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Banksy art is coming to By Sunny Liu

Australia’s largest ever Banksy exhibition is coming to Melbourne this month.

Private collectors around the world are contributing 80 pieces of Banksy’s artwork Protesters outside the town hall on September 6. for the major art event of the year. Many might be surprised to know the exhibition will be held without Banksy’s Horse permits too hot to handle permission or blessing. Th e Art of Banksy is organised by Banksy’s ex-agent Steve Lazarides, who is also MAHDC held a rally outside the town hall address (by his representative) granted an By Khiara Elliott a British artist. Mr Lazarides parted prior to the Future Melbourne Committee MAHDC member permission to make a with Banksy a few years ago and now meeting, where some 20 activists stood submission at the meeting, stating: “You can he is bringing an unauthorised Banksy brandishing signs and slogans condemning make a verbal submission at the meeting on With an election looming, Lord exhibition to Melbourne. Cr Doyle and demanding answers. September 6 (that is, address the councillors Mayor Robert Doyle doesn’t for a maximum of three minutes).” Banksy is famous for his stencil work Th e lead up to the meeting itself was also that conveys dark humour and political appear to want to talk about rife with questionable conduct from the Ms Leigh was not, however, granted this messages. He is often seen as the best Lord Mayor’s offi ce, with MAHDC members opportunity because the item was no longer horse drawn carriages. street artist of his generation. receiving several responses from multiple on the agenda and resorted to speaking offi ce representatives, and even having its during the public question portion of the Banksy’s real identity has never been Animal activist group Melbourne Against requests to the offi ce closed “by mistake”. meeting. revealed, and his anonymity triggers Horse Drawn Carriages (MAHDC), on the Th e offi ce was quick to clarify this was “not a more attention to his work. other hand, is demanding that its voice be Cr Doyle then interrupted her by stating: deliberate act to cloud the issue”. heard. “Th is is not a time for submissions.” When Th e exhibition will be held at Th e Th e protest continued during the meeting, Ms Leigh explained that her words were Paddock, a makeshift car park and Th e issue was to have come before the where MAHDC members stood defi ant, relevant to her forthcoming question and function venue behind council on September 6, with street trading still holding their signs. Ms Leigh asked asked to continue, the Lord Mayor said no. – quite befi tting of the artists style. permits by carriage operators up for renewal. the Lord Mayor why the council’s review of “No you can’t. You get 90 seconds. You’re But the item was withdrawn at the last Th e exhibition will also combine some the carriage trading permit extension was taking up other people’s time,” he said. moment, leading to an ugly confrontation Melbourne street artists’ work, bringing suddenly pulled from the agenda. between the Lord Mayor and MAHDC some local elements to the British artist’s campaign director Kristin Leigh. An email sent from the Lord Mayor’s email Continued page 13 exhibition.


By Sunny Liu Suite 108, 198 Harbour Esplanade PO Box 23008 Docklands 8012 Tel: 8689 7980 Fax: 9602 2929 If Chinese New Year is the equivalent of Christmas, then Advertising the Mooncake Festival is like Tel: 8689 7980 Fax: 9602 2929 [email protected] the Asian Easter. Reader contributions are welcome. Please send articles and images to For many Melburnians, eating mooncakes [email protected] was a fi rst. Th e deadline for the November edition Shaped like a full moon, mooncakes are is Th ursday, October 15. traditional Chinese pastries that come in a Follow us on Twitter variety of fi llings, such as red bean, sesame @CBD_News_3000 and sometimes dried pork. Mooncakes were not the only star at the Like us on Facebook Mooncake Festival that took place at cbdnewsmelbourne Queen Market on September 11. CBD News is published by Shane Lion dance, kung-fu performance, lantern Scanlan ([email protected]). painting and Asian street-food stalls also Journalist: Khiara Elliott - attracted foodies and art-lovers alike. [email protected] Celebrated in many Asian countries, the A young visitor enjoying the Mooncake Festival. Lifestyle editor: Jacqui Mocek - festival brings families together and they [email protected] cherish the time they have together. Market to get a feel of the culture,” she said. about sharing the Chinese culture among the wider Melbourne community. 20,000 copies are printed and Th is year marks the 10th anniversary of the With the ever-increasing Chinese- distributed exclusively within festival celebration in Melbourne. immigrant population in Melbourne, it is no “It’s part of our Chinese culture, our heritage. Melbourne's CBD each month. CBD surprise that Chinese cultural festivals are Th e activities are to bring everybody together News works for advertisers because Festival organiser Josephine Foo said the appreciated as much as western ones. to understand what Mooncake Festival is all people like to know what is happening turnout was at least three times more than about," she said. in their neighbourhood. previous years. Some local Australians were on the lion dancer team and some even gave their “Th is is a community-based and family- "Th e more we share with other people, the Views expressed by contributors are not Mandarin a go on stage. those of the publishers. based activity. Melbourne is so multicultural more we understand and the more we stand and everyone comes to Queen Victoria Ms Foo said the Mooncake Festival was united.”

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561 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000 T: 9329 9432 M: 0407 552 922 E: [email protected] W: ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 3 Council election: Doyle by how far?

By Shane Scanlan Cr Ong has also worked very hard during his last two terms and has been very visible in the community. Cr Ong's second-position Th e interest in this month’s City councillor candidate is Southbank Residents Group president Tony Penna. of Melbourne council election is not whether or not Robert Cr Jackie Watts hopes to benefi t from Gary Morgan’s lord mayoral aspirations. Doyle’s team wins but, rather, Th e Greens are a fully organised outfi t with wins by what margin. both lord mayoral and councillor candidates.

Cr Richard Foster is running without a lord After eight years in the job, the Lord Mayor mayoral candidate. Instead, he is running has made the role his own. And, while there two teams of two, with Brooke Wandin are plenty of people who’d love to see the heading up the other councillor ticket. back of him, he’s left them precious little to campaign on. Cr Stephen Mayne is also running without a lord mayoral candidate and has teamed Cr Doyle has taken oxygen from potential up with Docklands Chamber of Commerce fi res by running very hard and consistently president Johanna Maxwell. for a long time. He’s been progressive on social issues, supportive of business and When nominations closed on September aggressive and intolerant towards those who 20, there were six teams contesting the lord want to debate trivial matters. mayoralty: Th e Greens (Olivia Ball and Above all, he’s been clearly seen as a Roxane Ingleton), Team Doyle (Robert Doyle champion for Melbourne. And that’s and Arron Wood), Phil Cleary and Junxi Su, probably all that most people expect from a Team Morgan (Gary Morgan and Michael lord mayor. O'Brien), Strengthening Melbourne (Ron Hunt and Doone Clifton) and Together And, while being an eff ective salesman for Melbourne (Ken Ong and Sue Morphet). Melbourne is probably his only achievement over the journey, it’s also probably enough. Nominations for the nine council positions have been received from 43 candidates. In a policy sense, his achievements are that he has performed so well that he has left his Th ey are: Michael Caiafa ; Wesa Chau; opponents bereft of a platform for attack. Fiona Creedy; Ben Curnow; Luke Downing; Th ere are sectional interests contesting Marcus Fielding; Farida Fleming; Adam the October 22 election such as those Munro Ford; Richard Foster; Nicolas Frances Gilley; Luke James; Michael Kennedy; Rohan campaigning on perceived problems A Phil Cleary supporter attempts to upstage Robert Doyle at a recent media "stand up". with the council’s plan to redevelop Leppert; Jing Li; Philip Le; Kevin Louey; the and others Robin Matthews; Johanna Maxwell; Stephen Mayne; Cathy Oke; Tony Penna; Beverley off ering themselves as heritage advocates. performer in the chamber. could ensure Team Doyle wins the majority Pinder-Mortimer; Jenny Pitts; Alice Poon; In truth, the Greens may have the most it is seeking. comprehensive policy off ering. Th e next position has been gifted to Labor Bruce Poon; Neil Pringle; Nicholas Reece; Susan Riley; Apsara Sabaratnam; Sebastian Party prince Nicholas Reece who broadens Other councillors will be doing all they can Th ere are others won’t stand because they Saggio; Joseph Sarraf; Sergey Sizenko; Roger the team considerably and brings the policy to prevent Team Doyle getting more than the complain that no one is interested. But, Smith; Sue Stanley; Tessa Sullivan; Suzanne development potential to seriously challenge fi ve it currently enjoys. Although it is a long again, if Robert Doyle had messed things up Vale; Moti Visa; Bridie Walsh; Brooke the unelected fat cats who wield the real time ago, many can recall the John So days over his last two terms, there would be plenty Wandin; Jackie Watts; Hope Wei; Sallyann power at the town hall. when the chamber was more a rubber stamp of interest in this election. Wilson and Barbara Yerondais. Cr Doyle has brought a glittering but than a place for ideas and debate. Team Doyle is far deeper and more rounded untested star into his third councillor spot. Now that nominations are closed, the real than ever. Practical conservationist Arron Tessa Sullivan’s CV shows she is one of those All sitting councillors have now declared the politics starts. With Team Doyle being the Wood has been promoted to the deputy lord “could be anything” young people. Why interest in the contest. team to beat, it is expected that most others mayoral position (potentially to be groomed would she bother being a councillor? will try to preference Cr Doyle and co last. for bigger and better things?). Campaign- Cr Ken Ong is contesting the lord mayorality, donations-collector Kevin Louey is still Deeper on the ticket are councillors Susan not so much because he can win, but Th e next week will see all the preference heading the councillor ticket, one has to Riley and Beverley Pinder-Mortimer. because he will be able to establish “bigger- deals being done, with the frantic period assume because of his Chinese connections Each with rusted-on personal followers, L-than-Doyle-Liberal” Philip Le Liu as a immediately before noon on Monday, and fund-raising capacity as he is the worst particularly in the business community, they councillor and a blocker of Doyle excesses. September 26.

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By Shane Scanlan “Th is is an important area of the city that really needs our help. Without killing Th e redevelopment of the something we love, we think we’ve got a really subtle solution that will actually work.” Queen Victoria Market, it Th e numbers surrounding this project are emerges, is part of a bigger, totally rubbery. Prof Adams seems to be wider vision of urban renewal. asking for residents and ratepayers to trust him on this. It’s as if he is saying: don’t worry about the cost, it will be all okay in the long In the wake of increasing scrutiny of the $250 run. million project, Melbourne’s “high priest” of urban planning Rob Adams has revealed the But, with the project (market plus rationale behind his thinking. community infrastructure) topping $300 million and climbing, it’s the equivalent of In an interview with CBD News, Prof Adams spending more than three quarters of the spoke of his 30 years at the helm, noting council’s annual revenue. expansion to Southbank last century and then to Docklands since 2000. A state government equivalent would be to undertake and fund four Metro Rail Projects. Now, he says, it is the turn of City North to It’s easy to see how this could backfi re! become the new urban renewal area and increase its population density as the central Being less than concerned about the city grows. spending can, however, be justifi ed in business terms if one cares to think of the But, unlike Southbank and Docklands where council as a corporation – investing in urban the community infrastructure still trails the growth to extend its income base. It’s an population explosion, the interesting potential insight into the thinking wants to get it right from the start. of corporation directors like Prof Adams who “Th ere is enough good fabric left, including are paid exorbitantly compared with their the Queen Victoria Market to make this a peers working at other councils. really exciting thing,” the council’s director of If they facilitate the building of a better, city design said. bigger city, why shouldn’t they reap the “So this quantum shift is recognising that rewards? the city is moving north and that it will move “If done correctly, these thing pay back. around the existing infrastructure. We will We will get additional rates out of the area build on our existing infrastructure, rather around QVM. Even if breaks even and than build a whole lot of new infrastructure.” doesn’t make any money, the fact is it’s a Th e 1.5ha market car park is what the good area and we didn’t have to buy the council is really after. If it has to “fi x” the open space,” he said. market for $250 million to get the car park “We will get our money back through for community purposes, then it’s still a increase in rates, increase in businesses and great deal because land like that just isn’t the vibrant part of the city that it’s going to otherwise available. be.” “We’re saying that QVM needs to become “Our economic model is completely diff erent the most important public space in the from a developer's. Ours is a long-term view whole of Melbourne. It will outstrip Fed of how we get real value from a part of the Square without a doubt in terms of visitation Prof Adams explains the detail to Residents 3000 members on September 1. city that people want to live in. If they’re because there’ll be more to do there,” Prof prepared to live there, slowly the property Adams said. to determine how much the council will lose values will go up.” “It’s not just about the market, but the city on its Munro deal. With 100m discretionary "We’re saying that QVM needs Th ose without vision, such as the people who generally. We are going to need twice the height applying to the residential tower to become the most important want to preserve the market as a museum, capacity in 2050 than we have today. We’re at the back of the Munro site, Lord Mayor won’t be impressed by these insights. It only not going to be able to build it, so we have public space in the whole of Robert Doyle recently revealed that between makes sense from a whole-of-Melbourne to utilise the stuff we’ve got more effi ciently. 130 and 140 metres was the council’s break- Melbourne." Rob Adams perspective. So, building space that can adjusted over even point. time (fl exible basements under A, B and C But if you share the helicopter view, it makes But, speaking with Prof Adams, you are left Sheds) is the wise strategy.” a lot of sense. with the impression that money isn’t the Th e adjacent Munro site, purchased in small traders. Combined with that, we’ll most important factor here. “If it wasn’t such a good scheme, I’d retire,” 2015 for $76 million, will take as many have more than 6500sqm of community he said. “Th is is something that is actually “If you can provide a street environment that replacement car spaces as required, but facilities. Childcare. A gallery. Family keeping me working. Th is is really good stuff . is pedestrianised, that’s facing north with the real purpose of the purchase was to services. All those things that we would have Th ere have been occasions in the past when plenty of sun, that’s a low-wind environment, invest in urban-renewal-ready community to provide anyway.” the city has had to step up and say, this is infrastructure. that’s going to be supported by community how you do it,” Prof Adams said. “Th at’s the infrastructure that this city facilities from the new development and you “Munro in itself was not an investment that has to build and I can guarantee, and I’m will not be that aware of the tower because was part of the $250 million. When the absolutely prepared to put my name to it, it’s set so far back from the street,” he said. fi gure of $250 million came out, we didn’t that, in terms of performance, this will be own Munro. Munro needs to stack up in its THE best development that has happened “Th e overall improvement to this area is own right, and that’s the way we’re treating since Postcode 3000 started – in every way. immense. And, once you get to 100 metres, "Th ere have been occasions in it,” Prof Adams said. In sustainability. In aff ordable housing. In does it matter if it’s 150m or 180m?” apartment design. Th is will be an exemplar. the past when the city has had “We want to preserve a retail off er on the Prof Adams also points out that, at 100m, Otherwise, the city wouldn’t get involved ground fl oor of Munro – a retail off er that the council’s Munro tower proposal, is way to step up and say, this is how with it.” is complementary to the market. So, no under the central city’s new strict 18:1 plot you do it." Rob Adams supermarket. No franchised stores. Just It’s up to Planning Minister Richard Wynne ratio equation. ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 5 Building boom is just warming up

If you think the CBD has too many apartments, “you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!”

According to the latest development fi gures, strongest since the city of Melbourne started there are 32,000 more apartments on the way collecting data in 2002,” Cr Doyle said. for the CBD. 17,051 32,000 Th e DAM is released just twice a year, Th e City of Melbourne’s Development detailing all current development activity Activity Monitor (DAM) published in including projects that have been granted apartments apartments September shows that 17,051 apartments on the way town planning approval or are awaiting have been built in postcode 3000 since 2002. have been built approval, as well as developments that are currently under construction or have already However, it also shows that there are another since 2002 in been completed. 11,290 under construction, a further 13,561 postcode 3000 approved for construction and developers Property Council acting executive director have applied for 7593 more. Asher Judah said: “Inner Melbourne’s apartment construction activity results Th e last time CBD News reported on the 11,290 13,561 7593 refl ect a healthy residential sector being DAM numbers was in 2014. Th e new fi gures driven by strong domestic and foreign show that 5336 apartments have been built Developers have under construction approved for investment.” in the CBD since then. construction applied for “Th is will lead to an increasing supply of Th e report shows that 2669 residential housing stock and downward pressure on “fl oors above ground” have been completed rents and unit prices.” since 2002 but that a further 4728 are on the way. Th is fi gure comprises 1266 underway, “Our internal data points to an slight easing 2323 with permits to build and a further 1139 in activity across greater Melbourne, but the applications in the pipeline. fundamentals continue to remain positive.” period. Th e future retail fi gures reveal 17,639sqm Th e fi gures show that much more “Melbourne does not have an oversupply of under construction, 31,392sqm approved commercial space was added to the CBD Looking forward, the DAM data predicts apartments, just a high supply which is being and 14,743sqm applied for. between 2002 and this year, and this trend is a further 360,090sqm of offi ce space and absorbed.” to continue in the future. 64,315 of retail. Lord Mayor Robert Doyle commented: “Melbourne’s population is forecast to “Melbourne’s construction industry Between 2002 and May 2016, some In the future commercial category, exceed 8 million people by the 2050s. Today’s continues to defy residential construction 726,762sqm of offi ce space was built – four 62,056sqm is under construction, 278,820 is apartment boom will be ensure that current activity expectations.” and half times as much as the 159,250sqm approved and a further 29,214sqm is subject and future generations have a diverse choice of retail which was added during the same to the current applications. “Th ese levels of construction are the of aff ordable housing options.”


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MELBOURNE LEVEL 1/180 QUEEN STREET T. 03 9600 2192 HOCKINGSTUART.COM.AU 6 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25 Burke and Wills: ‘end the wandering’

After more than 150 years of wandering, the custodians of the Burke and Wills legend say it’s fi nally time to settle a commemorative statue in an appropriate setting.

Th e statue is currently sited in the City enough. Rather than store it during the submission to the Melbourne Metro Rail of Burke and Wills were returned by Howitt Square on the corner of Swanston and construction period, Mr Dodd says its time Authority (MMRA) on September 19, Mr in December 1862 and subsequently lay Collins streets but will need to be moved to take the opportunity to site it permanently Dodd pointed out that the ill-fated Burke in state prior to the state funeral which the during construction of the Melbourne Metro at Th e Royal Society of Victoria’s and Wills expedition was conceived there. citizens of Melbourne attended on January Rail project. headquarters on the corner of LaTrobe and 21, 1863.” “Th e full expedition also met in person on Exhibition streets. Burke and Wills Historical Society August 18, 1860 prior to their departure from “Why waste a golden opportunity and grasp spokesperson David Dodd says the statue Mr Dodd said the Royal Society site was Royal Park on Monday, August 20, 1860,” Mr the only sensible solution in the 151-year life has moved too many times and enough is appropriate for a number of reasons. In a Dodd said. “And it is here that the remains of the statue, and remove it to a signifi cant permanent site?” Mr Dodd said the Royal Society site was actually considered but overlooked in the fi rst instance. What followed was an STREET LIFE inappropriate series of temporary homes for the highly-signifi cant statue. “Since its unveiling on April 21, 1865 in the middle of the intersection of Collins St and Russell St, the statue’s siting around the Melbourne CBD has been dogged by controversy as well as being a casualty of the development of Melbourne’s public transport system,” he said. “Following removal to storage in 1973 its subsequent partial re-assembly, its siting in the City Square in 1979 over a large waterfall literally ‘takes the cake’ in the oddest of all planning and conservation decisions.” Burke and Wills died in Australia’s central outback desert from thirst and starvation after failing to return to Melbourne after crossing the continent to the Gulf of Carpentaria. “Even its present location on the footpath at the north eastern corner of Swanston and Collins streets does not do justice to the statue and, in addition to facing west, the setting is ridiculous and it appears to have been simply dropped there as an afterthought,” Mr Dodd said. Th e Royal Society welcomes the statue. In a supporting letter, its president William Birch said: “Th e statue’s permanent 1pm. Cnr Queen and Flinders Lane Photo by Barry C. Douglas @ relocation to a position on our site would be a fi tting acknowledgement of the society’s

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By Khiara Elliott Member Kerry Butcher said: “Hosier Inc is “We were going in to do the usual objections, a group comprised of residents, business you know ‘it’s too tall, it’s doing this, it’s owners, tourist operators, service providers, doing that’ and Melbourne City Council, Developer David Marriner artists and anybody else who has an interest who have been fantastic on this issue, they must apply to the City of in it.” came in and said, 'actually they were the ones who have ruling on this,” Ms Fairley “We’re about creating an environment Melbourne if he wants to build said. where people can work together to get the a hotel backing onto Hosier best outcome for the community and for the From here, Marriner Group has two options. Lane, following a Supreme laneway,” she said. Firstly, it can take its plans as they are and present them to the council for approval. Court decision last month. Marriner Group had argued that Mr Guy was the responsible planning authority However, according to Hosier Inc, the because the combined site was greater council has made it fairly clear that it will Th e court ruled on September 6 that the City than 25,000sqm. Th e council, however, not approve a building of that size. Th e other of Melbourne is the appropriate authority successfully contended that the MTC and option is to amend the application and to judge his ambition to demolish the old Forum Th eatre sites should have been present it in a format that council is more Melbourne Th eatre Company premises at assessed separately from each other. likely to agree to. 17-25 Russell St and build a 32-level hotel Hosier Inc says it is not against development building in its place, along with a proposal to “Part of his explanation in tying the two sites around the lane, but would appreciate some refurbish the exterior of the Forum Th eatre together was him basically saying unless consultation fi rst. next door. I can build this hotel to this extent, I can’t aff ord to maintain the Forum,” explained Ms “Our concerns are not about development of Th e ruling is a victory for Hosier Inc, Butcher. a community group dedicated to the that site. In fact, we welcome a development preservation of the street-art-laden lane. “Our whole application to VCAT was of that site,” Ms Butcher said. actually it’s not one site, they should be Hosier Inc supported the City of Melbourne Aerial view of the proposed hotel site in Hosier Lane. “One of the things I’ve been really confused treated separately and that opened up a in its challenge of former planning minister about is why Marriner or his development whole other list of issues,” she said. Matthew Guy’s permission to the developer advisers didn’t come talk to us at all. Still, Marriner Group’s past action and intentions. in 2014. Th e Victorian Administrative and “Th e trick of combining the two into one was there’s been no communication with us Appeal Tribunal (VCAT) ruled that Mr Guy While pleased with the victory, association that it made the building large enough that directly,” she continued. did not have the jurisdiction to decide the members are conscious that they are merely the minister would call it in and the council application, but Mr Marriner took the matter back to where they started. wouldn’t make the decision,” Ms Butcher “As people who live and work in the laneway to the Supreme Court earlier this year. continued. it would make sense to come and consult “David Marriner in his history has always with us about what’s going on.” CBD News spoke to members of the bought theatres and used them as leverage “We made the argument that whatever association about the court case – what to get things that he wanted,” began member happens on one site is not dependant on the Marriner Group is yet to present its they are fi ghting for and their feelings about Alison Fairley. other and that was upheld.” application to council. 8 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25 It’s all about the pets, says Meg By Sunny Liu “Sometimes it’s likely working in a lab. I do so many diff erent tests on my recipe to make the best products.” Meg Cai started her pet bakery She now supplies the cakes to several pet business because her dog shops in Melbourne and sells the products through social media as well as the shop’s Cookie is a vegetarian. website. Coming from a Chinese background, Ms Cai Now the 28-year-old shop owner said found a good business opportunity through her Yorkshire terrier is the CEO of the the popular Chinese social network Wechat, booming home-based business! She has where she posts photos of her products and even designed a shirt for her dog that reads gets more than 200 views daily. “Supaw Pet Bakery CEO”. “My customers are multicultural. But they all Ms Cai started baking when she could not want the best for their pets,” she said. fi nd a vegetarian birthday cake for Cookie’s fi fth birthday. She does not have any plans to open a retail shop or expand her business through Now, everyday, dozens of cakes and treats franchises. She was off ered a generous come out from her small CBD apartment amount of money by a pet shop for her kitchen for customers all over Australia. recipe, but she declined the off er. Formerly a bank teller in Canada, she “I don’t want to sell my recipe, because it’s suddenly found herself out of job when she like my baby,” she said. migrated to Australia with her husband in early 2015. After several months of job For her, baking for people’s fur babies is hunting without any luck, Ms Cai offi cially Meg and Cookie show off their handy work. mainly recreational. became a housewife. “I’m just doing this as a hobby. I’m not a very Ms Cai customises the pet’s face on the top coconut fl our. Th ere is even a gluten free But she did not want to be just a full-time ambitious person. If I really want to make of the cake by drawing and cutting based on option. dog mum. money, I’d work at a bank. But I love making the photos sent by the owner. All her cakes and treats are sugar free and tasty food for dogs and cats.” She founded Supaw Pet Bakery in September She has never taken any baking or cooking the ingredients are handpicked. 2015 when several friends wanted her to Her four-legged customers cannot provide classes and thinks of herself as self-taught. bake cakes for their dogs and her customer “What makes my cakes special is that they much feedback other than wagging their base expanded quickly through word of Her cake recipe is a secret, but she said are not only healthy and yummy, but also tails or licking her face, but Ms Cai knows her mouth. it included chicken, beef, vegetables and look pretty,” she said. cakes are the best birthday present for them.

ADVERTISEMENT VOTE 1 TEAM DOYLE MELBOURNE CITY COUNCIL ELECTION 2016 Authorised by Robert Doyle, 1502, 1 William Street, Melbourne 3000 Passionate About Melbourne. Proven Leadership. Managing Melbourne’s Finances | Sustainability | Economy & Jobs | Public Safety ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 9 State Library makes some noise By Khiara Elliott economic benefi t of $2.03 million,” she said. “Th e event aims to support Melbourne’s Proving that it’s more than just burgeoning music scene by driving foot traffi c into businesses and venues.” a sanctuary of books, the iconic Melbourne Music Week is renowned for its has been use of unconventional and hidden spaces unveiled as the 2016 hub for and this year is no diff erent. Th e event will see the State Library’s original reading room, Melbourne Music Week. Queen’s Hall as the main stage in the hub.

Commemorating its 160th birthday this year, Th e beautiful space will be shortly renovated the State Library is Australia’s oldest public after being closed to the public for 10 years. library and will continue the celebrations by Th e opening night ceremony will boast an becoming the events live music hub from all female line up of music industry queens November 11-19. coming together with Her Sound, Her Story: “Th e library is a vibrant gathering space for A Celebration of Women in Music. Th e line- all Victorians and Melburnians and we’re up includes industry heavy-hitters Julia thrilled that this event is an extension of the Stone, Ella Hooper and Ecca Vandal, to name creativity that happens here every single a few, who will be performing pieces written day,” said library CEO Kate Torney. over decades of Australian music history. Melbourne Music Week is not only a Th e LaTrobe Reading Room, famed for celebration of local talent, but also a major being home to Victoria’s most photographed economical boost for the city. Marketing ceiling, will also act as a performance portfolio chair Cr Beverley Pinder-Mortimer space for the duration of the event. Th e praised the event and the impact it could forecourt of the library will host free-all-ages have on local businesses within the CBD. performances, DJ sets and an array of food off erings everyday from 10am-10pm. “Melbourne Music Week goes from success to success, with more than 40,000 attendees Th e full Melbourne Music Week program will at the event last year – generating an be announced October 4. Ella Hooper, Michelle Grace Hunder and Mojo Juju ... part of Melbourne Music Week. general dentistry total dental health restorative + cosmetic 5 steps dental hygiene for you + your family facial aesthetics to better dental implants children’s oral health Dental Health teeth whitening

contact us today ph: 03 9650 2909 request your 4th Floor, 175 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 []next appointment i 10 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25 Eat, breathe, sleep market … for 9000 minutes

By Khiara Elliott stories within the market. I mean there’s traders that have been there for 48 years. It used to be a gravesite also, so it’s really a Australian artist collective diverse site for us to conduct this project,” he Field Th eory will this month said. broadcast live, non-stop from Wanting to engage with its audience on a deeper level, Field Th eory is also inviting and the Queen Victoria Market for encouraging the public to become a part of 9000 minutes. the broadcast itself. “Th is project is about a dialogue with the public. It’s about them coming and sharing Th e group is committed to creating projects their stories of their experiences of shopping like 9000 Minutes that “cross disciplines, at the market or their experiences of what it’s shift contexts and seek new strategies for like to sell Tupac t-shirts,” he laughed. engaging with the public sphere”. “It really is an all-encompassing From October 17 to 22, participants will conversation. We’ll set up a radio booth for only eat from the market, wear clothes from that period of 9000 minutes and people are the market, sleep, bathe and broadcast invited to come in and share their stories exclusively at the market for 6.25 days. with us.”

CBD News spoke to artist, teacher, director Field Th eory is a recipient of the City of and one fi fth of Field Th eory, Jackson Melbourne’s latest Artist Funding Grant, Castiglione, about the project. and is using its share for its annual Site Is Set festival. Site Is Set asks participating artists to “9000 Minutes is about us making contact use a space or set that otherwise would not with a community of people,” he began, “It’s normally be used as a platform for art works. a way of us fi nding out a deeper, richer sense of the history of the market.” In previous years, exhibitions have taken place in locations such as dog parks, Th e Queen Victoria Market is a place Th e Queen Victoria Market is the site for 9000 Minutes. Woolworths stores and abandoned space to gather with friends and family and museums. experience local produce, history, food what goes on behind the scenes too. isn’t open to the public, but where there’s and retail. However, as Field Th eory will be still a lot going on,” Mr Castiglione said. 9000 Minutes will be held at the Queen St broadcasting for little over six consecutive “We’ll encompass a whole cycle of the section of the market, and audiences can days, members plan to catch a glimpse of market, including the days that the market “We’re really going to incorporate people’s tune into 99.7FM to listen to the broadcast.


MELBOURNE’S ICONIC Talk to CBD News owner BROTHEL & ESCORTS Shane Scanlan Open: Mon–Thu 10am – 6am T 0419 542 625 WE THINK Weekends open 24 hours E [email protected] INSIDE THE Overnight rates available GRID Ph: 03 9614 1414 about how to customise 516-518 Flinders St, Melbourne your campaign to our PCA SWA 9625BE audience every month. ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 11

Meet the chief Human of Melbourne By Sunny Liu

Having travelled around the world for 12 years, Chris Cincotta felt a missing community bond when he moved back to Melbourne three years ago.

Determined to bring more human element “I love every single one of the people that was immediately picked up by mainstream well on the page,” Mr Cincotta said. to this bustling city, Mr Cincotta started the follow the page. Without them, the page media, getting more people to come to the Humans in Melbourne Facebook page and would just be some guy’s page. But they shop. Th ough many of his features had been on the Melbourne I Love You Instagram account. make the page what it is,” he said. homeless people, he said he would never He enjoys helping spread the good deeds of give them money. Inspired by Humans of New York, he posted “I want the page to be something that will companies with “social responsibility”. photos of the city he was born in and missed make Melbourne a better place. As the page Instead, he gives people sandwiches, clothes He is constantly looking for stories behind for the past decade, from buskers to people gets bigger and bigger, it has the infl uence to and things they really need. He once even people and places in Melbourne, be it a sleeping rough on the streets. be able to do that.” walked someone to a hostel and paid for his businessman with style, or a corner shop accommodation. He wanted to give the page a more photo- He has a special attachment to Melbourne’s that no one would notice. centred focus and snapped the best angles laneways, especially Centre Place opposite Mr Cincotta frequently posts other of landmarks, natural sceneries and hidden Flinders Street Station. “I’m very much a ‘street’ kind of person. photographers’ work on the page. He does laneways to bring the unique Melbourne to When I see people, I just want to tell their “It’s so European and so Melbourne. It’s the not see them as competition, but as friends the world. stories. I can tell a story from observing, but I who help each other out. best place in Melbourne for photographs, want to get inside the stories,” he said. For more than a year, the Facebook page and without a doubt. All my favourite photos are Instagram account attracted a few hundred pretty much all taken here.” Having zero experience in journalism, Mr “I’m very lucky. I’m a photographer who likes and followers but did not really take off . Cincotta does not write in a newsy style. He gets to be a photographer. If I can help Laneways like Centre Place are not only thinks subjectivity brings more personality somebody, I should. Being featured on It was earlier this year when Mr Cincotta did photogenic, but also full of stories. into the stories. He doesn’t think of himself the page may help them become better a feature on a street barber that the pages Mr Cincotta stumbled upon a small soup as a journalist, but a storyteller. photographers and maybe make some extra really grabbed Melbourne’s attention. Its shop on Centre Place in May and found out it money and get a better camera,” he said. popularity soared from 13,000 followers to gave free soup to homeless people with each “Anybody can take good photos, anybody 30,000 and now it has more than 100,000 Mr Cincotta sells his prints from the little soup pre-paid by someone else. can tell their stories. But I just tell them in a likes on Facebook and 58,000 on Instagram. way like I’m sitting down and having a chat cylinder on the corner of Bourke and And each week the numbers rise by 1000. He featured the shop on the page and it about them. I think it comes across pretty Swanston streets.

Inspiration In The Heart Of Melbourne.

St Michael’s is dedicated to relevant, contemporary preaching that Vitality, Vivacity, Vigor, Vim! embraces inner wellbeing as its core message. Focus On Your four V’s. Sunday services include a mix of traditional and modern presentations, with inspirational music performed by world-class musicians. Dr Francis Macnab presents an informative seminar Join Dr Francis Macnab each Sunday at 10am for an inspirational service about healthy, positive ageing. Learn strategies to help which affirms and encourages the best expression of humanity. cope with issues that arise post-55. Friday 28 October, 11am – 1pm. St Michael’s $20 including a light lunch. Booking 9654 5120. 120 COLLINS ST MELBOURNE – WWW.STMICHAELS.ORG.AU 12 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25 Walk the Radiant Path By Khiara Elliott are provided with a map and can follow it to diff erent exhibitions and events) was the only of its kind in the Asia Pacifi c region Th e CBD will be turned into Despite immense growth in contemporary a walking trail complete jewellery and object exhibitions within the last few years, Radiant Pavilion still currently with map next year, as holds its distinctiveness in being the only contemporary jewellery and festival in its fi eld in Australia and New object festival Radiant Pavilion Zealand. Although the program extends to areas as once again takes place at far as Bundoora and Brunswick, most of the locations all around postcode exhibitions will be held around the CBD. 3000. “It’s just the centre of everything. Although it does extend beyond the city in diff erent directions, but I think it’s much easier for Early last month, the City of Melbourne people if there’s a few shows in a certain announced that 67 artists would receive a area. I think it just helps the shows fl ow off share of $910,000 as a part of its annual arts one another and make sure that people program. Radiant Pavilion was among the really get a good glimpse,” Ms McArdle said. successful applicants. “I think people just naturally congregate Taking place next August, the festival is what in the city. It’s a buzzing place in terms of its co-founders Chloe Powell and Claire artists. Th ere’s so many workshops and McArdle have labelled “a celebration of the studios here like the Nicholas Building and many aspects of contemporary jewellery and Workshop 3000." object practice in Melbourne and around the world.” "Th e CBD is really responsive in its support for artists, and there’s a lot of things popping Recipients of the grant are given up to up in windows and shops that usually Claire McArdle ... plans to spend grant money on Radiant Pavilion. $20,000 to fund their various projects, and wouldn’t showcase contemporary jewellery Claire and Chloe plan to put their sum and object,” added Ms Powell. towards the planning of the festival. Drawing on the strong community that is “Th ere were a lot of people thinking about Melbourne’s contemporary jewellery and the fact that we could all do something Radiant Pavilion runs from August 26 to “We’ll spend some on materials in the sense object scene, Radiant Pavilion aims to create together, and Chloe and I were the ones who September 3 next year. Although exact of putting together the map, but the money a new and large platform for artists to exhibit organised it into a curated program,” she locations are yet to be determined, more will mostly go towards the event as a whole their work, as well as to encourage audiences continued. information about the festival as well as and the organisation of all of that,” Ms to engage with this community that includes previous artists and exhibitions can be found McArdle said. both local and international talent. In its beginning, the festival (in which guests at Who is caring for the city? By Rhonda Dredge

Th e cold hard light of argument bathed all in its uniform shades during the public hearing into the environmental eff ects of the proposed Metro Tunnel.

RMIT is the major landholder near the “tolerated by the city”. CBD North Station. Excavation of a shaft Readings in Swanston St near the university and a cabin will begin in Franklin St in already showed a background noise profi le January, submitting the university to 36 of more than 80 decibels, he said. weeks of vibration and noise. ‘Th at is the noise character within which Contractors are expected to work 18 hour RMIT sets itself up,” he said. days at noise levels of up to 90 decibels. Th e threshold for indoor teaching and Building 14 houses a radiation store and research laboratories is 40 decibels. sensitive equipment such as confocal and electron microscopes. Chris Townshend for the Melbourne Metro Rail Authority said that a certain Landowners from Flinders Lane and A glimpse into the future level of discomfort needed to be Swanston St will have their say in October. “Given abundant coverage to date on Urban Urban Melbourne has done a Melbourne, towering individual planning applications and rendered city models fail to fascinating summary of recent adequately convey the emergence of a new development in CBD north. crop of tall Melbourne towers,” he says. “Th e above image for instance would Mark Baljak was invited to the “topping out” be greatly augmented should the 210m ceremony of Hickory Group’s LaTrobe Tower 111 A’Beckett St rise in the foreground; and took this fascinating photo. Is this really essentially block out three of the new crop our city? Wow. It’s changing isn’t it? of towers which all weigh in above the 200m Mark said: “It looks to be one of those mark: Vision, Victoria One and Light House,” instances where a single image says it all.” he continued.

He says the experience gave him unique Mark’s full article can be read here: http:// insight into the scale of the change. ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 13 The sharing economy shouldn’t Horse permits too become the taking economy hot to handle lovely high-rise community with all the their apartments on AirBnB when they Continued from page 1 benefi t that that provides, including their occasionally go on holidays. neighbours being close by and being close In response to MAHDC’s questioning, Cr Ideas like this could also be eff ective to the city. Doyle responded by denying any prior solutions to the challenges we face here knowledge of the review being on the Many of these residents were shocked in Victoria, but unfortunately the Labor agenda. when they moved into their apartments Government has refused to look at them. and discovered that up to 50 per cent of the “I wholeheartedly reject that there was any I’ve presented a motion on this issue apartments in their buildings, sometimes interference by me, or that I had seen any to the Victorian Parliament which has more, were being leased out for just two or part of this,” he said. remained on the Notice Paper for months, three nights a week to diff erent tenants each with Labor refusing to allow a debate on When Ms Leigh rebutted with a statement week. it. Th eir only solution has been the patchy explaining she had emails affi rming that the Th is meant that their sense of community Owners Corporations Amendment (Short review had been indeed on the agenda, Cr and the long-term neighbours they hoped Stay Accommodation) Bill 2016. Doyle denied her claim by simply stating: to get to know did not eventuate. It meant “Th at’s not true.” Labor’s Bill puts the onus on residents to things like long waits for the lifts as cleaners complain to their owners’ corporation Ms Leigh and all other MAHDC members By Ellen Sandell ferried linen up and down the building every which in turn could take action at the immediately left the committee meeting. Melbourne MLA day. It meant communal property like lifts Victorian Civil and Administrative CBD News spoke to Ms Leigh afterwards had to be replaced much more than normal Tribunal (VCAT). VCAT then would about the council’s eff orts to evade her at the expense of the permanent residents not be able to take meaningful action questioning. A lot has been said about the and the owners’ corporations, because they against owners or occupiers until there were not actually designed for the extra “It’s infuriating,” she began, “Essentially new "sharing economy", where are at least three complaints in a two- traffi c associated with constant short-stay they didn’t answer the question. He said year period. Th at’s even assuming an people can share or lease their guests. It meant extra security concerns as he didn’t know anything about the review owner’s corporation does anything with a a result of these extra short-stay guests who which I found mind-boggling because we’ve assets that would potentially complaint in the fi rst place. were unknown to the permanent residents. been emailing his offi ce about it.” go unused, like cars, rooms or Th e Labor Government has to take It also impacts on housing aff ordability, as CBD News asked the council for an offi cial responsibility for legislating for short-stay entire houses. people buy apartments specifi cally to lease statement about why the item was removed accommodation because it is a state-wide out to short-term guests full-time, meaning from the agenda and received the following problem, not one limited to one building Th e skyrocketing popularity of sharing fewer properties are available to renters or reply: or neighbourhood. Labor’s Bill puts the economy services like Uber and AirBnB owner-occupiers. Th is pushes up the price burden of tackling issues that arise with “Th e City of Melbourne will seek broad shows that there is a demand for these of housing for people who need to live in short stays on residents. Its Bill doesn’t community input into Horse Drawn Vehicle services and that they are here to stay. our city, like essential workers, and those on lower incomes. prevent problems – it’s a complaints (HDV) trading permits before long-term But we must not let the “sharing economy” mechanism at best. arrangement options are presented to become the “taking economy” or the Th is problem is not unique to Melbourne, council.” Th e Greens sought to have this Bill “exploiting economy”. but unfortunately Melbourne has not had a government willing to deal with the issue. deferred until proper consultation was “Th e current trading permits, which are due Many CBD and Docklands residents have done with the community on this issue, to expire in February, will be temporarily Other cities have grappled with this shared their concerns with me about but both Labor and the Liberals voted extended until June 2017 to allow for wider problem, and some have sought to short-stay apartments taking over their against this idea. community consultation.” introduce laws that balance the rights communities, sometimes facilitated by of residents to participate in the sharing We must do better. Our governments “Initial feedback highlighted a need for AirBnB. economy while also addressing housing should fi nd ways to deal with these issues, broader input, prompting CoM to change I am not opposed to the sharing economy. aff ordability and the challenges of short-stay because fundamentally it’s about creating its timeline and allowing adequate time In our resource-constrained world, we need accommodation. the kind of city we want to live in – one to consider all implications including the to better share our assets and it’s great to where we foster community, just not pending works to Swanston St as part of the For example, San Francisco and Seattle are fi nd new, innovative ways of doing this. private profi t. Metro Tunnel project. A report is expected to considering laws that would put a cap on However, sometimes, platforms like AirBnB be presented to council in early 2017.” the number of days a resident can rent out As Th e Greens’ spokesperson for housing can be exploited and used to get around tax their property to short-stay tenants over and consumer aff airs, I’m very happy A need for a broader input, or perhaps a and regulations, and impact adversely on the course of a year, and restrict it to just to hear your concerns about short-stay need to eradicate any negative press for the residents. genuine permanent residents. Th is would accommodation in the CBD, Docklands, Lord Mayor and his council so close to the Many residents were sold apartments in stop people buying apartments solely for or any other issue for that matter. Don’t election date? Either way, the permits will the CBD, Southbank and Docklands with the purpose of putting them on AirBnB hesitate to get in touch on 9328 4637 or not be up for discussion until next year – the vision that they would get to live in a full-time, but still allow people to put offi [email protected] quite conveniently – after the election. 14 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25 Civic push for Food trucks forever station space Food truck fever has well and truly struck the CBD, with the City of Melbourne announcing that fi ve permanent precincts for food truck vendors will be operational early next year. Th e City of Melbourne (CoM) is looking to occupy the space Th e fi ve locations will be mostly within at each site as well as commercial rental above the proposed entrance the CBD, with sites adjacent to the Queen costs of the businesses trading around these Victoria Market, three along Flinders St, locations. to the new CBD South Metro as well one as outside the Arts Centre in Concerns about these permanent permits Tunnel station. Southbank. detracting from existing restaurant revenue Th ese sites will become home to 17 food at the chosen locations were laid to rest, with truck vendors with some becoming the Lord Mayor explaining there would be an Th e new station will be located behind permanent residents and others rotating on intentional balance created between trucks the Young & Jackson Hotel on the corner a monthly schedule, ensuring variety is also and restaurants. of Flinders and Swanston streets. on the menu. “If you look at where we are putting these CoM confi rmed that is has expressed “We think this is a wonderful addition trucks, they are not in direct competition strong interest to the Melbourne Metro to the variety of food already on off er in with established restaurants,” he explained. Rail Authority (MMRA) about the space Melbourne. It’s a much more casual way of late last month, as it believes the site is “Th ey tend to be in places where much eating, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less in unique. more casual, outdoor, incidental dining is quality. We already have a pretty impressive appreciated. So we make sure we do balance MMRA has asked that public private culinary off er and this just adds to it. It’s social media following in order to gain one against the other. But that’s also why partnership (PPP) bidders for the tunnel part of a vibrant street scene,” said the Lord as much foot traffi c as possible at these there aren’t 200 licences on off er. It’s only 17, and stations package think about over Mayor. precincts. Exemplifying these criteria at the so we feel it is a complementary off er. We are development opportunities for the site. announcement were established vendors Mr Food trucks are becoming increasingly certainly not in the business of driving other In response, CoM has stated that it Burger, Soul Kitchen and Nem N Nem. popular for both customers and potential businesses out.” believes the site would be best suited vendors, with the City of Melbourne having “Th ese are examples of what we want to see,” All sites are expected to be up and running to serve a civic purpose, rather than it already received 500 applications for Cr Doyle said. “Healthy food, sustainable as early as March 2017, coinciding perfectly becoming a commercial or residential permits. practices and a diversity of off er.” with “Melbourne’s Marvellous March”. Th e development. Th e selection process will be the standard Th e City of Melbourne will be taking grand prix, Melbourne Food and Wine It has also taken into consideration the method, conducted via a panel of fi ve expressions of interest under the new Festival, Melbourne Fashion Festival and planning controls currently in place council staff . Criteria for the “Food Truck policy soon and has said permit fees will Moomba are just some of the events taking in this area, which would have a direct Policy” includes healthy food options, vary depending on location and can cost place during this time and their crowds will impact the site. Th e current controls high quality presentation, a commitment anywhere from $200 to $1700 per month. now be spoilt for choice when it comes to would limit the height and nature of any to sustainable practices and a strong Th e fee coincides with pedestrian numbers food truck dining. future over site development.

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LUNCH TIME LUNCH TIME AFTER WORK CELEBRATING OUR SENIORS THE WEEKEND This month our city will pay tribute to the older members of the community in celebration of the 34th Victorian Seniors Festival, from Sunday, October 2 to Sunday, October 9.

Th e festival aims to recognise the contribution older people have made, and continue to make, to our community and highlight the importance of providing support to our ageing population. Th e theme of this year’s festival is “diversity – expressed creatively in many ways” and Twelve musicians will transport seniors back 10.30am - 11.15am and 11.45am - 12.30pm will deliver a wide range of events including to yesteryear as they entertain and delight on Th ursday, October 6. concerts, exhibitions, cultural tours and through their big band sound at the Festival social gatherings. Most of the program is Big Band Dance from 12.30pm - 4pm on, Music enthusiasts will be kept content at free or inexpensive and Public Transport Monday, October 3 at the Melbourne Town Federation Square with a series of lunchtime Victoria is off ering free public transport for Hall. Th ere’ll be free cloak room facilities and concerts at Deakin Edge on Monday, all Victorian Seniors Card holders for the a huge dance fl oor (with seating around the October 3 and Tuesday, October 4, and fi lm duration of the festival. perimeter for dance breaks) to boogie the buff s can enjoy $5 movie tickets for morning will host the festival afternoon away. and matinee sessions at the Seniors Film hub where attendees can drop by for Festival at ACMI. Events celebrating the older LGBTI a free tea or coff ee and catch one of 10 community include a Queer History Walk And there’s no tech issue too small for the concerts happening at 11am and 2pm at 11am on Monday, October 3, and New friendly librarians at the City Library who are daily or get a free health check at the RDNS Moves: High Tea for LGBTI elders and their off ering free one-on-one troubleshooting Healthy Pit Stop. Th ere will be a series of allies with the Commissioner for Gender and sessions of up to 45 minutes as part of the entertainment and information sessions Sexuality and the Commissioner for Senior Book a Librarian event on Monday, October 3. held in the Yarra Room throughout the week, Victorians at 2pm on Friday, October 7. including laughter yoga, Keeping Active Th e 2016 Victorian Seniors Festival is WITH JACQUI MOCEK and an afternoon of short play readings and Artist Emma Salzano has created an accessible, inclusive and set to be a highlight [email protected] storytelling. Th e hub will be open from 10am interactive exhibition especially for for the CBD’s older (yet young-at-heart) To be featured in this section call - 4.30pm, Monday, October 3 to Friday, grandparents and grandchildren in her piece residents. Visit to 8689 7980 October 7. Wonderland presented at ArtPlay, open from view the event calendar and fi nd out more.


The Jesus Trolley City Library Knit-in

Celebrating one of the city’s most prolifi c Join the members of the Handknitters Guild street preachers, this exhibition features a Victoria for a CBD knit-in at the City Library. collection of recently retired Desmond Hynes’ For experienced knitters and beginners alike. bold and bright Jesus-pushing shopping BYO knitting needles and wool. trolleys. 2pm - 5pm, Th ursday, October 13. 11am - 6pm, Tuesday to Friday until City Library, 253 Flinders Ln, free, 9658 December 24. City Gallery, Melbourne 9500 Town Hall, free.

PNG Pop Lunchtime Yoga

Outre Gallery is presenting an exhibition Avoid the after-work crowd and book a yoga of recent works by Danielle Mann, one of class in your lunch break instead at Th e Yoga Australia’s premiere tiki artists, including a Social, who off er a range of classes during the new series of tiki masks. week with all equipment provided. 10.30am - 5.30pm, open daily until October Th e Yoga Social, Level 1, 181 King St, www. 16. Outre Gallery, 249 Elizabeth St, free, www.

John Olson: The You Beaut Country Empire Steak

Th is exhibition of works, by one of Australia’s Th e latest luxe fast-food off ering to grace the greatest living artists, features paintings, CBD, Empire Steak is tarting-up the Aussie prints and watercolours capturing the iconic steak sandwich at their venue on Little Collins Australian landscape and identity. St for your lunching pleasure. 10am - 5pm, daily from Friday, September Open 10.30am - 9.30pm, Monday to 16 until February 2017. Saturday. Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Fed Empire Steak, 61 Little Collins St, www. Square, tickets from $7, 16 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25

AFTER WORK CHASING THE SUN October 2 heralds the beginning of the daylight saving period in Victoria, a bittersweet affair as we mourn the loss of a precious hours’ sleep yet revel at the prospect of the coming summer. As the weather begins to warm and the days become longer, in true Melburnian fashion, we follow our natural instincts and head outdoors – seeking higher ground at one of the city’s abundant rooftop venues or making a beeline for leafy beer gardens and courtyards to make the most of the extra hour of sunshine. With a long, and constantly growing, list of creative and comfortable outdoor spaces in the CBD, regardless of which end of the city you fi nd yourself in, there is certain to be a sun-drenched spot on off er nearby when you’re in need of an open-air drink. A summer go-to venue for the corporate casual spot for knock-off drinks. Arbory Bar nestled amidst luscious tropical fl ora. Palmz casual rooftop bar Good Heavens – think crowd, Aer boasts a stylish all-weather and Eatery, 1 Flinders Walk. Rooftop Level 3, 193 Bourke St. ‘80s-inspired cocktails and tasty barbecue rooftop bar and lounge that is open seven snacks – by the Fancy Hank’s crew. Garden days. Perched on top of Th e European Bier If eating is on the agenda, Lonsdale St’s Speaking of kitsch, the rooftop terrace at State Hotel, 101 Flinders Ln. Good Heavens, Café, it off ers a basic menu incorporating Melina on the Rooftop off ers a delicious Madame Brussels is all that and more. 1/79 Bourke St. tapas, pub-grub and pizza, ideal for when fusion of east and west cuisine with its Complete with pink and white umbrellas And the list would not be complete without drinks turn into dinner. Aer Bar, 120 signature Meze-style menu served with city and eager bartenders clad in tennis whites, a mention of Rooftop, undeniably one of the Exhibition St. skyline views. Melina on the Rooftop, 168 it’s the ideal spot to sip on a Pimms under Lonsdale St. the waning sunshine. Madame Brussels, city’s favoured spots for an open-air drink. Arbory is the bar adjacent to platform 13 of Level 3, 59 Bourke St. Seven fl oors up, on the top of Curtain House, Flinders Street Station, renowned for evoking One fl ight up from velvet booths and Rooftop Bar off ers a skyline view unlike any a sense of FOMO for commuters waiting for taxidermy of Th e Carlton, the Palmz Rooftop Newcomers to the 2016 line-up include other. Take the stairs and you’ve earned the 6.07 train home. Th e outdoor bar spans Bar off ers a secluded hideaway serving ice- the epic four-storey Garden State Hotel, yourself another wine. Rooftop, Curtain 150 metres along the Yarra and is a great cool cocktail jugs from an island-themed bar with its New York-style beer garden, and House, Swanston St.


Italian Film Festival Green Cleaver

Catch one of 30 fi lms from, by and about Italy Join food writer Richard Cornish, at the Lavazza Italian Film Festival presented “ethicurean” pig farmer Tammi Jonas and by Palace Cinemas and Fiat. author Sam van Zweden as they explore the Showing until Sunday, October 9. contentious question: should we be eating Kino Cinemas, 45 Collins St, www. meat? italianfi 6.15pm - 7.15pm, Tuesday, October 25. Th e Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale St, free,

The Hunt for Dark Matte Marvellous Melbourne

Join Professor Elisabetta Barberlo from the Th e Library’s annual as she discusses Marcus Clarke Lecture on will be presented the direct search for dark matter within the by Australian historian, Professor Stuart southern hemisphere. Macintyre, as part of History Week. 7pm - 8.15pm, Th ursday, October 13. 6pm - 7pm, Friday October 21. Th e Royal Society of Victoria, free, rsv@rsv. Melbourne Athenaeum Library, 188 Collins St, free,

Michelle Guthrie on New News NaNOWriMo Prep Workshops

Hear recently-appointed managing director Online creative writing project National of the ABC, Michelle Guthrie, discuss her plan Novel Writing Month, NaNOWriMo, begins for the future of the national broadcaster in in November and this month the City Library this keynote address at New News 2016. is hosting a series of free prep workshops run 6.30pm - 7.30pm, Friday, October 28. by Victorian authors. Collins Street Baptist Church, 174 Collins 6pm - 7pm, various dates in October. St, tickets $20, Majorca Room, City Library, bookings events essential, 9658 9500 ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 17

THE WEEKEND OUR FESTIVAL The Melbourne Festival returns this month bringing an explosive program of events to the CBD. Beginning on Th ursday, October 6 and culminating on Sunday, October 23, the Melbourne Festival invites artists from all around the world to celebrate and rediscover our great city through a line-up of dance, theatre, circus, contemporary and classical music and visual arts. Th e debut program from artistic director Jonathan Holloway focuses on borders – acknowledging, questioning and traversing them. Th e mammoth program will present 62 events and 207 performances by local and international artists and companies, and will include both world and Australian premieres. A tanderrum with the fi ve clans of the moving to various locations within the CBD. the festival. best children’s playwrights, Finegan Kulin will mark the opening of the festival Kruchemeyer, and Haircuts by Children at Federation Square and world-renowned ACMI will present Nyarri Nyarri Morgan: Highlights of the music program include off ers a unique role reversal, placing punters street theatre company Deabru Beltzak will Virtual Reality, History and Indigenous Oscar-nominated composer Benoît Charest in the barber’s chair to receive a cut and kick off the festivities with an interactive Experiences, a discussion of culture, and friends traversing late 60s to early 70s colour from a ten-year-old. outdoor spectacular that will set the city creativity and collaboration, with the psychedelic-Afro-funk-jazz on Saturday, alight. Featuring live music, pyrotechnics protagonist of the poignant virtual reality October 15 and Irish-French songstress Th e festival will culminate on Sunday, and special eff ects, the Les Tambours De Feu fi lm experience Collisions by Australian Camille O’Sullivan performing two “best October 23 in a celebration of diversity at performance will take over the city’s squares fi lmmaker and artist Lynette Wallworth, on of” shows featuring interpretations of works Melbourne Town Hall with a multicultural and laneways for three days over the opening Saturday, October 8. by Radiohead, Nick Cave, and Tom Waits, exchange through coff ee, tea and music, weekend. among others, on Sunday, October 9 and featuring artists from diverse backgrounds Barcelona’s Teatro de los Sentidos (Th eatre of Sunday, October 16, both at Th e Toff in showcasing beverages unique to their Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota’s intricate the Senses) comes to Melbourne for the fi rst Town. culture. and compelling large-scale installation Th e time, bringing its immersive and emotive Home Within will marvellously make its individual performance work, Th e Echo of For family-friendly entertainment, You Visit to way around the city throughout the festival, the Shadow, to Found Space at ACMI for a and Me and the Space Between brings view the entire program and purchase beginning its journey at Deakin Edge and strictly limited series of sessions throughout to the stage the story of one of Australia’s tickets.


Melbourne Marathon RatPack Roulette

Cheer on the runners braving the 42.2km or Acclaimed jazz crooner, Roy Maloy will bring challenge yourself in the half marathon or his stellar voice to Speakeasy HQ with a line- 10km events at Australia’s biggest marathon up of some of the lost songs from jazz club festival. greats. Sunday, October 16, www. 10.30pm - late, Saturday, October 15. Apollo Th eatre, 522 Flinders St, tickets $20,

New York Mythic The Architecture of Time

Melbourne artist Marco Luccio's 2008 as well Internationally-acclaimed pianist, Sonya as his latest interpretions of the Big Apple. Lifschitz’s immersive multi-media recital Original works as well as numbered prints incorporates video projections and spoken capture the mythic vibe of this most eclestic word and off ers audiences a truly engaging city. sonic-visual feast. Saturdays, 12noon - 4pm until October 8. 5.30pm - 6.30pm, Sunday, October 2. Fortyfi ve Downstairs, 45 Flinders Lane, Fortyfi vedownstairs Inc, 45 Flinders Ln, free, tickets from $33, www.fortyfi vedownstairs. com

Spring Design Market Celebration Day

Featuring works from 75 independent Marking the beginning of the Victoria Melbourne makers, Th e Atrium will come Seniors Festival, Celebration Day will alive with beautiful jewellery, fashion, bring music, dancing and activities to homewares, art, stationery, and more at the Federation Square in celebration of the older Spring Design Market. Melburnians in our community. 10am - 4pm, Sunday, October 2. 10.30pm - 4pm, Sunday, October 2. Th e Atrium, Federation Square, free, www. Federation Square, free, www. 18 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25

History Heritage The Olderfl eet Building of Collins St

Th is photograph is taken in the early to mid-1970s, at the west end of Collins St, near King St.

Th e older buildings, on the south side of the street, are from left to right – Th e Olderfl eet, Records Chambers and New Zealand Chambers buildings. In the background is the multi storey National Mutual commercial building, recently demolished, that featured a large landscaped and paved forecourt to Collins St. Th e Olderfl eet building, designed in the Venetian Gothic style, was constructed in 1889-90 for the notable businessman, PK 483 LaTrobe St. McCaughan. Th e building, by renowned architect William Pitt, symbolised the commercial and fi nancial power of Melbourne in the late 1880s. It is one of three Pitt buildings located at City faces new this end of Collins St, the others being the nearby Rialto building and the former Stock Exchange building. Th e Olderfl eet originally contained heritage threat extensive offi ces and storage rooms and two basements running from Collins St through to Flinders Lane. Th ere were over 30 offi ces On September 20, the City of Melbourne’s Future Melbourne on each fl oor. Th e redevelopment of the Committee will have yet another choice to make between the building around 1980 retained the original building to a depth of 12 metres. speculative needs of apartment developers and the those of this In October 1890 the Melbourne Age city’s heritage. Th e New Zealand Chambers building, newspaper said of Th e Olderfl eet: “Each like the Olderfl eet, is an expression of the offi ce is handsomely and completely Venetian Gothic style that characterised fi tted out and will be connected with A fi ne, and relatively rare 1882 Victorian needing protection and there is a bit of paper the west end of Collins St. the telephone exchange. Ample lavatory era factory-workshop at 488 La Trobe St on the minister’s desk which will grant that accommodation is also provided and Th e photograph shows three distinctive by the notable architect Th omas Watts is protection. But this building will live or die staircases and lifts are situated at the end of buildings from the boom time period of destined for demolition without the City of based on when that paper gets signed. Melbourne’s intervention. each corridor. Th e offi ces and shops facing the 1880s, sitting together in 1970s Collins Th is is NOT the sort of heritage Collins St are extremely well lighted.” St, now with an internal facelift but still in Th e building began life in 1882 as Th e Spink protection Melburnians expect from their good working order. In contrast the more Th e photograph clearly shows the Brothers’ tin works and has operated in representatives. modern National Mutual building in the many guises down the years, but is now set ornamental facade with clusters of red Th at is why at this October’s council election, background is now gone to make way for to end its 135 years under the wrecking ball and grey granite columns. Th e facade is a new team “Th e Heritage Agenda” are a 21st century building. while council watches. surmounted by a clock tower which was seeking to put voices on council that will said to reach a height of 118 feet and richly Th e Royal Historical Society of Victoria Council offi cers’ recommendations are for stand up for what remains of Melbourne’s decorated as an integral part of the facade. welcomes visitors. It is open Monday approval of a proposed apartment project vital heritage fabric. to Friday 10.00 – 4.00 and is located at Th e Olderfl eet building was historically on the site, which will result in the complete 239 A’Beckett St, Melbourne. Further Our policies cover a full range of urban, associated with the wool industry and the demolition of the building. information can be found at: www. heritage and retail initiatives that will then powerful Melbourne Woolbrokers’ Th is is in spite of the former workshop enhance Melbourne’s urban realm for Association. having been identifi ed in council’s own everyone who lives, works, retails or shops Th e Record Chambers building, constructed recent West Melbourne heritage study as here. worthy of protection. At the conclusion of in 1887, was designed by JAB Koch for the that study, council requested the Planning publishing and printing fi rm of McCarron Bird & Co, publishers of the Australasian Kate Prinsley Minister Richard Wynne place interim Insurance and Banking Record. Adjacent to heritage overlays on all the aff ected Kate Prinsley is executive it, and constructed a year later, is the New properties, but that is yet to be enacted. offi cer of the Royal Zealand Chambers building, designed by Historical Society of Th is is a prime example of how we are architects Oakden, Addison and Kemp. Victoria gradually losing our heritage, one bad administrative decision at a time. By Adam Ford Council has identifi ed this building as ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 19

Planning Residents 3000

383 LaTrobe Street by Jean Nouvel Reaching for the sky in City North Quicksilver Sentinels on the Hero Building in Russell St.

Entering the month of October, Melbourne is in the unprecedented Story behind the donkeys ... position of now having a seventh tower spanning at least 200 metres If you have not yet noticed, go out onto the corner of Russell and at construction. Little Collins streets and, standing outside Th e Crafty Squire (carefully please!), look east and upwards at the Hero Apartments Carlton United Brewery site fronting former Church of England Mission as well Swanston and Bouverie streets has remained as parts of the Elms Family Hotel. Th e new building. Th ere you will see an art creation that has been named dormant since its closure during 1987. offi ce tower would cantilever over the Elms “Quicksilver Sentinels”. In that period a variety of proposals have Family Hotel and to a much lesser degree, fi ltered through for the prime site, but none the former Church of England Mission were successful until developer Hengyi Th e Hero owners’ corporation committee like paired sentinels. Th ese mules were In other offi ce-related news, Victoria Police secured the development plot and revealed has worked with City of Melbourne and photographed over about an hour, near the look set to move to a new headquarters at the 237m Swanston Central which is being curator Angela Brophy to bring new outskirts of Terlingua. Initially standing apart 311 Spencer St next to the existing City West built by Multiplex. and exciting art projects to be displayed from each other like the ranch sentinels, they Police Complex with site owners pushing on this building’s large billboard. Th is gradually came together.” Of the now seven towers above 200 metres ahead with a revised design of 39 storeys artwork is the fi rst of a series of Platform Th ere is also a fascinating link with the at construction, the majority are found at or 174 metres. Th e reworked design, which Commissions that commenced early in Hammond and Allan bas-relief sculpture the northern end of Melbourne’s CBD. Light would be the tallest offi ce tower to be the year with the fi rst work being installed of Mercury on the front of the building. House, EQ Tower, Aurora Melbourne Central constructed in the city for over two decades, in June this year. and Victoria One are jointly beginning to, or features a sloping roof across three levels. It Mercury is the patron god of fi nancial gain, are impacting the skyline, while Swanston should be noted that of the current crop of If you look at the donkeys you may be commerce, eloquence (and thus poetry), Central will visually fall under the umbrella prospective commercial towers, 80 Collins St tempted to think they are a strange messages/communication (including of Melbourne’s northern CBD despite it is approved at a taller height, but proponent “wonkey donkey” with eight legs and one divination), travellers, boundaries, luck, being in Carlton. QIC has stumbled in getting the tower to head. But actually that is not the case. trickery and thieves. He is also the guide of construction. Th ere is a fascinating story about the souls to the underworld. Th e two remaining towers under a builder’s image and how it came into being. In the Quicksilver is an old fashioned word for the guidance are Collins House at 204 metres And fi nally, the City of Melbourne has voted words of the artist, Susan Jacobs: and on Southbank Boulevard to award developer PDG Corporation the metal mercury – hence the link from the art at 319 metres. right to build a car park and community “Th e image was made during a research piece to the Hero building’s Mercury. facilities at the Munro site in addition to a trip to signifi cant land art sites from the Melbourne is also one step closer to having And the word sentinels – these two quiet tower over 100 metres tall adjacent to the 1960s and ’70s in south-western desert a Jean Nouvel-designed tower with the donkeys are standing there as sentinels, market. PDG’s redevelopment of the Munro regions of the United States.” City of Melbourne providing its support for maybe protecting this iconic building site will include, “a 120-place childcare the 244m tower by the Pritzker-winning “I made a spontaneous journey to a small that was once the Russell St Telephone facility, family and children’s services centre, architect. Th e project features a 23.5m lobby ghost town called Terlingua, south-east of Exchange and Post Offi ce – the fi rst post-war community centre, community kitchen, space covered in digital artworks and a new Marfa, Texas, near the Rio Grande.” government building of any size completed artist studios, city room gallery, aff ordable laneway connection. Dubbed “Th e Tower after 1945. It was recycled as residential in housing, customer car park and mixed-use “Th e area was a mining district in of Seven Colors,” the moniker refers to the 2001. development with residential apartments, from the 1880s, producing Cinnabar, a building’s response to its context, adopting retail and other uses.” Final say on approval red-toned mineral ore from which the As an interesting aside, note at the rear of the visual characteristics of its neighbours of any development on the site lies with element Mercury is extracted. I became the Hero bas-relief the lady is holding an via diff erent colours to its four elevations. Planning Minister Richard Wynne – watch drawn to photographing particular analogue older type telephone dial. City of Melbourne has also provided support this space. ranch entrances, which appeared as to a 16-storey offi ce tower at 271 Spring typographic brackets; abstract points of Susan Saunders St designed by John Wardle Architects for defi nition within the epic landscape.” vice president owners ISPT. Set to be the new headquarters Laurence Dragomir “Often far removed from any other of Australian Unity, the proposal seeks Ph: 0412 566 606 Laurence is an Urban landmarks in sight, these demarcations email: sue@residents3000. approval for the full and partial demolition Melbourne director with between private land and public of existing buildings and the restoration of expertise in the CBD space took on the sense that they were parts of the external and internal parts of the watching over their designated properties 20 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25

Street Art Sirum is the antidote for Venom Andrew Bourke (aka Sirumvsvenom or Sirum1) is not only an artist with exceptional talent, but a genuinely nice guy who’s personable and well respected – always with a ready smile and up for a chat.

A semi-rural upbringing and a passionate interest in nature is evidenced in Andrew’s work. Many of his pieces depict reptiles (especially snakes), Australian birds and wildlife. He prefers to work solo and considers that he does his best work in doing so. “I’m currently experimenting with mixed media on canvas. Building up texture and playing around with new approaches. Sometimes the strokes are fast and loose and, depending on application, it’s a technique that I can also apply to the streets. Sometimes the themes are abstract or organic and often based on my photographs,” he said. He was a participant in Wall to Wall street art festival in Benalla in 2015 and 2016 and his pieces have featured the region’s local hero, Ned Kelly. Th is year’s wall depicted Ned in his fi nal moments before the Glenrowan shootout. Andrew is self-taught. His earlier works had a strong sense of design that went hand in hand with graffi ti. ”I just fell into the scene and became a ‘writer’. It made sense to me at the time. I was young and art was the one thing I excelled at Artwork photographed is that of Bunjil, creator deity. An ancestors spirit that is signifi cant to the dreamtime stories of many Victorian clans, especially the Wurundjeri people. when I was at school,” he said. A collaboration with Matt Adnate in Fitzroy. “Graffi ti was the perfect platform for me to important thing he could have done. who come from a graffi ti background excel “Someone said to me there’s an exceptional express my creativity and showcase my work. because of the years spent honing their bunch of artists who are really raising the bar “It made me realise how much we take In the early 2000s I enrolled in a graphic craft on the streets. So when they transition with their work. It’s as impressive as it’s ever for granted – the immense beauty of what design course. It wasn’t hands-on enough for across to other areas of art, you can see this been. Th ese artists are gaining international surrounds us. It was an opportunity to meet me and I deferred after six months.” technical skill carried through e.g. Guido van acclaim and deservedly so." interesting people and discover new places. Helten, Fintan Magee and Matt Adnate.” “Over several years I continued to build this A truly inspiring experience.” “Although I’ve been painting for 20 years, I up into a small, creative business – Komplex feel that I’m only just starting out. We never On his return, a feeling that he wasn’t being “And as for me, none of my youth was Graphix. However, I was still painting graffi ti stop learning. Until recent times my focus true to himself as an artist and a soul- misspent. It was all part of a great adventure and my craftsmanship in this area took me was graffi ti and it will always remain a love destroying project became a turning point. and learning experience.” around the world.” of mine. It’s an integral part of my story Recently Andrew has become a passionate “Playing around and incorporating this but now I feel it’s time to time to carry my “At the same time my signage business was photographer documenting wildlife, look with a semi-realistic one. A fusion of creative journey inward.” taking off with some large corporate projects. landscape, indigenous culture and heritage. street art and traditional graffi ti. Subject However, with increasing tiredness and the matter and composition often infl uencing arduous nature of my many projects, I began “Th ese are my constant sources of reference. my technique. I like to challenge myself and Lorraine Ellis to feel something was missing.” I feel that my style/technique is starting to after all we learn from our mistakes.’’ If you are interested come together – with the technical side that In 2011/12 Andrew embarked upon a three- in Melbourne street emanates from my graffi ti painting coming I asked Andrew his opinion of the state of month road trip through Queensland and art there is more on to the fore.” Melbourne’s street art. my Facebook page, the Northern Territory. Seeking a lifetime StreetsmART experience, this was to become the most Andrew went on to say: “I feel that artists “Th at’s a loaded question,” he replied.

St Michael’s North Melbourne “Where I’m Known”

2017 Enrolments available Principal Denise Hussey Phone: 93299206 ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 21

CBD Local Hat-tip to Mr Antippa By Khiara Elliott

With over 55 years of practice, Melbourne solicitor Gregory Antippa still loves what he does and doesn’t plan to stop any time soon, even at 85 years old.

Mr Antippa has degrees in law and arts from the University of Melbourne, as well as a diploma in American Law which he earned in Chicago. He is also the seventh Greek lawyer to ever be admitted to practice law in Victoria. He has recently become semi-retired, handing the reigns over to son Peter who now runs the CBD practice. Although he has shortened his working week to spend more time at his property at Phillip Island, Mr Antippa still cherishes the time he spends working out of his Collins St practice. CBD News met with Mr Antippa at his offi ce that overlooks the picturesque Gordon Reserve and Parliament House to have a chat about his experience over so many years of practice. After being admitted to practice law in 1961, Mr Antippa started his career working closely with migrants due to his ability to speak multiple languages. “When I started, most of my clients were mainly Greek migrants and Arabic-speaking migrants,” he said. Gregory Antippa in his city offi ce. “It was a bit diffi cult for them at the time because their English was very poor and they themselves, they also came here regarding changes. However, it seems the internal to receive advice and guidance from a didn’t have telephones. Th ey didn’t have legal matters,” he continued. workings of his practice have remained the solicitor with the wealth of knowledge and cars. Th ey used to just land in the offi ce and same. experience that Mr Antippa has. To all those I would help them with fi lling out forms and When queried about how he maintained starting out, he shares the following: other social matters.” these relationships for so long, Mr Antippa “Th ere have been a lot of changes, but the insisted there was no real secret to it. people that I worked with back in the 1960s “You’ve got to put your clients’ interests Th e time and eff ort spent advising on social and ’70s still come here if they’re alive,” he fi rst, not your own interests. Do your best for welfare matters paid off in the long run, as “It’s just good will, understanding your client begins. “A lot of their children also come them and you’ll fi nd that they’ll keep coming these migrants eventually became long- and wanting to help them. Generally people here.” back.” term clients, continuing to use Mr Antippa’s appreciate that and they keep coming back services once they had adjusted to their new to you,” he said. “I’ve had my hands full ever since. I’ve never Here’s to you, Mr Antippa, for your service home here in Australia. advertised.” and care of the CBD people. May you After so many years of working in the continue to have a long and celebrated “Later on, once they had established CBD, Mr Antippa has seen a lot of external Any aspiring lawyer would be fortunate career.

Letters to the Editor Who benefi ts from market plan? QVM redevelopment sounds good until you re-developed with 100 metre plus, high-rise car. Th ey don’t come to stay; they come to Th is will change the nature of the market look at the detail. Improvements can be buildings. So the plan that the council shows shop. forever. So it’s not just the changes of the made to the market without destroying it as does not really show what will happen. Th e market itself, but the changes to the whole Council says it is removing 700 car-spaces we know it. low-rise heritage area will be transformed area that will have a massive lasting impact. that will be moved elsewhere. Th ey have not forever. Who benefi ts from the new plan? actually said how this will happen. Big buildings create traffi c, trades, cleaners, Th ere are many aspects of this plan It won’t benefi t shoppers. Having up-market Th ey say 400 spaces will be provided under services etc. People don’t understand the that are illogical and will have negative restaurants and entertainment won’t help the new massive building in Th erry St. But scale of the development that is about to consequences. A simple thing to understand them. People go to the market to shop, not they don’t say how that will be accessed. occur across the city. to be entertained. is the car parking. When you ask, they say “we haven’t worked that out yet!” But it’s not 700 to 400, because Our forefathers gave the market to the city It won’t benefi t stall operators. Th eir rents Th e plan makes the current car park an there are also another 200 plus car parks council to hold in trust for all Melburnians. will rise, they will lose their traditional open space. Great! But by removing the outside the market that will go because of Th is will change the market operation customer base because the families from car parking in and around the site they are the changes to Franklin St and selling off the forever in a way that for most of the the suburbs won’t come any more. It is changing the nature of the market forever. land next to the market that now has public stakeholders gives no benefi t. So this is a defi nitely worse for residents near the Th e market is something that has been car parking. But it gets worse because there case of spending huge amounts of taxpayer’s market because the additional development accessible to many people from all around are three public car parks that have serviced money to go backwards. will have a huge impact on them. Melbourne. Cars are important to everyone the market that are all being demolished for Who benefi ts? Developers. Because what because they allow people to do the weekly apartments. So, in fact, where there were David Legge, is not shown is that the two city blocks shop. People with families from all over 2200+ car parks there will be 400 inaccessible resident of Melbourne next to the market are to be re-zoned and Melbourne use the market. Th ey fi ll up the car parks plus a promise for more? (and property developer!) 22 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25

Pet's Corner We Live Here Vertical living

Melbourne has a long history of apartment living. Pre-war, this was the choice of wealthy bohemians seeking alternatives to the Victorian terrace and post-war. It is reputed that one in eight lived in fl ats.

Melbourne is once again seeing a major and amenity. change in how many residents are Commercial short-stay operations are also choosing to live, with tens of thousands aff ecting housing aff ordability and rental moving into high-rise apartments and availability. deciding to make the CBD, Docklands and Southbank their home. How do you build communities when apartments are being pushed out for “hotel Regrettably, however, vertical living is still rooms” and profi t? often portrayed negatively and in terms of space deprivation – a cut-down house – Th e current Bill proposed by the government and has yet to pique the interest of local does nothing to address the real issues facing designers. residents.

Th is stands in contrast to the experience We desperately need serious legislation to of many other international cities such protect us and regulation of the commercial as New York, Osaka, and Delft where short stay industry before our homes are vertical living has been a focus of much turned into ghettos. innovative attention. Multifunction furniture, moveable internal walls, small It is time for all owner/occupiers and scale recycling, cost-eff ective noise residents to stand up and have your say to mitigation, individual and building-based protect your way of life. A total ladies man gardening, energy alternatives and small- space design for pets are the subject of Have your say By Rhianna Busler ongoing innovative endeavour. Th e We Live Here movement strongly Th is is why next year will see the launch encourages you to email/write to your local to everywhere – the shops, work and public of the inaugural SKYPAD, an event to member of parliament, the Minister for transport. It’s also surprisingly quiet, so it’s a Teddy the 12-year-old Jack be held by UpRisings at KNOWMA (the Planning Richard Wynne and the Minister nice environment to live in, ” she said. Russell is a “total ladies man”, Knowledge Market at Docklands) which for Consumer Aff airs Marlene Kairouz Teddy might be a small Jack Russell but will showcase innovative design suited to voicing your disapproval of this new Bill. says owner Debbie. he still knows how to stand up for himself. the daily lives of the vertical dwellers of Debbie said: “I think it’s the hunter in him.” Melbourne. Tell them that this new Bill does nothing to protect residents and ask what they are going Th e small pup is the perfect fi t for an Getting his two walks every day, Teddy’s Amendment to the Owners to do for residents. All you want is eff ective apartment lifestyle. He’s very chilled out and favourite spot for a stroll is in the Flagstaff Corporation Act legislation to protect yourself and to have loves to relax on his own personal couch at Gardens. “It’s a very dog friendly park and the commercial short-stay industry properly it’s so nice to have a big space like this in the home. After the amendment to the Act regulated. city,” Debbie said. “My husband has owned Teddy nearly all his introduced by the Andrews Government Council elections life so he’s very much apart of the family,” His party trick is to go up to a girl and lie into the Victorian Parliament last month, Debbie said. down for a belly rub, Debbie said. any prospective owner or buyer must now Council elections are coming up in October. consider what am I getting myself into? Before voting, all residents should check Admitting that Teddy likes humans (more “He knows he can get the attention. He’s a out the policies of the candidates to see if specifi cally ladies) more than other dogs, he bit of a fl irt really.” Things to do if you are a they support residents or are entirely pro- absolutely loves the city’s hustle and bustle. Taking the city life in his stride, the still prospective buyer business. “I moved to an apartment in the city about a youthful pup very happily calls the CBD Th is is your chance to have your say. Th e We Due diligence will now have to be year ago and love living here. It’s convenient home. Live Here movement encourages you to exercised by all new prospective buyers/ contact the candidates and seek their views owners: on what their policies are on short-stays in ■ residential buildings and what they are going ADVERTISEMENT Check to see if the owners' corporation October 2016 committee is independent or being to do for residents. run by and/or subsided by developers Melbourne City Council Elections Remember your vote is extremely important or commercially-operated businesses; to them. Make sure that your vote counts. and Have your voice heard Vote 1 The Greens ■ Check to see if the strata manager and building manager are appointed by an Please support the We Live Here movement independent committee and not just and donate to our fi ghting fund. Donations For Clean Government, Central City appointed clones of the developers, can be made through our website www. Liveability & A Truly Sustainable Melbourne and that no long-term contracts have been entered into (more than fi ve years). Th ank you to all those that have donated so far. Your support is greatly appreciated. It’s a known fact that in new multi- Apsara Sabaratnam storey residential apartment buildings, Melbourne CBD resident of developers are leasing left over 15 years, Greens Councillor apartments that are not sold off the plan live candidate “we emails to campaign@ here”TM to short stay operators. Th ere is now no protection against Authorised by R. Leppert, Level 1/362 Little Collins St Melbourne VIC 3000. serviced apartments ruining your lifestyle ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 23

VCAT Watch Picking your decision-maker: loses Supreme Court appeal

Th e Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal lodged by developers of the Forum Th eatre that VCAT erred by ruling that the responsible authority for their proposed development was the City of Melbourne, and not the Minister for Planning.

A single planning permit application had one application the total fl oor space of the Th e council’s challenge to the minister’s Th e eff ect of the tribunal’s ruling was to void been made to renovate the Forum Th eatre proposal exceeded 25,000 square metres, decision in this matter occurred at a time the minister’s decision to grant a permit. site at 150-162 Flinders St and to redevelop which is the threshold to establish the when there was consternation at town Now that this has been confi rmed by the the former Melbourne Th eatre Company minister as responsible authority. hall on its lack of involvement in major Supreme Court, a new application, or new site at 17-25 Russell St by demolishing the development proposals that were being applications, for permits have to be made. It In dismissing the applicant’s appeal, the existing building and constructing a new approved by the minister. will be interesting to see how the developer court said it was appropriate “for the tribunal 32-level hotel building in its place. Th e proceeds. to enquire whether the buildings the subject Since then, there have been a number of former Minister for Planning (Matthew Guy) of the permit application formed part of changes to improve the dialogue between approved the proposal. a common project or were directed to a the council and the minister on major Th e City of Melbourne sought a review of common purpose to an extent suffi cient to development proposals. Also the council Mark Marsden the minister’s decision and challenged the justify the gross fl oor areas of those buildings is now a formal “referral authority” under Managing editor minister’s authority to make the decision. being aggregated for the purposes of the cl the planning scheme so that applications It contended that, in fact, there should have 61.01” (which is the relevant section of the exceeding 25,000sqm must be referred to Victorian Planning Reports been two applications for permits made, planning scheme that determines who the the council for comment (though there is no not one. By combining the two sites into the responsible authority is). right of veto). [email protected]

Fashion Critic Dress your tresses Diffi cult truths By Khiara Elliott Rhonda Dredge

Good storytellers don’t make With the annual Spring Racing Carnival around the corner, ladies deals with the reader. Th eir and gents alike will be fi ghting to secure their spot on the “best pages invite you to suspend dressed” list. disbelief and follow their narration into surprising Although a fascinator is a nod to the tradition of top hats and tailcoats, milliner settings. Philip Treacy has declared the fascinator “dead”. At the 30th Melbourne Writers Festival, two CBD News consulted fashion textile experts disarmed the audience with their to fi ction. Narrators tend to camoufl age merchandising student and aspiring stylist storytelling techniques. themselves rather than take high-profi le Mil Yotkamthorn about her views on Former federal fi nance minister Lindsay positions. headwear alternatives. Tanner showed how it felt on the inside to be responsible for an electorate and New York “Writing a novel enabled me to say things “Fascinators are a little outdated simply artist Molly Crabapple spoke of the excesses I couldn’t say in speech,” Tanner told the because people are just way more creative of the US Government. festival. these days,” she said. Th e cruel logic of global fi nancial and Similarly, Crabapple is uncomfortable in the “Younger females are turning away from security systems has left an empty space limelight. She prefers to be the one sitting in the old-school fascinators and are now in the heart of the 21st century and these the corner with a sketchbook, not standing wearing gypsy-inspired head pieces. narrators attempted to fi ll it. on stage fl ogging her wares. Smaller statement pieces that are simple yet One of the most powerful of her images dramatic are what I think will be the newest At the centre of Tanner’s tale Comfort Zone shows the way guards of Guantanamo Bay trend this season.” is a taxi driver from Carlton called Jack who is imprisoned in a world of gripes and gave up their humanity to become cogs in a So, ladies, instead of opting for the hat and bigotries. Th e beauty of a Somali woman punitive machine by force-feeding those on lace combo this spring season, perhaps try breaks him out of his comfort zone and hunger strikes. improved with the adding of a jewelled drives him into action. something a little subtler. Novelists can use their work to present a hair comb to the top or either side of your thesis. Tanner seems to be saying that Jack, A perfect example of simple, but dramatic, is bun. Any bridal store will have a selection Crabapple’s deft lines highlight the way for all of his inappropriate comments, is a gold feather barrette. Pin one side of your available for purchase, and depending authorities use sanctions to shape their quite a good bloke underneath. water wave curls behind your ear with this on size these beauties can run anywhere control over us. While allowed to sketch in Guantanamo Bay, she was forbidden to pretty piece to create a timeless glam look. from $19 to $90. And Crabapple, in a similar tradition, is include faces or doors, forcing her to focus You can pick up one of these for around $20 off ering insights into the real meaning of on the fl oor. Her sketches come stamped by on Etsy. Th is spring season, embrace your lavish affi rmation. In her book Drawing Blood the censor. side and have your hair dripping in jewels there is a sketch of her great grandfather, A simple up-do can be quickly and easily and gold. It’s time to dress your tresses! It might come as a surprise that a well- a Jewish storyteller who had the trick of known and respected politician has taken hanging upside down by his feet. 24 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25 马车许可 处理棘手

Khiara Elliott撰稿

随着墨尔本市政大选临近,市 长罗伯特·道尔(Robert Doyle)似 乎并不想谈论有关市中心的马车问 题。 但是,动物维权团体-墨尔本 反对马车组织(MAHDC)要求对他们提 出的反对意见作出回应。 针对马车街上经营许可的续期 问题本该在9月6日市政会议之前就 应作出答复,但是该议题在最后一 刻被撤回,为此导致了墨尔本市长 和墨尔本反对马车组织负责人克里 斯汀·莉(Kristin Leigh)之间发生 了激烈的对抗。 在墨尔本未来委员会开会之 前,墨尔本反对马车组织在市政厅 外面举行了抗议集会,约有20名抗 议者站在那儿挥舞着标语和口号谴 责道尔议员并要求作出答复。 导致这次会议本身的原因也充 议在会议期间继续进行,他们大胆 会议上做口头提议(即只能在三分 提的问题相关,并要求继续,可还 满了来自市长办公室的可疑行为, 地站在观众面前,坚持举着标语 钟内向议员提议)。” 是遭到市长的阻止,他说:“你不 因为墨尔本反对马车组织成员收到 牌。莉女士质问市长为什么市政把 但是莉女士没能获得这次机 可以,你得到了90秒的时间,你 来自多个办公室代表的若干答复, 马车经营商许可续期的议题从会议 会,因为该议题并不在会议的议程 会占用别人的时间。” 甚至还有个“错误” 关闭的办公 议程中突然撤出。 里,为此只能在会议的公众提问部 在回复墨尔本反对马车组织的 室。该办公室很快澄清这“不是故 有一个发自市长电子邮箱(由他 分时间说话。 提问时,道尔市长否定了任何事先 意为了模糊这个问题”。 的代表)的电子邮件,准许一位墨 然而道尔议员打断了她,说 知道会议议程的事。 墨尔本反对马车组织成员的抗 尔本反对马车组织成员在会议上提 道:“现在不是提议的时间。”当 议,说道:“你可以在9月6日的 莉女士解释她所要说的是和即将要

ADVERTISEMENT VOTE 1 TEAM DOYLE MELBOURNE CITY COUNCIL ELECTION 2016 Authorised by Robert Doyle, 1502, 1 William Street, Melbourne 3000 Passionate About Melbourne. Proven Leadership. Managing Melbourne’s Finances | Sustainability | Economy & Jobs | Public Safety ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 25 兴建大楼 方兴未艾 市政选举: 道尔到哪儿了? 如果你认为市中心公寓楼太多 今年,已经增添了更多的商业 Shane Scanlan撰稿 的话,那你只是还没有看到什么! 空间,并且未来这一趋势还将 根据最新的开发数据,还有 继续。 对这个月墨尔本市政选举的兴 最全面的政策。 32000个公寓正在进行之中。 自2002年至2016年5月期 趣并不在于罗伯特·道尔(Robert 另外有一些竞选人不会起到什 墨尔本市开发活动监测 间,共建了约72.6762万平方米 Doyle)的团队是否获胜,而在于 么作用,因为他们抱怨无人关注。 (DAM)9月公布的数据显示,自从 的办公用房, 同一时期增加的 他们团队获胜多少票数。 可是如果罗伯特·道尔在他过去的 2002年以来在邮政编码3000区域 零售用房为15.9250万平方米。 经过8年的工作,市长已经起 两个任期中已经把事情搞乱了,那 内共建了17051个公寓房。 与零售用房相比,办公用房占四 到了他自己的作用。而且有很多人 在这次选举中将会有很多关注度。 然而,该数据也显示了还有 倍半之多。 11290个公寓正在建造之中,有 展望未来,DAM数据预测将 愿意看到他留任,这也是他在这次 所有在职议员都已宣布了竞选 13561个已批准建造, 此外开发 要建造36.0090万平方米的办公 选战中给这些人留下的良好印象。 的意向。议员肯·翁(Ken Ong) 商已经申请了7593多个。 空间和6.4315万平方米的零售 道尔市长经过了很长一段时间 将参选市长,与其说他可能胜选, 本报(CBD News)上次是在 空间。 努力并始终如一地采取一切方法从 不如说他能够作为一个议员和抗 2014年报道了DAM的数据。这次新 对于未来的商业用 潜在的争斗中获益。他一直积极地 衡者来建立“比-道尔-自由党-更 数据显示了自那时以来已建造了 房,6.2056万平方米正在建造 对待社会问题,支持商业。他从不 大”的菲利普·勒·刘(Philip 5336个公寓房。 中,27.8820万平方米已批准, 宽容那些想要与他进行争辩的鸡毛 Le Liu)与道尔抗衡。 报告显示,自2002年以来已 还有2.9214万平方米目前正在 蒜皮小事。 议员杰姬·瓦兹(Jackie 建造了2669层的住宅“地上楼层” 申请之中。 总之,他被确认为是一个墨尔 Watts)希望从加里·摩根(Gary ,还有4728层在进行之中。这一数 有关未来的零售用房数字 本市冠军,而这可能也是大多数人 Morgan)的竞选市长愿望中受益。 字包括1266层正在建造中,2323 显示1.7639万平方米正在建 对一个市长的期望。 议员理查德·福斯特(Richard 层已获建造许可,1139层在申请 设中,3.1392万平方米已批 而且在他整个任期内,作为一 Foster)发现了尼克弗朗西丝· 之中。 准,1.4743万平方米在申请之 个墨尔本市的有效推销员,也可能 吉雷(Nic Frances Gilley)参 这些数字表明,自2002年至 中。 足够了。 与市长竞选。如前所述绿党非常 在政策层面上,他的成就是, 有组织,而且有一个完整的竞选 已成功地使得他的对手丧失了一个 团队。 可以攻击他的平台。 议员斯蒂芬·梅恩(Stephen 在10月22日的选举中会有一 Mayne)正在进行无市长候选人的 女王市场改建 些部门利益冲突,也就是针对市政 竞选,并已经与道克兰港区商会会 的女王市场重建项目和其他人提出 长约翰娜·马克斯韦尔(Johanna 的倡导保护历史遗产之间的感知问 Maxwell)组成竞选团队。 不只是市场 题。事实上,绿党可能会提供具有

Shane Scanlan撰稿

目前呈现的维多利亚女王市 场的改建是城市更新的一个更大, 更广阔的远景之一。 对于这个增加到2.5亿澳元的 项目审核之后,墨尔本城市规划 的“大神父”罗布·亚当斯(Rob Adams)透露了他的规划理念。 在一次与本报(CBD News ) 的采访中, 亚当斯教授谈到了他 任职30年间,注意到在上世纪, 市区延伸到南岸(Southbank),然 后自2000年拓展到了道克兰港区 (Docklands)。 他说,现在城市北面区域将 是新城市改造的时候了,并且人 口密度将随着城市发展而增加。 为“改造”市场用2.5亿澳元而 但是与南岸和道克兰港区不 换来这么一块社区用途的停车 同的是,这些社区的基础设施仍 场,那么这仍然是一个很好的 落后于其人口数量爆炸,墨尔本 交易,因为也找不到其它类似 市政希望从一开始就能正确把握 的土地。 方向。 亚当斯教授说:“我们认为 市政的城市设计主任说:“ 在全墨尔本范围内,维多利亚女 现在有足够好的条件,包括维多 王市场将会成为最重要的公共活 利亚女王市场的改建,这将是一 动空间。就造访人数而言,它将 个非常令人激动的项目。” 毫无疑问超过联邦广场,因为这 “所以这个重大的转变将意 儿可以做更多的事情。” 味着城市在向北移,并且它将围 “这不仅仅是对这个市场, 绕着现有的基础设施所移动。我 而是整个城市。到2050年,我 们将在现有的基础设施上改造, 们需要能够应对的是现今的两 而不是建一大批新的基础设施。” 倍,但是我们不可能建造出来, 女王市场的1.5公顷面积的停 而只能更有效地利用现有的基 车场是市政所关注的。如果市政 础设施。” 26 CBD NEWS ISSUE 25 WHAT’S ON COMMUNITY CALENDAR


INNER MELBOURNE 7:20am for a 7:40am start, Tuesdays WEDNESDAYS 5.45PM-7PM THE HUB, 80 HARBOUR ESPLANADE LIFE ACTIVITIES CLUB ROTARY CENTRAL SUNRISE Meeting on selected dates and various loca- Interested in what we do? Join us for breakfast! We OPEN DOOR SINGERS tions, IMLAC takes in the city’s parks, its culture, meet at the RACV City Club 501 Bourke St, Melbourne. Find your voice, experience the joy of sing- fabulous eating options as well as festivals, galleries and concerts. ing in a choir and meet new friends. or call Dianne 0425 140 981

10.30am to 2pm Wednesday – Friday – Fourth Monday of each month. Lunchtime @ Sunday 11am - 5pm Saturdays @ Fed Square St Peter’s East Melbourne MEET UP WITH FRIENDS BOOK MARKET AUSTRAL SALON OF MUSIC Instant coffee or tea with a biscuit for $1.00 Listen to music from talented young musi- Meet up with friends or enjoy meeting others at Join Melbourne’s bibliophiles at the city’s cians. Make new friends. St Francis Pastoral Centre (entry next to the book largest weekly book market, in The Atrium at shop in the church yard). Fed Square. 326 Lonsdale St, 9663 2495 Mob 0449 727 910

Every lunchtime for four weeks every Friday Third Tuesday of each month First Thursday of each month, from October 7 @ City of Melbourne Bowls EASTENDERS COFFEE CLUB 10am @ The Docklands Library Club at . SUNRISE PROBUS CLUB JOIN FRIDAY BAREFOOT BOWLS Come along and join the company of friends Probus Clubs for over 50s. Keep your mind and neighbours. Meet new people and be Get rolling today active, meet new friends, share interests and informed. 10am, Pomodoro Sardo Restaurant, enjoy activities. 111 Lonsdale St. Contact Active Melbourne City Sports Contact Sue on 0418 562 181 or Phone 03 9690 2180 or activemelbourne@ [email protected] [email protected]

Deadline for entries is 5pm Monday, 6-7pm, Friday, October 21 @ the Melbourne Join our Events Drinks Night on the fi rst October 10 Athenaeum Library, Level 1, 188 Collins St. Thursday of each month - 6pm at the KOORIE ART SHOW 2016 CALL MARVELLOUS MELBOURNE: Kelvin Club, 14 Melbourne Pl. FOR ENTRIES OPEN HISTORY WEEK LECTURE A community group that connects, supports and Leading Australian historian Professor Stuart Macintyre represents residents of Melbourne’s CBD. The Koorie Heritage Trust is once again calling for will deliver the second annual Marcus Clarke Lecture, Events are posted on our web site at: entries for the Koorie Art Show 2016. speaking about Melbourne in the second half of the 19th century. Free, but RSVPs are required - 9650 3100 or The Koorie Art Show is our annual event [email protected] showcasing the diverse talent of Victoria’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists in one inclusive space. Meets second Tuesday of the month Daily until Sunday 16 October @ Federation Every Monday - Saturday Square All eligible entries will be hung in our gallery at 7pm - 8pm, Boyd Centre, FED SQUARE GUIDED TOURS Federation Square, and all works will be for sale to 207 City Rd, Southbank HUMAN MOBILE the public. Learn about the site’s history, unique architecture MELBOURNE CITY It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s a GIANT human baby! and the engineering marvels that make Fed Square Now in it’s fourth year the main prize has more than Suspended from The Atrium ceiling is air-engineer one of the city’s great icons. doubled in value, increasing to $5,000. SOUTHBANK LIONS CLUB Felipe Reynolds’ latest infl atable masterpiece, Meet outside Melbourne Visitor Centre at Human Mobile. the fl ag, Fed Square, From 11am, Free Contact: [email protected] on/exhibitions/ The Atrium, Fed Square, 24 hrs, Free


St Michael's City on a Hill Scots’ Church St Paul’s Cathedral 120 Collins St, Melbourne, 3000 Sundays at 9am, 10.30am and 6pm. 156, Collins St Cnr Flinders and Swanston Streets Ph: 9654 5120 Hoyts Cinemas, Melbourne Central Ph: 9650 9903 Ph: 9653 4333 Church times: Sundays 10:30 am (Indonesian), 11:00 am Sundays: 8.00am, 9.00am, 10.30am, 6.00pm Sunday Service at 10.00am Collins Street Baptist Church (Traditional) and 5:00 pm (Contemporary) (Choral Evensong) Free organ recitals at 1.00pm on Thursdays. 174 Collins St For more information please contact the Ph: 9650 1180 St Francis’ Church St. Augustine’s Catholic Church office during office hours (Monday to Friday Sundays services: 10.30am and 5.00pm 326 Lonsdale St | 9663 2495 631 Bourke St. Melb 9.00am to 5.00pm). Sunday: 7am, 8am, 9:30am, 11am (St Ph: 9614 1722 Hillsong City Youth Francis’ Choir) and 12.30, 1.30, 4.30, 6.00 Sundays Mass: 10.30am & 8.00pm Chabad of Melbourne Krimper Cafe, 20 Guildford Lane, pm Mon-Fri: Mass 1.05pm Suite 301, 343 Lt Collins St Melbourne - Every Friday 7pm-9pm Filipino Community Mass: Second Sunday Mon – Fri Confessions: 12.30pm Ph: 9525-9929 of the month at 2.30pm Chabad of Melbourne CBD hosts regular Holy Cross Orthodox Mission Indonesian Community Mass: Third Sunday lunchtime lecture series on various topics. 261/265 Spring St of the month at 2.30pm ISSUE 25 CBD NEWS 27

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Together Melbourne is excited to present an inclusive team from diverse backgrounds to represent you at this next City of Melbourne Council election. Our Leadership ticket, led by Ken Ong OAM and Sue Morphet and Councillor ticket of Philip Le Liu, Tony Penna, Barbara Yerondais, and Alice Poon is a combination of leadership, equality, experience and diversity. We, the Together Melbourne team, know that Melbourne is a great global city and we will continue to deliver the successes Melbourne has enjoyed. We also believe it can be improved and we aim to embolden our future with prosperity for all who live, work and play in the ‘most liveable city in the world’. Our vision of Melbourne is a leader in economic activity, international education, arts and culture and with great local amenities, including schools, recreation and sporting facilities and open space. We aspire for Melbourne to be one of the great walking Cities of the world and a welcoming city for all peoples. Our policies will be consistent with the Future Melbourne 2026 vision and will continuously work on emerging issues. With your support, Together Melbourne will deliver, manage and serve on what matters to you.

Ken is running for Lord Sue is running for Philip is running for Mayor and has served Deputy Lord Mayor. Councillor. Philip is on the City of Melbourne Sue is a successful passionate about Council for 8 Years as businesswoman the international a councillor, including and has extensive community (from Chairs on a number of leadership experience students to visitors) committees such as in both business and within Melbourne the Disability Advisory the community. Sue is and interacting with Ken Ong OAM Committee. Ken is a Sue Morphet currently residing on Philip Le Liu the entrepreneur small business owner, a number of boards community. Philip Councillor, providing childcare Leadership, and was previously Entrepreneur, was a former federal Community Advocate, centres and services Woman in Business the Chairman of International Community candidate for the seat Leadership across Melbourne. Ken Manufacturing Australia, Advocate of Melbourne and was recently recognised Director of Melbourne resides in the CBD. for his community Fashion Festival and contributions through an Save the Children Order of Australia Medal Australia. (OAM).

Tony is running for Barbara is running for Alice is running Councillor and is a Councillor and has 18 for Councillor and community advocate, years of experience in is committed to having been the voice her own Architectural giving back to the of Southbank for the CBD Practice. Barbara community. Alice is past 3 years. Tony is a has worked extensively involved heavily with regular, and constructive, with relevant sectors, the non-for-profit contributor to Council industry groups and sector and the local Tony Penna meetings. Tony resides Barbara Yerondais communities. Barbara Alice Poon Asian community. Southbank Resident in Southbank and is a Architect, Diversity is connected with the Community Worker, Association President, property and business community through Volunteering Start-ups and Innovation owner. Tony is also a her volunteering with current-serving member business associations of the Australian Defence and Melbourne Force of 18 years. Universities.

Authorised by Philip Le Liu, 303/160 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne Vic 3000