Research on the Double Dual Origin of Modern Man And

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Research on the Double Dual Origin of Modern Man And Home Why, How & Who New Visitors Urantia Book Other Languages List of Reports Research on the Double Dual Origin of Report Modern Man and pre-Modern Man Summaries News & More Info Please contribute whatever you can to support this effort. Every bit helps. Thanks. Email List Introduction Prepared by Halbert Katzen, J.D. Contact [5/23/12] 40,000 years ago: To view a .pdf file for easier reading and printing: Adam and Eve Click here. (This may take a moment to download.) 200,000 years ago: Nodite race Warning: If you landed on this UBtheNEWS page first 500,000 years ago: and/or are generally unfamiliar with this website and The Sangik (colored) races Urantia Book, this page presents one of the most intriguing aspects of the UBtheNEWS project. However, 1 million years ago: this is not a good place to get started, unless you are first humans already familiar with both The Urantia Book and the way genetics research is used to trace the mutations and Search migrations of humanity’s early genetic history. The Home page gives a very brief overview of the UBtheNEWS project; it’s designed for new visitors. The New Visitors page provides options for getting started that are tailored to your interests and how much time you want to spend. There is an important difference between UBtheNEWS “Research” pages and “Report” pages. Reports walk the reader, step by step, through an appreciation for how new discoveries and scientific advances increasingly support The Urantia Book’s credibility. Reports presume people are generally unfamiliar with The Urantia Book and the field of study that pertains to the corroboration. Research pages, in contrast, presume a general understanding of both. Research pages are designed to help you be efficient in your independent study of a topic. This is the first Research page created by the UBtheNEWS project. It reflects the fact that new support for The Urantia Book’s credibility outpaces our ability to write reports about it and that this trend is expected to continue. It also demonstrates how a whole new field of study—genetics research—is aligning with an extended discussion in The Urantia Book, as compared to new discoveries that support just a sentence or small section of the book. The Adam and Eve Report is the way to get started if you want to begin exploring this topic on UBtheNEWS. Learning about The Urantia Book’s unique quality of credibility through the lens of how particular discoveries and scientific advances increasingly support its history has its own value, of course. But there are also drawbacks to this approach. In particular, it tends to exacerbate the problem of reading statements out of context from The Urantia Book that are about eugenics, genetics, and race. It also makes it harder to appreciate certain theological and cosmological teachings. So on January 1, 2011 UBtheNEWS published Eugenics, Race, and The Urantia Book to address the broader issues and assist people in understanding the book on its own terms. This is the first and only comprehensive review of how these issues are addressed in The Urantia Book. That being said . Introduction Determining when primitive man and modern man made their first appearance on earth is one of the greatest challenges anthropologists face. Naturally, people want to know “what science says” about when and how we got here. What is the origin of Homo sapiens sapiens? Why do we have sapiens as both a species and subspecies designation? And how does this relate to being a “modern man?” In the search for the origin of primitive and modern man, we now have a powerful new tool to help with the interpretation of archaeological and anthropological discoveries—genetics research. This field of science is teaching us things about our past that we could never learn from archaeological discoveries. But our quest is not just a scientific question. This topic plunges us directly into social issues with strong crosscurrents. These issues range from racial to religious, from speculations about extraterrestrial genetics to biases in support of theories that pass the “politically correct” test. Both racial bigotry and “politically correct” ideologies directly interfere with scientific research. Adding to all this, we have The Urantia Book’s explanation of the history of human genetics, which includes theological, cosmological, racial, and political commentary. Due to the complexities of this topic, preliminary reading is “required”—specifically, the Eugenics, Race, and The Urantia Book paper (Appendix 1: Urantia Book-based Taxonomy, in particular, can serve as a useful extension to the study of this presentation of comparisons.) and the Adam and Eve Report. Familiarity with the former is important for its coverage of eugenics and race within a context that emphasizes the moral foundation on which teachings from The Urantia Book rest. The latter not only walks the reader through impressive parallels to The Urantia Book coming out of genetics research, but also reveals how contemporary culture squelches research when it raises issues that make people uncomfortable and leads to conclusions that are not “politically correct.” This page only presents the tip of the iceberg, of course, because it is designed to assist you in your own deeper study of this topic. You will find brief descriptions of the key concepts from The Urantia Book and summaries of the findings from related genetics research, archaeological discoveries, and other anthropological advances. The links will guide you to the various facets of this fascinating intersection between new discoveries and The Urantia Book’s detailed description of when major genetic changes occurred in human history. Not surprisingly, genetics research provides powerful support for what is said in The Urantia Book because, when it was published, this field of science was in its embryonic stage of development. It is important to bear in mind that in 1955 scientists had not yet determined the number of human chromosomes, let alone explored our genetic structure. (See the Chromosome Count Report.) The Urantia Book was published before researchers could specifically date archaeological sites and artifacts; radiometric dating techniques were just being invented. There was nothing around back then to provide us with the type of specific information we get from genetics research about when and how ancient populations mixed and migrated. Nonetheless, the authors of The Urantia Book speak about these aspects of our ancient history, explaining that human history is marked by four major genetic changes and specifying the location of these changes: Asia is the homeland of the human race. It was on a southern peninsula of this continent that Andon and Fonta were born [approximately 1,000,000 years ago, the first human beings]; in the highlands of what is now Afghanistan, their descendant[s] . founded a primitive center of culture that persisted for over one-half million years. Here at this eastern focus of the human race the Sangik peoples [approximately 500,000 years ago, “Sangik” refers to a mutation that created the colored races] differentiated from the Andonic stock, and Asia was their first home, their first hunting ground, their first battlefield. Southwestern Asia witnessed the successive civilizations of . Nodites [originating approximately 200,000 years ago], Adamites [originating approximately 40,000 years ago], and Andites, and from these regions the potentials of modern civilization spread to the world.(1) The Andonic race and the Sangik races originated as evolutionary mutations. In contrast, the Nodites and the Adamites involve the introduction of non human genetics, intended to be compatible with and an upliftment to human genetics. The timing of these latter two changes corresponds to the two time periods that genetics researchers and anthropologists focus on with respect to the origin of modern man. These events also correspond directly, of course, to Old Testament writings in Genesis. According to The Urantia Book, the introduction of superhuman genetics into the human population created Homo sapiens sapiens. The Urantia Book explains that the celestial administration of our planet, when they arrived 500,000 years ago with the dawn of the colored race, had a staff of one hundred men and women of immortal status. This staff are said to have come (in a spirit form) from another world to this one, where they were given a human form that had a mixed genetic foundation—human and “superhuman.” But they did not breed prior to the rebellion. They did not procreate during the first 300,000 years of celestial administration loyal service. But later, those who joined the rebellion became mortal and mated, thus introducing new genetics into our gene pool 200,000 years ago. The authors of The Urantia Book describe the situation this way: The one hundred were material but superhuman beings, having been reconstituted on Urantia as unique men and women of a high and special order.(2) The presence of these extraordinary supermen and superwomen, stranded by rebellion and presently mating with the sons and daughters of earth, easily gave origin to those traditional stories of the gods coming down to mate with mortals. And thus originated the thousand and one legends of a mythical nature, but founded on the facts of the postrebellion days, which later found a place in the folk tales and traditions of the various peoples whose ancestors had participated in these contacts with the Nodites and their descendants.(3) [W]hen the sixty rebels of the staff, the followers of Nod, actually engaged in sexual reproduction, their children proved to be far superior in almost every way . This unexpected excellence characterized not only physical and intellectual qualities but also spiritual capacities. These mutant traits appearing in the first Nodite generation resulted from certain changes which had been wrought in the configuration and in the chemical constituents of the inheritance factors of the .
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