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995 e C 450 goo e erie ~ ''~ ~ e er +- '. ~ 'seer M — re "r~ e 'eie reewVii, Soo Photo by M. Touhey Shannon Lierman puts her back into it as one of the contestants in the Aggie Days Hay Toss event, Friday.

E October 26, 1982 . Yot. 87, No. 19 University of Idsho 75 Tuesday ) j .( 475 85o 895 r e r 195 r e 799 IFT blasts 900 900 " Uf.:.Sresittei;;~@4',,;„,.@~@~i:,r, Ul administration I .fere j:„"':.@0'''":-!!, iijr:;re„Strefi@iti:„"i4)$l rt ', by Scott Kunau A88(fCiabg+0;, 4(;->;~O; „...5':>~ IdaItonian could result m the Staff writer UI administration being att4",'ijj',"'' "',.' '" ';,. ',, "', o;.":," placed on the AAUP's censure 'The Federation ='k.-. of list. According to the release, Teachers, responding to the AFT believes that the Umversity of Idaho President ':-: ".A"::::. will be Richard Gibb's press con- censured the AAUP in June ference Friday, expressed by of 19S3 in its outrage that the ad- publication Academe. ministration "aired in public" Gier said the AFT believes the confidential AAUP that will happen because "the preliminary report. report is so devastating in its 9 ~ ' ' Nick Gier, Ul associate ',q,'4-'+f ." i qq.i indictment, and that the Gibb ~)~K~ k+>. er professor of philosophy and Administration is seeming not head the said in the of IFT, to do anything about the poin- 7 ''.* " news release, "We are just as r .';.'r~~4 '.~~~-g~p~... ts in the report. He (UI outraged as the AAUP that a President Richard Gibb) does l confidential draft report of not seem to want to go to the their investigating team has Board seeking tenured faculty aired in the Ul been public by layoff notice administration." extensions from 30 days to one year. it The release added that the So, looks like we'e headed for AFT will respect the con- '"'" ',t'e i;-~i ::::8,', „,",': „, censure." fidentiality the report of and, When contacted for com- "state only that it is a well- ments on the news release, documented and devastating Gibb said that it is interesting indictment of the handling of the release refers to the report the 19SI financial exigency by as "confidential" when it has r""r re the UI administration and the been a matter of public record state board. We can only in- for three weeks now. "At no terpret the actions of the Ul time have we tried to divert at- administration as a desperate tention away from the report, means to exploit the errors of ', -tt54.", ': „,.'fA',;«-., we simply disagree with what + tati, the draft divert at- report and the report says," Gibb added. tention away from its sub- "they'e stance." He said that at least, acknowledging that there are said "ad- Gier the errors in the report." ministration is to ex- trying The IFT news release listed ploit the few errors in the three proposals that the report to draw away from the it." university could follow to actual substance of avoid censure: ir e r The AAUP report, made r "REIIeISTA TIJVG ALL public three weeks ago by both r the Argonaut and the Daily 6 r See lFT, page

Argonaut —Tuesday, October 26, 1982,, 3

1:30p.m. at the motor. pool for a field Someone Happy", and information ~,events College of Mines presents Peter de Aztlan (MEChA) meets tonight at 7 . Students will the fdahorilan may'be obtained by calling Campus Russell, speaking on "Silver,', Lead, p.m. in the Appaloosa Room of the trip, go to - Rec. at 885-6381. SUB, with offices and to KRPL radio. '-'".ITuesday, Oct. 26. Zinc, Sham Model and Relationship to a guest speaker scheduled. ...The' Inter-Varsity ".;ChrisJian b'e ...Intramurals and Campus ...The Ul Orienteering Club meets at the Mining Industry of the Future." ...The Women's Center will the SUQt'tBorah Recreation are sponsoring a pumpkin Fellowship meets::in the .,7 p.m. in the Russet Room of the SUB The lecture from 3-6 p.m. in Mines site for a candidate's forum, with they carving contest,. with judging to be Theater at 7:30 p.rn. Doug Wilson will the election of officers. 132. representatives of the Craig and ta ,;;:Ifor held today.; The 'theme is "Make, speak on "Worship". selves ...A general meeting of the Campus ...Ken Laurence, director of Ul Gran- Rocco campaigns present. The for tonight at Ali program begins at 12:30p.m. :ment I; Democrats is scheduled ts and Contracts; and Moslemi, The German -:,.f, 6 p.m. in the SUB's Ee-Da-Ho Room. head of the UI department ot Wood ... Kaffeeklatsch, ...The-Office Education Association Products, will discuss the good and featuring German conversation, leople af- ;-,'will hold a bake sale today, from 9:30 bad aspects of international work from refreshments and a film, is this HAI.X,OmKKX al ar- a.m. until the goods are sold, in the the university and faculty/staff points temoon at 4 p.m., in Ad 316. :,.'. Education Building. of view in a presentation of the Ul ...People, Stop Hurting People is the "TREAT" lt the ...The Latah County Historical Women in International Development title of a program presented tonight on Com- KUOI-FM (91.7).The program, hosted good Society meets at the Moscow at 11:30a.m. in the SUB/Appaloosa P~r~ BOUQUETS <'lmunity Center at 7:30 p.m. The Room. by Jeannette Ross, begins at 7 p.m. ercise :- program will include an address on ...Jim Morris, counseling Thursday, Oct. 26. ,vhere ' "The American Indians Today in the psychologist for the Ul Counseling ...ASUI Senator Doug Jones will Women's Center at MQCVS"S QMORPS7 little ,, new Political and Economic En- Center, will speak on "Stress speak at the vironment." Management" at the Women's Center 12:30 p.m. on the ASUI Senate, and PQZd RSS'R'%'SAW lecture series of the will be looking for student input. artial ...The visiting at 12:30p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27. ...The Public Relations Student 620' SFZ-ESSE at irsue, ,,'Arrests decline ...Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos Society of Atnerica meets today er of A'heri ,.after roadblocks American Association first ':= ntury by Kathreen Nail of ,!: REMEMBER l and Staff writer University%omen )Udo, at ,veral The roadblocks the Moscow USED BOOK SALE Police Department have begun tithin ~ October22 9am-9pm ! -: setting up each night of the the October 23 9 am - 4 pm TACO JOHNS lnese weekend have been as effective 49'ardshell Tacos every Tuesday ," as they have been con- Latah County Fairgrounds troversial, according to' em- texts and fiction at loytr prices 520 W. Third 882-1-151 ches, Moscow Police Chief Gail judo 'eterson. Reaction to the roadblocks ! and 'form '. has been divided around the that Palouse. Peterson Said Some . students, both .University of Idaho and Washington State pple l : University, are resentful of the I en- . mandatory detour between : Moscow and Pullman. Others some intil 'ake it in stride while , agree t the with. the reasoning , behind llim- stopping drivers. Sperry Univac un- The controversy surroun- ':. ac- in Salt Lake City first ding the roadblock may be ) l compltshtng more than the roadblock itself, said Peter- ob huh !.'; Son. You hkeyourj "It's much better to have Love it. I'm into some very the it's the , talk, even if against exciting stuff... really -'oadblock, than to have challenging. -:; someone killed -or . injured:" 'ecause he of drunk driving," Doing fJhat? I:. said. While it may be premature Microwave communications .. !:to call the roadblocks a suc- high technology... : cess, Peterson said that since „: the practice was implemented Hey ..I'd kind of like that... : two weeks ago, arrests of : drunk drivers have decreased Get on out here then. Salt Lake !' considerably. City's terrific ..the mountains .. "Before we started the the air. .: roadblock there were three to 'ive drunk drivers arrested Does Sperry have any more I". every night of the weekend jobs? (Friday and Saturday)," he ; at ,- said. That figure dropped to Not jobs, opportunities... ', one unrelated blood test arrest their two Divisions here. r , last weekend, the second ':I weekend the roadblocks have Really? ':, been in effect. Sure the Communication and Peterson said of the 200 cars .. Terminal Products and MDTS :, pulled over during the past -'. Weekend only four drivers Divisions ..and with your i were given sobriety tests and grades, you'e got a great chance. ,';! all passed. No citations were 'I given, »ve to eight officers man ! each roadblock, and every car '. aPProaching the roadblock are ',; pulled over into a nearby parking lot for- the check. '"*, Peterson said no exceptions are made as the, Supreme your pl ccmcnt office Court has ruled that cars can- City and the state of Utah ch~k Sperry Univac hss openings for the dates Sperry Univac —;. not be pulled over randomly. offer a very unique living style college graduates in many n for that will open up a fresh new, The drivers are then asked electrical engineering and csmpus Ifyou are unable to western way of life. Couple for their driver's license, computer programming areas attend the schalutcd inter- I this with an excellent beaeEIts -.j vehicle and in- including systems, design, views please send your registration package including educational and test. Entry level positions resume to the address listed ,''-. Surance papers. If the officers reimbursement, comprehen- require BSEE/BSCS degrees below. It could be your best —;='; see sobriety life, medical and dental, NIVAL i.; no need to give the course work related to RF sive move, too. ~iERtY+IJ snd retirement, stock pur- career @ «st, the routine check is com- microwave theory, com- plus listen. and chase, and you have s total life We knorJ horo important it is to :-,> p)eted driver is munications and/or controls, Sperry Univac and the opportunity almost impossi- =I digital/analog design, College Relatiorts allowed to proceed. ble to duplicate. microprocessor destgn~ 322 North 2200 West language, Peterson said the roadblock assembly level Ifour unique challenge is Salt Lake City, Utah g4II6 -. will remain in or opcrstlng systems. you'e seeking, please probably what We are an ettuat opportunity ".: operation January through In addition to a challenging employer nt/f/h/v '; after the holiday season work experience, Salt Lake "-~ over. 4 Argonaut —Tuesday, October 26, 1982

I,". Yra );IIi) FIi)il~IIr IP

Moscow Fr Transit...R.I.P. Thorn Marti

In August of 1981 several Moscow bicycle the people of Moscow a free ride which saved fanatically opposed to the concept of "one-car-one mechanics conspired to launch a challenge to the gasoline and promoted physical. fitness. We estimate person." We believe that many of the problems in might of modern automotive materialism. The jaun- that the bicycles were ridden 2000 miles. This our nation are due to the fact that we have been sold ty orange bicycles of Moscow Free Transit were soon represents 100 gallons of gasoline saved. We can not on the idea that the automobile is the only source of seen whizzing down and plodding up the hills of our estimate the savings in medical cost if the system personal freedom. Our nation has thus been bur- town. we Sadly, though, as enjoy these fine autumn motivated even one person away from a sedentary dened with sprawling and inefficient cities, with far- days, we no longer see these ex- orange bikes; let me lifestyle into an active lifestyle. mland buried beneath asphalt, and with a traffic plain why not. Although Moscow Free Transit is no more, the death toll that puts the movie Road Warrior to Moscow~ree Transit was set up as a one-year ex- idea of the free ride still lives. Pullman Free Transit shame. . periment,.and was to be evaluated at the end that of has also been launched. We have received inquiries Granted, the bicycle probably will not be able to year to determine if it would continue. The system from the cities of Eugene, Boise, Madison, and cure all the transportation ills we have. We need a consisted of 17 bicycles: seven were willfully Spokane wondering how they might try the free tran- national re-evaluation of our transportation net- destroyed by vandals, six wore and one has out, been sit experiment. A local business, Campus Link Van work, deemphasizing the private car and rebuilding removed in working conditon. Although this rate of Lines, has also got the spirit. Campus Link has of- public transit. Moscow Free Transit has only given us attrition seems high, it was acceptable (except the 'a fered van and a driver to provide a nonpartisan a small start. Now, when some of you petition the vandalism) for old bicycles being used constantly. voter dial-a-ride to take riderless voters to polls on city of Moscow to provide more bike paths, and they The system received $150 in donations, and all of this Election Day. For information call Volunteers in say to you, "Why should oour city provide bike except $25 was expended in repair and in purhcase. Moscow, 882-7255. Wheelpeople, a local bicycle club paths, what have bicycles done for us?" you can just The system also receive 50 hours of free labor. that donated most of MFT's funds, were given back smile and say "MFT". The decision to terminate the Moscow Free Transit the remaining funds. Wheelpeople will be donating As one last gesture from Moscow Free Transit, we experiment was made this September. Th'is decision this, and future funds, to the Campus Walkway hereby give any remaining bicycles left from the was not made in a spirit of failure but in the System. Again, the idea is to create a more healthful system to whomever has them. Just take off the sign realization that the system had succeeded. The and efficient transportation system than is available and enjoy your free ride. primary purpose of Moscow Free Transit was to with the personal automobile. promote bicycle consciousness and to promote an In my last statement I have revealed the philosophy Thorn Marti is a bicycle repair man and concerned ethic of sharing. The secondary purpose was to give behind the Free Transit conspiracy. We are citizen. I!

) eIIj,ers

Objectivity lesson acknowledged agnostics (incidentally, several people are betting their jobs on stands for a stat!I< although I lean towards Christianity, Editor, I it? I will tell you —but promise me viable free market economy. His care, am one of those bleeding heart In response to Mr. Gordon's article liberals that you will tell everybody! compassion and understanding nf who would prefer to watch football on on sectarianism, it seems to me that he Larry LaRocco figures the only way Idaho's people have been uppermost iII Sunday). They taught those courses has missed the point. I personally feel to defeat. Congressman Larry Craig is his actions, and will continue to be. " without bias or prejudice ob- that classes about this world's religions (i.e, to portray Craig as a far right, wild- Douglas J. ScnII jectively) because they "told it like are appropriate for university study, if it eyed radical and himself as a calm, - is." They taught the subject looking taught objectively. In that respect, we at reasonable moderate. There. It's out. it from all the angles in agree that-we would want professors accordance As usual, the firey rhetoric burns with the relevent facts. on teaching those courses to be without from his camp —despite the facts. Make up your mind biases. It then seems to me that the per- If you want to keep your head in the Speaking of facts, we I sons least qualified to teach those sand about the true all know how l. facts of a religion, facts, figures and classes are those .affiliated with that go ask one statistics. can be used Editor, of the Moonies at the air- to prove particular religion. Do you think that or disprove practically In case there are haven I port about his. Do you think that the people who Jerry Falwell could objectively anything. When a group scores the made teach fundamentals that this expert "feeds up their minds about the best one about Christianity'l The votes of congressmen, keep in mind the representative only thing you" will be objective and without for the people of north you might learn is that don't political implications. Would and if you im- bias? I think not. Incidentally, oc- anybody central Idaho —let me suggest mediately it really expect the NEA to repent, pray in school, and curs to me that a give Larry Larry LaRocco. If you'e met him, tithe half particular Craig a fair report? The t of your assets to the church denomination would not NEA has you ve been impressed —with his sin- that want others publicly supported you are doomed to burn in Hell' to teach their doctrine-because LaRocco for a long cerity, with his capability, with his war- fire they time. Larry Craig has forever. This is hardly objective. fear that some truth served on the mth. He talks plainly and honestly, may indeed be Education Committee Mr. Gordon's opinion is tantamount revealed. Keep and helped sup- and has tirelessly listened to our ideas religious courses in the port education to,holding that the only people who curriculum on a daily basis. He for- and concerns from Bonners to Boise but, my God, teach them med,Coalition wojuld have been qualified to sit in the objectively. Against Reductions in jury at the Claude Education (CARE), which Idahoans need to believe two things Dallas trial were Gary Barr attracted wh)te, male, gun-toting trappers sufficient congressional support to about their representatives —that they First-year law student think because they could best relate to the stop further cuts in student financial .for themselves and that the circumstances and therefore see the aid. NEA ignored these facts. people of Idaho can go to them for truth more clearly because of their help. LaRo'cco is this kind of man and When you hear such inherent objectivity. I don't think Can't keep a secret accusations much more. There is no doubt that this so. about Congressman The undergraduate college Craig, remember. election will be a close one and we, that I at- to consider the tended taught their source. For example, students have a rare opportunity to religious classes out 'Editor, Cecil Andrus the recently said Larry Craig make'the difference. Vote for LaRocco of Philosophy Department. The Interested in one of the votes biggest like a screaming liberal! So, who on Nov. 2. We really need him! professors teaching those classes are secrets around? One so important is that right? Chris Bieter


II ':::I!II I ~ > I@I I!.- pic 1 Argonaut —Tuesday, October 26, 1982 5 Letters lid

Argonaut readers. will where the t'oilet paper came from, but has become an election year issue with I hope that the ;,".',,Larry Craig+ Idaho down the trail of"ihisin- if it was from the dorms, they some politicians in Idaho. not be pushed formation and that in the future the (Housing) should have learned by now :,,«j Editor, Argonaut will acknowledge a can- . fear to lock it up." Starting under the Carter Ad- There has been a lot of for the State Legislature when r-one ministration and the then Secretary of didate ;,": generated in the political arena recently Obviously, Ms. Atkinson feels that review he sends a letter. ms s to the Interior Cecil Andrus, a of in ,';:=', about the federal government plan the "traditional" toilet paperers are Gary A. Butts: public lands was made by the Bureau i sold i"'.'~sell public lands. The truth about too immature to differentiate between view of pand Management. It is surprising ce of "'Congressman Larry Craig's on what is right and what is wrong. distorted. to think that Governor John Evans was bur- l':-"':. this subject has also been it is our responsibility to Therefore, not aware of this because two represen- i';; Let's set the record straight. so these poor i far- protect our belongings tatives of two agencies in his ad- unfortunates aren't faced with such a raffic The federal government owns almost ministration, the Department of Lands traumatic, moral decision. 7r t0 one-third of the U.S. —400,000 and the Idaho Fish and Game Depart-- Nov. 18 ~;; buildings, scores of military bases, air- Perhaps Ms. Atkinson and company ment testified at a hearing on land ile to '-. fields, cornfields and cow fields are should be thankful that Housing was in Haily (sic) on the.BLM's :ed a li; potential prospects for sale. But even so lax in their responsibilities. Other- management policy. net- t'- the smallest parcel must be approved wise, the "tradition'al" decorators Don' reason he did not react Iding ':.'or sale by the U.S. Congress. might have had to use something else Perhaps the '; to give don't lock up...like at the time was that 1981 was not an en us hold your breath for Congress we traditionally this authority over to Reagan or any garbage. election year. n the Argonaut will accept let- ::, won't The other president. It happen! off- Policy they i From an unbiased, apathetic, The National Environmental ters to the editor until noon on in morality Bradduck Act, and the Town- bike For many years, Congressman Craig campus student (majoring Act, the prior to publication. They guidelines days i just 'as been on record as opposing the in decor). site Act all lay down specific , must be typed (double-spaced), "wholesale" selling of our public lan- Dan Corseberg restricting the sale of public lands. No signed in ink, and must include ds. Futhermore, his stated view that he mass sale of pub'ic lands could occur t, we the name, address, phone num- is against even "exploitation" for without changes in these laws. the ber and student ID or driver' ', mineral resources on our wilderness sign Congressman Larry E. Craig, who license number of the author. ; has been ignored by his critics. Mfho's a candidates has been on record as opposing large- Letters will be edited for clarity Idaho we lands sales since 1979, Larry Craig loves the Editor, scale public and spelling. Letters should be rned the Idaho acknowledged that many people are know, and is at work to keep I'm writing in response to a letter in limited to 200 words. The aware there are laws to prevent the l, we love. the October 12 issue titled "Don't be not Argonaut reserves the right to R. Withers massive public land sales they fear and Gary Misled" by Ken Robison. refuse letters that are libelous or they know one will be getting around including the Reagan Ad- in bad taste. I regret that Argonaut readers were these laws Lockthe cupboard, Ma subjected to such rhetoric and that a ministration. t young man like Mr. Robison is so Editori misinformed. in The statement in last Friday's Mid-term grades are available The prospect of massive sell-offs of ,,'Argonaut by Nancy Atkinson, based on President stabli.', ',: president of Delta Delta Delta, was public lands of the Ad building annex scare, Reagan's stated plan to raise $ 17 basement :,. truly enlightening. To refresh your reduce the national debt ng of ,'.'. memories, she said, "I don't know billion to h lp lost in e. .Scnu INTRODUCING" ~

I ave n'i eb est north ugg est ~) Wl) C1) iss in- swa r- iestly, ideas ise. L hings ,cr. tthe y 'i 3,1'ir tth e nfo r nan d itth is slumps? Turn Terrible dw e through the midweek tyt o an't'n rouble ettin tocco !.! Domino's Pizza can helP you l:"'ieter ues a t'n o TERRIFK,'UESDAY! Domino's usa. through. Order a mouth-wateringI" ~ $1.00off any size thick I , pizza with extra ~ I cnist pius free Pepst I One coupon per pizza ~ Fast. Free Delivery Ttresdays onlyl Domino's Pizza 1 N. Main .0 I Fest, Free Delhreiy ~ 308 P' ~ Moscow 883-1555 I ~ ~ I 205 S. Grand II " ., sesN I&in 'Il 883 ~55 Pullman 332-8222 ra's1 iI '0 ~ S «aeaeaaseaaaaoaaaeeassisl Enjoy Terrific Tuesday every Tuesday! 6 Argonaut —Tuesday, October 26, 1982

Those of you who went to Saturday's Vandal y football game may have noticed a change in the Idaho mascot urging the football team on to victory. Gone is the familiar figure of Joe Vandal, and in his place is Bob Vandal, a relative, perhaps his brother-in-law. For the past few weeks something resembling a 'SW ~~ grey, hairy big foot in an Idaho sweater has been a tset wl r s ~ r aL'r g 'Tgl l g 1P temporary mascot. Bob Vandal is a large, fullbodied Viking. The costume costs about $1,500 and came from a company in Salt Lake City. The new mascot would have made his appearance sooner, but the original head to the costume was lost in the shipping proc ess, and was only replaced in time for the last game. p The man behind the new Vandal is Bob Floyd. Floyd is a. second semester sophomore at the University of Idaho after transferring up here from Is, the College of Southern Idaho. While at CSI he was the mascot, and enjoyed clowning around in front of the crowds so much that he decided to become the Idaho mascot.

photo by M. LaOrange

I IFT from page 1 forced to reinstate her by court documented, the Gi bb ad- "0 = order. It would follow ministration has not had a =A0tt Y logically that all tenured good record in respecting the faculty laid off during 1981 . decisions of faculty appeal at TENURED FACULTY ON and 1982 would also have to boards and continues to have THE LA Y-OFF ROSTER: be reinstated. problems understanding the STALEY AIRPORT This means from both years of principle " of academic financial exigency, and in- "REVISE BOARD freedom. cludes at least three, perhaps POLICY: The major areas of lhlTEI2-ST%1 E All2 . Moscow 882-8644 four, employees. If Lots Pace concern here are (aj a more ac- ~~~~~ wins her case, the Ul ad- ceptable definition of finan- The release also explained errors in ministrators will probably be cial exigency; (b) a year' that there were some notice for tenured faculty; (cf the AAUP report —six ac- lay-off procedures which in- cording to Gibb —but "not sure fairness, equity, and no 'hundreds', as board member personal vendettas; and (d) ap- Cheryl Hymas charged". Ac- "DOC" LUCAS WORKS ... peal procedures which allow cording to the AAUP, these full due process. errors are to be corrected s pate before the report appears in * Rist- FOR YOU "GENERAL RESPECT print, but Gibb said past ts I FOR FACULTYRIGHTS: As failures to do so have caused Lucas is a problemsolver and knows what it the AFT has frequently him to doubt that will happen. takes to succeed. Even veteran legislators ex- pressed surprise at the extent of "Doc's" success in the House of Representatives. li VOTE JAMES R. "DOC" LUCAS BITE OFF ALL FOR YOU ...FOR THE 5TH DISTRICT Paid for by Committee to Elect Lucas YOU CAN CHEW!! Ralph Hawkins, Treasurer. (GET TWO) (or three TACO TIME items for only $1.99)

H I.;I I . II . I c~ I:;I - ~ y I:;II'~ TacoTime.. LEWISTON ~ CLARKSTON r I. PULLMAN ~ MOSCOW 5 R~M g I I: .I 2 C~I I MEAT I BEAN : ITOST p BURRITos pBURRITost NOVEMBER 19, 8 PM I 'El.5151; t . BEASLEY PERFORMING ARTS COLISEUM-WSU ~3(.5151; ')I.515> I A Expires 10-3142 10-31 82 I TICKETS: $10.50k $9.50 sl~mmmmmm Jmmmmmm~ig~~~mmmat~ A Expires 10-3142 I A Expires On sale now at the Coliseum Box Office, Budget Tapes &Records (Pullman, Moscow & Lewiston) and Process, Inc. (CUB) I Tgcp, gplgp, t.Ittce sttIdtst Let Lightfoot get you ready to beat the Dawgsl Listen to "Coliseum Preview" 1 M day.y tday ts:30 p.m 1 I RADl0 1150 AM ,')l.5151 '1.5I5l:, ~][,515I, artd 105 FM Stereo A Expires 10-31%2 I A Expires 10-31~ I A Expires 10-3142 ~ PmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmm itis mme w m w ~s Argonaut ,„'Classifieds 2. HOUSES FOR RENT 6.ROOMMATES —Tuesday, October 26. 1982 7 Four to five bedroom Mercury come~197.1.4w., v-8, yellow. Iow mles. house perched on a hill. Need a new roommate, mine got married. Nice How to take testa. You cen dksoover the secmt lo Walking distance Ul. Lots of $700, must sell. Isn Hodge, 885-6282 daytime, or A'. 'PARTMENTS FOR RENT garden space and apartment close to campus. Low utilities, ctdl 882- 882-7579. f4sw handbook reveals stritegy.expergse snd privacy. CaN colect 509-332.8622, $400.00 2997. organlzabon necessary for success. Smple, coa- within r bedroom apartment walking distance of rse expkmatrons Rush name address $500 to I„:;I 175 per month. Call 7. JOBS campus. $ collect 509-332. Small one bedroom house. Close to campus 882- 11~ RIDES Leamrtght Pubfrshkfg, 2306 Yeoman, Waukegsn OVERSEAS JOBS - Summer or year-round. 8622 7376, $185, Need dde to Boise or Sall Lake Any dsy through II., 80067. Europe, a ." So. America, Australia, Asia. All fields, the 31st. Rick, 682-3200. Now that all apartments In Moscow are rented, why $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. not rent in Pullman, only eight mlles away? Enjoy a 5. TRAILERS FOR SALE Write IJC, Box 52402. Corona OelMar, CA 92825. 16.LOST AND FOUND 13.PERSONALS Lost lan skrnder stlepherd dog black on muzzle higher standard of livingl But hurryi WSU students 8 x 35'ood location, 10-minute walk fo campus. O.J. needed for upcoming party Nov. 12. Must Leam to Fly. Also cali for chwter prices. Inter no corer, "Voda", 882-7691. will soon snap up what is left. Call Apartments West Pets allowed. All wood interior, new com- electric, have own system. Pay is $70. Cell Graciela Ver- State Air at collect, 509-332-8622. Staley Afrport. 3344S882, 882-8644. pletely winterized. Furnished, full shower. zino, Forest Resources for details, 885-6071. $1,900.00. Call Jeff, 882-8306. Leaving ares, Modem 3-bedroom duplex in Pullman, Range, MUST SELL! 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hasher needed at Alpha Chi Omega 882-7223. 17.MISCELLANEOUS, Refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, w/d hookups. 9.AUTOS Ry home for Thanksgiving! Round. trip phne ticket Uniumished or furnished. Call collect, 1-509-334. Room for rent in trailer — for sale 450. Must IMPROVE YOUR QRAOESI Research Catalog —, hot-tub, wood stove, all- 'oss $ be used by Oec. 15th- your car or truck need 2343 electric kitchen. Bob, after 6:00,882.7819. repairsz Call or see anywhere in USA on NW Orient. CaN 885-6394 lor 306 pages —10.278 topics —Rush $1.00 Box George's Auto Repair, Inc., Troy Hwy. and Veatch. furlher ktfo. 25097C, , 90026.(213)477-8228. 882-0876,

STUDENT CAI LlNG CARD APPLtCATION The undersigned applicant requests a Student Toll Calling Card for the purpose of placing tong distance and directory assistance calls from college dormitory room telephones. The applicant must understand and agree to the following:

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i >4 li .j I I i a ~

m I l

5p I Wally Jones gets his

last chance Saturday iI

by Kevin Warnock excess of 21,500. Among those will be his Sports editor parents, Walter and Peggy, his twin brother

l+$ , 5; v Bill, his high school coaches and a whole string 'P' I I ( +. I October 30, 1982 could be the happiest day of friends, many of whom will be on the other of Wally Jones'ife if only one thing could hap- side of the football. 1 ~ pen —if Idaho can beat Boise State. "With all the sirens and noise —I un- Jones is a native Boisean and, after coming derstand they have a cannon down there now— to the University of Idaho four years ago, has I get really excited playing there. All my high sustained much criticism about one annual school games were played there," he said. ii game in particular: Boise State-Idaho. Jones'was the bruising halfback in Capital "The truth of the matter is, I'e taken shit High's wishbone attack in 1977-78. The Eagles for three years," Jones said. "I can't stress lost only two games in two years while he what this game means to me." played varsity. A second-team A-1 All-State Don't get Jones wrong. He's a mild- selection, Jones was competing against other gg I PW mannered and courteous individual, but after Boise stars who were the first-team selections. losing every BSU game he's ever played in, His main competition, Al Bowens, of Boise going home for the summer and having to High went on to a non-productive career at mutely listen to criticism has caused him to Washington State and Borah's Randy Holmes build up a lot of emotion. decided on the Pac-10 as well, going to As much as any native North Idahoan with State. true blue anti-South Idaho sentiment, Jones Despite the accolades of a successful high hates Boise State. school career, Jones believes last Saturday' "I'm very sick and tired of it ...If I had to Vandal win over Montana State was the biggest pick a game that I had a personal vendetta win of his career —little league, junior high. against it would be BSU. I'm tired of the crap high school or college. I'e heard the last three years," he said. "Because I knew we could do it, it seemed we ,%'I j8 For the record, Idaho stayed with the Bron- had to prove something," he said. The key to k* cos through three quarters of the 1979 game, Idaho beating Boise State on the road, ac- but BSU exploded in the fourth period to win cording to Jones, will be playing error-free. 41-17. In 1980, it was 44-21 and last season 45- "It's what we feel we'l need to do. I don' 43. think the weather will be much of a factor, you Jones said he isn't the only Vandal harboring don't lose too much footing on the BSU turf it't's these sentiments. "I think everybody on the wet —unless there's a downpour." Laorange Photo by M. team has something to prove," he said. If Idaho does end a five-year drought with run- It will take more than an ankle sprain to keep senior Jones'omecoming to Bronco Stadium next the Broncos, Wally Jones will have a lot of cat- ning back%ally Jones down for a game with Boise State. Saturday night, will be witnessed by a crowd in ching up to do next time he's home. ho ove osI:-w ~en ewis canoes ~oIIIe'.o .apoise by Kevin Warnock Sports editor "I'm hoping they run a play to the p If America could somehow sidelines where I can nail him tap the energy Darby Lewis has when he plays Boise State, (Criner) her energy needs would be an- swered. I, — Lewis "I live to beat Boise State," Darby Lewis acknowledges. "I'm going to go out and play like "I think it will be pretty even. heads," he said. it's my last game —like there I expect there will be a lot of One way or another, Darby is no tomorrow." pounding —they'e big, good Lewis will be on his .best Lewis is the inside and get off the ball. We'l just behavior —football-wise— linebacking partner of -Sam have to line-up and bash Saturday night. Merriman. He transferred to x un- A Idaho after finding things Jim Criner Darby Lewis pleasant in the Pac-10 at Shuffling weights to Arizona State. He doesn't hide Lewis'ather is a P.E. in- Arizona State coach Frank anything when it comes to structor at Boise State and Kush, he decided to play for End Boise State —he hates them. coaches track and field as well the Sun Devils. But he was East creates fiasco "I can't stand Boise State," as football. The elder Lewis unhappy in Tempe and tran- Many people may have been Memorial Gym by phy»« said the Boise native and for- has feuded with Criner in the sferred to Idaho in 1981. surprised to find the Memorial plant personnel last week. mer Capital High School All- past. "Since I'm from the Valley Gym weightroom closed this Bob Whitehead, director « American. "Even in high "I think by the way his (Treasure) I think I have more past weekend. A stronger reac- intramurals and campu~ school, I remember watching players talk about him, he' incentive to play one of the tion may have been caused recreation, found out about it Idaho and Boise State play. I take the last shirt off your best games ever." when those same folks were from the first person who always wanted Idaho to win," back. When they were Wally Jones, Lewis'oom- locked out- of the new came to his office to complain 'Come he said. recruiting me he said mate,. shares the same anti- weightroom in the East End "I had to go dowristairs and Lewis'entiments can be on down to our weightroom Boise State sentiments, but Addition. But the problem is look for myself," Whitehead traced in particular to one and use our facilities,'o I did, isn't as anti-Criner as Lewis. not the fault of the Intramural "I'm said. man, BSU coach Jim Criner. and then he kicked me out," hoping they run a play to Office or Facility Planning.--- 'els..Reese, director o< "I can tell you a lot of stories Lewis said. the sidelines where I can nail The delay in setting up the facility planning, could not be about thingshe has done to me Lewis was one of the first him (Criner)," Lewis said. new weightroom is pending reached for comment at press and my family," Lewis said. players in Capital High School But, as for the game itself. arrival of rubber matting time. Whitehead did not know "Personally, I don't think history to play varsity football Lewis realizes he has to keep ~ which goes underneath the when the matting would much of Jim Criner," Lewis as a sophomore. Three years his brain in it as much as his equipment. All of the free said. later, after a visit by former heart and play under control. weights were removed from See Weights page10 I Argonaut —Tuesday, October 26, 1982 9 '-,"; Vandals joIt Bobcats 36-20 Idaho wins MIRAC title t'::.'-..- The Idaho women's cross 5,000 meter course. Other I When the defense plays the scored on their next three while Bailey had 12. Sam country team easily captured Vandals contributing to the ".'' did last way they Saturday possessions and led the first Merriman led the team with the first Mountain West victory were: Pam Paudler, ": won't ! night, it be too many quarter 17-7. Idaho's next two 13. Athletic Conference cr'oss third 18.27; Caroline times that Ken Crab-'ree, ," Hobart, his TDs came via the pass, a 14- The defensive play of the country- championships Satur- fifth 18.34; Karen Voss, and the new ,,'eceivers fortress yarder to Vic Wallace and a game was made by John day in Portland. sixth 18.46; Lisa Kindelan, on the block —Idaho's of- five-yarder to Allen. Alwine who stopped MSU The Vandals paved the way eleventh 19.08; Sherrie Crang, .:" QB l fensive line will be denied. The halftime score was in Mike Godfrey on a fourth and by amassing 26 points. They sixteenth; and Sandy Krist- . With the defense giving the Vandals'avor 21-20. one play deep in Vandal were distantly followed by janson, eighteenth. Times Idaho good field position and "Ithink the key to tonight's territory. Montana State's 59 points and were not given for Crang and plenty of chances, Hobart was win was the play up front, Offensively, Idaho named Montana's 60, Kristjanson. able to complete 23 of 36 for both offensively and defen- senior tackle Dave Frohnen Junior Patsy Sharpies led Idaho head coach Roger 295 yards and three touch- sively, our linemen made some and running back Kerry the Vandals with an overall in- Norris was elected Coach of downs. MSU was held to just big plays," Hobart said. Hickey. Hickey rushed for 118 dividual winning time of 18.15 the Year by conference team 103 yards rushing, even with The third quarter was yards, 51 of it coming on a over the slippery and muddy coaches. Tony Boddie, considered by scoreless, but Idaho opened tackle-breaking jaunt which many to be the Big Sky's top the fourth period with a touch- featured more moves than an s his running back. down, a one-yard Hobart run, Allied Van Lines commercial. Vote for a Change her "Our defense rose to the oc- which capped a drive where ing ! casion and played the way I Idaho picked up six successive Blue Mouritain ELECT her know they can play," said first downs. The principal Tom Spangler Idaho coach Dennis Erickson, target for Hobart on the drive splits at home itn- now 5-2 in his rookie season. was tight end Kurt Vestman. for "When you get good Vestman finished with six cat- play Blue Mountain Rugby Club ! igh from the defense, you can ches for 77 yards. Latah County split two weekend matches, r' probe on offense and have "Like told our it' Commissioner I players, losing 4-3 to Ritzville on the "3 tal numbers of possessions. amazing what can ac- you last play of the game, but De&onat les That's what we got." complish when you center in coming back to stop Whitman t; Pttt Coibeck, Chairman he MSU was shut out in the on yourself and are ac- 10-9. Jackie Loveil, Secretary Treasuter ate second half after staying close countable to teammates. It ier through the first half. Idaho was the best team effort we'e struck first, a nine-yard TD had," Erickson said. ise pass from Hobart to Brian Defensively, Idaho named at Allen, set up by a Lloyd Paul Griffin and Boyce Bailey GET HOT 1'HI les Williamson interception. players-of-the-week. Griffin wit on But the Bobcats came back, had an amazing 11 tackles, Ski Clothing, Mountaineerin and cold weather clothing fro gh ps esf Book Holiday NORTHWKST1

i SNTN CMAN NKNT TO TIII RIISTATION Don't miss our In-Progress Ski Sale!

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A in. long history of Hughes Story. Write yourself man flew the Flying Boat, The company's p~= . 0) In 1947 a including the first "Hercules" —the largest airplane in technological firsts, Hughes Corporate College Relations laser, first 3-D radar, and first I the world. working P.O. Box 90515, Dept. NC I synchronouswrbit spacecraft, position Los Angeles, CA 90009 ttt') The man was Howard Robard Hughes. world leader in today' Hughes ss i degree is in: I ideas and explorations electronics industry. If your His ingenious Hughes representatives I brought new discovelies in ~ Electrical, Mechanical, Manufacturing will be on campus .. I I aerodynamics, communications, or Industrial Engineering ~ Materials I avionics, electronics... ~ Computer Science e Physics kovember 11 I ~ Industrial/Electronic Technology placement office for an I And the early years of Hughes Aircraft (See your I Company, Find out how you can be part of the appointment.) in twelve "I '„U no longer continuing Hughes Story Today, Hughes and " Southern California locations Equal Opportunity Employer I =- but the discoveries Citizenship Requited f ——-i bulldS airplaneS Tucson, Arizona. U.S '-0-~ and exploration of ideas continue... e v 0 ) tt ecto toorld frith elec(roof'cs I 5 ~ ~ I ~ ' 1 l HUGHES ','", ,'i~ 1'pi'i'I!'%i

a multi-image slide show... 1 Party for< Public TV plus { "Renewable Energy Development in the tI.S."by Jim Day, 'Jfl Energy Extension Coordinator k ,.-,,HAlo'en for North Idaho i''jtob ~seem~ Wednesday, October 27, 1982 1880Pullman MoNeom r31I 19. Rd., 88$-7080 7.30.9:00p.m. '.1 Ag Science Auditorium University of Idaho '~, ljdastiujtradin Xanif reve/ y from,."''

Return Your Senator,

SD T( FAL, NORMA ne et a/es at . '.ll"„I..l. $iscui trp A(so~a gf 1hP'Mpo„rg 55.00 p person District ~ Live music, Limited menu 5 Democrat Experience e Competence 415 South Main, Downtown Moscow Paid for by Elect nobler Committee Credibility Sig Rolland & Ted Cardch, Co-Chairmen

I Argonaut —Tuesday, October 26, 1982'1 'ksdtIseaaaeaaaaaaaeeaaeeeeaaeaeaeaaeeeaaeeeeaeeaeeeeeeaeeeaeeeeeeaeeeaeea ag ,II,'p Bm'x 8't~'tQ A,rggnauf I 1104 PULLMAN RD, MOSCOW, IDAHO Intramural Corner tour- Visitor Home (men's doubles) —entries are due today ln the IM ONce. The renI'eris Handball elimination and matches are scheduled iri the Kibble Activity .' [ ] Auburn [ ] Florida nament is single Pick the Louisiana State Center. [ ] Mississippi [ ] 3-Man Basketball. —play began yesterday. There Is a copy of the schedule Gym. [ ] Tulsa [ ] Wichita State posted on the IM bulletin board. All games are played in Memorial I —playoffs are Wednesday, Oct. 27 at the swim center. [ ] James Madison [ ] C.W. Post Co-Rec Water Polo The two top teams from each league made the playoffs. )orls FloridaState [ ] Miami (Fla.) will on Wednesday or Thursday. There [ ] Men's Bowling —playoffs begin may'ot Wed- Wake Forest Clemson I mail a schedule so check the IM Buletin Board EARLY I [ ] [ ] I be time to nesday morning. I NotreDame [ ]. Navy* bulletin . I [ ] I Volleyball —playoffs will begin this week. Check the IM Nevada-Las Vegas Women's [ ] San Jose State [ ] I board for a schedule. The top two teams from each league make playoffs. I Brigham Young [ ] Utah State Congratulations: Paul Wilson, Chrisman Hall„won the HORSE Tournament nol [ ] ~ Ohio State ~ for the men and Deanna Peterson won the women's tournament. ~ Purdue ] last I:; I Address.... ~ ~ ~...... [ ] [ Chico State was j.-': I [ ] Sacramento State [ ] prin- p''''' [ ] Washington [ ] Stanford l off "I ] California [ ] Oregon State was . I [ ] Arizona [ ] Washington State YOU DIG VOLLEYBALL'P P"one ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ' ' ' Montana I DO was;, I [ ] Montana state [ ] I Club Weber State Join the Men's Moscow Volleyball '.' [ ] Idaho State [ ] volleyball skills and learn more * [ ] Northern Arizona [ ] New Mexico State Improve your l I I Wed. & Fri. evening, the::': I Northern Iowa [ ] Nevada-Reno about the Club. Practices every ' [ ] indy in the. ':30 Tiebreaker s: I to 8:30at the small gym or Education Building. For' Idahotowi by Boise State to win by Women's Physical - 882-3884. I USC to win by Arizona State to win by more info call Mark at I Mail to Argonaut Football Forecast, Student Union Building twO: I University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843 that ' deliver in person to the Argonaut Offices in the basement of the SUB, )-31. or deliver to Tri-state. r jr rF)jr j ','in $25 Tri-State gift certificate ' i'Cl'1'ill)~(i )( and staff. Argonaut mail I Contest is open to all University of Idaho students, faculty subscribers are also eligible. Warranted s , 2. Contestants may submit only one forecast form each week. I '0daysor 3. Forms must be filled out completely and correctly. responsible for entries lost in ~ 3,000 miles 4 The entry deadline is 12 noon on Friday. The Argonaut is not ~ whichever I the mail or delayed. first 5. Tie games cancel out. comes i eaaeeeeeeaaaeeaeaeeeeeeeeeaaaeeaaaaaeel Is»eeaaaaaaaeaeeaaeaeeaaeaaaeaaeae W&WW&WW&WWW&W&W& i Average price $19.00,some $15.95,some $23.95 igk [. ~ Hf~Hrk'rS, ( 'all us for a price on your vehicle TUB RENTAL I SALES and SERVICE Auto Service Inc. I I Centers, s HOURs: I ~', ll I ll(>I'rId $15 lee includes lunch,'illI I ti -'2 '-5 300 NE Stadium 4 QQ QQ F 2nd & Washington 332-7551 Moscow 882-28'i 5 Pullman for further information: I Fr. Stan Tate, 882-2022 KBleS I DAY I per person til 0:00 prn I $3.50 si EVENING $5.00 per person after 8:00 pm EVENING PARTIES I $1.00off per person 4 or more I I $1.50off per person 6 or more I I SUNDAYS I DAWN TREADER I SOOTHING I $3.00 per person, per hour I . Records h Tapes from 2 pm - Midnight east.i4S4 E W&W&&WWWWWWW~ L3rd &Washington

k Betsy Thomas Democrat, District 5 on Education: git MJi j:"'nseen @ all students, new and returning, Vl support qualityal' e ucat'orion I legislators of today mus suppor and believe that the taxpayers and of tomorrow. ~'l~ B1anston the taxpayers atid legislators Inis ra iv compos have a voice in the a (non I believe that students should relia e mentis) them. There should be a decisions which directly affect student input on campus issues. mechanism for residents. Comedy tuition for Idaho Tvro I continue to oppose ' status for K Sednesdagrs from One to fundingun and independent r1 I support increase E KT.~XTBKTSYTHOMAS oN Nov. BI;ui.enI; BI;ereo 89.3 )II 18

. 12 Argonaut —Tuesday, October 26, 1982 c,S.,: DO)", 5

q rtjIji~


\ I < k .Le. r'.v tie t = s.e.ej= TUESf)AY OCTOBER 26, U. of Idaho ~ i 7 I e ie ef $[Oe Ii NOON —By Memorial Gym à t lsi Jli~te (SUS Ballroom lf Bett Weetherf) Idels.:qtL — t aeju Auolllii 7:30pm SUB Ballroom eYIajb.e Ci~l41 ~ I 'jj.I'LIA rl,pr reel 'qjq w TWO FREE SHOWS! lj Ije Htt I I WEDNESDAY, NOVEIIBER 3,.1982 7:00,9:00and 11:00pm HAZ,QOWEEN HOEDOWN Student featuring: Union Ballroom Admission - $3." Tickets are available at Budget Tapes h. Records and the SUB

I II I I I II Information Desk 1 II II'H II

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~gRSC- ~ =A:lS I".I =. ."IY Rs 5 ~ ~ a g s ~ R Sl ) ) ) l Western Fiddle Tunes e Pioneer Ballads e Cowboy Songs s Old Country Melodies Also Appearing: The Dusty Saddle Piclrers FREE.'RING THE KIDS! Listening - Dancing - Cash Bar - Prizes for Best Costumes Saturday, October 30, 8:00 p.m. THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 7:30 pm Moscow Elks Club, 112 N. Main Moscow, Idaho SUB Ballroom, U ~ Admission: $5.00 of Idaho Sponsored by ASUI Programs and the Idaho Commission on the Arts