Gotcmor Asks Balanced

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Gotcmor Asks Balanced 1 ^niF fic Death i ‘ Scoreboard B jrt ii ■* coBPfthiflR il Mffle Utilities II of (hli ijtv f®r ind l«J5 for |]lglc Valley and for th» ■Jdaho— i960 ................ 1 - ---------- iMl Idtthoj—iOCl .. Ketpw* valley, lOGO ....0 -Tl*h— ------------------ '1931 ■■■..:.« Ufficitl City and Mfi'ilnT » / A'.,hi llu rrn u of CifctiUimtij V O L . 42, NOi 263 I'uiinly ' N«M'>|)u(ier TWIX FALLS, ID AH O , TUESDAY, JANUARY :i. 1961 Ai»iK.-ialo>l Pn-ii atiil I'ltitw l Trrti |iu<>rtiiiliunBl PRICE 5 CENTS i First T. F. Bal)v of 1961 GoTcmor Asks Balanced Laos WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 (A’)— rrosiilent Eisenlinwcr ha.'i W ASllINGTO.X, .Ian, 11 (/I’)— The,now r(ini;iT.<s con-’ IU)1."^K, ,hin. (I'l’n -d iiv . Kuln'rl K. Smyl^ aisked ordered a.stepup in U. S. m ilitary readiness iiLtlie l-'adfic ,ivcnu(l lodny alroaily oinbi'flTlcil in a liberal vorsiisW'oii- the :Uith liliilu) U’k'i'-lal u rc loday to" lialamc ii redord 88.1 because of the crisis in Laos, ihc White I;luuse has an­ . ;icyvauve strujJKli' such as clearly will be w atrcd over nuirh luillinn ddllnr Ki'Jicral fund b u lled wi!|i sin'jihis funds and nounced. The announcem ent, which stressed an increase of PrM idoiit-Eloit ,.Inbn F. Kcnnedy'.s pronrani. In Imlh Kiani ta’x ri'licf to llu' |iO(i|il(\ A t the same iinic, the chief iri airlift able to fly troops and u ca p n sjo La us in a hurry, _______ senaLc_aud_huUHC. llemocriiLs wl: beruU. c\Lcatiiiii-pi-ypo^aiL:i.vvj^cpiu;;_c4uiai;ci_uu.tha..ii.Lrucl n 'a s issued follow inG an uhijsiianioliday '.slriilcK.v sessiAi were biddinj^ for a bijruor liUilu) t'ovcnimcut, a consti­ between Eisenhower and his top advisers. Attendinif.the voice in chartinG the tutional convontion and hour-lonG White H ouse conference on the com m unist mili- Senate Picks lalive coiirso to l)e followin Jli^Iilidits o f liinK-ranKO pliiniiinfir in the tary advance in Laos w ere in the neXt tw o years. field.'; of indu.stry, educatioA Secretary of State Christian House InsurGent.s want to broitk iim l welfiu'c. Holiday Road A. IT ertcr, Under!iecn!tary Mansfield and up R coalition of ' coiuervativo Smylie’s Talk H|f (Irll'vcrpd<lrll his "slate of the L ivinGston T. Merchant, Unnocrals aiul Jftf^ublicnn.s on ' stato" acitiro.'.s lo [he lawmakers AcilnG SccrcLary o f Jame.*} thp nilP.s'conunYttec whicli Iws I at a Joint .session In the house foil HiGli; It H, DpuGln.s, Gen. Lvman L. Lem- Dirksen Wins manaGed in th e to Block or \rc Reporti^d Ichiiinlicrs ni noon. AlthouGh he nitzcr. chnlrmnn o f the Joint c>ile/s delay lcGi.slation not to tlielr nOISP'jnmiUPI) - H rvrnrJ"'"' P'CMI'l I'l-’ full budGet WASHINGTON. Jnn 3 '.n -S cn - likinK. of staff, and Central InielliGence nto DeoiocrnLs • today Plcried Sen. Is No Record Diroclor Allen W . Dulle.s. Mike Mansfield. "Montann, n m od­ In this projcet, they had Ihc Sruylfe's "slalp-of-t.he-.state’ ' mr.s- Preas Secretary James C. Hor- erate liberal, as th eir floor leader. su)>porl of Spenker Sam ^ybum . .snRG to the 3Clh Idaho leGislature >-BfUnited Wcs3 International When 5mylie spoke. h e ‘ became erty declined comment on the Mnnsfleld fiuccedes Sen, Lyndon T»/Xas. Oi^e possible move was re­ here today; The nation's motorists started the first Rovernor in Idaho history B. Johnson. TeXas, vice prrsldent- ported (0 be a pUTRc of Rep. Wil­ .-m w.a = 1 « to address four con.?ecutive, reGu­ elect. John.son Is to re.slRn .shortly liam Colmcr, D.. Miss., from Ihc Proposed General fund spendinG traffic deaths hut they appar- lar sessioiw of (he leGislature as east Asia Treaty orRanlzatlon ob- from the sentfte sea t to which he commitiec. mtly avoldtd .settlns a new reQ- totnlinR 88.1 million dollars in the llRatlons’’ an action announced wa.s rcelccted in November wliilo chief executive. He Is midway In ^ lor hlshway slauGhter bver a Report.s were circulated thal neXt, biennium and repeal o f ihe hi.s second four-year term. ThjC earlier by the PentaGon. also winninG the vice presidency. Jtw Year's holiday, the National four Mksi.sslppl members of the so-cnllcd $J0 liPiid taX or a t least late C. Ben Ross served Ihres two- The defense department snid, , , Election Unanimous liety council said today. house who failed to .support tho removal of 11a "regressive a n d in- year terms in the 30‘s. ■‘In vtew of the p e rit'si'.un- Johmon told ne\v.<;mcn Mans- Dcmocrallc tlcklet lasU November rQuiinble feai'uicR." Revision o f the This was the first "It certainly appears that the tlon in Laos, we are taklnc? nnrmnl elected unanimous! <}0rfiOftHl0n—incom e "tnie— in — thg Tnessager lonii of a franchise taX to elimin­ jSt-enV'wifi'" fan* short of the Tlie four. are Colmor. Jamie ernor—that the Republican .Gov­ the readiness of our forces in the at the closed-door nrjeolinG. ate credit fdr, federal Income taXes mord established last year w hen Wliitteii. Arthur Winstead and ernor has addrased a leGislature Pacific, includinG measure.s to In- Sen, Hubert H. Humphrey, Min- paid or accrued and reduction in jlO were killed," a council 8pokc,s- nesbtfl. was elected assistant Dem­ John Bell w illlanis. in whidl) his own party controls the airlift capability of the the rate of taX Imposed to 6.5 per nmn tald, ocratic leader, a Job offldially des­ both houses. Democrats were in Pacific command.” One member o f conGress who cent from 0.5 per cent. ■Nevertheless, the toll Is dls- iGnated whip, succtcdlnG Mana- the- saddle In 1050- and -th a y -c o n --^ The Pentagon- declined to pin- 'declined to be Quoted by name (Smylie is expected to present hoitenlnG-ond Is'o traGle way to trolled the senate In 1957. point what military movements u,< . j's » id thiit'imder present plans the a separate budGet mCiyi9.Re KGln- a new year," he added. Senate Republicans reelected i .... ^Miu^-balanc<J of control''by the are in„the works. The order nn- four Mi.ssl.ssippians are cither* lo .9pn Evprptt. M Dirk.spii, Illinois, lawmakers on Friday; “at' ‘<3SS*however. FT^dellcate^’ one -When—tlio-J& ialh toll was close to the 340 pre- mander.s. ikled by the safety council. D e- latlve council and improvement of 4( count above the council's estl- California, as party whip, or ft.s- publicans apparently decided lo slstant leader, e - d Sen. tho leGLslatlvo machinery. ProvU- mte. wait and .sec w hat the Democrats U.'S. MakinG,.- Styles Bridges, N ew Hampshire, ions for a permanent year-round ] A United International do about the rules committee bc- On CliarGe of for another tenn o f chairman, of "skeleton staff" t ^ conclude leG- Itmintat ll;ie a.m. (EST). showed forre takinR a stan d of their own, the senate g 6 p policy committee. Lslative clean-up work and perform IlhEe holiday fatalities: nep. Charles A. Hallc:k. R.. Ind., New CRarGes Sen. Leverett Saltonslall, Mas- preparatory work_for each session^ JBLecklessness- 1 Ttafllc, 338. soctnisetts. wttsT-eelectcd chairman reelected leader by the Re- includinG conirnued"secr6tarla-t for |=FB«-,-6t--------------- ‘- r - 11 BepuBlF •PUU.\ipaH8r-«ftid— tile—caucus— It^tv-nttd-minoritv p a rtlesr - ^ a r i y —Lr-MullpaO,- T wilV-PftllSr Liliscellalicous, 08. ~F(5r:FarEast ■can senators, and Sen. Milton R. iaruely routine. Reiterated his proposal for a was fined $76 and costs, sentenQfd, Total, 401. A resolution presented by Bcven to flve.days'ln the city Jail and W A SH IN G T O N . Jon^, 3 (UPD—T lie 'oung, Nortilt Dakota, reelected short ballot. The proposed reor­ Calllomla had the worst hlGh- Republicans callin G for a i-epudia- Ganization Would provide tlTat the h is driver's license was suspended, n j carnaGe with 42 deaths. TeXas state'department today made pub­ The first b a b y borQ In 1061 at Maflo Valley M em orial tion of any coalition between Re­ lieutenant Governor become a full­ fo r 30 days when h s 'a p p e m d be­ hid 28, Illinois 20, Wisconsin 18, lic what it called new hard evi­ Dorlnda Tennant, seems Intent on sleepinG as her m oth er, Mrs. publicans and southern Democrats time -elected officer and assume fore Police JudGe J. O. Pumphrejr Mina n . New York 16, Ohio 13, dence of "eXtensive" Soviet and Bennie D, Tennant, D6S Sunrise boulevard, holds her. T h e 21'4-Inch during the conGressional session the duties o[ secretary o f state Tuesdoy .morninG on a reoiclesa ud Florida, Louisiana and M is- North Viqt-Naimese airlifts of war lonj, elsht-pound, two-ounce baby Girl was bom at Z;39 p.m. Mo^i- First^GoodinG (Canlinatd on P ar* 2, Colamn &) (Contlnatd on P «»* I. Coloran 1) drivinG charge, The ja il fentence loQil U each. mQ.terlals into embattled Laos and GOODINO. Jan. 3 — First was suespended pendinG-m od .l«i- Duka, Hawaii, Maine, North of “substantial nunibers” of com­ day It tlie local hospital, Dorlnda, the Tennants’ fourth child, was baby bom In 1061 at the 06b d - DaioU, New Hamp?nire and l*e munist Nprth Viet^Namese trppps.
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