Forest Fires Distribution in the Continental Area of Kavala

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Forest Fires Distribution in the Continental Area of Kavala JOURNAL OF Engineering Science and Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 9 (1) (2016) 99-102 estr Technology Review J Research Article Forest Fires Distribution in the Continental Area of Kavala D Filiadis 1Forester MSc, Forest Service of Kavala, Terma Argirokastrou, GR-65404 Kavala, Greece Received 10 April 2016; Accepted 15 May 2016 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract The prefecture of Kavala has a long history of devastating forest fire events in both its continental part and Thasos Island. Forest fire records provide useful information on spatial and temporal distribution of forest fire events after statistical analysis. In this case study, the distribution of forest fires in the continental area of Kavala prefecture is presented for the period 2001-2014 through a series of simple-method statistics and charts/graphs. The number of forest fire events and burned area are presented on a month to month and annual basis. Burned forest area is categorized in three types (forest, shrub, meadow) according to Forest Services statistical records. Legislation changes on forest-shrub definition during the aforementioned period, could potentially affect the consistency of forest fire records. Thus spatial imagery was used for a more uniform interpretation of forest-shrub definitions on the forest fire spatial data. The most destructive wildfire years were 2013 and 2001, affected mainly by a respective single large forest fire event. On the opposite 2004, 2005 and 2010 were the least destructive years for the time period studied. Mediterranean type shrub lands were by far the most affected vegetation type that were also affected by the two single large wildfire event in 2001 and 2013. The 2014 had a zero forest fire record which coincides with a shift in the legislation implementation from the associated authorities regarding pasture management. The relationship between pasture management and forest fires has been widely recognized among scientists and land managers in Greece. Spatial distribution of forest fires in comparison with the recognized protected areas and the established infrastructure for fire protection was conducted using ArcGIS graphic environment and tools. Keywords: Forest Service, Forest/shrub, Forest wildfires, Kavala, Statistical analysis ___________________________________________________________________________________________ factor of natural ecosystems and particularly forests. Since 1. Introduction 1974 the country faces an increased number of forest fires incidents with a higher ratio of burned area per fire (39.40 Fires constitute a strong modification force on landscapes ha/per fire) compared to other southern European countries and are causing damages to natural ecosystems and to (Spain 28.47, Italy 19.74 and Portugal 15.29) [10]. In human livelihoods [1]. They are regarded an important general wildfires ignition is related to natural causes disturbance factor globally [2] and part of the ecosystem (lightning, volcanic eruption, sparks from rock falls, dynamics in Europe [3] and the Mediterranean region [4]. spontaneous combustion), and direct or indirect action of The Mediterranean landscape has been the subject to many man [11]. Their spreading is more a result of a complex changes attributed to fires not only recently but also in interaction among ignition sources, weather, topography, historical times and even further backwards. In particular and vegetation type. In Greece, forest fires are attributed fires in the Mediterranean region have been used by men as mainly to vegetation type, climatic conditions and arson a tool for land management and agriculture thus creating a [12]. The latter has been associated with a combination of an characteristic mosaic pattern [4; 5]. Moreover, fires in the increased pressure for land use changes due to economic Mediterranean region contributed through species adaptation growth, with specific legislative regulations that allow land to the modification of the ecosystem characteristics [6; 7]. use changes of "pasture lands". Therefore the forest fire Data from the European Forest Fire Information System issue in Greece is regarded also a matter of political will to (EFFIS) indicate that during the last three decades an protect forests from land use changes [12; 13]. average of 65,000 annual fire incidents in Europe were The terms "forest" and "forest lands" are commonly been responsible for burning approximately 500,000 ha, from confused in Greek nomenclature. Iliadis et al. [12] stresses which 85% were in the European Mediterranean region [3]. that the term “forest lands” includes a broad spectrum of In particular, southern Europe (France, Greece, Italy, vegetation structures including “forests”, “partly forested Portugal and Spain) is characterized by catastrophic wildfire and brushlands” and “pastures”, covering about two thirds of events that result in immense environmental and economic the country’s total area. However, from a legislative point of destructions [5;8] associated with desertification and view “forests” and “forest lands” are distinctive structures of ecosystem degradation [9]. woody vegetation recognized accordingly to Law 998(1979) Fires in Greece constitute the most dominant disturbance Art.3. This is of particular importance as Law 998(1979) Art. ______________ 38 & 41 specifically ensure the protection of “forests” and * E-mail address: [email protected] ISSN: 1791-2377 © 2016 Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology. “forest lands” after their destruction from fires or other All rights reserved. causes, through their compulsory declaration in reforestation status that forbids land use changes. In addition, direct D Filiadis/ Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 9 (1) (2016) 99-102 reforestation works are promoted where there is evidence of In this case study, the distribution of forest fires in the such a need after forest fires. The Forest Service in co- continental area of Kavala prefecture is presented for the operation with Fire Service are the responsible period 2001-2014 through a series of summarizing statistics administration authorities’ for designing and implementation and charts/graphs. Distribution of fire events on an annual respectively of the fire-protection management plans. The basis is a common representation and statistical analysis Forest Service is also responsible for declaration of burned method. Forest fire events and burned area are presented on areas under reforestation status in case when forests or forest a month to month and annual basis. Meteorological data lands are destroyed. Both services keep records on forest relative to fire risk are also reviewed. Burned forest area is fires and relevant statistics that are further used for categorized in three types (forest, shrub, meadow) according identifying valuable information which is incorporated in to Forest Service statistical records. fire protection management plans. The definition of "forests" and "shrublands" has been the In the context of the aforementioned framework, the aim subject of legislative acts and administrative instructions of this study is to find spatio-temporal distribution of the issued that ultimately altered the distinction among these forest fires and their relation to the protected sites in the two terms during the time period studied. Although continental area of Kavala. numerical characteristics has been incorporated in the official definitions of forests and shrubs through Law 3208/2003, interpretation guidelines has not been consistent 2. Materials and Methods through the time period. Moreover the definition of meadows in conjunction with forest and/or shrubs affects This study focuses on Forest Service statistical records on respectively the reporting on meadow, as this category could forest fires in the continental area of Kavala prefecture have been included on either forests or shrubs. Therefore, it (excluding Thassos Island) for the time period 2001-2014. is reasonable to assume that the difficulties in distinguishing Part of the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace region, the area of forest vs. shrublands in a burned forestland landscape could 1,735 is bounded from river Strymonas to the West only exacerbated as some of supportive evidence would (40o 47’ 40’’ / 23 51’ 30’’), river Nestos to the East (40ο 50’ have been destroyed by fire. In addition it should be 40’’ / 24ο 48’ 50’’), Pangeon and Lekani mountains to the considered that keeping tracks of a forest fire event is a far north (41ο 12’ 13’’ / 24ο 39’ 40’’) and Aegean Sea to the more constraint process that a general characterization of a south (40ο 43’ 08’’ / 24ο 3’ 20’’) (Fig.1). According to broader area, since it is tied up strictly to the characterization CORINE database (Tab. 1) approximately two thirds of the of the burned area only. This differentiation clearly enhance total area is covered by natural vegetation (forest land, the subjectivity of characterizations of forest vs. shrublands grassland) or semi-natural vegetation (cultivation with in a forest fire recording process. patches of natural vegetation). Forest lands (broad-leaved Giving the possibility of inconsistent forest fire records forest, sclerophyllous vegetation and transitional woodland- regarding the distinction among the three terms, spatial shrub) account for 48% of the total area (83,869 ha) while imagery was used for manually interpretation and open areas (grasslands)
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