REVIEW CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will weigh the risks associated with anti- therapies CREDIT JENNIFER HADAM, MD ELIE AOUN, MD, MS KOFI CLARKE, MD MARY CHESTER WASKO, MD, MSc Division of Gastroenterology, Division of Gastroenterology, Division of Gastroenterology, Division of , Allegheny Hepatology, and Nutrition, Allegheny Hepatology, and Nutrition, Allegheny Hepatology, and Nutrition, Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh, PA Health Network, Pittsburgh, PA Health Network, Pittsburgh, PA Health Network, Pittsburgh, PA

Managing risks of TNF inhibitors: An update for the internist

■■ ABSTRACT iologic agents such as those that block B tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha have Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors have many benefi- revolutionized the treatment of autoimmune cial effects, but they also pose infrequent but significant diseases like and inflam- risks, including serious infection and malignancy. These matory bowel disease, dramatically improving risks can be minimized by judicious patient selection, ap- disease control and quality of life. In addition, propriate screening, careful monitoring during treatment, they have made true disease remission possible and close communication between primary care physi- in some cases. However, as with any new therapy, a vari- cians and subspecialists. ety of side effects must be considered. ■■ KEY POINTS ■■ WHAT ARE BIOLOGIC AGENTS? Over the past 10 years, TNF inhibitors have substantially altered the management of autoimmune diseases such as Biologic agents are genetically engineered rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. drugs manufactured or synthesized in vitro from molecules such as proteins, genes, and present in living organisms. By tar- Safety concerns include risks of infection, reactivation of geting specific molecular components of the latent infection (eg, fungal infection, granulomatous infec- inflammatory cascade, including cytokines, tion), malignancy, and autoimmune and neurologic effects. these drugs alter certain aspects of the body’s inflammatory response in autoimmune diseas- Before treating, take a complete history, including expo- es. Because TNF inhibitors are the most widely sure to latent infections and geographic considerations, used biologic agents in the United States, this and bring patients’ immunizations up to date. review will focus on them. ■■ TNF INHIBITORS Regular clinical and laboratory monitoring during treat- ment helps optimize therapy and minimize the risk of TNF inhibitors suppress the inflammatory cas- adverse effects. cade by inactivating TNF alpha, a cytokine that promotes in the intestine, Physicians must be aware of atypical presentations of synovial tissue, and other sites.1,2 infection and understand how their treatment may differ Several TNF inhibitors are available. Etan- in patients on biologic therapy. ercept and were the first two to receive US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, and they are extensively used. , a soluble TNF receptor giv- en subcutaneously, was approved for treating rheumatoid arthritis in 1998. Infliximab, a doi:10.3949/ccjm.81a.12121 chimeric monoclonal (75% human

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Drugs mentioned in this article Take a focused history The clinical history should include inquiries acetaminophen (Tylenol) about previous bacterial, fungal, and tubercu- losis infections or exposure; diabetes; and oth- (Humira) er immunocompromised states that increase (Cimzia) the risk of acquiring potentially life-threaten- diphenhydramine (Benadryl) ing infections. Details of particular geographic areas of entecavir (Baraclude) residence, occupational exposures, and social etanercept (Enbrel) history should be sought. These include histo- ry of incarceration (which may put patients at (Simponi) risk of ) and residence in the Ohio infliximab (Remicade) River valley or in the southwestern or mid- western United States (which may increase lamivudine (Epivir) the risk of histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, tenofovir (Viread) and other fungal infections).

Bring vaccinations up to date and 25% mouse protein sequence) given in- Age-appropriate vaccinations should be dis- travenously, received FDA approval for treat- cussed and given, ideally before starting thera- ing Crohn disease in 1998 and for rheumatoid py. These include influenza vaccine every year arthritis in 1999. Other anti-TNF agents with and tetanus boosters every 10 years for all and, varying properties are also available. as appropriate, varicella, human papillomavi- TABLE 1 lists anti-TNF agents approved for rus, and pneumococcal vaccinations. The US treating rheumatoid arthritis and inflamma- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tory bowel disease. These are chronic, relaps- recommend an additional dose of the pneu- ing diseases that significantly and dramati- mococcal vaccine if more than 5 years have TNF inhibitors cally reduce quality of life, especially when elapsed since the first one, and many clini- are for patients they are poorly controlled.3,4 Untreated cians opt to give it every 5 years. disease has been associated with malignan- In general, live-attenuated vaccines, in- with moderate cy, infection, pregnancy loss, and malnutri- cluding the intranasal influenza vaccine, are to severe tion.5–8 TNF inhibitors are aimed at patients contraindicated in patients taking biologic 9 disease who have moderate to severe disease or for agents. For patients at high risk of exposure whom previous treatments have failed, to or infection, it may be reasonable to hold the or for whom help them achieve and maintain steroid-free biologic agent for a period of time, vaccinate, previous remission. However, use of these agents is and resume the biologic agent a month later. tempered by the risk of potentially serious Recent data suggest that the varicella zos- treatments side effects. ter vaccine may be safely given to older pa- have failed Special thought should also be given to tients with immune-mediated diseases such as the direct costs of the drugs (up to $30,000 per rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel year, not counting the cost of their adminis- disease taking biologic agents.10 New guide- tration) and to the indirect costs such as time lines from the American College of Rheuma- away from work to receive treatment. These tology recommend age-appropriate vaccines are major considerations in some cases, and for rheumatoid arthritis patients age 60 and patients should be selected carefully for treat- older before biologic treatments are started. ment with these drugs. Case-by-case discussion with the subspecialist and the patient is recommended. ■■ BEFORE STARTING THERAPY Screen for chronic infections Before starting anti-TNF therapy, several steps Tuberculosis screening with a purified pro- can reduce the risk of serious adverse events. tein derivative test or an -gamma- release (Quantiferon) assay followed by chest

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TABLE 1 Anti-tumor necrosis factor agents Agent Mechanism of action Dosage schedule Approved indications* Infliximab Mouse chimeric Intravenously AS, CD, JIA, PP, PA, RA, UC to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha every 6–8 weeks Etanercept Fully human soluble TNF receptor Subcutaneously AS, JIA, PP, PA, RA weekly Adalimumab Fully human monoclonal antibody Subcutaneously AS, CD, JIA, PP, PA, RA, UC against TNF alpha every other week Certolizumab Humanized Fab fragment directed Subcutaneously AS, CD, PA, RA pegol against TNF attached to two polyeth- every 4 weeks ylene glycol molecules Golimumab Human monoclonal antibody against Subcutaneously AS, PA, RA, UC TNF alpha every month

*AS = , CD = Crohn disease, JIA = juvenile idiopathic arthritis, PA = psoriatic arthritis, PP = plaque , RA = rheumatoid arthritis, UC = radiography in patients with a positive test is complete metabolic panel should be routinely mandatory before giving a TNF inhibitor. obtained before starting therapy (and thereaf- B virus status should be deter- ter at the discretion of the physician). In con- mined before starting anti-TNF therapy.11 junction with follow-up tests, they can help Hepatitis B vaccination has been recom- detect an unexpected decrease in white blood mended for patients with inflammatory bowel cell count or abnormal results on the liver In general, disease, but no clear recommendation exists panel.16 These baseline and follow-up tests are live-attenuated for patients with rheumatic disease. Patients generally performed by the subspecialist, and with inflammatory bowel disease tend to have the results are shared with the primary care vaccines are low rates of response to hepatitis B vaccina- physician. contraindicated 12,13 tion ; possible reasons include their lack TABLE 2 summarizes key information to be in patients of an appropriate innate immune response to sought before starting a patient on a TNF in- infectious agents, malnutrition, surgery, older hibitor. taking biologic age, and immunosuppressive drugs.14 An ac- agents celerated vaccination protocol with recom- ■■ ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ANTI-TNF DRUGS binant hepatitis B vaccine (Energix-B) in a double dose at 0, 1, and 2 months has been Infusion reactions, infections, cardiac arrhyth- shown to improve response rates.15 mias, demyelinating disorders, skin infections, Whenever possible, it may be better to and malignancies have been reported with anti- vaccinate patients before starting immuno- TNF therapy. The relative frequencies of these 17–22 suppressive therapy, and to check postvacci- adverse events are summarized in TABLE 3. nation titers to ensure adequate response. ■■ NONINFECTIOUS COMPLICATIONS Perform an examination OF TNF INHIBITORS A full physical examination with special at- tention to skin rashes should be performed. Injection site reactions This may serve as a baseline to assist early When anti-TNF agents are given subcutane- detection of new rashes associated with anti- ously, injection site reactions are common TNF therapy. (occurring in up to 40% of patients) and are A baseline complete blood cell count and considered minor.11 Reactions, including sig-

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TABLE 2 TABLE 3 Key information to be obtained Adverse events and estimated frequencies before starting anti-TNF therapy associated with anti-TNF therapy

Comorbidities Event Estimated New York Heart Association class III or IV frequency Malignancy (current or prior) Stopping therapy because of an adverse event 10% Infection history Infusion or injection site reactions 3%–20% Immunization status Influenza Drug-related lupus-like reaction 1% Hepatitis B Serious infections 3% Pneumococcal Shingles Skin infections 1%–20% Tuberculosis exposure and status Tuberculosis 0.05% Purified protein derivative or Quantiferon test Chest radiography Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (combination therapy) 0.06% Geographic exposure , heart failure, serious liver injury Case reports Endemic areas for opportunistic infection only Travel history COURTESY OF COREY A. SIEGEL, MD, MPH, DIRECTOR, INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE CENTER, Physical examination DARTMOUTH- HITCHCOCK MEDICAL CENTER, LEBANON, NH; ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE, Documentation of a rash GEISEL SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. DATA FROM REFERENCES 17–22.

nificant pain, typically occur within the first may be easy to overlook. However, establish- few months of therapy. They can last 2 to 5 ing this diagnosis is important because repeat Screening for days but rarely warrant stopping therapy. therapy may result in a more severe reaction tuberculosis Treatment with ice and an antihistamine is upon reexposure to the drug. almost always sufficient to control symptoms. Once diagnosed, these reactions can be is mandatory treated symptomatically with a combination before starting Infusion reactions with infliximab of acetaminophen and diphenhydramine after Infliximab can cause both acute and delayed discussion between the primary care physician TNF inhibitors infusion reactions. Acute reactions can occur and subspecialist.23,24 up to 24 hours after infusion but usually ap- pear within 10 minutes of administration and Autoimmune syndromes are handled by the infusion suite staff. They Several studies have reported a small percent- range from the severe -me- age of patients treated with anti-TNF agents diated type I reaction, manifesting with hypo- who develop paradoxical autoimmune condi- tension, bronchospasm, and urticaria, to the tions. These range from asymptomatic immu- milder anaphylactoid-type reaction, which nologic alterations, including the formation constitutes the majority.23–25 of antinuclear antibodies and antibodies to While most primary care physicians will double-stranded DNA, to life-threatening sys- not encounter an acute reaction, family doc- temic autoimmune diseases.26,27 tors and emergency room physicians may en- Autoimmune diseases associated with anti- counter delayed reactions, which can develop TNF treatment include a lupus-like syndrome, 1 to 14 days after infusion. These reactions vasculitides, and psoriatic skin lesions. These usually resemble serum sickness and present syndromes warrant stopping the inciting drug with joint pain, fatigue, myalgia, and fever. and, on occasion, giving corticosteroids. Most But, unlike classic serum sickness, these reac- cases arise between 1 month and 1 year of start- tions are generally not associated with a rash. ing treatment, and almost 75% resolve com- With nonspecific symptoms, the diagnosis pletely after the anti-TNF therapy is stopped.26

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Interestingly, anti-TNF agents are approved for treating psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, but psoriasis has paradoxically developed in pa- tients being treated with these drugs for other autoimmune diseases. The FDA has reviewed 69 cases of new-onset psoriasis with anti-TNF therapy, including 17 pustular and 15 palmo- plantar cases. The 12 most severe cases resulted in hospitalization, and symptoms resolved in most after treatment cessation.28 Fiorino et al29 counted 18 reported cases of psoriasis induced by anti-TNF therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and concluded that it is rare. Harrison et al30 re- ported similar findings in patients with rheu- matoid arthritis, with an increased incidence rate of 1.04 per 1,000 person-years. New-onset psoriasis was most common in patients treated with adalimumab. An example of the rash is seen in FIGURE 1.


Cardiovascular side effects of anti-TNF agents range from nonspecific and asymptomatic ar- FIGURE 1. New-onset psoriasis in a patient receiving a rhythmias to worsening of heart failure. tumor necrosis factor inhibitor. Circulating levels of TNF are increased in patients with heart failure, and studies have Side effects evaluated the effects of TNF inhibition with odology of these analyses. infliximab on cardiac function and overall sur- Currently, anti-TNF therapy is contrain- range from vival.31,32 The combined risk of death from any dicated in patients with NYHA class III or infusion cause or hospitalization from heart failure was IV heart failure. Data are inconclusive for pa- significantly higher in the infliximab groups, tients with class I or II heart failure. Baseline reactions to and the effects persisted for up to 5 months echocardiography and cardiology consultation malignancies after stopping therapy. can be considered, with close monitoring and Other studies22,33 have evaluated the effects avoidance of high doses of TNF inhibitors. of infliximab and etanercept on cardiac func- If heart failure develops in a patient on anti- tion and overall survival. Results showed pos- TNF therapy, the drug should be discontinued sible exacerbation of heart failure with etaner- and the patient should be evaluated further.36 cept and increased risk of death with infliximab in patients with New York Heart Association ■■ DEMYELINATING DISEASE, (NYHA) class III or IV heart failure and left INCLUDING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ventricular ejection fractions less than 35%. Case reports have also described patients Anti-TNF agents have been associated with with worsening or new-onset heart failure on the onset or exacerbation of clinical symptoms TNF inhibitors, including patients younger and radiographic evidence of central nervous than 50 years and without identifiable cardio- system demyelinating disorders, including vascular risk factors. multiple sclerosis.37–40 Mohan et al38 identified Data analyses31,34,35 from large clinical reg- 19 cases of demyelinating events occurring af- istries have reported no significant increase in ter administration of anti-TNF agents in early heart failure attributable to TNF inhibitors. 2001. In most cases, symptoms improved or However, we have concerns about the meth- resolved after therapy was stopped.

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Optic neuritis,41,42 bilateral optic neuropa- is constantly evolving, and studies range from thy,43 and aseptic meningitis44 have also been case series to clinical trials to large patient reg- reported, but these have occurred only rarely. istries. How common are these effects? Postmar- The decision to use a TNF inhibitor should keting surveillance in patients with rheuma- be based on the patient’s clinical picture and toid arthritis yields an estimated incidence risk factors. Discussion of the risks and ben- of demyelinating disorders of 1 per 1,000 pa- efits of therapy with the patient should be tient-years with adalimumab therapy.45 Com- clearly documented. plicating the assessment is an observed slight increase in risk of demyelinating conditions Non-Hodgkin lymphoma associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Evidence about the risk of lymphoma with Symptoms that should heighten the physi- anti-TNF use is mixed, as up to two-thirds of cian’s suspicion of this adverse effect include patients on anti-TNF therapy have received confusion, paresthesias, and ataxia. Patients concomitant nonbiologic immunosuppressive on anti-TNF therapy who develop new visual , making it difficult to determine symptoms should be checked for painless visu- the true risk from the biologic agents alone.53 al loss as a sign of early demyelinating disease. Current evidence both supports9,53–56 and re- Although data that conclusively link anti- futes7,55,57–60 the idea that anti-TNF agents in- TNF agents to multiple sclerosis are lacking, crease lymphoma risk. these drugs should not be initiated in patients In patients with inflammatory bowel dis- who have a history of demyelinating disease, ease, several population-based studies have and treatment should be stopped promptly if not shown a clear increase in lymphoma risk the diagnosis is suspected. with anti-TNF use.56,59,60 Pedersen et al,61 in a meta-analysis of eight studies, confirmed these ■■ MALIGNANCY findings by showing no overall lymphoma risk in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Whether anti-TNF therapy is directly linked However, a Canadian population-based A delayed to development of malignancies is difficult study found a statistically significant increase reaction can to determine. There are many confound- in non-Hodgkin lymphoma in males with ing factors, including the risk of malignancy Crohn disease, with an incidence ratio of 3.63 develop in underlying inflammatory disease and the (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.53–8.62).61 1 to 14 days concomitant use of other medications such as Additionally, Siegel et al62 found a significant- after infusion thiopurines, which have a known association ly higher risk (6.1 cases per 10,000 patients) with lymphoma.46 in patients treated with anti-TNF agents and The incidence of lymphoma is twice as thiopurines than in the general population high in rheumatoid arthritis patients as in (1.9 cases per 10,000 people). Although the the general population.47 The risk is higher in difference was statistically significant, the those with more aggressive joint disease—the overall risk is still very low. subset of rheumatoid arthritis patients who are Patients with rheumatoid arthritis seem to more likely to be given anti-TNF agents.5 have a risk of lymphoma two to three times In patients with inflammatory bowel dis- higher than in the general population. How- ease, the risk of cholangiocarcinoma is four ever, large population-based studies have not times higher, and the risk of small-bowel ad- shown a statistically significant increase in the enocarcinoma is 16 to 18 times higher, but no risk of lymphoma with anti-TNF therapy.63 increased risk of lymphoma has been identi- Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma is a rare fied in this population.48,49 subtype of peripheral T-cell non-Hodgkin Data from six clinical trials of infliximab, lymphoma; 25 cases have been reported in pa- including a long-term study of its safety in tients receiving anti-TNF therapy.64 Although Crohn disease, suggest it poses no increase in the risk is extremely low (< 0.05%), physi- overall risk of malignancy.50–52 Similar results cians must carefully consider the risks and have been reported in patients with other benefits of combination therapy, especially in rheumatic diseases.8 Information on this topic young male patients with inflammatory bowel

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disease, since death is the usual outcome of The threshold for using antibiotics for a sus- this disease.65–67 pected bacterial infection is somewhat shifted in favor of treatment in patients on anti-TNF ther- Skin cancers apy. The reason is twofold: as previously noted, Wolfe and Michaud8 evaluated malignancy infections may be worse than they appear, be- risk in rheumatoid arthritis patients being cause anti-TNF drugs can mask the signs and treated with biologic agents, including TNF symptoms of a serious infection, and in patients inhibitors, using a large longitudinal database. on these drugs, an untreated bacterial infection These data were compared with those of the may rapidly become life-threatening. US Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End-Re- In general, broad-spectrum antibiotics are sults (SEER) national database. No increase not warranted unless the source of infection is in the overall cancer rate was seen in rheuma- unclear or the patient is in danger of hemody- toid arthritis patients (standardized incidence namic compromise. ratio [SIR] 1.0, 95% CI 1.0–1.1). However, melanoma was more common in Opportunistic infections rheumatoid arthritis patients compared with The association of anti-TNF agents with op- SEER rates (SIR 1.7, 95% CI 1.3–2.3).8 In ad- portunistic infections could be viewed as an dition, biologic therapy was associated with a extension of their normal and intended thera- higher (but not statistically significant) risk of peutic activity as potent immunosuppressive melanoma (odds ratio [OR] 2.3, 95% CI 0.9– agents.68 Rheumatoid arthritis and inflam- 5.4) and a higher risk of nonmelanoma skin matory bowel disease are usually associated cancer (OR 1.5, 95% CI 1.2–1.8), but not of with conditions and situations that predispose other types of cancer.8 patients to opportunistic infections, such as decreased immune response, malnutrition or ■■ INFECTION malabsorption, surgeries, and concomitant immunosuppressive medications.7 Combina- Patients on anti-TNF therapy are at a higher tion therapy with other immunosuppressive risk of infection, ranging from minor to life- drugs and older age appear to markedly in- Anti-TNF threatening bacterial infections, and includ- crease the risk of opportunistic infections, in- therapy is ing the reactivation of granulomatous and cluding mycobacterial and fungal infections, fungal infections. More importantly, these in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.7 contraindicated agents are similar to steroids in blunting signs Overall, opportunistic infections represent in patients with of infection, which may delay diagnosis and a measurable risk of anti-TNF therapy, and NYHA class III treatment. awareness and vigilance are important, espe- The management of infection in patients cially in areas where opportunistic infections or IV heart on anti-TNF medications varies from case to such as histoplasmosis and coccidiomycosis failure case. In general, patients with a minor infec- are endemic.50 Furthermore, physicians must tion that does not require hospitalization or be aware of the higher risk of opportunistic intravenous antibiotics can continue the bio- infections when multiple immunosuppressive logic therapy while taking oral antibiotics. drugs are used concurrently. TNF inhibitors must be held in the event of a major infection. Granulomatous infections Consultation with an infectious disease such as tuberculosis specialist is recommended, especially in com- Anti-TNF agents increase the risk of de novo plex cases. granulomatous infections and of reactivating such infections. Granuloma formation and in- Bacterial infections tracellular destruction of mycobacteria depend An increased risk of minor bacterial infections on TNF. TNF is important in maintaining the such as urinary tract and respiratory infections anatomic integrity of granulomas where these has been well documented in several randomized organisms have been sequestered, and block- control trials of anti-TNF agents, though other ing TNF leads to breakdown of granulomas studies have shown no such increase in risk.33,51–59 and release of virulent organisms.69,70

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TNF inhibitors increase the risk of reac- this disease is endemic. Similarly, most cases tivation of latent tuberculosis infection. The of coccidioidomycosis were in endemic areas risk is greater with infliximab and adalimumab of Arizona, California, and Nevada, and pa- than with etanercept,71,72 and it has been de- tients on concomitant immunosuppressive scribed with certolizumab.74 Study results are therapy.78 varied thus far but show a risk of tuberculosis Currently, there is no evidence to recom- reactivation five to 30 times higher than in mend obtaining Histoplasma capsulatum or the general population, with tremendous vari- Coccidioides immitis serologies before initiating ability in risk depending on background rates anti-TNF therapy in patients in endemic ar- of previous exposure. eas.81 However, patients must be instructed to The absence of typical tuberculosis symp- seek medical attention quickly for pulmonary toms further complicates care in these cases. or febrile illnesses. Fever, weight loss, and night sweats tend to be TNF-mediated and are therefore masked by Viral hepatitis infections anti-TNF agents, leading to atypical presen- The data on hepatitis B and hepatitis C in pa- tations. In addition, active tuberculosis infec- tients on biologic therapies are mostly limited tion associated with TNF inhibitors is more to case reports. likely to involve extrapulmonary sites such as Hepatitis B. A small prospective study the skin and musculoskeletal system and to be from Spain followed the liver biochemistry disseminated at presentation. tests and hepatitis B status of 80 patients with A paradoxical worsening of tuberculosis Crohn disease treated with infliximab. Of symptoms may also be seen in patients with three patients who were chronic hepatitis B latent tuberculosis reactivation, especially af- carriers before starting infliximab, two experi- ter discontinuing anti-TNF therapy. This is enced reactivation of hepatitis B after discon- thought to result from an immune reconstitu- tinuing infliximab, and one ultimately died. tion inflammatory syndrome. The third patient was treated with lamivudine The pretreatment evaluation should in- concurrently with infliximab without clinical Evidence clude a history of risk factors, a physical ex- or biochemical changes during or after thera- both supports amination, and either a tuberculin skin test py.82 or an interferon-gamma-release assay. Inter- Similar findings were observed in two pa- and refutes feron-gamma-release assays are particularly tients with rheumatoid arthritis on treatment increased risk helpful in patients who have received bacille with infliximab. One of the patients required of lymphoma Calmette-Guérin vaccination. In patients liver transplantation, and both were treated who test positive or have been exposed, tuber- with lamivudine, resulting in normalization of with anti-TNF culosis treatment should begin 4 weeks before liver function test results.83,84 agents starting anti-TNF therapy, though the optimal Recent reviews indicate that despite these timing of antituberculosis agents is still con- findings, hepatitis B reactivation after anti- troversial.74–77 TNF withdrawal may not be common.85 There If tuberculosis develops in a patient on anti- are limited data on hepatitis B reactivation TNF therapy, he or she should receive antitu- and associated liver dysfunction in patients berculosis drugs. Anti-TNF therapy should be with inflammatory bowel disease treated with stopped and should be resumed after 2 months immunosuppressants. In a retrospective mul- only if no other treatment option is available.75 ticenter trial by Loras et al86 in patients with inflammatory bowel disease who had viral Invasive opportunistic fungal infections hepatitis, 36% of patients positive for hepati- Invasive opportunistic fungal infections have tis B surface antigen developed liver dysfunc- been reported with anti-TNF therapy, in- tion, and six patients developed liver failure. cluding histoplasmosis and coccidioidomyco- In that study, treatment with more than two sis.78–80 Most patients who had histoplasmosis immunosuppressants was an independent pre- were treated with other immunosuppressive dictor of hepatitis B reactivation. therapies and resided in or were raised near Prolonged (longer the Ohio or Mississippi River valleys, where than 3 months) has also been identified as

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an independent predictor of liver dysfunction matoid arthritis patients with hepatitis C (OR 3.06; 95% 95% CI 1.02–9.16).87 have shown that TNF inhibitors can be safely The European Association for the Study of used without worsening liver function tests or the Liver and the American Association for changing the viral load.95–98 This is reassuring the Study of Liver Diseases recommend start- and provides the subspecialist with another ing lamivudine before chemotherapy or im- treatment option, as other therapies such as munomodulator or immunosuppressive thera- disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and py in hepatitis B virus carriers and continuing steroids are known to aggravate viral hepatitis preventive treatment for at least 6 months and increase the risk of viremia.96 after stopping immunomodulating drugs. La- Although small retrospective studies and mivudine at a dose of 100 mg/day may reduce one large randomized double-blind placebo- the risk of reactivation of hepatitis B.88–90 Te- controlled trial have shown TNF inhibitors nofovir and entecavir may be useful alterna- to be relatively safe in rheumatoid arthritis tives in patients with hepatitis B who have patients with hepatitis C, their use in these never received nucleoside analogues. Hepati- patients should be considered only with cau- tis B reactivation did not occur in any of the tion if they have evidence of hepatic synthetic 16 patients who received preventive entecavir dysfunction (eg, hypoalbuminemia, thrombo- treatment while receiving immunosuppressive cytopenia, increased international normalized treatments.89,91 ratio). The American College of Rheumatol- In patients receiving immunosuppressive ogy recommends avoiding TNF inhibitors in therapy, hepatitis B reactivation is associated Child-Pugh classes B and C.99 with significant morbidity and mortality. Al- though risk factors for reactivation of hepati- ■■ PREGNANCY tis B virus infection have been identified, we recommend preventive treatment for all car- Physicians caring for patients with rheuma- riers positive for hepatitis B surface antigen. toid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease This should be done regardless of the number, must be aware of how these diseases affect fe- type, and dosage of immunosuppressants and cundity and fertility and how the medications Infections regardless of hepatitis B virus DNA levels.90 can affect conception and pregnancy. Many may be worse The frequency of hepatitis B and hepatitis patients have difficulty conceiving while their C infection in patients with Crohn disease has autoimmune disease is active, and better dis- than they been reported to be as high as 24%. The high ease control may improve fecundity and result appear, incidence is thought to be secondary to multi- in unanticipated pregnancy. Patients should because these ple blood transfusions and surgeries.92 The use be advised of the need for contraception if of biologic agents, including anti-TNF agents, pregnancy is ill-advised or undesired. drugs can mask in chronic hepatitis B virus- or hepatitis C Many patients seek advice about terato- signs and virus-infected patients can lead to enhanced genicity before conceiving, or seek guidance viral replication and hepatitis exacerbation. about rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory symptoms Although active viral replication can oc- bowel disease treatment while pregnant. cur during treatment with biologic agents, re- Several studies have reported a higher risk activation or exacerbation can also occur after of adverse pregnancy outcomes in patients the anti-TNF agent is stopped.82 This finding with rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory has prompted the recommendation that all bowel disease than in the general popula- candidates for biologic therapy be tested for tion.99–105 In inflammatory bowel disease, the hepatitis B immunization status, followed by odds of a premature delivery or having a low- immunization in nonimmune patients before birth-weight child are twice as high as in the starting anti-TNF therapy.93,94 normal population.100,103 Higher rates of cesar- Hepatitis C. There are no guidelines ean delivery and stillbirth have also been re- that adequately address the use of anti-TNF ported. The main predisposing factor appears agents in patients with chronic hepatitis C to be the disease activity at the time of con- infection. ception, as active disease seems to be linked to Several small retrospective studies in rheu- adverse pregnancy outcomes.

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Treatment with anti-TNF agents may rap- congenital abnormalities (3.4%), fetal deaths idly achieve and maintain remission, raising (8.5%), and preterm births (2.7%) were similar the question of the safety of continued anti- to those in the general population. TNF use during pregnancy. The FDA classifies For patients in disease remission on TNF anti-TNF agents as category B drugs, as ani- inhibitors, it is reasonable to continue these mal studies have not demonstrated fetal risk, agents during pregnancy after careful discus- and no well-controlled prospective study has sion with the patient. Fetal safety and infant yet been conducted with pregnant women. immunization response after delivery are the In an observational study, Schnitzler et primary concerns in these cases. al105 assessed the outcomes of 42 pregnan- Both infliximab and adalimumab cross the cies in 35 patients with inflammatory bowel placenta and remain detectable in the baby’s disease receiving either infliximab or adali- circulation 4 months (for adalimumab) to 6 mumab during pregnancy, compared with 56 months (for infliximab) after delivery. It is pregnancies in 45 healthy patients without currently recommended that infliximab be inflammatory bowel disease. There was no stopped at 32 weeks of gestation for the re- statistical difference in abortion rates be- mainder of the pregnancy and that adalim- tween patients receiving anti-TNF agents umab be stopped at 34 to 36 weeks, given a and healthy women without inflammatory planned 40-week gestation. bowel disease (21% vs 14%, P = .4234). Certolizumab does not cross the placenta There was also no significant difference ob- in significant amounts and should be con- served in birth weight, birth length, or cra- tinued throughout pregnancy; drug levels in nial circumference of the children between infants were shown to be less than 2 µg/mL, the two groups. However, pregnancies with even when dosed the week of delivery.108–112 direct exposure to anti-TNF agents resulted in a higher frequency of premature delivery ■■ TAKE-HOME POINTS (25% vs 6%, P = .023). Similar results were noted from the • All health care providers of patients with Vigilance is Crohn’s Therapy, Resource, Evaluation, and rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel important, Assessment Tool, or TREAT, registry, as well disease should be familiar with anti-TNF as from a large systematic review by Vinet et agents used in treating these diseases. especially al106 and case reports of rheumatoid arthritis • The benefits of controlling the disease far where and inflammatory bowel disease in women ex- outweigh the risks of therapy when used ap- opportunistic posed to anti-TNF agents during pregnancy. propriately. In addition, results from a recent systematic • Care of these patients should be multidis- infections review of 38 studies of anti-TNF use and fetal ciplinary, with clear communication between are endemic risk, with a total of 437 women (189 on inflix- primary care physician and specialist. imab, 230 on adalimumab, 18 on certolizumab • Patient education and monitoring com- pegol), showed similar results.107 In pregnan- bined with prompt communication between cies exposed to anti-TNF agents, the rates of primary care physician and specialist are key. ■

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