Meeting No. 17

Date: Thursday 12th October 2017 Venue: Mereside Time: 4.15pm

Present: Dr David Sanders (Chair) Ms Nicola Anderson (Lead Case Worker, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Unity Academy) Ms Victoria Blakeman (Safeguarding Director, Blackpool Sixth Form College) Mr Simon Brennand (Senior Vice Principal, Unity Academy) Mr Tim Craven (Designated Safeguarding Officer, Blackpool Sixth Form College) Mr Bill Greene (Safeguarding Governor, Aspire Academy) Ms Rebecca Gudgeon (Designated Safeguarding Lead, Westcliff Primary Academy) Ms Amanda Gwilliam (Safeguarding Governor, Westcliff Primary Academy) Ms Angela Livesey (Business Manager, Garstang Community Academy) Mr Chris McConnachie (Safeguarding Governor, Hodgson Academy) Ms Gill Smith (Assistant Principal: Personal Development and Welfare, Montgomery High School) Ms Claire Swift (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Westminster Primary Academy) Ms Annette Threlfall (Family Engagement Officer, Westminster Primary Academy) Ms Nicola Wheatley (Assistant Headteacher/SENCo, Mereside Primary School) Ns Holly Wood (Principal and Safeguarding Lead, Hambleton Primary Academy) Ms Gail Yeadon (Deputy Principal and Safeguarding Lead, Blackpool Sixth Form College and Safeguarding Governor, Montgomery High School)

Ms Lisa Lonsdale, Lead Nurse for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) at Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals (for part of the meeting)

Mrs Kath Buddle (FCAT Governance Administrator – minutes)

Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted from Ms J Aionesei, Ms F Bate, Ms D Davies, Mr T Nicholson and Mr N Oldham.

Action 1. Preliminaries The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and especially new members.

Introductions were made.

Apologies were noted.

2. Declarations of interest None

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 20th June 2017 and matters arising The minutes of the meeting were approved. The following items were noted:

3.1 Night Time Economic Working Group (NTEWG) Action Plan (Item 3.2) – the Clerk confirmed that the action plan had been circulated to members of the Safeguarding Board. 3.2 Feedback to students on developments (Item 3.3) – the Group reviewed a draft briefing paper to students with feedback on responses to their safeguarding concerns (Paper 4.2). Following a brief discussion, it Clerk was agreed to review the paper again at the next meeting once further (agenda) DS/KB Page 1 of 4 Kathryn Buddle/00FCAT/SGBoard/121017

Action details on progress of some of the actions had been made available. 3.3 Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) contact details (Item 4) – the Clerk confirmed that contact details for the CAMHS team had been circulated to the Safeguarding Board members. 3.4 Sale of e-cigarettes to under age children (Item 5.2) – the Chair confirmed that a second letter to Blackpool Council’s Trading Standards raising concerns about the sale of e-cigarettes to under age children had Chair/Clerk been sent and that he was in touch with the Head of Services on the (agenda) matter. A further update would be brought to the next meeting. 3.5 FCAT Safeguarding Policy (Item 6) – the Clerk confirmed that the revised Policy had been approved by the FCAT Board of Directors at their meeting in July 2017 and had been sent to Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) for circulation across academies. 3.6 Case study (Item 9) – the Clerk provided feedback on a letter sent out to a neighbouring local authority following the presentation of a case study at the previous meeting. The local authority concerned had yet to Clerk to respond to the letter. The Chair asked that the matter be escalated arrange further if a response was not received in the next two weeks.

Following a concern raised by one of the group about the persistently poor responses to issues raised with external support agencies, the Chair asked everyone to let him have details of cases so that he could look into matters further. The Clerk was asked to prompt members of the group Clerk for cases.

4. Membership and Terms of Reference The Board reviewed and approved the current Membership and Terms of Reference (Paper 5).

5. ESFA Safeguarding Guidance The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for The Blackpool Sixth Form College informed the Board about changes to financial reporting for all post 16 education settings. Colleges were now required to report all serious safeguarding concerns (i.e. those where the organisation or one of its sub-contractors was being investigated by the police) to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in order for the ESFA to ensure the Secretary of State was meeting her general duty to promote the wellbeing of children in England as required under Section 7 of the Children and Young Persons Act 2008.

6. Update on Road Safety and Safety in Public Places Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) for Montgomery and Unity Academies reported that they had met with Blackpool Council’s Director of Community and Environmental Services to discuss the potential to improve road safety outside their schools. Some changes to road markings had been made outside Unity Academy but staff at Montgomery were still waiting for feedback on next steps to making All Hallows Road a safer environment for children and young people.

The Chair asked the Clerk to invite the Director to the next meeting so that he could provide a report on progress and provide feedback on other safeguarding Clerk issues raised by pupils that he was looking into on behalf of the Group.

7. Barclay’s Project In the absence of the DSL for Aspire who was leading on the project (development of a DVD on the dangers of social media and texting for use with Clerk secondary students) the Chair asked the Clerk to chase for further information on progress.

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Action 8. Section 175 Safeguarding Audit The DSL for Unity Academy explained the rationale for collating Section 175 returns from each of the FCAT Safeguarding Board member organisations. The returns would identify any common issues and good practice and provide an opportunity to ensure consistency across organisations.

Representatives from The Blackpool Sixth Form College and Hodgson Academy explained that they would need to obtain approval from their Boards before they could share the information.

Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that the Unity DSL would continue to SB/Clerk collate the information and to bring this back in a short report to the February (February meeting of the Board. 2018 agenda)

9. FCAT Safeguarding Peer Review Template The Group discussed the revised FCAT Safeguarding Peer Review template (Paper 10) and agreed to return their comments/proposed amends to it to the clerk by 15th November 2017.

It was agreed that the next peer reviews would take place at Hambleton and HW/NW/NA/ Mereside between now and the end of the spring term and that a report back on TC/GY findings would be brought back to the April meeting. Colleagues from Blackpool Clerk (April Sixth Form College and Unity Academy offered their help on the audit. agenda)

10. Safeguarding Risk Register The Aspire Academy Safeguarding Governor, the Unity DSL and the Clerk WG/SB/ agreed to meet to discuss the ‘Red’ rated risks on the Risk Register and to Clerk develop an action plan to mitigate these.

11. Recent Safeguarding Case Study The Board considered a case study provided by one of the partner organisations which highlighted domestic violence issues that had had to be addressed by staff. The case illustrated the importance of ensuring referrals to outside agencies were made early and progress of these monitored.

Lisa Lonsdale (LL), Lead Nurse for FGM at Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals joined the meeting for the next item.

12. Presentation on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) LL delivered a presentation on FGM and explained the pan pathway to follow in order to find support for victims and women/girls at risk of FGM. She explained that all individuals have a duty to report known and suspected incidents of FGM directly to the Police within 24 hours. FGM is a crime and, for women under the age of 18, child abuse.

LL reported an increase in cases of FGM across Lancashire and the work ongoing to raise awareness of the issue through health workers and school nurses. She explained that the practice was carried out most often on children between the ages of 5 and 8 and that Egypt was the country where it was most commonly carried out though it was prevalent across a number of African and Middle Eastern countries. More recently FGM was being performed across the UK with cutters being flown into the country to perform the practice.

LL and the Chair explained the difficulties faced by health workers in addressing the issue which was deep rooted into the culture of some families. Apart from this, girls were usually well looked after and cared for which made it difficult for them to disclose what had happened to them. LL emphasised the fact that FGM DS/KB Page 3 of 4 Kathryn Buddle/00FCAT/SGBoard/121017

Action was a cultural issue and not related to any religious beliefs. Members of the Board were informed of the indicators, symptoms and effects of FGM and were referred to a number of websites for further information on the subject.

Asked if a disclosure of FGM by someone under 18 should be reported to the Police, LL confirmed that it should even if that person did not identify it themselves as FGM.

In response to a question about collating evidence for a referral, LL confirmed that it was not within the remit of the individual’s duty to report. They should simply refer any concerns directly to the Police. Asked about the age ranges of local victims, LL confirmed that all the cases had involved adults apart from one young woman aged 17.

The Chair thanked LL for her presentation and she left the meeting.

13. Regional/Local Developments The Chair reported on the following: The thresholds for Blackpool have been completely revised (replacing the GIR documentation) and have been aligned with Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen procedures such that the 'Continuum of Need' is now agreed pan- Lancs.  Blackpool’s safeguarding thresholds had been revised (replacing the ‘Getting it Right’ documentation) and aligned with Lancashire’s and Blackburn with Darwen’s procedures. The ‘Continuum of Need’ was now a pan Lancashire framework.  Blackpool Safeguarding Children Board was involved in a pilot scheme to develop an IT system to collate safeguarding information across the borough. The system would link to existing safeguarding programmes in schools in the first phase and with systems in place across other agencies in the second phase. Montgomery High School was part of the pilot.  Work was taking place across Lancashire to streamline the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and Emergency Duty Team (EDT) processes in order to sift out non urgent cases.  The Chair would be standing down as Chair of the Blackpool Safeguarding Children Board at the end of October 2017 and the position would be taken up by Nancy Palmer from the 1st November 2017. This meant that the Chair would no longer have direct access to information from the Blackpool Safeguarding Board to pass on to the FCAT Safeguarding Board.  The Wood Review of local safeguarding children boards was continuing. New guidance on the role of the boards was expected by November 2017 and would focus on key services provided by Social Care, Local Authorities and the Police.

14. New Risks A review of the rating for Risk 11 (FGM) was suggested in light of the WG/SB/Clerk presentation earlier in the meeting.

15. Date and time of next meeting Wednesday 22nd November 2017 at 4.15pm The Blackpool Sixth Form College

Signed: ______(Chair)

Date: ______

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