Virulence and Digital Culture
Virulence and Digital Culture Ryan E. Artrip Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In ASPECT: Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought François Debrix, Chair Timothy W. Luke Brian Britt Patricia Nickel April 18, 2016 Blacksburg, VA Keywords: Technology; Digitality; Digital Culture; Production; Information; Representation; Referentiality; Virtuality; Viral Media; Virulence; Sexuality; Linguistic Theory; Baudrillard; Hyperreality; Virtual Reality; Implosion; Critical Theory; Political Theory; Cultural Theory; Critical Media Studies; Poststructuralism; Epistemology; Ontology; Metaphysics Copyright 2016 Virulence and Digital Culture Ryan E. Artrip ABSTRACT (academic) This dissertation is a theoretical study of the role of virality/virulence as a predominant technological term in the reproduction of social and cultural information in the digital age. I argue that viral media are not new phenomena, only the name is new. Media have always behaved as viruses; it is only when they become hyper-intensified in digital technology that their virulent function surfaces in language and culture. The project examines processes of self-replication and evolution undergone by various new media phenomena as they relate back to the global profusion of social networks, data centers, and cybernetic practices. Drawing from several contributions in media theory, political and social theory, and critical media studies, I argue that digital media have a hyper-intensifying effect on whatever objects, subjects, or realities they mediate or represent; thus networked societies are virulently swarmed by their own signs and images in information. Through an examination of three primary categories of digital proliferation—language, visuality, and sexuality—I situate digital culture in a framework of virulence, arguing that the digital may be best understood as an effect of cultural hyper-saturation and implosion.
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