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IN THIS ISSUl PACIFIQ -~ CITIZEN ... NATIONAL-JACL Dhlrlet !Circe"ln. colT'lmtu(lCl~ fof' J'ACL-J L summer fellowship!' M.mbor,hlp Publication: J,pan", AmorlGln tlll"'ll ,"'.;." uS _,IIi, Lot A."ler. Ca 90012 (21'1 M4 '·4471 b~lnR OTglmlle<t ..• _ ......... 1 $1.. JACL.-Jr. JACL d~lt'''te! 10 At· 'ubll,h.d W.. kl, Ex"pt LIIl W.. k 01 th. V'II .::: ~CIISI 'OI!1t. aL Los An"I", Calif. tl'nd ChoU Lfb~rlll's CJearlnJt "id H.ou~e contl'NmCC .. , ...••••. 4 ... DISTRICT -JACL Vol. 64 No. 10 FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967 New Telephone: MA 6-6936 TEN CENTS .MOYC workshop to be hosted tn Detroit ...•. • ••..•••..•..••••3 ... CHAPTER-JACL W., hi nit 0 n, D.C., Instal1a.tlon $pe~hes cmlercd in Conares· ~Ional Record •...••. 0 •••••••••• 1 ... COLUMNISTS MARYLAND Bosworth book showered Enon,oto; Terms DeUned, Ogawa : Nipponmachi Renewal. Masaoka: The Powell Case. MIXED MARRIAGE • • Uno: Cr~'st81 Clly Internment. Hosokawa : Remember the 442nd. Matsui. Big 1tch. Kurolwa: Goodbye to Europe. BANREPEALED With favorable reviews Marutanl ~ ~ ACL's Man tn the South. BY HARRY HONDA lesson of Ille book is that the and on the Wesl C<last Is clled: Glm": TtaWc: Death. Washington, D.C, Kanegae: Need No Apologies. Los Angeles mass emotional wave can "The Japanese had not been JACL Ac·tive in Push drown the Individual reason. Murayam .. : Tokyo Govenlor. On the basis of so many assimilaled very much into lo Ye Ed's: Prt!sident's Notebook. Bosworth proves and over· SEATTLE TODAY - A recent fire and was little enthusiasm, after the popula To Repeal Old Law favorable reviews of Allan R. cal society. They stood apart proves that the evictions were and Bosworth's I ate s t book, on a long exposed coast razing of some old landmarks right in tion changes in the onetime Nippon (Special to the P acific Citizen) an act not of military pru "A mer i c a 's Concentration line, whereas in Honolulu they the center of Seattle's Main Street machi during World War II. With a ANNAPOLIS, Md.-On March PERSPEC~ Camps", It is conceivable lIlat dence, but of racial arrogance were in the center of a small Nipponmachi, has created a situation nucleus of five restaurants and other 3, the Maryland state legisla Bantam, which has purchased tight fortress. People tend 10 which a bit of enterprise can build a Japanese businesses, there is a great ture completed aelion repeal· paperback publishing rights, [n the home state 01 the strike out at what they don't ... modern business center and tourist at incentive for a lucrative rebuilding job Ing its 30S.year-old law ban' author, who lives in Roanoke, understand and Ille people of may offer it at popular prices Jerry ~ ning interracial mardages. V.a., the Virginian Pilot al traction. It would restore and modern in this area. in a year or two. California did not understand ize a community center for which there -Elmer Ogawa Photo. On that date, lbe Maryland Norfolk called the uprooling of Ibe Japanese. • Enomoto N House 01 Delega tes, wtthout a Meantime, National JACL is Japanese Americans a "tacti· "Despite internment, young Nat'l President fI) wo.rd of debate, voted 97-25 to moving its fourth set 01 1,000 cal dud after the bombs at Japanese Americans insisted books ordered from the pub TERMS DEFINED end its antimIscegenation pro Pearl". Noles Tom Schlesinger upon their right to serve their hibitions. Three weeks earlier, lishers, W.W. Norton & Co., in his review: country as equals with other New York. Bulk of these cop 1 like to t~link that good Nipponmachi Renewpl the Maryland Sta te Sena te, No Lesson Gained American youths, and in Eu advice, whether "free" (as a also without discussion, voted ies .are now going to chapters, rope they distinguished them· which are presenting them to "Part of the stain 01 this former fellow inmate at Euclid renewal was tentatively 01- nel under the city at thai 3:;'7 tor repeal. Republican selves in battle ... BY ELlIIER OGAWA puhlic libraries and schools. injustice might have been ob Hall puts it last week) or not, fered several years ago. point but never did. The old Governor Spiro T. Ag new is "Thus, after lbe war, in Ill. Seattle Wa shington, D.C., J ACL is literated in time if some con· 1s worth heeding. I am also A few sleps from Ihe inter· Irame building 01 about 1890 e"pected to sign the repealer general public regret over The block of Main Street be contribuling 150 books to mao slilutional lesson had been gNlteful for the obvious in· section pictured above is the vintage al right should come legislation without delay. w ha t happened. J<lpanese tween FiIt1.1 and Sb.1h A venues Bolb the Wa shington, D.C. jor public libraries in the area learned. But, chances are. the terest and concern that com· office and plant of the North down, and a pool hall and Americans were able to move used to be considered the huh Cllapter 01 the J,apanese Amer and to universities, colleges same thing could bappen today pelled Steve to write. It cer American Post, and on Main fish market are about all we easily into a wide community of SeatUe's prewar Nipponma Ican Citizens League and the and high schools where a per under any similar set of cit· taiJuy is not with disrespect Street to the left of the picture remember seelng In that half Ille not many had known be chi. Washington J'ACL Office were son of Japanese ancestry is a cumstances ... then, that I will add the is Uwajimaya, modernized su~ block recently. The remaining !fore." During War II the buildings active in the successful cam student. The chapter is also "And equally ironic, no one thougllt that bad advice Is bad permarket featuring aU varie· tenants on the ground floor of Bosworth's book was also and apartment houses were inviting those who might not even hinled Ibat Illose with advice, whether it's free or ties 01 Japanese foods. the brick building in center of paign to repeal teis discrimi reyjewed by "Inside Books" . laken over almost 100 percent natory statute. According to otherwise participat.e in cha.> German and Italian blood, not. fro emphasize the potential pic are a Japanese restaurant nationally syndicated script by newly arrived Negro fami· ler aclivilies 10 contribute to !Slien or citizen, be rounded up At the risk of being trite, for building in this area, Ihe rTenkatsu), Bain Chiba's Main the 1960 Census, 1,842 persons for some 800 radio stations, lies, and from Ibat day to this of Japanese ance9try, many of a lund to pay for these books. on the much more vulnerable perhaps we are getting bogged corner to the right of the pic, Drug, and Sagamiya, Mr. Shi pointing out that "in effect, Ibe neighborllood has taken on whom are members of the Some members have already East C<last ... down in the proverbial seman· vacatlt as long as I can re. bata's confectionery which has tany American regardless of a new face. supported this plan. "And certainly one of the tic misunderstandings that member labout 19101. belongs JACL, reside in Maryland race or color can be legally Early in the winter. the been there since we were so t Books retail at 55.95 a copy, villains of the piece must be prevent clear communication. to the U.P. Railroad, which high. The law, enacted in colonial imprisoned during time of war latest of a succession of minor are available to JACLers at Earl Warren, then Call!ornia's I contend Illat J ACL is a was once going to build a tun- (Continued on Page 2) times (11661), barred marri at the convenience of the gov "nonpartisan" organization. As fires nearly totally destroyed ages between white snd Negro 55, and to chaplers for gifts Attorney General, who must ernment ... That's you or me !iuch, it does not endorse polio the Dimond Hotel, originally persons. In 1937, il was amend to libraries at S4.) shudder today when he recalls or anybody else. And that law his one-time blatant disregard tical candidales nor engage in the Oriental Trading C<l. build ed to prohihit marriages 01 D.C. JACL Exa'mple is still on the books." partisan politics. ing and the Belmont Hotel white and Negro persons with lor basic civil liberties." fronting on Main Streel The JAPAN DOES BEST JOB TEACHING If the D.C. JACL scheme Latesl Reviews Websler defines "political" "persons of the Malay race". An unsigned review in the latter building was the home inspires other chapters to fol· The San Francisco CbronJclt in several ways, of which two The State Legislature aoted Jersey Jour,nal, Jersey City, of the Maruman restaurant, low, the present supply at Ille N.J. says: "Bosworth has presented a second review i.ft MATHEMA TICS, U.S. R'ANKS 8TH as Ille Supreme C<lurt of the f are contrasting enough to be popular seeond floor res tau· J ACL oflices in San Francisco, interesting. "Of or pertaining United States "repared to hear written about an ugly slab of which William Hogan singles rant of ttle 20s and 30s. Op;>o cmCAGO - Japan does tile Findings are to be published Los Angeles and Chicago will out the Lact that America doe. to politics, or the conduct 01 oral arguments possibly next American history and he has site end of the building was best overall job in teaching in two volumes coming out quickly vanish and a fifth sel its best to forget unsavory b.Js.