Well as I have been telling you over recent weeks I have a plan, though in this case not to steal the moon, but maybe as challenging. Anyway every evil genius needs his team of minions, so in no particular order.

Matt Owen – famed for his fondness of knitted headwear, Matt is a great asset to the coaching team and to the Club. For someone quite quiet and unassuming Matt is at the centre of a lot of the good happening at Upton. At the tender age of 19 he has already captained the 2nd XI for two years, and on both occasions has led his side to league titles, here's hoping for a hat-trick!

Came through the ranks representing the Club from u9s right up to u17s were he was part of the U17 Cheshire Cup winning team. Also played representative for Cheshire at junior level.

A level 2 qualified coach; in his first year Matt took charge of the u9A side and put together a very useful team who enjoyed a great season being pipped in both the league and cup by a good Neston side.

The highlight of the season could well have been taking a team to a floodlit competition at Ainsdale CC in early September, a great day but a very chilly evening. Did a great job in assuring ever colder parents that their children would get up for the first day of term the following morning, despite being in Ainsdale and still playing cricket at 9:20pm!

He struck up a great rapport last year with his charges and will have many familiar faces to choose from as he moves up to coach the u11a side. In addition to all this Matt has agreed to oversee the hard ball section and will ensure the children get the most of their Friday nights.

2015 aims: Continue the development of last year’s side, as well as helping produce senior cricketers! It is essential we get our best junior players into the adult set up.

Greatest personal achievement: Raising £200,000 as part of a charity relay that covered the distance from Land's end to John O'Groats.

Paul Owen - a great example of a parent encouraging their children and finding they get so much more out of the experience.

A stalwart of the junior section having joined 12 years ago when Matt first showed an interest. 'Volunteered' by an intoxicated spouse to attend the ECB Level 1 & 2 coaching courses (with David Smith/Ritchie Symcox & Dave Williams, where are they now you may ask?) with successful completion. (Not the only reason we need to thank Kate, see below.)

During those 12 years Paul has coached/managed with great success various sides as first Matt and then Dan came through the teams. The pinnacle being the 2012 u17's who went through the season undefeated, picking up the Wirral League, the Wirral Cup and the John North u17s Cheshire Cup in the process. Many of that side are now playing 1st and 2nd XI cricket!

Resurrected is own career when following a 10 year hiatus, stood in as a late replacement when Matt was rendered unavailable with a muscle tear for a Sunday outing to Congleton in 2009. Paul has been a regular in the senior sides since, highlights include a 50 return last year (thank God for the Over 40's) and a championship winning member of 2nd XI 2011 & 2014 and 3rd XI Championship in 2010.

Currently yo-yoing between the 2nd and 3rds seemingly on the whim of the 2nd XI skipper. Father of 2nd XI Captain & present junior player of the year, so if there is a cricketing gene there Mum, Kate, must be one hell of a cricketer.

Steve McCormick -I have been a member of Upton Cricket Club for over 30 years and during that time have served as: Chairman; Treasurer; Secretary; Cricket Chairman; Junior Cricket Chairman & Subscription Secretary. On the field I have played for all of the senior teams although most of my cricket was played in the third and fourth teams. I had 2 separate spells as 4th team captain and led them to the Cheshire League Division 3B title in the mid 90s. At my peak I bowled unplayable away swingers and was a dogged opening bat. My proudest moment was undoubtedly an elegant leg glance for a single at Sutton St. Helens (my one and only first team run). Elsewhere in the sporting arena, I played National League Handball where my achievements included playing in the European Cup Winners Cup and playing in a team that beat Great Britain! I am a level 2 coach and have been involved in coaching juniors both at Upton and the Wirral Cricket Academy for a few years now. I am a great believer in giving every junior an opportunity to play and enjoy their cricket and to be the best that they can be. Winning is great, however, knowing that you have done your best is all anybody can ask for.

Simon Symcox - When Simon’s Dad joined the Club I was on selection, and we were told we had a new player called Richie Symcox. I remember someone saying sounds West Indian, would be great if he was quick bowler who smashes the ball everywhere. I’m not sure disappointment does justice to the feeling when we found out he was an accountant from Birmingham. Fortunately Simon does bowl quick and is a great bat having won the Club award in 2013.

Simon spent last year "finding himself" in the wilds of Caldy, but I am delighted to have him on the coaching team, and I know his enthusiasm is already being appreciated by the older children on a Friday night.

Brain Sheriff - Those of you who attended last year’s Junior Presentation evening will surely have heard Brian's name. Brian has been a great addition to the Club, as an architect he was instrumental in the getting the new tea room off the ground, and has now turned his attention to the junior section.

Brian is currently taking his level 2 ECB coaching qualification, and brings a different perspective to the team seeing things from the parent's view rather than the Club's.

Ben Cant - We decided very early on that if we were to have an overseas player for 2015 he should be able to coach the juniors, so I was delighted when Andy Roberts, 1st XI skipper, secured the services of Ben.

Not only a coach but also the area development officer for the Otago region of New Zealand, so the equivalent of a Cheshire coach available every Friday.

Ben will run one of the teams, will run two cricket weeks (dates to be published shortly), and will be available should any parents wish to purchase individual coaching for their child. All this plus scoring hundreds of runs for the 1st XI as they seek promotion to the 1st division.

Stuart Lee - My first involvement with Upton Cricket Club was 36 years ago when I joined the juniors as an 11 year old aspiring to be like Simon McGowan! Playing the majority of my cricket in the lower teams I have actually played for all the clubs Senior Sides, having made my debut for the extinct Sunday 'AN' eleven when I was 13, and was Under 13, 15, 17 and 21 Captain where I had the pleasure of captaining Upton legends, Nicky Rivett, Graeme McGowan and Ian Potter amongst others. I have actually scored a century for the 3rd team which came as a great surprise to the membership at the time for those who had endured my watchful style of batting didn’t think games went on long enough for me to reach that land mark in just 1 day! Club anorak Ian Sharrock also often reminds me that I hold the record for being the first Upton Member to be dismissed by a woman whilst on tour in Holland (dubious LBW decision), he was the 2nd!

I moved to London in 1994 which called a halt to my Upton Career. When I returned home at the turn of the Century I had a wife who was already a football and golf widow meaning my involvement at the Club was minimal, however since my sons Matthew 13 and Richard 11 were born I have been a regular helper to the qualified coaches on a Friday with the Under 9’s and 11’s for the past 8 years where hopefully my enthusiasm for the game and club shine through. My children have played cricket with the children of many of the people I played with, testament to Upton’s family values. As well as a taxi driver and bank to my children I am a member of Wallasey Golf Club, Liverpool FC Season Ticket Holder and a self-employed Management Consultant and Certified Assessor working with the Legal Profession.

Madeleine Ward - Long suffering wife of Charlie Ward. I have been involved in UCC Juniors for years! Well since about 1986! Initially as spectator to husband and sons. In that time I was on the social committee helping to organise the club BBQ for several years and the club ball for 3 years. Past contributions involve making teas for u15s, helping organise quiz nights, car rallies, and ferrying 5th team players to various venues. I also provide tea at the Annual 6 Aside.

My highlight! Playing for the 5th team on one occasion- when they were short. I initiated the U9 section at the club some 20 years ago and have coached at this level ever since, and I am currently responsible for running the u9 B team. My first ever u9 team won the Wirral League.

I also felt quite honoured to be asked to take on the role of Junior Chairman which I held for 6 years.

In the past I have organised the ladies under 30s v over 30s match.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have always wanted to see girls playing cricket at the club and in the past few years we have seen an increase of girls joining and playing in our junior teams.

I am also the clubs welfare officer responsible for DBS checks.

Peter Igoe and Ian Hemsworth – both Peter and Ian have been lending a hand at the winter nets, and I hope will continue to play a part when we move outside in a few weeks

Well that's the team as we stand, I am looking to recruit one more full time coach, and I have several other coaches and players who will be available on an ad-hoc basis to help out on a Friday.

If you would like to help out with the juniors but don't feel you have the necessary skills then there are some coaching courses which will give you the boost in confidence you need.

Coach Education – A Coach Support Worker Course (formerly ECB Level 1) is being held at Parkfield Liscard on April 22/29 – full details on the Cheshire Cricket Board website. The course (cost £30) is ideal for older juniors (16 plus) who want to help at the club, or parents looking to take on a management role. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. Cricket Activator – GM offered to host a CA Course (formerly ECB Young Leaders) for 14-16 year olds and is looking for a host venue on the Wirral. Similar to the Coach Support Worker, this is the first tier on the ECB pathway and ideal for teenagers looking to expand their CVs and give back to their clubs at the same time (they are required to complete 10 volunteer hours). Please ask your membership if they are interested (cost £15) and GM will arrange a course as and when required.

I already have a volunteer for the Cricket Activator course and if I can get a couple more Cheshire will happily host the course at Upton.

If you want to help out but in a non-cricketing way I would be delighted to hear from you. One idea we are keen to try is to be able to provide at least a cup of tea/coffee on a Sunday morning, but we will need a rota of volunteers to make this happen.

Finally apologies to the team for taking the mick, if you are not sure who any of them are real mug shots available below (not all available at time of press) and will appear on the website shortly.

7 weeks to go


Simon McGowan Junior Cricket Chairman

Matt Owen – 2nd XI skipper, Hard Ball section leader, & u11A Coach

Steve McCormick – Soft Ball section leader

Madeleine Ward – Welfare Officer & u9B coach

Paul Owen – u17 coach.