
Of Jack Ruby and His Connections To the tailor: 7/ Waste Handlers Union in The lengthy news article by Wallace 1939 after its founder and secretary- Turner (Aug. 19) regarding Jimmy treasurer was murdered" (Page 84). Hoffa and his early alliance with One of the ironies is that the murdered touched upon an area secretary-treasurer, Leon Cooke, was of special concern. Mr. Turner re- replaced by Jack Ruby, who was ported that Jack Ruby was in sonic seized by the Chicago police for fashion associated with "Paul Dorf- questioning in that murder (Chicago man, head of the waste handlers Daily Tribune, Dec. 9, 1939) and then union in Chicago." Mr. Dorfman, went on to murder Mr. Oswald 24 allegedly one of Haft's ties to the years later. underworld, was closely associated The was in- with Jack Ruby. formed by the F.B.I. that the murder In 1960, Robert Kennedy's book, never took place. "An extensive re- "The Enemy Within," was published search of the records of the Chicago recording his experience with the Police Department did not reflect any Senate committee that investigated reference to John Martin, Jack Ruby the relationship between orga.'nizEd or Jack Rubenstein or to the murder crime and the trade union movement. of Leon Cook [sic]" (Warren Commis- In the book, Mr. Kennedy wrote, sion document Volume XXII, Page "Dorfman took over as head of the .345). The State Attorney's office in Illinois seized the books and confis- cated the charter in 1939 while Mr. Ruby was its secretary-treasurer, ex- plaining that it was not a union but rather "a fraud, ,a front for organized crime." The Warren Commission reported that "several long-time members of the union reported that it had a good reputation when Ruby was affiliated with it" (Warren Commission Report, Page 788). As time passes, It becomes clearer that no material question was resolved by the Warren Commission and that an investigation by the Congress into all of the facts surrounding John F. Kennedy's death might be far more tor;cal than some suspect 'Dir.. Citizens Commission of Inquiry Washington, Aug. 19, 1975