TILLINGHAM VILLAGE COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of Tillingham Village Council held on Tuesday 17 September 2019 at 7.30pm at Tillingham Village Hall

PRESENT: Cllr R Dewick, Cllr D Fitzsimons, Cllr A Fluker and Cllr M Helm Members of the public: 8

CHAIRMAN: Cllr Dewick

19/229 WELCOME to the Tillingham Village Council Meeting of 17 September 2019. The Chairman reminded the meeting of the following: • A reminder to everyone in attendance and who will be participating in the meeting that they may be filmed, recorded, photographed, or otherwise reported about. • Persons who object to being filmed, recorded, photographed or otherwise reported, and children and vulnerable adults now have an opportunity to declare their presence.

19/230 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr Boyce and Cllr Channer.

19/231 MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Cllr Fluker declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 19/236, planning application OUT/MAL/19/00884 as he knew the applicant.

19/232 DISPENSATIONS None. Cllr Fluker requested information on this matter. The Clerk agreed to send information to all councillors.

19/233 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED: To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 20 August 2019. Unanimous decision.

19/234 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR REPORT – DISTRICT COUNCILLOR ADRIAN FLUKER Cllr Fluker informed the meeting of the following: The site of the new health facility in Maldon had yet to be decided, but matters were progressing. The Local Development Plan will have a 7-year land supply. The North Heybridge Suburb development will be in the region of 1300 new homes. Speculative development will be contested where it does not comply with policy. Council’s transformation process will be concluded at the end of October. This process will ensure the council is sustainable in the future. MDC offices are being valued with a view to being sold and a new economical site is being sought for MDC offices. 20mph speed limits. This initiative is being sought in several parishes in the district. Cllr Fluker is seeking support from ECC Deputy Leader who is responsible for highways. If anyone has strong views, then they should contact Cllr Fluker. Current MDC consultations are Council tax support and registration of voters. Bradwell Power Station A. This is now at care and maintenance stage. A working group from MDC will monitor the site for the next 100 years. Bradwell Power Station B. At a meeting of the Environment Agency and Nuclear Regulators it was confirmed that matters were progressing to plan, and the preliminary site licencing had started. A working group from MDC has been formed to deal with matters concerning the new power station. Cllr Fluker is a member of the Joint Members Bradwell B Board (JMBB) and he will work to ensure residents are properly protected during the construction phase. Southend Airport Consultative Group. Cllr Fluker is a member and encourages every resident to take an interest in the growth of the airport. Flights are over the Peninsula and residents should respond to consultations. MDC accounts will be available for signing off at the end of September. The Director of Resources vacancy is being advertised. A Commercial manager is being appointed to ensure the council remains sustainable and resilient. Heybridge Parish Council has been split into two parishes- there is now also Parish Council. Cllr Fluker requested a list of Local Heritage sites/assets in Tillingham. The Clerk to provide. Brexit preparations. MDC are monitoring this matter. Access to fuel is of concern as fuel is a vital component in the operation of the waste collection service.

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19/235 PUBLIC FORUM A resident referred to the application for a 20mph speed limit. He did not consider speed bumps should be allowed because of the agricultural vehicles passing through the village. Cllr Dewick advised that it is unlikely ECC Highways would introduce traffic calming methods on a through route. A resident advised that the village shop owner Charlie, is selling the village shop and he is due to leave in November. Charlie has owned the shop for 9 years and he has made vast improvements in the shop, which has become a great village asset. It was suggested a letter of thanks should be sent to Charlie. Agreed and the Clerk to action.

19/236 PLANNING Applications received from Maldon District Council. To respond as a consultee. HOUSE/MAL/19/00766 Change wood door for new wood door. Colour change from blue to olive. 28 South Street Tillingham Mr James Burroughs. Tillingham Village Council supported this application. Unanimous decision.

LCB/MAL/19/00795 Internal listed buildings alterations including insertion of new stud wall and door, install fire surround, remove plasterboard from face of chimney, re install lath and plaster wall and ceilings, the 2 walls lath and plaster walls of the bathroom are to be retained, refurbished and painted and retrospective consent to retain some of the areas of the plaster. The Old Manse 6 Brook Road Tillingham Essex Mr Paul Barmby Tillingham Village Council supported this application. Unanimous decision.

TCA/MAL/19/00908 T1 Lime – Crown Lift to 5 metres, remove deadwood, crown reduce by 2 metres The Limes Bradwell Road Tillingham Essex Mrs Carter Tillingham Village Council supported this application. Unanimous decision.

TCA/MAL/19/00965 T1 Mulberry – crown reduce by 3 metres 18 The Square Tillingham Essex CM0 7TA Mr J Barnes Tillingham Village Council supported this decision. Unanimous decision.

OUT/MAL/19/00884 Proposed construction of a detached 3-bedroom dwelling Land adjacent to 64 Road Tillingham Essex Mr Richard Embling Tillingham Village Council supported this decision. Majority decision.

Decisions advised by MDC HOUSE/MAL/19/00745 PP-07976916 Replacement of structurally defective conservatory – alterations to roof line following approval ref: 19/00053/HOUSE Latch Key Cottage 15-21 North Street Tillingham Essex Mr & Mrs Hamblion Approved

HOUSE/MAL/19/00617 PP-07900221 Erection of a single storey side extension 38 St Nicholas Road Tillingham Essex Mr & Mrs Sam Morris Approved

FUL/MAL/19/00660 Section 73A application for the proposed change of use from public amenity land to residential (use class C3) and associated erection of boundary treatment. 13 St Nicholas Road Tillingham Essex Mr L Gumble. Approved.

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FUL/MAL/19/0066 Section 73A application for change of use from amenity green to private garden with drive access to disabled parking bay hard standing. 15 St Nicholas Road Tillingham Essex Mr John Dudley Approved.

HOUSE/MAL/19/00705 First floor extension over existing extension 17 Brook road Tillingham Essex Mr & Mrs Chris Collin Refused

19/237 FINANCE RESOLVED: To approve the following payments and transactions: £ £ £ Method Payee Purpose Gross PAYE Paid STO Salaries Month of September 793.86 46.80 747.06 Net VAT Gross DD A&J Lighting Street lighting maintenance 34.90 6.98 41.88 DD SSE Street lighting supply May (invoice resolved) 84.13 4.21 88.34 DD SSE Street lighting supply Aug 81.74 4.08 85.82 DD E On Toilet block electric 29.30 1.47 30.77 DebitcardJRB Enterprises Ltd 2x dog dispensers, fixings, bags 450.00 90.00 540.00 DebitcardViking Stationery 136.54 27.31 163.85 DebitcardHMRC PAYE 198.80 198.80 102905 Blackwater Maintenance Repair to allotment gate 38.42 38.42 102906 MSJ Garwood Village grass cutting 192.83 38.57 231.40 102907 KJ Hansen Toilet block cleaner 67.50 67.50 102908 MDC CPO’s July 129.76 25.95 155.71 102910 Manor Tree Services Tarmac work to ramps, gateway, car park 1180.00 1180.00 Receipts Tillingham Hotspur Football Club Annual rent 400.00 HMRC VAT recovered period ending 31.5.19 1388.51 Transfer Business Premium Account to Community Account 5000.00

Balances £ Community Account 6104.86 Business Premium Account 15046.58 Business Premium Account Asset Reserve 10083.38 Business Premium Account Project Account 4.76 31239.58 National Savings Designated Hall Reserve 28885.28 VAT accumulation 1064.65

Cllr Fitzsimons confirmed that had undertaken internal control to verify bank reconciliations produced by the RFO in accordance with Financial Regulation 2.2

19/238 TILLINGHAM VILLAGE COUNCIL WEBSITE Essexinfo.net will close on 31st March 2020. It is understood the EALC will be announcing details of a new parish council website at their AGM on 19th September 2019 and that details will then be sent to this Council. The Clerk to monitor.

19/239 TILLINGHAM VILLAGE COUNCIL VACANCIES – CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLORS No further applications had been received. Cllr Dewick raised concern that despite a few enquiries no further candidates had made an application. RESOLVED: That when applications are received an interview evening should be held before the next Village Council meeting.

19/240 NOTICES, MEETINGS AND TRAINING COURSES. Members receive emails advising them of current EALC training courses. If members wish to attend training courses, they should contact the Clerk who will arrange the booking of the course. Councillor Training Day 2 – Saturday 5th October 2019 at Gt Dunmow 9.301m-3.30pm. Fee £100 Cllr Fitzsimons to attend. Dengie Hundred Group of Parish Councils Meeting 18th September 2019 at The Council Chamber Burnham on Crouch 7.30pm. Cllr Fitzsimons to attend. EALC AGM 19 September 2019 11.45am, followed by Conference 2pm and Awards Ceremony 3.30pm. Foakes Hall Great Dunmow. No nomination. Essex Highways - Winter Highways Briefing 2 October 2019 9.30am -1.00pm. Foakes Hall Great Dunmow. The Clerk to attend.

19/241 REPORTS FROM MEETINGS ATTENDED Minutes September 2019 44

Councillor Training Day 1 - Saturday 14th September 2019. Cllr Fitzsimons was unable to attend this day and it is being rescheduled.

19/242 THE CHILDRENS PLAY AREA The pedestrian/vehicle access gateway had been tarmaced and soil infilling completed. The balance beam had been removed and the ground made good.

19/243 THE WEST FIELD Multi Track Repairs had been carried out to the tarmac surface at the Skate Ramp with grind rail. Best Kept Playing Fields Competition 2019. This is a reminder that Tillingham Village Council has entered this competition. Judging takes place twice a year with certificates being awarded in October at the Essex Playing Fields Annual General Meeting. Dog Fouling – Cllr Fitzsimons reported that dog fouling was worsening, although it was established that this is was likely to be wild animal fouling. The dog bag dispensers, fixings and bags had been delivered. These will be installed on a ground post. RESOLVED: To locate the dispensers at the West Field gate entrance in Vicarage Lane and adjacent to the West Field Car Park. The Clerk to contact a contractor to arrange installation. The dog poo bag dispensers will be promoted so that all dog walkers who use the West Field are aware of their location and there will be no excuse for not picking up after their dogs. Bollards and concrete adjacent to the West Field car park. Installation to be completed voluntarily by Nic Mee.

19/244 VILLAGE COUNCIL PROPERTY The Clerk confirmed regular inspections had been carried out. The West Field Car Park The tarmac around the 2 protruding drain covers had been repaired. The Public Toilet Block. Satisfactory. The Square. Satisfactory Birch Garden Green. Satisfactory. Marsh Road Allotments. Satisfactory The Defibrillator. Monthly check/inspection carried out voluntarily by Robert Harvey who then advises the Clerk who then reports the check via Community Heartbeat webnos. The Village Council Noticeboard. Satisfactory The Village Pumps. Satisfactory.

19/245 HIGHWAYS Reporting matters to Essex County Council (ECC) Highways. Members of the public and Tillingham Village Council members are encouraged to report highway defects online at www.essex.gov.uk. For up to date local road closures see www.roadworks.org The Clerk had requested Cllr Fluker’s help in resolving the following defects: Reference 2567833 Footway defects at entrance of Chapel Lane, South Street Tillingham Reference 2567834 Footway defects at entrance of Marlborough Avenue, South Street Tillingham Both defects were reported to ECC Highways in April 2018. Both footways are publicly owned as evidenced on the Essex Highways Interactive Map. Reference 2523280 Sunken/rutted footway opposite 14 Marsh Road Tillingham. Reference 2522640 Loose kerb stones at entrance of School, Vicarage Lane, Tillingham. Cllr Fluker suggested that this defect should be raised again for immediate repair. ECC Cllr Pratt has also been informed about these defects under the footpath Initiatives scheme. Update from ECC Cllr Kevin Bentley: “I am advised that Cllr Pratt has submitted these defects to the team responsible for implementing the Member Led Footway Repair Programme and they are currently being assessed by them, with a view to delivering their repair where practicable over the coming months. If they are unable to repair something for any reason, the team will inform Cllr Pratt of that too” Progress to be monitored.

Marlborough Avenue and Chapel Lane. The Clerk had received 17 emails/letters and photos from residents detailing the problems of inconsiderate parking at the entrances of these two roads and which prevent deliveries and services accessing them. The Clerk had received 1 email of objection from a resident to proposed yellow junction lines as the lines would prevent South Street residents without off street parking, from parking near to their homes. Cllr Fluker advised that he had established that the recent problem of a dustcart being unable to access Marlborough Avenue was a ‘one off problem’ and was due to a substitute dustcart on that day. Therefore, the MDC Director of Services would be unlikely to support a request for yellow junction lines. Minutes September 2019 45

Cllr Fluker further advised that he had received contact from South Street residents who were concerned that yellow junction lines would displace them from parking near to their homes. RESOLVED: To keep a watching brief for the time being. Cllr Fluker further advised that he had spoken to the MDC street scene officer and he was informed that the residents who are placing informal cones on the highway at these entrances may be causing a danger to other highway users and could be personally liable in the event of an accident.

19/246 AIR QUALITY AND TRAFFIC IN TILLINGHAM VILLAGE The request for a 20mph limit through Tillingham is now the responsibility of ECC Cllr Pratt who has been requested to support and submit this request to ECC Highways for approval. RESOLVED: That the Clerk write to the Maldon Local Highways Panel requesting that the LHP support the Village Councils request for reasons of public safety, road safety and air quality. An email had been received from Mr Snowden concerning air quality and traffic in Tillingham Village. A reply would be sent.

19/247 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW) Members of the public and Tillingham Village Council members are encouraged to report public rights of way (public footpath) defects online at www.essex.gov.uk

19/248 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 15 October 2019 at 7.30pm in Tillingham Village Hall. Items for the agenda must be notified to the Clerk by Friday 4 October 2019.

19/249 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Cllr Fitzsimons raised the following: Streetlight in Mill Road is not working. The Clerk is aware and will be contacting the street lighting contractor. A young person of 14 had advised that they consider the existing skate ramps to be ‘knaff’ and that they have new ideas and proposals. This will be an agenda item next month and the young person is to be invited to the meeting.

19/250 PUBLIC FORUM Ms Baker advised that she lived in South Street and near to the Medical centre. She suggested the root cause of the parking problems in South Street is established. Many South Street residents do not have off street parking. The Medical Centre, a vital service to our community, has grown over the last few years, especially the partnership with the Mayland surgery and more patients are travelling to the Medical Centre by car. Parking spaces at the Medical Centre have remained the same – 3 spaces in front of the building. The resident suggested the Medical Centre management should be approached to highlight to them the parking problems outside in the street. It was acknowledged that they have no control over parking, but perhaps they could remind their patients to park considerately when attending appointments, or where possible walk to the Medical Centre. The resident has ideas that the front car park could be reconfigured and that they have access to CAD to replan the footprint to allow an extra parking space. Parking in South Street to be an agenda item next month. It was agreed to write to the Medical Centre requesting them to remind patients to park considerately. Mr Pluckrose stated the unsatisfactory state of the footways was probably a reason people used a car to access the Medical Centre. The collection points for weekly waste collection was discussed as a solution to dustcarts accessing Chapel Lane. However, Mr Pluckrose pointed out that pink sacks collected at the end of Chapel Lane at South Street would be a greater problem on the highway. Mr Tuckey spoke on behalf of Karen Tuckey, the Pre School Manager. In running the daily mile on the West Field, she had confirmed that dog fouling had reduced considerably. However wild animal fouling had increased.

19/251 CLOSURE There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm. Sheila Welham Clerk to the Council.

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