won themainshemainmainmaln prize you see trouble judges summing merits demerits various chor- uses scored rather severely faults our competitors guilty left our faults un- mentioned built rather confident hope successful final words came entitled second prize effect first rather stimstunningninsning both scranton choirs reinforced prize winners across water sang beautifully I1 assure you I1 lit- tle hope even hearing number got prize sang worthy lamb way touch blessed men I1 think tie scrantonsScrantons certainly sang admirably came them did do 1aaa st piece difficult nowhownow impetuous torrents rise outshone them tempo conception ran away though weieweleweiwel e gallop held ahebhe key finish just trifle better did theatre music deseretmusicaldeseret musical dramatic originateoriginatedoriginatedindin 1850 during fall winter year entertain 2 ments given olaoiaolditoldibold bowery

1 choir returns ff deseret weeklyaeewee vol XLIIIXLIIIP sept 23 1893 2 1852 organization changed deseret dramatic association orchestra used old bowery selected members nauvoo brass band directed bandmasterband master captain played violin flute jacob F hutch- inson played violin clarinet james smithies cello members david smith george warde messrs kay burton clayton waltneywhitneyWa itney taking pertpart upon stage assisted orchestra 1850 amusement house opened warm springs concerts socialssociatssocials building used almost exclusively dancing number printed invitations concerts sociatssocials possession daughters utah pioneers state capitol written fine script follows

G L city dec 1051 company kinsey lady res- pectfully solicited attend grand military ball given professor ballo bath house friday 12th deer 1851 4 oclock P XM ball managers william staines doctor andrews fi B admittance gentleman lady three dollars SCSCHEME professor ballos military band attendance open ball governor young grand march D ballo president kimballsKimballs grand march do president richards grand march do governor youngs grand quickstep do

DURING REPAST grand march opera tancreda love hot 0 arranged D ballo I1 should like marry do life oceans wave do desert waltz 0 do &cepscepac&c &cac pyper romance old playhouse p 42042 social hall dedicated saturday january 1 1853 orchestra directed former west point bandmaster milan conservatory graduate dominicoDominieoleo ballo among features lending atmosphere contributing large degree amazing suc- cess early performances presented salt lake theatre orchestra indeed second play players those days people listened attentively music applauded renditions meritorious orchestra mere background chatter gossip audience place seems now relegated necessary highly appreciated part evenings entertain- ment opening theatre efficient orchestra twenty men assembled under direction prof charles J thomas mus- ician marked ability here personnel first salt lake theatre orchestra first violins maormajor william pitt david evans second violins william clay- ton stephen alley ebeneezer beesley biolosviolos john toone george BD watt violoncellosvioloncellos joshua H masleymagley tamesjames smithies contrabass david 0 caidercaldergaldergaldengaiden flutes horace kaKk4 whitney mx eineselnesninesninee clarioclarionetsnets henry sadler stephen hale cornet mark croxall french horns charles evans ana oph- icleide john wakeham directordirectors charles J thomas professor thomas conducted unpaid mus- icians little two years called mormon churchauthoritieschurch authorities mission st georgeG eorge southern utah although unpaid leader laid down baton regretregrregnregnet et disappointment theatre goers these early theatre orchestra leaders may very appropriately mentioned composed arranged much own music fit dramatic settings plays under prof careless orchestra reduced seven lpypercpyperiyperhyper historyifistory 0 old playhouse musicians whom given pay tuieirtneirgieir services trie previous orchestra maintained standard music level critical careless demanded mir lypenpyper relates interesting stories musiciansmusicians11 adapta- tions hurried calls music accompaniments 1 might

noted krI1 careless proficient enough com- poser arranger improviser meet these emergencies 1865 professor took tlletiletue leadership salt lake theatre orchestra held five six years during time produced number musical plays including maebelmacbetmaebethmacbethuh Bribrigandsbrigandegands alad- din latter composed entire music forty numbers comprising solos duetduets choruses dramatic music professor tullidge copying parts several years many melodies sung around streets composed music cinder- alla11alla did composing arranging work orchestra close leadership during engagement conducted first opera given utah randgrandG duchess 11 howson troupe act derderser frelFreifleischutfreischutfreisehutzFreiseschuthutzschukuz several operettasoperettas leaders maintained high stan- dard salt lake theatre orchestra E beesley willard vieiheyfeihe arthur shepherd frenirren midgley squire coop present efficient conductor talented violinist arthur freber wm C cliveolive another well known salt lake musician played first violin- ist number years first native utah com- poser write overture oldengoldenG crest played tae salt lake theatre2Theatre 2 critical estimate status theatre or- chestra attained 1869 contained supple- mentary paragraph article congregational singing

1 cf appendix II11 2 pyper history old playhouse published utah magazine musician john tullidge member orchestra conducted four years george careless might observed critical nature man found expression through advancement musicianship organization well tabernacle choir orchestral branch art utah reached higher excellence vocal de partpartmentapartmentment orchestra our theatre instance times comparedj very best metropolitan orchestras though present members numerous once however very efficient often discourse eloquent music indeed band performance sometimes best evenings entertainment professor george care- less leader held position four years credit himself satisfaction public CHAPTER V


critic manuscript adjudge work relationship similarity various mathematical combi- nations baicluulei uaicuuielusleiusiclusie symbols arranged past artists sym- bols symbols nothing in- terpreted ttatha ey become musical art jazz noise critic now pass judgment upon composer drawing ais memory past experiences witnessed audi- tory images wiaichwere stimulated tone combinations artists critic takes inventory form variety suggestions anticipations developments simplicity rhythmic harmonic structural bases musicmusie imagery stimuli ana ultimate delight hehasbehas justification assuming prerogative label good bad interpreter perhaps translated correctly expressed own neural organisms reaction prprintedlntedanted symbols rotten performer grand artis depending performer presents leemeeactionsreactions experi- ences witnesses them consequent contacting hyroayro glyphics music score symbols partial representation composercomposers experience interpreta- tion quanitativequanitaquantitativetive thing depending whether per former greater less intellectually imaginativelyimagineltivelyalad euieuleniem tiotionallynally writer music score

ultimately compositionb either good bad permitting intermediate degrees according analytic capacity disposition critic factors influenc- ing judgment multitudinous tangible com- manding support others impressionistic undefinable confines aesthetics facile definite nobut make exceedingly fine ditch dig- ger poor life companion slightly incompacitated musician somewhat less satisfactory critic individual form cast mea- sure judge using intricately precise criteria judgment artist need question need science art scientific aspects music should cared individuals department why should music artist fear invectives robatdobat seldom metrieulousmetriculousmetri eulousculous exactness tone delineation gives music iibsidsbs fascination oddities deviations little eccentricities break monotony routine artis- tically active mind iron man should expected give exactly proportioned expression experience artist liberty choose mass possibil- ities appeals him musician fre- quently work advantage makinmakinghismakingghis choice varied selection scientist realizes duty being exact scientifically precise must adhere rigidly ons tiietiletue artist smiles complaisantly fains indignation ailatt constraint commences mould available mabmaumaterialerial expression own warped personality result recorded informed discriminating intelligent creator art good contrast reporter opinions four dailies goodwins weekly salt lake city well expressed following accounts replete information relative public sentiments concerning criticism ex- posing these accounts I1 do mean insinuate three newspaper reviewers wrong herald critic right even every postulate herald makesmalkesmalkmajk es wrong thing wholly prove dis- prove article undoubtedly made perform- ing organization conscious played morpheus bound self praisers evidevidenceEviaence herald did revel accom- plishplishmentment made mistake felt public opinion strongly intimated expression oodgoodG wins hweWnwe erlyeklyexly failure herald repeat attack following issues paper SEASONS FIRST SYLIPHONYSYMPHOITY CONCERT


first symphony concert season per- sonal triumph spencer clawsonglawson jr pianist decided disappointment far work orchestra concerned orchestra showed plainly result change directors attack marked un- certainty noticeable mcclellan evi- dently gotten thoroughly touch musicians under direction failed signally achieve de- sired effects dramatic climaxes selections program program symphony orchestra supposed education musical nattensmattersmattens yet placate untutored element rosary violated every prin- ciple harmony placed program very badly played secured beneficial effect encore received responded spanish dance played appreciation fervor feeling archeorche tra odds best selection program clawsosclawsonclawsonsClawsossons number beethoversbeethovensBeethovershovens concerto opus 73 real feature program spite fact orchestra exhibited timidity attack might vellwellweliweil disconcerted musician clawsonsClawsons rendition marke adequate technique delightful phrasing delicacy touch feeling made performance stand de- cided contrast rest program unfeel- ing interludes orchestra playing fell upon ea like needle bath every note clear pure serene drop cold water upon parched tongue playe lack mannerism delightful program opened mendelssohnsMendels sohns italian sylphonsymphon legato scherzo passages delightfully rendered evident mcclellan spite per- sonal efforts lift orchestra inten- sity dramatic passages antianticlimaxesclimaxes marked lohengrin prelude marked lack decision uncertainty suffered especially view lack strength among reeds ana brasses beethoven concerto piano orchestra undoubtedly best number program encouraged decision perfect technique clawsonsClawsons playing orchestra exerted itself best efforts number thoroughly enjoyable concerto followed selection pu ccinischinis madam butterfly what might other- wise perfect unsympathetic rendition selection marred blue note hurled audience cellos pizzicato movement badly handled climax never arose above first floor next selection schumannsschumannnschilmannrsSchumanns nauTrauraumereirautraumereimereimerel 1 played phrasing caused acute discomfort among musicians present even conventional inter- pretationpre tation overlooked 3 while selection played precision pianola played absolute lack feeling impossible anyone heard number imagine concert master george skel- ton playing TraumertraumereitraumereilTraunerelmereimerelelleilelv manner solo orchestra then chewed off portion ros- ary 1 flung audience badly played secured first encore program final number program march tamtanatann hauserhauheehauseduseruger 1 played tempo make fat ehorchorehonchort metropolitan opera house imagine engaged marathon race intention herr wagner wrote selection should sangsung time whi played impossible human vocalist i sing large frigid audience listened program CONCERTCOHCERT

exception representatives lo- cal paper whose attack work symphony orchestra both unwarranted unreasonable those heard music colonial theatre sunday afternoon de- lighted rendition different numbers underund er th leadership professor JJ mcclellan new arrange ment proved successful earnestly hoped thtthath orchestra may heard often winter during pr ceding seasons little question musical earl front especially earl prejudiced detect trivial faults scarcely excuse attack those musicians giving salt lake music lovers money ever received local musical organization slight- est recompense even efforts splendid orches- tra present standard sufficient deasoneasonreason disparagement work near perfection excuse lending possible encouragement men women devoting time talents task true orchestra showed plainly result change directors none cold unsympathetic seeming distant feeling between leader men heretofore contrary warmth reflectereflected effort every single musician found echo attitude appreciative audience adding very materially pleasure those pres- ent work spencer clawson jr pianist rare ability ease expression interpreta- tions difficult selections went delight friends before studying abroad accentuated experience until come dangerously close perfection notable numbers excellent program beethoven concerto orchestra executed rare skill among selections played orchestra frol puccinispucciniaPuc cinis madam butterfly perhaps enjoyable prelude lohengrin bertholdysBerth oldys italian sym- phony schumannsschumannnSchumanns traumereiTraumerei work finished excellence sunday afternoon seems meet popular approval colonial theatre disposal manage- ment struggle those love art arts sake seem toabeto1be far financial difficulties con- cereercernednedL 1 SYMPHOSYMPHONY CONCERTCOKCERT DELIGHTS AUDIENCE NEW COLONIAL

colonial theatre filled yesterday afternoon enthusiastic audience hear twelfth concert symphony orchestra program well chosen heavy classical numbers interspersed lighteilighted classical numbers program failed grow tiresome toward end hour half taken rendi- tion numbers first concert orchestra I1 fortunate hear I1 cannot possibly draw comparison between directorship prof J arthur shelshei herd prof J J mcclellan I1 realize I1 believe whole audience did orchestra doing very fine consonant ensemble work under directorship professor mcclellan musicians whole follow baton drecisionprecision perfect faith knowledge technique spencer clawson jr piano soloist touches piano faultless precision displays fine chinquetetechinque features concert playing beethovensBeethovens concerto piano orchestra aud- ience wasso enthusiastic responded applause valse opus 34 russian composer sapelinikioss new composition odd very attractive opening number felix mendelssohn bartholodysBarthol odys fourth movement italian symphony IK 4 opus 90 salter ello presto played precision delicate ehe ing tone certain quality sympathique spite advertised request should seats before opening number quite half audi ence ushered seats close renditioirendition first number prelude lohe grin richard wagner rendered exceedingly well difficult music madame butterfly well played numbers certainly called poorly rendered

13the rosary well known loved beautifullbeautibeautifullyfull given traumereiTraumerei schumann critic interpretation number differed decidedly ancane inference presumptuously usual I1 shou like know how my favorite composition good manymamy years I1 heard great soloists countries play composition I1 aiddladiadid detect difference individual musician lend interpretation individuality lifts music above commonplace criticism cormcommentnent I1 con- sider should made spirit helpfulhelpfulnessilessriebs abso- lute impartiality emerson diff- icult get beyond your public satisfied cheap performance you hardly arrive better per- fection line rarely reached those stand top ladder musically criticisedcriticized desiring harp instances great eames some- times singing accents word syllable does musical reason taking latitude interpretation given great singer I1 consider sylphonsymphonsymphony orchestra director organization salt lake may very justly proud present predicts future each successive concert given several during season wittiwittlwittawitha conscientious rehear- sals approximate fine rendering chosen programs body musicians east west per- haps best number yesterdays pribramprigramprogram march tannhausertannhaueer wagner 1

1telegramtelegram vembernovemberHo 5030 1909 salt lake city SPLEHBIDSPLENDID COKCERTCONCERT teesee COLOIIALCOLONIAL

eighteen hundred salt lakersinkerslakensbakers turned sunday afternoon filled colonial theatre heard delightful concert salt lakelalee symphony orchestra twelfth concert given orchestra best ever given organization proprogrammaprogrammegramme admirably arranged delightful proprogrammeprogrammagramme variety enough win approval big audience sev- eral numbers rendered charmingly first appearance spencer clawson jr soloist since return berlin favorite salt lakelalielaise music lovers demo- strastratedstrakednstratedtecteo annernannenmannermannenm talented young man cap- tured audience 4 response encore rendered third number proprogrammaprogrammegramme played charming manner valse russian composer sapelsapei inikiose occasion first professor CleilanmcclellanMc appeared director orchestra since suc- ceeded professor shepherd orchestra him every warwaswaywasweyway wag demonstrated almost perfect en- semble heretofore orchestra given four concerts dur- ing season every six weeks intention future give possible concert once veryeverye monthmo nth believed salitsalt laiareiazelakelakiekie music love support orchestra new move 1

1 salt lake tribune monday morning vembernovember bdv 1908 SYMPHONYSYMPHOHY CONCERTGOHCERT

twelfth concert salt lake symphony or- chestra first under new director prof m- cclellan given yesterday afternoon colonial the- atre event viewed considerable experi- ment several reasons first first time sunday afternoon concert tried city se- cond many friends organization deplored necessity sunday performanceperpen loormance whatever turdturathirathirdtunathind concert announced house given popular grade attractions fourth new conductor stand comparison gifted predecessor shepherd handling men makeupmake program verdict rendered close enthusiastic turnoutturn largest brilliant orchestra ever played expressions gratification general genuine mcclellan raised baton 62 musicians them trained men quite number advanced students usual effect many ladies string sections especially pleasing continue show decided advancement prof ClellarClellaEmcclelliemcclellarmcclellaeMc entitled credit having trained them especially precision attack work strings thoroughly noticeanoticednoticeablebieble regard held players under good control throughout worked care taste general excellent effect audience too showed appreciated popularizing program applause accorded rosary among strongest afternoon indeed vaswagvag somethjsomethingng disappointment given again anotherfeatureanother feature greatlgreata appreciated length entertainment lasted just hour half sent audience ablyawlyaway wishing instead wearied what

1 deseret hewsnewsrnewarnews monday vembernovemberfiofloITo 30 1908 salt lake city CHAPTER yiVI

AESTHETIC appraisals

everythingeverytiling holds charm someone indi vidual find aesthetic delight beauty satisfac- tion uncouth hideous conceptions each person intentionally unwittingly subjective reaction appraisal enjoyment conceptions totally objective omnipoomnipotentbentuent intellig- ence balancing weighing anaanuL classifying order act scrupulous mathematical precision regardless nature subject being judged final criterion aesthetic criticism must necessity individ- baltsualtsual reaction realized through mental emotional processes reaction governed classified re- sults analysis 0 L circumstances plus influenc- ing factors mental sets prejudices aggregated throuthroughtd h past experience critics aesthetic values cannot measure inches pounds yet respect standards evaluation criticcritics mind analyzes discriminates concordance

knowledgeII11nowleageledge contains emotions respond recog- nition experiences previously felt pleas- ure well anticipation realization new agreeable situations critic attempts maintain austere impar 36 tiatialitytrialitylity fatal fallacy former contacts asso- ciaticiationsons necessarily make him partial what heard unspoken ideal should like hear physiphaysi ical state health necessarily becomes major governing factor part met re- spondingsp onding new situations nothing barren resource past experience draw aesthetic analysis complete musical works art comprehension reasons beauty encounter apparently invincible obstacles almost every steostestepsted o helmholtz

J W N sullivan beethoven spiritual development alfred knopf KN Y 19271921 Lmiscellaneous compliments

taetue following entities themselves be- ing critical reveal very little music criticism state do give evidence utahs music observed commented within without consciousness attention being paid singer generally makes him sing louder reading evening star washington D colcosC entitled beautiful salt lake city find did you know salt lake city beautiful places whole world lunch- eon went service tabernacle each side organ tiers tiers seats choir got good seats right middle aisle watched congregation come then organ strucstruestruckak1k stared each wonder beautiful I1 ever heard admirably played 11voxvox huhumanamanalimanallmanati stop too much me I1 actu- ally wept exquisitely pathetic sweet n 1taata leader stepped front lifted bat- on choir 300 rose like man burst magnificent volume music I1 seldom heard grand roof acts sounding board hear words perfectly carried away wonder I1 never saw training sang like voice sermon choir sang glorious anthem I1 give anything bearhear again end leader turned face congregation organist struck OM hundredth vast throng people sang dear old tune tremendously impressive then benediction service 11 charmed listener case rannienanniehannie belle maury daughter assistant attorney general washington special correspondent star traveling correspondent national news- 1 paper welshIt america mirror devotes near- ly two columns our tabernacle great choir biographical sketch conductor brother E ste chensphens among commendatory things back pulpit largest organs world great choir numbering 350550 voices con- ducted welshman name evan stephens I1 assure you sing wellweilweli11 11 hoped enter worlds grand musical contest eisteddfod chicago 1893 11 then follows nearly column giving sketch life musical progress names compositions mam- moth musical entertainments given stephens ending

thusitlausiolaus you perceive I1 am taking columns mirror display ordinary character successful talented musicians continent america gilmore visited salt lake city lately stephens furnished him chorus 500 adults 1000 ju- venile voices take part concerts since organized large choral society tabernacle choir doubtless largest best church choir world face possibly my musical readers smile incredulously ask derision speakethspeakspeaketlaethetla thus true genius take root bloom zion Morcormonsmormonsmons between barren rocks far away utah I1 say come see with- out lens prejudice blinding your eyes 11

ithe tabernacle choir art deseret weekweekly vol XLII june 20 1891 our music status 1895 1900

incessant existence discontent con- cerning decadence immediate circumstances re salts pitiable reverting glittering past evi- dence relationship music mounded daily tribune january 6 1895 again deseret news december 13 190019004 neither articles signed essence theme requisition renovated music culture too significant consideration might attributed inventory reflects same choir leader day whipped organiorganic zationbation second place accomplishment world comp- etition 1893 nevertheless these accidental publications dissatisfied music enthusiasts give espreexpreexpressionssionassion ifonebifone lenient terminology might labeled criticism present situation final paragraph brief history utah music printed 1895 closing imperfectimperfimperaactect glance musical sit- uation both past present tttahstajautaja just call attention sad lack exists todayday comprehensive organization important works why rich material conductors wand piano organ orchestra chairs membermembers seats lie scattered city wasteful profusion seem dissolved possessing first class musical society apathy taken paralyzing hold energies musicians well nigh shame choral society ought never collapsed evan stephen nature things maintain conduction others here fully competent unwilling then talent 40

thronging east commanded generous enthusiasm subject broad mus- ical study city sixteen years ago todayday what matter new city county building draining resources our praising spirits our fresh zeal become sealed san pete ballot boxes counted wrong side things utah commission what politics do music harmonious ideals quiteg uitebite apart start enterprise old fashioned singing school where study messiah works gods experts without y reference politics religion colorado utes

our musical status 1900

heart exactly bounding joy pencil sharpened delight I1 chron- icle true status things musical our community end nineteenth century true merely glancing progress made during past fifty years even fifteen years birds eye view gladden heart whose whole ambition haa lain musical welfare community I1 think mine does ours speaking conditions present time without reference long past must humbly confess todaytdtadaydayaay two three years baebacbacabaekback day low ebb adversity dark hour let us hope before another dawnadawn reawakening our great musical mission possibilities 4 tabernacle choir begin top our GREAT m- usical organization numbers aims character workwonk wholesome serious elevating kind music comparative sense notwithstanding yet magnificent organization 1500000ooo capable fairly faithful members neglected wilted plant bearing precious flowers difficulty less faithful servent less united twenttwentyswent four wards permanent welfare each ward tabernacle choirs ought closely allied like tree branches tiietlle simply part

1 daily tribune salt lake city january 6 1895 41


might expected head best neither lesser members oarour harmony labdabhubclub oarouroun orpheus clabclub almost silent choral organization sort comic opera even napping those serioseriouslysenioasly inclined masiemasicmusicmusie perhaps regret m- siusicallycally anything places clown buffon higher plane singer ideal musical progress indeed charming trif- linglingpastimepastime very serious misleader m- usical advancement youndyoongyoung communitycommonty just vaudeville burlesque dramatic line almost impossible individual much less community true ardent admirer hoyt shakes- peare herbert wagner same time go I1 con- gratulate sincerely admirers daniels neilsennellsenKe ilsenlisen operas having escaped lohengrin somiersaultsommersaultsommersault broken necks what- ever might done purse strings educational ye notwithstanding great general progress years go wide awake condition possible musical way educationally speaking attention far given our advanced schools fur- nishing musical entertainment now then especially end year plant seeds ele- mentary future musical growth knowledge minds students eternal servitude music entertainer just happens good curse destroying own advancement making general nuisance lf 42 eisteddfod adjudications

october 18951890 eisteddfod held salt lake city between musicians city denver attempt establish annual eisteddfod comparable welsh custom contests conducted choruses bothbotubotia sexes ladiesladiestfadiest quartets church choirs composition fields adjudications compiled published october 121 issue deseret news these critical analyses interesting indication men available criticisedcriticized quite efficiently regularly given incen- tive opportunity adjudicatorsadjaclicators quoted messrs evans watkins davisdayisda vis weaknesses revealed without

friendly niceties stoc ll11 phrases newspaper re- views another exhileratingexhilarating example bhat state badly feels poverty concernsconeeconceansrns music in- terest shown public time glean little knowledge article deseret newsnewe follows final program concert saturday 5 article published monday october 7

eisteddfod ENDED big concert tabernacle saturday evening thirty five thousand people attended greatest musical fes- tival ever held west cymrycymrurcymru am battbattsbyttbytts eisteddfod thing past fact bubus pleasant medorynemorymemory always pres 4543

ent saturday evening grand finale reached concert tabernacle great building received vast audience estimated twelve thousand souls interest highest point account natural liking human beings see struggle supremacy having seen best man win audience saturday night felt satisfac- tion anticipation seeing hearing best efforts victors spite big parade thousands spectators tabernacle early filled lovers music witnesses largest eistedd- fod ever held america exception worlds fair territory claim distinction hav- ing inaugurated west old welsh custom hold- ing annual eisteddfod che next held year now denver great affair just ended example well worthy imitation our colorado frifriendsendsendeenas doubt object efforts excel possible results achieved utahs cambriansCambrians ana associates 1

cf appendix V complete adjudication con- cert 44

arthur shepherd

prize composition won 1906 arthur shepherd1 criticcriticiseacriticisedcriticizedisea eastern critics objections raised let us assume justified hir shedherdShephershephenshepherdshepherdrsshepherdrydrs co- mpositional technique still young even though suffici- ently artistically finished attract set eastern judges critics probably idealistsidealists com- pared work quite relentlessly mature masters friendsfriends11 rationalization those choice revealing expressions our community dotes closest friends think unfavorable tone critics due shedherdshepherdshepherds having written heads friends thus justify shepherd community him ease world again following concerning criticisms com- position taken deseret hewsnews march 24 1906

shepherds prize work does please hewnew york critics arthur shepherd present vellingrevellingcrevellingre somewhat rarerane him sensation being grilled new york critics having enjoyed distinc- tion seeing composition win paderewski competition pocketing 500 prize awarded judges further pleasure hearing damroseDamroscdamroschsdamroschishshiehrs orchestra rehearse work seeing placed program russian symphony orchestralorchestras concert

hownow conductor cleveland philharmonic orchestra nat- ionally recognizerecognizedcl undoubtedly utahs accomplished composer larger forms 45 given carnegie hall march 10 evidenced composition something ordin- ary what something long haired gen- try apparently able discover hewsnews furnished following summary press opinions shepherd himself laughingly doesnt least mind occasional roast opinions them true them closest musical friends here think unfavorable tone critics due shedherdshepherdshepherds having written heads habit must said stranger following press excerpts far garnered shepherd overture joyeuse 1 arthur shepherd gained paderewski prize year begins well swinging expansive phrase brilliantly proclaimed orchestra composer well able sustain music level lapses laborious inconsequential treatment material continues too great length Nhewnew york times final piece overture joyeuseJoyeusel arthur shepherd won paderewski prize few months ago original message orchestra whole cleverly handled shepherd native idaho resident salt lake city joyousness overture suggests animal spirits utah originalsaboriginalsab evening post much discussed overture Joyeusejoyeuseljoyeuse1Joyeusel1 arthur shepherd proved ambitious successful why composition american living salt lake city should bear french explained title globe young shedherdshepherdshepherds overture came program impressed music needed filt- ering may allowed term musical stream bit clouded muddy much probably lack clear ideas composers part lack technical skill expressing ideas orchestrally tribune overture exactly opposite what title promised fact meager piece even skillfully orchestrated win first prize paderewski contest sad reflection musical productiveness country slantsstants zeitung 46

shedherdShepherdshepherdsshepherdtsTs overture closed program lacked somewhat clarity expression due evidently composers conceptions contrast number indianlianilaniian suite mac- dowell stood work knows control medium same time ma- ster style musical american hewnew york musical courtier never shown friendship shepherd present instance shows less ever remem- bered person tried hoax judges competition work stolen berlioz employee paper following account case young arthur shepherd criti- cism us bad taste certain veiled accusations mademadlemaaemadge against musical courier shepherds overture joyeuse given paderewski prize autumn berliozs corsair overture sup- posed submitted john rice jr circul- ation manager musical courier however although berlioz present saturday hirdir rice asked him unbiased opinion shep- herd work ricesriceeblees signed criticism laejae musician explained reads follows why judgesfudges paderewski prize con- test award first prize composer overture joyeuse best musical compo- sition I1 conceive composition sounded me like kings royal band right side hall Roosevelrooseveltsts hot time old town band left salvation army band rear entire composition sounded unmus- ical me perhaps real music I1 dont know judges say must I1 am now con- vinced berlioz write better music overture joyeuse then lived vain chose wrong vocation 1 signed john rice jr local criticism prize overture made nor far I1 detect criticisms made compositional efforts above criticism concern- ing title appended worlworkwore may well deserve re- action given justified taking offenseoffence using hubredhybred title 0 L french english 47

john morgan

category reviews convincingtheconvincing sincerity overt evidence music background article john morgan veteran welsh eisteddfod singer garG ar field attractive comments capabilities ukrainian chorus using criterion compa- rative accomplishments welsh includes estimate salt lake city choral development signifying lack music knowledge person anent R jaj&J jesjosJ previous weeks issue paper expressed peoplespeoples11 weariness handels messiah consequent know- ing too well first article included suggested list oratorios local musicians should try morgan expostulates concerning suggested list local pe- oples excess familiarity oratorio 1 questionable local oratorio society even well acquainted messiah per- formancesmances along very incomplete thereby losing continuity work home wales england goes hear work goes prepared performance lasting anywhere three three half hours few minor items omitted consequently eighteen twenty chor- uses sung here average seven eight thus omitting nearly two thirds work same choruses practically repeated each per- formancemance means even well known oft sung theme messiah less sealed book majority members local oratorio society exacting dramatic choruses trusted god yet I1 never heard being sung during ten performances competent critics pass judgment interpretation choir gives

1deseretdeseret news salt lake city saturday january 12 1924 48

fairly difficult chorus yes go far aver omit chorus akin going witness performance hamlet melancholy dane left during few years far salt lake city concerned continuous performance same themes eternal merry go round messiah elijah creation without ever venturing furtfurtherlaerlaen wide field oratorios state things wise creditable city size musical pretension salt lake what even familiar ones mendelssohnsalendelssohnsMendels sohnssohne st paul hymn praise 42nd1142ncl psalm handels israel egypt saul tf samson jeptha lf etc mozartsmomartsMozarts re- quiem massyass spohrsspoors judgment gounodsGounods austfaust5 redemption rossinnisRos sinnis stabat mater let alone fine quartet modern works elgar dream erontgerontG ious apostles king olaf why yet commenced even scratch surface let alone delve deep field oratorio greatest them might orb hovering around whom men ozartmozartIA handel beethoven mendel- ssohn haydn etc satellitiessatellities immortal J bach city musical pretensions salt lake ought possess chorus able present incomparable mass B minor choir trainers experience musicians arbarg accord acclaiming worlds masterpiece oratorio then st mathew passion same author shade less difficult B minor mass local oratorio society cannot take st mathews passion then let tabernacle choir under professor C lund take study workworks performed either during fall conference 1924 spring conference 1925 very fine double choruses work these latter nature glorified hymn tunes where immortal bach taken hold old german melodies clothed them divinely glorious harmony reality expects better performances city where permanent choir 200 voices imme- diate call experienced choral conductor note informed gentleman does su- bstantiate conclusions need value critical thought revealing factor individual detected incongruity social complex critical reac- tion felt expressed 49

review ukrainian chorus same agreeable element sincerity feltafeltfeitfeita recording emotional experience realized through contact m- usic concert account mostly free conventional nauseating terminology employed reviewer review good criticism since contains suppos- edly qualified intelligent individuals impression emotional auditory experience must final crit- erion appraisal tonal art ukrainian concert finest m- usical feasts I1 attended anywhere glor- ious choir sang nationalnationalmusicnusicmusic especially strong strain minor chords them closing my eyes I1 almost persuade myself I1 back wales listening performance really first class welsh choir similar many res- pects music uheohe interpretation thereof especially tone coloring majestic swells dynamic contrasts yet many instances these ukraniansukrainiansUkranians excelled singing free disturbing influence piano whereas majority welsh chor- uses nowadaysnow days stick like leaches tin accom- panipanimentment reality performance better without william byrd great tudor composer eng- land four centuries ago wrote instru- ment comparable human voice properly trained guided masterhandmastermas handband ukrainian chorus co- mpletely demonstratedterhandtuistuietule fact let our local organizations take heart especially our male voice choirs main drawback mendelssohn ualemalemaie chorus concert early year first congregational church singing accompanied grouping stage aliailal 11 around piano detrimental good choral singing 1

1deseretdeseret hewsnews salt lake city saturday january 12 1924 CHAPTER zilIIIyllyli111yliyllVII


mistakes lighter music programs do justify too serious critical attention programs entertainment excessively discriminating musicians might best let crit- icism rest promoters performance social reformers advisability tolerating cheap sentimental stuff classified abortion jazz belongs societiesocieocle ties altruism pulpit at- tacks music church find little considera- tion utah simultaneous growth secular sacred music cultivated respect each each same fid alersdiers played both church theatre church offic lais attended music programs both types equally encouraging reviews made papers each typecype performers criticism music larger forms satisfac- tory recording reactions GO performance greater composers yet become part utah music attractive compiling program notes excessive compli- ments predominates attention given attitudes ex- pressionspres sions experiences might deen derived auditory stimulations timidity reviewers seems exist reporting concert performances give intima 51 tion reporter witnessed experience expe- rience should perhaps assume related external dimensions alert listeners sound sequence dictates properly should unique set mental imagery each indi- vidual must course assume audiences nonprofessional appreciative groups do rely pleasure ability hotly pursue figures motives themes suggested imitated thematically varied form composer criticism composition seeibeerbeemsbeemeseerseemsliehie still re- strictstricteded class rooms colleges reviews comp- osition negative element newspaper consideration 1 essentials lacking respect first composers second individuals sufficiently experienced inteintelliilikiikil gently criticisecriticcriticismise composition 2 reviews performances contained sec- tion chosen pertinent selections expressions found different journals period time represented falls between 1876 present necessary similarity each each palls reader 1 I beg indulgence writers few exceptions negative re- actions consequence irritated performers given institutes us interest lexceptionsexceptions eisteddfod adjudications criti- cism john tullidgeLtullultuilidge contained those sections thesis g 2notesnotes eastern critics arthur shepherd contained division title 52

p reading reviews gives us pleasure o-L 111knowingMoviing performers beautiful good occasional individual realized same these reviews criticism wishes defend pedestrian style treatment criticism notice- able feature piquant approvalsdisdisapprovals did follow regular succession wore properly brazen postulationsexpostulationsex pulled public irregular in- tervalstervals conjectured each individual needs attempt appreciate consequence crossing public approval objective verification these ac- counts possible indicate little noth- ing since reporterreporters impressions might well justi- fied anotheranothersothersothere opinions unfavorable comment WILHELMJ

farewell concert wilhelmj evening best given great violinist audience extraordinaryextraordinary richness proprogrammeprogrammagramme de- manded misfortune may very honestly attributed unpropitious state weather wilhelmusWilhelmjwilhelmjswilhelmjlsWilhelmjsls first number concerto mendelssohn first given us great composer rendered course faultlessly great depth feeling breadth thought qualities predicated wonde- rful violinists playing love song composed vog- rich second selection pomgompositioncomposition preg- nant melodies symphoniesitis rendered ex- quisite delicacy accompaniment pleasing unique our aellettantidellettanti ever hear added immeasurably performance encore hear- tily accorded concerto mendelssohn res- ponse feature evening concerto slow movement mendelssohn beautiful compositions fine cut tremolo notes characteristic piece clearly disting- uiuishableshable fortissimo measures number andante allegro brilliante ernest aside participation finale bachs arrangementarrangementof ave maria wihelmjswihelmjlsWihelm departure morning our city hesitancyjs recording fact greatest violinist ever heard probably ever hear left us singular fearlessness masters qualities violin remarkable pu- rity tones harmonics singular delicacy ease draws bow entire absence af- fectationfectation trickery rendering intricate passages difficult scores fluency softness sensitiveness pianissimo notes ripeness breadth fortissimo passages ringing clear staccato intonation perfect heard once lifet- ime vogrich devoted himself liszt evening first number fantasia airs aida while executed accurate technique hot comdaredcomparedeomCOMDared rendition wedding march variations signora salvotti seemed favorite audience addition usual numbers gave encore met chance pinsutisPinpinsutilssutis love my love void expression while possessing fine contralto mezzo soprano voice schooling bad method worse 54

careless orchestra mastmust come general praise renditiorendirenditiontio airs aubesaebersaubers masanielo first number best performance lacking staccato movements parts accompanying excellent much credit should given gregory ma- nager fact tieilelle shown organizing fare- well concert through him great master our own splendid local talent brought together affording treatiwtiichtreaticreati entitles him thanks our musical pu- blic



sorcerer first presentation op- era evening witnessed fair sized audience including many leading musical people city performance did come expectations far surpassed general anticipation pu- blic large aware actors amateurs went see them make first appearance view encouraging rather criticizing them others however failed take these matters consideration taken entirety debut zionszioneziollsoils musical society success choruses rendered excellent style well deserved applause received many favorable comments passed upon them singing general deportment 150 ladies gentlemen made peasants chorus evidenced careful thor- ough study rehearsal reflected much credit upon singers well those charge training principal characters rarely overcome co- pletmpletelyely duncan mcallisterificallister looked every inch sor- cerer surprised even intimate friends dis- play ability comedian john D spencers sing- ing good played modest vicar very well though part gentleman show unquestioned talent possesses actor gardner made very nice appearance alexis sold- ier lover sang sweetly gave evidence embarrass- ment constrained movements gestures defects time practice remove owen sustained comic role sir Marmadukmarmadukeeffenn success should clear voice behind scenes instead waiting un

1 salt lake tribune march 7 1880 55

gets before audience things always de- tracttil performance especially character make these suggestions kindly spirit lorlon good performers morgan did much part play looked learned counsel perfectperfectionlon acquitted himself credit singing well act- ing miss libbie sheets aline presented neat elegant appearance played part well withstand- ing timidity manifested voice movements little freedom gesture add much act- ing missbliss annie mackaysMacmacnayskays singing among best evening taist4is lady good voice under influence stage fright did act ease becomes familiar ap- pearing public annie midgley sang effect did miss edmunds former lady excellent voice latter excels acting make suggest- ion apply generally company put force spirit acting enhance merits entire presentation orchestra under professor thomas played care pre- cision rendered beautiful music fine style monday evetngevening opera played again time 1


zionsZIONSZIOHS MUSICAL SOCIETY concert zions musical societysSocie tys concert took place evening assembly hall building besides being very beautiful possesses rare acoustic properties render delicate sounds audible every part house enabled every person large audience hear distinctly concert taken whole probably good ever given here particulars inferior others superior still others par consider- ing number instruments theatre orchestra overtures very finely executed hardly fair however since gave two overtures lat- ter should selection many audience heard theatre those present entitled two new pieces choruses well given gave evidence correct practice intelligent direction marked improvement those sorcerer per- haps less difficult evidently fewer better singers received better training prize glee jack gill

deseret news salt lake city march 6 1880 56 particularly good while well rendered choruses solos duets same excellence observable duet between miss11iss homehornehonne gard- ner very sweet lady much better two kept tune however cannot said gardner badly times pleas- ing voice does seem understand how control exhibits improvement since appeared sorcerer beauty lost bushymushylaughy sound fault common nearly vocalists night open mouth let sound made another mistake singing Ca ventina 11II tro- 11 il vatore selection baritone solo sung here very noted baritone carlton gardner tenor voice inappropriateness once evident moreover did seem appreciate beauty solo failed give affect whatever caused fall rather flat audi- ence listened rendition carlton still gardner pleased great mansmanymany encored pleased great many given instead happy dreams those superior ballads excellsexcellaexcells organ solo overture william tell prof jos daynes night finest part evenings entertainment simple magnificent anything else served show public here what excellent instruments possess what beauty power grand- eur brought them few suetsueh selections night wherein tones inexpressible sweetness alternating burst power representa- tions different wind instruments might educate people appreciate organs now large tabernacle assembly hall yx daynes greeted tre- mendous merited burst applause forced give encore forsterscorsterssters bring backbadebaekbame old folks willie darling M chorus union glee club se- lection come rise lark both well given encored miss L nebeker sang coming selection wa good hardly suited voice very sweet expressive lower middle notes ceases musical higher ones encore sang dream did much better first song lady show judgment making selec- tions tax voice upper notes miss sheets sang gloaming pretty ballad usual order took part quintette does show marked improvement since sorcerer fact oe attributed lacllaellack proper consistent training evidently much voice properly developed regarding quintette taken sorcerer rendered misses sheets 57 campbell Illessmessrsrs forster gardner owen question what found especially ad- mire unless fact gives each short solo innumerably better selections made miss campbell good contralto voice principal fault now inclined give nasal tone readily overcome weihesweidesviolin solo say nothing ex- cepting never saw him play ease better effect did night owen se- lection judas maccabeesmaccabeus11accabeusMaccamacea beus showed improvement general chorus selection took well owens voice however better suited chorus rather solo singing selection lucia mcallister displayed similar lack good judgment gardner faults common sweet voice does know how use concert ended duet judas VaccvaccabeusmaccabeesmaccabeusmaeemaceMacca beusabeus misses rogers homehorne general chorus best things proprogrammeprogrammagramme wasspoiledspoiled large number audience getting starting before ended regard wishes those desired hear might sufficient consi- deration llave induced them wait until selection closed before going feelings performers sufficient inducementinducements act stivelypostivelypositivelypo vulgar lady gentleman wilfully guilty unless under usualunusual circiimcircumstancestances re too many encores portions thatdethaddede- served repetition failing securing recall while many unworthy repeated applause times frequently came crowd children sufficient justify encores many surfeited audience made them tired hall too close tiring effect everything highly agreeable instrumental parts much best choruses next solos before stated whole much above average many encores omitted nearly entire audience great unexpected pleasure gone even- ing hear sanesame oven again entertainment repeated tonight loverlovenioven

1 salt lake tribune vemberlonovember 9 1880 58

complement less exacting article con- cert zions musical society november 091 1880 con- tained deseret news deseret news writer seems much diplomatic quite less franxfrany assertive ex- acting much lavish praise much respec- tive considerate fellowsfellows11 feelings conclud- ing attitude entirety repeat entertainment fully deserved generous patronage bestowed upon decidedly artistic success true defects things common entertainments con- cert agreeably remembered present suehsuela attitude concerning defective musicianship may reveal sufficientsuffificient paper ancl public attitude re- gard attellattemptedptaedued analysis justify readers delib- erationera tion question may still open intrinsic worth admirable adage greater incentive given roughpoughtiitilthrough encouragement through negative reaction even though honest loliclogic home folksfolks1folksy re- spect inveterate adherence usual praise praise may assume less logical proportions respect paid syllogistic incongruities 59


ehe richings bernard engl opera gave five per- formancesmances opera theatre 18th 14th 17th 18th august first two performances well at- tended others drew very small audiences doubt owing powerful attractions tony pastor troupe forepaugh circus operas given troupe maritanaimaritana bohemian girl II11 trovatore martha 11 marriage figaro 11 carolineilrichings long favorably known american people genuine artist done much advancement musical art america voice still remark- ably good condition ancherandherana performances proved retains much expected constant wear tear undergone profession organizer england opera troupe caroline richings bernard failure own magnificent corps thirty artists grand chorus miserable company seen brought together interpret works wallace verdi flotow mozart sorry say solsos justice musical art compels us 1 ar y


long before curtain rose grand opera house evening every seat taken sign standing room hung book office window eheme attraction popular opera erminie presented arossonamosson newlew york casino company acquired wide fame estimation several judges operatic performances failed sustain reputation perhaps due fact troupe arrived city quite late hour members tired rushed upon stage without moments rest rate performance times dragged somewhat wearily made audience slightly tired star singer company veteran operagoeropera goer said reminded production nHamletamiethanlethamiethamletnhamlet bilthvilth gentleman denmark left vocalists average girls rather pretty orchestra music excellent scenery especially second act brilliant attractive however audience upon whole seemed well pleased entertainment 2

utah musical times salt lake city vol I1 p 92 1876 2 salt lake tribune march 41 1890 60 favorable comment GILMORE

concerts given theatre taber- nacle twelfth thirteenth instdinst P gilG il moresmoree famous band fifty eminent musicians long remembered thousands people present performance first time our citizens privileged visit large cele- brated musical organization theatre house crowded parts wel- comed entrance ilmoregilmoreG band enthu- siastic demonstrations applause first piece proprogrammaprogrammegramme overture roberpierrerobespierreRoberpierre over- ture semiremidesemiremidell given instead rendering fine composition well received proved audience transcription orchestral works mili- tary band rendered charming manner wind instruments played competent artists letsch next followed trombone solo air variations Pupuritanspuritana trombone excell- ent instrument ritanaplace band solo in- strustrumentment even hands celebrated artist ur letsch discourses little music air varia- tions gave performer excellent opportunity showing how cleverly handle instrument kontskyKontkonaskykontskyssky caprice awakening lion next given band magnificent style great delight audience yx wm M arbuckle great american cornet player whose fame preceded him next received hearty welcome played solo air variations de berlot manner highly artistic elic- ited great applause encore miss emma C thursby vocalist company next made appearance young lady received musical training sig achille ernani hewnew york studied him nov 187118719 until oct 1875 appearance pretty manner unaffected modest possesses soprano voice highuighnigh order freshfreeh pure sympathetic singer short experience undoubtedly displayed rendering two pieces proprogrammaprogrammegramme polonaise mignon shadow song dinorah zithvith encores style true artist liquid runs given great precision intonation quality tone expression aamiradmir 61

able doubt artist ever produced tones sweet pure birdlikebird like highest regions voice continues profession predict glorious future first part proprogrammeprogrammagramme concluded performance litztsliszts rhapsodierhapsodic hongreiseHongreise ho marvelous well brilliant piece per- formed band executed wonderful pre- cision stamped performers under Gilgilmoresmores baton thoroughly competent render works de- signed orchestras artistic manner intelligence scarcely expected tiletiie members military band rapturous continued applause be- stowed upon performance evidenced genuine apprecia- tion whole audience overture ftwm tell gems faust mosaic concert air vari- ations second part proprogrammaprogrammegramme performed band excellent style matter piece vari- ations introduced flutes clarioclarionetsnets cornetscorcognetsnets piccolospiccoloapic colos baritones trombones great delight listening multitude J levy acknowledged peer cornet players present day gave audience good oppo- rtunity judging ofhisochis masterly performance solo maud valse composed himself say tone pure brilliant tonguing execution wonde- rful gives very faint idea ability ar- tist enthusiasm performance pieces received must very satisfactory him E L febreslefebresLe solo saxophone well executed very much admired saxophone first introduced country european band bos- ton jubilee i-lugus peculiarity tone adds much gen- eral effect combining does qualities altait homehorne clarinet flute made brass wooden mouth piece reed tongue form very like large meerschaum pipe conducting lirkir ilmoregilmoreG prince am conductors pleased us very much exceedingly mo- dest Us movements indifferent self display ster- ling ability great natural endowment itelaejae possesses require showmanshowman1p claptrapclap trap impress audience sense greatness 1

1 utah musical times salt lake city vol I1 1878 p 38 62


daughter jairus salt lake choral society reason proud first performance lionmondionhion evening those fortunate enough present agree pronouncing great musical treat thoroughly enjoyed cantata careless never heard better advantage beautiful voice ringing choruses full exdressionexpression song dreaming exquisite recitatives duets daughter jairus critical audience showed appreciation encores hearty applause floral tributes L L van praags cello solo received well merited encore playinginplayingplayingin orchestra very much enjoyed miss edith clawson sang very sweetly recitabrecita tives trio grawford little unfortunate selecting song required heavier voice possessed sang very effectively howeverdowever can- tata choruses rendered grand style showing earnest study careful training orchestra did splen- didly considering short time practicing prof careless may congratulate himself scoring another success reward ability perseverance society should feel encouraged continuing la- bors divine art matters progressing city ought while accomplished musicians town little size america younger generation seem natural aptitude acquire art among them glorified voices performance mon evening worthy place finer anything plenty cities five times size salt lake produce tiletiietlletae people large should give those try nobly please them every possible encouragement fact apparent enough every year pay enough strolling singers perfect right midst musical society perpetual joy wonderwonder1wondern 1

1 salt lake tribuneTrlouneioune june 8 1884 63


second series sacred concerts being given B B young mine mazzucato young drew large splendid audience walterwalkerwaikerwailwalln er opera house sunday evening owing rule prohibiting encores young doubt adopted add solemnity occasion programmedproprogrammesgrammes appeared very short final chorus ended difficulty audience persuaded itself leave everybody left oliver twist like longing there- fore imdressionimpressioniMDression auditors de- lightful 1t young much good sense avoids lengthy boring programmedproprogrammesgrammes usually characterize en- tertainments character gives just enough m- usic make evening enjoyable too much cause feeling unrest among listeners chorus showed marked improvement thrilled house thanks azodiozodigodgoa evidence successful training young very evident selection sounded grander effect previous occasion M H mcallistermcallistesmcallistersmealiiMcAlli sters solo barring slight huskiness excellently wellstesrendered won approval audience being evident desire plaudeapplaudeapplaudyapplauderappap laudy close rendition your hearts nltiltim11111 L


appearance presented interior tabernacle night sublime vast sea human faces overspread lower part great auditori- um inspiring spectacle great choir 220320 members arranged perfect regularity something gladden heart music lover estimated nearly 5000 people present con- cert electric lights profusion gave place mid- day brightness addition bright paint fresh Kalsokalsominingxalsominingmining gave scene gala aspect concert opened march hormanorma evan stephens held baton professor daynes organ march rendered magnificent style how these great volumes song rolled filling im- mense building impressing listeners religious

1 1 salt lake tribune december 1 1885 64 awe hardly anything equal world even choirs vast cathedrals rome paris eouiaula surpass nights performance grandeur melody sublimity song second piece waltz entitled waves given salt lake mandolin andguitarana guitarG club members presented handsome appearance uitar cos- tume both tasteful picturesque diffi- cult find finerfinen looking bodypody young gentlemen com- posing musical club city united states vast audience appreciated waltz rendered perfect smoothness little wonder club received hearty enthusiastic encore 1 I1


lucy gates singing never sung before surrounded company entirely local whom equal exacting demands eraserdsverdisvendis la traviata scored success early week increasing audiences necessitated extra performance given friday five nights grand opera local company never possible incentive found anything real merit singers while miss gates bright particular star occasion orchestra under direction B cecil gates made henr complete triumph possible masters com- pared elsseissmiss gates voice those many leading so- pranos ivoriaworld those heard violetta during week readily agree them actress too wonderful expression voice differing emotions resulted complete success role calls everything singer pleased warmth greeting feeling m- utual never treated local friends anything delightful support john W summerhays ap- peared alfred splendid voice acting fine considerable professional work ben- efit shown performance prin- cipals chorus evidently carefully selected trained entire achievement call fur- ther unstinted commendationcommendation2commendations2

deseret hewsnews salt lake city saturday feb 29 1891 2 Goodwgoodwinints weekly salt lake cityhcity vol 24 oct 9 1915 65


Paderewskipaderewskispaderewskilsls recital presentation artistic wholesouledwhole souled idealistic pianism im- agine certainly salt lakers never before heard per- folfojfopformancemaneemance nearly approaching ealimnationculimnationealimnation pian- istic art fortunately conditions propitious theatre ideal recital whispering effects wonderfully distinct neither greatest fortes taan torrents sonorous tone never tinetimeginegime jar ear let musical mo- rtals bow down perfection tone produced hearing Paderewskipaderewskilspaderews kitkirls rendition chopin nocturne tempted eliminate quality percussion pianoforte program veritable feast beginning end though two big numbers coming together rather odd arrangement reatgreatG schumann turbulence fascinating uis harmonies unexcelled rhythm irre stiblescible suffered saturday night being placed too close proximity beethoven sonata appasionataappassionata K comparison scarcely suggested beethoven exhibits passion let others write hymns te deamsdeums humble knowledgementacknowledgementac musical jove paderewski possessor qua- lities must beyond doubt place name musical history very near top list performers great medium through masters find ideal expression excellent composer himself let musicians examine two sets variations fantaisieFantaisie Polonapolonaiseiseff anahisana uis concerto these works abun- dant evidence sterling quality musicianship should placed entirely different category many virtuosi often tempted acro- batic feats technic expense artistic interpre- tation critics writing playing generally place emotional qualities first combined wo- dernderfullyfully magnetic emotion satisfying solidity sane conservative interpretation technic wellweilweli enough tire ones arms watch hinaimhimainaln play erl king liszts rhapsody still another aadaapsodymadrhapsodyAap sody taxinglitztsthings schumann etudeseludes beethoven sonata powers endurance alone certainly mar bellousvellous word commendation must said audi- ence llolio applause wrong place confusion evidently thorough preciaappreciaapappreciationulon seemed ex- quisite sympathy between paderewski listeners much easier appreciate artist put appreciation wordsworas me personifi 66 cation fine art


audience practically filled great tab- ernacle yesterday gave enthusiastic approval tenth annual rendition handels messiah tabernacle salt lake oratorio7 society rendition pro- nounced many being decidedly finished yet divengiveng lvenalven society big chorus four soloists forty orchestra players director squire coop trumpeter decided musical triumph usual chorus received ovation recognition usually tendered men women purely musics sake spend i weeks yearly preparing big community event mayor C clarence neslen president oratorio society short address welcome preceedingproceedingprece eding ren- dition read drama written years ago coop visioned rendition handels masterpiece choirs churches joining work before aud- ience 10000 people parts ana conditions city conclusion mayor added eownowffnowfonow dream come true handels messiah become established salt lake I1 ask you give your complete moral support your kindest sympathy andyourandyburyour consistent patronage I1 wish you happy prosperous new year following mayor neslen orchestra arthur freber concert master began overture famous oratorio big numbers chorus unto Us child born hallelujah worthy lamb amen rendered especialtgowerdowerdowedpower impressiveness choruses given wi trower ease subtle un- derderstandingstanding possible through careful study through rendition skill mastery director coop leitfeltzeitzeltkelt leadership both chorusciaorus orchestra latter did unusually good work showing finish sym- pathy rendition exeeveeverevenr before discussing excellent work soloists attempt perhaps should made differentiate between them should first mention good respective parts make comparisons woulc1bewoula invidious soloist new salt lake basso

arthur shepherd deseret diewsnews salt lake city april 23 1900 gustaf holmquistholmaholmq alstulst made favorable impression voice mastery bishig roledolenoieroleseolesnoles technic dignity rendition won hearty approval audience fellow soloists society members voice showed remark- able finish especially effective why do nations furiously rage trumpets shall sound diction enunciation these difficult numbers ex- cellent very first air displayed unus- ual sureness brilliancy rendition interpretation marjorieKarmar jorie dodge soprano whose sincere artistic ana brilliant work delighted local oratorio audiences several renditions maintained indeed did sur- pass standard previously set gave numbers especial beauty artistry come unto him andiandlana know my redeemer liveth especially enjoyed usual florence jeppersonsJeppersons rich soulful co- ntralto voice artistic rendering solos formed delightful features occasion rendition shall feed flock especially sur- passed former renditions favorite number while despised given much emotional feel- ing unusual purity tone J W summerhays tenor excellent voice gave splendid rendition comfort ye 11 diffi- cult every valley shall exalted john visser solo trumpeter ablabiablaablv saptortedsupported sol- oist received much praise both tkeaketee latteriatterla terver conductor work tracy Y cannon solo organist displayed sympat- hetic understanding proper subordination in- strustrumentment gave much appreciated contribution ma- sterful work toward rendition spite fact director coop chorus rehearsals ten days rendition meritorious praispraisworthypraiseworthyworthy much credit due chorus members J spencer cornwall conductedcomductedcomducted first practices successful effort carrying until old time director arrive coast assume baton tue directors society itself deserve much credit untiring effort kept rendition before public notice past month mayor neslen down list these directors taken keen personal interest matter publicity work handled under direction prof fred W reynolds JU U helped much making venture success- ful part public salt lake surrounding 68 towns demonstrated really want annual rendition become unique outstanding m- usical festivals country large attendance in- dicates utahnsutahna appreciate annual telling world christ tradition translated master handel very highest form musical language doubted oratorio renditions future reach very highest musical language doubted taat oratorio renditions future reach very highest musical tandardtanstandardjandarddarddadddapa greater intensive interest inlreli6iousinii religious matters hanuhan cities country


returning salt lake first concert ten years fritz kreisler peerless master violin heard night large audience whose spon- taneous welcome moved platform taber- nacle first number paid tribute unrivaled genius performance made clear privileged hear him before reasons ascen- dance thrilling musical experience effaced memory drawing bow across strings audience heldfirstunder spell magic notes program including formidable works violin literature played perfection technical detail playing ia laoneraoreraone display virtu- osity fervor vibrant warmth expression reach- ing playing upon taietale heart strings well stirring alsaisidis calm brilliance technique lir kreiekreleKreiskreislerkreislers major vehicles expression night beethovenlers kreutzer sonata kozartkozkozartsmozartkozaresmozartsants great concerto G major richness beethoven tone theme superblypebblysuperbly interpretedL artistryU filling every measure interest delicate nuances andante movement beautifully observed seemed sound far angelic music yet mozart composition kreisler revealed majesty teranceutteranceuutiii bow evoking moving vibrant tones stir inactive imagination under bow ada- gio became thing melting loveliness rondeau ren- dered verve flashing brilliance

1 deseret diewsnewsnewe salt lake city jan 2 1923 69

group lighter pieces compromised moderns violinists own composition ravel interesting example tone color contrast sprightliness dash spanish pieces arrangement debussy la fille suxaux chev euxaux de lin delicate fairylikefairyfa lryalry likeilke beauty difficult select outstanding probably gheche delightful EriLeislerreislerkreisler caprice ennoisviennoisVi liebesfreudLiebes freud played kreisler play them favorites tiietile unstinted appreciation audience artist seemed reluctant play encore responded wita two charchaacharminglmingaming numbers always favor

carl lamsonhamsonjamson accompanist yrir reislerreisierkreisler172 worthy associate accompaniment sympathetic in- telltelligentigent full expression never obtrusive ap

1 E E hollis salt lake tribune 1932 CHAPTER veilYIIIVIII


criteria used odjudging619gig reviewers utah papers concerns itself generally intricate subtle standards ditcuditchpitch tempo dynamics appearance suggestive superlatives good bad epithet suggestion final ultimate attitude experience derived music attempt evaluate expe- rience music approach undawned ef- fort music seems mystery holds charm remaining indictment placed de- vine art concerns itself external relations gra- mmaticalmma tical rhetorical significances

1 few frequentfrequently1 y applied descriptive terms used reviews concerning performances per- formers listed evidence what looked impressive reviewer judgment perform- ances seems supposed derived following epithets applied indiscriminately types degrees accomplishment absence show absence ofaffectation sihsimpleipieglugiu dignity affectation reserved appearance criterion applied reviewers seems taken account logic studied lack 71 affectation becomes itself affectation applause used indication success attained tchtehtechnicalnical dowerspowers specific intimationt gene- rally omitted

very dependable measuring rods used evaluation

vocalists appearance good voice exquisite ttonesonesonee vocalistic instrumental art effortless ease brilliancy interpretation absence score beauty nobility execution magnificent range liquid limpid softness purity tone performing equal muchmuehmucu larger city conclusion

utah music beginning pleasant mixture secular sacred entertainment vocalized worship criticism extraneous ingredient une- ssential element since yet means sustaining music profession musicians role included dig- ging post holes facing laclackk food maintainmaintainanceance situation confronted band master ballo feb- ruary 1856 1 advent ofsuchsueh persons C J thomas john talitaiitulltullidgeidge george careless decade 1860 1870 music commenced assume new significant pro- portions critical consideration own eachbaceac h others work stimulated new acquisitions music way early instigators divine art david 0 calder george E whitney orson brattpratt trjr thomas radcliff joseph daynesdaynessbayness evan stephens B B young willarawillard weihe W 0 clive H krouseknouse roles played these musicians resulted consummate western final product many deservedly termed music culture rapid advance music under directorship careless indicates strong self criticism later

1cff pyper romance w oldoid playhouseplayhouses pep 48&48 73

actuated evan stephens bo high accomplishment lit- tle state yajorbajormajormajoe incidents critical expression started arrival john tullidge 186218624 analytic treatments regard performance compositioncompositionaition quite astonishing reflection careful observation situation adds fascinations takes cogni- zance 1840 hauptman leipzig master upse- tting accepted harmonic analysis until 1856 ma- sterly schumann busy europe criticcriticisingcriticizingising great composers ana opposing radical innovations being waged wagner liszt berlioz defence flabffabab- solute musicmusiomuslo against those men yet started great viennese hanslick implication made nor presumed work tullidge comparable made european genius point 1862 rela- tively early history modern music criticism thirty years following 1878 popularity road attractions resulted corresponding growth publicity reviews performances praiser customary reaction given few instances indicated review section objections expressed rare occasions during period years either terminal period unpraisworthyunpraiseworthy notice emitted regard local performance eistedfodd adjudications 1895 distinct evidence individuals available time 74

determine values music composition produc- tion service requested 1895 present growth music apparent effort seems exerted itself rais- ing standard acquireacquirementsments rural communities author does wish suggest standard present very high developed first elementary stages road performers local associations continued give expression find adequate aud- iences desire entertainment program reviews 1900 present pertained traveling artists major local music events reviews apparently exhaustless profusion compliments newspapers give evidence being aware publicity consciousness con- cert announcements recitals fill whatever space happens allowed music utah criticism attains little criticism poetic utterance emotional expounding news reporters reviews evidence expressions impre- sionissionisticstic reporters reflective consideration gene- rally element foreign reports since reviews constitute type journalistic criticism easily ignored treatment them included dissertation definite school composers yet come existence within state musicians wrote nademadenaaemaae sacred composition object magnan- imous enterprise while meriting well deserved local 75 appreciation somewhat limits utility recognition sect church composed anaanu criticism sacred precarious pastime secular music larger art forms those writers utah won national recognition scarce arthur shepherd evidently distinct exceptions criticism composition division utah mus- ical art exceptionally meager perhaps should antiCianticipateDate published reaction interpretation composition before composition created ultimate value study problem music criticism utah does lie much finding examples ideal critical expression historical growth music relation critical attitudes bibliography

list contains those early recent pu- licatiblicationsons accessible attached music degree iMDimportanceortance sufficient include least music program reviews excerpts complete articles contained thesis selected author being rep- resentative material footnotes contain sufficient information direct anyone desiring original sources material used

deseret hewsnews first paper printed within rocky mountains issued june 15 1850 weekly 8 pages 7 zx 10 inches three colucolumnsrunsmuns edited willard rich- ards files accessible L D church histor- ian office salt lake public library deseret hewsnews office salt lake city utahmagazineutah magazine predecessor salt lake tribune published 1869 harrison tullidge editors copies accessible L D church historians office salt lake public library salt lake tribune commenced mormon tribune january 1 1870 harrison tullidge editors changed salt lake daily tribune april 15 1871 purely secular journal devoted entirelyenelr-rely presentation news development mineral commercial inter- ests tterritory 11 dailedailydallydaliy heralaherald first published june 5 1870 E sloan editor church publication aliantiantl reaction sheet nonreligiousnon religious tribune her- ald becanebeebecbecameame herald republican 1909 until 1918 anartheteF- THthenen salt lake herald until 1920 discontinued files accessible L D church historians office salt lake public library tribune offices deseret weeyeeweeklyR ly published 186718981867 1898 copies accessible L DSD church historians office 77 salt lalakeke public library deseret hewsnews offices B Y U library abb provo TullidtullidgettullidgesgesdesgeigeT quarterly published 1880 bo 1885 E W tullidge editor copies accessible L D church historians office B Y library salt lake musical times published 1877781877 78 calder careless editofeditoreditors files available salt lake city public library L D church histor- ians office GoodoodwinsgoodwinsG winIs weeklyafeevfee kc1kcf published 190319181903 1918 C C goodwin ededitortor copies accessible L D church historians office tullidge E W history salt lake city 1886 appp 768785768 785 copies accessible B Y 7.7TI library L D church historians office L C pu- blic library pyper G D romance old playhousep1pa house 1928 seagull press salt lake city dtantdrantl7eahleeah fpPP 13614771616147136 1477147 appp 306- 330 appendices APPENDIX I1


professor john tullidge fatherfattier edward john Tullitullidgecige arrived salt lake city september 1863 john tullidge sen born waymouth dorset shire england vembernovemberZo ath5th 1807 childhood musical prodigy native town sang methodist choir age six lilsllis young manhood ranked principal tenor singer county unsatisfied local fame left native place went london 1837 study under great english masters engaged principal tenor famous evans1evansevansa saloon while occupying position studied harmony counterpoint under greatest english master those times world renowned hamilton next conducted best glee party london traveled them through musical provinces taking engagements sing grand fetes nobility year 1838 1829 glee party sang countess Westmorlanwestmorlandds honor visit duchess kent princess victoria grisiG earlomarlomarioylario then greatest singers world risi musical stars occa- sion princess victoria did him honor chatehat him few moments express pleasure fine old english madrigal glee dartyparty rendered charmed english taste royal maiden did classical pieces great italians mario struck compass quality Tullidtullidgetullidgesdesgesdee voice close service asked tullidge allow him test full voice capacity execu- tion condescension great singer gratefully met close trial mario exclaimed my god I1 never knew english voices I11 heard yours adding voice equal till own offered bring him italian opera perhaps earlomarlomario con descension generosity paid english singer too high compliment tullidge fain accepted offer 1larioiario knew italian language fitted operatic stage requires actor combined star singer singing countess Westmorlanwestmorlandsds be- fore lady became queen england following 79 year mv Tullitullidgeigeasedge went city york where quick- ly won position principal tenor york philhar- monic concerts became four conductors york harmonious society name may found roll john elliot tullidge nothermothermothers maiden name hrshirsbirs sunderland known yorkshire queen song later succeeding clara novello greatest oratorio singer england time leading soprano society tullidge frequently sent society fill engagements principal sing- ers tfteefte oratorio concerts northern counties eng- land these professional tours led him wales tullidge conductor st marys cathedral choir newport south wales founder newport harmonic society 18431842 offspring years later crystal palace london took laurels choral societies england 18651863 emigrated utah september 1864 gave first concert salt lake city first padartpartrt consisted following selections overture tancred 11 rossini anthem zions harp choir recitative god created man Tullidtullidgegeigel haydn aria native worth tullidge haydn recita- tive basso god say everything tultuiTaltullidgeilagelidge haydn chorus achieved glorious work haydn orchestra C dalbert recitative splendor bright tullidge haydn grand chorus heavens telling haydn composed laterlatedlauer dayaay saints psalmody num- ber whose hymns antheantheneanthemsantheme sung tabernacle 1873 fell down theatre stairs came music room where copied arrangedforarranged fon orchestra killed fall anthem how beautiful upon mountains favorite taber- lamented wwi nacle delight careless wiliwiilillelieilLll derpetuateperpetuate name musical history our city

E W tultuitullidgeTallidge historbistorhistory salt lake cicityolty 1886 p 772 80


concert received length critique D M concert given theatre wednes- day evening pen lirdirIITlit tultuiTaltullidgelidge sen just arrived mountains very limited space week our disposal forces us leave an- other occasion great bodily suffering yx calder rise seat conduct singing pupils regret add still severely in- disposed illness preceding evening concert prevented rehearsals necessary appearing before public rattlerrattier disappoint friends met engagement successful1successful 1

sirsipinsip year 1861 I1 mistake I1 saw advertisementsirin deseret news intention dr david calder aided patronage president young establish singing classes large bodies G L city territory I1 convinced experience movement successful pupils studied attention method adopted teacher viz tonietonic solfa system method published chat ensure success entering city saturday oct 31 I1 much pleased seeing per advertisement concert given deseret musical association wednesday following notwithstanding debility occa- sioned long journey across plains shanks pony I1 miss opportunity hearing m- yself ol01 progress made vocal music associa- tion request several friends I1 endeavor give my honest opinion performances con- cert concert opened professor thomasthomasr pieces did him credit composer introduc- tions cornet ehastechaste piece rendering band did well giving gentleman opportunity doing justice beautiful strain fact inetue gem

deseret hewsnews salt la keice city oct 4 18631862 vol 13 81

piece irsteadinstead destroying tae effect loadloud playing horns however tune finale waymay here parenthetically observed I11 since heard same gentlemen play fine expression dornshornsbornsdorng favorites me orchestra complete without those beautiful instruments association commenced my old fa- vorite glees awake aeolian lyre awake opening strain easy rendering without great attention largo movement first grand close dominant cautious awakening necessary siuelueldslumberingutemter 1 ng lure entirely lost order pre- serve fallfullfuli effect movement tremolo vibrato should employed awake drowsy strings itfiff forgetfulness natures simple ease appears authors working second period dominant give rapture reserved finale first subject thorough awakening instrument descriptive joyous arousing heliconsheliconeHelicons harmonious springs lively imitation parts produces fine tonic termination laughing flowers around them blow drink life fragrance flow too far fetched author succeeded good interpretation poetry taetoe first line truthful enough second drink life fragrance flow too gloomy termination submedientsubmediant downowhow111ow rich streams music winds along deep majestic smooth strong passage slowsiowsloy grand expressive alliance poetry close relationship through verdant vales ceres golden reign passage bordering pastorale open- ing subject proceeds gains strength be- fore tiletiie movement terminated expression truly tretremendotrementomendo effect produced finale secured long life amongst glees our best composers association gave truthful interpre- tation what I1 explained portions glee excellent performance course measure mixed choral body pupils giving second concert under direction master chorus professional performers conducted costa yet may truthfully said did credit go ma- ster first rate class teacher duet hark itis musiemusic stealing tros- per irs horsley both 82 doodgoodvoicefgoodvoicesgood voices favorable performance nonconnon con captionception piece stiff execution passages first place leetleleetiebeetleleetle too slow second triplets unskillfully treated first fault easily remedied second avoid second mouth should kept moderamoderatelyely opened tongue still horizontal passage then easy execution while mo- ving tongue causes stiff uncouth delivery notes jewry god known great favorite cathedral cities old country favorite through excellence capricious pop- ularity stood test much trial class anthem glee sang marked expression good enunciation precision fault latter strain lacked energy upon wholeit rendered great credit indeed I1 expected leit manner sung encore followed case soli-9 tary echo applause heard throughout gorgeous building first seem discouraging m- aturer reflection expect highly cul- tivated musical audience full appreciation classical compositions I1 well remember old country ora- torio heard long intervals few places without great expense lovers grand majestic now tens thousands appreciate beauties ana glories handel mozart haydn host great masters class teaching time I1 refer known infancy sight reading then work much study lengthened practice theory sounds belonged germans italians varied mixtures harmony perfect secret except above people professors music eng- land knew bat little harmony expected english audience understand classical works times changed england choruses handel great masters becoming familiar mass grand hallelujah chorus immortal handel almost popular 1 I wish I1 dixie take heart therefore good teacher never tire until like glor- ious consummation reached land saints stabetscabet mater rossini best classical workworicworx every piece cantata highest school composition bravura passages require 83

great anianimatioanimationmatio volubility execution cannot rendered effective without trie study experience great artist present I1 must say maddle ursenbach qualified render pieces effect required excel first place execution regular again ascending division tones anything faultless let maddle ursenbach study great singers required study excellence doubtless time find reward being pronounced accomplished vocalist moreover italian music element english american audi- ence I1 advice study well english lang aageuage i already acquainted select tierilerller performances uhe excellent eavatinescavatineseavacava tines bishop tat1tellzelizeilieli me my heart ho hear gentle larllark trifler forbear host compositions class care eothermother now composition great expression I1 must say singing solo part dunbar creditable performance bhat irresistable comic face attitude much against him style composition celebrated lestonlesionleston tragedian nature face peculiar comic form best hits line lyeiye laughedC audience lie wise enough change tragic performance comic succeeded being considered accomplished comedian england bridal aneathwreath quadrille professor thomas composition great merit I1 must honesty con- fess I1 likeilkeli kle composercomposers style interpretation hiethiaLO piece uhe band desired dyantyantvanman life boat failure Isaisaacsonacsonaeson should mamaklemalkekler choice compositions requiring great pathos wild expression recitative style requires great strength rendering given effectively accomplished singer gentle- mansmaneman voice highest order made useful effective comic singing dunbar first class order unanimous approval audience proves high standing public estimation I1 fain notice whole pieces did space permit I1 must content adding performances association exception few stumblesstuLibles precision time wene excellent little two years asso- ciation began elementary study now appear concert able sustain reputation credi- table amateurs inferior many long established soeisoel 84

evies old country ailali praise due patient persevering teachings master calder ana time far distant lneinejae hailed pioneer great glorious movement territory large must gratifying consideration those influential patrons association rendered assistance fostering society art droop die without aid long may continue support worthy cause depend domestic circle soon feel hallowed influence music introduction magic delights bea- utiful art adorn many household fireside I1 should remiss my duty lidaidalddidildiid I1 omit make honorable mention excellent conducting professor thomas connection band creditable manner gentleman accompanied vocal orches- tra association way I1 nearly forgotten great- est features concert viz appearance asso- ciation rising curtain orchestras members walk separately twos threesthreetsthreelethreelsneeleneete takes considerable time before whole them seated withstanding appropriate costume effect audieaudiencelacejace scattered entrance concert room entirely lost orchestras con- ductor marshal sopranilostinalti tenoritenort bassi succession himself bringing rear well mark certain amount confusion result three four pieces performed before audience sufficient humor listen singing calder form adopted dramatic invis- ible arranging orchestra never my life did I1 feel effect great unique innocent ap- pearancepearance members beautiful simple cos- tume rising curtain simultaneous movement standing position lifting magic batton conductor fail strike admiration beholder I1 say little appearance theatre lestiest through my ignorance archetectral design I1 should thought trifling I1 may allowed say tuat great babylon world london thene three surpass vix londqueensontthe- atre hay market italian opera coventgo vent garden tiletlletiie national theatretlletileTjieatre drury lane perhaps these exceptions others england equal

1 deseret redseedsflewsdiewsnews salt lake city oct 21 1863 vol 13 85


passing mozartmozartsMozmomartsarts overture figaro lockes celebrated macbeth music without special notice leallead many suppose our critics incom- petent task reviewing inspirations these two immortal composers therefore cannot allow present opportunity go without paying tribute merits above works now nearly two years since pleasure hearing weird compositions locke Shakeshakespearespearsspeare great play macbeth looseslockes treatment poetry immortal tragedy fact almost converted semi opera indeed play faithfully interpreted without aid musical weird inspirations locke onlyaddedadded scenic variety trag- edy bat protrayedprotrayed much vividity shareshakeshakespearespears ideas weird incantations witches prevalent minds superstitious Macmaemacbethsmacbeth1sbeths time before analyzing great composition make few brief remarks subject mozartimozartsmozartcnozMozartsants splen- did overture figaro rendition our band mon evening september 20 1869 overture figaro abounds brill- iant prestissimo executional unisonicuni sonic passages contrapuntic harmonical beauties predominating through- out composition hot mozart unique laelneineme lodicalcodical linking sections periods varied development sub- jects shines forth beauteous unity versatile harmonic combinations strong majestic impressive inspiring same time graceful progressions same effect varied culminating creations brought grand final movements displays wonderful genius fact combinations above named cannot surpassed ancient modern writer overture school composition render difficulties work class full effect requires brilliant execution artists requires great study prac- tice artists before effective interpretation ideas celebrated composer produced 86

notwithstanaingnotwithstandingitotwiths landing many requirements necessary conquer these difficulties our orchestral band aidalddid justice noble composition principal leading violin mark ripieno violin added weight principle instru- ment second violin behind effect contra bass aiaalaaiddidgid work violoncello brought many beauties pizzipizzicattocatto lauchiauchmuch pleased see introduc- tion beautiful quartettequartetto instrument orches- tra flute rendered good service cannot omit repeat our compliment praise mark crox wall purity volume tone graceful exe- cutions produced him cornet fine compos- ition speaking pianoforte truly assert instrument capable producing great effects small band like ours say professor pratt brought much brilbrillancybrilliancylancy execution strength expression overture saying what due gentleman applause tendered band audience faithful interpretation figaro well deserved much pleased discovery thrown aside our usual lethargy showing our approval what good intended future render honest stimulation orchestra endeavors entertain us feel confident proper applause professor careless whole members band study ana practice order produce variety first class compositions render band entertainment worthy approval

two following issues utah magazine tullidge analyses music production lockeslocked macbeth music extended account

1 utah magazine salt lake city 1869 p 347 APPEHDIXAPPENDIX II11


plant musical taste utah grew roots far off nauvoo flourishing tree storms broke overwhelmed tiletllethle saints taken soil nurtured care journey across plains transplanted congenial climes valley where branches today shed sweetness ana fragrance wide neighborhoods man vivid recollection my childhood hearing my grandmother elizabeth ann whitney wife bishop eewelnewelhewel K whitney sing many thesthewthesangsaudaangsaugasongs nauvoo familiarly known early days sweet singer zion husband being intimate friends prophet often sang him kirtl- laandnd nauvoo aunt em wells eliza R snow late bathsheba smith others loved exchange recollec- tions nauvoo days members temple choir sang various functions famous mansion house others formed nucleus vocal musical organizations made impo- rtant part social church life mormon city how highly church leaderslead ers those days re- garded music shown fact several choirs bands nauvoo chorus considerable size sang general assemblages I1 jae saints masonic hall grove lat- ter during summer worship rhe temple choir smaller organization what these choirs vocal music nauvoo famous hauvoonauvoojmauvoo brass band instrumental music band organized january 1842 wm pittpi ft later called josephjosephs city band name changed nauvoo brass band sometime later accounts quite efficient group musicians many parts played stirring military life nauvoo often referred histories those times nauvoo brass band under wm pitt deserves chapter itself people left nauvoo started near council 88

bluffs today band lead cheered hearts barchersmarchersmarchers martial strains members scattered smaller groups played around campfirescamp fires night journey pioneers brought them anywhere near iowa town vill- age band send agent ahead engage hall give concert these events brought notable additions stores pioneers early fall 1847 soon music forces pioneers assembled valley great salt lake old spirit nauvoo days began manifest itself organizations flour- ished began reflourish utah reatneatoneatgreatQ tabernacle choir today began career singing bowery temple block used summer worship later old adobe tabernacle stood where assembly fallhallhailhali now located first leader choir john parry father bishop parry 16th ward inherited fathers talents composer born 1789 early welsh converts church died 1868 stephen oddardgoddardG james smithies C J thomas robert sands grandfather gifted musician jennie sands georgeG eorge careless followed prof carelesscarelesss resignation 1880 jae succeeded prof E beesley followed prof evan ste- phens present conductor messrs oddardgoddardG smithies both led choirs nauvoo joshua midgley died may 1912 wife members choir 1852 midgleyh1idgley still survives midgley informed me those days organ here seventeen eighteen instrumentalists furnished accompaniments choir performed upon bass viol prior arrival here played choir st louis company john M jones frederick weight two others early day music forces nauvoo brass band reorganized salt lake city under direction capt pitt almost soon taetue exiles taken bearings Jln valleys mountains today survivor notable organi- zation verternaver terna actor phil margetts lead- ing members long since passed away addition capt pitt henry margetts barnett seth rigby wm dunn etc another notable band those days organized capt ballou whom I1 often heard my father describe accomplished clarinet player ever heard baiBalballotsbailouslousious band 4 nauvoo brass band joined forces feb 14 1853 ground temple broken again april 6 18531852 services laying corner stone ballou immediately composed march entitled cap stone march hopinhoping0 89 band might play temple completed few players ever lived play temple completed see final stone structure placed position forty years later notable exception veteran double bass player joshua midgley played two ceremonies cap- stone placed 18921893 took part ballou band builders hall once bore name west first south street many notable dances given pioneer days music band nauvoo brass band rediatedrediamediatedted small bands soloissoloistssoloi atsts without number organization called Shangshanghaihalllhaillhaitt band especially notable dancing entertainments those days social hall opened 18531855 rare entertainment band called african band took part I1 able secure information makeup character work dimmick huntinehuntingtoshuntingtonhuntingtonshantingHunting tons noted martial band dear every boy celebratedtosjuly ath4th 24th those days reached greatest proficiency sixties composer john tullidge came england sixties wrote music tabernacle choir high grade anthem how beautiful upon mountains still sung larger choirs churcchuocchurchia names david C calder C smythe earkharkmarkmerkyark croxall accomplished cornetistcornettistcornetist others belong laterlaserlauerladeriader days our development hardly included term pioneer though exerted great influ- ence twenty years between 1860 1880 favorite vocal soloist early days john kay whose singing old song sea gave him great reputation among pioneers doubt hearing him render sea president john taylor fitted hymn seer same tune W C dunbar another soloist sang opening theatre 1862 previously acquired fame through tiletiie sing zion brother dunbar episode echo canyon war times I1 able learn names in- dividual pianists organists early days except those orson pratt jr fanny young later fanny thatcher nd sister dora played old adobe tabernacle early sixties once famous organ blower charlie mooremoone officiated many pianos organs brought across plains long before 90

advent railroad prominent teachers those days seem cook orson pratt jr think love music justify buying square piano st louislouls square those days upright then unknown ana having hauled 1500 miles across plains oxen mule teams famous tabernacle organ today built veteran joseph ridges still living first heard tabernacle dedicated octo- ber 6 18671867. organist time many years vas prof joseph J daynes played organ old adobe building daynesdaynestraynest retirement years ago vas succeeded present organist prof J J mcclellan opening salt lake theatre march 1862 witnessed strong revival musical affairs salt lake prof C J thomas experienced london musician vas placed charge group twenty musicians asked form orchestra theatre 1865 prof thomas went st george place leader theatre orchestra later tabernacle choir taken prof george careless young london musician reorganized theatre orches- tra retaining five original players follows david evans H 1x whitney E beesley mark roxallboxall joshua dilamidgleyElidsleygieygley added orson tattbrattwattpratt jr pianist himself first violin formed effi- cient orchestra seven new organization placed salary basis alademadearademaae possible get better results under old conditions prof thomas remuneration received shape theatre tickets prof careless vaswae charge choir opening great tabernacle today occurred 1867 enlarged body singers eifevifewife gifted lavinia careless whose voice often compared patti soloist tabernacle choir given fame extended throughout coun- try survivors prof thomasthomasr old orchestra himself henry sadler thomas Uc Intyremclntyremeintyre stephen alley prof thomas himself novnow charge temple choir prof careless still actively followingfolfoiloving profession teaching hymns universally sung choirs sunday schools throughout church 1

1 H G whitney music inearlylinearlyearly utah days youhgyounsyoung homanscomanswomans journal vol 24 1913 APPENDIX iliIII111

THEATRE YhusicUSICYUSICMUSIC until railroad built professor careless composed dramatic curtain music including many musical plays poeahontaspocahontaspocahontas cinderella aladdin crystal slipper etc libretto aladdin possession six weeks for- got until morning noticed theatre call board chorus aladdin 8 oclock tonight hurr- ied office asked john tullidge get aisals pens ready copy started write composed choruses day finished solos duets marches dances dramatic music etc next dayaay forty num- bers prodigious capacity work I1 alad- din longer run play before during haab hwehpe wartpartgart regime julia dean hayne took dartpart& aladdin julia dean hayne came salt lake broubroughtgiatglat gadeaganeagamea play especially written manager claw- son sent san francisco dramatic music played first rehearsal julia dean went professor careless said 1 I cannot act music what shall I1 do professor careless said 1 I write you tomorrowtomorrows rehearsal newly com- posed music played rehearsal next day hiram came footlights said georaegeorgeeorgegeorgeQ music fine example you hayne spoke said clawson your san francisco music I1 use careless written me since yester- day needless say hiram astonished then large sum 4000400040.00 paid san francisco music went glimmering another incident showing aptitude professor careless meeting emergency related follows morning during engagement lucille west- ern asked prompter henry mcewanmeewanyeewan music play evening prompter replied none conductor thought rather strange before doorsacorsaoors opened arrived found piano 5535 cues hurried band room told th e men what you going do asked weliweilwell professor said theres way 92

I improvise entire night orson orsoniti pratt jr you play my accompaniment piano aidalddid ext11ext morning famous actress saidsaldsaidlsaidu never played music fitted acting like copy iaimi1 sorry said professor I1 cannot give you oh said iiiliiill111 pay you price ia01111i1 let you secret professor careless said 1 I told cues play having written I11 improvise tiletlle entire night great davenport played macbeth pro- fessor careless put lockeslocked witches musiemusic two hundred witches chorus scene piper owner piper opera house virginia city called him orchestra offered him position theatre guaranty six hundred dollars month gold certainty receiving four hundred side 1

1 pyper romance old playhouse 1928 appp 141145141143141 145143 APPENDIX IV


stephens unique personality realm utahs music young old man having done 32 3233 years prodigious amount class teaching chorus training composition music him damned spot hear men wound thirty forty fifty years evidence very good krlir stephens half unwound yet help planning inter- esting musical enterprises help thinking songs ia conductor sui generis kind enough bo0 send writer teistulstuisesis sketfbsketch life path thus far wayside environment abounds incidents romance mingled hard trial climbing hill difficulty lie sure tneane land pure delight music godG od lay upon further slope knew whether cold hot dry weary go forwardwarawaru what spur brief sentence supine students art divine think excellence come them while halting along every bradumgradum ad parnassus stephen wales anclana poetic justice meeting countrymen field artistic contest carry- ing off prize well struggled eisteddfod sublime white city almost scorned second prize said should first world wondered forces tiletiie canyons remote utah shoulashould dared compete those magnificently trained choirs won world said what manner man well just kind man gladly went work sheepherder then section hand railroad get money buy music books toiled ten hours day composed music plays operettasoperettas choruses then threw them away fell short goal truth my mind filled ideal music I1 write I11 seemed live musical world aloud especially toiling farm I1 took job logan striking blaeblacblacksmithasmith1smith railroad yardsyarasarclsarcas became organiorganistorganiat choir sundays led my acquaintance bishop preston unfailing aid me accomplishing many things here aitaltsaltsait lake classes provided formeme tsotatotwotaro 94

hundred juveniles concert theatre four hun- dred 1886 I1 went hewnew england conser- vatory instructed george chadwick har- mony whitney composition year I1 re- turnedtur ed salt lake organized opera company successfully rendered bohemian girlG marthaharthakartha 11 fille du regiment concert irl calcaicalvestonOalveston suffers brought together vocalists city then chorus Gillgillmoregillmoresmoresmoree band desired given resulted organizing choral society time I1 appointed conductor tabernacle choir choral society gave two june festivals under my direction euckstucksbucks light asia hayanshaydnshaydn1s ff creation spring choir self sustaining concerts trip worldworlds fair gained fairly good reputation work I1 charge norualnormal musical class university ten years nearly thou- sand normals left talented young people forging away voices

following 1895 stephens means concert tours made large audiences east west acquainted utah attainment choral music co- mposition marks progressive addition commendable contri- bution sacred music expression stephens died october 27 1930

1 daily tribune january 6 1895 salt lake city APPENDIX V eisteddfod adjudications

adjudicators tellteiltelibellbeilbeli us how why contests won lost tuesue real educational part late eisteddfod given through adjudications different con- tests musical adjudicators Ilessblessbleesmessrsrs evans watkins davisda visvie gentlemen high musical ability cul- ture opinions merits demerits different renditions very valuable student music lover voice culture following verdicts exactly given adjudicators eisteddfod perusal interesting grand chorus first paper adjudication grand chorus mixed voices chief choral competition chorus loriousgloriousG songs freedom voices rather coarse bass bad opening too boisterous reading whole correct intonation very much danger through- out owing coarseness voices intonation ath8th page bad first five measures articulation fairly good phrasing good sopranos singing trip- let wrong accent forced places accenting second syllable word power time little fast lacked firfirmnesslaneseLaness precision places owing tuistuls attack w bitequiuiteU e good excepting ath9th ram ltdath8th8td page change time prayer bad very ragged chorus b vales deseret attackattach soodgood ioho workingwording climaxes taking too much liberty wizwi uhft time waiting between liferentdifferentdi Lferent movements worworkk whole crude lferent choir ho 2 chorus loriousgloriousG songs freedom better qua- lity voices 1 blending good balance good 96

phrasing good place bad 2nd m ath4th page word dungeons good wrongly phrased good interpreta- tion climaxes well worked expression good throughout articulation good good dramatic ending chorus b vales deseret whole work well sung singing lightly easily glee should sung nice shading articulation very clean tra la la very playful too loud cover tenor tralabass should little prominent sung choir very good rendition chorus ko 3 first chorus glorious songs freedom voices choir good refined quality work chorus good too tame introduction good excepting ath6th page unison parts badly tune expression good excepting prayer lacked feeling lack falnessfulness body tone second chorus vales deseret nov well sung first chorus did sing sure lacked firmness throughout 2nd page ath4th m parts sea almost causing complete break attack throughout chorus uncertain choir refined voices shows intelligence augmented numbers practiced well together make very formidable compe- titor chorus ko 4 first choraschorus glorious songs freedom choir good voices too sulky executing bass opening particularly unwieldy stiff reading articulation good intonation through- out whole chorus doubt owing forcing voices attack fair very bad ath9th m ath8th page expression good forcing too much six marks very much overdone second chorus vales deseretseretIdeseretiDe odeningopening rough forcing first chorus chorus lacked character throughout ending first page good parts stopping together ho effective shading done choir capable good work give attention characters finishing vorkworkzorkwonkwora haydn evans T J daviesda viesvles JT T watkins following given full verdict rendered adjudicators male chorus competition 97

chorus ho 1 C J thomas voices fair balance fair into- nation faultyfaultcaulthault y articulation poor attacattackk fair pre-1 cision poor gaining very much allegro GO end tempo little too slow start although well worked leader faulty intonation first tenors page ho 1 lath bar IDD sharp endanaena second tenor page 1 19th bar fibB word love very open same page 2 seventh bar again first tenors slightly off pitch page 53 ath5th bar IDD sharp first tenors grew weaker climax page being reached should reserve force enough made end- ing fitting climax intended composer chorus merits demerits chorus ho 2 harmony voices better first party still voice two first tenors prom- inent marred considerable extent singing throughout balance good intonation good above exception articulation very good blending good phrasing good precision steady vigorous tempo good express- ion very good party sang considerable finish first second tenors through many open tones produced destroyed places harmony times almost going off pitch nevertheless singing club whole very satisfactory chorus 3 ogden voices fair balance fair intonation fair articulation fair blending poor attacattackk fair pre- cision tendotenpotempo good expression fair first se- cond tenors party somewhat belovbelow standard second tenors especially giving usu trouble majority men singing second tenor should sing first bass leaders theseL male choruses should ex- tremely careful placing voices order 4laoiaoajo setzetgetzev good results parts should well balanced blended together part observing think correct effective solo part page ho 4 second brace forcing tenor page 4 bar 12 made very bad workwonkwor tc call arms second tenors page ho 8 owing weakness very ineffective youthful conductor strove hard good effective singing consequence poor material hand better results hardly expected chorus 4

orpheus voices very good especially low bass 31 98 balance very good intonation good articulation fair blending very good throughout attack very good determination conquer effect reached without forcing voices precision well maintained end tempo good uheoheghe various changes well droughtbrought carried through successful fitting climax phras- ing good expression very good singing chorus characterized considerable finish light shade splendidly handled giving confidence adjud icators tinat well controlled great fault found tils chorus articulating vowels consonants ear shout ienllenlienlenilen dotdof ilonalionahionamona instead hear shout land mona found less faulty articulation choruses solo parts well sung unison page 4 ath7th ath8th bars 14th 15th party felt true spirit magnificent war song displayed second tenors page ho 8 arms B being very effective first parties properly sustain voices united splendid form makindmaking ending fitting climax artistic rendition sound war falls my ear adjudicators without hesitation make follow- ing award 3 first prize 2 second prize

female chorus following adjudication female chorus party ko 1 voices very good quality well balanced pleas- ing good intonation slightly off pitch page 4 loth bar articulation very good voices blending nicely attack pages 1 6 Coricomeae come etc precision fair somewhat hurried well under control leader tempo rather fast few pulsations slower better sing- ing party very good throughout made very pretty bridal rendition party 2 female choir voices good low alto very good balance parts fair second soprano marring intonation many places consequence blending ofoolm parts quite satisfactory first attack page 99

1 6 good tempo party too fast somewhat faster first phrasing extremely good ending bars 6 8 10 done nicety precision good expression good tuesue singing party whole very sweet excelling attack precision first party lacked light shade female chorus ko 3 voices fair balance fair articulation fair intonation fair blending ordinary second soprano too light poor quality first soprano page 4 where solo starts contained too many voices different qualities tones alto sang chest tones too high remedied soon ruin voice great care should taken blending different registers voice transitions otheioshei should made smooth- ly evenly passing points made strong through care- ful vocalization culture tempo too slow phrasing fair nevertheless commendable rendition adjudicators awarding prize recognize closeness competition between first second parties satisfactory conclusion unanimous first prize divided between ko 1 2 second prize given itoiiofio 3 ladiesladlesladiestfadiest quartet adjudication ladies quartette follows quartette bo 1 voices fair soprano thin unsteady tones production balance second soprano low alto too weak places introduction second alto off pitch page 3 sixty bar articulation fair blending poor assimila- tion oftheodthe voices attack fair selection should rendered emphasis given first beat bar precision poor low alto dragging very much making singing sluggish cumbersome tem- po extremely slow throughout ana became very monotonous failed carry pitch raising half tone fact alone sometimes debars competitors wishing expression very ordinary ladlesladies quartette 2 voices fair low alto poor first soprano shrill upper register second soprano page 3 bar 5 bad blending seemed fraction between voices lack affinity made blend 100

ing almost impossible balance found blie second soprano tooboo weak voices intonation fair low alto off pitch page 3 second bar articulated fair phrasing fair precision poor tempo too slow both parties being very deficient expressive quality necessary bet- ter portray sentiment beautiful song failed maintain pitch raising same half tone adjudication given jno T watkins church choir contest church ward choir contest decided follows following reasons contest glee summer gwilym ghentgwent heard glee frequently like familiar things must exceptionally well rendered order make remarkable impression generally speak- ing three choirs competed acquitted themselves very creditably choir ho 1 andante maestoso taken good style aniaraarnaxa time commodo taken gradually faster should quality voices commended choir altos tenors being times little harsh strained I1 should liked andante mar- cato movement somewhat slower order give better co- ntrast movements show melody better advantage portion while voices accompanied softly staccato sopranos took liberty too much portportamantoportamentoamanto melody times slightly marred beauty lagattolegatto character I1 should prefer cleanly sang without sliding effect allegro good tune faulty end tied notes bar accent jar choir niodioeto 2 choir sang movement much same tempo choir 1 voices somewhat better fuller alto part choir much weaker parts andante marcato lower voices alto tenor bass showed melody better sang softer tempo here might little slower runs movement nicely done ending better first choir choir itofiodlo 3 andante maestoso tempo proper con commodocommoao wasiI should say slightly fast andante marcato 101

shown better advantage given first second choirs time slower melody beautiful while lower part light soft should allegro clear light cleanly executed voices choir better choirs hosnos two lights shades blending general interpretation better without least hesitation award prize choir joilolloiiolio140 three T J davisdavis mus bac prize composition adjudication composition male chorus follows adjudicator T J daviesda viesvles husrusmus bac scranton pa male chorus composition salt lake city eis- teddfodteddfod octoberoctobersoctober3 53 4 1895 twelve compositions received best mus- ical composition suitable male chorus composers select own words bearing following names G& minva cambrian ap ohio sailor kaamannaaman E F parry bertini oregonianOreoregoniansgonian pioneer glyndwr basso cantantacantantetanta piaidyplaidy since I1 carefully marked erroneous pro- gress each composer YSS I1 mention them here simple confine myself few brief remarks comparative character merit each writer least pretentious these compositions assigned E F parry being cast plainest part song fornform without desire extension inde- pendent part writing next length beautiful part song entitled alone cambrian uses proper CG clef tenor parts writer melodious scholarly fin- ished every detail basso cantatasCantatas subject sailors song initial unison phrase happy passing does tonic seventh key unhap- pily portion frequently repeated throughout work harmonies several places rather crude never- theless B cantata shows much ability fare better advantage competition introducing much foreign matter home key toward end aftafei ferper tieilelie fails establish freedom nec- essary happy satisfactory finish oregonianOreoregoniansgonian gives description storm sea 102

covers twenty pages full sized music paper doubtless gift melody sadly wanting means harmonious dress bertini writes light pleasing manner form regards cantata movelaentsmovenentsmovements change key best part work shortcoming same oregonianoregoniansOre gonian want originality harmonic color strange writes melodiously should many errors part writing plaidy writer reminds me author technical studies pianoforte indeed ef- fort comparatively almost dry five finger exer- cises unison given bass parts opening uncouth barren melodic effect matter following little affinity initial phrase second page incongruity tonality where upper tetrachordtetraehordtetraeftord D minor followed lower tetrachord D major nothing ser- ious consideration author befitting where protraysdropro trays readersreapersReapers ap ohio written war chorus while lielleile hasmmhhae mach commendable failed reach high mark words those morianmorlancamoriangatoriangamorianCaGa war song ably treated late brinley richards songs wales masman submits our consideration sacred chorus considerable length first chorus solos following exhibit good taste nicely worked exception few blemishes harmonies de capo portion lacks interest first portion work remodeling concluding por- tion tilis composition may useful church male choirs sons sea sailor happy little work contented writing light vein nothing much note composition saesave pleasing correctly written writer much ability minnsminus compos- ition pleases style glee contrapuntal elaboration skillful writer barely justifies title too much effort part composer take advantage almost every possible opportunity display florid writing sacrifices grace elegance glee several instances harmonies faulty noted copy I1 cannot leave writer without paying him compliment displaying much ability however composition must judged being like ingenious exercise meritorious vocal composition 103

pioneer writer much melodic interest I1 do hesitate say peer aisalsnis comp- etitors essential requisite musical co- mposition composer teems melody beyond ability harmonic dress treads dan- gerous ground sometimes extravagance melo- dic fragments endeavor faulty progressions creep where masterly hand evade trivial temptations pioneers outlines form well con- trtrastedasted part writing variety key relation generally interesting breadth style better grammar might easily shared honors competition glyndwr soars loftier heights do com- panionspanions chosen psalm life 11 longfellow subject writing broad dignified boun- dless every effort ample reserve throughout parts within bounds average vocalist always melodious faultless rich harmony scholastic outclassesoutclassedclasses contestants smooth- ness purity diction sequence idea towered happy climax ends work finished every detailtowered1to I1 J daviesda viesvles mus bac

deseret awshewsnewsews salt lake city oct 12 1895 APPENDIX VI


epochal performance way religious music witnessed jan 9 1875 production miemessiahiah 11 professor careless engaged conductor handel haydn society afterwards changed name philharmonic society under conductor- ship occasion performance messiah deseret hewsnewsnewe said several months ago something hundred two hundred ladies gentlemen includ- ing comprising best musical talent vocal in- strumental city organized themselves soci- ety promoting musical culture raising standard musical taste community praise- worthy object excellence community attains musical science art mean criterion judge local status performance given salt lake theatre two hundred performers full orchestra reviewer salt lake herald jan 9 1875 said taking orchestra whole laboring under difficulties already described fact impossibility placing them stage effect result simply marvel excellence especially first violins whose singing tones nearly approached vox humana several occasions defy recog- nition voice violin kennicottkennicotskennicottsKenni cotscotecottscotte organ accompaniment recitmecit atilesatives arias charmingly delicate yet support- ing solo singers difficult do justice praise very highest manner thoushthothoughugh pardoned make particular mention kmhaydonKmKBS haydon MPS careless nisskissmiss haydon among ladies n4na williams black holister among gentlemen homehorne well lirkir podlech deserve great praise admirable singing music must doubly trying them sing english gems among solos oh thous teltellestbellestlest haydon rejoice greatly miss haydon despised hirsurs haydon thou didst 105 leave careless why do nations mroamro blaekblack thou shaltshallshait break them yr podlech must give palm excellence say must justice careless beautiful rendition 1 I knownow my redeemer liveth singing simply perfection already called attention dis- advantages under solo singers labor these careless young fresh voice seemed defy difficulties coming forth rich 11 tombre11tombre timbre bell like sympathetic angels human voices surely here suggest heavenly music indeed fine however solo singing must confess choruses gheche great achievement whole entertainment taking consideration fact very few singers concerned either sing sight entirely miliar music careless deserves unqualified praisefa- masterly way trained choruses finest unto us child born fl like sheep hallelujah chorus worthy lamb great thing able say writer truthfully taken whole messiah performed night far superior both regards solos choruses orchestra oratorio given san francisco eight months ago radamemadanemadame anna bis- hop morrison several vocal celebrities occasion trumpet obligato played badly nearly compel madame anna bishop stop singing compare excellence cornet obligatoobligate blacks solo trumpet shallsuallshalishailahall sound croxall here proof musical adepts understand what worthy exe- cution complete oratorical composition means per- formancemance messiah salt lake city may fitly considered capital events musical his- tory america few cities either england america where messiah executed local philharmonic societies even given london itself principal vocalists instrumentalists england sometimes combined render ora- torio fullfulifullcapacitycapacity too profound realization among artists composition call play human powers voice soul in- tellect instrumental execution even combination performers requires highesthiguehighest class audi- ence fully appreciate music say 1 saltsait lake city standard messiah V too much affirm supreme sense pres- ent substantially affirm salt lake city greatest musical cities gheche world view performance messiah our city summer 1875 local philharmonic society under conductor 106

ship professor careless prophecy cul- minationmination even own generation handelhandels day london itself riot standard messiah london rejected dublin month april 1842 honor giving uhls immortal work acceptance messiah epic music complete constructioncons eructioncruction voluminous subject oratorios reviewer herald defined oratorio kind sacred composition either purely dramatic partaking both drama epic text illustrative religious subject definition critic confounded oratorio dramatic compositions class shakes- pearian plays though very high comparison theoretically correct oratorio always epic never drama sense though true epic does compound dramatic elements oratorio subject harmonies two worlds combined two halves whole just epic poem subject action two worlds combined bowjownowlow great relative significance performance oratorio messiah salt lake city marks beginning musical cul- ture supreme line people genius subject messiah actually embodied whole history running now through fifty six jearsyears1yearsyearse period mormon temple survive certainlybringcertainly brinsbring oratorio service Rs dispensation brought gathering modern israel nations work ofa george careless others like him then just begun very prophecies history past peculiar community pro- claim trumpet tongue salt lake city com- ing time city america preeminent oratorio performances gentile artists well musicians israel help accomplish grand musical result art sectarian universalian apropos latter remark may noted partic- ularly fact professor careless succeeded com- bining principal singers instrumentalists THandelhandelthandelchandel haydn society folfoa performance messiah without thought even occurring artists whether fellows cormonsmormons gentiles itself great musical triumph fact messiah performed salt lake city 1875 style never city viestwest chicago worthy page our local history pass biography salt lake musicians historian may 107

allowed personal expression hope salt lake city may witness many repetitions example many triumphs musical art professor carelesscareless11 engagements conductconductororioniorp may noted conducted celebrated parepa ross concerts november 1868 madame anna bishop concert large tabernacle grand wil- helmj concert theatre march ath6th 1880 our tal- ented citizen received highest praisedraise great virtuoso many marks esteem since presen- tation messiah 1875 given 46th psalm beautiful cantata daughter jairus 11 made brilliant success april 1879 sir arthur sulli- vansvan opera II11 bianblanPianpianforepianfortepianforellforeforell november 1885 gilbert sullivansullivans latest difficult opera mikado111rikado these compositions rendered home talent farehlarehkerchkench 1879 organized careless orches- tra gave number orchestral concerts 1885 succeeded organizing largest local orches- tra ever brought tojyiltogether city consisting forty five members 1

1 E ti tullidge history salt lake city 1886 appp 774777774 777