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Université Laval Quebec City, Canada November 16‐21, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Symposium program 1 Abstracts of talks 10 Abstracts of posters 49 Public transportation 63 Meals 64 Other useful information 65 Symposium participants 66 International and local organizing committees 69 Amplitude Technologies 70 Coherent 71 COPL 72 Femtolasers 73 INO 74 Thales 75 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CHIRPED PULSE AMPLIFICATION PROGRAM Tuesday, November 16th, 2010 15:00 – 18:00 Registration 18:00 – 19:30 Reception Place: Atrium Jean-Guy-Paquet Ground Floor, Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins From Wednesday, November 17th to Sunday, November 21st, 2010 SYMPOSIUM Place: Amphithéâtre Hydro-Québec 2nd Floor, Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins Wednesday, November 17th, 2010 08:30 –12:00 Registration 09:15 – 9:30 Opening remarks Session I Public talks 9:30– 10:15 Chair: Nadia Ghazzali, NSERC-Industrial Alliance Chair for Women in Science and Engineering in Quebec, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Université Laval Donna Strickland Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Canada Title: CPA, The Early Years – En Route Vers le Petawatt 10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break 1 10:45 – 11:30 Chair: Réal Vallée, Centre for Optics, Photonics and Lasers (COPL), Université Laval, Canada Gérard Mourou Institut Lumière Extrême, Laboratoire d’ Optique Appliquée at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Technique Avancée (ENSTA), Palaiseau, France Title: Chirped Pulse Amplification is 25: from Atom to Nothingness 11:30 – 12: 00 Chris P. J. Barty Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA Title: A World Tour of Ultrahigh Intensity CPA Laser Facilities 12:00 – 13:30 Lunch break Session II Rochester days (I) Chair: Robin Marjoribanks, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada 13:30 – 14:00 Joseph H.
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