Session themes:

 God’s “Sacramental Economy”: ongoing communication of ’s through the Sacraments

 The : the “work” of the Blessed

 Paschal Mystery: Christ’s passion, death and Resurrection

God’s Self Revelation & Our Faith Response

II. Celebration of the I. Profession of Faith III. Moral Life in Christ Christian Mystery

IV. Christian Session Schedule

 Opening Prayer  Paired Activity  Theme #1: The Liturgy  Standing Activity  Theme #2: The Sacraments  Small Group Activity  Closing Prayer


“With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him…” (Lk 24:31)

Paired Activity: Pair, Share, Compare

(Session Question: What do the Liturgy and the Sacraments have to do with my life--and with the mission of the Church?)

 What role have the Sacraments played in your own spiritual growth?

 What difference does the liturgy make in your daily life? Theme #1: The Liturgy—Work of the Holy Trinity

“The Church celebrates in the liturgy above all the Paschal Mystery by which Christ accomplished the work of our .” (CCC, n. 1067)

“The liturgy as the action par excellence is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed and from which all her powers flow.” (Comp., n. 219) I. What is the Liturgy?

 “The word ‘liturgy’ originally meant a ‘public work’ or a ‘service in the name of/on behalf of the people.’ In it means the participation of the in ‘the work of God’.” (CCC, n. 1069)

 The liturgy celebrates Christ’s Paschal Mystery; in it, Christ continues the work of our . Liturgical “101”

 In the liturgy of the Word and the liturgy of the , Christ personally speaks to each member of his body.

 The whole Body of the Church—head and members— offer the public worship which is due to God.

 “Through the liturgy Christ continues the work of our redemption in, with and through his Church.” (Comp., n. 218) II. How is the Liturgy the Work of the Most Holy Trinity?

 Father: shares his overflowing love as the source of the liturgy’s blessings.

 Son: communicates his grace to the faithful of all times and places, through the Apostles and their successors.

: recalls and manifests Christ to the faith of the assembly. Son: Blue/divinity, over Brown/humanity

Touching with two fingers—both D & H

Holy Spirit: Green/time, Over Blue/

Touching with one Father: finger--divinity Gold/eternity, over Blue/divinity

Not touching the table/earth Trinity, by Andrei Rublev The Liturgy & the Trinity

 The "earthly liturgy" participates in the liturgy of .

 " not only recalls the events that saved us, but it actualizes them, makes them present" (CCC, n. 1104).

III. Celebrating the Liturgy of the Church

A. Who celebrates?  “ earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that full, conscious and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy…” (CCC, no. 1141).

“Liturgy is an action of the whole Christ….” (CCC, n. 1136) The Liturgy: The at Prayer

B. How is the Liturgy celebrated?

C. When is it celebrated?  ’s Day  Liturgical Year  Cycle of  Liturgy of the Hours

D. Where is it celebrated?

IV. The links between liturgy and life

 At divine worship, we receive the grace that helps us be formed ever more closely to Christ.

 “Go and announce the of the Lord.”

The Liturgy and the “Day of the Lord”

 Reclaiming Sunday as the first day of the week

 Reclaiming the Liturgy as the center of Sunday

 Reclaiming the Eucharist as the “ of Sacraments”

Bringing Christ to the Streets

Standing Activity: Reclaiming and Celebrating Sunday

I. Discuss and prepare “talking points”:

⁻ In a culture focused on the "weekend,“ how can we help others reclaim Sunday as the "day of the Lord"—a day dedicated to God?

⁻ What are the obstacles and/or challenges that prevent people from “Keeping Holy the Sabbath Day,” and how can we help people overcome them?

II. Consider role-playing a conversation which addresses the questions and challenges people face.

Theme #2:

The Sacraments— Celebrating the Paschal Mystery

Seven Sacraments…one redemptive act of love for all. I. A Sacramental World View: Rooted in Scripture and Tradition

 A sacramental world view flows from doctrines of Creation—Incarnation—Redemption (Re-creation).

 Physical signs convey the realities they represent.

II. The Paschal Mystery in the Sacraments of the Church

 Instituted by Christ, the Sacraments are visible and perceptible signs of God’s invisible and imperceptible grace.

 Sacraments do not depend upon the personal holiness of the , since Christ himself acts in them and communicates the grace they signify.

 Fruits of the Sacraments depend upon the dispositions of those who receive them.

Christ’s Work in the Sacraments

 St. Leo the Great wrote, "What was visible in our Savior has passed over into his mysteries."

 Sacraments confer: grace, of sins, as children of god, conformation to Christ the Lord, and membership in the Church.

 The Church initiates people into the mystery of Christ “by proceeding from the visible to the invisible, from the sign to the thing signified, form the ‘sacraments’ to the ‘mysteries’.” (CCC, n. 1075). III. The Grace of the Sacraments

Though all of the Sacraments "form an organic whole" in which each particular sacrament has its own vital place, "the Eucharist occupies a unique place as the ‘Sacrament of Sacraments’: ‘all the other sacraments are ordered to it as to their end’.” (CCC, n. 1211) Mission-Essential Terminology

 Sacrament: An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us by the work of the Holy Spirit.

 Grace: The help God gives us to respond to our vocation to become his adopted sons and daughters; the divine initiative of grace precedes, prepares, and elicits our free response in faith and commitment.

 Sanctifying grace is a habitual gift of God’s own divine life, a stable and supernatural disposition that enables us to live with God and to act by his love. The Skit Guys on Grace

 The gift of God’s grace

’ lessons for Peter— and for us??

 The revelation of the Cross and Resurrection

IV. Overview of the Seven Sacraments

 Three main groupings? Initiation-Healing-At the Service of Communion

 Effects? Heal & Strengthen Communicate the H.S. Unite us to Christ Make us children of God Give sacramental grace Unite

Small Group Activity: “Sacrament Stations”

Create a "Billboard" in miniature for your Sacrament:  Use a sign or symbol to represent it  Create a slogan or motto to get people’s attention

Consider how you could get your audience to (re)discover the grace hidden within this outward sign. Review & Reflection:

What do the Liturgy and the Sacraments have to do with my life--and with the mission of the Church?

Follow-up Reflection and Resources 1) Session Evaluation & Feedback

2) Recommended follow-up: US/CCA, ch. 14, “The Celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Christ”

Catholicism, Episode VI: “The Mystical Union of Christ & His Church” 3) For Catechists & School Teachers: “Record of Formation,” including required reflection & documentation

4) Additional links and resources: Closing Prayer

 Consider the ways you encounter God each day, particularly through the Liturgy and Sacraments of the Church.

 Pray with (and sing along with the refrain, if the Spirit so moves you): Everyday God.