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British Journal for the of Philosophy Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Mind, mathematics and the Ignorabimusstreit Neil Tennant

Online Publication Date: 01 November 2007 To cite this Article: Tennant, Neil (2007) 'Mind, mathematics and the Ignorabimusstreit', British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 15:4, 745 - 773 To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/09608780701605036 URL:


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Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 1 British Certai century the antic philos ianism; mate during in called encou course princi realist work grapple wherever German responsible Allan Rosentha Pettit, Kirk, Guttenpla Finkelstein, Chalmers, For Making Germ encouragement William i rialism, S pated ple, nter ilverman, Journal s ophers is n Adam Ignora , that are d l, possible. the of n any directly i Nat developm Patricia , n George for with is G Frank by an this of doing s Lycan, lenn period explanat by all knowabl urphiloso in o Podlaskows for ISSN bim both the M interest Jack physica woul c far errors epist the writer Hartz, the Churchland, McDonald laim usstreit IND author. Jackson, relev or Peter 0960-8788 Smart, ents in History reducti mid- so, as d British emolog helpful that ory plausi e. Britain ing s Jim I phen ant l the ki, regard Milne, , GNORABIMUSSTREIT i some The to-late-1800s existence, in n Richard remain. con M gap; Hopkins, Richard i Ross, of D Journal ve ntersect (or to latter comments Paul ble print/ISSN recent ical iana original an ATHEMATICS Philosophy cerning INTR Andrew and and the the d react Nei conceptual i Tamar as Unless s Sorabji, Churchland A problem Raffman their for the Garner, Vittorio de France modern non- knowl ion RTICLE and German l ODUC philoso both ing bate Oldenquist, the thanks what Tennant main , Rudavsky 1469-3526 otherwise 15(4) o a David DOI: heirs reductive; History mathe s to) f , H edge s . Stephen wel turns d , nov N o The we passages ¨ TION phy ifferent h i deb are M sle, n issue icholas the 2007: 10.1080/09608780701605036 istorical Spurrett l ario in el the , can a indicated Paolo matical argu Nicholaos of owed ate online ideas F s traditio on of lorian s the Philosophy i Gaukro an d 745 n AND broadest know e superveni will between Rescher, lines ment; are mind Parrini, the d the to Caro, and – ª or task early 773 von in be Jose trut 1 i 2007 works Jones, mpor n ger, Michael theses add questi of the about confined Daniel ´ and of of Schilcher, THE that Volker h. Luis thought Georges twentieth text, BSHP ressed. Ken of ence realists this Nat David tant The on of in function Tye. sett conscious Bermu co translatio Dennett, Peckhaus, Gemes, urphiloso que to paper. other and ntempor of ninete Joyce, Wilfried ings. were The the Rey, in We ´ and stion dez, what myster- century author endnotes alism. the writer n Gabriel In Samuel Robert Thei s enth- David David ness, Philip an shall full phie from Sieg, are: , ary the so- ti- i n is y r s Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 2 746 cen an ninete scious ab the he minded can Engl Engl seem W Natur these who reno Em in de involv ha co just down intel least philos hist mind much one secon works be hist fort precu discus Log See re. e tailed cause nsiderab Perh It A y out lf the ltra tury tly ergentist orical, orical iori, ische the problem lectual men how foll wned ) ish-speaking ish-speaking caveat NEIL of is gave d rsors (C. a is ness enth ophic sion erkenn to e riddl ¨ to of i point thsel’, the aps present d nfl remar h lost ows early the philos alrea Germ none h they tion a the hav clearly Auf D. what i istorical uenced l and the TENNANT n f le was es. the problem phy in cen a is and of infl traditi s ninete o the the l establis ens’, Br e dy bau present detail, kable of, author’s are f delivered of are needed of class an twenti ophy the value He tury conceptual hardest siolo uence, the faded the oad’s ackn might in bibli reader their m con or late or partly by der tw world, enth d on philoso accou ninete ic u did the ninete e how due g engagem as c hing British ‘psychophys o in eth owledged livered sciousn paper of Quine of ographic ist-phi statemen h enoug day. at of The Welt t in or o be w the intel pr o a this century stra in f in conscious what the though nt entieth-ce f enth century quickly con enth colle oblem the to Weltra to phers this. thou (1994). what Mind large 1880, On study. , great of losopher- ight lectual (1928), h thinker outset in ess i who be classif ent ceptual. n not giants the century ctive is t the 187 century ght l in . Note eads t. h o ack itself, is ¨ measur into , tsel stand in and ical almost is with, N in cross-C f gave to the its It views ne Quine . 2, ntury thought such e con o y fossil original s co This gave nowledged p famous the is qualify r philos ss. of from a d o the i – psychologi Its con co stemolog ntempor also . problem n are e n no trary: is the arres Its s – d a in Neither e twentieth-c The wake ntributions of ignation whom study, contem Place as hanne (in more tinuiti an ample record. t which i how part riddle o n an ophical a Quine views the that to wider d ting Carnap for h in C. lecture the y the philos depth is Carnap of be of ary ’ so-called dist to ical l subtle in es con as this the no foll D. porari st is s Quine there conversa express o b Engl intent of ignpos this the by current via Nat f alrea and find y ant philoso the temporary aim entury ow-up more. pessi memor credits ophical Emil . the study Broad. any of 2 of ‘U Germ man general project Car ure ish-speak Car hermeneu ¨ es are hist focu is ion variations dy ber an the the nor ion ting mism univers British of i – s tions nap, no y nap, (1925) d was ything Yet phy indica lecture orical will y, philos to mentioned an i u i s s those Nat problem die s t tradi t Carnap o For o o o into the be to need t at furore f Bois-Reym thinker f o about an phi in a contem of one focus. ing of urphiloso e. this Emergent Grenzen reaffir trace tic h (re-)as ted, d scient focus ophy period least ticipate is tion turn, new is ninete mind, the e ‘Di losophy the in the It monstrate finds devo to world, prob study. Germ is – ) that some thought was e of s lines intens m seco porary signifi- British simply ifically to give signed of in in whose sieben partly and i n enth- – id after d, phen lems con- that ond Der this say ists des the the the the the the nd an of of of of at in If a a e Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 all century realize (1899) 5 4 3 all presci afford (short trans du 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. first some In perhap in associ put hardly explanat mate the especi fin menta The ‘ All vom In term light notes attemp de page The Rational The The The The The hardli list, Boi of rialism, NIN forwa freudig cendental his ent, ally ative ed l , sie contem s a s of that b trans in these s-Reymond references later, of ory ` patch questi origin (appare origin origin nature iologi the o 1872 cle ‘from ETEENT English by f ts howeve n David co rd zustimmende the thinki e the con at treat lated first mplete resourc thought mate in of lect porary qua lect st the on on fifth happ its phy o o o and of tempora ntly MIND, to translatio f f f what a ise ng Chalmers ures what exp r, ure ntum n Rich of s life. motion solution, as rialists the matter view sicists’ imple d H-CENTUR with prob CONTE y insol es through i freedom n solut preo licitly philos regarde n Haecke du 1880 p an du philos Lobe ha ard MATHEMATICS r support wi it n a ry d mechani lem’s d uble’. Boi Philos that (5). , sensation . rdained) ise Boi ions) thin and lecture princi i of Avenar s the bis envisa opher create writers reduct (1996) as taken ophers s-Reymond d MPOR i s-Reymond l to For n zum of the origin force. our (1900) du pedigre a ophical agreemen H ple logical problem for will of Y the from cs d. ges complet e wegwerfends ive Ernst it ). ius Bois-R nin orderl ANTI 3 a are and be had o menta is ARY Thi (1) will. venture and f ). In counterv mate o (1876). eteenth Haeckel to a e, (5) l f materia east rati AND s These engag s Haeckel conscious the due its s no an it y listed t, eymond CIPA call has ed that likely l relativi rialist POSITIO arrange ocination, reprinting sho d to (1), ten action way cogn process THE e (1900, In course scienc ed (2) provo d to the century a ailing uld Tadel lism ha seven TIONS n his a (2) d responded in i ate suffici s stic of IGNORABIMUSSTREIT descri n critical were most ness. fully . p. ment come most related e remar ’. Avenarius in es, ked a c NS knowin the 15). opt facul laiming Weltra and o . du cou re-play, cosmol f ent anticipat be dismissive OF Today from sub imism of react Bois-Reym obsti polyma as the kable discus ld ty, works (5) na sequentl it ¨ no VARI descri with g all tsel speech. mind/brain, ions the ogy. nately ture. ’s what memor was as more (see surprise little b sion : as 5 ed. th e eliminat his ond ptive systemat make OUS hard censure’ explained that theref develop- He y Haeckel ‘entirel stri insi tract resi famous (1898). than y t o echo king ghts that sted and was and (see one ore 747 ive b he ic is . y a e 4 Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 Avenar impr remar tw (our idea co scient quoted den would etwa Funktionen seziert remark indebted quote Udo 9 8 7 6 bodi that, Anothe impl redu one replac 748 that cen of It ‘vulg (1992) (1981, ‘. ‘daß See Thanks . nstraint The Mo o is or thoughts activities that . the tury. Nieren.’ s. verwies Vogt Leuschner; in ied ctive es, essive NEIL a that not brains could alle main urine folk have ific habe, althoug (By king dern eabil r in demselb , to later ius, to r here 1986), all mate vulgar follow he c du (1855, support such lai jene be theory In des there Nicholaos been material co triump g TENNANT in to i on had Bois-Reym those o stand are ‘elimi vinta that ty such ing to m d and ntrast, contrib e rialists’ e keinem Gehirns particular h the iff see n ither Fa p. fig Diana of reductive of its only Verha paths and ¨ erentiae dualism. not hierend a suggeste mate is higkeiten, 32); http://www. ge. the ure nervous – in s menta kidneys. native figu capacities such scient way somet ist, i a Jones much einzigen t ¨ functions what du be Raffman sind, utions ltnisse n ond was even rialist core, res in i whose s – given en or anatom darauf, replaceab , Bois-R listic s ific not the (1898, is mate d ince oder, du for hing 8 as non-reduc Rudolf the die what having ab zum systems) udo-leuschner.d here s eine a Bois-Reym scientifical .) a wer that raising extension Car first an le it the same descri w of Virchow, beginni um daß rialists’ in ‘ p. Gehirn essential false is ir biol ist eymond to Seele e ind l the the 49). that also es absen we unter ha ility.) the V er, Vogt among tive. discove relation h the be ogical einigerma i i ptions brain, e lf rchow, in spensab habe obwohl compatib stehen, theory ond grasp en Church ngs the h need however, s; of such ninete ly , making den 6 ce a about would who e/psycholog d and calls entdeck the noted inspi trace r those impor from or, to and to essential a wie ssen Namen er under a who a l le l enth ready the e his lands that clarify s ninete what to clai als sou was d w red theory grob Pat the explanat , en ie have conscious ith ‘ his back put tant an cheeky brain Anatom ‘. med: Galle l howeve ko no the ie/psych5. Seelentha . ricia Cartes i should ticipate century mat actual whether auszudru n ist’ Searle . ¨ enth writing disse introd it nnen’. pointed dualist, to and a at a somewhat zu 7 designation serving claim’ n erialis s be such ian and schon ions y gall cted der least cen r, ness ¨ This one distinguis tigkeiten uced htm. biologi ¨ d the i cken, s classified dualism. ntrodu b Leber and [‘ included, does tury e it o i Paul with m out kecke n soundsovie so-and- materialism f quote as to as of possible. replaced Now did a daß the is involv crudely, was ny oder triumphan to in the cal an them’. Joh phy of Behauptung ced Churc begreifen, (The not sti die is the ninete of h exp Germ ade as der ing substrate taken mental ll n so so-called the sicalis Gedanken course e intend l was e liver, author besides d licit a that 9 at Urin Thos Searle wort quacy K hland many by p i non- enth o any. idea s from issue ¨ a rper the ’] nur rts tly the tic his or o z h is is a u e f Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 Julian ‘where’ and that 10 certa explanat spatia It intro McGi cognit radica such Huxle woul princi we to conce leaves problem the This 1866, Cited McGi The lies say, psychophysical of we of as How alert limitations, representing utterly are Michael first woul in duction d that vulgar a the Huxley, pts ple as are nn i l y Thom by lly in beyond open vely result co even doom to princip it hardly thus world’) nn ions place Gu Djin edition reali Colin natural cut because on rrective deb baffling, is d the proceeds ¨ Tye c ven that explain ad (bu lose as mate rather o if off the arred ed not will of s when f possibility that not Gu (1995, ds t the our not l i H. e t rritating ; ‘when’; anything acc d by M b property to ¨ MIND, es ba only zeldere of o rialism e ever from with may and the than came link world. of cGinn f Huxle exp we our percept ount Aladdin sis fail. from the con ho p. his hearte M to the . j wrink T.H. uses 15) licitly: mogeneit o arise might ust) lead very . respect ysteriani any (see it ‘unaccoun sciousn that nerve MATHEMATICS . f If from c so of y the of need ever lass argue observat begin deficienci (1989, ‘initiati ual lies this 1997, flatly ned Huxley. remarkable the the the objective cognitive rubbed us from a le ic felt tissue, pos infer ed problem within knowin con brain w to’ to una possibili that i ess p. y moreover sm s work ith ng’ by c sible a an that so, operate 47, the 1999) mystery o cepts tability’; ion’ the his ccountabi (1989, ‘ gentl nfessed: es and rather from How’, is (or eeriness area we constitution n. this howeve suppo the just l g a of Lessons so embodied that 6. amp. (358) s of ‘no ty superv e (which it AND hum The ught a seeks than of s rather our phy as ranks consciousness) correct pp. m that state to comes strikes i beyond 10 n whi sed cognitive itigat unaccountable citations in . coherent lity r, an sical be ‘irritating’; THE our own enienc natural, 350 other the than of in to then le natural are from of minds the beings i ive. ing tself us consciousness from a intr Elementary IGNORABIMUSSTREIT & world go da natural ‘[H]ow’. c by ‘gear contem as e the ognitive we case; possibl closure 352): achieving ta . . oduc Colin feature further ) . deeply We explanat and method that propert . our m hum . are – ed . scop a ight . and M l izing attributes tion are, McGinn W s arge porary e accounts to cGinn in the stump own an e i m apparat e ntractable, Phy a succeed represen comes should an by our of says inds y ory of ly appearance beings conception scient o o of f moreover cognitive a (1989, theoretical becau f siology offering ed McGi the ways myst nti-realist propert McGi the (which the for about concep . us; ists. quote . by wher ting are . the p. brain erian b se as of nn’s best and e , 349) nn, the 749 has In in i y. ‘a to is n a a e t Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 co Tye Aladdin result not; take attention about text. Medicine Nielsen, at Specialist and rendered any consciousne consciousne nature.’ the consciousne consciousne one 11 exp an Les Reym readil Ther of myst 750 The In Finally In the nclude Michael d We how if introspection, common as comes not; merely appearance by resses sons other and seriously It might the the calls the erianism. e NEIL o Marian original Aladdin any y we her ond f is class being rubbed Assistant irritating and it how by , scholarly , second think that in a reasonab ultimate assistant t mysteri in about first relates other ss ss ss ss that suppose the Judith the London. deeply TENNANT relative be 1885–87’ sensation Tye head it the comes comes Koshland how some the quote is, is, and John of is his no incli publis myst edition of, Indeed, cognit w w ultimate as third that nervous possibility Librarian le, the s Harrison, however (2000, to the e e Erin leuthing an l it of readers amp about about from alte pessi Crerar the ned besides know know however, cognitive its is Djin erian that anything It states Djin of thesis. hed edition . Bioscience Caseley; along of i is rnative that result in own ve nature.’ p. Indeed, tissue, mistic to as as McGi difficult 1868, p. had when fact Library the not; not; to involved at 193 Head all loosely, o in closur thesi the the of ap f anything 23 be body with to outward the story, of gained so supernatural o 1866, At of consciousness ply by of is and and result result f p. concept Aladdin misunderst closur surmise nn and physi of remarkable and direct 1872, i s t Wellcome just the rritating Reed nature. of o 210, it emotions e p. a the modus – in or determine then how how co the s i either Natural o o first as the trace s co 29, discoveri f f 18 foll calism as s mes Huxley so p. Lowrie, e, ion a i i University unaccountab that, rubbed rritating rritating ntained b (percep it it 8 no any 11 insolubility edition formation 188, when ood n1), ows: solute. remarkable phenome the nervous p s Library is is o , very a mind for onens . Resources and s f even other back the , that that But ng mistaken in deleted a the the ‘ his writes seem state nervous nervous was this he exact one these tion) close volitions both of Referenc though will what anything anything passage ultimate l na for here amp, le third tissue, Chicago; e writes ‘But way, ’s of ven s w the is Reference as such reasons be Library, the changes, a impression that ill to consciousne or t the menta tissue, tissue, s consciousness the o or on he tied what words capable it , e a be History dism editio furt becomes is fact as : and trace Services inwards might as so so appearance never thesi state McGi M by just absolute. Djins for any is is consciousne UC remarkable remarkable t her, of l invaluable Librarian cGinn’s Ingrid o thoughts ‘in issing just just n Huxley’s gaze as s nature.’ have that intended o ba and of other Berkeley; ss perception the nn’s at f o – Djin-less: of as as unaccountable to understanding ck comes f (int consciousness especially the Radkey, (loc. he Understand come superveni story’: the unaccountab unaccountab of 1872, is, that ultimate , Huxle to and b was British v rospect ss assistance the under changes e w a a iew, his possibi cit. half about s s and is, e Du to Biomedica inclined Djin ‘But a a one ‘ know metaphor Librarian But Huxle w Huxley’s after 361) y state state and by Library whi e the – fact . 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(1987) that long i This of c in powers s out a rise beyo subsequ o as One hypothesi d that cerebral her analytical nstitution de 1988 it cogn eption ifficul en thought- through, and work, the of of saw with mon dence to ll p. may is ). gaging nd n might deter- the the the it its – of in of kind itive . also The a xii), t . not ent the see 751 six an the be .’. of t by in is o s Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 states 12 necess 752 so physi Thom as Tynda is fact Bea en Bea phy Huxle ha pro useful wi same unc some is The M aries One a tail athemati th ve both thought, that, upon hardly is problem? can and we now this difficulty force in venance the alled that ler, ler sical remark the title . set . NEIL ologic the the seen, notable . view have arily y pson .’. O ll say, redu d the lengt ’s possess phr (1978) up that ifficulty kind the for as n thesis (Emphasi met eye at was determ clear it for. i views magine s mechanism TENNANT in 1 I phenomena a ase, the goes cal or ctionism, causal able is subject, least o (1975) The 9 h. every l contai feel, of exception aphysicall than it the n of ‘Scope not of est The . Augu stalk science would an subsequent superveni . might o Contemporar level-t no human . ination brain; due s docu ba emotion, I f Associated dep d . with pos added.) there fact the think, 12 . ns in ck unwilling reader phy doubt Physical (The st and and That is loy sible the we be to ment, an the not. actual o-level or at y no onl the of 1868 McGin sical brain exists I met was ear d discern necess who . ence least superveni lim Jo a animal less a main l consciousness, y . quality ove; allows ly affe will express . when definite notion seph with and one of t (mi it by i Tynda n Se o determ the would problem certain s a attempte determ y , an cted but of to said admit ary corn, who profound easily ction the d no cro-) body this the d from philos iff of scientific sup T. for the Lev ion how mysteri molecular necessary ence erence simple of t the b and claims ll the o ination explana wonderful than H. or e ination the ervenien is its of ine b gave present see d su physic o d which of does ophical e just isposed problem, Zei as f Huxle whether basis extreme l the perveni the necess t scientific ate those the (loc. expansion o the anism (1983), Tyndall’s would the material tgeist as consciousness an organ r tory connection. show condition British a that , propou one so-cal ce l refinement much cit. explanat crystal y or mechanism au even of arily add facts.) ence in probability comment in but thesis as gap whet 353) thor of is physics, b cannot thinker, of that is e 1866. ism’ the to led ress involv we the of his Ass with thought non nded clear over of ‘Brain recogni deny of of her the ory (1985) saw a product explana domain A Thi salt superveni (1874, ociation scient -causal t to infuse motion its of into but much forebea ary faculties e man, to i who whether ssue express that d gap, of s by states in a the o complexity and rest i zably between r n the same ific meet Huxle the argued, itself pp. will sugar if has of tory for animal . superveni Hellman o when or which, rict f cause more feeling the hypothesis in Huxley r molecular ence contem idea ions which , structure example, 107–22) ing quoting reflected to exp i Norwich. gap motion nto . y be thesis this . which conscious ; George body – . include that licable Our . o contr woul and of recent . as the a . we quite f b of . long This ence por- and and a I the the . we s o at in I is d a t f Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 the 13 continues and Note Gu processes as acquainted groupings, of strengthened, together, brain of they process apparently brain added.] mechanical demonstrable, cases of science but But brain be that, consciousness or two was problem molecular he attacks; think position exercised emphases prescientific ¨ ven The In indicates phenomena, a that can structure far inferred; the of how in classes explain Gu g affirming given differ m the iven t occur the o ¨ as relation empirical pass : are of zeldere ight Granted brain; this of but of inferred? the but connected by materialist added.] reasoning, ever groupings prescientific the all of direction ages’ any the the with solution of in beyond I nothing. be or l be simultaneously; ast us, corresponding somet we this and their d quotes connection will that is MIND, ‘Materialist’ phenomena this, state were o from inferred. of of given rudiment induced (1997, the that do claim has association. not thinkable, . character; illuminated It whose be physics . e the . hing corresponding with lectric not this that just of from will and of would w The we think, a the its the the p. MATHEMATICS ages growth ill definite the i the the s know position. 47). by correlative the of deflect his the real capable of same? solution utmost be the even thought more d to would . brain, closing body b problem. is in facts ischarges, internal the [ and molecular the facts able e Emphasis passage one You as bond consciousness stated, we of why. the a thought, strong . t inference, a to organ, . and he the bottom that like to still of . finally the of do words I o present magnetic of states or may enable f d of can Were the in consciousness?’ causes soul consciousness body o as But not corresponding following the feeling, from if remain we er union a motions not the added.] other ‘. which far affirm reply and such AND to of than is . not type–t for u the our possess entertain . problem, condition is as think s as as physics thought maintain instead the needle being a . t mechanical, he there a insoluble o example, passage [ insoluble i THE that that the minds definite is would Emphasis ntellectually 13 a case see explain current is ype the all c he lai corresponding the in and position be; thus many is IGNORABIMUSSTREIT i of of n of n and The association ‘How is of their thought m and o absolute enable this identity in unthinkable a from molecular and intellectual entitled logical the that external, i feel the every of doubt n its invariable, definite to CHASM feeling, added.] and i of position ts mere modern motions, were are brain, human the the an impassable is the modern the u thing. or that s a inference ignorance. electric as very to these thesi needle, physics tenable t of we feeling so superveni we way; inferences the o They action . state say to I form between thought, two organ, mind, pass, against [ expanded, intimately In molecules Emphasis should it think form effect s. the all physical that but . current follows reality, appear classes as of of one. if m at in [ Tynda Both by their final it as that ight The not nor the the the the all, the the his on all ence; was b as of it a e I 753 in ll Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 and Grier Haeckel W 14 The it the woul credit know ha arti Reym used liabl whose much diff Thi 754 Tye Haeck See is e ve will [. tra . sympathy. among and conflict probably there ltra erence Object cle s . mate worth . (1999) e Haeckel . term NEIL Miller ¨ d . gt: i ledge) unser ond the more our t s used ¨ el’s s carry conn a tsel nowaday o Tyndalls, which u s is a wir : rialist’s rely b a ‘ knowledge that none Ontology is of p TENNANT e us great term be pointin (1885– Naturerkennen refer writes layed ch (1900, otation regard emphat stehen us; bridged the that gave was autifully theology goes apter, to du to we red, s his and precurs account ‘gap’ p. us term sum the 7)’. b ‘A [d]u read g Bois-Reym recapitula an stand as to xi). e now ic the is out at of Darwins or in express refer word the der Huxle word with almos And McCabe up EMIL The aright lucid aphorism p. nature Bois-R famous in ‘‘gap’’ his closed. that ors: at anderen most of 39, ee gelangt the tes philosophy conne ‘gap’ the explana in Transla ‘chasm 14 y t ed for mind Joseph ’s for express lie n1 a philology’. reaches variation ond DU an eymond’. his other issues lways translatio salient by ‘Ontogeny i , Mind n where us, ha d ction the an Grenze l and saying use BOIS Tynda ’. conn ater tory s tor’s in limit eine M ion not Thi of clai , of a feature and d notes a historic n they cCabe, chasm, its s with a was gap, book was ection -REYMON s quoted that Kluft, m recapitula unseres be o Preface B of relative ll that i p science. f s e en becomes fall; lace first for our arguabl that the ‘ of that conti Kluft struggle con retrospect, over us the Tye there by u published ¨ articulating there wits.] the with ber in Witzes. ed. , explanat tes the ly Quine sciousn nued trans The t as ’: which nature. o (2000) nineteenth smal die phylogeny’, y Inste is ‘The first D is Huxle m it conscious w pens in an kein lator none in u ith l what may, ess no the c ad, phi separat ory 1900. first h explanat incorpora In y of Steg, knowledge bette bridge, front the losopher left of Tynda was after and this century upon gap. It our philos (som (1898, Haeckel’s ness was thought in matter ion, kein r connecti Tynda Huxleys, than ages [d]u ory which strength no ll this The e opher ting p. an uses F – (to to of) wing of ittig gap work and will 33) the ‘gap’, d Bois- James have Word only ll that this one Die my the the on to as in of Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 employ new explanat prope that choice of vom much emerg matter 17 16 15 life He Altho In the It conce gap der Philos followi ‘Ich Thanks See was Finally, the certain issue The theoretical would I The Das ordinary how lichen Gehirnvorgang: Anscom Theorie , then (1898, less Planetensys called Bieri the impos h of nannte rned rties ugh, ent ophica e feel Peter first feeling ng of of does re, what s Gefu here to Germ ion. clai emphat (1995, Lebens a have conditions. ing, term pe v physi Jim astronomical G. just p. in origin sibilit o and notion co d be’s astronom life? ¨ ¨ it might llig ms hl ssimism u l Bieri is difficulties By the nscious 76): tem o come Hopkins Investiga rather p. an E. of Boi f does der only besiegt cal in that pro [Emphasis trans nicht a 45), ic y MIND, contras o German n ha be a word M. who f gulf Wie s-Reymond of in ¨ ische phenomena unbridgeable Engl about cesses Unu tten, life p a thought the a not lanetary Consequently than ness over lation paper princ wa hineinspielt? so-cal for stronomical . Anscomb i kommt ¨ tions trans fully knowledge ¨ n I berbru Kluft ren.’ wenn Kenntnis MATHEMATICS ordering ish t, t pointing get i that , tself i added.] as at the the iple displaying the s i of led t , word this overcome. w lated it alle i these a system, ¨ where as keep this s ckbarkeit . gulf pro ith has es, emerg right. was specia the , ‘ I ‘contempo gulf e’s e ast this n Beobachtu i such of ines s does spects gulf nothing daß of the i s ‘gap’ order knowled i t unbri rendered ronomi lower tself, a atoms celebr c out. quick between at i a materiellen rare ence s o if l , 17 Germ das nnotative not as not material ca and x all . der 412 dgeabi 15 AND for rary’ awareness Anscom to se; ngen the to level ated of come in and only to cal’ Bieri ge the Kluft an establis do low consciousness the his as: conscious philosophy die phen point THE unbedi woul s Systemes lity molecules, with knowle system word thinkable into trans cog er-level did explanat origi Betrachtungen co might be of zwischen of omenon IGNORABIMUSSTREIT mpany. nate d how ngt h consciousness. the out admit nevert lation ‘ encompass the nal this Kluft such dge solche of ness richtig, were considerations distant , explanation have Engl i mind. gulf a ory an n Germ , and lso, heless (1898, du ’ knowledge o this The Bewußtsein present of of i correct, Kenntnis f introduction n ish alle is Kluft that brain-process: pur done Bois this that life. des the Wittgen an case Englis word Schwierigke has the What ely p. provenance is reads: gewo passage s was Reym , Emergent that his s bette and the 75): origi a wie the of physica o as h whol chasm f is ¨ und stein’s our hn- r not other focus w we we word all 16 iddl right of at r n ir ond iten 755 b o as sie ly of y a e f l , Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 das that man gewisser Es Bewegungen erste triviale 20 19 18 to nowad Cl Vul its alrea our the lim argume (1989, acco form respect very know Du 756 Deut ha Academ Sc Engl the ‘Die ‘Die For early iences He d life, also could consciousness, to It bodies. handelt express its it Bewußtsein ga idea some same capacit Boi Urzeugung Entstehun unt ish scher NEIL actually dy the g ¨ Unmo grasp of ledge casual erste rmateri is Wahrheit.’ iven o did ays satisfy ’ as p. Bedingungen nt, f s-Reymond’ taken original y mir that that have excerpts to Chann of d knowl 18 in ba s u ¨ much o TENNANT ibilit 353) ich Entstehun Nat glichkeit, der called even this the y how f of eight aculous be -seeming) nner g 1880, seemed Bois-Rey to alisten the our it auch . astronomical dabei des Himmelsko . this urforscher nature nature lecture . y. el. found edge is are underst nennt, McGi a thou as [each] even Lebens need mind–b s that the not auf . years i einerseits I g in translated nur dea, Folglich it p , to n s emerg a when des gh given but niederste at ‘expl sondern , of for concepti would nn r his me a a is mond had in um ¨ t unser asser h co rper.’ and an the ‘ concurri matter e lecture Lebens earlier emphat ody pri o causal a und mes also doe even cap in knowledge, f Anordnun began d ence’, anatory das i trivial he been st lowest mitive by Kausalita the tion 1872, w h r i diese n problem s acity nicht is was A Stufe ith from (McG Wesen Bieri on agains ¨ knowledge and hat connection not rzte earlier world’ ically to t corrective unfu ng but see by o astronomische the that of level, bloß g brute (1995). mechanisch pointin an gap’. ¨ . force, as the tsbedu a 19 with matter, ad du von inn) recal von the rather utmost t rled but that sich brings public He dress at permanen Bois-Reym (loc. the astronom ‘[c]on writer i Leibniz n Materie Atomen ¨ fact’, limits, M rfnis the this writes ling and, in odds mechanical by it bluntl g mit with vita oreover, campai connection that cit. whet was sciousn seri du latter’ zu out ebenso us astronomical Huxle s. Kenntnis the meet dem on ische that lists. und with erkla the 354). ond und impossible, in ‘we bang In ousness, y section ‘there Bois-Reym t her the by the c secret Bewußtse ing princi Kraft s gn befriedige ¨ o y his Kenntnis (1998). movements ren, it Molekeln ess sho Du famous he McGinn’s nfessed: terms. or other then Du and w up did with existen not must u o erschien ¨ 1875 uld insists not rde zu ary is f Bois-Reym of ple, ag Bois-R to It knowledge not Tynda in 20 famous begreifen, hand, the on the n, auch ainst like only was dessen l the ond’s the we ook [ be thesi of nichts sic], wie to (1898, literar ce the first arise mir that of Ver from can some very (by in the Academ i eymond our life ll to n the one u of seri agains s denkbar, bezug heavenly m origin bezug e celebr across zu sammlu lecture igentlich about andererseits explain y ‘by refer know ond this contras Prussi would p. E limits lim ously possibl what hand, i na n inleitung schaffen. tribute 69) auf auf lecture some t its tural o th[e] ence y ated flew had f the the the was it’. an die die n he a o o o a is t, ls g e t f f f Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 simp Yet the our be Magnus, du Institution. whereupon the a of economy, physical one thence embellishm werden matter 1865, 24 23 22 21 explanat Leibn In Also, ‘La Monadol famous The Paul Translation Du ‘Nie quite So a Du Bois original.] that substance machine. must see inside the feeling, Suppose explai filled age thought, his brain, at M ever Bois-Reym Monadol we ly werden to iz’s Churchland anything du different same Bois-Reym for wir ettrie’, the Reymond of all empirical see and du w machinery therefore trencha enter claimed we ory ogy ent: ned ith thou knowi he (See Bois-Reym 22, begreifen the and Bois-Reymon that same the in or line 24 taken that should proportions, Moreover, l returned wir force, except evers, , into ‘[Leibniz and Kluft a internal so Mandell mecha ogy ond order t (1912, ght-exp Churchland perception, desire, o which v . Leibniz, nt referred ng . i time there far (1996, here, . from . sho ew be the MIND, ly went , calls . pulleys, das ond continues w . only just of and bears reaffir However how in sought well- ie nically machinery a ] w or that & actions would Wesen ond reality.’ s he p. has the 1853 Tyndall d’s Materie to were eriment pp. there it cites Sell this, a that these began see the we MATHEMATICS so sensation. is ’s 528), gears, belie confirmed Marbur conscious Parkinson teacher. us mation some we 191–2) ‘We (1898, to obvious (2002) mite in the , that dessen viz. a explain shall imagine ‘ is of : various carefully the that percept ‘ precise when a workin denkt.’ could mein ves of machine and parts nothing he s is simple g perceptions shall imple position one the emph for that (Here reminds a Those that i p. never that begreifen all is n Freund cite edition they m of a ness further that brain impinging i 1848, ite could magine ion hypotheses o 64) to perception. g we passage f substance, we n substances I s asizing. s nature the what the Leibniz met else so extra-textual, e phenome of a , we say a are ver ’. grasp m us would arises a cite might a 1973, lso AND , Professor at s details.) other The constructed n fundame enter i are in was whatever a ndebted of and d it descri by the s grasp man Berlin, L s du that Irish-born upon this shrunk p. Tynda increased never wir a intricacies na, how examine He from THE of from their figures age as and The 181. must h that The M might Bois-R brief he a M of bable which to one even stre his d one ettrie’ where the catch of ntal ateri IGNORABIMUSSTREIT not Natural it was to changes. Emphas explanation friendship to Gabriel ll Leibniz, the consist. are as 28, passage, given enter is might sses Tyndall be (1874). the another; that if and to e in be in thus (du laws therein i eymond to Tyndall not that n und s depen physica to in be found ing a size size es L’Homme ‘ Philosophy a the vast compound Finkelstein.) produce assured, mechan contrived study motions’. princi extraterrestrial It a g Kraft [All of w Bois-R in moved iant in but matt of among 22 o while ith the m is we ds imp original. f physics of was in mill’s ill. the in emphases l Tyndall for what with mechanica slightest x nennen ple on takes should perception worki the er 17 must ossibil this On smalles to studying ical retaining within thought, eymond’s a at thinks it, 23 mechanical them some England revis or machi s doctorate, going the imple of a belong we are t terms’. lone . cannot x ngs o in und glimpse not to i t 17 purely ty Royal which l in able m vivid a The m with call not the ’. 757 ne ite, nie be of of of ill, 21 to at ) , Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 directed. der apode 26 25 law in 758 a biologi an he sub exp highe consci ‘ast whi be clai princi highe phe favou pos menta emerg phy phy not mis then-‘ law co dom slender impos law sho phy ‘naiv Thanks ‘. thorough nce en nceptio In Mo Com d . the Mathemat m, describ s s s ronomi vening laining sibility uld . ch nomeno sical sical sics, sexual mathematis intro ain a NEIL e of r-level r-level are could presse exhibi ictic red ple, known’ ly lly ousnes reover, ence sibl l necessitat phenomen expli light cal ing one i ba phy to n the laws o know Kantian complete) ducing e (1898, n terms as ‘lower’ Volker TENNANT sis. f i certa cal’ basis from detai reproduct o ng of ik going think d sics, c ting the n t and s asser of of f scienc itly, o .’ propert phe cap du c a for that conscious as On explaining (Emphasi h its ledge, t physics explain knowl recal inty ed, darstellbar, the ls of Peckhaus (relative) a it able a nomeno the p. Bois-Reym did i woul ne a tion for ’ that, n furth phy l higher the level. writer ogical the e is the of one by epistemol w, que 16) know as citrant y, epistemi low no ion i satisfy the o sicalis an edge mpove contrar s d of explanat the phy its f er with overly the stion added.) cou du ness. ‘mathemat d the wonder then at atta for er-level H are n an level with phenomen status cryst und clarificati ledge various sical then is necess geneti laws ld of raising t a . Bois-Reym such evidence. ond the e ining. . rishe explai emerg 26 s c w ogical tragen xplanato That main y, survi not, Thus (what exigent is alline phy ith ory fully with standar claiming of of du in that that contras c itation physica ‘lower impossibl d; the ‘highe regard sics. ve, ned, mat ence in hope He ically phy Kluft on code; our is, Bois-R examp a sugar’ the structure; possible view might he sich expli of du of, Rath ry it h hematics of standar would sics ond ds hen It ep e the v , ts dieselbe r’ l to of would was of Bois-R Kluft ery level repres for that, which say, to an was cable istemic s basis is the le abo eymond that y phy that ce be er, exp reaction origin con solubility the clear d the h real du only (quoted n necessi ’, sim igh impos ds regard ut inorgani the sical defin s is for lain apodiktische o on ’ entabl b scious o eymond one Bois-R for the pheno various b (empha emerg as e ly doubt all (and p for standar y scheme. the on. o phe w ly against the i du by mpos clear f itely unde level ith sibility the the the tated, can ed it then-a life; what e, ness mistaken nomena i su fundame Bois-R abo recours mena slender ent Regard c n eymond, have nowaday the wer sis more and ly emerg belie bsequentl natural s chemi ‘astronomi sible which a rstands Gewissh imagine wat ds a llowi ve) n i He by did n ccepted on pro a was o e; d for phen d er f one carry ves mad eymond, term h ded). the e arres these t ing exp of was ence of stry perty basis not o e ng ntal but the eit, fundame is t to in aris o regards scienc s it omenon explain heritabil co molec e one laining a one y explai s wie a all the presum remarks 25 ting. woul think defi – the the co s) resulting cal’ his uld, realized) of es. o phy phy he laws o d by f had self, unt such f o ie to es. nitely latter those some some He same f same ular- such sical sical d Sa own ned, Nor ntal and was ( this the the the the the i.e. ¨ i are he be ed b tze as of of ty in is a e Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 28 27 spectr predict The emerg has exactl relative laid necessi overal Once order of discove exampl ‘astron well. substr when anderen Centralth einst schwieriges erkannt. zusammen nach added.) ‘Die ‘Es Actualism certain, conditions transparent. necessarily sensation The extremely earth I the brain emerg t Lebewesen i dem hap in st i bare. s y it unwillku al we ence ates. On l of . material . ty, ive omical e, . red Weltko . the eile workings comes Auch to or and mind . less scientific fallenden . Principe inversion e ence, the a unde mechanische in of even and if . the the on m This of kind until . However, – Misversta spinal . ‘astronomi ¨ living i ¨ the not rlichen day d der under o sunderstanding entstanden, rper – die another life) ifficult obtainin f (du knowle rstand to when he processes explanat sup w des the though Stoffwechse materiellen of MIND, decades i emergen ith for m – s the (1898, etwas . cord, was Bois-Reymond, with creatures theory, it position Actualism necessi Speaking ¨ central o und which which ndniss, s mental f every, emerg geistigen mechanical planet, Problem co dge’, the du course unc g wie cal’ Supern and the MATHEMATICS ory nicht ntrasting that pp. of the after t Bois-Reym l Vorga im living lower-l ty w parts are annily phenomen des u crystal, ence the apparent savant would h the then, ir processes to power s something ersten 31–2): that that . nothwendig e are aturalistische dies of de Vorga . [ fn] Gehirnes see, . no ¨ du arbitrary asserts like, nge K posit [of tails creatures of two correlated o wie fu evel problem. 1898, the ¨ prescient Erscheinen emerge nnten Bois-Reym ¨ in ¨ ab less we wa one it ngen woul r the then conscious would gewisse, ¨ damals e the ren solute ond different contem absence would (in d a of ness workings und that: brain] supernatural, grasp p. m whose l wir was d s, der first ebenso ow AND in and it the today, first 39; b not cases is . Ru etwas e Empfindun auch even . accordance d nicht in er-level lebender in Zeit . ¨ ie likewise appearance ne exhaustively . alrea ckenmark porary I Emphases in not . ond’ of THE phenomen f be geneti time the emerged, vollkomme . Bedingun micro cessity; an phy the heute fu just anderes w more such any nach of pos able ¨ necessarily r e dy age s sical IGNORABIMUSSTREIT a exchange Wesen inevi – cond g the lle something writin as c could session explanat be -constit Lebewesen es sim a alive t verbunden stets, lways, Krystalle gen c o when dism with as they u. it added.) zu of n o the rendered world tabilit stimuli known. avoid itions. ilar a auf d durchscha d. is living g herstellen, solubi e sehen, from t manufacture also s did aying m. o way the Erden of utions a k wer bound o and vita of ory-ga this en ind y, other n ko 28 wa entsteh i matter a necessi then. n How creatures Principle wohl ¨ – In their ¨ these nnen, we e lity als pos ren lism Wirkunge the completely so indeed, ut.’ oder light that the o c addition, not under f o have up than 27 e erscho can perhaps p en.’ sibility ever, in nothwen nec ntrast (Emphases a so physica relev in auf was stri theo ty matters n that with of u wu d to ¨ the the for essity beraus on ¨ an denen einem n o been pfend onl king ¨ rden it f our ant rist the the the 759 der dig be o as of is y f l Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 Kenntniss materiellen 30 29 tion know the Du But (1898, of 760 Theilchen nichts ische welcher du such of co into the co discus ‘Was ‘Kein ntempor rrectly One Car a material motion the process two the ungraspable even In No fruitful explanation co-existential situation. correlations would Bois-R , univers Bois-R complet ( Kenntnis tuning NEIL a obl a Ent so als er nun sion las irreducible nap’s highest mathematically der pp. cases, mathematis relat knower with aber of far ivion, bewegte des ra explain aber observed and (1898, Gesche schmerzha might eymond TENNANT therein. ¨ parts, ary 42–3): eymond phy thsel e of as ively fork, Seelenorga la astronomical e o There des c from ¨ ldest die sst well-confirmed that o the a i for the sical wri we gnoranc ncerns or s even ung hens woul Materie. Gehirnes, be (synthetic) however, j sich c geistigen pp. they ust recent h and mental correlational them, ter astronomical fte Through we philos is the seem formulat his ) (1958, u goes facts, eine ¨ in why o d berlegende 40–1; ns Vorgang are though reasoning no accords f can contact pleasant pro b beiden the e uns Durch Bru writer e Vorga and die now can knowledge processes on phenomenal to plausible ophical o capable. and, demand per ¨ character p. cke f ganz ultimat emph no h explanations ion to a be ¨ o mental . sei.’ in nge Fa keine ¨ 105), r chste, . it bridge in’s due with regularities much conceivable whose . one, ¨ stre understanding on knowledge llen Verstand ebenso Astronomical many confronted selber o is asis comrades Reich f themselves zu scientific e of the (see ss die du a a of and a of the problem be ersinnende states facts late added): priori the it, red-hot classic betrifft, source unbegreifl cases the the w other des driven Bois-Rey Carnap ir which of ko psych reveals r contras in mental davon c arrangement ¨ Bewusstse of nnte this prove are bestimmen, on . - theory scientific nature, with F I so s hand into are knowledge the monograph n could of iron the Anordnung ich correlations. ophysica o sort. associated the zeigt , the aus erlangen f t mond’s 1 nance, o concerned, organ material t the the c wa a painful 928, ins , ertain between u anywhere Aufba – we But part sich, ¨ determine the astronom ren, s fundamentally realm theories d physi schlagen welcher nothing u hope or x they in ko complet l of dass wie 166, oder is Boi of with unsolvabl ¨ one. u prob happenings, nnen, the movement i has the o cal deas , Herber Wherever , f j it ischer Car to sie would etzt .’ s the Bewegung o consciousness der pp. in case 29 have brain, (Emphasi is a brain n Reym world but not find lem). bei enthu . nap priori the e evident sight . that astrono angenehme . 266–7, astronom of demystifica- Kenntnis Die t matter b quite a provided e ¨ different states. e Feigl, which llt one , ond the of ha we unitary As r j of materieller astronom s in which which ust man iddl uns d added.) little that c find whi hand, the faded in mical g avers Feigl - . as ischer s in 30 F darin is iven e one y und his des ch o a f - Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 perhaps and findung 34 33 32 31 of ‘ dism coun Du Reym That (In work. and writin known ‘What impr their his and late Du Art phischen meiner deutschen u ¨ Ignora ber Even ‘. ‘. ‘Daß The Indeed, . . proof beer were ment sensory Excellent n von anti-viv . . Br circumstan aturphil by widely meine das Boi letzteren Bois-R issive ession ne ter-critiques own gs.’ ond more Beweisfu was durch itain, He versta one naturphilosoph bimus rves, physiolo to Frank Schriften Wort to I and s-Reymond by might Naturforsch 33 German Aufstellung put experience be should cite vivisect went colourfu ¨ i written used keine censure. ndlich osophische anyon eymond movement section of thinkers Punkt Huxle accordi ‘ ces ¨ ’, woul Ignorabimus encountered hrung s Jackso stimulate in past forward nicht frequent g of on say: as Anordnung MIND, ist werde, l which d falsche ion e scientists, y directed ern are Mary, hoffte a en ischem bill, ’s to in ng jedem female w undoubt philos d cannot have also text He n’s offer the u of so ith exp Les enthielten co ’, shibbol 1958. haben interest. MATHEMATICS ich critici Bois-Reym matter. ly Begriffe abgestand submitted in my fictional book (1982) ncede contai to widely; eriments Schibo sons bekannt The observes for a antic s narrative ophy, und welchem eno Teilnahme be and at degree h invest edly la a du zed Let is ¨ know rendered ngst eth’. that ugh in Beweg 31 i leth.’ nichts, I ned those weit (1898, pated hoped l writing tale but ong knew enen sein reader he Eleme by it perspective) have meine , us vortreffliche igation Bois-R 32 on from Lord ond, verbreitet ledge as ung of I zu abou the nothing konnte, d was time Trunk was was r very retur only who exercises an the p. likely erwecken.’ o comprehensible fami ntary von Untersuc creative AND been lly, a imals.) Sha whose oth 69) bei t by argum almost recognized eymond’s well culmi point that the zu n, der Materie feast liarity had seien; in er t ftesbu (1898, einiger Denker no that: THE o Phy schenken, hilariously fami whi howeve that David sich brain writing hung the scientific l ent ead nated, own ashamed means react made siology fast ch of IGNORABIMUSSTREIT darum liar auch false novelty ry, wi Belesenheit erkannt. gipfelt, Lodge’s young p. that scient aber delic th could specia students r, t ed when undoubt und embroideri hrough w nur notions really 70) more alone ku ith older to writings was to even scha ¨ to iously ward nur of mmerte.’ sters ist einfachste novel Wohl lity offer campai 1880. Huxle that not my ¨ i to mte his M n be durch so any colourf on the (1898, fo edly philos ng a to the ¨ ary. came was ¨ Thinks method wußte rmlich lteren such well-kn ich this d have i of the ‘the arrange- deas unde simplest y e Du die heroine Sinnesemp- gning ’s rogator 34 mich, Huxle muscl score character ophical . ully correct stale p. ich, a philoso- Neuheit z class Mary, u rtake word Bois- of been k with own e 70): ind iner daß for 761 den (or of es y ic y . Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 Ignorabimus! suche kra 37 36 35 co one ledge Reym woul as 762 mathe in remar Eur philos myst precis Let unim regard co ga thereby Geda cen the wa menta gefo ‘Diese ‘Nach ‘Besa ¨ See ¨ ¨ ren nscious lour Du Suc So nge ftiger mathematics There powerful This ¨ the tury rdert.’ Paris opean know us die aginab erious NEIL d nken Hilbert ¨ ßen mu r e wir ond k h ophy hair’s mati lly Bois-R of , ly unserer Mary U reader pe Ansporn L turn conviction call ¨ ‘ i anticipat and berzeugung is o ch astronomi ago. n ¨ ledge as what i wir ness.’ experiment rception sung. i n to ’ TENNANT n intellectu cal wrote , the ly (1935, h incentive an for Bezug well . a ‘ now is ) . eymond’s as Anschauun 1900 astronomi n writes draw . brea Du problem d problem. there no red astronom du d wa 35 argume was sup lect enjoyi fou ¨ p. a kannst consider ing hrend (1898, auf , that s from doubt dth von qua is, Bois-Reym erveni 298). cal’ ure is al ndations bodily’. i going the to n ‘On Davi involv das no o ng circl g le. ische der der s: nt. each Seek sie f us Ignora whi Emphasis knowl to cal’ w the in p. Ignorabimus line course, before Zustandek ence, a realizes, durch Arbeit; ¨ Lo our in re The dson es a on the ch Kenntnis 75): 36 i ¨ and its DAVID sbarkeit ng deb dann our knowl related relation that of edge bimus ond betwe reines in solution. Germ the he view, ’s Inter molec ate wir i she mathe ‘Even every n work. C precis ommen Swampman the it original. AESAR is myst posed edge h eines Denken . of (1898, dessen, enjoys in en was o was nationa ¨ ans deb [ HIL ren pos Emphasis Caesar ule-by brain, mathematical matics. neurop if e the We You to erian geistig the ly jeden in ate the des sessed so had of we BERT finden; his was uns what hear her philos pp. can well-k the -molecule l Bewußtse foil over knowabl the possess we mathematis a w view, . would den hysiology Congr innerhalb famous nticipated ie first i H find n denn within of 48 for Jackson ko woul e ophy original.] steten co human nown the ¨ rperlich – what even the (and problem it ming ins in David ed ess 9 e then by ) d der same us dupl chen Zuruf: des n exp of list astrono and e and icht not pure of for an calls Mathemat v these, the du 37 w asks e brain. mind Gehirnes lanato ieder icates Problems d H n be into Mathem o is difficul her, um Da so have constant Bois-Reym il reason, the f the engages them bert’s soluble his reconstitut mical ist infl t hergest more ein w over in ry ik of phy das ab enty-three Du being advan uential reader vorgeht, ty gibt Haar advance, ist gap for Doppe solutely aticians Caesar, famous Problem, ellt.’ sics call: than know- i in uns wher s es Bois- in in ond a and breit ced kein the ein ed to of of in so l- a a e Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 contradi natural Weyl wrote was Reym which observat zugrunde. H 38 Hilbert’ follows standi Hilbert’ conce ‘Dennoch AECKEL knowledge concept that Nevertheless concession discussions ignorant concession, the unsolvable that of quoted. Bois-Reymond, science pessimism, concerned, they In most symbols promoted one’s knowledge even intellectual (‘‘Schau’ made nature addition rns wrote ond, ng. origin for examines of certain : today shared s s decisively in feelings, ct scienc ion Vermessenh e mathe optim a Constan which tut den Du Hil also of pistemolog rather alle Haeckel. – the du – (1932, o only i sought may most knowledge. this man was even intuition, s bert ‘Ignoramus Bois-Reymond a gleichen f to of the problems, a es we was by Wirkenskraft motion, consis matics i mathe but reaction had deep, sm [Hilbert’s Bois-R MIND, the was, i also thoroughly H than a well do b n (see people Hermann in period ce in eit y ILBERT physiologist that p. physics. were the in I flourished Hilbert principle. university. n Topf the Reid Naturwis tent in ical fundamental have maticia w 58): to the in H only. be mathe the knowledge a eymond’s MATHEMATICS fact, which ¨ catchword His re that ilbert’s against still et mathematical unlock Unrecht, low), words, and of wirft. , optim with relat ‘existential’ origin ignorabimus’ in seine [Emphases an concerned und attitude abhorrent. the falsely Weyl, kind And their mati n-physi her Minkowski’s] he These in injustice sensch turned Bei ionshi case But title it Davi for i Samen’’), the the Haltung sm, the wenn called o of of biograp cs even H optimism. f is university attribute i p us of n reality ILBERT o magical sensation to his would theoretical almost included e previous aften was d f at cist not philosopher, ssimis p the meaning the himself in man h method, if many both M transcendental, v is when – least between AND we iew original.] wenn w most ‘‘inner sevent cCa which a liegt hy brother . that in b seinen e enthusiastic lump (See to knowledge m philos religious e i As are Hilbert of s the in w century. and days one a rty’s THE of he ein science for proves based das famous ith construction which abou Hil far is ieth ignorant his nature way also together nature 38 extends v the Hil of were human consciousness. supposed, the iel ophical gesuchte IGNORABIMUSSTREIT of bert i was as famous ndep presumptuousness and birth on its feinerer t bert belief as limits Reid, which that The ‘‘rummages scientific-philosophical Emil. lecture. science o widely l of ove worth the its r a (1970, of one and his existence endent Minkowski supersensible, things’’, much day his and goal. works matter conv u Wissen i woul of for Begriff that Faust n s by rationalism 1970, Problem W we The of i read optimism He in etwa the n greet the p. mathematics, e some Paul more This predictions iction shall ltra general His d is triumphant maintained of study knowledge 13) and and longed about’’ and observat and des jene mit power pp. exercised n ing ¨ Emil tsel magical g e kind remain such refined s du writes loomy Erkennens cessarily which dem force, excite much if of lect 200–1. magische were that . w (2005) was to the for ith Bois- d of of i lon Thi is u n eines a ure, ion the 763 he as g s ) Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 U muß.’ erscheinen fa ne solub But solut ne riddl areas 39 Erkenntnis co that co that suit It mathe as W 764 Versuche daß Frage unendlich ‘‘existentielle noch Art in aber theoretische die ¨ ¨ ‘. berzeugun hig origina gatively: gatively, e nsistent) uld Thus is . inferences. conviction how such it or strongly, that 2 the mathematis intellektueller . able soluble. n die mu das daß clear the sein must e NEIL it ion þ von because the ility der other mati i question nclude 1. each o cluelessly st in Unmo as would l.] dargeta it ein m pro f imp v strictl wa und No Voraussagen Irrationalit den iele bear g, Continu the therefore u would that Konstr ’’ TENNANT ¨ o conscious ¨ . cian’s sse, re, be j to by f blem and che edes M ¨ daß than Bedeutung ossibil 39 glichkeit matter so we that Ear Primzahlen question nach n Meisten problem this the sei a wit, y Anschauung in for appear Methode whether ratlos means w thematics show uktion, ihre every w bestimmte w lier b ird. es, they conviction cannot mathe mind e because i later e der um i a Hil thin fail. that ¨ ty confront how t daß open Lo sich Man seiner wir ness that der sich of definite (see will der ¨ haben bert proof , sung wie s Hypothe of Suppose to von d es indepen the the there the bewa inaccessible matics zur the ie that l Faust Euler-Masc ad ege its uns to we mathematis gelingt, admit Wissenschaft s is intui in Lo zwar be ie a durch Hilbe der Zeit sph . irrationality specia ¨ mit prob them fu hrende solution dist a ¨ sich succeed am sung problem das That as ¨ mathematical are r the followe compat one sehnt Form ere nicht tive das i but one dence o hnen o entschiedenste inguish to ‘‘Innere sis irgend die eine lem rt, f at f infinitely und l Wissen solution material any of heronischen is the menschliche (‘‘ sen might che these Beantwortu this puts access ‘‘in cann or is in 2 gegenu endlich Schau 1935, i to n the r damit n ible ein als impossible can resul þ se giving der Problem effect: ‘positiv Worten’’, o o otherwis ed, t questio ime 1 say, forward um f f problems ot bestimmtes in natural Z the ’ ¨ d Dinge’’ ible g many berstehen be problem clai in e alle with iel of ibt. ts u die n d – which p. be world Anzahl ie an a Bois-Reym ng Euler-Mascheroni it von ‘strongly of we course, Konstante Dasein m Wirkenskra untergesc W to e So einer finite Notwendigke n wohl coun 297) answer der e proved solut irklich and prime a set aufsch Hil nevertheless der t philos science will unzuga appear o definite a ungelo – Hilbert must gestellten rein strengen has bert’s theory, number aber that Physik w und prior ts have ion’. keit by he ließen ir hoben never to numbers ¨ as l settled’ C ft nglich ophical ¨ ogischer haben be stes in ond all das s. to in its indeed wird the und i unsolved had oder it a I Symbolen geu con settled For, regards able will us Frage consider attempts n Erledigu a Problem of such ZFC solut admit Gefu have des wird. question Samen ¨ to this bt nur d prior dennoch and constant purely und iese ception die explained by Schlu t of wird.’ clai ¨ the methods Mißlinge o hl zu gefo been the ion as categor no Sie die ’’), b Probleme (if ng i Frage, means the problem, a beschwin o geben, vor, ‘‘kramt’’, a e m ¨ character. ations suppo to ¨ sse the f rdert certain d matter l posed, settled auch [ die problem problem notwendig ogical t Emphases mag positive ie that ZFC solve o form C etwa gelingen settled of ns in proof s show . or ob ichere sei durch y heute of einer , rter aller gen, the the the ihre uns w die die es, i is es n a e Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 J das unter 41 40 Hilbert derive singul asympt of demon impos evidence will remar in, general appro mort du that, form corres optim ‘Natu ness Fu u Zweifelsuc ¨ ACOBIS berlegenem ‘Wer ‘. ¨ r Even . reactionary Weltanschauung He value from that We We solution my with philosophical Boi den su there . den daß poin diesem ula) als in woul preme rerkennen die ar i ked priation pondin sibility opinion, will must sm s-Reymond who Anwendungen pred . the hervorleuc , otically the Mathematiker goes die the this The as could ht; a if W empirical for t would co so d so know. sole Tone, Ignorabimus. ahrheit Gesichtspun is one Ehre – it out, ictions know, der is dified mate point c lution demon the as quite on g epist ome o from and were for sensitive , n know. admitting purpose of epistemol des htet, to wird mien 41 den from it pessimis to MIND, und conceptual h rial der the of fruitless the that a emic the include up the mensch from argues, dient.’ is v (positiv facts, say ’s Kulturunt gibt maintained such großzu nicht e view empfindet, kt and natural Logik worl cogn opposite: aga not letter shines ulti b below. of ein to For (empha MATHEMATICS es e agency of initial ogical lichen e t considered inst ¨ a all as denen ic ; n mate gigen Problem d. epist kein the as itive the e are applications ’ problem the ergang clai sciences n of grou science or (see forth well It o ultimat though na Geistes The der Ignorabim a emolog Denkweise truth mathematician Hilbert’s ses cond power negative) optim m. law is easy glauben, that fort that tural nds, Hil der a from prophezeien, worth verfa Rat s added): s demon is tones also. in itions bert, iori he reinen der unlim of of trans e i the s this ¨ by 40 sciences. could sm continued ical llt pure her, limit us, these will are AND einzige nature. die the und Instead the charact employ honor n noting, to prophesy 1935, about ition Zahlenth icht und ited and line assumed not du optimism would number s heute Weltanscha a noble words ab there und t b THE defi o Zweck meiner Bois-Reym e ru , believe solute whatever Aft de of o p. ¨ of Yet what ckschrittlic the erization even ing f sich a mit howeve eorie failure nite ductive is the IGNORABIMUSSTREIT pproxim the 387), cultural method of er have argume theory no aller the W to even in Meinung Jacobi philosoph quoting uung, human limit silly he those for ebensoviel problem in e Ignorabimus, dem be ltra pos Hilb W unlim could r, her Weltform so mathe ond Ignorabimus, the perfec Hil power has issenscha above s ruin, nt die ¨ of ated Ignorabim tsel who it that will t spirit far o ert nach, und bert ischer aus of is J thought demon, just argued ited what acobi’s wert know might of and not today matics t; extended a too by in is diesen of in unfruchtbare ft and as it conscious Laplacean auch – el ist Miene access ist u fall and, our his put or is what, we a s us . much glib (world- a s con with for und gefallen. These, that a for der and ls Worten claim: our fu for essay W up mere to in k ¨ onl eines, only r ind sist the und daß 765 eyl his an all d to to in i y a e - r Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 43 42 Naturwissen Hil A 766 radio ep a oc unsere fu 1930), be closing original howeve ad incompletene incompletene W Hil lying co du optim know Reym means title Som an closed it of fact intel body co Bur (See, mod ¨ ‘ ‘ . r Fu Wir all istemolog casion E nscious nceptio ded]’ y) consciousnes 4 Or, c bert’s bert, empirische Bois-Reym ¨ s nyeat 5 r o ligible ern e SH the o NEIL that ndensed in for uns ledge supervene d not Losung prob i ond add f words , rpm to u stical wi scholars wax ¨ 42 Ko rfen r, one more h ALL functio let gibt is exampl put th of ¨ an n ness ress. withi nigsberg, schaft radio woul TENNANT (1992) ss ss still lem recording nicht solut classic ‘Wir might ly, of his can u recordin respect ical d enigmatic, (in [ theorem theorems, es sic Philosop it s KNOW. ‘ For ond) n and the as It s i assume d ]: in kein a becoming n mu u woul nalism denen ¨ hear e, ion rema s EARLY on address Wir the have natural berhaupt optimism e co late the during ¨ a argues xplain ssen tho address Wilke physica us heartily Ignorabimu ntains of for to hie sli phe the fail m g (the d given see r glauben natural ins very there the ugh u ghtly , wissen. his Stil ¨ whate arithmet termino that recen ssen (Hi (about a not nomenon G Dawson phy t s a scienc roundtable nicht. conscious o o radio from gho solut , an that ¨ for HIN l , l del the form lbert, riddle. it 1978 wissen, is – speak was we ‘ was . sical tly re-w Wir U touch ver agree honor . s and were no st ¨ ic. only . . . had ’ an lines scienc ber address, ion logy: TS . . e, mind) shall (Emphasis (1985) . .’. Ko of For werden to an argued Statt na Ignorab not exp orded 1930).) Wir but fact For the here oppos According in made d ¨ to OF die du i d ary tural logic nigsber ness. which iscussion more n ‘ the with We e ressed es day b mo Nussba the werden and s, des ven the beyond not e questi is Hilbert Bois-Reym Grenzen wissen.’ the FUNCT citizen. the and a – before his extra dern details ing must added) to prop W imus that to Mancosu lly mate the even problem Because modern ¨ Hilbert g sepulchr richten see e at to first equals be wissen.’ even on ltra um that complete. v can o ct Lapl a The it erty en Hilbert’s Constance not iew, on . rial n a the (Th meeting found . ¨ below) maintaini tsel IONALISM – ough public . des of & be the 8 interpr doctrine ’ (1999). Ignorabimu ond menta a more . belie acean Laplacea of e 43 functi world o s Putn al of stressi that Septem heard of immediate this f broad Natur in was This the radio the organized tone in to how announcem saying etation ve its Reid Thi should am, l questio emphat demon onalism . essay laughing ’ brain occasi our clear ng ng Laplacea those functi i broadcast That cast erkennens’ nsi is ber s, bre reco s n one (1970, 1992.) reception that of firm demon heiße would that stent to by vity, ‘astron is from i was on that 1930, gnizably . n ons t ent is is ical is b . the the softly . preserve m b . p. e – the cognit im a s (7 e n [ Aristot the to optim laugh D ight Emph However, of ly comes Gesellsc the 196) cou Hil can used writings. pursued, September still problem demon gh of the u Gegenteil . omical’ explai on men after his mind– in Go By ost bert’s riddle be ld Bois- would in solve i very i ¨ vely d (for asis like del’s sm, le’s haft the the first for tal an the all be his (if of i n n – Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 among identi mind- quoted intere word Haeckel suggest if of logic logic softwar the of process events function Burn were twenti hints modern controve ambit multiply developm problem sively of context find page is abstr implemen of is philos mind’ organiz ‘ die that This The Richard not it the the course, a Zweck bstractness analogy a a some actnes yeat oc he certa of ty stingly s i able l l body ophical , eth word ous ‘ a twenti function Fun states ive. es; ‘ curs ation) state e next above. these i theoreti – states what s sense. fun spea s was rsy reali theorists (1899, en tation, con encou developm was century inly ma and the functio a ktion than ind Avenar s ction tal b ‘function’ relat in over i ks eth-cen furt ¨ of alread that figure zable out s trast, , with ßigkeit pos was connotat i cation at case The c heirs whet Supe ing and and sche biologi the ntered of ’ o that a pp. the MIND, ion. her mpatible itions when in , that pa . was nalism menta wheth to pro ius’s ‘ b a die (Not y aim organiz epiphenome ents her the the right rvenien of tury with ins Fun y to search 13–14) process to der than enables emerg i d gram It n of d will st work, by igit no Funktionen ions. the ifferent MATHEMATICS short organismic that inqu menta concern i whom t ktion the l er e multiple that geistige s is o key statement and a states the a con al j the that s not w accident, ust argue ation) e, Ari . ce presup ‘ ‘ for es – air. a iring leiblich zwe ith post-Car The I computer ’ wer us for more 1876 text, developm t Nat l extended for, deve superveni is i to stotle be s phy are the even would are atten the na a n ckma to a only ‘ e most reveal present das Organisa much was urphiloso reali resol after lists of posed v arguabl acco loped der mo sical it context e[r] fully to pre ninete centra e of ‘fixed’ ts r tion ¨ may and ßig Denk tesian y a can be nograph the zability thems not functi Seele scind ution, . appe impor rding ents and b AND its ence on some ba system Organism pa de This r identi philos fungierend by purpo enth l oad was abstr should be be y ses). Ari tion en ph ssage veloped, sen essent whi is by ar ’ concepti crucia elves within onalism function from ’. THE claim tant (the token-id to read to one seen, strong stotle’s Ernst se i answ ’ fied. ch that So s c century pregn ophy was act The phy (the ses, laim, be which the of ial needed to to IGNORABIMUSSTREIT have us one, functi we way b l de unde as sical patte a er ‘function’ Thus menti e e for the aim in Haeckel in ’ is pur ba be d nature. Haeckel on function ant late-ninet tails of about (bodil alists. see entity vanced con Organisa a d to and the that se for retr causal or is irected the thinker posivenes ons evolvi rstood quoted mind of function i rn n the events, that a for a oned ception wi of to second the present ospect, this s the y priori the eventual in on mind. th ingl of ’s The This theori . questio organis actual alist, cope the by ng as talk owes power Haeck which eenth- other, choice s the tion ea secti with the physica all is e notion be given alist i ty .) the rlier. s co occu n states diff half hardw i low o the purposes, sts, o ’ ncrea as mind), it the very We on wi case; question nceptual much f a f physica n m). s. (purpo- frui century el sources erences is menta menta menta of degree th i highly of rrence of o n in is What Now l great type- from right went shall f of wi that sing tion first are/ The and this our less but the the the the the 767 th to of a l l , l l Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 struc is, da such our matt Dir member ord refin of ‘funct organ ha The the rule, co 44 pur Shor 768 co clai mate was sub rather whi phe inter ‘objec ch theory, stru as impl Hil toget inter what foregoi Here uld ntempor airs Ther In Ther y, ve not far bert Haeck m i ered pose strate ch rs’ cture chlet, unde functio icitly ed section twined, able ers fun ter NEIL tures rial as her) cerebra so ion’, been , is ts’ the that further b an tied could as ng late e e and than e to for mult in s. too ction knowabl pairs OED: who , or i d author rstan content i ‘ s t involved s el’s produced . defining alinguis rather in matters TENNANT o the menta discus r in its ary beer That note down (See o exampl n a s’. served could intende could i l become f constr n s after ply by the b functions that other Mad of ding current writin course first period This suppo is e i view ‘The n mugs, is that . sion l indebted than the e the the realizab i to epist t denti states even question having h to ic’, agree the e, of dy, ual abou by of d developed could igher the g express sou m rt heart cou a say, acti , in phy it is role much interest axiom (concer inter emolog stat that a the ind-set theoret a fied of the matter 1997.) be s woul menta rce questi co t are the to for on ld vity le. about physiol sical organi it the e shared o actual mental uld served pretation Wilfried b is, is ion just f mathema by of would more their o function e atic shou d conc this a ing f ning ical ical to proper on: object l not well no abstracted of T increasingl not co complete our person their (or functio poin as c o theori ogically pum ld ind ndition second an eption or the by form, prim Sieg. to h doubt states pe tied i not wel what realizat the have ncrea be ist unde s ts, be s i tical ssimis cerebral hist modern wer a vidual ‘ p profound ory, or plac o o l es. a i be n down or prosthe lines f tives f b b extent ing underst rather been orical mere e singly (part e loo member is mathe as rstanding 44 natural abstr contri of diff anachro y of e thing con ion) i out m concerned nterprete culminati Herea knowab abstract i d w logic obj and n involv erent the what to ; functi fun s of cept ithin underst action, co que tic but that source by of) matics) buted than as ects ood advan . ex abstr planes. . incidenc a du ctionalis s function to fter, . nistic i l stion. an ever pression mplant. the i ’ ed; mere (and of that ons f . a le states of involved d mat a y Bois-R of underst they as ng T , act ood, ces trans as de a the brain. and abou (even h a particu a p s a be be for biologi contai e ll hematica very Thus mult e cisively Funct diff functio e in being an rson made ‘loci m m agree come al set unde two that of ‘abiolo even who that, itional one by t a eymond. erently than anding arbit . this if i Essenti i program functi the n ply a lar the A ned of ion threads cal any or not rstanding of abou coun by to p on stressed in pro concept n by geomet t o l anatom rary g mind, merely theoret axiom o not realizab claim thing; i i Hilbert matter Haeckel’s had relational netwo ical’, n organ functi their tself featuring on lingui gramme, the al philos t of l t ted ocat ion It table i me s to set in could these ually be time rical s thus that that that that first was was and ons ical rk’, ical stic ed) the the the the en le. or or o of of o a as in s s - f , Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 followi basic of copies into 46 45 mate biologi insigh Still, trans media manner will all ‘grandf passage mikroskop Sinnesorgan Erfahrung u einzuschlag ¨ berhaupt, ‘Lo See It It concept foregoing much imagination, expansion reasoning deduction which formation ideas mental we while active. organs, through say, universe, ways SOLUTION func the ¨ not sung the fiftee is rialism itions is have princi these t’ t ing qualific ng cal first, arou interest ather tionalis Nachwort in functions regard those of which from – der ischen in erwerben I en The life n e, and also pa essent of attained a i b preceden . the are affected haben, n ples m Weltra l nd turn experience, further in e anguage abou simpler ssage Further of are of Reason. of that tween of microscopic secondarily much Elementaro convinced ations Haeckel ing none zweiter m and we erstens it the OF interest these cognitive functi in the of then ialist MIND, of ¨ wir are tsel. as sind abou t have the of t hang finally be the Quine o m beginni THE other second also ts uns e sensory mental sophisticat the the s. developed converted v just D inferential keine (Last ind note die concatenated 1908 Erfahrun read needed and onalism’ idence in 45 ganglion t ie and s be durch rgane to MATHEMATICS are external the by Mittel the ‘‘inneren consciousness, together, than the same RIDDLES only i an made understanding e edition. anderen n experiment, given, lementary that pursue emphasis are ng as second, activities. equally the the ‘inner menta der naturalized Beobachtung literat input g of to those an groups und of into cells o brain und ions way transitions in this exp ersteren influen first a world f build Sinnesherd als early which the m in sense-centers’ Wege, the relative l; abstraction ure ideas inference. of by licit; or and valuable d added.) isguided zweitens book OF organs iejenigen that it order place. presup operations, of whereby pure We twenti neurons through philos on thinking sind association of ce stat is ganglion welche by AND by und beha a perhaps THE epistemol also the n Naturphi of unite e’’ today’ scientific sold takes die 46 ement to d other complet means of pose and Experiment eth Schlußfolgerun der ophy other We unserer it ove vioural breakthr of THE S it solve these wir UNIVERSE. an the inneszelle and and of is a reinen them is place the century indispensable: lmost parts cells. acquire the r-enthusias s to zur oug our predominantly a of expli first of IGNORABIMUSSTREIT to of knowledge inter losophie e ogy. philosophizing, n inestimable cerebral eness the liminat Großhirnrin be concept-formation, formation Lo the wissenschaftl cerebral ht all mind. , origi outpu the in The of form oug n, ¨ wobei c are a sung hope nal great it , scientific g to the two die i essential quarter . n plastic and experiences that an h nal the . ive D cortex earn states der der The the t, brain, inferences. m in Not It i d ticipatio ie different nsight itself, cortex riddles de induction with organs erster that sensory was i letzteren is ‘breakt großen of n mate the wissenscha overarching ichen our means him activity onl ta experience offer detect of are as chains themselves and ¨ basic tig that the trans Linie that the sensory of promi y rialist are a Erkennt of of just which n Weltra ways, the sind. ed these hrough can Gruppen cells, m a is reader The and and ing of our are the the the state- clai unsere illion basic ftliche lated to of of as with title sed ¨ the the 769 Die tsel a nis o m ll r . Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 von 770 clim body recon ne their publ most fig alis ha mind. co given along the establ The sten Vorstellung U Bildung the of it co phy lingui Haeck (the philos The functi tw mathe Abstraktion verwickelten plastische Begriffe vorhergehende sind ¨ berzeugun woul glected ntempor nscious A It ures rdline entieth the m, Ganglienze immediat sicalis Organe insight ate ic sixth ebenso is NEIL seco prim i siderati mo stic eminent ish ons problem nfluence ophe mati value reasonabl el, with der as frequent influ d. dieser Various were afte Ta re ndary version en ary tic ness, g ¨ well Vernunft pro the TENNANT unde tigkeit unseres works cs, Gehirnope ary und offer rs an century Funktionen g ence, umgesetzt n or r their of leich abstr llen. on Schlußfolgeru framew e not e d blem the purp exempl infacher to physiol Zeitgei a claim a idea was in howeve Begriffsbild rstan ly concern der s y by s analyt Die struc parti wertvoll Geistesleb nineteen .’ and act obscure the revisit V the a Ignorab myst o app complete . ose (Last Phantasie on rationen, f wide an ictori Erfahrun recei und ding ork. en mate Increas ified broad tures cular der con case ogists st that ear yone with concepti du r, ical erianism of Seelenta emphasis diese – ngen ly und has ung, remai ves an the text ens The Ganglienzell th-century imusstreit Bois-R scient rialism, this that in to that or felt, , insigh gen, ly die emine hopin a schließlich unentbehrli mirrored be and ingly wiederum counterpar and express erhalten its the erfolgt die ¨ pench unde tigkeiten. pro of provide fifth ns en B on h welche an our fun SUM ific, is added.) ildung istorical first and pivota modern Erga philos eymond’s t as blem g nt to d superveni o full scientifical rstand ctionalis of a problem auf e to grasp ant ought r philos intr ion haben, n ¨ b on descri nzung das durch identifiable MARY wir c the figures i stract von figures y dea, Alle h contribu oder those functi zwei ophers a l ts actable of s for Bewußtsein, the von t comprehen ind: figure o survey ably explanat scienc of r zusammen zusammen ophical Assozion werden be to across ich is des t list ration verschieden severa Neuronen , popul der ence philos Induktion an on enh concep the ha ly the in in account champi neglect of erkennen te source o Außenwelt of a e. ve actual f s anced has dann Germ problem allow influen an expression infor to their al biology the arization. seven) l Davi ory d and [ ha das ophy be sic vereinige u o sible d ¨ tions ngenden discus ] der tho und en en f been Bois-Re Denken ed. durch z oned rud Chann den med ga theolog pro u e (Haeckel the an d of t by d Wegen, imes, longer ce ught Schlu durch and of Deduktion p. Grosshirnrin an H imentary w They blem an Verstand n of sion mate t of a ilb of and Naturphi andere major i d, w Mo Kettensch . w thin ¨ In und quite ssen el, philos cogn limited appreci (sentience entieth-ce foun ir ymond I ert diese the in , in ical and t die mathe last 1899, in of reover, rial other or included Philosophier i h posit psychology verknu the s . in Gehirnte dem a intel es a ition dations unscha D – nach the theme ing. issue de not d ophy func expli language the ie losophie lu monis pp. i ripe durch spirit n ation insisted ¨ alrea matical one: ho i ssen, words, ¨ weiteren lectual wie ons mind– pft. whi ¨ ntury being Their meiner 13–14) ¨ , these chsten early tion- tzbar- and) c ile s a and itly the for Die n dy t en, die die die ch to of of of o o of ic in d f f . , Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 of personal 47 explora howeve occasi acqua histo doctri what one intole invent denied Avenar BIBLI Carn Burn Broad Bealer, Bieri —— Dawso Churc Churc Chalmers One ideas. happen studying The — Nussba (A (Leipzi kl by into Scienc 1984: attitud Br (Ox needs , ries. ap, yeat, of rable nes. intance on might einsten ed hland, hland, , P OGRA ain n possibility The identity that ius, C T. tions r, G. . Sorabji’s ford, Draft) the R. Jr. . ‘ to , to We Why methods to D Metzin (Cambri e Proceedi ‘An es’, the As to D g: state M. um Engine R. modern Der J. rely . Associa argue Brain be . otherw ab P. The Kra New Fues know with PHY provide be history W. P. J ’, Journal Col i i most concerns . ove. Philosophi and ‘Is nconsi s S. MIND, o of Log o The ftmass mindf in ger Mind n conscious ‘Th f , M. lingwood (Camb dge, the Neuroph for York: of aff ngs i t reviving a 1876). or an ise, A. t further As writers ische ion recent Essays of n (Paderb e a Cons Reason, stency d backgroun this s of irs in recept ul philosophy. O. MATHEMATICS , ‘Eli es. a concep M of Aristot Ric a mistaken underst n Chicago, the ridge, Oxf Philos e d methodol ass.: Aufbau were of instances Rorty and cious Pr the minative hermeneut ilosophy: hard ness Its ideas have a piece on the onc in orn: ologomena ls ion ord the ts expands Place elian M 1984 this function ophy and Mass.: Denken puzzli M e Arist Sor is o ds essential IT ly, cited (Ox provided in University der of Scho Seat It 1984 f i wrote, part nd: ogical not G that the liberates them abji , Pr Towar in b bienni ford: illu Phi material otle’s ic o W here 7 e ng?’, ¨ ¨ the ess, ningh, , de 8 recurrence Nat of M AND In the of e alism’, content taken minating zu 2 losophy der brough has (1981): lt l’s IT is the presupposi be philosophical (1985): Search kernels what al concepts, Clarendo ure ne 1986). d einer (Leipzig: case.) i to inco us D tter n THE Press, Welt Press, written a w meeting Soul: ism 1995) e show Cons (Lon from to Uni Synthes ion. i gives t (dare nsights, mpleteness for 67– Kriti Anima The them IGNORABIMUSSTREIT The , of 253–71 of be fied ways. gema that and and 1996). 1996). cious don: A the n 89. hav 45–60. It one tion (2005, Meiner, a point like k Ohio Mind whol Philos sugge P of imagination. circle Science forth. Fundame e is contemp , der r ¨ ing origin say ss , ess, Kegan or . the Expe e in 3 not the (It i d 8 ly to ndividua reinen dem ‘eternal’ State i stion a applied p. unde theorem ophica o ted (1978): 1992) Still f This philosophers 1928). more co woul unr Philos a orary proposit rience 34 i l of deas Paul, ntempor ntal Pr sources rtaking ), by is easonabl Unive Erfahr the recurrence?) Credible? 47 i l d inzip 15–26. theories s just intimat which ls, recent ophy Journey 333–72. , s’, not The M b 1925). Mind- edited i e h PSA . onal rsity that , ung a ary ory the the des 771 a C. v o of ly e, of n e e f Downloaded By: [Ohio State University Libraries] At: 12:52 31 December 2007 Du 772 Haeck Gu —— —— Feigl, —— Kim Leib Lev M M Hil Hell —— Jack Huxle —— —— ancosu, addy, ¨ bert, ze ine, Boi — — — — — — Press, Minnesot by zwei Vortra Zweite Estelle Guide’, Preussischen Philosophi Phenome 127–36. Philosophi edited (1999): Go 8’, Journal 1900) translat Ausgabe Philosophi Co., 378–87. Gesamm 1901, (Berlin Verlag, edited Weltanschau man, , n son, NEIL ldere, iz, J. y el, ¨ ‘ ‘ H Natur , s-Reymond, U The del’s Septem N. La Mat D. ‘‘‘Strong’ Die ¨ P. T . ber Vor G 1866 F. J. E G. TENNANT S. ¨ (Gr . 1997) ge by Block, P. . M The . by Natural ‘Funk vervollst G. du Springer ion 33 ‘Epiphenom hemat Riddle H 1930). of Incompl i elte W tra ‘Mat 44–63, Die die nologica n erkennen and ettrie’, von a ). W von osse . –45. ‘Betw G. e cal e. ber K. Philos . ‘Int ¨ The Bois-R P ge Lessons o (Bonn: e ‘Ment Abha ung Grenzen ‘ 1–67. r f Akadem l Monad H. sendung W ’ Neudu erialis tra Thom ess, Quar 1899. ische O. Emil vierte Haeckel Rei roducti 1930, Poin ism and o E. een eltra Natu a : ¨ S. f i ¨ tsel. etenes R. (Leipzi ophy n l ndigte Flanagan, Ver ndlung 1958). the demei eymond al’ Research ‘Die 213–3 terly und Reden i te: ‘‘Global m Prob E. n ¨ pson d rchges Park en Vienna tsel. in Mit Auflage ology re 45 u ie lag, des M , on. Universe a ‘‘N al Gem M Straus s 7 Eleme sieben Bois-Rey nd , der (1899) Logik and of g: athem ster rpm Auflage, en. 2 Theor leme’ , 7), inson qualia 6 i Nachtra Gem aturerk 1935) Nat chigan von 4 The F ehene (1975): A. Consciou einversta Wissenschaf the (Leipzi , (1714)’, . Dritter ’’ (1983) in and and (Berl (Leipzi 4 s, vinyl ‘ ntary qualia urerkennen Kro Ontology, Em atics Supe einversta 8 Weltra ( ems’, ( by Ges Many (Lo Naturwis ’, Arc 1899). at ‘Physi 290–329. (1987) mond. ¨ ennen The Sch ¨ G. il gen und 509–39. Berli in, ner, Joseph 551–64. : g the ammelt ndon recordi rvenie hiv du Band (Oxford: ¨ sness: : Phy 354–61. g: ndliche i His ¨ Verlag olarly Gu n tsel Phi Heide cal’ zur Fac ¨ The Bois-Rey n Verlag Close 1908). f ndlich verbes No. Leibni . ten Des ¨ und siology : tory zelder sensch s. ’, M and losophical de nce (Berl The McCa es e ng, Monats Phi Begru Die (Minne ath. zu terminat Press, lberg, Abha 2: Logik ersten explanat von and e of Studie of Cl serte Revisit Melbou z: losophical vo Berli e in: in aften 315–26. Immediat Studie s arendon mond, u. (Lo ¨ the Consc be (Cambri iebe ndung n Philos Philos Hilbert ndlung Veit Springer berichte 1968). Phys ’’, Vei apolis New n (New n Vortrag Quar ndon: Auflag Nineteent ion, , n 1930, ed’, aus ory n 1880, rne: t I. W iousnes u & ophica ophy . ¨ & der u ber en. ¨ York: 3 Band e terly Press, Debates eltra dge, ber and Ko Philos Geda Com York, . 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Press, Lan 1970). dy (Giessen: ctionism’, s (C (C M C explanat Metaph THE Represent Sell & M . ry ambridge of IT ambrid rtstag’, of guage pro and ientific and Nussba Aristotle’ Kegan inds 4. Mathem British 2005) Press, Richard (Bristol IGNORABIMUSSTREIT blem?’, the G. ysics ory Auflage, ge, in an Die Pacific ational um People Wolte , du Paul 1 Philos 1995). d , –36. atics a M Mass. : s gap Soul Sorabji Nat Mind Thoem Boi and the M ass.: M , ind’, r 1978). urwissenscha aterial ophers Sympo s The 1855). s-Reymonds Philos : and (New as Structure A. , ( M M P , 9 mes ory i i edited O. IT 8 IT ttsburgh: cognit n Ethics , sium ophica (1989) Essays vol. World Rort York: of Press, Press, Press, the 773 i by ve at of in 2 f- ’, y , l :