Biodiversity is a non-renewable resource. We cannot recreate a species if it is extinct. So, biological/ecological impact assessment is an integral and important component of environmental impact assessment (EIA). Baseline information/data on the flora and fauna of the particular area is important form for inferring the impact of a proposed airstrip Jhalawad project area 202 Ha. The ultimate aim of an ecological assessment is to avoid or minimize the impacts of a proposed development. They are therefore related to the aim of Nature Conservation which, in broad terms, is to maintain and where possible increase, biodiversity.

“Biomap” of the particular area is very important to understand the ecological setting of that area and to design the area specific conservation measures. So, ecological understanding is an integral and important component of the developmental projects. Environmental impact assessments have become an integral part of development projects in ever since 1994, to formulate policies and guidelines for environmentally sound economic development. Proper assessment of biological environment and compilation of its taxonomical data is essential for the impact prediction. The present work describes a present status of floral and faunal components occur within the study area and also identification of threatened / rare species if any. The present work also envisaged to assess the likely impacts of project activities and streamline the recommendations to assist minimizing the impact on biodiversity.

Period of the study and Study area Baseline study, for the assessment of the floral and faunal biodiversity of the terrestrial environment of the study area, with in 10 km radius from the proposed mine site has been conducted during winter season. Methodology adopted for Biodiversity Study The main objective of survey was to describe the floral and faunal components of the project study area. The sampling plots for floral inventory were selected randomly in the covering various habitats within the 10km radius from the mine site. Desktop literature review was also conducted to identify the representative spectrum of threatened species, population and ecological communities listed by IUCN, WCMC, ZSI, BSI and Indian wild Life Protection act, 1972.

The objectives of the present study were as follows:

1. To identify the floral and faunal diversity 2. To identify the endangered species of flora and fauna, if any 3. To prepare conservation plan for Schedule I, if any 4. To mark eco-sensitive areas in the study area, if any Floral Status Floral status was assessed in different habitat types of the project study area. Quantitative data was collected using standard methods of Circular plot method followed by Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 1967, Kershaw, 1973. Status of tree, shrub, was quantified using circular plots of sizes of 15 m radius. Annuals like herbs and grass were quantified within 1x1 plots (grass, herbs and others) plotted randomly within the every circular sample plots.

Faunal Status Herpetofauna: Status of herpetofauna was assessed using Intensive time Constrained search Method covering different micro habitats (Welsh, 1987) within the sample plots.

Birds: Avifaunal status was assessed both in terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Total count or flock count method was adopted to assess the status of aquatic birds (Sridharan, 1989 and Bhupathy, 1991). Point count method was used to assess the status of terrestrial birds (Bibby et al., 1992 and Hutto et al., 1986) at every sample points, covering 50 m radius plots.

Mammals: Status and distribution of different mammal species was quantified using, Direct count along the Line transect (Burnham et al. 1980) and indirect evidences within the circular plots of 15 m radius (Rodgers 1991, Sale and Berkmuller, 1988). Indirect evidences like, Pellet, dung, tracks and other signs were enumerated within the 15 m. radius plots for nocturnal species (Daniels, 1992).

Presence of different faunal species was also confirmed by interviewing the local people with pectoral colored field guide.

DATA ANALYSIS Calculations for various parameters have been performed to understand phytosociology of the project site. Following formulas were used to perform various statistical calculations,

The data collected in the field was analyzed for secondary parameters such as density, frequency and abundance following standard phyto-sociological methods. Shannon-Wiener diversity index (Shannon and Wiener, 1963) was calculated for all life forms as follows: Table: Estimation of phyto-sociological parameters 1 Frequency (%) = (No. of quadrats of occurrence of the species X 100) / Total No. of quadrats sampled 2 *Density = Total No. of individuals of the species / Total No. of quadrats sampled 3 Abundance = Total No. of individuals of the species / No. of quadrats of Occurrence 4 Relative Frequency = (Frequency of the given species X 100) / Sum of all frequencies 5 Relative Density = (Density of the given species X 100) / Sum of all densities 6 Relative Abundance = (Abundance of species X 100) / Sum of all abundances 7 Basal Area = (GBH)2 / 4Π 8 Dominance = Total Basal Area / Total area sampled 9 Relative Dominance = (Dominance of given species X 100) / Dominance of all species 10 Important Value Index (I.V.I.) = Relative Density + Relative Frequency + Relative Dominance Note: *Density refers to the number of individuals per unit area of a site.


Shannon-Wiener diversity index (Shannon and Wiener, 1963) was calculated for all life forms following:

Shannon- Wiener Information Function: D = -Σ pi ln pi

Where: i = an index for the number of species sampled, pi = ni/N =percentage of species i in the entire sample (N) of individuals, and ln = natural log. Multiply the percentage (or proportion) of each species in the sample times the natural log of that same value, sum the products across all species, and then multiply by minus 1.

CORE ZONE FLORA The proposed air stripe encompasses mix vegetation, mainly dominated by the Prosopis juliflora and other common herb, shrub and grass species. 5 species shrub, 12 species of herb and 3 species of grass were recorded in the core zone during the field survey. The dominant species among the shrubs was Vilayati Babool (Prosopis juliflora) and Kantkeri (Solanum xanthocarpum) was the dominant herb. Details are given in the following table.

Flora Reported from the Core Zone (Project Site) S.No. Common Name Species Name Family Tree No tree species observed at the core zone (project site) Shrubs 1. Aak Calotropis gigantea Asclepiadaceae 2. Vilayati Babool Prosopis juliflora Fabaceae 3. Dhatura Datura stramonium Solanaceae 4. Raimunia Lantana camara Verbenaceae 5. Fabaceae sub. Tarwar Cassia auriculata Caesalpinioideae Herbs 1 Latjeera Achyranthes aspera Amaranthaceae 2 Jangli chaulai Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthaceae 3 Satyanasi Argemone mexicana Papaveraceae 4 Aak Calotropis prosera Asclepiadaceae 5 Doob Ghas Cynodon dactylon Poaceae 6 Oontkata Echinops echinatus Asteraceae 7 Badi Dudhi Euphorbia hirta Euphorbiaceae 8 Van gobi, Jangali Asteraceae gobi Launaea procumbens 9 Gajar Ghas 1. Parthenium hysterophorus Asteraceae (Compositae) 10 Kantkeri 2. Solanum xanthocarpum Solanaceae 11 Sarphonka 3. Tephrosia purpurea Fabaceae 12 Gokhru 4. Tribulus terrestris Zygophyllaceae Grass 1 Doob ghas Cynodon dactylon Poaceae 2 Sheda Grass Dichanthium annulatum Poaceae 3 Makra Dactyloctenium aegyptium Poaceae

Total of 12 herb species belonging to 10 families were recorded in the proposed study area during the survey. of these, Asteraceae, having 03 species was the largest family. Herb species commonly seen in the study area were Solanum xanthocarpum, Tephrosia purpurea, (38.15) Parthenium hysterophorus, Euphorbia hirta, and Cynodon dactylon. The highest IVI for herb at study area was recorded for Cynodon dactylon (48.25), Tephrosia purpurea, (38.15), Parthenium hysterophorus (30.65) Solanum xanthocarpum (29.72) and Amaranthus spinosus (27.41). Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’) for herb and grass was 2.39.

Phyto-Sociology of Core Zone (Herb)

Vernacular Scientific Name # @ F D A RF RD RA IVI Name

Latjeera Achyranthes aspera 4 2 50 1.5 3.00 6.67 6.12 7.71 20.50 Jangli chaulai Amaranthus spinosus 4 2 50 2.25 4.50 6.67 9.18 11.56 27.41 Satyanasi Argemone mexicana 4 3 75 1.75 2.33 10.00 7.14 6.00 23.14 Aak Calotropis prosera 4 4 100 1 1.00 13.33 4.08 2.57 19.98 Doob Ghas Cynodon dactylon 4 4 100 5.25 5.25 13.33 21.43 13.49 48.25 Oontkata Echinops echinatus 4 1 25 0.75 3.00 3.33 3.06 7.71 14.10 Badi Dudhi Euphorbia hirta 4 2 50 1.25 2.50 6.67 5.10 6.42 18.19 Jangali gobi Launaea procumbens 4 1 25 0.5 2.00 3.33 2.04 5.14 10.51 Parthenium Gajar Ghas hysterophorus 4 3 75 2.75 3.67 10.00 11.22 9.42 30.65 Kantkeri Solanum xanthocarpum 4 2 50 2.5 5.00 6.67 10.20 12.85 29.72 Sarphonka Tephrosia purpurea 4 3 75 3.75 5.00 10.00 15.31 12.85 38.15 Gokhru Tribulus terrestris 4 3 75 1.25 1.67 10.00 5.10 4.28 19.38 48 30 750 24.5 38.92 100.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 #: Total No of quadrate studied, @: Total no of quadrate in which species occurred, F: Frequency (%), D: Density, A: Abundance, RF: Relative Frequency, RD: Relative Density, RA: Relative Abundance, IVI: Important Value Index

Phyto-Sociology of Core Zone (Shrub)

Total no Vernacular Scientific # @ of F D A RF RD RA IVI Name Name individual Calotropis Aak procera 4 3 7 75 1.75 2.33 25.00 18.42 14.51 57.93 Vilayati Prosopis Babool juliflora 4 4 11 100 2.75 2.75 33.33 28.95 17.10 79.38 Datura Dhatura stramonium 4 2 7 50 1.75 3.50 16.67 18.42 21.77 56.85 Lantana Raimunia camara 4 2 11 50 2.75 5.50 16.67 28.95 34.20 79.82 Cassia Tarwar auriculata 4 1 2 25 0.5 2.00 8.33 5.26 12.44 26.03 300 9.50 16.08 100.00 100.00 100.0 300.0 #: Total No of quadrate studied, @: Total no of quadrate in which species occurred, F: Frequency (%), D: Density, A: Abundance, RF: Relative Frequency, RD: Relative Density, RA: Relative Abundance, IVI: Important Value Index

Total of 05 shrub species belonging to 05 families were recorded in the core zone (proposed air strip site) during the survey. Shrub species commonly seen in the study area were Lantana camara, Prosopis juliflora, Calotropis procera and Cassia auriculata. The highest IVI for shrub at study area was recorded for Lantana camara (79.82), followed by Prosopis juliflora (79.38), Calotropis procera (57.93) and Datura stramonium (56.85). Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’) for shrub was 1.54.


Avifauna Core zone Only some common bird species like Common crow, Red-vented bulbul, Common myna, Rock Pigeon and Indian robin were sighted from the core zone.

Mammals Core zone Only two species, i.e. Funambulus pennantii (Five-Striped Palm squirrel) and Tatera indica (Indian Gerbill) were found in the core zone of the study area. This species is very common in the study area and usually uses wide variety of the habitats.

Herpetofauna Core zone No amphibian species were recorded from the core zone of the study area. Reptiles reported from core Zone Area Conservation Status S. Species Name Common English No. Name IUCN CITES IWPA

1 Common Keeled LRnt -- -- Mabuya carinata Grass Skink 2 Calotes versicolor Indian Garden Lizard LRlc -- -- 3 Yellow Bellied House LRlc -- -- Hemidactylus flaviviridis Gecko

BUFFER ZONE (i.e. 10 km radius from the periphery of the proposed air strip project)

1. Flora: HERB & GRASSES Table: Important Value Index (IVI) of Herb and Grass species in the buffer zone.

Total Life form Herb & Grass no of @ # F (%) D A RF RD RA IVI ln pi pi (ln pi) Scientific Name individ ual Acalypha indica 70 7 19 10.00 0.27 2.71 0.66 0.85 2.78 4.29 -5.59 -0.02 Achyranthes aspera 70 39 92 55.71 3.67 10.21 -4.02 -0.07 subsp. argentea 1.31 2.36 4.11 2.42 Aerva tomentosa 70 51 73 72.86 1.04 1.43 4.80 3.27 1.47 9.53 -4.25 -0.06 Alysicarpus monilifer 70 26 77 37.14 1.10 2.96 2.45 3.44 3.04 8.93 -4.19 -0.06 Amaranthus spinosus 70 12 23 17.14 0.33 1.92 1.13 1.03 1.97 4.12 -5.40 -0.02 Anisomeles indica 70 14 26 20.00 0.37 1.86 1.32 1.16 1.90 4.39 -5.28 -0.03 Argemone Mexicana 70 19 88 27.14 1.26 4.63 1.79 3.94 4.75 10.47 -4.06 -0.07 Boerhavia diffusa 70 29 63 41.43 0.90 2.17 2.73 2.82 2.23 7.78 -4.39 -0.05 Celosia argentea 70 21 45 30.00 0.64 2.14 1.98 2.01 2.20 6.19 -4.73 -0.04 Citrullus colocynthis 70 28 52 40.00 0.74 1.86 2.64 2.33 1.90 6.87 -4.59 -0.05 Cleome gynandra 70 36 49 51.43 0.70 1.36 3.39 2.19 1.40 6.98 -4.65 -0.04 Commelina forskalei 70 15 35 21.43 0.50 2.33 1.41 1.57 2.39 5.37 -4.98 -0.03 Croton bonplandianum 70 18 47 25.71 0.67 2.61 1.69 2.10 2.68 6.47 -4.69 -0.04 Cucumis melo ssp. 70 3.20 -4.13 -0.07 agrestis 34 82 48.57 1.17 2.41 3.67 2.47 9.34 Cyperus rotundus 70 22 33 31.43 0.47 1.50 2.07 1.48 1.54 5.09 -5.04 -0.03 Dactyloctenium aegyptium 70 12 19 17.14 0.27 1.58 1.13 0.85 1.62 3.60 -5.59 -0.02 Datura metel 70 22 37 31.43 0.53 1.68 2.07 1.65 1.72 5.45 -4.93 -0.04 Digera muricata 70 23 54 32.86 0.77 2.35 2.17 2.42 2.41 6.99 -4.55 -0.05 Echinops echinatus 70 41 112 58.57 1.60 2.73 3.86 5.01 2.80 11.67 -3.82 -0.08 Euphorbia hirta 70 11 31 15.71 0.44 2.82 1.04 1.39 2.89 5.31 -5.10 -0.03 Evolvulus alsinoides 70 23 49 32.86 0.70 2.13 2.17 2.19 2.18 6.54 -4.65 -0.04 Helianthus annus 70 17 41 24.29 0.59 2.41 1.60 1.83 2.47 5.91 -4.82 -0.04 Indigofera cordifolia 70 21 34 30.00 0.49 1.62 1.98 1.52 1.66 5.16 -5.01 -0.03 Indigofera linnaei 70 41 79 58.57 1.13 1.93 3.86 3.53 1.98 9.37 -4.17 -0.06 Lantana camera 70 9 21 12.86 0.30 2.33 0.85 0.94 2.39 4.18 -5.49 -0.02 Melochia corchorifolia 70 24 33 34.29 0.47 1.38 2.26 1.48 1.41 5.15 -5.04 -0.03 Mollugo pentaphylla 70 28 53 40.00 0.76 1.89 2.64 2.37 1.94 6.95 -4.57 -0.05 Mukia maderaspatana 70 45 87 64.29 1.24 1.93 4.24 3.89 1.98 10.11 -4.07 -0.07 Oldenlandia corymbosa 70 44 93 62.86 1.33 2.11 4.14 4.16 2.17 10.47 -4.00 -0.07 Parthenium hysterophorus 70 27 59 38.57 0.84 2.19 2.54 2.64 2.24 7.42 -4.46 -0.05 Pedalium murex 70 24 37 34.29 0.53 1.54 2.26 1.65 1.58 5.50 -4.93 -0.04 Polycarpaea corymbosa 70 7 16 10.00 0.23 2.29 0.66 0.72 2.34 3.72 -5.76 -0.02 Polygala erioptera 70 33 71 47.14 1.01 2.15 3.11 3.18 2.21 8.49 -4.27 -0.06 Sacciolepis indica 70 31 52 44.29 0.74 1.68 2.92 2.33 1.72 6.96 -4.59 -0.05 Setaria verticillata 70 7 13 10.00 0.19 1.86 0.66 0.58 1.90 3.14 -5.97 -0.02 acuta 70 7 19 10.00 0.27 2.71 0.66 0.85 2.78 4.29 -5.59 -0.02 Sida rhombifolia 70 36 81 51.43 1.16 2.25 3.39 3.62 2.31 9.32 -4.14 -0.07 Sonchus oleraceus 70 13 57 18.57 0.81 4.38 1.22 2.55 4.50 8.27 -4.49 -0.05 Striga asiatica 70 11 42 15.71 0.60 3.82 1.04 1.88 3.91 6.83 -4.80 -0.04 Tagetes minuta 70 16 46 22.86 0.66 2.88 1.51 2.06 2.95 6.51 -4.71 -0.04 Tephrosia purpurea 70 41 53 58.57 0.76 1.29 3.86 2.37 1.33 7.56 -4.57 -0.05 Tephrosia villosa 70 23 36 32.86 0.51 1.57 2.17 1.61 1.60 5.38 -4.95 -0.03 Withania somnifera 70 19 30 27.14 0.43 1.58 1.79 1.34 1.62 4.75 -5.14 -0.03 Solanum xanthocarpum 70 35 77 50.00 1.10 2.20 3.30 3.44 2.26 9.00 -4.19 -0.06 31.9 97.5 100. 100. 1517.14 4 4 0 0 100.0 300.0 -1.97 @: Total no of quadrate studied, #: Total no of quadrate in which species occurred, F: Frequency (%), D: Density, A: Abundance, Domin: Dominance, RF: Relative Frequency, RD: Relative Density, RA: Relative Abundance, IVI: Important Value Index Shannon Wiener Diversity Index (H’) for Herbs and Grasses is: 1.97

The herb species commonly occurring in the study area were Echinops echinatus, Sida rhombifolia, Oldenlandia corymbosa, and

Mukia maderaspatana. Among the herbs, highest IVI values were seen for Echinops echinatus (11.67), Oldenlandia corymbosa

(10.47), Argemone mexicana (10.47) and Achyranthes aspera (10.21) respectively. SHRUB: Table: Important Value Index (IVI) of Shrub species in the buffer zone

Argemone mexicana (Pili kantili) Total Life form: Shrubs no of @ # F (%) D A RF RD RA IVI ln pi pi (ln pi) Scientific Name individ ual Adhatoda vasica 70 17 36 24.29 0.51 2.12 3.82 4.25 4.78 12.85 -3.85 -0.08 Calotropis gigantea 70 33 39 47.14 0.56 1.18 7.42 4.61 2.67 14.69 -4.44 -0.05 Capparis decidua 70 7 12 10.00 0.17 1.71 1.57 1.42 3.87 6.86 -4.07 -0.07 Carissa congesta 70 11 23 15.71 0.33 2.09 2.47 2.72 4.72 9.91 -3.87 -0.08 Cassia auriculata 70 36 81 51.43 1.16 2.25 8.09 9.57 5.08 22.74 -3.79 -0.09 Clerodendrum 70 13 24 18.57 0.34 1.85 2.92 2.84 4.17 9.92 -3.99 -0.07 viscosum Datura stramonium 70 23 35 32.86 0.50 1.52 5.17 4.14 3.43 12.74 -4.19 -0.06 Dodonaea viscosa 70 5 17 7.14 0.24 3.40 1.12 2.01 7.67 10.80 -3.38 -0.11 Grewia tenax 70 16 21 22.86 0.30 1.31 3.60 2.48 2.96 9.04 -4.33 -0.06 Indigofera 70 12 25 17.14 0.36 2.08 2.70 2.95 4.70 10.35 -3.87 -0.08 oblongifolia Ipomoea carnea 70 28 61 40.00 0.87 2.18 6.29 7.21 4.92 18.42 -3.66 -0.09 Lantana camara 70 52 131 74.29 1.87 2.52 11.69 15.48 5.68 32.85 -3.81 -0.08 Lawsonia inermis 70 12 21 17.14 0.30 1.75 2.70 2.48 3.95 9.13 -4.05 -0.07 Mimosa hamata 70 27 31 38.57 0.44 1.15 6.07 3.66 2.59 12.32 -4.24 -0.06 Nerium oleander 70 19 42 27.14 0.60 2.21 4.27 4.96 4.99 14.22 -3.81 -0.08 Nyctanthes arbor- 70 12 12 17.14 0.17 1.00 2.70 1.42 2.26 6.37 -3.87 -0.08 tristis Opuntia dillenii 70 3 12 4.29 0.17 4.00 0.67 1.42 9.03 11.12 -3.40 -0.11 Ricinus communis 70 29 71 41.43 1.01 2.45 6.52 8.39 5.52 20.43 -3.71 -0.09 Securinega virosa 70 7 19 10.00 0.27 2.71 1.57 2.25 6.12 9.94 -3.72 -0.09 Sesbania sesban 70 28 39 40.00 0.56 1.39 6.29 4.61 3.14 14.04 -4.30 -0.06 Thevetia peruviana 70 24 43 34.29 0.61 1.79 5.39 5.08 4.04 14.52 -4.07 -0.07 Zizyphus 70 31 51 44.29 0.73 1.65 6.97 6.03 3.71 16.70 -4.00 -0.07 nummularia 635.71 12.09 44.32 100.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 -1.73 @: Total no of quadrate studied, #: Total no of quadrate in which species occurred, F: Frequency (%), D: Density, A: Abundance, Domin: Dominance, RF: Relative Frequency, RD: Relative Density, RA: Relative Abundance, IVI: Important Value Index Shannon Wiener Diversity Index (H’) for Shrub was observed: 1.73

The shrub species commonly occurring in the study area were Lantana camara, Cassia auriculata, Ricinus communis, and Ipomoea

carnea. Among the herbs, highest IVI values were seen for Lantana camara (32.85), Cassia auriculata (22.74), Ricinus communis

(20.43) and Ipomoea carnea (18.42) respectively.

TREE: Table: Important Value Index (IVI) of tree species in the buffer zone

Life form: Tree

Total no of Vernacular Name Scientific Name @ # F (%) D A RF RD RA IVI ln pi pi (ln pi) individ ual Capparis decidua Ronjh Acacia leucopholea 70 41 45 58.57 0.64 1.10 7.59 5.88 3.00 16.48 -4.24 -0.06 (Kair) Babool Acacia nilotica 70 48 62 68.57 0.89 1.29 8.89 8.10 3.53 20.53 -4.35 -0.06 Ardu Ailanthus excelsa 70 19 29 27.14 0.41 1.53 3.52 3.79 4.18 11.49 -4.05 -0.07 Siris Albizia lebbeck 70 45 53 64.29 0.76 1.18 8.33 6.93 3.22 18.48 -4.46 -0.05 Neem Azadirachta indica 70 31 39 44.29 0.56 1.26 5.74 5.10 3.44 14.28 -4.23 -0.06 Dhak Butea monosperma 70 19 28 27.14 0.40 1.47 3.52 3.66 4.03 11.21 -4.12 -0.07 Amaltash Cassia siamea 70 34 52 48.57 0.74 1.53 6.30 6.80 4.18 17.28 -4.18 -0.06 lasoda Cordia dichotoma 70 9 15 12.86 0.21 1.67 1.67 1.96 4.56 8.19 -4.09 -0.07

Saccharum munja (Munj)

Shesham Dalbergia sissoo 70 29 51 41.43 0.73 1.76 5.37 6.67 4.81 16.85 -4.04 -0.07 Gulmohar Delonix regia 70 14 27 20.00 0.39 1.93 2.59 3.53 5.28 11.40 -3.95 -0.08 Safeda Eucalyptus globolus 70 15 34 21.43 0.49 2.27 2.78 4.44 6.20 13.42 -3.79 -0.09 Bargad Ficus benghalensis 70 7 7 10.00 0.10 1.00 1.30 0.91 2.74 4.95 -4.61 -0.05 Pipal Ficus religiosa 70 9 11 12.86 0.16 1.22 1.67 1.44 3.34 6.45 -4.40 -0.05 Holoptelea 70 14 Chilbil integrifolia 19 20.00 0.27 1.36 2.59 2.48 3.71 8.79 -4.30 -0.06 Aam Mangifera indica 70 8 14 11.43 0.20 1.75 1.48 1.83 4.79 8.10 -4.05 -0.07 Maytenus 70 33 Kankera emarginata 43 47.14 0.61 1.30 6.11 5.62 3.57 15.30 -4.34 -0.06 Shahtoot Morus alba 70 11 13 15.71 0.19 1.18 2.04 1.70 3.23 6.97 -4.44 -0.05 Khajoor Phoenix sylvestris 70 7 12 10.00 0.17 1.71 1.30 1.57 4.69 7.56 -4.07 -0.07 Aamla Phyllanthus emblica 70 15 21 21.43 0.30 1.40 2.78 2.74 3.83 9.35 -4.27 -0.06 Karanj Pongamia pinnata 70 7 11 10.00 0.16 1.57 1.30 1.44 4.30 7.03 -4.15 -0.07 Khejari Prosopis cineraria 70 29 32 41.43 0.46 1.10 5.37 4.18 3.02 12.57 -4.31 -0.06 Vilayati Babool Prosopis juliflora 70 49 82 70.00 1.17 1.67 9.07 10.72 4.58 24.37 -4.09 -0.07 Jamun Syzygium cumini 70 18 21 25.71 0.30 1.17 3.33 2.74 3.19 9.27 -4.45 -0.05 Imli Tamarindus indica 70 12 22 17.14 0.31 1.83 2.22 2.88 5.02 10.11 -4.00 -0.07 Ber Ziziphus mauritiana 70 17 22 24.29 0.31 1.29 3.15 2.88 3.54 9.56 -3.97 -0.07 765 771.4 10.92 36.55 100.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 -1.59 @: Total no of quadrate studied, #: Total no of quadrate in which species occurred, F: Frequency (%), D: Density, A: Abundance, Domin: Dominance, RF: Relative Frequency, RD: Relative Density, RA: Relative Abundance, IVI: Important Value Index Shannon Wiener Diversity Index (H’) for Shrub was observed: 1.59

The tree species commonly occurring in the study area were Prosopis juliflora, Acacia nilotica, Albizia lebbeck, and Acacia

leucopholea. Among the herbs, highest IVI values were seen for Prosopis juliflora (24.37), Acacia nilotica (20.53), Albizia lebbeck

(18.48) and Acacia leucopholea (16.48) respectively.

Prosopis juliflora (Vilayati Babool)

Terminalia arjuna (Arjun)

1. Flora: List of floral species recorded in the Buffer Zone (i.e. 10 km radius from the periphery of the project)

Trees S.No. Vernacular Name Scientific name Family 1. Ronjh Acacia leucopholea Fabaceae (Mimosoideae) 2. Babool Acacia nilotica Fabaceae (Mimosoideae) 3. Ardu Ailanthus excelsa Simaroubaceae 4. Siris Albizia lebbeck Mimosaceae 5. Neem Azadirachta indica Meliaceae 6. Dhak Butea monosperma Fabaceae (Papilionaceae) 7. Amaltash Cassia siamea Caesalpiniaceae 8. Shesham Dalbergia sissoo Fabaceae (Papilionaceae) 9. lasoda Cordia dichotoma Boraginaceae 10. Gulmohar Delonix regia Caesalpiniaceae 11. Bargad Ficus benghalensis Moraceae 12. Pipal Ficus religiosa Moraceae 13. Kankera Maytenus emarginata Celastraceae 14. Shahtoot Morus alba Moraceae 15. Khajoor Phoenix sylvestris Arecaceae (Palmae) 16. Ashok Polyalthia longifolia Annonaceae 17. Karanj Pongamia pinnata Fabaceae (Papilionaceae) 18. Khejari Prosopis cineraria Mimosaceae 19. Imli Tamarindus indica Fabaceae (Leguminosae) 20. Rohida Tecomella undulata Bignoniaceae 21. Ber Ziziphus mauritiana Rhamnaceae 22. Aamla Phyllanthus emblica Euphorbiaceae 23. Sitafal Pithecellobium dulce Fabaceae (Mimosoideae) Shrubs 1 Aakra Calotropis gigantea Asclepiadaceae 2 Aak Calotropis procera Asclepiadaceae 3 Kair Capparis decidua Capparaceae (Capparidaceae) 4 Behaya Ipomoea carnea Convolvulaceae 5 Kaner Nerium oleander Apocynaceae 6 Nag phani Opuntia elatior Cactaceae 7 Vilayati babool Prosopis juliflora Mimosaceae 8 Arandi Ricinus communis Euphorbiaceae 9 Kans Saccharum spontaneum Poaceae (Gramineae) 10 Munjh Saccharum munja Poaceae (Gramineae) 11 Jharberi Ziziphus nummularia Rhamnaceae 12 Champa Plumeria alba Apocynaceae 13 Dandathor Euphorbia caducifolia Euphorbiaceae Herbs 1 Bui Aerva tomentosa Amaranthaceae 2 Pili Kantili Argemone mexicana Papaveraceae 3 Kala bhangra Anisomeles indica Lamiaceae 4 Jangli chaulai Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthaceae 5 Latjira Achyranthes aspera subsp. argentea Amaranthaceae 6 Latjira Achyranthes aspera subsp. Amaranthaceae porphyristachya 7 Muktajhuri Acalypha indica Euphorbiaceae 8 Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa Nyctaginaceae 9 Purple- Button Weed Borreria ocymoides Rubiaceae 10 Survali Celosia argentea Amaranthaceae 11 chitraa Citrullus colocynthis Cucurbitaceae 12 Jakhiya, Safed hulhul Cleome gynandra Cleomaceae 13 Kankus Commelina forskalei Commelinaceae 14 Ban Tulsi Croton bonplandianum Euphorbiaceae 15 kachari Cucumis melo ssp. agrestis Cucurbitaceae 16 Dhatura Datura metel Solanaceae 17 Latmahuria Digera muricata Amaranthaceae 18 Motha Cyperus rotundus Cyperaceae 19 Unthkanta Echinops echinatus Asteraceae 20 Oldman'S Cap Polycarpaea corymbosa Caryophyllaceae 21 Gulpankhi Polygala erioptera Polygalaceae 22 Laptuna Setaria verticillata Poaceae 23 Baraira (bala) Sida acuta 24 Khareti Sida rhombifolia Malvaceae 25 Asiatic witchweed Striga asiatica Scrophulariaceae 26 Marigold Tagetes minuta Asteraceae 27 Yellow Bell Tecoma gaudichaudi Bignoniaceae 28 Sarphonk Tephrosia purpurea Fabaceae 29 Sarapunkha Tephrosia villosa Fabaceae 30 Peeli Kaner Thevetia peruviana Apocynaceae 31 Ashvagandha Withania somnifera Solanaceae 32 Badi Dudhi Euphorbia hirta Euphorbiaceae 33 Sunflower Helianthus annus Asteraceae 34 Gokhru Indigofera cordifolia Fabaceae 35 Nili Indigofera linnaei Fabaceae 36 -- Ipomoea pes-tigridis Convolvulaceae 37 Raimuniya Lantana camera Verbenaceae 38 Tikiokra Melochia corchorifolia Sterculiaceae 39 jharasi Mollugo pentaphylla Molluginaceae 40 shankhapushpi Evolvulus alsinoides Convolvulaceae 41 -- Fimbristylis falcata Cyperaceae 42 Dudhi Sonchus oleraceus Asteraceae 43 Damanpaper Oldenlandia corymbosa Rubiaceae Grass 1 Jhuhi ghas Alysicarpus monilifer Fabaceae 2 Bristle grass Aristida adscensionis Poaceae 3 Doob ghas Cynodon dactylon Poaceae 4 Sheda Grass Dichanthium annulatum Poaceae 5 Makra Dactyloctenium aegyptium Poaceae 6 Panghas Eragrostis japonica Poaceae 7 Small stink grass Eragrostis minor Poaceae 8 Chinese Love Grass Eragrostis unioloides Poaceae 9 Asian crab grass Digitaria bicornis Poaceae 10 jangli-jowar Sorghum halepense Poaceae

2. Fauna: List of Avifauna Recorded in Buffer Zone S.No. Common Name Scientific name Family Status (IWPA 1972) 1. Red-wattled lapwing Vanellus cinereus Charadriidae No mention

2. Baya weaver Ploceus philippinus Ploceidae Schedule IV

3. Variable wheatear Oenanthe picata sub sp. Muscicapidae No mention opistholeuca 4. Grey francolin Francolinus pondicerianus Phasianidae Schedule IV

5. Indian peafowl Pavo cristatus Phasianidae Schedule I

6. Common hoopoe Upupa epops Upupidae No mention

7. Indian Roller Coracias benghalensis Coraciidae Schedule IV

8. White-throated Halcyon smyrnensis Alcedinidae Schedule IV kingfisher 9. Green bee-eater Merops orientalis Meropidae No mention

10. Pied cuckoo Clamator jacobinus Cuculidae Schedule IV

11. Lesser coucal Centropus bengalensis Cuculidae Schedule IV

12. Rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri Psittacidae Schedule IV

13. House swift Apus affinis sub sp. affinis Apodidae No mention

14. Rock Pigeon Columba livia Columbidae Schedule IV

15. Laughing dove Streptopelia senegalensis Columbidae Schedule IV

16. Eurasian Collared Streptopelia decaocto Columbidae Schedule IV dove 17. Red Collared dove Streptopelia tranquebarica Columbidae Schedule IV 18. Little egret Egretta garzetta Ardeidae Schedule IV

19. Southern grey shrike Lanius meridionalis Laniidae No mention

20. House crow Corvus splendens Corvidae Schedule V

21. Black drongo Dicrurus macrocercus Dicruridae Schedule IV

22. White-bellied drongo Dicrurus caerulescens Dicruridae Schedule IV

23. Indian robin Saxicoloided fulicata Turdinae No mention

24. Brahminy starling Sturnus pagodarum Sturnidae Schedule IV

25. Asian Pied starling Sturnus contra Sturnidae Schedule IV

26. Common myna Acridotheres tristis Sturnidae Schedule IV

27. Bank myna Acridotheres ginginianus Sturnidae Schedule IV

28. Wire-tailed swallow Hirundo smithii Hirundinidae No mention

29. White-eared bulbul Pycnonotus leucotis Pycnonotidae Schedule IV

30. Red-vented bulbul Pycnonotus cafer Pycnonotidae Schedule IV

31. Large grey babbler Turdoides malcolmi Timaliinae Schedule IV

32. Jungle babbler Turdoides striatus Timaliinae Schedule IV

List of mammalian species recorded in Buffer Zone S. Vernacular Name Scientific Name Family Status No. (IWPA) 1 Mongoose Herpestes edwardsi Herpestidae II 2 Five stripped palm Funambulus Sciuridae IV squirrel pennantii 3 Common House rat Rattus rattus Muridae V 4 Grey Musk Shrew Suncus murinus Soricidae -- 5 Indian Hare Lepus nigricollis Leporidae IV 6 Indian field mouse Mus booduga Muridae V 8 Boselaphus Bovidae III tragocamelus

List of amphibian species recorded in Buffer Zone S. No. Vernacular Name Scientific Name Family Status (IWPA) 1 Indian Bullfrog Hoplobatrachus tigerinus Ranidae No mention

List of reptiles recorded in Buffer Zone S.No. Vernacular Scientific Name Family Status Name (IWPA) 1 Common Hemidactylus Gekkonidae No mention House Gecko frenatus 2 Oriental Calotes versicolor Agamidae No mention Garden Lizard 3 Yellow-Bellied Hemidactylus Agamidae No mention House Gecko flaviviridis 4 Indian sand Eryx johnii Boidae Schedule IV boa 5 Common Rat Ptyas mucosus Colubridae Schedule II Snake

Butterflies recorded in Buffer Zone Species Scientific Name Family 1 Crimson Rose Pachliopta hector Papilionidae 2 Yellow Pansy Junonia hierta Nymphalidae 3 Blue Pansy Junonia orithya Nymphalidae 4 Plain Tiger Danaus chrysippus Nymphalidae 5 Common Grass Eurema hecabe Pieridae Yellow

A total of 05 species of butterflies were recorded during the field survey. The dominant family was Nymphalidae with 03 species each & crimson rose as the dominant species.

Green Belt Development species act as bio-monitoring agent to monitor the air environment as well as to keep and maintain the project environ healthy. Trees have substantial inter-specific as well as intra-specific variation in air pollution tolerance. Now it was suggested to plant more trees of Local trees species like: Butea monosperma, Cassia fistula, Delbergia sissoo, Delonix regia, Polyalthia longifolia) in the project site and nearby villages, to reduce the impact of proposed activities in the surroundings of the mine site. The above mentioned are suitable for green belt development have characteristics like, fast growing, thick canopy cover, perennial and evergreen large leaf area, naturally growing, efficient in absorbing pollutants without major effects on natural growth.

Species Suggested for Plantation Species have been suggested by considering various biological and environmental role of the various plant species like Dust Control, Noise Control, Absorptions of Gases, Drought resistance, Fire Resistance etc. Some flowering herbs and subs have been suggested to enhance aesthetic beauty of the project site area.

Table: Recommended Plant species for Plantation Ecological and Environmental Plant Spices Common Name Performances of Plant Species Trees Annona squamosa Amrud DC, DR, SR, FR Azardirachta indica Neem DC, NC, AG, DR, FR. Cassia fistula Amaltas DC, DR, FR. Delbergia sissoo Shesham DC, DR, FR. Delonix regia Gulmohar DC. Polyalthia longifolia Ashoka DC, NC, AG. Source: Anon 2007, Saxena 1991, Anon 2006, Hocking, 1993. DC- Dust Control, NC - Noise Control, AG – Absorptions of Gases, DR - Drought resistance, SR - Salinity resistance, FR - Fire Resistance Shrubs Croton oblongifolius Croton To enhance aesthetic beauty / DC* Tabernaemontana divaricata Chandni To enhance aesthetic beauty / DC* Withania somnifera Ashwagandh To enhance aesthetic beauty / DC* Herbs Tagetese minuta Genda To enhance aesthetic beauty/ DC* Chrysanthamum Crown Daisy To enhance aesthetic beauty/ DC* Rosa indica Rose To enhance aesthetic beauty/ DC* *Source: phytoremediation of particulate matter from ambient environment through dust capturing plant species, CPCB 2007.