Parish May 2019 LURGASHALL NEWSLETTER INSIDE THIS ISSUE St Laurence Church 2-5 Parish Council 6-7 Bus Timetable 7 Village Shop 8 Film 9 Village Hall 10-13 Fete 14-15 Local Information 16-28


1st May 7pm Film Night Village Hall First Man 13th May 1pm Village Lunch Village Hall 16th May 7.30pm Annual Mtg Parish Council Village Hall 29th May 3-5pm Village Tea Village Hall 1st June 2-5pm Village Fete Village Green

Printed by Blackdown Lurgashall Parish May 2019

S! t Laurence's Church CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY

Date% Time% Church% Service% % ! ! % 5%May% 10.00%am% Lurgashall% Sung%Communion% Easter'3' ! % The$Rev.$Canon$Nigel$Nicholson$ ! ! ! 10.30!am! ! Holy!Communion! ! ! ! ! 12%May% 10.00%am% Lurgashall% Sung%Communion% Easter'4' ! ! The$Rev.$Bill$Johnston$ ! ! ! 10.30!am! ! Holy!Communion! ! ! ! % % % ! 19%May' 10.00%am% Lurgashall% Sung%Communion% Easter'5' % % The$Rev.$Watson$ ! ! $ 10.30!am! Northchapel! Holy!Communion!$ % ! ! % % % ! 26%May% 10.00%am% Lurgashall% Sung%Communion% Easter'6' % % The$Rev.$George$Talbot$ % ! ! ! 6.30pm! Ebernoe! Rogation!Sunday!Service! % % % ! 2%June% 10.00%am% Lurgashall% Sung%Communion% Easter'7' ! ! ! 10.30!am! Northchapel% Holy!Communion! ! !

Page 2 !

Lurgashall Parish May 2019 St Laurence's Church SIDESMEN AND READINGS

Date% Sidesman% Readings% Colour%

5!May! Nick!Holroyde! Acts!9:!166! White! John!21:!1619! 12!May! Anthea!Martin6Jenkins! Acts!9:!366end! White! John!10:!22630! 19!May! James!Nugent! Acts!11:!1618! White! John!13:!31635! !!!26!May! Kate!Hammond! Acts!19:!9615! White! John!14:!23629!

FLOWER ROTA 5th May Elizabeth Clark 12th May Joyce/Maggie Wilding 19th May Lynette Underwood 26th May Heather Townsend 2nd June Polly Lewis

CHURCHYARD WORKING PARTY The Churchyard working party is on Friday May 24th from 9.00am to 1.00pm. Help is always very welcome so please join us - even if it is only for an hour or so. Further details from Nick Holroyde (01798 342314)

CHURCHWARDENS Mrs Elizabeth Clark, Caplins, Hillgrove 01428 707230 Mrs Amanda Worrall, Owlswood, Tennyson's Lane 01428 645182

Page 3 Lurgashall Parish May 2019 St Laurence's Church Farewell'and'Thank'You'

By# the# time# you# read# this# I# will# be# in# Perth# house# sitting# for# my# brother#and#his#wife#who#ironically#are#holidaying#in#the#UK.#It#is#nice# to# be# back# on# home# soil# after# five# years# and# to# take# some# time# to# catch# up# with# family# and# friends.# I# can# also# make# plans# for# what# comes# next.# I# intend# to# settle# in# NSW# so# I# can# more# easily# visit# William# in# Sydney# and# Catherine# in# Brisbane.# I# will# make# myself# available#for#locum#ministry#–#like#the#priests#that#are#looking#after# you#now#–#but#I#have#retired#from#full#time#parish#ministry.#

I# would# like# to# thank# the# parishioners# of# the# three# parishes# for# the# wonderful# farewells# and# generous# gifts# which# you# gave# me# on# leaving.# Starting# with# Ebernoe,# the# regular# worshippers# invited# me# and#Frances#to#a#meal#to#the#Stag.#It#was#a#wonderful#night#where#I# was#able#to#chat#to#everyone#over#the#meal.#On#my#final#Sunday#at# Holy#Trinity,#Ann#in#her#capacity#as#Warden#gave#a#heartfelt#speech# and#presented#me#with#a#sketch#by#Jonathon#Newdick,#1999,#of#the# Chancel# Archway# looking# towards# the# altar# and# window.# Freddie# presented#me#with#a#photo#album#of#my#time#in#the#parish#capturing# church,# community# and# cricketing# events.# # # A# lovely# card# accompanied# by# a# significant# cheque# was# included.# Thank# you# Ebernoe,#I#loved#it.#

Northchapel#had#a#social#event#one#Friday#evening#at#the#village#hall,# with#drinks#and#canapes.#Some#70#locals#attended,#as#well#as#a#couple# who#I#had#married#and#now#live#in#.#A#lot#of#the#people#there# were#not#regular#attenders#but#it#was#so#nice#to#see#them.#It#makes# you#realise#how#important#the#role#of#the#parish#priest#is#and#what# effect# one’s# ministry# has# on# the# community.# Clifford# and# Jan,# the# wardens,# spoke# so# kindly# about# my# incumbency# and# I# was# given# a# huge# card# signed# by# everyone# and# a# very# generous# cash# donation.# Thank# you# Northchapel,# it# was# such# a# warm# affirmation# of# my# five# years#living#and#ministering#in#the#village.#

Page 4 Lurgashall Parish May 2019 St Laurence's Church

Would&you&believe&that&my&final&Parochial&Church&Council&meeting&at& Lurgashall& was& at& the& Noah’s& Ark?& It& must& have& been& one& of& the& shortest&meetings&on&record&because&we&had&a&meal&booked.&What&a& fine& meal& it& was& and& I& will& confess& to& feeling& a& little& shaky& the& next& morning.&Elizabeth&said&some&lovely&words&of&appreciation&and&then&I& was& given& a& beautiful& card& and& another& sizable& cheque.& These& farewells&are&quite&a&profitable&business&it&seems&to&me!&

My& final& service& was& combined& worship& for& the& three& parishes& on& Mothering&Sunday.&Tony&was&back&playing&the&organ&having&been&laid& up&with&a&broken&leg.&We&had&a&combined&choir&leading&us&in&some&of& my&favourite&hymns.&A&member&from&each&parish&did&a&reading.&With& a& very& good& attendance& I& thought& it& was& a& joyful& act& of& praise& to& Almighty&God,&rather&than&a&sad&occasion.&

The&service&was&followed&by&a&morning&tea&in&the&village&hall.&It&was& an&opportunity&to&say&goodbye&to&many&parishioners.&Elizabeth&spoke& on&behalf&of&the&wardens&of&the&three&parishes,&again&with&heartfelt& words,& and& presented& me& with& a& gorgeous& painting;& ‘The& Road& to& Greatham&Marshes’&by&Claude&Mancaster,&1938.&It&was&a&most&fitting& gift,&reminding&me&of&the&lovely&part&of&the&world&in&which&you&live& and&my&five&very&happy&and&rewarding&years&with&you.&&

Thank&you&so&much&for&your&friendship&and&generosity.& Please& look& me&up&when&you&are&in&Australia.&I&wish&God’s&rich&blessings&on&you& and&your&parishes.&&&&&&&&&



All members of the public are welcome to attend and as usual there will be time set aside for anyone to raise any concerns they may have in the parish. DRAFT minutes from the last meeting are available to view on the website or notice board.


As the number of candidates nominated for the Parish Council elections was lower than the number of vacancies to be filled, all seven candidates are declared as elected as unopposed and it is therefore not necessary to hold an election in Lurgashall. However there are two vacancies and these may be filled at the next Parish Council meeting as a co-option on Thursday 16th May. If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please contact the Clerk or do come along to the meeting.

ALLOTMENTS: There are several allotment plots available for the forthcoming season. £22 full plot, £11 half plot. Please contact the Clerk if you are interested.

Sadly the Compass Bus route 96 has been withdrawn from 15th April 2019 due to low passenger numbers.

Mrs Helen Cruikshank Clerk to Lurgashall Parish Council

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01798 860788 Page 6 Lurgashall Parish May 2019 LURGASHALL PARISH COUNCIL

COUNCILLORS Mr R Cooper Mr J Harden Mr S Hellett Mr N Jowett Mrs A Martin-Jenkins Dr A Tate Dr P Wilding

MYBus operated by Community Bus. Flat fare £1.10 each journey. Free with a bus pass. Run by volunteers.


Lurgashall Shop 9.30am Via & to Midhurst Bus Stand Budgens 10.00am Grange Centre

Returning from Budgens 11.19am Midhurst Bus Stand 11.25am Via Easebourne and Lodsworth to Lurgashall Shop 12.03am

Page 7 Lurgashall Parish May 2019

Volunteers needed …

Helpers'needed'to'serve'Ice'Cream'at'the'Fete?''' Are$you$able$to$help$on$Saturday$1st$June$from$1$pm$to$help$serve$ice$cream?$$ We$ require$ 10$ volunteers$ to$ serve$ for$ 45$ minute$ shifts.$ $ Friends,$ family$ including$teenagers$(over$14$years)$would$be$very$welcome.$$Please$contact$ [email protected].$ $ Are' you' able' to' spare' some' time' to' help' in' the' Shop?''' We$currently$have$over$25$regular$volunteers$but$are$in$need$of$more$people$ so$ that$ the$ work$ load$ can$ be$ shared.$ $ Your$ commitment$ can$ be$ weekly$ or$ fortnightly,$ weekdays$ or$ weekends.$ $ We$ understand$ that$ those$ with$ young$ families$may$not$be$able$to$help$during$the$school$holidays$and$the$monthly$ rota$is$organised$taking$into$account$people’s$preferred$hours.$$Shifts$are$only$ 2L3$hours$and$you$can$work$alongside$experienced$staff$or$another$volunteer.$$$ Please$ email$ Annabel$ Grout$ at$ [email protected],$ if$ you$ are$ interested$or$wish$to$find$out$more.$ $ The$Shop$will$be$open$from$9$ am$ to$ 1.00$ pm$ on$ both$ May$ Bank$ Holidays,$ Monday$6th$and$27th$May.$$ $ OPENING'HOURS' VILLAGE'SHOP' POST'OFFICE*' ! OPEN' CLOSE' OPEN' CLOSE' MONDAY! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! TUESDAY! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! WEDNESDAY! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! THURSDAY! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! 9.00!AM! 1.00!PM! FRIDAY! 9.00!AM! 5.30!PM! 9.00!AM! 4.30!PM! SATURDAY! 9.00!AM! 5.00!PM! CLOSED! ! SUNDAY! 10.00!AM! 1.00!PM! CLOSED! !

*!closed!for!lunch!1.00!–!2.00!pm! TEL!!!! 01428!707277! EMAIL!! [email protected]! WEBSITE!!!!! ! ! ! Page 8 Lurgashall Parish May 2019

‘First Man’ Wednesday 1st May Lurgashall Village Hall

Fifty years ago this July, astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the moon.

To celebrate this historic event, we are proud to be showing ‘First Man’, which tells the story of Neil Armstrong (played by Ryan Gosling) and the work of the NASA space programme in the decade leading up to the moon landing.

Based on the book by James R. Hansen, the film explores the triumphs and the cost on Armstrong, his family, his colleagues, and the nation itself for one of the most dangerous missions in history.

Doors open at 7.00pm Film starts at 7.30pm

Admission: £5.00 Cash Bar, Interval Ice Creams Page 9 Lurgashall Parish May 2019 VILLAGE HALL VILLAGE LUNCHES Everyone in the parish can join in the friendly and excellent Monday lunches cooked by members of the village. Don’t be daunted if you are on your own, come along and you will receive a warm welcome. Just sign up in the Village Shop or call Erica on 01428 707162 and pay £4 when you arrive at the door. Wine is £2 a glass and raffle tickets for a home-made cake are £1 each. The lunch starts at 1.00 pm.

LUNCH DATES: 13th May, 10th June, 8th July, 12th August

VILLAGE TEA: 29th May, 26th June, 21st July, 28th August

Thank you to everyone who supported the Easter Bingo Night, either by donating prizes or by coming along and taking part – or both!

Rose and Francis Dillon-Thiselton put on an excellent show – as always.

Page 10 Lurgashall Parish May 2019 VILLAGE HALL THE VILLAGE HALL 50:50 CLUB

! April’s!Lucky!Winners:! 1st$prize:$ $Jill$Sirett$ 2nd$prize:$ $Paul$&$Di$Read$ $ It could be you next month!$ $ Members$just$pay$between$£1$and$£10$per$month.$$Prize$ money$is$now$nearly$£100$per$month,$plus$a$bumper$ Christmas$prize.$ $ To$join$call$Stephen$Meyer$on$01428$707162$or$email$ [email protected]$

Village Hall & Equipment Hire enquiries: 07796 162 304 or email: [email protected] Village Hall website:


Page 11 Lurgashall Parish May 2019 VILLAGE HALL Village'Hall'Update'–'April/May' ! ' Latest'News:!!Work!on!the!Hall!extension!is! proceeding!very!well.!! ! The!Contractors,!Hang;Ups!;!Fiona!and! Jonny!Banks!;!are!making!great!progress! with!a!strong!team!of!sub;contractors.!!! ! Progress'so'far:!!You!may!have!noticed!the!roof!timbers!going!up.!! This!was!accomplished!very!quickly,!thanks!to!the!work!of!their! excellent!carpenter.!Tiling!and!guttering!is!now!in!progress.!! ! Next'stage:!There!has!been!no!disruption!to!the!use!of!the!Hall!and! this!will!continue!to!be!the!case!until!we!need!to!do!the!internal! carpentry!and!decorating.!Soon!we!will!‘break!through’!into!the!main! hall!but!again,!this!will!have!minimum!impact.!Electrical!work!and! work!on!the!internal!floor!and!walls!will!have!started!by!the!time!you! are!reading!this!!!Hopefully,!we!will!have!finished!building!by!early! June.!!After!that,!a!new!project!will!begin!to!finish,!fit;out!and!furnish! the!extension.!!! ! Fund?raising:!!This!is!now!a!major!pre;occupation.!!We!are!applying! for!grants,!but!we!will!need!plenty!of!local!support!to!reach!our!goal.!! If!you!can!help!in!any!way,!please!do!so.!!Lurgashall!residents!did!not! hold!back!in!1914,!nor!did!they!in!2005!and!2009,!which!is!why!we! have!the!Hall!today.!!In!2019,!we!are!building!for!the!future.!! ' Questions:!!All!comments!and!questions!regarding!the!building!work! must!be!addressed!to!Sean!Hellett,!Project!Manager.!07801716524! [email protected]!!


Page 12 Lurgashall Parish May 2019 VILLAGE HALL

Lurgashall Village Hall and Lurgashall History Group present

Saturday 15th June 7 for 7.30pm Lurgashall Village Hall

Tickets £6, in aid of the Village Hall extension, available from Lurgashall Shop, or reserve at [email protected] or 07796 162304

BRIDGE DRIVE A big "thank you" to all those who participated in the Bridge Drive in aid of the extension to the Village Hall; to those who played; the wonderful team of helpers, as well as the the cake-makers, who produced a delicious tea. The event was very much a combined effort and we raised £430.00 Judy Flint

Page 13 Lurgashall Parish May 2019 Lurgashall Fete 2019 – Saturday 1st June See you there!

Hi there from Lurgashall Fete! Yes, the Great Day for the 2019 Fete approaches fast - and now we really need your help. All the main attractions are booked - Vic Cracknell and his band will be the main entertainers again this year after their barnstorming performances over several years. There’ll be lots to do for all the family: races for the children (and for the dogs!), the tug-o-war, the ride-on railway, the famous monster bouncy castle and maze will be back too. Also, the children’s entertainers, David and Susie, will be running their captivating shows.

May is the big collections month, so we need your annual turn out to supply our stalls please. Contributions of ‘spare’ Christmas presents, bottles, books and clothing are needed; budding gardeners and cooks can help too. The contacts for all your generous donations to the various stalls are listed below. Special request - no books or silent auction prizes on fete day - please drop them in advance. Caroline Wilding is once again running the famous Boutique, so please make sure she gets some great stock.

There are still plenty of slots for helpers in all sorts of ways. In particular, more helpers are needed for the tea stall, the barbecue and to help supervise Bouncy Castle during the afternoon, even just for an hour, so that would be a good way to help if you just wanted a small role. It would be great to hear from you - please call or email me. The fete is fun!

Stall Please deliver to

Books Annabel Grout has agreed to run this stall, assisted by Jeremy and Karen Bonnett, but deliveries please to John and Barbara Kinnear who have kindly set aside space in their barn at High Hampstead Farm (1/2 mile out of the village towards the Lickfold on left). Please leave in the open sided barn.

Page 14 Lurgashall Parish May 2019

Bottles Still time to donate all those unwanted bottles that have been lurking, unopened at the back of your cupboard. Anything in a bottle welcome, as long as it’s not past its sell-by date! There are door-to- door collection rounds in various parts of the village. If you’re not on one, call Neil Harding (07831 631457) or drop off in the Fete Bottle Stall box at the Village Shop. If your cupboard is empty, the Village Shop will be happy to sell you a bottle or two to go straight into the box! Boutique Clothes either to Caroline Wilding at Hobstevens Farm, Jobsons Lane (leave the Green towards Dial Green, turn right and then half a mile on right), or to Ellie Kinnear at Orchard Park Farm (behind the Noah’s Ark) Cakes/Produce to Iola Christian at Garden Cottage on the Green, or to the stall on the day (stall to be run by Kate Murray – 07788 568209) Plants John Kinnear’s barn at High Hampstead Farm (01798 860913) or to stall on the day Cakes for teas on the day please, to the cricket pavilion (cakes, scones etc. please) White Elephant designated stable at The Hole as usual – /Toys deliveries only from 1st May please

Children’s Corner please contact Kate Horner [email protected] if any of your older children are prepared to help on this fun stall

Our Field Marshal, Andy Kinnear, needs lots of people to help set up all the stalls and marquees on the Thursday and Friday evenings before the fete, and particularly at fete close on Saturday (or the Sunday after). If you’re able to help, please call him straightaway.

All offers of help or expressions of curiosity/interest etc. to either: • Andy Kinnear (07973 840699 or 01428 707381) or by email:, or to; Mike Pavia (07823 881571 or 01428 707265) email: [email protected] Page 15 Lurgashall Parish May 2019

! ! Fresh! from! a! record! breaking! 40th!anniversary! year,! ! Festival! hits! fine! form! again! this! summer! with! a! characteristically! wide!ranging!series!of!events!that!features!classical!superstar!MILOŠ! –! ‘the! hottest! classical! guitar! player! in! the! world’;!rock! legend! Rick! Wakeman,!and!a!hilarious!recreation!of!the!evergreen!sitcom!Dad’s& Army.!Describing! a! programme! that! will! run! for! 19! days! over! the! second! half! of! July,! Artistic! Director,! Stewart! Collins! enthuses! over! the! range! and! quality! of! the! performers! who! will! be! performing! in! Petworth:! ‘with! the! track!record! we! have! established! over! many! years,!it’s!hugely!gratifying!to!be!able!to!attract!stellar!talents!across! the!board.’! !! From!classical!music’s!top!drawer!Sir!John!Tomlinson,!Imogen!Cooper! and!Viktoria!Mullova!are!just!three!of!the!international!talents!due!in! Petworth! over! the! summer,! but! as! ever! the! festival! also! celebrates! the! finest! in! jazz! and! worldVroots! music,! comedy! and! family! entertainment!in!a!programme!that!run!for!nearly!three!weeks.!The! 2019! programme! includes! three! events! (26V28! July)! in! the! atmospheric! surrounds! of! Petworth! House’s! Stable! Yard! variously! featuring!Georgie!Fame,!Julian!Clary,!and!Ray!Gelato!and!the!Giants,! whilst! Petworth! Park! will! host! a! free! family! afternoon! featuring! a! performance! of! Kenneth! Grahame’s!The! Wind& in& the& Willows.!!In! a! festival! programme! supported! by! the! National! Lottery’s! prestigious! ‘Awards!for!All’!scheme,!the!festival!also!offers!a!‘ComeVandVsing!the! music! of! Disney’! session! for! allVcomers,! and! an! extended! series! of! morning! and! lunchtime! events! featuring! performers! destined! for! great! careers,! walks! and! talks.! Indeed! this! year’s! programme! genuinely! does! what! the! critics! have! long! been! saying! about! the! festival!–!‘Petworth!Festival!raises!an!already!high!bar!year!on!year.’! Tuesday(16(July(-(Saturday(3(August(! Box!Office!(from!9!May),!book!online!or!call!01798!344576!

Page 16 Lurgashall Parish May 2019

NGS GARDENS OPEN IN MAY within 10 miles of GU28 9ET

Fittleworth House , RH20 1JH May 01, 2019 14:00 - 17:00 May 08, 2019 14:00 - 17:00

Hammerwood House Midhurst, Sussex GU29 0PF May 05, 2019 13:30 - 17:00 May 12, 2019 13:30 - 17:00

Stanley Farm Liphook, Sussex GU30 7LW May 05, 2019 12:00 - 17:00

Vann Hambledon, Surrey GU8 4EF May 06, 2019 14:00 - 18:00 May 07, 2019 10:00 - 17:30

Ramster Surrey, Surrey GU8 4SN May 10, 2019 10:00 - 17:00

Springs Hanger Pulborough, Sussex RH20 1JP May 11, 2019 10:00 - 16:30

Champs Hill Pulborough, Sussex RH20 1LY May 12, 2019 14:00 - 17:00

Roe Deer Farm Godalming, Surrey GU7 2JT May 12, 2019 11:00 - 17:00

Bignor Park Pulborough, Sussex RH20 1HG May 14, 2019 14:00 - 17:00

54 Elmleigh Midhurst, Sussex GU29 9HA May 25, 2019 10:00 - 17:00 May 26, 2019 10:00 - 17:00

Upwaltham Barns , Sussex GU28 0LX May 26, 2019 13:30 - 17:30 May 27, 2019 13:30 - 17:30

Page 17 Lurgashall Parish May 2019 WHAT’S ON AT HALL

Green Book is back again on the 30th April.

For May we have two brilliant films in The White Crow - the story of legendary dancer Rudolf Nuryev and Fisherman's Friends which is the feel good fun film for May and both of which have had a lot of publicity.

For May half term we have the animated family film Wonder Park and the fantastic remake of the Disney classic Dumbo.

For our May 5@5 we are showing Happy as Lazzaro.

Our satellite offerings for May are exceptional with Sally Field and Bill Pullman coming live from the Old Vic theatre in Arthur Millers All My Sons.

A triple feast of contemporary ballet on 16th May together with Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake showing the following week.

As well as this we have Faust which is recorded live from the Royal Opera.

Haslemere Musical Society performing on the 4th May and the Haslemere Thespians bringing us 84, Charing Cross Road between the 9th - 11th May. There will be live music from several ska bands courtesy of the Haslemere Festival as well as a High Society evening from Michael Law's Piccadilly Dance Orchestra and to finish off the merry month of May, the Haslemere Players will be bringing you their annual Show Stoppers performances with the theme being about Love.

Finally we only have a handful of tickets for the Gruffalo and the Go-Away Birdbrought to you live by the best selling author Julia Donaldson.

Howard and all at Haslemere Hall Page 18 Lurgashall Parish May 2019


The April price for c.15,000 litres was 44.84ppl+VAT from Watsons. The next order will be placed in the first week of June. I send an email to members on the first of each month asking if they want to join that delivery and how much they estimate they might need. The price varies from week to week. I order every month in the winter and every other month from April to September. If you would like to join the buying group please email [email protected]. Annabel Grout

The Haslemere Chicken Sitter pet sitting services Haslemere & surrounds

Home visits for animals such as:

• Cats • Chickens • Rabbits • Guinea Pigs • Multiple pet households • Plus many more!

Boarding available for:

• Chickens • Guinea Pigs • Hamsters

www.thehaslemerechickensitter, [email protected] 01428 707302 - 07736112559 Goffs Cottage, London Road, GU28 9EQ @thehaslemerechickensitter

Page 19 Lurgashall Parish May 2019

Lodsworth Village Summer Fete, Sunday 26th May, 12-5pm

Pack up the family, call your friends and come along to the Lodsworth Grand Village Fete 2019 on Sunday 26th May from noon. We guarantee you all a great time come rain or shine. There is plenty for all age groups to see and do and some great food and drink too. Win prizes in our raffle or try your luck at the silent auction.

With over 20 stalls at the Fete - a mix of local artisans, makers and boutique local businesses, there will be plenty of wonderful handmade local products for you to enjoy, including silver jewellery by artist Clare Lewendon, baskets and weaving demonstrations by Weaving Willow, delicious coffee from the artisan Honey Bee Roastery and a range of colourful, stylish gifts and home accessories from local store name but a few!

There will be dog races, family races, traditional games, bouncy castles, entertainment, tea tent, bric-a-brac, vintage clothing, Gin bar, Pimms Bar, our famous oil drum BBQ and plenty of activities for children of all ages. For more information please visit www.lodsworth-

Lodsworth Fete | Start Your Summer With A Smile | 2019! Welcome!to!The!Lodsworth!Fete!website.!We!bring!you!all!the! latsest!on!whats!on,!whats!in!and!whos!coming!!Join!Us!and!start! your!summer!with!a!smile.!!

We hope to see you there! Page 20 Lurgashall Parish May 2019


Looking Out Runs from 10 May to 1 June Borderlands Artists’ Consortium are a long-established group of professional contemporary artists from the borders of Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire. ‘Looking Out’ is a theme which is interpreted differently by each artist and in a fascinating variety of ways, both figurative and abstract. Their work includes subtle watercolours, bolder acrylics, and exciting mixed media combinations. An exhibition with imaginative diversity which will appeal to everyone!

Georgina Ling Runs from 7 to 25 May A remarkable exhibition by the late renowned local artist Georgina Ling. Georgina studied at Chelsea School of Art, taught by Elizabeth Frink and also at St Martins in London. During the 1970's she made the brave move of setting herself up as a professional watercolour artist. She moved to Haslemere in 1976 and found a market for local and foreign views which took her all over and on painting trips to Europe. The paintings have kindly been donated by the family.

HASLEMERE FESTIVAL 11th – 27th May The eighth Haslemere Festival promises two action packed weeks of art, culture, entertainment for children, music, talks, walks and more. As part of the Haslemere Festival, the Museum will be hosting an exciting array of topical talks. For details of all the events taking place, please visit

FUNDRAISING PLANT SALE Saturday 11 May | 11am-1pm Our annual Plant Sale promises a fabulous selection of perennial and vegetable plants, all at very reasonable prices.

Page 21 Lurgashall Parish May 2019

P A C T NEWS working together in harmony

Successful(Spring(Lecture(with(Secretary(of(State(for(Education( Damian(Hinds(MP( A"very"interesting"and"thought"provoking"Spring"lecture"was"held"in" St"Mary’s,"Petworth"organised"by"PACT." "MP"for"East"Hampshire"and"Secretary"of"State"for"Education," Damian"Hinds"gave"a"comprehensive"talk"around"the"focus"of" government"on"building"character"within"our"young"people,"not"just" exam"grades."The"characteristics"he"focussed"on"are"creativity," sports,"virtues,"manners,"and"tenacity."The"event"was"well"attended" by"two"MPs,"many"school"Heads,"Teachers"and"Governors."For"more" information"go"to" education" " Fete(in(the(Park(–(Saturday(13th(July(from(12(noon( PACT"are"proud"to"be"serving"the"community"with"cream"teas"at"the" Fete"in"Petworth"Park"–"sharing"God’s"love"with"all"people"through" quintessentially"British"refreshments!" " Festival(Service(–(Tuesday(16th(July(at(6.30pm((at(St(Mary’s,( Petworth( The"PACT"Festival"Service"is"the"launch"to"the"Petworth"Festival," giving"thanks"to"God"for"the"amazing"creativity"that"we’re"blessed"to" see"and"hear."There’ll"be"a"selection"of"music,"readings,"hymns"with" an"address"by"Stewart"Collins"on"his"10th"anniversary"as"Artistic" Director"of"the"Petworth"Festival."

Kate & Karl Ayling Page 22 Lurgashall Parish May 2019


The League of Friends of Haslemere Hospital AGM will be held on May 22nd at 7.30pm in the Hunter Centre, Grayswood Road, Haslemere. (Please drive as you would to the hospital, and there is a carpark on the right opposite the hospital entrance and then a very short path through to the Grayswood Road and the Hunter Centre).

For our hospital during the year, the major items we have purchased are a Vein Viewer, an Optical Coherence Scanner for eye health which can identify macular conditions, diabetes etc, and a Tovatel Magic Table!! The Tovatel Magic Table has been developed following a research programme involving people with dementia and learning difficulties.

Our Chairman says ‘’I could see this Magic Table really helping brain injured and stroke patients and, I think, this is an area being further developed. It’s not often a scientific researched tool is used in hospitals and other settings to provide fun and health gain for all, but this one seems to.’’ There will be wine and nibbles afterwards so do please come and join us, and support your local hospital.

Membership leaflets are located in waiting rooms and around the town.

Gay Bradley League of Friends Haslemere Hospital

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The Noah's Ark is a beautiful 16th Century village pub overlooking the cricket green.

We offer a regularly changing menu and specials board, that uses only the best seasonal ingredients from local suppliers.

The Noah's Ark caters for parties and events of all sizes. Please contact us for more information

The Green | Lurgashall | GU28 9ET 01428 707346 | [email protected]

Child friendly | Dog friendly | Garden

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Tel: 01903 723 710 Mobile: 07714 165171

Rob's well rotted ! Curtain Making Service FARMYARD & Soft Furnishings MANURE Probably the best in the South! Tel: 0771 359 1908

Handmade by Carole Jewell Please contact; 01730 815144 07764 233234 [email protected]

Page 26 Lurgashall Parish May 2019

Your community: We're part of the fabric At Savills, we pride ourselves on local knowledge. It’s the foundation of what we do. I like the sound of that Savills Petworth | Exchange House, Petworth, GU28 0BFˏȫˏȅȆȍȏȎˏȈȊȈˏȆȆȆ what can we do for you?

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USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS fete 01428 707265 [email protected] newsletter 01798 861459 [email protected] oil syndicate 01798 861459 [email protected] rector 01428 707373 shop 01428 707277 [email protected] village hall booking 07796 162304 [email protected] village lunch 01428 707162 village tea 01428 707522 Rose Dillon-Thiselton

Police non-emergency 101 Southern Electric emergency 08000 72 72 82 Southern Water emergency 0800 820 999

Church Parish Council Village Hall

CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEWSLETTER If sending in new contributions please could you set up the page layout of your advert or item in A5.

Please send contributions by the 18th of each month by email to [email protected] or deliver to Sods Cottage, Lurgashall, GU28 9EX (if delivering by hand, the letterbox is the clay pipe attached to the gatepost)

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