Earthquake Relief Fund for Tibetans in Yushu On April 14, a magnitude 6.9 earthquake injured. Nearly all residents are homeless. devastated Jeyku, capital city of Yushu, In desperate need of shelter, warm clothing, located in province, a remote area and food, adults and children alike are in western . The destruction was reduced to sleeping amidst the rubble of extensive: 95 percent of residential houses their homes, struggling to survive in sub- were completely destroyed. Schools and freezing weather. monasteries have collapsed, with extensive loss of life. There is no rescue equipment; News of this tragedy reached TNMC within there are no hospitals left standing, no hours, transmitted via cell phone calls access to trauma-related medical care. from family and friends in the devastated Of a population of 100,000, 1,400 people region. Within a day, photographs mounted are reported dead and 12,000 seriously on the web began to reveal the shock and despair of survivors working with their bare possibly thousands, for the seven days of hands to uncover the living and identify the ceremony, and jump-start preparations the dead. Rescue efforts are continuing, for rebuilding. but as hope fades and survivors perish from wounds and exposure, thousands of After that, it is urgent that we help individual homeless Tibetans desperately need our families rebuild their houses, preferably prayers and support. As we have learned permanent homes, or at least reasonably in similar situations, the road to recovery strong temporary shelters. Thousands are is long and taxes all of our resources. destitute, injured, and helpless, disoriented Often our greatest support is to know that and close to despair. Above all, we need we are not alone, that the world hears our to help keep hope alive and support the sorrow, and that people care. courage and will to continue. Tibetans in Yushu desperately need your As a first step, the local Tibetan community help. On their behalf, we would like to ask wants to perform a traditional ceremony for our community members and students the deceased. This will comfort members of to contribute whatever feels appropriate. the community, provide a focus for sharing TNMC has already offered to contribute their grief, and establish a starting place substantially, as have our sister organ­ for recovery. Funds dedicated to this effort izations. Our direct connections with will provide food and shelter for hundreds, the community in Yushu enable us to guarantee that every contribution is $5 dollars can purchase a warm winter dedicated to relief, essential support, and jacket for a quake survivor. reconstruction. $11 can buy 50 pounds of barley, sufficient to support 50 people for a day or 5 people Contributions of any size are welcome. nearly ten days. Even a few dollars can go a long way, and the gesture itself, whether large or small, $15 can buy 50 pounds of rice, sufficient conveys generosity and good will. to support 50 people for a day or 5 people Chinese army guards watch as monks from monasteries Monks offer prayers during mass cremations, not tradi- outside the region arrive to help. tional, but necessary under disaster conditions. for nearly ten days. critical need in an area where nearly all schools are in ruins. Education confers $5,000 can build a modest, yet sturdy opportunity and equality; funding it home for a family expresses faith in Tibetan youth and the $1,500 can cover a child’s expenses, room unique qualities of their ancient culture. and board for 4 years of high school, a HOW TO CONTRIBUTE Qinghai Province, with a total population of 237,000 and 121 monasteries. Individuals associated with the organizations in Berkeley, , have The city of Jeyku is home to 100,000 established an Earthquake Relief Fund residents. Situated 14,000 feet above sea for the benefit of the Tibetan community level, it is three day’s drive from Chengdu in Yushu. This fund will be administered and about twelve hours by car from through the Tibetan Aid Project, which Xining, the nearest major city. Before the has direct ties to the region. recent disaster, Jeyku was a major trading center. It controlled the caravan trails between Xining and and was home LOCATION to many small businesses and schools. Its traditional summer festival has for Jyeku region in the northwest region of centuries attracted crowds of itinerant , known locally as Gawa, occupies merchants and pilgrims. the upper reaches and is the source for rivers that feed into the Yantgze. At the present day the city of Jyeku is not only the county capital, but also the administrative capital of six counties belonging to the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of YUSHU REGION A major landmark in the region is Gyanak AND MONASTIC CENTERS Mani, an enormous field of stones carved with the Om Mani Padme Huun mantra. The Yushu region is home to Jyekundo Extending approximately one square Dondrupling Monastery, a large Sakya kilometer in area, Gyanak Mani was built monastery founded by Dagchen Sherab around the 13th century by the 1st Gyanak Gayatso of the Sakya school in 1398, and Tulku. In the 16th century it was blessed Thrangu monastery, a Kagyud-pa center. by the great siddha Thang-stong rgyal- The mountains here are an extension of po (1385-1509), renowned as a builder of the range that runs south of Kham and iron bridges. It is now a UNESCO World connects with Derge. The surrounding Heritage site. landscape features rolling hills, meadows, and rivers.