Al-Tajammu: a Pro-Iranian International Platform to Leverage the Resistance Axis

Dr. Michael Barak August 2021

Synopsis The following document focuses on al-Tajammu al-Arabi wal-lslami li-Da'm Khiyyar al-Muqawma (“the Arab and Islamic Union Supporting the Resistance Option”) which serves as an international pro-Iranian platform to leverage the resistance axis against the US, Israel and their allies. This based pro-Iranian organization, has tight connections with Hezbollah and Shiite militias in Iraq and Yemen, as well as with other terrorist organizations such as PIJ and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The organization managed to cultivate a global network whose members are radical organizations and persons, either religious or secular, who share a similar world view and interests the chief of which is a struggle with Imperialism and Zionism. As some members attested the network is meant to strengthen the resistance axis and weaken its enemies.


Synopsis ...... 2

Preamble ...... 4

Al-Tajjamu’s Ties with Hezbollah ...... 6

Al-Tajjamu’s Ties with Shiite Militias...... 8

Iraqi al-Nujbaa Militia ...... 8

Houthis in Yemen ...... 9

Additional Actors ...... 10

Mapping Al-Tajammu’s Global Network ...... 12

Preamble al-Tajammu al-Arabi wal-Islami li-Da'm Khiar al-Muqawama (“the Arab and Islamic Union Supporting the Resistance Option”) (“al-Tajammu”) is a pro-Iranian Lebanese organization that maintains close contacts with Hezbollah and Shiite militias in Yemen and Iraq. The organization managed to cultivate a global network whose members are radical organizations and persons, either religious or secular, who share a similar world view and interests the chief of which is a struggle with Imperialism and Zionism. As some members attested the network is meant to strengthen the resistance axis and weaken its enemies1.

Al-Tajammu was formed in Cairo at the end of July 2011 and its headquarters has been set in Beirut. Since its inception to date, his secretary general is one Yahya Ghaddar, a Lebanese doctor2. Al- Tajammu has many branches across the Muslim and Arab world and among its members one can count Shiite militia activists such as the Iraqi “al-Nujba” and the Yemenite Houthi “Ansar Allah; Sunni terrorists such as PIJ activists and members of secular terrorist organizations such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine; opposition members of some of the Arab regimes; government officials, media and academia (see map below). Further, al-Tajammu’s activity focuses on expanding its circle of supporters through cooperation with various organizations and schools of thought such as the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Nasserists, communists in Iraq, left wing supporters in the west and more.

1 html.النظام-األسا س -للتجمع-العر ب-واالسال/ 2 Ghaddar studied medicine in Toulouse, France. He heads a medical center bearing his name in the town of Hazmia in Mount Lebanon. For his clinic’s website see

Al-Tajammu has two logos: The one on the right represents global resistance to imperialism and Zionism and desire to free the globes from their shackles and the one on the left uses the Dome of the Rock’s photo as an expression of the global struggle for its liberation

Al-Tajammu portrays itself as a platform aimed at strengthening the resistance axis, inter alia, through propaganda and raising awareness to the American and Zionist subversion around the world. Its ideologic platform specifies its goals while highlighting armed resistance as a modus operandi against enemy forces, as follows:

1. Dissemination of resistance culture through advanced and developed programs in the fields of thought, education, propaganda, politics and more. 2. Building bridges of interaction and communication within the Muslim and Arab world on the basis of support for the resistance as a preferred means to liberate the occupied lands and building of national state on the basis of discourse, consciousness, and knowledge. 3. Concentrating effort and leveraging all capabilities for an existential struggle against the imperialism and the Zionist enemy without giving up the armed struggle. 4. Adopting reforms and change while striving for liberation, protecting the homeland and the citizens’ honor, through the support of liberation movements. 5. “Commitment to the Palestinian issue as a central problem for the and Muslims; supporting the resistance activists in the occupied land; assisting the diaspora [Palestinian]; organizing youth parades by opening all the passages for them out of the need to realize the right of return and the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea”. 6. Concentrating efforts to revoke all agreement with the Zionists and presenting the negotiations with them in a shaming light. 7. Striving to settle disputes via a discourse within the various levels of the Arab Muslim society.

8. Investing national and Islamic efforts to create a safe climate for the resistance to the Zionist American imperialism3.

In recent years, al-Tajammu has reported of dozens of conferences it held in Beirut, attended by various branches members to discuss the resistance, in order to strengthen the ties among the branches, encourage cooperation and fortify the social network around the resistance axis. For


example, al-Tajammu held in September 2019 a solidarity conference in Beirut to support Kashmir, which was attended by the organization’s Pakistani members led by the Pakistani religious scholar Shafkat Houssein Shirazi. In the opening session, Yahya Ghaddar claimed that Pakistan, like other areas in the are subject to political, social, and economic shocks due to Zionist-American schemes intended to saw division and conflicts among Muslims. They all agreed that strengthening the resistance axis globally was the key for the revival of the Islamic nation and achieving significant victories over the enemies including the liberation of Palestine4. In February 2020, al-Tajjamu held a conference on Beirut on the Palestinian issue. Yahya Ghaddar clarified there that the conflict with Israel is not territorial but rather existential, therefore all the Palestinian factions must unite in order to liberate the entire territory of Palestine from the hands of the Zionists5.

Al-Tajjamu’s Ties with Hezbollah During the past few years al-Tajjamu held a few dozens of conferences to support the resistance axis, some were attended by senior Hezbollah officials. In July 2018, al-Tajjamu held a conference in Beirut on the importance of the struggle against the Deal of the Century which was attended by Sheikh 'Ataa Allah Hamud (deputy of the Palestine Affairs leader in Hezbollah)6. In November 2019, al-Tajjamu held a conference which was attended by Hassan Hubb Allah (the Hezbollah official in charge of Palestinian affairs) on the popular protests in Iraq and Lebanon wherein the attendees accused the US and Israel for being responsible for their eruption.7 In a conference held in February 2020 Hubb Allah stressed that the peaceful ways the Palestinian took to get their rights have failed to achieve anything and therefore the only way to assist the Palestinians, fight Trump’s Deal of the Century and liberate the conquered lands is only through resistance and use of weapons8.

A prime expression of al-Tajjamu’s pro-Iranian orientation was evident in January 2021 when a conference to commemorate the memorial of the assassination of Qassem Suleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. The conference was attended by some 80 attendees among which many al- Tajjamu branch members and the above mentioned Hubb Allah. At the end of the conference the attendees stated that Suleimani’s assassination was a war crime and therefore a series of steps need to take such as prosecuting the US government at the ICC, exact revenge on anyone who attacks

4 Kahyr al-Umma, Vol. 18, September 2019, pp.5-11 5 Khir al-Umma, Vol. 21, February 2020, p.6 6 html.التجمع-يعقد-لقاء-اعال م -حول-صفقة-القرن/ .17.7.2018 7 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 20, November 2019, pp.4-13 8 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 21, February 2020, pp.6-18.

members of the resistance axis, strengthen the cooperation with popular protest movements in UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan to apply pressure to their government to terminate the normalization agreements, cease cooperation with Israel and more9.

Of note is also Maher Hamoud, a Sunni cleric serving as the secretary general of the Global Union of the Resistance’s Clerics, an organization loyal to and Hezbollah. Hamoud has close ties with al-Tajjamu. He attended dozens of conferences and expressed his support for the resistance axis and an armed activity vs. Israel, KSA and other pro-American regimes. For example, in a conference held in June 2019 on the Bahrain Conference and the Deal of the Century he praised the armed resistance to Israel10.

Right to left: 'Ataa Allah Hamoud, deputy leader of the Palestinian affairs in Hezbollah, Yahya Ghaddar, al-Tajjamu’s leader

Featured in the photograph is Hassan Hubb Allah leader of Palestinian affairs in Hezbollah

html.توصيات-المؤتمر-العال م -إلستشهاد-الفر/ .7.1.2021 9 10 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 16, November 2019, pp.5-6.

Featured in the photograph is Hassan Hubb Allah leader of Palestinian affairs in Hezbollah

It should be noted, some of al-Tajjamu’s branches held activities in to support Hezbollah and its activity vs. Israel. For example, al-Tajjamu’s branch in Sweden praised Nasrallah and Hezbollah in September 2019 for their activity vs. Israel and their success to renew to the deterrence against Israel 11 . Other events held by al-Tajjamu branches were attended by journalists working for Hezbollah’s propaganda array. For example, in an al-Tajammu conference held in Cairo in October 2019, Amer Nasr, an Egyptian journalist working for Hezbollah’s al-Manar channel, was in attendance12.

Al-Tajjamu’s Ties with Shiite Militias Iraqi al-Nujbaa Militia As mentioned, al-Tajjamu works to establish a social network, some members of which are Shiite militias loyal to Iran. Al-Tajjamu’s Iraqi branch, headed by Dr. Yousuf al-Nasri, who doubles as deputy leader for the Iraqi Shiite militia al-Nujbaa, paid a visit to the Palestinian embassy in Baghdad in March 2019 to commemorate the Palestinian Day of the Land. During said meeting, the attendees discussed the centrality of the Palestinian problem, the need to cooperate with all Palestinian factions, concentrate effort to block normalization with Israel, a reopening of a Palestinian research center in Iraq and the need to maintain cooperation among all involved parties13. In December 2019, al-Masri attended an al-Tajjamu conference in Beirut where he accused the US and Israel of attempting to hurt resistance axis forces14.

11 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 18, September 2019, p.25. 12 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 19, October 2019, pp.17-25. 13 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 13, April 2019, pp.17-18. 14 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 21, October 2019, pp.6-12.

Al-Tajjamu Iraqi members visiting the Palestinian embassy in Baghdad (al-Nasri at the center)

Al-Tajjamu Iraqi members visiting al-Tajammu office in Beirut (al-Nasri at the center)15

Houthis in Yemen Al-Tajjamu’s branch in Yemen has Houthi members some of which hold government office. For example, Abdallah Ali Sabri, a member of al-Tajammu’s board of trustees in Yemen, serves as the Houthi ambassador in Syria and head of the Yemenite Media Personnel Association, a Yemenite propaganda entity close to the Houthi. In June 2019, al-Tajammu held a conference in Beirut to show solidarity with Sabri following a targeted killing attempt that was attributed to the KSA, UAE and the Zionists. Among the speakers in that conference were members of Hezbollah propaganda apparatus such as Bahaa al-Nablusi, an al-Manar correspondent, Bathina Aliq, an al-Nur radio

15 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 10, January 2019, pp.4-11.

broadcaster. Additionally, the conference was attended by Ibrahim al-Dulaymi, director of al- Masira channel and member of the political council of the Yemenite Houthi Ansar Allah movement; Hamid Razek, an al-Masira correspondent and the person in charge of foreign affairs at Yemenite Media Personnel Association; Daoud Shihab, head of the PIJ propaganda office in Gaza. The participants in the conference demanded that an international inquiry committee will be formed to investigate the alleged Saudi “criminal involvement in Yemen”16. In January 2019 al-Tajammu held a conference in Latakiya (Syria) to show solidarity with the Yemenite people which was attended by Naif Ahmad al-Kanz, the former Houthi ambassador in Damascus and Yahya Ghaddar17.

Right to left: Yemenite Media Persons Association representatives in an al-Tajammu solidarity conference in Beirut to honor Abdallah Sabri; Yahya Ghaddar and Naif Ahmad al-Kanz

Additional Actors Al-Tajammu managed to forge ties with additional actors, either on the Muslim or the western worlds, who identify with its cause. For example, sheikh Zahir al-Jaiid, a member of the Islamic Labor Front, a subsidiary of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, praised, in an al-Tajammu conference in July 2019 in Beirut, Hassan Nasrallah, Bashar al-Assad, the Houthi Ansar Allah and other activists’ efforts to sabotage the Deal of the Century18. Western academics such as the Australian Tim Anderson, who is an al-Tajammu member, criticized the UK;s decision to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization; Similarly, , an American academic and an al- Tajammu member, supports , participated in the Gaza flotilla in 2010, and advocates for Hezbollah.

16 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 16, July 2019, pp.15-26; Al-Itihad (Yemen), Vol. 2020, pp.6-9. 17 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 10, January 2019, pp.17-21. 18 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 16, July 2019, pp.8-9.

It is reasonable to assume that al-Tajammu has ties with Venezuelan diplomats, thanks to the Syrian regime’s ties with the Venezuelan one. On July 8th, 2019, Yahya Ghaddar and members of al- Tajammu in Syria attended a party held in one of Damascus’ hotels to commemorate the Venezuelan Independence Day. At the party, al-Tajammu’s members praised the Venezuelan president Maduro’s efforts to fight the American hegemony and global imperialism. Naif Ahmad al- Kanz, the former Houthi ambassador in Damascus, also attended that party19.

In summation, it is evident that al-Tajammu serves as an international platform to spread the ideas of resistance to the US, Israel, KSA, Bahrain and other pro-western regimes who are perceived as threatening the Iranian interests. It seems that Hezbollah uses it to disseminate propaganda, raise funds and recruit activists. Far worse is the fact that the international community does not pay attention to this network’s existence and its terrorist organizations members, even though some of its members operate in countries where Hezbollah has been designated as a terrorist organization (e.g. Germany).

19 Khayr al-Umma, Vol. 16, July 2019, pp.34-35.

Mapping Al-Tajammu’s Global Network

Name Role Media Acct. Photo Lebanon – Central Headquarters Al-Tajammu a التجمع العربي واالسالمي zgqgpkhxtqc2A7MphVk-dg لدعم خيار المقاومة

Yahya Ghaddar Al-Tajammu’s General Secretary in Lebanon يحيى غدار

Abd al-Karim Fikri Member of al-Tajammu’s Board of Trustees عبد الكريم فكري Badr movement in al- Hashad al-Shaabi media representative in Lebanon

Head of the Lebanese – Iraqi Friendship Society

Sheikh Muhammad Member of al-Tajammu’s Nimr Zaghmut Board of Trustees

Head of the Palestinian الشيخ محمد نمر زغموت Islamic Council in Lebanon and the Diaspora

Ihsan Ataya Member of al-Tajammu’s Council احسان عطايا PIJ’s representative in Lebanon Abu Kifah Dabur Member of al-Tajammu’s Board of Trustees

ابو كفاح دبور Popular Front the General Headquarters’ Representative in Lebanon

Ali Faysal Member of al-Tajammu’s Board of Trustees علي فيصل PFLP’s Representative in Lebanon

Ramzi Dassoum Member of al-Tajammu’s Board of Trustees RamziDassoum رمزي دسوم An attorney; National Free Current Party Liaison Officer with the

Palestinian nationalist parties and factions Azam Na'aman Member of al-Tajammu’s Board of Trustees عصام نعمان General Coordinator for the National Movement for a Democratic Change

Member of the Lebanese parliament and former Minister of Communications Abu Jamal Wahaba Al-Tajammu member

Palestinian intifada أبو جمال وهبة representative

Hassan Juni Head of al-Tajammu’s

International Law Committee حسن جوني

Iraq Yousef al-Nasri Head of al-Tajammu in Iraq الشيخ الدكتور يوسف Deputy Secretary General الناصري of al-Nujbaa

Close to al-Hashd al- Sha'bi

Hussein al-Rabii' Al-Tajammu (Iraq) member حسين الربيعي The general coordinator for the Popular Iraqi Committee for Assistance to Syria and the Resistance Hussein al-Mousawi Al-Tajammu (Iraq) member حسين الموسوي Head of Tiar Nadaa al- Rafdin in Iraq; A communist Abd al-Ridha al- Member of al-Tajammu Hamid International Committee (Iraq) عبد الرضا الحميد Head of the Popular Iraqi Committee for Assistance to Syria and the Resistance

Nadeem al-Jabiry Al-Tajammu (Iraq) member نديم الجابري An Iraqi politician; Secretary General of the Islamist party al-Fasila;

former Iraqi parliament member; former advisor to the chairman of the Iraqi parliament

Yemen Hamid Abd al-Qader Member of al-Tajammu Antar International Committee (Yemen) حميد عبد القادر عنتر Connected to government officials in the communications and security fields; former officer in the Yemenite army; advisor to the Yemenite prime minister’s office; member of the Yemenite Media Persons Association (close to the Houthi) Muhammad Salah General Coordiantor for al-Nuaymi al-Tajammu (Yemen)

Member of the Yemenite محمد صالح النعيمي Supreme Political Council

Abdallah Ali Sabri Member of al-Tajammu Board of Trustees (Yemen) عبد هللا علي صبري

Head of the Yemenite Media Persons Association (close to the


Yemenite ambassador to Syria as of October 2020 Abd al-Raqib Member of al-Tajammu Abdallah al-Dais Board of Trustees (Yemen)

عبد الرقيب عبد هللا الدعيس A health consultant in the Ibb province in Yemen

Syria Yousef Freij Head of Propaganda of al- Tajammu (Syria) يوسف فريج Works for the Syrian daily newspaper al-Thawra

Susan Shibani In charge of General Connections (al- Tajammu’s Latakia سوسن شيباني Branch)

Ali al-Yunes Al-Tajammu’s Coordinator for Southern Syria علي اليونس A former prisoner; head of the Committee for Support for Released Prisoners and Syrian Detainees in the Zionist Occupation’s Prisons Nidhal Amar Al-Tajammu’s General Coordinator for Syria د.نضال عمار A member of the Syrian parliament

Jordan Muhammad Sharif Member of al-Tajammu al-Jayusi Board of Trustees (Jordan) محمد شريف الجيوسي Secretary General of The Union of Jordanian Media Persons and Intellectuals

for Syria

Muhammad Member of al-Tajammu Hashem Sultan Founding Committee (Jordan) د.محمدهشام سلطان Deputy leader of the al- Sham World Association

The Amal Wahadan Al-Tajammu representative in the (West Bank (Ramallah امال وهدان

Gaza Khaled al-Batash Coordinator for al- Tajammu (Gaza) خالد البطش Senior PIJ member; head of the national staff for the return marches and breaking the siege Muhi al-Din Abu Member of al-Tajammu Dakkah Board of Trustees (Gaza)

محي الدين ابو دقه Head of al-Saiqa in Gaza

Egypt Jamal Zahran Al Tajammu Coordinator and Assistant Secretary (General (Egypt د. جمال زهاران

Former member of the Egyptian parliament

Rifaat al-Khiyal Member of al-Tajammu Board of Trustees (Egypt) رفعت الخيال A journalist; editor for Adhwa al-Mustaqbal

Farouk al-Ashri Member of al-Tajammu Board of Trustees (Cairo) فاروق العشري Economic Commentator; Nasserist

Muhammad Member of al-Tajammu Mahmud Rifat Board of Trustees (Cairo)

-Leader of al-Wafaq al محمد محمود رفعت Qawmy al-Nasseri party in Egypt; a Nasserist; an attorney

Muhammad Fadhil Member of al-Tajjamu Board of Trustees (Cairo) محمد فاضل

Muhammad Timsah Al-Tajammu member (Cairo) محمد تمساح A journalist Bahrain Abbas Fadhil Mahdi Al-Tajammu member (Bahrain) عباس فاضل مهدي

Ibrahim al-Madhun Al-Tajammu coordinator (Bahrain) إبراهيم المدهون Representative of the

Bahraini opposition

Kuwait Abd al-Hamid Dashti Al Tajammu Coordinator and Assistant Secretary (General (Kuwait د. عبد الحميد دشتي

Former member of parliament; head of the International Council for Justice and Human Rights (ICSFT)

KSA – Opposition in Exile

Maan al-Jarba Al-Tajammu general coordinator for the Arabian Peninsula معن الجربا

Karama Movement -Saudi opposition

Qatar Salih al-Jarmouzi Al-Tajammu coordinator in Qatar المهندس صالح الجرموزي

India Surab Kumar Shahi Al Tajammu member (India) سوراب كومار شاهي Wael Awad Al-Tajammu general coordinator in India د.وائل عواد A journalist; head of the Indian – Arab Intellectuals Forum

Pakistan Shafkat Houssein Al-Tajammu coordinator Shirazi in India

In charge of foreign affairs of The United Muslim الدكتور السيد شفقت حسين Council party شيرازي North Africa Tunisia Salah al-Daudi Member of the al- Tajammu Founding Committee (Tunisia) ?id=100041778038953 صالح الداودي

Coordinator for Shabakat Bab al-Maghrabe

A Zahir Hamdi Member of al-Tajammu Board of Trustees أ.زهير حمدي Secretary General for al- Tayyar al-Shaabi al-Tunisi party

Libya Rajeb Maatuk Al-Tajammu Coordinator (Libya) رجب معتوق Morocco Idris Hani Al-Tajammu coordinator (Morocco) ادريس هاني Moroccan author and an intellectual Algeria Fauzi Bo Daka Member of al-Tajammu Founding Committee (Algeria) د.فوزي بو دقة

Urban Planning professor at Houari university (Algeria)

Balmehdi al-Haj Member of al-Tajammu Founding Committee (Algeria) بلمهدي الحاج

Member of the National Council of Mujahidin Sons (Algeria)

Mauritania Muhammad Walad Member of al-Tajammu Board of Trustees

Leader of al-Rafa party

Africa Eritrea Ibrahim Saleh Al-Tajammu General Hamed Coordinator (Eritrea)

Member of the Eritrean ابراهيم صالح حامد opposition

Gambia Ali Anjay Al-Tajammu International Committee Coordinator (Gambia) الشيخ علي انجاي

South Africa Ambo Masimola Al-Tajammu General Coordinator (South Africa) امبو ماسيموال

Head of the Veteran Prisoners Association

Director General of the South African Ministry of Defense

Uba Sandi Close with al-Tajammu in Mushauwana South Africa

Member of the Executive السيد اوبا ساندي موشاوانا Committee of the Veteran Prisoners League

Head of the Committee for the Development of Electricity Roads and Transportation in Pretoria District

Shaka Radibi Close with al-Tajammu in South Africa شاكا راديبي Member of the Executive Committee of the Veteran Prisoners League

General manager for the Environmental Committee in Johannesburg District Mali Sheikh Muhammad Al-Tajammu International Baa Committee Coordinator (Mali) الشيخ محمد باه Sudan Abd al-Baki Othman Member of al-Tajammu Youth Committee (Sudan) عبد الباقي عثمان Member of Maqdisiyyin movement

Idris Abd al-Qadr Al-Tajammu Coordinator (Sudan) إدريس عبد القادر

Somalia Hussein Muhamad Al-Tajammu General Othman Coordinator (Somalia)

أ.حسين محمد عثمان Europe UK Muhamad al- Al-Tajammu Coordinator Naamani (London)

Leader in the Southern الدكتور محمد النعماني Movement of Yemen (a separatist movement aiming to gain independence in southern Yemen) Martha Mundy20 Al-Tajammu International Committee Coordinator (UK) د. مارثا موندي

Prof. Emeritus London School of Economics;

A pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist activist; former professor of the American University in Beirut;

Connected to the Lebanese Shiite party21 Germany

20 For additional biographic details please see 21 In December 2017 took part in an academic workshop under the auspice of the Lebanese Communist Party titled “Imperialism, Agriculture and Control of Food”

Ibrahim Ibrahim Al-Tajammu General Coordinator (Berlin) إبراهيم إبراهيم

Rim Ismail Al-Tajammu Foreign Affairs Coordinator ريم إسماعيل Al-Haj Abu Al-Tajammu Propaganda Muhammad al- Coordinator (Germany) Muhamadawi

الحاج ابو محمد المحمداوي

Denmark هاني--Hani al-Ris Al-Tajammu Denmark www.facebook.comHany-Al-Rayes / الريس240514055977268--

In charge of al-Tajammu هاني الريس propaganda committees in Europe

A journalist; member of the Bahraini opposition; resides in Copenhagen

Holland Jamal Ahmad Al-Tajammu General Coordinator (Holland) جمال احمد

Greece Theodore Vidalis Al-Tajammu International Committee Coordinator () السيد ثيودور فيداليس

Spain Noel Gomez Al-Tajammu International Committee Coordinator (Spain) السيد نويل غوميز

Portugal Luis Batista Al-Tajammu International Committee Coordinator (Portugal) السيد لويس باتيستا

Joao Santos Silva Al-Tajammu Coordinator (Portugal) السيد جواو سانتوس سيلفا

France Alain Courfez Al-Tajammu Coordinator (France) اآلن كورفيز Former French military officer; former employee of the French embassy in south Africa;

Former advisor to UNIFIL (UN special force in Lebanon)

Former advisor on international relations for the French Interior and Defense ministries

In January 2021 attended al-Tajammu’s online memorial for Qassem Souleimani22

Sweden Khaled al-Saadi Al-Tajammu representative in Sweden خالد السعدي

Head of the Palestinian diaspora in Sweden (Tajammu Aidoun)

22 9.1.2021.

Mousab Salaime Al-Tajammu (Sweden) member د. مصعب ساليمة Lecturer on Economics Russia Fatma Ijuda Coordinator for the al- Tajammu world conference in Russia أ. فاطمة إيجودا

America USA Paul Larudee Al-Tajammu representative in the US

An Iranian born American activist

Fierce critic of Israel

Founder of “Free Palestine”

Hamas supporter who met Ismail Haniyeh

Canada Dr. Ali Malakh Al-Tajammu coordinator in Canada الدكتور علي مالح Ken Stone Al-Tajammu member

Head of the Hamilton د.كن ستون Coalition to Stop the


Mexico Sakhar al-Haddad Al-Tajammu coordinator in Mexico سحر الحداد An engineer

Australia Abu Ali Hussein al- In charge of propaganda ?id=100008012918016 Dirani for the Australian branch of al-Tajammu أبو علي حسين الديراني

Dr. Tim Anderson Al-Tajammu representative in Australia د. تيم أندرسون

Former lecturer in Sydney University

Director of the Center for Counter Hegemonic Studies

Met with Hezbollah and PIJ representatives in Lebanon


Tharfil Khuza Al-Tajammu member (Australia) ثارابيل خوسيه Spokesman for the Committee for Solidarity with Yemen in Sydney University


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