Jdayi +F 4:00 P.M
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i, 1962 Bad''8 1)ay Schedule I'rjdayi +f 4:00 p.m. to l', ~ 9:00 p.m. Registration for dads and parents at all ~ living groups. 6:,'30 p.m. Pep rally, followed by street dance, at !I Beta-Phi Delt corner. i~-'i !„ i Saturday 9:00 a.m. to VOLUME 67, NO. 3 UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, MOSCOW, IDAHO Friday, September 28, 1962 12:00noon Registration for dacls and parents these 7:,"30 a.m. II. to if The].n 9:30 a.m. lla Phi, 1, Alph'1 I'III 9 16 a.m i, ii llllII'! lili i) fiIlt 1 Alpha I J, »i i'll'0:I League Pi, Del- a.m ii, LDS to s e r s SC AIIft POkv Kappa 11:80 a.m Professor's Seminari in Musie~ Building ta, an<i Auditorium. 1:80 p.m Football —Ida ho vs. idaho State at Neale Hit>gtgs III<tjith<Qf ay is ns Stadium. Dignitaries "All I's on Dad." 'ld one; 4:80 p.m. from Idaho State Co lege and the Pocatello Cham- The ASUI Dad's Day I-CC on tp ber of Commerce will be on cam- ~~ "-., 'd>4p'p Committee slogan sets the ld four; 7:80 p.m. Open House il1 all living groups. this weekend for the 'us, tempo for this . weekend. j.HZ-CI]2 7:80 p.m. game the. to and other festivities. Activities during next on fjc.ld and are centel'ed 9:.">0 p.m. Quartet singi ng contest at Blue Bucket Dr. Donald Wallcer, ISC Presi- day a half on ficl<l around, Dad. Inn, SUB. clent, is here now for a State ,,il ag< I 9:00 p.m. Board of Regents meeting. But Mom hasn't been forgotten. ]nesday: '"'~,"'<! Tickets to the Idaho - Idaho to Dr. Arthur Tranmer, president Ied<> '~ye',:~d'.„':p~~~, ', .Sr'.e ]SP-SAE ': State, football game, <ike a num- ]2:00 p.m. Dad's Day Dan ce in Student Union Ball- of the ISC Alumni Association, are'labeled on field 100m. will b'e here alo'ng with I(ar] Cay- ber of other events, r; PDT- Sun day "Parent's DGy," "indicating that cui field Dad's Day in Mom is welcome too. ven, an(1 8:00 p.m Limeliters cpn Parents begin registering to- 0 day. A pep rally, starting. at G:30 loy: LH- p.m. with a 'serpentine through on field the College. campus, is the first event.. A c, WSI]- FlVe EXte street dance with music by Dave -GH2 on Pugh and his band 'follows. ield six, Tops be here 1 also. en, sul(1 The weekend's top attraction is the football game which starts at it. Five evening extension courses 1:30 p.m, tomorrow. The contest have 'been tentatively scheduled will be the third meeting be- tp begin in October by the Adult by C. D. Reynolds, will be Tues- be here for the festivities..;-, "'~<~~~gy<~g~fj~ = ' ' Education Center, according to day at 7 p.m. in 109 Admjnjs- Arrangements had been made,, — - . ~ e'-'4'; '': 'i':; ..1!::::i;,'.;ti~NI Paul Kaus, field service admjn- tratjon Builcljng. The fee js $30 to charter several trains and an Feathermeri Say jstratpr. and three credits will be Riven airp]ane, but these have been can- Courses offered will include Industrial arts for elementary 'loot Cooperative'espite painting I (pj]L creative writ- teachers, three credit hours, be- .r the festivities plan- ing, shorthand dictation, recre- ned for the weekend the weath- industrial ational spot ts and er isn't going to be extremely arts for elementary teachers. co-o]ierative though it may let only Each course will be taught The fee is $30. the visitors get by most of the if tcn or <nore students enroll, time without their rain coats. saic] Kaus. H'ten Predictions call for continued Registration for the extension in the Women's Gymna- al'e partial cloudiness ond possible c]asses will be held at the first sium at 7:30 p.m. Thursday eve- Enrollment figures continued jo DIRTY WORIC AFOOT —The Univelsity Of Idaho s (left to 1'ight) Jackie Johnson, Bev Arehart, Janie showers. However there seems cheel'fully" pl'epal'e fpl'omorrow S Bal'b Blall', Mllholland It'awson. class session. ning. The fee will be $10. rise to new records yesterday as S]X Ponl-ppn gills Modle, JO and Diane to be little chance of a great football invasion the Idaho State College Bengals The competition between Idaho's two major education- "Students enrolled on campus p I ] ']] b the 4 5QQ marl( w as reachcci ]ate by abundance of sunshine accord- bv planting dynamite under the Bengal bench at Neale al institutions begins at 1:30 p.m. in residence may enroll in the p t 1 1 1 7 th U yestei day after<!pen ing to the weatherman. Ststdtum. the field for.Dsld's Day fireworks extension classes with the ap- versjty Art Buj]ding. Mary The exact number of students Resldylng proval of their academic dean," Kjrkwopd will teach the two registering through yester d a y %Te e tween the Vandals and Bengals, con- 8>'0 Kaus said. "A memo indicating credit course. The fce is $20. «as 4,511. Registration will ~l e 1%ceded but it will be the first between a <]'iet]ms s»ch approval should be hone]ed Adult Educa- tinue until Oct. 12. IjieveI'OP]me]]I!!; Of The University g g g g t Re80]]lreeS the University and Idaho State jp the course instructor at the tjon Ce~r has offered three or This is the first time that the f College. Idaho gridsters, played reach- The student card section e time of registration." four courses each senlcstcr in 4,500 mark has ever been p II>a1]f the Bengals in 1916 when ISC was old ii i i t d d i the gfegfj, Class Begins Monday th p t Th ii i gi t t ed, ia'o passing the record Keo<1«dh<««<X< called Pocatello Institute, and Idaho-San Jose State football A]I IIgstho %1!l.<U<lillit R The first class, shorthand dic- in evening classes has prompted of 4,355 students first semester 8 again in 1932 when the college teat iii i P tatjpn, will begin Monday at 7 th t t. ori ri e e last year.: i g d was ~'sduthernt.Iiratjcdi] 'td the r en- Registrar'.S'Predidtip~n]iavc,gaal- come into action at thc annual se]y with c]ajm owners ond R@CH+~fatIH+ this semester, subject to an p.m. in 227 Administration th U ..t f Id 1 b d University. The Vandals won,both rene]<ed.'Less 40 Building. Np credits will be rp]]lament of at least ten students most been than Dad s Day footbo]] game tinder Idaho Bureau pf Mines and Geol- smoll mine pj rotors to help Twp of the sjx University stu- encounters. ]Vlr. more students need to ref,'ister to 'he leadershiP of Dennis Wjtee]- them develoP their mineral ProP- dents who were injured last given. The fee fpr the course, in each class, according to pgy tp prpmpte the prdcr]y and Dad's Day events start before reach the 4,550 prediction. er, Sigma Chl, ond Susan crties, Dean Cook explained. Friday in a car acciclent near s <a>3 taught by Geraldine Dacres, is Kaus. Grcgg'ffjcjent deve]ppment of Idaho's kickoff time. A no-host breakfast Phl. of assistance is Grangeville are still in the in- Pj mineral resources has led to TyPical such in the Student Union Building Everyone is urged to partjci- <nany mjl]jpns pf dpnars enje„ the work by Dr. Anderson and fjrmary. The students were on >dtrr<'~ begins the festivities tomorrow. pate os 840 students will be need jng jhc state s ecpnpmy J. D. Forrester on mica deposits their way to a football game in NOVI& « A parade through Moscow's busi- I The sec- "The in Latah County, by Dr. Cook on Boise at the time. «rp.~]P!A IiliIi 1l: ed to fill the section. princjpa] ajm, both;n ness district follows at 9:15 atm. Wee'~e tjon will occupy the area be- field and laboratory work, is to tungsten in Custer County and Still in the infirmary yester- The University of Idaho March- pn tungsten ano copper deposits day were Sue Carnefjx and twcen aisles 19 and 20. produce results that will encpur- ing Band will lead a 16-band will be on n first come, agc industry to make more cpm- of the Seven Devils mountains, Elaine Tegan. ;<i 6 Seating parade. Usually 3Q bands par- by Dr. Anderson on fluorspar Miss Carnefjx was moved first served basis and n]] pnr- prehensive and detailed investj- ticipate in band day. This year, c]ejmsjts jn Leinhj and Custer from the Grangevj]]e Genera] tjcjj>ants ore asked to wear a gutjpns of specific deposits," they are being split between the Wii','ce «untje»nd by Raoul Clioate Hospital to the infirmary Wed-' white sweater or shirt. said Dr. E. F. Cook, dean of the Dad's Day game and the Home- college of mines and director of p" «»jum deposits near Stan- nesday. She suffered two brolc- Moscow Music Cen Rcprcsentat tlives ofo thee carcard coming contest. A special feature of the Dad's rlaily netvspaper.