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Avtrage Daily Circulation The Weather For the Mouth o f Octdbfir, 1M1 Foneast of U. 8. Weal

6,96.3 Flair tonight and Sonday, eoMer .Sunday; freah aouthweat wlada Meiabor of tba Audit ahlfttng to northiyeat' toalght aad itaraM of Otrcolaaons north Solday. Manchester^A City of Village Charm


Russians Weep Over Scorched Earth iTremendous Task Desert Armies Clash

Faced in Framing

In New Tank Battle;

Strike Curb Law

I Legislation Must Be Mu- Will Approve Russians Make Drive tually Acceptable to

Public, Labor and Man- Powerful Gaunter - At- Price Jumps BritiBh and Axis ForccB agement; Railroads Re- Angola Head tack by Red Army Deadlocked in Fight new Opposition to De- For Gasoline Northwest of Capital Of Major Importance; mands for More Pay. Crosses Volga on Ice To Be Tried Believe Troops Under Washington, Nov. 29.—(IP) Henderson Says *Rea- To Drive Germans Out By Portugal Rommel Attempting to I— Congress today faced the sonablef Justified In- Of Town After Town; Fight Way Out o f formidable task of framing a creases in Petroleum Advance Not Checked; I strike-curbing law mutually German Radio Reports Trap Between Tobruk Products to Be Allowed acceptable to the public, labor Nazis Held at Standstill Official Relieved of And Egyptian Border. and management. Wliile ad- Duties for ‘^Coopera- ministration leaders in the Washington, Nov. 29 — (/P) — Atoscow, -Nov. 29.— (IP)— A Cairo, Nov, 29. — (JPh-~ Price Administrator Leon Hender- powe^^ul Red Army counter- I House worked against odds to tion with De Gaulle. Large British and Axis forces bring about a vote next week son Informed the petroleum In- attack^-northwest of Moscow have clashed southeast of dustry today that his office would on the highly controversial laaue, iVwhicn\Rus8ian forces were New York, Nov. 29—(A*)— The Rezegh and are deadlocked nut prevent "reasonable apd jus- spokesmen' for the nation's rail- said to h ^ e crossed the Vol- German radib said today that the in a great tank battle of mm* tified price. Increases” on petrol- roads renewed their opposition to eum products, Including gasoline, ga on the i)^ and driven the governor-general of Angola (Port- jor importance, the British the derhands of 1,250,000 workers provided necessity for the in- Germans ouKof town after uguese West Africa) had been re- "i’J announced today. The battie for pay increases totaling about creases can be established to the town in an advance not yet lieved of his duties and would be began yesterday and contin* $400,000,000 a year. tried on charges of having "coop- satisfaction of his department. checked was reported today ued~into the evening, tha Face Difficult Sltiution In an. open letter, the OPM by the Moscow radio. Quoting dis- erated” with England and the chief said he washed to clarify Free French government of Gen. British Middle Ekut commOndTs On the legislative front, the patches to Izvestla, the broadcast communique said. Presumably Bouse leaders were enmeshed in ‘some misunderstanding and mis- said that at many places along Charles De GaUlle. large Axis forces under G«n. an unusually difficult parliamen- interpretation” of his recent re- the hard-pressed defense arc In The German report said that the quest that petroleum and petrol- win Rommel, trapped between To* tary situation. They were com- front of the Soviet capital the governor-general. Dr. Meckequez eum product prices be stabilized bruk and the Egyptian bordsr.' ■f mitted to give due consideration Nazi onslaught had been )(eld to Mono, now waa en route to Lisbon by the industry at levels prevail- Russian peasants, their meager poBsesaiorui at their feet, take a ia.st. tearful look at their burning and was expected to, reach the were struggling to fight their way to some rather drastic legislation, ing Nov. 7. home# which, according to Nazi-censored caption on this photo radioed from Berlin, were fired by Red a standstill for several days, and out, while British forces OUT* and at the same time allow some Portuguese capital at the end of Purpose Of' Re<|ueat Army in accordanca with 'tha scorched earth policy. that the Nazi flanking movehient rounding them were attempting to advantage to a milder measure southeast of Tula was being slow- next week, where he would stand “The purpose of the request," trial. smash them Into smaller group* recommended by the Labor Com- Henderson declared, “ was to pre- ed down in intense fighting. as a prelude to attempted onnlhl- . mittee. Launched In Dusk The German radio quoted an vent any further unauthorized authorized statement” said to latlon. ' These bills were expected to price increases. It was not the in- The latest Russian counter- Neither Side Gains Orouad thrust northwest of the capital have been Issued in Lisbon. provide the tests of strength: tent to prevent any reasonable Scan Orient for Shift in Crisis; "Bitter fighting” contlnuo* ’ waa said to have been launched In 1. By the Labor Committee— and justified price increases, pro- "without either side having given give the National Defense Media- vided proposals for such increases the dusk Thursday near Kalinin, or gained ground,” the BrltioK 90 miles northwest of Moscow. tion Board statutory power; create Italy Claims communique said. machinery for conciliation, media- (Continued On Page Twelve) Special Cabinet l^ession in Japan (A British radio report aaid the Red Army thrust was aimed south- The buUetin added that BriUito ' tion and voluntary arbitration and, and New 2iealand force# i as a last resort, authorize the gov- caat against tha flank of the wedge the Germans had driven 1,000 Seized groduaUy “widening their corridor! ernment to take over a- defense Emphasize Question of of contact" eetabllahed ^ t w e o a ; plant where production has b^n Observers Presume Dis- into the Klin section between House Passes Japan Must Kalinin and the capital.) * the now freed Tobruk gorrloon : Impeded by strikes, and Impose cussion of Position to I Pjeace in Pacific Rests forces and those which liava ! penalties upon labor. If at fault. The Moscow radio declared that As Prisoners Be Taken Resumed at ' Entirely with Japan; heavy fighting continued through- fought their way into Libya from 2. By the Naval Com m ittee- Price Control Make Some out Thursday night and Friday as the easL give legal authority for the Media- Nearer the )>order the British ! Meeting Held Today. WeUch for IS ext Move. Russian troopa battered their way g tion Board and the conciliation and through German defensive posi- Destruction I British captured an Axis strongpoiat mediation processes, plus discre- i ' ---- tions which )iad been shelled by north of Blr El Hamed, described ! tionary authority for Preeident On to Senate Move Soon Motorized Brigade Re* Tokyo, Nov. 29.— (fP)— A j Washington, Nov. 29.— {JP} Russian artillery. as important, and took sevem l! Roooevelt to invoke compulsory hundred Italian pttsonern-the com- special meeting of the Japa- '— Administration lookouts VlUages Becaptured port in Fieree Bat arbitration. If labor refused to munique'.stated. '< accept an arbitration board's rec- Badly-Battered Version nese cabinet was held today ! scanned the Orient today for Ruasain troopa which crossed Definite Action b Neces- tie in Central Libya. To the west, however, the Axis - ommendation, it would lose its following yesterday’s session any shift in the delicately the Volga ice were said to liave rights under the national labor re- O f Roogevelt^o Anti- sary to W ard Off Eco- establlahed lines on the southern troops “ which ore predominantly' in which the ministers delib- , balanced Far Eastern situa- Rome, Nov. 29—(Jh—The de- German continue to offer stiff r o * , lations act, the Norris-LaGuardIa Inflation Bill Wing Fa- tion, with the most authorita- bank, aoutheast of Kalinin. V il- act, and the unemployment com- erated Japan’s hnal stand on nomic Strangulation; | lages identified a* "L,” ” B,” and struction of a British motorized siatance,” said the BuUetin. Tha : pensation law; a refusal by man- vor by Vote of 224-161 the Pacific negotiations in tive sources emphasizing that " I" were reported recaptured, and brigade in bitter fighting on thg British fought on, it added, c ^ t Two Alternatives Seen. turing -79 field and medium guns - agement would lend to the govern- Washington. No details were the question of peace in the the Russians said they beat back central Libyan front and the cap-' ment taking over ita plant. German counter-attacks and “oc- long with quantities ' of light Washington, Nov. 29.— reported but observers pre- Pacific rests entirely with ture of more than 1,000 prisoners. ntl-aircraft and anti-tank artU -' 3. By Repreaentatlve Spilth (D „ Bulletin! cupied the strongly-farttfied Ger- badly-battered version of the ad- ■umed that the cabinet was con- Japan. The legislative as well as Including the commander of the ie ^ guns, machine gunsa nd em ail! ya.)— Freeze all existing open'and tinuing ita dlacusalon of the poal- Manila, Nov. 29— Nasi the executive branch of govern- man center of .resistance in ‘K ’.” ministration’s anti-inflation p^lce "Under steady pressure of our brigade, were announced today by ar^ closed shop arrangements, forbid tion to be taken in the increaalhg- agent* In the F o r East are ment watched alertly for Tokyo'* units,” the broadcut asserted, "the fleacriptioa of Straggle sympathy, jurisdictional and boy- control bill rested on the Senate’s ly-tenac criala. making a determlnod attempt next move, following reports that the Italian high command. cott strikes, and prevent mass to bring > about a negotiated enemy is slowly retreating in a The communique described thaj doorstep today after a wearing Feature Meeting New* Japan was concentrating troops The general’s name waa gdven picketing .and Interference with trip through the House, but there peace between Japan and in Indo-China and that Thailand number of places, still trying to stru ggle'of the trapped German'1 halt our advance.” aa Jame* Karges, the high com- workers who want to return to seemed little chance of it becom-' All evening newspapers of To- China, gntoter* cloeely oon- was preparing herself against and Itall^ troop* to get oqt oCj Of the southern flank of the mand reported. their jobs. Ing law before next year. kyo gave top play to Presldepl npct^ K ith 'J ap an ’* puppet possible attack. their big reap east of Tobruk o a ^ Roosevelt's press conference and Chinree regime at Nanking Moscow defenses, where the Rus- (The British acknowledged that follows; \ .'.?S Leaders Plan .Strategy The legislation, which President Might Send Naval Units the Fifth South African brigade Roosevelt requested four months his meeting with Secretaries Hull, fllscloaed toidny. A t the *nme sians declared earlier this week "Southeast ^xof Rezegh German!^ While House leaders planned Stimson, and Knox, Gen. George Hme nn nuthorlied ChlncM Chairman Connally (D., Tex.), that the danger to the capital was had been "auiprised” by Axis atrategy, the Senate prepared to ago to avert the threat of uncheck- and Italian armored forces which) ■ourre declared that any les- o f the Senate Foreign Relations greatest, Isvestia's correspondent troops at Rezegh early this week, consider, possibly next week, the ed inflation arising from the huge C. Marshall, chief of the Army, staff, arid Admiral Harold S ta^ , sening of United States aid to Committee asserted that If Japan reported violent fighting sUlI in and' said yesterday . that losses (Oontinoed 06 Page Te«) bill by Senator Copnally (D., Tex.) defense spending program, passed would not exceed , . men, in- the House last night by a roll call chief of naval operations. China might force CTinngklng should invade Thailand the United progress. 1 200 to authorize the government to to accept peace terms. cluding prisoners taken. Th ey said take over a plant or mine, essen- vote of 224 to 161. but only at the The headline of Asahi was typi- States «flg h t "concentrate some of Fall to Smash Through cal; “American Military Leaders our naval squadrons in that gener- then that mep st9(f^ Put in Toils prove the legislation, it performed which would mean withdrawal George said that “Japan is mov- ______” . /i Role in War Battle Scene forces. The British also said that ports could not be ixMSlImied | a number of major operations on from the Asiatic continent and ing toward a point where she will substantially the whole of the B07 British or American circle* the measure, including changes from the Berlln-Rome-Tokyo Axis; either have to create war in the logna division . was destroyed in According to these reports Om-J'- New York DetectiveM which some members contended Part of French Indo- and further military action in Asia, Far East or reach an adjustment the fighting.) man ground crews, officer* which probably would mean war. with the United States and Great NaVal Vessels in Gash would- be tatal. Administration Bitter fighting t(X>k place in the personnel already ore orriviagwi^^ Say One-Time Gang- leaders privately express^ hope, All aiailabje reports from Japan Britain. She now is confronted China to Be DirectX Near Kentish • Oiffs; central zone, the communique the bones In French Morooee aaiil^l however, that some o f the elimi- indicate that there is. Increasing With partial, economic isolation, Tunisia along the Atlantte ster Held as Vagrant. By Goyemment Solely. agitation there to break what the said, between masses of armored nated provisions could be restored and her supplies' ^adually su*e be- Admiralty Is Silent. Medltemnean eSuts of nortt»«_r Japanese call economic enclrcle- ing depleted. (CoDtlnoed On Page Four) wootern Africa. New York, Nov. 29.— — jfohn- (CymtiBued On Page Four) Hanoi French Indo-Cblna, Nov. inent by the United States, Britain, Bound To Be OotqieratloB * . . ny Torrio, one-Ume big time Chi- China, Netherlands East Indieq London, Nov. 29.——Naval 29.— UP)—French Indo-Cblna’a role *Tf she should choose war, Uien violent Fire In Smyrna cago gangster whose wife ones and the So\iet union. .. there is bound to be very close co- vesseld battled last night In Dover bailed him out of jaU With $104,- In the! event of war In the Pacific strait near the KenUsh cliffs, and New York, Nov. 29.- Has Become "Strangulatioa" operation between -the United Vichy radio reported today OOQ in cash, was In police custody will be directed solely by the In the words of the Japanese, States and Great Britain. It might the gleam o f their tracer bullets PistolLoaded agsiln today and detectives said Force Doctor and the thud of their heavy guns a violent fire la raging In French government In Vichy, Vice this has liecome a "strangulation” go beyond ebonomic cooperation, harbor of Ismlr (Smyrna), he w.oifld be charged with vagran- choking their - country to death but I believe Uie chief role the inarked the closest approach of cy. Admiral Jean Decoux, governor German surface craft to Ehigland By Slain Girl port on the Aegean eoeet it To Aid Bandit general of the colony, said today economically and eurrounding It United States would play would key. The broodeoat, heard "Llaten,” Detective Frank T. with a tightening ring of steel. reported in the war. in an interview. be a commercial and economic NBC, said the cause ef the Demarest quoted Torrio, ‘T m not In short, while United States one.” Machine-guns were fired rapid- a vagrant like Wazey Gordon ( Irv- A Japanese Army now is sta- ly from decks shrouded in a thick hod not bees deteimlned. tioned here under the terms of a airplane factoriea, sjiipyards and President Roosevelt and Secre- Testimony Placet! on • * . i ing'Wexlcr, erstwhile beer baron). Companion of Two Rob- munitions plants are working day mist. joint French-Japanese defense tary Hull have given no hint of Fire Destroy* Church I have money. I have real estate." bers Wounded in Gun and night in a great program just what action—diplomatic or other- Cliff watchers said they believed Record in Trial of Cat* Tile former racketeer, reputed to agreement. ' • both units were miade up of light ProapecL Nov. " liave taught A1 CSspone the boot- Asked whether Indo-Chlna areas vessels. - tie Dealer for Murder. Prospect Congregational Battle with Police. or banes would be placed Xt (Coattamed On Page Twelve) (Oontiaiied On Page Ten) legging buslnesa and all that went Plaaea Take No Aettoa waa destroyed by fire today. Japan's disposal in cane Japan spite the gallaat efforts of with it, had $15 in hia pocket when British planes flew to the scene Farinington, Me., Nov. 29— {IP)— picked up In Brooklyn. Police say , Nov. 29.—(C)—Two were Involved in war in the Pacific, fighters from Waterbary, Na robbers Cprced a physician at tba the governor general replied; soon after the shooting started Testimony that blonde Florence he is worth $t least $1,000,009 In H. BuxzeU, 20. loaded without ex- tuck and Cheohlre who Jotoed 1 point of a gun to treat their com- Part of French Empire but observere were unable to dls- Prospect volunteers. Damage cash and Brooklyn real estate. tlnguiah between the opponents In planation the pistol which took High On ‘‘Purge’* List panion wrounded in a fierce gun ‘T a’ould remind you only that Propose Safety Belts Way unofficially esHmated Of battle last nigbt as their car and InUo-China ls part of the French the darkness and mist and took no her life ii> a bayfield June 7 has Toirlo Is high on Mayor F. H. been Disced on the record in the The strurture wan built In II a police squad car raced o'ver city einpirp, and being so It intends in action. replace a building ruined fey I LaGuardla's "purge” list to rid the atceets. One observer said that the ac- trial ot Fred G. Wheeler. 50. town o f undMlrables and, when matters of foreign policy to con- Ute In 19(M. .Ul ttot The men, who hava been prey- To Cut Traffic Fatalities tion could'have resulted from the wealthy cattle trader charged Detectives Demarest Walter dan- form strictly, an it must, to the tn- ■tending after thle momtogh ing on taverns for ftvs weelcs and interception of a raiding party with murder. cy and Jamas F. Stapleton spot- strucUone of the French govern- was four etons woUa. Tha n a fi have been hunted by three police ment.” ^<* setting out from either side - of Th lestlmcpy came yesterday ted )flm, they nabbed Um quickly. 1 Hollysrood, Nov. 29.—UP\—Three*' *Tva bean in this stunting-busi- Interior w*ro mnde ot wood, squads, rushed into the Clearing ()uentioned concerning reported tha channel or could have been an from the girl’s sister-in-law, Mrs. of water woo They did not Immediately lodge Industrial Emergency bt^iUU movie stunt driver* propeacd that n*«# 21 year*. I ’ve never had a John BuxzeU. who also told the a charge lest he ball himself out threata from the oo-callcd ABCD every automobile be equipped with effort to protect British merchant hoadlcaiiped too and. Dr. James Mahoney told po- nations, he answered; aerioua injury. The ciooeat I ever ■hipping from a German attack. court that Wheeler was in her before being escorted to the police safety belt* to reduce traffic fatali- came, I wheeled around a corner, lice, compelled him to treat a flesh “ It in not possible at thin time tle*. 'Tte Admiralty aaid no comment farmhouse when she returned Sink Eight Tronoports ' m line-up at headquarters this morn- wound in one's shoulder. slid on the smooth leather aeaL and from on errand shortly before to speak pooitlvely of any threats “ Safety belt* would reduce the could be expected iipmediately. Londoa, Nov. 2»^-—'The BngL Timothy O’CeoneD. A t one "Tha reports ors totally with- Couldn’t bo thrown to the pava- m apmatlmo about 2 poattlon of the Treasury, Nov. 27: *K>ur biirtn*— Is suppcMd to fat- sotna domaga snu dona," the Ml»> point the policemen sal^ the 'out 'bonis,” he said. *"Tha governor volv* a lot of danger. Maybe it mmt through an opened door. iatrtaa of A ir and Home Becurl^ p.*. porkod it wtMd* her he RccelpU, $14,323,369.83; ex- squad car reached a speed o f 90 genera], of course, 'reserrea the penditures, $67,301.6S0.$8; net bal- does—but we’re all pretty cautloua "Airplane manufacturers put in id. "Elaawhera damage don* ■lard Shot Is «i*v*»M miles sn hour'and Was driven hub right to take, in this connection, guya. We know exactly what Another witnes*, Mr*. Ruth R. anes. |2i7«.598J66A7; customs safety belts," D u a^ opncludsd. aa Blight The total numbar of we’re doing and we proteet our- "Why not automebil* maattactur- I * r $2t,U2.599,a$. l- ■ » Fswl « aehrea./ a*»t"...... (Om I •) On P a g * r) . ------J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ?9,1941 PAGE T H R U XBAWUHJfS’l'CK BiVliiWiJUi lUSRALiU, MANCHESTEt^^CONW. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1941 ' pa g e two the Connecticut Council of Hunday School '{.lessoB Churches. Mr. Babcock will speak 3 until 6 o'clock In the afternoon. alstance and personal loyalties; on the subject; "Religious and Soljtliers Ready Tha police department has alito Victory Over Hate, Cruelty and Fear marked off a section tm Main Rules Listed Hospital Dance The Manchester Herald, Willard 12 Millions About Town Officials VoiceT .Social Problems of Connecticut.” B. Rogers, membera of the general 2 1 SHOPPING DAYS Some of these problems arise out street just south of Center for the danca committee, Mlsa Hazel Luts of the crowded conditions which Must Be W on Solely by Power of Love To Fight Soon bus stops. Buses are now cslled and pupils of the A rt department upon to pull Into the curbing and To Grow Hogi Grand Success In USO Fund Group 1 of the Memorial Hos- to-Christmas Their Sorrow have resulted from defense work. of the Barnard school: Board of The speaker will show movies re- the same rule prevails on the east pital auxiliary, Mrs. James M. South Methodist Church < St. James’s Ronasn Cstbolle By William E. Gilroy, D.D. side of the street for the across — ■ I Trustees, medical and nursing Rev. W. Ralph Ward, na*here else, it al years like the town ao well they Voloea 14ympathy League Subject, “ Red Cross Work Church School, 9:30. ceived in connection with this taken: "W e love, because He first discipline In lifX Love has as its up their personal and regimental : Aboard Roosevelt ' Train En they tn their turn wdll command Genuine Leather\ number of knitters for the local home immediately. The transfer loved us." waa gratifying to the committee have decided to make it their per- Prosecutor Charles' S. House Arouna the World." The First De- ' Morning Worship, 10:45. service. The Every Member Can- allies rlghteousn^ and truth, en- pride. Route to Warm Springs, Ga., Nov.-*i*Bher market prices. Thus tha Bbtlah War Relief branch',' at- wa* effected by Robert H. SmRh, ) irv /I*- , a . __ ^ F A A ^ iseW ^4**** A 5* 4 m 2* am* a that ao many of the prizes were manent home. The house at 36 stated that Judge Bowers had partment will be In charge. Children’s Sermon, "Wea.scl vass f?ommlttee, headed by Hugo durance, faith, hope- all of the.se.i Will Enjoy Furloughs farmer who gives his hogs proper tached her name and address’ on Jap Cabinet Jlolcls for Robert J. Smith, Inc. The most complete and perfect 29-- OP President Roosevelt came won by local people. Incidentally, Porter was at one time' used ka eful of spending carefree tions. appreciation from J. Grumwood, met laat night at the home of Mr. is found in the 13th chapter of Rogers o f the Hotel Bond Corpo- Mr. House said that the probation will be the preacher. Youth Fellowship, 6:00. members who have not previously quence are done, and Whether or | command during the first four days at "the Little White House Others are the conclueiona de- 103 Reynolds Jtvenue, Cbadwell and Mrs. Robert McIntosh of Evening service, 7:30. Rev. Paul's first Epistle to the Corin- not there be knowledge. \)ove will rived from a series of experiment ration. (Continued From Page One) ' Harvard Road. Mrs. Walter Lailey officer was an "exceedingly faith- The W eek handed In their pledge for 1942. months of the next year. In the at Warm Springs but fearful that It created a ripple of amuse- Heath, Essex, which reads aa fol- Gas Price Drops' ful official whose services to tho ■Monday, 4:00—Girl Scouts. Nathan B. Burton of Burnside will thians. This, in turn, has inspired continue, for love is the ti^e Roal meantime, a large proportion of some new-, serious twist In Japa at the Purdue University experi- lows: ' h^d high score for the women Nursery class conducted during great expositions in modern times. mental swine farm. ment Arhen the name of Dr. How- that United States merchant ves- Juveniles of the town has con- Tuesday, 3:45 p.m. — Brownie speak. the morning service of all divine purpose and 'of hu- the soldiers who have struggled ne.se-American relations might $1.00 “p and. Gordon Graham had high THr Week the best known of which Is per- man endeavor The things ' that over tlie rjlling hill country of the F'eeding Reronunendatlooe ard Boyd of Porter street was sels plying Pacific routes “will not score for the men. For Local Area stantly been marked with fairness Scouts. 7 ;00 p. m.—The Bible hour. The make a hasty retiim to Washing- drawn for the beauty kit, and Dr. "Dear Mrs. Cordner: 7;0o p.m.—Hoy Scouts. Wednesday, 3:45, rehearsal of haps the late Henry Drummond’s abide are faith, hope, and love, CAroIinas, through scrub oak and ton imperatix-e. Here are the Unlveraity’e feed- "I am writing these few lines to be armed under existing circum- •and fathcrllncss." 5th chapter of the Book of Acts Edmund Zaglio the satin covered Probate Judge William 3. Hyde 7:00 p.m.—Mlzpah Group. the Children's choir. "Love, the Supreme Gift: The but the greatest of these is loirt. second-growth pine, w-111 enjoy fur- 'The fact that Mr. Roosevelt de- ing recommendations: thank you for the socks which 1 stances" was declared to be a will be studied. heating pad Another Interesting Mr. an^M rs. Herman Montle Hartford, Nov. 29 —i>P) -Hart- noted the deep personal lose he 7:30 p.m.—Cecllian Club. Wednesday, 7:30, rehearsal of Greatest Thing In the World." The greatest task before mefi loughs. cided to journey southw-ard, after A ration of com alone for eowa : received through the W. V. D.. trick. The Week Paul begins by contrasting Jove thing about the prizea was that and son, formerly of Manchester, ford's retail gasoline dealers, who felt In the death of Mr. Elliott, and 7:30 p.m.^Gleaners Group. the Adult choir. of good w-ill triday is the con-' The maneuvers ended last night. twice postponing the trip, indi- from breeding to farrowing time ' KEYCASES with your name and address, and Miyako featured a photograph Monday, 3:45 p. m. Girl Scout.s with the things that men might Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius R. Foley today returned, to Rochester, hiked their prices as high aa 19.5 • 8:(K) pm. Men’s Bowling On Thursday at 6:30 the second quest of hate. We must io all In , General Drum, w-hose whole cated to some analysts, how-ever, is not practical. Sows which baya am taking the liberty of writing from Rangood depicting LniWd the diffleiilty that will be encoun- 7:30 p. m.—Beethoven Glee desire to po.sscss. Men have covet- of Scarborou.gh Hoad were both States trelgi.ters unloading sup- N. H.. after spending a week with cents a gallon in some canes for Leagua. of our parish suppers and fellow- our power to end violence, cnielty Blue Army had but one battalion that the government thought the which have received this diet far- to say I was very pleaaed with tered to find another public ser- Club. ed flueni y and power of speech, dinners. Mr. Foley brought home Mr. and Mrs. George A. Strant. regular gas m tho late lamented vant who will be ao efficient and Wednesday. 2:30 p.m.—Willing ship nights will be held. The and terrorism. But after we de- ofXllght tanks, although It w-a,s far Far Eastern situation w-ould grow row- too many pigs which are p o o r' them. I have a wife, daughter aged plies lor China. Tuesday, 8:00 p. m.— Luther hut Paul says that If hfe could risks. the handsome Tolo tray,and Mrs .Answer Formally Presented rationing period, have started to ^■oh-sclcntlous. ■Workers Cliristmas party. Each burning of the church mbrtgage feat the forces and designs o f evil, supXnor to the Fourth Corps Red no more disturbing In the next 13 and son aged 16. We were League. Annual meeting and .speak with the^lonciies of men and To obtain vigorous pigs at far- ^ 50c up Foley the ivory table radio. .One of ' Reliable observers concurred A tryout of all players-will be bring them down again. Chief of Pollbe Samuel G. Gor- member is asked to bring a ton and an address by Rev. Marvin we shall still be far short of a real fo r c « in Infantry strength, .said few- days. showing of colored motion pic- bombed and burned out in the laat held in the East Side Recreation In a movement that started cent gift. Stocking of Portland. Conn., will of angels but had not love, • he victory unless we overcome hate after the maneuver that tank.-) Si>ee<-h Planned Tonight rowing time, sows should be fed the local graduate nurses. Miss with the president's statement that don, likewise noted the great use- tures with sound track. Lennart raid in London. We lost our home, building next Wednesday for a early' this week, prices have re- 7:30 p.m.— Fellowship and Pray- be the main events of the evening would be but a sounding brass or with the, power of love. need not, be feared by a force thi(t The President had a speech practical rations in the entire gca- Muriel Palmer of Oakland street the answer to Pacific questions fulness of Mr. Elliott's services as Johnson of Forestvllle la in charge G$i?bine leather makes an ideal gift for any man— and R furniture and clothes, we were un- place on the Pollsh-Amerlcan bas- ceded to 18.5 cents per gallon in er hour. program. Group singing, vocal has the proper defensive w-eapons. docketed for tonight, and while It tatlon period. A successful feed won the order for a man's hat, now lies with Tokyo. They agreed a court official. of these pictures of the 1941 New and contemplates exchanging her able to save a thing. We have ketball team. All- players are In- mo.st cases and as low as 17.'9 In Thursday,, 2:00 p.m.—Christmas and Instrumental mu.stc, and a His own tank-attacker units W-AS expected that he might touch mixture is -made of one bushel of when genuine leather articles are priced as low as this, that the United States had tormal- Judge Lo.s.sncr Instructed the England Conference Luther prize with Dr. Boyd. again started to get a home to- vited to report for the tryout. others. Bazaar. monologue are among the special Aid will meet. The btlkiness session $9..’517.376 and income w-as $9,492% were credited with playing large on foreign policy and defense, shelled or ground corn, one bushet ly presented its answer to Japan- cieih of the court to draft an offi- League camp at Lake Winnipesau- you can’t afford to miss buying several for use as gifts. S Other Prize Winners gether. but t fear we will never A local price*war In Plainvllle 5:30-7:00 p.m.- Cafeteria Sup- numbers of the evening. The will he followed by a sr>cial hour. 005, leaving a deficit of $25,371. parts In the . successful efforts of Qiere was no advance indication of of- whole or ground oats and flvo - ese proposals to the government of cial summary of the remarks and kee, New Hampshire. The public Everett Johnson of Henderson have one like the home we lost. reportedly has driven prices down per. supper will be served at cost, and Wednesday at 8:00 p. m -- The The Athletic Asaociatiofi w'ent the Blue forces to bottle up the any major pronouncement. pounds of meat and bone scrapa or Premier Hidekl Tojo. The Pioneer Parachute Social tran.smlt them to the family. Is Invited to this gathering. Pic- tankage. Road non a pair of men's pig- The assistance board only allows A Bangkok special 'dispatch In to 14 9 for some dealers and In Friday, 6:45 p.m.—Choir re- all members of the parish are In- Church Board, >40,340 Into the red. Red armored divisions In a trian- The address w-os scheduled fpr club will hold its annual dinner tures will be shown at 8:45 p. m. A ration of ear com or "other skin gloves; Mrs. Ernest Johnston enough for present needs, with the .-sahl declared that Thailand was Meriden drops to 16 were reported hearsa,. vited. ' Thurday at 7:00 p. m. -r The Hartford -Membera of The Con- gle north of Camden, 8. C. a dinner (about 6 or 6:30 p. m., promise that they will see to It and dance this evening at the HUl Wednesday, 6:39- Boy Scouts. grain and one-ttalrd pound of m eat: uf Jensen street the enamel now a target of ABCX) (American Top house in East Hartford. Mrs. Friday. .Friday, 7:00, meeting of the Boy Junior Choir, at 8:()0 p. m. the necticut Hospital Aasociation; All Onns Mounted e. a. t.) for all the patients and after the war. Well, 1 siippo.se It 7:00—Chapel choir. ^ .Senior t?hoir, and Friday at 8:00 many former patients at Warm and bone scraps a sow daily, fed in j thermos Jug. Frai^cia Dwyer of 16 tirltish • cninesc-Dutch) encircle, Olive Shaw Is general chairman Sam Nelson Head Second Congregational Church Scout-s meeting here yesterday, heard di.s- These units, approximating a The Dewey-Richman Co. will all come out r ::ht in the end 7:30—Board of Trustees. p. m. the Young People's .Society ■Springs Foundation for infantile troughs, Is a fairly successful feed'^ William street won the sizzling ment, and charged that the British In charge of arrangements. Table Ferris E. Reynolds, Minister Friday 8:00, meeting of the cusalons of tjie effect of the emerg- brigade In size, consist for from platter making eight out of the 11 and we will, be hsp,'» snd peaceful Hospital Motes 8:00—Dorcas Society. A special will meet. 60 to 100, 75 millimeter gun.s, all paralysis victims, w hich Mr. Roose- when oats are not obtainable. Tbla , STATIONERS OPTICIANS were spreading alarming reports decorations' were arranged by Of Church Society executive committee of the Dis- ency on hospitals and elected Mi.ss ration is Improved by feeding good JEWELERS prizes that came to Manchester. again. among the population of the iltUe invitation is extended to. ladies in- The Children's CJhoir will meet mounted on trucks or half-tracks velt helped establish. Leighton Pentland, local florist. The affair Everyman's Class at 9:15 Men trict Young Adult Fellowship. Ann M, Griffith, of Danbury, as quality alfalfa hay In slatted raeka, ■ The basxet ot groceries was "M y wife and children Join me terested in becoming acquainted every Saturday st 9:30 a. m. for swift movement, a large num- McCarthy. Canadian minister to kingdom wedged between British T^-lIl start promptly at 8 o'clock. Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Em- of the comn.unity Invited. president for the coming year. Any good quality commercial pra-' taken nome by Mrs. John Lanon, In wl.shlng you and your people the Malaya and r rencli Indo-China. Church School at 9:30. Roger with the work of the Dorcas So- ber of 37 millimeter guns, engi- the United States, w-as here to at- ma Other. lO fli Spruce street. Thd Salvation Army Hartford--Comdr. Robert Dono- teln supplement may be fed I n ' fg Layton street. West Hartford, very best of health and good luck At an election of officers’ meet- Horton in charge. ciety. Newcomers to Manchester neers, Infantry, mechanized cav- tend in' his capacity aa a fellow Birth: 'Yesterday, a daughter to Major and .Mrs. N. J. CXirtls hue of the Coa.st Guard said yes- place of the meat and bone scrapa.' the book-ends by Mrs. Thomas and n Merry Christmas. A serious grass fire bet'^een ing of the men's organization of Nursery at 10:4,5. are especially Invited. alry and aviation componeiRs. In member, w-ith the President, of the Mr. and Mrs. Everett Macauley, terday a patrol boat w-ould be a.s- A lso,,in a self feeder,, but not Crowley 868 Farmington Avenue. ■yours Faithfully, Good IP ill Always Porker and Woodbridge streets Sf. Mary's church held last ntght Morning worship at 10:4.5. Ser- Thursday, 2:30 p. m.—Women's Overnight News addition, the general said he should P'oimdatlon's board of trustees. J. Grum wood" coiled out the Manchester Fire Melrose, Ma.ss. in the parish house. Tax Collector Saturday. 7:30 p. m.—Oj>en air Missionary Society. signed to the Connecticut river bt- "Bill of Rights Day" Proclaimed mixed wjth the grain, give SOWS Hartford, and the coffee pot by Discharged yesterday: J o h n mon by the minister on the sub- recommend that tanks be made a At Disposal o f Japan Department at 4:30 yesterday aft- Samuel Nelson, Jr., one of the ves- service. * 4:00 p. m.—Confirmation class. tw-een Hart,ford and Middletown part of these units. The President left Washington free access to a mineral mixture ot -Miss Madge .Miller, Albany Av- Porterfield. 115 Pearl street; Mre ject: "The Story of a Man's W ife". Sunday, 9:30 a. m.— Sunday Of Connecticut Blackpool, Eng., Nov. 2d—- Sup- And Traffic Rules tion that here in our land they lost 25 to SO cents. He declared Japanese milltarli-ts Order of Odd Fellows of Connec- day and 1 want a clear title to go Tuesday at 6:30. Choir rehear- bert Pearson, director, will present ried by a fellow hunter discharged ply Sergt. Bruce Alexander has was organized for thl.«i purj^osc in bad led their country to the "brink gie. La.ir.^r.re Stern-. Marie T-.valn. meeting and Woman's Home shall not be lost or w-eakened or put in shape before you take it through the ticut. representing the membership to Jesus so I want tho llcen.se end Rohe-f Ixiui.s S'evensnn. all sal. Handel's Oratorio, "The Messiah," as they were tramping through more jobs than he knows w-hat to 1914, embracing activities tn all of a tragic blunder." He added, League sale of fancy work. curtailed." of ledges in Putnam, Central Vil- bureau of Frankfurt and every- were horn lu the mont'.i. of No- Wednesday at 2:30. The Chriat- together with Manchester Civic woods here. Detective Sergt. do wlth-^for the present at least. I Personal Notices ' | European countries as well as however; "1 believe many wise men Friday, 7:30 p. m.—Holiness A sign has been erected at Cen- So he set.apart the day as one lage and Danielson, presented a one In the sinte of Indiana to for- znos Fair sponsored by the Wom- Orchestra and soloists at the High David Dlnan of Bridgeport said’ Without any campaigning on his htUerg f t State testing lane. South America and parts of Asia m Japan see the ruin which lies vember. en's League will open. Santa service. ter ana Linden streets limiting, pf "mpblllzatipn tor freedom and minstrel show and entertainment give. me ' The letter 'vas signed .school auditorium, Sunday, De- Lyons' companion. George Bolack, part the folks back home in In Memoriam The 8h0 '.vlng was well attended iilpii'l on one uf the road.s ronfrt/nl- Claus will make two brief vlalta, Saturday, 7:30 p. m.--Open air parking on the south aide of Cen- for human rights. last night In Odd Kello-aa Hall be- "A Troublesome Soul." cember 21, at 4 p m. For ticket 20 reported that his rifle went off Elyria, O., elected him justice of ter street to Main street to cer- In lovlnjr memory of dfur h<^!ovo<1 and those who witnessed the pic- '.ng her.' fore a large 'aasginbly of O'ld F«l- one In the. afternoon and qne at and Indoor- service. wlf# nnd mother Frnne^s J K''«nfy Major Curtis will be the speak- reservations call Carl Gustafson, as the, went through some brush. the peace. Now the sergeant is tain hours The amount of coin and cur- ture were enth-ised over the far- Alexander termed the opera- lows, riehckahs and members of Mlf on J a « ; lilp Dlslocalcd night. He will have gifts for the who Nov. 1!*33. SUNDAY er at- the Park street Baptist 31 Maple street (6809). Bolack drove Lyons to the Bridge- hoping for a special furlough ao A t the last meeting of the po- rency in circulation in the United reaching activities of the Jewish tions leading to the British attack the Grand Lodge, i’atriarrh Mi .- San Jose, Ca'ifr— ( P —Somebody children. All kinds of Christmas jiort hospital where the youth waa Manchesta* Motor Sales, he. t„lf^ -bn thin earth la but a ipan. relief committee throughout the AND church. Meriden, Conn.. Sunday Holy Communion will be cele- he can go Home to take the oath lice commissioners'jt was voted to States reached a high of $7jS79,- in Libya "a labor of.Herculcs." He tant and Rcbekah Assembly. Fol- hit Louis ^ r f f on the jaw —hard. decorations, novelties, domestics reported in "fair" condition.- of office Jan. 2. To prepare for a life In that belter wopld. said the auuceasful transporting of MONDAY and the like will be offered for sale morning. brated in the Swedish language restrict parking in this area from 000,000 on Dec. 20. 1939. OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE land; lowing the minstrel refreshments The blow sent him to county hos- CIRCLE Hartford Because of the ex- large armies to the Middle East at the various booths. Dinner will Sunday, December 31, at 10:45 ^512 West Center Street Manchester Where mother will meet ‘ ui !n a were serc-ed hy a committee from pital. Physicians treated him for tended warm weather, the State ‘ rt-be of white had deleated the attack on the be served at 6:00. Entertainment The Center Chnrck a. m. Cat Cnnslderexl A Hero the King David Lodge. a dislocated hip. Board of Fisheries and Game ex- Our «zuardlan Ansel who had watch- -Vile delta, destroyed the Italian WHAT A MANI Will be furnished by the Choir (Oingregatlonal) tended the season on pheasants ed through the nlrbt. Empire and foiled German plans Ha't lk« reu^ml, tSMshwt-'les Uck' Club and guest artists, under the Rev. Watson Woodruff St. John’s Polish Church Portland. Nov. 29. —'/Pi—Tahby, for one week, until Dec. 6i to dominate Syria, Iraq and Iran. in dw oniiy, out Wlwfi peydey cewiw direction of Mrk. David Bennett Golway Street SMMMWSIlMfKSKMMWWMMCKSlWHiHUnCntMMMKISWMiKmWM.'^- riinton T> Keenfv and Clilldren. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butler's pet Reference To Roosevelt ...hew ihsM deiwee blkthrlee himl of Woodbridge street. Morning worship, 10:50. Sermon Rex-. 8. J. Ssczepkowskl, O.S. New- Haven -Twenty architects R In .Meifioriam cat, was enjoying the fruits (vege- In reference to President Roose- Thursday at 7:00, Girl Scouts, by the mlnlater on "Robert Louis organized The Architectural As- Tn lov-nz .memory of onr deer tables, milk and meatl today velt. the first lord added: -SUN , and MON. Stevenson. Miiaic by ChonJh Choir. soclatlon of ConpecUcut at a worthy of a hero. STATE Sunday services; Owners of lowest-priced cars have learned TOiithtr. .in^ Mre. Jesse Davis, director; Wsrreb meeting here last night, and elect- nir^lj'-.li .Muxnill h't roered ,i "Without his steadfast purpose Ht. Mary’s Cliurch 8:'30^Flrst mass. Tlio Butlers, who feportfd that .md piactical proof of it, we R ^ . Jaases Stuart Neill; Bactor Wood, organist. The music: ed Herman J. Uvldbecker, of New This Is Your .Voi. J-Uh. Il*’ ‘ Tabby's persistent meows awaken- 10:30— S e ^ n d mass. ;ihould not nave achieved an great Prelude— "Meditation'' ... Lefebre Haven, as temporary chairman. A ed them In time to discover a fire t - V Choir rehearsals following each Three years he\e veeeed. how short a measure of succesa as we have. Sunday November 30, First Sun- Anthem—"Hark. Hiu-k My Soul,” meeting was scheduled Jan. 15 It seem*. In the cellar of their home yester- mass. it s to kimJf a little more But In .''lir' heerte her face etlll We are not anly grateful to the day in Advent...... Shelley 7 p. m.—Lutnia play at Pulaski here to adopt a constitution and Last Chance day, sold nothing was too good for Anthem— "Beautiful Saviour" by-laws. + he-ime. the cat who saved their lives. American people bpt we are aus- 9:30 a. m. — Church School. hall. We do not forset her. nor de we In- tatned and encouraged by their co- Men’s Blb^e Class...... Christiansen ^ New Haven — Yale Treasurer 'tend. Tabby, affected by the smoke, Offertory— "Psatorsle" Dunham We 'h;nlt of her dally, and will t.t showed up with a slight cough for operation In the fight for free- 10:46 a. b.—Morning prayer and 2iloB Lutheran Church George Parmly Day reported yes- the end. dom." sermon.. Sermon topic; "Advent." Poatiude— "March Sollennelle” High and Cooper Streets terday that the university's exr Join The Red Cross dinner last night, but an extra ...... MaU;y large meal was reported to have 5 p. m.— Young People’s Fellow- Rev. H. F. R. Stechholz, Pastor penses for educational purposes Kt er remembered hy her l-'vlnf ship. The Church School, 9:30. 5one. mother, eliters and brother. cured hla condltlon- A ir Patrol Would Be toialcd $7,890,088- and that the • 7 p. m.— Evening Prayer sad The Adult anas. 9:45. Leader, First Sunday In Advent: sports prograift coat $438,033 dur- TOPmeSANT Mrs. Katherine DeF. Hardy. ■M sermon topic: "One." 9 a. jn.—Cburch achocS. ing the fiscal year ended June 30. Seen as Hostile Act The CYP aub, 6. President, Vjr- New York, Nov. 29—(P)— Do- The Week , 10: a.'in.—Annual'Mission Fea- The grand total of expenses w-as vfMWWWSKWMMfWlKWMCWSICWIKSKMMHRMWiHWWMMtWWWWSt MULUCAN Monday, 4 p. m., G. F. S. Candi- ginia Whltham. ‘Topic, "The Home me*, Japanese news agency, quot- tival. Sendee In tCnglish. Festival dates meeting; 7:30 p. m.. Girls’ as s Source of Culture.’^ Devotions, ed authoritative Tokyo sources NAT PENDLETON Friendly Society. Roxanne Beckwith. Leader of top-' preacher, R ^ , (Jasitnir- David of The Chapter Needs today as declaring that If the Westfield, Mass. . ^UNCLE SAM'S (AAOL HUGHIS STERIINC HOUOWAr Tuesday. 6:30 p. m.. Junior Choir ic, Muriel Smith. United States were to Institute an The Week Tuesday, 7 p. m.— Choir re- air patrol over the Burma road It Rehearsal; 7:15 p. m.. Intermedi- .^LSO ate Choir Rehearsal; 8 p. m.. Sen- Tuesday, 11 a. m.. The Caledon- hearasl. 8 p. m.— Ifoung People’s McConville’s MERRY-GO-RaUND' would oe ■regal ded by Japan aa a DON "RED" u .\ri: y la ior Choir Rehearsal. ian Market opens and continues all Society. "direcUy hostile action." 2500 More Members I ^1 • rte 1 ^ -S •• ■ • '"Death Valiev Outlaws" Thursfiay. 5:30 p. m.. Turkey day. Meals at noon and night. Ten Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.— Ladler They aaded. according to a booths. Many features. society. FLORISTS Dome! radio broadcast, that this supper and Christmas Sale lit the ri-lkS! . A t'.ABTOON TRF..AT: Parish House given by the Ladles' Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., CTholr re- WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3 would be "an example of the most Guild. hearsal.' Covenant-Congregational Church Cut Flowers provocative armed aggression on NOW: "MERCY ISLAND” Saturday, 10 a. m.. Confirmation . Thursday, 6:30 p. m. Troop 7, Spruce Street 75c and $1.00 bouquet. Opens at 2:30 O’ClocIc. Admission Free! the part of (he ABCD powers "RIDtNT. •rar. SUNSET Class for girls; 11 a. m.. Confirma- Girl Scouts. S. E. Greea, Minister (America; Britain, China and the Bring the Children to See Santa Claus, and Uncle Sam TRAIL" ' tion Class for boys. Thursday, 10!30 a m.. Sewing Corsaffes ...... 35c Dutch) because such a move .With His T.rah:Bag! Annual Every Member Canvass. for the Red Cross. Note change of 0:45 a.m.-^Sunday School. would obviously be undertaken by "day. < 10:45 a.m.—Morning' Worship Boutonnieres...... 10c -\LL TV’PES OF desirable GIFTS the Ublted States only after consul- .MEET the most tempting Bring or send. Pledge for 1942 to Church Service. Final report of Friday, 6:30, Troop I Girl 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service. tation with the other powers." that ever made a man lose HOME MADE'FOOD CANDY PRESERV'ES canvaasers, Sunday, Nov. 30, 4-5 Scouts. For The Week Funeral S p ra y s...... $1.50 Japan would be unable to over- head, a womaa her Monday, 7:30 p.m. — Junior BABY BOOTH PARCEL POST temper, or yoa...yonr p. m., In the Parish House. . Saturday, 9:30 . a m., Cub GENERAL MOTORS’ MASTERPIECE. look this extension of the United IROVEN PICTUR Scouts. League Meeting at the.horns of Xmas Greens for Grave States “defensive tone" to the Fai Victor Bronke, Jr., 54 Hamlin THE riNE CAM WITH THE LOW PHICB Dinner 6 :3 0 p. ni., 75c. Children to 12, 35c THEATRE HorMord Chorch of Um Nasaicne Notea C overin g $1.00 per grave Ektst, It was said, "as It would The Boy Scout meeting Is post- street. •v' M ENU: Tomato jolce, roost pork, opplesouec, mashed potatoes, constitute a menace to Japan's 446 Mala'Street, Maarbester Late iShuHs Onlv —r IU:45 F. M. Rev. JanMs A. Yoang, Pastor poned and the Red Cross meeting Our. Wednesday evening service turnips, cabbage saladi pirkles, rolls, coffee and Aloha cream. position 'both politically and mlll- changed on account of the Caledo- wll* be dismissed this week. Muslinl Program by the Choir Follows. tarlly, regardless of whether or nian Market. All roads lead to the Saturday — Annual Busiaesa not the United States attempts to Sunday services: McConvilie’s 9:30-a. m.—Church School, John market. Meeting and Christmas Party of justify tjjs move from the point of Rehearsals for the pageant of the Young People's Society at the Florist ft Greenhouses strict interpretation of Intema- Cargo, superintendmt. Classes for ITS A the Nativity are under way. Church. $02 Woodbridge TeL 6M7 tlmial law." . all agea. AUCE CO FRAN WOW!. 10:45 a. m.—^Morning worship Sunday morning, Dec. 7, the sac- On Tuesday, Deesmbw 9th. ope- sermon: "God's Poor.” rament of the Lord's Supper. cial meetings will begin with Rev. JOAN BLONDELL 6:80 p. m.—Junior N. Y. P. S. M. D. Christensen of Wheaton. 111., Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Sou Caught in Belt Marlon Turktngton, supervisor. Talrattvtlle Oaagregatkmal CliarcJi as our guest speaker. Theoe meet- Two Great Plants for BINNIE BARNES - JANET BLAIR Rev. Ikoiaaa Stiaet, Mlnlater ings will coottaue ovpr Sunday, ~ Bom With a VelL 6:80 p. m.—Senior N. Y. P. S. Defense Wsrk Onlj Kcadiags Dally S A. M. to t P. M. Has Arm Broken ww Robert BENCHLEY • John HOWARD Marion Janas, ptasldent. * December 14th, with meetings ev- DIAL Or By Appointment, -la the Serv- 7:80 p. m.—Ehraagellstlc asrvics. Services, Sunday, Nov. SOth. ery Bight Poedte has nro snst pUaa—eaela psadstdee. LmmxsHmsfftsmMioML 10:45 s. m.— Morning worship th* othtt betas nsboi te reswItdBs 4wdu4 ice of the People for SO Tears. LAST BOB HOPEJiLJ^|Nothin£j|ut_jrh^^ Subject: "The Man of Many Re- •oldz to Dritasc: bwMias nsW-lra ettuae far ISO Church Street. Hartford, Conn. Hartford Nov. 29—(/Pi— Etnar TIMES proofs." with sermon, by the minister, on Gospel Ban ik« U. S. Nt*7, Tboessail* of reeiisi •kPk4 the subject; ‘Hie Liberty That la of 7752 or Phone «-0001 Bergstrom, of Congomond TODAY PLUS.. ."TARaET FOR TOmOIlT” CUIFTOMY Mudlc by the choir, "AU Alone," 415 Center Street —"------*-----*~r---- "‘-—ISIS Christ. which B*<*l wthortttn mz it "th* sMM ■fftedt* Heights,. .Southwlclc, Mom., a / U I l L FRLSACSIM. hy C A. MUes. The seasiona of the church vtspoa of its SIM trtt pcodted.* painter at the Pratt A Whitney ' The Week 10:30 A m. Sunday— Breaking i& v No wemen owniu of low- abiUly aad long life tbs two things you school will fellow the morning ser- 6172 diviaion of Nlles-Bement-Pond In Wednesday at 7:Sdp. m.. Prayer of Bread. W y stt-priced cars in all parts of ths want SMtf in s car? They're still yourt in vice. FOR RELIABLE, West Hartford, was oaughtr'In a and Pralss service with ths paster ■ 12:15—Sunday school., couatiy srs sgsia switching to Poadsc becsuie Pontiac piwinA beartBEt, moving bell there at 4 o'clock la. charge. FoUoadng thin aMstiag 7 p. m.—The young people wi 1 7:00 p. m. Sunday—Gospel DEPENDABLE Pnaiiac this year. cmahthsfa sad o*h^ vital parts azs na. attend a union aervice at the Bap- meeting. Thsy’TS Issrasd dan Poodsc aoc only yeaterday afternoon and suffered the Chorus Choir win meet for a AND ECONOMICAL casagsd in Tmt tat been sccom. Th* aslr fh*es«* that ht«* a eom p e^i fracture « f the right Enjoy Yourself At The O ld rehearsal of (Jhrlstmaa music, with tist Cliurch In Rockville. Cara will 7:00 T u e a ^ y — Prayer meeting. cotta so aaora to own and operate, but leave from .the parsonage at 6:45.. pUsbsd witbout ioicrfcriag widi >lefeoss h**aeetl*ledw l»41 Hewleet arm. Ha waa taken to Hartford Mrs. Florence E. Wood directing. 7:45 Friday— Bible study. alto they're peyiag ao store in the long 'needs. •r* AwewMwwc for e s t e ^ hospital where hla condltioa to- . All atembers of the choir are All young people oOhligh school Laundry ran. Thedte-siayily Awestiw a liule more See this new Pontiac todar. Chech local Poedac't *s*lui«e htdbJs 0$ age are Invited to go.. day -to ^ urged to be present. ■w w Hwy>a fcead PooiSic owners gee daiivered prices sad see how close to d*ww. Ir4s seed Mr *• Igw Tueoday at 11:80 a. m. —^The ms MW satra dollara they pey JwcA sgsdt tbw et th* cat—Maeittt aS Is a malntsnsnee N ew Engund House **' N a t e ______Wbrter Strpeta fowesc.priM cart Pootisc prices really members of the sewing circle will Rev. Karl Rlehter. Paftor Service et trade ia time—theaka to Pontiac's great as* "ctoil4et*” >e h**s ad painting employa at ths plant Hs There are many newcomers to srs! Your pressnt car nuy cover peri or aU data aed seta Is IM> hs waa painting the ateel work in the meet to do work for the Red Cross mpmsrios for depeodsbility and tbs trs- of tbs ilowa paymeat oa s 1942 Poatiac. Bolton our coaunuaity who art without'a Society. A pot luck lunckeoa will - sseadoBS demand for ita s a nted car. ■Srisafy ha* h**a iacM***d new cauge addiUoa. already tn "church home,” and wa take this S:S0 A no-—Sunday Behoot and The belance ouy be peid ia asoaihly fh*a tws IS *m * das* ottf use, when bs was caught tn the be enjoyed, and a talk by Lsbbens Bible fTasass, Alfred Langs, super- Andt ia timaa liks thsss, otsa't ^lepsad- Wai of low y«*^t daairf THE BEST IN fOOD AND CHOICE LIQUORS ^ J onmrtualty to welcome you to our chairman the Rockville intendent SHARP'S belt As ha sorasmad, thres fallow oervioea and hope we may prove a employsa ran to tho awitch, ahut Chapter Red CrooA 10:00 a, niu—English services. ' Gtstgt Smith’g Trio Will Play Saturday Eyenliif. apiritua; uplift (a your Uvea. Wor- Wedacaday at 7:45 p. aa.— TbS' , tl-98 CENTER ihn E E T , off tha power, and thsn cut ths ship with ua. RIm Week LAUNDRY MANCHESnS belt An ambolanoe waa sununoa- men o f the comffiunitv will bnOet Tueaday, 7:30 p. at—Tbs Ladiea COLE MOTORS ed and ha was taken to the boa- DROP IN ANto SEE US! ' r ■- pttat „ ■ - f i - - T- ,i: MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATUKDAT, NOVEMBER 29, 1941 ^AGe FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBEP. 29. 1941, PAGE P|VB

Endorse WPA Attorney Discharged House Passes to be on hand to lend a helping date set for the rail stfike. loomed I From Army Service hand. Await Signals nearer. A Thoiiglit I Sewer Project Price Control Kteok Ulniier , Armalnent makers during the Manches^r s ors Defember 6th will be the steak w6ek were notified of an Impor- News tant milestone. Aid to enemies of dinner, for the Hartford District From Congress On to Senate Count): Council lo be held In the the Axis extended under the lend- A l.ving tongiie ha let h those that CALL Town Now Has Avail- up this past week also with a bad Hartford Post Rooms at 3700 lease bill had passed the billion are affllrted by It; and a flattering •/a.': cold. . Dilworth- Main street. Any member wish- dollar mark. To industry the first mouth worketh ruin. 6588 her work at the end of the school | Tots Drop Two Stories; able S134,000 for Ex- So to all we say cliper lip and BuftinpHA IVIph AnxiouB billion dollars without doubt has (CVmtlnoed hx>in Pag* ing tickets should call President —I'roverbs 26:28. eeMiona on .Friday after teaching ; Bolton Escape Serious Injuries Stafford Springs tension of the Mains. may all be well soon. I.eggett (341.71 before Monday, To Hpar DpciHioii tm been the hardest and encourag,- Prompt! Rockville for 48 yeara and three irnonths In i la the Senate or by ajotnt Senate* Once again we take this oppor- Cornell Dec. 1st. as all reservations "Close Ing reports of the performance of Safe! American products on the battle- The first vertiie, .song, if tho'i the achoola of the Town of Vernon. Mrs. Clyde Marshall Hartford, Nov. • 29.—(47 —The John O. NaHo House Conference je^mmlttee. tunity to add our congratulations at that time. Price Control. Service! I0w1m B. Ctopm— Mias ^ r f e e was the first kinder- > Anotl)«r one of the projecta de- Post fields of Libya were regarded in »1lt I'eme, Is to restreyne and two Brown glrla were black 47t, StaRorU As approvedThy ths House, the to that Legion bowling team. Last On Saturday night, Dec. 13th garten- teacher in Rockville and Pbooe ufnorlie a price-con- year that team was good, but they No. lOZ another spaghetti aupper will be By Paul Oesner and John Beekley among her pupils are many promi- ers in Manchester has been ap- trol adn^lnlBtrator to establish ceil- certainly are going great .Ihls to pep armanjent workers to fast- MANCHESTER TAXI little, the worse . from a fall served, and the proceeds from this Nev/ York. ."Mov 29 (47 Indus- nent citizens. Mass will be celebrated 4t Saint Miss Iroig G. Greene, daughter proved. The first project approved ings fi waiting for Congress to call the The average American, begin- ing up ffxxl. I approaching marriage of 'Miss here. of Mr,, and Mrs. Langdon Hare of The project for storm and sanitary pital at Newington. Insti'dctlons will be held in the view, provided at tho Insistence of I Darts Are Getting Anyone desiring a beautiful signals in two vital controversies, ning to feel the strain of higher Florence M. Zelgler of this city chapel at 0 a. ra. ' | The children, Lois E. Brown, Sonxeriville were married this sewers for which a request for the Republican membership, was Christmas wreath' should get in Reservations .Open Mrs. Lillian Linders is chairman living costs, received a good word On Sunday to James H. Gleason of Manches- four, and Barbara H. Brown. I morning at 9 o'clock In St. Ed- $134,000 was asked waa approved of the Children's Xmas parly the price control and anU-stnke legis- from the treasury that no addi- Due to the fact that no heating | empowerecl to sat aside his rulings Bee-el Stirred Up touch with Comrade Billy Moo;-c lation. ter. system has, been Installed in the two, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. | vrard'a-church. Rev. Henry Chabot, yesterday and this means that the upon appcalk. immediately. date of which will be announced tional taxes on his 1941 income Wedding William L. Brown, fell 15 feet assistant pastor performed the sin- extension of sewers In the different later. Thi.s party is held every As the week ende'l. the projio- chapel there will be no services of I Could Preaerlbe Rent CelUngs "To the K. A. F.” Among the many accompllah- were contemplated. Rumors of Young People fropi All The marriage of Miss Florence yesterday when a screen on gle ring ceremony and oftlclate.d at parts of tho town where water year for the children of the mem- sal for an overall celling on prices, next year's taxes, however, rang- any kind held there after this Sun- I The administrator also could "Never aince English ships went mrnts of the I’ost 'ear. one atanda out. That la the club. Mrs. Linders' committee Is dui liens to a system of forced D. Shea, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan- Somersvllle. sister of the groom as projfctf for $134,000 it does not new aidewalkf from Main atieet lo ns follows: Mrs. Gertrude Linnell. time being by defeat of the Gore I saving similar to that in effect in To Meet in Rockville. Quarryville Methodist cian. the girls were treated for vailing around April 1. 1940, If night. Three teams are tied for Or English sca-doga diced with bill. lel Shea, also of Vernon took place minor bruises. maid of honor. Daniel Greene mean that the money will all be state and local governments failed XIrs Catherine Palmer. .Mrs. Anna I Great Britain. this morning at nine o’clock at St. Services at the . Quarry vllle first place with four win.s ami two death along the Spanish main the eaatern boundary of the prop- 'The administration bill calling brother of the bride served as best apent during the coming year, but to adopt his recommendations for Never since Drake and Raleigh Barron and .Mrs. Edith Mason. A 1 In the stock market, creeping KockviUe, Nov. 29. — (Special.) Bernard's Catholic church. Methodlat church wjll be contin- will leave the town In a poattloij td erty, Legion membera were cape* - for selective control of prices at man. A wedding breakfast was Herthan Yules such regulations within 60 dajhi. ■ losses. ^^^•o teams have three won. rnepting of this committee will be paralysis continued to freeze in- _-Toting people from Protestant ued during the reconstruction served at the home of the bride, install sanitary and storm. Water lally grateful for the whole-heart- the discretion of the office of prire ard has had training In Girl Scout- Recommittal, If not complete de- wins and three losses, and the Bol- Our freedom of the Seas. called later ’ I vc.stment and speculative confl- dlurches throughout Tolland Coun- work on the church building. The and a dinner followed at Tito's sewers. In different sectlonS as re- ed cooperation extended to them by adnilrlstration seemed the only I donee. ty will attend the second Youth Rev. Jackson L. Bifllcr has chos- ing, having t.pent six weeks' last . Attorney Herman Yules has re- feat. threatened the bill when the ton Pussy Cats have taken on the Have sons of Britain dared and Xmas Part.v. prospect for reasonably prompt restaurant. A reception was held quired and for any smtil amount. House began Its final day of con- done Erneat Bantl)', ownei of the prop- j With Japanese-U. R " relations Rally of the season which takes en as his sermon topic for tho summer at Comp Brady. Manhat- during the afternoon and evening turned to hla home here after be- I chin for six straight games. erly to the weal in ermaenting lo Then comes the Xma.s party for action. J prospect which was none Tolland tan Camp at Tow^ners, N. Y., and ing discharged from U. S. Array sideration of amendments yester-' More valiantly than these . jumping from one crlsi.s to an- place on Sunday evening at 7 ;30 9:30 morning Worship on Sunday: at the bride's home. After a wed- have the walks laid along hia the Post and Auxiliary:-which will too pleasing to many industrial i other. Nazi forces moving cio.ser later taklrig the professional service at Camp Edwards, Fal- day. At the outset, however, i I f you have missed tw'o league Whether at midnight or at noon o’clock at the Rockville Baptist Mra. John H. Steele "As They Went." ding trip Mr. and Mrs. Hare will frontage. be in charge of Mrs. Gladys Dur- cxeciit.ves. The administration to Moscow and the desert battle course at Camp Edith Macy, Na- mouth, Moss. , Attorney Yules, a Chairman Steagall (D., jDJa,) of I games In succession—you had bet- Through mist or open sky church. Church echool will be held at make their home on High street. ter be on the old firing line tonight I’erhaps the bent canteen among kee, for the Auxiliary. 'This par- bill would leave prices strictly up in doubt, stock prices .sank bit by 1178-8 RacIniUe tional Girl Scout Training Camp ta p p in g local Selectlcs Service registrant, the Banking Committee began Eagles of Freedom, all our hearts The subject of the meeting will the close of the church service at The bride is a native of Stafford — otherwise your team may bring ex-Borvlce cluba in Manchester is ty will be held on Saturtlay night. lo dyed In-the-wool New Dealer bit. be "Christian Youth Working for at Bilarcllff Manor, N. Y. volunteered for prior Induction and capitulating to the mounting W- Are up with you on high Dec. 20th. Mrs. Durkee'a com- Mr. Henderson and arm him with 10:30 a. m. and attended the local public Mrs. W. W. Grant pnrtls.m demands for- revisions. up a bush leaguer to fill your right at our home. The steward iia.s To the good.^news of the week, a Just and Durable Peace", and An Inferpatlng sad pleasant eve- The Coventry Garden club Ls went into the service before his While Britain's mighty ghosts look mittee are Mrs. Madeline Drake. sufficient powcr.s to enforce his Bolton Congregational schools. She Is employed with the 7S8t, Manohestar Aa it developed, his concessions I place—that's the rules. There down put in many long hours of work , street turned a deaf ear : TTie na- h- • Rev. Harold Craw will be the ning was spent Thursday evening "Making Dreams (Jome True" sponsoring a contest, open to’ all Stafford Worsted Company, apd Is draft number came up. He waa that Is hardly appreciated by the Mrs. Florence Streeter, Mri. Ella views. tional industrial conference board speaker. There will be a service residents of the town, to be con- inducted on April 1,'1941 and dis- were not enough. are many on the waiting list, look- From realms beyond the sun when the Community Men's CTlub will be the sermon topic of Df. junior vice-president of the cor- I Ing for a chance to step in. Post memliera but outsiders be- Brimble, Mra. Lillian Cheney. Mrs. Forced Arbitration reported that third quarter earn- of worship with the Baptist Young ducted during the Christmas sea- charged last Thursday, November First, Steagall sought accept- And whisper aa their record pales Brownell Gage at the 11 o'clock poration. Henry Toberman post Master Gene F. Tomlinson, of ance of a modification of a provi- Andy Holzhlemer And' Frank lieve, and state, that the many im- Dora Modean and Mra. Anna Bar-! Executives anxious over labor ings of 38.7 industrial companies People In charge. A t the conclu- met at the Federated dihurch with son, for the most attractively dec- 27. He Intends to take a two 1 Their breathless deep "Well difficulties were unable to obtain service at the Bolton Congrega- auxiliary of the Veteran of For- Wapplng, spent Wednesday night sion empowering the administra- I Drake were two tickled boys la.it Done". provements made in the last ron. had beep 2..7 per cent greater sion of the address there will be an their regular business.meeting fol- orated doorway. Out of town weeks vacation and expects to re much Idea of what shape rongres- tional church on Sunday.'Flowers i eign Wars .and satllve in the Win- with his grandparents. Mr. and tor to engage In large-scale buy- Saturday nigh*—they beat yours twelve months are astounding, to' Mrs. .Streeter haa. rcqueated all than the second quarter and 38.9 Informal question period. lowed with moving pictures of the judges will decide the contest, and ( open his law office here. Don't forget our bingo games in sional legislation was likely to for the service will be. the gift of ter Women's Relief Corps. Yhe Mrs. John Kingsbury, of North ing and selling of any commodity truly a pair of dart games. Well, say the least. membera of the Aiutillary to please per cent larger than the third The programs have been ar- latest type of farm machinery. a turkey will be awarded as a Orange hall, Monday evening. A take.' Representatives of both la- Mra. Louis C. Dlmock of Bbjton brldegrqpm is employed with the Coventry. here orjibrood In order to maintain you have to give the boys a win night of real entertainment with Help! ilelp: remember to bring all your old quarter of 1940. ranged to be held each month by National Defense pictures were prize for the wlnbcr. Any one bor and Industry acted particular- Center. , \ Blgejort^-Snnford. Thompsohvllle. A son was borp to Mr. and Mrs. price stai)llity. He offered to re- once In a while to keep up the old Hll profits going to the British Bingo is still going strong. The clean cloths . to her house before Extra year-end divfliens. mean- the Conference officers and Youth also shown. The program waa in wi.ahlng to enter will ple.ase get They would have cost the roads ly imea.«y over the prospect of I.Adles of St. Maurice \ Miss Mary O'Halloran bf the Frank Wilson on'Yhursilay. at the move the revolving fund and I spirit, y ’ know. War Relief. But don't forget the patronage Is getting better but Saturday night,' as one of the while, were running far ahead of Dfiintv modrl for a ImHy hdy. Ur'lltcricomrthithttndtonw < Committee of the Tolland County charge of Rupert B. West. Refresh- \ln touch with Mrs. Cleon . Hurd. $27('i.000"000, the board said. forced arbitration of disputes. The Ladles of St. Maurice will Stafford High school faculty, mem- Manchester Memorial hospital "open market purchasing" fea- .\ New Kerruit American Red Cross Give tbday. there is still'some room for more. boys from Camp Edwards will a year ago, pouring extra ca.sh in- Brauti/ul $Ut^r finish diai. —ruf(f!f4 timrpi^rr. Council of Churches. ments were served with Alfred Doorways must be ready for Judg- Negotiatlona uontlmied today in Hard-working Wilfred Clarke does Controversy over the legislation meet In the Fireplace Room of the ber of the State Board Of Educa- They were rc.sidents of Wapplng the labor controveray involving tures. Friend Joems—Yours truly has Jeem's. drive an army truck home so he to the p<)ckets of owners of com- Banquet Tonight Ludwig, William Senk, Nicholas ing not inter than December 20th. about all the work every Friday apjieared to be approaching the Community Hall on Monday eve- tion and daughter of . Mrs. Lott until about a month ago %yhen they the captive coal mines, owned by Sul)sequenlly, he agreed to a I signed. Commander E>1 Copeland can collect all the old rags. These mon stocka. The spinners in the Hockanum Zclinka, Herman Gorkv assisting 'rae fire company was called out night. VV'hy not lend him a couple boiling point and business men AN EXQUISITE NEW STAR-TIMiD ning at 7:30. Plana will be made O'Halloran of High street and moved to 32 Strong street. steal compar.'cs. Dr. John R. Steel- substitute proposal by Represen- of the D. A. V.— know the are needed very badly by the boys In stores along Math atreet. Mills Company Local No. 58 of the Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Steele had a.s 3:011 of hands and make the taa'-< faced the prospect of having to for the production of a thrcc-act Thursiluv afternoon for a wood.s Franklyii E, Learned, son of Mr. Miss Irene Tupper, of Clare- man, chairman of the three-man tative Dewey (R., III.* limiting the b» inality. In diala and cryatals Miss Florence Stevens,' superin- entry Board of EducAjion who at- and Howard C. Learned of West | Windsor will be married Saturday or "no." 1 Steagall proposed, to substitute surge liitn this week, store execu- Tolland Grange Wednesday, Dec. First Aid I other public dance at the Home ning, Dec. 3 at 7:30 in the relief and make your reservation. This The Auxiliary is still holding In New York. Dr. John R Steel- happrna tbr ;iifl it a Itpaiitiful —iVou fep| thpir ru»Uxm amartiieM, tendent of the Providence Deacon- tended the dinner merting of the Main street served his brother as | at 10 a. m; in the Congregational Thomas E. Mlllsop, president o f ' a three-member board to ailmlnls- tives said. 3, for the all day meeting begin- The First Aid claaa will meet at sometime in January with "A rt" workrooms of the British Ameri- ia confldentUl. Reservations are card parties on Friday nights, so man, director of the U. S. Concili- nrw ^'.lein D p I.hyp! I.*pafiin|( Ampr* are Btar-timpd for arcuracy. See ess Home, will be in this city on Windham Board of Eduction last best mail. A reception was held at Church of -Broad Brook by the pas- ning at 10:30 a. m. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred The Weirto;' Steel Company no-ter the law, hoping to still •-'lU- McKay's orchestra again provid- can club on Maple street. Presi- going fast. That's all for this time. do try to get around anti play or ation Service took a postman's ican dp"ignrrt h*Y*e pnHri%%ed «stim8ted by the the winter months. The CIO United Mine Workers de- when the membership captains for the annual Christmas party for Coip., acting for th# steel makers. Sunday will be observed as "Good Ellington vent, N, J-- She has -taught Latin. Thursday evening, fdt their son, mand a union ahop, under which concession, although they had bring, a ten cent gift for that proprietor at $2,000. Fire officials Miss Elizabeth Leonard who turned in their collected dues to our children. In Washington, Pre.sldent W ill" Sunday at the Rockville, French and English at the local Ravmond Frink. • all miners would be forced to be- orlglnallv clamored for such a re- Shea night. Mra. Jane Fortin la chair- said th-y believed boy-s broke into apent several weeks in Spsi tan- a. r. Berr Father of 5 Dies the Quartermaster. He thought Sister Hetty Binks will donate Rooseveit sent the railroad dis- Methodist church and the mem- burg, South Carolina, with friends liigh school for a number of years. The church services will be held come members of the union after vision. A coalition of -Republi- man and her committee, Mrs. the place and Ignited cardboard The Dewey-Richman Co. they were giving him the money the mystery package and the fol- pute back to his fact finding board bers will bring donations of fruits, has returned. TeL 4BS-S, RockMUa Mr. Learned is a graduate of New aa usual Sunday, with Sunday a certain p« i iod of employment. cans and southern Democrats Florence Peterson, Miss Helen boxes in a rear room to atari the to pay off the mortgage on the lowing members will serve on the Auxiliary for a second' diagnosis as De<^ 7, tationers vegetables, money and so on which The Tolland Community Wom- In Auto Aceideiit York University and is associated School opening at 9:30 a. m., The closed jihop usually means jammed through an Bltematlve" Gustafson. Mrs. XIargarct Brown blaze. JEWELERS S OPTICIANS I Home. refreshment committee; Anna Wfll be given to the Providence en's Club held the monthly meet- with the State Board of Education which will be followed by the that a worker must be a union proposal by RepresenUtlve W ol- .No. *046 and Mrs. Bertha Wetherell. Mr. and Mrs. James Muir of morning worship service at 10:45 Out for Our Share Connelly. Lizzie Donnely and Deaconess Home. Miss Stevens ing In the church social i^ m a with Quincy, Mass., were guests o$ Ur. as supervisor. member before he is employed. cott IR.. Mich.) to retain the sin- V. F. W. This committee will meet very Oxford, Nov. 29.— (47—7Vllllam with the Rev. Kline in the pulpit. There Is only about 465 out of Sarah Croskey. will also speak at this Service. a goodly attendance.' Ddring the and Mrs. George P. Wendhelser pf Threat of trouble on the Great. gle admlnUtrator but set up the soon to complete the plana. All Rev. Arnold F. Waring, pastor Daniel.^. 35. of South Britain, fa- Thomas Burgess returned to hla 1,200 World war veterans In town Installation Bid aoclal hour there were moving pic- Maple aVenue this week. Lakes appeared dissipated with board of review with veto power membera who ha"ve not donatet) to of the church, will take this op- ther of five children, waa killed Pistol Loaded home on Deming street, from the eligible to join the Veterans of President Margaret McConkey tures of flowers gathered and paint- Word was received here Thurs- the announcement that striking over him. V.F\W. Staging the Xmas Baskets will be contact- portunity to visit the Primary and ed by Mss. Ruth Ixiyzim and pic- Ia.it night and Richard Hlne of Manchester Memorial hospital on A F L tugmen who walked out as a What had promised to be the Foreign Wars. We don't expect has received a special Invitation ed next week for their donations. Beginners Departments of the day of the death of the infant son Soiithbury injured when their au- Thursday. to sign them all up, but we will to attend the-'installation of offi- tures of a great variety of inter- of Mr. and Mrs. ,^ohn J. DeCarli Bv Slain Girl result of a dispute with the Great major fight of the bill—the atUmpt Don t forget the Dart League on Providing telephone service to a nation Sunday school which is held during tomobile struck a bridge abut- Books added recently to Sadd of the administration to write In- have a good share of them by the cers of the Edith Cavell Command, Miuiv Aclivilies ests. RCfre^ments were sevred. of Detroit, Mich. The body, waa Lakes Towing Company would go Saturday night, we can alwa3’S on the alert brings increasing problems - II the church worship hour. Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hall of ment. overturned twice, landed in Memorial Library at Wapplng: back to their job under a truce. to the measure power for the price time the New Year rolls around. BWV of Hartford Saturday, Dec. play darts first and eat sfter- Football Sunday brought to Manchester for burial a swamp here and burst into Fiction; Farjeon. "Aunt Sunday administrator to use a system of I Yes air—we are out looking for 6. Brooklyn, N. Y., and Bethel, Conn., this morning. (('nnttnued from Page One) Terms of the agreement were waids Be 00 hand to help your every day. They ore a challenge to the The third and deciding game of where they have a summer home flames Takes Command"; Baldwin. licensing as an enforcement aid— I men who served In the A. E. F. It won't he long now before the The Auxiliary enjoyed a very A son was born Friday at tho not made public. About SO men team win. You can't do that if you skill and resourcefulness of telephone the Tolland County Championship were gue.sts Friday of Mr. and Mrs, Daniels and Hlne were removed Cushman, a neighbor of the Buz- ".Something Special": Gregory. quit work in Buffalo Wednesday sputtered out and amounted to If you were in the American Christmas chimes ring out,” Pence fine, old fashioned Thanksgiving have to take a dummy score for NEW CHALLENGES Rockville City ho.spital to Mr. and will be played at Stafford Springs .tohn H. Steele. from tho auto before the file hroUc I zel'a. teetifled that she heard a "The Girl at the Cross Roads"; little more than a gesture. Expeditionary Forces between the on Earth: Good Will Towards dinner Tuesday night before the "membeis who are not there. workers everywhere. How this chal­ Mrs. Ernest Boothroyd. Mrs, because o f' \he alleged refusal of on Sunday, with the game starting Emil RW'ald is spending some out, however, by Alfred Douillct shot in the hayfleld while the Gardener, "The Ca.se of the Baited" the firm to arbitrate the dismissal Spokesmei for the present Prio* • dates of March 17, 1917 and No- Men.” We should all praise God mdbtlng. The dinner consisted Be cure and make your .reserva- Boothroyd wa.s before her mar- lenge is being met is told with ex­ at 2:15 o'clock. This 1s the game time in New York City with his and Styles Tucker of Oxford, who truck was parked outside the Buz- Hook"; (^Tirlstle, "Easy to Kill"; of a tug fireman. administration contended that the vember 11, 1918, or In the U. S. that all of us are happy and lucky of roast turkey, ma.shed potatoes tions for the steak dinner., (t that was postponed from last week nephew Ch.irles Ewti.d and family. riage Emma Yarden of this town. reached the scone soon after the zed home about 1:30 or 1:45 p.m. Hill, "In Tune With Wedding licensing syriem was essential and- Navy In hostile waters between to be living in a free land, and un- and turnips, dressing, cranberry sounds like a big time. amples in the picture story below. Patricia Pfau, small daughter of because of the rainy weather and Charles C. Talcott has returned accident the same day. Bolls"; Norris, "The Venables"; cited a report by Herbert Hoover the above dates, you are eligible fettered by the pressure of the sauce, celery arid olives, rolls, —Jay Eff ' to telephone workers the poor condition of the playing' from Oradel, New Jersey, where Mr. and Mra, Albert Pfaii of Daniels died before reaching Mrs. Buzzell testified that Flor- Lincoln, "The New Hope"; CTHaTa. Strike Authorisation when ho w-aE food administrator for the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Dictators. coffee and plum pudding with field. The two teams, the Stafford he spent several days during the Mountain street, had the misfor- Griffin hospital, Derby, where ho ence. earlier that day, loaded the "M y Friend Fllcka"; Bailey. "Blue Fated by W elders during the World war that licens- You don't have to produce an hon- With everyone working and de- brandy sauce. The credit for thi.s Olympics and the All-Rockville's 'I hanksgiving holiday season. tune to be badly burned about the and Hines, suffering from lacera- pistol and went outdoors with it ; Cloak';— - Davis, ’"Return of the Rip ing was the backbone of his con- orable U. S. discharge. Veter- fense Industries rushing along to fine supper goea to Mra. Gertrude have each won one game. The Mrs. Anna M. Rtsley of South shouldipr and arm when a pan of tions. of the head, were taker) by hut returned soon afterward to lie 1 A Loring, "Where Beauty San Francisco, Nov. 29.—(47 - trol It was contended that by ans of Foreign armies are not eli- make defense materials, we should Buchanan and her committee of Mooney Awarded same officials will be In charge of Glastonbury ,has been a recent hot water tipped over while the the Rev. Henry S. Douglas of this down on a couch with Wheeler Dwells"; Williams, -"Trailer Doc- Local 10 of the United Welders. placing the selling of commo^tlea gible. no"! complain about the slight rise the game from Springfield, Mass. .Mrs. Elizabeth Maher, Mrs. Ber- guest at the Steele House. little one was investigating its town. sitting beside her. The girl placed tor"; Massey, "Five Were Called” ; CXitters and Helpers reported early for which celUngi were establUh- Have you got your tickets for In prices. It la a amall price to pay tha Wcthercll. Mrs. Mary Lam- Superior Court contents. 812-500 in Suit The Young People's Choir re- the gun on a table. Mrs. Buzzell Ferber, "Saratoga Trunk"; Lee, today that Its membership of near- ed under a general license, the a ^ the Hartford District Council din- for our freedom and our horn of precht, Mrs. Lillian Vyihson, Mrs. There will be a session of the hearsal was held Friday evening in "It’s a Great War"; Snow,. "Sheriff ly 1,000 had voted unanimously to mlnlstratirr could punish vlolatora ner and dance, yet? The com- plenty. The greatest happiness we Tolland County Superior court in said Martho Vennard. Mrs. Sophie And- the church with Miss Lois Ham- Force Doelor Neither Mrs. Buzzell nor her of Yavlsa"; Rame, "The Sun Shall authorize a five-man national by revoking their licenses to deal mittee has sold twenty-eight tick- get is In right living and the great HockvMle on Monday morning at •Spn and Miss Loretta Shea. The Michael F. Mooney was awarded mond, director and Mrs. Sarsh husband heard anyishots fired, she Greet Them"; McCord, "His Wife, board, representing Independent In the spedtic commodity Involv- ets to post and auxiliary members Joy of giving to make others hap- 10 o'clock. This will be an addi- supper was realty a surpriae par- damages of $12,500 against Mi- West, organist. said, but the latter testified that tog Doctor." welders, to call a nationwide ed. That, It waa argued, would l » In town. The dinner will be held py tional short calendar session with South Coventry To Aid Bandit ty in honor of 5Irs. Anna Mae chael Wabrek, in Superior Court after the body had been discovered Non-Fiction: Partridge, "BlU strike. less drastic than Invoking the pin a at the Hartford Post room on Sat- Help the Red CYoea Judge John H. King of Wllllmantlc Smith, qne of our older, members yesterday. Both live In this town. he had noticed Wheeler drop a Family” : Barrewell, "Ne\^ Ency- The welders, seeking autonomy, criminal penalties calling for flnea urday night, December 6th. Past If you haven't already made presiding. Church and Community -events clopedia of Machine Shop Prac- up to $5,000 and a maximum of whose birthday was Nov. 26th. The suit was brought as the result (Continued From Page One) gun to the ground. .sent the following telegram to Commander "Cap" Peterson and your donation to tlie Red CYoss— Mrs. Smith who was very . much Forty Hours Devotion for the month of December In- tice"; Beach. "Personal Expos- LIpyd Payne, secretary of the com- do so at once. It's such a \amder- of Injuries suffered, by Mr. Moonev Italy Claims two yearn In jail. „ . , , _ President Maud Leggett have surprised came into the room to -The Forty Hours Devotion will clude the following date.s: ures” ; Faderman, "Reading I ’ve mittee at Washington: Proponed to lim it Licensing ful organization. 'There Is so much In an automobile accident on Hart- .•'J- to hub with the fugitive car. while Cause ■A Be Thankful tickets for sale. You must make hear everyone Singing, "Happy open at St. Joseph's church on Monday, Dec. 1, meeting of .the IJke": Gunther. "Inside Latln- "Ratified amalgamaiion. Au- Steagall proposed to llmU the to do abroad and here in America, ford road when he waa hit by a car Sunday, morning at the 10:30 ma.s.s policemen fired from the windows. reservations. Tolland County Democratic a.-^so- America":-. Leech, "Reveille In thorize Washington committee to licensing to specific to be prepared for every emergen- Birthday to You." President driven by Wabrek; with a procession of children and 1,000 Seized ciatlon in the town hall. Tho The robbers escaped by jamming Waynesburg, Pt.- (47—Sherwin New Years' Party Maud Leggett preSertted her with on the brakes, letting the police Washington” : Hanson,“ Chile Land call nationwide strike. Pledge fi- by eliminating a provUlon cy. we should never let this great The suit was hea'rd before Judge .apeclal services. On Sunday and Rev, B. Dent Lackey of Enfield JIhert of Canton, O , mailed a let- ‘TTie entertainment committee Is a beautiful purse from the mem- car race by, and turning into a of Progress” ; Magoffen and Da- nancial support." which., the a d m in ls ^ ^ r humanitarian agency down. Sign Alfred C. Baldwin and a jury. Xlr. Monday evenings at.7:30 there will will speak on “ Defen.se" ter to his sister. Mary Albert of ■working on a New Year’s party bers of the Auxiliary. side .street vis, "Romance of Archaeology." A union spokesman said ap- have prescribed certam profit up now! Mooney was represented by the be special Mrvlces and on Tuesday As Prisoners Tuesday, Dec. 2. the Young Waynesburg. Pa. enclo.sing a .410 to hlaya to have boon the commander of In olden days, time was given ' ed the letter to Miss Albert of get your tickets early or you may church vestsy, also .sale of aprons out to thoso who had no time- ‘ Waynesburg. Pa., whom she did the Stiver Bird” : Blalsdell. “ Falcon criminated against unionists. time—long a-*ter Uw •’" “ 'J A few coins from eveiYone Arill Mambera of the Sophomore claaa tho brigade which was destroyed. and fancy s^rk. Fly Back"; Sutton, "A Shephard _Steagall conceded defeat ana be out of luck. It Is reported 'Qyarkness! presented two plays at the annual measuring devices by the ringing j not know. Now the local Miss AI- bolster their great wifr chest to Wednesday, Dec. 3,.Legion Aux- Boy of Australia”: De Palea^, did not even go through the for- that many tickets have been re- Parents Night program held Fri- ,70 Tanks Destroyed of bells, and our word clock comes : hert Is arranging a get-together alleviate the sufferings o f ' the /.NEW CHALLENGES IN CONStRUCTION JONS - .NEW CHAUENGES IN GNOW TH-lost May, Nor­ iliary whist in Legion rooms at Juan LlllenUial- "Sea How w e Contract for’Duration mality of tequesUng a standing served-already. more unfortunate ones, many of BHC LUrHT OP -fHE day evening. ‘-Lavender and More than 60 tanks were de- from "cloche." meaning bell. i for all four concerned. The Hartford District Council When the army required the instoKotion in a hurry of more walk's new dial telephone system went into service. It wot stroyed and numerous other mech- town hall in chargs of Defense Work" and Sails, Wheels and vote on the Issue. whom would not be thought of N orth st ar oper­ 'Whale Oil” waa presented by Elea- Of Emergency Signed The bill cleared Its remaining will hold their regular monthly telephone coble ot Fort Terry in lon g Island Sound, they turned expected thot| additions would be necessary in 1943. Yet anized units and transports either Committee chairman Mrs. Evelyn Wings": Gay, "Ths Goat Who otherwise. nor Marley, Gerald Allen, Robert San Diego, Calif., Nov. 29.—(47 major hurdle before the final vote meeting In the new clubrooma of ated A SW ITCH were set on fire or put out of ac- Duktig. The prizea awarded will Wouldn't Be Good"; Fox, "True *'A Man may be down but he is to the telephone" company for help. From down-to dusk, five eorly in 1942 — o yeor'oheod pf time — 15 new switchboard Jordan, Ruth Lavitt. Virginia — A labor CbUtfaCt effective for when a motion by RepresenUtlve the Tbompaonville post on Sunday, WHICH CONVERTED _ Stllaa- This was adapted by Jac- tion. be defense stsmpa Monkey Stories.” never out!" Let us take this slogan crews ond their foreman worked steadily for "ten days. The job positions and added dial equipment w'lll be needed. People Friday, Dec. 6, Mrs. Virginia Conference Hears Food Facts. the duration of the national emer- Sumner (R -lll) to send It Back to December 14. Every member of to heart and remember the won- THE San Francisco ' quellne McKnIght from the book by Bquadrona of Italian and Ger- the Banking Cjommlttee was re- was completed in record time. ore reaching for the telephone more than ever before- Russell will entertain the Button gency was signed yesterday by the Veterans of Foreign Wars are derful work ihe Arm y is doing for EXPOSITION INTO n ed erick Arnold Kummer. man planes rantlnued to raid jected by a Btanding vote of 171 invited to attend.. The pMy "The Ransom of Red clt^ at Mrs. Graham’s Tea Room. Tremendous Task The Solar Aircraft Company with humanity at thii season. British motorized forces in the )be Solar Employees AMOclation. to 134. Bcc-el A PAiey-LAND OF ChieT’ b y O. Henry was adapted Glalo ares In the eouthem desert. Friday, Dec. 5. Benefit Whist In — Fan. town hall by entertainment com- an Incorporated organization. When the balloting was over, MAN MADE J by Harriet Erte. with Peter Bak- ^ Faced in Framing RepresenULve Short (R-M o) sum- er, Allan Taylor and Walter Kulo. mittee of B^th-Dlmock Memorial The company aaid tha agree- LIGHT .// Library. ment provided, an annual wage med up the eltuaUon this way: taking pert. The plays . were d i- Axis Forces Making "X hodgepodge. I doubt that a Monday, Dec. , Legion mooting Strike Curb Law boost of $575,000 for unskilled rected by Misses MacFarland, Mc- 8 single member of the committee Quotations lisod and Townsend. Encirclement Attacks at home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur labor. The minimum hiring rate" for beginners was set at 60 cents knows now what's in this bill." Funeral Berlin, Nov.' 29.—(Fj—Encircle- MacFarland In Mansfield.. (Oentinned from Pag* One) The funeral of Frederick WeU ment attacks .are being made by Tueaday, Dec. 9. Young Adult an hour, with automatic increases Three months ago I was a btui- . C*eyai « FWT | « » | id. 85, of 14 Village street waa Axis forces in North Africa upon G(oup will hold a supper and en- of 6 cents an hour at. the end of ness man who believed that busi- Tic M08T . •y y-v. cisaxt board arranged to IrMr spokesmen each four-week period until a rate SId on Friday afternoon from the British battle uqits advancing in- tertainment In vestry of Congre- for the carriers. V Meeting Tuesday ness could 'co-operate with gov- E POM1E89UL Rockville Baptist church with the to Libya from the aoutheaat, a gational ehiircb, with a speaker. of 75 cents an hour IjAs been ernment. Today I believe that M64iTHOUSE IN , The board hoped to wind up l)a reached. The company Statement pastor. Rev. Frederick W. Rapp, German military spokesman said Tuesday afternoon. Dec. 9. the hearings today and submit to Mr. government can- co-operate with INS U.S. OYtR-j pastor officiating. The bearera did not mention the rate/previous- Of Holy Namers today. Garden club will hold its Christ- Roosevelt Monday a recommenda- business. >- LOOKY LOWER I were Liealie Mann, Walter Wells, Denying British reports that the | mas party In the library at 1:30. ly in effset. — Floyd B. Odium, director of tion for wage adjustments which Ths 60-75 scale is the same AFL N.V. BAY. It 1$ Thomas Ryan, Irving Edwards, British had establi.shed contact ] Wednesday, Dec. 10. Christmas wUl be acccpUbls to ths workers contract dlstribation, OPM. J < ^ Frey and Fred Crippa. The macblniaU ware awarded recently At the meeting of St. James's THC. eq «ml or with the garrison of Tobruk, fie | party of Ladies' Association In find the companies, ending a threat Holy Names society on Tuesday Mons-Ypres Post body w8s taken to Springfield for for beglnhers by tho. Consolidated 9,000,000 said such contact was "not yet ef- the Congregatlpnal church vestry of a strike Mt for December 7. evening motion pictures will be We won't have a man'a world cremation. fected." at 2:30 p. m. . Dean Wayne Lyman Morse of Aircraft Oorp- after this war. But neither will It candles and] Dance Tonight Soliur manufacturers exhaust shown. Plana wlU also be made for The high ' command conceded Wednesday evening, Pec, 10, P. the University of Oregon Law a grab bag party. There was no B. W . V . be a •woman’s world. It will be a CAN BE SECN I The Bt. Joaeph’s Society of St. that the British were pushing to- T. A. meeting in North Coventry College, chairman of the board, manifolds, cowls and miscellane- people’s world. 2.2 MILES Joseph's Catholic church will hold ous parts for mUlUry aircraft meeting held last month, but *^«".e ward Tobruk, which a garrison (Community House. reported, however, thkt both sides will probably be two this month. —^Thomas H. Beck, prealdeut, AWAV It a social dance tonight at Pulaski The firm has a $12,000,000 back- Crowell PubUshlng Co. had held under siege since April. Saturday, Dec. 13, Allsn-Rose In the controversy may request For the grab bag party. «ech Sickness Rampant Hall on Village street Music will the board tc serve as 8 mediation log and smployas 2,000 workers. he fumisbed oy Edward Sojka and Railway Installations at Stdl wedding In Congregational church. member will be aaked to bring 1#0ME DEEP SEA Barranl, Egypt, were bombed by . Tuesday, Dec. 16, Men's club body Instead o sending a new-re- The downfall of .democracy la his orchestra of this city. a 'toy not to coat more than 1() In Vets’ Families money-worship, because demo- ANIAAALS USETNEIR INHERENT ths German Air Force with good meeting In church vestry. Lester port to the president; In that His IS Words Lucky cenU. These wUl be placed In the PHOSPHORESCENCE TO ATTRACT Win DIstrlbaU ReporU event, the strike presumably ersby was founded on spiritual Tbe annUai town reports which results, ths high command said.' Beebe of (Jolchester will talk on grab bag to bs later selected by THEIR $>RET------/ "The Gallup Poll.” would he held In abeyance pend- things. If you don’t feed them, not rcAdy in time for dls* Springfield, n i.-: (47— Chyles the members. In addition to the they die. Four Versions of Name Tuesday, Dec. 16. League of ing mediation. grab bag there will be an enUr- ' This week's news brings many A bout eo St the annual town meet- . Counsel for the brotherhoods, Peel advertised his loss of $485 in —Janet FInaaer to the New Jer- J.NEW CHALLENGES IN CLfllCAL WOHK-More last month, as ths auditors Women Voters meet in library. Ulnment and refreshmenU. That causes of sickness among our year s eCFORB ^.NEW CHALLENGES IN SAVING METAU - Aluminum. London, Nov. 29.—(47—Com- tlharles M. Hay of 8L Louis. Mo, 13 words— but he waa lucky! John sey Education AsoodatioB. telephones mean a heavier burden in dericol work. For ex- still wording on the town menting on the Italian claim of Tuesday. Dec. 16. Mothers' club J. Ssrgsl, an insurance man, told all may have their names turned members and friends. Oomrada Columbus,TXE zm^ nickel - these ore some of the metals urgently needed for yesterday advanced a compromise etn|^#, nearly 375,000 leporale liil|ngt will appear in tele­ will be given out at ths ths capture of another British party for children of members, In peel he foimd the currency — 71 In for the party it Is ths desire of I know so little, really, about ma y o r OF LONDON notional defense. Research started os long age at 3925 i| library. proposal for ratoea averting $1 Gbarles Garrow although, back at of the meeting next general, an informed British billa—uncovered and held together the entertainment committee to some of my acquaintances that if HAD TO ISSUE phone books published in 1941. Each li^vtt be corerally checked. helping to moke pottible numerout subttitutiont with b mini­ Wednesday, Dee. 17, Meeting of per day for tha - workera, or in- wo-k nas not fully recovered from .y night source said “we’We heard of four creases totaling 8400,000,000. He b;> a rubber band, in a busy down have all membera that can possibly one of them committed murder, OROER6 TO SUS­ A staff of 58 trailed men ond women compile Connecticut's Hobby Club at the home of Mra. hla very bad cold. Comrade Joe mum of dela)r Above, a new alley it ttudied in tiw BeN OfaSb AcHvUlee versiona .of the name and there la ■aid the roads could afford to town street intersection. Peel, hlz do so to be present at the meeting' I wouldn’t know whether to t)e PEND LANTERNS direcipriet ot free noih error at b humanly pottiUe. foUewing olub activities Thelma Lynch. Telephone Ipborotoriet. \ no genaral with a name even rs- pay this from existing revenue. (alth in human honesty more firm' next week. ; Boyce has tor the post week been surprised not FROM oooftvmY^ displaysdfor ths first time Saturday, Detiember SO at 8 iS jM rt-ir IS motaly like any of them In the ^ I s would be about l ^ f the ori- ly eaUblished, tendered Sergei, a nursing a very sore throat Young — Dr. Jameai H. 8. Baasard, Dal- SOTHERC (NOUD \ ■■ Psnnts Night in ths High neighborhood" of the Ubjran bat- p. m. cairistmas party for chil- $100 reward. B o ^ Cne to Slag Janies Hamlltoi^ is enjoying a veislty ot Penasylvaaia seplele- POSSIBLE TO READ A NEUVS- ginal demand. 88 SOME R8PER EASILY ON A W ELL W"ith tetephone werken everywhere, it's full tpeed ahead to Friday svsning: OIrla tle. dren In Congregational church Hay told the hoard tha life of the weeks vacation ToUowlng his re- glat Club, Dorotto Osdor; Dra- vratry. LIGHT IN UGHTEO STREET! MODERN railroad labor law, a atatute he Chicago— (Ph— Three-yeJJ^d cent illness. Comrade Bill Ritchie's eietl the chollenget arising from the Notional Defense program. FalthlnliiiM r; Rifle Sunday evening, Dec. .81, WeoM Boy Own Property STREETS // STREET UGHTING SAVES , nvo-Cent BaU aald waa a “modsr of labor legis- Joel Newman’s father took him to boy^iS ld girl ac- Mias Charlotte R. BVatnard haa wider aaa al direct marketing methods. Earl B. French, nurketiag adequate.'* Tbeae propoaala. ac- get a smalter one. t canntng tha It was neceesary to rend a paper .i.tal with UtUe change in • bis at fanirwbo dig hdlsa beneath the Rie^sra OuidoM; cuead of forgery by her employ- a cm ted a porttion aa local direc- er. Bondeaean aaid it would cost dlroctsMT ter the Atlantic Commissi: n Co, prodncc-hnying alRUatc cepted by the im penlee but re- want ads, M ra Atvin found just In the furtherance of their' aehemei ' mdltlon and we have Just learaed stactium tcoce the night before tor- of the Oalaeburg Council of a candle In a b6ttla on a table was T h e A \anchester Electric D ivision the girl 8)0 for a aurety bond for of the A B F Tea Company (• ' • told the 17th New Eagland jected by th# brotherhoods, recom- U. thing,, ran to the phone and that Uie youngest pan of oar Vice each BiotbaU game aad then sUp Glrf Scouta at Galesburg, 111., and lighted. Joel, In a tou jfiB her Bsw mtiee. Isrdtic about 18 $-8 for the nen-OMraton. property.. to You.” doeter u still csiulig; , Alra, Mrs. by the caret^^r%sch wreck—for {


CV( J. McCoy of Putnam (28th Dis- nicer, than any city thrbugh which Such B Hard Job It le Danjsher baa belen doing a good Job trict, which I must lead, the people War Practise Dippy House for Mrs. Slnlton. Red would "eoup GOP Leaders trict), said. "I woi'.id probably aide and^I will listen to hts speech vritb are whole-heartedly in favor of Jb m rlffftpr we had passed." If yoii were to believe half the SERIAL STORY It up," and then demand that the with hie opinion more than with great Interest." - Preaideni Booeevelt'a foreign pol- Progress in Drive ta Dam We' agree with the guests from missus comm and see how faat.lt anyona else'a.” Senator Charles E, Wheeler, 'Icy." things Americana say about their Man A^iout ManhattanI would g6. That worked until the 1EErtrtti0 X tr ili^ Colorado. It is pleasant 4o hear Ends in South At Skeltons Express Views Some Viewpoints Stratford, who holds permanent Mrs. Harold W. Peffers, Dan- Jobe, you would gain an impres- By 0«erg» 'FBeker LA DY BY REQ UEST ' Skelton’s a.bers say. field who has been 111 for a king "I am against sending our boys ■BRALDD PRIN TIN O CO, UfC. interest of all of^us to keep such coevaiaNT. isei, He phoned, "quit it, It'H too dan- time (25th district i; II BltMlI Str*«t ray. of dusty wage slaves on earth. New Y^rk, Nov. 29.—I saw Sto-Acharga, ranging from 6S cente to BY HELEN R. WOODWARD NBA SBSVICB. INO. I Austin D. Barney of Farming- over, but I am not for Senator Major McVeigh Writes .Vnything Can and Does gerous.” Give Their Opinions on ton, vice president and general "I believe our first responsibil- Danaher. He’s a regular isolation- Chicago, Nov, 29^-at Ortlea at Manebaatar. taken. The truth of the matter is The Anal phase of the Army spoU ^ Jealono Adela, even though By Sigrid Ame So now Red Just sneaks around the occupation of Iceland, arming The increase has not been stop- Cobb, aa Saeond Claaa Mall Mattar. to his hands and feet. He stood on . . . "Have you got au extra tick- "We were all brought up togeth Rep. Carl M. Sharpe of Pomfr >t. cent and the mileage deata prefetence to a city with parking that moat of us give a Ane, fer- maneuvers in the Carolinaa ia alM la confident ot her appearance. Holljrwood, Nov. 20—UP)—The back streets on the cycle. lican leaden from variotu secUone our merchant ships and sending O ld Age Peii8ioii8 ped, the council said, but a peak the podium in the easy pose of a et?” . . . “Have you got an extra —Steve, Evalyn, and 1. Our fan There was the Ice-box episode. Eastern Connecticut leader and ap- per cent. SUBBCRIPTION RATEB meters. drawing to a close and members She dreads It bectmae one of the Rad Skeltons said, "sure, come on of the Mtate yesterday recorded propriations committee chairman them into belligerent waters. The rise of 23 ber cent in traffic deaths Cities of 10,000 or more Oaa Taar by Mall vent loyalty to our Jobs, and that heroic statue surrounded by hia ticket?” Unfortunately, I didn't. illes were neighbors. We'Ve The Skeltons were having digni- Auted mlniona and the Westmin- These people never got in. Most of of the former National Guard' guests la to be her former employ- out." So wo rolled out to Brent- their personal and political views of 1941 House (29th District): western hemisphere must be pro- W ork Clc^ared Up in August haa been cut to a 13 per tlon reported an average Par Uontb by Mall ...... J But perhaps the most Jlelllng we give auch loyalty becauae we er, BIchard Thorpe, who had dla- ways been fond of each Other." fied houae guests. iBut Red bet cent increase in September and 12 BiBBla Copy ...... ster Choir In their rich, deep vest- them were still there, an hour or units. Company K and the Anti Diana waa silent for a moment wood's luxurious boulevards, past on the foreign laaue in advance of "I am stringing along with the tected, but we must do nothing crease of 4 per cent m point in our "Open Forum" com- like the Jobs apd are happy In misaed her after ahe resisted hia they were Ice-box snatchers Just that will weaken us internally.” per cent In October. jiallaarad Ona Taar ...... 11.00^ ments. Incidentally, there was a so later. If they couldn't see, at Tank Company of the 169th Regi- "How can a woman like that rJ minor castles, polnsettia hedges, like the rest of us. So (le tinkered a special meeting of the State Cen- present administration's foreign compared .with a 6 par ce n t: municant’s experience with park- them. Even underneath our most ment, will leave for Camp Bland- advances, end Mrs. Thorpe. She policy on the basis of what I have Charles M. Murphey and Arthur It was in August that President September and 18 per MEMBER OP Chinese girl In that choir . . . Her least they could hear. That was fleet ail the lovelineas that lh| roae trees—to trie Skelton home. silently with the ice box. The eve- tral committee, Dec. 10, at which Machine PoUtlclan E. Keating are serving as a clean- some consolation. Ing on December 3. wonders If be kno.tte that her mar- read and heard and will continue Roosevelt called upon the council August. THB ABBOCIATBO PRBBB' ing meters was one which, think- glamorous boast about how much pretty, piquant face stood out as world haa, when she has neve ' And what did we (ind? Red and ning passed pleasantly. They all Senator John A. Danaber wlU talk Frank C. Tlndale, Republican up crew in securing additional to lead k defense emergency safe- Tba Aaaoelatad Praaa la aaelndlya- i A card from Major Jamea H. riage Is a bnslnem arraagennent— | to do so unless new facta alter th.s .. For cities of air slsM a 6 por ( ing of the experience from his pWn we might like to be doing some- vividly aa a water hyacinth on a seen any of its beauties?" .ah| Edna Skelton were waiting for us went to bed at midnight. At 2 a. "off-the-fecord." town chairman of Hartford (1st names to be added t") the old age ty campaign to curb the growing Ir Obtlllad to tba naa or rapvblloa.- From time to time during 'the McVeigh, former Commander of a marriage for six months and basis. I have no baals for any per- increaae wm recorded d u n ^ tloa of all nawa dlapatehaa aradittd still pool. ! asked finally. with big grins at the entrance to m. all tarnation broke loose. Red The opliilona cama from key district): pension list. menace. In an attempt to offset personal angle, be himself neglect- thing else, underneath)! our worst It is not 'for me to speak of this program I made notes wifh a leaky Company K, stetes that the Third 910,000, offered Diana because Ste- their formal drive. They sat on sonal foreign policy." first ten months, compared snt to It or not Bthararlaa eradttad in phen would lose a 92,000,000 In- ! Phil smiled. "After you’vl bounced happily down to the membera of the committee who "I’ll be lined up with' whatever When the mer engaged In the the usual rise in traffic deaths dur- tbla papar and alao tba local aawa ed to notice. He merely recounts complaint, about not having found performance critically (It was fountain pen; so when it was over Battalion of the 169th Regiment known her a while you'll reallzl boxes behind a kitchen .table oh kitchen, followed by the rest. were asked bow they stood on the Mind Not Made Up the State Central Committee de- rise in rural traffic deaths ' publlanad haraln. has attained an enviable record herltance If he did not wed before work completed the)r task laat ing the year-end holiday eeason. per cent over 1940. the trouble he had getting his pen- our own proper groove in the Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, no I hunted up the wash room with that Evalyn haa an inner beautf which' stood several baskets of There stood a horrlflerf guest with war question which haa developed James F. Walsh of Greenwich, cides. I suppose you could call me Monday there were 17,225 enum- All licbta of rapublleatloB of less). What can I say of Beetho- the Idea of washing some of the during the maneuvers and especial- be was 95. She acfepted so that the council and 130 cooperating or- Although the 14 ciUea of OOOJl apaclal dlapatehaa baraln ara alao nies in. and the number of pennies and light which makes what w1 \fggs. Over them was a sign, "20 a chicken leg In one hand, trying .into a major controversy within veteran member from the 27th a m|ichine politician. I don’t like erated. After the announcement ganizations are undertaking a spe- world, there is always, if we are ven or even of Stokowski that stains off my hands. ly Company' K. Major McVeigh she would not have to return to see with the outer eye fade lnt| ents a doz.” to douse Red's invention: an au- the Republican party of the state. Dlst.; or more population had a folaMtl raaarvad. her farm home downstete sad her the 'off-the-record' order for our was made that they had finished cial Christmas safety drive with be bad to put In. worth any salt at all, a sly taste hasn’t been said? As a spectacle. Inside I found a aoldler who who has been assistant chief um- significance.” NWe shouted. But Red was sur- tomatic siren on the Ice-box door. Generally, the answers support “I haven't made up my mind. meeting. What affects all the peo- ly unfavorable October record < Poll aaraloo allaat of N. pire of the corps maneuvers since childhood sweetheart, BUI Jack- persons started calling in to say tfie theme, "Give Courtesy for 8 per cent increaae in deaths .> Barrlea Ine. But when we added up the of satisfaction. It was a moving, dramatic event. waa lathering tils hands and leis- 'You mean she's never seems demy looking pathetic, saying, So, for Mrs. Skelton, It all add- the broad policies of tha national I've been ill for seven weeks, but ple should be open and above- they had not been visited. .Since Cihrlitmas.” It was good theater. Stokowski Is urely inspecting bis teeth Ic the November 1, Is enthused over the son. Ellen Curt, Stephen’s step- unhappy?” "{gM , lady? They’re fresh.” ed up to a management company. admiiilstraUon'a program for deal- expect to attend the Dec. 10 meet- they continued to be the only number of pennies, we found that There isn't a normal human be- motlier, and aensiblo Mr. Tucker, hoard. 1 have no political opinion Monday Murphey and Keating The October traffic toll was 4,- Publlabara Rapraaantatlvaa. The not one to Ignore dramatic effect. mirror. He Was a private from Ft. results of the war games. 'If she ever Is, she keeps It t| 'VelL if you’ve watched that It takes all the Skelton checks ing with the foreign problem, al- ing.” on this’ issue, at this time, and do with a cumulative i^ u ctlm Julloa Matbawa Bpaelal AaaBcy— ing alive who doesn’t like to Wonderful Experience Diana’s father, are hopeful that have picked up over 50 names, 17 050, approximately 400 greater the year. This reduction, hos Naw Tork, Cblcapo. Datrolt and our letter writer had, in spite of He operated from within his port- Monmouth, N. J.. and had hitch- herself. I’ve often wondered hoy amlab^, young comedian in "Lady and hands them a monthly allow- methoda uaed. Michael D. McGovern, New not want my personal opinion pub- being secured in one day's work. hiked lUI the way to New York “I have been aaaistant chief um- Stephen and Diana will fall In Be Good.” for Instance, you know ance. Until now Mrs. Skelton has than In October, 1940, but the 12 has been cut to less Boaton. ali his trouble, succeeded in stay- know, to his own satisfaetjon, that able orchestral shell. I was utterly —especially since she marrie Opinions ranged from support of Haven, (8th District): lished.” per cent rise was the emallest for fascinated.. Not a chair creaked. just for Stokowski's broadcast. pire of thei Maneuvers since Nov. love. He baa told—her that the Richard Thorpe.” you fall m with his tomfoolery. So done that. But Red out-talked her. Senator Danaher's stand, which “I Will support any program or William Harris, pharmacist, 519 cent. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP ing parked in one spot lor a pe- he does his own job well, and 1.” states Major McVeigh. "It woman he cares for ia married to The United States Navy Is ex- any month this year. Traffic Memphis continued to lead Not a feather moVilT What Is it Now. he said, he had to get out 'You don't like him, then?” sh| I Bcramnwd in my purse for a Everything he wanted was "just opposes the. administration's, to policy that vdll promote the wel- Albsny avenue. (2d district): perimenting with lighter-than-alr CIRCUIT TION8. riod of nothing leas than two who doesn’t like to think that and hitch-hike back. It waa then has been a wonderful experience. another maa. quarter. Hh started happily for- the last thing he'd ask for.” So deaths for the first ten months of large cltlee in cum-ilatlve daath j that can hold three thoussmd peo- 4 • • asked, sensing another bond dpen declaration for a "ahooting fare of our country, regardless df "I ara bound to represent the non-rigid balloons for coastal de- 1941 totaled 31,620, a 16 per cent Tba Harald Prlntlnc Company, hours. there is some warming personal ple more than half an hour with- nearly 11 o'clock. The weather haa been perfect al- tween them. ward and’ then, suddenly — how they signed a contract with these war" if necessary. party Interest. J am opposed to the feelings of the people in my dis- ductlona with a 10-month Inc, Baaumaa oo financial raaponal- though quite cold at times. Com- A Dlfflcnlt Dinner fense and convoy duty. Navy men rise over the 27,210 toll for the per cent below the comp equation between himself and his out a stir? "Why don't you wait until in "Yjju won't either, when yo^ does he do it, he's six toot two— managers. "1 am more or leas a dlaclple of stand of Benatora Wheeler and trict and naturally, the opinions of say they are parUcularly adapted blllty for typoBraphleal arrora ap- This is Interesting because mer- pany K of Manchester has done it- Chapter XI he fell flat on his face, trium- Now they both have a beautiful same 1940 period. 1940 figure. S t Paul aarlnd la advartlaamanta in tba job. - the morning?” I suggested. "It’ll know" him better,” Phil answer Senator John Danaher," William Nye and of Col. Lthdbergb. Senator neighbors Influence one. In my dis- to sighting undersea craft. Travel In September, the latest Stanebaatar Branlna Harald. chants who are "sold” on parking It is interesting to note that be easier.” self proud. The 3rd Battalion, She slipped her hand beneath shortly. phantly holding up the unbroken time trying’ to outwit the man- with a 28 pet cent reduction. meters are hopeful that they will So, while he la most frequently these symphonic broadcasts this "Can’t do it,” he said. "I got to 43rd Division, can’t be beat. In Stephen's arm and they moved Diana laughed. "I know him wel egge, and aaying,' "Lady, we could agers. my umpire assignment I saw ail Smturday, November 29 beard talking about how much season are something of an ex- get back sometime tonight. By 5 down the stairway together Just enough already. I uaed to wor| scramble them frew" create a more rapid turnover in units of the 43rd in action. It "Shall we talk?” I asked. trouble he has "standing" his periment. For one thing, they no at the latest.” aa Larkin was admitting the flrat for him!” the use of existing parking apace. longer are from the atudlo. The It seemed to me that 8 a. m. was really la a crack division." guests. • • • • "Sura," Red rolled over, pre- Murder In the House In this one case, at least, there Job, the truth really is that he Cosmopolitan, which I* really the a very odd hour for a furlough to Many of the offlcera and enlisted Dam the girl, anyway!" Adela After dinner, in the drawloi tended to snuggle Into a com- Look Forward men of the two Manchester units fortable nook or. the cement, and were more pennies deposited, but iov'es it. JHe has his favorite se old Mecca Temple, has a seating expire, and I said as much. He waa thinking hotly. "If she'd only room, a young man began to pla: The Adminiatratlon took B shook his head. - of the 43rd will receive leaves and do something gauche— make Ste- aid te hia wife, "Edna, get me a there waa no rapid turnover of ries of complaints and "beefs," capacity of 3,300, whereas the the piano soothjpgly while Adel thumping -defeat In the Houae of studio could accommodate fewer "You see, with me it’s different. furloughs at their hornet during phen asham^ of her. But she al- had the bridge tables set up. Dlan: pillow for my head.!’ To, Furloughs the parking space. The parking but these are more likely to be an the Christmas holidays. Making Jungle* Movie Repreaentatives yesterday. The than 300. I'm a bugler. I've got to blow ways looks like the latest model wished she might forget her dutle apace in question was frozen even Indication of how secretly proud For another; broadcasts from reveille.” Major McVeigh expects to be as- from Madame Yvette’s—and acts as hostess and talk to Evaly: "Now, Red." she chuckled, beat that can be said for the price signed to maneuvers in the new "Come in the houae. The. sun la more effectl\>ly than it would and happy he U.than a revelation the atudlo used to be free. This That's one I think Stokowski as If she’d been used to this sort Thorpe. But old Mr^ Wetherby, 300,000 Soldiers to Co control bill which Anally emerged season there la . an admission ought to put in bis book. year in Southern Texas. of thing ail her life. But tonight great ^ r e who Insisted on puttln, hot.” There was a deeper chuckle have been if our rpotoriat had of true discontent. from the hibiscus hedge. Through You Get A 4 la that it ia "against" InAation, / ------^------I think we’vs a little surprise for the worst possible Interpretatloi ' To Home Stations Aft- found merely a parking limit Not that there is any auch thing her that will penetrate that calm!” on the European situation, way; the flowers appeared a negro’s much as Calvin Coolldge's minis' as a perfect Job. But the plain Suddenly Phil Bruce waa smil- head wearing a ailk topper. er Carolina Maneuvers. sign. True, the city in question cialist state organization openly other contributing causes are the her with a recital of hts view mni "Oh,” Red Jumped up, "I forgot. ter was "against sin." fact is that all kinds of disagree- work for the political success of absorptlpD ot arsenic or lead. ing down at Diana, hia brown eyes she was obliged to listen polite!; got its share of the pennies, but Washington warm and friendly. She was ab- Wa’ra making a Jungle picture.” The only real plan for price con- able aspects can't stand up unworthy Democrats, We are won- The chief thing to keep in mind Stephen was called to the telel He waved to a back lot high with With the Fourth Army Corps for two hours ho one else got a surdly glad to see him, as If he phone and stayed for some tim trol had previously been over- dering whether The Great Jasper is thst the presence in the blood- dry grass. "That'a Bert, the but- In the Cerolinas, Nov. 29— — chance to park in that space. against that feeling of satisfaction is really on the Job state-wise. It stream of irritating materials is were a very old friend Indeed, and and Diana's duties were iqcrei whelmingly defeated, by a dis- clung to his hand Just a. little. ler. Bert, step out.” Bert did, and Three hundred thousand aoldlers What, in such a circumstance, be- and self-n.orth which comes from has been his personal tradition to the fundamental cause of neuritis. She saw that Adela was growing then the topper really looked pe- Daybook "Hello.” he grinned, "has any- bit loud and rowdy and signaled t looked forward today to baths, re- couraging coalition of all the poli- comes of the theory that parking seeing one's honest, -beat effort deal with the Republicans alone, When the patient realizes this. It culiar. The only other stitch he tical and self-seeking Interests In but to do that under the table, and is not so difficult for him to realize By Jack Stlaaen one told you that you look like the Larkin not to serve any mor wore was a sarong. He grinned.' laxation, pay day, fun and Christ- meters are certain to make avail- function smoothly. Whether it is nth degree of loveliness?" cocktails for tba present. mas furloughs— In that order. Congress. to have no open truck at all with that ultimate recovery depends heepiahly. able parking space accommodate i the machinist at his bench watch- politicians of either of the old mainly upon the removal of such "Remember what I told you.” When Stephen came back h '*niat,” said Red in mock digni- For the first time In at least a The Baruch plan defeated, the Washington — Capital com- Stephen warned. 'There's no truth more customers? ing a precise design come out cor- parties. It has, in fact, been a waste materials., For permanent went to sil beside Evalyn and th ty, "la our male lead for 'Africa month they were released from ment: or honesty In this fellow!" others settled to bridge, whlc! House yesterday put the Anlshlng rect, or a salesgirl handling a cardinal principle of hts state cam- relief the' patient must depend Although Secretary ot the Sneaka', the big Skelton opus for simulated war—the last great Perhaps such a solitary exam- upon cleansing the body of accu- Diana waa laughing when, sud- Diana disliked and played badly! ’41.” held exercise of the army's 1941 touches on the administration's rush order with breathless compe- paigning to pose as being so far Treasury Morgenthau is the No. 1 denly, she found herself looking ple is no basis for any sweeping above the two old parties that mulated toxins, upon using the thereby calling down on her h(a<| “Now, Red.” prompted Mrs. training year. own bill. The bill wasn't much to tence, or an editor confronted salesman of defense saving Into the handsome face of Richard some caustic remarks from M: conclusion. But it does illuminate there could be no possible common right diet, and U[ran keeping the ! stamps and bonds, he can't even Skelton. Her eyes danced. Since June each of the nation's f start with. It waa nothing when with the amazing realization that intestinal tract clean. While the Thorpe, her hand resting In his. Wetherby who was one of her op] "Okey, honey,” said Red. But four field armies have gone one fact which is true: the thing meeting ground between their rec- ' sell himself a two-bitter. With a little twinkle in her eye, ponents. the House got through with it. one of his sentences has Anally ords and his qwn shining honesty- application of heat will usually - It's not that his sales talk isn't ha really ia making "Africa through long alcepleas hours, eat- i which Manchester and most other provide temporary relief from the he glanced at Stephen, then back Adela demanded loudly te knovj Sneaks” for hia own film library. en canned field rations and lived The motives operating in the Beyond that, why, the year be- convincing, even to the secretary, to Thorpe. cities who seek the parking meter come out intelligible for a change, pain of neuritis, this measure is who bad stopped the cocktails aa< It includes, among other things, In the open—to show Army gen- House to the destruction of the fore his own climactic appearance but it's against the law. "Why, hello, Mr. Thorpe—how panacea must eventually have, the rich personal, reward, the feel- before the electorate of the state, not enough to bring lasting' help. It seems that back in the 19th assured Larkin that he was to tak every film Jhaplin ever made. eral headquarters what progress i Those desiring further informa- nice to aee you again!” the aaid .orders only from her. From thei| We traipsed into the house. I has been made since the army was administration's bill were the whether or not they try parking ing of "belonging" where you are, permit the party lever on which c« .tury, one jof our secretaries did clearly. same motives a’blch banded to- tion are Invited to send for Dr. a little government bond buying on she proceeded quite syatematl mulled over facts like this: an M- mobilized more t^ n a year ago. meters, la the provision of addi- la there. his name is to be carried to drop Frank McCoy’s article on the sub- If he was taken aback by her G-M camera-man told me that Red out of the sight and attention, of at the rate of 60 cente on the dol- cally to get drunk in company .wltlj Laat Big Maneuver Ends gether to reject the Baruch plan. Sometimes you feel so very ject of Neuritis. Forward your re- gay greeting, he failed to show it. the young man at the piano. Fi mada 98,000 the week before. - It tional parking space. That 1s the the voters? It has been the Ken lar and sold out at par. After de- Aa handsome and debonair aa ever, The last big maneuver of 1941, Special interests were pulling and good about it Inside that the only quest to McCoy Health Service in liberating that for some years. nally Stephen spoke to her In usually , swings around 95,000 a with the 200,000-man first army real and central problem, and for Bradley theory, for instance, that he claspqd her hand warmly and week. He's done five pictures since hauling in the effort to have price way to hide your feelings seems care of this newspaper and enclose Congress ,n 1889 came to the con- low, sharp tone, reducing her t' pitted against the fourth ^ rm y it parking meters, at best, are the beat possible preparation for a large self-addressed envelope and Diana realized that he was the maudlin tears and causing her t Hollywood discovered him a year control something which affected to be to come out with some new a Republican victory next fall clusion that such tactics weren't sort of man who would treat Mrs. corps—half as large but with only a partial solution. And the 6 cente In stamps. strictly on the up and up and run out of the room screamln^ ago—after 11 years of walksthona, peed and punch—ended last only the other fellow. and glorious lament about what would be a strong Republican Stephen Curt quite differently "You didn't treat me like thla be burlesque, and what-have-you. drawbacks of parking meters— showing In this fall'a local elec- passed a Ia\v that no secretary from Diana Tucker, stenographer. night , Yesterday, such interests had a hard job It Is. And that may be Questlona and Answers could sell himself government se- fore that atenographer cam And brides he has a new weekly From 4:20 p. m. until long after failures in operation, expense and tions. (Bonsted Peanuts) He amiled blandly. "I waa afrhld here!” radio- program that’s climbing an easy time of It. For the ad- so. But you wouldn’t hold it for curities. '^rk aoldlers expended their blank difficulties of repairs, the need for Uoran't The- Great Jasper aub- Questions: Herbie O. writes; "I That’s why Morgenthau, In spite you might have forgotten that we Old Ellen muttered. "Drat Ih nicely on the Crossley popularity •crlbe to this theory', or Is he. In are old friends,” he said cordially. ratings. ammunition In celebration of the . ministration bill was itself made increased police personnel, and the a moment if you didn’t think you have been told that the raw pea- of being the Nation's No. 1 bond girl!” and threw down her card end of the war games, which be- reality, breaking down the bar- nuts are more easily digested than “ Ob, I shall never forget our last HUU A Bad Boy to order for such specialized at- strong likelihood that it will be were a bit of the mart<^or it. salesman. Is hia own worst pros- in disgust. gan Nov. 15.' rieni so thst be ran flna^’ ac- those which are roasted. Is this pect. meeting!” Diana could not help Then it was thst Evalyn Thorp But he's atlU Mrs. Skelton'a un- tack. since it Itself rejected the necessary for every city to buy cept the Republican nonrnation saying, and then took pity on predictable email boy. They mar- Since Oct. 6 the First Army, true ? My friend insists that when left her place In the big whit from the northeastern section of theory that any effective control new replacement meters as soon for governor ? the nuts are roasted they develop Proof of one ot governmental him. "Anyway, I'm glad to aee you leather chair by the fireside, call! ried 11 years ago when ahe was a again.” 15-year-old usher in a Kansas City the United States, haa been in When You Know You Have The Cash of prices must be an overall con- irritating qualities." Waehington’s worst employe short- Diana's name and, guided by be aa the flrat Installation has Anally Sba .turned then and was star- theater, and he was doing bur- North and South Carolina carry- trol. Answer: Peanuts contain a large ages is the way that the (5ivll Ser- voice, came to stand besida th ing out lessons they leaixed In ri- been paid for—are becoming in- amount of starch, which In the tled at the look on Stephen Curt's flushed, uncomfortable girl, he lesque. He was 17. They practical- Cutting such a bad bill down to Connecticut vice Commission has lowered the most a year of training In home creasingly apparent in citleB HEALTH AND DIET raw state, may be hard to digest. requirements on stenographers face as he gazed into the eyes of hand on Diana's shoulder aa If t< ly lived off walks thona for years. nothing waa an easy task. The the beautiful woman standing be- Mrs. Skelton—she's a tall, slim camps. On Oct. 28 the Fourth where they are in operation. That When roasted, this starch under- and typists. It's ddwn now, accord- say. "Never mind, my dear, we al Corps, 100,000 men commanded by most important pieces of myrder Y a n k e e ADVICE goes dextrlnlxatlon, making It ing to an official who is supposed fore him. Diana thought her the understand that Adela is blond, pretty enough for pictures To Pay For Theml- is what makes us believe that loveliest peraon aha had ever seen. herself—was, and is, the brains MaJ. Gen. Oscar W. Griswold, ar- were accomplished without the By A. H. O. more readily handled, by the diges- to know aoout such things to such unhappy child." rived,*'* hardened from the Tklrd Manchester will be wisest to re- Furnished by the McUoy tive organs. ^When the roasting is a mint that a 16-year-old student Softly waved brown hair framed But aloud she aaid clearly, department. He says so. Thoae formality of even a record vote. the gentle face of a madonna. It walkathon yaara she was canny Army maneuvers in Louisiana. ject the parking meter experiment Health Bei slea done properly the peanuts should in nigh school typing can qualify want you to have luncheon wltlj For two weeks the Fourth Cbrpa There is no record, today, of While, down In Bridgeport, The be preferable to those In the raw for some of the Jobs. was a face that was beyond beau- me on Thursday, Diana. We mus enough to insist that she work in and devote its energy to the only ty, embracing a quality of pure the box-office. Now she helps gave the big First Army a fitting those congressmen who voted' to Great -Jasper Is girding himself state. If you wish to roast the nuts The commission's fight to keep get to know each other better.” real solution—provision of more for great things in the 1942 state Address commualcattoaa te 1%* lovellnesa rarely found. Diana write all hia scripts. fight, pitting the punch of its two allow farm prices to rise to the Herald, Attention MeCtoy yourself, place them, unsbelled, in ahead of the demand for typtiU Diana covered the slender ham powerful armored divlalons against parking space—Which must even- campaign, and, as has been noted, a pan, and roast them slowly in la desperate. Although more than found herself itaring helplFsaly. on her shoulder with her own fln Well, we stepped into the house. Health • • • Two Boston bulls and a cat eyed specially organized anti-tank de- skies while, in theory, they voted tually come Whether or not the is centralizing the state Socialist the oven until the starch is well 100,000 have taken the testa in gers ta a quick gesture of gratl to restrain other prices. organization in Bridgeport for cooked. Continue the baking until six months or so, the list of "avail' He had aald, ‘The woman I love tude. “ I shall be happy to come,’ us. Red croucheo and veiled, "Hide. fenses.. THANKS TO YOUR meters are installed. Nenrltla a Painful Dli the peanuts have turned brown. ablet” ia reportedly dTCreaslng. married another man.” And Diana Here cornea Uie installment man.” BMked Into Oreri “V" There was, in the House yester- that purpose, his wayward party she said, "and thank you." The aniihria 'fled. The second of the field exercises cousins througt^ut the etate have With the addition of a little salt An interes^pg phase of the had often wondered about this Later, Richard Thorpe came t< day, precious little responsibility Neuritis is a disorder affecting and butter, these peanuts will shortage is that only about 50 per woman who bad been able to cap- We fished them out from under ended wllh the Fourth Corps Edward C. Elliott, Jr. been behaving strangely. They stand behind Diana and at the firs couches In the library where a backed into a great "V” with the to the American people, a shock- have been violating the niost sa- the nerves which in Mvere cases make a good starchy food. If used cent of the eliglblee offered Jobs ture'the devotion of a man like poaslble moment caught her • at in this way. It may seem unusual in Washington will accept them. Stephen Chut. But certainly ahe secretary pounded the typewriter legs the Wateree riveP and the ing lack of concern for the health There have, in Manchester's his- cred rule of true Socialism. Which ia capable of Inducing marked tentlon. The bridge game hac and glgglad. Red squatted on the southern edge of . the maneuver to you to use these "nuts” In this The reason generally given is that had never envisioned auch a gen- broken up and they were all talk CHRISTMAS of the average American pocket- tory, been few records of public is that the Socialist party shall tle, beautiful person aa this! floor. Mrs. aselton curled up on a area In the vicinity of Camden, not contaminate itself by open pain, described by the patient as manner, but I assure you they will stenographer’s and typist's pay Ing in UtUe groups. "It eeema Eva< book. service and peraonai worth com- cutting, borihgt darting, or stab- provide a starchy part of the meal, Isn't sufficient to meet the Wash- Richard Thorpe said, "Mrs. wine-colored coych. Through a s. c. deals with other parties or open lyn has taken a fancy to you," h< huge California window we could U eut Gen. Lesley J. McNair, Yet, aftbough every congress- parable to that of Edward C. El- which will be enjoyed. ington h.c.l. Chart, f don’t believe you have met said, bla eyes sweeping apprecl endomement of other party can- bing. Because there may . be no my wife.” ea Bert, wandering dlaconaolate- chief of staff of general headquar- man who voted to emasculate tfeda liott, Jr. didates. outer sign of the extremely pain- etlvely over her figure. ly in hia eaiong. (Brown Spots of Middle Age) Uncle .Sam has a standing re And Stephen aald in a tone al- ters, will tell high officers what he It teemed thst he held a mul- The behavior of tha Sociaiiet "I'm glad!" Diana said warmly. Bert's wife, Lottie Mae, came In thinks of the training battlea at a SAVINGS CLUB CHECK bill yesterday., should have his ful inner sensation, the patient ward Of 925 for the appreheiuldn most of reverence, ‘This is Eva party in the city campalgnp this Question; Mrs.'Peter J. asks: "Yeg." be answered, and tber( with a-tray of aoft drinks. She name on the record for his con- tiplicity of dutl4a, over the span may find little aympathy from Can you tell me tha causa and of all deserters from the Army. lyn. Diana.” eriUque tomorrow at Wingate, fail has been so peculiar that it is was a flicker in hie eyes of tin said, "Mr; Red, that meee you ia N. C. stituents to, consider when infla- of his service. And all Manches- those nearby, and yet he may be cure, if any, of the dark spots and The catch In it ia that deserters Amaned. Diana atared from tha sadlam that ruled hie nature fair to say that it might even experiencing a pain so agonizing have to be turned over at tha lovely woman to Richard Thorpe. cooking is done. And you caln’t The troops will begin moving to tion has Impoverished them, this ter Imows that he performed all have neglected to nominate Jasper freckles that appear on the face "She’s a wonderful woman!" H« have none of die. You's on a diet," that he Is unable to think of any- and bands after middle age?" post from which they deserted to Richard Thorpe waa the other man eyed Diana contemplatively. “» home etatlons early next week. « de^cle on the question of price these duties conscientiously . and himself, if he bad not been tied thing else. get the full 925 and no additional ot whom Stephen bad epoken. She Bed’s No Chef Payday for the IS dmrione con- on to Its shoulders. At any rate, Answer: The spots such aa you the little stenographer with tha Red's eyes danced, but he growl- control ls_not the fault of House well. While there' have b^en many describe are usually caused by the fee Is paid for keep, cost of arrest, could scarcely believe it was true! temper to match her: hair haa be cerned in the maneuvers begin it failed to nominate In Water- theories advanced as to the prob- etc. If the Army has to come get In the short time she had been In ed, “we starved for II years. Now Monday. Moat of the aoldlera will . politics and House sectional inter- For the greater-part of two dec- bury, where it feot 4,000 votes two pretence of hie pigment setting in come Mrs. Stephen Curt. Quite ( we've got dough there's shortages able cause of neuritis, I consider the skin because of systemic acid- ths deserter. It only pays 910 re- Thorpe's office, Mrs. Thorpe had change ot profesrion, isn’t it? be given an opportunity to visit esU alone. The White House It- ades, he was probation officer, years ago, and thus added meas- that the most important cause la ward. never come In. so aha was not at aU over the- place.” their homes during DaMmber. osis. If you can increase the alka- could swear that you had nevei "Red. that stuff you’re cooking,” self is Just as conspicuously tralt- and therefore concerned frequent- urably, no doubt, to the Scully a toxic condition of the body. linity of tha body by using the By the way, whatever became all prepared for this experience. seen him until that afternoon ir majority. When the poisons developed from of that threat that the boye were And the way S te p ]^ had spok- broke in Mrs. Skelton. ‘T won’t eat OUR 1942 CHRISTMAS or.to the interests of every Amer- correct diet, these will probably my <^ce. And being the famllj ly with the numerous equations of In Hertford the Socialist par- going “over the hlU in October,'' en her name—as if to him there it this tima. It’a nothing but a faulty hablti of living collect cease to form, and thoaa prasent lawyer, I happen to know tha suicide pact.” ican . It sent .to the Rouse a human nature. At t^e came time, ty did nominate—end whom de around a nerve or nerves, they set If the draft was extended? It was bad been concentrated in this may disappear as the skin scales terma of Stephen’s father’s wlO I "Honay, how you talk—it’s noth- Recreation bill which Ibvited such treatment. he gave. sound and afficient per- you think? None ether than up sufficient Irritation to product off. extended. small person all that Rras lovely So putting two and two together The Army doesn’t hand out any and dealrable. Diana caught a ing but meat, tematoea, onions, President Roosevelt has warned formance to the office of building that greet Marxian, L«ng Tom the pain characterltUc of neuritis. I know—’’ and stuff." SpellMy, about whom Jaaper, In The toKlna which do the damage (Dtet for Rednclag aim. Qatelng) figures, but it is known that there glimpse of Adela, emlling mali- Diana glanced up and saw thai Center Items of the danger of Inflation, but be Inspector, where the factors he has been no apprecisblL- Increase cloualy in the backgrotind. Thla “Yea, it’s the stuff that doca it.” hia day, has made se many flat- often come from an Intestinal tox- Question: Mr. Kirk H. writes: he, too, had been drlnklnfl Adcla’i "I must look," Red bounced out has not given his personal sup- bad to consider were legal and tering campaign speachea. emia. "How do you account for the fact in the number of boys going was a moment of triumph for cocktails rather freely. But be Today a.w.o.1. It has been pointed out Adela. A momeqt ..in which the into the kitchen. Mrs. Skelton ex- port to the only possible cure. structural. At the eame time, he But the crucial exertion of So- The poisons causing neuritis are that the aame diet will help the fore she could answer, Stephen’t plained. "He calls tba atuff 'Sloppie 6- 7, American Lithuanian CIU- cialist influence may be coming up very similar to those producing several tlmea aince the draft army intruding Diana would learn con- sene club haaketbeU period (E.' 8.) After yesterday's action in the was sanitsry Inspector for the overweight patient to reduce will voice at her elbow aald, Jos'. He’s got the cooking bug ir Meriden Tuesday. Meriden has, rfaeumatiem—of the rheumatic started trafnlng that actual de- clusively that Ste{Shen’s affections 7- S, Men's plunge period (E. 8.) House, we are back where we^iaoard of Health. Back on the aid tba underweight patient to .sertlpns are comparably lower lucky. Wasn’t it, that 1 found t right now.:It won't lest long, but on occasion, been fruitful for the toxins accumulate araund a mus- gain?" were aet for all tim#> girl I could fall in love with al neither wlU I." 8- 10. Bowling aUeye feMrvod were sU months ago. It la* 'the aide of human psoblems again, be Socialist cause, but there ia no So- cle, they induce muscular rheuma- Answer: I have received letters than ever befofe. But Evalyn Tbprpe' was speak- most at the nqidnlght hour?" H< for Eteri Ton's group (E. S.) It’s not a matter of priorities— ing In the gentlest tones imagin- You eest Red gate terrific en> most discouraging demonstration was for a time truant officer, un- cialist ticket entered in the city tism, but If they locate around a from those following the menus smiled and as someone called him thuslasme. He won't stop until he Meafoy election Tuesday, and' Louis O. nerve, the ren tin g effect is called but dentists and doctors from able. "I am sure you must be very 6-9, Junior boys game room of a democracy's failure to protect til hia own desire to give full and ven br tha Cleanaing Diet, using some aress are complaining of a drifted away. knows ell about them. Then Krahl, the veteran party chairman neuritis. Srsa meals par day of simple lovely, my dear, or Stephan would Thorpe waa grinning sardoo they're dead ducka. And thla la open (E. 8. aad W. 8.) its own welfare this nation has Ana performanca to all hia duties Another possible cause of neu- shortage In certain Btadlpal sup- not have faUen'in love with you!’’. 6- 8:45, Junior boys plunge WEEK! and party candidate is on record foods, and theaa readers report pUea, because the Army u buying Ically. "He’s I j^ g gallantly, on beside all the work. The only •ver assn. cauaed him to rellngulsh that as endorsing tha Democratic can>- ritis ia an Impoverlshsd diet. When that aftw being thin all their Uvea, Startled, Diana realised that course," he eald thickly, reachluf hours thsy don’t work is Tbundsy period.fE. S.) up. such ‘v u t quantitisa. Evalyn thought this was a "regu- post. And outsids his official du- dldacy of Harold C HaU, tha for- the food habitually eaten ia not of they have gained weight. The rea- out a band to steady himsch night Then they take their moth- 8-7, SmaU gym open for haad- mer tax collector who is aeeklng tha right kind, ths blood lacks son la that the patient tends to be- lar" marriage. And s t a i ^ at her, against a Uble. "You see—every ers to dinner. ball (E. 8.) ties, he had energy left for a Nama of tha week: U flaw, aaylat ’’thank you” in a confused A Dajr WiUi the Meters the dark scalp of Mayor Francis some ot the elements needed to come normal oman given a chance prime minister of Burma, who one haa known for years tha< . Tke Mrs. Is Bess 7- 8, Small gym open for boxing prominent interaat In outdoor nourish the nerves properly. The to allmlnate properly. The thin stammer, Diana in that moment Stephen Is madly In love with mj Mrs. Skelton writes the prelim- (E. S.) Danaher? Futbermore, the Krahl stopped over here on his way home knew. The popnhtrity of dor QirbtmM Savlii^ Ih today'a "Open Forum.'* a sports. And beyond that, be al- endorsement and the HaU re- nervee then beMme more easily ir- person will gate shortly after the from a visit to Winston Churchin. wife!" • inary outlines. Three writers take 7-9, Night school aewlng claasea CHOOSE ONE OF THESE PLANS ilteted then might he the case if This lovely, child-like vroman (E. 8.) MknohsBtsr dtiaen reports on ways had time to be a good MfionM were neatly designad to elimination U Improved and after Ths gentleman’s nams is laally Diana never knew what her an over and flll in dialog. Red meets they were normally fed. - be aecures two or three natural In- with her air of gentle gracious- Bwer would have been, for at tha) with them and they argue. Red 7-8, Men’s plunge period (E. B.) Qob has been demonstrated repeatedly,, aoBoe ot his aaperlencea with park- friend, and a good cltisen ot Man- put Mayor and PoUca Court Law- Just ailv:=:4iothlng more nor noth- naae—was bljnd! yer Frannle on what may be -his One of the auhetancea which testinal eltmlnationa dally. Freeing ing lees. The U Is a term of re- moment Larkin appeared at bei pastes the result togethsr the wmy 7- 8, Women’s gym claM (E. 8.) D ep osit 2 5 c Per W eek for 5 0 W eeks » Receive ing meters in another Connecticut chester. may b# lacking and have a direct tba system from the aecumulsted She triad to concentrate on tha side. ‘There’s a gentleman wait he wants it—ot course, he 4; and fair and honest. ous forms ot. neuritis than simple In this case, the Socialist party lack of vitamin B. Una, hoard tha child erylag aad perience. bteaa knew that she Wm Get dog hameea and baahst. Now they wood, Mich„ Daily Globe, aad prin- spsBl, tha park- It is needlsM to say that ha sriU ta not only retirtng helpfully from Some o f the secondary or coo- Patla. Nov. 90.— (Via Beilin, tha tele^iona rsoolver drop. He would feel a graat reaUeanasa un- alwaM take fourth floor rooms, cipal owner at the Marshfield, vns.. Mdd dstida MM In hs g ilioed, and that sridespread the field, but it 1s balptng empha- trlbutlag causes of neuritis are Delayed)—(g>—Under the direc- and a fire department reniadta- til she could know this woman bet- Oslo. German-Occupied Nprwa:* -nd Red Just lets the dogs out the Nows HenUd. tion squad hurried to the home ..'Indow. Of course it stops trkfflc. ayanpathy for hia tathsr and for BlM tba Issuaa, and if there U any soaased teeth, sick tonsila. and si-. tk« ot camrlea M agny,. Freadi ter. Nov. 28,—UP)—Norwegians wt< St. Louis — Jamea P. Jamicaon, cloaa iwaet of the junior mambar BUS trouble. Such focal Infeeticsia and revived Joan and hah motbar Phil, who was aaatsd at hor laft, are !9aay, Indifferent or unwUUns ' The toy trsln period cost ^000. 74, S t Louis architect aad design- s Bank of Manchester mr gutsts ^ m tbo good haipmata who ao recant- go m a cr ot Parte, b syMam at of tha Xiaaahcr trU i^ on Tuaaday may not be csuafaig any pain of oommunal warm roosoa haa besn and fsthor. finalte dataaad Diana's attsatlon. to work" will not get the aame So did -the record-making period, er of buildings oo many , of ths na- ly kaaw, with him then at her thf party of Th^ Graat Jaapar themselvea but the poisona ab- organtead ao that thoae who have " T o u ^ wondsring about Eyplyn, amount of food and other eomifiod and no Skelton dinner g u ^ ;w M tion’s college campuses. aide, anoU^r great sorrow, is in will raoaiya dua.credit. sorbed from them may be carried no bastliig a t ' hooM Btey keep GeDak ' tribeaman of Sibarla arant you?" ba aakad la a low iUae aa thoae who perform theii safe. He had to make a record be- Oentralia, Wash. — John F. A MUTUAL SAVJNGS BANK Cwiililaaing' auch developments. jMilld h ^ te that serve as s l ^ In. daily tasks whoto-haartedly, a «e fore he could cat. Blekel, 82. father of Frederic tha haaita af Manehaatar through the system until they at- wanL Spaeial roaam In whkh Varioos eaUs of tha So- ifsct soBM Btnre hr group ot aervia rreik" aha eiiwarsd. *Ehe’s se otaa 9Bfd flad taflay. -i* But the worst snthuslaMn wmi March, stage aad film actor. f/ .J**; -r-'- r " '


MANCIfESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER', nAiLKUAY, nuvEmker 2D, n n . I MANUUESl’ER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2D, 1941 PAGE L<3E £IGHT Latest Comedy Vultee to Buy Dance Tonight Retail Price of Milk *ams The Open Foruiii Well Received Rival’s Stock Of Jr. Chamber BatUirt Stasard Oommunicatlona for publication fat tha Open Forum will not Up One Cent in State be guaranteed publication if they contain more than S(X) words. “ H ope fo r a Harvest” Is The Herald reserves the right to decline to publish any matter Working Control of Patrons and Patronesses By The Assiiclated Press llvered coot of Grade B milk to l6 that may be libelous or which is in bad taste. Free expression centa a quart and of Grade A to Praised by the Critics: of poLtlcai views Is desired but contributions of this character Announced for the Attributing the action to the ilDuic/i Guiana on the A ir Consolidated Aircraft 19 cents. The cream price will not Some Highlights. which are defamatory or abusive will be rejected. Pre-Christmas Social. boost in producer prices recently be affected. Is Step Nearer. ordered by Milk Administrator ^ ‘ as Special Feature Under Hammerberg’a order, pro- By John Ferris The names of invited guests who Donald O.' Hammerberg, a group ducer prices will be upped at the EAU Downey, Calif., Nov. 29—()T)— New York, Nov. 29,—(ff^—Near Parking Meters At Work penses of the trip, and other con- of Connecticut milk dealers an- same time by three-fourths of a Purchase of working control of. Editor of "The Herald", are to be the patrons jind patron-. cent a quart in the'areas covering the clqse of the third act of the 29-,-(/P)—A* Night: 7:00 NBC-Blue; 8:55 tingencies to follow, I was more nounced that the retail price of the lining '50 percent. This al- Consolidated Aircraft Corp. by Not 'long ago there was a dis- than willing to forego that e.s8os at this evening's semi-formal the state's larger diUea and one- new Sophie Treadwell comedy. iVniiaiiPiit Waves two-way broadcaat be- CBS; 11:00 NBC, CBS; 12:00 cussion of Parking Meters, in your would be advanced one cent a most human machine Is universal Vultee Aircraft Corp. is a step pleasure. . Pre-Christmas Dance, to be given half a cent a quart in the rural Gibson Garage Singer Sewing Machine Center wKiMin'tWaahington and Paramari- NBC. columns. I felt then that there quart next Monday. area. "Hope for a Harvest," whlph the for pgsaenger cars and trucks. Johnson Bros. | It inn’l too early to think about your Talks—NBC-Blue 2 Forum on We thought we would have under the auspices of the Man- , _ in I^tch Guiana haa been ar- nearer with Vultee's announced were arguments both pro and con, The increase was- expected to At the hearing preceeding Ham- Theater Guild pre.iented Wefices In Manchester, shoul4_ Governor Raymond E. Baldwin Schwartz, 38, an employe. she remembers as a land of reso- ThLs Brake Dokter 1* an ingen- with D mainil* PRIN TIN G 'm n , CIO official, on "This Defense Afternoon: 1:45 NBC-Red; 3:55 cal milk dealers to increase the Schwartz sprinted around a cor- lute men and women who live on five trucks and a pick-up which tation and guaranteed work. MBS; 6.00 MBS; 6:10 CBS; 6:25 322.8‘7'i per share," the Vultee an- congenial, at the store, that I had w'herever possible (physicians ex- holds that Republicans must rec- ious device which detect* Instant- fylnff g I D ft • Vhm ploym ent Problem." nouncement said. ognize that the'United States "has price of milk in Manchester but it ner to safety: the robber fled. the soil and love It. ly the causes of squeals, chatter- are on the road at all times pro- Modern Headquarter. JOB AND COMMERCD NBC-Red; 6:45 CBS-NBC-Blue. to hustle back to the car, in order copted) utilize places—other than is known that several dealers are viding service to Manchester resi- This electrical e.!tablishmcnt, when wt g*t .^NBC-Red—7:45 Kaltenbom, 9 To Pav Most in Cash to be just in time to slip another the stri?ets, where traffic is con- long been t world power " and that But the land of her fancy has ing and ' groans In brakes, and national Bam Dance; 10 Bill NBC-Red- 10:45 a. m. Road of "Of the totar 39.280.000 is pay- -AmericanK have been "willing to planning to advance the price of changed. New Ideas and new ways quickly eliminates them. You will dents. In an effort to got settled due to Increasing buslne..., recent- through *erv- PRINTING Life sketch: l2:30 p. m. Deep Riv- penny into the slot, to avoid over- gested—for "the parking of their both Grade A and B milk on Step-Ladder Really Oangeroua before the cold weather arrives In Icing II — and iStem comments on sports. able in cash and the balance by parking. cars. The write meets, in Man- tig'ht anybody, anywhere and any- have come. Her second cousin, El- be amazed at the tremendous Im- ly moved to Ihelr present, modern, r* for yniirself Prompt and ClHclaal Prial •V CBS—8 Guy Lombardo orches- er Boys; 6 Music by Shrednik. note at the option of Vultee either time when pre.servation of the December 1 to conform to the liott Martin (Frederic March), provement It makes In your full force, many local resident* location at 533 Main street. In II It diirsn’t wllsiy every stand- CBS—8:45 a. m. Adelaide Hawley: This sam'f man. who gave me Chester, a great many people, Olympia, Wash.—UP)— William are preparing to move now Into All Kind*. tra; 8:30 Hobby Lobby; 10:30 in cash or in shares of common the "shaking’ information, in- from various nearby towns, who American way of life has been at boost by Mill. Administrator D. O. gives her a- gloomy account, ' He brakes. There Is no charge for the an effort to serve the Manchester I ard. Juan Arvizus songs. 12 Noon Kate Smith Speaks; 3:45 Hammerberg o ' three-fourths of a Schutz, 26. made hla first para- has seen Immigrant farmers from I new homes. These people have [ public as efficiently as po.SBible. j stock to be issued by Vultee. formed me ihai 1 should be very evidently hav’e come here to do stake.” chute jump at 14. Then came hun- use of the Brake Dokter In con- COMMUNITY PRESS p. NBC-Blue— 7:30 Little Ol' Spotlight on Asia. NBC-Blue— "It Is expected that a portion of "The GOP never has been the cent a quart in cities and one-half Japan and Italy take over much of nection with any brake work on come to the realization that mov- j Johnson Bros. 1* doing everything 1 12:30 a. m. Raising a President careful not to iiaik overlimo, as i their shoppl.ig. and anything that dreds of Jumps as a barnstormer. COOKS SERVICE ST A. A. E. Holmes rt^ yw ood; 9:30 Frank Black Pre- tne'cash funds will be obtained by serious results might ensue. I did can be done for thei^ welfare, party of isolation.’’ sai>l the for- a cent in rural areas. the acreage. He himself haa given your car. as It actually saves ing 1* a big problem these days I possible to Insure prompt, tou r-, Aints. sketch; 12:30 National Farm and Will lilt Supply Here He used to wash windows of tower- up his splendid peach orchard be- with trucScers being so occupied all iteou* service to local re.sldcnts. In Manchester Green. Phnn* <994 eSI No. Main SL jU L Sift the public sale of approximately not ask hini what those results makes them fee. more like coming mer Republican executive la.st ing buildings without a safety time. It has been found that using ^ M B S —7:45 Inside of Sports with Home Hour, 1:15 Between the 36,000,000 of Vultee convertible night in an address before 400 Inquiry this morning revealed cause of poor prices, poor crops, the Brake Dokter at the time of the time. Therefore, it is very Im- I order that you may receive a 1 Stevens; 8 The Green Hornet; Booltends. MBS—2:30 U. S. Naval would be. but if It meant another again. belt. Now he is in a hospital. A preferred stock and the sale of trip to that city, and saying "Good Arthur E. Hutchinson, young Republicans of New Haven that while the amount of milk be- canning factory strikes and other a rellne job will Increase the life portant that you call 6260 as socm j quick estimate of your work. tv.o ! j^'Chicago Theater of the Air. Academy band; 6:30 Jack Arm'- ing produced in this area is at fall from a step-ladder fractured farming woes, and now Is running as you know you will need the phone* have been in..talled at 533 i strong. . .Short Waves: VLQ7 Syd- 150,000 additional shares of Vultee morning, .Judge' with the ex'-1 183 North Elm street. county here. bis skull. Photo by Fallot common stock to Aviation Corp. at Baldwin asserted that Republi- present sufficient for the demand, a gas station. He is a disillusioned services of Austin A, (Thambers Main street, and one of the broth- Morning: sToO NBC-CBS; 9:00 ney 4:55 p. m. News and Music; any retrenchment in the produc- man of middle years, full of preju- This will give your favorite truck- Pictured above is Manchester’.* Sewing HeadquarterH where J. R. Braithwaite WAYNE W. GSC GSD London 6:.30 Regimental 310 per share, and the balimce cans should demand government local women are solving their problem.'^ rt'-Oy. The .’’ Inger Sow- ers will alway.s be on hand to talk “ > CBS; 10:30 MBS; 11:00 from additional bank loanr or cor- guarantees that surrendered liber- tion of raw milk will seriously af- According to the manufactureni, dices agslnst the newcomers to the We Invite You to Open er an opportunity to plan on your ' your particular problem over with ! CBS; 11:25 MBS. concert; HAT4 Budapest 8 p. m. age installation through the bor- Hartford avenue and Stanley fect the retail supply. ing Center la loenlej at 707 Main street, and they may be reached Keys .Made, I.ocka Repaired. porate funds. street. ties would be restored when the approximately 20,(i00 miles are land, both the aliens and the Okie*. job. and he will be able to give I you. All you have to do Is dial PHILLIPS Afternoon: 12:30 MBS; 2:30 Light music and news in English; ough of Unionvillc. Inability to secure farm help considered the life o f * good tire. It sounds Ilk* a familiar picture you the service that has made by phons by dialing S.'iSS. 3:15 NBC-Red; 5:45 CBS; TGWA Guatemala 10 Concert "A special meeting of Vultee Route Nq. U. S. 5 Berlin, New- New Milford. 1 mile of traffic emergency is over, and should al.so A Savings Account either 6227 or 7606 for on accu- ‘ Tools Ground Complete Refriferation stockholders has been called for bound gravel on the Burnett road. m.sist on tlie appointment of com- 6f the changes witnessed In the this firm so popular with the i*n- rate estimate. You will be I •:S0 NBC-Blue. music. ington and Wethersfield. 6 miles last 20 years—the rise of the hot eral public. Service — All Mskts. Dec. 15 to act upon a. proposal to of rolled gravel surface on Berlin North Haven. 550 feet of rolled (letent officials. ! amazed at the economical tnanner i Lawn Mowers Sharpened authorize the required prefcrre And. of course, the government moving, and will give you expert you at all time*. 52 Pearl St. Phone 4200 ;^:(X )—News 1:05 Football game. Holy Cross road. Garden .street. Orange cen- Broilers - Steaks - Roast Beef - Oysters On Half Shell benefits for non-jarming. We are prepared to make service regardless of how large or 53 Walker St. Phone .3622 ' 1:16—Army vs. Navy Football vs. -Boston College. scratched the surface of aviation Houles U. S 6 and No. 67 west- ter road. Chestnut Hill road. Ridge "If we lose what wr fight to ; er haa been carefully Belecled and I* your home ready for wiring ; yet," he declared. "Before we are .save, we will have fought In vainV' Steamed Clams and Clams On the Half Shell A less courageous woman would mortgage loans for pur- small your job la. And, incidental- UundredM o f Mancheatcr thoroughly trained for her work. ] ). Game 4:00 - Accent on Music. erly. road and Indian Hill road. have been dismayed by th e now? If you' want to be sure I through, planes like the (Dougla.si Route No, 8. Beacon Falls and Baldwin aaid that if he were the ly. why not call 6260 today and If you live In a *mall apartment, that the new home is adequately , '4:00—Campus Capers 4:30—Let's Pretend. Redding. 1 mile of rolled gravel FINE WINES — LIQUORS AND BEER changes, but Carlotta is of stout- chasing, building or remod- ask about the modem storage Women Have Enjoyed I 4:30—Weekend Whirasey 5:00—Matinee at Meadowbrook. B-lfl and the B-24 will be small .Vaugatuck. 3 1-2 miles of rein- "payma.ster in W.a.shington" he’d I like lo sew while vi.'iltlng neigh- and properly wired, better call on i on Mountain avenue. give pink .slips to ".Madam Perkins 1 er stuff and seta about rehabilitat- eling homes, promptly after facilities which this firm offers. bor*. or sew in different parts of ‘ V 6:00—Music For Everyone 5:5.5—Erskine Butterfield. f r y " forced conciete pavement from . Ridgefield. 3-4 milq of rolled The Facilities Offered Johnson Bros. Nothing but the Johnson Bro$. Beacon Fall.s northerly. and Harol'l Ickes.” ing the bome of her grandmother, Chambers' fleet of trucks wait the home, a modern SIfiger Port- OIL BURNERS ix 5:30—Recital Period 6:00—News. Weather. gravel on r.ew road. buoyed up by the words of an Ital- receipt of application. The best is available st this progre.s- | Route No. '20 Somers. About 1-8 Reymander's Restaurant to serve you after nine years of By Thia Company. able Electric 1* Ideal. Trim and slve concern and the prices are , Electricpl (Contractors u 5:46—Three Romeos 6:05 Hedda Hopper's Hollywood. Rocky Hill and Wethersfield, 3-4 ian neighbor, Joe De Lucchl (Alan consecutive service, and you are ^^;6:00—News, Weather 6:20—World of- Sports, Jack Zal- mile of bituminou.s concrete ap- Oak Street Telephone .“ISM cost of obtaining such loans compact In construction, they are reasonable too. Now Is the rime To Think proaches to Scantic river bridge. mile of bituminous macadam sii-- Reed) who haa reached a pleasant cordially Invited to make use of handy to set up for ii*e and easy 5;i.‘l Main St reel C 6:15—Strictly Sports man. Condition of face on Charter road. level of prosperity by bard work. is small. Thousands of women in all parts And don’t forget, Johnson Bros i ^6:30—Old Favorites Gone Modem 6:30 Elmer Davis, News. Windsor Locks and Ea.st Windsor. Manchester It. The headquarters is located at of this country are busy at their to store away In a *m*U closet al.so ln.stalls fluorescent lighting ; of Next Winter’s Heat Tel. 8227 - 7608 Reinforced concrete slab bridge Roxbiiry. I mile of rolled bank Eventually—but not until Elli- 68 Hollister street, and you may space. Yet. despite compact dimen- ^ 7:00—Grand Old Opry .6:45—The World Today. Stole Roads gravel bn the Minors Bridge road. ott's daughter has been betrayed nearby Si-iger Bewlng Centers Stop In or phone today for your | Oil Burner Heating le the mod- i' 7:30—Three Ring Time 7:00--People's Platform over the Con.iecticut river. Date Book receive prompt attention to your learning simplified methods of sions, they possess practically all estimate. i Route No '29. New Canaan 1 1-2 Salem. Nine sections of town aid and goes off with parental bless- requests at all times, either by sewing features of the full-sized em way—economical, toq! We Will Gladly Give Yow f .8:00—Knickerbocker Playhouse 7:30 - Evening Moods, WDRC En- Construction in force in the roads. ings to marry De Lucchl'* son, The Manchester making clothes, draperies and all vS:S0—Truth Or Consequepce semble. miles of reinforced concrete pave- phoning 6260 or stopping over in kinds of fabrics furnishings for cnbinrt models. state of Connecticut. announced Sharon. 1 '- miles of loo.se gravel Tonight Victor—Carlotta iwlna over her person. Singer, long famous ss the Estimates. kt:00—National Bara Dance 8:00 Guy I^imbardo’s Orche.stra. by the Connecticut Highway De- ment on South avenue. their homes. Sewing Courses are Route No. 34. Orange and West surface on the Lucas, Fairchild l‘re-Christ mas dance. Junior couBln, presumably restoring his Building & I-.oan The economical manner In which manufacturer of the world’.a finest %b:00—Sports Newsreel 8:30—Hobby Lobby. partment November 26, 1941, for and Middle roads. Chamber of Commercr, Country faith In the land. In hard work and conducted under the guidance of Joseph Hublard iS0;15—Joseph Gallicchlo’s Orches- 8:.55—Elmer Davis, News. the week ending December 6th Haven. 20.106 feet of reinforced Every Sunday More People Chambers operates will surprise an expert Singer teacher who sewing machines, today offers Johnson & LiHle Electric .. concrete puviment on Derby ave- Simsbury. About 1 mile of rolled club. In a democracy devoid of . preju- Association you. It ta the policy of this firm to many other products that bring 109 Center Btroat > tra 9:00—Yoiir Hit Parade 1941. This report does not include hank gravel surface on fthlnglc Moving picture.s. Highlaiul ENJOY THESE DeLUXE SUNDAY DINNERS dices. SkSer* yoii through every step. You Msson and Concrete Raagea — KetrifaratoM a0:30^H ot Copy 9:45-~Strictly Swing. the Wilbur Cross Parkway which nue. 935 Main St. Manchester glv3 you excellent service for a actually make useful and attrac- new speed and finesse to sewing—- Phone 8878 Route No. U. S. 44 Eastford and Mill and West Mountain roads. Park Coinmunity Club at 8. At M’anche.ster'.s Favorite Eating Place . The ills of the farmer are widely minimum cost, and once you try new ease to modem home-making. Contractor 31:00—News 10:1.5— Public Affairs. ' is iM-ing constnicted on new loca- Simsbury. 4-5 mile of-.bituminoua ' Tuesday, Dec. 2 known, even to city-bred persons; tive articlca while learning. jGl:16—Vass Family 10:30—Juan Arvlzu, Soiig.s. tion. Pomfort. Approximately. 6 1-2 ROAST TURKEY OR NATIVE CHICKEN it. you will be convinced of the A complete and thorough course Whether It appears on a sewing miles of bituminous macadam macadam surface qn West Sim.s- Caledonian Market at Center and the various cures for these truth In this statement. machine, an electric iron or a Sidewalks, Floors, Founda- : a l:3 0 —Rlverboat Revels 10:45 -Music to Read By, Closed For f'onstnictloh— Uelour bury rood. Church House troubles are likewise familiar, and In either Clothing or Home Decora- M :00—War News. Design for 11:00—News, Weather, Provided pavement and steel girder bridge; FTIBRC When You So call 6260 today and let Man- tion l.s given, without charge, to vacuum cleaner, the name Singer tions, Roads, Walls, Etc. GIBSON\S also, sight line cut at intersection Somers. Installation of twin '60 Hedneadaiy, Dec. 3 It would be cheering If the cure ^ IIK C l Need Tires chester's progressive., trucking stand.* for- as your guarantee., of BILL'S TIRE\ I Dancing 11:05 Sports Roundup. Route No. 8. Waterbury and inch A.C.C.M.P. culvert on Wat- "Uncle Sam’s Merry-Go-Round were aa simple as Miss Treadwell every purchaser of a new Singer It: 10—Harry James’s Orrhestra. .Vaugatuck. Cf.hstrurting 1 1-1, of Routes No. 93 and No. 101 on See Ual company aid you In yotu- moving Sew'lng machine. Free short long trouble-free performance and Fountains and Pool Work and I the Phoenixville-Pomfret road. chiig road, Fair ' at Second Congregational would have the audience believe. or trucking needs. Don’t sorget the lasting satisfaction. GAR.4GE « : 3 0 —Best of the Week 11:30 Blue Barron’s Orchestra. hides of concrete pavement south- |, .Stonington. Quakataug road church. Includes Appetizers . Soup - Vegetable - Potatoes Mr. March gives an excellent iRetreafi — Alsad courses are arranged for others B, H. Gibson, Prop. 52:66—News 12r00 Linton Wells, New.s'. erly from the end of the present | Slight delays. Traffic is urged to I — New — 'Uond. address Is 68 Hollister 'street and who wish to test or Improve their So stop In at your local Singer for Gitrdens a Specialty. town aid. Thursday, Dee. 4 liessert - Coffee - Te* or Milk performance as the disillusioned Sewing Center today and get ac- REPAIR SHOP V 1:00—Silent Tomorrow's Prtigram pavement on South MlSin street. I avoid this section, if possible. Best ALSO A FINE VARIETY OF SEA FOOD Irtcb — Piwiia — the name, the Austin A. Chamb«rs sewing skill. These courses are al- route is posted. Tolland 3-4 miles of traffic Annual sale and play of Ever man of pioneer stock, playing with (company. i quainted. Don’t forget, local sew. 314 E. Middle Turnpike Bpeclailzing in Wm. H. Green, Prop. Tomorrow's Program A. M Southbound traffic is maintained bound gravel surface on John Wei- Ready Circle, King's Daughters, LOBSTERS - SCALLOPS - O’YSTERS . SHRIMP. ETC. Imagination and strength a role lAU OtfaSr Make* ways open to you, and you are In- BEAK -8:00—News. through the project. Detour is pro- Route No. 58. Fairfield. 3 miles vited to bring in your church or Ing headquarters is at 707 'Main ? A M . of bituminous macadam on Black gold road. Directors' room, Whiton Library. “ No Wines — No Liquors — Just Good Food” often suSpiclously weak. As Car- Large AllowMee OS OM rir**. street, and telephone connection Tel. 6987 Wheel _AMgnnient, Columbia and Elk BicyelM, j 8:05—Louise Wilcher at the Or- vided for northbound traffic from . Trqmbull. Bridge and 1,797 feet Ctaristfiias Sale and Supper, La- lotta, Mrs. March Is excellent, Out ol Uaa — Flat TIr* — club group, to utllisa' these facul- 1,6:00—News Union city via route No. 58 and Rock turnpike. may ba-had by dialing 8583. 6:10—Organ Recital by Courboln gan. of rolled bank run gravel ap- dies’ Guild. St. Mary’s. though sometimes a trifle too sac- Battery TroabI* — Dial 0101 ties. Telephone or visit your Broke and U. S. Tires. NgrSO—News. town roads to. intersection of Route No. 63 Litchfield and Mor- proaches on Merritt Parkway and South Methodist W. S. C. 8. charine. Singer Sewing Center today, and I Ml—Gypsy Ensemble Route No. 8 and Piedmont street rla. Strelta turnpike. 5 miles of Csrbaretor Repairs, Service, 6:00-i-European News Roundup 8:315—Intermezzo for Strings. Frcnchtown road. Christmas Fair. THE TEA ROOM Alan R e ^ acts, the Italian farm- Campbeirs take advantage of the variety » STORAGE 9:00—The World Today. in Waterbury. bituminous leacadam from the vil- Trumbull. 4 mile* of rolled Christmas tea and sale. Wom- 883 Main Street 0pp. St. James’s Church er with character and a vast deal HANSEN'S instruction and facllitlea offered f:16-<‘ -Deep River Boys Route No. 15. Union, Wlllington lage of Litchfield southerly. Service 1 Accessoriee. 1 1 V!S6—Words and Music 9:15— From the Organ Loft. gravel on ten sections of town aid en’s Home League. Salvation Army of gusto. 'The others are fine in Service StHtiuii Milk Bar — Reafaurant by Singer as frer'service. The local THE Local and Long 9:30—News and Weather. and Ashfdrd. Approximately 4 1-2 Routes No. 65. Trumbull, Strat- road*. Citadel at 7. their parts: Judy Parrish as the headquarters are located at 707 I0:Q0- Radio Pulpit miles of reinforced concrete pave- ford and Shelton. 5 mllea of rein- Cor. Main 8L and MMdIa rpk. 185 Main St. Phone 5012 ISO Spruce St. Phone 1460' 16:80—Tom Ternss 9:45—Gypsy Caravan. Union. Approximately H mile of Saturday, Dec. 6 daughter; Shelley Hull, a son of Ser\in(T Main street and the telephone Distance Moving 10:00—Church of the Air. ment on the Wilbur Cross park- forced concrete pavement on Shel- . oiled gravel surface on the Bige- Ladies’ Night. Tall Cedars of Henry Hull, as the betrayer, and number is 8583. FALLOT T I0;46--Yolchl Hiroaka — Xylo- way, beginning 4 1-2 miles south- ton-Nichola road. ibottlst 10:30—News, Weather. low Hollow road. Lebanon, Masonic Temple. Arthur Franz as the nobl'e-splrited FOOD HoueahoM Denlea Dependable! 10:35—Wings Over Jordan. west of the Massachusetts state Route No. 80. North Branford. Your Singer Sewing Center is -News, Weather line. Voiuntown. Four sections of Annual Chrlstfaiaa sale and sup- boy. The play wm fi*>'®vted by. of No More Waiting With . A ^ ;15—Day Dreams^ 11:00—Jackson Wheeler, News. 492 feet of concrete pavement on town aid roads. per, Enryinuel Lutheran church. Lester Vail. Paul W. Dougan equipped, not only with a complete STUDIO AND PHONE 6260 Landscaping 11:05—Vera Brodsky.' Concert No route numbers: Foxon road. Tradi- Uno of Singer Sewing Machines, Run-Down Battery. 4 0 —Music and American Youth Colebrook. Replacing two bridges Washington. Three miles of roll- Dance, American Lithuanian :00 Noon—Musical Souvenirs Pianist. Route No. 142. Eaat Haven and ed gravel surface on the Morris Citizens Mub. Library Hall. 54ome merriment It In the books General Contractor tional parts and accessories, but also AND 11:30 World's Most Honored Mu- washed out by. the hurricane of Branford. Bridge over Eaat Haven •OAK GRILL' with other labor-saving household CAMERA SHOP Try Our 30-Minute Batteijr j m. - ' 1938. Traffic must continue using roaa Wednesday,. Dec. 10 for next week when Carmen Mi- New THE AUSTIN A. CharffinR Service! :16—Juidor Quiz Show sic. river and widening cuts. Tempdr- Washington. 3-4 mile of traffic Annual Christmas Sale and ‘WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” randa and Ella Logan openH on- device*. More important, it is a 12:00 noon—Rhythmelodies. other town roads. , arv bridge provided. and Builder England true center for ’aervice—whether it ^CHAMBERS CO :46-'^ewa. Weather Hamden and North Haven. 17,- bound gravel on Baldwin Hill road. Cafeteria, North Methodist W. 8. day night In the new Olsen and Tree Surgery AutoLite Batteries. 1:00—Conamentary by Upton P. M. Route No. 156. Eaat Lyme. Weston. IH mile* of traffic C. S. ' . ' DINE AND DANCE Johnaon show, "Sons o’ Fun," at Quality be repair*, instructions or merely 68 Hollister St., Manchester 12:15—Your Sunday Serenade. 063 feet of grading and drainagg Drainage improvement In Ntantlc helpful suggestions. STUI^O PORTRAITS 'l^nsr on Wilbur Cross parkw-ay. bound gravel on Langer Lane, Old Sunday, De|^ 21 DELICIOUS FOODS — MODEST PRICES 1 . the Winter Garden. Concrete and Maaonry'’ - Range Oil • MacmillsB Rl 12:30—Last Minute News. ^-lllage. " Easton turnpike and Whit* Uriih Concert, Handel’s "Messiah,” 130 There arc four other -’bpenlngs At Thsse sewing instructions are l;1 8-^ ilver Strings Hamden ' and North Haven. Roast Beef Roast Tnrkey COM-MERCIAL Free Motor Oil ” ;80— "nie World Is Youfs ft:45—^^Beautlful Music. No route numbers. Ansonia. 1-2 road. voices with Manchester Clvio or- scheduled, among them the new Work — .Vlterations given in a Section equipped with 1:00—Church of the Air. Bridge over Mill river and ap- mile of bituminous concrete on Half Broiler* Veal ScalloplM Veal Cutlets Steaks Main and Haynea Strccta the finest in sewing machines, cut- HAVE YOU HERNIA? 2:00- -Sammy Kaye's Orchestra proaches on Wilbur Cross Park- Wethersfield. Bridge over Jor- chestra assisting. High School hall. Hammerstetn • BIgtnud Romberg PHOTOGRAPHY John S. Wolcott Diatribntor Armatroag Xliei| | .2:30—Curtiss Eimemble 1 30—This is the Ufe. _ Beaver street. dan Lone and Wolcott Hill road. Traditional ; Candlelight aervioa. Wines — Liquors and Beer musical, "Sunny River,” and a pro- ting tables, ch a ^ , irons, mirrors 2:00— Lew White, Organ Melodies way. Beacon Falla. 1-2 mile o f rolled 58 Gardner Street taan S*cD 0r****S 3tei**tM 2:46—Sabbath Message Meriden. 12,950 feet of grading Wethersfield and Hartford. A South Methodist church. 33 Oak Street Tel. 3894 duction of Rhakespeare's "Twelfth Special Sunday Dinner and other equlpnent, and all. of &Son 2:00- -Bob Bedker's CThats About 2:15—Radio Voice of Religion. gravel on Burton road. aection ot the 8Uos Deane High- Night" by,the Chekhov Theater these await your use In quiet, Hm r*« N*W Am Operetionl 2:30—The World Today. and drainage on Wilbur Cross Berlin. New Britaln-Mlddletown Phone 8105 cheerful surtoundings. Your teach- MOVIE CAMERAS VAN'S Sa dogs Parkway way and grade separations at Silas Buying Wooden Shoes player*. ' 85c * 117 Hollister St. 417 Hartford Road TaL 3:00—N. Y. Philharmonic Sym- road. Route No. 72 open to traffic. We Cater To Banquets AU'y OUS OOCTO* ASOUT :16—H. V, Kaltenbom Meriden and WllUngford. 16,420 Deane Highway, Hartford Avenue Others listed a r e "Golden phony Society. Bethwiy. 14,638 feet of rolled Vichy, Nov. 28.—(IP)—The news- Wings," the William Jay-Guy Bol- AND PROJECTORS 40—Listen Amerlc^i feet of grading and drainage on bank gravel on Litchfield turnpike and New Tort<. New Haven and 4:00—Musical . Brazil! 4:30—The Pause That Refreshes Hartford rMlroSd. paper La France Socialiste said to- ton play about the R. A. F., and on the Air. Wilbur Cross Parkway. a’nd Beacon Falla road. - CORtPLETE THERE IS SAVE UP TYL 30% SPENCERS :6:18—Speaking Of Liberty Milford and Orange. 11,880 feet Wilton, <4 mile of foiled gravel day that municipal o f f i c i i In the "Angel Street.” WE 5 ;0ft—The .Family Hour, Gladys Coventry. Approximately 8-4 Paris workers' suburbs were buy- NO LIMIT On Flomblag ANNIE SWIFT 1140—The Shadow of concrete pavement on Wilbur mile of traffic bound gravel sur- surface on Weaton road. BUILDING C.AN EASE THE ‘^PANE” :64Q—^Metropolitan Auditions of Swarthout, Deems Taylor. Cross Parkway. . Windsor Locks. Approximately ing large quantities of wooden and Electri- FULL LINE OF Srfi Floor MOON'S FEE 5:45—William L Shirer. News. face on Repley Hill road. shoes for school children because Retnm Ta Wrong Theater.' SERVICE TO YOUR Itobiaow Bldg. We Rpeelallze In Replacing r the Air Milford and Orange. 23,943 feet East Hartford. Brewer street ‘4 mile of bituminous macadam i{| cal Suppilea For Poultry ~ Cattle ii4 0 —The Living Diary 6:00-;;-SUver Theater. pavement on Webb street. of the leather shortage. The shoes, WARDROB.E PHOTOGRAPHERS’ PHONE 4487 Broken Glaat — Prompt, BB- 6;30-^^-Gene Autry's Melody Ranch of special wire rope railing on Wil- About 2-10 mile of drainage ditch. >70 7 Games. »70 Chlcago— (S’! —A couple went COAL - COKE by 'hujing di- clenl Service. 40—News called "sabots,” now cost about ten Honni'.g ta 8 sad 7 to 0 bur Cross Parkway. Ellington. Approximately- 3-4 outdoors during the intermission RANGE AND FUEL OILS ( rcet *1 Boraes and Hoga. >48—Rtrirtly Sports and Dear Mom. Plymouth. Constructing bridges time* more than formerly, the When Yon Have EQUIPMENT srtNcis coum s isassiexes 7:15—Dedication of Cathedral of mile of rolled bank gravel surface at a theater and returned to find AUTO GLASS EEPLACED 'Professor Andre Schenker on Matthew'S and Makars, atreeta. Expects to Get Divorce newspaper said. the Aid Of A ASI INDIVIOUAlir DISIONED Produce the Beat S t John the Divine. _ on upper Butcher and Pinnacle their aeats taken. "But these are Prompt Delivertes With Shatterproof Ulaoe The ITufferattee Traffic will be required to use al- roada. Given Away Tonight our seats," tha woman cried. "We SUPPLY faek. Banny 7:30—Screen Guild Theater. ternate town roads. Reno, Nev., Nov. 20.—— During the first World War, tha *• > At All TImea SINGER Giving Von Added Proteetton- 8:(X)—Helen Hayes' Theater. CoBStnirtfaMi—T r a d e Maladalned left our hats anc coats here.” Just Band Wagna Wethersfield. 1 2-5 mllea of PlSjrwright Elmer Rice, winner of faateat pursuit plane was the then the cuitain went up and the SEWING MACHINE McCarthy and Ed 8:30—Clime Dpetor. grading ~and drainage on aection No Ronto Nambara a Pulitzer prise in 1939, told re- Spad, which bad a speed of outlet GLASS FOR EVERY NEED! LARSEN'S 8:55—Elmer Dairts, News. In The couple diacovared they had re- MANCHESTER 1160 Main at. Cor. Traml No. 3. contract No. 1 of the Hart- Glastonbury. S mile of roiled porters on ^ arrival yesterday "a milea an hour and 320 horsepower. turned to an adjoining twin thea- Sinper Sewing Machine Co. im Mu 'b Family 9:00—Ford Sunday Hour. __ ford by-paas. bank run gravel on C3oleman road. divorce will probably result from Today the horsepower is 1200 or LUMBER ft FUEL CO. ball, Hartford. 7-04(M 10:00—Take It or Leave It. ter. Ise. Metcalfe Class Co. FEED SER V IC t ttaa M eny > 0 0 • WethersfWd and Hartford. 2 1-2 Greenwich. 3-4 mile of reinforc- my being here.” The New York more on some of the latest models, Telephone 5145 le t Mala SL XeL 8813 Wallpaper 38 Depot Sq. TaL 10:35—Dance IntermeMo. miles of gnlaing and drainage and ed concrete pavement on I^orth playwright and the former Hazel and the speed is 400 miles an hour. British American Club IllV'i Ceatet SL T*L 68M — Of FandUar MUsle 11:00—Headlines and Bylines. two box’ culverts on a section of street. ' / Levy were married June 10, 1815. Of Charm 11:16—Blue Barron's Orchestra. the Hartford by-paas. Hartland. 2 miles of biiuminotu RIm won the Pulitzer prize for his lt*s E c o n o m ic a l- 11:30—Jimmy Dorsey's Orchestra. QUALITY -Tha Advantorea Of Bher- Cosatrurtiim—^Traffic Maintslaed macadam surface on GranviUe play "Street Scent.” Sorry yofa had COAMSIOft 13:00—Clauds Thomhiirs Orches- Route No. U. 8. 1 Bridgeport. road from the end of prei^nt Im- KRAUSE'S OAK GROVE PRINTING! Holiitae tra. Rest Haven Practical. ^‘Beautiful a aaaaek - ap, rawa, Waathar Repalra to Stratford avenue proved aection to the ICaiMachu- T. P. Hollofdi 12:30—Bob Cheater's Orchestra. GREENHOUSES n* prtntlsi BiJiiad Tlw Haad- bridge. aettz state line. '' *Waoke«t” Na Laagw Exewa CHRISTMAS bat wen be FUNERAL HOMS 12:56—News. Routes Nca. U. 8. 1 and 'U. 8. Ledyard. Three sections of town Chronic and Convalescent ttl Hartford llasd . Maselwata* DAIRY r*' Job w * do for BINGO yas { will gisd ta make atbor’a Playbouaa ‘ lA. Eaat Haven and Branford. En- roada. Army Maneuver Area, S. C. OF) Home at tfaa tha arrraaary Waala Ta Be Bare It's Gift SALE Spadsl Atteattaa Fred H. Sankey, Prop. prave astta- MaaOy leeatad -War News larged intersection—8” reinforced Mbrlbomugh. Approximately 3-3 —When Staff Sargt. Donald Mor- 20 Regalar Games, Prises $3.50 each game Gives T* PkoM jr*« buf Wall* repalra at law concrete pavement gan, I14tli Field Artillary, opened CHICKEN PIE SUPPER Lirht Airy Rooms , . . factory, bw mile of rolled bank gravel aunace Orders - Tat m e caaae It «rtn oar Fan p r I a p a — aa .•Arts,— Vi’h-ttayor. . —_ _ _ Route No. U. 8. lA . East Hav- on l^oib street. \ a m U packag% k* found a huge qaicUy jr * a SiffWftAv TUE8.. DEC. 2, 5:45-«:45 7 Speeial Game^ Prises $10.00 each game . . . Pleasant Location •paetaBat M r » - Pastenriged b* prodwesd O. Jaaatad Jnat wants 4 toom b . a sura I. 3,589 fast of concrete pave- . MiddleOeld. 5,264 fast of . witcr- paneU,< a flasiiVgfat and a note wa«*t ha laeoavealaaead. itUful MuMe it la a gtn. The street car com- COMMUNITY HOUSE sars) and Wad- oioder*. aMelaPt Get ment on a aection of the New Hav- bound macadam on Peters L«n4. \ from' his girl: “ Dear Sweetheart: 2 Free Games, Prixes $3.50 each gam Telephone 8984 v **Milk That Milk” Psiattag aad RafialaMag pany offsrad the city 10 miles of en-Saybrook road. East Haven. Miifoid and Stratford. ConcrOte You can no longer uaa *bUckout' NORTH COVENTRY U a Spaeialty. abajySomA track containing steal Widening of Sanford Place Inter- grid Soor on Houaataolc rlvar aa an axcuaa for w it writing.* Qmltty - Pasvtoa! 36,o5o. SUFFER, 75c, bielniaa 1 Skeepetake Game Mrs. James Fofarty wnmyrs autu root oo. AMBULANCE aiM iutad.to bo worth Be- aection with Routa U. B. lA. brtdge- Now ha writaa three time* daily. Cream Dairy Prodaeta flora noeaptinc, Ua honor is ckeck- Routes Noa. 2 and 15. East Hart- pia, paniley patataea, 54 Walnut Street Oat Flewera WILLIAM H. SCHIEI.DGB JOHNSON PAINT COMPANY '" U If* Worth nslag-^ DAT ANh KontvUla. Old Cokhaater AtbaisBioa 2S Coats. Pkyiny Starts At 8:1$ Uwla. , Frap. t m m ta w tmg to detarmina if tha rails can ford. Main a tn et Bridge on the town aid. tnralpa, battered enlee Wal* ^Fatted n a s to 233 Oakjaod SL. Phom 4856 136 apnw* atreat TM. aMO • W * C a a P T i I f * ^ ka aatrartad fnsn their concrata For better all-round . pqfform- «art eaMi.i«Ush. apab IM Wr MMdto Tpk. XM. 9m Hartford by-paia. ^ New Britain. About 3-4 mila\ noa, motor car wbaala abould b* CoBM Early fo r P^nny Bingo! « i IJi.CeMtag ftt^ feO^O ^ 10,000. Routs No. 4 FarFarmington Drain* MtumiDouii doncrata retraad .--iflukrtcated about every .8000 kailaai ISalTElSsK

\ '/ .


er patrol sailed frpm and one 88 dlvlaloii— were declar- Armie» Clash early todfly, their Ib^ gunwales ed to make up the field Army Local Drunks b o a te d Up/agfctnst ocean waves, List Draftees 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~~ ^ ^^...... f ? iReckless Cases striking below Kiln, SO ■ miles Weddings leading to^ater front (peculation northwest of the capital. In Tank Battle that t l ^ wara bound f w Manila. neroa Battlaa Beported- Given Break Tlte ikyo radio b ^ d e a s t To Report In Are Continued Flerce batUas were reported in attacks upon the united (OsnMnnsA F nib Fags Ons) _4 -: that area. Pravda aaid a Soviet PriYixgino>Loaibardo otM. The broadcasts contSiiied First All- Team o f the 1941 Seaso t.nif brigade killed 2,000 men and A t a nuptial high mass in St. Tipplers Are Qiven An . ^luch phrases as "the United States Seven Registrants to Go r^, Driven Granted Two deotroyed 70 German tanka. The had been scattered and forced to 4b« withdraw eastw’ard the previous James's church this morning at has broken the peace” and “th4> general trend of the lighting waa other Chance to See United States alone 1s responsible'' To Hartford Monday , W e e k s P o s t p o n e m e n t not announced. day by Efrltlah forces reassembled nine o'clock, Miss Mary Helen- their remaining tanks during the How It Will Work/Cnit. for what seema to be almost Inevit- For Examinations. Pravda reported the situation In Lombardo, daughter of Mrs. Min- able now." First Sports i In Court This Morning night of Nov. 27-28. other key aones aa follows! nie Lombardo of 181 Oak street, — — / Seen Farther Talka Volokolamsk (northwest of "Yesterday these Axis armored Gray^n Selects becaihe the bride of Frank An- In., Town Court thili morning Nevertheless, Senator George 86ven regiatranta for Selectlva JV continuance of two week* on Moscow)—the Germans tried to forces once more moved west- thony Privlzzlno, aon of Mr. and Judge George C. Leasner "gave the said in an interview that he be- Service here will report at the lo* Program Helo, » reckless driving count was grant- advance along a highway, but ward. where they again were Mrs. Paul Privizzlno of Hartford. boys a break" in several Instances lieved there would be further con- cal draft office In the Post office ed In the case o f Axel H. Maarti- were thrown back across a river heavily engaged by our armored tsr. The double ring ceremony was per- where charges of intoxication had versations between Japanese dip- nsen, of 61 Winter street, who yes- and lost several towns. forces. building ^ seven o’clock Monday formed by the rector. Rev. W il- been lodged. In commenting on lomats and state department offi- Swell Grid Team By Students terday afternoon knocked 11 year Mozhaisk (west of Moscow) — "Yesterday evening bitter fight- the courae he pursued, Lesaner cials before the Far Ejastem situ- morning to'fie sent to Hartford for old Klchard Oowan of 24 Linmoore Germans were repelled in an at- ing waa still continuing, without liam J. Dunn. Carnations, ferns pre-lnductloi\ medical examina- and palms decorated the altar. The said he la disguatad that county ation came to a head, and he add- drive from his bicycle. The mis- tempt to cross an anti-tank ditch. either side having given or gained taxpayers should have to •u'pport ed a hope that an adjustment of tion. The group includes five who hap took place on Center street. ' organist, Mrs. John Barry render^ are registered WUh the local board Student Giuncil Stallnogorsk (southeast of Mos- ground." drunken convicts in Idleness in Jail, differences could be effected. ifficult Task of Picking Beat Players Completed ed the Mendelasohn Bridal March and two transfen hers from other According to the report made in cow) - Russian counter-attacks The British Air Force “waa aBle and that he preferred to see to it "Even a temporary understand- Splendid Talks lii|;. court this morning the boy is not succeeded in driving Ihp invaders and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Selective Service dnas. to take full advantage of opppiv Ernest Roy, who sang Ave Maria. that they support themselves. ing for a few months might piake By NEA SportK Editor for Herald Readem; believed to have been badly in- from two vlUages. tunlties offered to attack enemy He made It plain, however, that The five M onche^r registrants Dan Jesse and Mr^i The bridal attendants were Mrs. it possible to avoid war In the Pa- who will report are: ' jured. London military observers said concentrations in cooperation with if the accused persons do not re- cific," the Georgian declared. Ballots Determined Every Selection; Two In a second accident case a Salvatore Lombarlo, sister of the Marino J. Urbanettiv 141 Pearl' Bailey Last Night. the Germans apparently had re- our ground troops," the communi- act favorably to leniency, and Senator Hill (D.. Ala.), the ma- charge of reckless driving lodged verted again to encirclement tac- bride as matron of honor; Miss prove troublesome In the future, SD \ y que said. Helen Gauthier of Hartford and jority whip, .said that "if the Jap- Other Good Teams. against John Guastamachio of tics In an effort to reduce the de- "Bombing and Beaufightcr ma- he will Impose the full penalty "and Louis A. Guinipero, llNEIdr^dga *1 Under the auspices of ths 5' ^Uast Hartford was continued for Miss Rose Privizzlno, sister of the anese go Into Thailand, then we St. X,-- fense forces without the sacrifices chine-gun attacks. " the statement make It stick.” ought to move and move quickly.” By Barry Grayson 't dent Council at the ManchastsF.^ tWp weeks. The accused was driver Involved in frontal attacks. bridegroom were bridesmaids. Is Worth a Try Stephen R. Slossar, 67^\ Con- added, "were particularly success- Asked what steps he believed High School a highly succaasAil of it car in which two persons were 'Attacks Not .Abating ful against German and Italian Ushering were Emile Bellevue and WTiile Prosecutor (Jharles S. gress St., Hartford. / \ New York. Nov. 28— Resalts are hurt earlier this week on Tolland Joseph Loquldice of Hartford. Sal- this country might take. Hill re- Edward J. Hunter, Iff^LydalKst. la. The votes have been countod, sport’s night program waa held A London authority said reports armored forces engaged In the Mrs. F. A. Privizzlno House and police officials evident- turnpike. vatore Lombardo, brother-in-law' plied that was a military and na- Woodrow S. Wilseffi, 29 Ona- from the front gave no indication tank battle southeast of Rczegli." ly were chary of the success of the val problem which would have to ao hail the All-American team of the High 'S(:hool Auditorium lastj'; . O n a charge of unlawfully dis- of any abatement of German at- Plunge To Westward of the bride was best man. loosing of the accused men this wold St. / \ charging firearms within the town The bride who was given In be left to the executive depart- The two tran^rred regiatranta4 1041. evening. Prirtclpal Ed son Battsjr^^ tacks nor any substantial geo- In addltUn to this major en- rled a prayer book with orchid and morning, all of whom have records ment. limits, Lebnart. Plouff of Hart- gagement, New Zealand ' troops marriage by her grandfather. of from 20 convictions upward. who will re p o ^ for the army ex- With the aid of coaches, scouts, was master of \eremoniea and ha graphical changes In the Battle of stephanotis markers. No Reason for Conflict officials and football writers, NEA ford was found guilty and fined Moscow. plunged westward from Tobruk .to Sebastian Lombardo, wore a The maid of honor wore hyacinth Judge Lesaner said that the scheme amination a ^ reviewed the, athistlc history Of the’/! $10 and costs. Judge George C. princess style gown of white satin Senator Wheeler (D „ Mont.), a Leon Klihghoffer, 21 Summit Service offers a first team with- school from 1897 to tbs prssoBt;^’ The Germans appeared to have stab farther toward the Axis gros grain taffeta, sweetheart is worth a try, and that all that can leading opponent of administration Leasner noted that the discharge positions along Libya's coastline. \ with in.«erts of Chantilly lace and neckline, short puffed sleeves, fitted be wasted If it fails is a little of the St., from firooklyn, N. Y. out a weakness and second and day. Dan 'Jesse, coarii of Trialt3ri.i gained a little ground east of foreign policy, said he could see third teams hardly a step behind. of firearms is a great danger Tula, he said, but there were no Further, a force which the Ger- court train. Her veil of bridal bodice and full, gathered skirt court's time. Penntl E. Ahde, 236 Main 8L, footbsll team x’as Introduced I7 .,: within the town and that it la illusion was draped from a tiara nothing in the Far Eastern situa- froiti'New York Cflty. Each team has Intelligence,' Cioach Toni Kelley and tboos pfee '''■ signs of any further gains north mans sent crashing into Egypt in Her matching bonnet, with open In commenting on jthe cases at tion which should bring about con- strictly proi.ibited. Plouff was an attempt to divert the British of orange blossoms. She carried crown was trimmed at the back hand this morning Prosecutor ^ ' January Induction size, versatility, reisourcc- enf listened to a fine tah(, by tha^ stated to have been target prac- of Moscow. flict between Japan and the Uni- an(l dependability. Each Th<*' Soviet Information Bureau soon after the present campaign a prayer book with marker of with a bow and she carried a House said that certainly the In preparation for induction Trinity mentor. \ ticing in a lot off Porter street. ted States. sometime in January the local ss, run and kick, block and declared that the Rus.slan Air began was reported trying to meet j orchids and streamers of sweet county should work out some more In the past it haa been tbeueuA^; In the case of Edward Donnelly colonial bouquet. Senator Reynolds (D., N. C.). board must send one registrant to the nrmln force in the west, i peas. The bridesmaids wOTe ^ w n s of effective means of dealing with tack' 1pm to award letters to tha of 16 Flower street, charged with Force alone destroyed 176 German another administration opponent Hartford for a pre-induction grmy Oui\Ot an avalanche of recom tanks, 1,150 Infantry - bearing N a « attempts to wrest control matron of honor wore rals- drunks than forcing them to idle- 'Ous'toams just before graduatMlE’ failure to obey the signal of an dusty rose gros grain taffeta, dc and a member of the Foreign Re- medical examination on December menda^ons. these stalwart mark- of the sky from the R. A. F. were j moire, also cut on princess lines ness for jail terms. ^He said that L e a r night, however, marked officer, a fine of S. ' S auid costs was trucks. 400 guns and other ma- signed on aame lines aa that of the lations Committee, said he, did not anticipated as Axis reinforce- ] train. H fr arm bouquet wa-s a labor camp appeared the solu- 16. The local registrant whose ed m en ^h o atood . up under all first time that such a p r o g m a Imposed. Donnelly hit a schoolgirl terial. and destroyed about two maid of honor. Their matching believe "that this country should number is up for this call and who regiments of invading Infantry ments still were coming by air. i orchid chry.santhemums. The tion. eondituibk are hopored with coa- was carried out in the evening aad- crossing the center area. The girl shoulder length veils were attach- get Into war in Europe br Asia. has been notificu to report on sted plocekon the first team: ' Thursday. The British said, however, that j ^^.ore g o w n s o f f a i l l e ed to tiaras Of velvet flowers. They Was Just Released It was highly succeaaful froiB^ was not badly hurt. they were not sorely troubled over ,.,ffeta, dc.signed on identical lines, 'Great Britain has billions of in- that date is Herman Evans Pen- Backs: S ^ h e n J. Lach of Duke, every angle. Freddie Mohr, prastti • A fine of one dollar and costs The German drive eastward also carried colonial bouquets. The In the lineup this morning waa ney, Order No. 896, of 195 Spencer what manpower and light equip-1 effect long full skirts Thomas Egan of 22 West Center vestments In the Orient while we Robert B. W e ^ a ll of Michigan, dent of the Student Council, wCl*V for making a II turn on Main from Tula .into the Stallnogorsk mother of the brhle wore blue with have only a few hundred million," street. sector 120 miles southeast of Mos- ment might be landed b% the Axis „ypj. crinoline. Miss Privizzlno was atreet, charged with being a com- Frank O. A l b ^ of Stanford and corned the guests and members Street In a restricted area was maroon accessories and corsage of he added. "Britain. naturally, No Racial Problem Derace M<->ser ^T exaa A. and M. a aircraft that the thing in ashes of roses and Miss Gaii- mon drunkard. Egan pleaded guil- the scbool body who were preseoU^ charged against Michael Veneri of cow and 21-mil* thrust from camellias. would like to see us get Involved The Manchestc' Selective Ser- Ends: Robert X- Dove of Notre Mozhaisk to a point 36 miles west counted was the inability of the , flower blue. Both The ceremony was followed by a ty. He had only been released and later on in the evening stoUg, Hartford. For double parking Her- Axis to bring in new tanks to re- In the Pacific.” vice board has no Negro problem Dante and John fioktsky of Du- the ehow by leading the cbeera bert Whittemore of Glastonbury of the capital were interpreted In hridesmaid.s wore Mary Queen of reception and wedding breakfast from the county Jail yesterday such as is vexing boards elsewhere place heavy losses. morning, he said, on a prior con- quesoe. \ the cheer leaders "('j , was fined $1 and costs. Continued London as preliminaries to the Scotland bonnets matching their for 45 guests at the Holel Sheri- in the state. There are eight Ne- Tacxles: Ernest B(wdln of Tu- shift in strategy. Because of tne Axis' reliance on gowns and carried arm bouquets dan. after which the bride and viction, and was picked up yeaher- Mr. Jesse told some interastia^ ; to December 1 was the case of the air for what reinforcements in gros registered here and six of lana and Richard Wllqung of Mln- Bruce Paton of 29 Westwood Attempts to isolate defense of yellow chrysanthemums. bridegroom left for an unannounc- day afternoon. them have already been classified stories of football and xrarnad tha i units would constitute the next ment that can be brought in, the When Egan started to explain nasota. students present that no mattsF^ street, charged with making a U The mother of the bride wore ed wedding trip. For traveling the Obituary by the local board. Of the six Guards: Endicott Pea* phase. Royal Air Force has about even- a why he had taken again to drink- what school or college they attend-^, turn on Main street. dark brown with gold accessories bride is wearing dark green wool classified one is in Class 4F, un- Harvard and Ray Fran! Maintain 8oUd U n e ly divided Its activity between and velveteen ensemble, with lug- ing and promised to reform, he ed after graduation sjporto was not Charged with parking within 10 fighter sweeps against Axis air- and corsage of orchids, and the fit physically for service; three Washington. \ Zale Upsets Russians maintain a solid line gage tan accessories and corsage drew a laugh from the judge who the whole idea. The speaker aaid' feet of a hydrant, William B. Ben- craft and bombing raids over the bridegroom's mother, aquamarine are married and In the dependency Center: Darold Jenkins Mis- Famous Swedish Army-Navy, B. C. Holy Cross deur of West Hartford pleaded against even shallow German of yellow bronze pompoms. They noted the 20 convictions on Egan'a classification and two are over that learning wae far more eeeen-^s desert battlefields and on behind- 1 eyelet silk and corsage of roses. A record, and told him not to try to souri. \ tlal and It came flrat at Trinity.j guilty. He said he did not see the wedges, commentators said, with- the-lines bases. ' reception and dinner for 65 guests, will be at home after December 15 Funerals 28 years of age. The two Negros Advance Dope drawing the whole if pressure be- 'kid anybody.'*' Making It plain Always DUsentlng Vole«\ It Was, the speaker aaid, far n t o ^ hydrant. His case was nolled on Naples Rnldi-d Again , relatives and close friends was in Suncook, N. H. not yet classified are known to be comes Irresistible. At Tula partic- that he mistrusted the "old line" There adll be dlosenting vo1)sm, Tops on Eastern Grid Fronts necessary to live a clean life, pbya.i; payment of costs. A “ smashing raid" lasting three j held at the Italian-American The bride is a graduate of O n - Edu-ard C. EUlott, Jr. married and so none of the eight promises of the accused. Judge at course. There always are wh\n Soccer Team To ically and morally than it waa to • For parking against traffic pay- ularly, they said, the Soviet forces hours was made on Naples Thurs- i.home, 234 Pearl street. H cord. N. H., High school, and the Funeral services for Edward C. are available for Selective Ser- To Win Title evidently, intend to hold their Leusner said that nevertheless he the fine line that oeparates men « win awards in sports alona. ment of one dollar costs each was day night, the Middle East R. A. i and at the same place this ejnenini bridegroom of St. Charles Semin- Elliott. Jr., of 34 Valley street, vice unless regulations are chang- waa "about to make what la prob- All-America caliber is drawn. talk received a splendid ovaUoo. assessed against Francis Allen of ground if possible. F. reported today. a reception for 250 gucsti will ary, Sherbrooke, Quebec. town building Inspector and pro- ed to take those over 28 years of (In Berlin, the well-informed j ably a mistake. I am going to give It Is a shame to leave Brure Letters and awards to the tbMO ^ 58 Chestnut street and Earl (The Italian high command yes- ; take place from 7 .to 11 o'clpek. bation officer, who died suddenly age. New Middleweight Boss ‘Pop’ Dietz Giants Enjoy Knowles of 2.'5 Palm street. commentary Dlen.st aus Deutsch- you a chance. You are going to early yesterday, will be held to- In CUss lA Smith of Minnesota and BUI Dud- Play Here Sunday terns were made last nlgrt by tbs ' Reopening tht case of Milton land declared “ German troops are terday admitted Naples had been On their return from a Ueddin I/Ockwood-Burns ley, ■ Virginia's 10-year-old taU- respective coaches. Coach KalleE^ raided and said "material damage The marriage of Miss Agnes get a three months jail sentence, morrow afternoon at two o'clock The local board has made fast Comes Up Off Floor to Demercst of Plainville, he had approaching the Bolshevik capital trip to Washington, D. C. and' b u k , oft the first team. made the first presentations to th q ) May Bums, daughter of Mr. and suspended, and will be put on pro- at the T. P. Holloran Funeral progress on classifying the local Tops Bowlers ^ir; Both Teams to J{e§t Tomorrow originally been held for reckless steadily and according to plan.") was notable.") Virginia, for which th^ bride'.s Smith, remarkable aa a junior, the football team, who, InddentSlr^ The R. A. F. communique said bation for six months. Go to home, 175 Center atreet. Rev. Dr. registrants. Of the 3,361 register- lilockcd excellently, snd wae a Outscore Abrams for driving, ,the court allowed a plea Both Russian and German ac- traveling costume is a /tan dress Mrs. Alfred J. Bums, of 472 this faa as a senior threw the paii.i- An au- judge observtxi to Goddard that That— might Lave been. More than one In the Cravat Bowling Leaguea body la having more fun out of the ghaw, Reginald Curtla Ronald!' Stokes-Marshall will be the bridesmaid, and David cemetery. Worshipful Master John for 13 of 17 pioints. after touch- today,and heard Promoter Mike haa had more, than its share, one dress to the motor vehicle depart- fertile north Caucasian region had thoritative source -said today he the latter probably will die out of critic picked flaws in Dudley's de- down. Ho b lock ers kick and re- One of the fastest soccer teams laat night at Murphy's so he etag- Carlow, -Pat Vendrillo, Robert Al« . ment. The accused, it was stated, Kenton of West Center street will Pickles will lead the Masonic of the auperduper efforts has been two-team race between the (Chica- been repulsed with bloody losses, had received word the "artillery Miss Loui.se Katherine Marshall, Jail if he keeps on drinking. fsnslva ability. As outstanding as covered the ball \agalnat Mar- In this section, the Swedish A. C. Jacobs match him with Billy Conn vord, Albert 'WaUluk and Ernert had be best man. membership.' ed a rtie man “ blitz” and took the that of Earl Henry Blaik, the go Bears snd the Green Bay Pack- been warned over two months while planes struck at railroads, IS thinning out" in the vicinity of of Suncook, N. H.K


RED RYDER Spooks BY FRED HARMAN P«£Tiy S3u*vJ TiOT 60c*KB0tfr Sense and Nonsense HtRE, (<£•(>• (?fCci^, itij's e-’T r'£ -H.EWi!) HtR. •Ai-K-unf We speak of democracy as a To Save Gas Onl.v Another Need 1 Isn tem of government distinguish- able from other forma by Its ad- In olden times— In the buggy Now that a bomb-disperser Lost and Ponnd Personals Articles for Sale 45 Suburban for 66 mlnlstratlvs features. It 1s much they went sparking. Operates for us. Negro Issue Japan Must I more than that. In present tlmeo—In an auto We want a debt-dlsburser f i. W E BUY STANDARD merchan- FOR SAL%-MEN'S REBUILT FOR RENT—TW?D Al^D THREE 1 It is a principle of government they go parking. To clear up all the muss. FOUND—HtTNTINa dog. black dise for consumers. Get prices, and relaated shoes.. Better than room apitrtments. furnished or I based on the fundamentals of and white. Owner call 4SM. save. Consumers Service, G. P. O. new cheap ahoea. See them. Sam unfurnished, also rooms with or Is Cleared Up Make Some Sports Roundup I equality, equal rights and oppor- Burdens. When burden.s grow Hitch-hikers. There are ~ too Box 201, New York. Yulyea, 701 Main. without board. 3 miles from tuniUas under law, for which its too heavy, you can do one of two many persons In this country who I j OST— MONGRRL DOG. black Wspping, 20 minutes from A ir- B.v ITugh Fullerton. Jr. I citizens are responsible. things. Either throw off part oi have decided they would rather and brown. ' Laat aeen In Buck- FOR S A LE —ONE 20 INCH plpe- craft. Inquire Sunday, for- Bert • 16.908 bowlers last year, will FurU'ermore It operates not by the load for others to carry, or less furnace, cast Iron radiator, Draft Boards Are Told MoVe SoOll New Y’tii’k. Nov. 29. If Oregon oeg for what they want than land. Telephone 6204. Automobiles for Sale 4 Barbers, Barber Hill. t chal-ge a $1 entry fee this winter I the dictates of an autocratic ruler search within’ yourself for some work for It. "ntey have become used only short time. Price J40. State wins the Western Rose Bowl I and put the dough Into defense That Misunderstanding bid, ywii can look for some burned but through administrators of the hidden -eservolr of strength, some hitch-hikera, thumbing their way 1936 PO N TIAC SEDA.V, 1934 T. P. Attktn. Phone 6793. (Continued Prom Page One) tbonds for prizes---- it used to he I laws whom the people choose. ears as well as a good game at renewed Inspiration, that will through life, with the taxpayers Announcements Dodge panel. 1938 Willys sedan. Wanted to Rent, 68 I fre e ...'.It takes a good voice as Democracy works by the com- make your burdens seem light. 1S‘40 Pontiac sedan. 1935 Ply- FOR 8ALE--P1ANO. desk, hall Caused the Trouhle. PAsadena New Year's D a y .... providing the conveyance and the getting under way, Japan's Indus- I well' as bowling ability to make I pelting force of public eentlmeht. gasoline. MAGAZINE CHRISTMAS eift Inouth setlan, 1938 Pontiac sedan. rack, folding double rot. boys W ANTED TO RENT five or six trial machine Is creaking to a ihibliclty Director Bud Forrester's ' the Miilvey's Service team at Hartford. Nov. 29 State hint that the Beavers would like Bob--Well, the finance 'Tym- aubacriptiona accepted to Dec. Cole Motors—4164. bicycle, lawn hammock. and rooms, by adults with one child, halt. I Moorhead. Minn. The captain has Man—Yea, we spent our holiday stand tropical fish aquarium. Selective Service Headquarters to- to play Fordham, Missouri or Duke pany has put me on my feet again. Ruth— How do you afford such OUT OUR WAY 20th. Gift cards sent on all orders. in or near Manchester, Write itay attributed to misunderstand- The Japanese are i-eported lo be I a tryout each fall and picks the I louring tbs South. It was beau- Joe— How. did they refinance long holidays, BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE WITH MAJOR HOOPLB Phone 6981. 1931 PACKARD SEDA.N, 1934 Tel. .5762. Box E. Herald. completing shortly two and possi- shows what's up. . . .The Northern I loudest yellei'S to roll with him. ... Pontiac setlan, 1934 Plymouth' ing the action of .Vew Haven and I tlful down there. your car? • Mary— Essy. One month on the bly four 4,5,000-ton battleships, but teams c*f the Coast Conference, Mrs. Babe Didrikson Zaharias, who Frleno —'-.Motored down, eh? Bob— No They repossessed it. WOW’D WE COME f OW, w o w STUPID coupe. 193,5 Packard sciian, 1930 Stonington draft hoard.s on alleged sands and 11 months on the rocks. T ’ MAKE HIM TW ^ hol d OM, /Vta.30R MOOPLE f us- aw k/- FOR RENT — LATEST TYPE othfTwl.se the shipbuildii)g Indus- A’hlrli have received plenty of I was a star In track and field, bas- I WsU, you must have passed some OF ME > I TWOUeSHT '(S T C e JA B B W S boqtltal bed. for home use. Hatea Packard converUhle, 1936 Ford Electrical .-Vppliances— discrimination against Negroes. blasts from their "Big 'nme" MAW TEAM Aw' IT WAS SeCAUSE '^ 'io o SVARTED FLVING Houses for Sale 72 try Is crippled by lack ot steel and I kethall and golf, has taken up glorious scenery! Roberts-- How did you meet The man who toots' hla own horn ME TW' A12MV • 500 OR , M B, M R. reaaonable. Call Kemp'a Inc. Tel. roach, 1937 Dodge coupe, 1937 Radio 49 Stonington Draft Board 20B, In Japan has no hope <>f matching rivals In California, would like WE’D BEEW TW' a letter received today by Col. ! bowling and rolled a 716 series m Man—Oh..’ We must have! Why. your wife, Smith ? soon has everybody dodging when TEAM? wwy, rr vooR Kit e vUit h a miul iOM- no t hing f —- 6680. Pontiac sedan. 1937 Ford coupe, FOR SALE NEW 4 room house the U. S. huUding program. nothing belter tlian to retort: MOST taEOEMT OWE WACH'N&TON :j Ernest I-. Averill. state director, , practice recently. ... A father and I we averaged well over 400 miles a Smith '-Well, 1 happened to be be approaches! J I3 T KIWDA OOME ABOOMD WVTER dou- ar Win d -— mo w i woo 5PUTT-TT.'-w 1941 Packard sedan. 1941 Desoto FoTt SALK-CHI.Y.'^LER Auto In Bolton. One acre of land, on Japan normally imports 33 stra- "Well, we don't have to pick set- twatt wav, cuz radio. 8 tube, 6 push buttons, said it could send only nine men his four sons are leading a liowl- 1 day! on ai< excursion, and— I ner TOlled a 581 TUfc iNWEismOiNl FOR Bipoo/ (5RANT US A 51R tion. Value $60. Complete $37.50 tion examination because the 10th 'Tie always beat tn stop and often have I said it's foolish to be fewer :;ranks and more self-start- DIDMT.' from China, cotton from China, born captain-elect, has a kid broth- series to lend his team Into the I pray before you claim the right of penny wise. ers. DON^T kno w WHETHER SR-lEP T ime BTEAL.BUT , cash. Tel. 3368. 25 Avon. man was a Negro and the board er ready to enter college next year. INirchase understoo

MlM Althea' Johnaon, daughter ot Judgre and Mra. Raymond A. Local Woman’s New Features About Town Johnaon of Pitkin atreet ia home Heard Along Main Street I for the yrMk-end from Edgewood Park Ju^or College, Brlaivllff, N. Drama on Air And on Some o f Manche$ter*B Side Streets, Too Of Air School C H R IS T M A S B A Z A A R Vote Alverd. mb Y., and Raymond Jr. m m Borden- jV' H i«. Harold Alvord o t Richard town, N: J. Military Academy. road, la'home from the Unlveraity One of the required readings was advised and the delivery men o t New Hampahire, at Durham, N. Miss Katherine Sullivan also so advised. First Aid Demonstration Mancheater Camp No. 2840, Itema in Sophomore English' South Methodist Church K for a few daye. Royal Nelghbora, will hold ita claases in High school is Charles But being as it is with’ help And Two Lectures to Now Writing for Radio Dickens s ‘‘A Tale of Two Cities." these days the delivery men. Just marri^e Miaa Barbara regular meeting Monday evening The ot with Mra. Huldah Beerman, 701 In New York Qty. The pubUahera of the volumes cur- dumped the new bed Into the tiny Be Given Monday. Carpenter, daughter of Mr. and rently in use at the High school room and refused to move the old THURSDAY, DEC 4 Hra. Burton Carpenter of South Main atreet The buaineaa will in- clude the election of officers. here evidently dldn‘t believe Dlck- one. The Air Raid Precaution. School Coventry, and Lawrence K. Allen, An original radio drama, "The ena knew what he waa writing So there you have the picture. Sponsored By “Women’s Society of Christian Service” Story of Benjamin" will be broad- Committee announced today that, am of Mr. and Mra. Charlea E. about because the outside cover The poor fellow who has for years cast over Station WMCA, New Allen of S53 Middle Turnpike East, Mra. James O. McCaw, of 33 Co- of the volumes In use read "Tales been saving and dreaming of in addition to the regular lectures Booths Sellinff: York, tomorrow at;<8:30 p. m., the will take place thle afternoon at bum road, will leave Monday for of Two ClUea." sleeping in a modem bed, is night next Monday there will be a prac- 4;M at the Congregational church Ciearwater, FloYida, where she work of Miss Katherine A. Sulli- after night forced to ait jn a hard tical first aid demonstration by HOME COOKED FOOD — CANDY — JEWELRY in South Ccventoy. will spend the winter. van, formerly of 18 Falrvlew chair within reaching distance of street, this town. Whether or not ita becauae the several of Manchester's First Aid FANCY WORK public can afford it, now better - the bed—but he can't use it. The instructors. Miss Sullivan, formerly on the than oefore, we do not know, but new. bed is piled on top of the There has been a general re- staff of the Catholic Transcript, Tea Served in the Afternoon Cafeteria Supper there is a definite trend to "in the other arui there is nothing that arrangement of the balance of the Hartford, and author of ‘‘The Bet- can be done about it. ter Part," a column appearing person'' entertainment in theaters. sessions which reflects the continu- Singing by The Cecilian Club in the Evening D/NE and DANCE weekly in that paper, is now doing Show business is redlly booming Until the delivery men can be ous effort of the Committee and radio magazine writing in New in Ne>v York now. Broadway la induced to get out that old bed, the State Department to Improve at more than ever before a "gay the local man is doomed to spend this course wherever and when- Yortc a ty . white way." And In Hartford the rest of his life, sleeping in a ever possible. This rearrangement atage shows pack them in at the chair with two big beds in the makes changes necessary in the Trade School State theater and every entertain- same room. Monday session so that the pro- DANTE’ S RESTAURANT ment at the Buahnell Memorial gram now stands; Our Opening Week Special 10 East Center Street Odd Fellows Building finds every aeat in that spacious Manchester has three boxing Subject: Blackouts by EHliot Dance Successful auditorium filled. commissioners, one appointed each bodge, Principal of the Simsbury ITALIAN AND AMERICAN COOKING MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY — DEC. 1 AND 2 It would be good to see stage year for a three-year term, but High school. Mr. Dodge has made Featuring Chicken, Steaks, Spaghetti and Ravioli. One of the most successful shows at the local theaters again. their functions are superseded and a very intensive etudy of this sub- Orders Put Up To Take Out. dances ever held by the Student Perhaps a three day vaudeville nullified by the appointment of a ject and has given many flne lec- tures.' NOW FEATURING: DANTE’S RHYTHM BAND! Athletic Association of the State run at the local State theater deputy by the State Boxing Com- MEN'S TROUSERS tYade School waa held last night would go across as big as the "in missioner.' commissioner Coskey Subject: Emergency Care and in the auditorium of . the State the person" shows are going didn't name either of the Manches- Cooperation with Medical Services Trade school with Red Maxwell acroea in Hartford. Next time we ter boxing commissioners but by Dr. Robert P. Knapp, Chairman or LADIES' SLACKS and his "Modemalrea” supplying meet Jack Sanson on Main street named aa bis Manchester deputy of the Manchester Chapter of the Red Cross. In addition Mr. Knapp music for modem dancing. A fea- we will mention it to him. Dr. George ClaUlouette. ture of the program waa two dance Doc Claillouette gets five bucks has arranged a demonstration of exhibitions by members of the Last Tuesday's issue of The for each licensed fight program he first aid work. Angelo Studios. Hartford, a Span- Herald proved to,, be in great attends and a couple of free seats. If time allows there will be a The promoter has to pay the five brief review of sessions to date. 2 ish number and a toe dance. demand, so much so that every LEGION Miaa Alberta Staum and Ray- available copy waa sold out. We bucks. Aa Frank Cdskey’s deputy Sessions start at 7:30 p. m. and REGULARLY 35c EACH 1 end at or before 9:30. mond Dancoas were the winning had calls from town clerks from the local chiropractor rules the couple in the Jitterbug contest con far and wide asking for copies, fight game locally with an iron .. This Special does not Include white, corduroy or silk gnlwrdlne ducted during the evening. A sur- and on Inquiry wc found that they hand, unless of course, Coskey trousers. prise feature of the dance waa the all wanted clippings of Alan Olm- himself, or his assistant, Micky 2. Each pair of trousers Inspected rareCully before deUvery. Landers, shows up at the fight. presentation of the Spanish dance, stead's ‘‘Connecticut Yankee" col- S. Please give us three or four days to finish them. B-I-N-G-O ‘‘la Conga” in w^ch all dancers umn on that day. He took the law The real Joker in this la the fact 4. Don’t miss this SpeiHal! participated. profession, or rather those that that the locally appointed boxing KOPPERS

The hail decorations were blue practice it, for a rough Jaunt. And commissioners. Jack Dwyer, Tom lights and yellow and blue stream bow the town clerks liked it! One Kelly and Walt Vennart, can't SATURDAY NIGHT era. of them told us that be was going even get passes to the local li- COKE Manchester Dry Cleaners The affair waa In charge of the to carry a copy of that column censed shows. They have to pay LEGION HOME — LEONARD STREET committee comprised of the SAA with him at all times, and ask their 11.15 for a ringside seat while PLANT, 93 WELLS ST. officers, headed by President every lawyer he met to read it. the doctor not only gets his pair TffE W. G. Branch Store: 195 Center Street A d m ission ...... 50c. of seats but a flnlf in folding ttouglaa Taft; vice president Rus- sell Irwin; secretary Lawrence money as well. This Same Phone Number— 7254 We are reminded of the enthu- GLENNEY CO. Regular Games Start 8:15 — Penny Bingo At 7:20. Moran and treasurer Joseph Welt. siasm of another war, 23 years Coal, Lumber, Masons' Suppllea, ‘The committee waa assisted by ago, when sheaves of Liberty How about a few arre.sts ot au- members of the student body. tomobile drivers who persist in Paint INDIVIDUAL SEAT^TOR EVERYONE! bonds were sold in public places by citizens stirred to a fever point driving with blinding headlights? SS8 No. Main ^t. Tel. 4148

of patriotism, and many of our Safety drives , usually hit the speeders and the inspection lanes Plus Sweepstake FOR CHRISTMAS prominent .business men waxed oratorical for three minutes (or catch the defective brakes, but the Christmas Bazaar bright light boys get away with 5 Admission Prizes Photo Xmas Cards more) over the subject of national defense. their dangerous practice with lit- Made From Yonr Negative! 1 D oor Prize The picture is changed today. tle or no restrictions. and Turkey Supper Women are taking the part play- There is a atate law that re- quires drivers to dim their lights ELITE STUDIO ed by men 23 years ago. At the FILMS St. Mary's Church— Ladies’ Guild Plenty of Parking Space In the Rear! second session of the Manchester on approaching other automobiles, but how many of them do it ? A DEVELOPED AND Air Raid Wardens school in High WELL LIGHTED AND PATROLLED! campaign by the police against THURSDAY, DEC 4, 5 P. M. on school Monday night two wom- PRINTED ths en, both graduate wardens and this practice ought to be welcomed by those who have had the "blind- 24-HOUR SERVICE Aprons Gift Goods Home Made Candy Prav- PHILCO one a veteran Red Cross Nurse PLEASE N O TE: Sidewalks Have Been Laid From er" experience. Christmas Plants Candlea and London Air Raid Warden, Film Deposit Box .Main Street To the Legion Home. RCA RADIOS brought the picture of war in Brit- At Store Entrance and ain home to a local audience. The manner in which the Depot In that audience of 700 persons, Square-bound bus parks at the TURKEY SUPPER 7Sc post office at the Center creates a Record those two women were the only MENU: Turkey witk fixln’s, mashed potato, tnmipa, eelery, persons in - uniform — and they hazard for autoists. There isn't cabbage salad, cranberry sauce. Ice creeim, cookies, rioUs and KEMP'S Combination wore them wall. much room at this particular coffee. (n the recent Legion listening point, and^when the bus stops to Children Under 12 Served At Half Price.

Records and Sheet Music station assignments women pre- pick up passengers It sticks out Reeervatlona for ttie Supper Close Monday Night.

dominated; in the Red Cross and into traffic to such an extent that Telephoae 4B88 for Tickets. British War Relief workrooms the a good portion of the highway 1s Real] Herald Advs. Faith Spillane M cC artin KE M P'S, IN C . same Is true. Are the women not- blocked. Cars .going north arc rURNTTlTRE AND MTSIC ing the significance of war and its forced to cut over into the south-

terrors first this time? bound lane and the view down the street is partly blocked by the bus. The bus parking situation SCH O OL O F D A NCiNC One man in Mancheater isn't in- around the Center makes a real terested in the proposed survey by the Defense Council, to ^flnd out problem, and Just how it can be solved is something that might RANGE how many persons one Can ac- Registrations Are Again Open for Class and commodate if, for instance, Hart- stump any traffic expert. It boars study, however, since every day a and ford has to be evacuated during an air raid. At present he is trying potential fatal accident is . pro- H o m e O w n e r s h i p . H o s Been Private Instruction in Tap, Toe, Ballet, Acro- duced at the town's crossroads. to discover how he can accommo-

batic and Ballroom Dancing. date himself. B r o u g h t W ith in the M e a n s of FUEL OIL It's this way: We were talking with a group of local people that Included two Last Saturday he bought a new bed at one of the local atorea. He or three persona Just recently For Further Information Telephone 8516 or 4891. Th o usan ds o f People By M odern Fi bad his old one, which was of the moved to Manchester from cities some distance away. One was from A class will be formed for adults Interested in ballroom L. T. Wood Co. at'.idlo couch type, dismantled and put into a comer. His room Is so New York City, another from nancing A rra n g e m e n ts. . . N otably dancing. 51 Bissell Street small that the onlj way to get the Scranton. Pa., and Mother from

PHONE 4496 new bed in, was to first take out Waterbary, this state. Naturally the old one So the furniture dealer we asked the newcomers what they t h e F . H . A . thought of Manchester. They had some mighty nice things to say,

and were generally agreed it is

really a "city of village charm." W h e n Y o u D ecide T o Build . . .

But, all of them were critical of Manchester's drinking water. Select a Location T h a t H as M e r i t - One of the party remarked that In Save Your Health! Save Your coming from a large city like Nbw

York to a small town situated in O ne T h a t W ill Co n tin u e T o Im 'i the country aa we are he expected to get the very best of drinking Looks! Don’t Endanger Beauty, water. He sal4^Jhat New York's prove In V alu e and G e n erally Fine water la far superior to Manches- ter’a It la an ^ d situation. The big A p p earance A s the A re a B u i l d s cities haVe to go away out Into the Health and Strength— country to pipe good drinking wa- I; 5 ter in, but when the New Yorkers Up. actually move, out to the country they can't get ga good water aa In tha u Send or Bring Your Laundry the city.

The' First Congregational church In East Hampton waa dMtroyed by fire riscently. The G Clef club

To of the Emanuel Lutheran church

here presented a concert in that church annually for several years

and. when the members of the club H as Been Laid O u t T o Provide A ll heard of the fire, they Voted to re- turn to the church treasurer the

amount of money they had recefv- T h is and M ore. NEW MODEL LAUNDRY ad for. their last appearance there, aome $39.00, we are told.

' We know the club len't looking for eny publicity in thle connec- W« A re A d din g D ozens of N ew tl

( Custo m ers Every M onth T o O ur in a benefit program designed to secure funds for rebuilding the Livin g In a D esirable D evelo p m ent SAVE 15%

church. It’s our bet they will re- List o f P i c k - u p and D elivery spond willingly. On Our New Cash Such A s T h is. £

There is e wretched conditlan Service. existing on Summit street between' And Carry Service William and Henry streets. Some

time Sfo 12 Inch galvanised iron Every item returned to you look- Irrespective ot the number and kind of pieces in the pipe# were laid along the weet

Injr like new — that’s the kind of eide of the street to carry away bundle you can make this important aavinf by brinfinf tha surface erater. Aa there la no

aideeralk on that aide the pipee laundry aerviet women like. - and callinc for yourlauadry. The JARVIS REALTY protrude about nine Inches Into the roadway and are uncovered. Several automobQee have come to grief when they struck tha and a t tha pipes stlcldng ouL Tha water COMPANY drains off tha atrast but It would seem that these pipes rauld be Alexuder Jarala, Owner and Developer.

lowered to street level and a grat-

ing placed over them to protect Basineaa Offlee: Center Street Residence: 41 Alexander Street the traveling public. W li^ makee

this a dangeraus stunt Iq tha fact PtMOMt 4112-72T B that tbs plpas run saat and wast

SUMMIT ST. PHONE 8072 while the etreet goes north and south end it is capeeielly danger-

ous aftair dark. '• ^ • . y ' —A. Nea. m