MONSIGNOR URBAN J. VEHR NAMED BISHOP OF HICH SPIRITUAL NOTE OF SPEAKER AT BANOUET IS SEMINARY HEAD DECLARE HE THRlll DINERS IS MAN OF SPLENDID TYPE Father Wilbur’s Oratory Has Powerful Effect at Dr. Karl Alter Is Announced as New Bishop of Industrial Parley Toledo, All the secular press associations permission is obtained to go ahead the state of being not only of high One of the most powerful addresses and the N. C. W. C. News Service beforehand. The installation of the Riven at the Catholic Conference on morality, but also smitten through telegraphed the news to Denver Wed­ new Bishop usually occurs in his Industrial Problems in Denver was and through with the awfulness, nesday morning that the Rt. Rev. (Cathedral within a week or two after the speech at the closing banquet beauty and majesty of God.) Monsignbr Urban John Vehr, A.M., his . The law does not, “ That concern is the chief, in a Tuesday evening by the Rev. Russell The National Catholic Welfare Conference New* Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. J.C.L., rector of Mt. St. Mary’s Sem­ however, demand that it happen so sense, the only concern of the 1. Wilbur, noted convert priest of We Have Also Our Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the inary of the West, , Ohio, soon. His jurisdiction over the dio­ Church. The mission of the Church Ht. Louis, Missouri. He spoke on the Fide* Service and the California Catholic Pres* Service had been named by the Holy Father cese dates not from the time of his famous Pastoral of the American is to call man and help man to seek as Bishop of Denver, succeeding the nomination or consecration, but from Bishops issued' in 1919, upholding and. find his happiness where alone v t r a D I Henry Tihen, D.D., whose his installation. The Diocese of Den­ trade unionism, urging that labor happiness is to be found, namely, in VOL. XXVI. No. 36. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1931. $2.00 PER I EAR I resignation was announced in early ver, therefore, will be in charge of being holy; a call which comes to have a voice in the management of January. Bishop Tihen on the same Bishop J. Henry Tiben until Bishop industry, and asserting the right of men individually and to which, as morning received a telegram from Vehr is installed. The in.stallation workers to a living wage, which individuals, they must respond. New Bishop of Denver the Most Rev. Pietro Fumasoni-Bi- ceremony in the Denver Cathedral means decent . maintenance for the “ The primary and chief end of the ondi, D.D., Apostolic Delegate to will be made an elaborate rite. Plans present and also reasonable provision Church is not to make a better world 244 Per Cent Increase Noted Washington, D. C., officially an­ will be started within a few days for for such future needs as sickness, to build up a Christian world order, nouncing the aI)pointment. this service and for the reception to invalidity and old age. but to save souls, to fill up the num­ be given to the new spiritual chief ber of God’s elect; the elect being in Cases Handled by Charity Word has not been received here But Father Wilbur, a powerful yet about the plans for the conse­ of the Church in . orator, showed that thought of the made up of those individuals who The naming of Bishops is guarded can be induced to seek and find their The Rev. John R. Mulroy, diocesan means have withdrawn part or all of cration, but it is believed that Bishop future life is more important than Vehr will be consecrated at St. with great secrecy and nobody here any of these badly needed reforms, happiness where alone, as I have said, director of Catholic Charities, speak­ their support. Father Mulroy de­ had any idea who would be chosen. it IS to be found, namely, in being ing Monday before the Catholic Con­ fended this statement by an analysis Peter's Cathedral, Cincinnati, likely and the sublimity, of his language by the Most Rev. Jbhn It is a curious fact, however, that the and the fervor of his expressions holy. Of such is the Kingdom of ference on Industrial Problems on of contributors to the Denver Com­ Rt. Rev. Joseph Bosetti, God; and it is not of any other. The “ Unemployment and Charity,” quoted munity Chest campaign . last year, T. McNicholas, O.P., S.T.M. It is made an impression on the audience hardly probable that the consecration Chancellor of the diocese, made the that are impossible to describe. The Kingdom of God is not of this world; figures from the department of sta­ (Continued on Page 4) shrewd guess some months ago that nor is it externally realizable in this tistics of the Russell Sage foundation will occur before June, and it may writer has never seen an audience be later. The custom is to have epis­ the new Bishop would be an Eastern more moved. In this portion of his world; it is an eternal kingdom and which he characterized as “ both in­ seminary president. Bishop Tihen exists as eternal life exists only in teresting and alarming.” These fig­ copal consecration ceremonies on the address, the speaker said; feasts of apostles. Three of these has met his successor, but is not well “ bear then with the speaker the heart of God and of holy per­ ures showed an increase of 244 per ac^ainted with him. cent in cases taken care Of by public feasts occur in June— Thursday, if sincerity compels him to view with sons. eisiop iiH IS June 11, the Feast of St.' Barnabas; Those who know the new Bishop a certain skepticism and disillusion­ “ The'Church militant here on earth welfare departments monthly, as com­ describe him as a man of splendid pared with two years ago. A second Monday, June 29, the Feast of SS. ment all human undertakings, even is to be sure a kind of sacrament of Peter and Paul; Tuesday, June 30, appearance, easily approachable, ecclesiastical ones, except such as the Kingdom of God, but only those group of chirts from this founda­ noted for his fine personality. The tion, taking January, 1929, as nor­ the Feast of the Commemoration of have for their direct concern Eternal who belong to the Church interiorly « fllllS PiSl St. Paul. Often the consecration is fact that he has been at the head of 1 ife, that is, the birth and growth of by faith, hdpe, and charity, in their mal, shows an increase of 65 per the diocesan seminary in the well- cent in the amount of relief up to not held until the bulls of appoint­ the soul into personal holiness.” hearts are true sons of the kingdom, The Rt. Rev. Bishop J. Henry ment arrive from Rome, but at times (Continued op Page 7) (The speaker defined holiness as (Continued on Page 2) January, 1931, expended by five gp-oups of relief societies: Public Tihen, D.D., Sunday will celebrate General relief, Mothers’ Aid, Cath­ the forty-fifth anniversary of his or­ olic, Jewish and non-sectarian agen­ dination as a priest, with Solemn Credit Unions Explained and Lauded Poverty Drives Thousands to cies. Pontifical Mass in the Cathedral at The speaker gave a comprehensive 10:3l). He will be a dinner guest review of statistics governing wel­ afterwards at the Cathedral rectory by' Experts at Industrial Parley Hell, Father O’Ryan Declares fare work in its various phases, and and will leave Sunday for the East showed how, in many cases, the char­ on ecclesiastical business. Bishop ity agencies were receiving little or Tihen, born July 14, 1861, was or­ Credit unions were discussed at banks and that these people often pay Father William O’Ryan, D.D., scholars, but it did it so well that no extraordinary help in coping with dained in 1886, worked in St. Louis the Catholic Conference on Indus­ ghastly amounts of usury to loan I.L.D., speaking at the banquet that for the last forty years all Catholic the .situation, which has become acute until 1889, in Wichita until 1911, was trial Problems here Monday night. sharks. The credit union rate of in­ closed the Catholic Conference on In- work for the improvement of eco­ because of the depression and unem­ consecrated Bishop of Lincoln July The subject is of importance because terest differs in different places. In ('.ustrial Problems Tuesday night, ex­ nomic conditions has been only an ployment The people of moderate 6, 1911, and came to Denver as His Excellency, the Rt. Rev. Urban Colorado has just enacted a law per­ Boston, a successful union charges 7 explanation or application of Leo’s, John Vehr, D.D. Picture by courtesy pressed the fear that grim pauperism means have rallied to the cause of Bishop in 1917. Following the ar­ mitting the establishment of these per cent a year. In St. Louis, a suc­ letter. of 'The Denver Post, furnished to i ' driving thousands away from the charity more fully than in the past, rival of his successor in Denver, he miniature banks. A credit union is cessful union charges 1 per cent a There are only three great eco. while those of more comfortable will reside at Wichita. The Post throug’n the Sisters of month or 12 per cent a year. Loan Church. “ Poverty is leading many formed by a group of people, for in­ nomic systems advanced in the world Charity at the Cathedral convent, stance a number of laymen under sharks often charge as high as 500 lo the gates of hell,” he asserted. today. One of them is the Socialistic, some of whom know the new Bishop auspices, who secure a charter per cent. Incidentally it can be men­ He said that it is rather difficut for which in its essence would concen­ personally. He was formerly chap­ from the state. They turn in savings tioned here that they do a thriving John Smith of West Denver to center trate all property into the hands of Waste of Crops Amid Starvation lain at their motherhouse in Cin­ regularly to the union, and out of business in Denver. rttention on the next life if he is a few politiefans. The second is the cinnati. this fund loans are made. The cost Speakers brought out the fact that jobless and his six children are servile state, which would permit the of operation is nominal and the in­ the credit union encourages thrift, hungry. Protestantism, he charged, few to control wealth and industry— Deplored by Bisbop in Talk New Bishop of Toledo terest charged on the loans is used for the people who make loans and has completely lost the respect of the the system that prevails today and to pay necessary expenses and to give succeed in paying them find that they working^ classes because the ministers that has made “ democracy a dead dividends to those wno turn over their can save better than they thought and were not interested in the problems corpse on a dunghill, with dogs eat­ The Rt. Rev. Bishop J. Henry Every nation in the world ought to savings to the credit unjon. . .The , begin to invest in the credit union. of labor, and he warned that Catholic ing it.” The third is distributionism, Tihen, D.D., speaking at the closing be ashamed to have a single pauper, credit union deals with small loans, The credit union is especially encour­ clergymen must follow the standards which would have the wealth tliatrib- o f the Catholic Conference on Indus® said the Bishop, who' (deplored the usually given to people who cannot aged by Catholic sociologists, trial Problems Tuesday night, thus set by great leaders such as Bishop uted among the many as their private fact that while people are hungry get credit at the bank because the while it is handled entirely by the summarized the American Bishops’ von Ketteler in Germany, Cardinal property and which is the Catholic size of the loan they want (a few laity and is a business and not a program for justice to the working in some sections of the Manning in England and Father John plan. Capitalism, he declared, “ must crops are allowed to go to waste dollars to perhaps $100) makes the charitable enterprise, it helps out A. Ryan in this country if we hope classes as outlined in the famous return to the bank so small that it is many people who would otherwise mend or be mended.” He doubted, pastoral of 1919: , in others on the plea of overproduc­ to save the working classes. The he said, that even Sovietism could be not worth its while to handle the surier horribly in silence rather than The* right to life. tion’s causing too-low prices. Such a business. Speakers brought out that seek charity, and it makes them ex­ Encyclical Rerum Novarum of Leo a worse system than the continued The right to the propagation of condition proves that our rulers are XIII simply summarized the princi­ about 85 per cent of the population tremely grateful for the benefit it concentration of wealth and political the human species. either incompetent to govern or un­ ples laid down by previous Catholic is thus barred from credit in the (Continued on Page 12) power in the hands of the very few. The right to so much goods as are willing. necessary to, keep the family in de­ The Bishop expressed his gratifi cent comfort. cation that there .are young priests He recalled how Father John A. in the Diocese of Denver who will Great Work of Theatines in San Luis Ryan prepared his famous book on carry forward the battle for indus­ Josephine Roche Says Decency to the Living Wage when he and the trial reform in which he has been priest were fellow graduate students engaged for so many years and which Her Coal Miners Cuts Overhead Valley Told of by Father Walsh at the Catholic University of Amer­ he still finds it necessary to wage in ica in 1906. ' his old age. A striking picture of successful co­ lars ppent for hiring gunmen and The Rev. Francis W. Walsh, pastor thers have the love of all the people The Rt. Rev. Karl J. Alter, D.D. operation between company and buying guns and ammunition, dishon­ of St. Vincent de Paul’s church, Den­ is evident from the general atmos- workers in Colorado coal mines was est weights given the miners, right ver, and a member of the Colorado )here among the population, both LL.D. Dr. Alter attended the N. C. C. W. national convention in Den­ presented by Miss Josephine Roche, to checkweighman destroyed through Apostolate, who conducted a mission Spanish and English-speaking, Cath­ Mahony Tears Off Lid m Expose intimidation, and other evil prac­ in Antonito last week, was greatly ver last September. president of the Rocky Mountain olic and non-Catnolic. Fuel company, Denver, in her talk tices. The conditions S)£ the years impressed by the' vast territory cov­ “ All Catholics of Colorado and in­ on “ Industrial Relations in the Coal 1913 and 1914 were repeated in ered by the Theatine Fathers in the deed of the United States,” Fhther of Savage Greed in Beet Industry Fields of Colorado” Tuesday after­ 1927— all resulting in loss of buying San Luis valley and of the good they Walsh declared, "should be very noon, April 21, at the Catholic Con­ power on the part of the miners, loss are accomplishing among the people grateful to these priests of the Thea­ A strong indictment of the con­ ^nized charity is actually subsidiz­ LISTENING INference on Industrial Problems. Miss to the coal industry, excessive bur­ there. Three of these priests living tine order who have, left their homes ditions afforded sugar beet field ing the industry by taking care of dens on consumers, and loss to miners in Antonito take caire of sixteen mis- Roche told of the miserable condi­ in Spain to devote their lives to pre­ workers was delivered by Thomas F. the destitute workers in. the winter On behalf of it* staff and all its tions existing in tlie coal fields in and families. .sion.s, some of which are large serving the faith of our fellow-Amer- Mahony of Longmont, Colo., chair­ time. readers, The Register extends previous years and the improvement In March, 1928, through purchase churches and some small adobe ican Catholics of the Spanish man of the Knights of Columbus Outlining the rhakeup of the sugar chapels, but all of them neat and tongue.” hearty welcome to the new Bishop of that has been made in the mines of of additional holdings, the present Mexican 'Welfare committee, in a beet industry, Mr. Mahony said it Denver, the Rt. Rev. Urban John the Rocky Mountain Fuel company clean and reflecting the love and af­ The mission conducted by the Den­ control of the company was effected, talk on “ Industrial Relations in the contains four factors — first, the Vehr of Cincinnati. His distinguished by the establishment of a miners’ and the announcement was immed­ fection the people have for the ver priest concluded last Sunday Beet Fields of Colorado,” given at manufacturing companies; second, Church. career as an educator hat brought j union and the adoption of an indus iately made of a new policy, one morning with a High Mass. There the Catholic Conference on Industrial the farmers growing the beets; third, The Theatines have Mass in all of was a fine attendance of the non him a fame that has extended to our trial policy by the union and the com­ recognizing the rights of workers Problems, Tuesday afternoon, April the thirty-odd thousand men, women comes have been kept at a these missions at least once a month Catholics of the community. The Rocky mountains and he comet to pany. Wages to organize into trade unions, to bar­ 21. Desire of stockholders in the and children who do the hand labor high level, working conditions^ im­ -in the winter and twice a month in mission, was given under the auspices us, not as an unknown, hut a* one gain collectively and to, contract with great beet sugar manufacturing in the fields, and fourth, one that whose qualifications have made him proved and the company has suffered the management on equal terras. A the_summer. This entails quite a lot of the Colorado Apostolate, all the companies for profit has caused the of traveling over roads good and bad has never been recognized, the public conspicuously well fitted. He : no loss blit rather, has experienced union was organized in three months expenses of \yhich were paid by the bankruptcy of many farmers, Mr. and private charity and welfare in all kinds of weather, and long the flower of hi* youth, with just a decrease in operating costs. and in August union and company State council of the Knights of Co Mahony declared, and has forced a agencies that ^ve relief to the desti­ fasts every Sunday, the priests usually lumbus out of the fund established enough of a burden of years on his In 1927, Miss Roche found herself representatives met to work out a virtual system of contract child labor tute workers in the winter months. shoulders to assure prudence. He will a large stockholder— but in minority contract. Miss Roche said that other being able to get around to their to send priests into the smaller par­ in tjie beet fields. Deplorable liv­ breakfasts as late as two o’clock Sun­ The Great Western Sugar com­ find a diocese that is expanding on all control— in the, company. Her pro­ companies refused even to answer ishes of the diocese to give missions ing conditions exist among the work­ pany, which operates in the Northern day afternoon. Sick calls in the ter Father said he thoroughly en­ sides, that is teeming with all sorts tests against the company’s labor letters inviting participation in the ers, wages paid to. an entire family Colorado district, makes over 80 per of Catholic action, and that, because policy were of no avail but she spent effort to work out an orderly plan ritory are numerous, both day and joyed his visit to the San Luis val­ are not sufficient for the proper night, and usually call for a long cent of the beet sugar in the state of the wise and benign rule of the year in investigation of condi­ for mining coal. ley, which was marked by the general maintenance of one pdrson and or- (Continued on Page 11) journey. Father Walsh gave as an hospitality of the Theatine Fathers retiring Bishop, is in extraordinarily tions, with which she had been some­ The contract adopted paid the example the fact that last Sunday and the kindness of the people of An­ fine condition. W e have the problems what familiar for years. She found highest wage scale in the United morning- the pastor received a call tonito. that are necessarily found in grow­ astonishing examples of^'discrimin- States except in Montana, $7 a day to attend a sick parishioner at 4:30 Father Walsh leaves on Saturday ing communities, but we have the ation against the workers, spies em­ as the basic day wage. Under this w t h e morning, and it was twenty of this week for Scottsbluff, Nebr., Low Wages’ Ghastly Effect on courage to tackle and overcome them. ployed, hundreds of thousands of dol­ (Continued on Page 12) iiBles away. He made the call and where he will conduct a week’s mis­ Colorado is grateful to the Holy See thus started a hard day’s work. Con sion at §t. John’s church, of which for naming such a man as Montignor fessions are numerous and the people the Rev. Timothy Molony is the pas­ Family Life Told by Dr. Schmiedeler Vehr to continue the work so mag­ are devout. That the Theatine Fa tor. nificently begun by Bishops Mache- Clergymen Have Duty of Energetic O.S.B., Ph.D., St. Benedict’s college, beuf and Matz, Aid carried on with Atchison, Kans., who is the new na­ (Continued on Page 4) tional director of the Rural Life Work for Laborers, Bishop O’Hara Says Parents Away From Sacraments for Bureau of the National Catholic Wel­ fare Conference. Father Schmiedeler, the Industrial Principles of Leo speaking at one of the Monday ses­ XIII” Tuesday evening, April 21, at Years Go to Altar With Children sions of the Catholic Conference on the Catholic Conference on Industrial Industrial P*roblems, g;ave a resume Problems, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Edwin V. of ^ tistics compiled in reports from (By the Rey. F. Gregory Smith, fV'X:-. O’Hara, Bishop of Great Falls, Mont., the day of their marriage, now they Various parts of the country and s^fVV Diocesan Mission Director) should be invited to our Lord in I## < * paid a tribute to the Pope’s great pointed out the haunting miseries of Encyclical on Labor and showed the The third class within a month re­ gratitude on the day that one of the the long, undramatic struggle to keep ceived First Holy Communion at St. children,, the fruit of that marriage, ¥ application of the principles he laid normal families alive on pitiful in­ A banquet scheduled for 6:30 in down in modern times. “ It can be Cajetan’s church last Sunday morn­ first receives Him in Holy Commun­ comes. The ^eatest evil resulting ing, when the children of the Gar­ ion. The response, even among par­ m m i the. Argonaut hotel this Sunday eve­ safely said,” he declared, “ that there from the inability of the head of a ning will bring to a close the program is no modern nation but has felt the field district and their parents ents who had neglected the sacra­ family to provide sufficient income marked the closing of the Garfield ments for years, was grratifying. of the day for the Father McMenamin influence of Leo’s pronouncement, for the support of his wife and chil­ class of Knights of Columbus candi­ no important thinking on the subject Catechism center with an impressive The success^ of the Garfield .Cate­ dren is the necessity of gainful em­ /V ceremony at the eight o’clock Mass. chism center is an amazing demon­ dates. The Rev. Hugh L. McMen which has not been affected by it, ployment outside the home on the no large group of workingmen which The children of the Little Flower stration of the value of the N.C.C.W. amiii, in whose honor the class v;ill part of the wives of such families. has not Imd cause to be thankful to social center received their First as the unifying force in the Catholic be initiated, will be the honor speaker The evil of married women in in­ the ‘Pope of the Workingman.' . . . Holy Communion at St. Cajetan’s women’s clubs. A conference of in­ at the banquet, which will be pre His Encyclical still declares the Cath­ on March 25; the class prepared at terested leaders at the Catholic dustry strikes at the prime purpose sided over by Herbert Fairall as toast olic doctrine of social justice and the church proper by the Rev. John Charities office in January revealed of marriage. The rate of infant mor­ master. a pitiful condition of abject poverty tality is highest among this groilp, The Father McMenamin class num points the path of duty of the min­ Bonet, C.R., pastor, received on April ister of religion in the face' of pres­ 12. The Garfield class was prepared and neglect of religion in the Gar­ and even when the children live, bers fifty candidates, the largest field district, with no individual nor many grow up undernourished, phys­ to be initiated into Denver council in ent day industrial conditions.” by “the Sisters of Charity of the Ca­ Pope Leo and successors have society in a position single-handed ically weak and with little power to recent years. The majority of the thedral at the center provided by the placed upon the clergy, in union with Denver deanery of the N.C.C.W. Last to cope with the situation. The Den­ resist disease. Children of working class received the first degree in the mothers were shown to suffer in other K. of C. home on Wednesday night. their Bishops, the task of persistent Sunday’s class was unique in that it ver deanery of the N.C.C.W. under­ Rev. Edgar Schmiedeler, O.S.B. and energetic action in behalf of the took to enlist the services of those ways too. Their socialization is ham The exemplification of the second introduced into Denver the custom laboring, Bishop O’Hara said, of inviting the parents to receive who would help to provide cate­ The effect of low wages on the pered because the necessary contact degree will be held on Sunday after­ family constitutes one of the greatest and supervision for normal upbring­ noon, .starting at 2 o’clock, to be fol­ Bishop Edwin V. O'Hara and, in fulfilling these injunctions, with the children. The plea made to chetical instruftion. The location the pastor will find that his activities. was secured through the donation of social injustices of the day, accord­ ing are utterly impossible when the lowed immediately by the third de­ the parents by their pastor was,that In an address on “ Promotion of (Cpntinued on Page 2) as they begged our Lord’s blessing on (Continued on Page 11) ing to the Rev. Edgar Schmiedeler, (Continued on Page 11) gree, ■ ^ -i : t : I NEW MISSION PLANNED IN 71 YEARS IN CHOIR, DIES HOLY LAND AGED 83 . High Spiritual Note of Speaker at The Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Just a week after she had cele­ are to build a church, an asylum and brated her seventy-first anniversary an infirmary in the Biblical moun­ as a member of the choir of St. Jos­ PRICES Banquiet Is Thrill to 200 Diners tains of Galaad, Transjordania, for eph’s church, Chicago, Mrs. Engel V- missionary work in the Holy Land. died suddenly at the age of 83 years. \i ‘ (Continued Prom Page 1) cendent beauty and worth of eternal new theater ^ PICCLY life, in comparison, that is, with the — Now Playing “ Earthly life lived for its own sake GOOD transcendent beauty and worth of JOE BROWN IS, when all is said and done, not r a n a d A worth living. Only eternal life is personal holiness, worldly culture is ederal G WINNIE LIGHTNER in an emptiness, civilization a vanity, F WIGGLY worth living and holiness is eternal life. and industrial and commercial pur­ 25TH & FEDERAL GALLUP 7876 **SIT TIGHT” suits a sow’s ear. so to speak, out of THEATER “ Thou hast made us for Thyself, which no political, nor economic man­ Perfect RCA Photophone Sun., Mon., April 26-27 0 Eternal Holiness, and our heart is 3830 Federal Blvd. ipulation, however skillful, can make Friday, Saturday, April 24.-25 JOAN CRAWFORD in restless until it rests in Thee, until a silk purse. GALLUP 4967 nitST GREAT RAIIROA^ALK TMRailR it rests, that is, in being holy. “ Happy men, to be sure, that is “DANCE, FOOLS, Friday and “ For this reason the Church is at holy men, might, if they were suffi­ Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday bottom profoundly detached from, DANCE” Saturday, ciently numerous, make a notably April 24-25-26-27 profoundly indifferent to, economic better world, a Christian world— d a RIi ER Tne*., Wed., Thuri., April and pojttical institutions; profoundly order, as bees make honey— but, “STOLEN HEAVEN” April 28-29-30 detached from, and indifferent to With NANCY CARROLL 24 and 25 ‘Wide is the gate and broad is the way the course of human affairs, the ups that leadeth to destruction and many ______PHILLIPS HOLMES______“EAST LYNNE” and downs of human history. there are who go in thereat. How Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday RADIPICTURC^ T S With ANN HARDING “ In this the Church resembles her narrow is the gate and strait is the April 28-29-30— Double Feature Divine Master. The words, ‘Render way that leadeth to life and few Sun., Mon., Tuet., Apr. 26-27*28 unto Caesar the things which are there are that find it.’ “ILLICIT” BILL BOYD **Enjoy the Shouf* Caesar’s and to God the things which “ Yet men, even saints, must live with BARBARA STANWYCK “ The Painted Desert” are God’s,’ are, if one considers the in this world and must live in it in And Eat That Good MILK circumstances under which they were accordance with the dictates of just­ BUCK JONES In Wed., Thur.., April 29-30 “Jolly Time” Pop Corn spoken, the expression of a supreme ice and charity, nor can they escape CLARA BOW in MAC MARK GREAT WESTERN indifference to, of a sublime detach­ this obligation in the field of indus­ “THE DAWN TRAIL” After the Show EVAPORATED 10 lb. cloth bag for....50^ ment from the course of this world. trial relations any more than in any “ NO LIMIT” REFRESH YOURSELF AT 3 tall cans for...... 20^ There is no political nor economic pro­ other field of human activity, and so gram enunciated in the preaching of the Catholic Bishops of the United MAYAN ORANGE BAR Jesus nor is any such program de- States in their pastoral letter of 1919 ducible from that preaching. devote a considerable udiscVission to TWENTY-THIRD “ ‘And one of the multitude said to the subject of industrial relations.’’ VEVEETA AVE. CREAMERY WUUULMJkJJU Him: Master, speak to my brother BAGNEXL’S Special Every Saturday and Sunday KRAFTS that he divide the inheritance with CROWNING IS SET QT. BRICK ICE CREAM. 25c TREMONT BATHS BEST FOODS me. But He said to him; Man, who SPECIAL BABY MILK. QT. 11c V2 lb. carton for...... 18^ appointed Me a judge or divider over FOR MOTHER’S DAY Billiards Garden Farm Dairy Froducta Frankie Murphy 8 oz. jar for...... 2 cartons foi' 35^- 3008 W . 23rd Ph. GA. 6547 Pint jar for...... 29^ you? And He said to them: Take **The Business Men*s TURKISH. MINERAL AND CABINET heed and avoid covetousness; for a At a meeting held last Sunday BATHS— HOT AND COLD TUB AND man’s life does not consist in the morning in the R(egis library, definite Recreation.** SHOWFJtS— GRADUATE ATTENDANTS TURKISH BATH. fl}-i K/h abundance of things which he pos- plans were laid for the fourth annual COSTUMES and STAY ALL NIGHT______q J X .O U sesseth.’ May crowning, sponsored by the so­ BILLIARDS POOL TEN BATH TICKETS' CIA “ This precious incident from the dalities of the Catholic secondary Snooker - Luncheonette TUXEDOS FOR.._...... t p X U SOAPdPS BUnER ministry of Jesus is an intensely sig' Rented Open Day aiid Niitht schools. Delegates were OTCsent from PHONE KE. 8008 CRYSTAL WHITE FAIRYDELL nificant manifestation of His spirit. both colleges, from the three schools 1523 Curtis Colorado 1651 Tremont St. Denver, Colo. His method and His preoccupations. of nursing and from every high Opposite Baur’s Large package for..... Per lb...... 26^ His indifference to the questions of school and academy. Great encour­ 1612 Glenarm Costume Co. 1751 Champa Sta justice and injustice in the dispute agement was gfiven the students by Opposite Paramount between the two brothers. His con­ the large number of faculty members cern for the passion of covetousness present. which may lurk in the heart and be All arrangements were placed in BARGAINS IN CANNED involved in the claim even of him who the hands of a committee of three, likely enough has justice on his side. one member being chosen from each His eagerness to insist that a man’s of the colleges and one from the FRUITS AND VEGETABLES life and happiness do not consist in school fortunate enough to draw the the possession of material things, queen. Regis campus was chosen as even those to which the man is, likely the place of the crowning and the enough, entitled— all this is a lesson time decided upon is 3 o’clock Sun­ Readies and a teaching for the Church of day afternoon of Mother’s day, May Tomatoes Jesus which she must always cherish I 10. As in former years one of the HUNTS STAPLE COLUMBINE OR and imitate; a warning moreover to pastors will preach the sermon, an­ a Catholic conference such as this other will lead the act of consecration MAMMOTH HAPPY VALE one, a warning not to put second and still another will officiate at the No. 21/2 large can..20^ 12 oz. tin for...... 8^ things first. Solemn Benediction. A more detailed 2 cans for...... 39<* 3 tins for...... 23^ “ Like her Divine Master, the program will appear later. Church has little hope for the souls of men from any social order and CLERGYMEN HAVE DUTY little to fear except from a social OF WORK FOR LABORERS condition of slavery so galling, of poverty so abject, of temporal inse­ (Continued From Page 1) curity so appalling that it would com­ HUNTS STAPLE. . Pori S Beans will fall into three general channels— pletely preoccupy the attention of its education, organization and legisla­ CRUSHED OR SLL VAN CAMP OR victims and stupefy their hearts. tion. No. 21/2 large can..18^ CAMPBELLS “ Indeed since it is suffering en The pastor must explain to his dured patiently, heroically and con. 2 cans for...... 35^ 3 tall cans for...... 20^ people that class hatred is wrong, fidently, as under the hand of God, and that capital and labor require which above all purifies and redeems each other to thrive. He will go on the soul; saints can be made more to teach that the laboring man must easily perhaps in ages of temporal carry out all fair agrreements and adversity than in ages of prosperity must never employ violence. Re­ and what is called progress. ligion teaches the employer that his “ ‘The Prince of this world cometh, workers are not slaves, but must be in Me he hath not anything:’ These treated with respect; that they must words of Jesus are at home in the have time for their duties of piety mouth of His Church. The fact is and family life, that they must not that the world is by Divine permis­ be overtaxed, that they are entitled sion, always has been since the spirit to a living wage and that to make of apostasy was lodged in human one’s profit out of the need of an­ nature, and while time flows always other is condemned by all laws, hu­ must he subject to the Prince of man and divine. Darkness, the Prince of this world. The pastor must assist his working The spirit of apostasy which is lodged men by helping in organization and in human nature can Rever be over­ legislation. Bishop O’Hara continued. come, for, ‘Many are called, few are After a long and painful struggle, chosen’ : the concupiscence of the the workingman has realized that flesh, the concupiscence of the intel­ there is no equality of bargaining lect, and the pride of life are inex­ power when the individual workman tinguishable even in holy men. To is pitted against the large employer. use a homely expression, we may say For treedom of contract, it is neces­ of this world that you cannot make sary that the workingmen combine a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. In and bargain collectively with their spite of the fairness of the world, in employers, so that there may be some spite of the intrinsic goodness of the semblance of equality. Besides pro­ New Ford Victoria elements out of which it is made, moting labor organizations, the pas­ and in comparison with the trans tor must impress upon the members The new Ford Victoria is a Deluxe car of unusual appeal. of the unions who belong to his own DEANERY HEARS congregation the importance of elec It is distinguished by its slanting windshield and tan top. ting good leaders and of recognizing Both front seats fold forward and are adjustable. Mohair DR. T. E. PURCELL that the union is not merely an eco­ or Bedford Cord upholstery is optional. nomic institution, but that it has In connection with the Industrial moral aspects as well. Come In and Drive One conference, the Denver Diocesan In the field of co-operation, labor­ ing men have successfully maintained Council of Catholic Women sponsored Your Car Regardless of Age or Make Accepted in Trade stores which have proven a boon to a luncheon at the Argonaut hotel their members. One form of co-oper­ Mcnday, April 20. Covers were laid ation deserves especial attention, for 125. In the absence of Mrs. T. namely, the establishment of a co­ A. Cosgriff, Mrs. Thomas Garrison, operative credit association in a par­ vice president of the council, pre­ ish, which will free the laboring man sided. The blessing was invoked by from the clutches of the loan shark. the Rt. Rev. Bishop Tihen. The The establishment of parish study speaker. Dr. Thomas E. Purcell, K. groups among laboring men will be Sale* Department 14th and Broadwa7 S. G., of Kansas City, Mo., was in­ found of ^ e a t service as a means ON CIVIC CENTER troduced by John H. Reddin, K. S. of inculcating Christian principles in G., of Denver. Dr. Purcell is en­ SerTice Department 1314-1336 Acoma St. regard to economic issues. gaged in social work among the Mex­ Organization, however, has its OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT icans of his city. Mexican welfare limitations. Since it is the duty of being one of the major endeavors the State to prevent any class of the of the Denver Diocesan Council of population from becoming submerged, Catholic Women, Dr. Purcell’s re­ the pastor will urge the necessary marks were of special interest. Per­ legislation to protect such people. tinent facts the speaker presented The problem of inadequacy of wom­ were that the Mexican is essentially en’s wages is present in most Amer­ f t Catholic. If kept Catholic, he is a ican cities and the program for min­ “ Why Pay More? fine contribution to our citizenship. imum wage legislation should be sup­ Volunteer workers can find the great­ ported by the clergy. A similar in­ (Trademark) est opportunity for social work terest should be manifested in the among the Mexicans. On every Cath­ limitation of hours of labor. Work­ olic man and woman there is a seri­ men’s compensation legislation has ous obligation that they must accept, (Tome in most of our states, but the WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES, Inc. to do their share in helping solve principle of compensation needs to be Coloradtf Owned Stores this Catholic problem. It is a chal­ maintained and extended, safety de­ lenge to the Catholic people. Will vices insisted upon and occupational 17th and Broadway 15th and Welton we accept it or hide behind the age- diseases given compensation. old excuse, “I am not my brother’s The pastor will be concerned with Broadway and Ellsworth 800 Santa Fe Dr. Keeper?’’ The Mexican does not prac­ the living conditions of his people tice race suicide, which is the gp:eat- and will feel it his duty to promote 15th and California 16th and California an adequate housing code. He will est danger in our country today. We also be interested in legislation regu­ are committing national suicide— the Wo do not have ipecial lalet but tell yon at our lowest prices every lating employment bureaus. Thus birth rate has fallen below the death day on all drug merchandise. under the guidance of the principles rate. The only institution that can enunciated .in the immortal Encycli­ save America is the . cal, Rerum Novarum, the Catholic A careful study of the Encyclical on Church seeks to establish the reign Christian Marriage by Pope Pius XI of social justice in the world of con­ and a strict adherence to the prin­ temporary industry. ciples set forth in that immortal doc­ ument will save this nation; other­ DRAMA, THRILLS AND ROMANCE THE PIERCE HOTEL wise the White race is doomed. , IN GRANADA PICTURE Seated at the speaker’s table were Framed against the colorful back­ CALIFORNIA AT THIRTEENTH the Rt. Rev. Bishop Tihen, the Rt. ground of rainbow-hued sands and BRINKHOUSE CO., Proprietors Rev. Edwin V. O’Hara, D.D., Bishop towering peaks, “ The Painted Des­ of Great Falls, Mont.; Fathers Har­ ert,’’ Bill Boyd’s new Pathe picture, **Comfort Without Extravagance** old V. Campbell, John R. Mulroy, comes to the Granada theater on Next Time You Visit Denver Make This Your Home Edgar Schmiedeler, Q.S.B., of St. Sunday. Drama,_ thrills and romance Plenty Parking Space - Benedict’s college, Atchison, Kans.; are said to be liberally packed into E. J. McCarthy of Alamosa and this exciting saga of the old West Courtesy and Service Our Slogan Thomas Wolohan of Pueblo; -Dr. with Bill Boyd portraying a role that Thomas Purcell, Mrs. Thomas Garri­ Located Close to Theaters, Stores and Business District will undoubtedly be hailed as his most son, Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon, Miss Linna Our Rates Are Moderate— $1.50 to $2.50 Per Day, outstanding since “ The Volga Boat­ Bresette and John H. Reddin. Mrs. i man.” With Special Rates by Week or Month S. J. Lewis had charge of the lunch-i Lillian Kearn was awarded the eon arrangements. 1$145 radio Tuesday night.— Adv. THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER PAGE THREE

Quarterly Conference of Diocesan Let Us Park Your Car While You Shop— at Lewis’ Council in Pueblo on April 29 Colorado’s Home Store for Forty-Two Years The quarterly conference of the J. C. Hagus, publicity; Mrs. Georgia Sixteenth Street at Stout Denver “Diocesan Council of Catholic Zeiger of Pueblo, study clubs; Mrs. Women will be held in Knights of M. J. Dunlea, Mexican welfare; Columbus hall, Pueblo, Wednesday, Mrs. P. J. Sullivan, relipous instruc­ April 29. The sessions will open at tion; Mrs. S. J. Lewis, ways and 10 o’clock with prayer by Dean means; Mrs. Harvey J. Smith, girl Thomas Wolohan. Mrs. T. A. Cos- welfare; Mrs. Marvin Klattenhoff, griff, president of the council, will immigration; Mrs. F. J, Gartland, Sale 3600 Crisp New preside. Officers, chairiheh of stand­ Altar and Rosary societies; Miss ing committees and group representa­ Mary Flood, Queen’s Daughters; tives, composing the board of direc­ Mrs. C. P. Byrne, Aid societies; Mrs. tors, Will give their respective re­ E. T. Gibbons, guilds}- Mrs. M. J. ports. O’Fallon, Mrs. Ella M. Weekbaugh Home Frocks The 76 affiliated organizations are and Miss Margaret Fallon, alumnae; expected to be well represented. The Mrs. Anna Fleming of Colorado Solid Color Linenes following Althr and Rosair societies Springs, Catholic Daughters o f Beautiful Voiles and missions which fare included in America; Mrs. D. J. McQuaid, Mrs. High Count Venetian the Pueblo deanery are urged to at­ H. W. McLauthlin, Mrs. W. H. An­ tend: St. Patrick’s, La Junta; St. drew, Mrs. Alfred Rampe, Mrs. Lee Printed Batistes Prints Mary’s, Las Animas; St. Peter’s, Ord- Williams of Pueblo, Mrs. J. Leo Ster­ way; St. Peter’s, Rocky Ford; St. ling of Canon City, Mrs. Sabina Michael’s, Canon City; St. Joseph’s, O’Malley of Grand Junction, Miss Look for THE GENERAL TIRE •Neon Sign Holly; Our Lady of Guadalupe, La­ Laura Ryan of Colorado Springs and Compare the smart st3^1ing-j-the mar; Assumption of Blessed Virgin, Mrs. M. J. Walsh of Greeley. perfect workmanship— the unusu­ Seventh and Lincoln j West Cliff, and St. Benedict’s, Flor­ .Mgmbers of the board attending ence. the conference from Denver will ally fine fabrics. Identical in every As Pueblo is easy of access to visit Colorado Springs en route in detail with dresses you formerly Leadville and Walsenburg deaneries the interest of the council. purchased at twice the'price. W, L LEBLING, Inc. and missions, a larger representation than usual is expected from them. PAROCHIAL TEAMS’ Smart Vest effects— jumper styles IJ. R E H A R Q U A R T E R ^ From Walsenburg comes the interest­ ing statement that 950 children are SCHEDULE GIVEN -pleated, shirred, circular skirts— enrolled in Catholic schools. The Ipojrular “ Co-ed” frocks. Sleeveless, paramount issues at the quarterly The Parochial High School league conference will be the P.-T. A., baseball season was scheduled to open ap, and short sleeves— Mothers’ clubs in rural districts, fur­ April 23. You may ther organization, legislation and All games are to be played at Mexican welfare. Elitch’s gardens. The schedule, with LUX( have this On the program will be Dean Wolo­ each game slated for 3:30 p.m., fol­ superior han, who will explain “ Why Every lows; Catholic Woman Should Belong to April 23-:-Holy Family high vs. laundry the N.C.C.W.;’’ the ReV. Patrick Con­ Annunciation high. Guaranteed service at no way of Rocky Ford, whose subject April 24— Sacred Heart high will be “ Mexican Welfare;’’ Miss Cathedral high. MAin more than Ahern on “ Co-operation of Social April 30— Holy Family high vs. Tub'fast... 4261 regular Agencies’’ and Mrs. Gertrude Del­ Regis high. gado of Alamosa, “ Child Welfare April 31— Cathedral high vs. An­ laundry Problem in Southern Colorado.’’ In­ nunciation high. , Women’s Sizes— 36 to 46. WC ViAJM £V£RYTHIM6 IM + prices. formal discussions will be read from May 2— Sacred Heart high vs. An­ Greeley, Denver, Fort Collins and nunciation high. Misses’ Sizes— 14 to 20. Pueblo. May .8— Cathedral high vs. Regis Extra Sizes:—48 to 54. The board of directors of the Den­ high. ver Diocesan Council of Catholic May 14— Annunciation h igh vs. Regis high. Women includes the following: Mrs. 36'52 May 15— Holy Family high V3. 166 I McVEIGH & SCHEUERMAN | T. A. Cosgriff, president; Mrs. Home Frock Shop HUNTED VOILE Thomas Gairison, first vice president; Sacred Heart high. I6'41 Painting and Interior Decorating *** Mrs. George Shearer of Pueblo, sec­ May 21— Holy Family h igh vs. i«r»TE Second Floor— at Lewis’ Cathedral high. ^Estimates Given on AH' Interior or Exterior Painting ond vice president; Mrs. Thomas Ker­ rigan of Puebld, treasurer; Mrs. May 22— Sacred Heart h igh VS. Phone GAliup 2848 4401 Vallejo Street Regis high. George McDevitt, financial secretary; Mrs. H. C. Denny, /ecording secre­ CLUB URGED TO tary; Mrs. G. A. Graveline, P.-T. A.; SOCIETY WILL YOURS FOR HEALTH ONE-HALE BLOCK FROM BUS DEPOT Mrs. John Mueller, legislation; Mrs. ECONOMIC STUDY Dr. Wright’s Sulphur Baths Street Care Noe. il-13-40 at Depot Stop MEET TUESDAY .. .at Hotel Door Recommended for Colorado Hotel A. L. SMITH, Prop. PARISH K. OF C. The monthly meeting of the At the last regular meeting of the Rheumatism and Chroiiic Diseases 17th Street at Tremont Phone KEystone 2391 Queen’s Daughters, the Rev. William TO MEET MONDAY Friends of the Sick Poor will be held M. Higgins, the chaplain, read (selec­ J. R. W RIGH T— Osteopath at Corpus .Christ! convent, 2501 tions from Bishop Shahan’s “ The Gaylord street, Tuesday, April 28, at Phone MAin 3772. 1823 Welton St., Denver, Colo, (Holy Family Parish) of God.” He also explained p. m. The speaker will be one of the necessity of an intelligent Cath­ There will be a meeting of the the priests of St. Dominic’s parish. olic understanding of economic ques­ DIAMOND A MARKET Knights of Columbus membership Mrs. John _ R. Schilling will present tions. The meeting, which was held committee of Holy Family parish this her usual interesting program. at the Catholic Daughters’ clubhouse, Monday evening at the home of J. J. The society was repa-esented at the Hotfre: 9 to 12; 1 to 6. Phone Main 84S7 Quality,Corn Fed Meats was one of the largest of the season. Reiidenee Phone, York 2188 Dryer, the chairman, 4454 Tennyson Industrial conference by the Mes­ Delegates were appointed to attend Groceries and Bakery Goods streety Plans will be outlined for the dames J. M. Harrington, Richard 150| LAWRENCE FREE DELIVERY PHONE TABOR 72»5 the Catholic industrial nteeting' in membership campaign and active Morrissey and Michael McEahern. Denver this week. Mrs. Blanche Os­ DR. J. J. O’NEIL, DENTIST work will begin at once. Letters bourne and Miss O’Keefe reported and literature have already been sent CflEST FINDS for St. Anthony’s guild. The last to about seventy-five prospective deanery council report was given by Suite 722 Mack Building. 16th and Caliloraia Sia. THE JOHN A. MARTIN DRUG CO. candidates, all of whom will be JOBS FOR 2,880 Miss Roy. A translation of the called upon by members of the com­ Corner Fiftoonth nnd Cnrtit, Chariot Baildin( Pope’s radio address was read by mittee next week. The Holy Family A total- of 2,880 jobs has been Miss Minnie Duray. A review of the parish is one of the outstanding par­ found by the Denver Community current issue of the Franciscan mag- Reliable Drugs and Family Medicines ishes of the city and is looked upon Cahn-Forster Dopondoblo Proteription Servico Telophone Main 1900 Chest employment committee in the azintt^ was made by Miss Mary Rose Doyle’s Pharmacy I as a leader in many ways. It has al­ past eleven weeks, according to sta­ O’Brien. Dainty refreshments were ways succeeded-in what it has under­ The Particular Druggist tistics just released by Guy T, Justis, served by the ho.stesses. Miss Alice Electric Co. taken and the pastor. Father Lappen, CAMERAS AND FILMS executive secretary of the Commu­ Jones, Mrs. Fagan and Miss Eliza­ feels sure that this— the first class nity Chest. beth Woods. New members and vis­ 17th Ave. and Grant 1524 to be designated as a “ parish class” FREDERICK & NILSON— Groceries and Meats There have been eight agencies itors were welcomed by Miss Rut-h TAbor 8936— TAbor 8937 Glenarm — wijl have a large number of candi­ Kiene, the piesident. Formerly, 18th and Clarkson The Red & White Store dates and that the'day of its initia­ which receive funds from the Com­ Place munity Chest and four other organ­ Free Delivery Appliancea Phones: York 0646— York 4349 2958 Josephine Street tion will be a red letter event in the MAin history of Denver Columbianism. izations co-operating in this effort to 4207 Repairing secure work for the unemployed in CARD PARTY ON " ■ k The regular monthly meeting of Sunshine Quality RADIO the Young Ladies’ sodality was held the. past three months. The jobs MONDAY, MAY 4 at the home of Miss Cornelia Cal­ which have been secured include Kodak Finishing Generators-Motori Holy Family garisli laghan, 4159 W olff street, Wednes­ 1,057 permanent jobs and 1,831 tern (St. James’ Parish) AT Rewound— Repaired day night. porary placements. The employment The members of the Altar .society Doyle’s Pharmacy end Rented The Holy Hour was kept this week committee will meet this Friday at will spon.sor a card party on the eve­ ORIENTAL CLEANERS AND DYERS on Thursday night instead of P’riday 4 o’clock in the Community Chest ning of Monday, May 4, in the tea EIGHT-HOUR SERVICE H. L. McGovern Dan Gaffy SUITS TO ORDER PETRINO BROTHERS WE CALL AND DELIVER “ The Rose of the Southland” will building. room of the Denver Dry Goods com­ GENTS’ AND LADIES’ TAILORING, CLEANING AND PRE.SSING be presented by students of the pany. They cordially invite their GAliup 2276______10% OH for Cash and Carry ______4327 W. 44!h Ave. QUALITY MEATS ARE Holy Family high school this Friday FORMER DENVERITES TO friends in other parishes to attend. night, April 24, in the school hall MORE ECONOMICAL ^ MARRY IN BEVERLY HILLS A special meeting of the society will NATIONAL SHOE SHOP Besides the play, there will be sev­ be held this Monday-afternoon, April Sandberg Motor Co. eral songs and dances by the grade Quality, Service and Expert Workmanship Two former Denverites will figure 27, at 2 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Rabtoay & Simering schejol pupils. The admission price M. J. Dunlea, 920 Newport street. De Soto 1030 Weit Colfax 4414 YATES DENVER, COLORADO in an attractive wedding on Satur­ for everything will be only 35 cents. The members are requested to be Acroit from St. Leo'e Church This entertainment is an offering on day of next week, when Miss Mar­ ion Ferris will marry Frank Flynn present or to send in their reports and Plymouth Sales FOR A REAL HAMBURGER SANDWICH the part of the school in honor of on the number of tickets disposed of Phone KEyitone 3638 “ They're Good Because They're T ooled " the patron saint of the pastor. at the Church of the Good Shepherd Chrysler Service PIES - CAKES - HOME-MADE CHILI - COFFEE in Beverly Hills, Calif. The wedding for the party on May 4, so that the Mesdames Ethel Wiley and Walter number of tables can be estimated. THE TENNYSON SANDWICH SHOP Koerber have charge of the sanctuary will take place at 8:30 a. m .and the General Repairing & Storage 4410 Tennyon St. Holy Family Parish Rev. Gerald Flynn, brother of the The Mesdames M. J. Dunlea, Jesse this week. Hooyer and Leo Gates attended the 950 Bannock St. KE. 8521 KEEP YOUR HOME IN Holy Family parish had a streak bridegroom, will officiate. GOOD REPAIR Miss Ferris will be given in mar­ Industrial conference and the N; C. When you buy Building Material BURGRAF PHARMACY of luck last week when the Ford C. W. luncheon at the Argonaut riage by Dr. Joseph Ravage. Miss Remember sedan, offered by the Knights of Co­ ho^el Monday. 38TH AND YATES Margaret Ann Kendall, formerly of E. W . ROBINSON Phone GAliup 0621 Free Delivery lumbus.-was awarded to Father Lap- Father Walsh has securpd copies SPRINGTIME!, pen. This car belongs to the parish Denver, will be maid of honor. LUMBER CO. Misses Catherine McCarthy, Helen of “ The Mass of the Angels,” which Fruits and Vegetables 201 W. Iowa Phone SO. 0030 and will be awarded at the summer was sung by the children at the Eu­ COLLEGE DELICATESSEN LOWELLp BOTLEV ARD carnival, which will be held some Herron and Roberta Persinger Here’s the Place to Get Them— ' will be bridesmaids. William May­ charistic Congress held in Chicago, Fresh and a wide range of choice. Our Hot Noonday Lunches and Short Orders Will Please You time in July. for the use of the congregation in The seventh annual social at berry will be best man and Messrs. Denver Sea Food Co. Bakery Goods - Milk - Cream - Corbetta Ice Cream Michaelson, Anthony Stahl and promoting congregational singing. Elitch’s gardens will be held Thurs­ 521 15th St. THE A. W. CLARK day, April 30. The early reports on Frank Muller will be the ushAs. G. MAPELLI, Mgr. CLARK & SON the sale of tickets are very encour After a honeymoon in Honolulu MOTHER CONSUELO * DRUG COMPANY aging and give an indication that the the couple will make their home in Corner Eightk Avoana aa«l Hardware, Paint, Glass and Radio social will be a real success. Hollywood. MAKING RETREAT Santa Fo Dalvo 4034 Tennyson______■ ______Gal. 1086 The quarterly report of the con­ Miss Ferris is the daughter of EYES EXAMINED Phono Soatk 114 tributions for the first three months Mrs. L. M. Johnston of Parco, Wyo., fLoretto Heights College) EVERYTHING IN DRUGS of the year will be distributed this and a niece of Mrs. William Fair- Motner M. Consuelo, superior of Glatset Sunday. cloth of this city. She formerly at­ Loretto Heights, is at present in That Palmer Market Cullen’s Independent tended the Kent school here and Nerinx, Ky., making her annual re­ Satitfy QUALITY MEATS SKELETONS FOUND AT SHRINE Notre Dame de Sion convent in treat, which closes on April 25, Foun­ Grocery and Market Kansas City, and was graduated Walsh Motor Company Fresh Fish and Oysters NOT BELIEVED SAINTS’ dation day of the Sisters of Loretto. Reasonable In Season AuriesVille, N. Y.— Discovery of from Holmby college in Beverly Mother Consuelo left Loretto Heights Quality Meats and Groceries Prices FRESH EGGS human skeletons at the shrine of the Hills. April 6, for Santa Fe, N. M., where 4923 W . 38th Ave. Denver Authorized FORD Dealers 4028 Tennyson GAliup 3701 North American martyrs here has Mr. Flynn is the son of Mrs. John she attended the jubilee of Mother Conscientious A. Flynn, formerly of Denver. He Service evoked wide interest. This historic Bernard, superior of Loretto academy Sonth 8964 EnglawoeJ 188 attended* Loyola university and is of that city. She expects to be back site, the scene of the martyrdom of 3537 Sonth Broadway LOOK FOR THE ELECTRIC SIGN Saints Isaac Jogues, Rene Goupil now engaged in business in Holly­ at the college about May 1. WM. E. and John Lalande, witlF its impres­ wood. The social event of the year for McLAIN sions of a glorious past in the im Loretto— the annual prom— will be Cleaning TENNYSON MARYKNOLL MOVEMENT’S 20TH given at the Lakewood Country club Optometrist Dyeing planting of the faith in the new world This space is offered, free of Repairing Altering SANDWICH SHOP has, previous to this time, failed to ANNIVERSARY, JUNE 2^ on May 1. The queen and her court The Maryknoll movement will cele­ will be selected soon. 1509 WILLIAM E. McLAIN Plate Lunches, Hot Sandwiches, disclose historic evidence that it is CHAMPA Opton>etrist charge to any parish for adver­ Soft Drinks the true location of the ancient vil­ brate its 20th anniversary June 29. Mrs. Margaret Mitchell Burke, who tising parish affairs. W. A. GRIERSON, Prop. successfully directed Loretto’s play in Yours for Service Open 8 A. M. Ufilil 1 P. M. lage of Ossernenon described in the In its five mission fields in the Orient Phone Gal. 5084 4120 Tennyion St. 4410 Tennyson St. GIsdys Beach, Prop. Jesuit Relations. Some of the early and in the islands of the Pacific, the the recent state touranment, has press reports indicated a possibility society (Catholic Foreign Mission So­ started rehearsals for Shakespeare’s that the skeletons might include those ciety of America) has more than 100 “ As You Like It,” which she will W. T. ROCHE The firms listed here de­ of three martyrs whose labors won priests and brothers and has converted present. in the college auditorium VOSS BROS. Ambulance Service Co. recognition at Rome in June, 1930. about 5,000 persons. In addition, it about the middle of May. The mem­ serve to be remembered 406 East Colfax CASH PEED PRICES This is improbable. Accounts of their has 3,000 catechumens, has baptized bers of the cast have been chosen 1805 Gilpin St. YOrk 0900 from her dramatic classes. S621 ff. 82nd>tT.. when you are distributing Wheat ...... 95c Corn ...... $1.15 deaths in authentic historical records 5.000 babies and has ordained two 2986 W. 26th Are. Mix feed, $1.40 Lay mash, $1.85 say that Father Jogues and John Asiatics to the jiriesthood. There are Miss Marie Sherlock, a sophomore, Home Public Market Limousines For All your patronage in the dif- Lalande were decapitated following 10.000 stbdents in it^mission schools. is directing a one-act play, “ Thank­ Grand Public Market ful for Jack,” which wifi be presented Corner 9th and Downing Occasions \ SALINE their martyrdom and that the body Hundreds of blind, aged and sick Corner 88th and Federal Bird. ferent lines of business. 38TH AND WOLFE GAL. 4669 of Rene (joupil was buried in the have been cared for. Many build­ at the college next week. Members ravine at the southwestern end of ings have been erected— fifty in the of the cast include Marguerite Phone— Main Offlee Gallop 1190 the shrine grounds. The bodies of Kongmoon, China, district alone, Krause, Maureen Maloney, Helen MAUL CARPET BLUE F^RONT Jogues and Lalande, according to where Bishop James E. Walsh, Grady, Albina De Rose, Victoria record, were thrown into the Mohawk Maryknoller, is in chai-ge. Kneip and Margaret Connelly. WJien in Need of Help CLEANING CO. SHOE REPAIR SHOP river. Closely following the discov­ Father James A. Walsh, head of A tennis tournament open to all ery of the first skeleton came the Maryknoll, has been in China lately collegians will start Monday, April of any kind, permanent or odd job, Inr Community Cara Joseph M. Cavalfer Eaat and W eit lit CARPETS CLEANED & WASHED unearthing of seven others in on an inspection tour. He called at 27, the first sets to begin at 9 call Employment Department, Better Quality Shoe Repairing the three days that the excavations Shanghai on Igi Pa Hong and Nich­ o’clock. A numeral will be given to 15th of each month the champion. Best Workmanship in the City SHINE were continued. These latter were olas Tsu, Chinese noted for their CATHOLIC CHARITIES I Office A Warehouse, 1S2I 20th St. all remains of Red men, six adults Catholic charity, and found them both Service— ^KEyatone 6228 612 Exchange Bldg. Keyitone 63861 Ph, TA. 0579 851 Zuni' 1529 Curti. St. Phone TAb'jr 3601 and a child. making a laymen’s retreat. ■ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS PAGE FOUR Telephone. Main 5413 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Office, 938 Bannock Street Thursda^jA^rH SPAIN TO KEEP The Denver Catholic Register 244 Per Cent hcrease Noted FAIR TO CHURCH T iu r ni T iir nAni/irnw President of Board.. .Et. Bev. 4. Henry Tihen, D.D. Editor...... — ------...... Rev. Matthew Smith,, Ph.D., LL.D. m Cases Handled by Charity Washington, D. C.— Word reaching n c M IN THE ROCKIES Associate Editors------.Hubert A. Smith, Joseph Newman, Millard F. Everett this capital continues to indicate An Egg a Day that the neW regime in Spain is tak­ ditions. It would remind you of the Keeps the Sheriff Away. (Continued From Page 1) ing an entirely respectful atfitude Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver. Colo. where 1,000 additional small givers disaster and suffering that follow in the wake of unemployment, of the towards the Church thus far and We care for your “ nest egg.” gave 13 per cent more than the pre­ seems anxious to avoid any difficul­ obligation that rests not primarily 512.00 a month put away vious year, but the total contribution ties over the Church question. • upon charity itself, but upon govern­ Published Weekly by to the campaign fell below the pre­ Underlying dispatches received in (40c a day) and $2,000,00 ment and industry to provide every vious year’s because the people of Washington from various sources is a man with a livelihood for himself cash for you in 120 months. THE CATHOLIC PUBLISHING SOCIETY. (Inc.) wealth and leisure, who usually fairly definite indication that ulti­ and family. It declares that if indus­ pledged one hundred dollars and mately the new Republican form of 938 Bannock Street try builds up surpluses to protect its over, gave less than in previous years government means a separation of People’s Building and stocks and bonds in lean years, it Phone Main 5413 P. 0 . Box 1497 and some of them scarcely gave at Church and State in Spain. The Re­ all. must share that surplus witti labor. Loan Assn. Unemployment Ihsurance and reserve publican minister o f the interior, "Charity and its organizations are Miguel Maura, is quoted as declaring H o m » O f f i c e : funds must be created. A multitude 52 a year. Sold only in club arrangement with The Register, much concerned about the fact of definitely that such a separation will of devices must be built up to safe- 236 Continental Oil BMg. Tuesday edition. $2 covers subscription to both weeklies. unemployment,” Father Mulroy as­ be insisted upon by the new regime. serted. “ Charity establishes the fact gpiard the rights of the worker to BRANCHES: ‘decent livelihood.’ He must have Aiiuret Against Confiscation of unemployment. It studies and At the same time, Senor Maura is North Denver, 4860 Newton security. No laissez faire, ostrich­ Thursday, April 23, 1931 plans for the relief of the unem- quoted as giving positive assurance South Denver, 142 Broadway pldyed by seeking available jobs, by like policy can be continued. If it that there will be no confiscation of In Block with Haran Theater supplying food, fuel, rent, clothing, is, we are at the end of the road. Church property, and that the sep­ The obligation belongs to industry, OFFICIAL NOTICE medical care, etc. It will even estab­ aration will be sought in an amicable to capital, and the authority of the lish bread lines and soup kitchens, manner and by a new agreement be­ The Catholic Register has our fullest approval as to its puroose but prays that we may not have to law must be exercised to see that it tween the Holy See and the Spanish and method of publication. We declare it the official organ of the is fulfilled. Social justice requires return to these' crude methods, or government. Diocese of Denver and earnestly bespeak for it the whme>hearted lack o f method, for relief. But even nothing less and for social justice support of our priests and people. That suj^yrt will make The for this minimum o f assistance char­ we must all labor.” HONOR FOR ABBE WHO FIRST Re^ster a strong power for the spread of God's Kingdom in Colorado. ity must be provided with adequate WE OWN 'AND OFFER: HAD LEAGUE IDEA funds. •PJ. HENRY TIHEN, Flans are under way for the erec­ “ ‘Charity, never falleth away’ in tion of a monument at Cherbourg, May 1, 1818. Bishop of Denver. time ■ of need but uses every device Local News France, to Abbe de St. Pierre, one to rise to the occasion. It endeavors of the first persons to suggest the to put a heart as well as a head be­ A subscriber of The Register idea from which the League o f Na­ Interlake Iron Corporation hind its efforts. It seeks to keep the wishes to acknowledge a great favor tions sprung. The Abbe’s chief work, home together, to give hope and en­ received through the intercession of “ Projet de Pais Perpetuelle,” is con­ couragement to parents, to make S t Patrick. sidered one of the earliest sugges­ LISTENING IN children healthy, wholesome and A subscriber wishes to thank St. tions for a world League of Na­ First Mortgage happy. Therefore, charity endeavors States will hare had this territory Jude and St. Margaret of Cortona tions. (Continued From Page 1) to be a medium of education, of for obtaining through their interces­ such prudence and brilliance ai have and these "Mexicans” for one hun­ sound information on economic con- dred years and we have progressed sion a very special favor. vuvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvwvwvvw characterized the labors of that grand The feature article of the May is­ 5% GOLD BONDS old man, Jobn Henry Tihen. to far with their training and uplift that many of us still refer to them sue of The Shield, the national pub­ It it with a sob that wa see Bishop PATRONESSES FOR lication of the Catholic Students’ Tihen go. The loTe we haTe borne as "foreigners.” Due May 1, 1951 If we knew the "Mexicans” as the Mission Crusade, is "Colorado Vaca­ him has not been mere newspaper PARTY ARE NAMED tion Schools,” by C. J. Reardon, F. J. Kirchhof talk. God knows and the people higher class and middle class people in Mexico knew them, we would treat M.A., of St. Thomas’ seminary. The know that no man can arer win his The Junior Tabernacle society will The Interlake Iron Corporation is the largest pro­ them as toying, simple-minded, In­ article, which is illustrated, outlines way deeper into our hearts than sponsor a card party Wednesday eve­ the preparation necessary for student Construction dian children, who will never grow ducer in the United States of merchant pig iron and Bishop Tihen. ning, April 29, in the tea room of teachers and explains the manner of up. They envy nobody, they want but commercial coke, with plants strategically located on the Denver Dry Goods company. The directing this important and timely little here below, and they become the Great Lakes at Chicago, Duluth, Toledo and Erie. The attendance at the Catholic patronesses are the Mesdames Wm. phase of the apostolate in the Den­ Cmnpany bad Indians, as we say, had "hom - H. Andrew, S. J. Balias, C- C. Ber­ Conference on Industrial Problems bres” when they get too much fire­ ver diocese. this week was the greatest at any of nard, Geo. W. Coffin, Sr., James Miss Mildred Connell played the These bonds are secured by a First Mortgage water. Crowe, John B. Day, M. S. Fitzger­ the three annual conferences so- far leading part in “ Giants’ Stair," which covering all the real estate, plants and equipment held. At some sessions, it ran as ald, J, P. Guiry, W. R. Kaffer, Harry won the highest honors in the recent high at 500. Labor leaders of all Kiely, W. R. Leonard, C. D. Mc­ State Theater tournament. Miss owned by the Corporation. These properties are con­ faiths were conspicuous. The talks Local News Donnell, Wm. H. Murphy, S. J. Connell appeared in the role of “ Til,” BUILDERS servatively appraised at 2.38 times the amount of the were brilliant and the open discus­ O’Day, J. J. Campbell, T. 0 . Esher, a difficult character part portraying First Mortgage bonds outstanding. sions spirited. The closing banquet B. F. FitzSimons, Wm. B. Foster, E. a half-witted girl. had an attendance of 200. To Fa­ The regular irtonthly meeting of the Gallagher, E. P. Gibbolis, Carl ther Harold V . Campbell and to Miss Tabernacle society will be held at the Hines, 0. M. Kellogg, T. J. McN^illy, SIXTEEN CHURCHES IN W e Would As 6f December 31,1930, the Corporation showed Linna Bresette, as well as to all tho home, of Mrs. H. Grant Wimbush, W. O’Keefe, Julia‘ ili* O’Neil, Archie VATICAN CITY 2501 E. 7th avenue,,.coraer of Col­ Hoalridge, W. P. Horan, Jr., K. .M. net, tangible assets of nearly five times the total funded other workers, a debt of gratitude is How many churches there are Appreciate dfiht, and current assets of 4.25 times current liabilities. due. umbine street, Friday, MayT, at 2:30 Doyle, C. H. Darrow, J. V. Hunter, within the boundaries of the Vatican p.m. This will be an important Frank Gartland, Thomas Halter, J. City is a question very few could Your Patronage Some of our Catholic leaders have meeting and the president requests ■a E. Gaule, James Eakins, A. E. Gal­ not yet caught the significance of this answer. Including St. Peter’s and large attehdance. lagher, Dave Garland, George P, For the five years ended December 31, 1930, net moTement. It is in such parleys that the jiarish church, St. Anne’s, there Mrs. J. M. Lavin entertained at a Hackcthal, , Denis Hartford, Nellie are sixteen. There are in the Vatican earnings averaged ?3,931>217.00, or 5.25 times interest the current of history is changed. Hickey, J, C, Hague, J. B. Dman, 700 Lawrence Street requirements. Would to heaTons that people would dinner Sunday for Mrs. Lucy Girard, palace the Pauline and Sistine chap­ who is leaving Denver to make her Margaret Dick, William P. Dolan, els and those of the Countess Ma­ learn that the sowing of right prin­ MAhi 5314 James Dryer, Harry Loritz, Jr., C. tilda, Nicholas V, Innocent III, Jules ciples is after all the most important home in California. The other-guests were Mrs. W. H. Eastern and Mrs. 0. Reed, Lawrence Rabtoay, John H. III and Urban VIII. Within the ter­ We recommend the purchase of these bonds: thing any moyement can do. There Catherine Lavoie. Reddin, M. J. O’Fallon, A, T. Dol- ritory there are also the Churches Denver - G>lorado is less buncombe and more practical laghan, P. J. Garland, Ben Riepe, A reader of The Register wishes to of St. Egidius, St. Martha, St. Ste­ education in this movemeht than any K. McCarthy, Arthur Wren, Stephen (a) ' Because they are a First Mortgage obliga­ publish thanks to the Sacred Heart phen of Abyssinia, St. Martin of other social work we know of. Ryan, A. Pollack, Della Schauers, W WVSAfWW/VWW W W W for a favor received through the use Switzerland and ^t. Peregrin, and at tion of the largest Corporation of its kind in of the Mi>^<^culous Medal. Ralph W. Kelly, C. A. Bottinelli, J. the Castel Gandolfo are the chapels this country. Listening In offers a treat this Lynch, Thos. Savage, Jr., Joseph of Urban VIII and Clement XII. week, in the following by J. M. The kisses Nelle and Margaret Seubert, A. H. Seep, Charles Saun­ O’Connell, editor of The Salida Mail, Fenton of Denver and Mrs. C. M ders, Jacob Savageau, Harvey , Smith, HUGE PROBE OF PROTESTANT (b) Because this Corporation supplies an essen­ McCormick of Boulder returned Sun­ ■ who has written it at the suggestion John H. Spillane, Matt Verlinden, MISSION FUNDS v day from Ames, Iowa, Where they Asai>aho« 8i: tial commodity. of Father Manus Boyle for our paper; M. D. McEniry, M. J. Halter, 0. B. The New York World-Telegram had accompanied the body their Dcnvbr OObORAOO Thum, E. C. Day, A. H. Lampert, W. April 18 said foreign missions sup­ (c) Because the earnings record of the Corpora­ ' The Mexican in Our Midst sister, Kathryn, for bdrial. Funeral F. McGlone, R. W. Turner, Frank ported by Protestant churches of the You can pay off the average Mexi­ services were held Thursday, April Kirchhof, J. M. Knight, J. H. Ley- tion over a number of years is most satis­ 16, in St. Cecilia’s church by Father United States at an annual cost of can of the peon type on a Saturday don, James E. Maloney, R. H. Black­ $40,000,000 are undergoing a rigid factory. night and he will be broke before J. M. Campbell. Miss Fenton was a man and Anne Coffin and the Misses postal employe. The post office and thorough investigation. John D. Monday. But no Mexican ever takes Agnes O’Brien, Margaret A. Carl­ Rockefeller, Jr., and a group of prom­ a dollar out of town or sends one closed during the services and the son, Teresa Courtney, Helene Mc­ entire force attended in a body. inent laymen inaugurated the survey Application will be made to list these bonds on out of town. He usually pays top Carthy, Margaret Leary, Margaret more than a year ago. The World- prices for what he buys, and he is Many friends from Des Moines and Murphy and Josephine Matty. the New York Stock Exchange. other Iowa towns were in attendance. Telegram said, after it was intimated satisfied with little. He is nearly that some of the huge sums collected pure Indian, and the disregard of . In The Gaelic club wil hold its an- ORTHODOX PRELATE ASKS WE each year for the advancement of PRICE: 97 AND INTEREST TO YIELD 5.25% dians for wealth is proverbial. A sky-1 nual “ hard times” social at 1432 PRAY FOR RUSSIA Arapahoe street, 'this Saturday eve­ Christianity in foreign countries had blue suit with pearl buttons, a red Despite the intensity of the perse­ been wasted or misused. shirt and a green bandana handker­ ning, April 25. The members extend cution of all that even suggests We will be pleased to send you a circular chief and the peon is rich without a a cordial invitation to their friends Christianity in Russia, faith slumbers describing the issue in detail. to attend. BLIND IRISH DELEGATES COME cent in his pocket. in the hearts of the people and TO NEW YORK ALONE In some Colorado communities, Major and Mrs. Edgar Wilson rouses the pious ever to fresh resist­ J. P. Neary, secretary o f the Irish where the common labor has been Mumford are planning a six-week ance, the Russian Orthodox Arch­ Association for the Blind and editor done by Mexicans, they substituted trip to New York. They will leave bishop Seraphim of Harkow d<>clared of The Blind Citizen, Ireland’s only Jspz and some Europeans, but after the latter part of next month. in an address before the Catholic braille newspaper, arrived April 12 Sullivan & Company a few years of this the business men Miss Josephine Maroney is ex School association at Vienna. Arch­ to attend, the World Conference on wanted the Mexicans back on the job, pected to return to Denver in two bishop Seraphim appealed for the Work for the Blind at New York. Mr. I n v e s t m e n t S e c u r i t i e s because the peon spent his money and weeks. She has been spending the prayers of the Catholics for Russia’s Neary and a companion said they the others salted it down. winter in the South. Christianity, which, he said, was be­ made the trip from Dublin unaccom­ There are three classes of people The final resting place of John B ing menaced in its very existence. panied and had met with the utmost se c u r it y b u il d in g DENVER, COLORADO Harrington, long Colorado’s oldest in Old Mexico. First, the white shirt consideration everywhere. Both are TELEPHONE TABOR 4264 or aristocratic class. These people citizen, has been saved from oblivion, ARMY AEROPLANE CARRIES totally blind. are learned, highly cultured, speak Last week, a beautiful memorial tab­ SICK PRELATE several languages, live in magnificent let, donated by Anton Bohm, pres­ Secretary of War Hurley author­ NOTRE DAME FROSH COACH TO homes, cnltivate the opera, horse rac­ ident of the Bohm Memorial com­ ized the use of an army aeroplane MONTANA COLLEGE ing and the world-renowned amuse­ pany, 1640 Speer boulevard, was to transport a Monsignor Blessing William B. Jones, head freshman ments. The second class is com­ erected over Mr. Harrington’s grave from Almirante, Panama, to San coach at the University of Notre posed of the artisans, tha small shop­ in the extreme northwest corner of Jose, Costa Rico. Monsignor Bless­ Dame for the last two years, has keepers in the poorer settlements, Mt. Olivet cemetery. ing was critically ill at Almirante been chosen head coach and physical and the farmers of moderate means. Announcement has been made of and an urgent request for the plane director for Mt. St. Charles college the marriage in Denver last week of The third class is composed of the was made by President Gonzalez of at Helena, Montana. The Rev. Nor- Henry Grauli of Los Angeles and Costa Rico. A Monsignor Augustine peons, who are nearly pure Indians, bert C. Hoff, president of the college, Miss Marguerite Reutiman, a grad­ Blessing, C.M., is Vicar Apostolic of April 16 announced Jones had signed Can Y ou Locate who do all the manual labor and the uate nurse of St. Joseph’s hospital Limon, Costa Rico, and it was thought a contract for the position. The sal­ serving work in the homes. There is The couple will make their home in at the war department that this ary involved was not disclosed. a wide gulf between. these classes California. might be the prelate for whom the that is seldom crossed because the A reader of The Register wishes to use of the plane was sought. SISTER AGNES GOLDEN DIES IN All Your Valuables peon usually does not possess enough publish thanks for a great favor re­ SAN FRANCISCO intelligence to rise, regardless of the ceived from the Sacred Heart through ACADIANS VISIT LOUISIANA, San Francisco. — Sister Agnes training or schooling he may receive. the intercession of Our Lady of Vic­ EVANGELINE’S LAND Golden, aged 72, for many years a in a Few Minutes? W e have had a similar experience tory, SL Joseph, St. Jude and St Abbeville, La.— The trail Evange­ teacher # t the Holy Cross school in with the Indians schooled 'in the Expedit. line trod ih exile from the forest Santa Cruz, died at Mary’s Help hos­ United States. Few of them rise to Oscar Malo entertained a few primeval of her native Acadia was pital there Saturday, April 11. For Do you have to hunt for them prominence.' But some do rise to guests informally Sunday afternoon followed April 17 by 150 pilgrim more than fifty-one years she had prominence, as witness Vice President for Eugene Snedaker, formerly of descendants of the folk she left be­ been a Sister of Charity of St. Vin­ or are they where you KNOW Curtis and the renowned Will Rog' Denver and now of Salt Lake City. hind. They were here to return last cent de Paul. She was a native of they are SAFE and where you ers, and Porfirio Diaz. Mrs. Lough^an, Mrs. Hasselbine year’s visit of their “ Cajun” cousins Louisiana. The fact that these Indians——or and Miss Loretto Loughran, who have and participate in the unveiling Sun­ can lay your hands on them half Indians— speak the Spanish lan­ recently moved into a new home at day of a statue in St. Martinsville HALIFAX PRELATE DIES OF AT ONCE? guage confuses many of us. The 1542 Fairfax street, entertained their of Longfellow’s heroine. EXPLOSION INJURIES Spaniard gave him his language, many friends at tea last Sunday. The Right Rev. Msgr. Gerald Mur taught him civilization and educated Eleanore Weekbaugh has returned CATHOLIC MEDICAL SCHOOL phy, for twenty-eight years rector Our Safe Deposit Vaults are him according to his capacity. Some to Denver after a visit to New York. LARGEST UNDER FLAG of St. Patrick’s parish, Halifax, Nova the last word in PROTECTION of these "Mexicans” you see on the She had been in the East-since Jan­ Of the 78 medical schools under Scotia, who had been connected with streets were born in New Mexico or uary. the U. S. flag, the largest is that at the parish for forty-four years, died and CONVENIENCE. in this state. Some of them are the Elmer Wynne, former Notre Dame Santo Tomas university in the Phil- April 10 of an illness due tc^njuries

C.D.A. Convention in Pueblo May 11-12 St. Francis Xavier’s Parish, Pueblo. r,, — The funeral of George Mulholland took place Tuesday morning mth MAY Pueblo.— State Regent Mrs. Anna where she had an enjoyable visit with her daughter, who is a Sister of Char­ Requiem High Mass, Father Miller M. Fleming of Colorado Springs will officiating and the children’s choir s*i be guest of honor at the 1931 state ity in the parochial school. rendering the music. The large at­ fcV-S convention of the Catholic Daugh­ Mrs. C. Howard Olin was hostess ters of America, Colorado state juris­ tendance testified to the high esteem to members of the Loretto alumnae in which Mr. Mulholland was held by diction, May 11 and 12, at Pueblo. Saturday afternoon in her home. THE MONTH ~ X Several hundred delegates and vis­ his many friends. The sympathy of A signal honor came to Miss Joyce the parish is extended to his sorrow­ itors from all parts of the state are Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. expected to attend. Progressive re­ ing mother, brothers and sisters. Charles A. Moore of this city, last Miss Elizabeth Byrne is recovering ports on membership increase's and week when she was voted the most on religious, educational, charitable from an operation which she under­ OF THE popular co-ed at the Denver univer­ went at St. Mary’s hospital last week. and welfare activities will be sub­ sity school of commerce, where she mitted by state officers, district dep­ Fred Fellion was able to return to is a freshman. Miss Moore was his home from Corwin hospital. Pat­ uties and grand regents. chosen “ Miss Commerce” and her rick McGee and Michael harden ar3 Delegates are to be named at the picture will adorn the frontispiece of meeting to represent the state juris­ the May issue of the school paper. on the sick list. BLESSED diction at the 1931 supreme inter­ Miss Moore g;raduated from St. Pat­ Six boys of the seventh gfrade and national convention of the Catholic rick’s high school last year. two of the eighth grade held a de­ Daughters of America, to be held in Miss Elizabeth Byrnes, who under­ bate last Friday afternoon • in the Atlantic City, N. J., July 7 to 10, in­ went a very serious operation at St. parish hall before an audience com­ clusive. Miss Mary C. Duffy of New­ Mary’s hospital last week, is reported posed of children -of the school, their VIRGIN ark, N. J., supreme regent of the to be improving and well on the road parents and seventh and eighth grade order, and one of the foremost Cath­ to recovery. She is bookkeeper for pupils and sisters of St. Patrick’s It Satisfies olic women leaders of the world, will the George F. McCarthy funeral school. The question was, “ Resolved, preside at the supreme sessions, to home. That General Grant w'as greater be held in Atlantic City's famous We have a beautiful line of Blessed Virgin Statues for A well-attende* I >* * * *<">‘t The firms listed here de­ DiCrado, Mamie Anselmo, Lena Wil­ was served. A social was enjoyed Alice, portrayed by June Stovall, in the afternoon and in the evening Jessie Glusic and Marguerite O’Con liams and Santa Rugio. These boys serve to be remembered and girls all attend Mt. Carmel a supper was served. Many friends nor. The part of Hannah, the maid, were present throughout the day. C. A. WHITE when you are distributing was played by Fredna Boggs. Agnes churcH. Congratulations, gifts, messages and Annunciation Parish Hinds, who took the part of Madame Miss Dorothy Caudayre, a student your patronage in the dif­ letters were showered upon the Drew, was lovely in her costume of at Mt. St. Scholastica’s academy in happy young couple. They will live FRANKLIN PHARMACY MARKET ferent lines of business. the Revolutionary period. Taking Canon City, spent the week-end here in a new bungalow which the groom the parts of the daughters of Ma­ with her parents. The REXALL Store, 34th and Franklin St. At the last regular meeting of the has just completed. dame Drew were Virginia McCarthy, Bert C. Corgan, Mgr. KE. 1753______Immediate Delivery” Margaret Frawley and Mary Ellen Knights of Columbus, plans were Arthur J. Hardebeck, aged 35 Quality Moats Rudolph. Dressed in old-fashioned made to attend the state convention years, passed away Wednesday of last costumes which were beautifully in Fort Collins. An invitation from week at a local hospital, follow­ SUNSHINE QUALITY KODAK FINISHING ing injuries received the Friday pre­ 2803 COLO. BLVD. W e Store St Household made, the three 'giih were unusually the Fort Collins council was read EIGHT-HOt?E SERVICE mr Goods aand Merchandise attractive. Lucille Weiler was We- and it is thought that a number of vious. Mr. Hardebeck was employed the Pueblo knights will accept. Dele­ as salesman by a sporting goods at FRANKLIN PHARMACY DUFFY STORAGE AND nonah, an Indian maid; John Kelley YOrk 0869 acted the part of John Henry, a gates from Pueblo council will be company of Denver. He was a mem­ MOVING CO. patriot of the army. The play cen­ Dr. F. W. Blarney and Charles Kra- ber of the Denver council of Knights THE FRANKLIN LUNCH 1 > * »»*******W ’* sovich. The alternates are C. L. of Columbus. He is survived by his I tered around Christmas day in 1776. “6 YEARS ON THIS CORNER” . 1 Plans have been completed for the Ducy and Frank Carroll. The mem­ 5vife and one child, Dorothy, of Den­ quarterly meeting of the National bers are working zealously in secur' ver; father and mother, Mr. and Open 22 Hours Each Day ______1620 E. 34th Ave. Council of Catholic Women, whiqh ing candidates for the “ Dr. Blarney Mrs. J. A. Hardebeck of Kokomo, ^ St. Dominic’s Parish ^ will convene in Pueblo for a one-day class” to be initiated the latter part Ind., and one sister, Mrs. M. A. JUST C A L I^ W E WILL DELIVER JACKS I : session April 29. A regular meeting of May. The class is named irt honor Derryberry of this city. The body of Pueblo deanery was held Monday of Grand Knight Dr. F. W. Blarney, was forwarded to Denver Friday for STAR MARKET QUALITY BAKERY afternoon with Mrs. George Shearer who has given much time and effort burial. JWatthew Roachford, aged 80 LAKE’S QUALITY MARKET presiding. Sixteen members were in behalf of the organization in the QUALITY MEATS PIES, CAKES, DONUTS, Formerly in Piffsly Wisccly, 25th and Elliott past few years. John D. Butkovich, years, died last week in a Pueblo present. Reports were made from all REASONABLE PRICED BREAD AND ROLLS WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF QUALITY MEATS, FRESH EGGS, committees. It was voted to start a who was selected as general chair­ hospital where he had been for a few days. He was a well-known charac­ SALT AND SMOKED MEATS, FISH AND OYSTERS center for work among the Mexicans man of the class, is especially active 2230 E. 34tb Phone YOrk 4289 2231 E. 34th Ave. Phone YOrk 7856 1 3617 W e.t 32nd Ave. Phone Ga|lup 4405 in which all organizations will co­ in securing applications. Mr. But­ ter around the city for years. The operate. Classes have been started kovich already holds the' record for funeral was held from Sacred Heart bringing members into the Pueblo church. The Rev. Dr. J. D. Segourn WE DELIVER by Miss Fernandez, a worker for CANARY DRUG CO. COR. 34TH AND GILPIN the N. C. C. W. The luncheon at council. celebrated the Requiem Mass. Pinion Fuel and Supply Co. WHEN YOU .WANT DRUG SERVICE .1 the quarterly meeting will be held Miss Marie Keeley, a popular Angelo Pingatore, aged 67 years, LUMP COAL, $5.50 UP at the Congress hotel. member of Sacred Heart parish, is died Thursday of last week at the PHONE KEYSTONE 1461 COAL STEAM COAL, $2.50 UP The Catholic Girls’ club met now with the Grove Drug Co. family residence, 126 West Thir­ F. A. Mumford, M^r. W* 25th and Decatur GAUup 5125 Tuesday evening at the Knights of The regular meeting of the teenth street, following an illness Columbus home. A dinner was served Ladies’ Aid of the Sacred Heart or­ of many months. Mr. Pingatore was by a committfee composed of Miss phanage will be held this week with .well known in this city, where he had Egyptian Cafe Margaret Clynes, Miss Bernice Ducy Mrs. P. J. Mallahan, Mrs. H. J. Vogt, resided for 49 years. He was pro­ St. Johii*s Parish and Mrs. Georgia Zieger. Card games Mrs. 0. 0. Smith, Mrs. Thomas Egan prietor of the ‘.‘Little Merchant,” a Eleanor’s Beauty Special Plate Lunch, 25c-35c were enjoyed afterwards. and Mrs. Burt Anderson as hos­ business he had conducted for sev­ THE STOBBE DRY GOOD^COT Chicken Dinner Sunday, 50c Sister Mary Cyril, mother superior tesses. eral years. He is survived by his Expert Shop Marcelling Mr. and Mrs. Z. N. Cox at St. Mary’s hospital, returned Sat­ A delightful afternoon was spent wife anch the following children; Ladies' & Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Corsets, Hosiery for Family 2636 W. 32nd by the L. L. H. F. club at the home Jennie, Richard and Vtura of 278-280 Detroit Street We Stand Back of Our Goods Tel, YOrk 3953 Finger Waving - Beauty Work urday from a visit to the mother 8 A. M. Open Sundays 7 P. M. house at Cincinnati, Ohio. of Mrs. 0. E.' Gorshe Wednesday Pueblo, _ Vera of Cedaredge and Granada Theater Bldf. GA. 2367 Dean T. J. Wolohan attended the afternoon, April 15. Bunco was Benjamin of San Francisco. The meetings of the Catholic Industrial played and dainty refreshments funeral was held Monday morning at E. L. RONINGER were served to Mrs. L. G. Adamich, 10 o’clock from Mt. Carmel church. conference in Denver Monday and Sumner’s Bakery Oroceries, Meats and Vagetahles The firms listed here de­ Tuesday. The other two members of Mrs. A. V. Babbish, Mrs. J. J. Germ, Requiem High Mass was sung by ROGERS SERVICE serve to be remembered the Catholic Charities board here Mrs. M. C. Howard, Mrs. A. B. Ko- the Rev. S. M. Giglio, S. J. Many A Complete Line of IT TAKES THE who were invited to attend the con­ chevar, Mrs. J. R. Mibelick, Mrs. L. friends attended the services and TO MAKE THE J. Perko, Mrs. P. P. Pungel, two beautiful floral tributes were sent in Quality Bakery Products AND PAYS THE STATION when you are ^distributing ference were Mrs. George Shearer, TO BUY THE IBEST guests, Mrs. J. P. Blatnik, Mrs. T. great number. Mrs. Rose Alexis GAS, OILS AND EXPERT president of the Pueblo deanery of 782 Colo. Blvd. YOrk 6622 FRANKLIN 0804 AND 0805 your patronage in the dif­ the National Council of Catholic Wo­ Skaro, and the hostess, Mrs. Oi E. and Miss Josephine Cardillo sang. TIRE REPAIRING 17IS E. 6th Ave. DeBvnr, Ceiaj men, and Dr. Frank W. Blarney, Gorshe. Thp next meeting will be at Interment was in the family lot in West 25th at Decatur ferent lines of business. grand knight of the Pueblo council, the home of Mrs. M. C. Howard, Roselawn, where eulogies were de­ Knights of Columbus. 1817 Cedar street, on Wednesday, livered by Frank Cristiano and Mrs. J. J. McDonnell returned April 29. Joseph Rose. Mrs. M. Dalio led the PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Sunday from Albuquerque, N. M, Miss Rosemary Pryor entertained prayers. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS PAGE SIX Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Main 5413 Thursday, April 23, 1931

THEATER BENEFIT SOCIETY ATTENDS 92nd BIRTHDAY IS Matineet Nights, ON SOUTH SIDE CLOSING BANQUET MADE HAPPY ONE Saturday 35c and OGDEN Matinees (St. Francis de Sales’ Parish)" (St. Philomena’s Parish) One of the largest meetings of the A benefit was given for St. Fran­ Colorado Lace Cleaning Co. . Sunday Colfax at Ogden 25c At the banquet which closed the season was held by the Sacred Heart cis de Sales’ high school on Thursday sessions of the Catholic Conference Aid society on Thursday afternoon of evening, April 23, at the Majestic on Industrial Problems at the Brown last week in the Catholic Daughters’ Our Past Reputation Speaks for Itself Sat., Sun., Mon., April 25-26>27 Tues., W ed., Thurs., theater. South Pearl street at East home. Mrs. T. A. Collins, the presi­ Now see just who, why, what, where Palace hotel, Tuesday evening, the April 28-29-30 Alameda avenue. A double feature Queen’s Daughters with their spirit­ dent, presided. Mrs. Stephen Ryan, a gangster really is. A most dramatic program was shown for the first Return Parcel Post Orders PREP AID underworld revelation. First Denver Showing ual director, the Rev. W. M. Higgins, chairman of the investigating com­ EDWARD G. ROBINSON time on the South side, “ Bottom of were well represented. Miss Ruth mittee, reported personal visits made Lovely DOROTHY MACKAILL DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. the World,” and “ South Seas.” There Kiene, the president, and the fol­ by the president and herself to all in in will be a matinee this Friday at 3 lowing members were present: Misses charges of the society. Mrs. John o’clock and two shows this Friday Marie Bresnehan, Clara Courtney, J. Dean told of a delightful surprise 4100 Federal Blvd. Phone GAIlup 1000 “ Little Caesar” “ Bright Lights” at 7 and 9 o’clock; which will also be Josephine Dooling, Mary Detmoyer, party given for one of the charges for the benefit of the school. A good May Francis, Margaret Hamilton, on the occasion of her ninety-second attendance will be appreciated by the Sarah Higgins, Alice Jones, Ida Ker- birthday. The Mesdames Joseph students. win, Nellie Lennon, Loretto Lough- Walsh, T. A. Collins, J. A. Noonan, This Sunday is the monthly Com­ ran, Margaret Mohan, Elizabeth Mul- Stephen Ryan, R. J. Konicke and J. munion day for the childreh of the Whara Your Patrdnage Is Appreciated >Wa Call For and Deliver roy, Agnes O’Brien, Mary Rose J. Dean presented her with gifts and parish. They will receive in a body O’Brien, Mrs. Julia O’Neill, the at the 8:30 Mass, which is offered a decorated birthday cake. The presi­ Misses Anne O’Neill, Esther Poore, THE CASCADE LAUNDRY V“ n-T’£:!;*«'3Vd every Sunday for them. The pastor dent welcomed to the meeting Mes­ "Dravar's Moat Pregraaalva Lauadry”— Ws Uaa Soft Water Tabor 6379 Mafji' Schurman, Elsie Sullivan, Mar­ FLOWERS urges parents to co-operate by seeing dames Grant McKibben and Cath­ Branch OiBcea; 1$S2 Tremont Straet, 1128 ITth Street. 1848 Broadway garet Sullivan and Marie Sheehy erine Ward, who had been confined M CAU FOR that their children are present Sun­ 1121 Eaat Ninth Ave., 425 East 17th Art., 1470 York, 004 last 13th Are. day morning. and Mrs. Francis Hesselbine. to their homes on account of illness. The senior choir will sing at the Miss Leone Bradbury, formerly of Reminiscences of the early days of Tabor 2 6 4 9 High Mass this Sunday. A rehearsal this parish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the society by Mrs. W. R. Leonard will b§ held this Friday evening at George L. Bradbury, 1254 Race were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. T. E. Your Florists 8 o’clock in the church. street, who attends the Yale school Ryan, chairman of the committee to 607 15th St. THE MILES & DRYER PRINTING CO. St. Francis de Sales’ high school of fine arts, spent her spring vaca­ visit the sick, reported the Mesdames Over 20 Years of Satisfactory Service will be represented at the commer­ tion as the guest of Miss Jean Kel­ Mary Carroll and S. P. Mangan to cial contests in Greeley, Friday, logg in Washington, D. C. Presi­ be on the road to recovery. Mrs. J. Columbine Floral Shop The Oldest Printing Plant in Denver Specializing in Catholic Work dent and Mrs. Hoover entertained the B. Hunter gave a very interesting April 24, by the following studente: John P. Byrne Jerry F. Breen iy Eitablished 1906 Seniors, Frances Alff in penmanship, girls at dinner at the White House talk as well as a resume of the speech Easter Sunday night. Miss Bradbury 1936-38 Lawrence St. Phones: KEystone 6348, 6349 Mary Fitzpatrick and Mary Alma she gave recently at the Coinmunity Fregeau in shorthand, spelling and was also a guest at a party at the Chest. Mrs. Konicke, chairman of typing; junior class, Elaine John­ Polish, embassy while in Washington. the sewing committee, expressed son in typing and shorthand, Gerry Mrs. George L. Bradbury is well re­ great satisfaction at the progress be­ Claire Hannigan in shorthand, Mil membered as having been an active ing made by her committee. Mrs. MURRAY AND CHRISTOPHER dred Watkins in typing, and Mar^ parishioner years ago. Mr. Bradbury P. W. Stauter, chairman of the Year garet Ferry in penmanship. was director of St. Philomena’s choir Book committee, gave her report and for many years. Cadillac - La Salle - Packard Specialists Four members of the school will distributed the new books. Mesdames ABC DIRECTORY DISTINCTIVE REPAIRING ON THE BETTER GRADE CARS go to Pueblo to represent the school Mary Lee, infant daughter of Mr. J. J. Dean hnd G. A. Graveline, chair­ 17 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE TELEPHONE MAIN 6446 in the state contests April 29. and Mrs. A. M. Haggerty, 1653 man and 'vice chairman of the annual THRILL OF FINDING EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN HARDWARE, The dates for the senior class play Madison street, was baptized last card party, made their final report ^PORTING GOODS. TOYS, ETC., AWAITS YOU HERE. DENVER’S GREAT have, been set for May 3 and 4. The Sunday b^ th e Rev. W. M. Higgins. and received a rising vote of thanks A HARDWARE DEPARTMENT STORE. senior class play this year is “ June.” Frank E. Haggerty and Miss Eleanor from the members of the society for GEORGE MAYER HARDWARE CO. Tickets may now be procured from Morrissey were the sponsors. their work in making the a>arty a 1520 Arapahoe St. KEystone 4291 THE DeSELLEM FUEL & FEED CO! the members of the senior class. A distinguished 4jsitor, the success. Mrs. Robert Hall was a wel­ CHARLES A. DeSELLEM First Holy Communion will be Rev. John A. Duskie, J. C. D., chan­ come visitor. The president an­ hiropractor — JAMES h . h ig h FIRST CLASS FUEL AND FEED held May 17. The date of^he crown­ cellor of the Diocese of Concordia, nounced three life memberships: Mrs. LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR ing of the May queen has not been Kans., made a call on his former Thomas J. Cushing in memory of her C Office Phones Tabor 3206, Tabor 3206 36th and Walnut Sts. definitely decided upon but will prob­ schoolmate, the Rev. Prancis W. father, Philip O’Brien; Mrs. George 607 Central Savings Bank Bldg. Res.: 2736 West 32nd Avenue Residence Phone Franklin 1068-W. Denver, Colorado ably be Sunday, May 31. Cawley, assistant pastor, at the rec­ Laws in memory of her daughter, Lu­ TABOR-- 5665 t. . GALLUP - ■ 2885 - Election of officers was held at tory last week. cille Laws Elmer, and Mrs. Charles .the meeting of the St. Francis de Mrs. S. P. Mangan of 1272 Steele V. Cashin in memory of her husband, le c t r ic a l contracting Sales’ P.-T. A. in the school auditor­ street, who was called last fall to Charles V. Cashin. The president REPAIRING AND FIXTURES ium Tuesday afternoon. The new Los Angeles, Calif., by the critical also announced three year members: E -X- St. Francis de Salct* officers are: President, Mrs. Harvey illness of her son, Charles, has re­ Miss Nellie Lennon, Mrs. Mary Bickel Phone MAin 2303 H. G. REID 317 Fourteenth St. W. French; first vice president, Mrs. turned to Denver. Charles Mangan and Mrs. Edward Serafini. L. P. Weadick; second vice presi has fully recovered from -his acci^nt The president named the Mesdames DENHAM GARAGE COMPANY THE "c u t r a t e d r u g COMPANY dent, Mother Eulogia; third vice and is able to be at his work again. Thomas Cushing, Frank McCabe and WE DELIVER— South Denver’e Leading Cut Rate Druggists president. Sister Nalaska; fourth Block From Holy Ghost Church Mrs. W. L. Morrissey has as her M. F. Rice to represent the society Phone KEystone 4561 1826 California Street Owned and Operated by C. E. J. Crawford and G. W. Miles vice president, Mrs. T. J. Hannigan; house guest, Mrs. James Nolan of in the Industrial conference held on 294 So. Penn., at Alameda— ^SO. 6433 201 Broadway, at 2nd Ave.— SO. 0154 secretary, Mrs. Frank Spindler; 24 HOUR SERVICE— EVERY SERVICE FOR THE AUTO Alamosa, Colorado, widow of the for­ April 20 and 21. Mrs. A. G. Douds GUARANTEED WORK—THEATER AND DAY PARKING treasurer, Mrs. W. C. Kimmins; his mer secretary of state. announced the card party of the St. toriail, Mrs. T. L. Mulligan. Dr. H. Mrs. John Reardon, 1229 Milwau­ Vincent Aid society on May 9. All THE BROADWAY HARDWARE COMPANY B. Waters gave an instructive talk 94 SOUTH BROADWAY TELEPHONE SOUTH 1064 kee street, will leave next week'for members of the Sacred Heart Aid so­ h e JOHNSON STORAGE AND MOVING CO. on “ Eyes.” He also gave a detailed Nerinx, Ky., to witness the profession ciety are urgently requested by Mrs. A Complete Line of MINTRA Paints account of the survey of the high MOVING, PACKING AND SHIPPING ______WE CUT AND SET YOITR WINDOW GLASS FOR YOU______of her beloved daughter, Catherine, Joseph Seubert to attend. TPhone So. 0100— ^After 6 P. M., South 2064 221 Broadway, Denver school pupils just completed. Re­ in the Order of the Sixers of Lo­ Delicious refreshments were served ports were pven by chairmen of va­ retto at the Foot of the Cross. by the hostesses, the Mesdames Rich­ Modern Fireproof Warehouse— Fumigating Vault | DE LUX CREAMERY rious committees. The boys of the FOUNTAIN SERVICE. LUNCHES AND SANDW’ ICHES Mrs. Anne Hayes of 1356 Milwau­ ard Morrissey, M. J. McCarthy, P. C. sixth grade appeared in a one-act kee street, mother of Mrs. E. T. Gib­ McCarthy and J. A. McDonald. INNERS— TIN, COPPER, GALVANIZED WORK, f GROCERIES, BAKERY GOODS, CANDIES. ICE CREAM military playlet which greatly 540 EAST ALAMEDA ALWAYS OPEN PHONE SOUTH 0916 bons, who had been ill at her home pleased the audience. The girls of for the past month, is greatly im­ GUTTERS, FURNACES, SKY LIGHTS | THE BIGGEST PAINT VALUE EVER OFFERED— C O CBT the sixth grade presented a very proved. BISHOP CONFIRMS I SOUTH DENVER METAL AND FURNACE WORKS I FALBY’S SUN TESTED HOUSE PAINT, GALLON...... clever play based on “ Books.” These Sister Mary Sebastian, stationed G. Bader, Mttr. x Sold for More Than 40 Years in Denver and Colorado 1415 SO. BROADWAY PHONE SO. 1827 - RES. SO. B051-J | children were trained by Sister Na­ at Mercy hospital, and Sister Mary MANY AT LA JUNTA FALBY’S— "The Best in Paints, Varnishes, Etc.” laska. The entertainment part of the ►"S» 32 BROADWAY SOUTH 2940 Ignatius, superintendent of nurses, meeting closed with a chorus, left Denver April 16. for Oakland, La Junta.— The Rt. Rev. Bishop J. “ Springtime Is Coming,” by the en­ Calif., where they will attend a hos­ Henry Tihen, D.D., administered the tire sixth grade, accompanied by the pital convention. While away, the sacrament of Confirmation to a large - THE BROADWAY CREAMERY following members of the Fransalian sisters will visit a number of hos­ class of candidates at St. Patrick’s Kaffer-Chapman BUTTER, EGGS, ICE CREAM, CREAMY CHEESE orchestra: Elaine Johnson, Berna­ pitals in various cities. church, following the 8 o’clock Mass dette Prindle, Helen Werle and last Sunday. In the afternoon at Lighting Fixtures 66 South Broadway ^ 1037 15th St. Betty Nan McGuire, a pupil of the Alma Balkenbush. There will be a 2:30, he confirmed a large number of Wiring - Repairing Sa ' ■I..I— ~ I ■ M ...... ■—« sixth grade in St. Philomena’s school, “ DonationJ'day” to replenish the fell while at play recently and badly persons in Our Lady of Guadalupe Mazda Lamps cafeteria supplies at the next meet­ church. TELEPHONE KEYSTONE 4801 FIELD DRUG STORE sprained her ankle. 1616 Arapahoe Street, Denver, Colo, ing. Members are requested to Miss Minnie Duray and Miss Myrl Mrs. Justine Sisson, district deputy ECONOMlCAL"©RUGS, SUNDRIES, CIGARS AND CANDIES bring a donation of canned goods of the C. D. of A. for ^he south­ wmmmmaaBammmmmmmrn The Best Goods— The Best Service Eat and Drink at Our Fountain J. Nevin, with a number of friends, •4 or other articles, such as beans, rice, motored to Idaho Springs, ■Colorado, eastern district of Colorado, installed Vi»it Our Fountain______South Broadway and Dakota Avenue jelly, etc. The sixth grade won the where they spent the week-end. the officers o f the newly-organized DENTIST treat of the day by having a repre­ Mrs. J. J. Dooling’s club met Our Lady of Victory court. No. 1147, SUNSHINE QUALITY KODAK FINISHING sentation of 88 per cent. The first Tuesday, April 14, at the home of at Trinidad Sunday, April 12. The DR. F. J. CLAFFEY and seventh grade mothers were hos­ Mrs. Dan McQuaid. Mrs. Julia A. initiation was put on by the Pueblo PRICES THAT at FIELD’S DRUG STORE tesses. Mrs. Harvey W. French court, C. D. of A., under the direc­ 1030 Republic Bldg. EIGHT-HOUR SERVICE O’Neill won the honors. Mrs. J. H. wishes to make the following impor­ Leyden substituted for Mrs. Jennings, tion of Mrs. Fleming. C. D. o f A. 16th and Tremont PI. tant announcement: Miss Mero, a who was ill. The next meeting of the members'from La Junta who attended REPRESENT ' Lennox Marshalltown Steel Furnaces well-known registered nurse who club will be with Mrs. James P. Mc- were Mrs. Charles Stoffel, Mrs. B. J. PHONE MAIN 1824 has assisted physicians in the phys­ Matern, Mrs. A. L. Cash, Mrs. John Sheet Metal Work— Easy Payment Plan Conaty, on Tuesday, April 28. ical examinations of the children of Mrs. E. C. Henry and Mrs. Mamie Devine and Mrs. A ctcs Crotty.. BURKE-MacMILLIN H. H. York Phone So. 2218 527 E. Expoiition Avo. St. Francis de Sales’ school for the Goll are grateful to all the ladies Mrs. Gertrude Brown, for many TRUE USED CAR past two or three years, will be in who helped make their party a suc­ years a faithful member of St. Pat­ Engraving Company .charge of the toxin-anti-toxin serum cess on Wednesday of last week. rick’s parish, is critically ill at the H O L LAN D BAKERY to be given to the school children the They entertained twenty-two tables. Mennonite hospital here, following a VALUES Try Our Delicious Home Made Layer Cakes week of April 27-31. This is the first There were prizes given by Mrs. Goll serious operation performed a week Catholic Work a Specialty time this opportunity has come to and her friends for each table. Mrs. ago. Three sisters, Mrs. Anna R. 1893 South P e a r l ______Phone South 3337 Ellis of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. John You have a pretty good idea KEystone 2621 1803% Broadway St. Francis de Sales’ school, and all Goll gave a beautiful painting for a how much you should pay for mothers wishing to take advantage deor prize, and it was won by Mrs. Rupin of Topeka, Kans., and Mrs. of it for their children should notify Catherine Degan. The hostesses Marie Olson of Kinsley, Kans., and any Used Car. But to get an WERNER’S DELICATESSEN her mother, Mrs. Regner of La Junta, Foreign and Domestic Luncheon Meats, Cheese, the sisters. There will be no charge. served dainty refreshments. Money accurate knowledge of any Children of — j-school age will also realized from this party will go to are here at Mrs. Brown’s bedside. Cordials and Beverages John Ernest Polk, bom in La Used Car’s value you must be cared for by Miss Mero. defray extra expenses recently in­ know what its mechanical con­ ______84 South Broadw.y— N.m- Bayaud— in the W .rn.r Building______Several members were present at curred by the Altar and Rosary so­ Junta forty-two years ago of one of the Altar society meeting held in ciety. the pioneer families in this part of dition is, for Used Cars of the LOGAN m o t o r c o m p a n y the rectory on Friday afternoon. Masters Charles Jones and Rich­ the state, died April 17 at the home same year and make vary in of his brother forty miles south of 275 So. Logan— Day or Night— So. 6660 The Rev. Michael Harrington gave ard McBride served at the 6:30 Mass value according to how they another of his instructive and enter­ this week and Thomas Tierney and La Junta. His father assisted in BATTERY REPAIRS TOWING SERVICE taining talks on “ The Mass.” His William Dwyer at 8 o’clock Mass. making the transfer when the Prairie have been driven and cared Cattle company took over the J. J. next talk will be on “ The Canon of Miss Miriam Dillon, formerly a for. The price we place on a YOrk 1827 ranch at Higbee many years ago and SOUTH DENVER MOVING & STORAGE CO. the Mass.” At each meeting, the St. Philomena’s sodalist, will become Used Car represents its true *377 Park was one of the first settlers in this GET OUR PRICES same members are present and the the bride of Earl (loodwin this A t*. part o f the state. After serving value, estimated by men of conclusion is drawn that they do spring. Many pre-nuptial parties are wide experience in the pur­ 369-71 So. Broadway Phone Day and Night SO. 1227 not want to miss a single lecture. being planned in her honor. some time on a cattle ranch, John Other members are invited to be Mrs. Philip Clarke entertained Polk entered the United States navy chase and. sale of autos 'who PROGRESSIVE SHOE SHOP present before the series ends. Vis­ twelve guests at the last meeting of and is said to have served in the make a thorough examination Men’s Suits Cleihied itors at the meeting Friday, were her bridge club. Canadian army in the World war. 282 S. PENN. ST. GIVE US A RING, SO. 5941 ROBT. R. HILL. MGR. On January 15, 1925, he was married of the car’s mechanical condi­ and Pressed Work Called For an4 Delivered Miss Elizabeth Kelty and Mrs. E. L. This Sunday the Sodality of the MEN’S SOLES— 75c, $1.00, $1.25 LADIES’ SOLES— COc, 75c, $1.00 Elders. Mrs. J. H. Spillane spoke on Blessed Virgin Mary will receive in Kansas City to Rose Ryan and tion. Other Work Priced Accordingly “ Perpetual Memberships,” and urged Holy Communion in a body at the 8 three years ago they came to La Junta to reside. A year ago Mr. more members to become interested. o’clock Mass. First Choose Your Dealer, A donation of $26.00 was received On Friday evening at 7:30, there Polk became a convert to the Cath­ Smith’s Dry Goods DR. CHAS. J. SMITH from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M u r^ y for will be Holy Hour. Confessions will olic faith. The funeral took place Then Choose Your Used Car at 9.30 Monday morning. Requiem 1126 East Alameda be heard that evening. Chiropractor perpetual memberships. Mrs. M. Mass was offered by the fiastor, McEahern made the announcement Members of the senior girls’ so­ YOUR BABY We Specialize in Hotiery for 203-S Collins Bldg. 1 E. Bayaud at Bdwy. the Rev. W. E. Larkin. Interment Men, Women and Children 0(Bc« Hours 9 to 12 A. M„ 2 to 6 P. M. that $485.41 had been cleared on the dality were guests of the Misses took place in Fairview cemetery. Evenings by Appointment St. Patrick’s dinner. Mrs. C. A. Charlotte O’Reilly, Madeline Carey, New, Fast Color, Fine Count Prints, MADE WELL Grant of 740 So. Corona St. will Katherine Mohan, Louise Dooling and 25c a yard X-Ray Service Mrs. 0. L. Smith, requested by Mrs. M urphy- No Charge for Consultation and Examination be pleased to pick up any donations Catherine Fitzpatrick Tiiursday eve­ Intestinal troubles that School Supplies— Toys PHONE SOUTH 6867 for the Benefit shop. Phone her at ning, April 23, at the home of Miss Louis Hough. South 2134-J. Mrs. C.' Elliott re­ O’Reilly, 1363 Milwaukee street. Prayers were offered at all the ravage children often ported 12 sick calls, 2 deaths and In honor of the Feast of the Solem­ Masses Sunday for Joseph Reider, 1 birth. nity of St. Joseph Wednesday of who died at the Mullen home Satur­ Mahoney disamjear quickly when this week,, there was a High Mass day morning; for Herbert Kempter, PURE Drinking Water St. Philoinena*s Parish sung at 6-;30. brother of the Misses Winefred and Your Chevrolet Dealers FIRST COMMUNION, Master Thomas Loritz of El Paso, Cecil Kempter, who was buried from is used. COURTESY CORNER ^ Texas, is now making his home with this church April 14, and for Joseph 2986 North Speer Boulevard ALAMOSA, MAY, 10 his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marrow. — and your own health CARS WASHED S1.00--GREASED $1.00 Telephone GAlIup 1457 Loritz, 1468 Detroit street. Tommy Cartons containing envelopes for depends on PURE New and Modern Washing and Greasing Equipment Alamosa. — A First Communion contributions will be distributed from PHONE YORK 8998. Storage and Expert Repairing. I. N. Riley. Prop. 3300 E. COLFAX returned to St. Philomena’s school class is being prepared for Sunday, last week, where a hearty welcome the vestibule of the church after all Water, too. May 10. This will be Mother’s day was given him by his former class­ the Masses this Sunday. YORK-COLFAX HARDWARE COMPANY and also the anniversary of the bless­ mates. He is a pupil in the eighth The pastor made a forceful appeal RIGHT ON THE CORNER ing of Sacred Heart church. grade. based on the philosophy of Church PHONE TABOR 5121 Lawn Hose— Seed— Mowers— Tools t The Rev. Francis W. Walsh, pastor This week the decorators j com­ support last Sunday at all the Masses. REPAIR EVERYTHING , YORK 9289 of St. Vincent de Ptiul’s church, Den­ pleted their work of varnishing the A detailed financial statement was ver, gave an interesting and instruc­ entire interior woodwork of the read, showing the need of systematic EUROPE tive sermon last Sunday evening. His church, which added, if possible, to contributing. At full length it was Make Your Reservations Now for Your Summer Trips to Europe. subject was “ The Infallibility of the the cleanliness of the church. shown that the faithful contributors Personally Conducted Tours Church.” When the new home of Miss Lo­ were in the minority. Less than fifty $340 and up. Shrine of St. Anne Parish The members of the Young Peo­ retto Loughran at 1642 Fairfax per cent of the members of the parish CATHOLIC TRAVEL nttpunc. ple’s choir are using St. Andrew’s street was blessed last Sunday after­ do their full duty. All were urged LEAGUE TOURS ASHTONiiS’ MOTOR CO. ARVA-PRIDE FLOUR Missal very skillfully. They were noon by Father Higgins, Mrs. Otto ttt. make a fitting offering, worthy of E. D. Whitley Steamship and taught its use by Father McCarthy, Kiene, Miss Ruth Kiene and the the Recipient, whd is no other than Tourist Agency, Agents. Automobiles and Trucks who also has ^ven the catechism Misses Margaret and Elsie Sullivan God Himself. 1744 Welton St., Denver Phone KE. 0462 For Economical Transportation A Real Household Friend— Constant teachers careful instruction in the were among the many present. Raber Taylor, eldest son of Mr. —Trustworthy—Never Failing—for use of the Missal. Requiem High Masses were an­ and Mrs. Ralph Taylor of 1275 De­ Service Seles Biscuits— for Bread—-for Pastry. Three Requiem Masses were sung nounced for the week as follows: troit street, is home from St. Stanis­ the past weelc. Monday for Mrs. Mary Perry, first laus’ seminary, Florissant, Mo., for Ph. Arvede 232 145 Wadaworlh Ave. Grain and Poultry Feed at A Requiem High Mass was sung anniversary, requested by Mr. and a few days’ vacation. ARVADA, COLORADO Denver Prices on Wednesday, April 15, for the re­ Mrs. M. A. Hickey; Tuesday for Mrs. pose of the souls of all deceased Mary Catherine Labonte, requested The young woman who answered PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS members of the parish. A Mass for by Mrs. Mamie Goll; Thursday for the advertisement, “ How to Keep this intention is offered once a Patrick Crowe, first anniversary, re­ Your Youth,” received the reply: PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS month. quested by James Crowe; Friday for “ Don’t introduce him to other girls.” IT pays DINNER-SOCIAL SATURDAY, MAY 2

(St. Louis’ Parish, Englewood) Elaborate preparations are being made for the P.-T.A. dinner and card party that will be given at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, May 2. The chairman, Mrs. M. Buege, asks for the assistance of thirty members of the parish to JL serve the dinner. The dinner itself will be cooked and served by an out­ side group. The ladies are asked to DUTCH BACON wait on table only. It is planned to Carnations make the dinner a social affair that Avill be featured by songs and must HENS FRESH CUT Squares cal numbers. Following the dinner FANCY, FAT there will be j& card party. The Cleanser CRISCO EGGS usual ?2.50 *door award as well as Sugar FRESH RANCH awards for high scores will be made Cured, Proceeds from the affair will be used to build and equip a new classroom Lb. S c a n lb,..'...... in the school. 18c c Can 5c 59 Doz. 13c FARRELL Florence Crowley, daughter of Mr. SWAFFORD & WISE ARCADE GROCERY FLORAL SHOPPE AMERICAN MARKET and Mrs. Wm. Crowley of St. Louis’ RED STAR KATRINKA’S, INC. parish and a sister of Catherine Crow ley, who recently entered the noviti­ ate of the Sisters of St. Joseph, was married at a Nuptial Mass in the convent chapel last Friday to Ed; ward Sullivan of Fairbury, Nebraska' AVitnesses to the ceremony were FRANK.. Joan Hebert and Harola Crowley. The pupils of St. Louis’ school will Oh, Boy! How Good!! take part in the Ary>ahoe county k b u t t e r : ^ * May day celebration, Friday, May 8 lit under the auspices of the various H O M E = ECCS = LOOP A Genuine Tasty Flavored P.-T. A. groups. The St. Louis’ / ) PUBLIC = C H E E S E . PUBLIC P.-T.A. will have charge of the ice W^ MARKET MARKET cream booth. 545 SANTA FE Pupils o f the fifth and sixth grades LEMON PIE were guests at the Fort Logan recep­ **It Cost No More to Trade at This Better MarUet’* tion given to the bus survivors. All enjoyed the military reception and BUTTER 25c display which featured the reception. 2 0 c 'The Daughters of Mary sodality will receive Communion at the eight BUTTER P.T„d 23c o’clock Mass this Sunday. A special meeting will be held Monday evening, DEVILS FOOD CAKE HENS J r lb. 18c April 27, at 8 o’clock, in the home RANCH EGGS“ “ !' 13c of the Misses Sausa, 3697 So. Pearl street. Special entertainment wilt be 2 5 c Pot Roast - lb. 12c provided. Each member is urged to come and bring a prospective mem­ CHEESE Sirit...... ’...... 14c ber. P L I C C C C Sharp English 1 Q BEEF Hamburger - Ib. 12c Mrs. E. McDonnell, a patient St St. U t l L L J L i Cheddar...... 1 O C DOWNY FLAKE DO NUTS Joseph's hospital, is improving nicely and will probably return home next week. Mrs. V. Bell is seriously ill at r U C C C i r New York O O Doz. 25c 1-2 Doz. 15c PORK Loin Roast Ib. 16k the Porter hospital. U n C i L l j L Mild Cream...... Hostesses at the card party Thurs­ day, one of the series being given Shoulder S b . lOlc each week under the auspices of the LEADERBAKERY Altar society, were Mrs. H. K. Bald, BROOKS FRUIT Mrs. J. Karlin, Mrs. W. Pytlinsky PINEAPPLE LAYER and Mrs. J. Whitcomb. & PRODUCE CO. “ THE ACME BAKERS” First Communion and the May pro­ CAKE (YOUR BAKERS) FREE DELIVERY LAMB “'uTs'r 24c cession will be held on Mother’s day. Each...... 20c May 10. Home Public Market HOME MADE APPLE PHONE TABOR 1369 AND CHERRY MONSIGNOR VEHR NAMED ALSO AT HOT ITALIAN SAUSAGE... lb. 25c Quality is the first consideration NEW BISHOP OF DENVER PIE 23rd and Dexter 1032 15th Street Each... when buying Fresh Fruits and (Continued From Page 1) ASSORTED SWEET Vegetables. We have the largest TATER-FLAKES organized Archdiocese of Cincinnati See Them Made LEWIS FISH SHOP is a sufficient proof of his executive and most complete stock of ROLLS The only place in Colorado like and scholarly qualifications. guaranteed Fresh Fruits and PACIFIC COFFEE STORE FRESH He will be the second Bishop given Doz...... it. Always fresh, SHAD- :1 b . 1 7 1 / 2 ^^ Vegetables in the city. NUT MEATS— Hot From the Kittle to You picnic Packages Our Specialty to Denver by Cincinnati. The first HOME MADE Free Delivery KEyitone 9210 HOME DRESSED Bishop of this state, although born Try Our Assorted ^ 1 A A HENS...... lb. 2 3 ^ in France and a missionary in New BREAD I n ^ R. B. COOK, Prop. Mexico just before he came here, Nuts— Salted, lb...... was a priest of the Cincinnati arch­ 3 Large Loaves.... * We Are Experienced and Largest Retailers diocese and worked in Ohio for a cHOME MADE time before he came west for mis­ Fagan’s in Nut Meats in State GREEN TREE sionary work. COOKIES Devoted SHOE REPAIR ORNET’S At the same time as the appoint­ Assorted, Doz...... 13c Exclusively to SANTOS COFFEE ment of Bishop Vehr was announced, the Marketing Comer 14th Street word came of the naming by the Pope 2 for 2 5 ^ "of Quality Fish Fancy Santos Cof- of the Rev. Dr. Karl J. Alter as 18c Pacific Blend Men’s OLIVES ' for Many Years. fee, lb...... Bishop of Toledo, Ohio, succeeding YEE QUALITY Coffee, 1 Ib., and Half Soles...... Qi. the Most Rev. S. A. Stritch, D.D., Large Aitortment i l 2 for 3 5 ^ now Archbishop of Milwaukee. Dr. 2 lbs. Sugar free. Men’s Half 30c I 4^ Alter is director of the ’ Catholic CANDY SHOP Phone Rubber Heels School of Social Service in Washing­ MAin 3518 Ladies’ 55c honey ton, D, C., having served there about Half Soles...... two years, and is former director of Pure, charities in the Diocese of Toledo. DELIVERY W ee Shop Conqposition and Ofir* 5 lb. Pail. .. He was in Denver last September and Leather Lifts...... spoke at the national convention of the National Council of Catholic Bakery Leather, Panco or Uskide CHEESE Women. Theie Price* Good Every Day Genuine Imported _ . _ One other important American Apple Sauce HOME PUBLIC MARKET see remains vacant— the Archbish­ Roquefort, lb...... jUDC FREE TO ADVERTISE Open Saturday Until 9 P. M opric of St. Paul, Minn. If the usual plan is followed, a Bishop already CAKE consecrated will be transferred to o i l Brewer’s Rabbit Shop St. Paul. News of the filling of this The'Needle Work Shop 40c and 20c Belgian H are*...... Ih. 30c see is expected at any time. Run Mender Needles, 7Sc Ea. On Sale Saturday Only Roasting Size ...... lb. 19c New Bithop of Denyer Butter Scotch Stewing Size ...... Ib. 15c Guaranteed Perfect Monsignor Vehr was born in Cin­ Also Fresh Ekrs* Fresh Dressed Hens Mail Ordera Filled cinnati, Ohio, May 30, 1891, and 1 pen and pencil set, “ Guaranteed,” with PHONE KE. 0388 _ HOSE MENDING DONE made his early studies at St. Greg­ ory’s preparatory seminary and each purchase of 2 pen points. E -20c SHOP IN THE MARKET \ ® Xavier college (now university), a i Jesuit institution of Cincinnati. He Pineapple made his philosophical and theolog­ ical studies at Mt. St. Mary’s semin­ Limited Supply roLLYANNA BAKERY ary, Cincinnati, which he was later ROLLS 1 to head as rector, and was ordained Dozen...... ^ V V May 29, 1915. In the following Hot Cross Buns, dozen...... 15^^ month, he was named assistant pas­ tor of Holy Trinity parish. Middle- BREAD 1 Hp Cinnamon Rolls, dozen...... *...... 1 5 ^ town, and in 1921 chaplain of the ELITE PEN CO. motherhouse of the Sisters of Char­ 3 Large Loaves...... ity at Mt. St. Joseph-on-the-Ohio, 3 Large Loaves Bread...... near Cincinnati, an order that is well Strawberry Layer represented in Colorado. In 1922, Short Pies, all flavors, Special, Saturday only, ea...... 1 5 ^ he became assistant superintendent of schools of the Archdiocese of Cin­ cinnati and in 1923*, after he had PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS i CAKE earned the Master of Arts degree , Ea...... from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C., was THEY ARE RELIABLE named superintendent of scRools. He DO YOUR Wee Shop was made rector of St. Gregory’s •A- RED STAR i r \ preparatory seminary, Cincinnati, in DO NUTS 15c CASH STORES ■)1926 and a Rt. Rev. Monsignor of the Domestic Prelate rank in 1927. SHORING Home Public Market 2320 E. Colfax 979 Broadway He went to Rome for a year’s study I at the Collegio Angelico and won I the Licentiate in Canon Law. Re­ PROFIT BY USING THE Cloth Bag With turning to Cincinnati, he was made IN THIS rector of Mt. St. Mary’s seminary in HOME PUBLIC MARKET SUGAR 1 0 lb . Purchase Not Adv. 4 9 c 1929. Monsignor Vehr also did post­ Fancy Whites, graduate work at the University of FOR YOUR Notre Dame. Guaranteed Fresh, doz,. 1 5 c MARKET Tall Can. EGGS SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS MILK 7 c He is the second rector of Mt. St. ,-lb. Cloth Bag With $1 Mary’s to become a Bishop within Purchase of Other the last few years. Archbishop Fran­ SUGAR 1 0 Than Adv. Items 4 5 c cis J. L. Beckman of Dubuque, Iowa, PINTO BEANS...... 2 lbs. 7 c was head of . the Cincinnati seminary when he was made Bishop o f Lincoln. CAMPBELL’S SOUP 7 c THE MONTEREY COFFEE SHOP He was'consecrated May 1, 1924, and CLUB BREAKFAST, WHITE KING 3 4 c was transferred in 1930 to Dubuque. Cincinnati is famous as a cradle of CRISCO...... 3 Ib. Can 5 9 c 20c, 25c, 35c Bishops. Its Cathedral has seen more Uneeda Baker’s Soda, episcopal , it, is said, r O A r y C D C Uneeda Baker’s soda, CO|rtPLETE PLATE LUNCH A J NOON, DUTCH CLEANSER...... Can 5 c than anv other church in the nation. V /lvnv/ivlll\u 2 Ib. Caddy...... Pot Roast...... Ib. 121/^^ Monsignor Vehr will be the young­ Pot Roast ...... t'l.Vzt 30c est man ever to head the Denver dio- BEEF Loin or Round Steak...... lb. 2 5 ^ , ces^, but the majority of the Ameri­ BEEF Rib Boil ...... lb. Waffles Served All Day can consecrations now occur with Loin or Round S t e a k ...... lb. 2 5 ^ MAY FRANCIS, Prop. HOME PUBLIC MARKET men in the early forties. One Bishop was consecrated a few years ago at SPRING CHICKENS I S ’ lb. 3 1 c 35 and an auxiliary Bishop. at 34. PURE LARD lb . 8c Several in late years have been . _ Roast ...... lb.. 11 MARKET Don’t Buy Substitutes~-Buy around 55, but hardly ever is a man Chops ...... lb. 19V2f^ HYDRATED ORANGE PO RK S lb. 15C chosen above that age. The Church VFAI * Stew ...... 3 lbs. for 2 5 ^ CIGAR SHOPPE Made from Freeh Oranges seems to desire vigorous young men A Full Line of Also All Freeh Fruits Drinks to handle the problems connected Watch Ua Make It at the with her constant expansion Cigars and Tobacco BACON SQUARES S lb. 9 c America. SLICED BACON 2 1 c Monthly and Weekly Magazines ORANGE BAR W e Reaerve the Right to Limit Quantities W e Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Candy Bar* and Gum Sold by the Glase, Pint. Quert or Gal. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS i IT PAYS Thursday. April 23. 1031 PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone. Main 5413 ”;’J TOURNAMENT TO Fifteen Vocations in 16 Years at START APRIL 27 St. Mary’s School, Colorado Springs (Blessed Sacrament Parish) Double The people of Blessed Sacrament REVERENCE parish and other parishes are eager Colorado Springs.— Fifteen voca­ 23, is Sister Mary Carmel and is for the opening of the bridge tourna­ tions to the priesthood and sister­ now in Nerinx, Ky., and Bernice ment, scheduled for Monday eve­ After all, the essential requirement of funeral hood of various religious orders in Conroy, '26, is a! Sister of Charity, ning, April 27, at the school. The a period of sixteen years, since 1915, Sister Ann Theresa, Kansas City, ladies are making the tournament service is reverent care of the loved one who has Your Money Kansas. The Loretto novitiate at attractive in every way. Cash awards is the splendid record of St. Mary’s graduates, as disclosed in the re­ Nerinx, Ky., has within its walls will be given for the total high scores passed on, and sympathetic assistance to those who cently published issue of The Mary- Mary Hanrahan, ’26, Sister Frances at the close of the tournament. There Purchase one of our Class D 7% lin. The 1931 edition, which was Cecille; Verna Welsh, ’26, Sister will be a door prize and four favor­ remain behind. Certificates, issued in amounts from dedicated to the alumni, contains Virginia Marie; and Kathleen Mc­ able awards each Monday evening many, facts 6f interest about the Intyre, ’29. God’s ambassadors for the ladies and gentlemen having $100 to $10,000. Your money in­ graduates of St. Mary’S, njany of chosen from St. Mary’s alumni are the high scores. Delicious refresh­ While we have kept fully abreast of the times in vested in this way is safe (protected whom contributed articles for the John Roche, ’26, Vincentian noviti­ ments will be served. The tourna­ technique and equipment, we have not lost sight special edition. Twelve sisters and ate, Perryville, Mo.; Martin Zabolit- ment is open to the public and the by first mortgages) and doubles it­ novices and three students for the sky, '23, or Frater Maurus, and Ed­ ladies urge a large attendance. Any­ of the fundamental needs upon which bur profes­ self in 123 months. priesthood have, dedicated their lives ward Vollmer, ’26, Frater Edward, one wishing to play will be asked to and works to God. Considering the studying for the priesthood at the register with Mrs. Steinbruner, tele­ sion is founded. enrollment, this unusually large Benedictine abbey at Canon City, phone FRanklin 1025. The first Safety Monday evening, St. Joan of Arc’s Gentlemen: number reflects much credit on the Colo. circle will have charge. The follow­ Please send me detailed information Sisters of Loretto and the priests of the parish, who, as teachers, have FIELD AT CANON ing ladies will act as hostesses: Mrs. about your savings plan. been instrumental in creating an at­ George McDevitt, Mrs. P. H. Kelly, mosphere resultant in so many re- RECONSTRUCTED Mrs. Daniel Bate, Mrs. A. B. Wick- NAME ...... ligioiis vocations. Mary Roche of strom, Mrs. M. J. Sweeney, Mrs. the class of 1915 is now Sister Ann Oliver Wallace, Mrs. Thomas Curri- ^LEVARD MORTUAUr ADDRESS ...... Canon City.— Owing to the re­ Thomas, teaching in a parochial construction of the playing diamond gan, Mrs. Frank Wagner and Mrs. FEDERAL BLVD.-.AJ NORTH SPEEg school in Denver; Cecelia Ripley, at Bradley park, the Abbey Bears M. L. Lester. 1916, is known as Sister M. Crescen- were idlq Sunday, following the The infant son of. Mr. and Mrs. tia at Wichita; Doloretto O’Connor, postponement of the Florence en­ Alexander Charles Szabo of 2825 Clermont street was baptized by the '18, teadies in Las Vegas, N. M., and gagement. In the game a weeki'ago, Rev.’ J. F. McDonough on Sunday, James P. McConaty REPUBLIC her religious name is Sister Dolor- the infield play was marred by the April 12. Julius and Maria Regner etta Marie; one of her classmates, unevenness and bumps in the sod, Julia Roche, is now her sister in re­ were the sponsors. Building and Loan Association which are daily being worked over Father Cahill of St.’ Thomas’ sem­ ligion, Sister Alice Carlene, at San and rolled out By this Sunday the GAIlup 0407 i OQtC7 A. B. Williams, President Anselmo, Calif.; Mary Keaney and inary assisted with the Masses last KiLyStOne ^ ^ Greene, Sec’y-Treas. field will be in tip-top shape and Sunday. Alberta Honey, who graduated in the Abbey school ■will be able to 1711 California L. C. Skelly, Asst. Sec’y-Treas. 1922, are, respectively, Sister M. One hundred children of the boast of one of the classiest baseball Blessed Sacrament school attended Charlene of El Paso and Sister M. diamonds in the state. Aloyszia of Bisbee, Arizona; Sister the dress rehearsal of “ The Pied A new ray of hope- is brightly Piper of Hamelin” at the Broadway M. Janet, Santa Fe, N. M., was shining on the Bears’ camp, as Bo­ Margaret Elliott, ’23; Louise Bohr, theater Wednesday afternoon of last land and Martinez have reported for week, given by the pupils of St. the squad. “ Sooner Ed” Boland will Mary’s academy. The children were STAGE ALL SET he x'emembered by the Abbey foot­ enthusiastic over the finished pro­ SPECIAL OFFER CORPORATE TRUST SHARES ball fans for his bullet passes, duction of this interesting play. FOR PLAY FRIDAY which were the instruments of many St. Joseph’s circle met at a bridge We will move your furniture to our warehouse and give rou Six Market About $5.87— Write for Descriptive Booklet Bear wins. He is now tossing base­ luncheon fast Friday with Mrs. Pot­ months to pay your bill. Private room or open storage, t hars (St. Catherine’s Parish) balls and is pro'ving to have plenty ter. Mrs. Hurley was the assistant low rate of insurance. The stage is all set for the presen­ of “ English” on them. His addi­ hostess. High score was won by Call KEystone 6228 and we will call and give you estimate on PEDLEY-RYAN & CO. v tation of “ The Absent-Minded Bride­ tion to the mound staff will give it Mrs. Boll. your work. groom" this Friday evening, April 24, great strength. Ned Martinez is a St. Norbert’s circle entertained St. MOVING, STORING AND PACKING Dealers in High Grade Investments at 8:15. Twelve talented people of speed king and will be a big factor Rita’s circle at the home of Mrs. North Denver will entertain what in the outer patch work. Both men Frank Geary. Father McDonough re­ No Money Needed for Six Months 709 Seventeenth Street, Denver MAin 5641 promises to be a distinguished audi­ are very capable when it comes to viewed Francis ' Thompson’s poem, ence. The comedy is one of hilar­ pelting the apple. “ The Hound of Heaven.” There were DUFFY STORAGE & MOVING CO. TIMOTHY A. PEDLEY ious situations and witty dialogue. Handball is now the leading minor fifty members present. Miss Mar­ THOMAS A. RYAN * JOSEPH A. RYAN Music will be furnished between acts sport- at the Abbey. All who are jorie Cannon and Miss Regina Mont­ 1521 20th St. Office and Warehouse by the Pavone-Pastore soloists. no't on the varsity ball club are gomery of Loretto Heights college This Sunday at the 8:30 Mass, all daily working out on the cement ■were invited guests. the children of the parish will receive handball courts. League teams are Miss Rosemary De Sciose and Ray­ Communion. being formed and May 3 is the date mond Doyle sang the Offertory at LUTZ AUTO SERVICE AND WELDING CO. Last Sunday after the 7:30 Mass, set for the opening game of the the 11 o’ clock Mass on Sunday. a delicious breakfast was served to leagues. Handball, like tennis, is a James Perchen is in a hospital suf­ GUARANTEED REPAIR WORK ON ALL MAKES St. Catherine*s Parish the members of th e‘ Young Ladies’ game that must have the combina­ fering from an ear infection. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING sodality, It was prepared by Mrs. tion of speed and brains; these two St. Jude’s circle will meet at the IROK CLOTHES POLES— WELDED PRODUCTS William Langsfeld and members of things the aspirants are daily work­ home of Mrs. Joseph Bonomo, 1950 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT THE ZIMMERMAN MERCANTILE CO. a committee consisting of the Misses ing to gain. The Abbeyites are look­ Fairfax street, this Friday. For School, Park and Home Play Ground* Ena Marvel, Catherine Curran and ing forward to some fast and inter­ The Blessed Sacrament choral club ZIM FOR FOOD 3700 Navajo Street 1300 Blake St. Denver MAitI 9662 West 38th and Irving "W«teh Our Loud Sp««kfr«” Lucille Piper. esting tussles.' will meet this Friday evening at the Call Gallup 0741 Tho RED a WHITE Store* Call Gallup 0936 Thursday, April 30, will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Feast of St. Catherine, patronal saint JUNCTION K. OF C. Berger, 2320 Ivanhoe street. of the parish. S. C. Reisnam left Sunday on a North Denver Poultry Supply House Last Sunday afternoon,* James INITIATION MAY 3 business trip to Los Angeles and San Cathedral Parish Feeds, Seeds, Fertilizers— Bird Seed and Supplies Morris, the infant son of Mr. and Francisco. He will be absent for Mrs. James M. Elledge of 3447 Grand Junction.— Final arrange­ several weeks. DAILY RATE SCHEDULE 38th Avenue and Stuart St. Phone GAIlup 2671 West 43rd avenue, was baptized. St. Joan of Arc’s circle will meet ments are being made by the Knights Single with Lavatory...... 91, 91.25^ $1.50 Walter Rice and Marcella Rice acted of Columbus for the initiation serv­ at the home of Mrs. Daniel Bate, as sponsors by proxy. Donald Wil­ with Mrs. M. J. Sweeney as assistant Double with Lavatory...... $1.50 to $2.50 ices and banquet which will be held Single with Bath...... $2 to $3 liam, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. hostess, Friday, April 24. 'A V E N U E ' here May 3. The membership com­ Double with Bath...... w..$2.50 to $3.50 James Carson of 2424 West 44th mittee has been working faithfully HOTEL NEAR EVERYTHING St. Vinceiit de Paul's avenue, was baptized Sunday. Dwight for several weeks and a large class Shea and Isabell Carson acted as of candidates is expected. Members PRIESTS CHANGE ULLERY AND DRINKWATER "”"oX™3i» sponsors. of all councils on the Western slope PLACES SUNDAY Mrs. Annie Gilmer of 3547 W. will attend. Brownie Creamery & Delicatessen l^ yston e 7767. 526 E. 17th Ave, Bring Us Your Prescriptions for Scientific Handling 45th ayenue, an old-time parishioner A. J. Hardebeck, former Grand ^ r ic k Ice Cream, 29c Qt.— 15c Pt. of St. Catherine’s, passed away Fri­ Durango.— Father' Kipp motored ______PROMPT FREE DELIVERY______Junction resident, died last week in to Grand Junction Thursday, April DELICIOUS BAKED CHICKEN, HOT ALL DAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY day and was buried Monday morning Pueblo from injuries received in an HOT BREAD. FRESH MEATS AND GROCERIES 1093 SO. GAYLORD from the church. Mrs. Liebel of 16, exchanging places for one Sun­ THE CHRYSLER GROCERY CO. PHONE SOUTH 0144 automobile accident near Pueblo. He day with Father Bertrand of that 3051 W. 38th avenue was buried is survived by his wife and little from the church Friday morning. city. Father. Bertrand arrived here PICTURE FRAMING. * Fancy Corn-Fed Meats— Groceries— Fruits and Vegetables daughter, Dorothy, and his parents { SERVICE—PRICE FREE DELIVERY A large number of Altar and Rosary Saturday for the services at St. Co- of Kokomo, Ind. • Burial took place lumba’s church Sunday. Carving, Gilding and Mat Cutting society members attended both fu­ 711 GRANT nerals. in Denver on Saturday, April 18. Mr. The Rosary and Altar society en­ PHONE MAIN 4438 ______St. Catherine’s school is again run­ and Mrs. William Frey, parents of joyed a social meeting Thursday aft­ The firms listed here de­ Mrs. Hardebeck, and George Frey, TRY OUR REGULAR DINNERS ning true to form. Edward Breen ernoon of last week in the form of NEWHOUSE CAFE THEY WILL PLEASE YOU woii the Nichols elocution medal at her brother, all of this city, attended a bridge party. The hostesses were serve to be remembered the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Frey were A DISTINCTIVE PLACE TO EAT Regis college last Sunday night; the Mesdames Mary Kelly, Ella Mc- ______MAin 9777 Lolita Fenn is to have the leading planning to celebrate their -golden Lellon, Myers, Katie Dieckman, Anna 308 E. Colfax when you are distributing wedding anniversary on Tuesday, part in the senior class play at Sacred McGregor, Margaret Gorman and Lace Curtains, Draperies, Laces, Center Pieces and All Table Linens Heart high school in June; Jeanette April 21, with a family reunion, but, Helen Lynton. your patronage in the dif­ Gies took a prominent part in the owing to the tragic death of Mr. Cleaned and Hand Pressed. The Queen of Heaven sodality gave NO PIN HOLES CALL FOR AND DELIVER play staged by St. Mary’s academy Hardebeck, they ■will remain in Den­ a social at the Cipmmunity hall Wed­ 218 E, Seventh Ave. CITY LACE CLEANERS Phone TAbor 7907 ferent lines of business. so. GAYLORD CREAMERY CO. last Friday. ver for a time 'with their daughter. nesday evening of last week. 1022 So.’Gaylord St. Phone SOuth 4848 The following representatives were Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wilson of Father Fintan of Farmington, New “THE BEST PLACE appointed by the pastor to attend the Atchee visited relatives here recently. Mexico, was a guest at St. Colum- NEW MAJESTIC RESTAURANT TO DINE” Industrial conference Monday and Mr. Wilson is division engineer of ba’s rectory last weelt. Featuring SCIENTIFIC COOKING— 40c Luncheon, 50c'Dinner Tuesday nights: Frank Gartland, J. the Uintah railway. W. E. Duggan, who had been in Open Every Day— l l A. M. to 9 P. M. St. Patrick's Parish H. Ruwart, J. H. Stahlbert, Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haskell were Mercy hospital for several days, re­ 210 SIXTEENTH STREET______TELEPHONE MAIN 9148 E. Schillinger,linger, Mrs. William Langs- among those who watched the sheep turned fo hiS home Sunday. PRICES REASONABLE feld and Mrs. 1M. F. Lear. shearing at the camp on the Uintah R. L. Gallavan made a business C. DE BERRY GARMENT CO. TEJON AUTO PAINT SHOP SATISFACTORY WORK rail'way. trip to Chama, New Mexico, last Coats, Quality, Exclusiveness, at Lower Price*— Corsets We Fit A. DISTEFANO, Prop. CHEYENNE K. OF C. Mrs. Hugh Stewart of Glenwood week. Dresses, Negligees, Silk Underwear, Holeproof Hosiery DUCO REFINISHING STATION Springs visited friends and relatives Miss Clara Zumbahlen of Farm­ 2022 E. COLFAX AVENUE Open till 9 p.m. DENVER. COLORADO PHONE GAL. 7878 1661 TEJON ST. HOLD INITIATION here last week.’ Mrs. StewBrt was ington, N. M., is visiting Miss Mary formerly Miss Helen Schneible of this O’Neill. BRISBOIS HAND LAUNDRY TEJON DRUG COMPANY Cheyenne, Wyo.— Twenty-five can­ city. J. P. Liston, T. F. Callahan, H. J. All Kinds of Laundry Work at Reasonable Prices Cor. 33rd and Tejon— Phone GAIlup 6770 didates were initiated into Cheyenne Linens and Silks a Specialty council, No. 801, Knights of Colum­ Elder, Thomas Barry and Jarck Mc­ SENIORS TO GIVE COLORADO WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER______PHONE TABOR 9SST DENVER______bus, Sunday. The candidates and Donald went to Fruita last week on business concerning a conference PLAY ON APRIL 28 members received Communion in a WINDSOR WATER AND BOTTLING COMPANY g Eo r g e q u e d e n s body at ,St. Mary’s Cathedral at the which will be held here in May. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prinster and ■Walsenburg.— Rehearsals for the ARTESIAN AND DISTILLED WATER FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES 7:30 Mass, which was celebrated by senior class play, “ The . Charm the Rt. Rev. Patrick McGovern, family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Prinster Root Beer, Ginger Ale, Near Beer and Soda W$ter Fruit* in Season— Choice Meat* and family, Clarence Prinster, Law­ School,” are progressing satisfactor­ 3030 DOWNING ST. PHONE YORK 855* 4402-04 UMATILLA FREE DELIVERY PHONE GALLUP 2936 D.D., Bishop of Cheyenne. The ser­ mon was given by the Rev. James A. rence Quinn, Miss Mary Roessler and ily. A fine cast has been selected Miss Josephine Roessler made up a and the young thespians of St. Watch for Opening— Hartmann, chaplain of the council. Mary’s school are mastering their The candidates assembled at the K. party which visited the sheep shear­ Murphy’s SULLIVAN COAL CO, parts in professional style. Tuesday 406 E. Colfax of C. hall at 10:3,0 a.m. for the ex­ ing camp Sunday. 2239 West 30th Ave. Ph. GAUup 1476 evening, April 28, is the date set for Service Station emplification o f the first degree, Mrs. James Whalley returned last Clathedral Food Mrs. Geo. Costake its presentation. A dress rehearsal “Buford Gas” Fertilizer— Lawns $1.00 and up which was put on by Grand Knight week from San Antonio, Texas, after Opposite Cathedral Prop. This fertiliser is free from weeds John Bogensberger and the officers a visit with her daughter, Mrs. James for the children will be given that morning. First Class Greasing and Service of Cheyenne council. The second de­ Hurry. Her sister, Miss Ella Morley, Sheep Fertilizer— Lawns $2.00 and up Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kastner and TO THE CATHOLICS Free Crank Case Service gree began at 2:30 p.m. and was im­ remained in San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkpatrick at­ 3 )i Yds. Load $4.50 Screened mediately followed by the third de­ Paul Schneible, Martin Quinn, OF COLORADO HARTLEY SERVICE 36th and Tejon St. W m . Murphy tended the sessions of the Industrial gree, which was exemplified by State Leonard Quinn, Robert Wilson and STATION i Deputy Vincent Mulvaney of Casper Frank Prinster went to Glenwood conference in Denver this week. It is now one year since the and his staff of assistants. A ban­ Springs Sunday. The Very Rev. Matthew Germing, ROBAR, ETHYL GAS S. J., provincial of the Jesuit order Society of St. Vincent de Paul quet was served by the members of Mrs. Lewis Haworth, technician at Oil - Greasing Service of the Missouri province, was a re­ opened its Shelter Home at St. Teresa's Parish the Altar and Rosary society at .St. Mary’s hospital, died last week Cars Called For and Delivered Cathedral hall at 7 p.m. J. C. O’Ma­ cent visitor at the rectory. COLFAX A PEARL PH. YORK 7018 ' following an emergency operation for Father Liciotti was in Denver 1366 Cherokee St. for the care If You Don’t Drink Our Coffee honey was toastmaster and the sched­ appendicitis. She was well kno’wn COFFEE SPIKES uled speakers were the Rt. Rev. P Wednesday and Thursday of last of unemployed homeless men. You Are Cheating Yourself here, having attended school in this week on business. Sunday, he as­ 9625 EAST COLFAX AVENUE A. McGovern and State Deputy Vin­ city. She received her technician’s During that time we have fur­ cent Mulvaney, both of whom had sisted at the Confirmation cere­ PLATE LUNCHES AND SANDWICHES training in Denver, Lansing, Michi­ monies at La Junta. nished 4,207 lodgings, provided CARPET very interesting and instructive meS' gan, and Detroit. She is survived by sages. Father Hartmann also gra­ her husband, two aunts and an uncle. 9,068 meals, secured 168 posi­ CLEANERS AURORA ciously responded to the request of The Aurora Funeral services were held Sunday Open-Air Lecture tions and given out a large the toastmaster for a speech, as did from St. Joseph’s church, with Fa­ That Clean SERVICE STATION several prominent members of the ther Kipp of Durango officiating. Tour With C.D.A. amount of clothing. Hardware Co. order from out of town and members Prompt, Reasonable Mrs. George Egan returned to her Backing Goldstein To accomplish this, we have Green Fargo Gas Paint— Field Fence— Stoves who had been initiated that after­ home in Salt Lake City after visit­ Personal Service noon. Joseph Newman of Denver Glass— Poultry Wire ing several weeks here at the home almost depleted our limited Seiberling Tires and Tubes sang two groups of humorous songs, The Catholic Daughters' of Amer­ of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. PHONE AURORA 88 accompanied by Miss Anna V. Law­ ica, following the suggestion of their funds. Are you not willing to Aurora, Colo. Cor. Colfax & Clinton Electrical and Radio Supplies Sullivan. national chaplain, the R t Rev. Wil­ J. T. UPTON ler. The banquet and entertainment help us carry on this work by committee consisted «of C. J. Horis- The Catholic 'Daughters of Amer­ liam J. Hafey, Bishop of Raleigh, ica observed their anniversary Tues­ RENOVATING CO. key, district deputy, R. A. Grace have voted to sponsor a nationwide sending your contribution to JAMES W. CREAMER day evening at a covered dish supper series of open air meetings, to begin and Matt Smith. About 250 members the Society at its headquarters, TAbor 5223 765 Tejon Attorney and Counselor-at-Law of the order and their ladies were at the home of Mrs. R. B. Dessert. about June 1. They will be under the 902-908 Midland Savings Building GUS’S MARKET piresent at the banquet. Many Chorus singing was enjoyed and cards direction of Mr. David Goldstein of 612 Exchange Building? Phone Tabor 7755. Denver, Colo. were played. Boston, converted Socialistic Jew, the PLANT NOW Knights of Columbus from Wyoming, THANK YOU For Good Meats Father Kipp of Durango was in the well-known “ jo s t le of the man in the My Big Trees, Shrubs, Nebraska and Colorado councils trav­ Vines and Perennials MORRISSEY, MAHONEY A eled a great distance to witness the city for several days last week. He street.” Mr. Goldstein has ■written a SOCIETY OF SCOFIELD 613 East Thirteenth Avenue initiation ceremonies. said Mass Sunday at St. Joseph’s “ Campaigners for Christ Handbook” MARTIN J. CULLEN Attomeys-at-Law church in the absence of Father Ber­ for the tour, which will he distributed ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Landscape Specialists YORK 2422 ' from his specially constructed broad­ International Nurseries 405-9 Symes Bldg. PHILOSOPHERS TOCATHOLIC trand. Free Catalog Phone MAin 4106 Denver, Colo. MEET AT ST. LOUIS casting lecture car wherever meetings MAUL CARPET 40 years in the same old place. St. Louis university, St. Louis, Mo., NEW RT. REV. MONSIGNOR are addressed. The handbook is dedi­ Wyandot St. at W, 46th Ave, PATRONIZE cated to the Catholic Daughters of On the No. Side— Denver, Colo. JOHN H. REDDIN has been chosen as the meeting place Spokane, Wash.— The" Rev., Alo- CLEANING CO. America as “ the first national organ­ Attorney and Counselor at Law of the American Catholic Philosophic ysius A. .'Verhagen, pastor of Dijr CARPETS CLEANED & WASHED ization to sponsor the propagation of 112-614 Ernest A Cranmer Block REGISTER association December 29 and 30. The Lady of Lourdes Cathedral, has re­ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Catholic truth in the streets, squares Best Workmanship in the City 17th and Curtis Rev. J. A. McWilliams, S.J., is mak­ ceived notice of his appointment as and parks of tho country.” Ph. TA. 0579 851 2uni THEY ARE RELUBLE Phone Main 657 Denver, Colo. ADVERTISERS ing local plan."^ domestic prelate. “KINDLING” TO TOURNAMENT ON DEANERY HOLDS THE BRIGHT SPOT St. Joseph*s Parish Greenhouse and Flower Shop B itM f** froB ma- practical fricBda io tbit, tba Redamptariat paritk. mm tba Waat BE GIVEN MAY 12 AT LOYOLA HALL APRIL MEETING FOR FLOWERS We Carry Ail Standard Varieties of Shrubbery Sida. Giva theta tba prafaraoca and Perennials. PHONES YORK 0690 - YORK 061E (St. Joseph’s Parish) (Sacred Heart-Loyola Parish) The regular monthly meeting of JOSEPHINE AT FIFTH Patrons and friends of St. Joseph’s A bridge tournament, under the the Denver deanery was held at Dramatic club will be given a rare auspices of the Loyola Aid society, Knights of Columbus hall Friday SANTA FE PUBLIC MARKET theatrical treat the evening of Tues­ BtB SANTA FE— FREE PARKINO— OUT OP CONGESTED AREA opened in Loyola hall Monday night afternoon, April 17. Mrs. Thomas day, May 12, when the well-known A congenial gathering of men and Garrison presided. Mrs. W. P. Bowe drama, ‘‘Kindling,” by Charles Ken­ women was present and will no doubt acted as secretary in the absence of STOP AND SHOP yon will be presented. The play is return for the second and succeeding Mrs. J. W. Holmes. Mrs. W. H. LOOP MARKET a true story of New York tenement games. Many friends of the society Paul read her report and made the GROCERY life, and was first produced Decem­ have announced their intention of usual plea on behalf of the Benefit Leader Bakery ber 3, 1911. The leading female entering the race this Monday night. shop, asking that salable articles be role of Maggie Schultz was originally They will be given the low score of sent there as the need is great at Sugar No. 3 played By Margaret Illington. Dot last Monday night to start with. The this time. Walsh in her several years of experi­ rules of the tournament are snch that Miss Maris Stella Scott of Little 1 0 lbs. . 5 2 c ence with the club under the direc­ there is a chance e mediocre Flower center announced an attrac­ furttj} labrrg tion of George Hackethal has pleased player as well as for the proficient tive program for Child-Health week. critical audiences, and will be seen player. There is a limit placed on She also reported that the recent **Quality Plus Quantity Equals Economy” | Milk Cake in this difficult role and promises to the amount that can he scored at one First Communion class o f 75 little LOOP MARKET 729 SANTA FE | be equal to it. Playing opposite her hand, and the partners are so ar­ ones rechived again at the Sacred 2 , Tall APPLE will be Dr. William McCarthy. Tom ^ Cans...... 1 5 c ranged that everyone has a fair Heart church the Sunday following , Every Day Prices | SAUCE ...... 2 0 c Kavanagh, another favorite, will chance. their First Communion. Twenty-five have the role of Steve Bates. Others from last year’s class also received. Flour in the cast who have good parts are In addition to the grand prizes which will be given at the close of The Rev. Mark Lappen, pastor of CINNAMON ROLLS, doz..„.t...... 1 5 ^ Peggy McLaughlin, Bernadette 5 lbs. the tournament, there are three Holy Family church, urged small or­ fo r ...... : . . . , 1 5 c Geiger, Betty Rust, Bert McCloskey, DONUTS, cake or sugar, doz...... - ...... 1 5 ^ Pies \ awards given every Monday night— ganizations to work undividedly to Emmet Goggin and Len Brayton. Len the best of their ability. By so doing Brayton has executed an appropriate a door award and awards to the HOME MADE BREAD, large loaf...... 5^* Soap BUTTER SCOTCH, lady and gentleman ha-ving the high­ they would give to the national or­ E A ...... 1 5 c scenic set, with the assistance of Ed­ ganization its greatest support. 3 Bars ward Berberich. Edmond McCloskey est score. The tournament is being HOT CROSS BUNS, doz...... held to obtain funds for the school. The Rev. H. V. Campbell spoke on P. & G. for ...... l O c will be the property man. Agnes The Loyola Aid society is the only “ Credit Union Organizations,” which EXTRA SPECIAL! Come to the Purity Bakery for 3 Patterson is in charge of the tickets, parish organization working exclu­ were legalized recently by the Colo­ which will be sold at 35c and 50c, sively for the school. All money rado state legislature. This-measure loaves of Cottage Bread— for lOfF SATURDAY ONLY. Cookies and which may be secured from any PURITY MEAT realized from its activities is turned was introduced and passed through member of the club. A matinee will over to Father Devlin. The domestic the efforts of Father Campbell and FRUIT BARS, 2 Dozen...... 25^F HOMEMADE, be given on Sunday, May 10. MARKET science department is the special in­ of the permanent committee of the D O Z...... 1 0 c The regular meeting of the club terest of the members, although there Colorado Catholic Conference on FRENCH AND ITALIAN BREAD...... 1 0 ^ OLEO held Tuesday, April 21, had an at- is no phase of school work that does Industrial Problems. Mrs. T. A. Cos- tendanoe of 76 members. Election not claim their attention. At present, griff, president of the Diocesan coun­ Blue Bird,^ ' of officers was held. Dr. William lb ...... lie the members are busy outfitting a cil, urged attendance at the quarter­ Bread McCarthy was unanimously re-elected few needy tots who are to receive ly conference of the council to be LOOP SHOE FRANK ALIOTO’S POT ROAST president. J. Emmet Goggin, vice their First Holy Communion soon. held at Pueblo April 29. Miss Linna president: Rick McNicholas, treas­ Bresette of Washington, D.C., spoke REPAIR SHOP FRUIT STAND Per O Large urer, and Larry Sexton, recording One of the finest social affairs of lb...... 1 5 c w Loaves...... l O C parish record was the card party and in the interest of the Industrial con­ ISth and Lawrence secretary, were also re-elected. Agnes social at Adelphian hall April 16, ference. Mrs. Sanchez reported as QUALITY FRUIT AND Patterson. was elected social secre­ IN THE LOOP MARKET STEAK given by the Sacred Heart Ladies’ chairman on Mexican welfare. tary. Members of the executive sodality— ^the fiipst society organized Mrs. W. T. Prendergast, chairman VEGETABLES ALWAYS B eef or committee chosen were Ernest Ber­ on catechetical instruction, reported 1 8 c in the Jesuit parish. Forty-seven HALF SOLES Pork, lb ...... Rolls berich, Len Brayton, Edwin McCldl- tables were filled with players, and that a class of 65 children in Gar­ key and Tom Kavanagh. The play there were some guests who did not field district would receive First LEATHER, PANCO71- Loop Flower Shop DILL PICKLES PINEAPPLE, committee chosen consists of Peggy Holy Communion in St. Cajetan’s 1 5 c play. After the games, the hostesses or USKIDE...... I DC SPECIAL Large, Ctf* D O Z...... McLaughlin, Bert McCloskey, Rick church Sunday, April 19. Mrs. Pren­ ushered the people to the school Fre»h Cut Carnation*, 2 fo r ...... McNicholas, Len Brayton and Dr. lunch room, wnere long tables were dergast thanked the Catholic Daugh­ LADIES’ William McCarthy. neatly spread with a fine lunch. ters of America and the Junior Tab­ 5 0 ^ Doz. KEEN LUNCH ROOM FOR NOON DAY LUNCH— OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Bernadette Geiger, a member of When the guests returned to the-hall, ernacle ’ society for outfitting the TOP LIFTS...... 25c Fre*h Cut Ro*e*, the club, was in Pueblo this week on the awards were announced and class, the Junior Tabernacle and 75^ Doz. up business for the Denver Art institute, made. Mrs, Thomas Lee, the so­ alumnae of Mesdames of Sacred Put on While You Wait Also Large Stock of Asiorted of which she is a staff member. dality prefect, and her loyal assist­ Heart for Rosaries and prayer books, Cut Flowers and Potted Plants NATIONAL OUTLET SHOE STORE Dr. McCarthy is a member o f the ants deserve great credit for the and the Altar and Rosary societies “Fr. McMenamin class” which will 760 Santa Fe Driro KEyatone 2575 success of the affair. for the money contributed for the E. A. Cook &. Co. Loop Photo Shop receive the K. of C. major degrees purchase of shoes. These contribu­ Sunday, April 26. The Sacred Heart high school Chas. J.~Mullen, Prop. Portrait and Commercial BEAUTIFUL SPRING STYLES Alumni association is making plans tions were in response to an appeal­ Photographer The High Masses for the week ing letter sent out by the deanery WATCH CASE MAKERS Especially Priced at $ 2 .9 5 were announced as follows: Wednes­ for its June banquet in honor of the New Low Prices i raduates. Previous banquets have secretary, Mrs. J, W. Holmes. Repairing a Specialty day in honor of St. Joseph and Fri­ Mrs. Prendergast announced that All Work Guaranteed day for the Purgatorian society. feen successful and it is the hope and Room 24, Evans Block belief of the officers that the 1931 Mrs. A. H. Seep would entertain the 1450 Lawrence St. Loop Market Bldg., Suite 19 The Rev. J. P. Shaw, C.SS.E., be­ First Communicants at breakfast. MESSENGER’S SERVICE STATION gan a mission on Sunday, April 19, in celebration -will be even better than Ph. TAbor 3622 Denver, Colo. Ph. KE. 5790 for Appointment those in the past. The class Sunday she said would Batteries - Tires - Accessories - Gas - Oil - Greasing Gainesville, Texas. bring the total of First Communi­ FOURTH AND ELATI______SOUTH 0800 The Rev. P. M. Moriarity, C.SS.R., cants among the Spanish-speaking conducted a Forty Hours’ devotion in PUPILS WILL GIVE children in the Denver deanery, so VOGUE MILLINERY SHO>PE— 766 Santa Fe Drive Ottumwa, Iowa, the early part of far this year, to 187. Mrs. G. A. this week, and is expected home PROGRAM MAY 4 NETTIE MAE HAT S H O P -^ 6 0 Santa Fe Drive Smith of the Catholic Charities re­ St. Louis Parish shortly. ported 183 cases taken care of dur­ Two Storea. NETTIE MAE SHEPHARD. Prop. Phone TA. 8660 The Rev. James Dreis, C.SS.R., ar­ AFTER EASTER SALE ON ALL HATS USE OUR WILL CALL (Annunciation Parish) ing March. Others reporting for T U P V D A D D I 7 D C U r W D IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL rived in Denver Tuesday from mis­ Artistic drills, clever dances, sev­ various parishes and organizations 1 n £ . U . IV. tSAKDililV. OrlL/K J. M. b u r g e s s . Proprietor sionary work in the East. eral features and two playlets make were: Up-to-Date, Clean Service B & R GROCERY AND MARKET The Rev. Henry Guenther, C.SS.R., up the program to be given May 4 at Mrs. G. A. Graveline, Miss Anna ‘^A Home-Owned Stor^’ offered Requiem Mass Monday for the school hall by the children of the Fallon, Miss Clara Courtney, Mrs. 3456 So. Broadway Englewood, Colo. Mrs. Helen K. Maddox, who died last Annunciation school. The seventh Harvey J. Smith, Mrs. James Jack- south 2067-W A ______Free Delivery 246 W. 6th Ave. week at her home, 684 Alcott St. She and eighth grade ^rls will present son, Mrs. Eva Collins, Mrs. T. C. Mc- There Is No Substitute for a Savings Account in a Bank was a sister of Mrs. H. H. McLelland, “ Angela,” a charming play in two Elroy, Mrs. J. H. Bryar, Mrs. Jasper, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK SANTA FE SHOE HOSPITAL former member of St. Joseph’s acts, which tells the story of a little Mrs. A. C. Tremlett, Mrs. James parish. ? orphan girl, of her adoption by Grtnie Jackson, Mrs. Thomas O’Rorke, Mrs. OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO SHOE REBUILDING Mrs. Martin Bommelyn and her Fleming, and later of her career as Gallagher, Mrs. Barth, Mrs. Leo 742 Santa Fe DriTa TAhop 7782 • committee of hostesses for the card a singer. Boys from the seventh and Gates, Mrs. Thomas Bates and Mrs. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE party, sponsored by the Altar and Call and Delivery Service eighth grades compose the cast of Mary Alvey. THE COFFEE SHOP 3590 BROADWAY ' ENGLEWOOD Rosary society this Friday evening, “ A Home Run,” which has interesting Mrs. George McDevitt gave a re­ report splendid co-operation. A rec­ Oh! Boy! They’re Good— 5 and 10 Cent Hamburgers MAC’S GENERAL SHOE REPAIR situations, interspersed with humor­ sume of the April News sheet. ord crowd is anticipated and the ous dialogue. A dance number will Deanery New* CANDY AND SOFT DRINKS Now Open for and Fully Equipped for Firat data Shoe Repairing committee is prepared to handle it. be pven by Jack Trail and Benny Father Sandoval, S.J., of Regis Why Go Downtown When We Do It Better Here? Games will start promptly at 8:15. Sullivan. Margaret Gordon and college is now hearing Confessions 604 ELATI STREET 2 BLOCKS FROM CHURCH Home or Studio Sittings ■ Coach Harry Pemberton, writing Frank Gazin will sing “ Happy Hans of the Spanish-speaking people at from Berkeley, Calif., says that he We Go Anywhere to Photograph Anything and Hilda.” For the following num­ Sacred Heart church every Saturday PHONE ENG. 1054 NATIONAL TEA COMPANY expe(«t.ed' to visit his alma mater, bers music -will be furnished by the afternoon. WOODWARD’S PHOTO SHOPPE .•!516 SO. BROADWAY Dealers in coffees, teas, spices, baking powders; fine line of glassware, china, Oregom State university, this week. high school orchestra: The ladies of the Benefit shop etc. W.e deliver to all parts of city. Onr stock credit plan will interest you. He is picking.up new plays and ideas, were pleased with the dresses and which ne vidll transmit to the Bulldog Song — “You’re Welcome, Yes SUNSHINE QUALITY KODAK FINISHING 744 Santa Fe Drive TAbor 9103 Welcome” by the minims, patriotic articles sent to them last week. eleven this fail. At WOODWARD’S PHOTO SHOPPE drill by the second grade girls, hoop Mother Christopher and Mother A large cla^ d t children is pre­ drill by the second grade boys, Luciana of Cheyenne, ^ o m in g , were EIGHT-HOUR SERVICE paring to receive - First Holy Com­ “ Rainy Daisies” by the third grade visitors at the Little "Flower center The Best in BEDDING PLANTS munion on Pentecost-Sunday, 24. girls. Manners class by the third Saturday afternoon. The appearance a o 1 V * c PAFF m o s t m o d e r n The Rt. Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN ENGLEWOOD*t grade boys, song— “ At the Sea of the children as well as their gentle M Used For Porch Boxes, Baskets and Garden will administer the sacrament of Con­ manners greatly impressed them. Chicken Raviolis, Chicken Tamales, Italian Spaghetti firmation in St. Joseph’s' «hwrch on Shore” — by fourth grade pupils, com­ bination drill by fifth gracle pupils, It is hoped that some generous Furniture Trinity Sunday, May 31. 3510 So. Broadway Open 6 A. M. Until Midnight Englewood, Colo. Henry J. Hettinger balloon dance by sixth grade girls, soul will donate a bolt pf flannel for Preliminaries for the oratorical Caah or Credit “ Dashing U. S. Marines” by sixth layettes. Mrs. W. H. Paul has had 466 Pearl Phone SO. 3866-R contest will be held Monday evening) so many calls for layettes in very NICK STREWLER SERVICE STATION Retail Rooms Open April 27. The joint contest for h i^ grade boys. Daily needy cases that the supply has been “ TEXACO PRODUCTS” school and club will be held Friday, exhausted. The se-wing guild, which Wa*hing, Grea*ing, Poli*hing— Drive In— Courteou* Service WINDOW SHADES May 1, when four speakers from FIRST PARTY OF A FULL LINE OF meets on Thursday afternoons, -wishes SO. BROADWAY AT HAMPDEN PHONE ENG. S9Z DRAPERIES each group will compete. Father to begin work on layettes as soon OFFICE FURNITURE Zeller is arranging a pleasant en­ CLUB NETS $100 as possible. Thirty-one patients THB MADE TO O R D E R - tertainment program for the occa­ We rent Folding Chairs, Card and INSTALLED came to the Little Flower clinic 'iJBUNDi sion. It will include dancing num­ (St. J ose^ ’s.Parish, Globeville) Banquet Tables, Dishes, Silverware, ^ MAN Wednesday o f last week and were anjrthing in stock. Established 1888. H. S. LAY bers, under the direction * of Miss A new club'^rkri's.T'Ti as the Harmony cared for by Dr. Lucius Cassidy. The THE BLIND MAN Dorthy Croft, orchestra music and club, was recently'organized in St. St. Cajetan clinic had twenty-nine PHONE KEYSTONE 4852 other features. TYPEWRITERS 720-22 E. Colfax York 4416 Joseph’s parish, (Hobeville. Boys cases last week that were treated by A popularity contest, one of the from 12 to 18 year^-or-age who are Dr. E. F. Lubeley. All Makes and Prices interesting events that creates friend­ interested in dramatics-and, athletics, SOLD—-RENTED—REPAIRED OPTOMETRIST ly rivalry among the students in the may join. At a recent tapgq^ party * AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO,, INC. Scientific Chiropodiata high school, was held this week. Each the club, of which Eddie K dh oi^i is CATHEDRAL P.-T. A. Established 1880 Associate Podiatrists class had four representatives, and president, cleared more thaK hije 1643 California St. • KEyatone 3047 Denver, Colo. gave the winners, Cecilia Kuhn and AND OPTICIAN DR, BERTHA DE WOLFE hundred dollars for the benefit of STUDY CLUB MEETS D.S.C.— D.C. Edward Rider, both seniors, a close the parish school. RUSSELL L. BOYD. D.S.C. battle for honors. The contestants Steve Banko has returned to Den­ HELEN WALSH were: Seniors, Helen Barth, Joe Cathedral P.-T. A. study circle Associate ver after a stay in California of more 202-20S McClintock Bldg. Turner, Cecelia Kuhn and Edward than two years. The pastor, the Rev. met ati the home of Mrs. 0. B. Thum The Bankers Warehouse Co. 1554 California St. Phone TAbor S619 Thursda^'afternoon of last week. W. R. JOSEPH Rider; juniors, Estelle Rust, Gert­ J. J. Guzinski, is pleaded to have him Bonded rude Hill, George Kelly and Robert Favorite q'uq,tetions were given in back. He was a singer in the male response to thh^roll call. Mrs. J. Fred Complete Storage, Moving, Packing, EYES Ford; sophomores, Florine and Junior choir for seven years prior to going RUSTS PHARMACY Doyle read an ifiteresting article on Kellog, Helen _ Gibbons anif Billie to the coast. Shipping. Comer 19th and California “ The Faults of Prfes^t Day Educa­ EXAMIISED Sloan; freshmen, Frances Hamilton, It was generally regretted by par­ Rates on Application. Complete Drug Store SuRpIies Mary Jo Kerwin, Joe Gussie and ishioners that the Forty Hours’ devo­ tion.” An exceptioMlhr fine book 205 16th Street Prescriptions Carefully Filled Bernard Garret, tion had to come to a close Tues- review of “ The Life,j>;^ Madame MAin 5259 2145 Blake St. Ernestine Schumann - Heink” was Phone TAbor 1880 Across From Holy Ghost Church Death called another one of St. night. The Rev. Aloysuis Stankie- Joseph’s pioneers last Sunday, Mrs. wiecz, O.F.M., of Sturtevant, Wis­ gdven by Mrs. Frank HaoBrl-sThe TAbor 8925 MAin 9805 meeting was presided over MAKE YOUR OWN GOOD TIMES Mary Kinney, who died at her home, consin, conducted the services. That Arthur J. Hart, who has b e e h s ^ Wanted. 10,000 Repreaentatlvea lor the New 510 Galapago St., after a brief ill­ his talks were appreciated was shown Catholic Dictionary—One in Evary Parbh ness. She was born in Ireland, March appointed chairman of the study ciN AUTO TRIMMING Pre-eminently the book for every home, by the crowds attending the Solemn A 14, 1856. Mrs. Kinney is survived by Mass on Sunday morning and all the cle for the year. viGJ^sses at school, library, for non-Catholies aa well as The Cathedral Mothers’ singers Catholics. Earn good money by doing good a daughter, Mrs. Eugene Peighery of evening services. First Class Work Always work. Part time or all your time. Write for Covington, Ky.; a son, William, with sang at the district convention of the Honest Prices particolars and send references with the The Misses Elizabeth and Charlotte whom ishe lived, and several relatives Lewis, alumnae of Mt. St. Gertrude’s Colorado Parent-Teachers’ held at No patieb< aH^3, 1931 Bishop Tihen to Speak at K. of C. Scenes and Persons in the Current News LT. WM. LONGWELL SPEAKS AT REGIS SUMERS (Regis College) Convention Banquet in Ft. Collins Lieutenant William Longwell of Fort Logan addressed the members Ft. Collins.— Plans for the state Sunday evening, the. convention ban­ of the Mace and Mitre, Regis hon; KMARKET CO. convention of the Knights of Colum­ quet will be held. The occasion will society, Thursday evening of Jf0t bus to be held at Ft. Collins May 17 be honored by the presence of Week on “ Some Experiences o^Con- 1004 15th St. Near Curtis and 18 are practically completed and Bishopf Tihen, who will deliver the verts to the Church.” The^^wdress from all inaications it promises to be principal address of the evening. provoked considerable discjresion re­ the most largely attended and most There will be other distinguished garding the opportunities df Catholic successful convention ever held in speakers and a musical program. laymen for convert work'. Colorado. Monday, May 18, will be devoted Regii Puh^icatign* The convention will open with a to the business sessions of the state The Crest of West, an illus­ VEAL ROASTS Mass Sunday morning, May 17. In­ council following a Pontifical Mass trated bookle_^^@escriptive of the itiation of a large class in the major celebrated by Bishop Tihen. The ■academic prW ^m , campus spirit, Fancy degrees will follow. convention will close with CTand buildings a^iPgrounds of Re^s col­ Milk Fed lb. 15c This,, composed of candidates social Monday evening. While the In­ lege, w illjp^ear Friday of this week from all councils of the Northern itiation ceremonies and convention for th ^ io u rth consecutive year. district, v/ill be known as the “ Father sessions are being held Sunday and VolurM ^V of this interesting bro- La Jeunesse class” in honor of Monday, the visiting ladies will be chur^y has a specially designed art Father La Jeunesse, pastor of St. entertained by a reception committee Mt6r. The Ranger, the Regis year- Joseph’s church, who is an enthus­ of ladies, which has arranged a ^ o k , is progressing well in the hands FRANKFURTERS iastic member of Ft. Collins council wonderful program, including auto of Joseph Dryer, its editor. It will and who this year is celebrating his tours, lectures and bridge luncheons. ’- Since Wood’s death, building will be opposite the mother report of a special survey commit­ Mr. and Mrs. William Krier of Mr. -md Mrs. Joseph O’ Cara have church and will he built in North­ dent, Mrs. Philip A. Brennan, Brook­ the devel,Mflments in a St. Petersburg taken rooms in the Westerado apart­ tee to determine ways in which the ; Walsenburg spent Sunday at the lyn, will receive Communion and case—in^hich R. W. Oxford, a St. ern Italian Renaissance style. Con­ institution may be developed, and the Closing Out Sale home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lidle. ments at East 9th Ave. and Acoma. struction will start without delay, afterwards attend the unveiling and Petersh/fg auto top man, was flogged Miss Sophie Ijourek, a former trustees determined to carry out the Furniture, Rugs, Gas and Ml'S. Christina Duesing has re­ instead of in 1933, in response to ap­ ble.ssing pf a bronze tablet erected hav?/drawn his name into the af- member of St. Dominic’s parish, is provisions. The exact plans have Coal Ranges, Office Furni­ turned to her home in Spearvilte, on the wall of the church in mem­ faira principal, and the leader seriously ill at the Denver General peals for all con.struction work pos­ not been made public. ture, All Must Go at Cost Kans., after having spent the winter ory of Mother Seton. The cere­ of >0vhipping gang which undertook. hospital. sible in times of unemployment. or Less. with Mr. and Mrs. George Duesing. monies will be followed by a - Com-! flf^ging cases for cash payments, Master Albert Short is ill at the We Rent Fold. Chairs and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dissler and Mrs. CONVICTED CONGRESSMAN munion breakfast at the McAlpin F/orida papers declare. Three men home of his parents, 2940 Foster Card Tables Kaliwes of Walsenburg visited friends WAS KLAN PRODUCT DAY-NITE hotel. to be members of the gang are court. Furniture Trading Co. Indianapolis, Ind.— The conviction BEAUTY SHOPPE and relatives hero the past v/eek. The Mass and dedication of the, under arrest. Mrs. M. J. Holland and daughter, A BIG ADVANTAGE to the working 1’628 Court PI. Phone KE. 1568 Mrs. Clai'cnco is in St. Mary’s tablet will mark the first official a^'- Frances, have left for Real del Monte, of former Congressman Rowbottom girl and housewife who are unable to /hospital, where she will undergo an of Cardinal Hayes in recognition df CINCINNATI NATIVE, CHINA in federal court at Evansville on a make daytime appointments. Pachuca, Mexico, to \risit with Mr. Open 8:30 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. operation next week. the movement for the canoniza^on MISSIONER, DIES AT 31 and Mrs. Warren Gilkinson. Mrs. charge of selling ppstmasterships News of the‘death of the Rev. Paul marked the fall of the last of the 1429 GLENARM PI.. Mr. and Mrs.' Kinny and family o'l Mother Seton, a convert,.'who Gilkinson is the former .Luella Hol­ KE. 7891 FOR APPOINTMENT arc recovering from severe attacks was born in this city near Bowling Doerger, a native of Cincinnati, who land of St. Dominic’s parish. Mr. more noted figures who won political RICHE of influenza. Green, the dau,ghter of Dr. f^ichard had been a missionary in China since and Mrs. Gilkinson suffered the sad preferment through the Ku Klux HAT SHOPPE 1926, has reached this country. He Mrs. Fred Jahn has'returned home Bayley, professor of an rfi^ y at loss of their younger son, Gordon, Klan. Rowbottom’s passing marks MABEL REID, Prop. was 31 years old and attended St. from St. Mary’s hospital, where she King’s college, now Coluftwia uni­ a few days ago. It is the second the end of a roll call started by the Located in Denver Theater Bldg. Anthony’s and' St. Clement’s schools recently underwent a serious opera­ versity. The ceremonieAr.’ will also visitation death has made to their law when D. C. Stephenson, who re­ MIDWEST GARAGE Second Door West of tion. give official 'sanction to.'l^e pilgrim­ in Cincinnati, and later studied at happy home. Last September, War­ cruited the Klan to tremendous mem­ St. Francis’ college and at the Fran­ General Garage Service Glenarm St. Entrance age now being organize^’by the Fed­ ren Gilkinson, Jr., aged 4, passed bership, was convicted on a murder ciscan schools of philosophy and Greasing, Washing, Repairing Hats Priced from. $1.95 to $8.50 eration of Catholic ;Xlumnae, the away suddenly while his parents charge at Noblesville in 1925. From theology. He joined, the Franciscan 1837 CALIFORNIA ST. 1537 GLENARM TABOR 4803 GLENWOOD C. D. A. National Council of. Catholic Wo- were' visiting at the home of Mrs. that time on nearly every prominent order at St. Anthony monastery, MAin 3444 TTl I V i? ! AXpin^cn, and the Cathqjic Daughters of Gilkinson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. figure who had tasted of Indiana Klan Mount Airy, in 1918, and was or­ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. XlfLil-

Cardinal Mundelein Heads Peace Society Register Small Ads 5-Day Week Urged by Manufacturers’ THE '•SPRING TIME IN THE ROCKIES" Barn-yard picture, editorial page. People's President to End Jobless Problem Building & Loan Association. M ayflow er CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS’ HOME. 1772 Grant. Pleasant home for girls. Different addresses given at the to remain out of all proportion to ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR DENVER AUTO TOP CO. Catholic Conference on Industrial that of former days.” He advocated General Upholstering. 1213 Latyrence St. Problems April 20 and 21 touched the adoption of a five-day week and DONEHUE PICTURE SHOP upon various aspects of the worker^’ recommended unemployment insur­ Formerly problems, but they all united in ance. BEAUTY Cisler & Donchue Pictures and Framing showing that the conditions are very Earl Hoage, president of the Colo­ That will ddight the MAin 0962______822 12th Street serious and must be given careful at­ rado State Federation of Labor, dis­ finest taste—orna­ A TO Z Express and Moving. Prices tention and immediate relief. Brief cussing “ Wages and Hours in Rela­ ment the most bean- $1.00 per hour; 2 men, $1.50. Big truck; reports of outstanding features of tion to Unemployment,” said that tifnl home. trunks and baggage, 60c and op. Phone several talks follow: organized labor’s constant insistence KEystone 5741. Stand, '19th and California John Gross, secretary of the Colo­ on higher wage levels and shorter QUALITY street.______hours is not based on a desire to ac­ rado State Federation of Labor, That appeals to the WANTED— Party to sell eggs to con' speaking on “ The Technological As­ cumulate wealth or inflict injury on sumers. V/rite Box E. D., Cara Catholic most discerning buyer. Register.______;______pects of Unemployment,” declared industries, but because labor believes that in the last ten years the num­ that only in that way will the cause NEW HOLLAND HOTEL— Working peo ECONOMY pie cut expenses. Good board , and room ber of persons employed in agricul­ of the workers’ distress be removed. $7.50 up; phone and water in each room. ture, manufacturing industries, min­ He emphasized the A. F. of L. dec­ Low initial cost; nn- Cathedral parish; walking distance. Phono ing and railroading hal grown steadily laration that “ American industry nsually small operat­ TAbor 5201. 1760- Pennsylvania streeL_____ less while the output of these indus­ and commerce must suffer serious in­ ing cost. MAXEY’S SHOE REPAIR SHOP tries has increased, due tq. technolog' jury unless wage earners’ real wages All kinds of Hand Tooled Novelties. ical changes, or increased use of ma­ are increased in proportion to indus­ SERVICE Ladies’' and gents’ pocketbooks, belts, etc. 2808 East 6th Avenue. ______chinery. He said that the “ blotting try’s increased capacity to produce.” 3-year guarantee READERS OF CATHOLIC REGISTER paper” industries, those which, are Dr. Thomas E. Purcell, K.S.G., of backed by 10 years^ Secure half rate. Dr. W. A. O’Connell supposed to absorb the men discarded Kansas City, Mo., in telling of “ The experience in Electri­ agrees to allow readers of this paper halt by the machine, had not done so to Mexican Wage Earner,” placed much cal Refrigeration and rate on Chiropractic treatments. For free emphasis on the low wages paid the examination you may telephone Keystone any extent. El^ght-Campbell’s 57 4033 or call at Suite 247 Steele Bldg., E. J. Vetter, president of the Colo­ Mexican and his exploitation by in­ years in Denver. corner 16th and Welton. ______rado Manufacturers’ association, dustry. He declared that as the BROWN CHAMBERS HOTEL speaking on “ The Stabilization of newest immigi'ant he* fell victim to PRICES 828 17th Street Emi^oyment,” said; “ We are facing the loWest wages, the poorest housing Newly, remodeled, newly fum .; all rooms an unemployment situation that has and the most inhuman treatment. with bath and desk ph.; rates $8 wk. up; “ Industrial Relations in the Coal transient $2. 0pp. Brown Palace. KE. 5208. been on a constant increase for years and that will pontinue for some time Industry of Colorado,” a research NEW OWNERSHIP MODISTI report of the Federal Council of Prof. Parker Thomas Moon, asso­ *170 DELLA HASKINS, Proprietor Cardinal Mundelein, Archbishop of UPWARD Churches in America, given at the ciate professor of International Re­ Cleaning by Bodefelt Chicago, photographed on his_ arrival 2422 E. 6th Ave. ___ York 4027 SLAIN MARINE conference by Dr. J. M. Bramhall, lations at Columbia university. New professor of political science at in New York, whence he sailed for PHONE US FOR PRICES AND APPOINT­ GIVEN HONOR Rome to participate in the dedica­ York, who was elected president of MENTS Colorado university, Boulder, was a the Catholic Association for Interna­ WEST 29TH AVE. BEAUTY SHOP comprehensive survey of the coal tion' of the new building of Propa­ TEN OUTSTANDING FEATURES Ph. GAllup 7158 Hazel Hardie 2748 W. Sergt. Arthur M. Palrang, fighting ganda college on April 24., He ■will tional Peace at the annual meeting Ph. GAL 7158. Hazel Hardie. 2746 W. Mth mining industry in Colorado, discus of that organization held a few days 1. Speed-Freeze Unit; ice cubes in 90 minutes. Colorado marine, who died with seven be away six weeks.— (Acme Photo.) sing the deplorable wage and other ago in New York.— (Underwood & TAYLOR’S BAKERY AND CREAMERY of his comrades while resisting an conditions of the workers and efforts 2. A convenient Temperature Control for faster freezing. HOME BREAD AND ROLLS Underwood.) Fancy Cakes and Pies attack by Nicaraguan rebels near made by certain companies to relieve JOINS ACADIANS 3. Ribbon-type wire shelves. Full Line of Dairy Products- Achuapa, Nicaragua, on December the abuses. 4. Sanitary porcelain lining and cooling unit. 2742 W. 29th Ave. James Taylor. Prop. 31, 1930, has been honored in death IN CELEBRATION JUBILEE HELD, 5. “Remova-sheir’ provides additional space for full-size bottles. ^IC E T. LAWLESS by his country. 6. An amazingly quiet compressor. CHIROPRACTOR Sergeant Palrang and the seven AUTHORITY IS Mrs. Joseph Emerson Smith, who KEARNEY, NEBR. 1232 E. 13»h Ave., Denver, Colorado 7. Costa less to operate. Phone YOrk 4962 ______marines who died with him have been RADIO SUBJECT has been on an extended visit to the awarded posthumously the navy cross South and Southwest, will be back in A notable double anniversary was 8. No troublesome installation; Just ping in light socket. BON TON BEAUTY SHOP in recognition of extraordinary her­ celebrated at Kearney, Nebr., 'Thurs­ 9. Fully guaranteed and backed by TEN YEARS’ experience in Learn Beauty Culture Bertram B. Beshoar, in his regular Denver in time for the Press club Special Summer Rates oism. day, April 16, when the Rev. Henry electrical refrigeration. f weekly radio lecture over KGIW, luncheon this Saturday. While in 604 Fourteenth St.______TAbor 9068 Sergeant Palrang’s navy cross will Muenstermann celebrated his silver 10. Lower priced than average. Trinidad, last Sunday afternoon, Louisiana, Mrs. Smith joined the pil­ TYDINGS be i'iven to his father, Arthur M. Pal­ grimage of the Acadians for the dedi­ jubilee as a priest and St. James’ HEMSTICH & SPECIALTY SHOP rang, Sr., of Fort Lyon, Colo., where under the auspices of the Knights of cation of the statue of Evangeline. parish celebrated its golden jubilee. Dry Goods and Notions— Dressmaking Columbus of that city, submitted the Your Patronage Solicited— Prompt Service the body of his son was buried last Catholic Church as the one fold In a letter she described it as a won­ Solemn Mass in the presence of Bishop J. A. Duffy, D.D., of Grand 2604 East 12th Avenue Phone YOrk 3273 February 4 with full military honors. guided by the one Shepherd spoken of derful occasion, with French flags Easy Terms—Small Down Payment WHEN you have traded $16 with ns, you Sergeant Palrang was a former flying and royal entertainment as Island and a large number of priests in the Gospel of the day. one passed eacn parish. There were was followed by a dinner and in the are entitled to 5 per cent rebate in trade. student and gridiron hero at Regis “ Social degeneracy is sweeping Metzger’s, dry goods and notions, hem­ sixteen busses from the Nova Scotia evening by a school entertainment. college and a brother of Maurice the world today,” Mr. Beshoar de 'AMPBELtS stitching. 20 E. 45th A ve., MAin 4939. country, together with the French Father Muenstermann was honored (Skip) Palrang, also a Regis college dared. “ Parental discipline has PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING consul from there. for the great work he has done in athlete, now an instructor of Spanish broken down, and in the schools, col­ KEystone 7131 by experienced workman. Neat, dependable at Creighton university, Omaha. Mrs. Smith spent Holy Week in his twenty years at Kearney, includ­ 1625 California St. job guaranteed. leges and universities youth defies ing the building of a parish school, ANTON BERINGER Besides his brother, Maurice, and control. The Catholic Church alone Old Mexico with her sister in her York 8679-J. Shop at 163 Madison St. his father, Sergeant Palrang is sur­ Monterey home, and before that par­ the foundation of the large Good Sa­ and single-handed stands against maritan hospital, and the foundation CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOP, 2031 East vived by two other brothers, Edwin this social degeneracy. Time and ticipated in the 200th anniversary 13th Ave. Naivette Croquignole, Nistle Cir- celebration of the founding of the of the Keens home for the aged. F. G. Palrang, Grand Junction, and time agrain the Church of Christ has culine and Combination Waves. Only gen­ James Palrang, Fort Lyon, and two Texas missions, four of which, she J. Keens, a non-Catholic, gave him uine Nivette and Nistle supplies used. Call refused Holy Communion to women the home for the aged property, a York 2175.______^______sisters, Mrs. F. C. McCord, Lakewood, not sufficiently dressed at the altar says, are in excellent state. Jefferson county, and Miss Margaret former apartment house, paid $5,000 ORIENT HOTEL, in heart of shopping rail. . In the age of moral laxity, the towards its remodeling and is giving The Argonaut Hotel district. Special permanent rates. 1726 Palrang, a student nurse at St. Jos­ Church of Christ makes bold to warn K. OF C.-CELEBRATE Welton street. Fireproof construction. eph’s hospital. $6,500 for further improvements; OPPOSITE THE CAPITOL Elevator. Phone KEystone 2256.______that the strength and the safety of a last year he gave $25,000 for the nation lie in the modesty and the AT EL PASO, TEXAS Permanents and Transients^ FIRST AVE. HOTEL, 116 Broadway. addition of a new floor to the hos- Modern rooms, hot and cold water, telephone, THOS. MAHONY EXPOSES purity of its'women. The voice of lital, which is conducted by the same Wedding Breakfasts— Bridge Luncheons— Dinner Parties history proclaims with appalling clear­ El Paso, Texas, Knightk of Co­ elevator, free parking. $1.00 day and up. BEET INDUSTRY GREED lumbus council No. 638, celebrated 'ranciscan Sisters who have charge FRANK J. HABERL, Owner ,X o w permanent rates. >______ness that the permanency of human of St. Anthony’s, Denver. The Rev. ciidlization depends not upon the the twenty-ninth anniversary of its Colfax and Grant Phone TAbor 2361 EGGS from the farm, delivered Tuesdays (Continued From Page 1) institution, Sunday, April 19. Matthew Smith of Denver was in and Fridays, since 1921. Keystone 3888. mind (for this may be evil), but upon Twenty-nine years ago, the order Kearney for the celebration. and 45 per cent of all produced in morals, and it follows in necessary PAINTING, calcimining, decoration: all re­ the U. S., and Mr. Mahony took the made its ajipearance in the Lone pairs on piaster, brick, cement and wood- sequence that morals are quite_ with­ Star state in the institution of El PLUMBING AND HEATING .work; by day or contracL J. J. Gillen, 363 company and the conditions in its out value without the sanction of EAGAN & RECORD GAS BURNERS INSTALLED Bannock street. Phone South 8880. Paso council. Hence, the honor of PRIEST SPEAKS fields as examples. Since 1905, the religion.” OFFFICE PHONE: TABOR 6515. RESIDENCE PHONE: YORK 7497-W UMBRELLAS repaired, recovered. Gloves company has made a total of over being the parent stock of a large AT UNIVERSITY CHAS. L. RECORD 722 12TH STREET mended. Humming Bird hosiery. Denver ?181,000,000 profit, less the original LOW WAGES DEFEAT progeny, virile and notable, from the Umbrella Shop, 1604 Arapahoe SL Second investment of $13,600,000; all paid aspect of numbers and distinguished floor. Main 3452.______PURPOSE OF MARRIAGE out of the earnings on the manufac­ achievements, goes to El Paso coun­ Wednesday was a sort of Catholic W e Handle the Best of Everjrthing at MONEY TO LOAN on improved city or ture and sale of beet sugar by the cil No. 638, instituted April 13, 1902. day at the University of Denver. town real estate; no red tape, no delay. Mr, company. (Continued From Page 1) The ceremonies of institution were By invitation of the university, the YOUNGERS GROCERY & DELICATESSEN Phelps. 1711 California St. Keystone 2867. mother is out of the'home the gp:eater In recent years there has been a conducted by Territorial Deputy Rev. Russell I. Wilbur of St. Louis TEL. MAIN 9724 Firit Cla.» Good* and Service 4030 W . COLFAX GRAY & ROSE BEAUTY SHOPPE part of the day. The records of all Supreme Knight John H. Reddin of addressed the students in the morn­ 429 E. 17lh Ave. KE. 3760 marked and constant increase in ten­ Get your permanent -wave now. Perma­ ant beet growers, many of whom child-caring agencies show that chil­ Colorado and in the exemplification ing. He was here for the Industrial nent wavinsr done by Prof. Alphonao, $3.50 were former owners who lost their dren of working mothers often suffer he was assisted by Thomas E. Burke conference. In the evening, the Rt. Why Not Install Modsrn Plumbinf 7 5 to 24 Mo. to Pay# and up. Spec, shampoo and flnKer wave by seriously from lack of proper par­ of Chicago, Joseph Newman, John Rev. Monsignor Joseph Bosetti, artists, 7Sc. Give us a trial, we aatiafy. land. About 70 per cent of the A . W. CARD PLUMBING AND HEATING growers now are tenants, and there ental supervision. D. Rogers and other members from Ph.D., presented the Cathedral vested CORONADO APARTMENTS — 440 East is a high mortality among them. After quoting from a survey which Denver. choir at the university in Mozart’s Repairs Promptly Attended To— A. W. Gard, Mgr. 13th avenue. Furnished buffet and 3-room Requiem. Shop, 1044 Santa Fe Drive— MAin 4915 Ret., 4324 W. 35th Ave. apartments; Frisidaite. Call ApL 16 or call The rate paid the grower this year pointed out the alarming number of Main 9 4 5 1 . ______has been arbitrarily cut 21 per cent. families in a given section, which, PARENTS GO TO ALTAR LAUER’S PRIVATE HOME FOR BABIES. The sugar company says it is neces­ ■with all sources of income included, RAIL WITH CHILDREN Undernourished babies a specialty. 3001 sary because the price of sugar has were not able to maintain a standard Vine streeL Franklin 8551.______dropped to a new low level. In turn, equal to or above an estimated budget (Continued From Page 1) MAN, father of 7 children, needs work. the growers’ association has slashed necessary for proper maintenance. Mrs. Sullivan, chairman of the Will do anything. P. Tixier.. 716 25th St. the wages of the beet workers, al­ Father Schmiedeler declared: “ There Diocesan Council Catechetical com ready pitifully inadequate, 25 per ROOM and board in private bomt; reason­ are 2,000,000 married women work­ mittee, who paid the rent for the full able. 2068 Clarkson street. Phone York cent. The laborer has to agnie'e to ing in the country today and some 4278-M.______■ let the grower hold back a substan­ period on a residence at 1242^ Uma' lecial studies suggest that half of tillia; the teachers were secured FOR RENT— Single gsrsge, $4.00. 842 tial part of his early season wages ese have young children in need of Inca street.______until after the beets are all har­ through the kindness of. the Sisters the mother’s care and supervision. of Charity of the Cathedral, who JANITOR and houseman needs permanent vested. The reason for the slash is Moreover, most of these mothers volunteered to go to the center three position. 'Geo. Worth. 725 Kalamath St. gpven as the lower cost of li-ving; work because they must and unless Phone MAin 10 9 8 . ______strong suspicion points to the fact of evenings a week; transportaion for Easy Terms some other method for raising the the sisters was provided by the Den­ MAN WANTS work half-days or two or unemployment and that many of the family income is devised they will re­ three days a week. Gallup J361-3.______men out of work will be forced to ver deanery, and the whole work was No Interest main in industry. This is anything put under the direction of the Dioc­ FOR SALE— Five-room modern bouse, take their v/hole families to the fields but reassuring for' the family. It garage. 3823 Gilpin street: near ehuroh to work to exist at all. Public and esan Mission society. As the time and school.______^ hampers the fulfillment of the prime for closing approached- and it was private charity must be prepared to purpose of married life. It is very FOR RENT— Strictly modem five-room carry an increased burden this year. realized the First Holy Communion house, full basement, fine condition; walk­ difficult for the mother who goes out class would have to be outfitted, the ing distance, two blocks from St, Leo’s The moral responsibility of stock­ to work to give the necessary atten­ and St. Elizabeth’s churches. Adults only. holders, wh6 are the ones demanding Catholic Daughters, at the solicita­ tion to her duties as a home-maker. “Sealy” Better Bedding Week . 911 Champa street.______profits, and the consequent poorer tion of the Denver deanery, offered to First of all, she cannot give her chil­ ’ H OLM U AUTO SERVICE labor conditions, is an overwhelming outfit the girls, and the various cir­ General auto repairing.* Est. 1907. Vul­ one, Mr. Mahony believes. dren proper physical care. Infant cles of the Junior Tabernacle society Special Displays— Special Terms canizing, tires, accessories and good oil at The industry has come to be one mortality studies show a higher mor­ to outfit the boys. A special appeal 60c a gallon. 2741-43 N. Speer Blvd. Gal. tality rate for children whose moth­ 5 4 3 0-J .______of family labor with even the small to the Altar societies in the deanery ers are gainfully employed than for for shoes for the children brought LITTLE GRAY BEAUTY SHOP children working. Contracts are Specializing in Frederlch Vita Tonic Per­ made for the whole family but the children whose mothers are not gain­ overwhelming response. The last manent Wave, gives the hair a soft, beauti workers are at the mercy of the fully employed.” need of the occasion was proidded ful wave. Conscientious work guaranteed. grower when it comes to payment. “ The family and wages! I have whefi Mrs. A. H. Seep volunteered Reasonable .prices. Keystone 2706. 332 to serve, breakfast to the little Com McClintock BWg. 1554 California SL The average family last year would tried to put before you a few of the earn only $600 per year or less, an facts,” the priest continued. “ I have municants in the basement of the MRS. ATKINSON has moved her millinery church after the Communion Mass. to 1645 E. 16th Ave., Apt. 2. Remodeling average man $250 and a average tried to do so without recourse to any and order work a specialty. Agent for Nu- hand less thAp $160, an entire family colorful dramatization. Do the facts Seventy - three little Spanish­ Bor.e corset and corselette; made to your hired for less than the living wage suggest that we are building strong, speaking Americans, outfitted from measurement.______for one pers6n. Investigations of contented families of the backbone- head to foot in new clothing, satisfied C ^ P E T E N T woman wants day work. social and economic conditions show of-the-nation type? Or do they per in that human craving f,or food that Delivers Y or? 2123. appalling conditions, oirercrowding, haps suggest that the whole masses pleases the palate, but better still, GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries. 32.26 lack of sanitation, etc!, with an at­ of American wage earners have not instructed thoroughly in the funda­ and yours. Tires all sizes, slightly used, mentals of their religion and re­ price $1. Tulloh, 638 Santa Fe. Phone So. tendant high death rate among wom­ a little reason to turn a willing ear For 50 Years the 1 7 5 2 - W . ______en and children. to a radical industrial philosophy that freshed with the first taste of the Body and Blood of their Lord and Greatest Name in Tuftless—Spring Filled 1933 WASHINGTON ST. One front room, Mr. Mahony pointed out a number bodes no good to the nation? What­ $12 a month; everything furnished. Hot of conditions causinig a decided 'dO' ever the verdict may be, there is no made doubly happy by the knowledge Mattress Making Reduced Price water heat, telephone, walking distance. crease in immigration from Mexico question regarding the proper rem that they had that morning brought their parents to the sacraments, gave We are proud to feature FOR SALE OR FOR RENT— 10-room of the workers and a''.corresponding edy, a family living ivage. Such I Luxuriously comfortable, distinctive in appearance, last­ eloquent testimony of the success of house, M ‘ block from Loyola church; suit­ increase in workers returning to that minimum is a prime essential for the SEALY mattresses — ing quality. An innerlaced construction built around the able for large family or apt. York 8812-M. country. He also warned,that radical American family. It is, moreover, the Garfield Catechism center. And FOR SALE— 1363 Milwaukee; 7 rooms, leaders are gaining sway because of the demand of American labor. And, Mrs. Prendergast, chairman of the happy to show them to Sealy Rest Unit. No Tufts to break or clean. Smooth, like new; dble. gar., gas heat, auto. h. w. the unfair conditions aneb said that Deanery Catechetical committee; the even, restful surface, quilted boxing. Tape Roll Edge, York 6077-J. ______; ______since it is the only justifiable wage you. For fifty years Catholic leaders are -becoming for the heads of families, the Church priests of St. Cajetan’s parish, the FOR RENT— 7-room modern house, double they have stood for all air ventilated. Royal Art or Damask. aroused over the injustice Recorded has clearly and repeatedly stated her sisters, the Catholic Daughters who garage. 2810 Race St. Phone Main . 6922 arranged the little girls with veils Blue, Green, Rose or Orchid. '$45.00, re­ or York 2724,______fellow members oi their religion. opinion in the matter and urged it.” that is fine in mattresses. To show that others are also becom with their own hands, the Cathedra) duced to ...... »39J YOUNG WOMAN desires position as trav­ altar boys who directed the people Honest value and com­ eling companion with woman. References. ing alive to the plight of the work­ BELGIAN PRINCE IN U. S. JJox R, care of Denver Catholic Register. ers, Mr. Mahony quoted from thki sO' INCOGNITO • in the church, the Cathedral girls fort as well as the latest Charles de Rethy, who is Prince who constituted the special choir, h o t e l '’ PLAZA— Near retail center and cial service commission report of 'fjie TRUEASE, Spring Filled theaters. European plan, $1 and op. 15th Methodist Colorado conference urg- Charles of Belgium, Count of Flan­ Mrs. Seep, and all who were privil­ improved designs. Twice and Tremont streets. Take car No 9 from ing the passing of legislation giviiH ders and second son of King Albert, eged to take part in the celebration yearly we hold this Union Station. Opposite Court House square. the worker first lien on crops similai arrived at New York April 14 for a could find only one expression, The greatest value on the market today. Built of a soft, I'Ahor 5101. Denver, Colo.______SEALY WEEK and to that of the workers’ lien, a proj [uiet visit to points of historical in­ “ Isn’t it wonderful what everyone sturdy oil tempered small coil unit. Enveloped in heavy LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED by ma­ ect fostered by Catholics, and laws gest in America. Prince Charles is has done?” Before dispersing, the chine. Called for and delivered for $1.00. Denver buyers have layers of Cotton Felt, Quilted Boxing, Tape Roll Edge Work guaranteed. Keys, locksmithing. grind­ fixing minimum ages and mimimum •veling incognito and expressed children promised the 'writer, who ing, general repairing. Snowder Novelty wages for children employed and th\hope that his incognito might be was privileged to celebrate the Com-i learned to anticipate and Ventilators on the sides. Choice of A Works. n 04 18th St. K E .^44.^ making illegal contracts for families preserved. There are to be no recep- munion Mass and to preside at the: their needs and buy dur­ covers Blue, Green, Rose and Orchid. ^ I 1 1 * t 3 VERY DESIRABLE ROOM on ground floor rather than individual workers. The tion^and no special affairs of any breakfast, that they would pray for for rent to one or two gentlemen. Room list ort t o ; kind i^his honor, at his own request. their benefactors and that they would ing this special sale. The utmost in comfort at has Simmons bed'and Scaly mattress: no Methodists promised full suppi other roomers. Convenient to two good car the attempt to pass these and other be faithful to their morning and lines and in good neighborhood. York 1467-M. laws regulating the working condi­ CATHOLIC HOUR BROADCAST evening prayers, to weekly Mass and "^ F D ^ M N T — 1 front bedroom., with break­ tions of the beet laborers. SU N ^Y, HEARD MONDAY to at least the monthly reception of fast. 1570 St. Paul St., or call Franklin While tM Catholic Hour is broad- the sacraments. The Garfield dis­ 8 3 9 2 - M . ______CONSULT ^ f r a n k J. CONWAY cast in the^nited States Sunday, it trict will undoubtedly be the location HOLY FAMILY; $2J100. $100 DOWN American Furniture Co. being heart Monday in Turkey, be- of the next N.C.C.W. social center, i A comfortable brick home, modern Visit Onr Servlce, Value but until such an institution is pro-- except furnace. Just the house and loca­ pertaininf to Life Insurance, Income Bondo' tWCen 1 flllQ HI., xl. b. DUrSley Lnggage Dept ■Sixteenth at Lawrence- and Satisfaction tion for the family. No mortgage and easy or Annuities. AU forms of contracts written 1 w rites fr o m I^ llir tO th e N a tion a l vided the catechetical center will un­ monthly payments. Gallup 6441, evenings. for men. women and children. 200 Injm^ ; CouncUl Of Cat%lic Men, Washing- doubtedly prove an effective safe­ The D .' C. Burns Realty A Trust Co., 224 ance Bldf., 14tb and Champa SU. .ton, D, C. guard for the faith of the children. Eittredge Bldg. Main 3214. 6281. \\ \ Thursday, April 23,1931 PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER C ^H O LIC REGISTER Telephone, Main 5413 For Evening Wear.... EVENING GLASSES REQUIESCANT IN PACE Josephine Says Decency to CATHERINE CHATTERTON, 8415 Lari­ mer etreet. Serrices were beld Friday morn­ The glasses in style for evening wear are just as out of ing at the Horan & Son chapel. Interment place for business or sports as evening clothes. Keep Mt. Olivet. Her Ci^I Mmers Cuts Overhead ELLEN H. QUINLAN, 3221 South Grant your eyes well dressed by insisting on the same correct street. Requiem Hass was offered Saturday taste you require of your clothes. Come in and let us 8t St. Louis’ church, Englewood. Inter­ rContinued Prom Page o f life, in which . . . the small num­ ment H t Olivet. Horan t Son service. er bers of rich are becoming richer and show you the new, modern frames and glasses for each NICHOLAS M., CARDILLA, 3627 Osage scale the miners averaged street. Beloved husband of Carmella Car- day and ?2,104 per year m 192aia29, the vast numbers of the poor, poorer, occasion. dilla, lather of Michael, I>ominic and Lucille an increase in the annual income on any individual or organized effort CardiUa, Mrs. Geraldine Vecchio, Mrs, Nettie $460 In the depression of 1930, 'Bjust actively and positively align it- Rappa,' Mrs. Bose DeHora and Mrs. Jennie Bruno. Requiem Mass was offered Monday the company’s tonnage was 13 per self on the side of the rights of the Swigert Bros. Optical Co. at Mt. Carmel church. Interment Mt. Olivet. cent less arid average earnings de­ mRUy as against the special privilege Horan A Son service. creased to $1,770, Wage rates re­ of the few.” ANNA S. GILMER, 3627 West 45th ave­ nue. Beloved mother of Joseph R. Gilmer mained the same and the, average Optometrists Opticians of Denver and Wilmer Gilmer of Riverside, daily earnings were $8. The average ALTAR SOCIETY TO Calif. Requiem Mass was offered Monday number of men empltoyed was higher at St. Catherine’s church. Uterment Mt. 1550 California St. KEystone 7651 Olivet. Horan ft Son service. because of the rotation of work, a HOLD CARD PARTY ROBERT ARTHUR KOEHL, beloved son policy carried out at all ttie mines. Whose Reputation and Equipment Give You the Highest Grade of Service of Mr. and Mrs. John M. KoebI, 1132 Sher­ In 1929, the company’s operating (St. Vincent^p Paul’s Parish) man street. The funeral was held Tuesday costs were decreased 19c _a ton and morning from the- residence. Interment Mt. The monthly ri^fd party of the Olivet. Horan & Son service. the reduced cost was maintained in Altar and Rosary s ^ e t y will be held WILLIAM H. FORMAN, 689 Gilpin street. 1930. The daily tonnage per man Tuesday, April 28. Eijyely door and Give the Graduate a Gift Remains were forwarded Tuesday from the showed a striking increase, a gain .Special Offer Horan ft Con chapel to Aspen, Colo., for table prizes will be an^-i^entive for interment. of 1.22. The average in 1930 was the players and a large c^w d is ex­ Price Hates LAWRENCE J. BALFE of Los Angeles, 6.49 as against 4.7 tons for a state pected. to Confirmation and Calif. Beloved husband of Garnett Balfe, average. Mine accidents were re­ Last Tuesday, a Requiem for in the Modern Mode father of Lucille Balfe and son of Edward , Communion Children S. Balfe. Requiem Mass will be offered at duced. Fairness to the workers is David Harris was offered at tKx. re­ 827 I6th St. MA. 4716 Annunciation church Friday, April 24, at assured and in cases o f dispute an quest of Mrs. Harris, and on Tire STUDIO WILL H. NAST, Prop. 9 o’clock. Interment Mt. Olivet. Horan ft appeal Ynay be made from the local day, April 23, for Katherine Smf Son service. authority, to the international presi­ ROSBf A. AUGULAR. Funeral was held also at the request of Mrs. Harris. Wednesday afternoon from St. Cojetan’s dent------of the union and the president Mrs. Joe Miles entertained her church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard oof f th the e company if necessary. Only bridge club on Friday at her home mortuary service, three appeals have been made beyond B E A U T Y I PERFORMANCE ANNA DALKE of .8326 West 32nd avenue. at a delightful luncheon. Beloved wife of Peter Dalke. Requiem Mass local mine management. Mrs. Ralph Ifemont gave a lunch­ will be offered Friday. April 24, at 0 o’clock Significant as the provisions of the eon Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. La­ at St. Dominic’s church. Interment Mt. contract are. Miss Roche believes the Olivet. Boulevard mortuary service. ment are expecting their daughter, MARY KINNEY, beloved mother of Mrs. spirit in which the workers and own­ Mrs. Charles Barker of Fort Worth, Eugene Peighery and William F. Kinney of ers meet is of deeper meaning. This Texas, for a visit. 510 Galapago street. Requiem Mass was spirit is one of meeting a joint prob­ offered Thursday, April 23. at St. Joseph's Mrs. Harry Conover will entertain Illinois— church. Interment Mt. Olivet. George P. lem, togethe#, and. planning a program her club of two tables at a bridge $37.50 to $60.00 Hackethal service. to which both parties wish to give luncheon on Wednesday, April 29. AMELIA PRETTI. Requiem Mass was their best and their all. Co-oper­ Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Doak will en­ WASHERS offered Monday at Sacred Heart church. In­ ation is - succeeding conflict. Miss Gmen Cartaache terment Mt. Olivet. Theodore Hackethal tertain their bridge club Wednesday wish mask braeM, tS Jtwti And Conlon Automatic CA BIN E T Ironers mortuary service. Roche gave examples of other indus­ night, April 29.. moHmeui, $42.50 ANNA ROSE FORD, beloved mother of tries that were using the same plan Alice, Montie and Edward Ford and sister with success. of Mrs. Alice Robertson. Margaret, Thomas J. A. MILLER-CONLON CO. and Jack Emerson. Funeral was held Tues­ Coal committees have been formed BISHOP O’HARA day from the Theodore Hackethal mortuary. by the local unions to help market 226 South Broadway SOuth 0544 Interment Mt. Olivet. AIR TRAVELER FRANCES BRNACK. beloved wife of the company’s coal, and their efforts LONG LIFE l o w p r i c e Vaclav Brnak, mother of Joseph and James have met with marked success. A Brnak of Keenesburg. Colo., and Mrs. Mickel still wider field of co-operation is Bishop Edwin V. O’Hara, who was Gmen (^srtoache Blatnik. Requiem Mass was offered Satur­ entered upon as the union and the here for the Catholic Conference on HkLtoluteotdeate.JSjevel day at Holy Rosary church. Interment Industrial Problems, left by train movement, $40 Hudson, Colo. Howard mortuary service, company pledge themselves to safe­ PERFECTO GONZALES. 2816 West 14th guard the public interest and to Tuesday night for Casper, Wyo., and avenue. Requiem Mass was offered Monday merit its support. went by aeroplane from there to at St. Cajetan's church. Interment Mt. “ In the last analysis, every indus­ Great Falls, Mont., his see. He fre­ Olivet. Howard mortuary service. quently uses the planes. The Bishop HELEN K. MADDOX, April 17, of 684 trial policy must be tested by what Aleott street. Beloved wife of Earl C. it means in the widen economic and said Mass at St. Thomas’ seminary R U G B Y COAL Maddox, mother of Earl Maddox. Jr., sister Tuesday morning and was a dinner of Mrs. L. W. Riley, Mrs. Gertrude Chester, social field,” Miss Roche said. “ In. Gmen Bracelet Watch Lignite Lum p...... $5.50 Liley Lump...... $5.95 Mrs. C. J. SUva and Joseph Koppelkom. guest that day at Bishop Tihen’s a world in which men, women arid home. IS jewel movement, $40. Capitol Lun)p...... $6.50 Rugby Lump...... $7.00 Requiem Mass was offered Monday at St. children are Avithout the barest needs Joseph’s church. Interment Mt. Olivet, Better Grade Lignite, Egg, $5.50 MARY DARLINE FRAZZINI, April 18. Beloved infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. THREE.FRANCISCAN SUPERIORS Chris Fraezini of 1860 West 33rd avenue. CULTURE MEETING IN ST, LOUIS FOR RETREAT C6d Co•l Interment took place Monday at Mt. Olivet. The superiors of the three Fraiv- FRANK J. LUTHER. 637 Logan street. AT REGIS SUNDAY s'RusenrcoALCO. Beloved husband of Julia Luther, father of ciscan institutions conducted in Colo­ Gvieir&nteedCodl Since 1 6 ^ Joseph P. Luther and Mrs. Margaret Rich­ rado by the nuns from the St. Louis, Gmen Csitonche Hamilton Watches- ards. Requiem Mass was offered Saturday Mo., community are in St. Louis for IVcL oblid gold ea»t, ts je te e l IJPSGhMrmViEyiione: 0121 at St. Elizabeth’s church. Interment Ht. On Sunday, April 26, A. P. Mad- movement. H i $50 to $600 gett, S.J., will speak to the Institute a retreat at the motherhouse, St. An­ D. V. HARPER, Manager Olivet. ADAM GERTAS. April 13, of the Norwich of (iatholic Culture at Regis college thony’s hospital. They are Sister Delight the boy or girl graduate with a selection from our extensive hotel. Requiem Mass was offered Tuesday on “ Philosophy. for the Layman.” Barbara, St. Rosa’s home for work­ array of th« newest watch styles including such well-known makes from St. Louis’ church, Englewood. Inter­ ing girls, Denver; Sister Helena, S t ment Mt. Olivet. There is not a Catholic in our coun­ as Hamilton, Gruen, Elgin, Illinois and Waltham. THOMAS KULA, April 20, of 1640 Lari­ try, least of all an educated Catholic, Clara’s orphanage, Denver, and Sis­ mer street. Beloved father of Mrs. W. H. who does not have to face'many dif­ ter Dionysia, Sacred Heart orphan­ Butters, Mrs. Howard Haynes, Mrs. Helen age, Pueblo. Bunyard and Edward, William and Joseph ficult problems arising* either from I SAW FILING AND KNIFE GRINDING . Kula. Requiem Mass was offered Thursday, his own nature or from the larger April 23, at Hply Ghost church. Inter- social problems of the day. There GENOA TO PRINT FASCIMILE OF M. O’Keefe Jewelry Co. : LAWN MOWER GRINDING 3 pient Mt. Olivet. are the present economic crisis, the COLUMBUS PAPERS DENVER SALESMAN DIES OF INJURIES communistic program, the moral prob­ A commission appointed by the Denver's Quality Jewelers ► HUGH M. MALONE ' authorities of the city of Genoa and SUFFERED IN CRASH lem, and many other questions and M. O’Keefe. President Margaret O’Keefe, See’y-Treas, ^ c.______4-- ■ e. ^ Arthur J. Hard«beck, 38 jrears old, a authorized to publish the fascimile Successor to MePhee & McGinnity Co. problems which lie deeper still. Yet Walter J. Kerwin, Vice Pres. Fred Braun, Second Viet Pres. fialesman for a sportintr (coods company of documents said to prove that 22ND AND BLAKE STREETS MAIN 0017 here, died in Pueblo Wednesday of last week there are few, even among the edu­ of injuries incurred April 10 when a blowout cated, who know the solutions to Christopher Columbus was bom at 827 Fifteenth St. KEystone 1440 catapulted his car off the highway near these problems, or even whether Genoa has just returned to Italy Fountain, Colo. Mr. Hardebeck was travel­ from Spain, where it macle important Mail Orders Given Prompt, Efficient Attention ing alone from Denver to Pueblo when the there is a solution. f accident occurred. Tourists along the road With the modern world in a state studies. All documents, whether summoned an ambulance from Colorado of religious, moral and intellectual Spanish or Italian, will be repro­ Springs and he was carried to the Parkview duced by the commission, explained hospital in Pueblo. Deatlr came as the chaos, with problems continually result of a cerebral hemorrhage. Mr. Harde- crying out for intelligent under­ and translated into many languages MONUMENTS A A A ^ ^ ^ MM _4.^4 4^ _ . beck’s widow and their only child, Dorothy, standing and sane handling, laymen and placed in the principal institutes 13 years old, were at his bedside when he of culture throughout thiiie world. died. Their home is at 2149 South Emer­ are needed who know the answers son street. Besides the widow and child, and who will work, each in his sphere, M ENVEkDRY GOODS Gt JACQUES BROS. he is survived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. for the intellectual, moral and re­ A. J. Hardebeck, Kokomo, Ind. Requiem Mass was offered Saturday at the Cathedral. ligious betterment o f mankind. All 28 EAST SIXTH AVENUE Burial took place at Mt. Olivet cemetery, of the turmoil and conflict between JUST OFF BROADWAY under direction of Horan ft Son. various schools of thought are due to A. BRADSHAW’S ASPEN PIONEER DIES AS RESULT OF the abandonment of truth. Those AUTO COLLISION who will solve their own and their 1443-47 Stout St. It’s Smart to Be Shod in Order Your Monument or Marker NOW Thomas Burke, 65 years old, a pioneer of felloWmen’s problems must know the Aspen. Colo., died Thursday of last week truth. In his lecture on Sunday, Summer underwear— all styles for DECORATION DAY at Mercy hospital from injuries suffered in an automobile collision that morning at East Mr. Madgett will review some o f the hosiery— new patterns for men, Contrasts Louisiana avenue and South Colorado boule­ more important difficulties which the women or children. vard. For six months, Mr. Burke, a retired Catholic layman must face today, farmer, had been staying in Denver at 1442 Pearl street. He was returning from an and will indicate the way to their New Line of Ladies’ Black inspection of property he owns near Denver solution. There will be mimeographed Satine Waists, $1.50 to $2 when the accident occurred. His car. going copies of bibliographies on the more Higher Quality at Lower Cost west on the avenue, collided with one pressing questions, and some sugges­ Corsets, $1.00 and up driven by Charles V. Harritt, 61, of 44 South Red Cross Shoes HARTFORD Garheld street. Mr. Burke Is survived by tions given as to the use o f these GILDEA three daughters, Mrs. Katherine Quid, Glen- TnSli'OT'lfllc UNDERTAKING wood Springs: Mrs. Lillian Bucher, South 'The Rev. Harold V. Campbell, Echo the Vogue in New Color Dakota, and Btrs. Emma Kearns. Aspen: chairman of the local permanent MONUMENT CO. one SOD. Miles Burke. Grand Junction, and COMPANY OPPOSITE MT. OLIVET CEMETERY an uncle, Dr. J. J. Murphy, Denver. Mr. committee of the Catholic Conference and Leather Combinations Burke's wife died five years ago. Requiem W. W. MARSHALL 1485-57 GLENARM ST. on Industrial Problems, will also ad Mass: was offered Monday at the Cathedral. dress the Institute of Catholic Cul- Distributor for Phone Keystone 2779 JOHN NORMAN Interment took place at Mt. Olivet, under Geo. W. Cas-well Co.,' Coffee and Tea direction of the Boulevard mortuary. ture dn on “ The Background of Pov­ Spices, Baking Powder, Extracts, Res. Phone South 3298 & CO. erty.” Father Campbell’s wide ex­ oliilive Oil■ ■ NEAR RIVERSIDE CEMETERY perience in social welfare work equips A Caswell man is in your neighbor­ CREDIT UNIONS LAUDED hood every day. 4989 Vine St. Ph. YOrk 1805 him well to handle the subject. 1836 So. Broadway So. 720S AT INDUSTRIAL PARLEY The institute meets at 2:30 p.m. in the library of Regis college oif the (Continued From Page 1) second and fourth Sundays of each offers them. It was described Mon­ month. Eat-a-Pig HOWARD day as Catholicity in application, and Trim black and eggshell kid strap pumps and ties find specific cases were given of where it Sandwich smart contrast in beige colored reptile trim. Worthy had saved families from being split ' at the up and had brought lukewarm people models to carry on the Red Cross tradition for ultra-smart Theodore PIG comfort shoes, ,3-8; AAA-B. Sold here exclusively. MORTUARY into the fervent practice of their PARLORS religion. "The Denver” — Shoe Salon, Second Floor Colfax at High Street The movement' started in Europe All Over the and is very widespread there in Cath­ Our Trade Mark City TELEPHONE YORK 0073 Hackethal olic lands. It spread to French-Can- Robert D. Finnie ada and was brought by French-Ca- USE MORTUARY nadinns into New England. Thirty- For Catholic Funerals three states have now passed laws CORBETT’S 1449-51 Kalamath St. making credit unions legal Better Personal Service ICE The speakers on Monday evening Ph.— Day KE. 5705, Night MA. 3631 The New Pinehurst Phone Main 4006 Were men who are acknowledged as national experts on the .credit union 400 Santa Fe A, E. Almberg, Prop. CREAM PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. question—^the Rt. Rev. Edwin V, O’Hara, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Great in Lovely Bakus Falls, Montana: the Rev. J. M. Camp­ bell of Ames, Iowa, who has a con Look Chic Because They Fit Perfectly spicuously successful credit union in Place Your Order With Us Now and SHRINE OF THE LITTLE FLOWER OF JESUS his parish, and Earl Rentfro, manager of the Credit Union League of Mis­ We Can Erect the Memorial Before THE NEW PARISH OF AURORA. COLORADO souri, Kansas City. The open discus­ Dear Friends and U .votK i of th. LltUa Flow m sion brought out interesting facts . 5 0 You de.ire to do aomettaing for th . Llttl. about a credit union that has operated Flower directly. Her. is the chance to obtain for years among the post office em­ her intercession In an especial manner, by be­ Decoration Day coming a Founder of the church which is dedi­ ployes of Denver. It was created cated to her in Aurora, Colorado. simply as a Colorado corporation and Names of all Founders, living or dead, art was operated long before the credit being Inscribed in the Book of Roses of St. union law had passed. Sold Here Exclusively ' Therese.. This book t»’ placed upon tba altar SANTA FE MEMORIAL CO. tnd special remembrance made at every Maas, Speakers brought out Monday that, while a particular holy Maes is being offered though the milk of human kindness Baku, easily the leading straw for spring . . . is smart and ’'J monthly fur the UVlng end dead membsrs ot is noted all through the credit union 94 So. Santa F e Drive Phone SO\7395 the Founder. Yourself, your children, parente, , flattering in this ribbon trimmed hat. Small, close-fitting relatives and friesds— each and every one—may movement, the loans made are thor­ crown with medium brim. Colors are brown, natural, become a Founder of the Church of the Little oughly investigated by a commit^e Flower. Living and dead may be enrolled. and everything is on a business basis. black and navy. Sizes 6% to 7Y2. A Founder ie one who eontrlbutce 6ve dol­ It was brought out that, though credit lar! (35 001 or mora to the building fund. unions are widely spread, a failure on “ The Denver” — Millinery Salon, Second Floor Do a deed of chanty for the Little Flower end her grateful invocation before the Sacred the part of one has never been Heart wilt not fail you in tha hour of your known. Distinctive Beauty... greatest need. Yours sincerely in the Sacred Heatt and Little Flower, K. OF C. HOME GROUP PLACES The Superlative Beauty of Our Floral Arrangement Is One REV. HENRY A. GKISERT. 111 ORPHANS of the Distinctive Points of Our Service. The Denver’s Own NOTE— A copy of a new novena wiB bt mailed to every Founder. In the face of economic conditions REV. HENRY A. GEISERT, Each Floral Tribute la So Arranged as to Distinctly Bespeak the Box 246, Aurora, Colorado. tending to make heads of families ADORIA HOSE Dear Father Geisert: I wish to become a Founder ot the Little Flower at hesitant about adding to expenses, Message of Sympathy Intended by the Sender. Jasus building fund. the Catholic Home Finding Associa­ Enclosed please And $______Please enter my name in the Little Flower Book of Boses, that I may bava tha benafit of the holy Masses. Yonre faithfully. tion of Illinois, a Knights of Colum­ Easy to Look .at— bus activity, placed H I orphaned Geo. P. Hackethal and dependent children in family Hard to Wear Out NAME- homes in the last year, and secured Funeral Director the adoption of 132 children, placed 1240 Acoma address,^ previously, as legal and permanent TAbor 1656 members of families.