^niF fic Death i ‘ Scoreboard B jrt ii ■* coBPfthiflR il Mffle Utilities II of (hli ijtv f®r ind l«J5 for |]lglc Valley and for th»

■Jdaho— i960 ...... 1 ------iMl Idtthoj—iOCl .. Ketpw* valley, lOGO ....0 -Tl*h— ------'1931 ■■■..:.«

Ufficitl City and Mfi'ilnT » / A'.,hi llu rrn u of CifctiUimtij V O L . 42, NOi 263 I'uiinly ' N«M'>|)u(ier TWIX FALLS, ID AH O , TUESDAY, JANUARY :i. 1961 Ai»iK.-ialo>l Pn-ii atiil I'ltitw l Trrti |iu<>rtiiiliunBl PRICE 5 CENTS i First T. F. Bal)v of 1961 GoTcmor Asks Balanced

Laos WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 (A’)— rrosiilent Eisenlinwcr ha.'i W ASllINGTO.X, .Ian, 11 (/I’)— The,now r(ini;iT.ile/s delay lcgi.slation not to tlielr nOISP'jnmiUPI) - H rvrnrJ"'"' P'CMI'l I'l-’ full budget WASHINGTON. Jnn 3 '.n -S cn - likinK. of staff, and Central Inielligence nto DeoiocrnLs • today Plcried Sen. Is No Record Diroclor Allen W . Dulle.s. Mike Mansfield. "Montann, n m od­ In this projcet, they had Ihc Sruylfe's "slalp-of-t.he-.state’ ' mr.s- Preas Secretary James C. Hor- erate liberal, as th eir floor leader. su)>porl of Spenker Sam ^ybum . .snRG to the 3Clh Idaho legislature >-BfUnited Wcs3 International When 5mylie spoke. h e ‘ became erty declined comment on the Mnnsfleld fiuccedes Sen, Lyndon T»/Xas. Oi^e possible move was re­ here today; The nation's motorists started the first Rovernor in Idaho history B. Johnson. Texas, vice prrsldent- ported (0 be a pUTRc of Rep. Wil­ Flfic.al .-m w.a = 1 « to address four con.?ecutive, regu­ elect. John.son Is to re.slRn .shortly liam Colmcr, D.. Miss., from Ihc Proposed general fund spending traffic deaths hut they appar- lar sessioiw of (he legislature as east Asia Treaty orRanlzatlon ob- from the sentfte sea t to which he commitiec. mtly avoldtd .settlns a new req- totnlinR 88.1 million dollars in the llRatlons’’ an action announced wa.s rcelccted in November wliilo chief executive. He Is midway In ^ lor hlshway slaughter bver a Report.s were circulated thal next, biennium and repeal o f ihe hi.s second four-year term. ThjC earlier by the Pentagon. also winning the vice presidency. Jtw Year's holiday, the National four Mksi.sslppl members of the so-cnllcd $J0 liPiid tax or a t least late C. Ben Ross served Ihres two- The defense department snid, , , Election Unanimous liety council said today. house who failed to .support tho removal of 11a "regressive a n d in- year terms in the 30‘s. ■‘In vtew of the p r.es e rit'si'.un- Johmon told ne\v.<;mcn Mans- Dcmocrallc tlcklet lasU November rquiinble feai'uicR." Revision o f the This was the first "It certainly appears that the tlon in Laos, we are taklnc? nnrmnl elected unanimous! <}0rfiOftHl0n—incom e "tnie— in — thg Tnessager lonii of a franchise tax to elimin­ jSt-enV'wifi'" fan* short of the Tlie four. are Colmor. Jamie ernor—that the Republican .gov­ the readiness of our forces in the at the closed-door nrjeoling. ate credit fdr, federal Income taxes mord established last year w hen Wliitteii. Arthur Winstead and ernor has addrased a legislature Pacific, including measure.s to In- Sen, Hubert H. Humphrey, Min- paid or accrued and reduction in jlO were killed," a council 8pokc,s- nesbtfl. was elected assistant Dem­ John Bell w illlanis. in whidl) his own party controls crea.se the airlift capability of the the rate of tax Imposed to 6.5 per nmn tald, ocratic leader, a Job offldially des­ both houses. Democrats were in Pacific command.” One member o f congress who cent from 0.5 per cent. ■Nevertheless, the toll Is dls- ignated whip, succtcdlng Mana- the- saddle In 1050- and -th a y -c o n --^ The Pentagon- declined to pin- 'declined to be quoted by name (Smylie is expected to present hoitenlng-ond Is'o tragle way to trolled the senate In 1957. point what military movements u,< . . j's » id thiit'imder present plans the a separate budget mCiyi9.Re Kgln- a new year," he added. Senate Republicans reelected i .... ^Miu^-balanc

ialh toll was close to the 340 pre- mander.s. ikled by the safety council. D e- latlve council and improvement of 4( count above the council's estl- California, as party whip, or ft.s- publicans apparently decided lo slstant leader, e - d cho.se Sen. tho legLslatlvo machinery. ProvU- mte. wait and .sec w hat the Democrats U.'S. Making,.- Styles Bridges, N ew Hampshire, ions for a permanent year-round ] A United Prc.ss International do about the rules committee bc- On Cliarge of for another tenn o f chairman, of "skeleton staff" t ^ conclude leg- Itmintat ll;ie a.m. (EST). showed forre takinR a stan d of their own, the senate g 6 p policy committee. Lslative clean-up work and perform IlhEe holiday fatalities: nep. Charles A. Hallc:k. R.. Ind., New CRarges Sen. Leverett Saltonslall, Mas- preparatory work_for each session^ JBLecklessness- 1 Ttafllc, 338. soctnisetts. wttsT-eelectcd chairman reelected hou.se leader by the Re- including conirnued"secr6tarla-t for |=FB«-,-6t------‘- r - 11 BepuBlF •PUU.\ipaH8r-«ftid— tile—caucus— It^tv-nttd-minoritv p a rtlesr - ^ a r i y —Lr-MullpaO,- T wilV-PftllSr Liliscellalicous, 08. ~F(5r:FarEast ■can senators, and Sen. Milton R. iaruely routine. Reiterated his proposal for a was fined $76 and costs, sentenQfd, Total, 401. A resolution presented by Bcven to flve.days'ln the city Jail and W A SH IN G T O N . Jon^, 3 (UPD—T lie 'oung, Nortilt Dakota, reelected short ballot. The proposed reor­ Calllomla had the worst hlgh- Republicans callin g for a i-epudia- ganization Would provide tlTat the h is driver's license was suspended, n j carnage with 42 deaths. Texas state'department today made pub­ The first b a b y borq In 1061 at Maflo Valley M em orial tion of any coalition between Re­ lieutenant governor become a full­ fo r 30 days when h s 'a p p e m d be­ hid 28, Illinois 20, Wisconsin 18, lic what it called new hard evi­ Dorlnda Tennant, seems Intent on sleeping as her m oth er, Mrs. publicans and southern Democrats time -elected officer and assume fore Police Judge J. O. Pumphrejr Mina n . New York 16, Ohio 13, dence of "extensive" Soviet and Bennie D, Tennant, D6S Sunrise boulevard, holds her. T h e 21'4-Inch during the congressional session the duties o[ secretary o f state Tuesdoy .morning on a reoiclesa ud Florida, Louisiana and M is- North Viqt-Naimese airlifts of war lonj, elsht-pound, two-ounce baby girl was bom at Z;39 p.m. Mo^i- First^Gooding (Canlinatd on P ar* 2, Colamn &) (Contlnatd on P «»* I. Coloran 1) driving charge, The ja il fentence loqil U each. mq.terlals into embattled Laos and GOODINO. Jan. 3 — First was suespended pending-m od .l«i- Duka, Hawaii, Maine, North of “substantial nunibers” of com­ day It tlie local hospital, Dorlnda, the Tennants’ fourth child, was baby bom In 1061 at the 06b d - DaioU, New Hamp?nire and l*e munist Nprth Viet^Namese trppps. the winner o f the 'Flmes-News Bponsorjjd First Baby contest and prizes donale'd by Twin Falls merchsnti, (Staff A o to -e iu ra iln g ) ing Memorial 'hospital was a Dliltlct) of Columbia escaped The department 6old the North o n Bit ; Ne' fathovef the holiday, Viet-Namese troopa wpre pflrn.i. *>!■ * * *>(■ * ' — mentj, 345 Arizona street, driving down Addison TU'hlghwaV“ toll averaged five chuted Into Laos by_ Soviet' and, Goodinj. He arrived at 11:20 p. nue westrAuslIn «v en «e-»n d -O i- dilhf an hoiir for much of the North Vlet-Namese planes. m. Monday. trander street at high js p e ^ , H* Soildiy. It fraa boosted by snow It said these planes have made — N«ntd—Michftel—GftryT—ti»e- ^ riept ftrroM much^o f-th e 4S0- trip^^lmcrEaas^l^ce-Decr1S: iJirLClaim&Jlleiif: -newcoraer^8-tlJe-fiMH p'*-Ei^tryeal«rd£^; IpiirBfielinisteaTKe the Clements couple. Ho welgh- Water content df snow in the south hilla is near average Alvin Walten, 44, Rupert, WM | The toll, bad as It was, did serial numbers o f nine Soviet alr- -ed—shrpoundsr“thre-and—one- ■fined »16-and-co8tinmd-asslgMilf— >nRtach-tha-48&-traffic-death»-ot- ^iraftr-ltsftld-flve-oi * r JanrlTTeportsrtValterHBnkinsjollTMtlSErvation ^rv- half ounces, C lemenis Is a 25 demerit^ by Judge ^m phr ' ibftfar more dangerous. Chrlstmaa jSomei .planes w hlcli were Involved First^63rBaby H ct6 ice technician, following tho first snow measurements of teacher at the Gooding Juiilor Tuesday "morning' for failure bJiday.'The average fo r a non- more than a m onth ago In the S om e Dorinda T ennantm ade her debut at M agic V alley Me­ high school. ■ • the season. However, soil moisture ia deficient. snow yield the right of_w lty.-'H a.jiM - bUday 78-hour period b 310 clandealine Soviet airlift to the measurements were obtained by readini: aerial markers clted Friday bjl city police.- eathj. ■ Congo. morial hospital at 2 :39 p.m, Monday to claim t h e title of placed earlier and no water content figures are.Ayailahle The drunk drlvliig ca se'of James iFlres took a heavy loss of life "ThLj Is absolutely firm Infor­ first baby b orn in 1961 at the local hospital an d a number A . Bowen, 38, Filer, w as delayed , M many of the victims were mation," state department Preiis of ’prizes donated, by' Twin Falls merchants. T h e eight- Injuries Are for those ata'tions, Hankins points out. Considerably more fo r results of a blood alcohol test hlldren. Eighteen persons, In- Officer Lincoln White told report­ pound tw o-ounce girl is the fourth child o f M r. and Mrs, ____ snow and h ig h e r moisture content_j3_repDrted_thia-yeac.aa when:ht-appeared_before- Justlea— 15 chlldrenj died in Just ers. 'This Is n ot clroumstantlal Bennie D, Tennant, 96G Sunrise boulevard, an d is the ^omparedrto-Jas t jie a r J t lo t of the Peace Kobert Pence Tue«» our home fir« Sanday and ■ evidence. This is tactual."______ic-Mouiitain-ha9-35-iflehes^{- 'flayTiinmtng.: '0 of this country's main aJ. The case was postponed lit ll ,1- lies, Great Britain and France, in as many years. The tiny mjss measures 2 1 V4 inches snow with 6.7 inches of 'BilKonlml^ pjnV Saturday, Bowen ,'was re- MOSCOW, Jan. 3 m — The^ have been reluctant to confirm long. With the arrival of water content as compared leased on a 1 1,000 Jropefty'JjenS Belgian Riot -to-14- ■ ■ ■ . . . -!V iM;4TO1 al^Ianet!!—R um Io- ^arge-JPiled- -faao-govermnent reports of Viet^ 'Dorinda, girl babies are fast — H e - w n s - c it e d ^ u'r ilr lv iu g w h ile Namese troops in that turbulent BRUBSELS, Belgium, Jan, 3 m t last year. The 16-jrear water con­ launched Into orbit round the Intoxicated by State Fstrobnui country. approaching th e record e.';- Castro T>usls —Mounted police, charging with tent average fo r Mag)o Mountain sun two years ago yesterday has Richard Bums loiiowlng ^ o n e - The state department’s evidence tablished by b o y s during the drawn sabers, l o d i ^ drove back on Jan-'l Is 7-7 Inches. traveled a billion miles, t h e So­ car accident at 11 pjn. Saturday - Oij Burglary, viet news agency Tass s a i d to­ wa6 made public a few hours after five-year period from 1053 to 1057 thousands of rock-thfow lng dem ­ Deadline ridge has 30 inchcs_ol on highway 30 two and-one-half ' day, ~ President Elsenhower held another when, the contests were won by Most of u : S; onstrators attem pting to march on snow. 1,9 woter content as com', m llM west of Twin Palls, " " ..... Tass quoted-Viktor Davydov, top-level conference'w ith m lllta^ males, The lOCO winner was SheUl parliament. Tw o rioters, one se­ pared to 16 Inches o f snow and l i Albert H, Vaughn,-Burley, wM Morals &)unt scientific secretary of th e state and diplomatic advisers.' Dawn .Hettenbach, daughter of riously Irilured by a saber slash, water content last year. The six- fined (15 andicosis and assigned ' were hospitalized in Brussels. astronomy.-InstW^ute, as telling BDRLEY, Jan. 3 C harge.i o f In Vlctlane,-Li^, the pro-west­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hettimbachj^ year average l.s J _inchS3-pf watot 30 demerits by Police Judge J. O. I j Olfier . casualties* were reported ■ the-youth-orga^i-Komosomols- Int-dcgree burglarr 'were llled ern .government 'aiuiounced today TwInT’alls; the 1659 wlnher" was HAVANA, Jan. 3 M>(-,PldeI Cas­ Pole Creek has 25 Inches of snow Pumphrey-Tuesdayf-Tnominar^or------^ elsewhere Ih Belglvim. kaya Pravda that- in.the ea^rlier Ills morning against th ree B u rley that Its troops recaptijred th? vital Mary Ann Salisbury, daughter of tro last nlglit.. dared th e United with 6-5 water as compared with s p e e d in g 35 miles p e r h o u r I n j -. ' ■ An estimated 75.000 leftist-led stages'Df its sdlar voyage.' the «n-Bge« acwed of rive dlffer- northeastern o u tp o st' of Xieng Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Salisbury, Btatei to break deplom atic reia- 18 snow and 3.7 water last year. 25-mile zone. He was cited by . strikers demonstrated against the space vehicle attained a speed nt break-lnj of Burley businesses Khouang from pro-communist Twin Falls, and the 1058 winner, tloTis with CuBy by ordering ail The sbi-year average Is B-l v/nte'r. Twin Fails city'police: on Main government in Brussels and other he p u t week. forces late yesterday. who broke the boys’ streak, was but 11 U.S. embassy o ffic ials off of 19 miles a second. , avenue west New Year’s -d a j;"... . Belgian-clties-ln-another-day-of- Bear Creek Meadows has 21 Incha Police^OlileinSeorge 'Warre: lOunceniemrBBld'fightinB' Melynda Dry, daughter of Mr. and the Island wltHltflwo-days.-- ■ - — He-said-lt-cev(»ed.one^^5ilt ^ Kenneth M; MaxHn, 48, ^(tldJV. violence at the start of the third of snow wIth-5.8-wator-compared iflong Its orbltTn 460 days. was clt^ forj^llure to drive reai- lied charges with p rosecu tin g A t - was still going on around the town. Mrs. Elmer Dry, Hansen. He emphasized he w a s n ot break- to IQ’ iaioWrand^favatecJest^ear. let-of-a-nation-wide-etllkef sonshiy^)nrpflijentiy after a oni “ My Normatt Nielson. T h e ir AT tlie'fifst baby born“ lirrflST Ing refatlon with the U nited Slates, The demonstrations were start­ The six-year average is 6.0 water. -pt tlifl lnf.nl hnqplfiil thfi Ti>nnnnf 'Th.. p r|FA__mlnistCT-de- car .j ccldent-au;05-4un...sundtt: ’htrrnor'bGemctrijefoTB' ed bynnrsoctttiistsnriitrittismpt 'a e deraltrisr^ow on courses' baby will receive many prizes do- dared he will perm it t h e embassy seven and one-Iourtlr miles soul Jobnle Judge Vern C a rter In JU' to force withdrawal of a govern- measured was 26 per cent. This Taylor Is Picked o f Burley on highway 27. le court, -t------^------nat«d-by-Twin—Ifalis—marohonts, including a pair of baby booties — nreTSMnwrrMiftnrw.___ . -tlr arrest Satur_day started a Ing north traveled 360 feet oii-the J)elaysJRock- “ 3 C«SE,-ianr3-fD?i)=-Tiie-idahir lefnids-orT itraait'crofflja-U ftT •“•to-fcaotlon-of-arreatsrOne-of fant's chair, Petersen furniture; them want to-go, let th em go." revenue from the Congo. the- airplane piloted by Hoy Greed ------supreme court- reelected o n e o f I.,Its road, going 160 feet on. the rlebt -■ B j e Jouths told pollbs of a 16-year- Brownie H awkeye flash camera, A confidential circu la r handed They now have grown into a of Reeder j'ly ln g service were Justices, c., J. ’Taylor,Jo^a—fourth, side, »nd then went over an em - ', boy who ran away Xrom home Kingsbury's prescription pharm­ embassy officials this morning in­ power struggle attempting tp Hummingbird Springs, 13 inches term as chicl Justice yesterdaj.’ Caldwell and allegedly stole Creek Plans acy; ili-month subscription to the b a n k m e n t,;, through ■ dicated the will overthrow the government of R o ­ of snow and 3^4 woter; Cedar Into a pasture, from the Thriftway drug- Twin- Palls will n o t begin to re­ Tlme.s- News; han d - embtoldered withdraw ail but 11 officers and Justice .Taylor has held aeat man Catholic P rem ier Gaston Ey- Creek, 11 and 3.6; Elk mountain, state' Patrolmin' M , J. Snyder lote here. , ceive Its domestic water supply handkerchief fo r the mother, May­ clerks. This total of 11 Americans in the court since ^040. ■ skens, with the strikers using 14 and 3.S, and R e d Point, 14 and estimated damage to-the vehicle from Hock creek for at least sev­ fair shop; a ca se of Coca Cola, presumably does n o t include the Another Justice. .E. B. Smith, When the Caldwell youth was street violence a n d police and 3.6. a t }2J0. Oamige to the fence eral days, H. L. Derrick. Twin Falls Coca Cola Bottling company; box U. 8. td i^ a r staff a t Bantlago. troops retaliating w ith force. was eligible to hold the p o s t but pprehendcd, he told officers In- Assisting with snow measure­ owned by Blaine Curtis v u e s t i­ city manager, reported "Tijesday. of cigars for th e father. Twin Cuba maintains several consulates In the big port c ity of Antwerp, he moved that the court reelect “nnatlon regarding Horace Kln- ments was Ellis Puller, supervisor m ated at $29,' The delay la because cold Falls mortuary; a Cotton dress for In the United States. two policemen and 10 rioters were Taylor—which it did unanimously, tranilent, who has been of the "Twin Falla soil conservs' E a r l H . Hurst, JO. D e d o , w a s weather has caused an ice Jam in the mother, P a ris company; two His voice exploding w ith anger, hurt • when 10,000 strikers ram ­ The election was h ^ in ji_prU jMSed here with contributing to tlon-district, - - - c l t e d - f 0r f a l l u r e t 07lelirth*Tljht the highline canal. The Ico Jam is Castro told' a ch eerln s Havana paged through the Jlowntown area, Vate conference o f the c o u r t. |>e delinquency of a minor. The (CanllnoMl on Par*'~2, Column I) -Dfjway-ni-the-M ult-ot-»-two-car- preventing Twin Pails Canal com­ rally; attacking streetcars and buses, ■udwell youth is charged with In- NIXON STARTS LAST LAP coUIsloh at a rural I n t e r s M t lo n at pany water from draining from the molesting possersby and smashing ^moua crime, police said. .. "By means o f diplom atic repre. WASHINGTON,-Jan, 3 ,IUP» - 4 :50 p.m. Monday two and t h r e e - canal. store- windows. The three Burley youths, rang- Idaho Officials sentatlon they (tl\e U n ited States) Vice President Richard M. “Nixon Triplets fourths miles north of Pecio on Derrick noted It is possible all Introduced a' real arm y o f agents (Cinllnail in Fin I, C alm > ' 18 In age from 16 to n years old, COUEGE INTEGRATED today began the last short lap of MANOHESTEn, England, Jan. 3 4 of the Snoke river water, will not provoking and prom oting terror- . ™Pllcnlcd In burglorles of the KNOXVILLE, T en n., Jan. 3 OIPO his service In th e nation's second lOPD-^Mrs. Doris Oleary^ a 38-year- be drained from, th e cunal before Hunt ‘Red Lady’ Ism.'iHe charged that U. S. agents Cross nnlmul hospital, the —Tw»V-H:yc“ *'-oId Negro youths highest odlce. H e faced a memor­ old ET'andmother, gave .b ir t h to tha Irrigation, water pumping sfs- BOISK, Jan. 3 W l-A "lady .in, have been directing antl-C iutro Equipment company. Idaho registered for freslunon classes at able week. The first task for the triplets New Vear’s doy—all.boy#, tem of W. T. Wllllanu'-is put into red" was being, sought by area law terrorism “ protected b y diplomatic llG R U G W ^ "pemenl co m p a n y . Merritt's the University o f Tennesae» today. 47-year-old Nixon, who leaves of­ Mrs. Oleary, lylio ha»- five other operation, enforcement ^officers today. immunity,’’ •'“ lion and the one-hour Tliey are, the first Negroes ever fice on Jan. 30, w as to gavel tho children and two' grandchildren, .Today's Tlmei'*Niwt Paul Newton,, city engineer, wos She Is wanted fo r queationlrig in The UB, diplomatic stoff hw admitted to undergraduate classes senotg. intb session a t noon lor the said, " I was only, expecting one ~ V itt 1— Qlrl clftlmsi. tlUa of umonB'pertuiu eAuiiilning-the-loo- etanl to several ifin eminterfeit bcen^iliiutlailly rnrliirrti. In ,lhf tit the university. TSpenrnrDfiinrBTtircongrejsr l!iiBy M ia it wM » big SilOck." fir s t 1001 boby In T .F . Jam proljlem , Tuesday morning. hills which turned uiT3flripg tho ptat leu months. T h ere were 120 the hospital, tho youths Christmas shopping season. non asks balanced budget for "‘'‘ I! In r Tentative plans are to construct officiilg listed a t tjie embassy six jnnnliii,ogo. T h e-fistu M in sJ tM i; -Idaho, .U .S. congress «tKts UBttltsf*eTinWrltr.«Mo1mHa' 1 01 On ..,u®‘ acar- at «-market-here last-nlast-night in cut to about TO." . Fails airport. Pacific might. Snow water con­ lofo, Derrick hopes th e weaUier will payment of the bill, hurriedly left Families of all A m erican em^ ihcils and several bones tent Jisted- near niirmal, ;K elt< turn warmer so thei )co wlll .melt, the ilore and drove away,in a red (CoillntNl «n P m J. CoIbbh.TI , 'Oocoliitcs; Implement com - nedy names adviser to b o o s t enabling the highlliie canal to.be ear with Utah license plates,, the Wo Iramlstor radios; hunt foi:'world dlsarmameat; ;. drained. i. sherlIJ'i olflcs reported. «lBtlon, WO, ond » 3.00 In Princess Refused -'rsi« '3— New state d ep ^ v t>ALM BEACH, , Jan. ' 3 IA- Its Importance Is equalled only by "It would, initiate research Into m e h t te a m , ■ 'i'-, :'.i Presldont-Elect-John-F, Kennedy Its - complexity.- - Considering tlie arms control , problems and i)e- , til* dry cleaning store, 4~Ed!(OTlaliJ*^; Monastery Entry named John j. McOloy, IMmer al­ conditions In the worltf today, its velop polioy forguldonce -^or- ou^ ■Dlslress’ In,Poem.,' '- \r( left 1,1,.?“ “ entrance.-‘to NEWS Dinn, Ireland, Jan. 3 (UPD-^Rlgld lied high com m issioner, In Ger­ Importance Is very; ■ nptarcnl,'’ dlsarm(un^cnt negotiator,"- , ■"Psi« T-Hutkleivtfkt ’JWfi- (i™"“ >,»PP‘'fcntly by broak- monaello rlilfs today k e p t Princess many, to be. h^_ ch ie f adviser and McOloy Is OS, a Republican, and .b o w l v lo to iy . ( ' ' ' '■ ' ' *■ .'"outh tear windows,- ao- Kennedy'didn't' say who-w^iliil ifdliig KEW YOIUC,- J a n . ' 3liFI-Seventy-llve witnesses have been called ijlorgarot out,of an Irish moWiS' policy planner in a stepped-up a former assistant secretary of do the actual negotiating, ^MQtiody p.ie lri-; 0uil*’4 nrrti lM l Hurley Police Chief turysliijLwanlcd to.vlslt. war. His hew title w ill be dirciitoi to tofltlfy at a formal Inquiry, opening tomorrowJnto the iio Ion's search for, world disarmament. has been tapped tor tlut W ^ti«by| buUdoeenbillHOitstluV' Wartjafet,' wiio is here to ylsit of the United S tates disarmament worst ale disaster— th? Deo. lO colliilon and crash o f two alrlUierj McCIoy'a duties w lir assume such In advance of flyilij to Mliml »tattllr». ■.T'T-- iiop inilaws, run, up against the Importance In.the n e w odmlnistra- admlnistrotloh. here,.killing 130'p erson s. . , -...... , to attend tlie Mluourl-Nayy. foot­ reB'ulatlon that'no women are ppr- Imi that he Is.expected to- be re- Tills Is II positloj>_t}ie Elsenhower ball game la the Orange bowl, mittcd In Mt, ’ 8t, Joseph's »bb«y leved ollhe responsibility for no- admln^siratlon-never ■(iUed alter Kennedy also named a top m e i ■l|n-livIlell«.<)»nyon on-tft«-Or«»on_ililt and ifl'njfljin gotiatlng_wlth tho soviet Union It wAs created lost summer, Kgi l|et_of ^.'.polltlcftI..teiu»y 1.1 ^: »yiiii»«rdou»-Jnl«iloJi,b».lioitJo.M«;wl|*l.y,»*.3W«ll».4)Ieii'U{!!lWi «nd--<)lli»i!-^l^w«fs-JtLt4,,.Uokiish ji»ily-pl|illi.^t:rar---moM;^vll w nce'~r;"” 0’lirlenr*^l»»l«**^ field. for' thc admlnlstjivtlon, which hni Mass.,' to beispiol&l assistant ,fof cha otntxai^ XuM *, » pilot for Morrlson-Knudsen ponslrucllm d » r »t the oquhty ua«s«or'i oni«tu.‘ oonipiny; told B '«ke^’«oun»r Sheriff l)*li Watren D ixon of hli find, to visit Father Boylan, a reilglouj In ,Stamford, C on n ., McOloy saltl aboiit 30 persons working.for it,, lersonnel and coligressliiilal-xeW' «ulhori,i))o ndlnlrcj, ‘In ordcr,.ta of his appolntnlcnt, "1 «m flat- "II is liitendcd,'ta,bB:tlia'ciintral •lobs,. In .the ptnonnel part o f the A cleflc^epotM buslneM.''«nM', tercd^thahths'p,resident'thmits "hrlsk^aUm ornii)l,'Blr,nootv«AW ';' . 1)AN6koiC, Tlmllnnd, Jkn. 3 iDfH-rrlms Minister Sotit .‘niSnnrat do toi'ihi hoped to e n t e r tlie en- planning’npiiily in thd field of Job, O’Dileni will IKndle palronan. t o ‘'‘■'"'.•'on duck I of the m onastery'from that I dan mike a contribution to disarmament," < a 1 d Kennedy's in »nt)«lp«llwii)f taklng'the Itey Car objb j ' '''"■“‘ In* Now. Yonr’«, was'»«roporltd roDorltd ionighl/...... to have Ordered prtparatlons f o r the defense of was tordorlnion JtrlfB-tornJWOfc ,lwhioh womvomen M-* barred . ■iloh » dillleult problem u UiU, press, socretiry,, P lerrt eallnger, (CWIIaMM ClUli*;•) hnd '■ “‘I tignog. . ■ (hi) ebuthoofl ■ .„.v. ■ i . '..______TUESDAY. JANUARY! •ij ' ■ V A G k i ^ % ■ TIMES-NEWS,:WIN-FALLS> IDAJIO 1’ lO G lJ Castro Ousts Asks Girl Is First Twin Falls News in Brief Seen Today W eather, Temperatures J io st of U.. S* B abpM M L W nrkliii at Center ~ ■Arteit<^'"f*1ntoxlcation -S h a ro n - H n it g h t p r n t M r •Robert W. Fischer, 48, wos in c h a n g e . Low ton lfh i 5 to 15; hl^h tamQrrow 26 to 34. Low 'last oifht tlie Twin Falls-city jail Mottday -11,11- a U^-a.inHind-25-fli-noon, :ht, oluii'ged' wllU dniBk'eness on ^ .-^ b lic -h ’[8hway..Hla Kinii -tPrdn'-^ilt'^OncV----- — r — ___ r set a t $100 by. Kiinherly Justice of experleiia- u ^ • NORTHERN IDAHO—Consl^l^raljle fog or low cloudiness In valleysT dinners at the R b g er^ n liotel os part of. her-tralnlng at St. Al- bassy .personnelt,were^moved. out —30 to 29 in the house and 23 to fa ir a t higher elevations through fomprrow. Slightly warmer tonight the Peace R oy .T p tter -Sunday. iniit .gnntftm ber because W ashlng- pltol,...... ~»-r-^Drlver-'dlM)bi'-«»— «»ci uJMJUi'Vin,, ,. CoX/ca- fihop. • : ■ - - ; •pbonsus school of nursing. . ,; lylle.uriitlthii -With A . low o f 10 to 20. High tomorrow 25 to 35...... — r...... — - ■ i-nrrested hlrState^o= ton considered the situation~liere -reading "Na’ barfcins fro m -h „.f , T in y shop’ffiil give a $ 5 -certifi­ lawmakers to rise above"=^»fl irolman .John. .Wrny at n55:affl, ■corner;’ ., . . idoho ao;o„au,J cate; Better Homes and G^rtieris Flr^ I>epi«nient Called — - - seriou s;-. ■ TjlcKeinfc’'- N E W YORIi^,'Jail. 4 ILra—|(ntcrnationiirTansr5vilnn., reporting a low Sunday four miles east of Honsen chart hanging on wall in mi,..,.. ' baby book' Clos Book stqre; a T h e Twin Falls fire department Costro m od e it clear he lis'not 30^ degrees below zero, was the coldest «i>ot reported lhis morning on hlghwoy 30! " office . . . Broken tree Ilnifcs .v’iri.' I -TitBter dozen'diapers, Idaho Department was summonedaoJhe-'-Twltj breaking .jc Ja tlons. with -Washing­ t h e U. B. weather bureau. Yesterdoy’fl high i^us recorded at Miami ed. In aUey------Dlscnrded' ■'Tlie’ delicate bslance o l power store; baby bottle sterilizer, Sav>- Bank and Trust company at 8:30 ton. ' B e a c li; Fla., which enjoyed 9, temperature of 77 degrees. Returns to Tralillnr branches and Chrlstma.s ,rcf ' In your two houses could com­ Mor Drug store; Johrison and 0. m. where on electric^ "••we do hot"break with,-them,” pletely Irustrate pur best en^ Johnson baby kit. T r o fln g tr ’s m otor on a heat distributing Ion David Hannah hos returned to trash rcceptacle . . - .Moiorcyc" I S U U o n _ Min. I '.y j.j Miami .... he' shouted. “It they w ant to go, d ea v ore unless all ol u s cxerclse ■pharmacy-; case ot astjorted baby had oaught tiro,— Smoko was Ft; Ord, Calif.; aftcr-spendlnt: the policeman having dltriculiy t,',p Albany .. T: • R Tr. Hilweuk'te :lo let them go,' ing machine . . . Brown ni]f| ■cansldRrahln n n l f - r e .-it.rAlht ^ he food. Albeftaon*5-Food^ t QfK-.flH- -hea v y i 'lwt-damaiiP—u - u’a.s ‘ rnnflni^fl“ ...... jiolldnys wlth. hl.i pafents, Mr. ani). m . .... I Wild qheerlng and shouts of saia; AtliinUi. . N'l-w Orlriiiis'^. , ... :>H v«r-plated‘ bub/ spoon, Lloyd's to the 'motor,' fire officials said. Mrs. Albert Stites. Twin PallSi spotted dog favoring oiip i „ liillinKn . . .11 ;;*> “ C uba-^i. -Yankees no", greeted he trotted by posiotllcD , d Leaders of both parties In the ...... , jewelry store, Hannah entered the army in No­ lU iin m r c k ..... IS 0){ mJ "filncere men*" who really wanVto D c« M o jii 'rath rinlivs .Tprrv'.' o. thA Trnrflrr hnlnl naiful3.u antl-government fi?’----- B^ve: Ihfem. ' Ahd. hB'ffftia; "inc ft- » I ■ II p h and am dui)7 palgn against Ana overneafa-i"“ Noiy tlmi ;ii, |„,i Fuirl>iink« .. RjK-k Si.rinKR ..’ . c e n te i;' th ree-p iece sllvertilate By ■Twin Palls-city,, police; terrorists and pledged tp "liquidate Idoyslare over, loi));-'; In, j nancial problems confronting this (WkhIiuu •St, 1^111111 commurnty s(l, Scnubach Jewelry Shop !.<{ Open all counterrevolutionaries th is have to go Hick' lo work ima;,, - session are not dlfflcult»ii------Salt l.nkA (^lly . , H olpiitt company; baby announcements,^Appears In Court 'Episcopal church Tlirltt shop will IndinniipolU Shu . . year. jif. Present revenue structures, he Shi. 1 n.m-uro . Tlme.s-News commercial printing w illiam Donicl Slrom , 37. Tahoe be open every Wednesday ond fVl- "If we have to occupy one by «aid, will produce 83.1 million dol­ J u n c iiu KanHAM ('ily . department; 48 large ciyis ot Sego Valley. Collt. wns fined S26 and day. one the hoitses.ot those who shel­ lars during the next.Wennlum, In .'^IMjkHiiir ...... I.4UI Vnrnii . . milk.. Okay food stores: two free costs 'by Police Judge J. O. Pum- ter terrorists, we will," he assert­ Disarmament ■ addition.- he said estimates now Ufuan 'I'niiiiM T W IN VXLLS — ...... - . .lilies o f bowling at botli' Magic phrey Tuesday morning alter, he Club Sets Meet ed. "And it we have to toke an . put tlje surSuVlil the gehefijl fund r.ofl (.{> u U V "WTnilniiuloii .Bowl and Bowladrome. pleaded guilty ot bemg drunk in “ Magic 'ToasOSilstress "club will entire nelghbornooo. well lakcTTT •ftt the' end of this biennium at 7.3 Wr«L Vellownt/ihft ... Aid^-^elcctOi idemnhlft- Case ot 'Gerber's b a ^ tood, til public place. He wus arrested meet'at E p, m, Thursdai oI R ob- entire neighborhood,"______million dollars. Shelby's market;' six SaTiy botlles' ot th e 'lS>avelcr hotel Tuesday by erson hotel Desert room. Castro said his cabinet will meet f "F or that reason tlie budget Magic Valley Drug com pany; all- TSvln Falls city police. tomorrow to pass a law authoriz­ . message will suggest that you ro- plastic diaper basket, Cain's Ap­ Admlllcd to Cllnlo ing the deoth penalty for terror­ For Kennedv pliance and Furniture: five- by ' pcal the $10 capltotlon (head) tn.x Magic Valley Funerals Darrell Jensen, route one, ^t'as ists, those who old them, ond tor (F r o m -P * * * Onfl seven - Inch Iramed photograph. Solon Feuds • Imposed by the last session, or at admitted Monday evening to the persons w h o possess explosives or dlsormament post In the nrw «d. Album studios; baby bath set and the very, least that you remove Its, Twin Palls Clinic hospital for sif other.instruments ot terrori™.. ministration. McCloy has ju,st re. O OO D ^N Q — Funeral .wrvlces for Elmer N eff offlclotlng. The cor­ baJjy book, Save-On Dry store; an regressive and Inequitable fea­ gery. Castro worned tnat Presijdent- signed as chairman ot the boatj Mrs. Elza O. Moore will be held tege will leave Thompson chapel azalea. City Floral: S5 from the Are Ali-eady tures,” he said. lect JohrT P. Kennedy will share ot the Ohase-Manhattnii ban> at 2 p.m . Thursday In Thompson at 2:25 p.m. Mountain Stales Telephone and He said hfe also will propose the Appears on Program- \ responsibility If the United States Nev4,York. c h a p e l by the Rev. Elmer Neff. Telegraph compifliy; JO ,quarls ot .corporation Income tax be rewrit' C on clu din g rites will be held in RUPERT—Funeral servlce.s tor Getting Start Mrs. Mae Eggleston Plory, 92, commits . ngeresslon .against Cuba Repeatedly djirlpg the prjiiiicn. ten In the form of a franchise tax, milk, Young's dairy, and six movie Elmwood cemetery; William Henry (Bill) Johnson will 346 Fourth avenue east, left lHi?s- withhi th e next -18 days. Castro TlaT election campaign, Keiiiiedv and thafcredlt for federal income , tickets from the Orpheum theater. ^ (From P«tt« One) be held ot 2 pjn._Wcdnesday at the was shunted to the policy commit­ day accompanied bV he|;_daughter, claims Washington plans to launch harshly' criticized the Ei-snihnwi.'; taxes paid- or accrued be eliminat­ Mrs. Maude Anthls, Guthrie, M o B trt’ ERT — Funeral services for McCulloch funeral , liome. Burley. tee by voice vote: a Marine- attack within that pe- ■administration on g r o n n o ,s '* ed. And. he said, he will ask that R ic h a r d R o y ce , Prcdmore will be Flnol rites will be held In the -As expected, senate Republicans for '■Hollywood where Mrs. Plory riod. lacked any real disarmament pro. the corporate income tax rate be will appeor-on the “ Queen for a held a t 2 p. ro. Thursday ot the Jack.i fimetloto^^ thS.etate auditor and Wendell ‘^Johnson, Richfield, and Congo's Kivu provincial cupltal of in g collided with a 19^9 P ord driv- rewrite p f an Elsehhower- odmln- one of the back wheels dropped o(l Ight^Burlc^. Pan Buknvu have 'turned their wrath Cox. M rs. Edsel J. lyhltaker, KeiJ:' -€n—by—Hariy^Mossengcr,— 47. Passes at Istratlon bill proposed in tho last the roadway, ctmslng the car i X “r ------Both‘-Uie-publlc instruction su­ and; V’ern Buckles, nil Jerome, •on-Enropenirs-iifter-beatlnff-bacfc- -overturn,------1------— ne'th Parkers. Bertha Busby. Sob- Tome, who was attempting to pass congress; "ThlTTilirfallEtt-to-pnssr perintendent and attorney general • DISMISSED a week-end attack by pro-Mobutu eVt D . Singleton, Mrj. Leonard Damage> was estimated a^^ $100 Cooley sold, will consider Her sister-in -law , Mrs. Rod­ would become appointive Jobs. The Mrs. Jerry Ham and son, Je- Invadffrs, a United Nations spokeS' Huddelson and Mrs. Joseph C. to tho Pontiac and $175 to the T.F, Hospital some kind ot a sftl bank, bill. It riguez, was treated at a physician^ m li rome. man said to^lay. • office. be abolished-lts publication liulles •HBIIUIUJII, nil Tgin-^Rilii5r=Mr -Mrsr^Blrmche-br-BakerH'/r-ivlfe- -wUt±e ‘.-iome kind oLa_blll to-ret — Charles-DrBlimlngr-i-TO-Jackson tlre-aorea-ond-for-payment- 4n- J ” given the bureau of mines and C h a r le s Cunningham, Daphne uf~Trobert~^alcci:rn704—Addison street, waived preliminary hearing been beaten and others arrested kind." i '.[ J____ geology-and-lts. BafctSL-fiinctlon io (B ill) Duffy and Mrs. Richard Minidoka County avenue east, died Monday evening and was bound over to district by tlie forces backing deposed He suggested, however, that fo III 11 to the labor department. aiTelirTniTll'ef; Mrs; Junior Dell VLsiUng h o u r s at Mlnldokap' a-t M agic Valley Memorial hospital Cars Collide court when he appeared before Premier Patrice Lumumba, ac­ be effective In reducing surpluses i i y . ...._Bm ylie. asked the.:lawmalierLt9. ■■Walcton and t o . Lajir^ Jame^ County hpspljtal are* from 10 a. m, after a three-month illness, - RUPERT, Jan. 3—Lack ot ott Justice o f the Peace R ob ert Pence cording to the U.N. spokesman. He the soil bank afcreage level might I------at-least-oonelder-hli -propoMls^Jor, & t h . - B ‘ulil;' MTS. Clarence-Sellam. to 7 p. m. In the medlc'al and sur­ . .She .-waa-bom_Sept^l5,-lD13. In said—tho-UiNTr-oommand-is - intor-> tlon on the part of both drlvi Tuesday . morning fdf fanurf to ■HfiVe“ to be raised to 75 iniliron i 1 - public'Instruction superlntendtnt R u p e rt': Raymond Alberdt, Je. gical ward and from 10:30 a. m. Arkansas and came to Idaho* wlicn ceding for the release of the Eu­ was' listed' a.s the c'ause ol aiTl, comply with tlie financial respon- acres. terseotlon-colllslon ot two cars i _ : <' and mine Inspector at this session ■tom e; James Michael Tale, Sho­ to 2 p. m. and from 2:30 to 6 p. m, dbllity act. she w as 3 years old. She lived ropeans. south of Buhl, later at Curry arrd*|" G and 13th streets here Saturdf ... ol the leglslature,___ i___ s h o n e ; Dell Mallory. Burleyj-Mrs, ln-the~mftternlty-ward. — “ Binning wns sentenced b y Pence ^wlss Man Arrested "Some progress toward « short Henrietta-'Meyerhoff. Eden, and .. ADMITTED was graduated In 1931 from Twin Those arrested include a Swiss afternoon, for (jriving while intoxicated Nbv^, Rupert police llsted-damage^ -balloU8-better-tfaan-no-progte5s.at G ordon Ehier, Pocatello. - Ted Hodges, -Malta; Mrs. Mary 10. 1950...... Falls h igh Bchool, She was a star namfid Fischer of the Internatlon- Four Injured J105 to a 1060 NaBT-|lrlven~li| -D IS M liS E l — In-llett-«f-UiM50ftrbond^Bln- ______business- ■ M r s .'' Charles Patte'r'son- and Jim Jlash, Ijesa Smith an^ Mrs. ning was remnnded to th e custody the la£t girls team for Twin Falls. man named Fournier. On M ay 17, -1D36, she was mar­ the 1067 Pord driven by Ronall (lau gh ter, Mrs. Willis Zimmerman A1 Whiting, all Rupert, and Mrs. of Sheriff James H. BenJiam. Details of the week-end fighting 'ar Crash Fred Kowitz, Declo. “ ried. to Baker at Jerome.’ Mrs. Klebe, 32, both Rupert. %n'd s o n , and-A. E. Oray, all Tivln Lenard L, McLaws^39, Burley, between the pro-Lumumba forces Four persons received slight In FivB OffiniaW ------DISMIS&G& -Ttfibf>r wn.q_ft-tTff>mhpr nf t.hf> Ttvin Palls: Bernard Rufiing and ijiiTy Tcquested ii prelljn ln a r y ^ iearlng^ And—thoso-sent-lnto-Kivi-piuwlnce- •Jnrtes~in— n'~twu-car'~coHtalon—at- Mrs. Glen Rogers and Lesa Falls Methodist church, Ladies of The pelican derived -Its''ha® C o m le , iboth Buhl; ,Mrs.-Lee Mor- on one ch(\rge and w as given by Congolese strongman- Col. Jo­ 6:50 pm . Mondoy In the 200 block Smith, both Rupert: Mrs. Pete the Elks, Woipen's Golf associa­ seph Mobutu were sketchy but the from the Creek word for " a ' 4 an,_H Bzellon_-and-Lela Senften, statutory time to enter a plea In of Addison ovenue west. Twin ToGetMeda Collins and daughter, Heyburn, tion and the Twin Falls Felions. frontiers between IClvu and the "pelekus,'’ the shape,ot Its grfi Oastleford. another when he appeared Tues­ Foils police reported thot no one and Ted Hodges, Malta« S h e ' worked for the Mountain Belgian trustteshlp territory bt beak. WASHINaTON, Jan. 3 m - day before Justice of th e Peace was hospitallz^ and no citations B i i f r a s States Telephone company for 10 Ruancja-Urundl were, closed tight­ President Eisenhower today named Robert E. Pence, were Issued. D iu gh tera was born Tuesday'to years in the commercial depart­ ly. -.The -Mobutu troops attacked live .outstanding government olfi- Goodihg Memorial McLaws naked for hl5 statutory Drivers were ldentll|ed-as Lewis M A . and ^ s . Charles McNeil, ment. trom the trusteeship. ■ d a b -to receive the , Resident’s time on a charge of using a false R. Craft, 46, 191 Lois street, and- O old Medal , award for dlstln- T w in Falli; and Mr. and Mrs. Visiting hours at Gooding Me-, She.also was office deputy In the Belgian paratroops m anned and fictitious name when applying M ar.k E . Moorman, Murtaugh. ■'ihed—ledoral-clvlUan-iettlGS. Clarence Bellem, Rupert. A son morlal hospital ore irom 8:30 a. m. Twin Falls sheriff's office for fqpi' frontier barricades' on the- Ruan- ip r .a n IdAhQ_{lrlYer:s..license, T5je Craft's lip was cut In tee collision: heat honor for career clvll serv- w as b o r n ’Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. to-8:30-i>.~m;-i------■years ~uncter-Warren "Lowry. -She da-Urundi-'Sld(Pbt-the^border- and hearing was requested on' a charge while his wife and daii'ghtej. were D a v id Cummlnsj 'Twin Palls. Mon­ ADMITTED and hei* husband Owned and op­ Congolese and UJ^. Nigerian troops ants. -I ' of driving with a suspended bruised in the crash. T h e award winners wUl'receive day births Included a daughter to Olso Silver. Glenns Perry: El- erated the Log Cabin Bar-B-Que guarded the Kivu side. dri.ver’s license. Moorman's daughter, a possen- th esied a ls at a white House cer- M r. -a n d -Mrs; - Bennie D: Tennant, wood Stockton; Fairfield, and-Har- at riv e Polnts-east for many years. 100 Reported Killed Judge Pence set b o n 'd 'a t. $500 ger In his cor, had.a bruised hand. efiion r o a .Jim .-il. -The reolpi?nts T w in Falls, and a son I'o Mr. and old PahrenwoJd and Mrs. Gary E. The past 12 years they have op- There 'were unconfirmed reports and McLaws wo.s remanded to the . Dama'ge to Craft's 1081 Comet M rV VT^lWrrlr ' Clements, both «Fatect=a-conoe5SionH»tand-at-fal that 100 persons -had been killed, DISljnSSED in the abortive Invasion" launcneo was estimated at JlSirtiFthe'froiit; *'^Bert B. B ^ e s asdstant'poet- l e g a t e itrEubankarGoodiftjT;------__ ___ butr-the—United- •endTmd-$204o^hfrTeai:-^t-Moor- msi?ter general lri"charge"8rthe M cLaws was arrested at 1:55 . Survivors Include her hUBband niHTHS liatlons had no official'figures. man's 1957 podge. Moorman was bureau otjoi^raMoM' Installation for a. m. Monday four miles north of and m other, _.Mr§, Claude Beltz, 4 son wa.s born td Mr. and Mrs. nn Mr, I 4 Another an nt M obutuJ^ ldlers tu. What £ happened lo JlolUstor— by-frtr(^tre— Patpolmatr -Nampa-}— two-elBtera;—M r3^a*- were ri-nnrterireported hnKnltallzerlhospitalized with 11,,the collision took place. Both cars director o f the U.s; army's, dla- Gary Clements, Qoomng. SwalU Roseberg, Ore.. and Mrs, world (hat lo many people conl ChflYles J ,’ Peiigh. His license was wounds. wera heading west, officers report­ jnnnil nrrinnnrft.fllfifl jalwratorleS. ~^ifficersIsHeld James Black, Boise, and two brotji- sider honesty to be old-fash- rTTe'wly-eTectca^rflcefs Df~thf —Offlcial-sources-sald-Mobutu-hnd ed.-*— ------— -— = 3 = — Frederick J. Lawton, a meipber. Ing, ers7 Joh n Quails and Clifford loiSdt= E x ch a n g e club were installed dur­ Cassia Memorial flown between' 150 and 200 men o t th e n .B . civil senrice commls- Qualls, both Twin PalLs. ing -the regular ’Tuesday noon Vl.'iltlng hours at Cassia Menv>- Into Ruanda-Urundi Saturday apd rion. Funeral sei-vlce.s will be held at m e e tin g of th e club at the Roger- rlal ho.spltal are trom 10:30 a.m. that Belgian troops escorted them KAYLER'I-ODGE Richard E. McArdle. chlet ot the 2 :3 0 .p.m . Thursday at the Twin Straw Burned son b o te l. lo 8 p.m. ih the medical and to the border to the consternation, agriculture department's fo r e s t Station, School Falls Wethodlst chureh with tlie BURLE'V, Jan. 3 - The Burley ,N 0 . 94. A.F.&.4.M. Installed are A. L. (Dud) Hein­ surglcarward and from 3:30 to 4 of U. N. authorities. Bervlce, Rev. Earl W. Riddle officiating,' fire department was called out at MAHUNIC TBllPLB rich, "p resid en t; Norval Wlldman, o.nd trom 7 to 8 ,p.m. In tho ma­ Pighllrig Ends ■William R. McCauley, dlfectbr of Entered in Area I ^ t rites will be held In Sunset 12:45 a.m . Monday lo put „out a 8S3 Ulut ternity ward. Although the fighting wos re- m the bureau of employes’ (jmpen' vfce president; DoNol Nance, «ec- BURLEY, Jan. 3 -B u fle y police M em orial pork. Friends may call straw fir e at the Howard Conrad | ADlII'lTED porteB-..ended, the United Nations "^A T E D COMMUNIWTION eatitfn in the labor department. retn ry.-on d L ee Carney, treasurer. reported two burglaries somethne]„(, the ’I^vln Falls -mortuary troin farm, 1 2 ',i lilies west of Burley R o b e r t Qlllesple, district governor ICblly Adams. Oakley, and Mrs. said the single Nigerian headquar­ Thursday, Jan., 5 -8 P. M early Tuesday ot the Richlleld i p jn . Wednesday unlll Umo of on hlgliway 30. JOl-tlie_^ub,-was-lnstalllng oltlcer. Marlon F. Weaver, Robert Pence, ters company at Bukavu. wna be­ ------Hcgutar-Biiiincas— _ scrvlce sthtioh and B u rle y ‘ Junhj'r servlce.s. ing reinforced:- It was tnls samo The stack'w as located, near the • C lu b members dlscus.ied the Lex H. Kunau, Gary W rlghj Mrs. high school. outfit ot clerks, cooks and me­ highway and tho lire apparently (illbiti Mpnill -. (■•«'«' Youth IsHeldin ch a rter.p a_ rty____ and______decided-to______dls- , Martha Crnndnll and Mrs. (Paulo An undelermlned am ount ot| chanics that defeated a 'Congolesd started o n the side closest to tho W.M., Twin I'lIU i'lK l cuss It furth er at tlio board of,Oucrra. all Burley, Ph>n. RE S-SJ71 Ph™; cigarettes-and change w ere taken toreo Just before Christmas and rtii^d. Cause ,qf tho fire wos not Theft of Purses Control mectinB Friday noon at DISMIijSED ’6L Launched All Bolnurneii W iln«* , from-the service station owned by saved an.Austrlan hospital. - determined. ' ’ ' B U B IO T, Jan. 3 — Charges ore K o to ’ s cafe; All membCFS^^ivith Mrs. Mao Elmer, Burley: Mrs. Fred Allen. Entry was made by pending agatast a H-year-old Bur­ A TJ.N. spokesman Indicated It, Ideas about th e party « o urgdd to Shownle Jensen. Rupert, and Mrs, breaking the.glass In the door into ley boy. who allegedfy took several a tte n d . Moo Dodson. CJyde Bishop Macy Richardson. Albion. would -take more than one com-' the grease room. With Tragedy pany to cope with the persistent ladles’ .purses from the Anne’s and George BurmelstcKjonipose BIRTHS A t tho Junloraigh sohooi, $10.23 disorders In Kivu where Lumumr ehop, Motgan hardware store and tho .committee In chorge of tho A dauglUcr was born to Mr. wns taken trom the desk .of Har­ ba's influence ■ has-, spread ^rom Thriftw ay drug store, . P a jty . tiDd Mrs. Thomas Crondall, Bur- vey Steel, principal. E n try was By California Stanleyville. . ' . ' .O f the six purges taken, two Icy. G illespie announced. Heinrich, fealned by tli» tire esmne and Three members of Klvu's pro- have been recovered, according to :—fiy-thiltTd-prtii»-Intcrnfttlonal- W lldm n n . Nonce and-nnilmn-linrt. was broken In the door' lending vlnclnl government reported kli ■Jl Burley 'Police Chief Oeorgo W5F Callfornla began the new year perfect attendance records fo from the Ilro escape. naped by pro-Ijumumba -fori ■ * rell.The purses belonged to various 1000. ot lOOl in a-traglc manner by re- Idahoan Might were disclosed to have arrived .jn Individuals and'were takeil .during :ortilng 52 accidental -deatl-.s—In- — D u rin g .ihe_builness..meellng, it rl.iilInF 40 tr-iftli; fiitilltli'«'-rtMr- Stnnleyvllle. The United Nations ^ i«««~^ re hours,-:— wns-Tcrmonnced that tho hoard" 01 - ;Get Federal Post Break-in Noted control had voted during Itsoneet- --^SHOSilONE, Jan. 3—T h o Ida- thoir roieaso. Ihff'Ta.st Thursday (5 pay In full DOIS0." Jan. 3 - (UPft-President. begun "Ht G-pni, ITiday and ended Elect Kennedy miiy name a form­ l\o Grange Wliolesale store liere nt n ld n lg n t Monday night. for t h e football uniforms ol the Oil wells more' than 15,000 feet er Boise attorney to a post In his w as burglarized somttlme ov5r ibe E xch an ge club-s|ionsorcd Knot, The state’s grim toll of highway deep cQSt liO times as much to drill hole league football team. James new administration. New, year's. , „week-end , an d $1^0 , In -deathu- paced the-other 40 states ^nsU taken, 81io5li9no PoU ce Chief o£ th e nation'by a subalantlal 'as shallow, one of 2,500^ to 3,750 Blake wos selected to make ar- J.q1ui a . Carver. Jr., an asjiljilnnt B ill Anderson leporled Tuesc|ny. Tcct, * • / rnrigem(;nts fo r 'the luncheon for to Sen. PVank ‘Church, D., Ida., ' ‘ ...... m argin. Toxas recorded the sec­ In addition, t'JCS.14 In checks members of tho team.’ ' Is being considered for a top level ond highest number wltli 28...... w as taken. Tlio breiik-ln was dis-^ spot but the nafilre of such a posi­ Iii-n ddltlon to th o 40 killed in tion was not revealed.. covcred nb<|lit d a.m.. tod a y ivlien Irafflc, f l persons diod as a result Four Pages M rs. Willlaln'McKay, BCci-elory, of nilscellnneoiis acoldents ond Radiators Carver was graduated froniDoI.se NPW AND USED B O IS E , Jan. 3 (UPD—Tho senole cnmp to wo(-k. 'rlie money was kept one died In a fire. . has f o u r pogesVIHls ycur llistciid £diUQl&-iiiuLJitlendcd^J3uUo-Juniur ill a-file-type-infe and a ohiiiol ScrvicoM Ucpdirs (Jollege. I|l» parents are-Plftli Di.s- ' 'N orthern Calllornlii rtcordcd in ot two'.as In tho-39lh .session In wns used Id break tho lock,..the deaths In trhttld, four In. miscel­ 1030, . ' ■, ■ trlet Judgo'-and Ml's. John A chlef-'^aUI. Eiijry was 'gained by laneous Acchjehls, and tlie iIA'nON8, N. Y h Jan. Investigation' by Deputy Nonnnn -CCYDES 3 (IW —United Natlins Sccrolary- Dl'apcii-anil.-Slieiilf ’I'honuifl Con­ B u tterflies ore able, lo tell the RADIATOR SHOP aeiicrn] Uni: Ilanulinrskjold (llc.s ner. ■ BERLIN, Jan, S -ilirii-'rlio WbSl tllffereiice In. 'Bwcclnos.'i ot Iwij llq- lll-w iiy.30-0n 'rnirk Liini ,lP-Af!'!ciulonllrhl,for..consultivtlO)is U crlhi -clty govcrniiiL'iil aniioiiiiood lU tU 'tn a tlim V tnslb' bxoilly alike Uadlators Aro ou r riuilneii-* 'with. Union (if Alrlca governinciil, 'Ulovou Ea'rlli,' nnteilltcs were ycntcrclay tlial, ll)2,Soi KiuiMoor- U) Immon beings. Not a 8lilrlln« offlclnlt. Ittuiidicd In mo, . , , iiinns fled lo WeH Iloi'llii In timo. I! ' TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO PAGE TH REE

5ecrCt-^l’^ *^ Ngw Stute Departlricnt Team, Dean Rusk, Chester Bowles and Adlai Stevenson Vegro “Tent Nice Aroma GAHDENA7 ua]ji„ jan. 3 ifaih -T :"l!icks~Oiirbccqed 15 i mmncnops pn tne paiio oi nla" hou»e. ------— - To Newsmen ■ Then he walked proudly Into ' r.hf! llviuf? room ' and told Kuesta SOMERVILLE. Tlmui . Jan; 3 Uioir i)ruhcH .wa(i'feaayT -T lie coniroixi-jiiftl leiu cuy.iiciir, . W iicu Jio j'cuu nod to the pa=- SuniorviU e^yw. iKCD. ciocEd. lo •Jiic ■prililurknU press. nvTis-jrrrr'- Nckh) leiid(,‘r.s snid todiiy Uu’s SaiiuMJiio liad pilfered the will rnndiicl twlcc-dally lunv.s ron- iinilrd Kcn>dif>, 10 release infornij\lioii on

• The t e u i clly Iuhims nboui W i l V p m y " P a 1 i / » 1 P G who moved liiu) the itfiu.s -I t h n —f n r c r t ~ n ': r ' i t-ion lioin' iheir ti'iianl. farms f(n lo vole iii llu’ No\etn- For Africans bi'f ^riicriil cleclion, ^ i»:uTir'; Pnnnnn. ChJriT!:a:'“ rn- clui.naan of tlie, Fiiyciu-;»nci Hu.v- Fo Bo AT^ked w.M tl couni^v nnei'Keiicy I'cHef'I'bui- WA.S|I1NO';'ON'. ,l;m, 3 aTB— T h s ■'"thc, said he will rondiiel iUe r,'ill i:u!;i;rc:j lliuirr in- 'nrw.s roiTTcmTU7

I n 1!)46 aJi a rolonci. Hr has worked fur ho(h ihe war and slalr dpparlmriUs. ,\s d ir c r lo r ■ ^ teolth y cuJileieiice 'plan ...... Tile .siis.'iiin oiK'iiint' today will ou, rooters’ instruction cnrds, “int'clleclual" look of tlie^tate denartmenl. A noied student in his youth, he, won o f the m uitim HIion-dolIar phllanlhriMih- Kn« kofrilor founda(t(in. )>(> l);is eninr in r o n - r ,..« r o o t wn'. ihwcd 1(1 enu/)le !lir‘ Nrm nirn tlie aiTii Inio ponnaneiu llif I'n ilo J .Si.itc;r ijiMitify itself rootlne section, cheenns hdirir.s for the .shaiern'itpci-i, inoie iio.'^cly wiili anii-ei)loniali.sin K Huskies on In thclr wliinliiB ...... 'I'lie R e v . J u n e D(i\\:tv n f !lio and uiih the jvu ly einerging e «lth Mlnnesom, were sup- Hpolicy toward Red China. I of .England Issued the Angelican UTAH STOKER SLACK Huskies were at Disneyland, two authorized version 350 years ago. OIL TREATED plotters entered the Long Beach Kx-fTovernor, ex-amba&sador, ex-conKressnian. rolleee lecturer and author of severa! and headachy jobs in the wartime Kdvcrn^enl—direction of the office of price It was undertaken by a comrnlt- State college dormitory ;where the books. Chester Howleii brings^ varied background, to the post of undersecretary of administration. He alK?» headed the economic stabiiixiiUon board under Hurry TrumanT teo of all the churches In Britain, $15 per ton Delivered w,^^iic. Utat-Kranklin-D.-lloo*ev£ll-cntf4ia4tUhe-m

4 l f~

Tftsp FflinilTf^s In New Fires B y Th« Associated Press Hre plKd more tragedy M on­ day on the holiday week-end's tall of Inimnn life,------Two young fathers’ families How, os U.S. Ambassador to the United wui wl^ed out In flames while He entered politici m 1^49,'achieving the largest Nations, in which he fervently believes, thtywere at work. Many persons Loj Anjeles-bom (1900) Ad­ pliirality'in lllinotl tlstoiy to becorae-goYemoh-But- -Stevenson-is-expected-to-have-o-hand *(r( made homele.ss by llres. lai E. Stevenson has prac­ he was twice defeated for the presidency by Dwight in the making as well as the carrying Df'X'rtBQr Steffee was on duty ticed law most of his life. Eisenhower in the national elections of 1952 and 1956. out of future Ameriian foreign policy^ It I Cleveland clinic early M on­ Nations, be will bring frea t personal stature that that office and have, as a condition day when fire swept thrpugh his Adlal Slevehson Is, of course, the most familiar of Fresldent-EIect Kennedy’s appointees—both iui a two>tlme presidential candidate and as a symbol of the "e?i;7 for accepting the appointment, some voice in determining U. S. foreign policy. The horn# at nearby South «UQUd, O. heads." During the 1956 campalf^n, Stevenson called for a cessation of nuclear respect In which he is held abroad Is an added advantage. Divorced, Stevenson hat Wife. Sons Killed I bomb testing, a step later talten by the U. S. As U. S. ambassador to the United three sons. , ■< Htemen quickly put out the Iblaie b u t found, the suffocated! the USSR. In recent yeara more -Afceri-aHs-Ai’e- -EatijHrf.uGumber-s-B€stJi^:v^ Eiissians’ Sheep than SO per cent of all ewes have beGn-bred-flTtlftclally:— [age from two weeks to five y e a r s . ___ " _ _ ^ O 1 • 1 t - t ” Quality Improvement has been In Milwaukee, Roman BreedingJLauded — the-jpost-impor-tant-advantage-ot JJ,'18tOlflaTOTWT!l______l^ Lose FpomriioJiday^Feaj The lorelgh' flftyiCUitUyM scrVlce the program. In one dl&trictr6TW m ifnoBTo^rnd his wife, Frances, By-HAL BOYLE -slowly at others. The experience reports that the Soviet Union has ewes were bred to fine wool rams. 31, an dtbelr two small children NEW YORK, Jan. 3 W>i-Thlngs of most -of us, probably. Is that a -well-established - program- for T he ftff.sprlng pmrinppH m nrs t.hfln felled-'by fire. The m other-^ as NomElectioii a cojumiilst might never know If facing Moifday ages us more ihiih artificial inaemlnatbn o f sheep. two pounds of wool more than {Bad, and the youngsters, rushed all the rest of the week put to­ ALGIERS. Jan.-3 tfl — Leaders he didn’t open his mall; With artificial insemination, one their mothers. .-hospltalr-were dead on-ar- of several "European settler move­ If you are trying to lose the gether. ram Is required for 1,000 to 1.500 ilval, _ . ments have called bn Algerians weight you gained/ during the It has been said that the least ewes, In contrast with one ram to READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS Mother, Daughter Die to vote n o in the week-end refer­ holidays, fill up on raw cucumbers. beautiful part of a woman’s 30 to 50 ewes for natural mating. f In Brooklyn Mrs. Eugenie endum on President Chai-les de ’They ,'have about the lowest num- anatomy Is her elbow. -'.But who­ Artlflel&l Insemination of sheep Eopjilt.J3,.and her daughter,JV.era. Xjauile's 6elI-dfitennlniltl9ii-JlfiM£J. ljer.DX-calQde3_Qf any igod. ever m ^ o- the^remark .must_hava J3r»er«-deconitlnfTi trei «(}ulf€5=liiM !nBiv€rv6tePiirar5nrscrv^ jiyeaanareimpJioUita^aUii'i irnmrTmrTiocrapervtsioiniM Batuixlaj’s— Rnsslim— cm-ISttnas 1 They said approval of the policy Yny of toasting the new year. As wore slacks. is practical only whel'e there is a Guaranteed.igrvice on when fire trapped them In the would lead Prance toward disaster. the bells ring at midnight, the plentiful supply of cheap labor. oil Makes TV '& Radios. Uvtag room. -Both perished. They predicted a civil war there Madrlleno pops 12 grapes In his Tlie U. S. postoffice collects Artificial breeding has been If Algeria became Independent, mouth------one to bring him luck In PHONE RE 3-1037-, ftbout-a00-nillllon-dollar*-annually4^sed-foF—m&ny-y«ftr^«—UiO—im- each of the months ahead. 555J and 'father, Mychajlo, 62, The- Moslem nationalists who for delivering business mail. portant sheep-breeding areas escaped serious Injury but had to have l^een waging the. 6-year-old Did you know that every U. S, be treated for shock. rebellion against France have call­ match book must, by law, have I the manufacti^rer’s name printed 28 Flee Blaie ed on the Arabs and other North At Portland, Me., a fire In a Africans who make up the most of on 11? Ilefectlve chimney destroyed an Algeria’s 10 nIUllon people to boy­ We spend approximately a third •Partment buildlns, forcjng 2e cott, the referendum. of our lives asleep. But when . STATEMENT OF CONDITION' persons lo flee In night dlothes, The. European call for no to the 1,300 women were asked to name but none were hurt, referendum clashed headon with the most important object In the house, only eight per cent men- A flre _ ln a wholesale liquor efforts of the French anny. Its tloned the-bed. -If-they-querled »arehouse and a refuse service officers have received orders to teen-agers, the unanimous answer Uatage in Rochester, N. Y., caused fight against any boycott, or neg' First Federal Savings probably would be "the telephone dsmage estimated at more than alive attitude toward the Prlday- 1235,000 through-Sunday vote. ,. When a Swiss swain wants to com:LjLinlsaJiii_£llp8_aJttvc-note, T p r -T lc w ^ ^pp^tTO^taliKM —BepottSrotitllSBUtes-between-of^ leers and Eiiropcan^ttlBrs-carae Jnt6j._tlowetpot-iind^leaves-lt,,fla bulldln^-ln Albany was the scene her windowsill. If she talces the flnddboanrAssadatibn 'rom several points of the Algerian oI another of {rfonriay’s fires. A pot Inside after reading the note, jhterJor;—In—AM—H— a number mnf,nrpa.i. , |»I otkci-^g-acetyiem) turcli uijpm’- well—tile courtsnnp is on. European farmers )iave vowed to ^ ofiPwirrFatls----- — 5 itly started the blaze, which was ■ How do you like your eggs7 refuse to serve,as polling station “ '“ Ined to the basement o f the offlclals-'or to-supply-vehicles-to EJghty-hyq^ per cent_of restaurant buUdluffr patrons prefer them Ifled.' transport Moslem voters. ------AS-OF7DEeEMBERr-30rl960- Tlie okapi, an African animal related to the giraffe, 1» a gifted Six Die on Utah’s RECORD NO’TED creature . . . It can wash' Its eyes RUPERT, Jan. 3—Holiday Lock­ with its tongue.. ASSETS Roads in Holiday et E s q u i r e 2851076, owned by Are you an ancestoi- worship­ IJy The ABso'claled Press Thomas E. Maljorly, Rupert, pro­ per? Abraham Lincoln said, "I First Mortgage Loans :...... $20,029,497.78 Utah ended the New Year holl- duced n,074 pounds o f milk and don't Jcnow who my grandfather My week-end Tuesday with six 031 pounds ol butterfat In 365 was; I am more Interested In Loans on Savings Accounts...... 194'’677.91 “ported Iraffio. fatalities, -inolud- days on twice, dally milking iis -a knowing^ who his grandson will ng four kllli-d'on New Ifear’s day. 12 - year - old. The University of be." Other Loans...... ,...... 283.29 Iii0,se tour represent the 1061 Idaho supervised the weighing and If you believe that you age at total 50 far. testing 'as part of the official herd an even rate throughout life, Real Estate Sold on C o n t r a c t ...... ' 22,92.3.80 " ' “St spectacular, holiday testing program of the Holsteln- you’re wrong. Science has found Bnnn?' ■‘•'led two teen-agers, Frleslan association of America. we age rapidly at some times. Real Estate Owned and in J u d ^ e n t...... 1,638.36 Bmie Bywater, 13, and Tom Cash in Banks and U. S. Govefnment ■ , ^ Cl; IB, both ,3alt Lake seven Bonds ...... 1,733,178.89 liluiiM,. ^ ®t“ »onwagon which W V mountain cliff B&B LOAN CO. Stock in Federal Home Loan'Bank...... ' 333,500.00 "'w Year’s night. I—^—$5 to $1,00&:--- 1" _^'ipes to Be MONEY INSTANTLY Deferred Charges and Other Assets': 1,741.94 on'hundredi of.items. (an. .3 (UPI) — TO , — $22,586,®^ clad Bir force bandsmeh, # No Cb-Slgneri • ...... ' - t > ‘ ■'...... out in colorlul Mitchell • No Waiting _ • No Credit Checki th( bl'o roll ()t drums to LIABILITIES 'We » *nauB urntlon .p A - '"GUNS-ore“excBllont locurity for-o loan— loaay "■ *•' was announcea Savings Accouivts r-Tr;—— ;....-..;..T...... ,..-.v...$20,610i922i2b D iam ond! Sporllnr Ooodi Typewrlterf Itadloi-Plionoi Saddles • Loans in Process ...... 268,597.73~ f'tei all",,'*™ "' Watohea ^iiihn » ''® dnunmcra o f the 'O u n j TV Sets Outboard Molori , „ « l % band will bo p lrt-of. tho Camerai;' "■foOlB , Chain Ham Other L i a b i l i t i e s ....; -3,000.79 Wll in L " ' “ rolling bands Uiat BlliQOulaVt . Muiloal InalruraenU • I Ooir Club* ___ ^ part ( „ ti,,, pjrudo, -V Specific“ReSerVes ...... - 97,215.28 ~ ^“ Oh ANY OTIIElTTtEM General Reserves ...... 1,607,088.88 • Pledge^ protected and held from 3 monthi to 1 yeotl;

r'tlpnl alrf ItrdVy W05 Jogged Jn yes- $22,586,824.88 ^ir/,S'i'-'’lW--toijitarly-eight C ltr fiB llls Irom the AT MAIN. AVE. and SHOSHONE ST. W EST ,' ‘ ... (NEXT TO lEllOW CAD CO.) , Current Rote of Divideh(l^4%" -TWIN FALLS : ----- — — ^DIAL RE 3-6438 ■ log Jiticd, . .. r / f . PAGE F O tJt TIMES-NEWS, TWIN' FALLS, IDAHO TUCKER'S NATIONAL WASItrNGTON, McLeiAOTidbikey^^ authoritarian m eas- “Isli’aTher of AJuiiiimiin Tree __ ;_A.coniolld>ttoa-Ot.rcb..fl, IOi2 o t:m « Idaho Ev*nlng WHTRUGIG ig~thtjndividuai-di ones, dehvdralprt pninn. ~-Tlnm.Naw^-EublttlMn8. Comptny.— __ ■pIiQS“ to~(lelay'’ congre£5lDnaPconMderation-*o(—the that la n r the fathfipotthtalumi- ■I-, fh-st -iu g gestcd aliun ■ ” 'E n u r e d u le c o fld cla s s m alt m atter A p ril ,8, 1618, ut the p oit sition th at some delinquents are l l c t l o n I, PRnMUIWjLli num Chrlstmaj. tree'J.tjnakes me trees years ago. In an ariijij. otrica In Twin Falla, Idaho, ander th't act of March- 9, llilt. civil rights questlons.l3 b a s e i In part on the be^et both- a b le with progres.ilve assist­ ;==S™-.Sthiil£I negotiations and in effect solved the prob­ curred to me that it would have o fficers has completed socia l work His tour j f duty as assistant Dixie—they produced massive maJorltlM for the The rea l tree we have—probabl)! lem whlch_had made' ttieir particular district been Impossible to settle the West training. 81x out of the 10 h av efeo secretary of war lasted frOTn April, ripmnnrn.tji . '. If that m any people were killed In s u c h -tralnlng-at-all.-Hal£—ot-th e . IMI.-to- November, ,1045. . He was the last . one—is a nine-foot — a-'^istreMed-area.!^ - ...... -Idahx)-_Court But t h ^ ’ were voting In memory and of gratitude realllfe. ' c it ie s in the United S tates above a strong: supporter of the policy and we are going to be sad to snI . To say that this region in north Idaho was to the econonjlc. gala? which FDR achieved for them, N. O. Fin 1 0,000 population have rio special of unconditional surrender* for it-go. Ib did-look so prctly, anj smelled s o good. A nd the neediu actually "distressed" is no exaggeration, but for Eleanor Rooseivelfs periodic demonstra- (Tw in Palls) Juvenile police officer. - Staff Souglil Oermany and Japan—and an op rv;lnt tnlpriince. ^ a t at least Is the belief Much of the rehabUltatlve work it shed felt good underfoot. 30I0B ;"J ftn T-fl'-W — AddtUonal ■Donent-Ql ointlnuftd II. 3. rolotli fio - of thls-dlstress-^ ,of |)cmocratlc strategists today, “ “ L6TTA Bfttfffill. ANYWAY IB cofiductea wiimn tne m acnm ery personnel is being sought thiJ with th e French Vichy govern equally apparent. A farmer from PUer once of criminal Jiullce. M uch of the ment during the German occupa- trash pUe. ear fo r Idah o’s Judicial system. The"- Id ah o supreme court ^ tlon with th e Negro vote last November, many NWn Just d ry little seeds ^ongslde of Is baaed upon'the c o n c e p t ' that strertgthe'nlng the French ^resist­ anothCT week. Old-fashloncd —In-all this connection, we came upon some ask th e 1981 legislature lo r two aides cannot explain or understand the administra­ his fence, a rrest and detention a re useful ance groups who looked for leader­ not, it Is about th e prettle.st trei interesting observations In thei recent issue additional law clerks, And Justice tion's neglect—or blunder—in not appealing to this ’Then i>romplly forgot toem. His deterrents to further crim e. ship to Gen. Charles de Gaulle. I ever saw^ Henry McQuade, coordinator of of ttiel’aclfic Northwest Development asso­ lement o f the electorate on the basis of the Martin springtime was filled . When British and some Amer-. (Dlitrlbutffl by McNnuirht Syniiicnii) Idaho courts, said he Is recom­ ciation’s T egu lar bulletin. -On the premise .uther K in g episode. With to o many big taslu that lean planners began to question mending an additional judge be that "plenty o f productive Jobs are the basis The K ennedy brothers leaped upon this oppor­ ! really made sense. the wisdom of demanding uncon­ SHIP'S VISIT a s k e d .... . Report Made fo r added to the' third Judicial dis­ tunity. T h ey phoned Mrs. Kln^ and the Judge, and ditional surrender In early 1944, ■WASHINGTON. Jan. 3 tfl-Thi of prosperity,” the bulletin voices approval trict. procured th e Negro minister's release on the eve of And all o f his hobbles demanded on the jground that It was stiffen­ American hospital ship HOPE h« o f the' worM eln g; done by several states itl King Hill Visits The th ird district Is made up ol ...... and m ore tlmif ing G erm an resistance, McCloy been’ invited to v W t Viet Nan K IN O HILL, Jan, 3— M r i. Lyal Ada, B oise, Elmore and Owyhee t h e t* a cifin- Northwest tn creatn mnre job AttomejrGenenU Rogers prepared a strong protest Betwixt planting and plowhig argued’ against softening, the Cambotlia. Thailand fthd Kom and discing his ground P idgeon and children s p e n t New counties. opportunities and markets. imd'appraroh the HeVi Mr,'King’s behalf. But' then ■years with her mother. Mrs. Al­ policy. this year. The H O P E now -is I The. h ay started growing and so Yesterday, Justice 0. 'J. Taylor they decided to do nothing, iprobably for fear the b e r t Bevan, Caldwell. lie w rote at that time, in a Indonesia. Id^o, Montana, Washington, , did the weeds WQS unanimously elected, to pre­ gesture m ig h t lose Southern states whleh they ex­ M r. and Mrs. Raymond Park memorandum to wartime Army -Wyoming, Nevada and Utah,-the bulletin So. there wasn’t much tUtie to side a s ch ief justice for the cur­ pi pected to, b u t did not, carry. a n d her sister, Alene Pruett, all Chief o f Staff Gen., George C, be looking around. rent year. He is entering his It,' points out. have been proTliicmg"6XCellent Had the W hite House intervened In this spectacu­ E agle, vlalled Mrs. Bajrm ond's Marshall, that It was the Sbvlet BATTERIES results'lU'this worthwhile activity.'' uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray fourth year as chief justice since army th a t was the Germans' chief lar cose. It might have tipped Illinois and Mis­ But h e hunted machines for his Thompson, and lamlly. he first became a me^iber of the fear. M cCloy wrote, "It is this ,, In aU th^se states, private Industry, io t h souri; w hich Irnve large Negro populations, to the 66o th at the f^ir. M r. and Mrs. Qrln I^ymond high co u rt-In 1940. ogre, rather than any phrase I Californian. He searched long for relics of I^i-T-cltseetlftfiKl'tliroUgh its organizations, has a n d family, WeIsM? w ere New The Id ah o constitution provides coined a t a conference, which He lost'-them ,: by . 8,800 and 10,000 respectively. . campsites and trails, .U: , copperatei with local governments.. This Y e a r ’s day dinner guests at the that a n elected Justice having, the l^eeps them going,”' TheU- com bined electoral total of 40 would have He whittled out canes for the h o m e ol her parents, M r. a n d Mrs. shoHest term to serve shall be H om e Ib In New York , combination has worked In obtaining and landed the vice president in the White House, tract pioneers, J am es Blackslen. and f a mily. chief Justice. Justice Taylor and McCloy Is a* rtatlre of Phlla- |J{(j ■; suppWHT^mornratloirand-pn^dlng-se: T»or the eldestror-youngsest-or-^ Mr. and' ■ Mp. ■=Russ ^SlSiiriViflian ^uiHcT^rBTSffimmBve-the-aame „ delphiarbutrnow-llverln-NewTrafir . . ' ,U4^ m ost feeble males. -and—daughtorr-Mrs^Lynxi—ahoF* ^ rm -^ t-^ -gw ^ u sti^ ^ ^ yl^ my.-^fi^uato^ot^horAt-coU J. THRiFT.V/AY ies-and-in-osslsting-thosa-ln^her-are: Tnniiiy &pclj' Then h e did some exploring w it h the McMillan’s son -ln -Iaw Justice Smith. Harvard. to - enlarge their facilities wtind^establish 'SOAK THE n i c i r TAXES around the home place. a n d daughter, Mr. and M rs. Phillip .Tiie Id a h o suprede cou*^ dlS’ He Is a director of various com­ TIRE MART ’The state tax commission has made some estl< And what did he flndi oh golly, mates^on-posslble increased revenue which could be Lawsoii, "Boise. panies ^and'of-the-Rocirefelli Union Scrviec munltles. *------Oh KOshI ' ' - - Ford foundatlooi. He is chairman obtained-froni-varlous changes in the state's Income To his utter surprise and ataiost tice M cQ u ade said the workload o( the supreme court. Is Increasing of the board of the council on for­ MAIN \= y otSlhW, and enlarged’productive tax structure. Orville Gunther, chairman, said the despair Polish Treasure eign relations. businesses and industries to become estab­ commission wiu not advocating such changes but He found a whole, truckload of ft little each year, and this Is one reason the addition of two law lished liKpur respective communities is one had made th e estimates only because it was request­ runaway squash. ed to do so; To Be Returned clerks will be requested. Th e high ’ Ofethesf.lwsfesMvljoesrW - At-prcscnt the stale Incoma tax'rflirgea. fromTT)?r ■ffls behaved' squash In their MONTHEAL, Jan, 3 A 50 court Is caught lip on all matters cenlH>n-tHe-flratr>lTOO(>-ot-ta«al)lo-lnoorai>-to-i-pot- •neat-Bnnlen-rows- mtllinn dollar collenIlon_Qf J^llsh: •presei>ied-to-itr^&-«aldc bulletin, "and-we-are going about this in a cent o n -th e fifth }1,000 and all over tha(. It pro. Hiid brought enough honor for a rt treasures held by (Quebec ThrModern-Drog5^A rrN o t-“ vln ce since 1911 Is being sent bad business-like way In the states In this .re­ duced $14,244,000 in revenue la.'it y_ear. most any man. V IS IT IN KING HILL to Poland. It was an ou n ced yes- KING HILL. Jan. 3-Seaman gion^ Tht ta x commission said tha't most possible When they went to the fair, wln- «hftnge»^^oul

■1 TUESDAY,j m u a r y ; , 1 % : TIM ES-NfeW S, TW IN FALES, IDAHO r a g e F I V E ; - i L — -MAGTGTALLEY SA D lD «H Em ES Haystack Is “ ^-WayFee R^ii'ed Men PASADENA, Calif.. Jan. 3 '!P Lost ill-Fire — Twenty persona nald 50 cent;; - K A y r - ^ Areii^tXikely-4^1 = K M R - K E E P ^ -rach-txr- rie^y 'rheTmmriimarr ■ tI v A R T - <970 Kllo^cies) 11230 .Kiiocjrcles) o f rases pivrado yo.sterday from (WSO^-Kllocycles) (1310 Kilocycles) Rtloryclcsl •AHC (tlOO Kilpcj-clcJ) tlieV d orof ft two^fifopy builifng. WKDNB8DAV -rb th U A t iiNnc At Kdmberiy T o B c - U s e d i (Proa P*« Ont) TL'ESUAY TL'tauAj: V/hen tlie parade had piussed. Tl K:o to “ a*00 Durrell lUnsta ititvily lon.1 of hay owned by Cliui'iice 6;05 T op O ' Mnriiiiii: •*;;J0 Mu»if for P m ln ij 4;o4 iSfWi'_ . .. iU»U Uiken awny the ladder ihoy had nation will have three ex-presl-« 'II.: •[!, «!aO KrwTT- - • Ran vNrw; •• ikalli \u‘fc .dc-stroyecl by, .(irc . ' X i l S Kv^ntT^i. D vvo\».-m 6;i)0 Top «0 S:t>5 A n .5 y D a U • "il'.'rly Slii>w luspd to cHmb to Che roof. dimis and tjiree-former-iflcp-presU ft-rtfl-TNtnmrT^i — 7;;H) John I)»!v &;&& Nc»( 6 :U») N«r«** . StRt' N.-»> u rdiiy nfiernoon northrnsi of a:»0 N.'Wfc . Forty-five mlnulps la t e r dents—but will pj*obably find llttl»^ , j' K ;0<) Otc Krith . ti :llll rn|) 40 i> :(>.S J u n^aii SninB Shi>u ihtIv Shoif Kimbcrlv. A .small o'iiUlir« iieiir •■Structlon • superlntenderlK 7:I.’i Tii|i Mortiiiiif . . Mr.li. i! .someone brought, nnoLher lad­ or nothing fj>r them to do—when b'u tl:Oii O V Kfiiti 6:h!> Nrvri A:J|i . Kurl the .stuck ,a|.s() wius deslro.M'd. . S m e appointive ofUcers ar 'M O T».|i ()• Mi.rniiiif 0 ;S(1 (»> Knih 7;l>U Ti>p 40 7 iiiii S p«< ri» 7;i:. Vnn, > T|.|.» d er Dwiglu D. Elsenhower steps out‘T|L’ '| H i/iJiiJaj L'ruKrara Vhii, « 'lllMF Nt'ithbors. lielpod save a ■ IO:UU M >;.!,< for 7i6J Nfw . 7:0.S An<}.v h it* Ho charged tliem $1 each to of the While House- on Jan. 20.' .|y' : Dminiinc 8;uu I'ltBtur* Titn< 8 .1.. K 1J\ Srwb*tt third ciUiit^c .N(ack l)y S i d be abolished. Also propawd T om e down. The three form er presidents*- ■ < ! VJOUia . nfnttif.nrv mer t W K D S J a ilA Y 8:65 Neui 0 ;00 A n .lv n »I« Nt -1 ino.si of ilu' hiiy iuv:\y frtim ihr creation of a statutory, merli >:HI Top Shop M iiU Nrut ■ •m. 9:UU I’let*ur« Tim« larger biirtunK .stack. Heath, who Elseniiower, 70. Trum an, 76, and > council, upward revision of M aa AU riil Mtntc 0:Si I^'tl Ntwi 11:0 A n d v n .!« .. ■ Mum- Nrw« R :(K) Sunrik« MukTg •Hoover, 66—have had vast gw em - = H-r||j| -i^nsatlon of employes nt iHil N«»* 10:00 liirhfield ■ K«pomi 1J ;00 N «w . , is in Ihe MiVcIr "Valley McnunTnl -JlilUiii . . -HM^rfHwfxn inentftl pxperlerice. i-ramw’ end muiildpal-BOver 9;MI Nfw fiu rTim - rwk' a' T iin r " wisu.stsu/ix 7:1.S N.-W. 10 ^jvorii Newt wn.s .covcri'd l)v iii.suranco. bill tir Their Use Del^table i • f S ■■dramatically" Increased 9:.15 NBrii- the A r ii.i 7 ;:h» Ki.rm N »ut 11 ;iiii J’>»'ur« Tlmt •ctmlrijnol -^ivr any p.-^Hmatt» of iiu' It hn.«; bterf argued the country , ' [ Nou'i «;*s NVf. J h i i X*. IlKXI N ew t could wpll u.se that experience, :i : .hppt> • Ii ;00 TT i«-nok« ){i. 7.00 tira a k fu t Clab Ig'John Nance Oarner. 92. His rea- -Trmrrsrs— ■ H r.i .AUi^lP „>uih '(nl ' I'.lill 'as Paul Harvey. i::n.> I.cm .Slate N«\>« 8:00 ilreakiaat Club 3:00 Neu-i 1 ■'ih SoimhI aii't .STukIb 1:15 .M ntiniv V lr iM lf. l.’ :.|il Karin New-n i;*. ii.’i- 'n.iiiip. mrni whicli an.swon'd Ihr r;\ll i Newi M .O i) N e w * collar" federal employe wKh an l i k m e ' governm ent with I J" Mniinr. V .m li.i Si-ort* ' >• . N . ... l*lic blrt/c wii.s nniicrd l)y nn inn-' .....'New, 6 'liU L'oflea Club ID .1)6 {;or(lon Sf>«w pislith-grade pdmration. ha.s been! Kennedy may ask\ Elsenl)Ower talented admlnlstrjtlve leadcr- l:' :jO Theaur Martiti'** 5 Ne^fi 11 :0() Mel I’ranford N#wi drnilfiod inick cInviM- who i»*i)iiri- • Mniinc^ Varirilri i:‘ :-•.■) W 4>iiihtr K eixiri lu.o;i I'ufff# C juh_____ " 1'• '.1 I'nilliiM ^iiiu Idling the povernment how to to iindertako some goodwill mis-, .t.iiO N pwh • ll'uSi New* pd it. Mr.s. Ctporto Wc.sifall phourd | 'IJ ::i» Paul llarvev 10 ;.',5 Newi .save money. _ , jslon.s ftbroiid. .But he can hawUyJ 'N atural K a o u rce s Maiino« Varjrtie* >.m. other- neiKhfKiJ's -- t I MID Muilc for You II :liil C'offM CJub 'f'iie Rovernmrnt appear.s d r - 'a d v i c e fronr the man whOS9 . Creation of a department o f nat- I'lHintry StyU UaA 1 :.•)*■ Nrws 11:6A N e»» 1 2 :0 0 Dinnerbrll R'ndup . l}f WorUI • 1" 11’ »■ fhilliiM A .shnrtauo of watrr ni Ihc.'^iir* lichted. It keeps paying him for'^"’*' ndminlsirations he'call*^ In--,. I r'eiburcea, merging the depnn- 2 ;(in M u.lr for M « L’ ;OipnVKl. M atinM N«wa Celt) .SiHie .N.x.>« mado it nrcr.sMiry for thp.lirr Ml.'. H iJlbn*«i 2 :!>S New* r j :i4 •Ne"’i -■ Liveiiock Report S :lin >,h<.w Till.# Tima »• "" I'liillii.. hi.s sugge.stion.s. CPU melW o f forestry, lands, reclam a­ 1:H> Ihpnter Sho«T*rrl Miuie p.m. 1 :0 0 N e w i r:0.> Y«*r-Kimbti'ly. ^ ^ ick. a lilhogranlier at thp U U dovibUul. b ecause of Hoot- ^ -L:05. .V«Fi*ii«>«- ] :i‘0 Wed. M fttlrjM ,. -^uT3Ti«^«e''^*’r-meri(ray!itfm ■*t4M>-M««ic - 1 :ll K«w. .1jOo"D»rreIl Tlanien 7'io‘'V‘irtelv Tim i ' ' .soverar~nmc.s m o'bLxin wmer 5TorfoIk naviil .shipyard. Pnrts- oi”.V a^VancecT ag:c. .that Kennedy 6:30 SuurtA il^x'iAoi ir.Vo Nrwi 2:00 iUcord R4X>m t?UO Newa VarinyTIni* will want to burden him anymore. ca re e r emtoyes and'be headed !>:o5 S|H>rU Quir 6 ;iV0 Munir x.Nrw* Firemen worked from 2 to frpm. nifiuth, Va.. is convinced hi.s boi^s :: .oj Newi R:OS Andy I)»l# A.«5 for Trimian— Kennedy has nq hy a commissioner of cabinet rank 6:45 Daily Devolilma fi :0i) Music for Diiuiic 3:.l0 ile^ord Room 6 :00 N e w * 9;i:> New. K iiiiU-rli' filirn* to brlntj tlie fire jinder'-control' — tlie defense department-wastc.s would bt appolfited by the fi OO Off f - . i h I'aiil liarvey l'.S6 Ne»i <:06 Jun.au Shini. ) :;10 D n n re Tim# An auxiliary pump was u.scil In a lot o f money through outmoded particular reason to love the man‘" oovernor and would bs. furnished H- . H- iff \ an Irricatinn dltrh and Rnrilcu! or poorly conceived procedure.s. from MLssouri. j with a advisory planning councif This dali; sciteduie of'lislMiilnn and r a d io propum i Is pr^ntedf^ lio.sp.-j connected to ft fro.si.-pro!f ThoiiKdnds .Saved Still t l^e r e • * the question: ■ consisting ot heads of tbe>«con- iCeiiiiedy Has as a service to readers the''Tlmes-News. Listings are furnished by Skctclies Arc liydrnnt .nl.so wpre u.sed. i.om?? S o, h e’s been teliing the bra.«;s Shouldn't some way be found to . jtituent .agencies plus the director the station. Any errors or obanies should b « reported to the station Biildier u.sod hi.s trnclor with how lo do things better. The Pent­ iwe the experience of ex-preal- • of llsh and game and bureau ot Itself and not the TlmeS'Nevs. mouiUed mahiire fork on the front agon says he's saved the taxpaj;- dents There has been a’ sugges- ] mines and geology and a group of Five Projects * * * * H it It * GiveiiofNew to clcnr ft fireguard around the crfi "hundrearoTtliousands of dol­ tlon that they 8hour:3U Houb« Party accepted 83 of them, has given congress to enact on k priority 1 :0 0 Y o u n t r Dr. M alnn* crat . . ^ one of the oldest and return to Kimberly, firemen'.snld. Tliere- are argum ents on th# (ntlre state to correct ■■disparity" TUESDAY him the title of “ champion sug' In representation. Increase the bQsis: 8:0 0 F a th e r Know* flent 1 :30 V erdict ]i Youra most professional o f th«? "old pros” other side: That w hen’ a man be­ 1. Aid to education — f e d e r a l 6 :3 0 K L jX Yi«^> tha W orld 2:00 llrijthter Day .. . speaker of the hou.se since 1940 gestor.” number o f lawmakers In th e house 2:15 Secret Storm comes an ex-presldent the' natlbn grants which local communities 7 :0 0 except during four year.s of Re- $5,000 Collected of representatives from 50 to In- 7 m o R e d Skelinn ‘ . 2:;i0 Edire of Niffh^ should thank him ior-hls-aervlces-- •pubUefti^onttt)!- South Scliooli fle-ha5-eolleeted-^&;00(H^^ard.T rHiHB on mldlttonal"Tepi!esentatlYe £ould-Uflp-ta-bund-fiubUo-flchoo}9 -iTTOo-Tftrwali«n-Ey< ’— WgHHii—Mm>B7T—ln= ^ € >P— fnmily 4imo-'todfty ftffcer tl' It-ls-quesOonablft-^eth^w^ft^ Repeal or two provuions or tne y !:ill ronr«>i>|ratlon - -...... - -- -htr^olb R IllUltjR. 5H. WUl'Ktifl llTjT'way up woricers. (House likely to hold out 10:00 Truth t.r ComequeneM 11 :00 T w o on the AJila fight . . . Starts .second term n.s day vacation. ex-president, generally well along election law adopted by the I'flfiO to lithographer after starting as a 10:30 II Could. n« You 12:30 K LIX H eadline! leader with strenRLhened control Thirteen w hitt children and one in years before he steps out, Is t.hR Rtfite. for $1.15 and oppose exteasivo ad^ shipyard. laborer. - NCkiu i;lil ulLcudtd cltlsscR .ftUU-fIoxiblfr-«iough- te-ehtffiffr^ •Uitiunai~ c t>venrgg j butr-KumG T5pptwitron~ !t'om gup Defense department officials eay the nii\off primary election- and liberals who balk- a t too close an Ham Frnntz .-iichool. Eight white llfetlme's thinking to meet sltua- ! i. Medical care for th ^ a g ed — the employe suggestion program cail-tor ballot—to eliminate ex- alignment with c o n s e r v a t i v e children attended prior to the tions different fro m those he en- I Benefits for elderly persons‘pro­ 87th Congress under which Riddick submitted .pense of on extra election and to Soviet Leader southern Democrat.^ ; , , Halicck ChrUtmas vacation. countered, - 1 vided through the social security provide that no persons b e denied But, nt McDonogh No. ID schoof Kls^suggestlons does iHofe- than program. (May run Into delaying' ^Timetable for is 60, from Indiana . . , his ambi­ the right to vote in the nom inat­ tion is some day to be speaker. three Negro girls had the three- save money. They say it also Im­ move in • the house w'ays and ing electlpn. Possible consideration “AJarmed” by story school to themselves—Just as proves employe morale and indi­ means committee.) Committee Learter of referring the question o f choice Month Listed Howard W. Smith — V i r g i n ia it was before Christmas. vidual creativity. Minnesota-Is— between the two leaders in a prl 6. Depressed areb—New feder­ 'W A SH IN G TO N . Jan. 3 luri) — Democrat . . ; southern gentleman U. S. deputy marshals stllL es­ Awards Are B ir mvy election to a party conven< al programs lo helpi communities CubaiiClwrge Here Is a timetable for the first of the old school . . . TourU, Im­ corted children Into the two In I960 federal employes from tlon if no candidate receives the 40 sullerlng chronic unemployment, MOSCOW,_Jan. Premier weeks o f the 87th congress. placable opponent o f civil rights schools. There were no demon- all departments saved an estimat­ Icebox; Snow penent Tiecessary under present -(Probably will be approved qulclr- Khrushchev jaia laal iflBKt he H T o d a y — new aeaslon-of the-^en-^ bills nnd much econom ic nnd wel­ •strations In th « blilng 40-plus de­ ed, 8.0 million dollars’ln labor nnd £tatutes. Repeal o f the so-caJled alarmed at Cuban charges that ote and house opened ot noon. fare legislation of th e kind Pre.sl- gree chill. material through their sugges­ Falls in East “candidate booklet" authorized by the U nited States Is preparing to • P robably sometime thu week— dent - Elect John F . K e n n e d y With the holidays .over, the New tions. F or this they received more the last legislatui-e and-strength­ ment for “personal services." Re­ attack Pldel Castro's Island' re­ P resid en t Elsenhower's final state wonts . . . Smith Is chairman of Orleans school board renewed its than 2.8 million dollars In cash By' [Inlted Pres* InttnuU onol' ening of laws requiring 'Identlfl vision of the minimum wage law public. H e said "the Elsenhower of the urilon message. the house rules committee which struggle to find money to pay awards. Th e peak Incentive award MU uesota laid claim as the na- cation of persons drculating conp- teachers, who have missed one of tlon'Jlce box today but Maine, on to make It conform to the federal ndmlnl.stratlon, living through Its Jan. 6 — Presidential electoral In the past has h a d considerable offered Is $25,000, paign materials and enlargement the last two paychecks. the /astern end o f a Oreat Lakes standards. (Inal days. Is purBillngr an ex votes cou n ted before Jolpt .senate- power to decide whether such bills More than 400,000 suggestions to of . criminal provisions jto include Higher Education tremely dongerous policy." get to the house flo o r (or a vote The Orleans pari.sh"fechool board whifa front boasted th« countts’l house session. is scheduled to rebeive bids'Jan. 0 Increase efilclency and economy ' persons actually printing o r repr.p-. . Appointment of a commlslon on Mike Mansfield— Senate Demo­ deijjest snow. . ' . The Soviet leader did not men. Probably Jan. 13—Elsenhower on a $12,750,000 loan. The board were dropped in government Idea ducing suoh materials in violation higher education, compassed of cratic leader . . . 57. a veteran of Little change 'was In stow for tlon th e U.N. security council sends h i s final budget request to has asked the state bond nnri Tnv ofthelaw. leading icltlzens and academicians, 10 years In the hnii.sB and-elghUn meeting scheduled In N ew York congress:------"boayd to authorize the loan. partm ent. received the most sug­ Territorial Centennial :tQ-Un<6bake-tih64a4k-of-proposlng ^he senote assistant senate centering In th e Great Lakes ■BMbrrow to take up tne Cuban School board funds have been tied gestions and o&pted the most. — Urged'^neglfiEture to wrK a plan for “the orderly creation Invasion charge. He spoke P r o b a b ly week of Jan. 15—El- Democratic leader for last (our poked into the upper Mlsslsilppl . Defense__emplnyPH, from tninlf ¥lth the centennial commission of the kind o f system of higher Cul)fttLeinbasa_receptlon-held -to ,aenhower-sends hls-econoBilo-m^ yoars-^Prom-MoritaMr-ex-nro- -S T cdcS cGvrTtnc^ sane Ui~t:DngrEiis. ' ■ ~ -feaci-OfTcssor oi nistoryhl>if.nr» a n d a (orelgn o(- -ontTeileral-eovernmen' drivers to engineers, thought up slates north fro m PehnsyJranl* =ts- wnicn wm be adequate celedrato the second onnlversatji school boRrd. coinmemoratlon of the birth o f the to meet the state's needs between ot C astro's military victory over Jan. 2 0 —Inauguration of PresT-" lalrs'expert -,' r;"E a sy -g o in g but 1 6 ^ - ways-o( doing-ihingrbetter; ond-New-JerifeJr;— ■— — ------atste and to think In "terms of now and the year 2,000.'^ the reg im e of Fulgencio Batista, d e n t-E le ct John P. Kennedy. hard worker . . . Inveterate pipe- saving 62 million dollars, Im- Haln In Kentucky, North Cfflo- ^.larKeJlockon8.JUL.WUldJ>fe.bettet Khrushchev's statements w ere smoker. - -provementff-ro»ge*on>-new-types lina=aBd=G«irgfiSFaong-wilh-^ow— - - Publlb Sehoolj S h o r t ly a f t e r Inauguration — u r g e ! ;(o have.no centennial celebration Dlrksen 'fa es BrHBurgessIs Approval o f a 33 million dollar relayed b y the-BoVlet news agency K en n ed y sends his stote of the of -forms, to-mechanlcal innovo- Everett H. D lrksen—Senate Re­ Rocky mountains rounded out rig- at- all'tban to have one o f which appropriation Jor public education Tass an d Moscow radio. union message to congress. tlons. . ■.none, of us could twjjroud.** publican leader . . 65 tomorrow to b« distributed under the pres­ The prem ier reiterated the ■ So T r o p h y nltlcant natlon-wld(>_'»ftsther-l«t^ . . . Prom Illinois, served 16 years Dr. Herbert E. BurgeM was pre­ tures. . The UJ3. weather bureau i pQbUo Health and W elfare ent minimum education formula. vlet line backing deposed Premier In house, retired briefly, then won sented a trophy for winner of the predicted som e-relief -Irom-chlU— , P Suggested admission to th e in- (Smylle felt the formula devised Patrice Lumumba In the Cani Jerome’s Moose fBeatlrGlaims senate seat In 1050 . . . Lawyer, ex- year during the meeting ot the readlnes In the inlddle' Mississippi -dustrlal training school M juvenile ■by the state board of education and said the crisis there could ex­ buslnessman'..,,,-Sharp debnicr In Twiii Falls D upUcate-Brldge-clul Talley, centraLand.sauthem,Oteat. ^delinijueiita- require upproval In at the direction of the 1059 leg- plode In to a conflict ■'fraught ------.1-tradltlarir regular—inaaterpolnl-pla Has Part lalt«-ani4-touthern^l»teMt*tate«r “ fl4mK“5Tiiirtn8ticutiotrsrsap^ iure ■was '■aa complex aa the iHsedosfflsnsrtH? Ion B. Johnson—Vice nresl- Monday evening- at'the Amcrtcon JEROME, Jan, 3 —3T55'ahmiaI At least 10 p e i^ n s died from Intcadent as well as the ord er of present one" and It would seem cause-'Of peace." dent-elect...... will preside - - over sen­ R e g io n hall. i,'. - ...... :------' ' Christmas party for children and oyer-exertlon or cold in New York. ! the state board of healtih. W ork desirable to continue with the old K hrushchev also renewed the RUPERT. Jan. 3-Mrs. Agnes ate . . . retiring tod a y as senate North and south winners were grandchildren of members of the Indl(rai,ftnd.Eenn»3!lviuifaidunng.-t j ■ with the board of health In achiev- iormula for the next two years.) Soviet demand lor a conference Wall, 81. mother o f Probate Judge- I5mocratlcJoadcrr-»-Job- he-held Mrs. S. Tl T^hnrpR ttnrl 'MonnA Tnrtgw'mnH the1»dge -tJie-lltst-Uiree-days-ol-thffi-iier —log “sound-policy—d ^ I o n s** Tt- along th e same llnes-ns^he~ll)S4 Elect J afce~Wallrtiled~nt~tlie~Winl^ for- eight years . . . a Texan, 52 Charles Welteroth, first;. Mrs. H. hall.. year, a United Press Intematlpnal g o ^ g admission policy a t state formula based on. the number of Geneva Indochina conference to doka C o u n ty hospital Sunday a ft­ -Miller Proctor and Donald Lusk, er, a b r i e f illness. . . . Served 11 years in house and The program was presented by count showed. v - ■’ ...... hospitals and Institutions. Create students and transportation costs "quench the dangerous fire flam. second, and D r. and Mrs. Herbert a special children’s com mi^on to Ing up in La'os." U years in senate . . . Speclolist Cindy Summers w h o-tm g; Rondai Minnesota's cold est leading Of and enactment of a realistic min­ She h a d been a Rupert resident in military and sp a ce affa irs, . . E. Burgess, third. the night was n in e degrra_be!oi. analyze, problems o f child w elfare. sUice 1915. She was born F ^ . 7. Rae, Valerio and Pearl Ann, Van imum teacher's 'salary. Recodlfl- The G eneva meettog set up on Regarded by many as most ef­ East and w est winners. Included zero a t m t ^ U o n a V Palls, low for Establish ^fety provisions for International control commission 1879; at Henderson. Nebr., ontrwas Patten, three sisters, w ho eang; citlon and modernization ot the fective, hardest w orking leader In Mr. and Mrs., Robert Sass, first; the nation, Num beroui - Gopher handling radiation mat^iala. for Laos composed of India. Po­ married to Cornelius H, Wall In G ena Summers, Sharon Maddox, school laws and considering a senate history. Mrs, Jerre Cover and Mrs, J, 0, state' commuqltlea reported' «ub- Highways land an d Canada. This commis­ 1897 a t York, N,San Diego. Erengel’s Store DEOLO,. Jan^ 3—Of fleers-will, b » - i elfectlve and acceptable con d u ct" M cIntyre sang a duet,sfnd Ran. Continued support of the pro­ Oallf., a n d Mrs. Guy Dufphey; R u ­ Claimed b y Death elected at the uinual meeting of -. In the problem of location o f roads. OOODINO, Ja-i. 3 — Mrs. Elza 0. dy M addox presented a recitation. gram of the department of com'. pert; f i v e eons, Jake Wall. Jack Break-in Probed tbn-Cassla Oountj-Beet-a] ...... Law Enfi ______'i; Moore, 61,,dled-at-9-a.m r Monday "A utum n Daze," inklt~rat»T)re- J|iero»-and-development:jo-attril'«' F. Farhnl. Blake Rose ■eat-grandchlid: two brothers. , J. . Oklahoma, and w as married to taiy. lor local law enforcement officers quately treated,.-MlOIL.:to being Tuesilav. police'TeCbrt. berry' was nanator. Other Scouts ^-commcnsuraie-“wlth-thB'trusrwd‘ pumped Into streams, and legis­ Panlcratz, Abbott IflH^Blta-Moorerfleplr-STHWairKt-Leonr for com pletion of the genealogical la. Tlwy came to G oodin g In 1837, The burglar, apparently ei responsibility we. 'Impose* upnfi»/^ nh fh# fliinriny.^ v ^ -WalUjjlepartmenLstoreJor-soveral door after dislodging a bar across V o ^ -regulattarlhOale“T]rniijiioiCanff post" and to stop ■■painting mes­ sister;— M r s .-^ a tie -O tt,—Aurora, usaaonr — nlng services, Nebr. sears. She ■was a m em ber ol the the InsHe of th e door and forcing , beer ''and which BUpressea gam - sages that we could all do wll' the lock which was held to the TUES., WED. & THURS. ' bUng." . ieceiving awards 'were Mrs. Funeral services will lie held at Baptist church.' out on the cliffs tUong our hlg! woll w lth jlx wood screvVs. V IS IT ALBERTSONS eld Marchant, Mrs. ' Kennlth 3 p.m . 'W ednesday ot the R\ipert Surviving are her husband; two "SONG W ITHOUT END" Statute! Hevlslon woys."' Police report the burglar carried BUHL, Jan. 3—William Bowes, Craythorn, Mr, and Mrs. Ivon Christian church with the Rev. doughters, Mrs. M artha Urbln, Dirk Bogarde and - - : ' Creation of a special commlfislon a thrce-prong pitchfork with him New York City, en route to the lo draft an Investment and secu - Doyley, a n d Ralph K. -TVest.- In­ Paul- Moore-o'dlclatlnf. Last-rites Buffalo._J}.X._ana_Mr5. Mnrgnret ______OenevlevB Paga_------U. SQUARE DANCiNO SET B. McGhee, Boise; a brother, Burl which-was-found-bytheback-door: -Unlverslt^f-IddharMoscowrwa! mlea regulatory code (blue sky structor Tvas Keiinlth Craythorn. will be h e ld at the Rupert cem e­ PAUL, Jan. 3 — Square dancing Blakesley, Princeton, Mo., and a Twin, I^lls police are continuing a house guest of the Burnard AV Betty Broadhead received an Indl tery. F r ie n d s may call ot the W alk aw) to be presented to'th e 37th will be held Saturday night at. the mnrf.nnry iinH^ /nf jiffrvinp^ gronddaughter. the Investigation. bertsoh’s over the week-end here. J.'B!s!!\llvfi_£eulon.-Bevl6lon—and 'vldual-award-for-thoilxth-conseoi- TaultTrange haHTBeglnner'sTlass Wednesday. j Tun’ffarSwvIceFwnnbeTlcTdTlt Bowes-ls-tt-frotemlty-brother-of [«0dernlza,tlon Of the Btatfl’fl crim ­ will be from 8 to 0 p.m. and regu­ utlve y ea r. . ■ ' 2 p.m. Thursday i n Tliompson Cliopln's famous funeral march, the Albertsons' son, Kenneth. inal code, lar dancing will be from 0 to ll:30 George Johnson was the epeaker Ninety - one per o e n t of the chopel by tiie Rev. Elmer Ne(f. expresses' the 'composer's feelings . Ubor. p.m. Dancers are asked to bring at the s'ervlccs, and Martel Chrlst- proved resenes, of crude oil and Concluding rites w ill be held In over the loss o t the Independence Revision of Idaho’s labor law,? sandwiches or dessert.' Walter ensen. Logan. Utah, sang, accom' natural E a s liquids of the United Elmwood cemetery. o f his natlv^ land. ™der which the commlssldner of , panled ,by his wife. States Is held by seVen states. abor conducts coUeotlve bargaln- will Is caller. "'8 flections 13 provide th a t a LIMITED ™i-year la)»e between elections TWO DURING ^ Jor the choice of a bargaining rep- [Mentatlvo. Amdnilment of .-tlhe law Bring This DAY « extend unemployment benefits Eniageme'nt TEEN-AGE HITS! J»r an additional 13 weeks (fo r a NO FILM EVER DARED TOUCH THIS THEME BEFOREI ot'39 weeks) so that It co n .be Coupon to -Wggcrcdlntft-effecroirSTnOHtB^ rather thon quarterly basis," ^commended heccssnry changes . mJIUWI iiL !"" ‘ns wiaitMoymcnt trust CLUB 93 E Provide unem ploy- “ tnt Insurance coverage fo r city Jackpot, Nev. county, employes and am end COUIGECOIIHDEilliW. r . j ’i'.'l-cl'Bck law to provide that “ — n 'g IIKE A itINSEV nEPOnTiON THE CAMPUS! 00 “ Ic'ony to give an in su ffl- THE STORY OF TWO KIDS. .. \\(yO WENT TOO FAB or n o funds check 'in p a y- 111 [ORENCHEVALIEflM ALSO------Door* Open

Be Sure to Re'giUer Nothing to Buy I for Leather" „ m n u u i a i 9 P‘'ompt,"eUlolont delivery V .AliblE MtmPHY rHEATERS« •SOLD SThlKI STAMPS P E U p IA F A im Register Your, Auto McemiNo,, _ STEPHEH MoWALLY tIUUTI I7«iV Diijr' w i ’ Mill r ciheipaSooiiV’k t e f iin Coloif” _No Chanrtl “ O N lftD ^ Elvli PrMt«/ ,— , You May Be A V/inner! >b«rt RE a - t h a i BUt’' Ulbotah Kitt Ad«iti.'»i,«*-ohBa , NO OBLIGATION ' ORPHEUiVl H««ri i)p( .aiilla Fildi/ , This r r t im m O n lr l ; . Show Inronnitllon nK 3‘5no

V',1. p a g e I s i x TIME^blEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO TUESDAY, JANUARY s. 1951 11 /iAatyWcalcott Is Vows Exchanqed-iniChucch-Rite.. Miss-tovelandis- ^triy-Bride-Elect Mlss: Shaver and- Gircles-J une—^ Spr ingda le Stydy Engaged to Wed Cecil J. Grahonn : Unit Notes pQrtu SPRINGDALE, Jan. 3—The en­ SPRINGDALE, Jan.- 3 V'^filiam ’GHiurch t_i_; I •• I' gagement j)t.M a rs h » -A n n Love- PlanJuneiiituai. young Married M U study rron' DING,— Jan.—3—Mr,— and i met last week-a(r the - BUMi. Ji>nfr8=— =WupUtl=vg»a rere rcclted In. > cijhdlellBhted ' irenuced by ~ li t n i a r e n ui, n j r. and ' MrrHind-MfSrHayrZomn^ 7 ^ nounce-the-engagement-of-thelr . holiday social. • Aliaay^einnrBFTinHpm™asy - Mrs—Glen-boVelBndr-A~iJuly~ffed-~ ■ _ ding Is being planned. • Baughtef, Catherine; to Cecil J. at the First Chrlitlon fhurch here -D in n e r - was served to

^are of Your Ghlldren By ANGELO PATRI AND ~PBTCmn~lre likely to have a mnvpri ih.> pnrHs M.W -We-have-A-H-the picture ot tnelr child that allows notifying her, parento of her ab­ P A O / - °r F ON ALL them to SCO him as they would sence. Leading Brands like h im to be. It would be. a queer ' ChUdren under -the age of rea­ of VITAMINS 50% WINTER COATS 1 parent that didn't tlilnk'ot him son, those still immature, need Id that wajf. It Is a good way at that feel trusted. Also they need to feel- becajise we are likely to make guarded, protected and helped In Basement of the Mayfair Shop every effoj't to make such pictures LESS! times of difficulty. One time or 0 reahty. But we have to keep a another in tliclr growing years SAV-MOR b lfof secret doubt In the bock- they are likely lo lak'e a wrung ground lest we .deceive ourselves step. This Is lo be expected of tho and-aro-suddcnly-Jolted-«uH)f-our -best ‘ O f chlldrpirnml^itTonisTiave -JtRUG security. to keep open minds about them -^«JM M A6 E-RACie W hen--a neighbor says, ever so ond not be too certain of their TWIN FALLS-BUHL -SWEATERS^ gently. "Do-you know tliat Tommy strength under stress. Is using some pretty hard words?' S o many temptations confront BURLEY Value? to 14.95 Ihe first reaction Is to say. '"Tom- children and young people tliat It Regular to 12.98 >)niy7 O f course', he doesn't. I've is no wonder that now and again Medical Arts never heal'd him use a single bod one of them makes a mistake. Im­ word In my life." maturity Is nott-adoys often ex- Pharmacy -B e tte r wait a minute. He would posed to situatloos beyond-.lts^ 9 9 c ^ .9 8 power to solve with good Judgment. not be_ llly;ly to use bad language TWIN FALLS . - D on’ t leave them too much alone 4 98 5.98 ot hom e, pcrhops, Moybe he ex- porlmentod with It outside? Listen, In tWs very complicated lit lllg nelchhnr rxplain. Then _____l llt lw M fl h i The Hgll R y n illfin i____ bide you r time and niake certain Regular to 19.98~ about the whole matter, and don't. Famous Make \Jnf If you value Tommy's veracity, ask, ______S’13tTlERT)0LCf yott ray m TOd-sO?” Surprise your little girl with W alt and wntcli and listen, and this glamour ^wardrobe for lierncw In tim e you will know. C M ^ C R srr 6,98- 8. grown-up dolll Beglnncr-eaay-pat- One day a youngster brings, te rn " Includes 3 dresses, blouse home , something Hiat ho saya he pedalj pusherj,' coat' and pcUlcoat, found, oi^was-givon to htai, HlJ Regular to 29^88 ‘ Vso remnants, mpthcr thinks nothing more about - for teenggers and adults ' • Printed.Pattern 0302: For slim, U. Ho brings somctliing else. Thtn grownTup doll*. io(i, lo, jo, aa 0110 liny the telephone summons > 'Indies t^ l. State size. Ills’ m other to hear a neighbor say, Also Tap'... .'Acrobotic ... Etc. z m m [....SUnd-BO cpntai (coins) for this "Will you , ask Toiniity-to bring 1 pattern — add 10 ccnts for cooh back rwdle's footbnll? Ho forgot 9 . 9 8 I pattern for-.first-olnsa mailing and carried It hom o and Budlo 1 Send to Marian Martin,' Times- needs I t tomorrow," Tommy knows I Newt, Pattern Deptv 233 Weal iBth iiotlilns about this but when lludlb ERID'COOK'S I atreet. New York 11, N. V. Print fronts him aUd litelsts, tho ba|) ,lj ! plainly name, address wl(h fone, loiind Jijdilen gnrnge I ilte arid style mimber, A n o te fram.Jechool says .that '_-rlO

Leads Huskies

By The‘ lie As.sociaiea,Associated, PreuaI'reu B o b Schloredt, Washington\s oiie-oyed wonder, came back fmm an October injiirv and tr ig g e r e d 17-7 Boso bowl upset ni national champinn Miimcsula Monday as tlie Huslties.jo'n™ Mississippi, JMisscuin and Duiie iia bowl winners dii climax diiv bf col­ l e g e ifiotbH’s New Years parly. More than 325,000 fan.'?— iiuhi(iiii); President^Eleiil •’ “ * * i. - . . John K. Kunnedy-watohod i n pci Si 11] a nd tho iisiial IIon.1 ir.o;,' on television to itp; -fltFenfrSays-Hnsfcies’ Schliiiriil, sidelined since Oc- ta to . ,13 with II shoulder icparo- tioii,-[j.iw^-{uf-<)ne -touchdown nnrt run (or niioUier In a spectacular nTst-linI[ .;.limv .tTiat burled llic PASADENA,-Galifii Jan,-.t (ff)—Witahington catuli Jim Big Trn clianininn nnphcr« inri nation s No. T iruni before 91.JM Qweri.1, occupyinK a familiar ,winnci:'s air.iier in, tim Rnap. nt. Pm iilanu, Cdlif bowl dressing room, said Monday the Huskies played their Ali-Amcrlca Jnke Gibbs «cored best defensive ball of tho year to heat Minnesota. “ I was both tniirhclowiis as Misilsilppl, thrilled to see the way our .stopped the Gopl;ers who rnnkeri .^fcond In the final season line poll behind Minnesota, whipped 1 thought had superior Rice H-6 lM*fore 82.851 In New strength in the line," said Orleans’ Siiciir bowl» frr.Mi in nllnd, you can rest as- the hand.some Hnrri.hiitliiR Missouri hpldHelsi .surfd thnt i mean this sincerely— Oweii.s. Happy Now'Yeftrl Until n ext Sep-' A.sked what wa.i lh« tiirnlns man trnphy winner Joe Bellljio tcnibiT then, this la M ajor Hoop- PQinli In l.hfl tam p, na'fn» «ntrt to fotir yard« rushint; while fom- "I guess If would have to je when inff a 2i-i\ victory o W Navy"be- ■The Mlnlco Spnrtan.'up with on the 'score­ out of the district, whiift Filrr, liart to be decided on our .sronnt: a 7-() iipspt of Arkansas' South­ board." Pinal score was 17-7 In Burley and Twin Fall.s also will .sy.s[cm. The bulk of you t'tl BT LABRY IIOVEY west conferrnce champions be­ Washington's favor. taste action, Gooding StiUe and .^i.x but there Vere four prifjons , the former Idaho fore 74.000 at Dallas’ .Cotton bowl , rni.i.KCK Owens said he had'"hlgh hopes" Buhl are Idle. who missed nine and aiiothrr who Vanflols l ln ^ a n and this year's on a-iilnp-yard pas.s from Don Alt­ Tho first match will be conduct­ Clfurgelown (Ky.) flretstrlng all-pro guard tor the of Bob Schloredt, the Huskies’ man t<) lonesome end Tee Moor­ ml.ssed 10. Zound.st Just one more 1959 all-Amcrlea quarlerback wno ed at Burley Wednesday ni«ht thr; I.Pimir niiyna'fiT. W o ffo n i 4 « -Oreott -Boy Pacltera, has run. Into man and An Browning’s conver­ week's faith In the peerless prog- hadn’t played this sensonr since University of Detroit center John Morgan, 12, and ( ’olnrado State'll Burley Bobcats hosting the Twin (Iporirin Sojilhfrn f*. S tct«o n 71 jomc trouble that could end his sion with 2 niijiutes, 45 seconds no.Hlcator and you all could have Koniurky tO^ iliinii id.ViS last October. B ill Green, nre putting all (heir le ;s in one basket as ttiey 'tussl.e Falls Bruins. ctreer prematurely. left. been rewarded. Xtvier (0,1 02, CrfiwhJon «8 "But my highest hopes were f o r a jcoai Jh Detroit. Thursday, Mlnico will entertain Aiilmrn 7A, Flortnce .'>t«te 50 On Jan. 6, Kramer, from Sand- However, i have mognonlmously nothing compared with the Job Schloredt. nn All-America quar- the f l , r s t - y e n r Filer Wildcats. Detroit 04. Paliiwin W a lla co di potot, will undef- tcrbaclt In 1959. . replaced Bob declined to accept the $20 first K «»tern Kentucky I»i. l-^ast ■T«'nne**ee ,$chloredt did ou t there today,' Minlco will follow up by iravclinK. '■ go surgery In a Hlvner. hl.s mid-season flll-in, af- prize. (Ed. Note. Mostly because said his coach. ;'But os good as to. Snake River Friday night and Yoiinjra^^wn M. SVw H an ip a hir# 70 tir the first series of' plays ,nnd! Green Boy h w - he was, I can say the same thing then recro.s.sln« the state to test he wasn’t eligible). Hrl’ aiil ?i5. \Vp.«tiTM O n ta r io 60 pltel for a de­ directed ihe same kind of HusklcI Little 6 Conference Mountain Home Saturday, | Therefore, It Is with gront Evansville 87. .Souih Daitota, 8 2 for every player In the game. They display of .spceci and fury that iiad tached r e t i n a were all magnificent. The district tournament will be, pleasure that I announce that Ray burled favored Wisconsin 44-8 In Q ucfn Clly T ournajr 'which is thieaten- wrestled-off Feb. 10 and 11 nt O'Donnell, Twin Fails, Is our iCImnipioiioKlp) In.the Minnesota dressing room the Rose bowl n yearTigQ. -ins the vision In grim conch Murray Warmath Buhl. champion for 1060. O’Donnell Drake 70. Caniiiin 77 •one eye, After.jjcorKe Fleming’s 44-yard Girds for Tight Race Thira P la c e the Huskies'? surprise pltch- missed five but was very sharp in Princeton 88, Connecticut 74 An-area Vandal lops-and ■tho-Ooplia rsr^Bi booster, Who WBnr ure to handle two first period agaih^lIic'blRfter but slower Min-1 Ttnnf l^ational liO* Antrelea 123. Dett«it l i t ^ fn iif.honl w l-tti. [-(lJunts cunn-lbOTEir“ lb nis team's lU: plon was home with many points Kramer, saw the Washington advantage to 17-0 jn .----^only one thing certain. Almost any of the teams nre capa- C incinnati 12^^, SyrocuM 126 Rose bowl defpat. Shot in Accident to spare. And so, to our new ch a m ­ Philadelphia IJl. N ew Y o r k 115 btefy" 240-poiuid "We were put on the defensive the second period. Schloredt^cil- bje of winning: the title and none of them w ill be-pushovpra LOS ANGELES,. Jan. 3 W — pion will go the-$2<> first prize.' piird Ire Bblse maxed an ll-play,' 62-yord drive early, anij we didn ’t ncover until ^ a given ni^ht. Times-News Bports deparlmenUstatjstics Frank Jackson. 21, who police B a ld Runner-up honors go to B ill ylth g foiir.-yiird scoring pa-y to FOR YOUR last week and was . Bam It Mias too Jate,’’ 'Warmath said; was a Pittsburgh Pirates farm sys­ BrfenfWoolen. then ‘‘steered Wnsh- through Ghristmaa shbw ' ' ' Brake, Filer, who seconded O 'D on­ tarsb'out the condition. "Wo hadn’t seen Washington Ijigton 08 yard.s in nine plays for tem pitcher, was shot ln''the back nell in point predlcUons. Brake r e ­ AMANA As wa understand It, the lining make much iise of those wide five of the six teams will another touchdown, scoring from and killed Monday in a row a t a ceives $10. The .third prize m oney of the eye Is ' loosened allowing swing pitchputs. In the game film take winning: records into Shooting Hours the one on a sneak after setting drlve-in restaurant. Officers s a i d was earned by Derek Cantrell, liquid- to seep inside the eye, cut- we saw," he-explained. The'H us- FREEZER Hinhdnwn-rwlth-ft-^l-yfmi: the conference season. And lrs*-6ei T------Tire~WBy~ B s a w g r t« - ihu~vinig7 Jaclcson was leaving the rest^iu- oill of second place. H6 consoled, SEE condltlon Is quite common In run. son and Charlie Mitchell deliv­ Minnesota, while dominating the Vikings, league • runners-up last For Leiiibi. (^uwi^r, lluite. Cai...... r;j.nt when two men fired four Derek, that you will receive $5- by ■boxing. ered 'crucial yardage on the nlav plaint, Gydl;)g. Linfnln. Mln[do;(B. . ,Kiaiinij, wliu went~ tu~Tdulio~ln' ■BQOOndrlifttf [^riD rsr^i^m In the first TiaW; ' —on an 18-yard run by Bill Mun. Valley, which wa.s ■expeci e o u n t in : then fled. Jackson fell.*Another Honorable mentions for th is loyalty to his fellow townsmen at Warmath’s Gophers; toppled in be down somewhat from last sea­ (Monntaln Standard Tlrna) Sandpolnt and at tho expense of sey on a pltchout from quarter' man waa wounded. Police are contest were earned by Max D w y­ the game they had set their hearts back Sandy Stephens. son , is fihowlng good strength J a n . a.m... p .m . <5-7:36 BMX Washington and several other top 8—7:S6 6:1S 7-7:34 6:18 seeking the gunmen.* er, Filer; Donald Bottcher, T w in on, trooped silently and bitterly Gibbs and the O le Miss defen;ie with_hfilght and speed and some Northwest schools, said the Injury 4—7:38 fi:U 8-7:34 t:tB Into tho dressing room after the got the job done . in the g ood gunners. T hat combination b—l'.n b:\b evidently was Incurred early this game. bowl, with nll-Amerlca Jake- flcoi*,-^ along with hustle and sharp team­ year at Los Angeles. He played "I don’t know why we didn’t ing on runs of eight and* two w ork, has carried the Vikings to a practically all o f the league season handle those, punts early In the yards and tlie rugged Rebel de­ 6-1 record. Valley has lost only to wIlhlL’ game,'’ Warmath iold, "We cer­ fense stopping all but-one-of five Anoericon .Falls, a team ‘with Educator Asks COMPLETE However, h e _ I s ’ confident the tainly didn't Instfuct'our back not Rice scoring threats. Butch Blume whlcTi’ they spilt a home-and». operation w lirte ' a success and Tie tor' swept eiid 'fo fa yard'for IHe'Owl h om e series. «111- be able- to continue pro foot­ ., .Halfback ffllll Muntey, one of touchdown In tlie third quarter, T h e Glenns Perry Pilots have End folktale ^ ball Indefinitely. the safety men on punts by Hlv- trimming 'MLwlsstppl's lead -tO' 1-6 moved along as expected, playing • ner and Schloredt In the early before Gibbs drove the South* DISPERSAL som e good teams while po.«itlng a Idaho schools saw two more of minutes, said he ■ decided to let eastern conference kings to the 4-1 mark. Shoshone’s Indians, Cliampionsliip the punts roll "because they were wrnpup score. 'their boys sign with pro grid teams long the doormat and holder of NEW YORK. Jan. 3 fUPD-^For- H;(^ving Solid My Ranch 1 W ill Sell ALLr7\Ay L iv e IT ^ “k cfnci Inside the 10 and it’s not good to A 90-yard run with an Inter­ lait week. Art Anderson, a llne- th e longest Ibsing string during n^er Harvard university'pre.sldent field them there." cepted pass by Norman Beal, one Equipment at Public Auctior>, mui at Idaho In 1957, hns signed tifte 1950's, are 4-2 along wUh James B. C on ant loda:*’ caUfctJ lor Sandy Stephens, a star In de­ of three spectacular long-galner with the Chicago Bears. Anderson, W endell, which In reality didn’i the abolition o f state high school feat, called D on McKeta’s de- plavs that delighted president' » North Dnltntu prnriuct. we ■dle_aa rtfl+leUo-ehftmpionshipsr tmember wos a "free playot" for rensivo play on turn in the fourth elect Kennedy ajid the Orange S ch eel left the nest. period the c l . u t c h Washington bowl gathering, triggered Missou­ Conant also u rged an end to all coich Skip Stahley, turning out H ailey, after losing its first two sports com petition between Junior imiRSDA¥rJANr5; move of the game. The veteran ri's defeat of the Middies. without a schfllarship. He spent games, has rebounded with three hlSh schools. _Ult last two venra making all-* Husky halfback broke through tri Altman's trasses to Moorman .fitralght-for-a-3'^ markr-Klmberiyr- ~ I n an article In thei currenl, Mnlce honors In the iSaHnTcbrps: hurlistiiphng«_for--a-^l.'i.v,ir(i^nii.l drove PuiiF ■Hdilch lack.s outside shooting bad- “Solq'Starts Promptiy-Qt-I^-NQon'—bjnch Sefved-on-Groufidi jiifc o tJ jo k -m a g azlne, Conant said ■ Idaho State., jivhlch—has-Jlm- ^_the_l5_at_A.Bolnt ..When Mlnne,, chdmplgnship. after H npi ly. ^s=259^1rarm(rB^lltl!!B.nlaYe "vicious overemphasis on competi­ ffagstaff, American Palls, playing sota was heading for a second 49-yard scoring punt return by scored 267 points while giving up Lance Alworth had won It for Ar­ tive athletics" h a s , hi many areos, for the Buffalo Bills In the Amer­ touchdown. 268. T hat Is an average of less kansas. The difference was in the resulted In sch o o l athletics taking ican Pootbi^l. league, sen ^ another than_twD-lenths of a point ,per edriVer'sion. Arkansas’ attempt by precedence over c l^ r o o m studies. Sale of-Banch on Antelope Creek-in-Big-Lost River Valley-28 M iles iJiaJHaEa'io'lhe pr& wars in Tom. ^ a m e.for. flva losses. ■ Mickey- Cissell—was'lJlocked' by HaMtat Provided K e n Morris,. Kimberly, tlxth- H e “called this 'sefldUsIy destruc.- South of MackayTor a miles North of Motire Turn West 12 mileft Jewell. Jewelf, a, llth round draft, Duke'a Dave Unaer. > slgiied his contract Saturday, p la ce finisher in last year's league tive- to our ^entire educational from Highway 93-A to Fork in Road at Cherry Creek Turn'teflTQh For. Wild Game scorin g with an 11.1 average,,cur­ structure,” BOISE, -Jan, 3 liB-Tbe Idaho ren tly lebds the individual j'coftog Conant "said • “ exploitation of King Lane to Scott Ranch '______■ '■ ' : '"v ihlldl«h“-ooourred-in-J^ltle»-and -^lsh-ond-game-departmentr-t)li 0 lth-»-l{-.8-DD|ntrnvenil town5~wherB~tootball' ^ " d-OOMlfJi r v K a n ,ween teams c'oraposei 1960 in "grain crops, trees secon d' with a 14.4 average and and. 14 years o f age were playHl SetToni^ shrubs to provide food and, cover n M / l w T erry Helwlch, Glenns- Ferry,. is 89 - - HEAD CAT MAGIC B O W L In a stadium at night. Spectators two high s<*ooI gomes are U i^ d at 13 even. Fourth place is for_the,jtat?_'s_«lldJilJt. the deojrt- ______C h n rth -L — are encouraged t o attend since oirtap T u e^ a y pigKt In Magic mentlsjitMomltiy.------Methodist No. 1 defeated Pretbylerlin bw n ed b y Ron Brown, ffalley; ol 79 HEREFORD STOCK COWS: 2 -7-PUREBREB HEREFORD Villey, TZnSrlfflmniiy'S-Dennim’oclP gate-fetelplj -are-e e unted-en-to-pay About IJ acres were planted to BULLS— Two Risgistered; .VI; Baptist defMted St. £7-|-i)l|)i-hantHeap-tMtn—•er{tt,- -{Mien-^{ler•,—B|7S8t—hifrh—•erateh~tean 1 ^ D _ MISCEIU NEOUS - - iF^ld-Mare- Lambardl named their aides Mon­ •erlei, Eden Oilera. 2.60U. m an" honors. Hiffhliirhtii Qowler of~ the week, (Ur T e a m records' and total points Approximately-lSOTONS-’WILD-MEA'* -6-FEED-BUNKS— ^GG-FEEDER— . day for the annual all-star pro Henry, &4U. Sets Track Mark bowl gome here Jan. 16. (excluding the Kimberly - Roct liOW HAY Loose in stack, excellent HOG OILERALUMINUM GATE Uind game) include; ARCADIA, •Calif., Jan. 3 ‘ UH — Shaw of the Eastern conferencc Women’s Church Laaina • quality 2 STOCK W A T E R TANKS Cccchee Lou, a 6-year-old bay named Nlclc Skorich and Jerry Tlolllnir M iii.d e fe a to d -A U r ry -U iz -U p i A-1 ; EMerettes ip lit F o u r L ea f Cloveri for tirst. 150 P O ST — 25.BUCK RAKE~TEETH~ ■nare, set a new American record Williams, who worked with him Nip and T u c k «r « defeated Tin v i U o j ___ 1 M l M l t Q U i P M E N T Glenn-Ferrjr-^ at a mile and one furlong on the for the Phlladolphia-Englcs.-fikor- J!wlfllcn_a»L}-JUt—and— MJee-defeatfd IVT- CORRUGATOR, 3 point hitch SOME HEAVY TIMBERS lurf Monday as she won the >20,- .Siialere 4-0 ; Farmerotte* stiHt Guttcrittes S h oa h oi ■ i 270 M2 ioh Is rumored os ft possible suc­ W endell .r.., 2 26B 276 Post HOLE DIGGER, 3 point hitch STOVE W OO D — Sonie NEW LU M BER .-'“300 San Gabriel hondlcap before 2 231 cessor to Shaw, w ho quit at sca- iiiirh indivldunl g a m e. Paloma Cliw* H a il e y ...... m SCRAP IR O N - BARRELS <3,Mo fans at-S anta Anita cork. son’fi end, >n-Kaye Lee. l«0| h izh Individual aerlei, K im b e r ly 6 3^7 m IH BINDER, 10 ft. - IH DUMP BAKE olii! Was timed a t 1:40 3/6. Bye-i«p-fi«7-htirlr-*crBtrhiegTmirar • n OHN,-D EERB-M O W ERSrN 0.'5 5 ^-eATTLE-«IirERS-==-DRH3lrPitBSS- Lombardi of th e Westcm con­ KldcTtUca. fiW; high handicap team The previous mark—1:46 4/6— ference named hla two Green Bay ra m «, Elderettes. 6 7 7 ; high handlcip Erdelatz Won’t Contact tht Timet* IH GANG PLOW, 14” .18 SETS H A R N E SS — PIPE V IS E set Feb. IB, 1060, at Santa Packer aides. Phil Bengston and team eorlet, ilollins Pina. 1,M4; hlrh News F arm Bales de­ HANG-ON FORD WOOD SAW ■SET BUGGY^HARNESS - .VISE : scratch team lerlea. M e rr y M l* Upi, partment tor complete' adver­ Anita by Fleet Nosrulloh. Bill Austin. — ' 1.6S4. 2 SAW EDGERS . Take New Job tising coverage ot your farm TRACTOR DUMP RAKE OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 3 B- sale: hand bills, newspaper 2-WHEEL TRAILER - BLACKSMITH FORGE ' T h e Oakland Raiders were with­ coverage (over 67,000 readers DOZER B L A D E FOR FORD TRACTOR 2 PACK SADDLE. TREES Ohio State Grabs Off All First Spot out a president or a general man­ In Mojlo-Valley). advance bill­ HORSE BU CK RAKE , , : COMPLETE PACK SADDLE ' ager Monday and £ddle Krdelotz ing. All ot one speclol low rate. GAS MOTOR — BELTING — TIRES sa id ho wanted n o part of either __Every_B0l6 Usted lif this Farm _ TANDEM DISC, .7 ^t; ELECTRICTLIGHTTLANT'-^^ Job: Calendiir tor 10 days before FARMHAND LIFT PUSH OFF RACK Votes in Weekly AP Gage Balloting T h e Raiders' head coach laid sale at no cost. BEAVER SLIDE - - ' YARD PUM P - 6 MILK CANS" _ By The.Assoclbted Press ■Bradley, unbeaten in 10 games ference race os It beat UCLA 71- he Intended to continue os boa ot 2-Section STEEL H ARROW , , b u r l a p BAGS - 16' GRAIN AUGEE H. £ wBldi-WOii-the Holl- oftcT—befttl ib-Los-Angeles -4;Section-3-Point-Hltch-BfiAW-BA-R HITER B O X 1 STOCK 3ADD'------PestWol. basketball tourna- nlouth during the week, held on Classic. It wos good enough to give the 'combined Job ot coaclusnd Jack W . Barker 4 irfANURE F O R K 'for FARMHAND I KID'S S A D D L E - H A L IE M by knocking off'previously to second place 'with 304 points, Iowa a No, 7 rating, while Duk« general manager "is too ihiloh for Advertliement D eo. 28-29, Jan. 2-3 WOOD SAW MANDREL mbcaten St, .John's N ,V. and'St, ond, St.'Sonaventure remained fell from sUth last week to eighth oijB mBn.^■'; Col. 0, T. J on es, Arco and IH MANURE SPREADER' » -WMvenlurt wifl- ,tho' unanlmouj No, 3 with'J04 points: place;------— ------T h u "tw o Ion Jobs, opened late CWo'JonesrAroo-^ABCtloneen— -2-BOBStEIGHS with HAY RACKS- " SinglerTree's—^'O ouble“!&ee9T,— ——- ■ raolso Monday a« the nation’s Nb: ' But thero w^re. sojne ohopgcs UCLA WM iRt Arment t Coh. O. T. Jones, Phone 106; Arco Lost River Agen nlmi, 111 the /Inal, .It Will the 10-71, p "..... CA R WASH 2!'"'' «lrnlBii|, victory (or Ohio 0, Duke (9-1) 70, Adverllument, Jan. ll'-12 Chic Jones, Phone 10B*W» A” ® - Phone 106, Aroor-l' Iqwa d«monBtr»t«d It could be* 0. UCtA (7-J) 00. 604 Mpin South Auotloneiri—Irvin Ellen and coma lough la th s O li Ten con­ 10. Auburn (t-0) SI. . , Jim MeuanlinltU ______'' ' TUESli'AY, JANt'ARY TUESDAY, JANUARY 8,1961 :TJMES-NEWS, t w in f a l l s , IDAHO

OUT OIJR WAY By WILLUMS = BBTHpTAG//?L Crossword Puzzle 3qqq aBm a noiaQ IJUSTCOOLDNTRACE'THBPeOPLBOPTHE ^ - “ - ' ^ COMINfl THIS'WAV? WAOONSArrER WHAT HAPPENED Wm4 T E S j ? BIAIO-IM'RIDIWO Of4 A H E A D / ------' " ACBOSS 39. Gush IBQaOl BBSS □QDIB] BQEISEI k I 'l x ^ E Tpa BKIMS ‘THEM C o m p le te ly 30. Also ______, RIfiHT IM K empty spacc aTTFeh □BBS □□QQl BQIiS '6 AA VET-KIPS ^^SW PTP' . r.Markwlth □□□□[IB GiQGiaoa , gECUPERATETOO \ CAKE DFTHE ~ «.spots p o ls ------ , P IBCF*i-OF- i J T Y e ^ AMVTriiye/, I6.0bserv» «. Measure or □□□a QdllD BQQ 18. E a g le c n p a c ity Qaaca Gamaa bqq lOrCrSitedr r ■SO.ManuJac.^ hejaldry , ~ ~ Solution o f Xe!ttrit»y'< Puiil» M. Smallest ' - 51.S«ne«of evsanumber , . . v.d. nP rincipal, int.paj, i^.12. ™n,iAncient KrBodyot------eonstmrenrsf------slave w a te r______^__ ^ f a n e u ^ ------cil’iifpepperf »,JWWn. ru:------fcrGlobular “tjragBTit" mint debted WBirtwoN'T-ewEun wBMuiTBEy HnTTrs-i l|!l'A ■ body 56. Withstand 7. Goby ca r 21. Wild animal OVERLOOKIWS IT IK) WORKS' "at6 7 ! - IS. F reQ u en tly DOWN . 8. Unseal lEST OP ELECTKJWC CWSETSi / TW- 23. Talk idly AUWfeNEEP.fe W m r P - i p ?! ’ ■; 88. M ea su re o f '1. Valley 0. Tellurium 1', ■•i’; : le n g th symbol 34.Conslel- ■ j i / i , 19.P a r t * I n s 2. English 10. Parli lation river ■Pl°y.. worked with ■25. Harvest

11. Merry ■ 28. Dandy

Ing charge of other’s property 30. Consume 31. Roguish JRWILLIAW^ t- 5 WHY AVJIHEES <5ETSRAV 33. Rack (or K ». t,M «H U > »<

things • -34^nd4)tdotf- 36, Tn thotcaia 39. Wrench 40. Recreational SIDE GLANCES By GALBRAITH contests . f NorFDR_M^ F irs t I'VE ^ eosRHOW DOES V— m e : P r a c t i c e s d e b a t - ■ 41. Biblical WELL,TWr WINDS IT DOESNT/, eOTTA PLAY iM A MUTTYMANASrTO POK,' IM G WHILE ITS MIS - tower UP a n o t h e r , d a y CHESS TbU ftN A- EXCEL IM SO m \Y ONE 42. Certain OPPONENT^MOVe//- 3 ? AT-SCHOOL/ > m 'e w ’a m d w e m E^^TRAACTWITIK? 45. Hindu queen ■ [(’, 46. Totals I'VE 60TTA ? B 1 0 L 0 | r 47. For fear that M f y ATreNDTHE’ , I m wssm wm m m m 40. Broad open » “U ' / / 215 PE8ATB FowJM/. p ' ^ vessel S2. Compass point CHE?6 64. One of CLU8 SDown


RO ARDING HQ.USE. MA.LQE.aQ.QPU I r -ffi^ 'E 'S O'AI^E H O O R B ^ mtA»«3SJ5SOLUCkf/H& , COULD 516P BARERJOTED |hl A Why don't i (?()PHER H0L£ a n ' STKlKg-aL" VllTH HIS eUfJlOM /X OUrtSMART MlM F« « 2 6 iai

“ I never have much ready cash, but what cash I hava Is plenty ready 1”



C.IM1 WtTMT In* r»MM. iM. y T*»n------


II j .

fTKWt»3DNESrTHI51?l0e^'T*i0Ol^^fTKW t»ODN [ -IING INTOTHE-«IT-yA X.. \ WR^IPf ^PIARYT e 1M( W WA. ha. T J i fte«. a t. Prt. OR. . / - s 1-3-61 “ Do as I tell you! You’re not running this house— -^‘and you won’t ba until your mother comes home!” — --^‘H-tliLcredit man says W . . . I’llJbehpmB early!"




f i l


Little Summit 1 Reminders House RulillJ^ Heavy Loot Post Choices t m a r k e t s a n d f in a n c e MOSCOW. Juii 3 JERO M E, Jan. 3-Sonieonn is Jt ------^ - - ■- -'-rid-.------~bua>^counting--pemTte5=todh5*7^ TanmdedTkiniTioan's beVe t(jda Police Chief Fred Abrams re- of llio loy money ii:>ed lo pJay - porUi $J0 in pennie.s was stolen tiie .slimilatod-civpitallst galne About Afrifa from the Si\wiCK)ih market of •‘MoiiDpojy," •aws Blasts AreRepofti3||i stocks Livestock Grains .sometime Monday. CASABLAN(5A. Muroccu, Jun. 3 U<'lij;Uely eiilutei,^ imd bear- WASHINGTON. Jun. 6 X'-.K Ol.lJLN CniC‘ \(.)u, J.U1 . J iLrii -r World T h e burK lur iiiu.st lu iv e bd -n BOISE, Jan. 3 (nPD-Oqv. RobW -i^lllr] (IUDE.N. j.,n J 1 1. M 1 C aiile 1500; tlTI'—All African "h tlic Mimnul” 'ini: ol inr'Kreiiilin. findini: that Allorney Tllonl:l.^ G. ICIR.JUI) Kliu |)OUUU.U, p*lK)ll biuim -a a wmili pci‘i»on. lUe chu'f #>rt-id. E. Snijllc, todnji.announced WKPTAT tA,g l a n c e au. aio-iiilj.- iuu\i naiw alnumiicr Dooiiea iiio*‘v .Viuin Tiiutreo ohtirpii' meeting aimed-ftt aellitjR. up n M>o bills werb^stuiill^r^iIVtin any ■ Corroi an did nrit atleiiipt to Inflii-' -.KM-Is i)r iiri.frN lo i r a u fu d . AJQiigii- •sihce e n tr a n c e 'w as f u m e d try ^appolIUlneI^t^_subJect to con flnn a' Hlgiu;:'* ii.ti.o oil inc bo.itd o iiu i.-. neiitrahsl [lower bloc -iti Afru*:v c\'cr ls.su*d ■in’tiii' .Soviet Union, eiuT Ihe federal power eouim.s- ifi ri-u . DpniiiiK .lu .) -UMOj lo O Jj'U r,!,, Ii-hpcti it> llUKll iu brcalUiiK lUid crawllnj: ihroii::ii il“ n by the .state senate. , . I'l. II* 1)1 i)>y. nupply mJOUWIK ,iippctu-cd liciHled’ tor delny. lodny r.nd Uu’ i'e.seMibl:uu'o lo “ Mono- .slon was de.sci'ibed in a PepuUli- COUU -* .JUs.ic ui the Iir>l betfiusp thrrc ol ll-‘' four cluef dcl- a high window whicii i.s quae Thf'v inciuded appointments' t( - .^ITjji luvhvr li!)<'ia; waU'f ijii. oulls steady Neuio> ..iiurucu' Witc uure uuu li'i- polv” .-frip u'.t.s niiu’ki’d. .cnn ininoiiiy teporl tQC^.'y .iii .a govcm m cu u iiUl. to _0 Utn.iH; nlrtttyiurr cow s DUJk COm- esuic-s fulled to arrive on time. .‘iinath N oU U ng cLso wii* taJtio, iho fiiaie tax. commission, public ?nL«n--Irreguiar: comnil«ion ccnt;i hl-lirr ftC Ihe i’kK-,0 . Meui*, Sonic blH->. In;-Imi:ni; the one- • •'.shocklni- poliilcal whitewa.sh.'- m crrjii; luid .Uiiiianru 10 00*20 00. bu.la BM*licd ♦. ii uiure u uju. Tlic conforrncc had been M-liod- _LiL>>C y ear .ih e m arket U'l-so wa.s unlitie.s commission, Hsh anc bomrdVnd M>d taiiiiv iiiKi I'omincrcial I7 2u-iiii:u. I'lible iioif. wt'i'f .Mimllcr than n At tlir Hu.U Dell, wlU'Ul was o ff ‘ i ulcd to Mnrt (ai ^11:30 a m K.kti The miiuirity report look km»o bnri,’ larlzei ■••toc.i'ri, and rn‘ dollar. Th'.' new i.no-nible coin with the nndinus of the lu)ii.so leu* US«tDS nioiuh.^ WuiKl [UKi vliij'iCV iSu-B5U 113. iL'urluij: .\\\W\ an.ttildi'tbs by M oroccoh .K ju u beer were vhtn. . [. hidusirial accident bpard 'i to He Up onr-to l*a. »3 ybi*a««3 L'^--^ll2hHy smailrr' than nn ^U»ck -- iiKi iiKiuwfiGhi feeder sioerj i.slallvf ovtMhlKht iubcommiiior up tlii.f to 5 ^ and diimunJd lard Mohammed V.’ But the oiily'nuijDr Ainen ciin .silvpr doll.ir.______I boiird of healtb. - .' - ‘ ‘^‘iiro-5"li‘cr°°ll«l't gcntml dr- -ut>-W rtr-pninC).------and'4u- auff^'h«t-tfr-oup-B»>*fc-out- •'lOllA L.»,H ■ ti tnire ■ tct n m vp ■ trrfi r~^ni 'r ^ . Tijp flppoii'irmdhU. *fbrwanletl‘ Li-i-n' iji •;Uy 1 0 M) IHiJiUT...... D ciPiiit! wiie.il iuuiir.i nlaO booiiu- Kwuine Nkru'nmli. jo h iis o n (iets was ix di.s.seiit JIun« „(,[ riu>ii«h parly mih-.^ i accomj>..ii)iiiij mu'riiuiioiml ------SlouBhter sleBrj y ’Oluuia; aokou.Tourc. Giilnea. aiKf: Conduct AllackeJT nionlA ^l)a^^.^•:t.i 'Mydlbo Ki’iiii were delayed. iUkI ' .Tlie •mlnoniy report did luX di­ I Idaho FalU, to Sept, 13,’ 1064, U) <'.>ui)libii trend. Senate Oath, MANHAri’AN, kan.s. irri>-K rn-^ India DH.ifihi iifiuiy two niiUn)n Iheir nbhenco was expcclrd to put. rectly accii.H- Corcoran o f wroiu:- -T n u r l! n> iimil-to-!- nrih Kolifcld i.s a polio ylctiin and. ll)ll'll..lN l TOUnir.r\-uV:p 'f ;pt’(Tt'U W tJliy \vlip;u iouk h im l o ywi.*. lu i^ot ii i-s'Ui’- n i i ir k p t made^Jts r*on i'I,ANl). Jim ^ I UPI I —(UijDA) ny)irow :~" Koun. ( ■■mttu-v-.iuii...... - ...... m.spa iHni.spa It..le ^ -S ia io u»Uvf> lH-llHiJ.und rrnnk Mppk. Calri.Wfill nnn lo w i.un; n il im n Advtuu' - m il'— iTTTtTT— rtm r— hrnr— b m r .■ .Then , ■ fllS e blue chips took «hiirp , ,.|iV.a The nrpiiDlinui s U Ir iiH' .1 mnd7tlie cn'ule'n^ lo Jan. 9. lOO.i. . liHt-.iica.i <)U. Miinc liPid Corn (tn.r. und Ilrui Laj« r/ieetinii ni Conakry to coordmiuc WASHINCiTUN. J.m 3 irrii-\?co . ■'taiuiar:! to low R.wd 2 1 .00- trader' bun^iu fuuircs On-the .nt-cnfcih iKlilic (mm pnri.s nt iiir riuneil lop .whbliuMIc lionore ujiilc' ' T" U'f i'Ichwny board, ErnesK|;^ ij tl^ieir puliclc^. In a jo in t com im i- pre.sideiii-Lleci I.Mulon B. John- »i/fn« 10 about R point. ' u., (,(,• in'.;li Bocxl m low ciniicp fi-d o fo ih rr itnri.fio A CA.sli lioufn s'Hd I ivUbcommiiiee report, hit out par- wa.s at it j Gaffney. Plummer, to Jan. 31,1967 q^veral o f ' the m njor sleeU f'd , i|,..[,.’ Mi)0-:4.5o. uilliiy and suud- n q u c issued ln.st n i^ h t ihey an- .son wh.s .swt)rn in tcd.ty lor .•uuuh- MaKcli. and bprpwlers -bouyni M iiuh licularly ,,i a rrpon ls,suc(i :wo lo T. C m ^cra i* galiw " I 'l H ou-i'.'no, u illiiy cowH 14.S0- aBO,lnri uf May. nfunced thoir agreement lor clo.s- cr .sivyrar hnnf a.-. ‘ Denun-ralic Sher caifSorles depressed tho m ih) fannrrs nnd cuiiprb 12 0 0 -HOO; Oain RO\uuctd ^ c c u t or- m ore on coopci-alion in U\cir polices senmor liom Ti\U .uid tliiii le- weeks aco by .he «.bcomn,m.'C th e p;>.st pa.st li»o » o year.s year.s by by )iu, ^ lo utility biilU lfi.0 0 - 2 0 .u0 ; early c.nnniu.,iiui linying. Loculs «uld % o lu m 9-fo r thfrs^^^y. e.HtiniHtKi 2i;.' Kuod and cholco veulorj 'a n d national econom ies. hmned lininedi'aieU .* • , j > i .i 1 , , ^ - 1 W ife. M ary. H e .viy.s he'.s b oon e.sp<*- on tlie nn- potnt p revn llPd nmQiiit. or i»wj ...... „ ...... :4 o f - - ■ •Prr.M dnii H ir h .Ti'tl M ,' N t.\^Ml po r L a c c u s-—; ed I'vn------lilc c n y fr. iiMinii,i, - - - .•'nwcoiri, r ,TiM H.|- it» » « -n,. -m...... res'^fi» rn T — Tor v.rBtockfl but American Toli'phoii.' w». g.neral |„ieBr|ty 'o f tlie Co„i;o To the fl.sh and game com- l.OM; 1 nn^ 2 biitchera 10..W- start, niid Uingu were active sell adinini.siered llie .srnaUirial...... oath. rORum ory ,n son d « M laxity nm lM a,7 u. make eiBht Inivs ullh hlnl J S 'd o w n about fo u r points late in •V. l'*7.'., 2 n llr3 Krii'lf ITjO-lD.OO. mixed Meal*. (Ill niid drum m ed lardn eiThey all recosnlzc Patrice Lu­ to Johnson a n d ilitcc harmful to the pul)l:C|^) campu.s. nii.s.- Hupply o f w heaV 'ihisj fiopoi^cd and is in J a il, N'-\nn road Jolin.soii's re.sii^nntum. the two agencies—the civil aero­ «o(Kl and clioK-*! feeder iainba H.OO- week fell 7.3i:i,OJO bui>liela to 4WJ.7U3.- Communl.st Chine.se premier their daughters. Kathy. 5. and Su- 8 DIF. IN NKVADA * ■’(> I 'diigglnff perform ance of Mio 15 25. nautics bojfrd and the Interstate OOO. Corn stocltfl Increajied 1,320.000 eJhou c u En-la,En-lal sent a .mo.s.sQRc r ^ f c cclo meHie sle. 3, he la inflinly concerned with B y l!n lle d Pres.n In te r n a tio n a l ‘ j ■ ifsi WQ5 ft dlB appolnuneni to iIiu.m; to 137,Hi!),0(;o. oHU idooreiuied 8(i2.0J0 commerce commi.ssion. Tlie offl- meetinR in wliich he recalled Pi-ip- "Just getting settled" in tlielr n w EIrIU per.sons met tragic death? ^lltf who ioo\ieVheat " ' jolmsoi\. took Uu'oal htt tav mln- Deal days, the staff report said Corporate bonda were m ix 'l an,a lower, No. I rM 2,ll‘i. utes later. He wa.s ((iiicratulated he did nothing Improper li\ pri­ 0 . 8 . government bdiidi JncliiiL'n i.i African .solidarity.” The yoiuig polio viotlm is still slauHhlcr .-tms 2l.50-2;J,90; Hlaughter I Corn unchnnRPd lo I low er; No. 3 by Nixon after .siRnmc the senate vately contncting p p c members OR FEED IT light trading. ______hclftT.s 24(J0;2C.35; beef oowh IS'.OO- yellow 1.08',; No 4 yellow l.Ol-l.Ofi. Na.sser A r r iv e s confined to a wheelchair, dotsn’t 17 25; cniinerR and cuttera 13.00-15.00; repister. during a big gas pipeline case In No. 5 yellow OMOO'j. Nas.ser arrived w ith hl.s foreign have free movement of his arms NEW YORK STOCK ECHANtiR .sluiiKhtcr bulls 1B.00.2I.OO; stocker and O ai.1 unrhmiR«l, No, 1 w hite 07‘ 4; Johnson hnd won another six- 1059. " t GLOBE SEED 1 NEW YOHK. Jan . 3 lyiOT-Lnbt 6u le; and must use a respirator at night feeder Hirer,( 23,75-25.35; stocic aleer No. I extra heavy w hite W'/i-Oa',*; minister and a host, of aidos and year term In the seniuo on Nov. 8 Bitterly dl.s.sentlng, the Repub­ t Will Have I t I AHmlral 10^4 Nut Oyprt'im ciUves 2.3 00-23.00; Htocic helfor colvca No. white 04; No. 4 w hite 64; sam ple because his breathing la about advisers aboard his yacht. El Hor- at the same time he was elected lican statemenl .said. "Tlie ma­ AJ indua 4 N Y Cenlriil \'j\, 25.00-27,00, Brad^ extia heavy white 65','*-i one-third normal. * Allied Chcra ilV t Nor Amer 4 7 ^ ya, and received a red carpet wel­ Hofvs 2.000; slow. Hte^ndy: top 18.25; Rye unchanst^; earn] ',e grade 1 .1 2 ' j. vlcc prc.5ldent. jority and its staff have sought to Alllfi Chftl, 25 Nor Pacific 42 bulk )7,50-1800; sows 11,75-14.75. Barley inaltlufi 1.2 1.23 n om inal; co m e . One reason he dccidcd to wait AM® ' eOVa N\V A lrllim . lo-^ exonerate one of Washington's Sheep 3,700; rnrly snlw ail classes feed 7 .^-fl0 iinminnl. R )inpg nnfj rlacnd— a u d ^-until-tho-opeiiUiH-of-^the-fHth-ccn- ---Am—AlrHneg—aiiia Ohlo-Q41---- “ — ^— triiflei!tow;—WMtCil slouKhle^ aoybean.i unrluiaged; No.' 1 yellow best-known infiuenctrpeddJersr^— Am Can 35 Olln Math 4 2 ^ KinK Mohammed and hi.s cntour- gress today to resign from the Inmbrt sh orn fitauah 2,30'^ No. jl v^liow -J. :UU. h ,f,h f.nielt Corcoran, a'Washington attor------A m Tjrnil------M l a r aelflcr-om -Ttny 'in-rrfta' laugnt^ ewes T s o ^.75; nfllrjioni ' -1 —.--.-I a g e m e t Na.s.'jcp in a c u lo r f d r c c r e ' i^T‘7mtt;=whi!i'L« liij'‘ 1tinr~?'TTvr(r - JS M i P Paa Am 17', feeder iMiilxi 15.50-16.50; ney ror Miawesrenv Gas itans- shearing m o n y . D e m o cra tic le a d e r— wa.s to Rive his Am Motors 18 Para Pic y.\ U lam bs 10,60. GRAIN FUTURES mlssion company, testified at sub- Am 8 & R 53U Penney ,41 CHICAGO, Jan. 3 l/P ;- Libya’.H Foreign M inister Abdel staff workers a few weeks' extra AmT&T 103>,3 Fean RR 11';, fcommittee hearings 4ast May that O M A IfA High Low Cl0 6 » P r C lo s e Q a d e r A1 Allarri a r r iv e d y e ste rd a y . Am Tobftc 69U Pepsi Cola '« Wheat he approached three FPC mem­ ... 42 Philip MorrU 7i>’ « OMAHA. Jan. 3 (U P I)-H o R s 17.500; Algecian rebel “Premier" Ferhat Am Vliicos* Kfar 2.00--', 2.08»i, 2.083,;. bers late In 1059 in an effort.lto •' % Phlltlpa Pot, 5;>- w ouk tu mooUy 2 &7 lowor. lualanccs 59 2.06 !i -Anaconda _ 1 4 1 May 2,05 2.05«'a ■2.04rR .Abbas-'was forced-'-to return-to 63 Pullmiin o f f ; US No. 1-3 f.rade« 100-250 iba, 2.05\ expedite a dcoision on the com­ • Armco 3leel July .... 1 BOi* 1.803; i .r . M a d r id la.st n ig h t b e ca u .se o f p la n e Pure Oil 10.75-17.50; lop 17.75. AT 4: 5F . S opi , Jobless 'Area pany's request for. authorization CatUe 13,500; calveft 100; slaughter 1.02!* 1.02V* 1.88->4 trouble and was due back here Bendlx RCA 5 P „ Dec Hteer.s wteady to 25 higher, advance 1.07 1.0'j 1.07 for a new pipeline system. Bfth Steel Raytheon Corn later In tlie day. uialbU ’ - o u .wcltthts u n d er 1.150 lbs.; Corcoran emphatically denied, Mar 100 l.OOV Rey Tobuc t> -^ hellers si-cady to sironK . Home 23 MO’ ; % i.ior, ■ Ceylon, represented by its am- Help Bill Is Borden SO 2 May !... 1 14 1-13‘ , 1.13V, 1.13 however, that he sought to lnfli> rtlclifld Oil fl7 higher; Rood an,. July .. 1 17', 1.16^1 1.17 47’ i ROVftl DutCil :i2H 2fl.G:i; choice 1.2.'50 lbs. 25,50 u p ; higher ence the commission. — HnmawicH- S o i l lifi',4 LlhKi-...IllSU part in the conference. Burrougns 271i SaifiwaV ■ 'iiuico nna pninB i.trau-i.iiu lu. neiiGr Oats 2G.fi5; cows strong to 25 and more -First Offered Oal Pack 21 »o Schenley 22 Mar , . .65»,\ ^ .643,i higher, utility oi^d com m crsfdi. ^4.00- .65’i C&t Tractor 30Jn Sears oHeb .'>51 May .„ „ .67^, .671, WASHINGTON. Jan. 3 firm — Salt Firm Faces Celanese i2 tV -^ h ell Oil 39 July ... 68 .eiHg .67U Sheep 6.000; wo6ted slaughter Iambs ,. . ', .671, Presdient-Elect John F. Kennedy's Chrysler Slmmona 43 Sept . .C9'4 .60 .6 3 'i Short Trips 50 lower, choice In clu din g «om e prime .C8^« Cities Serv -5 1 ‘/a Sinclair Oil 3y ‘ Rye plan 'for providing aid for areas Con Edison Soo Mobil . :,9 10.50-17.50; shorn ' lamb.s -not estab­ Monopoly Count 68 Mar ,. -1.1B'* l. l T i 1.18 i.ie ^ i suffering from chronic unemploy­ Cont Can 35 Sou Cnl Ed bb\l lished. WASHINQTON, Jan. 3 UH-The May .. I.2 II4 1.20!* 1.21V, l.lO '.j Ai-e Hardest ment wa.s one of the first bills put Curt Wright IS^i Boii Pacific 20^* July . . I 22'* 1.21 1.22 U 1.203/4 federal trade commission haa ac­ Decca Rec 37» b Sperry 2 P CHliAUO before the new congress today. Sept ... 1.23!« 1.22 >,'3 1.23 1.22 cused Leslie Salt company, San oDiw Air 28 U fitau Bramla 53 >. CHICACO,[;0, Jan.j«n. U i/^>i-(USDAl - The measure called for federal Dow Chcra 73]b SU n Oil Cal S T u IJutfi 1J,U0. On Car Tire PORTLAND, Jan. 3 (flV-Coanse million dollars for distre.s.sed ai‘co.s. laws-ljy acQulrlng two competing Itia^.V-StOU .0 1 U iJ ." 3 n i .butchcra. i1ill-ia.QQ; mixed' sradt. i-S grain whole.iaJe, prom pt deUvory, bu lk CHICAGO (BPR—A short-trip ;^a H Paw 28 Stan Piiok 22' nn«l mixpii 24 220-240 Iba. l<5.7r>-17.7^.; compared lo the 251“ million'^oT -companies. ton. fob track Portland: Oata, No. 2, the shopping center m ay wear your' Bner Ead 11U Studeoakcr 7 mixed irn.(ie2-S and 3b 240-270 tU. 38-lb, w hite 55.50; Corn, No. 2 yellow 'lar Democratic proposal which was The firms acquired were Desr. . ; ’'mixefl and * -:i ll)». EranA 11% Sunray Oil 23 17 00 2-3 3 270 20 ea.<(tern 50.00; Barley, No. 2, 45>lb. tlrea more than a long trip pn a vetoed by President Eisenhower eret §olt company. Salt Lake Firestone 34iu Sun Min 7 1 .'>.7<‘)-H,&0 ; mixed (rrade 1-3 and mlxod weatern 44,25. super highway, last May. CItyr and California Salt company, Plrat Amer 2a‘,« Sw ift i Co 4.'^^;, aiHMOO II). MWI lH.lft-16.25 ; mlxwl irnd« Today's close, Portland* Grain Ex­ Fold Motor 64 Texa-i Co 8 4 ...... A tire can be worn a s much from 2 -a sniid ;U 1, Textron 2 P.ii .said he and Sen. Paul H. Douglas, fect has been, or may bei to dam­ bIocm ntpndy to 60 hiirher; a load of barley. , " ' . ing 10 mlle& without a turp, ac- D., lil.. agreed to introduce Iden- OlUrttfl 8838 Thiokol 373U prinio I,MR Ih, itevrs 2K.75; mo»t rliojc« Wheat bid to arrive market. No. I age competition or tend toward a Ooddrtch 51^3 Tim ken 4'» a n d prim e !)0().l,;i(M) H«. 2fl.00-2«.60; bulk. 20-dajL shipment. dellvfired.ooa«t: ooi'dlng to R. U Marlowe, a phys­ ..tldal bllli in both houses at Ken- Gt West ug S J l, Tran.«i Amer 26''^ i monopoly In the production and 8 load lola mixed jfotxl and chplc«iji6.26i floft-Whlto 2.0D; Soft.Whitfl hwd «ppl. icist .a t .the.. B.. P. G oodrich re- ■ bound 20___^th gpnt sale o f salt in tho western-Unli 2 l].5 0 ; uood 24.fiO.25.75 : a load o f aU nd. 2 .0 0 ;-W iilto.ClulJ 2.00. f^orchr-conter. - -> man of Kcnncdy’s-special-cammit-. Oil ■ 33Tk unibn Ca*b IIGI- a r d 1.2(h> lli. }(olat4>ln 2 2 .0 0 : m ixed choice Hard'WhltA Baart; Ordinary 3.f8. States. " ■ — taicg. Union i i a ? TTnIr Oil 433; -j.ee on distressed areas. Jid-pcim*4i«if«ra^,0a..27*£a.^buil^bolo«- Car .recelptai-mft&L.aa; .bflrley,.?:. Pow 35»i" unloiTTflCITUr M srlm Mlj that the waY.,.a —Tho—sale-of-Dcscrct-Salt-co 2.S.50-26.76. a fiur. 27.00; mlx«d Kood and flou r 61; oori;^ 3; oata 4; m ill feed 34. Rep7Thomaa j.’ L»ane, l>.. Ma'sv 34^; ■driver turns comers, applies hi.s itrtU ai=,i Un Alrllntfl choice and K»od helfera 2.1.2S-2^.60; lany to Leslie for an estimated -Un-Alror^fr-WV -br-akes-and-accolerates-ara-inajoc- offered a- somewhat dlHerent bill ulHlty andnd itindaTdlUndard n 16.60-i2.76; t W 2 ' utlHty and urged congress to assign "It (SttOiOOO—was—announced—Decr-6 7 Int H&n* 43','* Un Corp 7 and commerclil cow, 14.76-R76 : canners Jactorfl-ln_thfiiife of.iiia-tires, _ Int.Nickel------i 84k-Ua-Emlt^— - *. 1888>= 121 'ii>Hl rnHer*'TrTCT!5!527~udllty and com* "While the.sr’ operatToiis'tiilc'e untlBrw^priorlty.le priority, Int T 4; T 48 US Gypsum 102 Potate-Oniun?' The measures were among those ja&rqtaLUulk l7.riO-20.GO : {{wxi and choice jJlft£fi.OYir_a-¥£ry..finiall.parL oLihe. “ Oobta L'ugKlir371V TTS'Plyw ood - 43 Va venler, 2I.Oft.26.0(h c»»TJ" ~3own lo Ti:UI). tossBd~lnto~thB''hopper by eagerp 'Th' ■U. & -bltumlnous-eoal-In­ Kjilsers ^ u m 40 U S Rubdor 41 total mileage, tlielr e0 ect is large Sherp mo2B.______mHted-cafa-4 otr-mlnlmum-i-.M-3rl0r — M ariowo-«lld federal -mlnirinim -wage; expanded -4^ave-rented^ny-iarm-an(t^lll-Bell-these^tenis-at-piri}lic-aiicHon-^oe8ted-4-miles- Bunker Hill IMb Sher Wll 125Va O ertlflcatod wool s p o t 111.IB, 6 oz. m in im u m 3.00-2.30, causing tires to wear out three government hpuslng programs, B B & 8 25#i, T ech n icolor tJ W------ool topH “ futiu’es...... - cloaed " 1.0' cent west of Buhl, Idaho, or one mile .west of the Black Bear Service Station on,' Prlccs to growerar Bulk cwt. at times faster than older roads. This and federal aid to Education. -Rird dm 13U1, Utah Ida Sug.JU growers* cellars to be "wnahed- US 1 Hecle Mia 9\<» .:ncated apot wool top* 145.5B I&“^5ecaose Burtaces oT old roads The 81th congress' ■was geared (B-Dld; N-Nomlnal) mcMtly sls « A 2 In. or 4 oz. m inim um 3.75-3.10J-US- 3- U5-1.50. grow less abrasive when they be­ to throw Its first full effort behind come coated, with a mixture of Kennedy's anti-recession program CHICAGO tflj. oil, dirt and rubber.______with prospects of substantial suc- THORSDAY, JANUARY^ - H W » - -zStodk-Averages- ^ « in e am att- -e«*®AQ® ■ccp; i ^ ; 8 8 4 (old and new); Total U. 6. ehlmenui LUNCH ON CHOUNDS BY: Lu«nie Grange 1,054: arrlvalfl and track n o t reported; .But assistant house OOP Leader, SA LE TIM E: 12:00 Noon Cempllrd br T h t Aiio u» LIm lacomo S.lo 5.57 large 2,15-2.20, wlhto large 3.00, m e­ _ The “ 87-yea’r-old church leader • Peelc^ld ?i0,000 at ,a. recent Vtlvw Llm SpM. S i t .’- : . 3.40 3.72 eled as a Balcaman for a milk firm dium 2.50; Washington Wlhte medium and his wife, Emma, were the lactation bred. — Ktyatoao B 3 ______14,01) In Salt Lake City, Later ho oper­ 2.76! • Kaneaa 2.25; M idw est yellow auction (or King, Jr„ an 8-year-oldj TRIXIE-^Gonrinjr with Srd calf, due 10.31] llrst couple married in tlie LDS Keynlona 34 ...... O.lfl 10.00 ated tho meat department for ;lobe m ed iu m : Indlana-M lchlgan 1.35; bay-colored’, quarter horse stallloi^. . Springer heifer .lllnolfl 1.25; larg«' Illln ols-in d lan a- temple here iti 1001. "We've had Marsh 17 gW tonB K1 ______8.61 . 0.43 Shotwell’s meat ..market h erc..po Before the day was over. Peek ' Heifer was fresh September 24 Kiynlont K3 ...... 15.12. 10.50 Mlchlgan 1.50-1,60. 60 years'; off happiness," President Ksmtone 82 ...... 1 1 ,« 12.55 owned and operated a food locker sold the horse for $25,000 for ii C A N D Y -C om ing with Srd c^lf, due 8 heifers open— most of these cattle are Ktytloae 84 ______13.00 14.10 at Shoshone. After telling there, FUTURES quick $5,000 profit. McKay said. Tl»e follow ing futurcH quotations are March 17 - Keystone 84 .. 12.50 13.74 ho operated a almllar business In JThe auction, one - o...... f three...... held oouple's seven chll vaccinated and tattooed JUJQ. prolvded by E. W. M cRoberta and com ' Talrflold:— ------— ' — ~ ~ jftuy. 'h v in tWla. A t tho tlmo of His death he Maine Potatoei brought In $17II|180 for 65 horses— Is the spiritual leader of Mormons, Close MILKING E^^IPMENT owned and operated the Ooodlng High L ow on average })rlco of nearly t3,000 throughout the world. Gooding Boy, 15, January .„..,.-2J7 3.41 Cold Storage fhin. Ho was on In­ March ...... j;...2.51. 3.S1 a horse. -MACHINERY- AKD MISCELUNEOUS active' member of tho Masons and April ...... A...... 2.63 S- 3.62 Tliat's almost twice ns much as 1D49 Ford tractor Just overhauled- - g-can milk coolcr, like new with side, entrance; Hurt in Mishap Eastern Star. Mr, Heller , also be­ May ...... 2.74 2.73 3.74 the national average of paid 'iovomber ,.,2.25 2.30 Finnish Airliner Ford slngle-wlng ditcher 3-iinlt Surge mUker with 4 unlta and piimp, SO- OOODINQ, J a n .J -H orold F a h - longed to tho Baptist church. for qtjartefTTorses in I960, accord­ ftnwald, 16, was reported Jn good Survivors Include his widow, two ^ r d feed ditch cleaner 10-gal. mUk cans; ,700 bales of straw; 100-galIon ing to tho Ametlcan Quarter-Morse- gas barrel; Single wheiil for )H 0 model H trdc-.. condltlolUqdI^y_a^L_Q5pdlna J^ c - aons.-Davld Otto Heller, Berlin, — Crashes; 25 Die Ford 3-shank; coixugator association, Tho Increasing popu- HBlSINKi, Finland, Jan. 3 (UPI) inorlal hospital where he was tak­ Germany, and J. E. Hel)er, Good­ Ford tjlndemau-jlow tor; Set of markers; 2-cow stock trailer; R e n '' Butter and Eggs lority of tho breed raised prices — A Finnish passenger p la n e , Ford fresno bvator; Ford'cultivator; Oil Hedtrola; 160-gaI. en a(lcl> being Injured tn o two- ing; two daughters, Mrs. Esther N. from the 1S58 averago of around Whlcle rural Intersection Occldcnt Phillips, Ft. Mead, Md., and Mra. crashed in flames early today In a Ford'Jack ' oil tank; Trash burner; two 0x12 wool rugi. 11,000,- forest near Koivulahtl on Fin­ <;30 p.m. Monday one mile Douglas Kramer, Twin Falls; one CHICAGO Ford G-foot mower CJ^nOAQO/ Jan. 3 (UPI) — Cheese: land’s northwestern coast.^and po- 1047 IHO Farmall H tractor . •outh and a mile west-of Gooding, brother, A. E, (Jack) Heller,, and Single daisies <43^^&| longhonu 44V4' Jko-topQttnil-all 85 persons aboard IHO H ang.oii plow-for-H-ot. M.— 4 8-ln(il>- -w'^ m m ity ity fliierittfliierin v6riie H oytifiiU' UlIB sister, Mrs:— Imnnic-cOTBn-.™..^ ■ Scotfc-both •43^a; pnjceBBcu lo ir ------orade if 50-93; D 48-M: 0.4fl-.„.. frogmendyfigh^ wore killed. Manure loader for M or H tractor = Ft«N T O R t “Oth drivers tailed t o see each oUier Salt Loko City, and 10 grandchil­ Butter 1,037,000 Itxi.; at«adV: 93 ecore Tlio plane was a twin-engined 2 com cultlvators-fOr H Hotpoint Ijlectrlo range'. ' » time. DamnBC w n» set Bt $225 dren. • . GO; D3 eoore flO; 00 acoro 80 score Graveside servIco«-aiiIl-l»-Jicll , _Sopn Use Sonar DC3^wned by Flnnalr and WM en 0 . E. refrigerator ' - ^pjujlssg-lnttnrotional-truck drlv- r-Ofl-.-Kcta*. M rrtt^core at a :3i)' p.ni. Wednesday dt Eliil- S A N D ted o, Calif. nJPD--Sonnr; route froniTCokkoIa'to Vaosa with' 'Westinghouse clothes doier T " OeorBo McLaUB(illn,' 41. ™ by w ood cometcry wltli ' tlio Rev. El­ Ekrs 18,600 casM; weak; w h lto large the electronic equipment Used to 23 passengers and a ci'ew of'thrco Co-op 20-foot deep freeze, like new, (Sliest type ““ dliij, and owned Gcorso extras 39; m ixed Urge extraa 30; me* -OTHER MACHINERY- by m er Neff olllclatlng, Tho cortogo detect submorincs, soon, moy pro­ when It crashed, . . ; Chrome'-table and six phWrs' '. *tkoosh. dlums 38: Btmdardi1it>,^;'d)rtlefl 3S^^: will leave Thompson ijhapel at checkA 3C^i,. vide underwoter wes for the navy's Wltnesjcj'eald tho plane ap. O'nso monure spreoder on. rubber, A-1 shapo . Daveno and chair ' - The 10(1) Chevrolet, driven by 3:35 p.m. . lamed frogmen. peared to have exploded m the <-bar Now Idea tide rake '. Comer table and end table to match ' , Fahrcnwold youth, wai de- ’ The human body contains about etromborg-Oarlson a n d , the navy air, but .there was no Immaillato IHO B-ft, tandem diso. ?i bed. coffee table, desk, 2 bedroom s(ts, ohMt WoHshed. lUSAD TIME8-NEWS WANT ADS 10 million miyion cella. cleotronlo ■ laborotory report that confirmation, , 3-seotlon wbod harrow of drawers, vanity driaser ond ohalr, eleotno p orta b le sonar units, p ow ered by. 10-hole, wheat drill, steeliwheeled w lthneder •: heater, round table, end table, and othw Bnall itandard flashllsht battwic3,-have * There ore only-107,000 Inhabit­ Rubber-tired wagon and rack items Tnrkey’s Drunk boon dovel'opod for use b y the Jrog^ ants In tho 70,800 BilUBte miles oj V Twin FallslVlarkets men in detecting submerged objects territory tliat make up Alaska, . Drivers Walkefl In murky watef, . -- JERM S: Cgsh^DayLof ;Safe ~ ;,,“5aT0N W-^^Tilrlfjy-Illirdo- ; : r -!-u y y ij —Tho unit Is only sllghlly-larger iilgli In Iradt, ^4te Hl«r« — ...... than a- basiiotboll nnrt _woIb1«i .?Q k l A T C . This Mle Wiu ila ti proBplIy sl noop, Uiet» j»UI In. f" nystom lot'dfiil- ,..,421.UO*3ll.()0 Kt.wilh drlnWng..tU:lvOul(in , ,^.I10.0I).1S.IIO ■ nutoinobllo -Legal nMoelnllofli num easing.and.has.grips.oB^the Iiullt ...... :..,|U.DO-18,80 -trafllo-blllcers ...iltI.OO'H.OO mdo for tiio,diver to hold.,;- «lih. ,'!'“*orl»l w ho lull'been tli>- • Eorphones attached to tho tinlt » l , lllty t„k, jiiii, ^or » lllllB provide Ui« underwater awlminor ilta vy butcheri’ _ — ------t.lVB.i'UUL.IIIl..------s------with Inforinatlon about objeoti do. JO’f« R ^ S T E V i ^ ^ T s' wl!cj"'irom Ills iltaVf io>*< .... .-(P*aUri-nol-«Uol#J),— ie o te d by Bound'Wuves,-;- ■ lO nt

. •«, '■- ( . 1 • m i m ■■'-f


Child Almost Congress Lineup Marketplace BENEATH THIS BANNER ARE THE WORI-D'S BEST BARGAINS WASHINGTON. Jan. 3 (UPD- % 0 H ^ Starves Affpr^ Hrrft.b =ck llcftn division in the 87th con- grcss; . -r . -Mother Dies ■'House — 262 D'emocraU 'nnd’ 175 RepUblIcans:“ '(There were NEW YO RK , Jan. 3 (BfD-Three- 263 Democrats and 153 Repub­ y e a r - o l d P a t r i c i a McKlernan licans at tlie op{ming, of the BUSINESS OPPORTUHmESi FURNISHED HOUSES MISCELLANEOUS FO_R RJ.HT HOMES FOR SALE REAL ESTAT^EJOR SALE ir ^truB B lea toctayfof "the life that WANT-AD RATES 86th conoTc&s.) IJUfllNKS.s (ronliiuo for Phuiie I Ij k O u M S u n d ’ tMiih. Wnlkinu disuncc. b KOOM h u u M U) be ] , started ebbing Irom her when Ehe, Senute—65. Dem ocrats and 35 — rnnnrrnruK C\ ,1-5076. ______iQ tied on eust*'p«r*wor\U 4lh Avenuu ______fur quick & ule. Phune UL3-1&62. Democrats an d 34 Republicans, Worda |1 i tiajr. 1 8 days f ti days TU.\DK, ranch V “A ■ poUcem na.. who. broke' into at the opening of the B6th con-' hOii UKNT: r u o n i liotisc, both, fu Aerou from Klr't'DepL RE 1-6667’ Have i it.HHl s.)',. 10 . i .60 1 11.20'1 11.«0 F O R L E A S E 4 On I'oplar. Phoiie Mrs. Jennie McKlernan's apart- gress.) ni-hfd. clci $3i.(J00 to (jil.O oo. 16 1 7i 1 l.-JU ' 1 JtTu • HK A L O T OF HOME ■ ! ment yesterday found the little There ore .two .more .senators . i.UU. j.tu I>iw n-iilii), <>xci)lli.- 7<8 UIuv Lukea ' ^ 1 UiU". Hiicl KiU -r AvftiiK-. M'lliiii; M»- . lor 3- .^r‘s body.------.------thftn- ivt ■ the oturt^ ef- the-laatr TUnnwJTTnrrr -jnsnrwnw .hnrne. -ntcdrnlrefinrTpdr L'I.K.A.S’ , 111. Htful ami wuii-r R M T l 5^ She had had no food or water congrc.s.s because Hawaii has SPECIAL NOTICES b»i.ctnenl, lame lol, 136’ fronUik’C. i>hctl, froiji an or u-oriilii|{ R Local -and Nation W-lde. 3 Very w c c l k e p i /o r wllli tern ia . yon,., She could hardly uttor n. 1R72 Klliabolh. p h on « KE 3.6918. liuri 251 M AXW ELL AVK. .iilile iir «'fe rr e «l. 2ni! Aveniif K fUll SALt 2LI ,„-7 ;i-7<3'j. Patricia was rushed to Ml.serl curuiii wliiii'C she \vas re. Ruditi, television reiMiir. nny tn. -HEA'E t r '&'.INS r Parade, Sho\f lu .A l'ltK S 'by ow iirr pnrlnfl in crlMnnl rondltlon. Pry>miit hcrvicB.. -gunrntitcH. I’li ------o a s i NO ------P>, ifiu. 1«VJ lilirrui. K e n t a T ru ck -Tnr iln.ll'k-' K'.r 7.7 r i.y f»olice said Pntrlcia wns trapped In.ioire nevi .j.-or. 113 Main Aveiiiif l-jml »ic|.T IfiLsiiiK. I‘hi>in! UK Any Size 5 l a In the bedroom nfter Mr.s. Mc- Ini'liiili-s lu iirh ci>unli*r. liar, cal>ur(t. 1 i{|-.Ul(U(J.M -. niiHlern, gos heat. • Ph^Jne III': '> li.ni. TO THE CUSTOMERS OF Klem an locked-the door with n Off Weaj)ons iljiiirt Kinl bloti. Kxicljiviit ...... UK M em h er o f Miilttnie l.isrinir - tiiiiii> 'IiT tn« if (lit>iio»l. Wmill) b.>l.,s«-, partially furnished. H E R T Z SYSTEM FARMS FOR RENT chain too high for the child to HAVANA. Jan. 3 a'l’I'-A parade MU-.lJitl)().M GENERAL WHOLESALE H1I.T * i.iirUJfr. ^:'0 m .nih. 1•oil* i: K.MICS!, , tio Sbctfbon* ^eit ai£ S-26'tS reach and lay down tor a luip conKlstlng larRcfy o f Russian and I'l'l .\Lltl-_S for tr„l. Who have phone orders : liKlii:<)t).M Il4K. «• bxmey, HK ;i-inni. J-UUNIiiiKU li riwm hiiu.'.o fo r w ile. N E W YEAR FARMS FOR SALE No amsji_iiiiyni<;nt. a n»>iuh I riv< mUn I -Of—hcar-t—trouble -sind -apparently- — Amnns-tl^c lt.em.‘i-on-parndo,\vns — Tliu Jut Ctntr- or rrni rnon th i Thone ilK May c o m e to.y ou If-you ~l-'all« on htuhwiiy 7t ■ died shortly after lying down, the what the Castrollcs callrd a re Fallon, Nevada bfvlroom niix!i-rn hoiiti-. Pcniiiuiit:! •. PERSONALS .M(Jl)Ki(N 1 l>i-ilrr», full bum'nient. hi- lull"., r o r n ilh . lu.rii. .ilinii coroner reported. conKfructloh o f a U. S.- rocket de- ... l i 'f IHI J -ff.T H .» n UK :Ul,V2'i HOMES FOR' SALE Police were alerted when Mat­ fitroyed over Culm recently -nfter AU:OHOLU:S ANO.MYMUU.v CALL' REALTY ST.tliiD.Ol) d im ,,. I% ,n , U K .;.--:^ ' .1 l>.-dr{ii niriil Ikhiio c Io. c 4 IlKUiUJOM hon>v, uihhI locution, fu'l lh(*r itifiiniiiitiun. UK i Kur hom ed, fiirm a, rnnchfi, bimiiiOftHoa an'un.succe.ssful launchlni'. Fra; ‘ TWIN FALLS imk thews Mahoney,>Mrs. McKlernan' • jir j. VVrnilcIl, I 'I'w in,. Nfwly .ii'cortilcd. bn»rnii-iil. ( 'a l l after 4 p.m. UK ;i*7i 250 Aci'c.s brother-in-law. a.sked them to In mcnls fell in ea.stern Cuba, allcif- .spenter Cor>viitr« Myia '1(1 Hh .MOV f . L ) : J-i>edr«)(im home. nru-i.-»l VICLNITY , 2 lll'.U liliO.N i. ir'i'-iiup. t'o'vi bii».»tii« lit fur iiuirk w il e . Phone m:3-31)3K o r U K ion n.Tos in In.-w nlfulf,,. Ui,|«i.-.. i, ve.stlgate because he had been un­ edly kllllng^a cow , and CastroUe irnrnicnl, brna, aiiriricnl iii|)|icatwl for their return. W a n jkD; iciilo-t<) 1(111)1 fin - iiiij« I' riititiU. Up tn i-IO a iluy \uili no I'lually qom et with a amiml invest- acre, if aold jininoiliiiic-iy. -.wtKik. .iluU h«* In Ituhl by X;uu.«.i Kriitfiif t»r «rHfttintf. Ai-miintt MUDEiLN i bL tlrucjin. (Ins hfuL„ hiwc JU.UIjU. J?hon <>vtni nx-tn. u:irn « lachni B nrnue. Partial ba>ement. P r ic e KK 3-,)6:|-J ItK Only 6 Early ]i;in lime IiiikIs nt flrj.1 . ln|I (I.-hI.t*’ lll'.DHOOM. KHH furnnif. imrdwoofl . Sl.l.anfi. r a il R E J. W. H r^xleon (Iciirvn K iikn tagon Beefeaters' Cow-Kiiier.” 1913 Addinon Ave. Eii.n-Hl-: "ML'fnlwr M.illijilr CHIROPRACTORS niii'l !»■ wjlliii'k’ to di-vioii ai'«'minl» The turnout /or the military m onth. V h o n .- UK .l-KT-.!;. with . r(K*k p lu n tc r * , l»w payrnentn SlIKLHY'S SjiOI’l'lNg L’KNTKU Nji^KVE Specialist, Dr. Alma llardin. 130 Ihiil <'i>tii|>niiy w ill i>lili^lti. r.ij'.i I'iiinr HKincOO.M .^, ini.dorii I'x.viit heat Will trnd/. C a ll HK KkW:, H i Arrps chw e to Twin KnIU. '.Soil Utah Pioneers show, marking the sqcond anni­ Main North. REJJ.4741, Mij-. jiiiHI.IHltl.DiHI nml »till honluip fi>r iiiito m u lir winner nnd e\>'i'llent. well fiirnii'd, idcnty « m .r . iii.'fi-ii'iiii:. Y o u niiHi bv i<’ii>oni>ilii<> 2 IIKDItUOM honii* for utile on *•, i versary of Ca.strc'.s seizure of pow­ dryiT. (Iiird en K pni. I'honi* UK TOP V A L U E , price fedurfrl'to Slf.,- I’t acres Hretn. A dmnlv for I?-.'!.!'!)./ BEAUTY SHOPS li;ni' II ui>0 >-i>n|i to hiindlc. If you ONK UKDKOOM. larue rooms, oil fur- carport, fuH btisemenl, fir«‘pltu’ p .' the valley. G ood ti-rni», Mil.oon, that had been foreca st by the gov­ i-iiii ...... I lh<*s«- ri‘.|uir«'iii('iii', kivo nnc)'. C lean rIoKO in. I’ ho'ne HE 3- Hitidpiiin Al riHliir^l priicx. I'eriiiii JLlSr eoniplcteU 3 bcdfoom tlunie, fu ll -built-in rariK '. disi>o«al. KHA Tormn. SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 3 l/PI- ernment. y . Hvtiiily A rts A cm lcm y, l;ir;» Mmn 11^ yiKir liurk^'rDiiiid nml wrilc: . S'.MU dny«. I{>: nfter f. p.m. b a ic m e n t,'c a r p o rt, tup location. S m a ll .SIKIICHAN’IS T O H A a M l l O , UU down, p a y m e n t , or acMpt ca r. P r ic e ROBINSON-FELDTMAN Of the thousands of Utah pioneers Castrolte officials offerpd vari­ Avtfiiio Wcsi. UK ^ .M A I.i, Z l>4-droorii home. Stov(vi fu VilA approveU. KUIl SALK b y <>w : ^bvdnK)n) brick McmlH-T Miiltiide I.mtins n ton , li(d' MDin Avenue tacticii'ciirftKc. fcn cfii yard. P h o n f HI' remain alive to st.irt lOlil. Cuban.s were ^tlll recuperating TURNIS'HYlTROOMr rioim k ilrh oh An«J livina: rooni.'^ piion inaciuuH. Ljirire lot Norihwwi c. •VWaii Q n ytirn r. 341 Kilfr Av’e. We:. ' ;< lifilrmiin nioiierii Imii.o odihI inr. ■unpn -bjr buliamuH.------V e ry "' oeiore tne Irans-coiiXmentar rail- while another - said thousands of Hi-nMmii'Oi-. ■>\'l 4\h A\rmi^ I'.iisV I/Ot OK'xaixr. (7ood. O n P r .'tiiilcn l alroi't. P hone Would t-onftidor iradiiii: for « hnm« ■iiperniiirkci n n d school. 657 llnrriK on. dlniiiK r o o m . A real cliirmer. *24,* road linked at Promontory point militiamen could n ot attend be­ ______Ul’STMU.S Ix'iir.Kjm. p.-r w<-<-k. UK in .Ilulil. (■(•nilcman p ro fo r ri-d . .'>as "inl Avoiiuo DA ii-4’ .->,i. F»I«t . . 900. on May, 19G9, are considered pio­ cause they had Lo "man their posts liKliULAlC tij.jU p«rniuneiil wiive, t5.iHl, A U N .i> lik .D iiO U M . duan. .iiKxlern hom e - Kn*l. WILL CONvSlDHlJt TliADK *« d o w n pu y- neers. against attack.'* 1 . Afik for M vrc:if (in-on WciliieniUyii, w ith Binruitfl. S.iO per month. P hone BOBINSON-FELDTMAN 20 ACHK.S, no }iuiIdiiiL;« Nrxt to Oldest lu 101 ThurH(I(iyii iinil Sultm lnyx. Idaho Itnr UK a.4710. nionl on t h is ninuwt new 3-be8 TTie oldest remaining pioneer l.i LAlUih ..^TltLilriHxn. jKT n w in tlt. I’ hone liK a-4710. M e m b e r Multiple U itins FARMERS REALTY AirMner Hits bUK SALK b y ow ner; Cinder iluck _vllle, Utah, She was born Nov. 11, f U U N U ; Utah oH treated atokei lUcli ‘~diipte». K xccllent “Veilt*l~inuperly at j i l ------JlulU.-U.h.------f o r J ]5 '“per ton dcllvereJi at lnl*r- nance, JG5 per month. Phon# HE 3- Orville S a ck elt IJA fi-C .’ j ' l85’lh In'Swedeh and came to-Utah a bargain f o r quick iilt. Im m e d ia te m ountain Fuel C o.. Ut: a-fiC21 19K0. Ktn i'n(lvrt>oii u.;i,a.U( .J?y..oxcart In 1800. LAKiih. - room , ntli-awuy l»‘d, iitililivii occupancy. J 7 .0 0 0 . Pnona R li 3-1S44. otrciu «dwtririly. UE a-Ri;4.‘ Superb Location Uiill'h A.HJteiidrup. Ucnlior ' Geese in Air v n l 2 l)odro<>mx. econom - IVnvevTnher Co. ^ e others Include Mrs.^Tnra SITUATIONS W ANTED -ftriAU-i-iK\;ii (iifjov ntuv- rpTKm ifP'nncmnttr NKW c o n te m p o ra ry a-lR-ilritom lin c k , •Nielson Starkle, 08, Vernal, who TOPEKA, Kans., Jan. 3 IIIPD W A N 'l'K I) m ctcl w ork hy exporii'iuiil I'lmni* li K I'hlin.' UK HiilL’ HH. I brick ( 1 down'lairii. Full bntb. birch k itch c n and built-in cook in tc niuii:.yi. TU'w. hjrch k i l r h r n and many olhi*r FlIA finance. Call UK 2-5806 after 160 ACRES fino fi'nturfs. $9."> per month. Phone 12,1,700. T h l a is bojmI. FHA will loan UK -i-ml, o r fi07 A.ldi»oi> West MUDKKN H n>oin». clo.'.c in. tlciin. i’ tioiu- 5:;tO p.m. her parents. Into a flock ot^ geese last night Kn>ntl<»r Ui‘n lt y . H K a-ai)41. 120,800. ■Mrs. Minnie Peterson Brown.'05. over the small community of Sll SEWlNCi, all kitida. Chiiflren, tecnagi liK or U K ;us(n;i. I'UK SALt- o r tr u d e . B) owner, n ew er , Jerome. Hn/rymore district. 120 ii tfs nd allerationn. Phore UK 3-741U ■«K>inH. iiriviiii- liinh. [in K JK K tlN T c o m p l e t e .*uplex, each oni model 3 b e d r o o m home. Wall t o w a ll JfiOO DOW Nfc, -Home necit ...mo r e p a ir aouil prod lareo dou b le Karniie. -Ffnced y a rd . econumieii I hrntim t iinil. .1 bodrooixa. |ili»v I'roun.l, tiood irriirtilioii »cl iii>. grated In 1866 with her parents. the cockpit after -the plane made a W O M E N W A N T all type* boiiawlcanitiB. CD M M lK T Ain.i-; iiparliiicnl ii.-«r L.wii. Trade for o K le r 2 or 3 b»4>oom born*. Fall cortte n t haHcnK'iil with flo o r Kite 2 liedrooni niodi-rn home, ffood referencei. Call evenlnfi. itii Vrlrntc p n trn n r e , »5’ week hr month (jN K LijCDUUU^l. rncKlern, aleepiiiK porch Mrs. Selena b. Kelsey, 04, normal landing n t nearby Topeka, tirar srade m-hoi.l. Floor* covprwl Call HK or UK V filO drain, J iin t S.H.’iUil, Kjn-ollcnt te r m s. auie nysiein. milk linrn. loitfiiitf ihr.!. 6410. lU-l a.7T:H or nK :i-ll'.i7. SorlnEVlllc. arrived In Tti.ah In l_A.-M.-rilppo)ir-Au«ita, Imiiiiahcij------U iM -e o W fH tV L I V i N ‘" a t - i n be it tan- b e . ^ a n u w loan-roguifcd.— -4tii0.i-six.id, grannry. i,i.n g -tim .-..a 4 - C A U l'K N T K K w o r k ; I'nliiiH'tn, ri'tinHlol- NII'K ont'-r.K.m a im iim r n l. Aduli.v sa,v Dwnvr, 1867. She was born the year be- Colo., was treated for facial lacer­ P h on e K K n-.'i;(24 or RK ;{-l!147 youri when y o u buy ihii bea u tifu l 3- in j:. onythinc. P h on e UK 3-2« k.'j or lilh Avcniii’ R ji « l iinytifur. or 21U lith I’ riml J4fi.0nn. 58,000 dow n. Icnii-nl S.i-i 2 HKDUOOM h o m e ut ai'.! Hth A venue k'drtKim hi>m<‘ . Has many featu res in - CIIOICK A C H E A G K . Ju*l o ff F alla lore-ln England. ations at a Topeka ho.spllal. Sev­ airj Tiler Avenue. \n‘niii‘ N orth n ftc r n p.m. terms on balance. N orth. Sii5 m o n t h . 2 l>odroom hom e at cludinif f lr e p lu o c , 2 baths, h a rd w ix x l Avenue. S pticiniis K-year-okl borne. Ono ftfale Survivor eral sutures w ere required. A L L TY PE S hoUBocleanliiir. Cmid ref- CLKAN n ic.'ly furniH h.-d j rooniv Imlh 4(1.) Jffforson Street, JiiO month. Con- fliMim. biiilv in oven antl.ranite. l>arire I’Bsture. IlfMliiced from tH.ROO to The only male survivor ampng Rlppey said th e -plane .was fly e r e n c e i. Call R C 3-8U7U before 8 a.ni. linil,- w ater fu ro i'h < -d . Wn.liiiii: niii- Inct Lloyii Robcrtton Agcncy, 227 Sho family area. 2 car irnraire, and apncloiiH 115,KUO, M a k e offrr. Will trade fo r lifte r H p.m. UK .l-niUH. i-hini‘. N o I'clrt. :till ,>(b ...... hume in M ornln»«ide snhiMil dintrict. the original pioneers Is Hebcr Ing at 3,500 feet In ‘ dear weather ahone Street N orth. I'hone RE 3-^i56 yarrl. N orU »e«fil" of town. Total p rice, “-DRYDEN AGENCY ■ CUSTOM miinurv hauling and hay cho II ItOOM S-Ku.i bu.lH,-uuUiilu 4)nlraucc. before 6. only SIQ.TiOO. (JiKwi term* can be a r- M agic Valloy Realty 123 EaAt M ain— Jerom e— KA i-bZZl Charles Cox, 04, Woodruff. Jle wa.i and was about 15 miles northwest p in e . Leo an and DON’T BEAD THIS A D ' sUvk farm fo r only t23.500 w ith was born Nov. o. 1867, aboard n i ROOM buainei>« office on Sboahona able party. A baruli^ for J'J.OOO. tJrSrPlan on dhower. Ki-a.si III able rent. Kefcreiice« good teripa. Chip carrying her family to tl-.e CU.S'IOM r.riliuill. I’l..»inil. Eaat. Sulla for parking cars. Infov* -Hinuirud. Inquu:4>->.julQ-lumlwrly-iaHuL- =3-Mnwm>=hom^-v1ttrfmi-tmgpmrnt,-- L»U most J o v e ly older home in fi 120 A('UK.S on oiled road. Home t« United States. She wns_carried ± i ^Jnit^-huy-hailnu—and hanrMtinir J)MAt7n“ Upirm»T7nTr~7“ inocka froi, city 2 bnths. c u r p c t e d llviiut room, c a r - UOOSK ilALL. Parties, receptions, ciub location. I n top condition— pric«.Hl bi> finishtHL. t'liHxi pnHliiclive toiL het mother's anns across P h on e HE .1-1HH2. V. Hndlke. ccnicr. (iriiuiKi flo o r. Very rk-iin. Uciu- P<»rl. Ia)W d o w n p/iynu-nt and o n ly the l^aosAttqcketT meetingi. dances. Banquets aerved. I’ rii-ed to aell fo r J22,0()0. onable, .Adnli.s. I'bcine HK 3>i'i216 bun- below v n liie — extra clean and Hliarp plains the same year. Jtt> azSQti o r . ILHLa«&I28. ______I'LOOU. ■ ______■ LONDON,-Jan. 3 -{UPIh—Precati- - 120 ACHKS. Choice niw crop farm. WOMAN TAIiL^h6 and e h a i r a for all uccaaiona. 3 bedroom b r i c k home nlth fa m ily tionary military moves taken .by UUUKUN J Ix’d r o o iii. I'rivulc ciitrancL', New two liinlroom hom e with full Intermountain Fuel Co. Pboni RE Z> room, apneiouB e a r ’poted living room ,. arate d in in g room— nice kitchen und wniihiiii: fa c iliL ifs . w;ilpr and ^6nita- r.c2 i. utility p o r c h . Single ganiue— benuLl- lm.scnient. Alan, tenant house, mo(l- the United States over the crisis EXPERIENCED Mllsposal, nnH- nttnchcd cttmirc. i^ iw tloii fiirniahcd. i'hon e HK 3-&2U2 or fiilly fo n c e d In rrar y n rd -full bn ip - ern- except lipnt. Kpud ccllnr. m rk m^Horseplay In Laos drew h e a \7 fire today ta J*5 X 111’ IJIMLDING for rent. Cement down im y n io n t. nnd aHKiime F'ilA IfK a-ii.xr.rt. barn, gra n ary, d o s t to town. J4‘'*.- In eonenil ledccr. acedutiL rccoivalilo, floors Bnii 2 - I n n r e do*>r loan. U n com p itra lile at (Hi.OOO. nicnl, U'.-i ..u riccd tvl t;nly Jil.lH iO. Western Europe. accnunl (iHyable, |Niyroll wnlk. can NU:KLY fiiniiKh.*.! Fireplace, curiti'i. Ciiiifidcnliuily —you jubt csn't bent 001). • month. l..vnteIupl<-\ aiMirtment. Md B -for'tt~polittTCTl s e ttlem ent withmrtr — Iieiimnm honir . Hwa den: f«mily-ro«tmr ' ■HB ^ Slmtmne-Kn.t . M.?ffl.'’ rL:N<7riliBtiiii..Iloar£l oL J lcjilta ri____; j-|7|'-'---B cnr-^tobert-Mr-Wethertll,-D. M'liirin. a t o k f r hent, 2.lj 7lli Akc- Sewina M achlnt mr onij I Elmore, sold ho had read the ne^ enlareinn the m ilitary scope of HELP WANTED— FEMALE Inrue livlnir rtH>ni, dinlns ruoui and HH .V4.V)U 16.00 Per UooAl;. , ' Mlclicn. OnJy 525.000. ^ Meml>er o f Multiple IJtllng publican party's platform care, the filruRRle 'between the pro-we.si- ‘I'WO llKDHDU.M. now. tjumt nyighlwr* KvcniiitfA n n d .Sundays—HK IU4 tCS - fu l l y and "It appears we are head- cm nnd the pro-communist forces hod pay. n o -fe e . Uronip Choice New Listing in Kimberly 12 acru b(.*et allotm ent, l^ood 2 bed-- LOVELV :i .rooms nndTathT”^>1^16 He said he had removed the Press reports In London suid Compuny,- lUlOOo, St. Ixiuis RH, Mis* roont home, m odern except heat, a ranue and r e fr iu o ru to r furni:ih live in. work -RT/ar-ESTATrF orsA L-r Tflnanrr-fTtmt—o-W m t- n o tt-. booK. ana riplaiea it with tlic M(icmlilan wos preparlnB a note FULL hl,i)O U . .SiMiit- furnituri-. Came in. kitehon, /u tl fin iab ed bnitrnient nnd in D w tora hom e and help care for Hniall dow n pnym cnl, easy terma', '( ■ cover left oyer from th6 1050-00 baclcinK Russian Premier Nilnta. All iililiiicH f iir n i 'b e 'l, Ideiii for medi* garugo. Ljkrtfc c orn er lol. Only (1 0 ,- rh ib lren . I’ rivale rmnn and Imth. Hox arranged at 6%, HIM tncuiiiu or w u rk in g .'<>u| TimeH-Ne^wH. RK il-ShTT. MACKS U-DRIV-E- w^>240 ACRES 124-ACRE U N IT -B ■jfffr” “ inoney.“-r--:i the international control commis­ WIDOW or rotirwi couple to be i-iiin- NORTHSIDE RANCH LAUUh onu a n d tw o Ijcdtouni units, p a n io n to cldnrly Uidy while daughter T A Y L O R AGENCY , — Ropft Robert E. Doolittle R.. sion in Laps. T h e commission wns range and r e fr ts e r a to r included Hea- PICKUPS—FUKNTrORE VANS No. I .and 2 aoM. new I bedroom w > rk » 5 day w eek, for 3 room iipari- A t Kimberly set up by the 1954 Geneva confer­ lonablt rati-s. Irrigated Landi Co GocmI h om e, trrude A barn, 200 a cr e s modern hom o, fu ll basement. 2 head purelircil J fr a e y ence which ended the In'do-China- Cm w i . VJIU, R K ^ u ;i3 ItK :i-|07f. clnderlilock machine shed and ihop. ^ W A N 't'H l) e lde rly latty who woTHin il'T -aorffo Miiid BjJiny, n?w eihdflrblooir UMmtNlMil'.U ;t itHHii nimrtnicnl,'f.d R A T E S B y h o u r . UAY Ott WEEX at Uic opening o f the lOOl iic.ssion, a hom e to stay w ith a virlcrly laily Thurman W i l l U CA :t-6i;46 all for SHO.OeO. Good terms, need barn, ;!,OUO buahel ateel sranary. U6 -fv -i‘t aiil-Olin<—-nii> O i r t H o r IICBI r.ai-uiF y — w Jmi— he!— husband;— PhtJRe—tM ' -t- -br-ii r±adTr:blt;Qtti:ouble-in-announcing- nishcd. JJ.S. ;jtlt; :ird Avrnup Wi-sl. No thd lirnntfti InHurnnoe, RK 3-&&41 HEISS INVESTMENT CO. lub-leaiied, |4H,000 rca sontblt terma the arrlvel'before'the Joint Bcssloii children o r K *ta , Call UK 8*l)(Hl2. EASTBPblNTSSERVlCK LIST W ITH TAYLOH JKIIOME. KA 4-Z334 arranged, Hurley. E. S^ylle, Army Band Plays . . . ^ n d titart I’ a c k in i; Leoo S to ck to a ^ EA 4^6280 “The state governor,, ♦ ” he be- NORTH .STDE RRAITY ~fi[aii7TlTeh corrected himseiriFEay -For—Legislature WOIUf-A-T-HGiUE- “ th e , governor of the state of BOISE. Jan. 3 (UPD—The mu.sic ~ ^ BUSINESS and”TMFESSIOML T: I’ honi EA 4-2412 Jerotne, Idaho lle r o ’ a your chn n ee to Tiiak# tl>oi>« 80 ACRES 8. N. Weekfl U a rcu i Koll Idaho,” of tlic 25th army band, of the Ida­ aiMire boiira P K D K IT A U L R -liio EA 4-4tl62 EA 1-4680 ho national guard heralded the ]arg«*«t pubiiflher in the world has openings for alert women uith opening of the 36th Idaho legis­ htraiffht lina- telephones to handle $3,000 DOWN l^olons’^ Parking lature yesterday. •Tiewr and renem it nih.^crltrlloiM ‘in 1 l>edruoiu J u tm a wilb-iuil.-lai^saicnU tho Twin KaMi* area. Answer giving niw ba rn , lou fln g ahed, ntK’ b|h*~ After initial roll call In their re­ addr«>t*« uni telephone nnnilxT. Write • hed. fo r r n la , pit silo and nietl ifru n - ATTENTION POTATO DIRECTORY ary, lia n d ^ la y a In large flelilit. P rice d Lot Is Cluttered spective houses, the hoii.se and Hox 7-K, e ,o Tinii-a-News, Twiri WASHINGTON.' Jan. 3 0)PD - F a lla , Idaho, to sell a t SIH.OOO. Cull at once f o r AND senate met in th e house (’hambers aiipolntmenL. Senators and house members ar- for tlie formal sw earing in of 10;! BEET FARMERS! rivlng for the opening of the 87tli senators and repreyeiUatlvcs. — N -E-E.D --A-N — E X -P E R - T 4 - . ■ SAVJE-MONEY... congress ~t^ay f9und tho plaza Two supreme court Justices — I/>vely w e ll ke|iC home with I n r g t Iflft ACHIiS— ag acres beet allotment, where, they used to park tlielr cars Heniy P. McQunde and Jo.soph J OpeniiiK Jitiiuai-y IStfi loan which can be aisiimed, one uf the heat potato (nrma on tha cluttered with new construction- Kxtra lljrht o h w r fu l kitchen. C a r p e t Northslde. 2 mookk«H-iier. Idea! wnrk- • Al'l‘UA^CE liEl’Ainb R O C K Y MOUNTAIN .A. G. HOLLAND Jliect John p. Kennedy will taice ing «-..ndilloim. all fiiiployee lieiiefits, liurtieu Ur.n irutrior-Katerlor HK 3-3fi[7 ♦ SEWlNa M ACHW ES' .1 niit^Kr applluiii 1 Stuart Uroi. iuterior and' tjteri'or” Il£ Sll M«hi W eal HK I - I 'j ; his oath on Jan. 20 and for tem­ eretlit union bikI tlto beat pay in i.-e C o ., HI-: s-.'pi; Cuinpetenl s u r v ic o ull uiakci and v a c u u m REALTY tow n . J-11.14 i>r HK Hill J u k a u ii. ' l i t !• !««* porary seats for ,10.000 fipectatoifi, clean»ri. V. N . P rice, ItU 3*603ti. A-1 .RE3-14bfr Adolph Vielguth •ewing m a c h in e a , 1334 Kimberly U oa d . "> !)^ r ^ e iic e with ge n e ra l ledgera. siiIiT •-BICYCLE SALES-StlW CE K A. t naptiian und iion. Point Contrac- W a^e W . lia iie r Frank il'Mith MimWr ot Multllilc IJilllil’ The partially completed project T»in Ulii, Idaho. Hiillnry, leilgera, journals, accounts lies, HI-: U-OOK6- Hes. IlK li-6074 Tin llullon.l Uc.1 otlltt, win cost $142,0000. tors. Cull H K 3-61)22 or HK J-C07< • STANLEY PliODUCrS HoiiQred-at Ritps rtYfivHlilcjiiitLftiiL-uunLa unYnLIt:. cLi:.. M ain •Aviinit(i,N»rlh- »l.li«i » llnian «nj__ Heulab titovvna. Parties, ItK 3-34U6, irKMiim-TiTunTipniriiiHTiNG-' ProspcroUa NeW. Yflirr JEROME, Jan. 3— Final rites I i iiit-r^ Ji»l >itionliiino (iirret do, ♦ n A X O T U N IN G AND liErAlli A p p ly In person o r call Mr. (iliM- ______^______O— for Adopli Henry Vielguth were lS.«Mjr„w Aab, bUU 11th Ave. N. 32tJ-J • TAXIDEHMtST Officials Join in muiin, KLIX for appointment. t^cAiu'iisnn'r.Aiiis a i Hum: held »l 2 p.m. yaturday at the lluads, burns, b ir d mounts, ItK 'J-2472. nicnuctu) FOH q u i c k RAI^K: 3- Churth of God w ith Ihe Rev. Vern HI'I Itlce. ItK K.-fei. * I'Min FAVOIIS______bcdrooni h o h io , liivcI>»'ckl‘l'olH“ IW lnir -880 ACRES “ Church Services HELP WANTED— MALE rouni. n t t r u c t iv e fireplace, fe n ce d O.sboin, Twin Falls, officiating. • CAIU'ET CLEAMSC Seri>intine, conletti, liitis, napklni, etc t TELEPHONE ANS. SEIWICE yard. low duwo paynicntn. Salmon Tract WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 mi'll - C O N 'rU A C T tru ck m en -m a k e #M ‘». 'I'rail W liiiIc.Mile und q u a n t i t y illMcount. 1110 3- I wili ba your lo lv p b u n e iiit^r. hour S-beilnNim m o d e r n h'ome. lijtODxISS*. Music WHS by h quartet <;oinpos- , cr fnrn|i|bcliiji->lvry I'lniiicfs. 2 4 ■prcsldont ElscnUoiver Joined In yj.I.l. N orih vvest DiM trlbiitom . IJiij, }18li, •ervice. I'h o n e ItK 0*l!38l}< ' Kinlsher, llctx 107. lndliinii|l>tlA il, IikIIii'ii.i. Kree p.Miniute HK :!-'»;,'ii: 100 Actri ciilllv»lc(l. ■ , ate iHisHcaaloit, ■prayer for the nation ajid worlil IlaiTls. Iliiberl H endrix and Alvin rLUMlUNG and liEAmG wBlen n»»ttt o f th e Jir/ liinii i k m "" A U T U nnd truck niecbnnic. .Slinimuni • i)i‘lions'ixa . bhasdisg lu Creatrd w h ea l Btasa. all peace today at churcli services 10 yea rs experience, i.u',, jnlNir pliii •• TELEVISION SEimCE S'beilrooin h o m e , niiHtorn eiritpt hcHt. HhitLs. Mis. Morrl.s Viivold was iloine PliiinlJinu and lltg. Co. UK i 'Wt and oro«a fen cw l. M ‘leeP in.'rceiil uf purt.i. I^irgi- truck stuji, Anylimc,j..iii<’ .Muity Haov’, IIK I Curner lo t. fU.OUO, |&00„i|;iwn and «&U h old In oon n ectlon ^vltli llic coiV Joe's Kniiioiiiy T V . 1(K ^-11^7^^ very clwin. altrucllv# T planlsL Mrs. Albert Mnyer played He y o lir own bu.^!i, M yron linrbiiuuh. Jill’ jnorilh. ' \ ' veh ln g of the'licw donnrciis, • nAinAToYC slcHvFdE ' ■rrry's IV H u rv ji-c. HK,il*l037. beilrxKim hom e. I'lonlV ? Hiraccordion solo at tho cemoter^ (io ix lln g , Idaho. - • \\^h:Eii inTn\m~~ ' Acre. 2-b«lrooMi hom«, (iirage and i-Miwiiy .to. rn ii-k lVin«. Um-tiOfU. apaci. convettient tillHty • SIlM'f ...... l.uiig'i Itadlii m id T V . aervice, HE 8«46II0 imall b a rn . (iB nleti ipiit. birrica a n d ■,Vlco Pre'rildont nichiircl m , Nix­ PalIl»’nroi\s w ere Orvill Beadz, ern-w ltlioui h ca L 2 ImlriMmt W s f N Es's“ 0 P PORTU NITits K. I’. Mnriii , Je\ii|nr Tom a ttadiiitur Shuji. berwlea and Hopair. Oain'i Applinntte. UK'a»71li, (ruU trecfl. SU.UOO, te.rnif. on,-.m any . senntorn nnd house Dviiny Diniiley, E d Meyers, Dick 242 Sacond A v « . S o u ii i. UK 3>7‘26U. hoiMt bIio inodoUf without heal. V*rj liar* 6 '/j n cr e a . piiituri. ■Htmnlnff members also attended the niorn- Olson, Leo Wll.sDo, OUio Adficld, KAHULUlIS motel nt .Sun Vulley. Spa- • im tlEAN.isa~ Iteliibti iBlcs a n d lervlbi by «x p«rtjt K.wil corruia, ahe^lB, gratiarlM ciouHneHi. »;omfort, i|eli){}itful living HEAL S IL K ------: - - Factcrr -Itndla ' St TV.-UE I ^ m i : ------witor.-M;000 and lermi.-. > • 'ln g "B l!rvlcc3 n t tlie National l’ rc.i- IrwJn Walz and Qra’wford. Pi- — tlUaHiiri..-Aiitf~1!et.)tv, |j}i H.r,Jl7. Uiinlity I'lotniiii', uiiifannV Inllor^iiilta' •farm jtrlced ut o(ily 7'^^,ild byteWairchUrch. ‘ _ ' • liiEcrniCAL JIIKT I /I H T K D t 40 acrM, lU r a e tlv * tiuwrit imyiiifnl »nd U can " nal VltG.H werd h e ld In tho Jercine M UNIT tin'lei, .Swiiniiiiiiu po.il. ;i: top coiit", ()r th « > -V w it shui'n, M ri. • Ul’/iOLS'ili/iy M eiltvlijii iiiuderii iiiiiiiu with !lrd out wllh either yenrly P "?"''"'".."; cemoU'iy. . lie«lriHMti living ijuai t*-'-.. rruly nb.- IS'^IM.I.ATIUNS Hl.iu»i;, muusiria. ami reimlr North WnshliiKtoii. Phiiiit I(K :t-2AAl irnall bn rn , J^till waier rUlii, ii tnllea ills Presldent'B pivslor, liniycd ,thai . UKU-r.’i l l , ______lu Ui* riuia ' • "all; peoples mny scl'k and jjuu “ Llv* •iJi'Hur KU-otflcali/.'* Kimn|«r irotli . t o w n . '120,000 w|lli l OUUTII TICKM STAUTK 1‘lMM'li.Ml I'tife hikI i'), becJiUHe of ||| Bfrvl^a ____ jioaltb of owner. K.n«l Ucally, Cbiillls, Ih'n i‘'HlrliiiijJ.:i-~b(ive u tractor inuun'llHl ___ .jeM..ST4TiS-KiiAL’n!:^ .flaatdth. QuLfoar. . ,iiiiprw.:A 4>IiKiH iiiaimnii at lltViii! HriMvri — Uea, UK il-n44a coiwrcss, tho rresUloni. prc.il- fiir democracy, Iji tlli.'i u . a. Iiilaiul fall* nyd Weal Main, Jmilne, (iuod • ]vi:u onu.uNV, lltLi. llDUIiKUliY tidgbborhoiid nrTU..JilgIi«vay iiusineis. LyiiwoiHl Trufcilaldiiil iltiildiiiir ' dontJEIcct John p. Kcnimly am! “VHllcy DriHiiiu” ' iTmnctilii wella unit mCllT liAHHiiN coniltitiii\vi'itlUl^nU(LLatla.-J\]ncrl. .-Writ#* ihii lOjO or-call HK MIJIl. 'hir* I'liior K ervb-r.’ ” 'ltK ibrriul''’ '.ta.cd P er Montii iiiin'i|i« In T w i n ralln hrrn, lUix 4IHL i l e i t ilie r Mtiitlplff lilitliii ' uffici riuiiifl *or nIM n nntnwlt.v. - — ca, ' . iwlti I kHi. A. IlcliUr, I rea ♦iHitiaie*r Ilf) |..’ 9HL , P h on o U E ;i-()i)31 iliirlryl idnliu. O i l H.27o;l, ' ~ - :a T

J a n u a r y 3, inm TIMES-NEWS, TWIN F A )i/S , IDAHO PAGjS ELEVEN-,'’, FOR SALE" ' •• I ., A U TO i FOR SALE |jljv ‘ ______H i cuUlvHWd. I lo Market-Place BENEATH THIS BANNER ARE THE WORLD'S BEST BARGAINS ^?n'.«v RE Pnulft- _ q L Magic Volley „;ir VOLKSWAG^N^[jS| •pfovcmeDU « o n,itM »wu c/ JI6.800. A . inlp^ovemel«l^. Deluxe 2-(iof)r. 23.000 actual - • JiO • « « . ai«ke g*H>d ■"ilo> Red In color and looks • ,, R o o d ,


¥ i : K U K N I'lli.i, bii, I!K n-21KF, l-DOOR LANDO ^!)i: l i v e s t o c k f a r m . • TW IN FAl.LS with lilnrli ntttl rr<1 nitrrinr (JU 1,K\.HK; l l r a s r l jul, Slin»hiitnf * r c«. - •POWER STEERING L-uih UNKINI.nMI N T u id rn l doakt, Jli.Ui. Uhiir «>,ill lup,. llin IL i'if. ' viiltHun Kiilly e.|iili>. k.ti'jM 11 |)r«cv Hii:ci»»'',.KA Jcmmc. 400 ACRES Hannrr I h m m iiiii- 'Joy .South Jihiiihcmi* liciuiifHl j;,-.-:, ...... - n r:’>- .-.r Air .-on- ! I’ hnnr ill. • EQUIPMKNT CO. NORTHSIDE TRADI.VC IciKOka Aiiii wulc'ucj Aknied HYDRAMATIC ),»’U d'ifferenliiil, ‘ T I U H 'k 1. 1 V, 1 , r ,iT Inch tl w e ll Alijiri»liiiiilcly fi'f lim e .Shop <.)•iitii'iiiif liinlfting »Kl) U\W..\il ai«l .-uair. (., K, :i" lA urn K .Si.c/uil. < ’ OP,Inn. power g T„u".Led. Mo.ll, II, t ....1, II .ll-A-.M rrt Inn. UK n ■, |l}iun-.iior, ll'i -i-iW&R^TWflWtKBZ+K TRUE VALL'K" S ,r 130,000. only I5,noo do'ui, t \ r . lEAL SHARP Wemicll IMT w ork. M ind V PA l K \i:i) .'^r.jun. W i v ...... I dimn W o u ld «cccp t a 40 with (n ir Klrrtrir t n Mnt FOf^ S A L E OR TRADE M \vrnui* KiiM nEA D Y'TO GO. DELIVERED BIG— ...... Jl.l.i bou»o‘ In ir a d e . FlIK.MTi i:i ... .1 >.l.l>lWU..-i'.V lll|>, M-Il ■ SPECIALS! ■ |{Ki.l.Vll-,<{Kl) Mnl.ll.-r htulii»n. I N T \V m PALLS. O N LY- \Vi)|‘triiite f..r lu u '/ tu > ck. 1‘hmm KA or ini.li l^^ n I-iilU 1‘ iirnitiir* Kv- 11.:,I. PLVMontI S-.iHi,. l-|,.nn. .... I SAVINGS! anil ilc|irii.|iil|V ...... ji..:, TIIEISKNMOTORS Clycie'^Petersen Agency chanti-, ’.Jii Jtni A v .'u iif South. HK ,' I Ki..t W endell, rdah(i l'Ji>l ( IlK V K u L i'.’l tun. 1 -sKtil. wide $2888! IP5I I 'I . V M O i r n i AiUoiixitir 1960 DE SOTO UATClliNi. .-iKT .. ( W(~>tinirhe. I'hone $698 SOWN ADVENTURER UltA'NU .“^hW ;i h i‘ , MA'IX-IIMI ,sK T .if J iti(‘ |i t4ililei>. I'iiffro »iiiil. Hlond l>rdri>«‘d t ranaiidailon. • Ilea, <''hrjHU'r im !ii»lrinl iiiitiip «n'». ( '•■i)i|ili'ip liiK' <>[ fiirm wiih ilu n d n rd lnin..nii»-i..n. > iiiliii iiMiinn l.'«. Twin Knlln 601 MAIN EAST EE 3-1823 $1195-. l!tr.2 M K U C 'lM tV t.ili.iu,. ITa VE m o r e CENTS! MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Ulihfl.iTv, t*h..no UK lUL'.Ufi, v s w ith KiundHrii ...... 1->.<||<> nnd. .S'KW Wrl.<-..r r«*coriit-r, (lUll. I'hoiic Kriv ,-fii i)r aiifi ranifr.- heater. llrrK. fl,.„u J-’ l'a ZITLAU MOTOR ' IlKVItdl.KT V8. BelAlr. i A LFA LFA UK, like I.IV ■oom *i'l, very • BROWNING' — '•••■ir hiinltiip. }{cHter, mitomntle jii.iiiiii ililJ f»rc»-ni(iii. rH.li.i hiid bi-i.t.-r. fliiil tu-uine ‘pn in t ...... |H05 CROWN EKS. SPECIALS, AUTO CO. '•Vmir Nnrih.liip T rfidinjr fViiipi" O n l y ...... t m i.lULV I!LI:K l.i.->.-U- in l- hmI . SP O T CASH WENDELL. -IDAHO l!i:.7 CH K VIU II.K T Vfi, i door lU - X'.’ O. Ciill ItK :i*T 102 2nd A»e. N«. IlE 3-8721 C attle Watercrs For fiirnil'if# - A p ir lia n c c i — ThinBi r i l K V K O L K T :.f|.i., r n .h iir' linn wiiKun. U i'ftirr, _j>owertrliH* Wfltvrer ______pok Like new. 0«ly n tis lrnii>iitii<*ii'ii nnd t» i-to n « paint, liA.S'N.TR F U R N l f i n r r Nice • ...... Spun Aluminum. Tin bKASONhl) fircplJii-o w« mI, IMu picli- tOSShrhori- S n u lh I’ h oii* ItE l-H tl -COMMERCIALS- i|l> I'lmi : -SfiA-ET-F^ l!>ion. p ow eriteer* 'HiP '-V.r. . InK and w hite w a ll tirea....tlOD8 ;i KI,.\iAl.K. iiu ilu ' iiiiruki-«ti>. .Si-wrul ttKPTIC TA.NJ-. Call Cheiier INTKRNATIONAI, '.j-ion i.i.'l,. M A G IC V A L L E Y ’S MOTOR Tailfv KK .i.-.'lDI PAUL EQUIPMENT iliffiTi'nt vnri«"ti«*M "f lioii-* i>l«nl*. u[i ifeiM tor. U nly (.ijS 10:.(5 KOIID VH, 2 f U r rnneh w tgon . I'iill UK V ..'i2 U, «-spiiiiiir'‘ - SKl'TU' iMikx repuirrd and .in-I TRADING D EALERS low MKRCuitY mnrchiVf i di.ir nmlin. hi'iitrr and overdrive. a n d w e l d i n g s h o p italleil l-rj'f infipt-clidn. H-year real-' 1!»»0 rifKVR()TJ--T '..tan i.ickup. hardtop. 1'nwer atecrlriic. |r -<->n»y ...... ,,.,.$598 ■ SKy.KllAL U a m i it.P. civclri; nw BUY NOW . ‘ 3 I)i> liixr r n h w ith [rniiHtnU- brakes, nulio, h cn lor. iKr»<;r lot* in I'Vil'Ilpnt ciin■ iron, Itndln, h en ter, Kordomatlc,. *iid^iU>jiLaUe - ...... PORD ------__ jwil£r . and blur and -white-fmiHh. iwrnt - iiun. \T)inrCHOiCE ...... |lfiU6 l!r- ic l i t a n y kind. I'rre rni PRICES ARE LOW one owner rnr. IK.OOO artiial niaif-v iii.s .VlidAiuy, Filer'. I’ honi UA 1 1 a-Ton Truck nillea, in. p4irfer ar.Un. lUi- condition ., ...... Jii'iS 1«6 .STllilfniAKER VS. t Joor. H«- ' aijnBi + ------, hffiicr,._ M aiur______cuniuUtcly------di«.-hcatar and oiiapdiiUi*-..„;70i 1 rultinKK. P h o n e UK ;t-NI4. Smilli .Slio w h o n e . I’ hone UK ^-1421. and iniialled. W o r k KU*ranteed, Ilea- — ------at------•<>rhaulcd. 11206 annabli rii>*«.' IlA k en 'a RoU>.Rooter 1950 nUICK I-eSiihre 2 d.llO and up. lilack McKENZIE low CIlKftilODKT Suiion Power ateiTiiJB. |»>wer liraken, I'h-ine KK Arpiiiince a n d F urn itu re, 223 Second Sewer Sm v Icc, D A fi-4710. Hlir. UNION MOTORS, INC, WYLLIE’S HE S-2511. Itndln. hputer and aiitomaiT^ dynaflow. radio, heater, new Avenue h.nat. U TON lmtcTul Spini-i Or^an. hiffllciil O n t u r y itnlor hnrdiup, lUrliii, hi'ntpr, 1966 niJlCK < d o o r aol Inlrx iiiaatlc fl rnnditimi 'l>rijM . W liire Muaic O n lfr. liitw «T Kifcrinff and liilune. heater, aiitom*! ir'..inin»niiialon. ALSO Ygur M A C K wall finish, Spcv-ial aallon, I'hone W K 4 - j l M . CiKxlinL’ , ______K " SlLVhRTtJNt; T ,V . S60.UU. I’ hone Iii-tdiif, llnted glans. Riina j[(>od. llBTiner K u rnitu r«». • 2fl9 South Shnahnne, Only ...... J5DS 1068 TU U N D E H Iinm . R iI I pm*rr, . TRUCK D EA I^ ,: WANTKU lo bu y - i:n

M nnd V KlL.rlfi< -. 441 M nln'Avrniic K o n lo r iin lic , power aiecrins and tu- 1968 ULDSM Onil.K S u p er 88. 1 door Kh*1. tx>n«*. ©3MMERCIALS hardtop. Only ...... ,„|2096 I'AINT T I llN N K R . 49o la llon . your U SED CARS j CllAIN stea m ur dry, St>r 24" 1HIKK.MAN T V console. Ver) ko(m1 talnrr. C ra le'a P a in t Store. 660 Main 19&9 CHKVllOLhrr >•:, ton pickup, i irl'a J eriim e. Phone KA 4«2677, rnndiliMh. W i l l n n r r iflc e . HK »-4IK3, < . 60 Others to Smith, 1956 PONT,' $805 • |ieed trani)ininnion. wide boa. iiO TUNS o f In t and 2nd wire llcxi hay, Paul, MaHA, PUMI’S. i r r lr a t io n nnd domean lieliver. SEE WAitNKR MuHic for priet and M OTOR CO, 1^32 TH KVnOI.KT tl)tl 'pldkUp. 6 «nd a double floor, delivered lo your 1 9 5 6 FORD Nfi-W -Y-EAR- ]lowa.f»l Coiu-A d. nh;ml»f]( 2-^u3(l quality. l/o w r e y or^An* and Kin)bail $895 ply tlrre, runs e x tr a gw>d„„i296 foiindaTOlT P b o n e HK .VfiOTS. — pkooi—Duui— and—SelmecjJand-Jn»- MOTOR CO. K ordom atlc and tii-t<>ne green. -Tllfy*!.- ■Phonc - (} A~8»8B8C~HaTi3en^ -Liltuo-liliclcuo d o o r b ard toD . Nice i’ink nnd 103S KORD Iv to n p ic k u p . 4 ipeed ,.B111 Glbaon E A . 4-S378 -SEECIAI fiMilinB, Krenirelfi Ilnrdwnrf “ l ll a c lc p a in t. N ew ca r tradi^- - J e r o m t EA 4*4324 (STON. l i t 2 n d , 3rd cutdnir hay- C on LEON BURT M USIC STUDIO 1 9 5 5 M E R C $795 Be« thla fine car at . ,„.4iiiy6 . irriiralliin car ...... |06 tiKNKIlAL K L K C T I tlC qnniator vacuum, frHP. -fr-A-M B AS 8 A D€H l— V fl r - b y r - H p t n ^ ioOilMANa Minerals snd Mlnlrates. Inrti'runiolit RThI fiilI5Ia' rrr»t>aggr~rnTn~PtPim7~ USKD Kpctlonal m e U il chicken iienU, al» nvw tirus, power ateeriiiu. (tow­ ond Friilay H t o R.______111 KOUT h o u s e trail.-r, I’hiun (JA load It with. Clyde Huffman. Filer, er b r u k c s ...... >iau6 1068 CHEVROLET Bel- Air, 4 d*ir L,iiffipr rnuipmcnt. PMks. chain ;i-.'.72;i, liiipNen, igSfr^O LDS $895 sedan. lUdlo, h eater, autouiutlo - and filafl.~Oall u » t^layV R unninr'a Uf> 155y~ B 0iK 0nT~ nr7at '"f^a'ltM" dfliue with" ~Tnn-7n>r HH. lnrd!iJrKMi»r.-hyrtnniratte;— -Y-EAR^KLEL -Iraium liilun,-. p o w e r alesring, Uli ro Nl’lAC I Joontiitlm i-yiion;- ^ D qU ALlTY hay. feed,'BraIn. Phone d o o r tiUatiun wuijon. Li*alon.-ODljK.c|U60- RB 8-B0B2, Glen Cochran. Call RB » - « ia 8 - o i - a e * J . L -M ondragon , autom atic.” AutomutIc'~Craniirnliiiiiun, power -THESB-ebEAN 444 Bth A v e n u e Weat,. Tw in Falla. ‘1'(|1’edan. V - 8, ,ra-. „ ltStPLiMOiri!l_iU5Mjliilloiujile«.-U>eal- Ti'ntcd and vaeejnsted. ments. • J i - luiiu c iit ;v u u L t T lie i A i r , « floor (let the Im t a n d save on Installation d»n, N ew .cut covers, IdcuI btJ.I-, sedan, fi cylinder motor, stand- -lOifi-O^S^ORlLE i door CWti Ahl)ott*a A u t o Hnpniy. 121 3r Bsjyllnder, heftier an d 4-speed "TB6B f o r d 'custom SOO. 0 cylinder ^nmie, 6 blocks weat of Wwhington tra^l e r sales 1959 RAMRLER 4 dopr aedan. 6 MOTOR CO. ^OlL STOVES tranimiisaloDi ^ n s i n e a n d lu n d a r d tt^unamis- N o Suntiny bailneai. cylinder mntor, itandaH trans- sion. LfOW mileug* and ck-ati. -mUsionrTa^io^and-baatcr^Solld- 684 Main Ave. So. UE 3-6BI1 Ipss CHRVROLRT BelAIr t door ” »,M li<). All makeC BUlTSWiiar- •4>e-Ad»Uuii A vb. W w t------ft«-4‘5S8»- -— ______...... «Tmi- ...... ItadioTncater and over­ Dairy cowt and hilfen, freih or 1953 TANEi;” white flnliti; V e r y c le a a ...I159S edan! ...... “ “ ipringe™ Milk wclBhti on tbf frttb DANNER FURNITURE drive. O n ly ...... -...rM t o n , V-B ep gin e, radio, h ea ter and 1058 F I A T ''llO O * ', 4 door ipdan. T ry ® W# alst, Uk# betf In trade, or JOB Shoshone So. Phon* RE M 4n 1958 PLYMOUTH 2 door «Utlon wa- very clcan.. • • thla fo r cconumy ...... HN buy your b*ef and iprlngers for AUTOS _FOR SALE gon; 6 cylinder motor, itandurd »d ornla. c.ll IlKp Hufhes. Pbon* tranamiulon. Very nice car. WIRTHLIN IDSfi PLYM OU TH Savoy, 4 door se- 1965 PA C K A R D C lip p e r , i door se> "ubl H.-,2 Of 0433-J8. — ...... 11395 Contact M e On All Your IJSl CUEVUOLET 2' doQr- 1 9 4 8 W ILLYS,, ,$295 ------tiun:— P o w e c-^ a te e rln g i— p o w «f— ^ ' ~K ti n'ci a rtl tranamisslon,-rlow~- U ^^G ood tlrej.tnd nen_.palnU brake*, radio, h e a te r and auto* ownwiib a c h b v vnuMni a l i ky — LUMBER NEEDS 1067 DcSOTO 4 d o o r le d a n . P ow er- FORD'^ALES^ - ~ - . - mill!jo '-"Tiiil ^.w ellenrTiM K - -l«5-CH 13VjlO LBT-i.‘210’-',-4-doo>-M— ______matlc tran»m4«lon. Only ^1406 - r r e e d i n g association ------fllte-lnnsmlnlonTTWwer-iteer. - Delivered d i r e c t from mill Prired t o v e il. - dtin. VU engine, itandanl' trans- 'np.j and operated bj Dilry Firmer* 1 9 5 7 CHEV ■ $1095 tng, radio in it h e a te r . O nly 26,- 1068 KOIID 4 dr sedan, A very miaaion. Only ______'*lier A. Laltch. Phon* UI.J, Buhl. JIM C A RN EY RE M 3 7 8 000 Dtilci. A r e a l c re a m puff, clean o n e o w n e r u n it at almoa^, Yj t o n . c u itom cab, long w heelbase. A-1 USED CARS ------. . Jim foster. Phon* RE 9-494B, Twin ...... ______fl2l>5 wholesale. 1966 D O D G K C uatom U oy tl, 4 door 1055 TR IU M P H C o n v e r tib lt,. ExceK H 10S« C H K VU O Ll*rr R elA Ir 2 dopr s e d a a ______k|7U6 lent condition. Only ———1995 " 1 9 5 6 FORD $895 1950 DODGE C ustom R o y a l, 4 'd ^ ir -LUMBER- Hardtop. V fl. stanilnrd trin*- ”iuTnm!r"Wu.-f a v e r ___ m ission, new paint. ilon, iMvrer Bteerlns, white wall Cribbing luin)>cr— ranilont lenglh,.M3 n i ‘ pn airrs. A ll beef bulU performanc* Hough luinbor— T o p grndo.*.------116 1081 IN T E R N A T IO N A L S • 180, t O n ly ...... 1760 .mission. Low nilleag«.-Liko New. 1054 P L Y M O U T H B * lv e d e r* , i d o O r ^ ., Ullllly g ru d e -S u r fu c e J ...:------1(1« aedan. Complete'ovcrbauL.|49l «' pr.,dtf.uiy tesl«d. including Charollae, ton, d u a l w h c e la , IN.IIOO ictusl 1958 RANCHERO .$W95 1056 CHEVROLET ‘ 21 0’. i 'd o o r hard­ Economy gra d e ...... 14# IdU FOKD V 8, S puicimer aUlliin i*"'* Gurtrudis. Beef ShortliorD a iiJ mllfi, o n e o w n e r , gd rubber, • Cuatocn, radio, heater and ttahdard top, V8 motor, .powergHd* ______Cill for Price by Truck Loads. w a tfu n . S tan d ard tr«ni*nilaiiiun, Jftbrim ,Don Kr*ltman, UB . 8-1320. gomi jrrain bc- 1953 O L D S M O B IL K S u p e r 88, 4 door •M„ne; Klwyn Allison, VA B-6180. 19 5 9 DODGE $2495 W hite wall U rea ...... |91>6 J»Huin, Deutler, CIl I-SIBZ. Uui^ R E 3-0870 1063 C H E V R O L E T 4 door lUiiUm m stlo tranamlislon, p o w e r atccrlng. aedan. Radio, heater and bjdra* -> LEE PONTIAC ' I t o n . Dual whcuUt Mock rack. 4 - w a jc o u . O n iy ...... „...,jiJU5 rad io and heater. E xceJlent condi­ mutic. O n ly ______; apeetl transmianlon and low mileage. 1055'G HEVKOLET *2 door aUtlon tion . KA 4-2321 wagon. 8 ryllndcr motor,'*atand- EA 4-2068-*' 11)63 FORD Convertible. Original D ISCO U N T SALE I ard (raninilolon. Special ,...{746 F o r Prompt Open until 8 p .m . Jerum* tbt\>uirhuul. Vh engine, rurdu- FimiI lockers a n d lrunkH.„,|lU% OFF ■1953 IN TE R ' $495 uiatic' traniuiiUalun, continctilui 1062 C H E V R O L E T ! d o o r **d*n. R a. New Steel: A glc. ohsnel- % t o n , lon g. Wheflbae, n e w paint, 'lost rLyHGUTir2 do<)r station wa­ 57 PLYM $1095 kit. SUAUP ...... ower briliM, auturiiutic tram- . 19 4 5 - % TON $99 ...... :...... :.t5U6 • — NEW-YBAR------««■ 19SB D U D U K 2 tun truck. ^i'W en- mission, radio Hiid beuler. Much-let» — SPECIALS I - 4-H|rco8111 14 Ion, Un« «li.ollw«.. e odInJ.r iVlJ I'-OIID ! ( Iirn plokiip, VS motor; m i JKKP, “ ' "•Pai‘l!ns~and jnclt0t«^ ■ 'll)ft6‘ m ilK;i2 ‘ VB 'u -ttm . Ite n f *iiirp.‘ Wltk-4 •p*«v H i t JE B P ...... 10% TO 2 5 % OFF! ■ ■ Nttlnt, Just pv«rhauliiliv (Jood, Only ...... fQlft .t, ;,,| Irvin IM.ii.uli paint. Oiilr I'liiii, ‘ "'pi «i Wj*t iqv« m « C llliV IU X L E T VB M o ll,' l/in| "ILKOPPEL CO, ' ■■ '■ nbhlbM V I1-»|1(*I, ,J047 CnK V K 01.C T :Slpi« . BOQ D lock and Avoiiuo South , ; CIIEyjtOLET. j." -JEROME lu u r h H U nitd c i i i i i i e lkens(«i in d iU t ^ ■ Phono HE j.iolo DOmilC— CIIHYHLKll-IMriClllAL liermiii Hiillfr." watiM weather w ea r. Wesb FIv* I’oInU DODtno TKUUKH - FIAT m N ^ ' A L L S 1 r.()T I’ HONK IIO M K VIIONR JiM iiil, 7 ’ " i;««w i'll, Twill Ki)H., Himrllnif <}innla. , V O L V O * , aMAo'insnlMS tn 4lh yfn\ / ' .■*' ; ,' 100 3rd Avi)|lli« En»t TUIUMIMI EA Uii: ' Low*ll Wills— Hoy llowiM . ini'. llfii.^-llli?.-.. Kin I'eupio wliu want (ti.lHrit to equipment CO. Olion K v c iih iic a Uluaeil titiitdnyi , CLOaiiD eUNDAW JRA UKOOKS, M a n a g e r rhoni iiB i-m i Twin raiur!<^ 1'"'', rr...v,' T . ” *'1110111,111(1, « ()iin r l' liow l''re« iif t t r u o llo n by c ir lim d ■ Oornvr of Srd Av«, Ciit arftl Ind St...... "Whtr« cuitomtr* lend * ihtU • Irt rrUnd»" ,viV > i i i l . , « p l l n . Util tiufflnglitiff Ing liiitlii it r u o t o r * . Ualli o r cont* lit< ■, m U O K L/VNB WEST '1 K«nny Muor^ iih! Neti Cuntei.. MmM HowI^ K K s - 4

, : : r s TUESDA-Yt JANUARY 3. PAGETWELVE TIMES-NEWS, TWIN: FALLS,' IDAHO- 1951 BufldozeriJsed^d Fight Haystack Blaze Near Paul First Baby Bol*n in Cassia^^Hospital Romney Says Criticisms for -Firms Wrong DETROIT, Jan. 3 LR^Prealdent Qeorge Rbmney ,gf American Mo­ tors corporation, admJtUng he had been., “sedously .inaccurBte,'; has retrabtcd hla Dec. 16 statement that Q.cneral Motdrs corporation built plants abroad to ship car •pafl* to the-United SUtcs. General Motors denied Rom- ney's statement at the time. Af-R prp.^s_conference Romney had criticized foreign expansion, of General JWo.tors and Ford as economic imperialism." He de- ■mpAnies Yesterday the AMC president saia'inc vts^patrm flccuuiirufiiis conference showed a “ seri­ ously inaccurate statement." "Goneral Motors is charged." Romney said, "with intention to use its facilities abroad, for im pfirtation of componenU^intQ_the United States and for the purpose of disregarding national boun­ daries and policies. ’Such facllTties were not estao- ILshed for that purpose and there is no .euldencc of the Intention now," he said in a statement. L^st Honor Paid To Mrs. Pullman BURLEY, Jan. 3—Funeral sorv- ]ce)i for Mr.s. Marie Pullman were held at the McCullocli funeral home cliapcl Friday afternoon Manuel ZImmennan, employe of ih e Minidoka rrrisation district^ ley and Paul fought the blaze from 6 a.m. until late afternoon Sun. with the Rev. Emil J/ Helseth of uses a district bulldozer In removing burning bales of hay from the day.. Bulldozers shoved the burning bales Ihto an adjaccnt fifij • the Burley Christian church offi end o f the stack at the Manning: and Goltlandia feedyards near the where It was still smoldering Monday. Zimmerman worlicd In ihirk elating. Amalgamated Sugar company plant one mile east of Paul Sunday smoke and steam shoving (he iray Into the adjacent fletd. Aniuhcr Bishop Ralph McComb was morning. More than 100 tons of baled hay were destroyed by .the bulldozerr, owned by Howland Crofts, arrived to assist Zimmerman. speaker. Karen Hel'ner played the fire which Is believed to be arson. Fire crews and trucltg from Bur- (Staff photo-engraving) organ prelude and postlude and was the nccompanLst for a solo by Alfred Thaxton and a duet by last senate majority leader to freedom and take on n great de­ Ruth Heiner and Idella Wilcox. servo under a president- of the gree of accommodation because Dog’s Life Mansfield to — p-o-r-t y^ o u . — WilllaiB— E. Pallbearer.1~WeV6 Tretr B l l ^ r :' -you are there to push-througt^the- -TOKTOr-Jftn.-8-nB------‘rofryri John BianKensntp, "MCTZ Knowli ilme«-fri>e-leftdlnK-ft-doftV)tjr Jack Lott, Ai-Jo Morgan and How­ dent Eisenhower’s administration. your ability.” The central postpffice said i B ^ C e i m e d y Knowland held thot he was the land Croft. tal of 6,875 mailmen were niiackeJ leader of senate Republicans, ra- Honorary pallbearers were Dr. More than 200 lakes located two by’ dogs during l9S0~an iivcnigi| tiler 'than Eisenhower’s personal Hugh Dean, Oarl Merz, James Senate Aide miles or more above sea level are of 19 Cftse.s a day. Of the tolnl. 2 Roberts. B lir Ferguson Tind J.--C. representatlv£. located in. Colorado's Grand mesA, 758 w.cre'bitten nnd the real Jim (UPB — Mansfield’s Imnieditttc predeces- Maughn. WASHINGTON, Jan, 3 near Grand Junction. had Ihelr c)oihc.s ripped. irimn'ntTip!'tin!iit!rwrrBTmtlprfJ lonHpr iOr. Vlco President-Elect Lyndon B. Johnson, J3.. ’Tex.^ held tne jolf the direction of Grace Blxler, Mar Mike Mansfield views his job in of majority ’ leader only under a vel Skinner, Dorothy O ’Bryan, the. 87th congress opening today GOP president. Aina BlankenKhip, Marie Merz and as Prestdent-Elcct John • P. Kea.-^ tipriv'a chief reoresentativg in the Mamfleld summed up his view Oladys O reen' ^ the leadership Eaalem Star rites were given •chamber The Montana senator said Iflnt "The leader has to represent, Inso­ at the chapel and final rites were night he felt a majority parly far as he can, the views of the held at the Pleasant View ceme­ ATA PINE RCSTAURANTI .leader should represent the presi­ president o f his own party and tery where the Rev. Mr. Helseth dent in the senate. !f that party has to accommodate his personal dedicated the grave. JIM HOOLAHAN invites you to the controls the White Hou.se, feelings to that extent, He acknowledged that this was "That is one of the difficulties a "m inor” disagreement with the in assuminp; leadership, because Tire Blows approach to the post taken by the you lose a great degree of personal Chuck Wagon —-•RllHT., Jan. 3=^Qme_ta00 dam- Laurie Marla Martin, eight-pound, one-ounce daughter of Mr. ana JVlrs. max jviarlliiTl^iJijlc 3, Kuin- points; evidence of leadership abil­ don’B sch ool of economics. ity. 25 points, and evidence of p cr- OTTBl=TJr ■buBlnewr iji uyi essr His travels have taken him -the points. The winner does not need DBSt deca d e, to toe British Islea^^ to be-a member- of the Jaycecs. W- Europe, south A frica’and ffieMia- dl6 East. He met his wife. June, while sh e was touring with a B rit­ ish entertainment troupe In eouth Rites. Honor Talcum Tho nni OKP rror This—l»-tho third, consecutive R i B r H e w a r d session'Hansen has servei in the I ^ UUiaiO U QL house" fronti Bonneville coifoty. As BURLEY, Jan. 3—Funeral serv­ 1 majority floor-leader. It will be ices for Ralph Bowen Heward his Job to carry the ball ior the were held Saturday morning at the Republl c o a par ty during' iiai tlsair Tmrff=5i)OirTDs~w]mn3rapci-wiLh debates. H e also will have i ' m ajor Bishop Verl Chesley offlciaX In^ hand In shaping ot policy lor the Family prayer at the McCulloch roajorltjrTsartyr ‘raplionic was pivun byCJnrt USU3 Ly ju s t On him and on house Speaker Bowen. Invocation was given by A. W. D. Eberle. R.. Ada county, will V. Daylcv_njid rilffnrri Olpctr nrn ■TEsnile responsibility oi pusnlng' nounced the benediction. Speakers through the house of representa­ were Bishop Chesley and Alfred tives the platform on which the Crane. Bishop Chesloy also read GOP campaigned to win back con' the obituary. trol of th e legislature. Orgaj^prelude and postlude-waj And thls“ccntrWlhTKilh houses. played by-Pern McBride who ac- .Is razor-thin. Republicans are In cojwpanlwt^duet by june^utch- - '■ the saddle by one vote—30 to 29— inson and Darlene Drussel and a In the house.-They have a 2f \ o 21 duet by Raeola Crane and Mifriel edge In the senate. TYinkline. Marlane Bean accom -

quartet, Lloyd Gunder.soii, Lcliind I'ormer Kesident Gurner, Newell ICnlght and Carl Meline . , Claimed by Death Pallbearers were Joseph Heward, JEROM E, Jan. 3-M rs. O lla A, Gerald Heward, Earl Heward, John Cowger. 89, former Jerome res! Heward. Donald Howard and H ow ­ dent died Sunday morning at her ard Halford. home In Bolae after a lonp; Illness. Floral arrangement? were under She w a s bom Oct. 23, 1871, In the direction of the sixth, ward T op 5ko, Kans., and wits married to Relief society members, Mildred WUliurn Cowgen Dcc. 1, 1891, at Dudley, Marjorie Birch, Geneva Osborne. Kans. They.came to Idii- Stelly and Susie Chesley, assUjted h o In ia02. settling at Sweet. They -by-Radean-iHewardrLlnda-Hewacd, moved to Jer6me In 1914 and lived will make you a THOUItANDAIRE Rebecca Howard. Carol Moore, Ida there- until after Mr. CoivRer's Howard, Gwen Howard and LouUse death i n 1043 when she m oved to •Hewiird. Boise t o live with a dnuirhtcr. ' •’Mti!. Cowger yfiis a member of Pinal rUca—u'£i-c..JidtL-flL the ,1, -tlic F irst Christian church in Je- PieiusHnt-Vlcw cemetery, with J. W . Heward dedicating tho grave. -Jh------romo,------sooner than you think if you put them in a Survivors i n c l u d e two sons. Harry Cowger, Jeiome, and Frailk D. Cowger, Meridian; two daugh­ New Members ters, M rs; Kate ftatcr niid Mr.?. Agnes Elliott, both Dolse; one sis­ Enter Congress ter, M rs. -Jennie Noland, Canaijn; WASniNOTON, Jan . 3 .(IJPn—An 10 (trnndchlldron: 2|) gri'al-griind- array of new personalities, Icaftir- chlldren, .and two Rrwit - grcnt- liig an attractive female face, took grandchlldl'on. Its place today In tho ovor-chanij Thirmohth-andjmy_moAfhiirst'S0curity pays inferesf Oravcsldo servln'j will be held lug raiiksTif congress. - 1 ^ - nt 2i30 p.ra. Wcdni>silny at tlW-Je­ Beveii- new 'senator^i am ong fpr th^ full month on deposits mqdo by the 10th. rome cemetcry with thn Ituv. De- them Mrs, Maurlne B, NCpberKcr, wayntt Howell, IlnKc Fli'st .Glirls- D., Oi'c., and ft host of nelv^'house __ tlon^churdi, ufflcliitlpi: nicnibcisjvcre.flU -liTO()„,;te,..lht will bo dlrCcled b.v liie McUrutney- opcnlnB,j>( ib$,i!.Uu,j;oni;rt4s,_____ ■'AUicinjnnimrTWKfT' If .tlcBtiriy follows Hs u.svial coufse, some of' theiii will win a ■ 2,0.'il,BI)l) CAIIK plnco Iti lilsloi’y, o(|i<'i’.i wiil divii 'NUEnNlSiiUCl. (loniinny, Jnu. ;i into obscurity. Memb.or Federal l/n.—Wc.st Cii.'imiuiy manufactured The active, li:i - year'-old ,Mr.i. 222 Main Avopub South FIRST SECURITY BANK Insurdnce Corp; a.OS'I.OQO iiiiitor vtlilclrii In 101)0, NMibei-Rcr, I'lecti'd to the scat o( .nocoml only to llio Uiillcd Stales, her'lale luisband, Sen, KIchard I, of Twhi Falls which iiriKliiced uljiiiit Uirco'llnien Ncubcrgcr, bccomes tho sccuiid Uint totid. uurrciit woman teniilor.