Dorset Countryside Over the past 10 months Dorset Countryside has been undergoing a major restructure, and the new service, which was launched last month, integrates the work of three teams; Access, Rangers and Grounds. The service now manages green space across Dorset including Rights of Way, national and regional trails, country parks, nature reserves, road verges, Gypsies and Traveller sites, school grounds, monument management and a wide range of other work The service will continue to play a major part in conserving Dorset’s unique natural and historic environment while ensuring everyone can access and enjoy our wonderful countryside. Engaging with local communities and volunteers remains a high priority, and we will provide a high quality, cost effective service which has major benefits for the local economy. Six teams cover the county: Team: Manager: Definitive Map: Vanessa Penney (
[email protected]) Trees: Steve Maros (
[email protected]) Grounds: Nick Leeming (
[email protected]) Coastal: Carmel Wilkinson (
[email protected]) North and West Dorset: Giles Nicholson (
[email protected]) East Dorset and Purbeck: Steve Davies (
[email protected]) Group Manager: Hamish Murray (
[email protected]) While the teams develop their new roles we hope that any inconvenience to the public will be kept to a minimum but if there are any problems please email us or telephone Dorset Direct on 01305 224463 or e-mail
[email protected] Over the past few months, several valued members of staff have left Dorset County Council to pursue other opportunities.