June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice 1

Volume 29, Number 11 June 4, 2020 Delivered to every home between Edgewood, Kaslo & South Slocan. Published bi-weekly. Your independently owned regional community newspaper serving the Arrow Lakes, Slocan & North Kootenay Lake Valleys. Slocan River flooding prompts evacuation orders, alerts by John Boivin, Local Journalism Initiative on the weekend, and called on residents to through Washington State and into the force of the storm was felt in Grand Forks Valley but was rescinded a couple of hours reporter stay away from the municipal campground southern Interior by Saturday, May 30. and east in the Kootenay Lake area. later after water levels began to drop. Residents of low-lying areas along the on Monday. Rainwater combined with the spring RDCK emergency officials issued Several days of sunny but cooler Slocan River were nervously watching water “The creek has breached its banks snowpack melt pushed predictions from evacuation orders for the Crawford Bay area, weather the first week of June were expected levels this week, as the spring freshet and and water is moving quickly,” said a news a two-year flood level to over 20-year Duhamel Creek near Nelson, the Salmo area, to ease river levels further. a huge storm system last weekend pushed release from the Village. “Large debris is level in just a few hours. By Sunday night, and Pass Creek on Sunday as runoff from But the weather is still something river levels to a one-in-10-year flood high – being carried by the water down the creek, predictions showed the waters could hit the the rainstorm turned mountain streams into to watch, and rain is forecast for several and for a time threatened to break 60-year threatening to block culverts, and crews are level of the 1961 flood by June 3, prompting raging cascades. By late Sunday evening, an days again starting this coming weekend records. being dispatched to monitor/ mitigate this the evacuation order. evacuation order was issued for the Slocan (June 6-7). Some residents of the valley were situation.” River levels dropped steadily Monday, issued evacuation orders at about 11 pm Crescent Valley was also hit in some and forecasters now say the river reached a Sunday night (May 31), as water spilled areas, keeping emergency crews busy. one-in-10 year flood peak on Sunday night. over local river banks. Those orders were “For about eight [hours] we helped They predict levels will continue to fall rescinded just two hours later as water levels sandbag six properties along Goose and slowly until it reaches a one-in-two year dropped, but the entire Regional District Gander Creeks, as well as several roads height on June 11. Severe weather events of Central Kootenay (with the exception that were flooding, downed trees, a pump can change that forecast quickly, however. JOHN BOIVIN CREDIT: PHOTO of Castlegar and Nelson) remained on house, and a bridge that has an eroding The storm’s power prompted high evacuation alert at press time. foundation,” said a news release from the streamflow alerts from the River Forecast All that water caused havoc for road local fire department. Centre and special weather statements from repair crews and municipal governments, Some roads in the Pass Creek area Environment Canada, which predicted who are dealing with damaged infrastructure were closed to traffic because of flooding rainfall of 30-100 mm in some areas. in several locations. and washouts. Those warnings turned into a region- On Sunday night, residents of Kaslo YRB’s road crews were also busy wide state of emergency declaration and were told to limit their water use, with dealing with washouts and blocked culverts evacuation alert by the Regional District the Village ordering its strictest water along the highways from Edgewood to of Central Kootenay on Saturday, and conservation regime after a washout South Slocan. prompted evacuation orders in several areas. damaged its water supply (see story on River forecasters had been predicting The storm ultimately dropped about page 12). a relatively calm freshet for the Slocan just 40 mm of rain over 72 hours in the Slocan Steve Brown surveys his backyard, temporarily under water from the rising Slocan River. Brown and other The Village of Slocan was dealing a few weeks ago. But a massive weather Valley, according to a monitoring station residents of were included in an evacuation order issued by the RDCK on Sunday evening. with torrential runoff on Springer Creek system developed late last week, moving near the south end of . The full That order was rescinded a few hours later. Brown’s backyard should be back to normal in a few days. 2 NEWS The Valley Voice June 4, 2020 Hills visitor threatened by black bear on rail trail by Jan McMurray Society, heard Levasseur yelling local bear biologist and HESS can do closures effectively and put up and eight black bears, including at Francis Levasseur had a terrifying for help. He grabbed bear spray, a member, to join him to investigate. warnings.” least one mother with cubs, have bear encounter on the rail trail just machete, and his dog, and went to This was about 7:30 pm. Levasseur says he’ll always carry been sighted in the area this spring. north of Hills near Hunter Siding on the rescue. The object turned out to be a bear spray with him now. Koolen He says that with so much snow up May 17. “I want to thank Mat for saving snowmobile that had been flipped urges people to be aware that the trail high when the bears first came out Levasseur, who is staying with a me,” Levasseur said. “If he hadn’t over and dragged onto the trail by a is a wildlife corridor. He says he thinks of hibernation this spring, they were friend in Hills, was out for a jog that heard me, I’d have had to spend the bear. Teeth and claw marks on the this particular bear has moved on as forced down closer to communities, afternoon when a very big black bear night up there and I might not have machine were telltale signs that a bear there have been no more incidents. but are probably heading up into the appeared on the trail and charged him. made it.” was the culprit. McCrory reports that two grizzlies backcountry now. Levasseur scrambled up a tree for Levasseur says he is very familiar McCrory then checked out the safety and was trapped there for two with bears. He works in the bush and area around the tree where Levasseur hours while the bear patrolled below. spends two weeks at a time camping had been trapped. He found nothing Mat Phillips, a Hills resident and in remote areas. “I’ve seen a lot of that would have caused a bear to act head of the Hills Emergency Services bears and I’ve never had any trouble. defensively – no animal carcass or In my experience, they walk away sign of any cubs. “I concluded that when I scream and wave my arms this was a very serious predacious in the air. But this one didn’t, so I attempt and if Francis hadn’t climbed picked up a stick and waved it above that tree, he wouldn’t be alive today,” my head. That’s when he charged,” McCrory said. Levasseur said. The next morning, Levasseur says Levasseur quickly climbed a tree, two Conservation Officers arrived, which was thankfully too small for prepared to shoot the bear. Levasseur such a large bear to climb. However, and his friend walked the trail with the bear stood up on his hind legs, the officers and showed them the leaning on a nearby tree. “I had to tree and the overturned snowmobile. climb higher because he was trying The officers couldn’t find the bear, to get to me,” Levasseur said. “Then however, and told Levasseur they’d after a while I thought he had gone probably be back later in the week. Madalyn Maxinuk away, so I climbed down, but he came Levasseur hasn’t heard from them Bachelor of Arts in Psychology charging back at me so I had to climb since. with a significant comprehension back up again. I really felt threatened The Conservation Officer Service in Indigenous Studies by that bear.” (COS) reports that the community was Once rescued, and after calling the made aware of the incident through an Congratulations from your Conservation Officers, who advised emergency calling system. Also, the family & friends on your they would attend the next morning, COS notified the Recreation Officer, achievement. Levasseur told Phillips he had seen who said he would work with the Love you to the moon and back! what looked like an overturned bike trail user groups to voluntarily close Tatum, Stephanie, Anthony, on the trail. Concerned that this might the trail. Mum & Dad be a sign of another person in trouble, The night of the incident, McCrory Phillips called on Wayne McCrory, and Phillips put up signs and flagging tape at Bonanza Road and Summit Lake crossing to warn people of joldhamfinehomes.com Francis Levasseur and his rescuer, Mat Phillips, at the tree Levasseur climbed to get away from “When You Want It Done Right” the bear and to close the trail. The next day, Mike Koolen and Richard an aggressive bear on the rail trail in Hills on May 17. Allin, members of the trail planning For all your New Home Bear carcass found on rail trail near Zincton Having trouble group, put up more signs along with Construction & General McCrory. It wasn’t until almost two submitted by VWS Bear harvest with the edible parts of the acquiring a new Contracting weeks later that official signage from Smart Program animal removed and the paws and the home construction Needs! RSTBC replaced the signage installed On their way out to move migrating rest of the hide and gut pile left behind.” permit? by the volunteers. adult toads from the highway at Fish By law, hunters now have to McCrory feels that in incidents Lake between New Denver and remove ‘edible parts.’ The COS felt We can like these, the COS and RSTBC Kaslo late Saturday afternoon, Slocan the bear was not poached, as poachers Help. should act much more quickly to Valley Bear Smart Coordinator Kim normally take the paws as well as the officially close the trail. “There is Frederiksen and her husband made a gall bladder. a liability issue involved that really gruesome discovery. Kim and her husband were belongs to the Crown agencies and Walking a short distance on the disgusted and alarmed that a hunter should not be shuffled on to the well- old CPR rail trail just west of Zincton, would kill and leave a bear carcass on meaning community volunteers,” they discovered the fresh, skinned a known hiking and biking route on the McCrory said. out carcass of what appeared to be a old CPR rail trail so close to a popular The trail is in the process of very young black bear with part of its highway. She is very concerned that a Servicing New becoming an official RSTBC trail, hide and body removed and paws cut grizzly could access the carcass, putting Denver, Nakusp, with the end of 2021 as the target off and discarded on the ground. The other hikers and bikers in danger of an Kaslo & Slocan date. The approved management plan entrails had been spread leading Kim aggressive encounter with a grizzly to suspect it was possibly poached for bear defending a carcass. Contact Jesse Oldham area for the trail indicates that sections will be closed at certain times of the its gall bladder. Residents are urged to record any (licenced HPO Builder) year for bear and toad migrations, as After she reported it to the suspicious incidents in the backcountry determined by government biologists. Conservation Officer Service (COS), an and report them to the Report All (cell # 250 551 2593) • [email protected] Koolen reports that kiosks and gates officer felt, based on her description and Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) line: will be installed this summer “so we photo evidence, that it was a “lawful 1-877-952-7277. The very affordable men’s Biotime Sandal – $49.00

Professional fitting, expert service. www.vincedevito.com www.facebook.com/ pages/Vince-DeVitos- 411 Hall Street • Nelson, BC • 250-352-6261 • Toll-free: 1-800-337-1622 Specialty-Footwear-LTD June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice NEWS 3 Marilyn James signs on with BC Heritage Branch as Vallican site operator by Jan McMurray in Washington State. Tribes have fought to re-establish established that the Lakes Tribe of for becoming part of that genocide. Marilyn James, Sinixt Smum James says the Heritage Branch Sinixt rights in Canada, including the CCT is such a representative I’ll never back away from that.” iem Matriarch, has signed a approached her about two and a half through the landmark Desautel body.” Memorandum of Understanding years ago to ask her if she would hunting case now before the James said that she and her SHELLEY BORTNICK, (MOU) with the BC Heritage Branch consider signing an MOU for the Supreme Court of Canada, and family “are standing for the MSW, RSW to formalize James’s use of the site. She says she told them to write were accordingly alarmed to learn autonomous Sinixt. We want the Individual, couple and pithouse and Sinixt burial site in up a draft and she would consider it. that the Province of Sinixt to return as the Sinixt, not as family therapist Vallican. James said she didn’t hear negotiated an agreement with a single an amalgamation of other tribes or 30 years experience The MOU is dated April 14, anything for about a year, and then individual, Marilyn James, to act as an alliance with someone where we Offers counselling services involving 2020 and refers to James as the Site Roger Tinney from the Heritage an operator and caretaker at Vallican. don’t get recognized. They declared mental health (depression, anxiety, Operator. It acknowledges that James Branch asked James if they could The British Columbia courts have us extinct to wipe our existence from etc.), addictions, grief and loss, “has been and is presently using the discuss the MOU, and include the expressly determined that Ms. James the landscape, and we are reinstating trauma and life transition issues. Vallican site” for tours, exhibitions, CCT in the discussion. is not an authorized representative who we are as autonomous Sinixt For appointment, please call meetings, special events and “other At first, James was not amenable of the Sinixt people (Campbell v. in our tum xula7xw [traditional activities that do not detract from the to including the CCT. She says she B.C.), while the Desautel case has territory] –and shame on other tribes 250-265-3397 heritage character of the Vallican site and her family have “experienced and are appropriate for education and ongoing and disrespectful interpretation.” disturbances” from people using the “The MOU basically just CCT property, including charges of The Valley VOICE has a says that we can keep using the trespass on the CCT property and site,” James said in an interview. unfounded complaints of destruction “We’ve been there for 35 years on the Vallican site. However, the with no agreement. All this does is Heritage Branch reps “didn’t want to new telephone number acknowledge the people who have hear it,” James said, so she agreed to occupied and utilized that site in the have Cody Desautel of the CCT join ways listed. I’ve been hosting student in on the call. groups, classes and public events at “I told Cody, with Roger and the camp for many decades now, as his assistant on the line, just what 1-833-501-1700 well as caring for the site, so it’s good they were doing at the property next to have the government recognize door to the site, and asked him for an my authority there.” apology… The next thing I know, BC Since they were declared extinct Heritage has wiped them off the page under the Indian Act in 1956, the and it’s down to me.” Sinixt have struggled for official CCT Chairman Rodney Cawston recognition in Canada. said in a statement issued May The MOU directs James to 29: “We intend to meet with the inform the Heritage Branch of any Province at the earliest opportunity “accident, incident or disturbance” to understand why this agreement on the site, and states that she is was negotiated with Ms. James liable for the acts of everyone she without our consent in the middle of authorizes to be on the site. a global pandemic that has precluded James explained that the our people from crossing the border agreement includes two parcels – and advocating for ourselves and our the pithouse site and the burial site, ancestors.” where the remains of 64 ancestors He said in the statement that have been reburied since 1990. It Vallican is a sacred cultural and does not include the neighbouring spiritual site for all Sinixt/ Arrow parcel, which is owned by the Lakes people. Colville Confederated Tribes (CCT) “The Colville Confederated Province wants you to THE KASLO HOTEL OPENS JUNE 1 share your COVID-19 experience submitted your interest in participating in • Pub Hours noon to 10 pm While the effects of COVID-19 further studies, including a serology have been far reaching, impacting blood test study to determine • Food Service available noon to 8 pm every person in the province, there immunity within our province. are still many questions that we So far, over 275,000 British • Take Out available noon to 8 pm need to answer and understand. Columbians have completed the That includes assessing the impact survey, which is an outstanding • Off-Sale available noon to 10 pm of the measures that we have taken response. If you have already to control the pandemic and ‘flatten completed the survey, help someone the curve.’ else to do the same. If you know of This is why we recently a senior who may have difficulty JUNE GETAWAY ROOM SPECIAL $179 launched, ‘Your story, Our future’, completing the survey, reach out and a province-wide survey to gather provide some assistance. If English • Includes choice of lakeview or town view room with King or 2 Queen beds feedback from British Columbians is not your first language, you can • Includes $40 Food and Beverage Credit for our Pub on your experiences and actions you complete the survey by phone in 150 • In room continental breakfast basket for 2 available for a small extra charge have taken so far in the COVID-19 languages. pandemic in B.C. Your feedback and your story The health and safety of our customers and staff is our principal concern. We have increased social This is a collaboration of BC will help us understand how the distancing and reduced capacity in our pub and on our patio. We have installed hand sanitizer stations at public health experts, our health pandemic has affected you so far and 6 strategic locations in our pub and hotel. We have instituted a very strict sanitizing protocol in all our authority medical health officers, the make decisions on our future here in public spaces and in our room change procedures. All of our staff check temperatures before reporting BC Centre for Disease Control and British Columbia. to work and practice best sanitary practices. We will still accept cash, but credit or debit is preferred. Provincial Health Services Authority, For the Your story, our future All hotel guests are asked to complete a health questionnaire prior to check-in. as well as the provincial health survey, visit: www.bccdc.ca/ officer. The information you share covid19survey . For those who with us will help inform the public cannot complete the survey online, or Front desk hours: noon to 8 pm for check in or reservations. health decisions that we make in the need assistance in another language, weeks and months ahead. call 1-833-707-1900 seven days a THE KASLO HOTEL OPENS for BUSINESS JUNE 1 and As part of the survey, there is also week between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm an opportunity for you to express to take the survey over the phone. WELCOMES YOU BACK! 4 OPINION The Valley Voice June 4, 2020

unstable industry is a dinosaur. The Nova 3 Headlines recently announced: Tragedy has struck again/ ‘Global financial giants swear off funding Leaving grieved family and friends/ an especially dirty fuel.’ Banks, pension We see it on the news report/ funds and global investment houses are Passing of three lives so short/ pulling away from fossil-fuel investments Lives full of promise and of hope/ amid growing pressure to show they are Women of courage of class of note/ doing something to fight climate change. Careers in what they loved to do/ The writing is on the wall. This Serving to protect both me and you/ pivotal moment is ripe for the kind of A group of three, from all of us/ change we must have, and shift from a I say to God, enough is enough. dying industry that has served us well, Al Mills to one that can lead us into a cleaner, Slocan healthier future. Kate’s chair As venture capitalist Tom Rand Today I made Kate Tupper’s ‘Modern has stated: “Fossil fuels are like training Wingback’ chair my own. Instead of wheels. The test of an advanced civilization passing it by on the Nakusp waterfront is whether or not they can take them off.” trail, I went down the grassy slope and Now is that time. sat down in that handsome handcrafted The BC and federal governments artwork of welded steel. There was a must ensure that post-COVID economic wind crinkling the lake surface, breaking stimulus funding supports a green recovery, the bright sunlight into a sea of glittering allocating funds to: retrofitting building diamonds. where there are huge opportunities for When do we live, really? When we economic stimulus and jobs; supporting are young, we are busy with the future, active transportation; retraining fossil preparing something for the morrow, in fuel workers; supporting community- – KASLO HOTEL OPENS JUNE 1 – our mind, with our hands, with our tools. based renewable energy; and re-directing Pub open noon to 10 pm, dining-in noon to 8 pm, take-out noon to 8 pm, off-sales When we get older, we daydream of events government subsidies away from new and people in the past, recalling joyful or fossil fuel infrastructure. WELCOME BACK! sorrowful times. Seldom are we truly in Let’s not squander this opportunity to www.kaslohotel.com 250-353-7714 the Here and Now. But every now and effect big positive change. The Ingrid Rice cartoon is a satirical look at current events in politics and is sponsored by the Kaslo Hotel. The Hotel does not necessarily share the political views of the artist. then, we can let go of all the business of Dona Grace Campbell mind and body and just be, be ourselves, Kaslo We do not need chairlifts to lift us network are available. One is a fibre- Zincton in our environment, feeling the realness into the mountains – we have our own optic cable network that goes into What is the use of expressing of the moment. Real art does that to us. It Expression of machines or our own two feet. We do not the home and connects via cable to ourselves over the Zincton development points not to itself, but to what it points to. need luxury lodges – a simple sleeping bag provide internet access. Fiber-optic cable when the government always values Interest will do. The mountains are not products provides far faster service (up to 20 times We see the star, not the finger that points to We are the people of the Kootenays. business over life? Tenures are given for us to consume – the mountains are faster), can handle more data, does not it. Kate’s chair did this to me today. As I sat We are of the valleys, lakes, rivers, forests, cheaply in order to use the land to generate our home and the home of wolverine emit radiation and is far more protective in it, it transported me into the width of the and mountains. We love these places more money; another word is exploitation. and grizzly bear. We love the quiet and of personal information. In addition, valley, lifted me over the lake, winged me as they test us physically and guide us It’s a colonial capitalistic concept along the beauty of nature. We do not need wired internet uses far less energy than into the beauty of this place. Kate, thank spiritually. We are humble among the with the term ‘Crown land.’ In native processed, overpackaged, marketed stuff does wireless. Some communities in BC you for your chair, its art works! strength of the wild places around us. We tradition, nobody owns the land – it’s – we grow our own. We are strong because like Denman, Hornby, and Salt Spring used for sustenance and it’s our duty to Richard Eichenauer respect the wild animals who live in these the environment in which we live makes Islands and the Slocan Valley already maintain its integrity and diversity for Fauquier places, even though we may fish for the us strong. And we are free to go wherever are exploring how to create such a fibre future generations to come. trout and hunt the deer. We feel kinship and whenever we please – and with respect network. I worry about the ‘Big is Best’ COVID brings with the trees even though we may cut we do. We always will. Meanwhile, concerns raised by size of this development comprising them for firewood to heat our own homes. climate opportunity Gary Parkstrom individuals are going unheard by many mountains, inviting thousands of We respect those who have been here in The reopening of the economy after New Denver industry and the government agencies customers. I thought small was better. I the past, thousands of years ago, and we COVID is an opportunity to address responsible for protecting us, and 5G worry about the animals and nature, freely honour their legacy. We may not be rich, the climate crisis. With the dramatic Fibre a better continues being rolled out. The health given for all life to enjoy. I worry about but we do honest work for an honest living. “bottoming out” of the fossil fuel industry, and security of our families and theirs the erosion of habitat and hungry bears It is a good but simple life and we are free. option than 5G due to the world market, it is clear that this are being put at risk. roaming our villages. Everyone wants faster access to Within this boom and bust economy, Consequently, on May 14, 24 EDITORIAL / LETTERS POLICY the internet, and recent events have I’ve witnessed mining, logging and organizations from across Canada The Valley Voice welcomes letters to the editor and community news shown us how important dependable, development corporations make articles from our readers. high-speed internet is. Yet many parts launched a unified urgent Appeal to the their profit, then go bankrupt leaving Letters and articles should be no longer than 500 words and may be of BC do not have it. The telecoms federal government to suspend the 5G devastation of the environment and local edited. We reserve the right to reject any submitted material. are promising a brand new, untested rollout until it is proven to be safe and people in their wake. And now the latest in Please mark your letter “LETTER TO THE EDITOR.” Include your wireless technology, 5G, and are laying to invest in fibre-optics. The Appeal can so called ‘progress’ is re-creation, tailoring address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. the groundwork for the grid in the larger be read at: www.c4st.org/5Gappeal.ca nature to suit our form of entertainment: We will not knowingly publish any letter that is defamatory or libelous. centres. As scientists and experts from Individuals are invited to ensure hiking, biking, skiing and lounging in We will not publish anonymous letters or letters signed with pseudonyms, around the world warn about associated their concerns are heard by signing the rustic cabins for those who can afford it. except in extraordinary circumstances. risks to both health and privacy, people Appeal at: www.appel5gappeal.ca. Roads built and structures to maintain. Opinions expressed in published letters are those of the author and not are becoming concerned, and rightly so. Wulf Mense Yes, it’s about jobs and hopefully locals necessarily those of the Valley Voice. Better options to another wireless Winlaw will be hired. There are already so many lodges and ski hills in the area. What impact will this The Valley Voice Box 70, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 have on them? Will Summit Lake Ski Hill Phone/Fax: 1-833-501-1700 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.valleyvoice.ca survive? It’s the only one that serves local Publisher - Dan Nicholson • Editor - Jan McMurray • Food Editor Emeritus - Andrew Rhodes • Arts & Culture Editor - Art Joyce people. Will the cost of houses double overnight? Will the little people be able Reporters - Barbara Curry Mulcahy, Moe Lyons & Kathy Hartman to afford to live here? Local Journalism Initiative Reporter - John Boivin This position is funded by the Government o For many years, I have foraged, Published and printed in British Columbia, Canada taught and roamed these mountains. Now, The Valley Voice is distributed throughout the Slocan and Arrow Lake Valleys from South Slocan/Playmor Junction to Edgewood and Kaslo on Kootenay Lake. I feel old and obsolete and wonder if I Circulation is 7,600 papers, providing the most complete news and advertising coverage of any single newspaper serving this area. too am following the path of vanishing species. May the great Spirit bless us all. SUBSCRIPTIONS: CANADA $54.60, USA $84.00, OVERSEAS $126.00. E-Mail Subscription $22.40 (Prices include GST) Eloise Charet, Bear Clan Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement #40021191 New Denver June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice LETTERS 5

“juvenile salmon… after approximately Does it mean people should go to six big Grocery shopping is adventure enough, page of that edition cannot undo all the Where does one year they would migrate downstream parties this summer instead of eight? and then I have to cook the stuff. misinformation the original article spread. Canada stand? to the ocean.” Salmon eggs are deposited Unfortunately, it means many people will 4. We’re told it’s the alcohol in The article cites extensively one In 2015, newly elected PM Justin in autumn and the fry migrate downstream go to nine, because when opinions are as disinfectant that kills the virus, so Donald Knut Wittkowski, formerly employed by Trudeau announced, “Canada is back” during the following spring’s freshets. polarized as they are now, behaviours are Trump’s theory may not be so far fetched. Rockefeller University. The first clue that on the world stage, and he promised But they stop for nothing. They cannot likely to be equally extreme. Despite the And you certainly can’t be infected if something was amiss is that Rockefeller to support a rules-based international survive the passage over dams, let alone fact that the Province is only beginning you’re already dead. University’s website contains the order. Rules – Israel is about to annex going through turbines, and there is no the first phases of its reopening plan, too 5. Trump’s new theory: you won’t following disclaimer: “The opinions that significant parts of the West Bank, land way to transport them, as they cannot be many people are already acting as though be infected through the eyes if you don’t have been expressed by Knut Wittkowski, it has illegally occupied since 1967. UN redirected to safe locations for collection. everything is 100% open again, which look at people. discouraging social distancing in order to Security Council Resolution 242 states As for “We have the technology and means that an 80%+ social distancing 6. Before the pandemic, my computer hasten the development of herd immunity it is illegal to acquire territory by war the science!”: I worked for half a year in scenario is already in the works. The taught me a lot about viruses. to the novel corona virus, do not represent or force. Israel is also in violation of 1956 at the Pacific biological Station at risks that we are taking with our society 7. You probably heard this one: the views of The Rockefeller University, several other resolutions of the world Port John on King Island, at the central are high. this year’s new adults will be called its leadership, or its faculty. Wittkowski rule-making body. Coast. Here, two researchers set up a Reliable sources predict that a big Coroniums and their children will become was formerly employed by Rockefeller The West has given Israel protected number of experiments with exactly second wave will occur in September, Quaranteens. as a biostatistician. He has never held the status and has shielded it from sanctions. that issue in mind; these experiments and likely there will be smaller increases 8. Are we confused? Don’t shake title of professor at Rockefeller.” Russia’s 2014 ‘annexation’ of Crimea used stream bottom obstacles, moving before that time. This prediction coincides hands, click elbows (into which you just More than 100,000 COVID-19 was unequivocally rejected and devices that crossed the current, and with one of three forecast scenarios coughed). Don’t click elbows, wiggle related deaths have now occurred in condemned. The US and EU punished electric charges as negative stimulus, released by epidemiologists, and is your fingers. Don’t wear a mask. Wear the US and more than 7,000 in Canada, Russia for its ‘illegal invasion and all in sequences then together. Nothing gaining prominence as the most likely. a mask. Stay home. Go out. Return-it! and while the ‘curve’ is flattening, no annexation’ by imposing restrictive and had effect: salmon fry ignored all the You’ll also notice, from government Don’t return-it! Use your own bag. Don’t one can be sure what will happen next. wide-ranging sanctions, which are still signals and pressures in their migration, forecasts, that if we played it safe until use your own bag. Plastic bags are gone The virus is capricious. It seems to in force. The West Bank annexation and including electric shock to the September, continued strict rules about forever. Plastic bags are here to stay. strike the elderly hardest, and those in has been condemned by the EU, Egypt, level that they were briefly stunned and people coming into the province, and Please, no, not that one! long-term care facilities with a particular and Jordan. Israel’s human rights drifted through anyway. Their instinct is combined those approaches with the non- 9. Tourism is our livelihood, so stay viciousness. But care aides and front line organizations B’Tselem and Yesh Din Downstream or Die. I’ve checked briefly invasive contact tracing we’re already away. medical staff of any age are vulnerable, have spoken out against it. In the US, 11 – that is the “technology and science” and doing in BC, we’d have COVID firmly 10. Why the angst about toilet paper? as are taxi drivers, bus drivers and others. members of Congress have called for its there is no subsequent research on this under control. You can make it last twice as long by using Boris Johnson is hardly an old man, yet halt and the US House of Representatives issue. The only solution is dam removal. Could we beat COVID this way? both sides. he almost died. Some victims have no passed a resolution opposing it. Mark Mealing You bet. We’ve beaten coronaviruses 11. Beware, my enemies: I can spit or mild symptoms, but can spread the Annexation of West Bank land Meadow Creek in the past, and we defeated the Spanish more than six feet. Hey, there’s good news virus to others. Some victims are ‘super- would end all hopes for a two-state Flu of 1918, and in both of these cases about the return of sports, but – spreaders,’ unknowingly infecting dozens solution. Any state that the Palestinians Social distancing to social distancing and quarantines were 12. In softball or basketball, you must or even hundreds of others. Once societies could create would be an imaginary one save the economy crucial. Unfortunately, in this world of disinfect the ball before you throw it to end their lockdowns, will there be a second with Israel ruling over and oppressing There is a widely held belief that fake news, manipulated factoids and someone. wave? them. Two groups of people live in we should stop social distancing to polarized opinions, this is an unpopular 13. In hockey and soccer, players We can all be wise in hindsight. Israel: Israeli citizens with full rights save the economy. There is credible position. My concern is that there seems must keep six feet apart. But given how little is known about and Palestinian subjects deprived of evidence, however, to suggest that to be a growing emotional imperative 14. Only one at a time on a skateboard. COVID-19, I am thankful that so many political and other rights. Yesh Din social distancing is, in fact, crucial to for society to entirely reopen, and 15. Lack of travel has caused oil governments around the world acted to states applying Israeli sovereignty would the economy. many think this will solve all of our prices to fall so drastically it’s now selling protect human life even at the cost of be like declaring there is one regime For example, economists are problems, which is understandable. for negative dollars. Why aren’t we getting economic pain. ‘Big Oil,’ the aerospace rather than separate administrations. now saying that because people Social distancing is difficult. our gas free? industry, holiday cruise ships and hotel Annexation without full citizenship with the biggest incomes are hardest There is reason for optimism in 16. When this is over, the first thing chains, among others, all took massive would produce a veritable apartheid hit by COVID-19 (and are also BC: social distancing has been very I’m going to do is scratch my nose. Then hits so that human lives could be saved. So regime Israel would have difficulty disproportionately older, i.e. 50+), effective. Our gains are eroded, however, rub my eyes. I can’t believe I’ve lasted did many local small employers and their denying. they will not start spending money by narratives that seek to make masks this long. employees but measures have been put in Canada’s voting record at the UN just because the economy is reopened. look foolish, any kind of contact tracing 17. Clear acrylic sheet glass is not place to mitigate the damage. has not changed from the days of Harper. Most likely many will continue to want a privacy violation, testing a source recyclable, but it’s ideal for greenhouses. Sweden, alone among nations, made We must speak out now. To be silent is to protect themselves from possible of infection, and COVID fake or not Guaranteed, there’ll be quite a surplus the conscious decision not to lock down or to support apartheid. infection, and will simultaneously be serious. Governments have misused when this is all over, so it’s time I built socially isolate and so far is experiencing Ed Zak stimulated to tighten their financial power, and we should always be vigilant that greenhouse. a death rate that is several times that Nakusp belts. In line with this argument, it has to protect our freedoms, but these specific 18. But, before that, I’ll have to build experienced by its Nordic neighbours. been shown that, during the Spanish narratives attack the exact tools we need another shed to store my empties. Only time will tell whether that decision Correction to Flu of 1918, cities which were more to conquer this very real Illness. 19. Restrictions are gradually being was wise – once the pandemic has run effective with social distancing had more Furthermore, if you believe that lifted. Any time now we’ll be able to go its course and all the facts and figures ‘Imagine salmon’ resilient economies. For example, cities governments are using COVID as back to not washing our hands, and it’ll are final. While I agree in principle with the that implemented social distancing, an excuse to steal our freedoms, then be okay to cough or sneeze in somebody’s Going forward, I encourage the letter from Chad Thomson in the May 21 quarantines and closures sooner had 4% wouldn’t you want to consider that a big face. Valley Voice to stick to what it does best – issue, he affirms two errors which must higher employment post-pandemic, and second wave would serve the interests Rick Galbraith reporting on events and issues that affect be corrected. cities that implemented them longer had of anyone who wanted to steal our Kaslo the local community – and to refrain “Introduction would begin with 6% higher employment afterward. freedoms? Seen from this perspective, from giving voice to the latest right-wing the planting of juvenile salmon into To extend this reasoning, if we wearing masks, testing, non-invasive conspiracy theories. upper river tributaries, where after Disappointed reopen early – which is what we are contact tracing and social distancing are I was very disappointed that the Rory Lindsay approximately one year they would doing – it can be very dangerous for our the best ways to protect ourselves from Valley Voice would publish the article Lemon Creek migrate downstream to the ocean. Once economy. If we reopen, and get a second draconian laws and government control. ‘Medical experts say COVID-19 mortality mature, the ocean fish would migrate wave, like all other places that reopen too For links to my sources for this letter, rate actually very low’ (VV 23 April). The ‘new normal’ back up to those specific tributaries… early, we will end up creating economic please visit: shorturl.at/uxOR5 The intended effect could only be the When these fish are stopped at the dams, is not normal backlash in the market, gouging more Dan Spring undermining of public confidence in the Some think the COVID-19 nightmare it would then be up to us to get salmon money out of the pockets of top spenders. Winlaw measures that government has taken to is ending. It’s not. This ‘new normal’ is over the dams. We have the technology Additionally, people 50+ will continue try to control the current pandemic and outrageous. We’ve been so conditioned by and the science! It’s not about opening to be afraid to go out and spend, and the COVID-19 to save human lives. If there ever was a two months of relentless messages about the gates to the Columbia and allowing economy will continue to tank. time for society to be pulling together, the virus, and endless mainstream and invasive species to enter our rivers.” musings Looking at the government’s 1. Social distancing came easy to me surely it is now. social media messages that keep people First, and less important, there is COVID projections shows that this – I’ve been practising it for years. As shown by a letter from Dan Spring apart and terrified, that most have let no invasive species issue, as their non- second wave is extremely likely, because 2. For the first time since they in the May 7 edition, many of the facts themselves fall into a collective fear-based presence in undammed rivers makes nobody knows the difference between constructed the freeway in Vancouver, and statistics relied on in the article were trance where common sense gets lost. We clear. 60% and 80% social distancing. At vehicles are staying six feet apart. false and misleading. The ‘Correction as a society are being mind-controlled. Second and vital is the notion that above 80%, a second wave is guaranteed. 3. Please – I need a meal served to me. & clarification’ published on the back continued on page 6 6 LETTERS The Valley Voice June 4, 2020

The result is a populace so on this area. The initial disruption to the and conquer approach. do scientists with contrary views conditioned to obeying orders that they environment at the top of a watershed Concerns about These types of tactics make me have to gain, when they face the are accepting new behavioural norms will be significant. Zincton question Mr. Harley’s intentions. A potential ruin of their careers simply unquestioningly. I see people standing I suspect that to say the mountain Many of us are talking about the strong, community-minded leadership by speaking out? Generally speaking, obediently six feet apart in checkout caribou are extinct up there is like proposal for a year-round resort at approach would create a safe environment when you see ad hominem attacks, it’s lines, wearing masks that are both useless saying, “They were there, but there Zincton. I have several questions and for healthy and informative discussion by an indication that the argument has against viruses and unhealthy, and I aren’t any now and we won’t give them concerns. respectfully addressing questions and failed, so all that’s left to do is attack cringe. I see pictures of children returning any chance of coming back.” Of course, Environmental and wildlife concerns from all community members. the person’s reputation. to school, teachers anxiously warning the mountain caribou are having a very impacts - David Harley claims the I also have concerns about the There’s a syndrome known as them to stand apart from their friends, hard time in the mountains of southern project’s “approach comes from a timing of the EOI and request for the “Semmelweis reflex,” a knee- and I weep. Don’t we see the tragedy in BC because their habitat keeps getting ‘preserve and protect’ stewardship feedback during the current pandemic, jerk reaction in the media, medical a generation that will grow up ever more mowed down. mindset.” This is hard to believe which is preventing the provision of a and scientific community to new hooked on their devices because they are To start, until the independent power considering the proposal falls in core public consultation session – a process scientific evidence that contradicts an not allowed to play the childhood games plant is in place, diesel generators will grizzly bear and wolverine habitat, essential to considering a project of this established paradigm. The term was we once knew? If Canada follows in probably be used. Also, there will have and David has admitted to dumping magnitude. based on the experience of Dr. Ignaz the footsteps of countries introducing to be heavy machinery, also running construction waste on parts of the land It is evident that the proposed plan Semmelweis, a Hungarian physician mandatory contact tracing, they will find on diesel. If the independent power already. The carbon neutral claims are is more of a personal real estate strategy practicing during the mid-1800s. It willing fodder in these young people generation is not feasible, BC Hydro also unsatisfactory considering the than a community development plan. was he who discovered that, if he whose smart phones have come to feel will have to be used, which means a emissions from the international clientele The resort and recreational operations are washed his hands when going from like another appendage. high-voltage line will have to be built. the resort seeks to attract. undoubtedly tools to sell an idea to locals performing an autopsy to delivering Have we lost our hearts in the A 10-year project will have stages. Economic & social impacts - The and attract buyers for Zincton properties. babies, he could reduce the fatal name of social distancing, when social What are they? Will the public get to developer claims that Zincton Village Learning from our past postpartum infection rate in mothers distancing itself has no scientific basis? see the full plan on a map with specs? will have all its own amenities. The - Development of Retallack Resort from 10% to 1%. For this heretical The coronavirus does not jump. The six Will Interior Health upgrade the health development of another village with new promised to stimulate the local economy. idea Dr. Semmelweis was hounded feet figure was pulled out of nowhere. centre in New Denver? And in Kaslo? attractions is bound to create nothing Currently only a handful of locals work out of his profession and tricked The lockdown is baseless. Look at Ski hills mean broken bones, if not more but competition for existing businesses. at Retallack, and historically the resort/ into checking himself into a mental Sweden, which refused to destroy its severe injuries. Building things on a Zincton Village is designed to create lodge does not serve locals, and visitors institution, where he soon died. Yet economy on the basis of a computer mountainside is dangerous work. a playground for the rich, on public don’t spend their money in the Village his discovery is now standard hygienic model, and whose outcome is no worse Of course, in time, one would expect land, and those who will own property of New Denver. There has always been practice in modern medicine. than anywhere else. Yes, COVID-19 is the settlement near Zincton will have will not be living there year-round. The conflict between locals and Retallack More questions: Why are some dangerous to the very elderly and those all its own services, medical facilities, ski operation as outlined is clearly not Resort over the use of tenured land. doctors reporting that they have been with compromised immune systems, fire department, security. Maybe even a intended for use by locals, considering If the Zincton Village project goes instructed to record any death in though no more so than a seasonal flu. school. Until they are independent, how the business model is based on selling ahead, there are absolutely no guarantees hospital where coronavirus is present We could have gotten through it by much will they want to use the resources multi-day packages. that the applicant’s claims of benefits to in the patient as a “COVID-19 death” isolating and protecting those people, and of New Denver and Kaslo? And what are This type of development model has our community will be realized. even if several other co-morbidities letting the rest of us live our lives, catch they willing to offer in return? proven to drive up property values. Just Staying true to ourselves - This are present, such as heart disease, lung the virus, and develop herd immunity. For those who think it is just a case look at Whistler, Squamish, Canmore, project could have risky outcomes for the disease, diabetes, etc.? As Dr. Erickson Instead, millions have stayed at home of jobs, jobs, jobs and we need to keep and now Revelstoke. With higher health of our community, the land, and has stated in his interviews, in decades slathering themselves in hand sanitizer, growing: remember these mountains are property prices and taxes, these places the flora and fauna who share it with us. of writing up death certificates, he has weakening their immune systems by full of development stories. There is at are no longer affordable and local people One thing is for sure. Those of us never experienced this kind of overt lack of exposure to normal microbes least one in every ghost town. get shooed away. who call this place home care about it directive before. and sunlight, living in fear and isolating As for those who are totally against The proposed project may only deeply and want the best for the overall Why is the longstanding scientific themselves from loved ones – in short, it: consider, that in some respects, we’re create a handful of well-paid jobs; the health of our community. We may have consensus on herd immunity now a horrible combination for the immune still in the wild west. The big money is remaining opportunities will be lower- slightly different visions of building a being challenged? Either science system! looking for a place to capitalize and with paid service jobs. I am unable to see healthier community, but we do all want has arrived at an empirically based The ‘new normal’ is not normal, and Jumbo Wild remaining so, it looks like how a recreational resort will increase the best for our towns and each other. conclusion about how the human it is designed not to keep us healthy but to the money is coming to a mountain pass school enrollment or positively impact Let’s not forget that or let anyone tell us immune system works, or it hasn’t. further break our spirits, distance us from near us. It seems impossible to stop it. If our health centre’s longevity; I would like otherwise. Let’s work together and build If it hasn’t, then why be dogmatic each other, wear us down emotionally, the money is big enough, it will roll over to know how these claims are justified. a resilient and diverse local economy, one about it? In fact, epidemiologists do further decimate the economy, and wear any and all opposition and not really care Tourism and ski resorts have long that does not require us to put all our eggs generally agree on how the immune us down so if another wave hits in the about those who live here already who proven to be precarious industries, in one basket or sell our souls. system works: by exposure to viruses fall, people will be so dispirited that they like the quiet natural beauty. especially noticeable in the past few Nikta Boroumand in the healthy population so that we will accept the vaccine. Space does not I wasn’t here then but I remember years. We have seen everything from New Denver build antibodies to them. Not by allow here, but that vaccine is something reading and hearing the stories coming wildfires, to now a pandemic, impact the isolation, except of the most elderly to be avoided at all costs. over the mountain about what was Questions and immune compromised. Why the economic flow of tourism. In addition, The Socratic method would Stay strong. Don’t bow to pressure. happening during the Valhalla struggle. sudden turnaround, and is it science- the ski industry is highly dependent on be useful during the coronavirus Live your lives. Connect with your I don’t think we need that. There isn’t based or politically motivated? the climate, which is rapidly changing. information wars vying for capture neighbours. Hug your friends. Refuse enough time. We must enjoy this now And why the unprecedented Recreational impact – The resort and control of our minds. Remember to wear a mask. Stand close to anyone before our dream evaporates with coercion of citizens, the passing of operation as proposed will limit access that great old chestnut from the who is comfortable standing close to global warming. We should be talking anti-constitutional laws to punish to an area that has been used by locals for Sixties: “Question authority”? Or you. Homeschool, or lobby schools to about what is or isn’t happening in these those who fail to maintain “social true low-impact, low-density recreation better yet, “question everything.” The adopt common sense, rather than let mountain valleys and how we move distancing” or other lockdown for decades. Socratic method, named for Greek children be scarred by the ‘new normal.’ forward in a world of major change. measures? For example, the Alberta The ski operation as outlined in EOI philosopher Socrates, uses a series Protect old people. Open your hearts and We need to be talking about surviving government’s Bill 10, which allows documents is clearly not intended for the of questions to expose contradictions stop being afraid of what the neighbours what’s coming. a minister to write laws with no use by locals, considering the business and stimulate critical thinking based think. Make this a summer of freedom, That’s why I also see the possibility requirement for a vote or even a model is based on selling multi-day on logic. not of fear. that this is really a bunch of very rich debate in the legislature? Thankfully, packages. So: If the mainstream political, Lisa Ross dudes buying a mountain hidey hole for some civil rights groups are getting Questionable approach - It media and medical establishment is Kaslo the coming apocalypse. busy, for example the Justice Centre concerns me that the applicant makes so sure of itself, why have vicious The time for public comment runs for Constitutional Freedoms. Anyone numerous questionable claims (mostly attacks been mounted against Thoughts on out at the end of the day June 22. being fined is urged to contact them on social media) to win over local doctors, epidemiologists and research Let’s not just sit back and let it happen at [email protected]. Vaccine Choice Zincton proposal support. The applicant has initiated scientists whose work challenges the without knowing what exactly the plan, Canada is launching a constitutional The article in the Valley Voice dialogue by claiming there are local justifications for lockdown? Is this and all of its facets, are about. And, challenge. regarding a major year-round recreational nay-sayers who don’t want to see the area how science is normally practiced? everyone having a say who wants to, As another wise thinker, Voltaire, resort above Zincton certainly gives grow – which couldn’t be further from Are not all theories and data sets and discussing it, like what? Grown-ups? once said: “Judge a man by his pause for thought. At this point, I’m the truth. These statements are dividing first given equal weight until proven That would be nice. questions, not his answers. neither for nor against it. our community, which seems to come or disproven by easily repeatable Michael Brown Art Joyce On many different levels, a project of across as the applicant’s strategy to push experiments? Yes? Then why the New Denver New Denver this magnitude will have lasting effects this agenda forward using the old divide sudden change in tactic? And what June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice COMMUNITY 7 Slocan Valley Community Legacy Society keeps on keepin’ on despite pandemic submitted the New Denver Hospice Society equipment. Congratulations, and thanks Volunteer recognition: Although responses, and are pleased to announce We have all had to make adjustments for their Grief Journaling Project, to our hard-working and adaptable we couldn’t hold our regular event that six different organizations will over the past few months, but the the Rural Alternatives Research and granting committee. in April, we went ahead and thanked be receiving a package. Thanks to Slocan Valley Community Legacy Training Society (RARTS) partnering AGM: We decided to hold our Valley volunteers with a special ad all who submitted an entry – every Society, just like many organizations, with the Slocan Valley Community AGM at our usual time of the year, in in the Valley Voice. Then last month volunteer deserves to be recognized has still found ways to stay connected Arts Council for the second Arts June, but via teleconference this time. we put out a call to Valley non-profit for the ongoing support they provide, with our community. and Culture Faire, and the Village of It won’t be quite the same as meeting organizations to write a story telling us especially in these challenging times! Grants: The 2020 granting cycle Slocan partnering with the Slocan in person, but we will still celebrate our why your volunteers are so great, with Thanks also to the Valley Voice for has recently been completed, with Valley Heritage Trail Society for successes and cover all the necessary the chance to win a prize pack for the helping us share the stories. grants going to three local organizations: replacement of trail maintenance business items. group. We received a good number of Here are the stories for you to enjoy! Slocan Valley Threads Guild volunteers time to teach fibre arts by Carol Andrews different charities. baby syndrome by frustrated parents. we are all having to learn a new way combo have made just over 800 masks, Our members often volunteer their We donate regularly to the ‘Click Another cause that is dear to us is of living. During this crisis, there has which have gone to facilities in Nelson, time to teach both traditional and modern for Babies Project.’ This is an initiative supporting ‘Knitted Knockers,’ a society become a need for face masks in our Winlaw, Slocan and surrounding areas. methods of fibre arts and crafts. Many of by health professionals wherein knitters whose mission is to connect volunteer part of the Kootenay region. Many of our While the COVID-19 pandemic is these techniques could be lost without are invited to create purple hats for knitters and crocheters with breast cancer members with sewing skills were drafted ongoing, members are aware that the this sharing of time and knowledge. Also, newborns. The project brings awareness survivors. These are a free handmade to make masks for family and friends. need for masks will continue. Our our members have a true understanding to new parents of an infant’s ‘purple prosthetic for breast cancer survivors Several members, in support of larger wonderful skilled and caring Threads of community and show this by the crying.’ Infants can be inconsolable, who have had mastectomies. communities, have made between 100 Guild members will continue providing generous work they do to support several between 3 and 7 months, causing shaken During the COVID-19 pandemic, and 200 masks. One mother/ daughter the community to the best of our ability. Slocan Valley Seniors’ Housing Society celebrates 20th anniversary of Passmore Lodge by Rita Moir Bob, Paul and Jim haul extra chairs, have cooked, and the party is ready. The Similar stories can be told about the or Bike for Housing in 2016. Mabel presides over the kitchen, and the Lions set up tents. The royal visitors arrive. That’s just one grand opening of Slocan City Suites, That’s the wonderful laughter and Sue and Joanne greet the throngs, photographers take their places: the scene of seniors’ housing volunteers where the piper piped, and the people excitement, but behind the scenes of and Victoria, Helen and Alana deliver gardeners have gardened, the sign pitching in for the 20th anniversary of paraded; or for the 10-day Hike for this incredible housing society are armloads of flowers. Dan and Julian, maker has donated the signs, the cooks Passmore Lodge. Housing in 1997 or the three-day Hike thousands and thousands of hours of Herculean planning, fundraising, and Crescent Valley Fire Department shows dedication and commitment getting the buildings built. by Meeri Durand in their attendance at training and various members are safe and attended to. to provide one-on-one training to new We have a large board, dedicated The Crescent Valley Fire other learning events across the region There are many lifelong members and members to make them more confident staff and contractors and involved Department is one of many volunteer and Province. Many members have some new that come and go, but no one in their learning. Some members take tenants: as volunteers we work on organizations within the Slocan Valley, young children, but will take the time to is made to feel like they have been left this time despite working long hours, committees to deal with finances, but what makes it great is the dedication respond to a call when needed and make behind. Those who have the experience working shifts elsewhere, or having personnel, fundraising, gardening, and time that each member demonstrates that extra effort to ensure community will take extra time during the week more than two jobs to support their building upgrades, board development, families. It is like belonging to a large new technology, policy and tenant Lucerne Association for Community Education family that takes care of one another handbooks, BC Housing, publicity and by Carol Bell volunteer for the Lucerne Association for to keep an eye on current protocols, and everyone else around them when so much more. What motivates LACE volunteers? Community Education are often active guidelines and regulations. Everyone needed. This does not make it special Some of our great volunteers – like It can’t be the wages, or the pension plan, members of a broad range of other non- brings their own set of skills; there is a – as that same dedication and effort Eric Clough and Lydia Kania – were or the status. However, working together profit organizations as well. sense of fairness, of doing something that is demonstrated among every single there from the beginning. But all good to achieve meaningful goals while We are grateful for their perseverance benefits individuals as well as the greater department in the Slocan Valley and in organizations need renewal, and our making it a pleasurable activity for all and for committing to the larger picture community. fact the entire Province. Most rural areas volunteers replenish with energy and allows us to give back to the community. of keeping the Bosun Hall operational Some might say we are like the crew of the Province rely on such volunteer ideas and new perspectives; we are Volunteering provides an opportunity to by working in the Donation Store. That of the Enterprise, going boldly where fire departments for emergency medical always pleased to welcome and train use our valuable skills, to create the kind responsibility involves a huge amount of no one has gone before. Or perhaps we care and fire protection services. So this new board members who become solid of community we want to live in and patience, fortitude and endurance. are simply following in the footsteps is a broader thank you to all of those and engaged in this worthy cause with most especially, to have fun! Decision making, fundraising of those who came before us, building volunteers across each department in people who really like and respect each The people who give selflessly and building maintenance requires community, one step at a time. this lovely place we get to call home. other, and know how to have fun! of their time, efforts and energy to our volunteer board of directors also Winlaw Fire Rescue by Stephanie Whitney working harder than ever to keep our Winlaw Fire Rescue is a group of communities safe. 20 volunteers who are on call 24 hours The majority (90%) of our members a day, every day of the year. During the have completed all of their online COVID-19 pandemic, we were forced training in swiftwater awareness, gas to cancel our weekly two-hour training and electrical safety, WHMIS. This sessions. So following RDCK and was another way to keep our members provincial protocols, we have begun focused on firefighting during the again to train in tiny groups of two or pandemic. three. It’s been a challenge to keep our Our Personal Protective Equipment group connected, but with our weekly (also called turn-out gear) weighs phone conferences and email chains, we approximately 60 pounds. It is hot are keeping on top of our game. and sticky and uncomfortable to wear. These members are truly inspired to Now with the extra PPE that we have keep our community safe, and I couldn’t to wear (latex gloves, N95 masks, face be more proud of the ‘above and beyond’ shields or goggles and gowns), we are spirit that they aspire to. Royal Canadian Legion Branch #276 by Carol Barclay throughout our community and beyond. The Royal Canadian Legion is a non- Needless to say, many volunteers are profit organization and our Slocan Valley needed to run our Legion and membership Branch #276 is run strictly by volunteers. is very much appreciated. We are thankful, Without our volunteers, there would be too, for some who are not members but no Legion in our Valley. We hold several volunteer to help at some of our events. events during the year as well as a music Our community benefits greatly from the jam every Sunday, and these events would Legion and without the Legion and our not happen except for our volunteers. In volunteers, this support would be sorely 2019, our Legion donated over $24,000 missed in the Slocan Valley. 8 COMMUNITY The Valley Voice June 4, 2020 Wayman releases powerful new book of poems by Art Joyce is the poem ‘The Rural as to the inhabitants… as done enough.” “sweetly redolent, driving the humans: “You newcomers. Author Tom Wayman has Locus and Not a Margin,’ though catastrophe could Wayman’s lifelong bees crazy,” reminding him What do you know?” just released a new book of where he uses recent scientific not happen here.” As we’ve dedication to workers’ rights that the root and ground of Watching a Man Breaking poems, titled Watching a revelations about forests as a seen with events like the and social justice, as evident our being is in nature. It’s all a Dog’s Back is what poetry Man Break a Dog’s Back: single, connected organism RCMP shooting of Slocan in his role in Convergence too easy to get caught up in should be in a tumultuous Poems for a Dark Time, from as a metaphor for human resident Peter DeGroot, that’s Writers’ Weekends, shows global affairs and forget this, era: something readers of any Harbour Publishing. community. Not only are a dangerous illusion. up again in ‘Rant: Lilacs,’ in but we do so at our own peril. educational background can Wayman is something of people “changed / by the war,” In ‘Fifty Years of Stacking which a colleague challenges We do well not to take the soil easily understand and relate a literary icon in Canada, and but also “the forest is changed Chairs,’ the chore described in him to define social justice: we walk upon for granted, the to immediately, while still was among the first to feature / by the war.” War is one of the the title serves as symbol for “It’s a phrase… that can poet seems to be saying. leaving plenty of room for the working lives of Canadians seldom-acknowledged drivers a lifetime of activist meetings signify anything / or nothing, In ‘The Interview,’ nuance. As historian Howard in his early anthologies. He of climate change. and writers’ events, leading depending on who says it,” she Wayman personifies the Zinn once said: “We need the was a co-founder of two In the poem ‘Restoration the poet to wonder when it warns. The poet’s attention Earth as Gaia, a kind of aging power of song, of poetry, to alternative post-secondary of Order,’ he sums up the will be time for a younger at the end of the poem is celebrity more than a little the remind us of truths deeper creative writing schools, slippery slope principle in person to take up the baton suddenly distracted by the worse for wear, deeply weary than the political slogans of the Vancouver Centre of the the abuse of power: “Yet and say, “Here, let me. You’ve scent of fresh lilac blossoms, and sardonically observing of the day.” Kootenay School of Writing wherever restoration of order and the writing department of / is proclaimed / other words Selkirk College releases Lemon Creek impacts study Nelson’s Kootenay School of are audible,” just beneath the by Art Joyce impacts on the environment majority of the Slocan Valley Slocan Lake in 2014 caught fish the Arts. He holds Associate rhetoric of “democracy.” With The long shadow of the that affected birds, insects study participants reported that smelled of jet fuel. Some Professor Emeritus of English many governments around the Lemon Creek fuel spill of and fish. experiencing “long periods reported that dead animals status from the University world taking advantage of the 2013 is still with the residents Recommendations arising of stress and unease, which and fish had been thrown back of Calgary, where he taught coronavirus pandemic to pass of the Slocan Valley. A report from the interviews included resulted in heightened levels of into the waterways, with the from 2002 to 2010. Wayman draconian legislation, it’s an released recently by Selkirk better communication between anxiety both during and after potential for further leaching has published more than 20 apt moment for this poem to College concludes that there is government agencies, first the spill.” Lack of information of jet fuel into the stream. The collections of poetry, three arrive. a perception amongst residents responders, Interior Health, or contradictory information report concludes that, “a more books of short fiction and Even something we of “significant negative and other authorities and a from authorities was said to thorough assessment of the a novel, Woodstock Rising. usually perceive as inanimate, impacts in the Slocan Valley more robust testing protocol to have aggravated peoples’ effects on animals should have He has been a Slocan Valley a normal feature of winter community resulting from the ensure water quality following mental distress. been done to ensure proper resident for about 30 years. living in the Kootenays – the 2013 Lemon Creek fuel spill.” contamination. The study notes that to gauging of the environmental Unlike so many poets snowplow – is an analogue of The study was done by Most respondents reported date, no human health surveys danger of the spill. None was these days who conform potential state oppression. In the Selkirk College faculty short-term health effects, and of the impact of the Lemon done in the case of this spill.” to a trend that produces a ‘The Rage of the Snowplow,’ of Anthropology, Peace and some long-term health effects Creek Fuel Spill on the Slocan SNC Lavalin was hired cryptic, abstract and often Wayman personifies the Justice Studies headed by were also reported. Headaches, Valley community have to conduct post-spill testing meaningless form of poetry, snowplow as if it were a Lori Barkley. Nine students nausea, difficulty breathing, occurred. and monitoring. “Although Wayman writes poems that brother to the riot cop on of the program are credited and fatigue were frequently The survey results reveal residents have claimed are both clear and fiercely the front cover swinging his as authoring the report under reported in the interviews that the majority of respondents widespread wildlife deaths relevant to the age we live in. truncheon: “I’m going to Barkley’s supervision, based and surveys conducted by were unsatisfied with the occurred as a result of the spill, With its emphasis on global smash you aside / given the on surveys and interviews Barkley’s students. Other environmental cleanup. “One SNC-Lavalin only attributed geopolitics as it affects us at chance…” they conducted with 25 people, perceived symptoms included participant stated that it took the death of 261 fish, many the local level, Wayman’s new Although happily 43% who lived less than one skin irritation, chemical 48 hours for professionals benthic invertebrates, and two collection hearkens back in ensconced in his Slocan kilometre from the affected pneumonia, mild cognitive to get to the site of the spill birds to the acute phase of the theme to his 2012 collection Valley acreage for three waterways. impairment, nosebleeds, to begin cleanup.” Another spill. SNC-Lavalin found no Dirty Snow. In both collections decades now, Wayman The report highlights four and tooth loss, as well as person who was surveyed lasting impacts to the aquatic he uses metaphor and analogy cautions the reader against the main themes that emerged from the aggravation of some pre- said “there [were] so many ecosystem three years post- to show how even the most complacency that our idyllic the research: unsatisfactory existing conditions and the different mistakes that were spill,” the study says. remote international events, landscape can foster if we’re cleanup, perceptions of development of autoimmune made, it was clear that nobody Interview subjects such as the wars in the Middle not vigilant, as in ‘Desolatia’: negative health consequences, conditions. The report notes was prepared to deal with disagreed on whether or not the East, affect us personally and “…the dulled consistency negative environmental that most of the reported health this kind of environmental water is currently safe to drink as a global culture. A good / both of terrain and built impacts, and inadequate and effects are consistent with the catastrophe on this scale.” in the Slocan River and Lemon example in his new collection environment / is a reassurance insufficient communication safety data sheet for Shell Jet Again, poor communication Creek, although some now from authorities. A-1 fuel (2018), but that tooth soured residents’ perception feel safe swimming in Slocan SUPPORT LOCAL Although “there were loss, autoimmune disorders, of the response. River. Although many said differing opinions on the and worsening of pre-existing Some who were their gardens were unaffected, institutions involved in the conditions are not known or interviewed observed that frogs soil was removed from some BUSINESSES – NOW spill aftermath,” the overall reported phenomena in the have only begun returning to gardens due to contamination conclusion of residents existing literature. affected areas during the past concerns. The majority felt that MORE THAN EVER! interviewed was that there was Fuel spills are also known two years. Three participants food grown in the valley is now a lack of clear communication to impact mental health. The reported that people fishing in safe to eat. WINLAW with the community. The lack Spinning Fables Children’s Store of cell phone communications What to do when you find a fawn Now open Fri/Sat by appointment only. was cited by one respondent submitted upon a hidden fawn. If you illegal under the Wildlife Act Please email us at: [email protected] to book an appointment. as one factor worsening the It’s fawning season for do find a fawn, be cautious and could result in a fine. Follow us on Facebook for updates: https://www.facebook.com/spinningfables/ situation. Many felt that the deer and WildSafeBC would and alert as you may have If you observe a fawn Follow us on instagram for updates: @spinningfables_slocanvalleybc initial response to the spill was spinningfables.ca like to remind people that if just come between a mother or other young animal that “slow and inadequate.” they find a fawn, to leave it and her baby. appears to have been left alone Winlaw Brew Op Unsurprisingly, most alone. Fawning season occurs for an extended period of time, Open by appointment only felt that there were serious 250-226-7328, [email protected] A doe will often leave from May to early July until contact the BC Conservation her fawn(s) alone for hours the fawns become more Officer Service through the SLOCAN PARK Support the at a time while she feeds, independent of their mothers. Report All Poachers Polluter StillPoint Pottery returning throughout the It is important for pet owners (RAPP) hotline at 1-877- 250 226-6876, 3019 Slocan Valley East Road, Slocan Park Valley Voice You are welcome to visit us Tues-Sat, 10 am-4 pm in a safe, hygienic environment. day to nurse. Scentless and to keep dogs on leash during 952-7277. Residents can also For updates check Facebook, Instagram or our web page stillpointpottery.ca with a silent, fawns may appear to this time. Does may see pets report wildlife conflict other be orphaned and helpless, but as predators or threats to than bear, cougar, coyote, or CRESCENT VALLEY voluntary the best thing you can do for their newborns since dogs are wolf online at WildSafeBC’s Maple Leaf Store a fawn is to leave it alone. As members of the canid family Wildlife Alert Reporting Open 6:30-9 M-F; 7-9 Sat; 7:30-8 on Sun subscription soon as you remove that fawn and are the natural predators Program (WARP), at www. 250-359-7996 from the bedding area, you are of fawns in the wild. If a dog wildsafebc.com/warp. This These listings have been put together by the Valley Voice. Only $5-$50 greatly decreasing its chance comes too close, the doe may program allows you to see Send Cheque or Money Order of survival. Please stay on become aggressive and attack what wildlife has been reported Your business could be listed here to: Valley Voice, Box 70, marked trails as this reduces the dog. in your neighbourhood and be for only $10 + GST New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 your chance of stumbling Picking up any wildlife is alerted of new sightings. June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice COMMUNITY 9 SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES – NOW MORE THAN EVER! Wilf Hewat Repairs LTD. come in and when you leave. Soap is good. The premises are being cleaned NAKUSP & AREA Open twice a day. Anderson’s Automotive Services 250-265-4388, Facebook: @hewatrepairs Contact: Wendy @ 358-7792 or Rod – phone numbers on signs inside the building. Open 7 am - 8 pm (temporarily – will resume regular hours to 9 pm when restric- Save-On-Foods tions are lifted.) Practising physical distancing, enhanced cleaning Open 8 am - 7 pm daily; 7-8 am for seniors and people with health issues needing New Denver Community Pharmacy 250-265-3313 more space to shop. Max customer limit in place. Please shop individually; leave Open Mon-Fri, 10 am-5:30 pm Bon Marche Dollar Dollar recycle bags at home; No bottle returns at this time. We look forward to serving you! Welcome to shop by visiting during business hours or: Open 9 am - 5 pm Monday to Saturday. Contactless debit/credit 250-265-3662. Store Manager: Duncan, Asst. Manager: Ryan By phone: 250-358-2500, By fax: 250-358-2524, By email: kaslopharm@gmail. Cleaning protocols in place, customers reminded to social distance. com (please use reference “NDCP”) Facebook: Bon Marche Dollar Dollar Nakusp 309 6th Avenue, New Denver V0G 1S0 250-265-3644 KASLO & AREA ACE Building Centre-Kaslo Mailing: PO Box 550, Kaslo, BC V0G 1M0 Phone 250-358-2500, Fax 250-358-2524 Burton City Cider Open 8 am-4 pm Mon-Sat, closed Sunday Open by chance or appt. Pizza Take Out, Cider and Beer Thursday 4-7 pm Four customers at a time Orders: Text or Call 250-265-7044 New Market Foods 250-353-7628, [email protected], www.kaslobuilding.com Open every day, 8 am-6 pm [email protected] www.burtoncitycider.ca Online ordering available Angry Hen Brewing Company You are welcome to come and shop. Keep your distance as much as you can with others. We have hand sanitizer at the door as well as at the tills. Chumley’s Restaurant Open for off-sales Wed through Sun 3-6 pm Phone 250-353-7446 to pre-order If you are self isolating or not wanting to come to the store, we can do your Opening soon. or to arrange a ‘beer-it forward’ delivery for a friend. Opening soon for indoor shopping for you and have it delivered to you or you can pick it up. Still offering halibut takeout and limited menu on Tuesdays, 4-7 pm. and patio service - see you there! You can call the store at 250-358-2270 or email [email protected] to Call to order 250-265-3331 250-353-7446, [email protected], https//m.facebook.com/angry- place your orders. Crescent Bay Construction Ltd. henbrewing, https://www.instagram.com/angryhenbrewing Open Mon-Sat, 8 am-5 pm Cornucopia Nuru Coffee Bar Open for business Nitrile gloves must be put on (available beside the door) when entering and Now open Mon-Sat, 9:30 - 5:30, closed Sunday Tues-Sat, 9 am-4 pm discarded (beside the door) when leaving. 250-353-2594; [email protected]; Facebook Cornucopiakaslo Phone orders and pick-up available. E-transfer payment available at cresbay@ Nuru Nights Grab n’ Go available Thursday, Friday & Saturday telus.net • 250-265-3747 Eric’s Meats Please pre order one day in advance: [email protected] Open Tues-Sat 9:30 am-5 pm 513-6th Ave, New Denver Jennifer Chocolates 250-353-2436 Open/Closed status: Open 10 am to 4 pm, Monday to Saturday, closed on Sundays. Raven’s Nest If you want to take additional distancing precautions, you can order and pay Jones Boys Boats Reopening with regular hours from June 10: Wed thru Sat, 11 am-3 pm. Now online at www.JenniferChocolates.com and your order will be ready for quick We are open for business! open by appointment on Thurs and Fri: please email RavensNestBC@gmail. pick-up the following day. www.jonesboysboats.com com or call 250-358-2178 to make arrangements. Thank you – we look forward Phone 250-265-1799 or email [email protected] 250.353.2550 [email protected] to seeing you soon! https://www.facebook.com/Jonesboysboats Kal Tire Nakusp Sew Much More Open Mon-Sat, 8 am-5 pm Kaslo Clothes Hanger Now open for business Wed-Sat 10:30 am-1:30 pm Call or book online for appointment or tire purchases. Emergency and commer- Open Open by appointment as well cial work done as required. Please only one customer in showroom at a time. 250-353-9688 1-250-551-6509,[email protected], www.sewmuchmoreyarn.com, Payments accepted by Debit or Credit. NO CASH please. Facebook & Instagram Sanitization precautions being taken in showroom and all customer vehicles. Kaslo Hotel Visit our Facebook page for full details. 250-265-4155, www.kaltire.com Until June 1: Take-out and off-sales available Thurs-Sun, 3-8 pm Valley Voice Reopens June 1! Pub 12-10 pm; Dine in 12-8 pm; Take-out 12-8 pm; Off sales 12-10 pm Open 1-833-501-1700; [email protected]; www.valleyvoice.ca Kim’s Kustoms Front desk 12-8 pm for check-in and reservations. Strict sanitizing protocols in place. Wilds of Canada Cycle Open regular hours, 8:30 am-5:30 pm 250-353-7714; kaslohotel.com; Facebook Bicycle sales and service 250-265-4012 Kaslo Husky Open Thurs-Sat, 10 am-5 pm Leland Hotel Open Mon-Fri, 6 am-8 pm; Sat & Sun 8 am-8 pm Drop-off service for bicycle repairs. Call for appointment: 250-358-7941 Off-Sales: 11 am-11 pm; if door is locked, call 250-265-3314. Physical distancing measures in effect. 250-353-2205 SLOCAN Restaurant: Open 4-8 pm for takeout. Closed Tuesdays. 250-265-3314 Kaslo Community Pharmacy Mountain Valley Station Gas/Convenience Marvin’s Small Motor Repairs Open Monday-Friday 9:30 am-5:30 pm We look forward to serving you! Open regular hours 8 am-7 pm daily Mon-Fri 9 am-6 pm; Sat 9 am-5 pm Bottle Depot open Tues-Sat 9-5, closed holidays Open regular hours 250-265-4911 Welcome to shop by visiting during business hours or: By phone: 250-353-2224, By fax: 250-353-2336, By email: [email protected] Taking precautions for everyone’s health and safety NACFOR For prescription refills online visit: kaslopharmacy.myrefill.ca 250-355-2245 The NACFOR office is now open to the public for regular business hours between 403 Front Street, PO Box 550, Kaslo V0G 1M0 Village of Slocan – Fitness Centre, Library, Campground, 8 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday, with COVID-19 safety precautions in place. [email protected], phone 250-353-2224, fax 250-353-2336 250-265-3656, [email protected] Playgrounds Kul Nijjar, REALTOR(R) Fair Realty Ltd. Village Office open by appointment. Other facilities temporarily closed. Nakusp Computers Open Campground open June 15 to BC residents, self-contained units only. Open Mon-Fri, 10:30 am - 3:30 pm [email protected], 250-505-4722 250-355-2277, [email protected], www.slocancity.com 250-265-0129; [email protected]; facebook.com/nakuspcomputers Mel B Digital Slocan Village Market Nakusp Farmers’ Market Open by appointment, in office or in home Open. Limiting number of customers in the store. Providing gloves and masks Saturdays 9 am - noon, starting May 16 Please do not use random cleaners on your electronics, we have specific safe to shoppers. Locally raised foods and vegetable starter plants. sanitizers to protect your devices. We are accepting orders by phone for pick-up for those who prefer not to Crowd limit and handwashing stations. Bring your reusable tote bags. Money www.melbdigial.com, [email protected], Facebook.com/melbdigital enter the store. We are also offering delivery services on a weekly basis. handling will be separate from vendors. Vendors of exposed products will wear 250-355-2211, [email protected] masks and gloves; produce will be shielded. Food harvesting done safely. SS Moyie National Historic Site and Kaslo Visitor Centre Closed during the pandemic Nakusp General Store WINLAW Please visit our website for information on the ship. www.klhs.bc.ca Emery Herbals Botanical Dispensary, Healing Suites and Open 10 am-2 pm or call us to make arrangements to come at other times 250-353-2525; [email protected] Sanitizing and bleaching. 250-265-8423 Teaching Centre Sunnyside Naturals The Botanical Dispensary Open Thurs and Fri, 12-4. Limit of one client in the Nakusp Glass Open Mon-Sat, 9 am-6 pm shop at a time. Open Physical distancing measures in effect. Food take-out Order requests can be sent to [email protected] or by phoning 250- Drop in, call or email to make an appointment. Phone orders and delivery available. 250-353-9667 226-7744 for pick-up using our safe pick-up guidelines. We offer a $10 local 250-265-3252, [email protected] ship rate and all local orders over $75 are shipped free. We ship once weekly. Village of Kaslo Our online shop is https://emeryherbals.com/online-apothecary/ Nakusp Taxi Open 10 am-3 pm, Mon-Fri. We’re also available by phone or email. • Colleen Emery, RHT (CHAofBC) is conducting all client consultation online Pick-up and delivery of anything from licenced food, beverage and retail stores. [email protected], 250-353-2311 x101, www.kaslo.ca, facebook.com/KasloBC/ or via the phone. Priority is for acute cases, new clients are welcome. 250-265-8222 • All classes have moved online at this time. Nakusp Tirecraft SLOCAN VALLEY Gaia Tree Whole Foods Open New COVID hours: Mon-Sat, 10 am-5 pm (closed Sun) 250-265-4438, https://tirecraft.com/tirecraft-nakusp/ Facebook: @tirecraftnakusp NEW DENVER Email to order for pick-up Selkirk Realty Bosun Hall/LACE/The Donation Store [email protected] 250-226-7255 The office is closed, but the agents are working remotely and more than Closed to the public until further notice. happy to help! They can be reached directly, or via 250-265-3635 or Nakusp@ Charlie’s Needful Things Kootenay Country Craft Distillery royallepage.ca Toys, Food, Basic Necessities. Tanning now available! Open for online/telephone sales. Tasting room closed. Shon’s Bike - Ski - Stay Open Mon-Sat, 4-8 pm. Call anytime if you need something. 250-777-3789 Hand sanitizer available. Mon-Sat, 9 am - 5:30 pm [email protected] Please drop off bike repairs to the rear entrance (in alley) of the shop. No Glacier View Service 250-355-2702 appointments are necessary for bike tune-ups. Our coffee shop and lounge Open 7 days, 8 am-5:30 pm area is currently closed. 250-358-2445 Mama Sita’s Open for take-out and delivery, 10 am-6 pm All 2019 bikes are on sale. New Denver Coin Laundry For all inquiries, call us as (250) 265-3332, email: [email protected], website: Phone or come in 250-226-7070 Open 9 am-7 pm, 7 days a week www.shons.ca, Facebook: Shon’s Bike - Ski - Stay. Use your intelligence, engage in physical distancing and wash hands when you Continued on facing page 10 VISITOR INFORMATION The Valley Voice June 4, 2020 Nakusp woman spreads goodwill through secret gifting by John Boivin, Local Journalism lockdown. People can sign up to page about a month ago, nearly away as fast as they can,” she says. before looking in their house). they’re having a crappy day?” Initiative reporter either give a gift, or receive a gift 120 people have signed up. “A lot of people are dressing O’Hara’s heard from people And she says starting the Pandemic got you down? – or both, if they want. “It hasn’t taken long for this up. I got dressed up twice last who’ve been visited by the Ninja group has even helped her get Maybe it’s time for a visit from O’Hara heard about Ninja group to build up, that’s for sure,” week, I wore a wig, kind of Angel, and it’s been a lot of fun through this time. the Ninja Fairy. Fairies in other places, and decided she says. incognito. It didn’t work out that already. But it’s also got a serious “Its been an absolute honour A Nakusp woman has started to start a local chapter of the group. It’s a great way to spread a bit great though.” side. to see how many people want to a campaign to allow people to “I recently moved up here of cheer at a difficult time in many All kinds of gifts are being “I know a lot of people… come together to help others,” she show that they care for one from Alberta, and I noticed people’s lives, she says. You don’t given, says O’Hara. Sometimes well, mental health has been says. “Being a newcomer – I’ve another. my friends on Facebook were have to spend any set amount. it’s just toys for kids like Play-Doh slipping the last couple of weeks only been here nine months – it’s “Its basically somebody participating in such groups,” Just make your gifting silently, or colouring books; sometimes because people are stuck inside,” really refreshing to see how tight- who leaves a surprise gift,” says she says. “And I thought, what and secretly – like the Japanese some candy or junk food, or a she says. “They’re watching a lot knit this community can be.” Koda O’Hara. “But it’s a covert a neat idea to bring such joy and warriors it’s named after. bottle of wine for mom and dad; of news, they’re getting depressed. If you’d like to become a operation.” love into the community in such a “When the bags are made, a one ninja washed the person’s “So it’s a nice little pick-me-up. Nakusp Ninja Fairy, visit the Ninja Fairies are sort of the crappy time.” ninja will show up, drop off the windows to do them a favour Who wouldn’t want to see a little group’s Facebook page and sign Secret Santa of the coronavirus Since starting the Facebook bag, ring the doorbell, and run (though he did reveal himself surprise on their doorstep when up. June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice COMMUNITY 11 Moroccan chefs join Kaslo Hotel staff by Jan McMurray are all from Morocco and are problem,” Mel said. customers in Kaslo. here,” Chaouki said. “The the freedom. “Canada is a free The restaurant at the Kaslo very happy to be in Kaslo – and The three Moroccan chefs “They’re going to help house is beautiful, the area is country. I like the free system.” Hotel has a full complement hotel owner John Eckland and have professional credentials us expand our menu and beautiful, and the people are so John found out about of cooks, thanks to a Whistler Head Chef Mel Storozynsky and substantial experience. what we can offer here at our nice and helpful.” the Francophone Mobility company that helps Moroccan are very happy to have them. They all told the Valley Voice restaurant,” John said. The federal immigration Program and the Whistler chefs come to BC through a “I was apprised of the they were eager to learn The hotel arranged for program, called the company, Culinary federal immigration program. labour shortage out here, and about Canadian cuisine and a four-bedroom house to Francophone Mobility Recruitment International Said Oukessou, Chaouki this program seemed like a to offer Moroccan and other accommodate the new staff. Program, is for skilled French (CRI), from a CBC article last Adnene and Mohammed Sfisfi great solution to an ongoing international dishes to their “We’re very lucky to come speakers who intend to apply summer. He contacted CRI in for permanent residence July to get the process started. in Canada. They can work Mel began at the hotel as head anywhere except Quebec – the chef on September 1, and was program encourages French happy to help see the process speaking in other parts of the through. Said arrived in late country. November; Chaouki in early “I’ve been dreaming of December; and Mohammed coming to Canada for a long in early January. time,” Said commented. “We want to thank John Mohammed had never and everyone at the hotel thought of coming to Canada, and Culinary Recruitment but he heard about the program International for giving us from his friend in Calgary and this opportunity to discover he decided to apply. Canada and to add to our For Chaouki, it’s about experience,” Chaouki said.

Just enough cooks in the kitchen at the Kaslo Hotel now, thanks to an effort to bring Moroccan chefs to Canada. L to R: Chaouki Adnene, Said Oukessou, Mel Storozynsky (head chef from Calgary), Mohammed Sfisfi, John Eckland (hotel owner). Student art show at the Langham and online submitted ‘Art for the Joy of it,’ be viewed at the Langham, be granted in each category Jewett and JV a student art show for subject to provincial health with gift certificates from Humphries Schools, seniors at the Langham officer orders, and online. the Bluebelle, Mountain Kaslo Victorian Hospital Cultural Centre in Kaslo All submitted art will be King, Buddy’s Pizza, Chez Auxillary Society and the June 6-24. judged by a panel of three Serge, the Kaslo Hotel and Langham are presenting The show will be able to judges, and two prizes will Taqeria El Corazon. The Langham art galleries and Japanese Canadian Museum are reopening to the public! Starting the weekend of Saturday June 6 & Sunday June 7 from 1-4 pm. We will then be on regular gallery hours - Thursday thru Sunday 1-4 pm. ***COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place*** The Museum will be open starting June 6. It is self-guided and accessible anytime the front door is unlocked. 12 COMMUNITY The Valley Voice June 4, 2020 Easing into the ‘new normal’, Villages reopen facilities by John Boivin, Local Journalism municipal services that are available in and several more without. There will be The building will be cleaned and reopening plans in place. Initiative reporter and Kathy Hartman three of our Villages. water and the sani-dump available. All sanitized daily to decrease the chance of The Village office is currently closed to Two months after the coronavirus Nakusp RV visitors will be spread out for social infection. the public, with in-person service available pandemic closed down most government Nakusp’s Village Office reopened on distancing. The facility will not accept The public works department’s by appointment only. offices, municipal and provincial facilities June 1, but the public’s not going to be tent campers, as the washrooms and other operations will be affected, with staff On June 15, limited public access will are slowly edging toward returning to allowed in for another week, says Martens. shared facilities will remain closed. observing one-person-per-vehicle rules, begin for bill paying, while appointments normal. Staff will be working out safety protocols The Nakusp Hot Springs campground and with hand sanitizer and wipes available will be required for all other services. That Most Village offices in the area and new procedures to ensure both staff and will also be available for RV units, but to use. level of service will remain in place until reopened on Monday, June 1. public minimize the risk of being exposed not tent camping. The hot springs pools Parks and other municipal facilities mid-July, pending review. But it’s far from business as usual. to the coronavirus. themselves and chalets will remain closed will be closed and not accepting bookings From June 1 to 14, the campground “We just want people to be safe,” The Village expects plexiglass sneeze until new directives come down from the for group events until further notice. will allow limited access to self-contained says Nakusp Chief Administrative Officer guards to be installed at the counters a few provincial health officer. Registrations from US visitors won’t be units – RVs and trailers with toilet facilities. Cheryl Martens. Here’s a short list of days before a wider reopening on June 8. Kaslo accepted until border restrictions are lifted. The shared washrooms, showers and wash That’s when the public will be allowed Kaslo’s reopening is similar to The skate park, campground and one public stations will remain closed. Reservations in – by appointment only. Residents can Nakusp’s, with a ‘see what works, and washroom were reopened on May 15. are needed, and payment and sani-dump then receive assistance to apply for their what doesn’t’ approach, says the Village Residents enjoying a garbage-tag-free arrangements will need to be made at the homeowner’s grant. CAO, Ian Dunlop. holiday since March 17 will have to resume Village office. The hope is to resume full Martens says they’ll monitor how The Village office opens for regular buying tags this week. The measure put service at the campground as of July 15. this limited reopening is working, and will business hours (10 am – 3 pm) on June 1, in place allowing residents to put out one The Nikkei Centre will open to limited revisit the situation, with an eye to further with measures in place to support social bag of garbage on collection day without a visitors June 15. The public vault toilets will expanding service in July. distancing according to provincial health tag has been rescinded. They’ll be needed open with daily cleaning June 15. Municipal facilities will generally still regulations. The number of people allowed again as of June 9. Knox Hall and the Reading Centre be closed, including the public washrooms in at any time will be limited. Council’s Committee of the Whole will stay closed due to renovation until down by the lake. The arena is normally Visitors will see plexiglass shields in meetings will change back to their regularly September. closed this time of year anyway, but the front of counters, and a one-way-through scheduled 4:30 pm start time effective Safety Plans for the Bosun Hall, larger gathering spaces inside will also system that has the public entering through June 16. the Silvery Slocan Museum, the Kohan not be available for meetings until at least the front door, and exiting out the back. We’ll hear more about reopening plans Gardens, and the marina are being created September, Martens says. The upstairs will be closed to the at the June 9 council meeting. by the local groups that manage these The municipal campground will be public, and other rooms locked and off- New Denver facilities for the Village. The Family of Sadye Butler are open for self-contained RV units. There are limits. Chief Administrative Officer Catherine The RDCK is moving towards proud to announce her graduation spaces for about 10 sites with electricity, Service BC will also resume operations Allaway has been working long hours opening outdoor facilities, but keeping from University of Victoria with three days a week – Tuesday, Thursday and with staff and community groups to put indoor facilities like the gym at the health a Bachelor’s of Earth Sciences AWAKENING LEAVES & Friday. provincially mandated WorkSafeBC centre closed. and Physical Geography CLIMATE CHANGE Plant leaves need a minimum number We would like to thank all the of cold days in fall and winter in order Kaslo on strict water restrictions after runoff damages water system individuals involved in her to trigger unfurling in spring. The submitted where the Village draws its drinking water, restored,” says Dunlop. education from preschool to post warmer autumns of climate change A mudslide and washout damaged the bringing a wall of logs, mud and debris down In the meantime, water stored in the graduation. Our communities may not cue plants to go dormant. Village of Kaslo’s primary water intake the steep, narrow creek valley. reservoir is feeding the Village as crews have been integral in Sadye’s With climate change, the timescale Sunday afternoon, forcing officials to order The Village’s Public Works crew was assess construction of the temporary intake development and all can share in for adaptation is so compressed that stage 4 water conservation, the most restrictive at the scene of the washout on Monday and downstream of the washout. The Village also her successes. some species will inevitably become measure under the Village’s water use policy. installed a temporary water intake. has two small spring-fed water sources, but extinct in Canada. A press release issued by the Village on However, “the flow is much less than they cannot meet the demand normally met You’re A Rock Star Sadye, Monday says the run-off from heavy rain on what we would normally get from the dam,” by Kemp Creek. Love Mom, Dad and Family the weekend (May 30-31) may have caused a says Kaslo’s chief Administrative Officer Ian At other times of the year, the Village landslide upstream of the dam on Kemp Creek Dunlop. “Water conservation restrictions will could draw water from the Kaslo River, but the remain in place as we monitor water demand CAO says this is not an option right now due and reservoir levels over the next few days.” to the high turbidity (dirt and debris) from the The intake ties in to an undamaged freshet, which would overwhelm the pumps section of pipe that leads to the main water and water treatment plant. reservoir. Due to the limited capacity of the The dam is in a remote location southwest reservoir, the Village is asking residents and of the Village. The road leading to the dam businesses to conserve water as much as has also been washed away and blocked by possible. The Interior Health Authority has debris, which could take a few days to clear, been notified and the Village will advise if any the release states. further action or orders are necessary. “Sections of pipe from the dam were also Normally, a Stage 4 water conservation washed out. The structure of the dam appears measure is invoked in the driest time of to be intact and repairable once access is summer, not the wettest time of spring. PHOTO CREDIT: VILLAGE OF KASLO CREDIT: PHOTO

The Village of Kaslo’s Kemp Creek dam site after the washout on May 31. June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice COMMUNITY 13 Slocan’s waterfront improvements mark new beginning by Barbara Curry Mulcahy with a wood top cap now surrounds bringing much optimism and hope The first phase of the Slocan the breakwater and extends to the during these crazy times.” Waterfront Development Project, new berm east of the breakwater. The Improving the waterfront had transforming Slocan’s breakwater guardrail is an elegant reminder of been on council’s mind for many and former beach parking lot, was the railroad that brought both settlers years. Finally, in 2018 the Village completed in May. and internees to the area. Flat river contracted Fraser Blyth of Selkirk “I’m overjoyed with the outcome rock lies at the base of the railing, a Planning and Design and Jones of of this project,” said Mayor Jessica reference to the river. Larch Landscape Architecture to Lunn, “and filled with joy to see the A lock-block retaining wall create a Waterfront Strategy Report. Big Thank You to community able to enjoy and take extends from the breakwater dock In 2019 the Village was able to get a pride in this beautiful public space.” area east along the area which used CBT grant of $376,295 to cover 75% our wonderful Kaslo Designed by Jason Jones of Larch to be the beach parking lot. The wall of the expected cost of the project. Landscape Architecture and carried acts as a breakwater berm and will CAO Gordon said, the CBT grant community for keeping us out by Sierra Landscaping, the project keep out all but the highest water. has “allowed us to see this multi-year marks a new beginning for the former Now in place of the flood zone, there project transition from concept, to in business for 20 years. mill town. are two open grassy green spaces for detailed design, to reality.” Come in and with every purchase Mayor Lunn praised the “stunning beachgoers to play games. Between Although the Village had hoped enter our draw for great gifts design that pays homage to our natural the two green spaces are three stylish to include a new ramp from the Your Sunnyside family setting and our industrial past.” wood and aluminum chaise lounges. breakwater to the outer dock, it wasn’t Deadline for the draw is June 7, 2020 The signpost at the entrance to Last month’s unfortunate vandalism able to get funding for that. The the park is made up of three upright to the sod has been repaired. Village is researching details, costs, peeled logs, with thick nautical ropes A path for cyclists and pedestrians and grants to both support a ramp wrapped around them – a reference leads from the entrance in the newly purchase and improve the anchoring to Slocan’s steamship and logging developed park to the original beach of the outer dock. In the meantime, heritage. ‘Slocan Beach Park’ is area. A bike stand has been placed the ramp has been removed. There is spelled out in bronze aluminum near the entrance. a temporary wood railing barring the 404 Front Street, Kaslo • 250-353-9667 letters, one word to a log. The Slocan Valley Heritage Trail opening to the outer dock. The breakwater is now a stunning Society is planning improvements CAO Gordon also said the Village feature. Pavers in shades reminiscent to the Slocan terminus of the Rail looks “forward to exploring Phase of the river rock have replaced the Trail. That project will be just a short 2 of the waterfront concept plan in formerly rocky surface and make distance from the new development. the future.” First, though, the Village the waterfront accessible to all. The Sierra Landscaping started work will work on two other projects: the spacious area overlooking the lake on the project in April, during the detailed design plan for the first phase will be a great place for wedding height of the pandemic. Mayor of the Harold Street Beautification photos, said Nakusp photographer Lunn said, “Sierra Landscaping did Project and the exterior heritage Lee Orr. Landscape Designer Jason a tremendous job bringing the plan restoration of the Silvery Slocan Jones suggested that yoga classes to life. I was extremely heartened Legion Hall. She said the Village could be held there. One of the four that they recognized the value of the hopes to complete both projects accessible picnic tables in the park, project to the local community, were “before exploring Phase 2 of the three benches, and a cluster modular able to hire local workers and support waterfront… We have received grant seating unit with planters are arranged the local economy and to take such funding for the other projects and here. a careful approach to the work. The need to attend to those first, due to A self-weathering steel guardrail work was done at the perfect time – funding agreement deadlines. “ PHOTO CREDIT: LEE ORR CREDIT: PHOTO

The Waterfront Development Project Phase 1 has transformed the breakwater and former beach parking lot in Slocan. PHOTO CREDIT: LEE ORR CREDIT: PHOTO

Celebrating the Slocan Waterfront Development Project Phase 1 completion: Steve Whitby (Slocan resident who worked on the project), Councillor Joel Pelletier, Mayor Jessica Lunn, Jason Jones (landscape architect), CAO Michelle Gordon. 14 NAKUSP & THE ARROW LAKES The Valley Voice June 4, 2020 Nakusp council, May 25: No traction for renos to hot springs chalets by John Boivin, Local Journalism not recommended unless the entire asked staff to write a letter in support the very least, let’s go to Arrow & “I’d need a room with a nice Initiative reporter site was excavated and the drainage of the City of North Vancouver’s Slocan Lakes Community Services window for overlooking the lake,” • The hot springs supervisor issues solved.” campaign for greater flexibility in and say, ‘Let’s do an exact mirror of quipped Zelznik. “And I want to be had to pour some cold water on Further, the contractors said they outdoor seating and liquor licensing the project you’re currently building. on the third floor.” council’s enthusiasm for renovations couldn’t even give ballpark estimates for bars and restaurants. Mayor Just same building, mirrored on the The letter was received as to the chalets. In a report to council, on the cost of rebuilding the chalets Tom Zeleznik noted that he’d like lot where the current village office information. Supervisor Noel Ballard said he without proper drawings of building to see outdoor seating allowed on is.’” • The village’s auditors have gone spoke to local contractors about plans from an engineer or architect. Broadway to help local restaurateurs. • Councillor Hughes noted the through the books and drawn up a renovating the old chalets or building Councillor Joseph Hughes • Mayor Zelznik took note of engineering would be done, and the report for the provincial government new ones. He says they told him wondered if they couldn’t at least correspondence to council outlining cost of the project at least roughly on the municipality’s spending and that while they agreed the old units look at paying for rough drawings some major funding that’s just known. revenues, and its general financial probably weren’t worth spending to at least scope out the idea; Mayor been announced for affordable Zeleznik pitched an idea of status. Councillors had a few a lot of money on, “building new Tom Zeleznik mused that a private- housing projects from the Building building new municipal offices by questions but the statements all units in the place of the old units was public partnership might be desirable BC: Community Housing Fund. the curling arena. seemed in order. Fun fact from the to do the much-needed rebuild of Proposals will be accepted until mid- Councillors noted the current very long report: your municipal the site. January 2021, but organizations are Village hall had serious accessibility government owns more than $24 Meanwhile, maintenance encouraged to apply early. and efficiency problems, and perhaps million in capital assets. continues with major projects like “There’s an urgency for timing,” a new municipal office could be The auditor’s statement was the painting of the exterior of the said Councillor Joseph Hughes. “At another project. accepted by councillors. hot springs building and pool deck repair. NACFOR adapting to challenges of COVID and downturn in log markets • Staff provided a detailed report by John Boivin, Local Journalism requirements. Nakusp. on the proposed amendments to Initiative reporter Hughes said a decent first half of The community forest also the water regulation bylaw. The The economic storm produced by 2019 had improved the company’s donated almost $50,000 to community amendments would allow lawn and the COVID-19 pandemic is just another outlook for 2020. organizations in 2019. flower garden irrigation every other challenge facing Nakusp’s community “COVID-19 came in parallel with NACFOR harvested 17,000 cubic LOVES TO TALK! day from either 7 am to 9 am or 7 forest corporation. a downturn in lumber and log markets,” metres of lumber in 2019 – just under This is Tia! Tia loves to talk with humans and would pm to 9 pm; residential vegetable “It’s just adaptation. I think we’re said Watt. “However, we had some log its annual allowable cut of 20,000 fit in best with an older family who has no other garden irrigation every day for two sort of used to thinking on our feet – contracts until June of this year, with cubic metres. That’s about 400 logging pets. She is a beautiful 4-year old spayed female hours, between the hours of 7 am and it’s just the nature of this industry,” decent pricing.” truckloads worth of wood, and it created and will be a lovely companion. Tia is ready for a 9 am and 7 pm and 9 pm; and lawn says Hugh Watt, NACFOR’s general He said the company is leaning about 2,200 person-days of employment loving and safe home. Call PALS today at 250-265- and flower garden irrigation with an manager. “It can just change on you into the downturn, investing in future for local contractors. 3792 to find out more about this long-haired beauty. in-ground system between midnight overnight. You just have to be ready for operations during the pandemic-created NACFOR made hay while the WEEKLY SPONSOR: and 2 am on permitted days. Council that, I think.” down time. sun shined, so to speak, focussing on directed staff to draft the amending Watt made the comments at “We have the Douglas beetle logging in the first half of 2019. But as bylaw with these changes. NACFOR’s virtual open house held on problem we want to keep tidying up, markets softened in the second part of • The Village will throw its May 27. About 20 people showed up so rather than stop, we accelerated. the year, Watt says it switched over to Nakusp weight behind a letter asking for help for the meeting, held via online video We hired a few additional contractors its other activities – road building and (250) 265-3635 www.selkirkrealty.com for the hospitality industry. Council conferencing to meet social distancing that had been laid off from Interfor,” other infrastructure development, land said Watt. management, tree planting, and wildfire The community forest faced strong risk reduction programs. headwinds in 2019, with challenges That’s likely to continue for the MADDEN TIMBER like the Douglas fir bark beetle and rest of 2020. the softening of markets for lumber in “I think the whole supply chain the last part of the year. However, Watt for lumber got quite plugged up, so CONSTRUCTION INC said strong prices for their best logs downstream from us, our logs are helped preserve the forest company’s sitting in a lot of inventory,” says Watt. LICENCED BUILDER balance sheet. “Local mills have a lot of wood. There There were other issues as well, will continue to be a certain amount 250-265-1807 like coordinating operations with of demand for premium wood, good contractor availability, working in a Douglas Fir and so on. Essentially that land base constrained by visual, wildlife, lines up not too bad with our salvage water quality, and other considerations, operations. figuring out how to pull logs from “We’re going to finish this bunch of difficult-to-access areas, and balancing harvesting, then go into slow mode and management priorities like wildfire risk just have a small salvage program going reduction and strategic planning. to the end of the year.” Despite those, he says the company Watt says it’s likely NACFOR will is organized in such a way to be flexible hire one or two contractors, rather than in those circumstances. three, for the rest of the year. “Of primary importance was to The company is also working with keep people working,” says Watt. “We provincial authorities to identify other try to keep people rolling along. As a logging areas it can more easily access community forest we have a bit more than its current land inventory. flexibility to do that. Reducing wildfire risk “We treat it like a business. You NACFOR will also focus energy have to make money at it, but money on its community FireSmart programs. is not everything, all the time. We also The year will see several small patches have to satisfy some social obligations, of forest either cleared off or modified to and one of those is to keep as many reduce the chance of spreading wildfires people as we can employed despite the too close to the community. challenge we’re facing with this whole It’s just the first part of what will thing.” likely be a 10-year program to treat Despite difficulties, a more than 700 hectares of forest, dividend creating a fuel break around Nakusp. CONVENTIONAL CONSTRUCTION NACFOR reported sales of How much of that occurs, and over $1,549,503 in 2019, and expenditures how many years, all depends on funding LOG AND TIMBER FRAME of $1,583,926. A dividend of $465,000 from various levels of government. was declared in 2019 and presented The corporation will hold public CERTIFIED PASSIVE HOUSE to the Village of Nakusp, the sole meetings later this year, if possible, to shareholder of NACFOR. Since 2014, explain its fire risk reduction operations, DESIGN AND BUILD the Legacy Fund Dividend, as it’s called, many of which will take place quite has provided more than $1.5 million to close to the Nakusp’s downtown. June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice COMMUNITY 15 Pandemic prep: study aims to ensure food security in West Kootenay by John Boivin, Local Journalism That is not good for West local governments are scrambling food banks in the medium-term, to begin work. The food council Initiative reporter Kootenay food security, the group to adjust to the continually changing creating long-term information- is approaching other levels of The board of the Regional warns. circumstances under the pandemic, sharing networks, and increasing government, and neighbouring District of Central Kootenay has “Given that most food that is and to meet the demands for food coordination and resources for regional districts, for more support thrown its weight behind a plan to consumed in the Columbia Basin is (in the immediate and the long- the whole local farm-to-table for the plan. enhance food security in the region. heavily dependent on a globalized term),” the report notes. infrastructure. The RDCK’s directors approved supply chain, the disruptions that With the full economic “[I]t is not the last emergency Smokey Creek Salvage spending more than $20,000 on an are occurring all over the planet are disruption of the pandemic yet that the Columbia Basin will have 24 HR TOWING ‘Interim Food Security Action inevitably being felt in our region,” to be felt, it puts the region in a to contend with,” the report notes. New & Used Auto Parts, Back Hoe Work, Certified Welding & Repairs, Vehicle Removal Plan,’ proposed by a local food the plan’s introduction states. precarious position. “Various experts and the experience WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS security group. The report gives a snapshot of “Those most at risk of food in countries that were amongst 359-7815 ; 1-877-376-6539 The Central Kootenay Food the current state of affairs in food insecurity include people who rely the early outbreaks also point to 3453 YEATMAN RD, SOUTH SLOCAN Policy Council’s plan was presented security in the region: local farmers on markets for the majority of their successive waves of the pandemic to the board at the RDCK’s last are seeing “significant” increase food – which is, in fact, virtually the hitting communities, exacerbating board meeting May 21. in demand, but aren’t sure if that entire population of the Columbia the challenges already posed by In the plan, the food policy market will evaporate once the Basin,” says the report. the first round of measures taken to council notes how the pandemic pandemic dies down; and labour To deal with the situation before curtail the spread of the virus and has caught people who assess food needed to harvest is uncertain. it becomes a crisis, the Central continuing the disruptions in food security a little off-guard. While And while food banks and other Kootenay Food Policy Council supply chains. many scenarios have invoked emergency food organizations have says a plan is needed to address “Rebuilding the strength and fire, famine or civil unrest as been targeted with funding, these the immediate and longer-term resilience of Basin food economies potential threats to food security, organizations are isolated, small, impacts of the pandemic on local will help to protect our region from they “have not factored in a large- and face logistical and staffing food security. future shocks.” scale and widely distributed exit of problems to properly use that The plan has several aspects, The board approved spending the humans employed up and down money. including addressing immediate $22,145.00 for the Central supply chains.” “Non-profits, businesses, and hunger needs, strengthening Kootenay Food Policy Council SD 8 student trustee asks for more online learning by John Boivin, Local Journalism is much larger now than at any four-day schedule that would allow questions it raises. Initiative reporter other time,” he told the board at for a mix home and class study. Other trustees were open to the The online way of learning the May 19 meeting. “So because “The timing is great for this idea, but also cautious. The idea is growing on some of the older there’s pros and cons to both in-class because we have been having so could raise several flags for the students in School District 8. So and online education, I think it’s a much real-time experience with district, unions, for funding and much so that LV Rogers Student beneficial time to look into how we blended learning opportunities,” Ministry of Education rules. Trustee Harlan Hofmann-Miller can combine the best aspects of both said Trustee Susan Chew, supporting A motion will come to the requested the board explore other of those.” the notion. She suggested a working next board meeting asking the school calendars besides the regular Some of the benefits of online committee be formed to look at the administration to explore the five-days-of-class-instruction model. learning, the students have found, parameters of such a system and the concept. “Our district and the rest of is they have increased flexibility and the world is forced to have this control of time, they can focus their experience, and so the amount of interactions with teachers and make data and studies on the best practices best use of their resources, he said. and whether this is a viable option He asked the board to consider a Pay raise for trustees fires debate at board meeting by John Boivin, Local Journalism $17,659 per year for the amount of Initiative reporter time and effort I put into trying to Trustees at SD 8 Kootenay Lake make education for our students and approved an increase to their salaries conditions for our staff as good as at the May 19 board meeting. But not possible.” without a fight. In the end, the indemnity motion The board debated whether to passed. Only three of the nine trustees approve substantial increases in – Cody Beebe, Allan Gribbin and indemnities for trustees – from $17,408 Bill Maslechko – voted against the to $20,585 for the board chair, $15,711 increase. to $18,967 for the vice-chair, and $14,209 to $17,659 for regular trustees. But Trustee Allan Gribbin was having none of it, pointing out that staff were held to a 2% increase last year. “In this time period, right now, this is outrageous to be voting ourselves a 20% wage increase. It’s going to be Our valley’s green something every one of us is ashamed grocer since 1990 of, and we are going to have to answer to the public and I hope the public sends us a good, strong message,” • Fresh he said. Trustee Sheri Walsh countered, “I • Organic think trustees do a lot of work. We are doing this not because of what we get paid, because it is not a lot, increase or • Wholesome not. And we also have to attract people 1290 Hwy #6 to be school board trustees, to do this Crescent Valley important work.” She said members of the public 250-359-7323 were “shocked” when she told them how little trustees made. – Open daily – “I’m not going to apologize for (Closed Christmas & New Year’s day) 16 COMMUNITY The Valley Voice June 4, 2020 W.E.Graham Community Service Society New Denver council, May 26: is happy to announce some service delivery changes as of June 1st, 2020: Donation store planning to reopen soon by Kathy Hartman in April, the new online system for the Zincton all-season resort • Valhalla Children’s Centre will resume regular hours of operation. • Operators of New Denver’s allowed organizations from other proposal. Council is seeking more Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 8:30 am - 4 pm. Donation Store have asked the areas to assist in the relocation information on the development Call 250-355-2222 for more info & to learn about how we are Village to close the street in front programs digitally. before making a decision. Harley adapting to keep your children & families safe. of Bosun Hall June 13-14. The • See article on page 12 for asked council for a letter of support in Lucerne Association for Community details on New Denver’s COVID-19 March, which included the possibility • Tenacity Skatepark is open! Please see signs for safe practices Education (LACE) wants to receive Safety Plans for the reopening of of fire protection. Staff has been when using the park and use hand sanitizing stations. donations of clothing and household municipal services while assuring the preparing a report to identify the • The Learning Centre is opening with limited hours and for two goods on those days. Volunteers will safety of staff and the public. potential risks, costs and benefits patrons at a time. Please be patient as we work to deliver this accept carloads of spring cleaning • The Village’s provincial to the Village. That report will be service while maintaining the and will be sorting donations onto infrastructure planning grant presented at the June 9 council safety of our staff and the tables. application was successful. The meeting. community. For the schedule Councillor Vern Gustafson asked funding of $10,000 will help guide The BC government is see our website www.wegcss.org that residents use common sense further development of the municipal accepting feedback on the proposal when choosing what to bring. “If water system. The BC government (MountainResortsBranch@gov. We look forward to seeing you soon! it’s broken and you don’t want it, now requires municipal governments bc.ca) until June 22. please take it to the transfer station,” to install a leak detection system on • Councillor Colin Moss reported he suggests. its water mains to qualify for further that the Community COVID Action Chief Administrative Officer provincial infrastructure grants. Team donated $540 to the Chamber Catherine Allaway says LACE is • Council received a written of Commerce to conduct a survey VILLAGE OF working with the Village’s COVID update on the Columbia Treaty of the pandemic’s effects on local information officer to assure the negotiations from Sylvain Fabi, businesses. The information will be NEW DENVER safety of volunteers and the public. lead negotiator, Global Affairs used to identify what can be done to The dates are weather dependent and Canada. The report states that the US help businesses through this difficult PUBLIC NOTICES may change with little notice. Donors proposed options are not agreeable to time. The chamber hopes to take may want to check with the Village the Canadian team – the US prefers the results of the survey to various BOUNDARY EXTENSION for alternate dates if it looks like rain. the current level of flood control, and levels of government and the Slocan The Village is proposing a boundary extension to include new • The Village has received a continues to claim that the US pays Valley Economic Development properties within municipal boundaries. This primarily affects $15,625 grant to modernize its too much for hydroelectric power Commission. Denver Siding, properties between the Village and Denver Emergency Support Services (ESS) generation. • Council received an overview of Siding, and properties outside of the Village already connected program. The funding will go to “The Canadian negotiating team the Slocan Valley Wildfire Resiliency to the Village’s water system. upgrading equipment for the new does not agree with these claims and Program for 2020-22 from the Slocan Owners of property within the proposed boundary extension ESS online registration system. The will continue defending Canadian Integral Forestry Co-op (SIFCo), area have been mailed an information package. Property own- grant also includes money for new interests,” the report says. which is administering the program. ers and tenants within the boundary extension area are asked laptops, iPads, a printer, signage, and Councillor John Fyke said The Villages of New Denver, Silverton for training volunteers. The last time he’s seen some of the fine print of and Slocan have received funding for to submit their responses to the Village Office by Monday, the emergency plan was upgraded the proposal. “This is completely the program. Some of the program June 15. was 2008. ridiculous,” he said. “The Americans components are: education, a review Village residents will be consulted following an initial review by “We were using pencil and paper want all the flood control but don’t of the water supply capacity in the the Province, if enough support is received at this time from back then,” said Mayor Leonard want to pay for the electricity. villages, retrofits of the Emergency residents within the boundary extension area. To review the Casley. “The iPad hadn’t even been The next round of negotiations Operations Centres and Emergency proposal, visit our website. invented yet.” are paused due to COVID-19. Social Services facilities in the three The new system has already Council received the report for villages (fire halls, Village offices SPRINKLING REGULATIONS proven itself in other emergencies. information. and health centre gym), free wildfire Residents are reminded that Stage 1 sprinkling restrictions in When forest fires forced several • Local developer David Harley hazard assessments of private lands, Squamish families from their homes is still waiting for council support treatment of 23.4 ha west of Slocan. the Village of New Denver are implemented annually. Effective June 1st through September 15th of each year, there shall be RDCK board, May 21: RDCK no sprinkling between the hours of 10:00 am and 6:00 pm. managing to work through COVID-19 pandemic PROPERTY TAXES by John Boivin, Local Journalism spending, etc.) and limit the financial • Nakusp’s fire chief will Property owners of the Village of New Denver are reminded Initiative reporter impact of the pandemic on revenues. be spending a little less time in that the 2020 Property Tax notices will be mailed out early June. • The coronavirus pandemic has “From a general operations support of the RDCK’s emergency Property Tax Payments are due on or before Wednesday, altered everyone’s lives in some perspective, we are assuming that program. The Village of Nakusp July 15, 2020. Please check your mail and see the insert for manner, and the Regional District social distancing will be a requirement and the Regional District have payment options. of Central Kootenay is no different, to maintain through 2020, and agreed to cut the hours of support CAO Stuart Horn reported to the depending on developments, into the from 35 to 14 hours bi-weekly. board of directors on May 21. early part of 2021,” the report warns. The fire chief provides support CENTENNIAL PARK MASTER “Our staff, operations, and • The RDCK board is putting their for emergency preparedness and PLANNING financial position have all been support behind one of Castlegar’s response, coordinates the emergency The Village of New Denver is seeking park planning quotes impacted, and in some ways largest employer’s request for help in preparedness committee for the from qualified consultants for the development of a Master Plan significantly,” he said in his report, surviving the COVID-19 pandemic. Nakusp and Slocan Valley areas, for Centennial Park. Deadline for submissions is Thursday, which outlined some of those Mercer Celgar has said it could shut and acts as the RDCK’s emergency June 11 at noon. For details visit our website or contact the changes on local operations. down “in weeks” if it doesn’t receive response duty officer one week a Village Office. Horn said recreation, resource price breaks on raw logs and other month. The new arrangement better recovery, transit and building concessions from the Province to reflects local capacity to do the job, inspections were the most affected increase its supply of pulp fibre. It’s the RDCK says. FIRESMART ASSESSMENT services. He said staff have been also looking for support for higher The new agreement will maintain Whether you are doing regular yard maintenance or making working to identify savings (by load limits for logging trucks and an the emergency preparedness group’s large-scale changes during renovations or landscaping, you can delaying hires, slowing discretionary extension to their current contract resource in that sub-region of the make choices that will help protect your home or neighbourhood to sell excess hydro from their RDCK. Officials say the position from wildfire. FireSmart is a voluntary property assessment Support the production to BC Hydro. is important, as it allows for faster program that helps residents identify specific actions they can Valley Voice with a The board’s letter will show response times and takes advantage take on their property to reduce wildfire risks. Residents who support for the latter two items, but of local knowledge and skill sets. would like a free home or land assessment on their property voluntary subscription changes the wording on the pricing of • On the recommendation of the can contact Slocan Integral Forestry CO-OP (SIFCo) by phone raw logs to ask the Province to take Rural Affairs Committee, the board 250-226-7012 or email [email protected]. Only $5-$50 a ‘balanced approach’ on financial passed a motion that a Community support to reflect fuel mitigation, Works Fund application be approved Send Cheque or Money Order fire prevention, stewardship and for the Denver Siding Water Quality 115 Slocan Avenue · P.O. Box 40, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 to: Valley Voice, Box 70, climate change. The motion passed Upgrade Project in the total amount (250) 358-2316 · [email protected] · www.newdenver.ca New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 unanimously. of $67,000. June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice SPONSORED CONTENT 17 18 KASLO & DISTRICT The Valley Voice June 4, 2020 Kaslo council, May 26: Bid for park project to be named after land donor by John Boivin, Local Journalism application for the Front Street Park Project. She $67 so far this year. But as EVs become more The pre-approval isn’t a carte-blanche, bag after property owners have made similar Initiative reporter asks that the project be named after the man who common, the Village wants to look at recovering however. Establishments have to prove they “improvements” but moved away, leaving • Council reviewed plans for re-opening donated the land. more of its costs. CAO Dunlop noted it costs have met all local government requirements the village with the task of maintaining or village services. See the article elsewhere in this “I believe that Kaslo has a unique about $300 for the two-year lease with FLO, the when applying for outside space. And the permit removing it. edition of the Valley Voice. opportunity to enhance our Canada-wide company that provided the charger and manages is to increase the space they operate in, not Nijjar replied that she understood, and • A letter from Annette McCartin Embery reputation among Japanese Canadians for a the station. With maintenance and EV grants increase the number of customers they can allow. noted the tractor may now be unavailable. congratulates the Village on the successful grant welcoming, empathetic and culturally aware drying up, he says the Village should look at The temporary expansion permit will be • The Village has been told it can’t ignore village by naming the area after the donor of the charging even more in the future. He noted $2 good until October 31. national and international trade agreements bowling green land, a Mr. Kitagawa,” Embery was still a deal, with the Level 3 charge stations • Village council won’t get in the way of about procurement rules when trying to purchase wrote to council. She said Kitagawa was interned costing EV drivers up to $18/hr, and slower celebrating this year’s graduating class. The local. in the area during WWII, but settled there after Fortis stations not charging anything at all. The grad committee is still working out details of During a call with BC Municipal Affairs the war. He died in the late ’90s, but not before new fee will kick in June 1. the modified ceremony they are planning, but Minister Selina Robinson, Kaslo’s mayor raised using the money he received as reparations to • Council got its first look at the plans for asked the Village if it would be OK for grads the issue of whether there would be any changing purchase the Front Street lot for public use. the new year-round resort being proposed for to walk down Front Street individually, as of rules to enable local procurement without Council received the letter as information. the Zincton area. Council received the report large gatherings are still forbidden by public interprovincial bids, as part of transition and • The annual awarding of recreation as information, and will discuss it at its June health orders. economic recovery from COVID (stimulating grants, delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic, is 9 meeting. Council decided to send a note to the grad local economies). back on again. Council decided to re-convene • The pandemic’s been hard on bars, committee telling them they had no problems The answer was a firm ‘no.’ “The the commission to make recommendations to restaurants and clubs. Even as things re-open, with the plans. procurement obligations for municipalities can council on the grants that were received earlier many are caught by rules limiting the number • Council demurred on a plan to create an be found in three different agreements: the New this year, but put into limbo by the coronavirus. of people they can serve in their space. To help installation on a public boulevard by a local West Partnership Trade Agreement (between • It’s going to cost owners of electric businesses out, the Province’s liquor regulator businesswoman. Kul Nijjar wrote to council, the four western provinces); the Canadian vehicles a little more to charge up at the electric wants to make it easier for them to expand out wanting to place either a vintage tractor, or an Free Trade Agreement (between all provinces, vehicle charge station. Council approved a into patios and other outside spaces. original statue, under a tree by the Hendricks territories and the federal government); and the plan to increase the fee for charging to $2/hour. Establishments wanting to do that in Garage Building. Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement Council’s Level 2 charge station currently costs Kaslo will find their applications fast-tracked “Installations on boulevards is something (between Canada and the European Union. users about $1/hour, and has raised just over by the Liquor Control and Regulation Branch. we’ve been grappling with because there is a “There is a careful balance needed – while many • Fresh Meat Cut Daily The Village was asked to choose if it wanted to lack of consistent policy,” CAO Ian Dunlop jurisdictions are considering different ways they • Fresh & Frozen Seafood send pre-approval for any local applications the wrote back. “Without a formal agreement, can help boost their local economies to help • Freezer Packs LCRB, or if it wanted to review the applications such as a license of occupation, there are businesses, many businesses do also depend • Deli Sandwiches to go before the LCRB considers them. Council chose questions of liability and maintenance.” He for their business on open markets,” Robinson • Awesome Cheese Selection the pre-approved option. noted past councils have been left holding the wrote back to the mayor. • Fresh & Smoked Sausage Since 1986 1986 • Smoked Salmon Now open 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., • Awesome Beef Jerky Tuesday to Saturday. Stop by and see Cooper Creek Cedar removes cutblock 6 from Argenta-Johnson’s Landing Face plan • Custom Cutting our new items! Lots of gifts for Grads, by Jan McMurray the communication conduit between the broader very open to communication with the liaison • Weekly Instore Specials and Father’s Day too! Cooper Creek Cedar has made some community and Cooper Creek Cedar. There is committee,” Newmoon said. “No logging 250.353.2566 changes to the Argenta-Johnson’s Landing also an ad hoc group, which consists of five plan will be satisfactory to everyone in the 408 Front Street, Kaslo, BC Face logging plan. community members with technical knowledge. community, but we’ve had a lot of back and www.figmentscanada.com Cutblock 6 has been removed from the “The two groups have different functions forth with Cooper Creek and have been able to plan, and the road proposed for cutblock 1 has but we work together and share information,” work towards a reasonable plan.” been downgraded to a forwarding trail. Newmoon explained. The liaison committee and ad hoc group The changes come as a result of discussions She said the community has have been on several field trips with CCC reps with Will Halleran about his terrain stability communicated its concerns and feedback to last fall and this spring. Newmoon notes that assessment and discussions with community the liaison committee through an ongoing email the area’s RDCK director, Aimee Watson, members during recent field trips. participation process and a series of community recently joined a field trip. “Aimee has been “We’re particularly pleased that block 6 meetings that began last summer. very present in the process. The community has been deleted from the plan,” said Karen “We’ve found Cooper Creek Cedar to be appreciates the involvement of our regional Newmoon, a member of the liaison committee. responsive to the community’s concerns, and director,” Newmoon said. “That’s the block where Brenda [Herbison, biologist] found caribou scat and tracks, so it’s Cooper Creek Cedar conducting sound forest practices, audit finds good news for slope stability and for protecting by Jan McMurray forest management.” caribou habitat, as well. Cooper Creek Cedar got high marks in It also notes that a Forest Practices Board “I think this is a testament to the value of the Forest Practices Board’s audit of its forest investigation of this same forest licence area relationship-building between the community licence near Kaslo. in 2012, when Meadow Creek Cedar held and the tenure holder.” “On the ground, the licensee carried the licence, found “some of the highest levels The liaison committee was formed to be out sound forest practices in the areas of non-compliance” that the board has ever of harvesting, road construction and encountered. maintenance, and silviculture, as well as The audit report provides an update on good proactive efforts to engage the public. the Healy Creek area, which was flagged The licensee is also making significant as an area of concern during the 2012 investments to address the legacy issues investigation. The Healy Creek drainage arising from poor reforestation in the past, was placed into a ‘no harvest area’ in 2008 and the quality of practices on the ground to conserve mountain caribou habitat, exceeded legal requirements in several and government and licencees have been respects. As this is a very challenging area in discussing who should take responsibility which to operate, the Board acknowledges for outstanding forestry obligations here these results,” the audit report states. ever since. In the 2012 report, the FPB The FPB also found that CCC fully recommended that government coordinate complied with legal requirements for old a maintenance/ deactivation strategy for all growth management and mountain caribou roads in the Healy Creek drainage and involve habitat protection. all resource users. Unfortunately, the recent The audit found one non-compliance: an audit report indicates that there has been little excavator crossed a bridge that was not rated progress on this. However, the report notes to handle the weight of the machine, and one that the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural area for improvement: the preparation of site Resource Operations and Rural Development plans for roads built outside of cutblocks. has informed the FPB that it has secured The report notes that the company is now funding to plan deactivation work in Healy developing the required site plans. Creek this year. “The proposed actions are The audit report acknowledges that encouraging; timely action is needed by both the area is “challenging for engineering, the licensee and the Province to address the harvesting and silviculture, has many long-term safety and environmental risks sensitive environmental values, and is the from roads and bridges in Healy Creek,” the subject of local public interest in sustainable audit report says. June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice COMMUNITY 19 Dozens of projects green-lit by Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program by John Boivin, Local Journalism Lake - $901,001 - $100,000 including prescription development, participation in caribou census and Initiative reporter This program on the North This project is contributing to slashing, piling, burn planning, collaring; predator track surveys in Dozens of projects worth millions Arm of Kootenay Lake addresses the White Sturgeon Conservation burning, post-burn monitoring, and the Central Selkirks; and a survey of dollars have been approved to the nutrient losses as a result of Aquaculture Program in the Canadian reporting. of moose in the Revelstoke sub-unit. conserve and enhance fish and the construction of the Duncan portion of the Basin. Supporting Caribou recovery Other projects include wildlife in watersheds impacted by and Libby dams, with a bottom-up Enhancing habitat for upland in our Columbia Region - $105,262 studies on reducing grizzly bear BC Hydro dams. approach. It sees the addition of and dryland species in the West This project is a multi-agency encounters, finding wolverine den The Fish & Wildlife nitrogen and phosphorus, in the Kootenay - $175,222 effort led by the Province of BC sites, monitoring bats, planting Compensation Program has form of liquid agricultural-grade This project, led by the Province to recover threatened caribou the endangered whitebark pine announced 43 projects worth fertilizer, to support phytoplankton of BC, focuses on the oversight, sub-populations. Actions include tree, reducing invasive plants to $5.5 million to be implemented populations that are suitable for the coordination, and implementation mortality investigations for Central help Bighorn sheep, and restoring this year. The funding fulfills BC production of Daphnia, a main food of upland and dryland restoration Selkirk caribou, cougar, and wolves wetlands. You can find out more Hydro’s water licence obligations source for Kokanee. activities in the West Kootenay, and wolf-pack size determinations; about these projects at fwcp.ca. and voluntary commitments to Supporting Hill Creek compensate for fish and wildlife spawning channel, Arrow Lakes Nakusp man charged in truck theft incident impacts. Reservoir - $187,356 submitted he saw the truck parked on the side without incident. First Nations, stewardship This project supports ongoing A 40-year-old man from Nakusp of the road with a man sitting in the He was charged with possession groups, consultants, and agencies operations, maintenance, and was charged with possession of driver’s seat, he continued a safe of stolen property over $5,000 and are leading the 11 fish and 32 wildlife monitoring at the Hill Creek stolen property when he was found distance and contacted police. possession of break-in instruments. projects that will help conserve and spawning channel. Monitoring in a stolen truck on a logging road in With the assistance of Police He appeared before a justice and enhance fish and wildlife impacted includes Kokanee fry emigration; Coldstream on May 22. Dog Services, frontline officers was released from custody on 11 by BC Hydro dams. Rainbow Trout redd counts and Vernon North Okanagan RCMP surrounded the vehicle, and the conditions pending his next court Below is a brief description of fry emergence; adult Kokanee report that officers responded to a Nakusp man was taken into custody date. some of the approved projects. size, fecundity, and escapement; call at about 3 am from a Coldstream Restoring habitat for shore- overwintering egg survival; and resident who had been awoken RCMP bust nets big meth haul spawning Kokanee in Kootenay water quality at the spawning by the sound of his diesel pickup by John Boivin, Local Journalism One woman was arrested in the Lake -$18,000 channel. The spawning channel was truck starting up and driving away. Initiative reporter raid. She has been released on an This project, led by the Friends built as compensation for spawning The resident advised police that Nakusp RCMP say they hit the undertaking. of Kootenay Lake Stewardship habitat lost due to the construction the truck had very little fuel, so jackpot in a raid at a village home “Charges will be recommended Society, focuses on collecting data of the Revelstoke Dam, and it now probably wouldn’t get very far. last week. for the offence of Possession for and restoring habitat for declining provides additional spawning habitat Police conducted numerous patrols Police executed a search warrant the Purpose of Trafficking,” said shore-spawning Kokanee in the for Kokanee and Rainbow Trout but were unable to locate the vehicle. in the 300 block of 8th Ave NW on Corporal Jaime Moffat in a news West Arm of Kootenay Lake. Gravel from Arrow Lakes Reservoir. A At 10:30 am, the truck owner Wednesday, May 27, where they release. “The investigation is installed at a lower elevation than similar project at Meadow Creek is decided to drive up King Edward found what they describe as a “large ongoing.” the current rearing habitat will being funded for $230,089. Forest Service Road to see if the quantity” of methamphetamine. No Moffat says Nakusp RCMP encourage Kokanee to spawn at Supporting White Sturgeon vehicle had been abandoned. When details on the size of the seizure were will continue to actively target drug elevations unaffected by fluctuations recovery in the Columbia River released. dealers in the local community. in the water level. Protecting endangered Northern Leopard Frogs from invasive Bull Frogs - $44,055 This project aims to conduct a comprehensive and targeted surveillance and eradication program on American Bullfrogs. The intent of this project is to protect the productivity of the wetland ecosystem and habitats required by endangered Northern Leopard Frogs from the highly invasive American Bullfrog. Filling information gaps about pollinators in the West Kootenay - $37,146 This project, led by the Kootenay Native Plant Society, will document native bee abundance, diversity, and habitat use in wet Camas meadows in the West Kootenay. Camas is a vital food plant for First Nations, and indigenous cultivation likely supported high pollinator diversity in the past. Pollination sustains native ecosystem health and function, but little is known about the identity, status, habitat use, and pollinator-plant relationships in these ecosystems. Adding nutrients to Arrow Lakes Reservoir - $749,736 This program addresses the nutrient losses in the Arrow Lakes Reservoir, a result of the construction of the Mica and Revelstoke dams, with a bottom-up approach. It sees the addition of nitrogen and phosphorus, in the form of liquid agricultural-grade fertilizer, to support phytoplankton populations that are suitable for the production of Daphnia, a main food source for Kokanee. Adding nutrients to Kootenay 20 CLASSIFIED ADS The Valley Voice June 4, 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 15, 2020. Please send in your 576x576 at 250-358-7768, or Lila at 250-358-7766. language proficiency. Min. high school BUDDY’S PIZZA, KASLO: Award WHAT AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY to pixel image and submission form to Sponsored by SD10 & Ministry of Education. diploma. Min. 7 mos. exp. work with winning, hand-stretched artisan pizza. live your dream and own your own business. [email protected]. For more info FOR SALE child with intellectual disabilities. Duties: 250-353-2282. Become the proud owner of the Valley Voice visit hiddengardengallery.ca. AFFORDABLE STEEL SHIPPING personal care, accompany child on long CHIAROSCURO PHOTOGRAPHIC and a quaint building on the main street of New CARD OF THANKS CONTAINERS 20 ft. and 40 ft. sizes. distance swims (i.e. pool and lake), assist GALLERY: Featuring Fine Art Denver. The newspaper business can provide A LARGE THANK YOU to First Kootenay Containers Sales & Rentals, in regular exercise, plan therapeutic diets Photography by Patrizia Menton. Will be a modest living for you and your family, and Responders for helping me Tuesday, May Castlegar. 250-365-3014. and execute recommended therapies. First open by appointment only for the time wonderful community connections. If you 19 when I capsized my boat in Silverton. WATKINS PRODUCTS, HAND Aid and advanced swimming certification being. Located at 123 Reiben Rd. in Hills are so inclined, we would love to show you Thank you to Bryn of Silverton Resort for CRAFTS – Bertha Williams, #11 – 217 required. Live-in position. Apply to Fiona BC, 16 km north of New Denver. Phone: the ropes and stay as long or as little as you his quick response and to Tera for coming Zacks Rd. 250-265-9080. Nay at [email protected] 250-358-2569 www.patriziamenton.com need us. We have absolutely loved our life as to my immediate rescue. - PJM BAND-SAW MILLED mixed dimension HEALTHY COMMUNITY SOCIETY SUMMER FASHIONS finally arriving at newspaper people! Give us a call at 1-833- COMING EVENTS lumber and timbers up to 10” x 10”. Cedar is seeking a COMPOST MANAGER AND Still Eagle. See new Alchemy, Respecterre, 501-1700 for a chat, or email valleyvoice@ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the New 4” x 4”s,1” x 8”, etc. 208 Laktin Road, Hills, TOOL LIBRARIAN. Can be one or two and others. Our new hours are 12-4 guaranteed, valleyvoice.ca. Yours, Dan & Jan. Denver Hospice Society will be holding its BC. Call 250-358-7796. positions. The ideal Compost Manager is but usually more like 11-5. 421 Baker. ARE YOU AN ASPIRING Annual General Meeting on June 25, 2020 HEALTH physically fit (able to lift bins of compost), AUTOMOTIVE ENTREPRENEUR? If so, call Community at 7 pm. Due to a possible change in social SHADE TREE MASSAGE THERAPY has a vehicle to transport compost from New Denver and Silverton to Rosebery, 2014 VW JETTA – white with black, 2L, Futures to learn about the free Business Plan distancing guidelines, the location or Zoom now welcoming new and returning and is keen to be part of this exciting 5 speed transmission. 113,500 km. Great workshop open to anyone! And if you’re link will be determined by mid-June. Please clients for therapeutic and relaxation community composting project. Roughly fuel economy. New tires, brakes. Power eligible, you may also qualify for the Self- check the website at https://newdenverhospice. treatments. Clean, quiet, professional 5 hours/ week, $24/hour + reimbursement windows, seats, sun roof, mirrors. AC. Very Employment program where you will receive com, email [email protected] or office located in Winlaw. Mobile available. for travel. The ideal tool librarian has space clean. $9,400. 250-358-2544. ongoing business training and coaching and call 250-358-7828 for updated information. Jessica Coonen RMT 250 226-6887 usually financial support while you start your READY, SET, LEARN at Home in New [email protected] for our tool trailer, lives in New Denver, is well organized and eager to join our team. business. To learn more call 265-3674 ext. Denver area! All pre-kindergarten 3- to FREE YOGA WITH TYSON in Slocan Duties include signing tools in and out, and 201 or email [email protected]. 5-year-olds, including home-based learners, Fridays 9:30-11 am * CBT Funded. tool maintenance. 4 hours/ week, $22/hour. THINKING OF STARTING, buying or are invited to participate in this free program Intro Reflexology/Thai Massage $40. To apply, submit resume and cover letter by expanding your own business? If so, Community on two Fridays, June 12 and 19. The modified sacredearthsomatics.com * 551-8505. June 15 to Dean Spankie: brotherdean@ Futures offers business loans, counseling & program will be partially delivered on Zoom Classes and bodywork postponed for now. yahoo.ca. Job descriptions available by training; and delivers the Self Employment (stories and songs). Parents or caregivers HELP WANTED program in the Arrow & Slocan Lakes area. For request. may pick up Activity Kits for the program EXPERIENCED BARISTA for new NOTICES more info leave a message at 265-3674 ext. 201 at Lucerne Elementary Secondary School on coffee shop in Nakusp, BC. Mountain or email [email protected]. Wednesday or Thursday before the class. You Top Coffee Co. Send resume to support@ RHYTHM OF LIFE: You can find the CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS do not have to ‘attend’ the class, everyone mountaintopcoffeeco.com, 250-999-7619. path to love, wisdom, and spiritual freedom by singing Hu every day. Singing Hu helps THE HIDDEN GARDEN GALLERY’S may have the Activity Kits, which include SEEKING ATTENDANT for Person us align with our own spiritual Rhythm of SUBMISSION deadline for the 20th a book and very engaging activities. Please with Disabilities. Located in Kaslo, BC. Life. http://eckankarblog.org/sound-of-soul Anniversary Show is extended to June register to receive the kits: call Charlene, ECE, $19.23/hr. 2-yr. contract. 30 hrs/wk. English BUSINESS DIRECTORY CONSTRUCTION • HOME • GARDEN HALL LUMBER MADDEN TIMBER CONSTRUCTION, INC. & BUILDING SUPPLIES Wired by Alex HPO Licenced Builder & Red Seal Carpenter Open Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat Electrical Contracting Ltd 10 am to 5 pm TimberFrame Homes PHONE 250-269-0043 Stairs, Interior Finishing, Drywall Find us at 280 Lower Inonoaklin Rd. Alex Joseph Concrete and Excavation Edgewood, BC Roofing and Siding Custom Design Wood and Timber Sales 250-358-7721 mobile (250) 551-TIME (8463) [email protected] K & A Kent & Arlene Yardcare Services 250 265 1807 Housewatch • Free Estimates 358-2508 • 358-7785 • 505-8210 [email protected] Crescent Bay Construction Ltd. SOLID Jim Pownall Eric Waterfield — Septic Planning/Installation & Co. Nakusp, BC • Ph. 250 265-3747 • Fx. 250 265-3431 Indoor Garden PLAN • Email [email protected] LOG & TIMBER Supplies DRAFTING AND DESIGN Tim Reilly Castlegar S. KING, CET FRAME HOMES Suite 3, 622 Front St 250-304-2911 Grow Your Own Crane Service Nelson, BC Vll 4B7 (250) 358-7922 Indoor & Outdoor Garden New Denver • BC C: (250)551-6584 1730 Hwy 3, Selkirk Spring Building Supplies, Knowledgeable Staff, Licensed Residential Builder & General Contractor Regular Hours 250-358-2566 [email protected] Mon – Sat 9 am - 5 pm Design • Project Management • Building Services [email protected] [email protected] 4619 Hwy 6, New Denver, BC V0G 1S1 Closed Sunday and Long Weekends www.trctimberworks.com Leaf Cabinetry Residential & commercial Highland Creek cabinet work. Winlaw, BC Contracting T: (250) 551-7127 250.226.7441 • Excavating • Dump truck • E: [email protected] www.leafcabinetry.com Premium garden soil • Lawn installation • Landscaping Renovations and Call for a estimate Maintenance Made Easy! • Basic Renovations & Construction • Pete Schwartz • Painting • Landscaping • cell: 250-505-4347 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Hourly Rate, By Appointment Only • Power Trowel • Concrete Finishing – Slocan Lake communities Only – [email protected] • Concrete Stamping and Acid Tyler Paynton • 250.777.3654 • [email protected] [email protected] highlandcreekcontracting.com Staining • Forming • Tile Setting • Cultured & Natural Stone Installation Brian Madill & Kevin Erdos CREATIVE MASONRY SOLUTIONS Scarlett’s Electric Building and Renovations FOR YOUR HOME AND BUSINESS Serving the West Kootenay 47 years serving Ainsworth, Kaslo & north All electrical work, micro-hydro & solar Patrick Baird Phone: 250-355-0044 Call Don (250)353-2563 250-354-8562 email: [email protected] June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice COMMUNITY 21 NOTICES PETS SERVICES ARE ALCOHOL OR OTHER DRUGS NO SIT! Not your usual dog training class. BLAZE KING/VALLEY COMFORT a problem in your life? AA, NA and Find the AMAZING in your dog. www. Wood, Electric & Oil specialist: sales, AL-ANON (family) meetings can help. proudofmydog.ca installations, service inspection & For information on AA: in New Denver, REAL ESTATE WANTED consultations. Duct cleaning & sanitizing; 250-358-7158; Nakusp, 265-4216; Kaslo, LOOKING FOR LAND TO LEASE Ductwork, Chimneys, Oil tank removals, 353-9617. For NA: New Denver, 358-7265. for two tiny homes and garden, shed in BC ventilation solutions & HRV design For AL-ANON (family): New Denver, 250- the Slocan Valley area. We will install and installations. K.F. Kootenay Furnace 551-6540. Please, if you can’t get through, water, septic, hydro if necessary. Email Ltd. LIMITED SERVICES, CALL FOR try another number. [email protected] or call 306- MORE INFORMATION 250-355-0088. CARPENTER CREEK LAST 692-3201. JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER and “B”- WISHES SOCIETY provides LOOKING FOR LAND TO PURCHASE ticket gasfitter for new construction or information on preplanning for death under $85k with seller willing to hold part renovation plumbing, water systems/ and advice for alternative funeral of the mortgage with downpayment and filtration, septic. 250-777-3588 (Tim); arrangements. Ph: 250-777-1974. www. a 3.75% interest rate over the length of www.paradisevalleyplumbing.ca or carpentercreeklastwishessociety.ca the agreed term. Buyer will pay all legal email: [email protected]. NELSON & AREA ELDER ABUSE and closing costs to put in place a legally UNDERSTAND YOUR LIFE PURPOSE PREVENTION Resource Centre: 250-352- binding purchase agreement. sgconway@ and claim your true power with the 6008 [email protected]/ hotmail.com, 403-889-5985. ancient study of astrology. Amanda offers www.nelsonelderabuseprevention.ca. Drop-in RENTAL WANTED comprehensive astrology natal chart Wednesdays 12-2 pm, 719 Vernon Street, Nelson. CAROL AND 2 DOGS seeking rental readings for you to deepen your self- Nelson and District Seniors Coordinating Society. starting August/ September/ October in study. 1.5-2 hours recorded over Zoom, HAVE YOU OR SOMEONE YOU New Denver area preferably. Reliable, phone, or in-person. Send an email to KNOW been sexually assaulted and want responsible, mature adult. Conscious, clean, [email protected] or call/ help? Call the Interior Crisis Line 24/7 at active lifestyle. Thank you! cbboccaccio@ text 250.686.0567 to book a session. 1-888-353-CARE to discuss your options or gmail.com 1-780-926-6538. Business Classifieds go directly to Arrow Lakes Hospital or your ghghghgh start at $10.00 Telus has gifted the Pavillion in New Denver with tablets for the residents, to allow them to local emergency room for confidential care. Call 833-501-1700 for details connect with their families during the COVID crisis.

EDUCATION • BICYCLE Lemon Creek COMING EVENTS Lodge & Bikes, Skis, Campground Your ad Year-round facility Snowshoes 1-877-970-8090 could be Sales and here for Maintenance Your ad could • Guesthouse • Call Shon WE DO OIL CHANGES – We stock oil & filters only $19.50 250-265-3332 for most common vehicles! • NEW TIRE be here for only SALES – Installs, Repairs & Changeovers • $11.00 + GST + GST [email protected] GENERAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIR STEEL TOE JOE’S Automotive Repair HAIRRECYCLING Joe Shaw Owner & Journeyman Technician 3804 Pine Rd. Krestova, BC AVA’S Alongside Mountainberry 778.454.0180 Hair Studio [email protected] Tuesday THRU Friday – By Appointment – 250-358-7199 358-7769 303-6th Avenue (Main St.), New Denver CLEANING PHOTOGRAPHY Your ad could be here for only Open 1 pm to 4:30 pm Tues. to Sat. $11.00 + GST


BUYER GIFTS Hand & Soul Support the Buying old toys Wellness Centre Your ad 202 Lake Avenue, Silverton Valley Voice & collectibles CHIROPRACTOR: Dr. Larry Zaleski Toys from the 90s or Over 30 years experience of Spinal Health Care with a voluntary could be Silverton: Mondays & Friday afternoon – Winlaw & Na- earlier kusp on Alternating Wednesdays (plus every 4th Thursday afternoon in Winlaw) subscription Antiques, old book or coin here for collections, old video games, COUNSELLOR: Sue Mistretta, M.A. 19 years experience helping clients working with anxiety, movie posters, Horror VHS Your ad could depression, grief, self esteem, health crisis, life transitions Only $10-$30 or simply are feeling stuck or uninspired. tapes & similar items Send Cheque or Money Order only $19.50 be here for only Offices in Silverton & Nelson Call Sam to: Valley Voice, Box 70, Call 250-358-2177 for appointments 250-355-2822 Visit www.handandsoul.ca New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 + GST $11.00 + GST 22 COMMUNITY The Valley Voice June 4, 2020 Kaslo council, May 19: Council looks at Front Street Park plans by John Boivin, Local Journalism little hard. Councillors commented Work is not slated to begin in earnest never formally adopted by council, and the Province on potential grant funding Initiative reporter on the overall design and how the until next year. several concerns still linger about how for wharf removal and proposed • At the May 19 Committee of buildings would work in the context • The RDCK is doing a wide- the Strategy could work, especially use of planning grant funds for a the Whole meeting, councillors got of Kaslo’s downtown. They still have ranging review of housing needs in with village staffing and budgets. comprehensive waterfront plan. a first look at plans for a bandshell to approve the project’s final design. the district. It has released an early • The Wright Brothers’ inaugural Council also discussed possible and washrooms for the planned The important legacy project means draft of the report – which at this point flight was only seven years in the past sale of excess land and an aerodrome Front Street Park. Work on the nearly a lot to the community, but council is mostly crunching statistics – for when lands Kaslo’s Aerodrome sits on survey, which could open up some of $700,000 project is slated to begin also wants to be sure to maximize councillors to review. Council decided were first surveyed. And Kaslo Bay the airport apron for private hangars. this summer, though the pandemic local contractors’ participation in the to defer any response to the report to has a decaying industrial wharf jutting “Kaslo aerodrome and its helipad has made setting a firm start date a project. It asked staff to report back the June council meeting. Council put into what could be a crown jewel for are also increasingly important to on contracting a project manager to up $15,000 for the study, which will the community. That’s why the Village the burgeoning recreational tourism oversee the construction, with an eye provide an in-depth look at the village’s has resubmitted a proposal to the Rural sector throughout the Kootenays,” say Next Valley on breaking up the project into pieces housing situation and needs. Dividend Fund for surveying and a report to council. “The aerodrome manageable for local contractors. The • As they prepare to review the planning both areas under the Lands lands will only develop helpfully Voice Deadline: project is being paid for in large part by Official Community Plan, the document Investment Attraction Project. If the for that sector if the lands are in a June 12 grants from the Columbia Basin Trust that provides a guide to how the town Village is ever going to move forward legal condition that attract private and other levels of government. should grow, Kaslo councillors dusted with gaining development from either investment. Kaslo cannot afford a 2020 • Councillors reviewed the off the 2018 Waterfront and Municipal asset, they require updated surveys, ‘build it and they will come’ approach work plans from the Ministry of Parks Strategy to see how it should be legal descriptions and qualified for the aerodrome lands on its tax base, Transportation and Infrastructure to incorporated into the project. While full professional attention. CAO Dunlop but a new survey plan could do a great replace the aging Kaslo River Bridge. of detail and plans, the Strategy was provided an update on discussions with deal at a much lower cost.”

Next Valley Voice Deadline:

January 11, H. A. Benson Inc. Your ad could Chartered Professional Accountant Your ad could Your ad 2019 119 Broadway Street Box 780 Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0 be here for only be hereOpen for Thurs only - Sun 226-0008 • WWW.RDCK.CA HOURScould be Phone: 250-265-3370 • Fax: 250-265-3375 Email: [email protected] $11.00 + GST 9 AM - 9 PM $11.00 + GST WEDNESDAY-SUNDAYhere for BIG DOG MUSIC • Guitars and Accessories • Musical Bill Lander Instruments • Vintage Vinyl Records • New REALTOR® only $19.50 Vinyl Records • Stereo Equipment - Turntables 421 6th Ave, New Denver 250-551-5652 7 A.M. - 3 P.M. 250-307-0163 + GST 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. [email protected]

I show all my listings! Serving the Slocan Valley for the New Market Foods 16th year. 518 6th Ave • New Denver 250-358-2270 Fax: 250-358-2290 Offices in Nakusp, Nelson & Kaslo email: [email protected] www.newmarketfoods.ca Delivery available in the New Denver Silverton area. Advertise in the For same day delivery call, email or fax by 2:00 pm. Valley Voice. Our hours are 7 days a week from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Certified by the Province of BC to test drinking water It pays!!! Call 1-833-501-1700 for details Gaia Tree Whole Foods [email protected] Community Market Coldwell Banker Rosling Real Estate • All Organic Produce Valley Exchange • All Organic Grains Buying/Selling – Bulk Ordering – Gold & Silver Community Discount Day: Last Friday of the month 250-353-7844 Mon-Sat 9-6 AGRICULTURE Sunday 10-4 Tax Returns not Downtown Winlaw • 250-226-7255 behaving? Canadian Tax Whisperer (est. 1983) A small family-owned & operated tax and book-keeping service is taking on new clients. For by-phone appointments call on Sunday 12-4 to book. Re-Opening June 10th! 250-355-2822 Wed – Sat, 11 am - 3 pm Sam or Merina Support the Valley Voice with Support the Valley Voice with a voluntary subscription $60/return Now Open by Appointment Th & Fri: Only $5-$50 Subsidy available for low- Please email [email protected] Send Cheque to: Valley Voice, Box 70 a voluntary subscription New Denver, BC V0G 1S0 income clients or call to book yours Main Street, New Denver Only $10-$30 250-358-2178 June 4, 2020 The Valley Voice COMMUNITY 23 RDCK outlines cautious approach to reopening recreation facilities by John Boivin, Local Journalism “The present financial plans will not programming. a possibility they could re-open, the figure out a new, socially-distant want to allocate funding towards new Initiative reporter support the same operating hours, All indoor facilities remain report says. way of rearranging the equipment. outdoor initiatives delivered through People will be playing sports program availability and other closed for the foreseeable future Trails and open spaces will However, if they can do that, the a parks ambassador program and and having fun out-of-doors long services. This is disappointing for the as part of phase 2. Phase 3 would remain open to informal use. financial impact to the district will other programing options. before indoor recreation facilities are community who rely on our services see a limited number of large However, campgrounds and be reduced. “Outdoor program delivery is reopened, a report by the Regional for their health and well-being and indoor spaces open for modified organized sports on playing fields The report also outlines how the safest and most cost effective District of Central Kootenays says. for our staff for their employment.” programming. will have to wait for directives from the pandemic has hit the RDCK’s recreation program delivery,” the Despite that, RDCK officials The RDCK first closed its Each community will see the provincial health officer and recreation service revenues hard. report notes. say by coming up with new outdoor district-run arenas, pools, and different amounts of programming provincial sports bodies. Last year, the district took in Directors agreed, and RDCK programming ideas, they may be meeting halls March 16. Park according to its facilities and capacity. However, the indoor recreation approximately $3.728 million from staff were directed to implement able to contain the financial damage amenities were closed a week In a sign of how fast-moving the facility discussion “is some weeks rec fees. With operations shut down an ambassador program for the from the pandemic-forced closure of later, but parks remained open for situation still is with the coronavirus, away,” Chirico’s report cautions. since mid-March, recreation revenue summer to get people enjoying what their facilities. pedestrian traffic. at the meeting Chirico said regional Nelson and Castlegar’s arenas is down about $380-400,000. facilities they can. Some options The RDCK’s general manager Those initiatives will remain in playgrounds, skateboards and ball will remain closed. Even when they However, because of layoffs would be summer camps that allow of community services, Joe Chirico, effect, even as the Province carefully courts would remain closed. The do reopen, however, Chirico’s report and reduced costs, expenses are also social distancing, and water safety outlined the district’s plans for opens up to more social interaction. next day, the RDCK announced warns the programing will need to be down, by about $208,000. programs that can be held out-of- recreation services at the last board The RDCK plans a five-stage the skateboard parks in Creston designed to limit physical contact. “Projections indicate that by doors. of directors’ meeting May 21. process for reopening. For outdoor and Castlegar would reopen, with That will mean directors should keeping our present course of action But the bottom line is, the ‘new “Our communities, the Board, facilities, phase 1 is now in effect, restrictions. There’s no word on expect a 50% drop in revenue. (closed indoor facilities) that all normal’ everyone is talking about is Recreation Commissions and staff and phase 2, expanding the number when playgrounds or ball courts will “Competitive hockey is services will have recovered their going to be anything but. will need to come to an understanding of facilities open for modified reopen, however. There are still issues unlikely,” the report adds. net losses by the end of June (be back “No matter what, we that the 2020 recreation service casual use, was expected to start of maintaining sanitary standards, The aquatic centres in both on track to meet the 2020 financial need to understand that there is levels have changed and will by late May. No dates have been and providing handwashing and facilities are also likely to remained plan),” the report states. much confusion out there about continue to change as COVID-19 set for phases 3, 4, and 5, which sanitizing stations. If administrative closed for the foreseeable future. Like By concentrating on outdoor messaging,” Chirico told the restrictions change,” says the report. would see ever-increasing levels of controls can be established, there’s the arenas, programming will have programming, the district can earn directors. “The Province has used the to provide physical distancing, and revenue without having the expenses words ‘opening up.’ People interpret School District 10, May 19: Child Care Centre project updates directors should expect a 50-75% associated with indoor programming. that as ‘back to normal,’ but that is by Jan McMurray If the application is not successful, three days per week for K-5. In SD drop in revenue this year. Chirico suggested the board may definitely not the case.” • The Goat Mountain Child the portables will still have to go, 10, since the March break, about A big issue for Nelson is the Care Centre at Lucerne School in and the district will have to pay for 30% of students have been attending outdated lobby space, which will New Denver is still on track to open it. Four different floor plans for the school by appointment. These are have to be rethought to help keep in September. The project has run school were presented, looking at children of essential service workers people safely separated. “This is a into two big problems recently, but how to gain classroom space when and students who are vulnerable or challenge,” says the report. both have been resolved. All bids the portables are demolished. The who need extra help. New Denver’s fitness centre will received for the renovation of the new child care centre would help • The school district’s 2020-21 remain closed. “As the facility is not basement space at the school were with gaining space – it would have budget includes a teacher counsellor staffed, it will be difficult to monitor,” too high, and the architect, Chris a new kitchen, so would free up to be shared among all schools, says the report. Fairbank, has had a stroke and the classroom currently used as the $50,000 for a music specialist or Castlegar’s tiny fitness centre cannot continue with the project. school’s kitchen; and it would allow specialists for the schools, a half- won’t be reopened until staff can Local contractor Laurie Hicks has Strong Start to move to the new child time intermediate teacher at Burton taken on the project manager role, care space, freeing up the portable given the projected increase in and the district has hired architect currently used for Strong Start. enrollment, and 20 hours per week Vicki Topping from MQN Architects • Graduation ceremonies in contingency custodial time due to in Kelowna. Nakusp and New Denver will go COVID-19. • The news about the grant on, but will be different this year • Several teacher jobs have been application for the proposed Child because of the pandemic. The NSS posted for vacancies at the schools Care Centre at Nakusp Elementary grad takes place June 12 in the gym, in New Denver and Nakusp, as well is expected to come in August. In an with just 50 people attending. Each as the Arrow Lakes Distributed update on the project at the meeting, grad can invite two guests. Others Learning School. Superintendent Terry Taylor can watch the ceremony online; • Several staff were honoured at explained that two old portables local photographer Lee Orr will be the Staff Appreciation events at each from the former Glenbank School livestreaming the event. The Lucerne school on May 15: James Peterson need to be demolished – not only grad takes place June 20 in the gym and Cindy Schroff (10 years); to make way for the proposed and will also be a small gathering. Patti Sebben, Ric Bardati, Karen new centre, but also because they • Starting June 1, students have Marsden, Patti Zeleznik (20 years); are at the end of their lives. The the choice of continuing to learn Chiyoko Reitmeier and Raynelle demolition and hazmat mitigation remotely, or going back to school Posnikoff (25 years); Doreen Yano costs are estimated at $221,000 and for in-class instruction one day per and Gertrud Klopp (30 years); are included in the grant application. week for grades 6-12 and two to Brenda McQuair (retirement). New WildSafeBC coordinator for Nakusp-New Denver by Jan McMurray to drop me off at university. We fell wildsafebc.com, follow WildSafeBC Cora Skaien is the new in love with the place! My parents New Denver-Nakusp on Facebook, WildSafeBC coordinator for New moved out here more than two years or contact Cora at newdenver@ Denver, Silverton, Nakusp and Area ago, and now I have too. I love living wildsafebc.com or 778-987-3652. K (Arrow Lakes). here! The best part is waking up to a A recent PhD graduate from beautiful mountain view surrounded the University of British Columbia, by forest every day.” Cora is passionate about wildlife and Cora will be reaching out education. to community members in new “Many job opportunities were and innovative ways during the trying to pull me back to Vancouver, pandemic – including campaigning or elsewhere in BC and Alberta, but I door to door and delivering webinars. am very happy to have accepted this “I am very excited to work position and have the opportunity to with communities within the Slocan become part of communities within Valley to help keep wildlife wild the Slocan Valley,” she says. and communities safe. I am eager Cora moved to the area in to learn more about the specific December 2019, after visiting human-wildlife interactions here, regularly for two years. and more broadly, I am excited to “I first came across the Slocan become more integrated into the Cora Skaien is the new WildSafeBC Valley in 2008 when my family and communities,” she said. coordinator for New Denver, I stayed in Winlaw while on our way For more information: www. Silverton, Nakusp and Area K. 24 COMMUNITY The Valley Voice June 4, 2020 New WildSafeBC coordinator in Kaslo by Kathy Hartman conflict between people and wildlife. delivery campaigns, garbage WildSafeBC’s Wildlife Alert the Conservation Officer Service at COVID-19 may be keeping us Brian Montgomery arrived in tagging, and delivering webinars on Reporting Program (WARP), 1-877-952-7277. at home, but not the bears and other Kaslo in October from Inuvik, the WildSafe Ranger Program and available at www.wildsafebc.com/ You can contact Montgomery wildlife who live nearby. Northwest Territories. the Wildlife Awareness and Safety warp. This site allows people to see for information on how to reduce To help residents of the Kaslo From May to November, Education sessions. what wildlife has been reported in human-wildlife conflict or book area and wildlife co-exist, WildSafe Montgomery will be providing “In my spare time, you’ll find their neighbourhood and be alerted any of the free programs at kaslo@ BC has hired a new coordinator for several WildSafeBC initiatives me on the trails around Kaslo and of new sightings. If a resident wants wildsafebc.com, 905-977-8288, or Kaslo and Area D to help reduce including door-to-door information Area D with my bear spray on me,” to report wildlife in conflict, contact perhaps find him out on the trails. said Montgomery, who moved to Welcome to our 12th gallery season the area after working in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. “I have June 2-20 Barbara Maye had to get adapted to tall and dense June 23-July 11 Patricia Palmer forests as there are not a lot of those July 14-Aug.1 Allan Dunfield in the Arctic Circle, but certainly August 4-22 Betty Fahlman bears about! I take a lot of photos on Aug.25-Sept.12 M.-C.Claveau the trails – I’ve been like this since I Sept. 15-Oct.10 Charlene & Michael Duncan was a child, to capture what I see and research what type of plant, insect, Gallery Open ONLY by Appointment: Tues. - Sat. 11 am to 4 pm 250-265-8888 animal or rock I come across.” 203 Fifth Avenue NW Nakusp Montgomery has a master’s degree in environmental studies and once worked on human-geese conflict management at the Toronto Zoo. (His geese-survival tip: don’t let the geese eat your french fries. It makes them very aggressive.) Kaslo residents can report sightings of bear, cougar, coyote or wolf in an urban area. These reports are uploaded daily to Brian Montgomery is Kaslo’s new WildSafeBC coordinator.

Kees van der Pol and Sara Collinson from the Nakusp Rotary Club offer masks made by club members. They set up outside Save On Foods two days last month and collected $530 for the food bank. Do you want to make a difference in your community? Nakusp Rotary offers free masks and raises $530 for the food bank submitted are expected to be muted, so the very Members of the Rotary Club of popular Rotary burger will likely not Nakusp got busy last month sewing be featured. The Bee Cee Beemers, masks for people to wear while the who normally visit Nakusp in August risk of the COVID-19 pandemic is and enjoy a hearty Rotary breakfast, still with us. Past President Mayumi have cancelled their trip this year. All van der Pol and new member Mary of this adds up to a big hole in the McLaren burned some late night oil Rotary club’s budget and constraints sewing nearly 200 masks, based on on how much the club can donate to a pattern borrowed from the Nelson the community. Daybreak Rotary Club. Citizen of the Year celebrations The club set up shop outside Save have been postponed as well. Nakusp On Foods in Nakusp on Sunday, May Rotary hopes the hold the annual 24 and Saturday, May 30 and offered banquet in October this year. If a the masks for free, or by donation. second wave of COVID-19 makes This resulted in a $530 cheque to the this impossible, arrangements will be Nakusp food bank. made to recognize Ernie Knecht and The COVID-19 pandemic has Janis Dahlen at the annual Christmas severely curtailed the fundraising Carol Sing. efforts of the Nakusp Rotary Club The donation to the food bank this year. The annual Nakusp Wine generated by the mask promotion was Interior Health is looking for Cooks & Food Service Workers to join their team in and Beer Festival, the club’s biggest therefore very gratefully received and Kaslo, New Denver and Nakusp. Interior Health strives to create an environment fundraiser, had to be postponed and will help those most in need at a time where you enjoy the work you do, the place where you work, and the people has been tentatively rescheduled for when many are finding themselves around you. Applicants can apply online at Jobs.InteriorHealth.ca. September. Canada Day celebrations short of money for groceries.