Media Planning & Brand Management Stella Romagnoli Marketing & Digital Communication LUMSA 2019-2020 Teamwork no. 3 Creating a Facebook/Instagram campaign

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 2 The goal is to create a targeted Facebook/Instagram campaign for ’s Bike tours

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 3 Video 2’02’’

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 4 Media Briefing

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 5 Objective: Promote Capalbio’s «one-day bike’s tours»

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 6 2 tours: 45 Km and 37 Km

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 7 The main tour

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 8 Both tours pass though:

- Natural reserve of Burano’s lake


- Last Beach

- Capalbio’s medieval town & castle

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 9 Tour 1

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 10 Spend a day of fun & sport in beautiful Capalbio

• Take the 10.12 train from and arrive at 11.52 in Capalbio • At 12.00 Take the bicycle with pedal assistance at the station and start the tour • The tour could last 4-6 hours • At 18.03 you can take the train to Rome (and arrive at 19.48)

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 11 The bike tour

• The route starts from Piazza Aldo Moro in the immediate vicinity of the Railway Station from which you follow the Strada Origlio for about 3 km; • from the locality Selva Nera continue towards the hinterland overcoming the overpass on the SS1 Aurelia at about, km from the start; • near turn right along the Via Pedemontana until the 9th km of the route when you take the right along the SP Valmarina; so far the route is substantially flat and without altimetric or planimetric difficulties. • The climb that leads to Capalbio is almost 9 km long and is divided into a first very pedalable section with slopes that never exceed 4%, and a second, more challenging stretch, but still within everyone's reach, during which the maximum difficulty it is around 7% but only for a very short time. • After the stop in Capalbio, continue with the characteristic "eat and drink", but basically slightly downhill, up to the 25th km where in Fiorentina, you will take the descent to Chiarone, first, and the Last Beach, then for stopping by the sea with the possibility of eating a good ice cream! • We have reached the 33rd km and there are just 9 left on arrival, all flat and panoramic, with a view of Lake Burano . • The return to takes place on a completely flat path.

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 12 Teamwork no. 3: creating a Facebook/Instagram campaign

1. Use a Facebook page (yours) 2. Identify possible goals (1 campaign per objective) 3. Structure the campaign (at least 2 ad set or more) 4. For each ad set define a target group (using Facebook capabilities as much as possible) 5. For each ad set prepare at least 1 ad (choosing among the different formats) 6. Take screenshots of every step 7. Prepare a presentation with ALL the process and the ads previews

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 13 Structure of the campaign (minimum)


Ad set 1 Ad set 2 Target A Target B

Ad: Ad: image image

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 14 Structure of the campaign (better…)


Ad set 1 Ad set 2 Target A Target B

Ad: Ad: Ad: Ad: image Carousel image video

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 15 Capalbio’s Touristic office FB page

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 16 Instagram: #Capalbio

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 17 Target Audience

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 18 Tour Time

Target customers: English tourists that plan a vacation in passing through Rome. • 25-40 years old • they are attentive to environment sustainability

• Season starts at the end of March and ends at the end of October • In August tourists decrease by 70%

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 19 Budget

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 20 You don’t have a budget limit, but BE realistic

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 21 Grading criteria

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 22 Grading criteria - Rubric

Criterion Below Meets Standard Exceeds Standard Standards Fullfillment of the <3 4-5 6 planning process Comprehensive, <3 4-5 6 accurate and clever campaign structure Quality of the <7 7-8 9 targeting, full use of the FB segmentation variables Clever and effective <3 4-5 6 creativity complete, clear and <2 2 3 easy to follow presentation Each member of the group will have to write down how they contributed to the project

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 23 The grid

MPBM 2019-20 S. Romagnoli 24 Dead-line November, 30

Media Planning & Brand Management - LUMSA 2019 Stella Romagnoli 25