Volume 12 Issue 37 News Desk - Tel: 076-236555 September 10 - 16, 2005 Daily news at www.phuketgazette.net 20 Baht

The Gazette is published in association with TTVI chief D-Day looming offers experts to ID victims IN THIS ISSUE of Katrina NEWS: to step up fight against ‘ice’; plan- for dog pound By Sangkhae Leelanapaporn ning to host jet ski races. Pages 2 & 3 PHUKET: The head of the Thai- INSIDE STORY: Phuket Air in land Tsunami Victim Identifica- a spin. Pages 4 & 5 tion center (TTVI) has offered the services of Thai fingerprint- AROUND THE ISLAND: Like 1977 ing experts if the United States all over again. Page 8 needs outside help in identifying AROUND THE R EGION: Longtail the bodies of Hurricane Katrina BOAT crackdown. Page 9 victims. Pol Gen Nopadol Somboon- PEOPLE: Off the Wall; Wed- sub told the Gazette that he was dings. Pages 10 & 11 unsure of the exact situation in LIFESTYLE: Thai-style tile at- the US at that time, but he as- tire. Yes, really. Page 12 sumed that bodies might be in a similar state as those in Thailand ALL AT SEA: The quick Cap Camarat 925 WA. Page 15 after the tsunami. “I used to have contacts GOOD LIVING: Very appetiz- with the team that identified vic- ing, very Aspasia. Page 17 tims in the aftermath of 9/11, and YOUTH ’N ASIA: The numbers they already have expert knowl- game. Page 20 edge and know what to do. “[But] I think the situation FIRST PERSON: Defending the there now is on such a large scale dog pound. Page 23 that they might need foreign help, BUSINESS: Mortgages for for- and could use Interpol. We did eigners; Money Talks. so after the tsunami hit Phuket, Pages 25 The pound, which the provincial government had hoped would solve Phuket’s stray dog problems, has and it worked very well,” Gen been besieged by critics. Nopadol said. SPORT: Tee to Green: seeing “The weak point in Thailand red over green blues; Table By Anongnat Sartpisut Arepornsiri said, “The idea of a shelter and onto the road where after the tsunami was that we tennis for tsunami recovery. dog pound is good one. However, it was hit by car and died. had no experience [of such a di- Pages 26 & 27 PHUKET CITY: Governor if the enclosures are too small Sunart Wongchawalit, saster] and had to use volunteers TAKE A BREAK: You’ve earned Udomsak Uswarangkura has and the shelter is struggling to do Chief of the PPLO, responded from overseas. it. Pages 28 & 29 said that he plans to reach a de- its job, then I think it is better to by saying that he was trying to “We were very pleased to cision on whether or not to shut close [the pound].” solve the problems of the dog get their help, but [some] still PROPERTY: Home of the the controversial Mid Road Dog Pobphon Sirilaksanapong, pound by establishing an official lacked in-depth knowledge and Week: Laguna; Decor: Vases; Shelter in Thalang by the end of the Chief of the Phuket Provin- foundation to help dogs. understanding, and volunteers Construction: Rawai Seaview September. cial Forestry Office, added, “The “Many organizations, both were rotated after arriving at the Apartments; Gardening At a meeting held on Au- place smells bad and gives a national and international, sup- center and had started working. Pages 30-33 gust 31, which was attended by negative impression of the area.” port the dog shelter project. I That is why so much was representatives of every govern- Yaowalak Yangyuen, Chief think we should be allowed to missed,” Gen Nopadol added. PLUS ment agency in the province to of the Phuket Social Security continue to try to make it work,” He said that Thailand now discuss a number of topics, Gov Office, said that she has a house he argued. has a professional team of ex- QUEER NEWS 6; AROUND THE NA- Udomsak reported that he had opposite the pound. Gov Udomsak concluded perts who are able to lift prints TION 7; HAPPENINGS 14; WINE, received letters and emails com- “The dogs [in the pound] the meeting, saying, “I would like from bodies in an advanced state PHUKET D IARY 16; TRAVEL 18; plaining that the dogs were suf- howl every night,” she com- everyone to consider the condi- of decomposition. BOOKS, OUTSIDE IN 19; MOMMA fering in the dog pound. plained, “and the Phuket Provin- tion of the dog shelter during Sep- “We have the experience DUCK, LAW, HOROSCOPES 20 & He asked for everyone’s cial Livestock Office (PPLO) did tember, and then we will discuss and can share it with them. We 21; EDITORIAL, LETTERS 22; IS- thoughts on whether or not to not ask how people felt about it again – and make a decision – would be happy to have our team SUES & ANSWERS 23; COMPUTERS close it down. [opening the shelter].” at the end of September.” of about 40 people help in the US, 24; CLASSIFIEDS 34-43. Phuket Irrigation Office She described how she – See Editorial and First Person especially in fingerprinting which Project Director Watchara once saw a dog run out of the on pages 22 & 23 Continued on page 3 2 PHUKET GAZETTE NEWS September 10 - 16, 2005 Top tycoons from Britain assess tsunami needs PHUKET: A delegation of top business- The task force comprised 15 repre- Linda Cruse, Project Director of the nesses. We think about what we should people under the banner of Britain’s Prince sentatives of the world’s leading busi- IBLF, told the Gazette that there was still do, what the market needs and we come of Wales International Business Leaders nesses, including Abbot Laboratories, a lot to do in the region. She said that the up with business ideas to help them,” she Forum (IBLF), recently visited Phuket, Accenture, Alcan Inc, Cadbury Schwep- IBLF realizes that there is a problem with said. Phang Nga and Krabi Provinces as part pes, Deloitte, ERM Group, Manpower, unemployment after the tsunami, and that After the Thailand leg of their trip, of a tour of tsunami-stricken areas in Asia. Nestlé and Standard Chartered. the organization aims to work toward solv- which ended on September 2, the team The IBLF and the business leaders It aimed to review what lessons can ing this problem so that parents will be able visited India and then Sri Lanka. made up what they dubbed “The Tsunami be learned from relief efforts and to help to take care of their families. Results and conclusions will be re- Business Task Force”, formed to assess plan strategies for effective long-term in- “It is really important to take care of ported as recommendations for follow-up local needs in Thailand, India and Sri volvement by businesses in sustainable small and medium-sized enterprises. We action in relief, recovery and reconstruc- Lanka. recovery projects. want to help people restart their busi- tion. Warning systems complete ‘by the end of the year’ Thailand to step up

PHUKET: Suranand Vejjajiva, would also like to see Royal Thai Minister of the Prime Minister’s Navy and local administration fight against ‘ice’ office, has inspected the tsunami warning installations linked in a warning system in Patong and common system, as they are not where the drug is becoming in- promised that the systems in the yet coordinated. By Athiga Jundee & creasingly popular. six provinces affected by the tsu- Meanwhile, Phuket Gover- Chris Husted “Thailand must be aware of nami will be linked with the Na- nor Udomsak Uswarangkura has NAI YANG: Thailand will im- this kind of narcotic, too. Ya bah tional Disaster Warning Center been invited by the Japanese gov- prove its coordination with Asean is the most popular [illegal drug] (NDWC) at Nonthaburi by the ernment to verify that Phuket’s (Association of Southeast Asian in Thailand, but we must be more end of the year. tsunami warning system is opera- Nations) partners as part of its wary of ice.” K. Suranand visited Phuket tional and ready to protect tour- fight against drug trafficking in the He also said that Thailand before joining a mobile cabinet ses- ists in the coming high season. He region, with particular focus on and Malaysia are working to- sion in Khao Lak on September 5. is visiting Japan September 8 to the growing popularity of “ice”, gether on cocaine control, espe- 14 to promote Phuket as a safe a crystalline form of methamphet- cially the problem of drug deal- MORE SECURE holiday destination. amine (ya bah). ers importing cocaine to Malay- “The information I have now is “I am going to Japan in or- Deputy Prime Minister and sia and trafficking it from there that the tsunami-affected Anda- der to confirm that our warning Justice Minister Pol Gen Chidchai to Thailand. man provinces still have a prob- system, which is very similar to Vanasatidya made the announce- “Thailand is continuing its lem linking with the NDWC, and the one used there, is operational. ment at the Senior Officials Meet- efforts against drugs, despite the that there are some obstacles I will explain that we now have a ing on Transnational Crime Plus fact that the numbers of users and with evacuation plans and sign- system familiar to them that works Three (SOMTC+3) Working dealers are decreasing,” Gen age. But I will work together with in the same way as theirs,” Gov Gen Chidchai: ‘Must be wary.’ Group on Narcotics held at the Chidchai said. Dr Smith Thammasaroj [who Udomsak told the Gazette. Pearl Village Phuket Resort on “Asean countries need greater “However, Thailand must was appointed to establish the “For Phuket, completion of September 5 and 6. coordination in fighting drugs traf- focus more on strengthening the NDWC], and the relevant au- links to the NDWC is [scheduled Gen Chidchai explained that ficking in those countries, includ- local community, making them thorities,” K. Suranand said. for] October 1. If a warning is ice is already popular in Japan, ing more involvement from Asean strong and keeping them away “We plan to install links be- issued, we will evacuate people Malaysia and China, and stressed, dialog partner South Korea, from narcotics.” tween all the warning systems in from unsafe areas to safety. The the Andaman provinces, and aim entire procedure would take no to finish by the end of this year in more than 40 minutes, day or order to welcome tourists and night,” he said. Gov to stay Many tsunami victims make them feel more secure. We About 20 officials are with should also have finished install- him in Japan. Their itinerary in- on for one ing sea-level monitoring buoys by cludes stops in Tokyo, Osaka, ‘suffering from PTSD’ the middle of next year.” Nagoya and Kobe. K. Suranand said that he – Sangkhae Leelanapaporn more year NAI YANG: The Thailand Cen- ter of Excellence for Life Science PHUKET: Governor Udomsak (TCELS) reported at a meeting Uswarangkura will be in Phuket of Phuket Provincial Public for one more year before retir- Health officials that many survi- ing, the Interior Ministry in vors of the tsunami are still suf- announced today. fering from post-traumatic stress Vice-Governor Winai Bua- disorder, or PTSD. pradit has been appointed Gov- At the meeting, held atthe ernor of Phang Nga, while Vice- Pearl Village Hotel on Septem- Governors Niran Kalayanamit ber 4, public health officials lis- and Supachai Yuvaboon will con- tened to a presentation by Dr tinue serving in their posts. Thongchai Thawichachart, Chief Before being appointed to Executive of TCELS, who re- Phuket, Gov Udomsak was vealed the findings of detailed Dr Tongchai Thawichachart: Deputy Director-General for research that TCELS has con- Database may even prove useful General Affairs at the Depart- ducted on genetic factors that in- to the US after hurricane. ment of Local Administration. He fluence the brain under stress. affected provinces were studied. has also served as Governor of Blood samples from 2,900 Dr Thongchai said, “The re- Pattani. tsunami survivors across the six sults of our research form a da- tabase that can advance Thailand as a leader in the diagnosis and treatment of PTSD sufferers and people at risk of PTSD, as well as other psychological issues, in- cluding drug addiction. “Our database may even prove useful to other countries affected by the tsunami or other natural disasters, such as the re- cent hurricane in the US,” he added. – Ananya Hongsa-ngiam September 10 - 16, 2005 NEWS PHUKET GAZETTE 3 Woman jumps from Sarasin Bridge TAKUA TUNG: In an eerie echo the woman, Boonsri Anektham- of a famous double suicide of the mapinit, of Tambon Wichit, drove 1960s, a 36-year-old Phuket her Honda motorbike onto the woman died on the evening of bridge, stopped, climbed over the September 5 after jumping into barrier, and jumped into the sea. the sea from Sarasin Bridge. Witnesses pulled her from Pol Maj Apidej Chauykua of the water, but she was declared the Khok Kloy Police Station, dead on arrival at Takua Tung Phang Nga, told the Gazette that Hospital. Maj Apidej said that rela- Help offered to US tives told investigators that K. Boonsri had attempted suicide on From page 1 a number of occasions. They is the most important way of iden- added that she had looked de- tifying victims. pressed when she left home, say- “We also have dentists who ing only that she was going to visit helped after the tsunami, compar- friends. ing X-rays of teeth from bodies The case echoes a famous against existing records,” Gen double suicide nearly 50 years Nopadol added. ago when a student of Rajabhat “I don’t think that in the US Phuket Institute and her lover, a they will leave the bodies in situ song taew driver, jumped from for too long, as I believe most Sarasin Bridge and drowned. were found in their homes. Their That suicide pact became Coming soon to a beach near you… But the Governor’s pledge to rid the island of jet skis still applies. situation is different from ours: the basis for a hit song and later here most of the corpses were for a successful movie. As a re- found dumped together and with- sult, Sarasin Bridge has become out any way of identifying them,” a macabre tourist attraction for he said. Thais. Patong to host top level jet-ski race By Anongnat Sartpisut The event is expected to of all jet-skis by March 1, 2011 & Chris Husted cost about 22.6 million baht to would remain in force. stage, and the Thai Jet Sports “However, the organizers PHUKET: The island’s first jet- Boating Association, one of the have explained that this sporting ski racing competition will be held organizers, has confirmed that event will be run using interna- in Patong Bay on December 10 Thai star racers Chaowalit Kua- tional-standard [jet-ski racing] and 11, Vice-Governor Niran jaroon, Pro Sport 800 Superstock safety rules. Riders must wear Kalayanamit announced on Sep- 2004 world champion and Thai- helmets and protective gear, and tember 6. land Pro AM Runabout 0-1200 jet-skis do not have propellers,” After a meeting with Dep- Open champion 2005, and Choke- he pointed out. uty Prime Minister Suwat Liptap- Uthit Molee, Pro Runabout 800 “There will be no problems anlop, V/Gov Niran said that with Superstock 2004 world champion, staging the event in Patong. The a prize purse of US$10,000, the will take part. course will be [inside an area] Popular singer Nantida Kaewbuasai (2nd from right) sang to a sell- tourney for the HM King Bhu- Despite the go-ahead being only 250 meters [long] by 200m out crowd at the Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa on September mibol Adulyadej Trophy is ex- given for the event, V/Gov Niran [wide]. This will help to promote 3, in a concert co-sponsored by the Phuket Gazette. pected to attract some 500 com- said that the provincial gov- Phuket province around the petitors from 40 countries. ernment’s policy to rid the island world,” V/Gov Niran said. 4 PHUKET GAZETTE INSIDE STORY September 10 - 16, 2005 Bumpy ride for Phuket

wo stories about Phuket are not airworthy,” Capt Chawa- Air appeared in the This has not been a good year for Phuket Air. The Bangkok- nit said. country’s national En- based carrier has been in the news, both nationally and The other problem on the glish-language daily pa- Bangkok-Amsterdam route, that T worldwide, for all the wrong reasons. In the latest blow on led to the being banned pers on August 31. The Bang- kok Post reported Phuket Air August 29, France included it on a list of six excluded from Dutch airspace, related to owner Senator Vikrom Kromadit from French airspace on safety grounds. But the company’s emergency floor lighting found to as saying he planned to end most be defective in a post-landing in- scheduled flights, stop charter op- management says it is determined to keep flying. In this spection at Amsterdam Airport erations, and lease nearly all of exclusive interview, the Gazette’s Sangkhae Leelanapaporn Schiphol. its fleet, including nine Boeing “That airplane had already 747s. But The Nation quoted Ex- spoke to Capt Chawanit Chiamcharoenvut, Executive Vice- been inspected [and cleared] be- ecutive Vice-President Capt President of Phuket Air, to hear the airline’s side of the story. fore leaving Bangkok,” Capt Chawanit Chiamcharoenvut as Chawanit said. saying the carrier merely planned “This is old news.” damages for losses it says were other companies. But [at least] “After it arrived in Am- to scale down its long-haul opera- He said Phuket Air had sustained because of the decision Chitta-gong didn’t seize our air- sterdam it was inspected by their tions and focus on local routes tried to explain its position to the to suspend flights between Inch- plane,” he said. aviation people who said the light- instead. public through the media, and eon and Phuket in July. “I think it’s normal in the ing was out of order and there- So which one was true? added that no one had ever can- “It’s not true at all,” Capt aviation business that debts are fore unsafe. I think this is unfair, Capt Chawanit confirmed celed a flight booking because Chawanit told the Gazette. “We incurred: in some cases these are because the fault could have oc- the Nation story to the Gazette, there is a high level of passenger don’t owe [money to] anyone real debts, and in other cases they curred during the flight or after saying that Sen Vikrom had felt trust in the airline. there. are not. We try to pay what we arrival. They seized our plane and very hurt by the bad press suf- Capt Chawanit confirmed, “We can’t surrender on this, owe.” did not allow it to fly back, saying fered by the company in recent however, that since the beginning and are suing back because we Capt Chawanit blames neg- we were an unsafe airline. I don’t months, which was why he had of this year revenue had fallen by didn’t do anything wrong. All we ative media exposure for many understand this.” said such things to the Bangkok more than 500 million baht be- want is fair play. We don’t owe of the airline’s woes. He revealed that he had Post. cause of rising fuel costs. anything there. I have the evi- “Our problem was in April been to Amsterdam a month ago After a lengthy manage- “Even though profits are dence.” only,” he said, adding that it arose for talks on the ban, and that his ment meeting at the airline’s down we will not stop because of a misunder- visit took place before the French Bangkok headquarters, he said, operating, because Sen standing about the medi- decision to exclude Phuket Air. “I can confirm 100% that we are Vikrom has the vision to cal certificate on the li- “I believe they [the Dutch continuing in the aviation business have an aviation busi- cense of a Filipino pilot and French] exchanged informa- and will expand our domestic ness that can make Thai- ‘All we want flying the Bangkok- tion. The only thing we could do routes. I guarantee it.” land proud,” he said. Amsterdam route. – and have done – was to send Capt Chawanit remains up- What about the The airline ex- the relevant documentation to the beat despite the latest problem to Phuket Air plane im- plained to the Dutch Safety Standards Office at the hit Phuket Air – the French civil pounded at Incheon In- is fair play’ authorities its view that Thai Department of Aviation,” he aviation authority (Délégation ternational Airport in the pilot had a valid li- added. Générale de l’Aviation Civile) in- South Korea, after the cense in law, and that Capt Chawanit said Phuket cluding it on a list of six interna- company allegedly failed to pay “Our plane was seized be- the airline should not be penalized Air has a new policy of not flying tional carriers prevented from fly- debts owed to its local sale agent? cause the agent told the court by being banned because of a to Europe in the forseeable fu- ing into France since June 4 for It was the second time this they wanted compensation after problem between the civil avia- ture, mainly because of high fuel safety reasons. aircraft had been prevented from we canceled charter flights last tion authorities of the Netherlands costs: “Over the next two or three Somewhat mystified by this taking off for Bangkok, and came July, but the truth is that we de- and the Philippines. years we plan to buy larger, 400- development, he told the Gazette after Phuket Airlines Co. Ltd. cided to cancel because they did Phuket Air employs about seat Boeing aircraft that can fly that Phuket Air had never flown had settled a debt of 237.6 mil- not pay money [owed to Phuket 60 pilots, half of them Thais and direct from Bangkok to London through French airspace and has lion won (about 9.25 million baht) Air] on time,” Capt Chawanit the rest Filipinos or Indonesians. or Amsterdam. I’m certain that no plans to do so. He says he still in maintenance and other service added. It has 16 planes in its fleet, but is once we are ready to fly such does not know the real reason fees. The airline also has a finan- currently using only eight. The routes again, there will be no behind the ban. Capt Chawanit denies the cial “situation” in Bangladesh, at remaining aircraft are undergo- problem at all.” “I think it’s possible that carrier owes money in South Chittagong Shah Amanat Inter- ing maintenance. He said that after the tsu- France is looking back to the in- Korea, and says he can prove it. national Airport. “If a plane is no good, then nami, the number of passengers cident last April, when we had the The plane is still impounded be- “We have the same prob- our pilots will not fly it. They are declined and the airline had fuel problem [at Sharjah in the cause the airline has launched a lem as South Korea at Chitta- human and the same as those in planned to halt European flights United Arab Emirates, when ex- counter-suit, he said. gong. other airlines: they will not fly a anyway in April, but that this co- cess fuel poured from a wing prior The agent is claiming 1.22 “We paid what we owed, plane that is unsafe. They would incided with the Bangkok-Am- to take-off, scaring passengers]. billion won (47 million baht) in but the agent there didn’t pay not risk their lives in planes that sterdam problems. Domestically, September 10 - 16, 2005 INSIDE STORY PHUKET GAZETTE 5 Air

it also had to cancel the Haad Yai-Phuket route when passen- ger demand fell greatly because of violence in the three southern Thai provinces. Now, he said, the airline is considering adding a three-flights- a-week service between and Udon Thani in October, and also boosting flights between Phuket Air is run by Phuket Airlines Co Ltd, and was established in January, 2001. It is Bangkok and Yangon from two to four a week. owned by Ranong Senator Vikrom Kromadit, who also owns the Andaman Club The Gazette told Capt Resort and casino in . It began operating with one -200, flying Chawanit that this newspaper had from Bangkok to Ranong and Phuket. It now flies domestic routes to Buri Ram, Mae received complaints from read- ers, who said the airline should Sot and Ranong, and operates one international service to Yangon in Myanmar. remove the word “Phuket” from Phuket Air also used to fly to London Gatwick Airport and Amsterdam’s Schiphol, but its name because it does not fly Capt Chawanit. here, and also because its name earlier this year was banned from UK and Dutch airspace after safety-related incidents. has been associated with bad news that could have a knock-on effect on the province’s image. He rejected this charge: “The name is not important. The name is just the name. What about the good things that the air- line has done? “Our airline was the num- ber 1 for bringing Korean tour- ists to Phuket last year, and we generated much income for the province,” Capt Chawanit said. “Phuket itself has suffered bad news, so why don’t people ask for a new name there too?” 6 PHUKET GAZETTE NEWS September 10 - 16, 2005 Q u eer News Tongue twister Suchana Chaloemtoem, PRACHIN BURI: A 24-year-old strangle me, but I wouldn’t re- won a round-trip ticket to textile factory worker in Prajan- lease the tongue,” she said. Singapore on SilkAir. takham District bit the tongue off Finally, he yanked his head Pictured presenting it to a 16-year-old boy who tried to back with all his might – so hard, her is John Sim, Manager rape her. in fact, that he ripped a chunk of Thailand of SilkAir. The victim, given the pseud- his tongue right off, leaving the onym “Bee” in a Thai press re- end of the offending organ still port, was riding her motorbike firmly clenched in the jaws of the home from work at about 10 pm feisty Miss Bee. on August 24 when the boy, also He fled on his motorbike on a motorbike, pulled up beside and, after he was gone, the girl her and asked for directions to a spat out the tongue at the scene nearby village. of the crime – a quiet road Like Little Red Riding through a copse of bamboo be- Hood, Bee must have forgotten hind Nonghuakhoo Temple in what her grandmother told her Tambon Nong Saen. She then about talking to strange men on rode home and told her parents, We Love Phuket deserted roads late at night, so who took her to the police. she pulled over and told him the Investigators recovered the way. But after she did so the severed tongue and placed it in a youth wouldn’t leave. refrigerator to serve as evidence. Sticker Campaign “I’m not sure if I have Then they called nearby hospitals enough gas to get there. Would to see if any patient was being you mind shining your light on my treated for a severed tongue. gas tank so I can check?” she One was – a boy lying in recalled him as asking. the men’s ward at Chaophrya “When I noticed the way he Apaiphubes Hospital, surrounded was looking at me, I got scared by worried relatives. and tried to ride off – but he Explaining his injury away, Sittichok Meesit (right) stopped me and wrestled me to the boy told police, in a somewhat collects his prize of a two- the ground,” she said. garbled voice, that he had been night stay for two in a “He began taking off his set upon by a gang of about 10 deluxe double room at the pants and told me not to scream hooded thugs, two of whom Absolute Sea Pearl Beach or resist, otherwise he would grabbed him by the throat while Resort, Patong. Handing shoot me dead.” another cut his tongue out. over the voucher is Phuket Then, for some reason, the The police didn’t buy his Gazette reporter Anongnat would-be rapist tried to inject a version of events, however, and Sartpisut. bit of romance into his assault by said they would book him. French-kissing his victim. This “We still have the tongue weak attempt at foreplay back- and it’s a strong piece of evi- fired when Bee bit down hard on dence,” said case investigator his tongue – and, like a Pit Bull, Pol Lt Col Nipon Pochoo of the refused to let go. Prajantakham Police. “He hit me and tried to Source: Khao Sod September 10 - 16, 2005 AROUND THE NATION PHUKET GAZETTE 7 Drunk driver sentenced to death he Maha Sarakham Department of Industrial Works Provincial Court sen (DIW) are jointly developing al- tenced 23-year-old ternatives to the use of chlorof- T Nattapong Raksapong luorocarbons (CFCs) as propel- to death for a drunk driving ram- lants in nasal spray medications. page last March in which four By 2009, CFCs will be com- people were killed and four oth- pletely banned under the ers injured. Montreal Protocol on Substances Nattapong, who faced sen- That Deplete the Ozone Layer. tencing alone because none of his The global campaign against relatives chose to attend, turned CFCs – used in the production of pale and fell to his knees when foam sheets, refrigerators and the verdict was read, and he had freezers, car air-conditioners and to be carried from the courtroom aerosol cans – has led to a dra- by four policemen. matic 92% decrease in Thai im- The court, which found him ports of CFCs over recent years. guilty of murder, causing injuries, But nasal sprays for treatment of property damage and numerous such diseases as asthma still traffic law infractions, said it largely rely on CFCs because found no reason to commute the they are cheap and highly func- sentence. tional, said DIW Director-Gen- “He has our sympathy, but eral Issara Shoatburakarn. we believe he deserves capital punishment for what he did,” said Back to school: The ruling Thai a relative of Nattapong, who Rak Thai Party will offer its mem- asked not to be named. bers six training courses in the art Last March 12, Nattapong of politicking, said party MP drank five bottles of liquor and Pimuk Simaroj. stole a six-wheel truck from his As violence in the Deep South of Thailand continues unabated, police academy officers from the The courses, the brainchild adoptive father. He later hit eight southern border provinces take part in a security drill at the Royal Thai Police operations center in of party leader and prime minis- people in four separate accidents. Yala Province. ter Thaksin Shinawatra, will fo- His victims included seven stu- cus on developing personality and dents who were about to take the up on strategic roads in the prov- new-born baby in a taxi, was sen- the Diageo Group, which owns speaking abilities in Parliament, university entrance examination. ince. tenced to a two-year suspended Johnnie Walker brand whisky, public relations techniques, En- The four who died were jail term, a 1,000-baht fine and 12 said the alcohol tax move showed glish-speaking skills, using the killed instantly. Nattapong was Ministerial merger: In an effort hours of community service. The real leadership and a proactive Internet, understanding money finally arrested when he crashed to focus on national research and Min Buri Criminal Court, which approach towards a good social markets and learning about sta- into a pickup, leaving its driver development (R&D) priorities, initially handed down a sentence policy. tistics and research techniques. dead at the scene. Nattapong has the government is planning to of two years behind bars, later “Alcohol has the same im- K. Pimuk said the party 30 days to lodge an appeal. merge the Ministry of Science commuted the sentence so that pact on consumers, whether it has would start the training on Sep- Dr Taejing Siripanich, sec- and Technology Ministry with the the woman could continue to care been brewed, fragmented or dis- tember 19 and classes would fin- retary-general of the Campaign Ministry of Information and Com- for the child, which will remain in tilled,” he said. ish on December 13. MPs and Against Drunk Driving Founda- munications Technology. her custody. The brewers of the potent ministers who finish the courses tion, said it made a welcome Science Minister Pravich After the sentencing, Ka- Chang Beer, however, said they will receive a certificate. change to seen a drunk driving Ratanapian said that under the nokwan left with her mother, re- preferred the current arrange- “Thai Rak Thai MPs will offender sentenced to such harsh merger R&D institutions would fusing to speak to the press. ment whereby the government have to pay 2,000 baht for each punishment. be put under one umbrella, with On July 31, Bangkok taxi charges alcohol tax based on a course and attend classes every the new ministry responsible for driver Chote Buppha, 55, told combination of both alcoholic con- Monday and Tuesday evening,” ’Flu season: The Kamphaeng both policymaking and services. police that a woman in her 20s tent and retail price. he revealed. Phet Livestock Development “With this model, we can had left a baby in his taxi. Office announced that three dis- consolidate development policy Kanokwan, who had a nine-year- CFCs to be phased out: The Around the Nation news round- tricts in the province have been and R&D budgets to make sci- old girl at home, was arrested Association of Allergy and Im- up is sourced from the pages of designated bird-’flu outbreak ence and technology development later that day. She confessed to munology of Thailand, the Food The Nation and Kom Chad Luek zones after lab results showed and research go in the same di- abandoning the baby out of pres- and Drug Administration and the newspapers. many local chickens died from the rection. This is important in solv- sure from her husband, who did disease last month. ing national problems,” said Min- not want to have another child. Provincial Livestock Devel- istry of Science and Technology opment official Kamol Chareon- Permanent Secretary Pairash Sin tax update: The makers of silpa said officials were sent to Thajchayapong. Johnnie Walker whisky lauded dispose of the carcasses properly The planned merger, out- the government’s plan to tax al- after lab tests confirmed that lined in a first draft written by the coholic beverages solely on alco- mass poultry deaths in Khlong Civil Service Reform Office, hol content, but some Thai alco- Khlung, Sai Thong Wattana and should be ready for Cabinet ap- holic beverage makers say the Bueng Samakkhee Districts were proval soon. change is likely to erode the com- the result of the viral infection. petitiveness of local products. As a precaution, poultry- Nursery crime: Kanokwan John Pollaers, Managing quarantine checkpoints will be set Chansiri, who abandoned her Director of Asian key markets for 8 PHUKET GAZETTE AROUND THE ISLAND September 10 - 16, 2005 In Phuket, punk’s not dead Ananya Hongsa-ngiam

o Sid Vicious, The Ramones, Patti Smith, Green Day, AFI and The Clash ring alarm bells? If so, look out, because a fresh generation of punks Dhas emerged in Phuket. “I have enjoyed punk music for the past six years and I like it because it really stands out from most of the music you hear,” Surin Fufong, owner of the Sur Sur Punk fash- ion boutique, told the Gazette. “I used to be the only punk on Phuket, but I never got into fights with anyone. I listened to punk music and dressed like this for many years before it became popular. “I did not follow fashion, but rather my own sense of style,” K. Surin explained, “and I designed punk-style belts decorated with knots. Later, I made bracelets and jackets based on the outfits punk bands in foreign countries were wearing. “Some of the clothes in my shop are ready-made and shipped down from Bangkok, but others are handmade by me. Not everything I sell is punk; I mix in some other mod- ern styles, too,” K. Surin said. “My shop pioneered punk fashion here and, I admit, at first I did not have many customers. But now The Sur Sur Punk is regularly packed – most of my customers are students.” T-shirts at The Sur Sur Punk cost just under 200 baht, while shirts and pants range from about 500 baht to1,000 baht.

The Sur Sur Punk boutique is located on the second floor of Ocean Shopping Mall, 38/1-15 Tilok-U-Thit 1 Rd., Phuket City. All the right gear – and don’t forget that all-important victory sign. Surin Fufong or Sur Sur Punk ( left) with pals. Foreign Resident Burgled at Rawai Hotels battle provincial tax From The Phuket Gazette, September, 1995 From The Phuket Gazette, September 1-15, 2000 RAWAI- Long-time Phuket resi- oculars, a small compass, and a “They were pretty thor- PHUKET: The Phuket Tourism Koh Pa-ngan Municipality and the dent and businessman Luca pen, but these were abandoned ough; all the mattresses and cush- Association (PTA) and the is- Surat Thani OrBorJor is already Schueli, proprietor of MarinAsia outside the wall when the towel ions were torn up, everything had land’s Provincial Administration before the Constitutional Court, and former partner in Sea Nomad, in which they were wrapped ap- been searched and was scat- Organization (OrBorJor) appear which is being asked to rule came home at midnight August parently unfolded. The towel (also tered.” to be on collision course over a whether the OrBorJor Act clash- 13 to find his temporary residence stolen) was also recovered the The middle-aged Swiss-Ital- new tax on hotel rooms. es with the Constitution. in Rawai ransacked and his valu- next morning. ian businessman was at a loss to According to the Provincial “We’ve come to meet the ables taken. explain why he Administration Or- Governor today because we want It was the second residen- CROWBAR should be targeted THE TIME ganization Act of to delay the tax collecting process tial burglary in the area in recent by the thieves. 1997, any during [the hearing in the Con- weeks. Tristan Jones’ house, just “They came in over the wall,” Mr “I guess OrBorJor may col- stitutional Court],” explained up the street on Thanon Viset, Schueli said when contacted by they knew I was machine lect a tax of as Sombat Atiset, Managing Direc- was robbed shortly after the well- the Gazette. “The wall has spikes out and no one much as 5% of tor of Kata Thani Hotel & Beach known author and sea-going along the top of it; these they bent else was staying News from the past room revenue Resort and the newly elected adventurer’s death on June 21. down first in order to climb over. there. from all forms of president of the PTA. Stolen from the gated and The door was forced open – it’s “The police seemed to feel accommodation in its province. “I have to discuss the issue walled premises loaned to him by a heavy door with a good lock, it was probably local kids on The PTA, however, argues with the Governor, members of a friend were Mr Schueli’s so I guess they used a crowbar – drugs who did it — trying to get that the Act contradicts the Thai the OrBorJor, the PTA, and the MacIntosh Laptop computer and and when they left they had to money for ganja.” Constitution, and that the Phuket Thai Hotel Association, Southern printer, a 21” color television, a climb back over the wall. That’s Mr Schueli said the police OrBorJor therefore has no right Chapter,” Dr Prasit Koysiripong, hand held global positioning unit when they lost the camera.” officers were very helpful. They to collect the hotel tax, an argu- President of the OrBorJor, told used on yachts, 80,000 baht in Also taken were two pairs came the night of the break-in and ment it put to the Provincial Gov- the Gazette. cash, and his passport. of Mr Schueli’s prescription spec- again the next morning, but so far ernor, Charnchai Soontharamut, “Nevertheless,” he added, The thieves also attempted tacles. He estimates the total loss there are no suspects in the rob- at his office on August 17. “we will try to start collecting the to abscond with a camera, bin- at 150,000 baht. bery. A similar fight between the hotel tax by October 1.” September 10 - 16, 2005 AROUND THE REGION PHUKET GAZETTE 9 Krabi cracks down on longtails his year’s boating deaths Talad Kao area of Krabi Town. handle larger aircraft such as the off Koh Samui and else- The camp, which has not been . With additional apron where in Thailand have used in recent years, had fallen parking and servicing, the airport Thighlighted the need for into disrepair. will be able to accommodate two better supervision of commercial Under the guidance of 747s, one 737 and one smaller and recreational marine craft. Chuan Phukaoluan, President of aircraft. Recently, in Ao Nang Bay, the Krabi Province Boy and Girl The new passenger termi- an overloaded longtail boat cap- Scouts, the park is now being re- nal, at almost 16,000 square sized in rough weather, spilling all vitalized. meters, will be able to handle 12 passengers into the choppy Since December, K. Chuan 1,400 passengers at a time, com- waters. Only quick action by lo- has also been busy as President pared with 600 at the current ter- cal authorities averted a tragedy. of the Sriphong Phukaoluan minal. The number of parking While most operators have Foundation, helping orphans and spaces for cars will be increased the common sense to steer clear families affected by the tsunami. from 164 spaces to 464. of dangerous waters, the truth is He plans to rebuild the Scout The extended runway will that, with business so slow, some Camp and incorporate a commu- be operational by November, K. boat owners are willing to take nity center for all residents of Paisan said, and all the improved risks in an effort to boost their Krabi, with activities for the eld- facilities will be in place by the meager revenue. erly as well as for young people, end of the year. In response, the Marine De- including sponsored sports events, He seemed optimistic about partment of Krabi classes in arts and meeting the deadlines and about Province has insti- languages, and a Krabi Airport Director Paisan Jinachan explains the new plans for the future of Krabi Airport. I hope tuted a new policy to branch of the Youth the extended runway, which is due to be complete by November. he is right; the expanded airport supervise boating Red Cross. should give a much-needed boost activities at various The aim is to Krabi Airport Director Pai- Other airlines slated to to tourism this year. places including Ao create a commu- san Jinachan cleared up the ru- serve Krabi include Tiger Air Nang, Koh Lanta, nity center not only mors. THAI, he said, far from from Singapore and Novair from What a relief: The webpage Krabi Town and Ao for those displaced canceling services, will actually Sweden. www.krabirelief.com has been Thalen. by the tsunami, but be adding flights soon, taking the Construction of the new updated to show the Krabi Re- The Marine for the Krabi com- service to four flights daily from runway and facilities is nearly lief Fund’s latest activities. Al- Department guide- munity as a whole. Bangkok. complete, and there will be a huge most $150,000 has been raised to lines include making Such a pro- He thought the confusion improvement in services, he said. support 60 orphans, and 48 more sure that all boats ject costs money, might have arisen because the The new runway will be orphans are waiting for assis- stay within their and K. Chuan and national carrier had stopped its 900 meters longer than the exist- tance. Thanks to everyone for designated areas. friends have been Trang service. ing 2,100m runway, enabling it to your generous support. The growth in the ACROSS busy raising funds number of vessels from both the pub- over recent years THE BAY lic sector and pri- has resulted in some By Gus Reynolds vate donations. beach areas being The first step, completely taken over by boats, cleaning the 22-rai property, is to the detriment of swimmers. being achieved with the help of Other regulations are also many Boy and Girl Scouts. The being enforced: “The maximum next stage will be the construc- number of people in a boat is now tion of new facilities for the eight, and the boat must have a camp, including sleeping quarters, life jacket for each person,” said the community center and sport- Titipong Goglang of the Marine ing facilities. Department. K. Chuan hopes to create a The four staff at the Ma- community focus in Krabi that will rine Department in Ao Nang also bond people of all ages, religions, monitor the weather, and will backgrounds, those with common move all the longtail boats to the interests, and he hopes that these harbor in Haad Napparat Thara bonds will support those in need in the case of bad weather or big of help. waves. The presence of the Marine Rumors flying: There has been Department on the beach and much speculation about the con- these new policies are welcome, struction underway at Krabi Air- as safety has now become a port. One story said Thai Air- major issue for tourist arrivals. ways International (THAI) was going to cancel its service to Camp clean-up: On August 28, Krabi, while other tales con- the Krabi Scouts Association be- cerned delays which would post- gan cleaning up and renovating pone the opening of the new run- the Krabi Scout Camp in the way until next year. 10 PHUKET GAZETTE PHUKET PEOPLE September 10 - 16, 2005 OPTIMISM RULES

Off the WALL With Bruce Stanley

ack in Phuket after a summer away, it has been nice to discover a Blot of optimism about the growing numbers of tourists and the prospect of a moderately successful high season. Owners of local villa devel- opments are heading off to prop- erty shows in Europe, confident that they will enchant buyers into Above, the homes in Bang Tao investing in Phuket’s million-dol- were trashed by the tsunami. lar homes. The resorts are get- ting refurbished and ready for a Above, right, the new homes season of festivity. built by Robin Plant, his wife Gift Over at Le Meridien Phu- and their friends. ket Beach Resort (LMPBR), former GM Rudolf Borgesius Right, Phuket Governor Udomsak is back in the top position after a Uswarangkura was guest of hon- five-year absence managing or at the official handing-over Meridien properties in Egypt and ceremony for the completed Singapore. homes. When Rudy was GM in Phuket some years ago, the re- sort was full with a broad range of guests from around the world. He has probably been brought back to once again prove his own formula for a successful one of the top resorts in the re- top and the underside of resort. gion. local life. LMPBR was Phuket’s top For 1,500 baht, you can get I remember his resort when it opened in 1987, a day pass which will allow you vivid storytelling and combining the architectural skills to enjoy all the recreations found keen sense of humor as of Mom Tri Devakul, owner of at the resort along with a gour- he related, for example, what it few days ago, I travel- “Their houses were in pretty Mom Tri’s Boathouse and Villa met lunch. It’s the perfect way was like to witness the auction- ed around Bang Tao bad shape with most of their pos- Royale, with the taste and style to entertain visiting friends or ing of young virgins in Patong, with Robin Plant, Di- sessions washed away. Walls had of one of France’s top hospitality your own family. discreet, invitation-only affairs. Arector of AVC Phuket been knocked down and even companies. He captured all he saw and and companion of the charming cars were swept into the build- Since last December’s trag- ood news from our old experienced in clever short sto- Supaireen “Gift” Jitsonah, who ings,” reported Robin. edy, the resort has been given a friend Steve Rosse, ries which have now been pub- owns Carmen restaurant at Surin “Unfortunately, compensa- dramatic facelift with a hip new who spent many years lished under the rather unimagi- Beach. tion from the government was feeling, more in keeping with the Gas the Phuket Gaz- native name, Thai Vignettes, Robin and Gift are local he- only available to those who were surrounding sea and jungle. Fur- ette’s star columnist. Steve and I Phuket and Beyond. roes who came to the aid of many registered as landowners or offi- nishings have been changed, res- taught English at the former AUA The book is described as in their neighborhood who lost cial residents, and most of these taurants improved and the 4,000- center in Saphan Hin 13 years “poignant, ironic, heartbreakingly their homes last December 26. victims did not have the required square-meter water park has ago. sad and savagely funny”. I think Most were fisherfolk at the south- documents for help.” been retiled. We worked for 75 baht an it’s better than all that. ern end of Bang Tao Bay. With the assistance of gen- With new food outlets, in- hour and considered ourselves Look for Thai Vignettes; it’s When 10 of these families erous donations from local indi- cluding designer pizzas and an lucky to receive that princely sum. the perfect gift for anyone who were evacuated to the commu- viduals, money given from abroad extensive Mongolian barbecue No one knew Phuket as needs a crash course on the joys nity center across from Carmen and with the help of Laguna served directly on the beach, well as Steve. He spent all his and disappointments of living the restaurant, Robin and Gift pro- Phuket, Robin and his team built LMPBR can again claim to be waking hours exploring both the fun life in Thailand. vided food and clothing. 42 homes for 199 people, includ- September 10 - 16, 2005 PHUKET PEOPLE PHUKET GAZETTE 11 Happily Ever After Recent weddings in Phuket

Orathai Chindapol, from Phuket, and Chakapad Neranont, from Bangkok, were married on August 8 at The Metropole hotel, Phuket City.

Robin Plant hands over the key to one of the homes to a mother and her child. ing 61 children, on a variety of Bay, off Saphan Hin, which could small plots of land in Bang Tao involve investors from Singapore, and Kamala. Japan or even Bangkok. “I wanted to help my com- There was no mention of munity as I have been so lucky in Phuket’s proposed International my five years living on Phuket. I Convention and Exhibition Cen- was lucky that my family survived ter, the fate of which now seems the tsunami and I am lucky to to have been lost in limbo, but he have been given a beautiful new did mention the creation of two son. I wanted to actively contrib- more major reservoirs, both the ute towards those who were less size of Bang Wad reservoir, to fortunate,” he continued. handle the growing need to sup- Robin negotiated the leases ply the island with ample fresh of the small plots of land around water. Bang Tao, coordinated the con- When asked about the long struction, and guaranteed that Oracha Chuanklin, from Phatthalung, and delay in repairing the short stretch Tim Laven, from England, were married these refugees would not have to of road at Kalim Beach, he said pay rent for two years. on August 4 at the Cape Panwa Hotel, it had been difficult to find a con- Cape Panwa. Though none of the 7.5 mil- tractor willing to take on that lion baht raised to build the new project. housing was given by the govern- Gov Udomsak’s under- ment, local officials were consci- standing of the issues that face entious to ensure that all permits the island is complete. He is Raweewan Sorn-In and were granted and all work ap- knowledgeable and has obviously proved in a speedy manner. Pornchai Eamnirund from studied the various aspects of the Thailand were married on challenges of development. August 18 at the Royal Phuket huket Governor Udom- “But I am only a civil ser- City Hotel, Phuket City. sak Uswarangkura vant who answers to Bangkok,” has a vision. Speaking he said with a smile. P recently at an Interna- tional Business Association of Phuket dinner, he shared his ideas for the island. First, he explained the con- cept of a 70-billion-baht develop- ment on reclaimed land in Phuket 12 PHUKET GAZETTE LIFESTYLE September 10 - 16, 2005 Haute Cottoture at Central

Photography by Anongnat Sartpisut

By Athiga Jundee accessories were made from display were both for formal PHUKET: Some of the top Cotto products, bringing a wear – unless you’re in the models in Thailand featured whole new meaning to “a habit of wearing a sparkling at the Cotto Tiles “Library” night out on the tiles”. tiara to go shopping – and on the first floor of Central But it wasn’t just miles informal. Festival Phuket in a “So of tiles; the show also The models were Yo Inspiring Fashion Show” on featured necklaces, pins, Yodsawadee, Organ, Marisa August 26. earrings and tiaras – all Annita, Marisa Samridsuk, However, it was a ingeniously fashioned out of Tong Phakaramai, Mint fashion show with a differ- Cotto products. Pornwadee, Tong Passari, ence, as all the models’ The accessories on Ar Arsaya and Es Worarid.

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www.phuketgazette.net September 10 - 16, 2005 PHUKET GAZETTE 13 14 PHUKET GAZETTE HAPPENINGS September 10 - 16, 2005 T his week

LEGAL OPENING (above): John Howard (right), Managing Director Phuket of Tilleke & Gibbins International, hands a present to Prathom Petchmanee, Chief of Phuket Provincial Labour Protection and Welfare Office and chairman of the grand opening ceremony of the firm’s Phuket office at Plaza Del Mar, Surin, on August 26. Tilleke & Gibbins’ (Phuket) Chief Values Officer David Lyman (left) looks on. MORE THAN SKIN DEEP (right): Former Miss Thailand Universe and psychiatrist Dr Apisamai Srirangsan and Dr Jim M Huck, Consultant for Leadership Development, Asia Region, Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals, take time out at the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Workshop recently conducted at The Royal Phuket City Hotel.

WHEELY GOOD: Superintendent Derek Forest, Commander of the International Media FUNKY HIT: Some 30 Hit Radio FFH listeners from Germany who won a trip to Center at the Thai Tsunami Victim Identification center, and fellow IMC officer Jennifer Phuket enjoy a dinner at Phuket View Restaurant during their visit to the island on Pearson present to Vachira Phuket Hospital Director Dr Jessada Chungpaibulpatana (3rd August 24 and 25. Their trip included a visit to Koh Yao Yai with Sea Canoe from right) six of 15 wheelchairs, valued at about 1 million baht, donated to Phuket Thailand and a beach party at Rydges Amora Beach Resort in Bang Tao. hospitals by H.R. Smith Ltd in Hereford, UK, for use in children’s wards.

TRITON TITANS: Boonsin Ekphaiboon (3rd from left), Managing Director of Mitsubishi dealer Tiansin Co Ltd, celebrates the launch of the new Mitsubishi Triton at Thainaan PERFECTA TRIFECTA: Brad Kenny (back, right), Mrs Chantal Nordstrand and Ian restaurant on August 26 with Tiansin consultants (from left) Yotin Kulkaew, Wirat “Diver” Dick (center, in white T-shirt) celebrate their mutual birthday with friends and Chakawattanakul and Chaiwat Ketsil. family at Diver’s Bar at Surin Beach on August 12. September 10 - 16, 2005 ALL AT SEA PHUKET GAZETTE 15

By Andy Johnstone

he Cap Camarat 925 WA, from French build- ers Jeanneau, is new for Cap’s off T 2005 and new to Phu- ket, and has recently been put through its sea trials with Lee Marine at Boat Lagoon. Nine two five? There’s nothing worka- day about this beauty. to a very An eye-catching design, the 9.25-meter-long vessel is the top model in the Cap Camarat fam- ily of four craft, which includes her smaller sister – also on offer by Lee Marine – the 755 WA. The 925 is a handsome ves- sharp act A dash with dash and a wheel with feel. Just look at that walnut. sel – as one would expect from designer Michael Peters – with keenly sculpted lines tapering to- ward the stern, suggesting a neat turn of speed when the twin 250hp Suzuki outboards are pressed into action. Peters should know a thing or two about naval architecture. His design company, MYPD, es- tablished about 20 years ago, has been responsible for boats that have won a raft of awards and plaudits. These include five UIM (Union Internationale Motonaut- ique) World Championships, 12 world records, 21 national cham- pionships, and more than 100 in- ternational Class 1 wins. MYPD also received the Showboats Award for the Most Innovative Yacht of 1995 for his 117-foot MY Lady Tiffany, and currently designs everything from small vessels to raceboats ca- pable of 152 knots (282 kilome- ters an hour).


The 925 sports the usual wealth of features and creature comforts typical of Jeanneau; lazarettes galore; four rod holders, a huge hatch and stowage compartment The only thing missing here is the under the cockpit floor, and an in- sulated compartment for live bait, Power? You’ll hit 45 knots rather quickly with these two babies. lager or a couple of bottles of your theme tune to Miami Vice favorite champers. catch one’s breath, the craft’s moment is the theme tune to Mi- The salon, reached through mander series – comes to mind: Just forward of the stern elegant prow rising and then low- ami Vice, although that can be ar- a striking curved plexiglass door, “Quick’s the word and sharp’s there is folding seating suitable for ering majestically as the four- ranged. also has a two-ring gas burner the action.” four or five amply proportioned stroke, six-cylinder Suzukis The steering wheel, again (the canister is tucked away in boaters’ backsides. growl. burled walnut, is hydraulically an exterior lazarette), an AC mi- Base boat with engines ex-fac- There are also two water- Andrew says quite audibly, assisted but still requires a little crowave, a 42-liter refrigerator, tory, the Jeanneau Cap Cama- ski rings, as well as an integral despite the noise, that even a com- oomph. sink, stereo system and a wash- rat 925 WA is offered by Lee platform and swim ladder for the plete novice can handle the 925 Therein lies the challenge room with head and shower. Marine Brokerage at 87,000 active. The foredeck has a gen- at her top speed of 50 knots. and the fun: despite the assis- Cruising toward the chan- euros (about 4.4 million baht). erous sunbathing area, too. The reviewer, a complete tance, there remains the tangible nel into Boat Lagoon at a “sedate” The smaller 755 WA is offered The dashboard is crafted novice then (but not now...), can- pleasure derived from putting a 35 knots after one hell of a jaunt, at 47,000 euros (about 2.4 mil- from attractive burled walnut, not fail but to agree and be im- bit of effort into controlling her, a one thought about the Cap Cama- lion baht). Contact Andrew de which emphasizes the 925’s luxu- pressed with her forgiving char- palpable sensitivity. rat 925 WA – borrowed freely Bruin, Lee Marine, at Tel: 076- rious sporting pedigree, and the acter. Yet the 925 is also a family from Captain “Lucky” Jack 238803, Fax: 076-273319 or appropriate range of instruments A series of hard S-turns at boat. Licensed to carry 10 people Aubrey of the Master and Com- Email: [email protected] on the panel. Nav and comms full throttle – she loses only five with salon seating for all and equipment includes a Raymarine knots on a turn – puts the 925 and berths for four (two cabins; one plotter and an Icom IC-M502 the reviewer through their paces. fore, one aft), she is a superla- marine VHF transceiver. Both come out in top form, the tive day or weekend boat, with a Also on the dash are con- latter with a defiant grin on his range of more than 250 kilome- trols for the bow-stern trim tabs, face. All that’s missing from the ters. although Andrew de Bruin, Yacht Sales Executive of Lee Marine, said that, in 90% of situations, use of these is not required because the hull design – more praise for Michael Peters – is good enough for them not to be needed. Once safely out of Boat Lagoon and onto seas with ap- proximately half a meter of swell, Andrew pushes the throttles for- ward – all the way. The 925 WA hits 45 knots (83kmh) in the time it takes to 16 PHUKET GAZETTE GOOD LIVING September 10 - 16, 2005

black olive tapenade and tzatziki, On the which could be a spelling mistake. But it’s no mistake that the menu combination of wine, song – it with sounds like Pavarotti pleasantly Andy Johnstone audible in the background – food and companion are spot-on for a Aspasia Sunday afternoon. t makes perfect sense, once Of the smoked seafood, one has visited The Aspasia while all delightful, the king Phuket for Sunday lunch, to prawns and squid seem to retain lie back and think of England the smoky flavor just slightly more I than the tuna and eel. We are also – by the pool. It isn’t the name, but then impressed with the Thai appetiz- how could it be when Aspasia ers, which include tod man was the name – as we all know goong, spring rolls, goong pan – of Pericles’ favorite consort, a sarong and a sausage-type af- hetaera in other words? fair of chicken skin stuffed with Nor is it because of the ar- minced, spiced chicken before chitecture at the resort, which is being cooked. Glorious. a rather splendid mix of Mayan If we are impressed with and industrial. Stainless steel, the appetizers, then the main glass and brushed aluminum rub courses blow us away. Simple shoulders with cascading plants, dishes, look you, but executed intricately decorated stonework and presented perfectly by Ex- and bamboo. ecutive Chef Michel Cottabar- Of course, these musings ren, who tells us that the salmon come to me after we arrive at is from Tasmania while the beef Aspasia; I’m having the Devil’s is prime Aussie. own job finding the place, al- My companion chooses though not because it is difficult salmon pan-fried with lemon- to locate – well, not that difficult grass, while I, the inveterate En- – but because the hapless tuk-tuk glishman, choose roast, peppered drivers, whom I mistakenly beef sirloin with the jus just right. thought to have the Phuketian Somewhat bizarrely, this is equivalent of “The Knowledge”, Blown away by the beef. And roast potatoes with thyme too! Just what the doctor ordered. the first time I have had roast appear to know less than my hat. beef, the archetypal British Sun- We are first directed to day roast, in my four years in Rawai Beach. Yet, not unlike Thailand. Something about it – Dick Whittington, as we reach Dreams of Albion aided no doubt by a drop of vino Kata Viewpoint, I seem to hear and the fact that England is do- a bell saying, “Turn again, ing so well in The Ashes – nearly Johnstone; three times to The third and final tuk-tuk so late, in fact, that I feel I should also the warm scent of freshly brings a tear to my eye. Aspasia.” I take this to be a good driver has his head screwed on stiffen the upper lip, put my af- baked bread, an aroma that ranks I am given a lethal-looking omen, although I don’t expect the straight, the result of either no fairs in order – not that kind of alongside fresh coffee as the steak knife with which to cut my streets to be lined with gold – indulgence in M150 “energy affair – and remove the oiled cloth most tantalizing of all. Almost. beef but, rare and sublimely ten- goldiggers perhaps, but not gold. drink” this day, or gallons of the from the Enfield No 2 before put- Aspasia is currently offer- der, it could be cut with a cricket stuff. ting the muzzle to my temple and ing a three-course Sunday lunch bat with equal effect. DYNAMITE We appear to have been doing the decent thing. for a rather good 299 baht+ per The colorful panoply of sea- skirting the locale of Aspasia for I am told not to overreact, person. “Why not?” we wonder, sonal vegetables – roast potatoes We then happen upon another ages, and find that it is just a quick though, as it is “only” 1:10 pm. before choosing – a little cheekily with thyme, b’God! – are just tuk-tuk driver, and, lesson still to drive up a steep hill not a stone’s Calm and collected, Mr – all three appetizers. They are what the good doctor ordered, too. be learned, ask him for directions. throw from Kata Center. Why meets and greets us before in no order of preference be- Never a fast eater, I take even I even give him the address – We are, however, terribly taking us on a tour of Aspasia. cause it is hard to place one above longer today, grateful for the gifts written in Thai. Still no joy; the late for our 1 pm luncheon ap- Although lunching today at the another: five Mediterranean dips I have received. exercise is akin to giving a stick pointment with Alistair Why, resort’s Malina’s restaurant, he and pita bread; smoked seafood; We are also grateful for a of dynamite to a squirrel, that is, Aspasia’s jocular GM. teases us with a glimpse of Col- and Thai appetizers. And a bottle light dessert of fresh fruit, as any- amusing in concept but ultimately I am an Englishman, and umns, an astonishingly handsome of South African Eagle’s Cliff thing more substantial than this to end in tears. therefore cannot be late. We are restaurant that will just have to Chardonnay (950 baht a bottle), would probably make us burst. wait for another day. served in chilled glasses. Some exercise is called for Down the graceful curved Freshly baked pita – with and, in the company of Aspasia’s staircase to the slightly more ca- various seeds adeptly thrown in Nongnuch Sena, we take a tour sual Malina’s, we first pop into for good measure and flavor – is around the hidden treasures of the bakery to be greeted not only the perfect accompaniment to this the rest of the resort, the stepped- by the charming female chefs but quintet that includes hummus, Mayan pyramid design putting us in mind of one Dr Henry Jones Jr – that’s Indiana to you. In conclusion, the design of the hotel takes its cues from an- cient Mexico and ultra-modern industrial chic while the name is from Ionia via ancient Greece; the wine is from South Africa, the beef is from Australia and the salmon from Tasmania; a scorch- ingly good mix of Mediterranean- meets-English-meets-Thai. The sum total makes me realize that God, Allah, Jehovah, Jah or whatever you want to call Him is undoubtedly in His Heaven, and all’s somehow right with the world. As long as En- gland wins The Ashes.

Malina’s at The Aspasia Phu- ket, 1/3 Lem Sai Rd, Kata Beach. Tel: 076-333033. Email: [email protected]. Sun- day lunch served from midday to 3pm. September 10 - 16, 2005 GOOD LIVING PHUKET GAZETTE 17 MAN THE FORTIFICATIONS! What is a fortified wine? Do spicy or sour, and this poses actually a selection (clone) it indicate membership of a secret soci- Q they add vitamins to wine? a challenge for some of the famous Tuscan grape ety, or is it just a tropical wiper mainte- No, not vitamins – unless alcohol is wines. Also, many Thai W I N E variety, Sangiovese, and is nance procedure that I am unfamiliar your kind of vitamin. A fortified wine is dishes are low in fat and the only grape permitted for with? made with the addition of grape alcohol high in acidity – another use in making Brunello di I suspect that, this being Thailand, part way through fermentation. challenge for some wines. Montalcino wine from Mont- where everyone is so concerned with po- The resulting wine will have both Western cuisine that fea- alcino in Siena, Italy. Wines liteness and service, there must be a re- sweetness and high alcohol content (18% tures egg, asparagus or ar- made there using this clonal luctance to risk offense by asking for to 20%). tichoke, for example, is selection typically express money, even though this is clearly what The most famous of these are Port equally challenging. The more intense fruit flavor and needs to happen so the guest can depart. wines, which come from the Douro Val- key with Thai food, as with have more powerful tannins Don’t expect the day to come soon ley in northern Portugal, and can be ei- any other, is select a wine than the wines of Chianti. when someone simply puts the check on ther white or red. that balances the flvors of your table and says, “I can take that Some wines are fortified after fer- the food. Why does no one whenever you’re ready”. mentation. As a result, they are not sweet. By Steven Roberto Q bring the bill after a Do what I do and simply stand up Is price a reliable meal unless you ask? And and start to walk slowly towards the door. Can Thai food really work with Qmeasure of wine even then you often have Those who were unmindful of your pres- Q Western styles of wine? quality? to wave to get someone’s attention at ence a moment before will suddenly rush There are only five flavors people Once again, let me emphatically an- a restaurant here. Why is there always to your side, check in hand. It never fails. can perceive: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and swer this question with a resounding NO. such poor service after a restaurant savory. It does not matter whether the Price is a measure of market demand, not meal in Thailand? Steven Roberto is a winemaker and res- cuisine is Thai, Italian, Swedish or Rus- quality. To be honest, some things here do taurant consultant from California. He sian; there are only five flavors. seem beyond understanding. I have always is the Managing Director of enVision So, the rules of food and wine pair- Is Brunello a place or the name wondered why, for example, some people Phuket, a Phuket-based wine importer ing apply as much to Thai food as to any Q of a grape? extend their auto’s windshield wipers and consultant. Email: stevenroberto@ other. Some Thai dishes are explicitly Brunello is the name of a grape. It is when they park. What is that about? Does lycos.com. PHUKET DIARY

October 2-11: Phuket Vegetar- of the sea. A replica of the statue – who believe themselves to be The festival draws to a close October 23: The Phuket Inter- ian Festival 2005. will be brought from its home on possessed by the spirits of the on October 12 with Lantern Pole- national Mountain Beach Meizhou Island in Fujian Prov- nine Chinese deities “invited” to Lowering ceremonies at all par- Marathon. The Phuket Vegetarian Festival ince, China, spe- attend the festi- ticipating shrines. will get underway on the evening cially for the val – are ex- Participants and spectators A full 42km marathon, as well as of October 2 with the traditional Phuket Vegetar- pected to take are required to observe the fol- 21km and 10.5km mini-mara- Lantern Pole-Raising ceremonies ian Festival. part in this lowing rules during the festival: thons, and a fun run/walk of 5km at 13 shrines around the island. The first of year’s festival. • Maintaining bodily cleanliness; will be staged, and are open to all The ceremony begins at the traditional Many of • Using clean kitchen utensils to competitors. 5:09 pm at the Jui Tui Shrine on street proces- these will per- prepare food, with separate uten- Participants will each re- Patipat Rd in Phuket City, 4:59 sions through form gruesome sils being used for non-celebrants; ceive a T-shirt, a souvenir medal, pm at Cherng Talay Shrine, and Phuket City that acts of self-mu- • Wearing white clothing; free food and drinks, and chances at 7 pm at the Bang Niew Shrine, characterize the tilation, and in • Appropriate physical and men- to win free lucky draw prizes of which is at the intersection of Kra festival will be- Lantern Pole-Raising ceremonies addition there tal behavior; air tickets, hotel-stay vouchers, Rd and Phuket Rd in the city cen- gin at 7 am on signal the start of the festival will also be the • Strict vegetarianism; restaurant and bar vouchers, run- ter. October 8 from traditional fire- • Celibacy; ning gear and more. This year’s festival will fea- the Bang Niew Shrine on Phuket walking and bladed-ladder climb- • Abstinence form alcohol; The runs will start in the ture the exposition of Mazhofu, Rd. ing rituals. In addition, pregnant wo- early morning from the Karon the Ruby God statue to be brought The second, which has the The first firewalking will be men should not watch any ritual, Circle Pond and go along the from China, at a temporary shrine Jui Tui Shrine as its base, will be at Saphan Hin at 8:09 pm on Oc- and menstruating women and beach road right up to Kata Noi at the Navamindra Memorial on October 9, also beginning at 7 tober 8, while the first bladed-lad- anyone in mourning should not at- Beach and Kata View Point. Square in Phuket City. There will am. October 10 will see a pro- der climbing begins at the Bang tend the festival at all. For more information check be a welcoming procession for cession from the Kathu Shrine to Neow Shrine at 8 pm on Octo- For more information call www.katakaron.com or call K. the statue on September 6. the Saphan Hin Shrine. This, too, ber 9. Cherng Talay Shrine holds the Tourism Authority of Thailand Jeerasak or K. Jaspal at Tel: 076- Mazhofu, devotees believe, begins at 7 am. its firewalking ceremony at 8:09 Phuket office at Tel: 076-212213; 333362, or send email to info@ protects people from the dangers More than 1,000 mah sohng pm on October 10. 076-211036. katakaron.com 18 PHUKET GAZETTE TRAVEL September 10 - 16, 2005 TALES OF A Macau’s rustic retreat where TRAVELER By Ed Peters time stands still ime was, the main rea- son for going to Coloane, the southernmost out- The grainy black sand of Hac Sa Beach is reputed to be as good for Tpost of the one-time the skin as a spa treatment. Portuguese colony of Macau, was to dine – no, gorge – at The glorious 8th hole at the Macau Golf & Country Club. Fernando’s beachfront restau- rant. The portions were always gar- gantuan, and the clock on the wall had stopped at 10 past three, thus ensuring that lunches stretch- ed way past tea time. Times change, though. The mass market has moved in, not only to Fernan- do’s, but to just about everywhere else in China’s newest Spe- cial Administrative Region. Casinos and theme parks are sprouting in other parts of the burgeon- ing metropolis, land is seemingly being re- claimed with every tide, and the legendary Macanese Yet time also stands still – While the tycoons plot and ment of Ma- calm and quiet is almost a thing or it would appear to do so – in plan, scanning their bottom lines cau has de- of the past. much of the rest of Coloane. with mounting glee, the govern- creed that Coloane should re- main off-lim- its to the pile- driver and the bulldozer, and that for- ests and flowers will Coloane is a delightful breath of fresh air. be the motif here, rather than concrete and glass. Stroll into the nearby wood- Only a few minutes’ drive lands and you may not see an- in one of Macau’s clunky taxis, other person for hours on end. the island remains a bucolic re- The sands of Hac Sa beach treat, all the more so for the con- are a grainy black – reputed to trasting urban landscapes a be as good for the skin as any couple of kilometers to the north. spa treatment – and the rest of the island is criss-crossed with HIDDEN hiking and biking trails that are the antithesis of what has been la- Ride the lift at the Westin resort belled the “new Las Vegas of – the only hotel of any note here Asia”. apart from the long-time favor- At the southwestern end of ite, Pousada, which is currently Hac Sa beach, a line of pepper- under renovation – and you walk pot mini-mansions – which cur- out onto the first tee of the Macau rently change hands for a cool Golf & Country Club. US$2 million each – leads to a Some of the world’s top coastal path which meanders to- players have driven off from here, ward the pleasant village of yet it is almost hidden from Cheoc Van. passers-by on the road. This is one of the most de- Coloane village itself is set serted and picturesque hikes in around a sleepy square, and its the whole of what was once winding lanes and alleyways are regularly dubbed “the sleepy en- dotted with traditional mom ’n’ clave”. pop stores and hole-in-the-wall Hike its length and you pass eateries, interspersed with an- ancient rock carvings, pretty lov- tique shops whose proprietors are ers’ pavilions suspended over the happy to pass the time of day and crashing waves, and vistas that who appear almost surprised at extend out over the South China any gesture in the direction of Sea – panoramas that have business. changed little since the first Por- Step into one of the chur- tuguese merchants sailed their ches – the Chapel of Our Lady flimsy ships here back in the 16th of Sorrows, or St Francis Xavi- century, hoping to trade and open er’s – and you might be in a Por- the sleeping dragon of China up tuguese hamlet. to the world. September 10 - 16, 2005 F E A T U R E S PHUKET GAZETTE 19 An amiable rant Uh oh. Trouble in paradise huket can sometimes be such a disappointment: from Mr Grumpy “...this lawlessness … is OUTSIDE surprising and disappoint- P N erry Hopkins has lived in At first, he went through ing to me. There are no taxis to I Thailand for more than a the usual bar scene phase: be found without an appointment. By Lis Kinswoman The reason according to a friend decade. In terms of expat “Patpong and Soi Cowboy and It’s not all plain sailing here in Phuket. This week we’re longevity, this doesn’t Nana Plaza were places where who lives there is that a taxi that J drives into Phuket [Patong] will going to take a peek at the soft underbelly of the island. make him particularly long in the nearly anything imaginable was tooth: but he is a veteran journal- available at an affordable price, be physically battered by the tuk- Rip-offs, rude people and international ignorance at the ist, with long service at Rolling where horny males could push tuk drivers,” writes a contributor highest level. It’s all here, folks. As usual, Lis Kins- Stone magazine and 30 books ‘rewind’ on life’s remote control to the Thaivisa.com forum. under his belt. and return to an unrequited ado- “They literally strong arm woman’s editing hand is light, only deleting to protect His latest is Thailand Con- lescence… and, this time, the the competition out of town. the guilty, er... the innocent. fidential (Periplus, Singapore, girls would all say yes and make “The govt even offered low/no cost loans to taxi owners 2005, 256pp). In his introduction you think they loved it.” Dummkopf has been charged replied that, for her part, she ‘had he characterizes And then he to encourage the competition and no takers due to fear; everyone with reckless endangerment, as- no idea what Phuket was.’ many of the 42 sto- graduated to mar- sault and battery, and dissemina- Dagens Nyheter pointed ries in this book as a riage with the irre- knows where you live. “Is this irrational level of law- tion of a toxic fecal material. out that Jan Nordlander, the head rant from a “grumpy pressible Lamyai, “He is expected to be ar- of the Foreign Ministry’s consu- old man”. But the daughter of a Surin lessness really tolerated in Thai- land/Phuket? Why is everyone raigned later this week.” – lar service had previously served overall impression is rice farmer, and ad- mangosauce.com/archives/ as Ambassador in Bangkok, and of an amiable ramble option into her large afraid of the tuk-tuk constitu- ency?” 000297.html should therefore have known that through some famil- rambunctious family. Swedes could have been hit. iar byways of Thai- He is great at The wrong minister: Okay, “Freivalds replied that Nord- land – the bar scene, springing offbeat sur- Wrong president: Another blogger at the same site contrib- enough of that. Just after the tsu- lander did not appreciate the scale getting married, try- prises on the reader. nami, Sweden was dumbfounded of the catastrophe until he arrived ing to learn the lan- Here is his opening utes, “I have a theory (which has been strongly backed up) on the to learn that its Foreign Minister on the scene. ‘It is not sufficient guage – and some paragraph to a story knew very little about Southeast to know that there were many that are very unfa- called Venus Envy: tuk-tuk issue. Although unfair to call these drivers “mafia”, it Asia and even less about defend- Swedes there; you also need to miliar indeed: body- “I was led into ing herself from criticism. know what a tsunami is.’ snatchers, good luck Jerry Hopkins a brightly lit operating wouldn’t be far off. These Tuk- tuks are, however, supplied by the “The Swedish foreign min- “Fredrik Reinfeldt, leader of dildoes, insect aperitifs, aphrodi- room at the spanking-new Bum- ister has been heavily criticised the opposition Moderate Party siacs and sex change operations. rungrad Hospital, where a friend mafia! They set the prices, not the driver! for not reacting more quickly to said that the fact that the Foreign The narrative tone is sly and of mine, Kelly Lynn Deloito, lay the South Asian disaster, which Minister was unfamiliar with quirky and shot through with on her back, anaesthetized, cov- This is not an unusual thing and happens not only in Thailand, has left hundreds of Swedes Phuket ‘added to the impression humor. ered almost entirely by a leaf- missing, most of them in Phuket that the Social Democrats are Why Thailand? green, cotton sheet. Her arms for example when someone has a taxi in say England or the USA and other resorts on Thailand’s very distanced from the people.’ Bored with a long idyll in were supported at her sides as if west coast. “...Asked if he could point Hawaii, Hopkins came here for on a cross (and strapped down they are required to ‘hire’ the ra- dio? Your paying someone for the “Media and opposition poli- to Phuket on a map, ten-year old “its hospitable population, allur- to prevent movement), only her ticians have directed particular Carl Nilsson replied: ‘Everyone ing women, light-yet-healthy cui- manicured nails on show… Ex- privilege of being able to operate, its no different to that in Phuket! criticism at Freivalds’ decision to knows that it’s in Thailand.’” sine, affordable cost of living, cept for her hands and her head, go to the theatre on the day. – thelocal.se/article.php? historic culture and varied geog- with a plastic pipe fitted into her Now ask yourself, when a driver says ‘100 baht’ and you “Asked in an interview with ID=963&date= 20050213 raphy, tropical climate, the most mouth, to help her with her Dagens Nyheter why her depart- • Elections are looming, interesting expat community I’d breathing, all that would be seen say ‘No, 50 baht’ why does he drive off? Surely it is better to take ment had not understood the scale but at present Laila Freivald is encountered anywhere, the con- was her groin, where a penis lay of the disaster earlier, Freivalds still Sweden’s Foreign Minister. templative nature of Buddhism limp on her abdomen.” the 50 baht rather than spend (and its lack of a god or dogmatic Everything you ever want- another 20 baht in gasoline look- creed), a reasonably free press, ed to know about a sex change ing for the next sucker? an entertaining government and operation: it’s right here. Journal- The answer to that is simple, an abiding sense of fun”. ist to the core, he even gets a story he’s been TOLD he must charge Wordly wise He goes on to characterize out of his own heart surgery. that, he hasn’t chosen that option “That is unacceptable. It is not part of Thai culture. It has already himself as “a cynic with a twisted After delighting in the himself! What kind of trouble gone too far. Things here are getting worse than in developed sense of humor and quirks of Thailand, would he be in if they found out countries…” an expat living in a Hopkins trains his that he was setting the wrong foreign country to- sights on the various president [sic]? A great deal I’d say !!” – Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, in his weekly radio address tally unlike the one I farangs: tourists, of August 20 (quoted in the Bangkok Post), commenting on a came from, where I businessmen, em- All in a day’s work: “Managing report that teenage motorcyclists were racing illegally in order to now have a big Thai bassy people, NGO win the “prize” of a girl. family and spend a workers, bar hounds a Go Go bar must p**s you off at lot of time with poor and runaways. He is times, but one could hardly ex- people, in the slums Off the brutal on backpack- pect to get covered in the stuff. of Bangkok as well ers, contrasting the “Hans Dummkopf [a pseu- as in the rural coun- hardy pioneers of the donym to protect him from... well, tryside”. SHELF 1960s Freak Trail himself], a resident tourist from And while it’s By James Eckardt with the clueless *****, Germany and local expat easy to criticize “world travelers” of from Phuket Town, has been Thailand, don’t even ask him today: jailed on charges stemming from about his native USA “unless “Where the beats and their an altercation at Girls a Go Go. you’re prepared to get sprayed long-haired spawn staged a siege “According to an eyewit- with saliva and vitriol”. on society’s constraints, rebelling ness Dummkopf felt he had been So Hopkins launches him- against conformity, protesting ripped off from ‘services ren- self on a genial investigation of against Vietnam and for mari- dered’ at the club and wanted a his adopted land. He explains, as juana, against Lyndon Johnson discount from the floor manager. best anyone can in English, the and for dancing… expanding on “After refusing to give any concept of kreng jai. He delves the vocabulary of exploration, ground to Dummkopf, the man- into magical tattoos, spirit hous- actually trying to put their heads ager called the local police to have es, fortune-telling, lottery dreams, (as they said) into a different him removed from the premises. ghosts and all-powerful Bangkok space, the only questions back- However, before the police ar- shrines. He learns how to live in packers seemed to ask con- rived, Dummkopf disengaged his Thai time and cultivate jai yen. cerned cheap train tickets and colostomy bag and threw it at the With his friend Father Joe Maier, where they could find the best manager, hitting him squarely in he makes a study of the street banana pancakes.” the head. games played by the kids in the Thailand Confidential is “The incident was captured Klong Toei slum. the perfect beach read. on the club’s state-of-the-art video tape security system. 20 PHUKET GAZETTE FEATURES September 10 - 16, 2005 If death doesn’t kill you, hen debating, it is best to adopt the habits of a lion, Wstalking your victim, creeping up slowly, then leaping while anticipating your prey’s the numbers will… every move. Enjoy an exhilarating chase tistics that I had simply pulled out Another demographic area might do anything so harmless as before pouncing and digging your of thin air. targeted by statistics is people in go to the cinema with my friends? teeth into its haunches. Give it a We encounter statistics ev- their teens. Seeing the statistics Nonetheless, adults don’t shake, don’t let go, and then let it ery single day on television, in published on the Internet seri- get off so easily either. When it slowly bleed to death… newspapers and from other peo- ously makes me think twice about isn’t your behavior that’s being Perhaps this analogy is go- ple, often embellished with, “New ever having a child myself – and criticized, you’ll likely go mad any- ing a bit too far. On the other hand, surveys prove that...”. But how it also makes me wonder if I’ll way from all those risk statistics. there is no rhyme or reason when many of us actually question even survive being a teenager. To pick a few at random: the risk debating with a sarcastic little 11- where all these numbers come The US seems the most fer- of being hurt in an elevator is one year-old boy, as I discovered last from? How many of us look more vent collector of teenage statis- in six million; the likelihood of week. closely at the graphs and multi- tics. While Thailand, China and dying in an earthquake or volca- colored pie charts? To change a other Asian countries mostly pub- nic eruption is one in 11 million, PENGUIN DEBATE slight bump on a line graph into a lish statistics on teenagers and while from leaking gas it’s one in There isn’t much to do on the bus steep incline, all you have to do is Youth ’n HIV or pregnancy, the US has 12 million, a dog bite one in 20 home from school except listen fiddle around with the scales a bit, statistics on violence, murder, million, drinking detergent one in in on conversations or stare va- and voilà! Suddenly your com- crime, underage sex, drinking, 23 million and a snakebite, one in cantly out the window. Lately, pany has had a massive profit in- ASIA drunk driving, drugs, school drop- 36 million. But the risk of being there haven’t been many ex- crease. outs and rape. The second high- infected with flesh-eating bacte- changes worth eavesdropping on However, this article is not By Ella Micheler est cause of death in America is ria is one in 170,000. The risk of (and most of them are your bog going to be about how to lie with homicide. If that doesn’t kill you, dying from that is one in four. standard “Oh my God, Kimmy statistics – that subject could fill reau of Statistics has a much it’s a drug overdose, smoking, sui- Scared yet? There’s more: isn’t speaking to Shelley any an entire book. (In fact, there is broader definition of the word cide or a badly performed abor- the likelihood of the planet being more!” variety), so when an 11- a book called How to Lie With abuse. It includes, under “abuse”, tion. wiped out next year by a cata- year-old boy with knobbly knees Statistics by Darrel Huff, and I receiving the occasional obscene strophic comet, meteor or aster- HARMLESS and a disproportionately large highly recommend it to anyone phone call. And a question in one oid impact is surprisingly low at mouth started arguing with me working in business or account- of its surveys was, “Has your In compliance with these statis- one in 20,000. about penguins, of all things, I ing. Nor am I going to go into husband ever shouted at you?” tics, and according to the opin- Fifty-six percent of all sta- rose to the challenge. detail about sample sizes, fancy Tick that box! Another abuse vic- ions of many conservative adults tistics are untrue – and so is this After a while his constant graphs and diagrams, or standard tim! The question, “Did you shout who mutter angrily about “those one. Remember that the next questioning began to grate, and deviation – there’s simply too back?” is conveniently omitted. darned teenagers”, I should be: time you hear you have a one in wanting nothing more than to much math involved, and like any Such statistics only result in a) attempting to hang myself in 150 trillion chance of being hit by stare vacantly out of the window other 17-year-old, I can’t stand furthering stereotypes. Nowa- my closet; b) experimenting with a former celestial body. I’d sug- again, I moved in for the kill. I math. days, “female” and “victim” have dubious chemical substances; c) gest wearing a helmet every- didn’t even bother with the above Instead, I want you to con- become increasingly synony- peer pressuring innocent 10-year- where from now on, but it would chase scenario. I just spouted an sider this horrifying statistic: glo- mous, as have the notions of olds; or d) having clumsy under- not be much protection against a elaborate sentence full of difficult bally, at least one in three females “male” and “evil abuser”. age sex. Who’d have thought I great rock hurtling in from space. words and statistics (because has been abused in her lifetime. which average 11-year-old knows The source of this statistic is the what ‘commissurotomy’ is?). It American Bureau of Statistics. seemed to shut him up for a while, But what exactly do they but then he started asking me mean by “abuse”? what all those complicated words While the mind automati- meant. cally assumes it to mean rape, WHEN MUM GOT What surprised me the most severe beatings, emotional abuse was that he never doubted the sta- and the like, the American Bu- Dear Momma Duck, During the time of my great I have heard that Thai grandmother, nearly all Thai women, after having a baby, sit mothers went through yu fai. over a fire for a week in order to The Khun Chang Khun Paen, a restore their body to its pre-preg- famous work of classical Thai lit- nancy state. Somebody told me erature, states that “[the experi- it’s called a “hot pot” or some- ence of] a woman going through thing like that. What’s this all labor is equal to the hardship of a about? Thai man going to war”. I think a Steve one-month yu fai could be in- Phuket City cluded as part of that hardship. Equipment used in the tra- Dear Steve, ditional yu fai consisted of a rect- The yu fai – literally “in the angular wooden platform, about fire” – is an old practice still used one meter long, laid on top of the Momma in some rural areas of Thailand. existing wooden floor in a Thai Originally, it was practiced for a house. An additional plank was full month following the birth of a placed at each corner of the plat- DUCK child, but nowadays it lasts only form. Banana trees were cut into By Wanida Hongyok a week or a few days, if it takes two sections and put under these [email protected] place at all. planks. On the platform, a pile of Before I answer your ques- soil was placed upon which a fire tion, you might first like to know was set and kept constantly about the history of the practice, alight. tracted by the fresh wounds of which was common in most of Around the platform, a spe- the new mother – and her help- Asia. cial thread was strung to protect less baby. The Chinese tradition is the new mother and baby from Traditional Thai houses are probably the most rigid. In addi- Pee Kraseu – a type of Thai built on stilts. A bunch of thorns tion to various dietary restrictions, ghost that has a floating human was put under the house because their traditional yu fai does not head from which its exposed in- Kraseu are said to be afraid that allow the new mother to wash her testines hang. the thorns will pierce its intes- hair, read a book or even climb It is believed that Kraseu tines. stairs during the first month after love to eat things that smell of The new mother, wearing childbirth. fresh blood and therefore are at- only a robe, was supposed to lie September 10 - 16, 2005 FEATURES PHUKET GAZETTE 21

r A, a home- owner in Phu- LAYING In The Stars by Isla St ar ket, wanted to DOWN M build a small THE LAW extension to the back of his house. He employed a lo- With Friedrich cal construction company to ‘Sam’ Fauma do the job, thinking it should Discover your be an easy task. But after building be- A simple gan he quickly discovered that things sometimes aren’t that easy at all. The con- job gets struction firm did not make tomorrow today! the necessary soil checks to see if the ground would sup- complicated port the extension – and it VIRGO (August 23-September who would like to set sail in a dif- for agreeing with everything a sank several centimeters. 23): A magic wand will be waved ferent direction will have the wind superior has to say. This is not The new structure had to be An appointment was made over you this week. Troubles that behind them. Midweek, team- the right moment to point out the demolished. to bring the case before court-ap- were starting to brew last week work doesn’t bring the results you truth. This Saturday is your best He then employed profes- pointed negotiators, in an effort will dissolve, leaving the coast expect; showing impatience will night for a steamy date. sional architects and engineers to settle the dispute out of court. clear for progress, both on per- only make matters worse. Mon- from Bangkok to produce plans, After lengthy discussions sonal and business levels. Money day is the most auspicious day for GEMINI (May 22-June 21): Ideas and hired a professional company during which Mr A tried to get matters finally take on a healthier appointments and Tuesday should you have this week are certain to build the extension again, from the other party to admit some re- glow, and you will be able to lay be spent renewing business con- to bear fruit in the future, but scratch. sponsibility, he eventually agreed foundations for a delayed project. tacts. The number 3 can bring don’t share your brainwaves with Alas, soon after it was com- to a settlement offer proposed by Talk to another Virgo if advice is luck on Thursday. those you don’t know very well. pleted the extension once again the other party. needed. Wear gold to attract On the home front, make an ex- sank a few centimeters. With the help of the nego- prosperity. PISCES (February 20-March tra effort to understand your part- After long consideration, Mr tiators this was increased slightly, 20): Your worries over a relation- ner this weekend. There is some- A decided to employ a third com- but the settlement was still no- LIBRA (September 24-October ship are unfounded. You are ad- thing they are not telling you be- pany and engineer, and demoli- where near the total financial 23): If you want a fairy-tale end- vised to adopt a more relaxed at- cause they fear a negative reac- tion again took place. What start- damage suffered by Mr A. How- ing you should start being more titude to life this week. Your ten- tion from you. Monday is the best ed as a three-month job soon turn- ever, it was enough to settle the realistic. Affairs of the heart oc- dency to get hot under the collar day for dealing with a difficult ed into a year. case so everyone could get on cupy much of your time and en- over nothing lately has not been business colleague; don’t do so During demolition, the new with their lives. ergy this week, and there’s a dan- good news for your stress levels. on other days. engineer uncovered the mistakes Although a settlement was ger of becoming single-minded. Take time out to meditate on a that had been made by his prede- agreed, Mr A still has to wait for To make matters more compli- peaceful lotus pond and incorpo- CANCER (June 22-July 23): cessors. And because Mr A had his money – the agreement called cated, someone else is about to rate the color light rose-pink to Progress should be smoother this suffered financial loss arising from for payment in monthly install- come into the picture. On the encourage a more tranquil out- week. A more benevolent astral this, he contacted his law firm ments. work front, a surprise interven- look. atmosphere encourages harmony with the aim of securing compen- What can be learned from tion is due on Tuesday. This will at home, and there will be a deci- sation. this case is that Mr A made a lead to new opportunities. ARIES (March 21-April 20): sive gain regarding a business With the extension finally mistake by not entering into Many Arians appear to have been matter. Expect to receive a small completed to his satisfaction, Mr proper agreements with the par- SCORPIO (October 24-Novem- wasting time chasing rainbows financial boost; if you play your A had his costs for rebuilding and ties in the first place, outlining ber 22): If you can maintain the recently. You need to get to grips cards right, more will come from other expenses documented to exactly who is responsible for pace set during the first week of with reality and focus on the here the same source later in the year. enable him to go to court and file which part of the job. It was a September, the rest of the month and now. Domestic issues need It is time to undergo an appear- civil charges for compensation. costly mistake. will see progress being made. You tackling head on this week. If you ance overhaul – ask a smartly may be tempted to take things let discontent brew, storm clouds dressed friend for advice. more easily this week but you will will quickly gather. Those who find it hard to catch up afterward. haven’t met their dreamboat yet LEO (July 24-August 22): You If cooler weather doesn’t give have an excellent chance of do- must be ready for last-minute you more energy, take a realistic ing so by the middle of Septem- changes this week. If you can be look at your diet. Where romance ber. The number 4 is lucky on as flexible as a bamboo shoot, COOKED is concerned, Capricorn is about Wednesday. there is much that can be achiev- to reveal a game plan. ed, but expecting things to go as down close to the fire at all times. Luckily for my generation, TAURUS (April 21-May 21): If planned will lead only to disap- A “medicinal” concoction was Western medicine arrived in SAGITTARIUS (November 23- you feel you have too much on pointment and frustration. Relax placed on her naval. The poor Southeast Asia in time. Follow- December 21): Even if you don’t your plate you will have an op- as much as possible this week- new mother had to live like this ing the lead of the Royal Family think you were entirely in the portunity to offload some respon- end so that you have optimal en- for as long as 30 days. She was around the turn of the turn of the wrong, seize the opportunity to sibilities this week. An offer that ergy to keep up with the in- allowed to drink only a small 20th century, many high-ranking apologize for a misunderstanding first appears too good to be true creased pace after Monday. quantity of water and only simple ladies started to use Western this weekend. Future relations is genuine, so snap it up. On Wear fire-engine red to make a food was served to her, such as birthing procedures. could be affected in ways you Tuesday, there is much to be said positive statement. rice with dried, salted fish. This caused yu fai treat- can’t understand now, unless the The only soup she was al- ment to decline in popularity, es- air is cleared. Those who would lowed was gaeng leang, made pecially in urban areas and among like to climb a rung on the bam- of leaves, shrimp paste, dried the educated. boo career ladder must be more shrimp, pumpkin and egg. This Today, only the Kra Jome assured of their capabilities. This was believed to increase her milk (steam tent) is used in urban ar- is an auspicious time to polish up production. eas. It’s similar in concept to the your résumé. This practice was widely Western sauna or steam bath, so espoused by past generations, that’s probably why you’ve heard CAPRICORN (December 22- which believed that all the heat it referred to as the “hot pot”; it January 20): An answer to your healed the wounds faster and helps Thai women of modern current dilemma will be found in helped the uterus regain its for- times “cook” themselves after a surprising place this weekend. mer condition more easily. giving birth. Your confidence in business last Women in poor health after Most Thai mothers now month is about to be rewarded, birth got comments from elders give birth Western-style, in a hos- but be on the lookout for a snake – “See? that’s what you get for pital, where the room is air con- in the grass. Make financial deal- not using yu fai long enough!” ditioned and has a TV and other ings your personal responsibility Although there is medical amenities. Modern doctors will to avoid being taken for a bumpy evidence that constant heat may not let new mothers just stay in ride. Romance is particularly be of some benefit, some new bed, but urge them to walk around well-starred this Sunday. Dare to mothers undoubtedly died from soon after giving birth – even ask that burning question before this practice, in particular from the those who have had caesarean you chicken out. lack of adequate water, nutrition sections. and physical activity. Neverthe- After a few days, the new AQUARIUS (January 21-Febru- less, many Thais still believe in mother and baby, if in good ary 19): The sun shines on any the treatment. health, are sent home. plans hatched this week. Those 22 PHUKET GAZETTE EDITORIAL & LETTERS September 10 - 16, 2005

367/2 Yaowarat Rd, Amphur Muang, Phuket 83000 Tel: 076-236555 - Since 1994 - Fax: 076-213971 Email: [email protected] Time to put the dog pound out of its misery Animal lovers across the island will be watching closely at the end of this month when a decision is due as to whether the much-reviled Mid Road Dog Pound in Thalang will be closed down. Plainly, the pound – or Baan Pak Sunak Phuket (Phuket Dog Home), to give it its more cheerful official name – has been an un- happy experience for all, especially for the dogs incarcerated there. Right from the start the pound was plainly ill-considered. It is on two rai of land and was intended to hold 2,000 dogs. That is one dog for every 1.6 square meters – a stark contrast with Thailand’s most successful pound, the Kanchanaburi Animal Shelter, where 2,500 dogs have some 41 rai to roam around on. Strangely, the Phuket authorities decided not to see what they could learn from the Kanchanaburi pound, but instead decided to reinvent the wheel. Food was to come from hotels, said the Chief of the Phuket Provincial Livestock Office (PPLO). The hotels were surprised – they had not been consulted and most already had arrangements for disposing of their leftover food. Those that could supply scraps pointed out that the PPLO would have to collect them – a cost that had not Letters been factored into the equation. In any case, warned an expert from Mahidol University, left- The Gazette is pleased to receive mail from read- with your views for publication in our next issue. overs could be dangerous for the dogs – there would be no guaran- ers. Please write to us at 367/2 Yaowarat Rd, We reserve the right to edit all letters. Pseud- tee that the food was fresh and free of harmful bacteria. The man- Amphur Muang, Phuket 83000, fax to 076-213971 onyms are acceptable only if your full name and ager of the Kanchanaburi pound agreed: “We don’t give dogs left- or send an email to [email protected] address are supplied. overs because they become ill from eating rotten food.” The pound has never been popular with people living in the Who needs limos? laws that are enforceable by po- on Samui – Phuket is an interna- area, who complained about the noise and felt sad about the dogs lice. I’ve got my Thai driving li- tional airport with a large volume that were dumped at night outside the gates by uncaring owners and We all now know that there is cense. Every year I pay my road of traffic. usually ended up being run over. an extra 100 baht airport sur- tax and car insurance premiums. Immigration cameras… Mr There were complaints, too, about the smell. A donation of de- charge (on top of the meter fee) I think my rights as a driver should Stanley portrays himself as an odorizing chemicals helped, but when it ran out, there was no budget when you take a meter taxi from be respected by my fellow man unseasoned traveler. These cam- to buy more. the airport to say, Patong. (Inci- and protected by the Thai police. eras also had glitches when they Since it opened in May last year, the Phuket pound has been dentally, it is only 50 baht in How can Mr Lunn think that first came out in the US, but they reviled by just about everyone. Defending it is difficult, although the Bangkok.) riding on the wrong side of the work fine now. PPLO chief does his best (see facing page). What is telling, how- However, it also costs the road should be considered an ac- As for the taxi touts, they ever, is that months ago he set up an account for donations to support extra 100 baht to travel from ceptable “national habit”? Children are polite and are only trying to the pound: so far only two people have given money, and he is one of Phuket City or Patong to the air- and students regularly ride three- make a buck. If you just say “No them. That’s how popular the pound is. port. The total fare comes to 400 to-a-bike, and without helmets, thanks” or mai ao khrap, they Badly thought-out and chronically underfunded, the Mid Road baht. past impassive policemen, those respond with a smile. Dog Pound is a sad experiment that has failed. It should be closed. But wait, there’s more! It very same officers who so zeal- I get sick of all the whinge- – The Editor also costs an extra 100 baht if ously stop any car driver who fails ing in the Gazette from farang you take a meter taxi from to wear a seatbelt. trying to make this place run like Patong to the main bus station in Three-wheeled vehicles are their Western countries. It is dif- Phuket City – the total fare illegal, yet they are still allowed to ferent here. That’s why we comes to 250 baht. operate. Is the reason that they came, so relax and enjoy it. And wait, there’s even are “traditional” enough to justify If you don’t, then you have In association with The Nation Multimedia Group PCL more – a tuk-tuk (without any an illegal situation? a choice: log off, pack your bags negotiating) charges only 200 By the way, Mr Lunn: have and go back home baht from Patong Beach to you ever been involved in a road Richard Hayes Editor: Rungtip Hongjakpet Phuket’s main bus station and accident? I was, and despite that By email Managing Editor: Alasdair Forbes 400 baht from Patong to the air- fact that I was completely in the port. And what a great scenic right it has been very hard to get Welcome to Phuket? Deputy Editors: Chris Husted, Stephen Myles drive it was up the coastal route. that fact confirmed by the local The dramatic drop in international Chief Reporter: Sangkhae Leelanapaporn I bet that with some per- police, who take the side of Thais arrivals at Phuket International Editorial Team: Stephen Fein, Andy Johnstone, Anongnat Sartpisut, suasion I could get the tuk-tuk – even when they are in the Airport is hurting the island, to give me a small discount on Athiga Jundee, Sam Wilkinson, Ananya Hongsa-ngiam, Shiona Mackenzie wrong. Am I to consider that a which is praying for a tourist re- the above fares. “national habit” as well? vival. But it seems that not ev- Who needs limo drivers? Managing Director: Rungtip Hongjakpet No one wants to change eryone is pulling their weight. David Thai customs, but please stop Marketing Manager: Oranee Pienprasertkul I thought I would do my bit Patong short of defining unsafe driving as Website Services Manager: Natthira Susangrat by encouraging friends from a sort of positive national trait. It Singapore to visit. By the time Distribution Manager: Passara Kaewbumroong Bad driving a social is merely the product of poor edu- they had spent about an hour in a Publisher: The Phuket Gazette Co Ltd custom? cation, planning and law enforce- line at the airport’s immigration ment. counter they were ready to turn I’ve been living in Phuket with James Hair Contact us Phuket City round and go home again. This my family for almost 15 years long delay was hardly a warm Advertising Sales: [email protected] and honestly have to say that the Like it or log off welcome, and created an impres- Classified Advertising: [email protected] driving here gets worse every sion of Phuket having an uncar- Website Services: [email protected] year. I am surprised that John I refer to Bruce Stanley’s whin- ing attitude towards visitors. Shopper Card inquiries: [email protected] Lunn [Gazette letters of August ing article in your August 27 issue Immigration counters empty 27] thinks that bad driving habits about Phuket International Airport Gazette Guide inquiries: [email protected] [of staff] and long lines of irri- in Thailand are a social custom [PIA]. tated visitors might be another Telephone: 076-236555 (10 lines) Fax: 076-213971 that foreigners must accept with- I am in the aviation industry reason why tourists are staying out comment. and often travel in and out of PIA. away. Certainly my friends The views expressed in the Phuket Gazette are those of the writers and contributors I don’t think so! Although There is nothing wrong with it. thought so. and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher, the editor, the shareholders, or the driving naturally reflects social In terms of location, you can- J Harvey directors of The Phuket Gazette Co Ltd. mores, it is also regulated by not compare this airport to the one Phuket Letters conveying views and suggestions are published here. Those seeking comment from government Copyright © 1994-2005 The Phuket Gazette Co Ltd officials or business owners are published as Issues & Answers on the facing page. September 10 - 16, 2005 PERSPECTIVES PHUKET GAZETTE 23 Letters In defense of the Dog Pound Discuss with divers here are people who the project, the Governor and I before sinking would like to close the t a meeting on August 31, checked the emails together to- pound down and I do chaired by Governor FIRST day [September 1]. We found that sculptures believe that the opposi- A all seven emails [under different T Udomsak Uswarangkura, it people’s names] were sent to him tion to it is made up of what I Regarding the planned “seabed PERSON would term “selfish” people who was decided that a decision from a single source: the Soi Dog sculptures to draw divers”, [Ga- have opposed this project from Foundation (SDF). zette issue of September 3], it ap- whether or not to shut the the very beginning. The emails order the Gov- pears that, once again, decisions controversial Mid Road Dog ernor to close the pound, yet I have been made by officials with- People who complain and criticize should have a good look Shelter in Thalang will be don’t know anyone who has the out asking what people affected at the [dog pound] before speak- right to order the Governor by those decisions – in this case, made by the end of around. divers and the diving industry – ing out to make sure that they September. aren’t simply following other The SDF is raising money want. people’s opinions and that they Gov Udomsak explained at by taking photos of sick dogs in From my old days as a dive our pound then posting these pic- shop owner and liveaboard op- know the difference between the the meeting that he had truth and lies. tures on their website and solicit- erator in the diving industry, I still received many emails and Phuket is a tourist province ing donations. The website claims remember how many hurdles and letters of complaint about the that the pound is a prison for dogs. obstacles were placed in the Thai and there should not be stray dogs wandering around. Just imagine pound, as well as having People who want to help the dogs dive community’s way on their what would happen if a stray bit then donate money to the SDF quest to get a suitable and well- people come up to him in but all the money is handled by sized seabed wreck to attract a tourist on the beach and it re- sulted in serious infection. That person to voice their one person [in that organization]. more divers. Finally, the King would be big news. disapproval of the project. We know how to operate Cruiser disaster accidentally the pound – we separate the sick gave Phuket and Krabi’s dive in- At present there are 300 Sunart Wongchawalit, Chief strays in the pound which covers dogs from the healthy ones. The dustry what they had been fight- of the Phuket Provincial two rai of land. Two rai should Thailand branch of the World ing for, ever since the first tourist Livestock Office (PPLO), which is in charge of the pound, dis- Society for the Protection of Ani- diver blew bubbles at the Similan be enough space for 2,000 dogs but we cannot handle that many agrees with the critics. Here, he defends the way the pound is mals (WSPA) has assessed the Islands. at present due to limited food sup- pound as being one of the best in Nowadays, the tsunami run and puts the case for keeping it open. Thailand. seems to be reason enough to plies; the maximum we could manage at the moment would be Phuket people need to work throw rational thinking overboard calm down. When the weather food. This should last about 50 about 500 dogs. together: this is Phuket’s prob- and create expensive underwa- changes they howl and when days. lem and everybody, especially ter kitsch without even asking There have been complaints people pass by, one dog will start As for the long term, we about dogs regularly escaping people who work in the tourism divers and dive shop owners barking and then they all do it, but have asked every OrBorTor and from the pound and causing road industry, needs to help with this what they think. Divers want ex- not for long. municipality to put aside part of problem, especially the food citement and adventure! While accidents, but these are lies. As we’re in the rainy sea- their 2006 budget to help with The pound will accept only shortage.If it all went wrong and the words “wreck” and “big fish” son there’s a lot of humidity and food for the dogs. dogs sent by tambon administra- the pound had to close, the PPLO make divers’ hearts jump in sheer the place smells pretty bad but In July we launched a Phu- would be happy as we don’t need excitement and anticipation, I tion organizations (OrBorTor) or we’re environmentally aware. At ket No Stray Dog Foundation, municipalities ( ). How- any extra responsibilities and bur- believe that very few divers will tessaban the beginning we had deodoriz- which was officially opened by dens. If this were to happen, my be over-excited by shallow 12- ever, there have been cases of ing agents donated to us to re- Governor Udomsak Uswarang- people leaving dogs in front of the solution would be to send the dogs meter dives to look at some con- duce the smell but these have run kura. The foundation was set up pound. back to where they came from. crete statues. out, so naturally there’s a bad by the PPLO to receive dona- Please don’t get me wrong smell. But it’s not that bad. My tions to support the shelter in ABANDONED REMAIN OPEN here; I very much appreciate art staff, who live nearby, do not com- terms of food, facilities and to and trying out new things, but this plain about it. help make the pound run smoothly However, I do not think that the project is obviously a “try” that One person recently left a bitch We will solve this problem in case there is no governmental and her puppies by the gate and pound will close. will waste 24 million baht and soon because the Phuket Provin- help. we had to act quickly to make The operation of the pound most likely draw negative results. cial Administration Organization So far the foundation has now depends on the cooperation If each of these provinces sure the little ones were safe oth- (OrBorJor) has donated 600,000 received 26,000 baht. I donated erwise they would have just wan- of local people and foundations, had a large underwater wreck, baht for a water treatment sys- 10,000 baht myself and 16,000 dered into the road. both national and international then it would serve as an artifi- tem and two rain shelters, and we baht was donated by Sharon organizations. cial reef and safe haven for The people who do this are are going to buy some more Oakely, a lady from Canada. bad; they are the ones causing I suggest that those who are aquatic offspring, and the millions chemicals to deodorize the place. If we want to withdraw these traffic accidents, not us. worried about stray dogs go along [of baht]saved could be better There’s no problem fitting money from the fund we must and see whether or not the dogs used for reef and shark protec- People have also complain- 400 dogs on two rai of land. The ask for the Governor’s approval. ed about the noise. I’ve asked my are alive, happy and healthy. tion – something that is still in its dogs don’t die from lack of space; He is the only person who has staff about this as they live in the some die of old age and some power to withdraw any cash from early stages here in Thailand. Donations may be made to ac- My advice to the Depart- area, and they say that [the dogs] from illness. the fund. All the details of the howl maybe once or twice in a count number 805-0-01027-9 ment of Marine and Coastal Re- Our only problem now is a account’s deposits and withdraw- month. When new dogs arrive shortage of food but we have als are public; we want to ensure at Krung Thai Bank Plc, account sources – before proceeding with name “Phuket No Stray Dog this – is to call a meeting with there is quite a noise but once started dipping into the OrBorJor transparency. they get used to each other they Foundation”. dive shop owners to hear their funds to buy some 5,000 kg of dog As for written criticism of point view is on these sculpture gardens and whether the hoped- for boost in the dive tourism in- Can I buy alcohol on holidays? dustry justifies sinking 24 million Issues& baht into the project. I am a tourist and I have heard alcohol on Thai public holidays. ANSWERS Franky Gun that, on public holidays such as We send each one a letter or visit Khao Lak HM the Queen’s Birthday or them to ask for their cooperation. Buddhist religious holidays, you Although there is no legal Want to know how to get something done? Perhaps time to say requirement for outlets to stop cannot buy beer from bars but Can’t understand some of the dafter things that “Thank you”? you can from restaurants. But I selling alcohol on public holidays, also hear conflicting stories and I culturally, it is considered a ges- seem to go on in Phuket? Want to pitch an idea I have just read that Indonesia cannot find anything official. ture of respect for the person or to Phuket’s authorities or institutions? Then this has, through her embassy in I would be grateful if some- occasion. is the forum for you. Singapore, held a thanksgiving one could tell me the real rules Submit your queries or suggestions to us and event to honor the Singaporeans and regulations. An officer at the Phuket Ex- we’ll ask the appropriate people to respond to who helped Indonesia in the af- K Demeyer cise Office notes: termath of the tsunami. By Email In addition, you may have them. Isn’t it about time that Thai- found that you may buy alcohol land thanked publicly the hun- Phuket City Police Superin- only between 11 am and 2 pm Write to: The Phuket Gazette, 367/2 Yaowarat Rd, dreds of foreigners – expatriates tendent Pol Col Paween Pong- and 5 pm and 2 am daily. These Muang, Phuket 83000. Fax 076-213971, or submit and visitors – who helped her? sirin replies: restrictions are enforced under David Scobie The police ask shops, bars, the Alcohol Act of 1950, which your issue at www.phuketgazette.net Surin restaurants and hotels not to sell applies to the entire nation. 24 PHUKET GAZETTE FEATURES September 10 - 16, 2005


Blair Pratt from New A new reporter at the Sarunrat Smuth- Zealand has been ap- Phuket Gazette is kochorn, 22, from pointed golf course Ananya Hongsa-ngiam, Bangkok has been ap- Superintendent at La- 23. A Phuket native, she pointed Legal Execu- guna Phuket Golf graduated with a bachelor tive at Tilleke & Gib- Club. He worked at degree in mass commu- bins International Ltd, The Royal Chiangmai nication and information Phuket. She has a Golf Resort for five science from Walailak bachelor degree in law years as Course Su- University in Nakhon Sri from Thammasart Uni- perintendent, and be- Thammarat. Previously, versity. Previously, she fore that was a Course she was a trainee re- was an intern at the Superintendent at the porter at Channel 11 TV Arbitration Institute of Mission Hills Golf Club, station in Phuket for Thailand in Bangkok for China. three months. three months. File management in the workplace hree weeks ago I ex- plored LANs (local area I T ISSUES networks) and how they By John Seebach Tare useful when con- necting computers to each other, for sharing files, printers and even You must be your Internet connection. One of the most underused features of a very careful small LAN is its file-sharing ca- pability. about what This week the focus is on the art and science of file shar- ing – without the need for an ex- files and pensive file server. Most SMEs (small to medium enterprises) ei- folders you ther cannot afford, or simply do not need, a complicated file man- If you are the adventurous type, just be sure to agement system. So here are share and some basic concepts and tips that keep notes on how you configure things as you go, will get you going, and even bring how you you up to a level of file sharing so you can always go back and undo your creativity that is comparable to a full-blown share them. if it does not turn out as expected. file server. you want the office secretary Folder settings: This is where folder will be applied to any sub- they need to place their files File sharing: This generic accessing your personal files. most users get themselves into folders within it. manually there when saving. term actually refers to a specific In the more expensive and trouble. Simply connecting com- The best way around this is set of standards and protocols that complicated world of file servers, puters together in a LAN does Directory structure: Setting to change the default file settings are applied to all computer LANs. this can be controlled based on not automatically mean that you up the central file computer is for your Office applications. For The details are what make the use the user’s login name and applied can share each other’s files and pretty straightforward. example, to change the default file of this technology either simple security clearance. folders. Simply go to that computer location for Word, simply open or complicated, and either cost- In a small network, how- On the other hand, if you and open C drive. Now create a Word and click on Tools, Options, effective or very expensive. ever, you need to take a more activate file sharing on your C directory called All Files and set File Locations. Here you can Take, for example, a small hands-on approach to ensure that drive, you may wind up giving full the sharing and permissions as change where Word opens and office with three to five comput- the right people see only the files access to all your files without outlined above. Next create as stores its files. Just click on ers. you want. realizing it. So be specific, and many sub-folders as you need, but Documents and choose Modify, Once you have set up a manually configure sharing for try to keep their names as de- and you will see a standard Win- LAN, each of these computers Centralizing files: The first each folder. scriptive as possible. dows directory where you can can access each other, and this step is to decide which computer If, for example, you want to This way, everyone who Browse to the central computer can be either good or bad because will be the main file storage com- share a folder called Marketing accesses this shared area can and select All Files, Personal it raises some important issues puter. I recommend this approach Materials which is located in your easily understand what they are Folders and then select your de- about the accessibility of these rather than sharing files on every computer’s My Documents, click looking at. sired folder. files. computer, because it limits mul- on My Computer and share C Unless you want to give dif- Now whenever you go to You must be very careful tiple copies and versions from drive and everything on your com- ferent access rights to different open or save a Word document, about what files and folders you being stored on all computers on puter will be accessible. If you people, you do not need to set any it will automatically go here in- share and how you share them. the LAN. click on My Computer and share sharing or permissions on these stead of to My Documents on You probably do not want your Your best bet is to select the My Documents, everything in sub-folders, because they all in- your computer. salesperson accessing accounting fastest PC or the one that re- your My Documents will be ac- herit the settings of the main All records, for example. Nor would mains on most of the time. Ev- cessible. Files folder. There are many other tips, eryone can continue to use their The best approach is to click I recommend that you cre- tricks and traps here, so if you computers as they have before, on My Computer, click on My ate another folder under All Files want to get fancy, we recom- but if the central computer is Documents, and then Right Click called Personal Folders – and mend you get in touch with an turned off, their files will not be on Marketing Materials and then create a folder here for each expert. If you are the adventur- accessible. choose Sharing and Security. In user on your LAN. ous type, just be sure to keep When setting up a file-shar- the dialog box, click on Share This If you instruct your office notes on how you configure things ing system, I like to meet first with Folder and you will see the de- staff to keep all their personal files as you go, so you can always go the users to determine their spe- fault share name is the same as here, you can access them easily back and undo your creativity if cific data management needs. the folder name you have se- and you’ll have a central location it does not turn out as expected. Say, for example, that the boss lected. for all files when the time comes wants everyone to have access Click on Permissions and to backup (more on backups in a John Seebach has 25 years’ to her sales and marketing mate- you can decide what level of ac- future article). consulting experience in Infor- rials, but not letters to her family. cess to give. mation Systems and Business A good rule of thumb is to Usually you want to allow Changing ‘My Documents’: Process Re-engineering. His move all the files you want to Everyone to have Full Control, As a default, all Office applica- company, Island Technology, share to the central computer and Change and Read access rights. tions automatically save your files offers IT solutions and broad- to keep personal files in your own Keep in mind that any sub-fold- in My Documents. This can be band services throughout computer. Keep this in mind ers under Marketing Materials troublesome if you want every- Southeast Asia. Contact john@ when it comes to backing up your will inherit these settings – what- one to keep their documents on islandtechnology.com for more files on both locations. ever sharing you assign to this the central file computer, because information. September 10 - 16, 2005 B U S I N E S S & MONEY PHUKET GAZETTE 25 Property mortgages get cautious welcome By Alasdair Forbes one offshore bank in Hong Kong that is He conceded that there was already end of the foreign market. The increase in planning to do exactly that. a speculative element to Phuket’s cash- the number of developments with homes PHUKET: The property industry has wel- “But I think we are a month or two based property market, but added, “Once or apartments priced at 5 million to 10 mil- comed the revelation that Bangkok Bank away yet from a definitive product.” the speculation is funded by mortgages lion baht had opened up the market to a is now offering mortgages for Thai prop- Property consultant and developer Bill there’s a bit of danger of people buying much wider audience, he said, and the erty to people living and working in Barnett described his reaction to the news multiple units to try to get those yields, and advent of mortgages widened it further. Singapore and Hong Kong, and is hoping as one of “cautious optimism”. that’s a lot more scary because it’s still a But, he added, “They [Bangkok more banks will follow suit. He did have one concern, however developing market and developing markets Bank] don’t want to take construction risk Paul Moorhouse, developer of the – that giving buyers greater access to credit are more volatile.” [at present], and I think there is some fine- high-end Lakeshore and Lakewood might fuel speculation. “In the past Phuket On balance, however, he saw the tuning needed. projects, told the Gazette this week, “Any- has been a great market compared with, mortgages as a positive step, and looked “There have been all sorts of oppor- thing that is done [in this direction] is worth- say, Pattaya or Bangkok, where everyone forward to them being made available in tunities thrown up for financing in this while. But it doesn’t appear to be defini- and his uncle would buy five condos for markets other than Hong Kong and market. tive yet. the rental returns. Singapore. “Certainly, we would like to see “I think the best model is Laguna “I feel now that things are starting to “But Phuket’s market has been so [similar mortgages available] in the UK. Properties – its payment plan… was very happen. I have met with bank after bank favorable because it’s been [based on] After Singapore and Hong Kong, the UK well received and it was available on free- over the past two or three years and largely cash transactions. We have buyers who is our fastest-emerging market. hold and leasehold.” hit brick walls [hearing] ‘Oh, we want to are not dependent upon the return in order “I don’t think the floodgates are open He called for Bangkok Bank to make do it, but, but, but…’ and nothing ever hap- to purchase the property. That’s been the yet. It’s a good thing and it’s part of the the mortgages available in Thailand. “It’s pens. great fundamental. natural progression of a developing mar- intriguing. Why do you have to apply to “If Bangkok Bank… runs with it, “Once people start financing prop- ket. We’d like to see more. We’d like to Bangkok Bank in Singapore to get this then I think you’ll find that the other banks erties it does open the door to a certain see overseas buyers being able to borrow loan? Why can foreigners not apply to will come in. I think then we’ll probably amount of speculation. Too much specu- in Thailand, instead of having to go to Hong Bangkok Bank in Patong?” see some of the offshore banks wanting lation is never a wise thing. Kong or Singapore.” So far, banking regulations preclude to get in on the market. They cannot [lend], “People say, ‘I can squeeze by as Stephen O’Brien, Managing Direc- this, so it seems that the ability of foreign- obviously, as mortgages, but they can do it long as I make this yield,’ but as we know, tor of the Phuket office of real estate agent ers to get mortgages to buy homes in Thai- as personal loans to individuals in the coun- some of the yields out there are not al- Knight Frank, also saw the mortgages as land will, for the time being at least, re- try they are based in. In fact I met with ways realistic.” a positive factor, especially at the lower main limited. The fast-expanding Chinese economy is starting to resemble a runaway horse hina’s economy is ex- Again, rural incomes have and she feared this might spark panding at a very rapid ONEY changed little over this period, nationalistic objections, despite rate. Measured by in- M with unemployment or underem- her Indian citizenship . Ccreases in gross do- ployment being a major factor. The latest achievement she mestic product (GDP), it has ex- TALKS The current Indian govern- has been credited with is accep- panded on average by more than ment is composed of a Congress tance of a proposal that all adult 9% a year for several years. By Richard Watson Party-led coalition, which also males in rural areas be guaran- This pace of growth is prob- contains some smaller, extreme teed at least 100 days’ work a ably unsustainable over a pro- left wing parties. These include year. The proposed wages are tracted period for any economy. economic growth for longer than Dong Tao, regional econo- different Marxist and communist excellent by local standards, but The Chinese government started highly developed economies, but mist for investment bank Credit groups that are trying to capital- the effect on already high budget to take measures in 2004 to slow everything has its limits. Suisse First Boston, gave a dif- ize on the current situation. deficits will be substantial. Con- the rate of growth, including tight- Already, China’s power- ferent assessment in an interview The Congress Party itself sidering that 70% of India’s popu- ening access to bank loans. generating infrastructure is show- on Bloomberg television. has various factions jostling for lation is still rurally-based, it It also introduced what can ing signs of strain. Many facto- He points out that Chinese power. The prime minister, Man- sounds a dangerous policy. best be described as short-term ries are experiencing regular oil imports for 2005 to date have mohan Singh, is apparently un- capital gains taxes on the resale brownouts and blackouts, and the shown an annualized increase of happy with what is happening Richard Watson runs Global of domestic real estate within the problem is becoming worse. The 2% compared with an increase beneath the surface of his own Portfolios Co Ltd, a Phuket- first two years of ownership, in infrastructure is often unable to of 24% in 2004. party and has reportedly offered based personal financial plan- an effort to cool down the resi- keep pace with economic growth. Steel imports are stagnant to resign. ning service. He can be reached dential property boom in coastal China is also facing another and aluminum is down 5%. His offer has not been ac- at Tel and Fax: 076-381997, cities, especially Shanghai. very serious problem – the boom He believes the headline cepted; he is running, by Con- Mobile: 01-081-4611. Email: In spite of these attempts, has created many millions of jobs, 9.5% GDP growth for the first gress Party standards, an effi- imm@loxinfo. co.th. the Chinese economy registered but economic growth is confined half of 2005 is the result of de- cient administration with strongly 9.5% GDP growth on an annual- almost entirely to coastal areas. clining imports. In other words, pro-business policies. ized basis for the second half of the quality of the growth is start- 2004. This figure, to the surprise DIVIDE ing to be questioned. NATIONALISM of many observers, was un- China is not heading for a changed when GDP figures Considering that output is often recession, but perhaps it is begin- Reports from India suggest that were released for the first half targeted at export markets, it is ning to enter a phase of slower Sonia Gandhi is leading internal of 2005. only sensible that goods be manu- and eventually more sustainable opposition to PM Manmohan Readers may wonder why factured near shipping ports. economic growth. Singh, and is consolidating her Beijing would want to curb such But that does not address China is not the only emerg- position as Congress Party presi- amazing growth. the problem of what is happen- ing market to face the problem dent. There are very sound rea- ing in China’s vast hinterland, of poor rural living standards con- The general elections of sons for this approach. Any which has seen very little of the trasted with rapidly rising stan- 2004 gave the Congress Party, economy which grows at the vast rise in the standard of living dards in the cities. This is a world- when combined with the other Chinese rate over a number of enjoyed by coastal cities. wide problem for emerging political parties, a parliamentary years starts to encounter bottle- The divide between the two economies. majority. Many expected Mrs necks and problems. It’s like a is increasing all the time, and re- Probably the best example Gandhi to become prime minis- runaway horse: it may be going sentment is growing. Some ana- of a similar situation on a large ter. However, she declined the top in the right direction and at great lysts believe that, unless ways are scale is India. Again, the economy job because she is Italian by birth, speed, but it is out of control. found to close the gap, there will is growing rapidly – though per- Economic history teaches be serious social unrest during the haps not quite at the rate enjoyed many lessons, one of which is that coming decade. by China – and with economic long-standing economic booms However, not every analyst growth figures achieved over the eventually lead to economic is convinced that the Chinese past decade, there is a burgeon- busts. Developing economies, economy is growing as fast as the ing number of people considered such as China, can sustain higher quoted GDP figures state. to be urban middle class. 26 PHUKET GAZETTE SP O R T September 10 - 16, 2005

he “heroic” appellation, joy the thrill of seeing the result. only relatively recently If you’re a short hitter, your best- applied to golf holes, is ever drive will leave you trying Ta direct offshoot of the Heroic golf holes: to hit a gap between bunkers you “Strategic School” mentioned in can’t see that are about as wide my recent columns. as your long-hitting friend’s grin. Robert Trent Jones, the What’s worse, if you can hit Dean of modern course design, the ball more than 230 yards, it is was believed to have coined the the saga goes on one of the widest holes on the phrase to describe holes that were planet. Bottom line: beautiful set- more than simply strategic. As he “find the clubface” to leave him- seen on golf courses actually pro- ting, major lost opportunity. discovered more and more excit- self with an easy birdie chance. duce holes that live up to expec- Country Club’s phase 2 par ing sites around the world, he rev- Heroic hazards are often tations? 5s... I know, one of these was eled in asking players to play reserved for drives on par 4s or In my opinion (and that’s all mentioned in my previous col- across or around the most im- second shots on par 5s. Who can it is), there are good and down- umn. The reason is that they are pressive natural hazards, be they deny the excitement of nailing a TEE TO right bad heroic offerings on the great heroic holes, but only for lakes, oceans, canyons or awe- glorious 3 wood second shot on island, but no really great holes. good players. They are night- some bunkers. the green for a potential eagle GREEN Such blasphemy! Is Blue mares for choppers. Why? Be- The very nature of such haz- putt? Even more intoxicating is Jon Morrow Canyon’s world-famous 13th not cause they take the Micky if you ards inspires fear in lesser play- the prospect of driving the green a magnificent heroic hole? Are can’t bust a grape with your ers. From the tee, a player’s vi- (or even holing in one) on a short Greg Norman watched 40 yards Phase 2’s do-or-die par 5s not driver. How much fun is that? sion may be filled with cata- par 4. Should these shots have down the fairway, was the begin- heroic works of art? Is Loch You stand there forever being strophic possibilities, yet often the negotiated perilous hurdles along ning of the end for Nor-man’s Palm’s 2nd not a heroic challenge reminded that you’ll never enjoy landing area is more accommo- the way, there is surely no place Masters aspirations. so early in the round? Are these the holes real golfers love to play. dating than it first appears. Holes closer to heaven. For the amateur, this kind of and more of Phuket’s great holes Loch Palm’s 2nd is equally that play “easier than they look” The most famous of all he- hazard offers some hope and a not beyond cheap criticism? discriminatory. By all means en- offer real thrills for occasional roic holes does not ask the player statistical chance to pull off the The answer is no, they are joy yourself hitting it on with a 5 golfers whose solid drive may be to drive over a deafening water- shot of the century over the not. We are all entitled to our iron and putting for eagle. Don’t more the exception than the rule. fall or a cascading rapid. The 13th “bonnie wee burn”. More likely opinions. Mine are not necessar- worry that the only “carry” the Heroic holes allow long hit- at Augusta has a mere stream is a horror shot, which may not ily correct, though they are prob- ball will enjoy from the red tee is ters the thrill of the carry, while down the left of the fairway af- reach the “stinking sewer”. ably more impartial than most. if it stays in your pocket! Three also offering shorter hitters a ter cutting in front of the green. Hence our Mr Duff still has a What warms my heart is the fact lost balls in one hole is a bit too safer line. Ideal holes of this type The arrangement of the chance for par. that I have had more feedback much this early in the round. let all players select the amount hole, however, could not be more The history of Phuket has slamming views expressed in my of hazard they want to take on. Worst heroic hole: Phuket As with penal holes, long Country Club’s 10th. Never has hitters often have a clear advan- Holes that play ‘easier than they look’ offer a hole so demeaned and humili- tage on such holes, since good ated average golfers than this players will know their limits and driveable par 5. With water on err on the side of safety. The most thrills for occasional golfers whose solid drive the slice side of all 12 shots there effective type of heroic hazard is nowhere to hide. Dr Sukitti fur- may have a deceptive twist or ir- may be more the exception than the rule. ther snubs his nose at short hit- regular edge, creating just enough ters by refusing to allow a decent doubt in players’ minds that they ingenious. In this age of long hit- created some great heroic holes. past three columns on golf design forward tee. play safer than they would like, ters, courage and guile is more Who would have thought the ugly than in all the others I’ve written leaving a tougher second shot. important than brawn. A drive scars created by opencast tin over the years. Best heroic hole: Phuket Yet players who realize their played from right to left, and land- mining would eventually give way My humble and sincere Country Club’s 10th. Why? It is limitations can sometimes triumph ing close enough to the creek, will to some of the most beautiful and thanks to all those with the con- impossible to resist going for the over those who suspect they’re gain extra roll and end up on the memorable artificial golf hazards viction to slag off my views or green at virtual right angles to the better than they are, and this flattest part of the fairway with created by man? Course budgets point out the error of my ways “other” option, even if you are not makes for exciting match play. the easiest angle to the green. scarcely go as far as the cash constructively. Long John Daly. Where else do There is a downside. Many For most players driving required to dig a lake the size of Having said that, I’m about you get the chance to play across modern designers have never sensibly away from the creek, the Loch Palm’s “loch”. Few archi- to start again. “Lake Michigan” to a green, taken the trouble to understand second shot, demanding to be tects would be so daring as to in- Why is it that none of the framed from left to right by said the mental torture experienced by played from left to right, will be clude the canyons created by “Tin aforementioned holes can be con- Great Lake, bunkers and out of a “chopper” faced with a carry sitting on a vicious right-to-left Mine Designers” at the “Blue sidered great? Because they are bounds? The tension is unbeliev- of 200 yards or more. This invari- sloping lie. Nasty”. all prejudiced against golfing able. The potential reward, an ably leads a realistically minded Only the bravest and most Thus was left the dream weaklings. ace on a par 5, doesn’t even have player to select an old ball and skilled of players can play this landscape for Dr Sukitti and Blue Canyon’s 13th plays a name in golf. You can also see thrash away without a hope of shot under the pressure cooker Catosan, designers of the lion’s 390 yards over one of the most the ball all the way. making the fairway. atmosphere of Sunday afternoon share of Phuket Country, Phuket awesome hazards in golf (or 290 It’s ridiculous, I know. But, The good, but more “ma- on the US Masters leader board. Century (now Loch Palm) and yards if you’re Tiger Woods). if you share my opinion that thrill- ture”, player may also find it dif- Nick Faldo’s slow, agonized de- Blue Canyon Country Clubs. So, That seems fair enough. ing shots are what makes golf ficult to reach the fairway, while cision to go for it with a 2 iron did sites with some of the most Even if you do hit the shot such fun, then you simply have the out-and-out pro only has to and his imperious execution, as dramatic man-made hazards ever of the century, you couldn’t en- to love this hole. Nash chalks up yet another ITF win By Shiona Mackenzie peting in the Asian Championship. The ITF Senior’s Circuit com- PHUKET: For the fifth time in prises more than 150 events in 47 the past four years, Nash Ladha countries. has played on the winning men’s A tennis professional certi- over-50s doubles team at the In- fied in both the US and Canada, ternational Tennis Federation Ladha became the youngest (ITF) Asian Open 2005 Senior member of the Tanzanian Na- Tennis Championship in Pattaya. tional Davis Cup Team at just 15. In addition to his doubles’ After moving with his family to victory, Ladha was also the los- Canada, he operated a number of ing finalist in the men’s over-50s successful tennis clubs. singles. Ladha has continued his ten- The Tennis Academy Di- nis career while based in Phuket rector and Head Tennis Profes- for the past 11 of his 13 years in sional at JW Marriott Phuket Thailand, developing tennis pro- Resort & Spa joined some 200 grams and playing in tennis tour- players from 19 countries com- naments around the world. September 10 - 16, 2005 SP O R T PHUKET GAZETTE 27 Saphan Hin Phuket’s Wonderfeet set for race weekend By Anongnat Sartpisut the bout and you’re under pressure, kick, kick and always kick.” PHUKET CITY: The Toyota hen Yaowapa “View” Dragon Gym Coach, Korean Park Motor Corporation (Thailand) will Burapolchai won a bronze Hee Kang, 28, is one of only five taekwondo hold its annual Toyota Soluna Vios medal in taekwondo at the black belts in Thailand. A former Korean One Race 2005 and Toyota Hilux 2004 Olympics in Athens, she champion and now a teacher for the World Vigo Triathlon on September 17 W and 18 at Saphan Hin. inspired many young Thais to find out more Taekwondo Federation, Coach Lee inspired about the sport. However, many people still Branson to go to the world championships. The two events are de- confuse the discipline with other contact The 5th Korean Open Chun Cheon In- signed to put both the Soluna Vios sports, such as karate or kick boxing. ternational Taekwondo Championships in sedan car and the Hilux Vigo Phuket’s very own taekwondo champ, South Korea were his first taste of interna- through their paces and promote Branson Ekwanich Robinson, recently tional competition, giving him a wealth of them to a new generation of driv- talked with the Gazette about how, at the experience. “The Korean opponents are ers who love motorsports. relatively tender age of 11, he has won gold very fast and smart. They know when to On September 17, there in several regional and international attack and don’t wait for their coaches to will be a convoy of cars driving taekwondo meets. tell them what to do – they’re always con- around Phuket to show the ve- His father plays American football and centrating on their bout,” he said. hicles off to the public, and Toyota his mother loves every kind of sport, so it’s “I try to look for the moment an oppo- staff will be on hand to advise on no wonder that this young man, active in ice nent attacks, then I grab the chance to get a safe driving. hockey, field hockey, baseball, soccer, roller point. I want to compete with Lao oppo- The Vigo Triathlon will take skating and skateboarding, is following in his Branson has his sights set on the Olympics. nents because they have a hard kick and place in the morning of Septem- parents’ energetic footsteps. When I saw “Pii” View, I wanted to be as are slow. I have the same style as them, so ber 18, and in the afternoon, the The QSI grade six student took up good as her.” I want to meet them – but I think I’ll need Soluna Vios One Race will be taekwondo in December, 2004. After study- In the final in Korea, Branson had to to rely a lot on my back kick to beat them. held. ing for just one-and-a-half months at face Suchakri “Boat” Boonyang, the Dragon Taekwondo teaches me to react quickly.” There will also be special Phuket’s Dragon Gym, Branson won silver Gym’s number one fighter. He said, “In the “Since I’ve been competing, I’ve performances of the Vios Turbo at a Nakhon Sri Thammarat meet, then last minutes I was trailing him by two points, never won less than a silver medal, and I’ll Show and a mini concert by Thai again at Surat Thani. He won his first gold so I tried to use back kicks and that made continue until I get a chance to go to the pop star Girly Berry. in another event in Nakhon Sri Thammarat the difference as I won in the end.” Olympics,” said the young combatant. Racers Ray McDonald, and his second at the 8th Southern Thailand He explained that his strength lies in Branson knows the only way to reach Pete Thongjua, Louis Scott, Taekwondo Championships here in Phuket. his back kicking. However, he’s not ambi- his goal is through hard work, so he trains Ummarin “Um” Nitipol, Araya Recently, he took home a gold medal from dextrous and his left kick has a tendency to for two hours four evenings a week. He also A “Chompoo” Hargett and Sup- the 5th Korean Open Chun Cheon Interna- let him down. knows there is no real substitute for real aksorn “Kra Tae” Chaimongkol tional Taekwondo Championships. “If the judges can’t hear a strong, solid competition: “I need to meet better and bet- will be coming from Bangkok to Of his newfound sport he says, “It back kick, they won’t award a point, so it’s ter competitors. I’m hoping that, at the next drive in the two days of races. looks nice and elegant, and as not so many a waste of energy sometimes.” competition in Bangkok, I can at least win a people take part in this sport it is relatively “Ajarn Park, Dragon Gym’s coach, bronze medal as they are bigger competi- For more information contact easy to find a place on the national team. taught us that when little time remains in tors there,” he said. Khun Chansiri at Tel: 01- 8917107. TOP TT TEACHER ON THAI TOUR PHUKET CITY: The Interna- The coaches’ training ses- tional Table Tennis Federation sions were to run from 9 am to (ITTF) and the Thailand Table 12 pm, with players’ sessions Tennis Association (TTTA) from 4:30 pm to 7 pm. jointly held a one-week clinic of Don Mudtangam, on the “Tsunami Rebuilding” table ten- Professional Coach Committee of nis training for coaches and play- the TTTA, said that during the ers at Satree Phuket School, Sep- training session in Ranong, a few tember 4-10. would-be stars emerged, such as The ITTF arranged for pro- Suthasinee Settabutr, who he fessional coach Richard McAfee feels has great talent and a good to tour tsunami-affected areas in chance to represent the country both Thailand and Myanmar. eventually. Other ITTF coaches have been “If you want athletes able traveling throughout Indonesia to reach international standards, and India. then you need to have an inter- Mr McAfee ran a week- national standard coach,” he said. long clinic in Ranong before vis- “We plan to train Thai coaches iting Phuket, and will report back McAfee: ‘The game is unique.’ to raise players to world-class to the ITTF his evaluation of the serve and the fast return, just like standards within the next five project’s success. in tennis, then to work up to years, and will also continue our The purpose of the tours is world-class level from there.” mobile clinics.” to help recovery in conjunction with sport, and also to donate table tennis tables, balls and bats to ping pong enthusiasts. Mr McAfee told the Ga- zette that he came to encourage coaches to learn more about the organization and the teaching of table tennis. He said, “In the evening players’ sessions we try to pick out [an] individual player’s skills and to capitalize on these.” “Table tennis is unique in that players need a lot of skill in their hands and strength in their legs, so we try to teach the bal- ance between both.” “We always try to work on the fundamentals such as the 28 PHUKET GAZETTE TAKE A BREAK September 10 - 16, 2005

SOLUTION, TIPS AND COMPUTER The Quick Crossword PROGRAM AT WWW.SUDOKU.COM ACROSS 1. Fired. 7 Beat of the heart. 8. ***** Dame, Paris. 10. Fingertip protector. 11. Martin ****** King. 13. Island in the Bahamas. 15. Uncomfortable skin condition. 16. Marriage. 18. Polish currency. 20. Diana and Hera, for example.

DOWN 2. Debtor’s pledge. 3. Abdominals and pectorals, for ex- ample. 4. One hundredth of a 7. Almost an island. 14. Wasp’s weapon. yen. 9. Bearer of rain or 17. Silently show ap- The principle of Sudoku is very simple: each row, each col- 5. From the Netherlands. snow. proval. umn and each “box” of nine squares within the puzzle must 6. Eerie; not of this 12. They still lay eggs on 19. Rest for golfer’s balls. contain all the numbers from 1 to 9 with, naturally, no repeti- world. Mai Khao Beach. Solution next week tions. Guess if you will, but each Sudoku puzzle can be solved using logic alone. Beware: there is only one solution ANSWERS TO LAST to this puzzle, which will be published next week. WEEK’S MONSTER QUIZ 1. Wigan Athletic; 2. John Scribble Space Smith; 3. Buenos Aires; 4. Morten Harket; 5. The Liv- ing Daylights; 6. To jumble or to carelessly assemble items; 7. Emma Thompson. Her fa- QUICK ther was Eric Thompson; 8. SOLUTION A libretto; 9. Eight; 10. CROSSWORD

Malcom Lowry; 11. A cat; LAST WEEK’S TO 12. Bratislava; 13. Taxes on tea; 14. Death; 15. The Time Machine; 16. Shepherds; 17. Answer to last week’s Brainbuster The brain; 18. Tungsten; 19. English words containing the letter combinations ii, uu, aa, ww or Hand-painted Thai porcelain, vv are: skiing, taxiing and radii; vacuum and continuum; aardvark often in five colors; 20. Ezra and bazaar; powwow; savvy and flivver. Pound. September 10 - 16, 2005 TAKE A BREAK PHUKET GAZETTE 29 PPUZZLESUZZLES The Cryptic Crossword ACROSS the Fun 1. Outgoing pet many confuse. (7) Pages for all 4. Thomas’s boys are not boys. (7) 8. Not a ceremony for dozy the Family people. (4) 9. Noah underwater held a place in Hawaii. (4) 10. A tree by the shore, it’s said. (5) 12. Lighting up at night, cut Hidden Words neon lit a hundred wierdly, (11) 14. Mad ploy I used in Hidden in the grid below are the names of at least 20 international event. (8) astronauts. The names may read vertically, horizon- 17. Fearsome look from South tally or diagonally. They may also read right-to-left or Carolina nightbird. (5) 20. Bacterium could give a down-to-up. See if you can find more than your family you a bit of dire colic. (1- or friends. Score: 10 or more, good; 15 or more, very 4) good; 20 or more, excellent. 21. TGIF? Not yet… (8) 25. Dancing muse? Oddly, crit her pose. (11) BADP ZRGNUOYUCMB 28. Deduce inferno? No no! WV R G J C E GUNO G AO O (6) 30. I managed country. (4) Compiled by Tortuus. © 2005 USRMGIUPBRWTRSR 31. Concrete base in Los 18. Is day before 21 ac right Alamos laboratory. (4) 5. The cap to wear for a LT I NSHXLOWOXPSM to marry? (23) 32. Windy city is trendy with riot? (3) 19. Strange ally’s transport L SBDOTUNHODAE I A a turn. (7) 6. Open circle on Parisian sets 7dn agenda. (8) ECNXWFR I ENCCNRN 33. Tourism body in four green. (5) 22. The race is scattered over points of private lands. (7) 7. Where fish learn things. VOHUOWTOZPBHTGF (6) a wide area. (7) 11. Paula’s car twists 23. Full set of twelve includes OTTRKE JUNZPOEZC DOWN Monsignor’s little cloak. 4dn. (6) LTDXHIUWRGRI RJH 1. Chess pieces hop into it (8) 24. Cold liver? (6) SLAYTONEHLKVRPD for a loan. (8) 13. Mythically slow creature 26. Twilight lass. (3) CUPNZEDRVQXOGC I 2. Heard you cheat a eaten in France. (8) 27. Point to bend in cat to Canadian territory. (5) 15. Sail? Yes, with eight in indicate great success. (5) CKQDARNOCSP I YYR 3. Bizarrely, Ian rats on Germany. (5) 29. Cops fib? Maybe. (3) BEBAAAOOD I VBRMB Russian leader’s wife. (7) 16. Little Dorothy’s into 4. Bullish sign. (6) Morse code. (3) Solution next week RLWP IADTABUPEU I J I EHA I SECHCKHFD DHRODOAKRZLR FK F The Monster Quiz EZ TRIVIA SNOWEVJ L I FYMULL 1. Which Powerpuff Girl OBLD I NHODQU I BCQ 1. Who is the mascot for of an Al-Qaeda kidnap heavy-metal band, Iron plot in 2001? has green eyes? QNS J TNTOEREXEZ S Maiden? 2. What’s the fastest land OGVWI KAKOL I RN I R 12. In World War II, what did animal? 2. Which Norwegian traitor the term “Foo Fighters” 3. What does ATM stand P B I J OHTZ I I NNXCM was executed September refer to? for? MNDDSRHXZAE F TNH 10, 1945? 4. What is the biggest known mountain in our EEFFAHCCNLEJOFK 13. What toxin is present in 3. Which country won, in certain candlenut variet- solar system? ICLGBDYFGRQFNSM 1927, the first Davis Cup? ies? 5. What province of CQGLRTXAVBRR IOQ Southern Thailand has 4. In which year did Switzer- 14. What did Dennis Tito pay no coastline? land join the United £14 million for? 6. Which popular animated Nations? series has characters 15. Which capital city lies called Dizzy, Scoop and 5. A woman who has more nearest to the equator? Muck? than one husband at the 7. Who created “The Mup-pets”? Brain Buster!! same time is a what? 16. If you shopped using 8. What breed of dog is “won” where would you 6. .mq is the Internet country white with black spots? be? 9. What planet is Super- code top-level domain for Scales #1 and #2 are in perfect balance. man from? where? 17. What is andrology the How many Xs must you put on the right side 10. On what island is much study of? of New York City of Scale #3 to make it balance? 7. Who wrote the novella located? The Third Man? 18. Gymnophobia is the fear Answers next week. of what? Scale #1 8. What is the capital of Sierra Leone? 19. “The Nellie, a cruising Left side: XXYZ Right side: XXXXY yawl, swung to her anchor Scale #2 9. Where are the Queen without a flutter of the Maud Mountains? sails, and was at rest.” is Left side: YYYY Right side: XXZZ the first line from which 10. What, at 4,897 meters, is book? Scale #3 the highest peak in Antarctica? 20. “Asinine” is an adjective Left side: YYZ Right side: ? used to describe the 11. Which actor was reported behavior of which animal? Answer next week as having been the target Answers next week 30 PHUKET GAZETTE PHUKET PROPERTY September 10 - 16, 2005

Home of the Week Laguna

The main bedroom, pool area and kitchen of this wonderful home. Luxury living at Laguna

his immaculate three- tion in the Laguna area remains trees and plants, offering both and privacy. A live-in maid’s for its cosmopolitan bars, restau- bedroom, single-story high, with limited stock available. shade and color to the property. quarters is also provided, along rants and nightlife, is on Laguna’s Laguna residence with Buyers can also have the Inside, the 204sqm air-con- with secure bulk storage that can doorstep. Tprivate pool, sala and option of putting the villa into the ditioned home is spacious with an be converted into a wine cellar. Phuket International Airport spacious manicured gardens is Sheraton rental program (subject open-style Western kitchen, liv- Outdoors, the sala is the is 20 minutes away, and a Bang- currently on the market. to Sheraton requirements), and ing and dining area. perfect setting for evening din- kok Phuket Hospital clinic, bank- The villa has been profes- thus earn an impressive return The first thing you notice on ners or early morning breakfasts, ing and other essential services sionally maintained by Knight while still being able to use the entering this property is the twilight drinks or for just relaxing are all provided within the Laguna Frank, with round-the-clock es- villa for themselves during the amount of natural light that floods and enjoying watching golfers complex. tate security provided by Securi- rest of the year. into each of the open rooms, giv- pass by. Combined with the impres- cor, the international security Equally, if buying for life- ing a sense of relaxation, peace The 4x12m pool of chlori- sive landscaping and gardens, this firm. Completed in January 2004, style, the new owners can enjoy and tranquility. nated saltwater is perfect for rec- villa is one of a kind and an op- the villa offers the best of both Laguna privileges including mem- The large master bedroom reational bathing or for the more portunity not to be missed. Avail- worlds, both as an investment op- bership of the Laguna Golf Club features an en-suite bathroom and enthusiastic swimmer who enjoys able on freehold title, it is priced portunity or as vacation/retire- and up to 50% discounts of Food built-in wardrobes, with the mas- a rigorous workout. at 27.8 million baht. ment lifestyle choice. and Beverage at the hotels. ter suite opening onto the pool. Terracing around the pool Long-term rental demand The 1,357-square-meter Each of the other two bed- ensures there is room for both For inspection or further de- for executive-style accommoda- land area includes many mature rooms is well-appointed in size relaxation and entertainment. tails, please contact Stephen In addition to the golf, beach O’Brien, Knight Frank Phuket, access is just a three-minute at Tel: 01-8255126 or Email: drive, and Tinlay Place, known [email protected] September 10 - 16, 2005 PHUKET PROPERTY PHUKET GAZETTE 31

Decor by Ananya Hongsa-ngiam

othing can beautify a Stylish examples of vases on offer at the Body & Mind Gallery. room instantly like a vase of flowers, al- Nthough a bright bou- quet may appear slightly too fussy Adding the right in a place such as Phuket where tropical nature abounds. A simple, striking vase can bring just the right amount of class to such a touch of class setting. Intercraft Furniture sells various styles of ceramic vases ranging in price from 400 baht to 1,500 baht, depending on the size. Here, you also find high-quality furniture at reasonable, factory prices. Normally the creator of in- terior décor products for resorts and spas, Galleria Aleenta now has a shop that sells items for the individual home. It offers vase designs in ceramic for as little as 500 baht. For mango wood vases, look no further than the Body & Mind Gallery. The long-neck style costs between 300 baht and 500 baht.

Intercraft Furniture is located on Chao Fa West Rd, Tel: 076- 263348; Galleria Aleenta is the first shop on the left of the Plaza Surin building, Tel: 076- 271624-5; Body & Mind Gal- lery is at Karon Beach near Karon Circle, Tel: 076-398274 or visit their website at: www. body-mindspa.com Striking vases from the collection at Intercraft Furniture. 32 PHUKET GAZETTE PHUKET PROPERTY September 10 - 16, 2005

Construction Update by Anongnat Sartpisut

An artist's impression of the completed project, site plan and penthouse floor plan (top right). 35 units and one large penthouse New apartment block to be built in Rawai awai Seaview Apart The complex faces the sea balcony and pantry. Prices will quality of the view. Upper floors to foreigners on 30-year leases ment is a seven-story, and is only 70 meters from the range from 3.3 million to 6.5 mil- are, therefore, priced higher than with two roll-overs for a total of 26-unit apartment com beach. “Each of the seven floors lion baht,” she said. lower floors.” 90 years. Rplex covering 2.5 rai off will have five units, and there will The penthouse, priced at 35 Marble will be used in the K. Funprod said that RSA, Wiset Rd, Rawai, and looking over be a large penthouse on top,” K. million baht, will have 618sqm of living room and bedrooms of the which developed the Baan Ploy the sea. Projected investment is 70 Funprod said. “The ground floor living space including three bed- penthouse; ceramic tiles will be shophouses on Koh Samui and million baht, with construction set has 20 parking spaces for resi- rooms, a living room, kitchen and used in the living room, dining another Thai-style housing devel- to begin in November. dents and another 10 for guests. pantry, dining room, swimming room, kitchen and bedrooms of opment in Chalong, will provide Funprod Yookongpan, Man- “Each unit on the second to pool, balcony and sala, as well the regular apartments on the sec- common services and facilities aging Director of Rawai Seaview sixth floors will have living space as a workroom, a storeroom and ond to sixth floor. Each apartment for the apartments such as a Apartment Co (RSA), said that of 120 to 126 square meters, a maid’s room. will have mains water and elec- swimming pool, a restaurant, gar- the development is expected to which includes two bedrooms, a K. Funprod explained, “The tricity, and one phone line. dens, a laundry room and 24-hour be completed by October 2006. living room, dining room, kitchen, prices are set according to the The apartments are offered security. A fee of 4,000 baht a month per apartment to cover these services. “Our main target market is foreigners,” K. Funprod said, “and five units on the sixth floor have already been sold.”

For more information, contact Rawai Seaview Apartment at Wiset Rd, Rawai, Phuket 83150. Tel: 076-263303 or 09- 7297035. Website: www.phuket rawaiseaviewapartment.com September 10 - 16, 2005 PHUKET PROPERTY PHUKET GAZETTE 33

Gardening with Bloomin’ Bert The rich lady who wakes up late knows exactly what time it is t’s fair comment to say that away until there was nothing left. moths aren’t the most intel- It had died, despite my best ef- ligent members of the insect forts to keep it alive. Ikingdom. They sit around all All became clear a few day doing whatever moths do months later, during a long dry during daylight, which would ap- spell. pear to be absolutely nothing. I’m Being pretty idle, I hadn’t not saying that they’re lazy or any- bothered to remove the now thing (I would not want to be ac- empty hanging pot, and as there cused of being mothist), but they appeared to be nothing alive in it don’t appear to be particularly I hadn’t bothered to water it. active during the day. It was then that mysterious Everything changes after regrowth started to appear. Do- the sun goes down. Then they get ing nothing was exactly what it together like Saphan Hin boy bike wanted – I had been desperately racers, and fly around insanely as over-watering it. It went on to fill if they’ve spent the previous few the pot as before, and bloomed hours ingesting illicit chemical as it had the day I took it home. stimulants. The portulaca prefers a What they really crave is well-drained sandy soil, but it also any form of light they can find. It needs a very sunny home. It is can be fluorescent, a candle, or content in a rockery too, where just a plain ordinary light bulb. The portulaca can be found all over Phuket, even though it is originally from South America. the soil won’t hold too much wa- They love them, and that’s the bit “proper” gardeners, they probably They come in an array of They are a lot easier to grow ter. I don’t understand. Why don’t shouldn’t be. They’re originally bright colors – purple, scarlet, yel- than I first imagined. A few years Stupid plants? On my first they just come out during the day? from South America, and appear low and pink being just a few. ago, I bought my first hanging attempt at cultivating the portu- They can have all the light they to prefer the sometimes drier con- There are both single- and dou- basket of portulaca, took it home, laca, I’m not sure which was want. Has this idea never been ditions there. But nobody has told ble-flowered varieties, and even and suspended it at the edge of dumber – the plant or the gar- raised at a convention while a the portulaca plants that have emi- one that boasts several colors on the eaves of the car port, where dener. couple of moths enjoyed the nec- grated here, and they seem to be a single plant. it would get plenty of rain. At least it’s occurred to me tar equivalent of a Heineken? I right at home. The portulaca is a member I couldn’t understand why that there’s probably more light can only assume they simply Portulaca plants multiply of the group of plants known as it seemed unhappy – it withered around during the day. haven’t thought of the idea, and like rabbits on bunny aphrodisiac. succulents. Its name comes from that they’re just a bit thick. All you need to do is throw a few the doorlike opening of the seed Last week we printed a photograph of a screw pine instead of a You might think that flow- in a pot; a couple of weeks later, capsule, (portula being the Latin ers are in a similar intellectual take half of them out and put diminutive of porta, or gate). casuarina. We have been pining about the screw-up ever since. league. It’s fair to say that most them in a new pot. of them are indeed pretty stupid, They can be grown either and that MENSA members have from seeds or from cuttings, but little to fear. One plant that breaks if propagation isn’t your thing, just the mould is the portulaca, or sun visit the local garden center and plant. In Thai, it’s known as the pick up a few at five baht each. Khun Nai Tuen Sai or “The rich This way, someone else has al- lady who wakes up late”. ready done the work. Most flowers bloom and These plants are quite cute, wilt as they feel like it, but not so really. The thickish, sprawling, the portulaca. It knows exactly twindly stems grow four or five what time of the day it is, open- inches long and are clothed with ing its flowers first thing in the small, fleshy, cylindrical leaves. morning and closing them late in Several large flowers, up to an the afternoon. It doesn’t bother inch in diameter, grow at the ends keeping its petals exposed to the of the stems. world when there’s no point. This surely has to be the sign of some form of intelligence. These unassuming little guys are all over Phuket, although ac- cording to books written by 34 PHUKET GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS September 10 - 16, 2005 Property Gazette

Properties RAWAI LUXURY RAWAI AO NANG’S For Sale VILLA 2-STORY HOUSE PREMIER PROPERTY A new luxury house in Ao Nang is now for sale. Set in 1 rai of Chanote-titled land, LUXURY with sea and mountain views APARTMENTS from all floors, the house has internal space of over 450 sqm. Built to European stan- A 144sqm house 350m House 400m from the dards, it has 3 floors, 4 bed- from the beach with beach, with Chanote title, rooms and 2 bathrooms plus 400sqm of land for sale. The is available for direct sale a library, gym, and an open- house has 2 bedrooms and from owner. Asking plan lounge with a vaulted 2 bathrooms. Asking 2.8 850,000 baht. Tel: 01- ceiling. There are separate million baht. Tel: 01-476- 4763623. Email: maid's quarters. An infinity PRIME LOCATION 3623. Email: free_ holdprop bargainproperty@hotmail. swimming pool will be com- Bayview Palm Patong apart- @yahoo.com com pleted in 2 months. Tel: 075- ments, 180sqm each, with 637607, 01-8939232. Fax: fantastic sea views, master 075-637607. Email: bedrooms, en-suite bath- FOR SALE RAWAI CONDOS [email protected] rooms and whirlpool tubs. Spacious 3-bedroom house, with sea view. 27, 54 and includes master bedroom en 81sqm. Priced from 350,000 Guest bathroom, spacious KATA LAND PLOTS lounge, American-style suite, separate self-contained baht. Financing for 3 years kitchen, large balcony, large granny flat or office in a se- available. Foreign freehold. 900m to the beach, for sale from 1 million baht, or 75,000 shared gardens with swim- cluded garden, a compact Tel: 09-4740227. Email: ming pool, car park. Only 3 European kitchen, and air con- [email protected] baht per sqm, including utili- left. Priced from 7.5 million ditioning throughout. Situated ties. Please contact for more infornation. Tel:01-0918908. baht. Please contact for in- in a quiet location approxi- 3-BEDROOM formation. Tel: 076-349- mately 2km from Chalong Chalong house for sale in a Email: katabeachestate@ 050, 07-8893838, 09- circle. Please contact for more small, quiet, exclusive estate. hotmail.com 2911112. information. Tel: 076-330897. The house is 360sqm, with 3 Email: [email protected]. large bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 5 RAI ON KOH YAO YAI co.th 1 storage room, American- Asking 4 million baht for a 5- 2-STORY HOUSE style kitchen, a large living rai plot in beautiful Koh Yai, in Rawai, 140sqm , selling for CHALONG HOUSE room, air conditioning, pool with Chanote title, water and 1.4 million baht, including for sale in a small, quiet, exclu- and spa and 2 covered car electricity. Tel: 01-8928208. owning company and financ- sive estate. The house is parking spaces. I am asking 12 ing for 3 years. 400m from 212sqm, with 3 bedrooms, 2 million baht. Please call for SEA VIEW CHALONG the beach. Contact for details. bathrooms, an American-style further information. Tel: 01- 5 rai with great view, built Tel: 09-4740227. Email: kitchen, a living room, pool 8913740. below the 80-meter limit, for [email protected] and spa, a storeroom, 5 air sale. Asking 3 million baht per conditioners and 1 covered BANG TAO BEACH rai. The price is negotiable. Tel: PATONG CONDOS parking space. I am asking 6.5 124sqm & 240sqm furnished 06-6833694, 06-6831694. Condos with a sea view, 28 million baht. Please call for apartments, 1 min from the Email: franklee200@hotmail. and 56sqm, for sale. Priced more information. Tel: 01- beach. Price: 7.5 million baht com from 650,000 baht. Near 8913740. and up. For more information bank and post office. Please please see our website at: BUILDING FOR SALE contact for more information. NEW RAWAI VILLA www.bangtaobeachgardens. in business area, on Mae Luan Tel: 09-4740227. Email: 2-bedroom, 144sqm house com Rd in Phuket City. Internal [email protected] with 2 bathrooms, kitchen and space: 417sqm, Land living room, on 400sqm of LAGUNA AREA POOL (Chanote): 174 square wah. KATA COTTAGE land. 400m from the beach. villas. New modern Balinese- Please call K. Siriporn for more for sale. Patong, houses, ho- Asking 2.8 million baht. Please style pool villas will be com- details. Tel: 09-6499939. tels, land for sale. Please con- contact for more info. Tel: 09- pleted in November. Minutes tact for futher information. 4740227. Email: chotip_5@ from the Laguna Golf Course, NEW HOUSE FOR SALE Tel: 04-6301770. hotmail.com restaurants, bars and beaches. For sale: a house with an area For sale at 6.9 million baht, of 106 square wah, including PHANG NGA LAND VILLA IN NAI HARN substantial pre-completion 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a A 3.2-rai seaview plot on Haad Villa, 275 sqm living space, discount. Also available to rent living & dining area, kitchen, 3 Tub Tawan Rd, north end of 1,000 sqm garden, 10mx5m from November, from 30,000 air conditioners, an outdoor Bang Sak Beach; 120m to the pool, 60,000 baht rental in- baht per month. Tel: 076- terrace with a nice garden, and beach road & power. 68m come per month until March 288310, 04-8391600. Email: a parking space with a storage driveway, 75m frontage; 2006: 10.75 million baht. [email protected] room and workroom. The ask- 18km south of Takuapa. 75km Please contact for more de- For more details, please see ing price is 6.5 million baht. from Phuket International Air- tails. Tel: 07-8896074, 01- our website at: www. Please contact for more info. port. Please call for more info. 8916143. Email: norbertfun phuketfourvillasresidencies. Tel: 01-8924735. Email: Tel: 01-8947644. @hotmail.com com [email protected] SEAVIEW LAYAN land for sale, asking 2.9 million baht per rai. You can see all of Looking for land to buy? Bang Tao Bay and Laguna area. 5- to 10-rai lots with See more classified ads Nor Sor 3 Gor title. Please call at www.phuketgazette.net for info. Tel: 09-6493645. September 10 - 16, 2005 CLASSIFIEDS PHUKET GAZETTE 35 Property Gazette

250 SQUARE WAH Properties NICE HOUSE FOR OF LAND For Rent RENT – NAI YANG Mai Khao, Moo 4, 20 min- Fully furnished, 2 bedrooms utes from the airport, with aircon, UBC, 29" TV, Chanote, 250 square wah. LONG-TERM LEASE fridge. 10,000 baht per Asking for 3,000 baht per month. Tel: 09-6506221. square wah. Please call K. New, fully-furnished house Email: ek_phuket@hotmail. Siriporn for more informa- in Palai Green, with 2 air- com tion. Tel: 09-6499939. conditioned bedrooms, hot shower, kitchen, living room, garage and beautiful LAND FOR SALE COMMERCIAL garden. Located in a quiet BUILDING 5 rai (41 square wah) for sale area near Chalong Bay. at Pa Khlok. Asking 1.2 million Please call for more details. for sale/rent. Located at baht. Tel: 09-4695164. Tel: 01-8924311. Phuket Villa 1, Samkong. It has 3 floors, 4 bedrooms, 2 CONDO WITH SEAVIEW bathrooms, 7 air conditoners Your dream place. 3 floors, ur- and 3 phone lines. Asking PATONG SEAVIEW 22,000 baht per month, or gent sale. Asking 4.6 million APARTMENT baht. Close to beach. Tel:07- selling for 6.5 milion baht. 2674342. Email: agentsmith@ Superb 2-bedroom apart- Contact Khun Golf. Tel: 01- ji-net.com ment of 200sqm, with 3 7972884. bathrooms, air conditioning, HILL-VIEW PLOT a large swimming pool, BAAN SUAY ROOM UBC, telephone and Euro- 1 rai for sale: 25m frontage x with a sea view and only 5 pean kitchen, available for 68m deep. A corner plot with minutes walk to the beach is 45,000 baht per month. Chanote title on Soi Baan for rent in Karon. Facilities in- Please call me for further in- Krang, in Chalong. Asking 4 clude an air conditioner, hot formation. Tel: 06-279- million baht, negotiable. Tel: shower, minibar, swimming 0837. 076-216260, 07-8945321. pool, bar and restaurant. Tel: Email: prporter56@yahoo. 09-5944633. com KNIGHTSBRIDGE KAMALA PRIVATE APARTMENTS LAW HOUSE IN KAMALA RENT/SALE with a pool, 1 bedroom and a A house for sale with 2 bed- 3 bedrooms, 3½ bath- TV in a great location available rooms, 2 bathrooms, Chanote rooms, pool, walled garden, for long-term rent at a good title land, 10mx18m, and living aircon. Rent: 35,000 baht price. Tel: 07-8821963. area of 104sqm. Asking price: per month, or sell for 5.8 1.8 million baht. Please call for million baht. Please call for NEW HOUSE more info. Tel: 06-2746511. more details. Tel: 076- Brand-new, furnished villa for 385940, 01-0904213. rent near Chalong circle. It has - Property HOUSE FOR SALE 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a - Intellectual Property A detached, 1-story house, Western-style kitchen, air - Taxation with a kitchen and a garden, PATONG CONDO conditioning, a comfortable located in Land & Houses Park, A 60sqm condominium is for living area opening onto a cov- - Corporate & Commercial Chalong, is for sale. Asking rent in Patong Condo Sky Inn. ered terrace and a carport. - Insolvency & Restructuring only 1.9 million baht. Please Pay 94,000 baht in advance Reasonable rent for a careful, - Banking, Finance & Secu- call for more details. Tel: 09- for a one-year contract. Tel: long-term tenant. Tel: 076- rities 7242881. 09-4740227. 280466. - Litigation & Dispute Reso- lution Tel: 06-8884665. Find more Property Classified ads online Email: skheffe@ knightsbridgecredit.com at www.phuketgazette.net! For further details, please see our website at: www. knightsbridgelaw.com Classified Advertisements ALLAMANDA Please use this form to write your classified advertisement. CONDOMINIUM TSUNAMI-PROOF A one-bedroom apartment BEACH HOUSE Then hand it to any of our agents. (82sqm) with a lagoon view and Laguna resort privi- |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| (heading) leges is for sale at 6.7 million baht. Please contact for more info. Tel: 076-324- |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 359, 05-2170738. Fax: 076-324360. Email: robert @islandlivingcompany.com for rent in a quiet area, |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| For further details, please close to Fisherman’s Way. see our website: www. It has 4 bedrooms, 3 toilets allamanda.com and a 2-car garage. Asking |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 65,000 baht per month. Please contact for futher SINGLE HOUSES information K. Taweep on |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| FOR SALE 04-1430457. HOUSE FOR SALE Last three houses of Phuket Pride house located on 204sqm each for sale, lo- |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| hillside, fully furnished, with air cated on Chao Fa East Rd. Don’t miss.... conditioner. Please call for Each has 3 bedrooms, 2 more information. Tel: 09- restrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 liv- Classified ads are charged per line. Each line is 80 baht, 4736886. ing room. Asking 2.05 mil- with a minimum of 4 lines (heading included) per ad. lion baht per house. Tel: 01- Issues & Answers 5 RAI ON KOH LONE 5973398. For further de- All advertising must be paid for in advance. Near the beach, opposite tails, please see our website phuketgazette.net/ Deadline for Property Mart page: Friday 3 pm. Chalong Pier. The plot has a at: www.phuket-kthome. issuesanswers/ Chanote title. Please contact com index.asp Deadline for all other pages: Saturday 12 noon. K.Taweep. Tel: 04-1430457. 36 PHUKET GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS September 10 - 16, 2005 Property Gazette

PRIVATE APARTMENT NAI HARN HOUSE Property Wanted Kamala. Beautifully appointed FOR RENT and fully furnished apartment The house has 2 double bed- 200m to Kamala Beach. Pri- rooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 vate entrance and private gar- large kitchen and 1 living den. Many excellent restau- room. Please call for more rants nearby. Consists of 2 de- info. Tel: 09-8732101. luxe bedrooms with en suites, a common lounge, dining and HOUSE FOR RENT kitchen area. Each bedroom can be used independently or in Kathu. Furnished, with 2 combined as a family suite. bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Aircon throughout and UBC kitchen, living room and 2 air available. Long term only. conditioners. Asking 10,000 13,000 baht per month. Tel: baht per month for long-term 01-8931360, Fax: 076-385- rent. Tel: 09-290-9567. For 292. Email: amos@loxinfo. details, see our website at: co.th www.brommathaihouse.com HOUSE FOR RENT REOPENING on Cape Yamu on the central on the beach! Bar and rooms east coast of Phuket. The el- for rent, REOPENED after Household renovation. In Patong, on the evated villa is stunning, with 4 Items bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. beach. You can also visit us at After- hour. For more details, Just one minute away from LAND WANTED Accommadation the beach, it has magnificent Tel: 01-0881456. Email: DINING TABLE BASE A seaview plot of 400 to office@viennasguesthouse. sea views, its own private Available Rattan 4-leg base suitable for 800-square-meters in size com or see our website: gardens and pool and is set in glass top. 500 baht, all of an exclusive development. wanted on Phuket. Tel: 06- www.viennasguesthouse.com 2746511. which will be donated to the Asking 80,000 baht per BEAUTIFUL Soi Dog Foundation. Tel: 09- month for a long-term rent HOTEL PROMOTION 1562746. Email: robin@ SEA VIEW HOUSE Low season, long-stay, spa & only. Please call for details. Tel: HOUSE IN PHUKET dorber.net 06-2796283. pool. Many facilities. Price only City wanted. I would like to rent 17,500 baht/month. Beach BOSCH POWER DRILL PATONG CONDOTEL a house or apartment with tele- front. Tel: 076-345518, 01- phone line (Internet required) Bosch GSB 400 power drill for A cheap room, fully furnished, 8920038. in Phuket City. Please contact sale. 4 months old, lightly used with a sea view, is avaialble for me with details. Tel: 07-992- only. 1,800 baht. Please con- long-term rent at 5,000 baht 7170. Email: mashguide@ tact for more info. Tel: 076- per month. Please contact for 3-bedroom luxurious house Building gmx.net 288233. Email: mickgave@ more details. Tel: 09-474- (400sqm) in Baan Saiyuan Products hotmail.com 0227. Email: chotip_5@ area. 13m pool, big garden & Services hotmail.com HOUSE WANTED (land area: 1,000sqm), car I want to rent a house long park, maid’s quarters, high PERSONNEL LIFT FOR RAWAI APARTMENT term, in Karon, Kata, Chalong, walls, beautiful view of hire. Need to work up high and A 1-bedroom, fully furnished Rawai or Kathu. Prefer quiet Chalong Bay. Built to very SIAM HOME have no room for ladders or apartment with cooking area surroundings with garden, 2 high specs. Available now & CAR SERVICES scaffolding? I have a mobile bedrooms. 5,000-15,000 baht for long-term rental (min 10 cherry picker for hire, 15 and swimming pool, available Building renovation, per month. About October. months) at 95,000 baht per metre height. Contact me for for rent for 9,500 baht per repairs, maintenance month. Please call for more in- Contact K. David at Tel: 06- month. Tel: 01-7372148. details. Tel: 01-8913466. Fax formation. Tel: 01-6067410. 2670157 or by Email at: Email: [email protected]  Electrical 076-296160. Email: antc@ [email protected]  Air conditioning/lights phuket.ksc.co.th MTN TOP SEAVIEW  Woodwork/furniture rental. Wide open sea view in 150-RAI LAND PLOT ROOMS TO LET  Stone, cement, sandwash exclusive area. 3-bedroom Land plot of 150-200 rai Lakeview apartments in Household  Steel, aluminium, tiles main house + 1- to 2-bed- wanted. Beachfront not essen- Kathu. Fully-furnished, with Services  PRO CARPENTERING room guesthouse. 3 mins to Glass, screen, fiberglass tial; hillside better but must air conditioner, fridge, cable We specialize in woodwork, Patong Beach. Imported teak have amazing sea views. Must TV, hot water, car park. 183 Contact Khun Chuat furniture (built-in or moveable), furniture from Bali. Book now! be below 80 meters for build- baht per day. Please contact bars, countertops and desks. SPAS-R-US Please contact for futher in- 01-4083800, 076-325391 ing purposes. West or south for info. Tel: 076-202585, Yes, anything that has to do formation. Tel: 072-662- Steam room/sauna and ac- coast. Must have title deeds. 09-1968449. Email: with woodworking. We also 424. Email: pococonnor@ cessories and portable hot- Tel: 01-7473000. Email: ketmaneeclayton61@hotmail. WELL-APPOINTED repair and rebuild houses and hotmail.com [email protected] com tubs from the US. Quality Condo. 100m from the sea, 2 boats. Call or e-mail us. “Pro equipment, designed and in- bedrooms, Western kitchen, Carpentering never leaves a stalled to meet your needs. big balcony with sea view, job half-done.” Please contact Business and residential. pool, air conditioning, TV. for more info. Tel: 04-051- Please call California Spa Please contact for more de- 1944. Fax: 076-243089. Design. Tel: 076-263269, tails. Tel: 09-8908166. Email: Email: pro_carpentering@ 09-1950610. [email protected] yahoo.com

Agents for Classified Advertising

PHUKET K.L. Mart Patak Rd, Chalong Tel: 076-280400/3 NAVA Language School Phang Nga Rd, Phuket Town Tel: 076-232398/9 Sin & Lee Thalang Rd, Phuket Town Tel: 076-258369 Taurus Travel Aroonsom Plaza Rat-U-Thit 200 Pi Rd, Patong Tel: 076 344521-2 September 10 - 16, 2005 CLASSIFIEDS PHUKET GAZETTE 37 Property Gazette

“New Laguna Pool Villa” “Villa Santi” “L’Orchidee Residence” available freehold uninterrupted 270º sea views unrivalled quality with outstanding views - 3 bedroom, single story golf villa - studio, 1, 2 and 4 bedroom apartments with panoramic sea - every villa has never to be built out sea views and a private - enormous land plot, 4 m x 12 m pool views of Patong Bay pool - purchase includes all of the Laguna benefits and privileges - fully integrated resort with professional onsite management - walking distance to the beach - tropical landscaping, villa has been professionally maintained and rental services - ideal holiday villa with short-term rentals and management by by Knight Frank - great on site facilities including international restaurant, deli, Knight Frank -immediate purchase for only 27.8 million baht wine bar and spa - exclusive development with breathtaking views

“Bel Air Panwa” tropical ambiance “Kata Gardens” “Layan Gardens” - luxurious 2 and 3 bedroom condominiums at affordable prices elegant apartments in desired location spectacular sea view apartments - sea views for Pre-Sale from 6.3 million baht (Pool views from - 33 apartments of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms - just 40 luxurious apartments, most with sea views 3.9 million baht), superb location at exclusive Cape Panwa; -spacious 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and 600sqm proximity to beaches, luxury hotels (new 5-star Conrad - only one apartment per floor penthouses Hotel) and fine restaurants - penthouse apartments include private terrace - 60% sold out - excellent investment potential and 6% guaranteed return for and plunge pool - great lifestyle investment 2 years - public listed developer with excellent track record

“3 Bedroom Laguna Pool Villa” “Sri Panwa” impeccable property, minutes from the tee perched above Cape Panwa “Thai Bali” - unfurnished, private residences in the heart of Laguna - secluded peninsula with superior sea views cool elegance - pool, outdoor dining area, perfect for client or private - 2 bedroom villas from 320-365sqm starting from 18 million - secluded spa villas just minutes’ walk from Bang Tao Beach entertainment baht - each room opens onto a 10m x 4.5m swimming pool - 20 minutes from the airport, 4 minutes to the beach, - exceptional quality building by experienced and respected - one of Phuket’s “best buys”. Owners should be rewarded with restaurants, wine bars and clubs nearby luxury resort developer a healthy return on investment; stress free

“Laem Son” beachfront villa for holiday rentals “Sai Taan” pool villas for rent “East Coast Ocean Villas” - a magnificent tropical mansion in one of Phuket’s most (short or long term) tranquility overlooking the East Coast exclusive beachfront locations - 3 or 4 bedroom villas each with private pool - affordable 2 bedroom seaview apartments for rent - 275º sea views of the Andaman coast - less than 5 minutes to the beach - fully furnished with modern finishings - can easily accommodate 12 persons - spacious & private grounds, quiet location - large balconies and spacious living areas - private and discrete villa, prefect for corporate entertaining 38 PHUKET GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS September 10 - 16, 2005 Properties from Phuket Real Estate


Located in the south of Phuket – a stylishly deco- rated, fully-furnished house GREAT VIEWS OVER CHALONG BAY is for sale. Ithas 3 bed- 1 RAI IN CAPE PANWA rooms, 2 bathrooms, a 61 rai with magnificent views over Chalong Bay. The land is guest toilet, a living room, a An 81-rai plot is for sale with 1 rai located in Cape Panwa, with all underground services one of the last big plots left with an exceptional sea view. It has dining room, kitchen, beau- 300 meters of beachfront and wide sea views to the east, south and west. The infra- a slope and a roadway has been dug. At the bottom, a large tiful, manicured gardens land in Mai Khao. It is ideal structure includes a 6-meter-wide sealed access road, under- sales office has been built. The Chanote title land has been and a swimming pool. Price: for a 5- or 6-star resort or villa ground electricity, telephone and water. Views to Phi Phi and cleared by the owner and is ready to use. Great for a villa 14.9 million baht. project. more. Price: 8 million baht. development. Price: 5 million baht per rai.


5 + rai located in Thalang, very close to A 1-rai plot is for sale on “Mil- the waterfall, airport and lionaires’ Road” in Kamala, secluded beaches – the with sensational sunset 33 RAI, PANORAMIC VIEWS quiet area of Phuket. The views, building permission A lovely 33-rai plot on Phuket with panoramic east-west sea 10 RAI ON EAST COAST land has all services, a to 8 meters, electricity and a views. Surrounded by high-end developments in the 60-mil- 10 rai for sale on the east coast of Phuket. The views are sealed road and sealed road. It is virtually im- lion-baht price range. The land has sealed road access, elec- breathtaking towards several islands off the east coast. The a nice setting. possible to find a plot on tricity and a bore can be sunk for water supply. This is a land is located north of Phuket City and overlooking the is- Price: 8 million baht. this road. Be quick! developer’s dream plot. Price: 99 million baht. lands of Phang Nga Bay. Price: 50 million baht.

EXCEPTIONAL SPECTACULAR VILLA DEVELOPMENT & BREATHTAKING LAND VIEWS 39 rai of Located in Phuket. It development land doesn't get much bet- with a 360-degree ter than this view! sea view, a private Huge house in a secu- beach, electricity and 20 RAI WITH PRIVATE BEACH re complex and with an a government road. 20 rai with a private beach, located close to Patong. All infra- exceptional view. The An access road is structures are in place and it is well-located for a luxury resort house is 670sqm and already in place, or high-end development. The land has a waterfall running fully furnished. It comprises 4-bedroom suites (the Mexican, down one boundary and a small beach (only accessible the Greek, the Wizard of the Oz and the master suites), West- ready for building. A from this plot) with white sand and nice feature rocks. One of ern kitchen, living room, dining room, maid’s room, meditation must-see for all the last great plots and priced lower than all surrounding land. room, laundry room, dressing room and BBQ deck. Land size: developers! A truly wonderful piece of land! 404sqm. Price: 50 million baht.

SMALL RESORT AS INVESTMENT Located on Phuket, a small, 8-unit resort is for sale. This newly-built resort comprises 6 spacious bungalows, each with 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a living-dining room and a terrace; and 2 two-story houses with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living-dining room 1 RAI, SOI NAYA, NAI HARN KOH MAPHRAO and a lounge area with a large terrace on the first floor. All is A rare plot (I think there is only two left on Soi Naya), set in a tropical garden with a pool and space for 8 cars in the 21 rai with a nice beach and old beach house, 10 minutes with sealed road, electricity, plenty of water and to Phuket City. This land has great views of the ocean and car park. There is a security guardhouse with an electric gate. direct access to Nai Harn Beach (same road). Build All units are fully furnished and ready to move into. The resort islands. It is very quiet and secluded, but just 5 minutes to your dream home 2 minutes from beautiful everything. Beautiful, elevated flat land – all buildable, all is also suitable as an investment with houses and bungalows Nai Harn Beach. for lease. Price: 18 million baht. with views. Price: 30 million baht. September 10 - 16, 2005 CLASSIFIEDS PHUKET GAZETTE 39 Boats & Marine

41FT FIBERGLASS HOVERCRAFT CABIN CRUISER OPERATION Thai business partner/inves- tor wanted for a hovercraft business in Phuket/Phang Nga. The flying craft can be used as a rescue vehicle as well as a tour boat, moving over all terrain (beach, wa- ter, swamp, rivers, etc). Only 2x330hp Mercruisers (fully serious offers considered. overhauled by manufacturer Please contact for more in- - 20 hours). All seats re- formation. Tel: 01-078- newed. Sun deck, toilet, 7795. Email: a.bolle@siam- freshwater shower. Capac- interact.com ity: 22+3, ample for busi- ness or private use. Equip- ment for 10-12 divers (20- tank holder). Can be seen and BUYING CATAMARAN DIVE/CRUISE BOAT tested in Koh Samui. Asking price: 2.8 million baht A one-time only opportunity to Looking to buy a catamaran (69,000 euros, US$84,000), buy a 53ft boat licenced for secondhand or to build a negotiable. Tel: 07-283- 40 passengers. It has twin new one. Make an offer. 6262. Email: jareden75@ Hino 265hp diesel engines. Email: daniel_lienhart@ yahoo.fr Pay 2.25 million baht in cash hotmail.fr and 2.25 million Bartercard trade baht, with trade baht interest-free, to be repaid from FAIRLINE TARGA 52 STEPPA 38, GREAT charter income. Contact Brian (2003) CONDITION Taylor at Tel: 07-0673360.

6M FIBERGLASS speedboat. Yamaha 85hp out- board, 12 hours of use since major rebuild. Comes with 2 x 24-liter portable plastic fuel tanks. Also has stainless roll bar with ski attachment. Twin 715hp Volvo sports ASKING PRICE: 1.6 million 172,000 baht. Please contact cruiser in as-new condition. baht ono for quick sale. 38ft for more information. Tel: Very well equipped. Must - exceptional performance. 077-418161, 07-8866711. sell. Offers encouraged. Very stable and versatile, Email: johnhamilton4@ US$720,000. Please con- ideal for fishing, beach hop- hotmail.com tact for more information. ping and local charter. Near- Malaysian Tel: +6012- new twin 200hp Yamaha PERETERS 14M 2971364, 06-2674998. outboards. Takes you right Australian-built Pereters 14- Email: simon.theseira@ up to the beach. Registered meter boat. Length: 14m; simpsonmarine.com For and built in Phuket, custom- beam: 4.7m. Engine: 513hp further details, please see ized and decked in teak. Very Cummins diesel. Please con- our website at: www. low maintenance costs and tact K. Sirius Limpuntaplist for simpsonmarine.com excellent lifetime expect- more information. Tel: 01-797- ancy on 100% solid fiber- 9017. Email: laurance@yahoo. glass hull and superstruc- no INFLATABLE DINGHY ture. Optional professional 5.8m inflatable dinghy with management at extremely OUTBOARD MOTOR fiberglass hull and 115hp reasonable terms. Please Wanted: new or secondhand Yamaha outboard, fuel tank, contact. Tel: 076-353925, outboard. 150hp, 2- or 4- etc. In good condition; any rea- 01-8932672. Fax: 076- stroke. Please contact with full sonable offer considered. Tel: 353925. Email: stefb@ details. Email: s.gurnham@ 01-8955538. Email: bob@ ksc.th.com net2000.ch fareastoriental.com MONACO YACHTING 1984 Bertram. Length: 48ft. FISHING BOAT TANKER VESSEL Beam: 15ft. Draught: 4ft. 19ft, fiberglass, with trailer. Thai-registered tanker vessel Engines: 2x405hp fully re- Has center console with for sale: stored, inboard Detroits. permanent shade cover and - Capacity: 50,000 liters Double cabins, 2 bathrooms, plenty of rod holders. Has a - Length: 22 meters saloon, TV DVD, big fridge. very clever shade extension, - Beam: 4.9 meters Safety equipment on board, too. As new for 250,000 3.5m Hypalon dinghy, baht. Doesn't include mo- - Engine: 1 Hino diesel sunbeds, new exterior paint. tors as I am selling the hull and - Price: 2.1 million baht. Price: 6 million baht. Photos trailer only. Best value for Please contact for details. available. Please contact for money in Phuket. Tel: 06- Tel: 076-244820, 01-891- more info. Tel: 01-1870409. 9724805. Email: nervobe 2333. Fax: 076-244823. Fax: 077-414359. Email: @hotmail.com Email: [email protected] [email protected] 40 PHUKET GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS September 10 - 16, 2005 Island Job Mart

AU PAIR An English family living in southern Spain requires as- sistance with their 6-month and 2-year-old sons. Expe- rience with children an ad- vantage. Must be reliable and able to speak some English. Duties include: do- mestic cleaning, ironing and some light cooking. Assist- ing with the care of both children when not at school. Hours are variable and must be flexible, but no more than 45 hours per week. Ben- efits: all travel between Spain and Thailand paid for. The package includes ac- commodation, full board and a monthly salary, which will be paid in euros but open to discussion. Please email or fax me your details, recent photograph and any refer- ences you may have, and a brief personal description. Tel: 617-352835. Fax: 952-836357. Email: [email protected]

DIVE ASIA Two Guest Relations Offic- ers and Salespersons - Thai female, 20-27 years old - Good English a must; other languages would be an ad- vantage - Computer skills Please contact by phone be- tween 11 am and 9 pm or apply by email. Tel: 076- 330598. Fax: 076-284033. Email: juergens@diveasia. com

CONNECT Guesthouse – Patong. We are URGENTLY REQUIRED looking for a person to work ASS’T SPA MANAGER STAFF WANTED A five-star spa is currently AT KATA BEACH at our reception/back office. Thai secretary between 20 seeking the following: You will be performing office Assistant Spa Manager & and 40 years of age is ur- 1. Spa Supervisor, based in functions such as marketing, Cleaning Attendants. All ex- gently needed. The candi- Karon and Phuket City. contact with travel agents, res- perienced, reliable and En- date must have poise, be 2. Sales Staff. ervations, email, check-in/out, glish speaking. Only Phuket able to speak and write in cashier and standard PC appli- residents need apply. Please 3. Spa Receptionist, based in English, deal well with cations (MS Office), and must send resumé, photo and ex- Patong, Karon and Phuket ASIAN TRAVEL CLUB INTERNET CAFÉ people and have good com- be skilled in both Thai and En- pected salary or contact for City. recruits. Located in Kata, is A Phuket City Internet café is puter and secretarial skills. glish. If you are interested, more info. Tel: 076-330914, All need to be Thai nationals looking for Administration/ looking for a manager. Appli- If you are interested, please please send us your CV by 06-5413629. Fax: 076- with a good command of En- Accounting woman with expe- cants should be proficient in contact us at Tel: 076- email or contact for more in- 333233. Email: terapi@post. glish and computer skills. Spa rience and good organizational written and spoken english. 344180-1 in office hours (9 formation. Tel: 076-294195, tele.dk For further details, experience not required – just skills. We are also looking for Knowledge of computers an am - 6 pm). Fax: 076-340- 09-7310180. Fax: 076- please see our website at: 767. Email: bernd@phuket- potential and the right attitude. Thai- & English-speaking (Chi- advantage. Good salary and nese would be an advantage) 340957. Email: ulf@ www.phuket-massage.com realestate-law.com Tel: 076-354027. Email: info benefits. Please contact. Tel: @asianwind.biz sales representatives. You 09-7968081. beachpatong.com For further should be easy-going and with details, please see our web- MARINE TECHNICIAN a positive attitude and a profes- LAWYER NEEDED site at: www.gaypatong.com/ wanted to re-assemble a fi- PASTRY CHEF ASSISTANT NEEDED sional appearance. Good sal- Knightsbridge Law is extend- connect/ berglass powerboat with wanted. Must be able to work Patong company requires a ary, commission and benefits ing its Bangkok Offices to in- triple Mercruiser engines. Ex- hard in bakery on Koh Lanta. bookkeeper w/knowledge of offered. Full training provided. clude an office in Phuket. We WEB GRAPHIC perience in general marine me- Will have excellent salary. the construction industry and Only female Thai nationals re- are currently seeking staff for designer wanted part-time. chanical/electrical systems Please contact for more infor- good English. Please contact quired. Tel: 076-333461, 05- that office. Please contact for Each job will be paid in ad- required. Tel: 01-8937027. mation. Tel: 075-684525, 01- for more information. Tel: 07- 1601670. Fax: 076-333460. more information. Tel: 09- vance. Tel: 09-4740227. Email: ianpotter@hotmail. 0669459. Email: sergeyves 0778454. Fax: 076-292073. Email: paulivarlarsson @ 0845704. Email: skheffe@ Email: chotip_5@hotmail. com @hotmail. com Email: [email protected] hotmail.com knightsbridgecredit.com com Looking for a job? Still haven’t found the perfect candidate? Find more Recruitment Classifieds at www.phuketgazette.net! September 10 - 16, 2005 CLASSIFIEDS PHUKET GAZETTE 41 Island Job Mart

PERMANENT positions. 1. Yacht Staff Female Thai national. Must speak good English and like the water and the outdoors. Res- taurant or hotel background and driving license are advan- tages. Training supplied. 2. Office Staff – Junior Must speak good English and have computer skills: email, Word and spreadsheet. A driving license is an advantage. Training supplied. 3. Trainee Yacht Captain Must speak good English and like the water and the out- doors. Advantages: Experi- ence on the water or sailing and driving licence. Please contact for more infor- mation. Tel: 076-232960. Fax: 076-232961. Email: yachtpro @sailing-thailand.com

Employment Wanted

GERMAN COOK Coming to Thailand in No- vember and looking for job in the gastronomic field in Phuket. I speak English, Thai and Spanish. Email: peter. [email protected]

PROGRAMMER DIVEMASTER wanted. ARTIST NEEDED and underwater photogra- - Thai national Talented artist/illustrator pher. My name is Sean. I’m a - Good knowledge of Visual C needed for work on several certified Divemaster, in - Good English interesting projects. Tel: Phuket since June 2005 and 07-8958629. looking for work in the Phuket - Driving license area. I am based near the To join a small team in Phuket Karon, Kata and Chalong ar- working on international stan- LES ANGES BAKERY eas. Freelance or fixed em- dard software. Excellent sal- Royal Phuket Marina requires ployment would be of interest, ary (including accommodation) the following staff: a pastry although fixed employment for based on experience. chef, baker, pantry chef, the coming high season would Please send resumé and ex- kitchen staff; and service and be great. If interested, just call pected salary or contact for shop staff. For more informa- me and we can take it from more information. Tel: 076- tion, please contact our HR there. I look forward to hear- 313137, 01-8912934. Fax: Department. Tel: 076-239- ing from you. Tel: 09-471- 076-313269. Email: admin@ 755. Email: acecourtchet@ 6524. Email: seansapstead@ aplusplussoftware.com yahoo.co.uk hotmail.com KARON PROPERTY RESERVATIONS MARKETING STAFF staff. The following positions Female with experience, good A new company seeks one are now open for Thai nation- spoken and written English Thai team leader and eight als at our new office in Karon: and computer skills wanted to OPCs. Training provided and 25% Discount on Classifieds for Shopper Card Holders office staff and a property take reservations. Please a good salary on offer. For an scout. Please send resumé, contact Sea Canoe Thailand. interview, call Steve at Tel: current salary and photograph Tel: 076-212172, 076-236- 06-1206934. IF YOU... by email to: phil.collier@ 606. karonproperty.com INTERNET CAFÉ lace your ad in these pages; SHOP ASSISTANT A Phuket City Internet café is P KATA INTERNET We are looking for a female looking for a manager. Appli- Present your Shopper Card; and Thai female wanted for Internet Thai shop assistant willing to cants should be proficient in café and reception duties. work in Kata. The salary is written and spoken english. Pay for the ad at our offices, Must speak English. Tel: 076- 6,000 baht per month. Please Knowledge of computers an 284042, 04-0635773. Email: contact K. Jona for an inter- advantage. Good salary and you’ll enjoy a 25% discount* AND have your ad appear free of [email protected] benefits. Tel: 09-7968081. view. Tel: 09-8746170. charge in the Phuket Gazette Online. With more than 10,000 visitors a day, the Island Trader Online is Thailand’s most active classified marketplace.

Find more Recruitment *Ads may be submitted in person or online (phuketgazette.net/classifieds), but must be paid for at the Gazette offices. The discount is not available when Classifieds at payment is made at our agents. The Phuket Gazette Co Ltd www.phuketgazette.net! 367/2 Yaowarat Road, Phuket City Tel: 076-236555 Fax: 076-213971 42 PHUKET GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS September 10 - 16, 2005 Tout, Trader & Trumpet

MARINE BUSINESS COMPUTER REPAIRS Articles for Sale partner. Brit, recently settled Business KNIGHTSBRIDGE English computer technician in Phuket and with many Products & LAW can provide new or used 50KG BRUCE GOLF CLUBS years’ experience in the luxury Services GPRS, ADSL, WLAN and Anchor. Like new, 5m chain, Must sell secondhand golf marine industry, seeks active Internet access without a 100m of 19mm nylon rope, clubs at very low price. Please business partnership/invest- phone. Please call for more ment in growing marine-re- information. Tel: 09-4735080. used 3 times. 24,900 baht. call for more information. Tel: DAY TRIP TO Tel: 04-8426206. 09-6450931. lated business. Experienced in running, equipping & main- RANONG taining power and sailing New double-decker tour bus Miscellaneous Articles Wanted yachts from auxiliary craft to (not minibus), non-smoking for Sale 60m+ yachts, project man- and smoking areas, toilet, Company formations, Thai agement, engineering & elec- films/music, snacks and and other OLD WOOD WANTED tronics systems, large yacht INTERNATIONAL drinks, on-board buffet lunch. - Immigration Law Reclaimed timber from old ROAD/RACE BIKE refit work. Contacts world- No extras to pay, all-inclu- driver’s license. 5,000 baht, wooden houses and buildings Wanted in good condition. wide. Open to suggestions. sive. Only 1,500 baht. Every - Criminal Law valid up to 10 years; 6,000 wanted by UK buyer. Cash Please contact for more in- Tel: 01-0873301. Email: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sunday. - Civil and Commercial Law baht valid up to 20 years. Sole paid for the right stuff. Tel: formation. Tel: 04-183- [email protected] Tel: 04-7457024. - Property Law agent in Thailand. Free pick- 078-12098579. Email: 4669. Email: simoncallebert Please contact for more up & delivery, open 365 days countrywoodwork@ @hotmail.com CAR AND BIKE info. Tel: 02-3431631, 09- a year. Call Christine. Tel: 04- btconnect.com rental company. Phuket’s 0845704. Fax: 02-3431- 0068736, 04-6906612. largest independant car com- TRADITIONAL UK 818. Email: skheffe@ FISH ’N’ CHIPS Business Opportunities pany is now available for sale. knightsbridgecredit.com For The extensive stock is avail- Traditional British fish ‘n’ further details, please see BusinessPersonal able freehold and main road chips from the UK… just our website at: www. Services DIVE CENTER premises are available for opened! Member of the Na- knightsbridgelaw.com partnership in Koh Samui, lease or freehold. Tel: 076- tional Federation of Fish fully equipped with new com- 398513, 07-2837161. Email: Friers, Sea Fisheries. pressor, 16 complete aqua- jon.gibbons@karonproperty. Medal winner for good Brit- PRO CARPENTERING WANT TO TALK ? lungs (new), 40 tanks. Boat: com For further details, ish food. Visit us now at: We specialize in woodwork, I want to listen! Canadian 41ft fiberglass cabin cruiser, please see our website at: 189/19 Rat-U-Thit 200 Pi furniture (built-in or moveable), university counseling stu- 2x330hp, very comfortable www.karonproperty.com/ Rd (opposite Christin Mas- bars, countertops and desks. dent requires volunteer na- and good for day cruising mikes_ bikes.html sage). Tel: 076-294330. Yes, anything that has to do tive English-speaking West- (e.g. Similans). Want to move Email: simonrosso@aol. with woodworking. We also ern clients. Let’s take posi- from Samui. Open to any ne- BARS FOR LEASE com repair and rebuild houses and tive psychology into action! gotiation for a partnership in 15 beer bars for lease near boats. Call or e-mail us. "Pro I will help you to explore Simon Entertainment on Soi Carpentering never leaves a Phuket or Khao Lak. Tel: 07- BUSINESS problem areas in your life 2836262. Email: jareden75 Bangla, next to Tiger disco- job half done." Please contact – big or small – AND your in Thailand. Register your Thai @yahoo.fr theque. 3+3-year contract. for more information. Tel: 04- hidden strengths and op- limited company; apply for a All new, opening November 0511944. Fax: 076-243089. portunities. Excellent prob- BAKERY FOR SALE work permit or Thai visa 15. Please call Mr Kees. Tel: Email: pro_carpentering@ lem-solving skills building in Surin, near the main road BUNGALOWS through Thailand’s largest le- 01-8267129. yahoo.com for ANY farang! Tel: 06- and 7-Eleven. A 3-year lease & restaurant for rent/sale. gal service network, Siam In- 2838313. Email: is for sale at 700,000 baht; Please call for more informa- ternational Legal Group. Law scotthgoodman@gmail. rent is 7,000 baht per month. tion. Tel: 01-8946686. For PIANO BAR IN KARON Office License No. 6155/ FANTASTIC OFFER com Tel: 01-6760125. further details, please see Restaurant for rent on a 3-year 2548. Business licenses, con- for whoever can use it. Feel our website at: www. lease for 10,000 baht per tracts and property transac- secure forever! 6 electrical 50-SEAT phuketnatureplace.com month. It has 3 bedrooms, tions by legal professionals at shutters, and 1.3mm steel for ENGLISH TUITION restaurant in a good location in plus shower rooms and toilets. reasonable fees. Call 24 your house, office or shed to Private lessons available with Kata, available with a 5-year BUSINESS FOR SALE Asking for 950,000 baht in hours. Tel: 076-345277, 04- be built. Please contact for TEFL-qualified native speaker. lease. It has 4 rooms upstairs, A beauty salon and two-bed- key money. Contact K. Tony. 0219800. Email: admin@ more information. Tel: 09- Tel: 07-8887676. Email: a bar and a pool table. Please room apartment is for sale in Tel: 01-4778744. siam-legal.com For further 6518106, 09-6518107. Fax: homeawaypatong@hotmail. contact. Tel: 06-683- 3694. a good location – central Kata. details, please see our 076-388098. Email: com Email: franklee200@hotmail. Tel: 09-5944633. GOGO BAR FOR SALE website at: www.siam-legal. [email protected] com A fully equipped and managed com DIVING INSTRUCTOR HOTEL FOR SALE gogo bar on Soi Bangla, (just FREE ENGLISH couple. PADI-OWSI-Nitrox- CAFE, TEA ROOM, in a prime Patong location. The 20m away) with a 5-year-and- PRIVATE class (almost). The next Intructor couple – she Japa- restaurant. Very close to the hotel comes with a bar, res- 3-month lease. It consists of 2 investigation. Do you want in- CELTA Teacher Training nese, he German – are looking beach, 45 seats, nice kitchen, taurant and Internet Cafe. Hot buildings with 2 floors in use, formation? Check the back- Course starts Aug 29. We for work, long term if possible. 3 rooms, fully equipped, every- sale! Tel: 09-8725717. and a 360sqm entertainment ground of your girlfriend, boy- need practice students for Available from Jan/Feb 2006. thing new. Lease: 5 years. 1.3 area. Selling for a good price: friend, spouse or business our teachers. Pay only 300 Can teach in Japanese, English million baht + rent at 35,000 FOR QUICK SALE 2.9 million baht. For more in- partner. We do background baht for 40 hours of English and German. DC work is also baht per month. Please con- Located on waterfall road in formation, call K. Chakrit. Tel: checks and surveillance on classes. The classes are held welcome. Photo and more de- tact for more info. Tel: 04- Kathu, this freehold shop- 07-8850055, 076-345155. persons or businesses. Mon-Fri, 2-4pm. Please con- tails can be emailed. Tel: 17- 844838. Email: garyone1@ house is for sale at 850,000 Email: newphuket@yahoo. Thailand’s largest legal service tact for more information. 04089414. Email: b-c-l@ hotmail.com baht. Please call for more in- com network, Siam International Tel: 076-219906. Email: netcologne.de formation. Tel: 06-6857751. Legal Group. Law Office Li- [email protected] 15-ROOM SEAVIEW RESTAURANTS+ cense No. 6155/2548. Call 24 hotel for lease. 2-year-old, BEACH HOTEL rooms. Seaview restaurant hours. Tel: 076-345277, 04- PHOTOCOPIER Personals fully furnished and equipped for lease. Beachfront hotel in and rooms in a guesthouse for 0219800. Email: admin@ repairs. Repair by friendly hotel. 15 lovely, well-de- Patong, 20 meters to the sale near the beach. Asking farang to copiers, faxes, print- siam-legal.com For further BACKGAMMON signed, air-conditioned rooms sand. 15 rooms, no key 1.4 million, will negotiate. details, please see our ers. Please contact K. George with fantastic sea view on 2 money, 9-year lease con- Staff available. Tel: 09-970- website at: www.siam-legal. for more information. Tel: 06- Retired businessman looking rai of land with enough tract. Monthly rental: 1283. com 9724805. for backgammon players on empty space for a swimming 120,000 baht. Don’t miss it! Phuket Island. Tel: 076-386- 113, 01-5778443. pool, spa, restaurant or bun- Tel: 06-0043008. Email: info GYM FOR SALE VISA SERVICES galows. Asking 1.175 million @ayudhya.net For further due to relocation. New and Tired of visa runs? Get a one- Computers baht per year; no key money details, please see our web- fully equipped in central year Thai visa, or visas for Pets or monthly rent. Please con- site at: www.ayudhya.net Patong. Selling for a very at- every country – USA K1/K3 tact for details or pictures. tractive price. Please call for visas, UK Visitor and Spouses Tel: 076-296621, 01-691- TAILOR SHOP more information. Tel: 076- visas. Free initial consultation PROFESSIONAL PET OWNERS 6147. Fax: 076-344689. Thai-owned tailor shop for sale 294109. at Thailand’s largest legal ser- DATA RECOVERY beware. There have been sev- Email: [email protected] in Rawai. Good revenue. In- vice network, Siam Interna- We do all kinds of computer eral incidents of dog and cat cludes bedroom, bathroom BEAUTY SALON tional Legal Group. Call 24 magic. Please call for more poisoning in the Rawai area re- KATA RESTAURANT and kitchen. Asking 500,000 & massage for sale. Good loca- hours. Tel: 076-345277, 04- information. Tel: 076- cently. Both stray and owned with 50+ seats, four rooms, baht or best offer. Please con- tion, in 3-story house. Price: 0219800. Email: admin@ 383575, 06-6827277. For animals were affected. Please a big kitchen, a five-year lease tact for full details. Tel: 076- 1.1 million baht. Monthly siam-legal.com For further furture details, please see contact the Soi Dog Founda- and quality fittings. Please call 248626, 01-0808557. Fax: rental: 35,000 baht. Email: details, please see our our website: www.phuket- tion if you know who is re- for more information. Tel: 06- 076-248626. Email: admin@ phuket.beautymassage@ website at: www.siam-legal. data-wizards.com sponsible. Reward offered. 6833964. phuketdeafeagle.com gmail.com com Tel: 09-8167853. September 10 - 16, 2005 CLASSIFIEDS PHUKET GAZETTE 43 Wheels & Motors

HONDA AX-1 250 Saloon Cars Motorbikes motocross. Fast and eye- LOW PRICE catching. Reasonable condi- Low price for long-term rent. tion for age. 1993. Complete Many types of new cars, TIGER JOKER 125 with genuine registration book. with CD player and insur- An economical and regularly- Green. Located in Kathu, ance, and well maintained. serviced 18-month-old mo- Patong. Price: 35,000 baht. Please contact for details. torcycle in very good condi- Please contact for further in- Tel: 05-8833470. Email: tion, with disc brakes and formation. Tel: 076-342508. [email protected] electric starter, is selling for Email : govinda304@hotmail. 23,995 baht or nearest of- com fer. Tel: 07-9752326. Wanted Rentals HONDA 750 TOYOTA VIGO Due to a recent change of Toyota Vigo 3.0 D4D 4WD 4- plan, price for Magna 750 v- A1 CAR RENTAL door "G" model. No accidents. four now reduced to 80,000 Have 650,000 baht cash wait- baht (cash). No offers, I intend ing for the right car. Please to return home and am knock- contact for info. Tel: 09-034- ing 25k off the price. It owes 6734. Email: johnholdernesse me 130k but quick sale @yahoo.com needed. View anytime. Please contact for more details. Tel: 076-319-067, 04-6618530. Others ’97 DAIHATSU MIRA TOYOTA SOLUNA GLi Pickups Email: [email protected] Cars, trucks, jeep, 7-seat 2000 model, full options, people carrier for rent; fully- manual gears, metallic blue, HONDA SHADOW PICKUP FOR SALE insured. From 10,000 baht a insurance. 68,000km, full 1100 motorbike. 1995 model, Mazada 1990. It runs great. month; special long-term Toyota service history. new blue/white paintwork. Asking 55,000 baht or best rates. Please call for more Price: 320,000 baht. Please New chrome and front and offer. Tel: 04-6268105. info. Tel: 09-8314703. contact for more info. Tel: rear tires. 4-speed gearbox. 076-283115, 01-8953320. Registered in my name with with new tires, wheels, Email: juergens@diveasia. PICKUP new green book and good reg- brakes, CD player, covers com A 1993 Isuzu diesel, 5-speed, istration number, with full CAR FOR RENT and air conditioner for sale, manual pickup with 10,500 Zurich Insurance to 2006. An easy-to-drive and eco- for 143,000 baht. The km on it, in good condition and Private sale at 295,000 baht. nomical Daihatsu Mira in insurance and tax paid, is for Please contact for info. Tel: good condition with CD owner is a lady. Please call SPECIAL PRICE for info. Tel: 07-8293460. sale. Farang owner asking 04-8445301, 04-1595083 . player and insurance is for Asking for a downpayment 180,000 baht. Please call K. Email: englishpilot@hotmail. rent at 8,900 baht per of only 135,000 baht for an Jim. Tel: 04-8507280. com month. Tel: 01-5371050. MAZDA B2000 automatic 2004 Toyota SEAT COVERS FOR CITY Single-cab pickup with me- Soluna Vios, with full options, ISUZU PICKUP 4WD HONDA PHANTOM Set of genuine Honda City chanically-sound and well- 1,500cc and insurance. with 4 doors, full options, Looks cool, in black, 1 year QUALITY CARS seat covers. Beige color. Yours maintained petrol engine. New Please contact K. Pat for 20,000km, for sale by first old, only 4,000km. 75,000 for 1,750 baht. Please contact Honda Jazz and Civic for rent silver-colored paint. No aircon. more info. Tel: 01-9784177. owner with no accidents. Tel: baht. Please call me for more for more details. Tel: 09-156- – both VTEC models. Please Priced sensibly at 68,000 Email: koentanap@yahoo. 01-8916036. information. Tel: 06-281- 2746. Email: robin@dorber. call. Tel: 09-9708281. baht. Tel: 09-7242167. com 2899. net Email: danpov @hotmail.com 4 x 4s 2003 HONDA CRV 2004 HONDA JAZZ iDSI Like new, 38,000km, silver Less than a year old, with color, with full options, ser- 8,380km on it, regular servic- FORD RANGER 2003 vice book, new tires, top con- ing, silver-gray color. Please 2.5L engine, full option 4x4. dition. 775,000 baht. Email: call for further information. Price: 520,000 baht or near- capeyamoo@ yahoo.com Tel: 076-294109. est offer. Tel: 01-7889965.

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