The newsletter of The Southampton HOTEP Ancient Egypt Issue 50: June 2020 Society Editorial the moment, we cannot offer this service to Hello again! I hope you are all well and anyone for whom we do not have an email bearing up under the exigencies of lock- address which has been personally checked down. I am sure that many of you have and verified. The EES offers us a secure taken the opportunity of isolation to become delivery platform for talks while we explore dab hands at technology, especially video other means of widening the scope of our messaging and Zoom conferencing. This activities in these trying circumstances. seems to be the way the world is moving We would very much like to hear from you and such means of communication will about any Egyptological experiences you become the ‘new normal’ as have had during lock-down. and when the current What have you been reading, restrictions are finally lifted. watching or listening to? Have With the uncertainty you found solace in Egyptian surrounding the phased board games or jigsaws? reopening of secondary Contributions to Hotep are schools, we have not yet had always welcome. Also, confirmation of our bookings remember that we have a at Oasis, Lordshill, from presence on Twitter, FaceBook September 2020. We must and Instagram, the links are assume that the September given below. meeting will not go ahead in We would like to get an idea of the usual format though it how many people will be might be possible to have a willing to come to meetings Zoom meeting instead of the again in the future. There will, AGM. We will have to wait of course, be social distancing and see how things develop measures in place at Oasis for before we can announce definite plans for some time and we may have to give very October. In this edition of Hotep you will short notice of meetings so please check the find some good news as to the resumption website and watch out for our email of SAES lectures, albeit in a shortened and messages and, perhaps, check you junk or online format, courtesy of the Egypt spam folder. Exploration Society. As far as money is concerned, we are Some of you may already have partaken of offering free subscriptions for 2020-21 for the talks offered by the EES and other current Members and half-price organisations such as the Egypt Centre in membership for newcomers. Anyone who Swansea. For your further enjoyment, and had paid in advance for the Study Day or to fill the Egyptological gap in your life, I will the evening class will be contacted by the give links to sites where such material can Secretary, Annette, to sort out refunds. be found. You will gather from all this that I hope it will not be too long before I see online solutions are really the only way we you all again although the circumstances can go at present and that means we must will be very different from what we have contact our Members by email. When we enjoyed in the past. The first lectures of the have up an online lecture, we will send season, whenever it starts, will be shorter out the appropriate link, unique to our and we will probably not be able to offer Society, to your personal email address. refreshments. Arrangements for using the Taking account of online privacy and library, once we are up and running again, security we ask that you do not forward that will be published later. link to anyone else. We are sorry that, for Hilary Wilson Next Meeting! The link to the EES website for all their online lectures is: Saturday 20 June 2 p.m. In partnership with the ory/events Egypt Exploration Society we are pleased to offer an online lecture Tents and tombs: Accommodating The Egypt Centre Swansea archaeologists have also been presenting by Carl Graves online lectures which are (Director of the Egypt Exploration Society) available to re-watch on YouTube through these links: conference-2020-via-zoom/ query=egypt+centre+swansea

Lectures by Chris Naunton can be found at:

Since its founding in 1882, the Egypt Exploration Society has explored over 150 sites across Egypt and Sudan. To facilitate these surveys and excavations, the Society constructed, acquired, or made habitable accommodation throughout the Nile valley. This lecture uses images preserved in the Society's archives to investigate what this accommodation looked like at several sites including tombs at Beni Hasan and Meir, tents in the Faiyum, and pioneering houses built at Amarna, Armant, Abydos, and Buhen. Join Carl Graves as we discover the comforts and discomforts of life on an EES Here are the links for SAES social media: archaeological expedition since 1882. Facebook: onAncientEgyptSociety


Instagram: Carl will give us this lecture for free on Saturday 20th June, although any donations towards the EES would be gy/ much appreciated. The weblink to this lecture will be sent to your personal email address. Please do not share this link with anyone outside the SAES. And now what you’ve all been waiting Odd One Out for, the answers to May’s bumper quiz edition of Hotep. 1: cow, lioness, hippo, vulture – not a form of . WHERE? 2: jackal, hawk, lion, baboon – not a Son of . A: El-Qurn – the mountain above the Valley 3: Irem, Amurru, Kush, Wawat – not a of the Kings. Nubian territory. B: Cleopatra’s Needle, London 4: Coptos, Sais, Tanis, Bubastis – not a C: Zawiyet Umm el-Rakham, Mediterranean Delta town. coast West of Alexandria. 5: Sobekneferu, Hatshepsut, Nefertari, D: Memphis, Tennessee. Tausert – not a ruling Pharaoh. E: Temple of Dendur, Metropolitan Museum 6: red, white, blue, gold – not the colour of of Art, New York. a Crown. F: Gebel Barkal, Nubian home of -. 7: finger, palm tree, tadpole, lily leaf – not a hieroglyph for a number. Out of Egypt 8: Anhur, , , Amun – not a solar deity. 1: Cairo 2: Thebes WHAT? 3: Abydos 4: el-Alamein A: pyramidion – capstone of a pyramid 5: Memphis, Tennessee (again) B: pillar – emblem of 6: Alexandria C: – receptacle for embalmed 7: Rosetta viscera (human-headed Imsety protected 8: Philae the liver) D: shabti – mummiform figure activated by a spell to become a servant for the afterlife. A Name Within Names E: senet board – a popular board game similar to backgammon. 1: William Matthew F: ba – the soul of the deceased 2: Rosalie David 3: Salima Ikram WHEN? 4: Auguste Mariette 5: Aidan Dodson The kings in chronological order are: 6: Walter Emery 7: Mark Lehner Djoser, Khufu. Amenemhat III, Akhenaten, 8: Cyril Aldred Horemheb, Merenptah, Ramesses VI, 9: Elizabeth Peters Sheshonq II, Psamtik I, Ahmose II, Nectanebo I. The red letters can be rearranged to form AMELIA EDWARDS founder of the Egypt What Does it Mean? Exploration Fund, later the EES a: bread b: beer WHO? c: beef d: poultry e: perfume/unguent f: incense A: Wolfram Grajetzky g: linen h: wine B: Penny Wilson C: Paul Nicholson All abbreviations for funerary offerings D: Lucia Gahlin which you might see around an offering E: Nigel Strudwick table. F: Ros Janssen

Word Grid

1 3 5 7 9 11


E * K R E







(Clue 2 could be shifted up one square to I think that’s about enough quizzing for now start *) so I shall leave you with this little teaser. The across clue is ELEPHANTINE, the island city near Aswan, thought to be the What lasting contribution did Liam Hillard home of , the god who regulated the Sternberg make to the popularisation of flow of the Nile. ancient Egypt?

Here’s a small clue →

Hope to meet you, in spirit at least, at the June lecture.

Meanwhile, keep safe, stay happy and look forward to the new normality.