rf hi 1 ,, _

THURSDAY, AUGUST 22. 1889. Number 34.

"f farts. The Loom of L.le. In a rase an refund to submitting upon him a legal tax onc e paid To «t«r and the Woodchuck. (From our regular C orrcspomlent-) agreed statement, the has the bur- A Brief Sketch of Orland on An Financier. eUsu’orih plaintiff cone ode that a town < an directly or 'ndi- Geographical Inexperienced Jimmraa. den of Mating all the fart* Washington Letter. 1 necessary for abate* a ... '» ViL < rectly tax vote In town T XI XVI- !•«!»' All .'ay and all nltfht I an hear the jar the by meeting. the Narramissic. maintenance of his action. He must ts to Ebenezer I Youth's Bt THI Of the loom of life-, and m ar and far I concede the |x»wer of a town to de- Webster, Daniel Webster’s Companion.| 11 41 1 | KI 1 lit K»*l>.0 not It thrills wilh It* and muffled depend on inferences. Omissions will tc imine who father, was once much a ii" 1 eleep aound shall p iy taxes, and who very annoyed by Washington, 1). C.. 12, 1889. are the absurd transactions which v. K N >»«»..- Conipany l»e Aug. Many t*r*-»e*« wheel* con*trued against him shall he woodchucx. which was wont to enter Ms A* the always around. exempt, and the consequent pow Orland Is a little village sit- take place In banks, some of them show Editor. In this case, we much assume that the in Secret try Windom has returned from picturesque J. C. Chilcott. •*r to place the burdens on garden the night and eat up many of the an public wholly uated upon the Narramissir river. The log over-cautiousness in the care of Busv. tr'*e* the1 le>om. plaintiff was the elected and >ueli tine he found there. Daniel and his to Boston and will remain here for ceaselessly. duly qualified ettuena a- the majority shall single vegetables trip money, and others, like the an laxoille \« *» |l»«**«»rk In th« l**ht id dav and midmcht'- »l«n>m. collector of taxes in the surface Is and the elevation following, Tlir w»|.aprr defendant town out for that This court has em- his brother Ezekiel succeeded, after con- « few before a hilly highest « purpose. days taking vacation. He amusing ignorauce of its value llUIlt) The wheel* are turnitik' early and late. for the Tear 1*73; -that he had a legal and held flat a town has no such siderable trouble, In the intrud- is Dark mountain, so called, which rises A \\j; ,;i \\ ..... ,tiv .•mnu-iwt a* the- phatically capturing lias worked hard since tin* 4th of as ; Georgia paper says that a negro, the And the wind i* wound in warp of fate. sufficient warrant to collect a March, ■ tax of $.316, er in a box t, .1 v ic irwt ■»«.*- 11 1* aiut larjre#* power. and that the legislature cannot con trap on the east side of the river from fortunate of a ; in fact have all tin* directly possessor valuable house ... « ci. in tin v 1 It- «'*»•» assessed a cabinet officers. Few •» t> legally against party liable to fer it. Brewer Bric k Co. v. Brewer. fi2 “Now. Mr. Woodchuck,*’ said Ezekiel. lot. one ■* < a e sold his for » -- that lit k ! cliek tberC* thread of lo\ wove In ! the water's to a of 142 day property $10,(kH> -1 1, n n. lt-< »*r*'v. ; taxation in said town, and in the "We will fix mis- outside of edge height feet, — styled Maine, e,2. If the town carnot alrate the you. You have done people have idea was -1 in. !••! it. k ! #• lift*! siftther of wrotti' ami sin Washington any He a check for that amount, ih. it many warrant. I> To to the given Knowlton \ ’;-that he tax it c annot chief Dan. let's take him into the nearly perpeudicular, according r* 1* -U* lip n tliC What a checkered thm; will thi* lift !*» certainly excuse the collect- enough. | of the hours these official* have been oblig- which was carried iu due time, to one of * made no effort to m«nt see- collect -aid tax farther or from field and the and let the kid one our ha-:~ f ic« in»!i"- When we it unrolled >n eternity collecting It. The town cannot open trap dog ed to measurement of of civil engineers. the banks. The teller asked him thin to put in at their desks The opening of paying xi* * 1 11- v illegally permit them to give their do him." indirectly what It ha- no direct power On the other side there is Tavern hill how much of the mouey he wanted in cash. note instead of the for their tax a new administration means unlimit- 1 -ti *«K ai**t When stall thi* wonderful web U- done? money to do. Oh.no, do not do that said Darnel, always “I wants which is situated the hanks of all dat ar paper calls fur,** re- • »r that lu» took the Dole as s just beyond » In a thousand one— and ac- The* who the “Let lake ! ed hard work for the men who have to \ (, «x *•: U-nirtl- f ’.Ime are year*. |*erhap*. money, agreed statement of facts does rot pitied poor captive. map 1 plied the negro. von k il< * r w-»r Or to-morrow ; wh" knowt tb> N-d nor counted for it as to the town treas- him to the woods Jordan. The climate is somewhat p I, money disclose any legal excuse for the collect- ami let him go.** Tne out and into Its and peculiar “What! Y'ou don’t want iu 'urn on and the- put operation policy, $10,000 ■ Hut the wheels shuttle-* urer;—that twelve | p > v. -i ..*• in* fr* m the »U know properly. propriety of “All right,” answered the man, and iu ami*n> But each one i* ; warrant to mains on the hill the year, and .» mu*»t no pay him #3«» In consideration tax It is said In “He to be killed,” said Ezekiel, ! amount of work to he done much throughout j-.. j• -t.»|* 1** jrtve And some 'lay the last thre-ail shad Im- woven the agreed statement ought greater five minutes he began piling the money on x .ill'll ft' term ** helher »f the premises, the sum to lx* raised that “but Dan wants to I'd him what is as a continual In, by the property meaut to be taxed !>e- go.” ! than usual. It is no to I quite singular, the counter. ■l .'! •• _ivel ..r l-'.t exaggeration say he mate ad of sin ! assessment. and was “Well, said the old on > v .v <»od Kraut it love. longed tv. in tlie name of. boys,” gentleman, exists the west hank of the river, As he laid > -1 v rl v. t*».«l*I> v that the member* of the cabinet | Fogg the $.‘>00 packages on the Has the town the to a tax “as ean’t about it. mav ar- present \ »’ ii ir!\fr"iti power impose Knowltou a there you sgiee you counter the and i|«'tP'x'*i Company.' corpora*ion. I Aside from these peculiarities we have uegro’s eyes grew larger \i't for such a nm unle-s tin- case before me. I will 1m* the have worked harder the last five I.re.-te.t t«* hi- M.Mlie .*r *» Thi n are we spin ier* of woo) for thi* life purposer Clearly ’wing no such party as "D Knowltou A gue during larger. Finally, when 20 of the — the New packages 1- -—. rtU I or ii«*t l** re ? the claim is incident or o«n- ordinary England climate. We*b j plaintiff's to. Co.” It is said, however, that 1> Knowl judge You. Ezekiel, may first give your i mouths than they ever did In-fore in their had beea before him. he looked in- .. t..r its* * placed lift) l>ti w«- furni*h the- wmoti w ti each *1;*s ne« ted w ith, the exerc ise reasons the 1 by the town of t«*n A Co.” a note and for tne treatment you propose, alnximl In all parts of r~ ..r- « lUcnlltiiieil, gave fo* the tax. I lives and several of them have Ikh-ii for Partridges at them for a moment, and then, ; mi Im »• kind 1 •» tently ajM'r It rr tit r Hit n. fri«-ml. spin t- le gal .\ town Is not a business and Daniel shall U* counsel tne .' 1 .»it* .1! », ll:« 11! -t » mat powers. that afterward I). Knowltou vV Co." be the fo.* aud and Cross with a :x«r» 1 s j country Sparrows, Cranes broad grin on his , said I tintilify I of or a years at the head of large and sum ssfnl •. It |..«x mini t* tn.vW :»l>'t r.»| j hanlabh- corporation It is a ■ ame insolvent Tie-re mast ami ids < ause. j simply therefore prisoner plead ( eerta)n sections.and I s ! Gimme a dollar n a i> ■. t w t!;* It U tak> 1 fr**m the POWDER grouse')inhabit during jist paralyzed politi. al organization, created as a cunveii- have a Then Ezekiel the case against private business concern*. have all i j been party called, I» Knowlion a opened They 1 half, n kin de rist till l call the summer >7 s you keep ient agent for the nuance >f Co the am1 he was earnest. a of l*Hfi and companh of v «l It*. Pure. {>erfo certain and it was the -ame prisoner, deeply in i earned rest. KiltlK* Absolutely An Deciiion in Law nn<|iic.-tlonaMv agin.” ■ • duties : Heron were seen. was I •«•* t 1 !■»--• •* .-a* h tit*arr1h lot6Te8lij£ governmental and piirj*ose*. Its as |) Knowltou The Tins is the sul>stanee of what lie said frequently Mink for- til4 i--•« i« • A m»n( i"i|'urilj party Company." ••Sunseu ('ox. the funny" democratic tii* t:<:.. t.- w 1.1. tin *ssl «- i are almost is a ;.4}.*r rt|* **r» •...«• M r» ii<-in 1< Jk 1 powers entirely politic al, and v ariatinu was iu the name of the “The woodchuck very mischievous found on the river hanks. The in- simply > merly n -.*!•■•* rtlaT* in arr* »r* are never | «haf « ■ Hi Congressman from New York, for- nlii k nuil cjniii't U- In are projxrU limited to it- duties It has '.am*- a id too to ra'-** animal, and this one has done a great deal Senator Ingalls on Prohibition in Kansas. .1* l-x.MMiue The- Court of th State ha* party, slight an? ! habitants are almost of American < t i.*n v 11 Uir k... f t. *hort Supreme wholly | ntU'lr low «t. such control over the < itizen. and his nest Ion of harm, a* we all know. If we had not gets to lie humorous. He has returned 11 nmii.. r« latiner t* **n !•*»•!* pti. n* w* only j of Identity The* agreed state just t|fht. *lun. or pho*ptiMtc p«*w«l. r* s. lorn. In la.e-Jy an notin' <*d a dee I loti w hie h *he»u d descent. There arc however a few French, m j. if ;»r* re*}>ie»ie«l. t*» -tnU* the or as is loin be would have I 1- C»n» U«»VA1 ll*ff F*«. 1'oW !»RK It* t II money property exprrssiy granted un til negatives the of other caught destroyed t.i from atrip the four to. possibility any Washington through ,«• t: > -r !» t*' U -* tu rest to < Kansas has abolished the saloon I »tt i' »>•* i»>. nt. •i N > of much inte tax pnye-rs, and to it or i- n* e—arv to the of a great of our and aud in a remote of the town Irish It r> performance patty There was In the matter many vegetables, per- i new states and lie claims part 1 ref t- w t. «.. naro«-*> nothing coolly credit for traffic is as extinct the r”i*er |ii*in > t- open dram-shop U»WIJ KVlh ColleCtOI'S of taXC«. duty to the* public Index'd, a town is »f name to hinder the collector a haps would have spoiled our garden. We be found Offio-rs.Cape moment 1 may The majority of the popu- 1 the passage of tin* bill making them states sale of \ drunkard i«» a p: 1 a onh a trustee for the have a at deal of time and Indulgence*. _■ irv**-. w*) jrlvt We th** of the court u public, it does not Farnsworth Co v Band. *».'» Maine. IP spent gn labor 1 puMtah op'nton lation are prosperous ami in good circuin- nomenon. The •* a- nel'«» th.- »«< t. a Ui. ii you own the it- tr« in he be the last This is a barkeeper has joined money in nor the mu- n»e v of the tax was not his capture and. :f shmiid sufleied by Congress. carrying 1 w a.-ury. alidity questioned rex rir -* nt Thorndike Ca mle n wriU* n Jui'-.t j a troubadour, the and the mouud- by to 1 i v * U stances, number of the citizens arc in crusader, nicipal property gen. rally, but only holds We annot se e and go at large again, there little almost ton far If I p* member •* tU I any ground upon which joke ar.ght, bullder. The the and Kmory It vs ’.t- *f. n that tht- |, r f them intrust for tlx- and d«*ubt that he would Id* fact Hu h. follow various brewery, distillery. r»V -l* te-l tetter public•. subject to su-trtMi the vote of the* town directing begin depredations and I think I do, the credit for the decidedly They 1 passage the bonded warehouse are known to to control tin* j anew and is* to oui> !iini)» 'n ;av«*|s\iry hint.cd and public through legislator* the* a--, H^mc ut of a tax upon Its citizens cunning enough escape re- ! occupations such as Masons,('arpenters and f< tier • of that bill be to the the It seems iucredibh- ihat .n 'Jiiin*• •»,-i.l* I *. 11«»n Mum • I Mer wether v to Besides, it would be | longs republicans,who archaeologist. that ♦own «»tti< *-r*t a-e he-.t .0*1,1. t a orp «»ir- pay tliis claim The law has not made capture nothing \ v» oun- many Moore orland manufacture* Dorrs among a population of l. 7h 1 p« >; rett. 1«>2 l S 472 tow n m» « the more than strict for the w.mmI informed their obstinate democratic col- W •- m It-.-t.>n. tdigs courts of last resort in justice tah l .v TV *ow 1 vote -Annot n '«t t j etc of all «d/--s ami from the Missouri Uiver to < a hy Ttn narrow the chuck vo is for has a] doors Keyes,Staph■- extending I .. -t li-.-t-.n limit of ’axing power of x matter -o highly important to etti i punished what he leagues that unless the bill was allowed to ; every orado. and from Nebraska to <»k r « A 1 "ViU’ 't B*.«t.*n, a or *’ hfu' oUce .*r a tow .w. 1 dt-]:*).jue-ut n, and of it- j. r oxer iijon* s paid /en a- the <’lection ..f tax r* ady done; ami that punishment should ami Cotton is carried \ prompt public g.» through the House the President would description* raising is a v. w 1 x I HAVI. N!< K LI3f| nr there uot a place which the thirty r nto it* treasury and from otlu r mr*. s ** It do, not th« ts w-vv.vl of i»<- su< has will prevent hi;n from doing li «. 1 A St It.i-I n L % UK IN Noise IM'ilHUMS «'K permit on to some extent, the titrt. an < xtra s* ssi<»n notwithstanding hilarious r an enter, ami bi\ than town tax*-, i- b\ ev d d» future It ts to call immediately after l la ^ayfar. g 1 a N. w ^ rL illustrated nian\ i'li1'': imo y'ljpou a !• officer, to i impossible change C*WI>1 \ i'lnpieut unfavorable climate dowti a coin 1 N xx ? led ,1m s ins *-v i! so f• >r the 1 ! I x *>. » i. ) k In thc*i -cm f -;*•< .t| a in a town meet eg natun*. nothing but death *r Inauguration express purpose «.f fHcndly majority 1'his dot•*. not a' •* h v W > » k V..V, ThUix. in imply that 'lute -uj t \ A I Buirllt*. Hi- >v. June 1 <». -tatute. a tow n c annot ra -* n. v r f-*r Bfe can a to h s The town contains three churches, viz.. *plt f. I'he limit* <1 pow tr *•{ t-w ns ov, r pu * onpris..ament put stop passing Mr ( x is entitled to the credit | or that < ;ui 4- > We annot prevail?* everywhere 7- I nr r>. /'• r.*. of lo al deft*um* an in- wa- v\-H stated in W, v afford to take Methodist ami l’niversa Fancy i jh< purjx»s.-s against money -tbrook depredation*. sen-e Congregation;!- ('rockery <»f hav to ing had sufficient tion" ; <; *v political ha> entirely disappeared Hut r-. vading cnenix Stetson v K« 13 of Idin and feed Idm. he ndght get blREOTOEY. AM*- /7 •// mpton g. Man Hte lax payer U I iist. and lu re another « fact 1 make a virtue of and for xtraordinary nabit of is out. c 1 Ma— N'*r t" !»ii•.■ I » >f amu- wav bark to his evil * necessity, having drinking dying IVmpi j■:a* ; ’V no means at the m* r- y of local amigo praciic The plain.(ff w e* tier*-, ,- r of i\.- in the <:e- major: may be related Though contrary tot.hr being removed from the young and the n for its inhabitants :»-s If we k»ll film. Ids skin wdl be of some lit- rMia-i.-d some his more near 1 1." k* *< 1 '• iit ment Ibid. Nor to I he law '- Ids i |*» of sighted fe-ndant ‘own fn- it> I*•7.1, ami a* such -aref.ill) gun: pghts firm, have bet n rede, y,*r > ! laws of nature, as it -rein, some time they fortitied aud a ale tax-- ( "oli v * i.ranviK. loi'u-h in ■* tle due t«» us; »tr t it wdl not .tv half | may i-"i '1 -r.tr hs-i a r w .rr-o»l t«* ..lit eta I irnm.init and hm to rep c-moepvtic to vole for the bill, * -e-* *• : .»t « pri.pt on'y permits olleagues cd ! s M GLASS WASIE the The liquor-seller, being proscribe .. N r to l« brat, an atm I -»• damage he has done. In case *:«\ _■ y i ;iin*t a par *h to \crsary a-h tax- l f.-r lawful It already ago a j>crpctual Day predominated near the I V a- public purposes i Let Mr U- a«. as he wants to, an outlaw, ami his vocation •• v we let e. funny di^reputa* — 10 l him go fr even ’f he should not VI : M M-' J i.'l.r! the Idams. Cush 27»2 Not. even glv.-s the courts p-»wer to afford him am Methodist chun h for some of time. luit bo length being stigniat tv !. is out of fash v v v steal from us wdl *t* don’t let the record on this I’riuking h\ in m..i.. hut ;m»k a n.-tf f he par "f H-xhI I run. 1 Vilen ! against the'neou-lderate un- again, he probably al t subject July pi* protection j \ This not been the ion, ami he of intoxicant* *. # at iuste to tt.w having explained by consumption rx at !!-• hap ! f ad. ami Srounltd Me- u irra*tir« r N r to provide uniform- for a a, m authorised action w «. \. n. *.. departments oust rvative ob>er\ers t tfte-r ard the .| • Ti... r-iii.-.r « u estimate theretlm »i avj o ■•itaiu a ■ v .>r 1 Nor town I'nnii (' .1 W«i ton* D-vinmi Vm church is a little nearer heaven ie to m * a particular ■ 1 fund th*4 arH *d the tax 1 g deal of trouble with the tele- Ion at cent it eanuot be ie*,* « r. y. N plaintiff *** good ninety per II barter Kr B«*bu »nt. \ u l «.in and v-m .1.1 speech «>f K/.eklcl, ami it was .• i.nt 1 *..:«-*• **t-t| amt to tiit t-.wn hutm\«r li r«incurred than anv of the others N ... M M 'T“' I' " !:i "•■cl pod than e. \ V T I *ur.d*} |«* k«U*fartIon \l\ •• to Nor t*> .%r -!iv ,s: n "f the '■'« n that f«» wan influenced tin* w graph companies ow-eg the suspension seventy-fix ■ the *aui< t«> tw r !»t ■%«..— opj against *•;■**:. m < a summer resort Prohibition >n < earnest :<> >rlaml would make line prohibits. The predict. in» id. lu an »* a !«*\% ‘g* Brookbne.il* Mass West- h«u k the and able of tile contract f«*r Gov. rnm.nt 4: * '» *1 lion uj->n <»f th.- n. Dr. • Eliir. by argument carrying Br<'wn-8f(jn»ni .. rtf in u J __ f.. of its has uot been verified m * f*' ’hut * town I; a a < » w tiif!i be listen< d. opponents he .-in 1v f-r brook l>o nj M nr. V-r t* n; Hsat* •» The ar.- mak- telegraph people u;is mtu II is ■ Plain and llecornlcd sue!-, a a p« Mr « 2': Mrct n* (rockery piinHt** : that the.-liom i* that *»f pax a priv ate tire compaux «#r*> n -ugh It wa» now Daniel's turn, and as he be As gaze over tie m apprte,.atOll. you .ju'et ■ >. :*»".• 4. m !•* ITu- »M* of fluid- n the foodie* rg l l.- Saru cash at transmut rates I apital been diverted from the State. 1 .*• public Au r tini d f-.r a n ,r to vitalizing looked the soft and timid >n pay “1 -•• = •*<« I *r1o !>>w Wakefield. 1.-: Mass bi; .1 a upon express' it- v:«!- .v ‘* *t little with hills and has 4 ‘Uff. red by hi* •vie- t ..? pub «• v. am! uruyj.a authority wn. of H'ai pow- irivocatexl 1 »i Hr v>. I a x N r by *pi.o after 11 s heart was moved with and « Brown and Gref a hue- hh harmo- er*. l>a\ :s, V1 .No* bu a bridge pity to set the f »r tn;- work. « lauu- that riling price « n *»• 1 «* -eric-«»f-uc< *•—ful him lUrtlrtt l«l*u.| 5 1 r> inati' T-i.r t wn » on--..rd x e\;H rln»ent-upon whole son! was aroused. ash* ■! ••• * ? Boj.eaxx.-n. appri the eve or. all sides, wlii'e lln n « i* !«•' i k -. w t s niously. greet X 1 A -elf '1 .it tail- w. re flr-t re. lted in a one mil> per word a fu r price; th is ::: I N 11 4* N r ?-* a la at. cm* with words, for the life and lib ( r. Cock be: w ! t! r. w j. ■ w el*>«jueut »*> Hie schooner M B Mdlen. 1 •• Eaton |c t. t,-• r- pro m ite apt 4 V W •>'■« k!\ . pa I* r read in 1’ari- ‘-.fore S.» i. te de iii.. denied the < ami in Sparks -n of the hy telegraph ompames, .. x 5 *t w ard fe mu v.i' It w a* .-Jaino-d !hnt t«*rx ass-M-a* Lmpic■» \ jhrcsdcn. 77 erty captive. Dyer, loaded with stone from Fast B 1 ■g:> and vv.-rc r« * :ve»l the wh"I« mak a rare etur.- for *nt« m- of nil kind ft.- wa« *u n* :** hy learned «»od made the woodchuck.' sad he t.»- G ug j I :,K. ... N 1 ft.r*» Tlur*-l«> : rxrrj there no U person. and that tr»« ; roj- Ma >r It «an'.ot div»-h among meantime ivtrnmcut official.* have hiil for Baltimore, has been mg at a ,e an liem w .-h a thrill >f a-t.m'-hmcnt and x J v «rtv me.iot t* •- t.-v-d ,ri»* to ! w »* t lards He made him to live. He made him to For its further n < omincndution west Side of thi- I:t^t vv» .nha* money rts**ix#«l fr**rn 'tat.* to for their m«-v*ag* *. platiou. island for the a an air f -. ientlfle \- l>r pay !n th* name of -rp n. 'I* Ktiowlton v incredulity j roam fr*e in the fields and wood* and b» > 1! *p*-r Km.ry, 2 4 Maine '-73 N >r as 1 would state that the t mn is the re- ding detained by ttie fog ami head wind, ( i, T X If 1*71* * at //■ that o.« > «ria’ w »« .n »rid*5 tiatn* of !h« »y. x 55 ft irt? 1 u«».Ux. r e a *lioti of Ideulit - .,{ ! > n*-w .d\ir «»f | hou-cholds of Pages and this fret alone the town fr.-m military draft |Vrk us eveu the woodchm k He made him to till Ki'hard Willing and iu 1** h. Mi!>n from Host..m. where he has he. u at 1. » v **••! F"unh M rid*'* v •f mj wn niaiudjul .r* n..»■!«• f: in tia-U«i<.f fe an ! ttie w:*h which he dc } \>.pTi».»us on fa.'ts M f -r-l. ..13 empliA-.- Ins r in reation. and the wood- should he -ertl- ient to render it as work. His seems much m » agrceo Maine. projH place a popular health very •*» m » i' «t n v. y ir«i » : T* !’•. ! ! he fr» -line-- f giai.ted pension of $j4 per month, which k. '• \< tion .»f <»n a« » an «ut*» ptilftat’iig cfiuek has as much as 51 .. *Ql hUing of xll ki i* U- i.unt to live Alden is i tr. ,il Jure. Jli'^ 5tl£ti*t pr»»tn|Uy a**ump*it Within t' .-re a town max \* r- -c right any a fashionahie sumimr resort. proved. Dyer vcontl mat*- sj.i hi- vi and was increased to m. y :r*t 51 till*'. ii» x* : « w :n- the recover* >>f im- siihxsjuentiy $,V> per •1 1 lie s*e a* r.-f. .-i ..i the >*urt. '.'trough otiter living thing. He is not a destructive the Mdlen We were see n s« me d son as to what claims to glad to Xv «• V {'• IT. pay. vital function- a IV-rx^t th*- ! ght t.i being r»**. r\.-d. a* d t paired product-! profound animal, like the wolf and the tiger He m -tiih. Afterwards through a mistake us Try My Prices. \e«-pt or to -onl*— t In the matte r of *< hmus. among again k I M ►•*nd*r> up-ui { hv-Udog!*U (JiM.snotk.il ; he does not take life, made a was pl.i:n*, r--ads fir** * «s town poultry hy surgeon the pension r.-duc- 55 1 v !tl'X lt*t*«X •: pa«}s-rs. eg !oum*. »i tin r«' as-cm’.led. The island folks are f-»r three hundred and .w.ntv- ge. Subs. .4m ntIv «»ne he does not for inert- Patent* Granted feeling qu judgment r* are destroy anything e i to a. riiilt- wl7-h towns nated to f h>- assistant.-. I »r Variot. three I $s per month The pensioner appli- about the r. > select#*! he encouraged granite quarry V * (. V Xk* I *.\en doll*-* with n'rr.st from eats a few of J <.» J> .* T x »rrj January •are f -r. th* town max d**i- rm’ii- what sport. simply vegetables, *■ men in ed for a of his ami this There have been four m u 1 rn 1 r»«- It*, Mat 5 »:r> I l**.- l>ef*mum* excel led to the uI- debilitated ranging ag»- from fifty which we have an abundance and can well reopening ease, Y-sIst- place ..a.ir-s on th.—. a •Hints It will ;-av 1 m *>(» four l*. -'it* and Iwii.-.l the To citizens of the New States at work forth- la-t three wok- and t -* N \ f I r»t *;■ t' rd ! ti g. eight. sy rnge spare The- food he cats to sustain ant Bu--. v has derided that Fngland J. P. < n -u:t afs. s ■. :r <• apart Secretary j.j^t m how.-x.r, f mat 1 via X * m- »nft them with thr result of tb's w».k five more haw one •-» f a i Eldridge, Hie t f fa a as uj»on immediately life s as sweet to him and is &s net< is during the w.-rk and for f past reported agree t« ;s wti are nut ;'*.*-I to the con ssjry he entitled to a jn-nsion of $72 per month mg their im tin r next Week ten more Hi.- vn .[ g \e low improv dige-tion. rea-mg b> ins cxistem e as is that for ijs w hb h is C A Sn«>w A Co office. by tr«.l .f toxvn ine« t It rns the and arrear- since h.s 11 —. which w II paper by patent Ha Main Street ngs unis tiiar action. and a No causing g*u Purge employment to our men at home and th-se Th:* :* an ;*< »n for tin- r*-- "ti o ..f hy served up on onr mother's table (tod f ir 1 > *.; ■ 1 >. C -l.ee >11 of pij' Taxes The stat’d to Washington. w w ish w < :.;in< e .oar I eral nerv m- iti rnetit So ill. ieut me s amount $l2,u»*». Uo ill ha\a to take an amount vot.-.i by tin- t..w«t to br y\ 1 to n.sin -ir food. So. also, the liihle telh* BKAGDON D. D. B > c h 4; a t- wn to we GEO. W. e*np-'W*Ts a.- Me era. S„ y not to enable I>r Hr »wn F N Bah holder Portland gb- the plaiof’lT at,-! inter. *t on *atn» ip-ed us. He giveth to the b«-a*t hi* food, and to Kx Postmaster General Frank Hatton MS BI H ra.s*- money f->r aj> e.fjed purposes, that t“ RAMTE ,* f the eflecl- oil C A Beacon. Manchester It agreed that *T wa* I.-, for ijuard jubge {w-rm.anent the young ravens which rv Are we n«>t latest Civil Service ing tank. Mrs B 11 >f .s v:- plain. .s. to fix and order x..te th* amount t*i charge against the Dyer Belfast ^ 1 n* I’INE >TUKKT »• by "f the tr.-atn. it of the-e three i.f I of taxes of i. } town for th* rear 1*7.- patient-. also told to •consider the ravens, which N H ( K. Brothw B friends on the i-1 m I. U assessed ami colic* ted for pr**j»«-r t«»wn ■ Comtnis-ioner is that lists of the mop; and ti at am it he for The Lancet a neither questions .• •. mg the u ou* taxes .-nlrust ha-p: par*d have storehouse m»r barn: and D -d \ _n« ai. i.f ll I*i ‘j hi* I K-nUii (.-..«¥* « but then 11»«- Ct draw Y P Bul'nr ! tuirges. divrf?loiiary p*»W hi- on t and t*» lie asked at examinations have h.m bridge Brdgt Parties .-nt from thi- last w- x 15 rl. tnl to iiinj for eoUt-riion f*»r that wa* synopsis of t>a|w-r- the «uhj«-< fcedelh then)!* So, also, h“ fe*»det pla. year e er of the town -MTiiu to c-nd. Ti statute to ■ f hi- own with the reserva- < Ct lath vrnk H H Cue;. Fong Island aft. r blu.-b. rri. ut*f .1 one again*? I» Ktiowlton \ Co. eijM-ricn^e dumb animals, if man does not rob them so’.I to appl ants. He has not yet state.I port. spindle amounting x. s ,t no control over th** assessment or g tion that !>r Variot -<> far the berries scar* <• to more than three hun^r*-1 do’ljr*; that experiment*. >f their share If (tod gives *»« aii ir? Stamford. ( t.. water closet. W F Cure- very • oilectlon of taxes It is sta- just who sVd the papers «>r when the offense any true.tin* a- then-suit* have been he failed to eoll.M-t of them a ;*>n «*f ouvrved.-rrength poss«»sa. even the in our Vt seed r. G • S I >. S l l por tute the town t*» the as vegetables garden, wa- commuted mugs. Bradford. plant* 'apt W.r scbo .n. r In -x w ART, requires appoint eii hi- own conclu-ion- the *.i ■! U\. amounting to thr.-. huiidn d and re-jK- t»ng po- shall we not share a little from our abun- to sess• rs and roller tors of all sat. < <>untv Vt.. -aw -tone. Kllsworth and brought-town the lumber of Ui. elix1'. It 's sai l that (tenoral Gar- Dalryinp** Fair Haven. rig Xte. n and I*«> dollar* v to take tency lance for this poor dumb creature, who ex-Attorney new hall in pi ami toxx n lax- s to In* h x :■ d w Jthin its ter for the this place I >r Iirown « W. H Ct., -wag eg. th»- note ■<{ *a.• li Kn- wit--!, a ( ;un Seipiard'- pnT»rn‘nary xper aunot sp« *k for himself. but is land has been to represent the Dayton Forrlngton. ATTORNEY but ti e *, wn d-.es tills as th* mutely employed rdo-ry. j«»l;t- iments w» re tried on animal* In order to Schooners Good Intent and Index hav« mug t*■ himself. that said note was never for life at our hands* WV have W H&ddam, Ct aigi leal agent of the slate The pleading Northern Pacific railroad n this city at a Eddy — appointment tli. of the vvhi« fo ! loaded with wood for Dix Bartlett • \N1> to him or any t: -r*i»f «,w to prove innoeiiity elixir, no to take that life without 4 paid part ,ng :*. right away r i P. Fenner. New London Ct gripper eouhl have n colru«tcd to any oilier wa-derived from the blood and -alarv of mm a year It is to be hoped week. th*- n*<*1 v. n» \ >‘f 1 > KnowIton A Co certain good cans*- and is there a cans. past others ar* good agency. These ---ip’-rab- f >r* that his will* motion; George L Gerard New Have'.. that th* ?! *a:d not#- !•» !**• gland-of guinea pigs and dog*. H. Hie wimmlehuek oas never violated the laws experience this corporation plain’ **:j’{M»*iiig -.fth ♦ to Mrs. Lois Bartlett has returned horn# COUNSELLOR at LAW. agents They ar** public rs owing the -\ruige umm hlin-. lf he • -ted drier. F Haskel, W**stbrook. oil* ia!»Ie the amount of the *xm. ti-ing >f t»od, as man ofleu does; but he will be ami more than Ct., clothes paid the and not to the town alone the strictly pleasanter profitable with her daughter. Mrs. L--ter Smith v public the deioction admin it to two ;*t Mutt. Mr. into the tow n in aaurrr for the sa; 1 town by -terug follows the laws of tiis which he has Me., ete .J 1 Henthorn. KI1.-worth, statute their b*ing what he hit.I with the Pan-F.Iectrie Tele- drying warps, Mrs Smith is in j»*»*»r health, s it we dull*-* imposed by Only ap rafofoit- ami one old d very in 1 "f Cjoidni; not a* -up*rannuate»l >g received from the of the Creator that hr did .-.-bettor hands of Prov idem o. K. I., roof covering. W. C arc in that now -he is at home *h*» polntment com*** fr»on the town Th* r \ft.-r tfo:- had re*■••ivc.i subcu- phone Company not many years ago hopes attempt t*» e»ifor« «-f said ui dog twenty all tilings Is it not as that any jsMtion is from the statute, ami «• the tax wa* a*x **.-.t to 1> Ktiowlton Co operate upon b'maelf for the woodchuck as that which <*od de- Noble received the Ja*jues, New London. Ct.. cough sirup. H. GREELY. «-x* < ution f that <»n Secretary preliminary DR. authority I»e*ty 1 piui lf> to June 4 he made *eii \ while the properly meant to b. .\.d N May injee. signed for us? We have taken the .ami the .J. K* ifer. Bridgeport. Ct.. cabinet; d. F t. ixalb-n V's s.-, State x Walton. *12 1 report of commission which ha- been t-oii- in hi- aim- and legs, a dark where Or land longed to an*i was in the name .f I> using he roamed, and have cut down the Larkin. Manchester. N. H head *■* Maine. 1 fluid obtained from the of investigating the rc-tating >>f mop DENTIST. Kt.owlt.tn a * .here reddish glands trees that him with nuts and pen-ion*. Mr Fred K Brown, of W 1 totnpacy. * Know lion \ Co. ; young dog then, take it our pro- i'XpTlf.1 soon «»n a -it to fr a Is ai.-l m-sors of of their statute al The result* w* re most -nr- I F Ct T'. that in J*s.». a{ the annual f said any part dulbs, guinea pig-. iand» to the woudclun k to ceed wtth the »itv * chine Palmer M: kil* port, •ly- m»-eliiig punish linprD- stigation. He wants relatives in tbs i♦ *niiv il I! M i~ M p m»r an su- h vote ud.r the;** art ..n n He fore h- unnt- *.* defendant town, on an arti.leof the fol- pn-iug. \|nr upon >11 him to him to death for rak- ing H Part rick. Ct ha I j4tr put just tin- pro* for twelve month- He Danbury he i. w so vv• .slings low w .t any d**ta.l I tow cannot by in-, if in a- ak that h* via- inv.x- the food Mr. Flisha ..f B .ng tenor, to ing which (»od has proven d for F P*« k P*-ov den*e K I hollow '!« Hopk’n* 1 d* t»e.| t‘. make re- -pn r* ftM-. .liuiintsh or \ th* lut.-s w i h 1 1 to -i? after vv half public the pre. tnin.trv a s w • > Art •■1st. T*. -■ f th* .own will vot«- ary ly ••mpelled .rWing dm? I say we have no right to ve ing few day ith 1 si-'.-r M depi for '-tc A nidtown M*\ t;.* tax collector owe* to tin- n r an hour in UN.rato * and for 1 btlt -aid the tveng. Rigby Harr mail. H s w fe r : * U> refund to I.nrkm I horndike *.» niueh of public. many Him of either iife or lib, riy the port full r.-|K*i t should b«-g:\eti ha- n <’ relieve him in * as. <»f his m gl.-i t. * x- ept he had been *0 exhausted alter re digger C D K- g- r- Prov idem-*- weeks th* ’n\ a**.-**• d to I» ktiowlton a in year* mute and artiest pleading of tf. animal to tne public just as soon a- it is finished. potato In the frxv ;ts«-s when t!i** statute so home a.- to '*• forced at once to ls7n* was to the town hut nev. r very turning go f*»r that life which is so sweet to him Oh! K I drive -er< w die. F. B« n- Patten paid I Firfany, * » •- n Dr. and* is t.» .stand that the sat:-tied I There s an to N-d w here he would he too t -I to Secretary Sparrow gras- eollei t-d to three humir.- l and provides implication, per- j et us not take it away in selfish amounting cruelty from n ngton Vt., sinker supporter for knit- hammock for an hour W: d •• 1 *n-l in S c. 17J. that town \ f! r was aide the that there has been no r*r. at h:-• t!i ta> niftil In MiU-eti haps. K y the sleep the ripermi.-nts be md cold heartedness ; if we •. we report dollais and s.x «xut>ainl inlete*t for. ! oddfellow for B -k * max relu-x *• a < oik-dor who has made a for or iu tlng. H R. Town**. Stamford. Ct., rod Hunting ou same, also sum -land thr* four hour- his must a and scrious doing but he deemed it what of money th. y expect just righteous judg- wrong good news n the ,' s- ip/vr. Mason’s fruit!* arrest after on** y«-.-*r. hi and to write in the evening for handle, C T. Cheshire. Ct.. probablv Block, will vo t.* ra se to pay ;he sa.ii*-.' it wa* general hdmratory ment for our wanton act policy to have a fuller investigation mad*- Tyler. milling is w ■ -i « !. .. the collector -I. alt ith, iu»t an hour and a half without a sen-e I a -r M I iin» ti- tfi* ..For all of voUtl as follow negligent by feeling During this earnest of Daniel, cutters .1 Br lg« Ct Dr. Srilson has n ide in n' plea -t some of the enemies of the Wenger. port. the town, but by oilier orthers of w.ai ic-- In-tead of creeping and, tears pension land on Leach's t>v t Art 31st. Voted that the x-lee'ni.-n In- public started from the father's eyes and I F Wilcomb. Providence, K l point. pm t-.ng tl\ere elo*he-1 vvithauthoi for that "U a -fair- a-e: a- had U*en his l office should say that tne months included »la-p; acres tl\cse livings authorized to pay Larkin Thorndike th.- y purpose. hobbling ran down his sunburnt cheeks lli«* pity ly two of Mr l-uiu scamm I he assi-ssors ar** authorized statute it recent he »ould run and straight knitting machine Dr. Lewis sum of three huudre*l *'ol!ar* s C.« by h in year- up in 1 were awake ned the touch- in the y investigation— Decem- is to sympathy by prel:minai P. S Patten and Mui'f \Y i. Hodgkins < : s * a leg ;u ertaiu to tai.r his tax down lik.-u bov H £»rm- tested ■ equal same to !«• ra inert I a*** **tn« n’ that tin* coulingciii by ing wonts of compassion and the ber 1 s—s ami Ism* had Is-en -*•’»•*■■. .1 1. r nothing by eloquent May were united in m ur age. h 1 war ant from him 1 4 7 .149 liie regained a .ngtfi which Aug sum was early in the y»-ai l*'-*. demand- yy dy■nanometer md irnc.s/ appeal for mercy to the cap i. !.;v xm.i! a! -t-rvir•• ■> to the l*efor**haml on account of the have the best w;-hc- of ,r mu is X, state.count* and town treasurer* ca> h tl». v had not for showing A *d of the *.-le. im.-ti of said town but has may po-M-sstil twenty-six ive; and while Daniel w ^s yet in the Puzzled Dutchman. it* .{ P,;.v\5 ..r::. and \ i« issue his warrant of distress a d« v.-ar- l»ige*tion ami other function-, they made. we. w ; »- 4 inity never Ui u j»ai*l to the plain' rt ti*»r a* against midst of his argument, the old man. giving due day last k M V 5* It: Iftr. *>r slothful collector, INI. )f»2, sere With r to ( 4» ft ft It | 5 5 11 II lAllllK ft: Perm Davis »esx*d Luke lin*|Uent yy markedly unproved gard wav to his feeling* and forget ting that tie ol. \V W Dudley laughs at the idea f was away fr< m h m. -tray I. v bysaidtowii Cphani pro- srt 1 17*s All the**- -dti rs »**l. not urnler the of intellectual labor, which A Wi-eon- u ular paper contains tire nos*i — i.»n of his t- -! ! I H IIO AM. h 15' tested against the payment of said sum pr»K** facility was acting a> a judge, sprang from h h s being arrested whi’«* na—intr through vote of the t«>x\n. but nt of Ku.l ft...»t v .1 -11.11. it-iffi a,Iv nii,:ri- good which wa.* recorded The taxes on the any ind*-{M-nd» 'hair dashed th«- i«*ar- from his and following story support on his clover H*- ha- the v I Indiana on Ms wav *o iti,> is and 1<> When a tax c ollcctor has once re* eiv*d a and nervous centres were and ta- of haptism In report & Saloon. paid collector." notably bu-inos m> that from subject which he can w kept by ei/ery get away .-lay ti >. pt« uiiivr. in ail ; Oyster Eating •1 H f<»r legal tax warrant, he becomes chargeable p dlv strength! ned by the action of the “rl- Digrity Upset. they Montgomciv. plaintiff ri turn with t!■» J. XX. ( OOXI KM. the amount of tax state of the aud here. to dott n into the water, ami ome hility full fare-. f<»r I'roprirlor, Tbe court found f«>r the and as- with whole the lab/.c-i pi iiicipies" iteaUhy dog SO up | in the land. plaintiff have struck on and the tlsh t\- couul\ and town. He must aceount in Rusk ha* returned from hi* out <• f It to he But this he claim- I druggist ses*c*d tin* There were no the agile voting guinea |>igs. Secretary baptized. damages. con- Too much like too much dignity, pride, for tile '■in- come with them PETERS' BLOCS, troverts! mom y'to ear h treasurer f*»r the amount Having demonstrated In his own person business to New ha.- taken ed to be a fallacy, preposition jM»ints of law upon which the is ofltimes doomed to fall, and instead of trip York. He R n v ** Ik* of the should lie rendered lixXK M a A iix. *f*i KI.IJt5M.KTH was ordered to paid to him. Fake v - of bis rejuvenating medicine.’ to” scriptures court required to rule. It was simply tlieerticaiy being commended. Incomes the butt of no vacation yet. j 39 Bart). 339. Gorham v. 57 like the sclentitle in- as it does not mean Into at all of fact. These Were ill ple. Hall. t»r Ilrown-Sequard. differently, ■questions settled ridicule. Foote, the English comic actor, State* 5m. is a it in t idled Treasurer Houston ha* gone times. Most-." he said, "we are told are Maine. This liability not private vestigator he is. stopped taking order favor of the plaintiff and conclusive. once made a wager that he would upset The 8tory of Avis. I debt clue to the towu a> a to ascertain bow the tienefirial results to Saratoga to attend a meeting of the ex- went up into the mountain. Ac. Now we No in Curtis > Dowues. ad corporation long the of a certain at the Lemuel Ward Peters, exceptions dignity head-waiter went which the may release It is would last. For four weeks there wa* no ecutive do not suppose that either down into Maine. 24 : McCarthy v. Mansfield. 56 corporation hotel in Bath, w ho had the name committee of the national republi- ami < oiiu*fl«r at I-«». principal hut it. So w ith Tills utory, one of tin- In -t of th«- man\ tilorur) an official to the which he mark's! decline of vitality, tint from July » an the mountain, upon going Maine. 5:1* : Treat v. Gilmore. 411 Maine. liability public, f being the most dignified man in Britain. league. M \ M KAtTI REK OF • the water, it means stories written T, /al»eth Stuart I’ *«.. Wooiu 4 1. 1 an himself of. there was a reiurn of the pre- down into simply go- by jo» Mohingtou Itogcr* 34: Beery v. Johnson. 53 Maine. 401 ; Keen acquit only by executing complete 11 is and its success are noted Proctor has telegraphed that 1 experiment Secretary or the his warrant If he to execute his • 'nfirmitics and weakness of old down close near water, anti forms the tif»h number In the K Itiiildiiig. Bo.lon. *!«••• v Iordan. 53 Maine. 141. neglect* xisting below lie will return to to-morrow. ing by 1 Washington in the I>v tU3 warrant, his liability to pay to the treasur- age. As h.* was no worse than he had la'ii'g baptized ordinary way. side I’a|'» r Series illmiuhton, M'ffi A The onl> objection made to the main- 1 Foote went to the hotel with tnree friends- 1 e • ers the amounts due th**in. is as and been before I' first lie 60 et » teuance of this action is the on>hleratlon living receiving injection, tm who had lost an a sprinkling.” Boston, nts). It Is not om- of her- ( engineer eye. caval.y Letter From Park. arried this idea out anti in due GRANITE the of the town. binding a" if he had collected the money. accepted the temporary- Hyde He fully, to \ PENSIONS ! for vote philosophically officer w ho had lost an arm,an l an old sea relating the “Oates” be.ween this Ilf* as a counter- season anti closed his discourse, win u >■ His to the treasurers are loss of reinforced stylo ...... v bit- thi out its payments general. strength -j respectfully •Growing of authority to create who had lost a leg. The quartette the next, but is wholly a novel oft hi- w ..rid 1 ■ captain was to one who i. r. HI, ou account of the whole sum ordered to »>e of ttie influence exerted an Invitation given any ;w. Hiring debts and incur liabilities, a cor- proof vitalizing by t-nx oneed themselves in the corners Hyde Park. Aug. 14. 1*#U. M-muns. ut*. Tablet- nr. headstone* and a'l municipal four yet with eharaeter- of unusual attra*■»ivn» --. u I each, and not on indi- Ids e'ixir for a month. With the borrow- felt so disposed to rise and express his west ha-* to settle paid particular, any and bawled w *. Or* !.l» i|natity of granite used and laims against it and an agreement to pay who came in w ith a more than ordinary ren arose ami said hail been lure of A' is a grand mar\* --u-.v B t-r: ii t.ii i* nt :«t W .'i-1 the l*e*t d guaranteed "team to over a certain gross amount, not few n o. he contem- I came to this about three weeks they present conception, t k partiJM workmanship j«>l these »s not void for want of conshlera- | pay guinea pigs calmly of as a tacit place \» 1 assumption dignity protest !«-• -tabb^hcI Saw that Uhiug <*rk* a#-Particular attention to ei' that were and » tngloii. and t■ >r tiu by palu any particular taxes, to each treasurer. »n w iling to Tlie Utn the pros- was as a town on this occasion, they pleased executed,” prophesied for the hook an*! i tion." Dillon Mun. Corp. § 477. plates their unceremonious treatment of ago. It incorporated twenty an e ?.•• •* for more thin twenty year* polishing lettering. against had a'l.r peri*- he the of another mouth’s lease of and with the sound sermon they Ju«t heard world-wide which in It- -- • l*e A vote bv a town is hi law a Any money officially pays treasurer, l-ect youth circulation,” pr* r* abb U> laim# him. then it was all woods now ,m. ii. tint! lit pnroent promise years ago; It their souls blessed. Kin Jp he pays on account of. ami to diminish manly lie does not. however, claim anil felt greatly form I It i- f r, tin* >i< luutment in theirvaned legal asjfcts. WATER STREET, express, ami if there lx- a consideration it vigor, Walter!" cried the Inexpensive may well have. h B ELLSWORTH,MAIKE.tfii one-eyed engineer, Contains ten thousand inhabitants, and is of Teutonic ex- iin.rr than attorney* ivsldlng this sum. this If he is* the merit of the secret of a gentleman M-iil) diopairh is a foundation for an action.” Nelson v. gross liability. discovering •come and take off ; ally corpulent little wisdom, a deal of humor, an-l th:it •• » at my adding, great > At f .■•me -i e hut rather of easing the a very thriving village, and,in fact, almost traction, a stranger and with hi* a**l*tiUH?e ran Milford, Pick. 25. iw-rpetual youth, i»s the waiter swelled with indignation, Intensity of which marks a!! that V -- ft [, nr. In leri-u. a was as follows; purpose w taken on a treasurer's wariaut of distress, burdens of old He gives silence that painful, •• in the < here you The in this case was collector age. modestly take out a It is situated seven miles south of ,k.; uj .>ur pr<*of ommunlty plaintiff and while you’re about it, just city. vash Phelps writes snd gives ber stories an aim -: must, in the main, and no vote of town can the to the scientific world as a ba- Mister Breacher, I ish so glad I | r. \ where Uaii for the warrant of distress to be issued, he animals absolutely iel vast jileased the propqfty taxed. The note taken by English? Look sharp!" that they sought for some cheaper way 1 u r. :n < u!m- u(-.n U*» means of the vitalized out alife? Now, I neither could the was only does his official duly, only pays what ble. it is possible by came pelief "STk> HAM- POLISHED LRAMTE plaintiff not collectable for two Eye-glass and glass-eye came away to- of Cars come and hour The fourth number of the Klverside he was bound to could be used him and the three super- living. go every that, for de wilt would shust eat I’sper f Attorney. Ml#worth Me. reasons. pay,and compell- elements by and the w aiter reconnoitred them points Pension gether, It is VHffiin A t .-0 1 *'*>»- ed to If no vote of the town can re- annuated Parisians to rc-eatlow tissues, in the day, and those who have sea- him off: put now ferry clear Series Houghton. o., Bo.ton. 9 \ -worth, *ept IT, The of tbe pay. as in the of his up right , 1st.) insolvency company. doubtfully they lay palm close or strain the treasurer from muscles aud nerve-centres w ith once son 20 to mv mint.—He was shat py rents) Is Mr. Aldrich's very readable tun. 2d. Because there was no such compelling pay- power like a man a watch tickets, go the trip for cents. But J MONUMENTS. party hind, eyeing that has into de ten at ail. ment, it would seem that no vote of the but by the weight of neer to, ami tid not git "The of Sheba." It Is not an and ! as D. Know 1 ton 6 Co. possessed impaired | suddenly stopped. in regard to prices, the thing has changed, Queen merely f Ellsworth Meant Laundry ean w faith in Dr. Brown- I so I vash herr to-night. Tbe collector the amount of the tax. town force him to restore hat lias vears. Popular oh, 1 ish g’ad but It Includes as an I Building work and all kind*of re meter v work, paid Just then theone-irmed dragoon shouted for the of board and rent Is Interesting story, import- been him bv the collector antidote for old age will depend i price higher we reat dat de Hebrew children design* and estimate, furuished on application thus assessed, or a voluntarily paid Seqtiard's in his turn “Waiter, take off Again ant and attractive feature a s House, improperly large por- my glove; flrish and dat very charming H Hye (eI workmanship ami materia! guarantee*I. on account of hi* official In in measure upon his own success in here than in Boston. A large part of the vast cast into the furnace, tion of it, into the town, without a clear liability. large and, now that I think of it, take off my j count of travel, and >i < KIVIK BKllKit.EIXAWORTH.JIK t like a too, for observation, experience Wkkr UMI 1 »> Power polishing. neither case, does the collector himseif alive and by men who labor in air alwish look pecg story, and definite idea o? what were his legal acquire any keeping vigorous j arm P* Boston, live here, com- of Garment* cleansed and dyed. doses of and would have been burnt up put it Ish In Switzerland. The opening chapters de- \ll kind* ami duties. The assessment of the right to repayment from his subsequent means of his monthly dog they and ostrich Feathers a specialty. Maine. | rights Glove and hand gave way at the first ing and going every day on car*. Km Glove* Blu.eh.ill, omission to collect of the tax That he will live aud 1 all to my mint now, for they were scribe scenes anti characters of New Hump- H <-rk of all kinds done at short notice tax and the of the assented and payer. guinea pig. long effort, and the waiter, to see cus- plain I aundrv lj«! insolvency appalled The^e is a number who labor here or near to de flrish 4 -FILES. r Without the execution or revocation of thrive on h's dark-red decoction will Ire the large shust east close by shire, with which Mr. Aldiich was familiar In Ivrio l. Prop the of the affair tomers all to like a mosaic general complications tumbling pieces so I come his warrant, the tax collector seems to desire of all men, whether in their prime in the factories. There is a woolen mill, furnace. O. 1 vash glat vash his It Is needless to situs ! were not apparent to the town officers or | puzzle, was turning hastily away, when boyhood years. say, NOW have no claim in or con- or in their 1". Tribune. here to-night. wrote that the plaintiff at the time the money was law, morals, good dotage.—.V. the one-legged sailor roared,— cotton mill, fouudry, tool factory, and Mr. Aldrich it, "The Queen of either to be excused from failure And den. Mister Breacher, it ish said RECEIVED in. The town saw this state of af- science, off starboard Sbeba" is and to a remarka- JUST paid Walter, pull my boot, mauy other industries. The least price sea taken witty entertaining to or to receive out of the town at one of dat Jonah vast cast into de and fairs and voted to relieve the collect, —Once on a time there stayed and as well off too!” plaintiff. you may pull my leg, tiiat land can be for is 3 1-2 cents 1 never could ble degree. a carps of sums he has under his hotels a womau hougnt into the walesh pelly. Now, The consideration is sufficient and binds treasury paid liability, the Bar Harbor young The poor waiter shudderingly complied, and to 25 cents. see dat. It seemed to me to be TUBE! v. though in of collection Such from New York, who had more airs than a per foot, up So you pelief always TOUR the town. Nelson Milford, 7 Pick. anticipation IS 18, he could mentally repeating every prayer it ish all to a claim on its face, w hatever the had a on which a feesh story, put plain •He.” 25; Bean v. Jay, 23 Maine. 117, 121. particu- hand-organ. Miss X. poodle think of. Iustantly the previously loosen- this old earth is getting quite valuable peeg lar doea not come within the The creature rnv mint now, he vash not taken into the T. R. T. A. Hunt, with him, facts, pur- she lavished iter affections. ed of the and ^osts Simonton, straps cork-leg gave way, when a square rod of land nearly $700. at snust view of town If a town has no own and was taken wbalesh pelly all, put shumpedon- for defendant*. meetings. had its especial maid, down went the man of on his It i» soberly related that a mar- l\» IIIBl aug- no so youthful ILHIR to to re- dignity I see cemetery here, and I don’t think to his and rode ashore. Oh, I vas raise from taxes, state One Best Offer Ever Made Defendants had no to make power money out to tide in every morning. ast back, with the artificial limb pack ried couple of Boston, whose home has er- whirh we will wll in a.I liUoii to our authority quivering vash here for store a gift voluntarily made to the town Miss X. came down to the dining- people dare to die, for the ground to bury glat I to-night! been the Murk of Groceries fur the nett, the alleged contract, or raise money day in his clutches. wdl cently glorified by addition of a one of its as was held in Per- And now Mister Breacher, if you a in such a for by citizens, room for dinner in a state of much agita- was them would take the homestead. I hear fac simile of the beautiful little Newspaper purpose. Specific purposes It enough. Forgetting everyth’ug of mother, by v. shust two more scrip- which can R. c. kins Milford, 59 Maine, 315, much less tion. She announced that dear Flossie's | explain Massages decided to have the they -aise money. S., 3, in his agonized longing to escape from of some suicides outside, and I tell them, dat I vash christening service at has it to raise from taxes, to no one to tures. I shall be, O, so happy Maine. It was a to the The power money maid was ill. aud there was stay this chamber of home. A venerable minister was called to §46. gift plaintiff. horrors, the ill-starred is to land so When is vere It restore to a officer he had creature while she was at dinner. it owing being high. here to-night? One of them vote exceeded the vested in towns, public money with the waiter, a terrified at the j officiate. He took the babe in his arms rights casting glance 1 cast into a lake paid to the town treasurer under an offi- She could eat. she was so fearful I first came here I called at a common saish de wicked shall pe Days to assess and collect money, and subject scarcely fragments which strewed the carpet, very afi :Ctlonately and addressed a few Sixty that with Are and always, cial to do so. of the tender sensibili- to see wtiat purns primsthone we mak to v. obligation injuring poodle's towards the door. boarding house, I coaid get words of advice to the At very low price*, for cash, a* intend injunction. Dyar Farmington Village sprang shall I cast into young parents. ti s the lack of to which she was i O, Mister Breacher, pe a our bualaess. Bw~All persons ir 70 515, 522. Had the tax This claim is that of a officer to tiy society But before he coaid reach Foote him- “See that train this child in the lng change in Corp., Maine, public it, board for. I was Informed that table or shust close you up ot an hour. There was at that lake if I am wicked! by w ant of such goods will save money by calling been assessed, inhabitant, to be for a loss suffered by his condemned for half self—the and of whose I way he should that surround hitn any obliged compensated length flexibility board was 85 cents and if I would near to be com- go; you a Bostonian who from the pe*- day, i or Dear to. shust enough his part, could have re- neglect of his public duty. We nowhere the table very neck have aroused the of an with the best influences, and that pay propo-tional might envy fortable? O! I so. Tell me I shall you give 25 And a town to make such bottom of his soul loathed Miss X her room with another man. it would cost me hopes a covered it back with interest at per any authority for ostrich—called out,— and him good example. If you do so, who as be cast shust a good way off. 1 Till & SON, a to make such and her atTections. He arose, she pv D. H. EPPES cent. R. 8., c. 6, § 142. Vote nnconsti- compensation. For town poodle, “Waiter, come and take off my hat, and only $3.50 p'*r week for room. I reckoned The other knows but he may become a John Wesley 1 continued her went out pe SO glat 1 vas here to-night! tut ions'. Otherwise, such votes might be a compensation to a delinquent collector, plaint.aud quickly, while you’re at it, take off my head!" week. or a George Whitfield? What is his that he could not it up. $9.45 per is that which saish,plessed Is those held or to otherwise relieve him, would be in ami Ids triends no more. Massage Main Street, continued "until the whole property, supposed Human nature ceuld bear The that name?" "Nellie, sir.” replied the mother endure her twaddle. Yet as a matter of Rain! Did it ever ram in Marne? To- I who do these commandments, they Portland Weekly Adrertiser by citizens of the town, had passed into effect abating the taxes he omitted to col- martyred waiter gave one yell ami made wicked I have right to the tree of life ami en- lect. A has no to abate a tax. fact, be went intent upon thoughts. a it pou»s, and has most may -ANDTHE- and out of the treasury, until the equaliza- town power but single bound from the top of the day, Wednesday, into the Ii. in the stables there was a ter In through the gates city. O! OvTiiA.iED Ems :—"Gin*.l. mitt I wud Ellsworl tion of had been effected.*’ Allen v. Granville, 10 Oesh. 46. The He knew where stairs to the bottom, not of the lime for tb*ee week*. No fine ram property Cooley upsetting only into the and loike to ashk thint Cf6 Advertiser r of He tell me I shall get city, not Ameriklns wan thing Boston Weekly v. 60 124. Tne constitution tribunals authorized to grant abate- tut rough-coated mongrel pups. | h»s but himself, so Jay. Maine, only dignity, thoroughly here, but streams as big as dothes-lmes. shust close or near to, shust near Who the canals uv the but assessors, and the robbed tne little mother of py doog coontry for .me roar. A Hub of 10 no to aise money to give ments, are the board of htiri:edly dirty | that to the day of his death he wt*s never sent to voopaddress gives authority The abomicable tree-toad commences Ms to see vot I have lost, and 1 shall furriners? Who built the raiiruds uv tin N EXTRA COPJ the commission- the bribed a chambermaid, ami enough for Sale. m > £ 10 will secure A a wav. Perkins v. o'J Maine, 315. appellate tribunal, county whelps, his own self Real Eslal** ompanied by Milford, j quite again. he so I vas here coontrv but furriners? Who worrttks at once to when Miss X. hurried from dinner to ! and when he don’t tbiuk it glat to-night.” the at a bar FREE, .send subscription* ers. A town meeting lias no authority to up music, does, The subscriber herebv offers for sale 318.’ sat with the moius uv the but < onsole dear Flossie for her absence she 1 He down impression made coontry furriners? Who gatu Uie real estate of the late Nathaniel Moore, case is review, or reverse the judgment of won’t rain Dext day, because it will. Emery, J. This presented by modify man on minds that it would does the votin' fur the but •Mtuated un the west side of (Teton Elver, on the her surrornded a litter of the —The scissors-grinder is the only many present, country furrin- the defendants’ to the ruling the assessors as to the persons or property fornd pet by I believes here in the tree-toad. old Bangor road, ao-ealled. in Ellsworth. >ald Geo. S. Rowell, exceptions the who finds dull.—Free Everybody do to take the Bible for what It clearly ers? And who the dkrtt diaheouvered the to be taxed. Nor has it to most disreputable companions eye of invariably things estate is a small farm w ith house and barn there- of the awarding judg- any authority ME. j presiding justice Press. Thos. A. Crabtree. says. coontry kut furriners?'’—l.ifr. 0® Advertiser Office, PORTLASI), a his or to man ever lighted upon. liAKWLBf N.Mookk, Adm’r. ment for plaintiff on an agreed statement excuse man from paying tas, EUsw orth, Aug. 38,1888. t£33 | br» | Tin* Prriident in Ba*h Letter from Boston. -Mayor Grant of New York has appoint- -Our Stock of- ed four committees of 2*> member* each to do the work for the Inter Sale of Summer Goods 'I !*• President U ft Bar Wiilm preliminary iUt lior sijy lh if Amtr« .n lall)>li':ut«d w ith your ; Clearing national 1*92. Kx-Prcsi- lit■•intiig. and going by way of It* g*>i ar- Kxposiiioti in Mulling fa* *’, a* »i « oin* mo our domes v dent Cleveland is on the ri -i Bat I* at I \i Tie j u .o {H-nuauent organ- Scotch tic circle once a week. Y u are indt*ed an ization committee. mad n very |uiik time. tin* 'rain in one Ginghams, !' inak a re< <>tti of a mde in F* s< *-

* » iml> Titer* | mat ion. which concern** u* and the nation. •nen entered the ticket brokers office of t» \\ m -ri'-tr ion at .1 P.ug.u .md Mr l.oeh. one of them THURSDAY. AUGUST 22.1889 1 suppose you hear from Boston through Broadway .New York.and II a ■* Manley and few «*th< in* th* li lill led a revolver and called U* I<«H*b to throw ! Mm hut d«»e* not pul *• Xugu-r.i Ollnrwi-. tin was daily press give his Ih*- « \\ •< r« «-i HimiiMituUK Ictler- aihI cummu jwiiiev up hand-. l.«x*b ran to the corner <• siUieui *-o*hi. So I ran. S* sonic of tt'• •.. Ttu Mini' and jtd«tre*s of tf»e wrttrr mUry lutlor the minor fads of interest. himl the door and to SCOTCH rapped uu the glass iM »»■ I nol f«*r Hal* ZEPHYRS, mi*»-itarUj r.mgn ssinAii Lodge. PriiaU* So n*- Now the an alarm. The man a revolver 1 great battle of constitutional give with t. Mjirsntivof jr«***J faith. j tary Ha f i• I. Harold M Sew all and James tired.the bad land)* left shouhlcr W * -t rtahi t<» return or in prohibition has I veil the glancing j l>«wm • J Blaine fought public GALLERT’S. n Jr., travelled with the President M. ju; ah«’*' r...4i ,rv n.4 u«d The other man jomped behind the counter j from Bar Haris*r. At mind Is at case Augusta, Postmaster comparatively and was in the act of helping himself to j Manley got aboard, and at It run-a :« k Mr The Presidential create*! a The party quite money* but the report of the shot attracted Ohio Campaign. Arthur S< w lien. all. Parson Tueker. K-«| little and mad* Boston do her best a crowd and the man immr frightened ripple, of former *< Hyd. an* <>ugr< ssiiiau ihng)*\ join.si th** and ran out, An offic er chase and he cleared ilmg price* to entertain sueh distinguish***! guests, and gave >,1,1* and Ends to regardless part y r;; a! 11 > in«>% i >t< captured one of them. SATEENS, < M >1 at iT mr atl’ly PIU>S ». luBith. fully ?**»> people gathered to you know she Is never behind time on such One lot double w idth checked a *\ :*h <-r bri^htonin^ for ~ —The storm which over the mi prospects M lUrt'v.n arrive, and * hevr**d him an occasion. passed \ lot ALL WOOL week ](j 1_2 cts. Another There art* Id this a* Missouri night of last Republicans people >ud.v In alighted. The President b.*w«-d There Is and ha« been all the valley Monday -1 >- through sec- 1-2 ct* these *-otir!e.>uslv. and fora stood was the most disastrous kuown in that at 21 r»rv who t;«.k a> if they actually )**- moment with and fancy * s**ason thus far. a interest in the tion this it is stripe" an d ad tn the falling tain He then lively seasou. Over 20 persons, ets. r :• make* little difference so far were sold at .10 to <«1 great scheme called ball. said, were killed and the dam 1 s. ;•••*! into th* first earring* and the *h**r gambling base by lightniug .t. is concerned, what age in animals killed and ruined will in ; o-jH-nU W4* *n 1 h« rta* driven -fl' The other This interest is confined largely to sport- crops Bargains : ii mi’ a ;•* ml**- run up over half a million dollars, includ- p-iw. sii'-h Indtcf •arri.ig* drew into line and the guests eu- circles. The ing demoralising tendency the to railroads. PLAIN AND r«-« 1 i*s :.o w ing >u- i. \trente National r- t* th* It w.*s 1 tu n t:••• | warty damage prosp, *f men is seen in the STRIPES.! *• sporting DARASOLO allg .1! Ml >* V* :til S r* s»*i* H* Flags prevailing -—Just:r. Field his dut- k. :i is -1»dent resumed judicial pr«—p%rit>. tiers lawlessness, and the to exalt that w« * fl *.»■ ng 1 1)1 tin holt*** 111* *lo**rs tendency ies at San Kranciseo the l.Mh and sat in the _• >t.n. 1 :*v. Certain wcU-deftaed * -AISTID w ;• i lb- l'r«-: J. Brewer of Kansas He is still con- i foot, sucii hs ttie o\atiou the Goods. splendid Dress V fc to t Inuls*- X f ter t It 1 U> ll Black '! !h hi. ;*» Doled lor stantly under the of a deputy puk party possess- sports iuUmlcd to gi*e the champiou slug- protection wa^ *»\*-i ii P.’isid. iil ami left the marshal. s is also Saw •»!. \ ■**»■ which party Judge yer. principles, ger. Sullivan but Boston would have none >* wad man*-: >u an i passed d >wn the main at It' cts. is sold for «.» cts. |o s*i * u-.: -r in and establish a r«-:;m t —Articles of were filed in Our 40 inch serge usually '■re*; an.; t. *•!:<•! u>t4*m lions* -*piare* of that. incorporation All Wool W. mi Portland. Oregon, the I Mh. Chester Sateeii* at s. -41. a. ,• -p* ty The of betwe* 'J From tin- t'ustnin ll«»use by Strifes, at It» cts.. 2.1 ol t reneh principles j fine of the principal iu the eye nieces of Sateens pieces th** Fr.-ul.nt ad* I resent the objects t’oilins and others incorporating the Port- I*:; : -4: on the other hand, steps |«eople -WILL BL »ul.I> A1" S ct*. ( heat in party, of the visitor, as he visits Beacon bill. Is land and Sound Railroad of Press at Bargains u Jelly He said that he had anpret iated Puget company L-ts., 2 eases Ginghams 'li’.-li to the of the in- principles w tin* new ( ourt on ihe capital stock is divided 1* arm t* p:: -n in Bath 'mt «!. veal! house Somerset street; 41ST TIN: Til I Ml KOlt OITSIRE G ARMENTS, :ti to of the cor- h ; and whenever I>emo- w »' ;«*■* .>0.000 shares. The object party, hadapp!- a!* «l th* ou«lei ful f of this, when completed w i! 1 1m* one of the jm.ration is to c onstruct and a rail- DDlPCQTHirwnr r t*!« priiv pic- have 4*cn put in practice V \ and :*•* s}:,p|.> g nter* •»*.* IF- F It ctjuip fineat granite structure* in the city. One ruad and line from Portland to rniULOlWSHRETHEIR that t ine and f r- telegraph l. t" u> t- national very sorry opportunity > prosperity, would conclude that Seattle, w r. ■**ir i*.* a *m re* • oh. 1**1 lie naturally y a '•* l. w* m 1m* «lone in a Jess m:.:«*d to in*- th* g •«**! might siicr.-s«fnlly expen- Thomas K Thom** was fatally shot f »r a w« established law that * j p* -ph* of the ity IF- ha* I in on tii**n*ii- sive budding Wednesday night at Re*dyn. W1* by a fcJ^Ail in want of a l'ARASOL tl»iw l n if «v‘.< of tl >;!■ '••*! hr * f and beli**\e*t from is • stay. It is that the old Mate House *alonn keeper named Fred I/oahinao or next will do our Corsets, \ < *ts at 1 ct*.. hail rear to Gloves, pr**|M>sed well examine Hosiery, of Ladies' rildied case e* hi*-nces that In- sh**uld be umr*- ;t»r»r » ..r One .Jersey N : can -• arceh more I.oshman asked Thomas for |2 which he _• V marked i *m- ami if the idea* it ■ enlarged concerning fttock. our Sl.lt' ght* d W ill* ie Pill. I i, > .It. In claimed w as dm* said he Glove* at .10 cts., regular good* >■ him Thomas did 2.1 do/.. Kid m •'a*-* fM'iwti-n Kepnbliccn rule < rvs* ii; /,• price. .osing !»«• -a;,, I flow Ins 1 s.ty g *d and are more tfian air-eaatles, not have it I.oshman then tired Thursday We arc receiving now good* for the fall * : r i' : n >h ii.rn.* the v- 1 im r.« hop*-you will ailo>v again then B *ston will s**.*n add another magni- a mob took I.oshman from Jail and lynched weapon of 1 •"».*. '('all and -**■«• them. MITTS AND PARASOLS -• -:."i.>4.f t.ovirnor Forakcr and ?*• thank you f<*t \-*ur * **i*1i»i st i* .him . liappn:* engine house Being a saloon keeper. liy \ trip to Vw Bed for* I ov* r tin- t lid tin.* t «uj. hroin the t u>t* u» House Irishman w as of course, a hard character of tbin innati A. II. AOItll IS. ; -»i is amt " th- party w* >)t to ?!i«- southern i »n of Polony railroad pleasant full of j He had threatened to shoot other men *r^ v t! >!r.: as*. a:. l the re-olt i-a pow j t. w re t *f hetr--t -ik-. IF the interest. This city is growing rapidly; at .t _ : uj: It t ..at Mrs r.iizahclh Stuart Ward Just Received v w* in »rp. *n Home >» iue*i .* w.tu a Phelps new < are under * «>n- feared wa- we are H a..' can.* ml- off e with a ia-hbai- : null* of iarg* a;>a* ity has » a lishcrm&u* room •Mruiu-lv injured, glad Hosiery. 'lablisltrd song I h* t«e w.-rks. reeling Bargains y through — pas-.-d ■ to i«* ni uli b utter and it \< r- 4-..: > f a u! e a:, i < 'tru« ■■ am! the grouu*! for others on a at Gh»uard* d ih* W.wurna. wh was j !.*.■ w» f ffi- at it•.mi- out of danger h s ami is a* there w ith : autifiliiy *1* * •* at* d and u 1 at .* r. more elaborate ale 1m ing broken The Tdinglv regarded i" r : * ■ a h n- \ of m »rc than much M *r a '-a on \« was grateful affection. Mr \«diw *rth «• M i-- F\ S. f ! tin nvii i .s f T,<»w••!!. SMITH’S, w aling mdustrv not what it was f<»r- Alley It *»h *ws ,»t whereas unoer Ladies’ Cotton Underwear, l »i;\e with crafts *1nr:ug Hit -a and !;.** \ circular "James Tannrr.com- i vl-itiug hi- aunt M'- »nn l! \u*tin and oil F-i'Ur the rm rlv tno«t of the vessels sad from Sau signed IVniteutiary had | Other relat: v !». r»* •ntinua. r*-*»li.ng .m*l sn.an.ng f m ss* but \Hsjstant Se< •• >';if< t o ri. uier," prepared by J -r frui* s' ■* s •. t*i s.;\# a .. -t.es wi re ih. ,.u -• sound that Id time ami the Bath ret Noble’s direction la fore lie was 1 »• ary left *»• Saturdiv il W it and wi:- K h i. w .*rs f ‘apt il PRICES. ..i- ar ; f->r years -raft wa> rt\- s.vd »ru Mu! the Iforn r. »*d ».v si AT REDUCED •• F.»«ry chiefs <»f divisions tn the i and < 4'ha- u- and w f- -'.ait If w ::..»t under II si \ the "* apt li*»dgti _• .g at : met mad* a stirring *« "ff'i tin- IMP. r* x •• *. it Borden of this has l"'P'’"n forbidding rat- *■<1 f**r to \i-it hi ..'•if.- .i'» am* .uij a.riil that Captain city, L*-tporf. th»ir-i-l*r I MAINE :* .. EAST CONFERENCE1 sight 1 -t. »« r >.iin*»-st g:iw tfr*. "g d en .*pt w here ev !»*n*'r w as -'a v :.* Sfa’» ’• •-..:% 1 *«-* n s. t, ».v Hi* < to\,nmicnt to take |H-n-'.Mis brother l>r and Mr-, i 1 «*r *» rt Il-»d^k.H>- v ir- ar t-< •-*] the letr. * oiDpau l‘r««‘ pr •!• d t-• sh*w ha? th** present rate was <• r- : ■. if th* r.if♦ of r •-1»f 1 jh -at -• :*• a.. ftarg. of tf,< H *f Kefuge w b .s * Mi »n*•- »f 'in i.- T.* >k u *»ng-:*i* i ?..g l**»ats .•rr. im Sunday ,V I.IN- a-' f.-«- rat* which he o«-*l NAPKINS 1 ]■■■• appr » TOWI'LS. .. .. o .1 f J VI now **■ 111g at 1’ Barr w Mr vantage tl.e imv ferry Moat and 1 r:\. r to i: -n it 1 he returns from the school election* Tin ;r dp.net Har r«. them yard* and thence up '• rarrigei HarMor i. B !: t: vv V man mini in •u t!« •» Hi* Male every n Aiisa-,. w ii.t s • •. t-raj Uu r :-a tin l'n * i* id K h iiia <*roe ;u very slow- < hureb \niong them were (ie«i \Y A .1 > it .Vf-ri:»r Ht.a III t“ld wav a man and of -.*und -bow that returned t.» ii,.- >• kin.. m&iwon for a trustworthy ly. about tlftt thousand women Young and wifi and M--I.'//- K lira.- 1 -: ik : after the — :.av* voted. immediately ml o'.' : -t* af U We f•*«-! that the ladies art elected to -I «n of l.. wi M i-- and ( \ m:mci:i). i- ir*t th- ^ mpe^anc* ivNs am-m;! prim pi*- Many up* ■ 1" r a a- .tii that he f. l: n hi- **im «• I'r l lit-. ■ I. Iu< ... 'i ■ ir v I. \ i. 11 i~i I with W .1* in in r 1 Maj cb«lc< i* vvi-c otic, and n*»w l*-» vour Holt and w f. win* w.-n* nurd Mi Mi-- ■ ••• : ** «•1 :'\ a.. a* i.'.iou *.h< s.lu&t ion iirn*ni'V. II.< \ *r Ii tl ■*. t ti'ic I: lhr«'»>'!, non >n,rr I be tr. !.»• » i-*- of J l Si .111 van I.«dia M Braglon who t- -T at the-fupbuilder m e lw jury *pp'ng J 1 _ -.a d >1 llol -t-e 'A tav*l Ii path B.dd.ng > a in .r'- \« »r- " *»: r* of to. ^ « f in li ni g i.:t\ «.f j r.f. fighting \ mo- Har Har f all at ten i.g tl- Uipt-T SI' V l'.»r I'ir' iilars. \i\. SU j a \ von «»od *jM*. I in ;r :u: —h*n Ha.- M.a:<»r tri. ii :. tion for arrest *.f judgment w a* made church at I Ig-iawn \ieiun H* \ K f Ma> then n«x: ensuing ne>-: e\, r\i in i: !»-: j. .’r J Ii M H .it Win 1. B>-t*n. \tig 14 Si*. !Vim« r pa-d r. in time f.»r n W,. have made reduction in in -* I'?:*- warrant <»f arrest wa* •>* ru il returning prim 2 It a 1 up i' u m .» i. m ,1 Maine. ~ 1 i W Wak* fl.-i-i ar M A < <’ h .lii%r *f 1 i. Id in San Fran* i*co Fr.dav J. F. Knowlton. M.. mu xv> 'nave m nx 1 i :2 san ha- *»*. n Bucksport. stock. In a stock as lai"> as pi M ton \- 4 iv tin- I’r.-*. i. nt s I the K -worth A mrrVar aft« m«»on \ w ritcr of h:d*on* w «* Mr. \rthur ?* >u < otj- N »• and s c.%rpu* Vbb of *rd. "l 1 ‘JUfthi:.^ •k tin tr i.i. 'v > consider i• miiant■* nd for l*ort*ru mitii a! tv -w < *•« end of a season which under F raker tie *m i? f’Ti- Judge *sw v.-r n II who IH spending till «•*■.! A, til y% ;• Th" District of Frenchman** Bat 1 'a d.> irenlt r>.nrt S.iwvcr i; '-t out bill 'to. ■■ 2 ’•• nri nl m-titu Judg. granted nu>th**r and aunt at W.nter II r. uia<:< he closed. (>n or about lii «r?t "f September t- h.tbea* and released .bin friend* and a wc lo v,*:' and V I .1 I > WA >1’ < >K Ik vii down to. »rp»;* rviatPe* ■ brought A we to atteni: ui ! Star*.l:sg Trag*»uY ! notice ;n oli»nm< that the* -11 -: F d -n S h».. readv. and lie" all the I s' 'll 1. 11 the MtU your a- returned VV;n:. r ii v •: n M r. v» Judge I>rrv funeral occurred Fr \ m hav It .ii- that the > red;: tc- (*rr oflP i' hav *■ ’» Uav lay fact that wc arc makitt" cllbrts than puMi* We .» vrn t h*- C .b *-. larger *• dir.. for H V !» T I KIM I -I 1 ! aft»-rn•■on l h* r«- vva» n » a- ip: that tin -fl.*r ■ disturbance botidi*d debt of ug a at ion overt l*»«th arm;. r-A antic Hta^donat M wulg a auu* d :N same m r st h in tin *s* a ar “until! t » $4 .‘*T> rpated Although W. '.•.)>* lav v-* I n P d >l *'• Jn**- 'i-**' h in*? complete. rv if the creation <»f tha» « d’ertion d•- w <»• CARPETINGS xx a* la h h r... Ill-led our assort lit K rn-t .1 r|.i iu tin- tensive, the next scttsou —T.-rry " •• d ■ a trier rmli: it *•» hr *e«t *•; : '•n W. ,f w. »*’ r a-ri fund* f T:i»- -a -iav *DT. i-m at l.»: Foreign News. ever. will thi- he tin a- ala tit r« ''•ate 1» tin f not tlu n« \' fa.i da* the three Hap premium r v a. f-.rn.a I er;i r from iu* • hair TI date of AND Especially v »'- »f inter. -t t«» 2 72 • ent 1 ♦ list Su a. La Fast Fa Mi".-' ,11. i. ]“*r »'• ;■ a; b .-! "U r* a* *n of t ,m Jo.tr t n* t g v GARMENTS ibr Infants.' Far!*r* a futile ni v\ aii iin i! shows that insurrection in oue ai \ rth l.v iiv« a 1 under F*rakrr j fa 11 * h«• Mr*', N't.'.- '•i n v rr merit »n the «-i# am m •> St at Mat 1 — f Brati-c But a have >***:. *. d » as "C a st.M-k as ■■“tin! has been Haw r»*<« union i»i< it the «».,(- g ,i n t •• will lai reduced from " v- ■: .♦* t-onipaiii of .1 ;i-.t Field. *h «• carry S' 1 '‘an th and .udehtedu -- t“ Frrfi«-hmin‘i Ray d ferry Nat fr in F. o’ !.*: \>> >»h*- ! >~t with tin \ I‘« rr\ i*-ad I ue motive of Terrv alia *. I hr trial t »iemral U* manger w i* cor, -tvie- are entirely dill, rent from N » c i 4. — tr »' '•* o* li'tio oiin«-< p | ’".4 has l*t-n d; ii J * I hav. f ti m< Plush it It P t( ng* iiitn -* *n ■ M- at ah J -rdaii made -re .ii« harge.* against him > >• ~ t<» meet !h lb I» * r “ir.peUe.! i! i- It it r- iii'M-nv i% Aug novelties in we hay.' a- ’■ »r of t’- I* >f Frem man ! t! r >r \\ plushes '< !!;am reacts! i*..on- f.»r nuild- ■■ ; Berlin well pu'*i;• >.ir:t’ a Hi or .^ht *«ur a’^aiu*; Bav nth. <>f Va—a Bu*ett- and i—-d with h:s to at the end **f I: *' it»- of 'lie iai» v*.-nator > a: i, >! trip England ■ WILL SAVE •* w. MONEY it. met eveiv demand amt th* ••ouc!u*i »n he in«t 1* a.* Wlslrr llarb^t » at n- u a* h of uinnit f**l ‘•reft’ preparations are toeing made for deficiency left t in I : '"!*•■ ii a* ** •v *< « < by -rt.ii nt«-*t.-i i v.-n under niv fi ami at th* it v the zar's v;-St to Germany Fridav week dur.ag a *h»rt ah*4 n• * f 'Ut r-a-. w.th am '-'• id : ai. :h- irt- until it -in imix;- f New York the 1 i. f A a leirln Hand fain ; from tlielr dw.h. ng NEWMARKETS i\ 1 e The d Anti Slav, ra* 1fa. t. at tin .a-t 1 1 O V pr- ; Confereuc. a:u- r til.- l J »t.-* 1 ry some one entrance an*l the MODJESKAS, roblted 1 the Year of »*ir I.**rd *’ La- gained t‘ .re the tax a a- •urt .in*' I ou-and Seven Sena abandoned Tn ! I pre- d.u^ Tin house of money and bank no tea to the ,, Hundn*d a» 1 K g t v -n ne v*.i i-n. I »ur.t;.' r r-a I he Philadelphia Team defeated the Cam- value of $;*:». Two Hints of mv* » loth- of :pia :T vvh»* if <» w HHV.T'M ridge m.-n at rri. ket rig are *:* » mi**ing l he following right ./ /’ or it AND HALF CLOAK, in store, a: had trd- i. |m married her roun*ei. • 'an <\a*tin* Be a’ th* -tat*- f 4 the post .»fllee wi« entered and suin' rtf \ngu«r l :i r «r Fran* .!•*» .f Austria ar- v 1 rii iin- a’iti»:vr and na- ph t^n or re A he twenty dollar*' worth of postage I thr* 1 «-t her -how tier color- wide v- d a! Berlin on a v :*it to • •" lr u urt *pen Pmper-r Wil- x i > s tin- hist belli" about .'!<• inch.-- hand-ome. \\ by order of the ; t« Htamje* w a* Htd»n Partie* from F. a ? j» t i? a rmoi;r. loti", very are -* liam. finally taken up- !.-■ iern ’Ugh th. •• -a- ^ an iu., f*optiv t »; The m.-tuber* of t !»«• in f King he *<•« n.* N a ij.-t An intermediate ar-i -f leans'.' riat ir. and who*, rl-rv blood *a?n Jordan afterward- a- Right the French pa*t»*r Chapel. ( Mayor Jordan, >eiiat« have »!••< Ini to take n«> m»ru j reai her He g In nv. r * ol ■ h D'*t *eem to *, tv .* further "a ?r e i« ’!** “lie now 11 UWill be ben I'Aoini hy tin* .rid -*i!i af’.-r a- t'oh.md J irdan remained • j :a the trial of itl r to take tl l id •o**t> .f a_r- i: via- ..u par’ General Boulanger Septefldn charge « > thirty y-ar- THE NEXT if a a 80 a FOB l« “hi be u un’ •• DAYS ir.tro- the i ! death v iar^e lb;!. on I*ecetid»er tar ..u pulpit at That p;a< U. Hrooke of neat mouth that Terry -hoi Fr* l.-rn \ Scharf wanted for for •« Herford r .f :i an used f -r i*u-me-- p..r Hav * iiro-i. ru k d. a-1 I* I- The term w.a- not then limited pa*T< tlu Arlingt *tr*et ( <■ iu a Iu» !. and gen In Hock* die. Conn ha* been arrest* manufactured at Bradford. In loth ..1- • the «at:u- and of.- it* AT England. a an-- ■ *. hureh, of a., ..»: 41* eLi. i-h to :i w a -wn name t t n the li-t- a- now •*, four >• ar- a law fir-' .*1 in M »utr»*al society. j inaugurat- mem Iters still the T. sortment will he immense,. ousi-tiu" of all the novel!:.1-. f iufarnv tne -id*- f that ..f Aaron living by -ral :<• ; r ruled Therein i>e.-;d :: ed in 1 *_M Hi- rommi--..»n was -luring *?reet rhur> h when l>r \\ 1 in i- .rr iir.Mteri. k ha-i t'aiif r- The Sultan ha- warned Greece that in- i’ represented *r It wdi known al- that ■ the I’l. A-Ule of t.he ITe*ident of the nii 1 v« v ** -. United terference In Crete will constitute a < a.*u* g preai 1. f. b. I 1 >r 1. ill tfie t f) J Mute Senate lllid i 1 1 CREATLY REDUCED V (•itinetr. and h<:n IN* .1 F W PRICES. War iimi—r is ;n favor ** •* '-'ate- rn*- after of cheap }**'-- 'Ut.. * >pp 0-4-1 tin- e\ni;*»iOl; of tl'M for the T l-dng Had I thought belli. »uu tie at iuT. ■ Ware, of gn plea- H T.-.k.- a al view >f the 4’.'! >■»•* ha-1 eea-M-d to a< t vntnthe of it -eji-.naJ !v J -hould have Been to Heiiiy pra glad The Senate ! urt ha* found General Ware. M. GALLERT Ib-n rt’ wnuh electhnu. a. -r aud prop“-e- that tlie ri* party hav*- joined 'a ith rh» I* *-ndan*- *»f the flr*t Boulanger gufltv of two count*—conspir- I« rrv vi a- a l.-a-ler *f the pro -lav-nv a* v •* ami at. at treason. Our Is the m 1 -o that a haif-oau- par olleetof of Kr» nchman * Bav in attempt harbor enlivened by prescue*? > .1- oil — Ln■ in hed vv ■> booming Brothers. Ellsworth., Hochland and Bar Harbor. of handsome a ■" many yacht* To-day very .r:;. f >r “tie ent. and still H.r■•• r k and via- the name and fame **f our am *-tor. *‘0 A r» v .• w and :u the a Whiting -hot him. It not th«* military evening large one steamed in and around the ba\ t.’f re--nt ite ! a cent-fora •-! ‘nr.-' .at had killed hi- man 4 !***.' with dinner were giveu at Berlin in huu<«r of p Terry \ugu-t -nitable demonstra- leisurely for sometime, apparently enjoy- while -idir»ir the p-.-ition of t-L* Aii.*triau Emperor, w ho expressed hi* f'tl; “Unee ju-.iKe who tlu* •» < ••• tion ing the seenerv. Thorn* viewed '•iirtli ivd ! l A i K K >1 \|\K I tl.e 1 nv t de .1 Igr ..f Pr »b f »tv the ‘■‘tat. n-u tn warm for the German Me -upreun ha thre. friendship people. of II »ti• A find state I*f \!.1 XT O T I E I ! many points of attiaction. could but think H >•> •'•‘ft d t‘r bf t C '*• ”• J \ IV \ug J : -* w t- ■ h. « \t a ni' ii;'- -f *h» )• hi .1- I. li<-u s i»* r-'.n | 1 Ft I.I.V reprr*. IP V n * The King of ha* conferred a that we eon! t not boa*t of the rv-t«lent n. !n the tow f ► .. Italy though -•» We > ** *f v» K former V havt received & otter Ian e ojiutii ii.-.- w h »<■ ar Bangor \ug 1 !**'• f-ittl'.'l S’ *d 4 n j( h l* to i RK-PK*I r»*m-r, »:.-a*, >• mt of It ,n. ■--l. f..r the recently ■ attempted «!*•* oration Ttioma* \ Fdl*on *kie* .,f j. -r vet the n \ d.« ! I the «trf* % <*T ’• uj*»n sunny Italy. gold, ., it Hu. >- k. *t;it> 'I g*. tr f •«' -■ "tn heiii'h. 'I I..- *.idu u I- \ w or TIM insinuates that we of h> frond- In *; •!*• •■! thi* Hi -ut "I the r»i» I sands of California, we are not devoid j• Art11 *r I k».iirr ;i ! W Pliant >t* r. o I yet II. uft I. b rl.-nnk*. »i '■-•■■•'• M.- •--t.it> "f the narmsl ir-iim*!an h -n.v. r .-f following h. :r- \^1* ur I i’r'tikw >' a h n iii.ua*. ..al W. in purhap* of nature mm h the > ear •. i...t *. -: •. h n x > paper charms: for ha* done for v ; r- f/ •• iti.i • 1 ran. late ..f • »rUr E:3'tt Eitnih E-nni^u. East Larnotne and ita I. hiUn 1, :t i>.-w -).-.-rased that «.*: «r■ * »r** Ierrv via- afterward cbo*en chi* f Surrounding*. 1 ’• j -lie. t. -1 »» ..r, rt,, this much talked-of and mm h admired r«- H" mi u-t u, !' « *-♦ •! !.»•♦-» « nol'T t*te of 1 o un <>f r!i I ■! i •* <■ ■■ -1 ever a -,:.-l' psdpdaf > I -«e-.i .1 ** « 1 ‘I deny printin'; .-tne and ieid Uiat at the tune "f '* ;m> npl- 1 r.-T place sort fo inv r « k h*i. I « •lifea**••!. Herman I* !■■%. -r -it I v* Winter Harbor. had in \o at-•! pire.-l d .am) situated in rth. 1 » ■ miming ;;n|. i' ..n ;hr t'-rtx :,r-i r.n- he four we have been ’-he The tenth reunion of the l a* ■f II i»-k !• t nt '• l»*«-**as«-> | \\ n !•!■ ■ years duel Finery family The pa*t week has wen rather juicy, b* »t t i. of \ tif \ ii- it r* v *«l i? Im.uii lt d le* riu-.j .t* f .--w-, t. v :t itegin |, is- *. !.V hi. -f t(. .x j !' I 'if ..f rt, :n «ald eel-tu,. ail ,i ■ w a '*• lie.,1 HihA»i» •<»uin>. I. b M a t:..- in the MeMtiaon Hal Tr* m«*ut ;t the weather, but an! F K ole •*» l otiht down li:m ! l.k till *tde of the P.;,« k- paper, e-pe.uaily fav- regard* Sunday Capt. Hunker ari l l>r I.a:.»N*e. t; main- unit, ■. » «••».%. i: •• <*.*• *,! •• .lilef ( •« »f I I m;*ie. 7- I r. rnout street. Boston, Mas- the week with more acres r»-I. mid «!-. -‘1». .pled by U.. <;« t.i m I. 11,•. ■ Monday open coining have bought of land on l»«*dge night'* 1 ► 2 an> r* l _• u- denominate>n and a thirty I .it -a ! («lilli>‘ r* give n>> run -.ill if north .* ea-’ 1- • ri ■*» —u A pui.ii- f* lei 1UU> 1lie tf. a.lt| nl *v w if I The Christian Wrdue-dav 1" A I> 1 u* '• Buddha. ptemBer propitiv *igns Nevertheless the arri- hill: and we learn it will i>e In the '■ ih r> —(> !. -f !bei»e«- i. othead. b\ vti-l lilt, llfb e put ausing rly teen .»• .• a *• ni;e ': world to out -n- ..j. ni ih. ,.,i T;. < point The Breaid* nt and other member* *f the val* at the Pavilion cafe have iieeu larger, market at an date. U’ han early X the ...... r„x '••'•* 1 •' " 'i.rari — 1» the thei •* denomination has n: u- genealogical committee w ill t»e to aud the travel the ha.* Kli-w-.rth a- will he fth lent jj, i.HH A h\I KA'O'l'IN 1KI 1IH. U-0;k i>F plea-*-*! by ferryboat gradu- I* m **»M. U i.i |i the im.iiait ! or hh-jiiUh. few A"<- or them* Hf't two hundred :u, -e«- Mrs. H F. (Jordon of Steuben, i* in |*ri' !«*•!. publish*-**, m j ,• in. :»■•• -t at the ha. lielween It an 1 11 o'chn k. v ■' iu.ilOK 111'1 ■I'tlge-. M will,. .: r r* .-rt- .• al iu« rea*ed •• p f meetsn-- ui u.-. ■••M'., Ui.tt tlu-v m.i .ir th. it » I then. > t: ? I UI.V. J CK' » I I tow u \ lw r ,*i.*ter Mr* K W Tuft* 1 ap|» k--p-rt further n .ti U -.M at |
    , «■ :i,.i» all tho— 1 —:: oil- **f ah*>ut W.- have noticed that the iMting * 1 ••• rt f l*t •• ."e f ,r n t" mak.tig anpiirie- particularly I ,,0nlv I.. ulu rt. re- an-' !>«• hitiidr. ■! and t -rt I|\. » W \-mv-. I -N I> (' A Ii! i 4. 1 **:* in- g-' iv.nf irnialion travel the the ltu.-k*|M.rt it -r .: ■ I by ferry, judging by stylish ’*■ v Mr C’tiarle* Sirg-nt and Mr* Charles " >' *« U ih f i-jiv's JVC tJfck- the u-* of A ! '-Jr- l't next it "f the Mil). | rein: ! to \ ,» 11 ir'r.' !.l ol 4 regarding pa* ul.tr famdn-- 1‘hehu-iii*--- and the l**ar- ha* r* filed fr--111 t! general 1 •' j > high-toned * ••• ejwipagc* Smith have f.e»-n *»t.ou*1v *ick with m* >1 -h• w ratiee. P T u ,,gy. M. de. d lot* ! IV t \ I» ra m*-et!iur v% i Ji id a*, 11 o’ frond- w .... -id’. any pains t- -et them In J. -n a* 1% k i.j China an :t out »ng of the ladle* and that your r- '* ‘itu »i d I « tnn- r. -ucv of gentlemen, they sit* and we hear th.c Mr S is a j»ri-e .i.id n**t In- grai te |. lug tin- | in';« b--.i-.--ed *uf!eriug > a. ;t?‘ 1'ujoer w .11 t*- -vi ve«l at oVlm k. for w.-re visitor* from and other I* > i. %. *t im. ,lu '*•! in deed 11>• 11» said k in Mnlth M w xrd- t iVe e\»-r endeavored to U-e a. re and extra-ordinari hi. w rk -if Bar Harbor N A i. '• ■-* IM. \4)( K OV> I j (M I .III. \ (llid* In,UK. r. lated M 1*1.;. .-• •!. :i ! in v .i • r ,--eU aii Auu ruaii v.i.'ti the pr.< <*f t: k« will one p!ac. of resort on the island of Mt. 1 >« Kegi*t. 2 -u- mI ke and independent lee ; f..J -Hid U »»T "f Ml. ... k 111 • kindly consider I wen in China serf who were in tin.* direct com- . P>w u to > t ■ -* 1 •' person ‘Ui* t. .. irui. 1’ f retarr .if of muuication for the da\. their t and h« ar to have iJl -aid real estate d and th-- change viewing panoramic *t»j* !•!«> pr 1 t«ld r»*-- the « Mr- I \ I V ! UK M MNK thereof at Intere-t. when ?-*n -ur m a- u- of any ties- riminat. m :u •ii t * JVti- I *.n i. June L.'I la*? In view’* of ”t ;ie gem of Frenchman'* Bay." Rev Mr Hale -, ak. r»< !ia. and w vvii. -• nd von f »f K jo?iinttii put p. H" •- n f prav that In* ma he h-*en-»*«l to »• .*.■ v- Skckk \m some in v%.o ■ o. :• »m m t ..f I*: uiarter i» tie .a-t -;•< tk f Mr t r •**» ?t M -ter I»«*nhv Tin»m J I mi.kv. a* Weil a* I.amoine. e*oeeiallv tiial nart of :iig twenty year- previous lived k. .- ni-l .hate, Ulswurth. four year- w \ g I rn» i* private -ale mdeonie. the -a m r the pu ;• Mr Hale S it ill-. in-1 i• • 111■' \ V. I* * 'Up.'- n.f., .«• f Fr Damien. “2 Devonshire street, it w hich i* fa-t beeoiuiug known a* * family another illu-lri -us kfonaald. r j r ated a half d >zen s*>rmon< < \- ■ ■ .Ms h n been !iD*«l for perhaps mau has u* with w A ... It >1 ;ng -ctticrm-nt in es- ; (►ail’d this l» Boston. Mass. for summer honored his presence and luh day of August, k ~ proper place sojourner* ✓ > '• -iar:an v. ; u. 111 K 4 Vt 4 k I' ll V* : ’! 29. instructed us taieot and Christian 'l i: :■ A A f md Cros- July our our by ":i!H \an. 1 says Hi One of citizens remarked in I>**k Ouf for that rain in Your link. i‘nor, ► .M Ml -g -hus K .!< >Tatk i»F Maim t!<<1 h vim ru* : *. >- :t\* iif. wa> grace*. I*r ml. hna..n, t.t, irdian. existing ./ otetl to 1 to hearing that .1 one had I o.W i- ,r ..f .• bug g'mh1 any prophesied ■ It •• ■ ,r* .u< .t -mi > of Dedham. Himimk. -a— At a' »urt f Pi o. >■ -.**-* Aug 11*. It threati li- Miur k I teceasct. i'«ir H ? •»•;.. I t ar '' 1 "*'ie w e a p r* *t .a of (.’bin»*e. He nad that this -laid and hamlet of quiet 'I ■ i: *-t 11 ,i, \ m. I. Kil-Morth ill ’■w-i-ond VA » print program Two usually by -a 1 r u b n u stratrl the hn—ul n \ l-.-v w a In Days Forest Fires in Montana tii- !,.;#• a;,d *»u:!• tth -haft hou-e rg< of winter at •** -<• I* ! 1 refu^» for tlit* poor the a -hould become in -hort a e l Til-Worth. 'ieee.i-, .!. *!-o ►•» rhe P.-titi- n ifore-a!d. « nd. I nat Met L !.»• •: .‘u -terial meeting but that -pa< through -u* t!,» eftlir« m. thereon, 4 4 l'< d ir >• v« Travel Over a Section of Jy, n .» v iv.ng i.g rai winter*. H** would >f time >o he not ■' ’• Im-giv by ,.j p.? ► .. I -.X 1,. Country busy with travel, could on- if. I»i •. 1\ '* I* \ I! in. ! v. publishing U Ut ! ets tiie oldest it 1 sen •« nu>'f night* have believed He said, have of I! Midoir V 'i wh ■ ■ w "r •• rn! I th. *ui-i th*’ I 11 -rth Aimri. a: .a m .. 1 Mci.untants gn<- no -,,ip.r printed roifl » ilh I a !.? .ti *■ ti l' ‘: iu tti i'«- of other r« uid p;« k .•«*• Lute and Fs more on our street in one Ernest Robbins is in*-*i• n< tie- f• • t'uo id ligiou- ; up jgar- convey •SIXTY Mil IN WIl’TIf \M* OXF. Ill M»I!KI» vehicles the quite -irk with ty- known for 1 h‘ r- •: •. •» *r Il-hed ill MUworth. that a,! n.r-.-i.a 111 day -ied iv causing .» ,,f pi;' als., lamia, g »t. them to t ..py •*■■■■.< tie where he mv fever e;i«r. 41f ill. ki liicN- itid l.i r. i*nd Ma- H -I ’• to ■ li*r*--ted ath iid on th.- \\ e.ii,. 1 o minatb m« refug*, provided Mil IV I KNC.TTI. past week than In month* of remem- phoid ; i.-h.-| tht'ee Week- -n. ilia) -•uth.ft H Mi.. *»- v\ .-il i- Mi ati n the t. ,f h ■ Hi d next, it a Court -f ’■Kin w;tii f.! He also buried tile dead brance hall a < enturv ». and laria. ’In | \ Mlerle.tf- H flfVl •-ept. Pi U him! U 'l .«-t — ag my doubts -|.ft|NT Brown, of 1 * -n In -ai holien In md -hew a. If IIS. at his own < Augustus formerly Sunst-t, 1 l r.,untv. that they Punk-port H i: Mt «1 xpeii*e He visited ail the Helena. Mont Aug 1'.* For*-t liras about this town of ours becoming a first- 'v but for the three in ..tr if ft ( .urt to le ho Ides at whyri. praverof said petition t « hari. K M i-.. G;!mai .f Hast Corinth, and been all over past years residing pr.-on*. often the which have raging Montana class have I' 1 Su. h procured privilege watering place entirely vanish •* W •! lies. la\ ■ •! granted .tic. t. tn g'.xen M l«»t j 1 Mass*, ha- moved here with hi- 1 >*-pt. next, unkn. of I.,- !' Nen :n t* «1 of r* mo\ iht k t*» his lor three week- and hundreds of Roxhury, N SALARY or lourt by ihe grand jury at ;ug refuge. The destroyed «i.- QJll rCHk'U I ah w oiaae. '-n he and rooms in the >n ^ •' d .a** fatnily occupio- Simp- have, 'hi- same I*. Ct NMSt.lt W l|fe. « had «"ufldeme in and thousands of dollars worth of timiH-r.havu why •hotihl ten la* north .f|- nu.k B itigor on the of and implicit him. OAlLOmtll COMMISSION. barges larceny ar- It is pleasant to know that the old feel- Mr. Brown 1- as :ti: wed. Atte-t 4 IIA* I* I ►. »k tt. Hi .[*TIK ai.owed him to \ isit at all the r**aeheoti» and charitable institution-. He A gentleman in from northern Mon- iMv.iuir.-l Ah.-i (Hasp 3v34 jti*t new claimants for notice has been U/AUTCn I»*'KK, Keglster. l»ml, r.| I! ) .' public -» < i- kn**wii tana that factory. char »• :» r ami w i \H, H \s » ■ by t!*»• Chinese a* the Christian report- on rang* in Chouteau giMid Vi M rf I LU I*. Dork. Kegttter. V\ < »r« nit \ for some few years past giving way, and ;w u* \ liuddiia. He wa- attached to no w bich heretofore have sjmnaai .late Thc railroad has reduced organi- county, escaped, new Win. George, wife ami children, who to work. Otitllt Write at nice At a Court of Pr- t^ue Pennsylvania this agency for intercommunication ingnes** In-ides at F -worth, u the -..liH, ». X, zation of men. II* was a and on which cattle men to mi*.*ionary pure depended keep have been visiting at W. B Smith’s, have uiforihe rountv of IUm «* k ou the XV fart to the Grant! Army encampment in the lias caused the last to to vt lira, .. ferry vestige \k Ine—.lav ..f .. and *.tuple, dec »ted rather to than their stock this w inter, thou-aud- ol head returned to their home in East \ ue \ ft .<%«-< >1. charity and we -hall find that a few Orringtou. ot an.! i,*.. ► me « ases to l*'vs than a cent a mile. : disappear only Notice Petition tor l)is- A It 11 \ M h 1 AKTF.K and Hem \k Charitable furnished of rattle are burning. '‘ITinirer. all proselytiam. people in the near will find this r\. nu years future glori- The Ancient Order of Cm ted w him f>»r hi* In two the fire over a sec- Workmen 6c rat by *>»•• vi ,--t i)t., uiouey refuge, and he never days traveled Ellwangcr Barry, porting to he the la.-t will and ous bay of ours, at every point, studded have *tart**d a here, called -Good v-La meet ..f of Krankitn, seemed to want for fund* He on a tion mile- wide and oue hundred lodge charge. Plen. 4 art**r late of Marshal Nagle, who *hot Ter- slept sixty and resorts Rochester, N V. Mt. II •{»•■ Nar>cr. S«*dgwlrk. in -aid otuntv. " M W HK M.lHIV | -I>eputy with large smaller where not Will”, with W. B. Smith a- Master Work- "tin: or n in.: teieuM-d, board or on the floor. Even in his last miles in having presented tin- -am.- f \ h.in tw At ha* l**en remanded to a length. but health and recreation 5wl>4* K-tuMi-iivil 1*40. v<'«n — that the ry. jaii pending hours, a only pleasure man and Courtney Small a- Foreman. H v k -s t'oiiTt "f »rderern!t4w runSw .-N- ear) no h next seekers shall found crowding our streets Iu th* .r ftenj u dn >. and t harlea ( Sargent give .ring Thursday D >rado. he refused to be transferred to I is surrounded fire ami a Tliur tire to all Georgetown by in thi- admitted sanitarium, the shores of Mrs. Francis Smith and Mr- Thos. l*w,..f heer Isle, likf eat debtors. per-on* interested hr rauaing a t ..ft :lil- order to I** the cabin, but the wind it within five miles of puhli-hed three week- *.i,- .. Wire of kindly captain, some strong brougnt Frenchman's of Waltham. Mass., and the Misses Forrelo»ure. Bay. Harvey K i-hen l.v g:y< u that a < y in the Kll-vrorth hours before he died, removed him to a petition has, on Ameriran, pr.nte-i at F.!l- —John J. Sullivan and wav re- Phillipsburg. Ethel and Stella Haskell of tlu- I 'ti. ..: that HKKK V- II. rt Y } appealed Pavilion cafe in the short time it Portland, have \oliee. l.i> Aug.. A. D. Ivy, Ih*«-ii aorth, ther may appear it a Probate 1 '< urt to \hj The -• pre- f berth, where he died, still of \ •,fed h •!■! e '•e it Ham 4* k Va:i:. speaking go- It for -aid Of held Bin k.11 *aid eoiintv on the been guests at H. N. Haskell’s the e.runtj Haueoek. { ■ leased on gl.V*’ lvail. His case will n<>t to lias been has become famous for its during **• ik Lite* I the *1 V tee nth ing heaven, and the open and ( h.tries t .-IneBitar Of next, at ten O 1.- k |uv \.,r \ | entreating bystand- nc wife, fdara It me Thurlow, >epl. In ifj. two weeks. Whei try John-on, !>,»- Ur 11 \ In*.; r»s i»n!e»l ir, Ham .*k < State cui-ine. for its halls, ami past Isk :u the roscitv «s roreiwa.n and shew tf ft.g* j. •n.> up uni February. ers t<* love the Lord. Tlii* man the News. splendid large and le-m. without i*;vi;-e ami refu.-< t<• of Han* k. pravtng ea••*•*, asy they have, M u taught my ju-t ; that thev ni i'age ..4;. eoitvese.J to rn. t*., 1 i^* deereed t*» a full :he said sri-tminent, -Mould not lie .oce of uu«l small, and in which it is ; The Latter Saints are a re- • ■.line h»4-k. I forbid ail liar', ring discharge from proved, apprrw pure trod goodues* He com* public private, Day holding hereby person.- th. :i^-dei.t- l-i u |aai prov aid* nil*I* X t 70 Of thr- ■<1, and allowed an the inn will amt trnum. 1.1 .t- s^ rved and the which or her on inv .-e count, a- I shall in* •' hap. He of *a< rifle ed himself for the good of respectful promptness union at Music hall. trusting p.-v\ J v.-* '•taint*-. ..f the '•ute -nid doeea.-ed. -The South Fork club not pletely ilebu of her eontractJon after thin date. of Maine, an.1 aimtul i pleads gnilty is all whose it is to riients “ tiriv'llUfil In *a;i| tie* of the He acted out —Winthrop. Maine, is to hi- manifested by duty 17. thereof and additions thereto; as PC IN MM. If \M mortgage poorest poor. his lighted by Aug. WILLETT O. jolINxiN. Individ Judge lk*uailt»l to tie of for the A local cart- for the at all times. The n ils and as «-o purtiu-r- under the Aural DUs P |M*KH, Iteg1*ter M'litbrioh-ri >..• eharg* l>eing responsible principles to the letter. He wa* a* poor electricity. company has been or- guests Auhvllle, Me., Aug IT, Itfts*. ju '*4* rirtn from u,‘l N- -v 1 Thurh.w A true copy. Attest —<_»!%» I* !►• >hk. SitlUhurj’Afoie’h. Vagi,- l. tk, a* are in that state of !. and u|H>n P.gi-ter .Johnstown disaster. and lived plainly as the poorest of his ganized. buildings completeness etly hy the buini i*t«-ai| .»r i- •" ::.M ordered fe sai*l I'ourt that a 3w%4 J.J.u ] On charitable that visitors will rtud that no or ex- hearing t*«- .t» wrstcrly In ml „f patients subjects he wrote —The pains Shiloh’s Cure. tip«>>, th*- same l*ef*»re sai*lcourt, at by John I Km. I Congregational church spire at Consumptive tin 1 I r.uivrv an I kh well. The ideal to him was pense have been spared in making this es- Son-Resident Taxes. ...T*. .rt UiM.iii. :u lluci..p..rt. If. -aJ.l hard It f practical. Calais was shattered ov the 10th. This 1- Is-vond the most sueces-ful .. .H.r. •> by the to title -ten. I of Lord is well to walk lightning tablishment second to none on the New question «.riij,.,.,-k. ,,u w.-in..k.iAv, the nth d«v tii- li.ua H | Tennyson enough I>*t this American, then be enshrined Cough we have ever -old. a few ‘hi- " Notice of ta iling liw* Albert Preston received a severe shock. Medicine Non Redder t t;ix*-- thenuif In- home-ten.I r.rth, -ahi III r? ert K I every day. invariably V.. I.ithilkhr.l h. the tier as it has a to claim in the on i. . -" ""I, get with Mil the Ml aunals of men who loved their fellow men.” —The other day Hiram Timer was patronage right roup and Brom-hiti*. while Ms wonderful following h-t of uve- ale-tab f ,i Wncrt.-n*. a n. «-paper puMuh.^l l„ >>ul tig **f charge. in saw loveliest month the season. iucww in the cure of i- THEriahli i.t owner** in thet«>wnof Am.ua h Haiw-s k, on* e .* vre«-k wre«teri> t»v -ahi ro ». The Kev. J. Crossett was a grandson of driving Rockland, he a little two- of rusticating Consumption without for two |*ouB‘ie*i « the l'-- in bids ■< t AT AT K «l MIME o\e to Kagle tv Czarina of Russia is a in the of medicim year m J. 1 i,i|.-~. lt,t’ la-*, pi ta- rtvr l.ak* rUo —The studying the Kev. Jonathan Fisher was child from a second The visitors are of a high parallel history sim-e its pul.II,-ati..It who for year-old hanging story September. ro|le« i..r of -aid town, n tlie 14ib ol M.i ... -,t t ■.•*..!>• till- r.f H asr of ^ I,rly In*,,,, AiVx In,,. 1, forty a test which no other medicine ran If protml .Ichu. and 4^r»v, ii-vn.rth, stand. d II till- irxh ..f a I thrr IHT..H, more nr l<-»- ,.. hurried under the window iu heralds of the coming host of kindred spir- in>f unj*l» .lav July I.—!*, tty h tiller.-.ti. 1, nmy »p|. .,r at ,a|.| nsolvent debtor a KoAsian in some way or other. wagon just vou have a we a-k v«»u to pi*,.,, thw Cough earnestly try eertifleat* of that ite, and now and tlu..- an,] i- fmrUw .. time to catch the little fellow as he its, ladies and of the remain-uuj ant. lh>-< lutve ahr hereby given that a ha- «.« let go gentlemen higher | •>> rents, ami noth e 1* * petition wh.-n-a* Ow it. Price 10 rents. and #1.00. It lierehy given Hint if .-ai U\i ',,"-h“rK*- '•",«l'l ,!"i aranu-d -a: I this 1.1th of A. I*. <-«ik1|U„i. r,( *.i.i Her Life to be w are .lebtoraar N<»TICF. day Aug. ui-ei. Spared. his hold. walks of society and ho sustaining are Client **r Back interetu and are not to the -rv-M*iite,| your I.ungs sore. lame, u-e charge* pnidinto thi* trem ! cording prayer of their jadltlon. to -aid court for-aid m,i- hx «,e,.rge Ij.lni. tt.ftnrtw.ta „. —John H. Surratt has had his life of tite said town within the lltlun lt» just positions in shaping the growing progress Shiloh’s Porous Planter. Sold by S. D. Wig- ury eighteen month- from Attest —Cii.a.l-. in,gn M l» «.rav. of Kfl-worth, in the ..»nu of H.,n r,'.,r I .. —John F. Swanson, a sailor on the the date of the '" m* rtgag, our nation. commitment of -a}.| lull-, ; Ulster of said curt for said of ‘M that he be deeieed to insured at Baltimore. In the THIS 1* REGARDED AS of great gin. Dr28 couoty Hancock. praying may a full li- application NEARLY CERTAIN IN schooner H K to much of the real e«tate faxed a- w ill I*** -uttn b I>au*«Vj»t thi- Rus-ell.coming Rockland nt ■harge from all hi* debts' pr=.v:tble under * h ipter KlUwa.rU*. m-\*nth t. f THE M A V It We cannot at this late date of U» the amount due u«t, A. i» lfvsy. blank he wrote opposite the question as to KICK CASE. from Spruce Head, fell from the masthead writing —More cases of -irk headache, biliou-ncm, |»i»\ theii-for, iucimling inb-i. -t seventy of the Revised} HtatuU** of the -late f ami will without 1 1 claim to a long list of arrivals in town constipation, can 1>e cured in less time, with charge**, further notice in wdd at I •PIIK-ul-riu-r tu-n l.v llsine and ainendments thereof and addition# W 'i I the cause of the death of his mother: New to the deck. His injuries were fatal. lay auction give, public nothw Xml where*. York Aug. 19.—A special from Lon- lesa and for less pul'll*- at Aurora In -aid town, 1 ill concerned that be to! iiiereto. an-1 -aid H.-rU rt K Rrm-n Y from various and in many instances medicine, money, by using of ha, hern duly at>t~.|nte.. u)ion "“A the very on the Pith 'fay November, at u o' and It i- XI .... She was murdered the United States don U) Harold, “A Member Carter's Little Liver than b\ ha, taken upon hlm»clf the trurt Potion 4)K1>KKKD by sab) (ourt Hint a by signed by —Conductor Cobb’s passenger traiu distant states of the Uuion, but our Pills, any other in the forenoon of adutlut— reoruat of oT bearing !*• had upon tfie -am*- before sai-i ourt.at fouru%-i,th \ |> j—^ Parliament.” says no decision has yet from Lewiston was wrecked outside of means. ‘*IW«» rrten.1. tn»S X "I. a I’ag* U4 -,f .M government.” guest* will remain sufficient length Bluehll.nT,!;.hl'i 1PIn theO^1*' countv of Pro!Bite Court Room In Boek-iM.u. in snid eouniv k tf been arrived at the home with llanra.k rte to by secretary Brunswick the 13th. The Z ^ .v-ao d, hr hon.l *f ilan«sM-k. on the 11 th >. me. the m. yard engine of time to give us time to give a A Great giving a* the law dlrcdi he kVednemlay, dav of pi ...uye.e.} to the sentence Surprise k I» at in *TI ,h* t4,wn regard passed upon Mr*. the track and went down a therefore ro.|tie,tkail persons win. are ,|mhw. io’ekx’k the arU’nioon'. and that of ^ ,,M jumped 12-foot welcome At hotel Gault i Indented w ith ail the —The authoress of “John Preach- recognition. !■' the -aid I.■. loliee thereof U- •• buihli Ward, May brick. It be said that the Is iu store for all who u-e Ral-uiu ||| rn.r,I c.taie to make published in tl Kil-iworth g» thereon an may safely embankment and the baggage and smoking are a number of Kemp’s Immediate in *Hi,t they having quite for the Throat and the 4 pav incut, and th.«e who have American, a new-paper in mortgage er." has a new novel in hand to be called coarse taken some of Mrs. brick's Lungs, great guar- any demands there pubU-lnsi «k*erl|e,|t*n by May cars were derailed. was arrivals, for if a few are neces- Z S on to exhibit the same 1 •aid eounty of Han konmltHl ^uahenstorh l.x Nobody injured. guests anteed C V f*>r f*ettlenient friends is calculated to remedy. Would you believe that it is 2 le;, I!ijg from Like its it do her more harm '*• •oek. onee'a week for two -u.*«-e**lve >aHfthurv '« .,., ) | Sidney Page.” predecessor, sitated to leave, their are soon more wild on Its merits and that t = * se ...... EDWA KD K. fill week- the places any druggist is Blue b, l». Hv.- AuUth W e«tert v hv the than good. On the other hand the filled hill, August 14, tM». 3wl4* puWi.-»ll..n .Ui. »i k-a-i home-!*:, will deal with theological problems. On than and some have taken steps to authorized by the proprietor of this wonderful ; e ^ S2 tor «» thal IKmery northwesterly facts and forward others all *f„.|.rov..| hv («„ I Y arguments put by National News. to give a ,helr *1el*t-hj-«rtn« nod I M.tna- |* v is have their vacation extended through Sep- remedy you -ample bottle free? It other person* tnterest.-l Knur ami Klein* r-: Ii I the other hand. Mrs. Humphrey Ward were entitled to due and -ul»s* rilier therein weight doubtless so never fail-to care acute or chronic coughs. hereby gives i>uh)U* n**t’c«-1*> may aptwar :tt aaid time and oorUo-aMerlv t,v the h*>m. »t l. > tember, that this house will do a * = rjtllK all pU. e, and show -t. ,.i fairly i \ -L on* vnie-i that he has beeu •au*e. If I alne, < said to be severely from writers have had it. Cnless some new All druggist* sell Balsam. < ° duly appoinu**! an«l any they have, w hv a nlaming aghtv live acre* ri suffering they phase business this season. Kemp's Large Bot- k * Z ha- taken uinui diaeharge should good * hims*-lf the trust of an “M and the 1 of it should occur, adverse to tles 50 cents and #1. > H executor of u'll"- hem* hom«At*-taii of -a 1 It Mrs. May- —A shock of earthquake of 4a seconds' Iyr4 the last will a ml testament of w<-' cramp We shall have to let some notes over H. M. A Ii flail, part of northeast David Dunbar StoTpSui!. Kmery; also a k*| l*oon ie.| we-ierH brick. which is her life duration was felt in the lay Ute oft aattne. in the scarcely probable, Adirondacks, the --Asa for summer of county of uu len.hnjr from ^afishurv U t. to our next if we remedy complaint, we quarter No. *27, 44>4) acres, »44-*i 471 Hancock, ifanma .. AUert —(,h ix. p n. 1 t..v*- I «fc is certain to lie At communication, expect cd. by giving U.ud as the law h« n**rther|y nearly spared the same 10th. Dishes rattled and buildings shook can confidently assert that Brown’s Instant II. M. A B. Hall, part of lot So. Kk4. .llrecU, there hy laml of \ Xitel,, —The wonderful sagacity of a dog was that you will give os space for this late Tore requests ;«ll persons who are of time it is felt that the a Relief is a lbO acres, indebted to sabl ^r3oun^,'kc°<,rt John T. ea-terh J by many Institution in at least dozen different places. The great discovery. ^ j de.ease*!’* to jatul K.mery, in the unavoidable estate, make Immediate r* shown last week probable saving of ami partial list of sayings ami 1w*4 C. C. IM)W NS, payment, uumI, eoniainlng fifty m n,» mor* or ir- of trial to be the motion was from east to west. The noise Treasurer of Aurora. amt those wb*. have son by jury supposed •palla- —To the beard from any immediate demands there three nn:H,; PHH.BBOOK. Solirr or hayy U-en ’> ed another blow by a reverse of and sharp. The shock was -ro.n.l >1 r. I■„ broken, rv*»w therefore tv«s>n old. left his home in com- particularly for the the best Angus,*-' oreach of the is eight years Success in this case will ingham’s Dye Whiskers, dye \ollre of Foreclosure. nmitttiMi. there«»f 1 a n ! *re. verdict. inevit- hard at Warrensbnrg. STATE ure the dog to go to a dyke marsh made. OK MAINE of ^aht mortgage panv"witb lead to similar whenever a So. Lnyoia**. ably agitations Aims I.. n*iw », x .. father was at work. While of last week the Conanl, of ISurk.nort, In Ha-co. k, s. -.’mirt ..f Kltawrth, lhl« *err,Dth la> f where his —Tuesday morning the countv r*f liuolrencr. prisoner is convicted of murder who was Miss Gertrude O'. who has been —The new combination of Smart Weed anil WHEREAS Bar*--* ep. ni State* r Maim IT O T t-v.. this marsh he into sheriff a death watch on the tlve Bragdon hr deed dateil I o as. walking along stepped placed as the 12fh of N*»v. A. I». is- ; anil re- M D S*!*f JOHN « A,>A*K- not known to strike a fatal blow on a visit to ha* re- Bdlatioutia. used in Carter’s Backache •>' K'‘.wonh where he wav sub- actually murderers in the New York city Tombs Newburypoit. Mass., onto I In m I Haaieot i R a targe “hoticypot,” or mix d ran Ho one will be so Plasters, has proved to be one of the i>e*t that waived Into deadly gilts. turned much in health. *277, and ( hitvh-M I. Ih»*isi y, of 6iii*l Hucx-i ihu;l*T pound In the p.wr, neck in mod and water. The who are to be1 hung Aug. Under Sheriff improved very could be made. >rt. by i'fA?".w Dt1a>:*i a l.uk I rmn deep to a coart Try one of these deed dated Unr i:>th of N..v. \ ii horse, white -tar In ti r» merged anxioti* have of appeals establish- Mis* Etta Adams of Mass.. popular p—record.-1 he "I. htn.i feet the dangerous condition uf SeU«o took of the aw ful ceremony. Newburyport. in any case of w eak or lame In -aid white, found r;‘ r:.v;' dog%n seeing as charge back, Registry, b....k lh2 27t. w»..Mg*!i»e:d to doing damage lil o£ ed the home Miss * came w ith '■*'•'•"•' Imri.in " ». and suc- secretary. the mur- Bragdon cousin, who her Fdasterslackache. rheumatism. -orene— of me tile i.'WTileti in »aid ? »nid town of firlantl *u' *”-'■« »'">■ D GREAT fasten*- on to his collar Wardeu Osleirn had transferred neuralgia, premises deeii- Mini '«■ »«■» ll,h »f -u. a .I. i^.. people expect au vided for them early that Twenty ing iieen broken, I claim a forecloture *.f said justly T- ?T arrived. on es of chronic a over the w* ^ damage am! .Ic^n-I to Saturday. dyspepsia, piaster pit reason fees, charges of lmiauni>i. name.! frwu'SSk vod'KL?" 2F railway by deputy of the stomach the at once. hereby publish and take the beast impounding Chanter 70.of the trwmw m r*,* Y*art■. *dv ^uC' stop* pain Ask notice for that away. Revl^i MUon&S teb- io-ru ^ are to Crete of October. Weston Thompson is of the men every moment Mr*. Almond Gray who fell down stairs i for Carter’s Smart purpose. Kauai at thl* tin.ay ni-’ w > —Turkish troops hastening presi- duty watching Weed and Belladonna Back- Oiiand, Utb ttav of Anna t^a> *l»o wcurt WILLIAM O. BUCK. brdm. hr h * (b*r»* dent of the of their lives. at Bar and who at first it was ! A A Hi J\ G. dritnr (ia4i, wak ’•‘J the insurrection there company of the last days Harbor, ache Piasters. Price 25 cents. 14th of 1-LS9 PrtM.'UM, wi th* «*»■ to suppress Buck-port, Aug.. 3wr:i4 Ann. P. pud. Api>i±eat»Hi ■*«*» PA^oTO“M: j iKjrr, Begiwer ,f »i,| roun | P? AdOrABA m irk «*xr»B fee tor* in. 9mm « (toBi!«nt>B» and IMire J*x«tauu for «• X

    g i___ >cuntor * Halt tine iv*i*hiu« :>u* Utti lilt- ii....1 and County. !'..|.ul*r \. in-ion fr-m Hir in many parts of Maine are old graveyards City very rtp|mpriateU imiu i Tin lMo*t* Harbor «> to >orrent.i. w ; ii itotH‘,1 fast crumb tug away, but none <>f '-T4**’ Heh«*»* of the lU nt fair. 1>. in '• <’ovc. Kf Wrt* in lid* «i t " « k 1,1 Il 'm v lom ..fli.. ,i i- "*»'w5rt» ••*•**«* < f'TIII'' k [i Hiclkxi, F«j..of B Mon, »«« iin ,i, -inbli-1., ,|. 1 mark* the )a«t resting plaee «*f '*> *inax Fa ,,f !> r u thi* « -ti ■ > ollirr a-—, Mount |>e*ert and .uni »• } «rt (r*.v lr of WaabtogUdi. ontraet for water work* J |„ Jum,,inx tbr..ii.h i.o'jpe of th* wnnlow in hi- i>f—lit part mainland on I'nioti river. vi*if ing their parent* in thi* rtly. Mr ami rlulhiI|. |. «n|; at ;tr. The reeent tir«* h i* elo«*s! it* work Hi- in»jue*t Isrv'i- granddaughter Ha*m«d Ids estate In suis 1* " Perry. - Mr- without able to ♦ st^hhuh the • for twine origin of in ITS**, nod the general ■ otirt of Mn--n* Infants and Children. UNLIKE ANY OTHER.- H«r CURED i’re*;.l. i»t Ham! tn with Serretary Traev !ef! Har IfarW < lire* ('olrin, Ffnrkim: I \-\ hi-wife the tin which in Mi*« Mahan** *tore. ,ju. chu-etls granted to r r»wltl»rly nijtltihcrlii, Omifi, Axllinm, Uronchltln, nnhwnc*, CmiKh Whoopin'.: alight In and her heir* < 110,000 C«*u.'ll. fttariS, Inil'ii iiam, ln.ii m Mi-Hhi-. I'mrrln »a. Hlnnmii i-.-t, Vtir;»iKl:i. Tmii.1 .1* in-, l-.ar.uii-. » z s hv *.k I>i*pN!.-lt Sniurd first In Tty Hood's :rsa: uilla, which, ,n.| ».i|j Mr Fr HonMn. wiH-j**ml ..on Wid..* N |»- aer** "Catteria to an Nt mm* H.-atiarh. Nriali.^u Hark, an-l or I In nr fhit *»\* r.«! \- m inti In- For a time the lived at lloir* well adapted tochlldrm Mint I Caataiia nimi Lame Sonin's*in l^-ly mil*. r*'Jiiii: io.ilfo t family Colic. CnantlpntMn. f• .; k .Mo s !,.,<* a. .. dud. it|s{s< tin nival !!„ tin* >-nr, t in,. I lit It ‘ii tl- ft.ispitai, (,:.» f,» «'o\, racomnirmi it an to Btomarh. TMnrrh'vv •ll.tli r* lie* ha\« l«- ii f-•!! n I *< .1 W » ‘hiihIh’ In 1T.J2 th* began to -ell off III. estate nuptrior any pitscripbon I > -I *»Ii ir l**M ^'lS ai»U dl- 11si if j 'id a. |- ts|ucmt}| til l III, U «•< Host,»||. uovs mr'' H x I WMrTI,«. giv.-s Hl«*p, pr«Muo«aa AS MUCH FOR INTERNAL AS FOR EXTERNAL USE. \. Joi of *****d .*» the Aki-niR, M D, II ■!.»»!, K*<|., ami farm on lln « »*t «m»I*‘ •>( (h* river. lime <»( th. ii d« aib. in IN4»l. nol an I« »« rimpi imis. h. « mnm .lifTi-n 1 i■ r l» mi stiff, r fr.-m All-ton, 111 80. Oxford iit •-mplnlnt* It will .-mv. Its -Imnjf point lies In tl» r-». * lh .1 11 :• V kv nft! a delightful aUtllUier at ;..a'« of tin* \ I- mre remain, d. Th. Ib.r | WI&uitajurioiM lui-klj. Haim* 'ill-. Mai lu «nu all in mn 1 ..on,-, > II ik}', > u Jordan'* llarlh.r /.V.-.-n/ ,iie. I »fula, try rsapa; Mr. t I.. -*t* * li* ha* n< it il a mnt rut- la~4’ I 1 liiM lixt.T.Sflif J.-inbi nni| tivrnlns. nipt ovemeiit Ns let » Tux F\. w:f.- m.d < 1 ft• *r. *> have I* ami, in tin- rit\ a few on th* ir opened ! ge«t« that he rai-ed to keen the CkxTira ConfiXT, IS! Fulton Street. 8. T. ry spri- my -top'H-,I day- t:u-f on hi* hoiu«- h*l. It is be bin Thursday subscription ORIGINATED BY AN OLD FAMILY PHYSICIAN. oernptal at th. Ifodkk II -is., liar lit l*' w h cm th- ,1 W llarb**!. T i.. mo*: grave* in o All •'hi* nr pUt illn 1 fr-en Tm-i u t. v ,*h f :■ "'.i i.• y ;t> gue-t* of Jordan. K««p der and erect a suitable monument. l»ny n-. ,wl nsni.-st it. shall ms-lve a tnat the ii-miev kJwiM U viu-in-!:«w. Mr. Cbarle* l Moral e ai»*l faint' >. in n-ruti.il •! If t-tl.im-h.nn> <-n.srt.-i lu-tall i-rt.i -.is; b *: *-. y xnr s t.i-;.. v, 1 ni,v i-.-.i < ■■ ■•» t i. -Vtit. proiuiiHDt people took hiuI h-l-.s tl.r old. |M part there was* 1 here is of the UuiuhI ur -< harle* and Klfi»er K»t»l who h*\e hrm no little mystery connected with ■Maiim rtiupla. |iT Valuul».> pm 1 l.: 1 sent free. L S. JOHN si »M & < «< V ft < hapiaiu Tnlmu * v«rv interest* e«>nsTaut .v d after 1. !-• I .-r pretnlm*! The -toot- \\ ,, v a M .*-1 i-i-ti- for *oi»ie opened team now in Orlantl '• length *if turn ar* Monday, Aug. ft, Mr < M-*•*»!' > -t!; ii. M-runui at tin Met* .JUt Imp h a*t livlli 8r< d hi adt U -ill Suti* app* in handsome eewfumes < GENERATION AFTER GENERATION HAVE USED AND BLESSED IT. m*w at Indue bark- \ |»orr, in that of the •• I irdltug thou Mr. and part towu I «• •« •• ti '•! t. M ; Vy parent*. i* from tin t« \t “I* not thi* tin < 14nrin ar|x-n> W • .111* sd .v tie isststa:!' known ij tyrAA&iy d ;. I Mr- * T porter ,t tin- t a- the “Point." advertf-ed an unknown Ml'.! Roy* »• w i* * "\ ,i i 1 -- It full of or „‘i atH*un*l*«l »t -l! LouKhurj:. Rtr H .rls.r. \vm* |. tw, n horse is 1 f n l.H.k I ii-' > e:*w.,-ht coming into hi* enclosure. After Ms Niv\t.u \ John-on <*f !v.iti!*. n. *->*1 lVnt»»> point*. • !i« !•*._ elevator an*I ** ml h «•<>•( tlartKir Ill Ml* 111 || TV I A niKin •% I'a-s N •». th*-other rt r. Mini keeping the hor*e a few day* he was turned \i-i!inc Mr- I* he and Mr-. Win H. ’■*** Ip* Ann»nirthe arrival* it H u* hi1! wmA. I- *th h were horril.lv o\*r to ru»h*»d «nd one „rui tla i*ouud-ke< r where lie -till re- 1 li* Free Methodist I'll* following from Bluchill at- B o k. in th'* it \. pt People's church here persous w ■ • w I Hood’s Mi** l.« in M. Mot r h>.» In* 1>«« n i. I- r*k« n. Ii' ’i\, to h. in.mis. was tended tl <■ to Sarsaparilla *p> may ripp:e. I he hor-e i* » -trauge one in that «ee- dedicated \ug ft. with Dr. N reception tlie Preahh nt at .* ■! Friday. .. -r.tr *• j; In*;, r* >'.«;*»«« and Flower* w- w wer*k« at the \\ aiie Mountain*. N. « t it. no one \ •»f .1 1'. \V. \f The at holies, rtf Hu, k'port have deeid* i ever hriviur wn him before. No Spencer Philadelphia, Dr. N Fllswort!1, Monday: Bunker, the «nd wen' tot.reen I.ah t<* I! It. *1 -n atnl Cambridge, also Mr* A. <. »t Hamilton of Boston. of 1> and wife. Geo M ami lit) Monday. t > hold n (air some tirin in o. gr* interest was t »k* n in this mutter, Bishop Mtdhilicti PilUbury wife, toher, to add to | peoph 1 K too One Dollar '““k over the "IU.»* Hale.*' Fhe> made ft rigid 'I ri k u»*l familr, *f Mr. Kifu* 1\ N-w Orleans, and the B*-v. Norman I.a Chase. F P Merrill. K V Stevens Do^es j *n»#*t-* I m fund for their new !,„r. *upfw>-ing it hor-e from some till h. and rhK it. sem d *wti their donut in. whi.h .'..(joining interesting, consisting of excellent r« ditton. ! ‘t. In the respondent enjoyed a tin*- supper at the vlstof two or tlire* wetks to I- now for ut l*ot:.*m Of the .-a*riag. there had marks l>«*. ami very pleasant open in«p* regular monthly meeting of tin II an friend* in H®*worth ami >i nltv. I- ft for tlieir .Mr. 1 heiiitt Huklu< It e-'iisUta of fi>. tH,i- spill*.*! oats w hich had grown to sp*T-ed with tine tnus hy the coufereme V

    ■ three and i he i'**'k • Me.ii. ,I a—... iatlon w ** held it in K I « •>*. n K'ri t silver a v nearly in* he* in the team evident- Ipmrtette. the talented blind -mg. r annual apron festival of the Congre- u»d> ham* lein. I:i> niornin. raster. fair iri.ass w at. r set vv j(h height, I a Marsh The church was dee- gational cip le w ill Bat llarhor on of l**t week, a nund*ei <-• Mr*, t hmntwrlatn w ■»* n «»f the ; w at* r ly having been there some time. piaec Thursday Frida) daughter botlb j her and 'iimli r«. and a tier* There may tastefully * orated with fragrant flowers and 22nd in.it. s. not have 1m4* n plant- evening, of ph> *tciao* from thi* rfry w ,|v n att. u- .ate .1. II. < haniU i-a h. mi w a* born and ry : of tf,« same pattern. foul pla. in connection with the Hie afternoon services were ► affair it opened with, Tw o *inner. r« .irr»t in thl* it \ and n tu rn er *be return* but is evident that -onnthm* i« wrong. grand jurors will be drawn Thurs- Th. f" '..\V n.: ar* the ..(fleer* fur the fn- a beautiful organ Miss Hattie ► voluntary by afternoon at the s to to «•’ I her vi*if 1* a mlm• Tli** horse dark chestnut color and some day selectmen office, The eneraloe |{e\. I»r I nfthl-eiH in home, mutual sim t. no -f Fort it Some-, followed a Kn--\ I d.. ,f f,,H.d | "di soul-stirring hymn attend the 1. S k or 1 v. ar* o d *<•<• »dv District Court at Bath, * me tit l" her ami In r V *w rth frb-tnl*. rti*<*ment in ?fti- by tlie aKo one >>f e\pre**c- »bf opitil.o that l 1‘eputy Mar- matt) 1 ir«. Hu k*p it If* v. t». || y riijld. L. pa- (juartette. surpassing Sept a \ per. sweetness the Bev !.a Marsh after ► view Mr K **l H. ho-h:* anil party from llao- iVnuty: II. H Smith, I*, t I I \ sut- hy which a thrilling discourse by \ large crowd in town k th** ♦*• «< S Bishop gathered Tuesday ti.J the !’ known reputation of >r w.-re at Coin' -rt" a l **t wok. t ’I Mt> J* (V 1 \ 1 I “Camp jdl JJjp **• •• r !»».., » h t | Is Mailalicu helti tin* close attention «d the t“ tl'*- circus. It is estimated that O N fully ► Judge F»« in’ f< r i- tag •«. *!. iditir* I in** .1 spiitnlil link lid iu’ <* i «n hoifHtii. « M del t lav v; U t, Prew- «•).*! laigt ongtegaf iou. for il was an addr* -- 2‘.oo people were umler the tauvas in the d.(. it .t > H''V N 1) ► i.i-tifi in the *h og f ige Terrv inimui** '"'r < ie- from A. <*. VS Skute. I |.« v\ i« Tiuvric. of Ham alen. .Mine »> >. par ar*:?. Morgan. j of wonderful depth and powrer. expressing aften.o ,n ! ■ * -i ';v H u. It.Hi. *r atm •■if ami >.•• I '.In in « tub* lher« M \ >n..w 1 t, \ h. rt ig* liiil last riiur- it‘*ble. lof?y ideas Distress after k t d.ru *i\*\ feet high and th. **tn in I n.|, i, ..f purity in all the rein 4 Constipation, Dyspepsia, Eat.ng, Dizziness, Nausea, < The ***> I eman,;i .g •** and n turned to granite Arm of Howard X Green .* lh< iinf to tit* Uk- i* a night, tl«*n* of life, ami with such a heartfelt Pain in the h ngth t hui fi>** * ;« in/, r'ur- N-bplmm proving M -s M..ian of ap Drowsiness, Side, Coated Bad Taste k p H.r II .Thor, wh,, li n 1 11 la >iw have opened a fine quarry on land of S P Tongue, tUip.it Mr. I hr ha.* tendered prn lation of the great of New *' on t nie* ,- » *»’ ii. .rut ettnnnnee lo tin patrons «if ih** *t. ,im- " « advantages iw —,t»* ini \ f m. }»•••• n *pH it j%t the i*t ridu t-urtu- b s i. itom a- < Sm man in the Mouth, Sallow Skin, and all disorders caused k go pa-t.*r of t he ‘ongr. ga ills and er. Kiiglaud. birth plate boyhood's 1 !«• a r* .nteiid * re. tmg '-mg. hotel iii. nt it .luvimt of h« r tm li- a! » a bilious state the upon .ioty umI who I* ) Lurch In that The 1 by of system. k plan I5ang««r Iiotnc, rendering, too, -uch graceful tii > Among the arrivals Saturday we note th* (.-..I f imp .• * :: >VV N* ■" it* e ThU i- upon an m 'It* llvnn; air. Kax»*»i. formr r.y of ktl is the VI*1h^' Is ,!,■.■ Ilo |tw H f||^ through rre*pondent, *»>- [t ufe- of | | admiration for the refilling Infill- •l*»till Stevens of Bo-ton. Miss Lou do t h I without tlisturbing the stomach or I HI rjy t n It the i* doubtful »f there i- a j Tliry otnm .ding « iew of tin* whole harl-.r for sii ii*ni. lio'v iihIi'uii ul | 4*ei s* uiHiarv. as ,.;d, r ;. rk it M * \\ ||..m Har -ingle man w«.m ♦•no of tfie V. rue of York AU- Har- flower-adorned home- ».f our New Mr- Win. Whittier, bno ets, and th. no nr discomfort se. k an or ehild in vsln* would vote pain, griping attending tti' aroun I he i«*. r th, tie**! tur- h ft thi* •' '! •**•!•»% •— n hir Hampden grand old Isle of Mr. Desert as must have of ( V :-ea M i-- and too \ of pi. hijril llh hrwf Clough It is no m i' -s r s. .. ir n',. s out to w ■ )i longer iry insides with the old fashioned pt resignation thrilled bis ll—on > e*.p|e to hi 'oiir-f n *h« For tear* v t-< t to .1. ( ott. an «».• •,• I'll 11— purgative pills, ami liny arc fast giving way to the gentle kudu i f a » i* 1‘. ID- earnest to the men and Im-«-u faiii io at* :d ! »n 1 < i' Hurrill .in i dr..nght renoi ns unbroken iin.l rbe appeal young a n fatnllv. anil.-I at ll.r II .il- r. t!•• 'Hie IhhIv of the Italian drowned at 4 mill! and III nh In- bwn m b n- to an pb " * b ... th* ruri s keep pur. I unspotted tie •» >!'!•*: > fti »* "a.iu -‘an* 1.4-' irl » I In -w Mit.- .*‘i i>mri »i..!ill a* n.u. ,H.: iinu-uaiiy It nli.11. Vug 11 was not < I it tli Liver Pills are unlike all other and are it. n- r ;• »«!,• ,-i!,. !>r,-.|.|rnl *»f the si ul w as tom Sunday 4 entirely pills, ! l.a-‘ Fre av lb.- null- * P> \Vbit temple bing in it- V' in* ii ■ longing n t.; | !•»-* I I ui !.1\ a Portland -*'!»« di; nr, t.• >11 >n <-d IIiUt of th< If' HI*|i•:!. l tht ,irc ic.ulf t akin !’. \ an: E I. *w’. „» it'- I v. V'« l of 'full *| ,I>|| I’r* -'.l,.f.i || irn-in i. I it -• n. "i oil on manv. A it i- always [ i;r\t tin imp:'* th. j res. n: mini rains -bad ra *•• t!: r» Vug st n a of the of It a 1 rt I ! ■‘vp !n» tit* v. water. -o a t*> j r*a b fr-'.ai all imh *■*. •! thought presence medicine. you try them you only k < ,.t m -s i.< f.»r it — d> *ii* ntcd. th* was lie id. In cents each or fur $1.00. St! ! L »•> M or on anna of man Ii >m 1n -h- 'f- K» rvwh**r«. Ih TlirtlV ?!•- 'll* •• pulpit pica z$ 5 by Druggists \V kns. » t.-rii_- f -r t!i- W !*•• r f«il e * •.. : v 1 g rl •»? thi- -tat n 1 ■ t -, *v D H w no l.*»l Hlwrltlll ev r.whi re or sent mail. Addrt <• ip- nniifon 4 y \ IV. Ml |n. r I- ir- I MV, In. r > I. H« I. I.. !lo is1 14 n M J. g o -. o.ing* ’•a- r* n.a.Vai IH for drawing im u- * Mi Id»•!m*v K.rm rt >n ha- f CAIlTKIi Mi:i»in\E New York 1 v «t-■ !, » m \ rrtv* A pun based > ■ ||<>U« P T >! '! 1 i. i* i.o \ y out of k t -; the as'on: s' :• v »! „• g *tb. -1--*•»!,'.led at ; d pH g to U I »a\ a new t* > Illg hugg v. timont i »t (.in I ..,1m n_ s \t I.. '»• a j» i in/ iamtseme ..■//< L ! ><>i, a ..«ir i f. i..i .i; to .i« ^ ■* 1! ♦ s >■ lit- of als e Aitcertiun^ 11v » '! I.avv- pcr-ma-iy. cl*Dpii-fu b, •_ * 1 tent cn rt > Mention thtr (ireen- tx *-iiiiiM\*. ,t I ■ ■ M »> hi-. !- Landing .lady, .-j-t ii.»n W ... k«< .*r r •■» .. n ;.o s' : f «. '■ that In an im r» d by short t r.. V doing a ipt cj sti;t*:p. l., | J. »i* «»««.•> of N.||„| II i, -pa*.- of Viq**' ■ -- a m v ■ ■ W s •• -k -m* on hi- n* a n n n« *r Arr vj f• v 1 i* \i '• f *V «i > a- 1. of ,1c1.t pi th« www^w o >At£'t-' j»n»l •tHlMftrr r*-- I, l.SA- >n >.i u* i*•« * t ! Infant i*trn*t. pledged v t rrvynryV e * *•' v t-- b a and \ iuiim-iliut. !’ *n iat-*'d In tie- morning .ig ip budding i.>.uts. iupt Uk- m t’wr-'i ! >k f .; Illustrated riluminatod Book mailed on ns rtun'ty *>• application abo\ SI M*- l * > 'U in r r- ar of John a .no Pi iii/.ens .V 1 g ami the pn-for _ till* nut II 4, "•ii r* It I! .. .. U V 'li "t.i.'l. : v lluj-orUiit ;'y H k ... m !;, rKi.lp not! n rn -r. ,r I i. r-aii-l •, iring '■*»/!• lug ld*» all V »s *ib1 al- til* y -iliug 1* rg\ l i« u*a n- f I., a i- I.otti the Italian ■ ’< v ir n hunlfli r. M thir »\ tl. 1 •u*;!j h*** i rtrf u'..*«■» ti. many v iii* i* n dm! mg tin- merry solicitor b;m-* If CURES PACAIVSS v’ !.o a i- IroAiicd the Ilth itist. were •• » *• « ii-. " ! t, ■ t ;•. t• vi ^ t i* f ’i* ;n* 1 v The M, 11. -di-L c !• a so-., v h _ .» I... a* r' •** *1. wM. and f tin i- M "null.* v a^simiiug V l*lc Man .iijr m-*". ssnrv n \.r% a;, g t \ '■ v !'!. r-1 ro|.. r w a- cal! •f 1 + fvrn mu I <- s ] is* .. \'*' f tin am >'int « »m- !<• **"• •* Mr, Mr- rti* 1 ,,t 1 " Iff I '1 :•'*%»'. a* In r* 1 «-t -'t, '.7 f, SJi-i I' ’.in- -<"!.■* ii-diceal fr.n- ■I * P ,i, t!,i- p and lb*- if v pronoMmu-d it a natural U "iiiil ii« K> I> f<*r th>- 1 hi ‘i' i:■ i V •- nip'* ure must ba. b# # n y ?■ > |ii> FOR SALE!* H gratifying •'• CURES HEART DISEASE w rlh F. ■tin m\ ti.i* ij• !»*• i. t. r -r r* < V M- V| !**t 1 !l ll !I.i:||i*”i > If.ni. i- l r< ina:ns w,*p t ik• ;i to Klls I.«11.. It urin_- iiioi. .... f » -u.'liv Mr \ .ho *.»- in.'Mil > i.f V I*--..'. ?»t minister VV K Ha-k. ll y\ t i It.-. r»r. l«-r« to- rii. *n v -ti th-iTj. Th<- * a > v «• w in ••Ut i.d M out-. \*tli!iia. Itroo. hi'i-. roup un <. by *b< tt r| 1 hurch W n in,*: < 1. I vs ||.- M r ii.i at. an<* v\ I. •; .lo-eph an >»r til* p. -b to tin* lie III-T. rod'. inv Hi- ■'?..! > f* tl». 1 lflfc > f p poind'd in r Throat uni I.mi- I than oth. »*•- ti« r, n% ai -1 utlr Ift fi 'run •.«. .t • c > aid d- the a tin die order. fnlin w ,.i a\« tin* v oil i t! -i} i ! v. \| j.. I;g VI till >i.- iv Jai.n Mr. I. Itltt: 11 i.,y amt tiv f .% »{«••*:jr kb.1 i.u« *»U» in ’on .Mg t.-rtiis .f r.-vet *-iie«* in*-. 1'h'- proprifor b .- author>/• «i nn .. V w in lijnitt on-nr okinc .. im* t t. »«*l' ! jii.I \? •? stii H >- r» u!, I- v «i .i >• ir< «• > < t x > > ! K it. k n I •,» t'. \ o omim j Mi.* r V »-g a -tin of thoi * y to the rue to y of Mr- l n.k urn- is -p* tiding thi- ..t, 11:i; I’.otr!* / pledged !. ■ t- ~M «-.t ■ I.. * ! in. n i-1. •. r* ii i mount* hank*. «».1 or.'n-r !•• » con. on of tin 111 : *. _ »• is Home. I**, o|» w w H* t , r Ha-k* .1 an f-.;»••*• M Mr*, ('ha*. to In. ii Ih m Ml* I k !.•!*! !, iif I’ll; < 11 example CURES RHEUMATISM } f,i I. .*ro*' 1- -Hi- .'•»< hi.I ? 1. 1 I 1 ftait*-«l * ** a r* h o.> by others Mie N h in Brooksv die. »•' • * liiPinziioiit nwi 'lore .'r«-»trn. U»» ^ ti«»n f r.tl.ii t.-n:r, i- |*. -1’ i|st..ijjar\ b.llca’ ry ’lt«r from nn ! i-t f.i’ in from w !n« !> •.% I Ihci ,i \ :, in I- li tic- % hag* 'luring y — •• ••• w f- ! tii .-!> r* a •! on, m >i» * .f a < ]’mlr:»t«vi "f !ur.at*ni.»in win. b A**ftri\ ll ti *ir ivbfn Mu* ■ r r v'rt pi*---: aoM-lit oh -hurt v:o ation. k i.mrniil ,..rn«* ja-t VI Ui> a: .>li *l.t k d-t a- Usual f..- i- r.,ii, 11.. .. .1 kh : lh rir .> f.» •••.. iU i» fc. f' -w» toj of »»,*• b!ir**{ *•}; j, un d d*J I A N.. sing.-r ^Iai-iii«' I .i-l. >- •" I' M. -Ill rl to linfn »U.J tjtfci> | 0*1 A k _!•.'« t. V It it *n.,.u»n * i... ;.u-:>aml a. -J.lli. iM.: It u- cr»*at ,i w .t all n* and ti.» n ti -<• mu b, .1 nr jji*r* i 1 pr.-s* ne.l J.-i t; }•>.-. CURES dyspepsia: i* t a *i*i. f1 f- «*• til l *‘f :* : rin- M ii ! M- «"*• U‘ r, ami Mr- lav, li.in. ti ;itii I M-. II,. r,. .. ffl .. I f. t n 'ii of our reader- '• '!• « s»* i \« n ** tioi.f 1 he «• interesting im «• in aJ B 11«*r»r Ko. h»-fort 1 llm oil li I*i»ii It i:»-r •• -- ■ iy ting inger *. grain ,g i>f »r M li* i* J >i \\ -• Vft a-* UliU>a**. H !•;».• 1‘-• -: •! \*i-u.-t a ih, v tl 1- l- I r. I .uiit ui tr. t '<»>, .■ •• t. rrUfti • ni’ tii >f W ! ;,i._ Hr h .. f hi,.: in .:3 "o' and l> have :--ued fre-h ni.»k»’ a -U- rt vi- t to ■> -. ■ U KIN II* ■ |Vt«nh-*rot \ li i- th* il i-oii f r * ha-. * '» f >i s 1 a -I«v. »»i ».«*»’ i*». >ir I- ’»;• | mail f«-sto" from !• .#». -I, V T.. :■ t.r.t ;•*>. «Tnij>U>ntk. « 1 r> e : Lotnhui. U .it 1 I dunm. ‘tii ai d r* ia' gia. ! opening th-nys of ttiwt w I r! ti .-.In. l^.l SI • < v i,. r .» a :* ** • ir iri'U.' of h, f u n.H it<>\ k* i i b-t "UMi n.; i. hi« ii !:•' if a \ u >. Mtr w Of* >a .; < -lioj. !*• t V\ \ M K lout CURES LIVER COMPLAINT n 11 t j.w« pc' h- t _' ."..mag reus l w An intiina' »n from l>>rd Salisbury to Whittaker. •' f: ii ;ub m .: } .*••• i' :i c VV •::»•?. I| *«f*t i» l o r»n .m nt •r I •• .*r »• v a 'Ml ► I ► i’id " 'll p *11 *. T or w l* j ;*». -elid n Uie re. o| 1 of 11 • ..Will’d »\|i- Fr.u h n o. ii linn* w a- the * au-c of MRS A ! -AW \ R ra-i-.l >. ui. J»un... 1 »» < •“ ■ ^ »* fin*ft ai .i: with *t» r* -, -n «f>v >■•!_•»■. If tc. *» I V i'T»* E lM 'lit! .< !. •! 1 ir y v of ?, yy ! tin r. in !i Tl»nr" tm A ii* I i»- of t!i- \1; ! m -t : v k* i.'Hi^ti t, | pla« i h i-!»• n» pot \ Uirintf ir^' ..f ^u**1m*« I i:'. \ .* 1 ■ ■ SI ‘IuSjii ts •• >• Ii \N -irrl." v\ I*: fi-in tin ff-.t. .f a hi*, a --ntli.*-1 !,. I i. M v. i» | h» r* a ». W'll m*-r tii,. high.-' 1 a* vv .1- fnP-mlr*! 1 rr CURES KIDNEY and BLADDER *"l« to k f"ui I *u*i tl I■ hh- ri v premium '• h -- N\ »k. !:• It •• is. .!■ I n »j.1 * a. tu« on a < 1 .a;r |. I>«fli u!ti. •lit t.ovi- for a fi A ;, rat a '■i i■■ »! v. ho k.r» >t ,4...ur* placed rea«dics tin- c.-d — Ik -ur« mi, I ^iv.- Hum > II p." irport j SIi lr«-l Himkii v of 1; \ i- '• v\ \\ ,.i u |.i. mg. aid many f* t ;n eireuinf. r* «« Ir out mnt -■*•:« t. k• lb • l>r \ /r—t \s : »u |. at > t- I*- «» SJr Vaun t, r- Vi»**w»*r ThU Omotion. Krbla' Niki Mr-. iv Finei II »r •hi Saturday night, \ugu-t 1 thr-• CURES CHRONIC BRONCHITIS I Ift. -1 -ft. ■ k'. k f ».«•! !.» f u I*.. 11./ V o. « Put.! p. :\ SIr :.i- i, b* > tio- i»-t wok ii. ii. Lome !.•*. llt;fii- M lion of It .-i. ! {■ ■-I tf r frag an* au’ H i- -•> in ins ;* w arouti-l ii« itrt.-v A j—-t»j y it Hi- ».• vi. A <./• i. .is, 1... \ I. I \. m:kiv r:»ht .*j.». ; i»y 1*. il i« I.; -• tn .. SALE! ] to FOR vv d-«\ h y.-u mhd fi-r Miff- ami hr it. nlr nit*, mini fc i.: 1 rtillt-rltm port. I n •n vi-ii t»» her p:»r< Mr. -uiinu. r % iicitUun -li fru ui- at night -pi. Ma.iiihd gh*. *. I M Kt-mif! U.Us a; !. It II *1JU !l -•••!. i "Ii faft -Tit .. !• ft a i’t tfi* M: V- I*\ ! •• Afc.. T. .. ■ ■ Mini tarn tin- U-ho’d.-r- on Mon lav one b> ;< mb*. u*n, •'[,*'u>.i|ioii. I‘//.iip— ii, ! Mi U ... j night H. in,, In "lu ; s MI.I I* fill r-4 < u-i 1 1, V« A to».»u- v ••^»isrra "ft.T>. ‘. '* 'u .light up th*- rear Mrs !.ury»\ ha- '• '. remain here unt *». I’r4-f I f h rm r 1 n riM- r _c»it l r. a. t:.,.tw i tol**r. sir \ ht-rt l.<*r«i ha- '««•!, .pr • » fc f..r "k o. vs n f'.»r To 11' vs.- w-M- II thrm j '..tut lax \ : '. a reunion -*f relatives it };• » .1,.. f. 'al• >. l. « •*•* a < (*f M 1* ft »*4.'f|.. V l* | (■■*. tin in? "'o.l !•> 1». Wi_,n. 1\ r*J> "*■» '.i-lliirm '»m I-. uni 1 t», t< :iin* « ;*. « *’ * !i p.i-"*'i h d I .st I. 11,0 oe. Sir hat it 1 i*t- H n a v«!er ! >ttv M 1 r• ;. ! Pi .. 4 1 M n t Mrs \ thvir m n l.iNn !*• «r a j, ; 1 prop, 'lift iiljrlit l***t, «ti r> >1 ftft..*,» !■ .7or* iu< i. I !n S til -nr f ? 111 o u _* h f»* VS i-t "oil «v n •.■ .«• u k i\ a. ii'M :»t»lr ah* -i*f Melik II m:ki\ y i» V' a *i VS Of IM' II IV •• A ROSE BY ANY 1.1> t o 1 « N ■ U I I? P I .Ittl* I. r''':: r. \\ h* at: !bc rn tin !! NAME 1 1 nah* t ii ;} t.s ! ii i. I '-t* Mrs > O sft 11 li. rsev her inerts puhhr •11 '1 *;\ o' k. I*. M. M.iiv III- revs’ h hr M.mr lit vp I h it \ ?.• r man v \ tub ik P t»«-r, P ill »p gratifying I’ Iff. It vs r> v »• -Is i. 0 rrp’nj*; -p.j Kin .in.t tn* u’. f.ik \rtnr f; !: * -4 i. I ... n mo .ii:. til :■ UT! •!; f % ■ f t f- frit’in l- {,. r afniut. •... », ..... I did I. m; th't w hoi. ! hav. to han* Mrs I.. i ml li,• on _t\. to;.. ,r•.l vi,-ortoth* -\*- 1. :11 \f ,, Lurv.-. for a li I'l i.m.liv, II ;l* I:.! IVo-lolt I- U- *« |-O’ a .U *ai« fl oil. I * f '■ ■ a': '1 H iitfol a 4? I r trill. .»iid tin. ev.iiin^ In tin a.."*., w SI -- V Vm rt.*n iv < luster oi wat« r 1 lies from her "ui.dty vt-iting m-r um pr*d iotinly *...!•! at [• r!\ a*. M U« Pn a '! « •• * » ■■to t-.h !.- -* n, i t v .it tie at ,-t IT.*’ on:* mu»f iv. —. tf : r- 4.t4 Sir a- V ,*11. ... ; *ft» 1 point M.ilol.-H ( ularrh Itniirtls. Mol \ i«; ! t! » a > :• \x » ii t -.i, !‘ f- !• in M k. 1 1 1 know at im •>( 1 n i. i II r*rs«J «... Mild i,^. •• >■ 'I W.-.i, A It, \N hltt.lk. K it Sft — M V mi>. *i » >1- «. Mrs lundv H It* of Malden Mi»> is v ft « < ng n -■I'iloJi'* ('.if«rrh lt. rin .lv. m;tr **loti- .-ur«- in;tft. In luift a.; oin !h n r« .• nr f t «: >«■!. < I 111*» It -t"ij v v .v .? fan for ■- in Matrv K uikliMiJiu, :i of M i. *.« v r broth- r. I'. a: fo: if.. ■, a .in n- r .n.i jtiir* ar -tat• n.. u;- »n I i: Mason, s,„uh (uphtm Mouth '■ '< I* r> ernphat. rftv i* ft*« ii « * i: ft'> « Lmn'iHv, I'alit-il:..-toi. lit h *rn«-«l a n. an l a Sir V »t g lia- n :i I in- I horv»i v ur« «.n 1*.- -|w iug w 1.-st !ia >.>r II. -• W th » o I t' tin r* !• an n p — !*« ear them ite.iit *' mark'd AKim y :• l. n \ v : r ■ Ai*hliirnx *’*»! a *i'.- ntiri. ••• r- i' 1 gm of Mr or f iik*«'ai tri| 1» >•} that r«»a*l. A .. ..•* r- i.„- j i* •• »r:t» >.f .T->h.n i.’...r’-n. v\ ,,-t, .1 « s v\ .' y rt -t. I I. !*> liotu* ami frliii*!*- t IiarSt-- NS Lot »u:f» Ka.pfi 1 r n mis i-r. glad to s.-,-jus ’r> iiim nt of thr on,j.i ,«uif- ssithout 'i amp-on, ff.-a*»*li I* ;• Ini »: t .J f pmih lr*t. "o \ii y i* ‘f« the P.1V ,! f I. ,i; \ s«i...;ng ounten *:.• again at \s •> Im... Pin lit- ,J 1,\ I». W ■ ft i -• 1 11 i.n l of i". m a ii ;• -i. l!a-r« Aiilt« »„*..*; > atiriid.ii •: ur- I Mi-- n > If in f:.- 1 N ■ a i...iay I la? ’>• *r. In.- hav r.d hn t .otiiie n i(hi. Iyr*> IU.-O.M UK ordm^ to I re; ;t m.ik n. a v *■ ng from t- n an vvfli * of i*,. )*•< rt i* iv**r* .. ! i*iig au» inlft1 1 1 \ i- *.f ttii :*i lit. It |; v| >!'. ut stee l, th* vi on !' \,:in P rt.o port! ill *-ful op. iiin- returning If sou -ii*- nrrv .u* .t\ ri. t 'ar* •' *ij try Tf M |{, f— tft V i o a -r. It.*.?,, r» » i.t ’. i. a I* 1*i- *. »:>.i )i. A -loir- same Charles Clark of ;* in '■> »f >V ■<: ^ \ugusta I. Notv. I’ I I p-u m ik--* \ NN ik. Itar II.ill., W Mi. ]» • The M^ieo of !h»- I’. i, allh-W r«»v # un lit*, h lii. .*: t. ft» t» n n ; •_'.** thr Asvti i.ition. town, also astride the wheel in ’ion*, .uni tirrv o.|,|h *« in jkr- s ou Iv*;.. p- * \v. i>»m« «tlr 1‘orl*. ;a-t vv»- w«-.i ,t!. •. rf','T in- r» inlrr* ami .Jtif~)ay. '1 *a oft>4! Sir ami 'Ir- Win M F«'\ am! Sir ami you iuim ral.lr. ; anti j.. ; hi* j ar: f tin Pr«*vn i« i\t, * Two -v.-ssels h.nde.J with a! d m T I for T th- *• :* A tin mu th •*• U t- '{■' .-tir*- !*oth. W :i H ir!" \r “••h Mane Vutt«*t tiivuiif hii-in*— f i.-ui: Sir- » a: l« ft m n 14th "i-r Mur !*u*’ii' K.ngmau \ng It ! r-.n.ai; arnv.-laf !;> wharf r dav Hi bst.ta. M II «. ti Ht:*l .1 I. I! ! \ \:.K .". *' li Pf. I «• «- r> '•* | WOOD8URV i LATHAM, If *n L. ii. IVmhro.k * -i i. I• f v ! ln v IP '1.1 uni orln uT* ■ fn.r iri — ft • nip.* lirigUr- imp tmmting l l’:inj «« WHEN «.•• w, K ! YOU CAN' him-■ if a- 1 as wilin' all hour f e.i A I I. l»* Mil*. ! P.-.rb- \{*r.1 j ’..*••! kv» :? ftii » ri# w if 4 n_ **'1 K highly .nuu/ii-s.* k«p. n* It w •: mi ur* 1 ar **a- II. ir U "n ! a’-. attft.h tin h'.na tin » t an from I rnuv at flu* *' l. Mnino. j. nt of -a!:m:i ati.p g 1 i. app* Ib.-rtol. .| \ :.K I y KlIitTV, 1 ! X’ortlnnd, ft*. !. t ». work : i.. i-.« n tig s’arted fr .in flu sum,; »' .. vftliirh .h ti« u; n < -* it- A por’ *• v. " ■ t* II*- 4« »f A i! tl ll ’»« III h. 11 ft* It thr hI.m•*| i* H M**i*■* tr-.i U i' ii. New ». M • \ ?■« ah- m from It- in# w. # k- ^ > ru- Fin* r>. ii. It. "m, .1 p. ,i. vp. four satin- tune t .»• k an I it* an*! thrnk* t‘ t r.-IJjoV tin .HIM' of tin-*.' trouhlr* l»S lb n -ut *urrnm>uoivan. Mr-, "ophroim I* ,n< of! Slr H- r\ \ ("in\s .if r I’ v ii., !’ n_. »s:.! nri* hi-j !hr b \ bark \ ubur’ i’• 1 *ow K Hi art haft•• a cl. a' n 1 Bang Mr- w s s !««>*{. fair. H* ■.v* .■ c. •. -. Mine no .asr to i:. r. M \i .. .v ftrrn. s*i *»-i: .1 ! Moot» \ rI'oi-l '\\ a n 1 ir New N » (fouid-tioro and M-vera) !*•> :n I- -f 1.1 a Mi I^*ii.in -t N. w l ik, Mr- S I. ■M.1 it fh. -on»* turn it vriv. *-trrti^th to thr part •him*' ! matter* w Hi-' a W -If : s -;; Wo: \ \ -eh • -io I • In comm, tion jtblh-- .»• »M Aver II illltlilll. Hllti hull*/ U». Ililic < vs hoir *P in. DRY M GOODS if -y I*., am1 M I S! f ( ; utoii -. has t.. r h s: h II '. \ i_ Alt' h We ar» J tl« artment H i* mu« h h .***il ft\i!!. e*! illy away from i.. r inform. that the a*:rut.-! 5 | al *umkruk'ii in ii»* a h.« ti -n *it :t _• SI ’■ V -a | | -t: : g in. ! i. l.au K V\ rilll.lrrIi til Uimlu.r.I pi tak* -ir !lu -or N ..rk pleasant -me h\ th,* grim nif-M ng.-r p!l\ " 1- to |h --U< d -'ll. 1 v nr •*; f* f th« d rtl- thi- «1oA n ii. ';. is .. t. r.v r.*J Air i.. i. in t«v tetb \ !.• vs 1 »ea’_Ht-i •• js-.and and ehintrei, l ave iihout -iru^ip.. in* I in* woinbr nm-t r* m a- 1 •; t -p> iii_’ and -uiniu* r r»--»*rt .f 4 ii. 11 * .v A .1 < i«:iini**4 H.irln.r :h* t;tn- rt!..l 1 ,-ik of i! Mr. !:-• v I .trb l-l:r 11 arl Nr V •*« ii- ! I E. d Sir M !, ii rv H i'* of 'he p s_,n,pt;:iy of friends ai d n« .ru»« .n> xtr.-ilUi iuum.114. \v*r*-Pl|t-. / |;V C. Lyon C: !i£- It'i-tnn ,gh ■ hetlli: a- t- -.P :. Il k. In « v k N rk 1 pti-hed r.ipidl) Jm \, of a ft or? In-lit > 11. ain: i. rl ft' h t,t b n- 4i -ft it .i tstk v raj ; it. ii..- '"h ii in-id her in l.gh est.-i-m o tl. r.ti -u*: oit.-.l. art r- I Sir- _• aip ; II. 'PKJI. »• P.ium till* ut- of (.reel, I. sk. w ■ n Tiilft- f***»vn U*u-‘l ti..- '*iif.ftj4' U Ml.tl t- ! 1-f. but t A 1/ |.o f l.-lk it* i—* M.. Kaiunir. l.y put .1 II «-tiMg- -vs 1 os. .1 tin* .utli ••m *. tin! ar**. flnr*-- \ a m \ \ : .i pi. « »;i I'hursiLav little Johnnie -l ed v by of the t»o«.k. and Aiil hf P. ■>!,:. y li:. to, « \\ .' f; mi hrimj t: Haul to.. 41 • .*>i'f j ft of u* 5 4 it tin i .i. ;it ii. U* -i.«;uk ;t m I,., t*:h .>i ! *ia ii i.- a j.t s'. I v it tin ... for* ih* f tvorit*• faim tin «lirinr S! r \I.ti.it 1; at limiit* »ii a v .-it larry II was in. > I \ VS •. '.it. I-, attention d the t- '• M.J. puMie tni- onmur re«. .r< h»-n« I *»f Kr> n- hinan'* I'.. |i .r H a .4/ ...ki. ! i. a -i ar- iit ii• M;. U '** th- .- s of « J* vv iia\- an I to ov. r— tin U of JUV. II 1 e!l 'he U t loss lu*. >.1.4 ■’ painting I h« hook w *• A that Njtnl '< .. •- •* ha%< an .-I u f v. te < •* *f. -r : .‘,i < .t « M> l.ifr. A V-.K ti I 1 lie :M'. Ms I». k'o .ii r:It \\. I ■■hi an pi i. in.- ( to Uir» tb* ..f h;- ho,,- -f the Jtan*I a dear little h* *v lnn -1 rt < l:f I * I to* k a *. v r. o..| an.I-utJ.-r» ! 'iimu/h k' will he for 1 »ti >u I or of n k< rr; in tin- w In- knew |m:i 1 Hft 11 *rtor l T. II# Tb- work p'r» Wit. him Sri; vv \ '•/.. Rrt-w-t. r. Bar n.i:: • '*»’-• 'IV *}•• W I > 1111 V;t'iha?*i S l|'»ol t V I’.« k ml knlm-v *. I ** ut f.«r « phy *1. 1 m. It wih prohahly he r« : ‘tv tt> m, |,p. f .k. !«•{. of tin :tr!\ b’-forft' of '••ji'i- Vug Is »:. It... :l N k V •*■ I'--- vs f... 1 u.oiiii- ej»te!uber. ft an II »i bnr .ml .* HluUikletl \> >• » r“: i*t '*irs_ Tr in N--ii|<*-j«! H ,r »..*.- to r* .mm. l. il 1»r 1 >.tv i.| k.-nn* ** Kasorit*- up »- r a- u t tin u h tin* n «»f w -■* of the ailttfu! n .r.n '..1 a ’J, la N 1.. atul aflrr tut Inif W !■ '.«»•> P.aiiK Timr-day thi- k : i- « t, r> tp :v amt tl-i.mg K Ui «l -!- p-l fiug Iranlim o -'i»rr*Ii!*-. I I li. r:i).-U i.-jr* <‘f :i.- t vs hot* 1 on%i.!or*-«l tny-Hf P«rf»-*tly P 11la: A. VUK 1'. b \ .». M .I rank limeade llim iila. that 'Ir. \tkin-. ;n'. n.h ir f the f tin • < tit | ii:> lomi'n. •..an*. ;tr* !a« t« -ujh»i nt:»• i- I ..{ i. > .itit ii a 11 r* t on I»:iv o*. V Y H 111 ■•r >. ii. ip ••in] 11 -i r r Mart n our nil. r arr*r. i- ha\ mg Out iltural fait ■- IJ.Hh.'t.T. hat * 1 igt 41 «.:•>!;- I .ant I Sat mow w Ml. I.. I'-'ikiUt. •. .f t.n I'.j; Har- *V If* A I lx v -(A >rr A .\UK !»;, JuitH N:.:., lib:, Hit'liin? Work* at Oi inn 1. ii! v i-a I.ol _v ,*ar. I o in roul.l l» a.»krtl. j a v -*.1 .?.• t ,ng hi- aunt :n p uied ini a more « onvenieut season, so r< !r> Kfk .i: ■!: ft' M K itlr« I* In. v*» «,i a Ih’ r- examine '»„■ »- •: -.ffi. f -r ti»- •} ! h h i* m»r to lit. 'L'**. ’ii- Tir.i 1 I ,\M: !■ fond ,r-..n if th i w *! M I. 1» li i-liitu *rt *av s. \>'K !••. *• b I.*'M l- It K* n. M>rr, Pro-,., rt *t* ainl oaT ru n u fh« II i-U.-n h- had |>i \M U K TO HOIIIHRS. tm P a■ 1 i.Ui. liar ll u •• f pfo; •«.«>d Hork-ther. Tl" "hatde at. \ t llarbi-r pi otlleotll. .1. K. *, i!i „*“iv* ! •..- .. -o M A m *r. mi* r : :i:»fo !*, f V ? of a\e: ge *f ;• ,.* \ ar*- al *-ry b It V In* !• •! v V* t. yield potato* Nr A N s ■ "t, f xjn rim. nv, •!.«,:• Uro »k. i»*t I'j iv;*\. il- fb tit I' A w ‘1 pi 1. "f mt t in r. .*!,'• If .... *m- al ;> > real t i.• h* nr fb«* n;i! si* u: i*man t«-l. 1. ay f M W1 \ sj K. li.n.k i:.« roi.'iare under of > th. ». ;,ii,.-;.t otfl. .... o»• r -h’* r I *. *n ■<* t!iai»‘i \ ! 11 \ II. 1111 n>. "Ui r m.k 1 1111 i.HKN l mn- •i 1 in t<- Mat ..i\ tii \ mnnher of our eitizen*. av .tlle i!i*-i.r vho: !l»e\ -J\t U«'' >.\ * M Ml. •!,. t. I. *ro 1. Tin tra*. to !h- of (i r,. n MounUisa oon to hr tin o! fv -or .. v 11 v\ r.-ii* v. | .** .hr *•_ n. ■. i\". Ii* «hi* im .hi* It ill ,tft selves of a f.-vv uj'u.g at Mar Harbor ■ ■ l;II|e f... Jit tK< V\ ',. • ‘1 3-’ •*.' Arli ■.* *» days int.o i'< is U „j 'ill;! f < Iri'-n :i»- very yir. :tml t- uo V* ‘I ttiofir I | M*r -11 ft- linim >1 I p. ml Blue Print A Ps :i et s,- »? luruig 1'residetU ilarii. s v isit Inm^H I'ori* Indigo o, k. vv f fk. v*. ai »! 1. t! tv hi,*| jii* l.,isi»t; rl- \ t 'Sir »• o o-.k th.-t*-, .; .on r. mol t h* 1 ;* m. n. *t;tkr 1 r»• »t*r r. 'l ii moll, and luak. vft1 *< > hrr*», wvlWul •iooht it for tin :n ry to in- n fr ! -I a ■ all'* Two .a-ues »|e tiii rati* Vi •. 1 i :. l.:. 1 ~- y 1 1 ** n5*rv ait-i ili.u a. r* t In* Bropl. Ii-ii vc; | p .u It r* '"v ineXpressp happy I! 11 r Is rim ^ulat* n^r. tin *111:. mil of that ":i of till- f .-ring v ; ; iu*. fn *th- r p rf. *.f !; :■ It.,-Mar- »v« r th*- f »* f that they wile ;vn »ng re *f un.n h am! Ih.*s i*. ur. vs uni ««»li» **>f!- it- 1-2 Case ><• an i- r 1m i'Ui; p- ar. (hocolule h ui but /. .t Mi- arrie. la i.liter : M-. | •: •. ttir»—*4 U4.>.-, «iiftt r*ily an 1 .r ! }«iMor.ntr' presidiui.il party ;ossing th*- ferrv tin th 1 jrt 1». rt.lm-* fVtinui.it .11. ami S', < > o- .if. 1. t*» **t. 111. Mi;- - ft .4 w *. all !*- u.. I ■ Mi p .I .n'o ton u of IT'.- r_'s tlirwln.l. -y 1000 real i a- had a »• there iM. ■ Hre-uahrm. narrow e-e o from s f ti every- r* f N ! ‘t ? expeeti-dlv 1 &< M'll. Fngli- U t..\ < :: in IbaM.iig' -n in-I ".t.||||Ni, "S i;l 1- HU; till Papers on 1 hur-dav i-t Whih t!i mr i- on tli Ml.in::- *.o-.>i. h .r K-i.t-ot H Air At-i.: :*. ■ C injury -taiidiimr on itnt! frr-t- I: I. 1;a: gh ud a f rnn r j ,isi. r. l" s I l.l II. 1st. | i. :i*an! to tin t.i*tr. 1 pins imported to n a -iM-i.fft « •; •* h.-r near t!»i' *.ft»rs! of t.'ie or^miza': W < i»** M- -: II- 11; .in a: Fra- l"i«I ti; art- »l ■I* a few of his th*- ; r* >.f -m- r th** «*Ul»-*t ami V* -t pr.-m—•» the h fr ijim ul of <1»*rit !lMir *4,u lav. m b fa*ts»i ght'-d friends with a living »*Tiption >-•. >ui n July to 'I 1111 •! Mr-. \\ lilium a leader at k. Tin a. h.,r W r a!: is t* nmlr nnr** ami in tin t nt« *1 • r-n from a h-n-t ru-'n her!..-. t.rti. lino Tr m " *. <• /'if u H ;• (| *fn* ail tin iMth. \\ vs the reverend phs-inan- F1 i-. » It*:* g!*t•-r. "lap -. oui 1- f.»: -;tl* !• v tli >!ii.__.-t- till u.«h- a' » \u. ?» genth-mau had found more tun. to ud Aug. I t. to Mr and Mr*. J. I Yp. painful, though danger** .,uud. H .1 -mr, k- .11* ; !.*■ v.. 1 i. Pi 25 ••!.:- 1 h«ittir. u- Ii >111 .1 *» vv» « k" vaca’ii'u. MU). •! a N> m-rr iv.nt -hi1.I !**• uiioig t\% the fragiueut varied au inch t, ,ur**e it la;.' >. ; trip in M me. I I *'. were -j. lv 4". t.i One lot Needle i, by * I*.. I-.. \ \ M: .Hid Mi- -I'.-Oli s u i»* a lliade. Mr- \' II a ** vv ■ :. v\ » t w,.rth t>« must have cau-ed in-rant dear*. No. r,. o. du- *•«>. ri t md 1 11 v son Harry ml 'll 11 -l* '111 »U Ml.l'l* 11 ■* i m lufiat. ai tl an ui« « Mi-" hi st of iu..ti trirmuiiiL' A I -- = :.• !':. Hi: "H Di*tri Wc-urr. M!u1»- c-vered i. mi** n m •»-. l Ki« Hay Su. Hat l.ottie Haley, have returned rial. and workm.iii- Mr. It. F. Joy who h i- r* nt v been in k»5 fifty-five f bu — -.t'; Mu1'- met 111 field on fr*»in the <*a«*t after a two month" iu tin 11i_'!i• •»f -r\!i- of irt. and to rit like m i.t't -i\ m*w- .v re in r,.. n,.t *»I•«-!» tarry. »' a'tendanre ou the < n-C*I Association will hold it* x?-■>«:at Th*- !■ V.\ I SW..I: ! I* F. Aug IT. ls-9. Photographer-' ..mention. ■ ih# r on tfi«-w ill. |i a\i voiir tin t-ur*- it _'i ..f •« r f« a day -im e. Glad to "t e them back [• i|» ."outliw *-*t II »rb«.r. 23 25. 1*b<# tin Tr i.n '<* lug in arg* «.f ( .»n-la .!• « t ill .1 .1 -- Hostiin. Ii:is return*'*! horn** uni .< sept. tin- loibiiur More j»iid >«»u will *r* Mr-. M i. \/* urn-. ; a-e.t with f-u a mat* gaum We are -<»rry to tic O "" ■ ■% W OLEMS ‘»ii\ v I ‘rai.n >f -no •f r l«—« liiori it a* i-ri. « ran he Mr- * ! < 1. rv. 1’rr service V.M.we. i Iii- ws* «: : the two M Sullivan i" >p« ,.g Hid low what be and beard. If* t,.j« r*»\ hied aeiiing Monday evening. 233, fairly flying ! 1 hr-»i .•• l.e ! that f<»rni- Lil-w-.rtli 17. 1'•> li. v. I »r. Ten tie j j the the in thr Aug. \. \\ .1 -- \\ he a f* w friends hen shown country. lotf nu Ml Ii. tier. aiurtiate. F I Whit ham; •i »tingitish«-d iravt r- did not mind it in tti-r days among • hi iiiiii u -- K*»r .11= hmi-*lf with shutter. :,.«iii* 11* ,u>* H. F. Frobo-k; ; were ‘he and that Mi. Samuel F i' 1 '1 Jennie II. .. triplex j-arty. hope \f >i M; r. \V hittakt r. hotli “l 1 -woiili. cheap it has A. A. I .* V\ ; alternate. I:. Jca-?. are doubti* -- r a*l\ to bear vvit- *1« I; \t Will l.e tie- reV.-TSe u its trip!*- movements, which w: ! take a Tur-I;»> evening. J They meeting Mi." Maria Kauisdcil from Ma-sat hu- 1MVT <■ IV Y. I r I'iea-' >r t!rr-. 1' — to r*which w d in olve the of ’• lure in 1-2.10 ..f * -* ■ L. Xantou; W« i" her 2.'k*. Ores.* hood- lor U < KKF I I V. >! ! purr- -ond. H* ha- heeu visiting aged nether, Mrs. Pol- h«i »ii'>i- you frbei fine \ alternate, H. W. Wedm-hy '’ntr« and the -m •otlmes- of th* running of game am! other connections. a- 1 >U*<1. taking pictures lately and among them -r; N-rtou; ly Dyer, that tired and all-^oiu- feeling. lb> I I, lie. and 20c. Press Roods it.-rolling stock. -ec-etarv >.n hi- nr- I b** camel Hancock evening. D. P» l'h* dan ; a: Tern ate, <( .Phelan. Tracy. •! new tw a fHittli of Bitter-, it will make Obituary may Ifall. ju-t after tin* rival Fhe dedi it »n the M E <’htirch Sulphur 1n this* Wedm -wi eveuing. In-.-am. i he "Band of have new a mw me. iiy, i> Hope" "iuging you feel like person: it did ■ lor 12 l-2e. l‘r*-s ieutia r* t. a!-., S-*dal service* ‘J a. m T. at Bar Harbor and the Hanc.e k 1 nitarian i/'-ttuury m/tiren bey the JJot■ A. me awl ; a hue vw of the Tuesday, leader, Ho- gu**-? of senator Hah ami remained at a j j book" and manual for drill. We Jennie Hoi me>. at rote oi o VN ■ military n.mit/»•/<«/ the ten cent.« hue. ill >. W s :3o v M.. J. S*. Moore. The Pines. ui!»r*m e at tin- same took a good- .» ‘i n-\1 tit Li in-t.. after * summit lions. lireco Mouut.r.u. and th* car Ross; ednesday. until tb** in-xi day, when he re- place, that our folk" v\ ill ti" 4 Trcinutit street, Boston. hope young march to — turned to Bar IJarbor. number from here there the past week. We-t Ellsworth Aug. 11, Mr- H.tllie K w .■- on the with iu ESSAYS. ly f. i,*—. Mr ! r V -reven- He railway load of a— the front right lfv* for w1 fe -d Anson s ami passengers While Mnil.M «u and W. W. llainil- !y temperance Cunningham, aged 2 year* and to w extent shall we BMiop j w i- i, j? -!t u ibur .: o in fe tending the mountain. 1. How hat preach —4 a n have arranged for a at Dw»d 13 -. apt .No di l.»*i ! of th* ill-fated banker -; They picnic day the < «***-»— ion were enjoyed on otn |e. Mr. Her-! ■ ltie doctrine of Ftcrual s I H er 15. ( of r. ri: < u r* r* -aled un- scriptural j ••William r*-l!.M 1m-arrived at Bu* k-i‘.>rt. bi- ley Point next Wednesday. I'*!•*—Aug. Mr*. iara, wife —<»ueof the great event-**f th* -eason in of Sin? o. H. FcrnaM. Di-u-- | ford Mr and Mr l)oh- were ad- quetjee* botiu aud the cn vv arrived in Peabody Theodore aged about .»> at-. V re W Boston Sl-mdiv w*« wa Itray. CARPETS til J*in»Ui Weill V -Ui. « in; II be IkCJUUC had an are a Wh«n Bahr sick gmrn her Cantorl*. this city was the and -uec* — W. T. K. L. Xantou, S. B. Sweet- I mi.. 1 on the other A ml all : There number of eases of 1<*. very enjoyable hy Jewell, night by steamer ••Carroll.** In an iiit.-rvi-w oppor- whoop- Aug. K ithieeii I... -laughter of I*r. j as low ant Arm In Maine \\ «■ I n r*--' !- Hi « m ii. r. .■ * M -:«vcu- m» ser. tui.itv to the Nation Chief" as he It is uot a severe but. will When she wm a she mod for < Frank and ( 11 > a -ail ,tl. = ful “barn-racket” at the faim of J. \V. ( apt. Lord slabnl that up to July *g.v! Hi* v had j ing cough. type. Child, astoria, Fdith M< ollutn, i_'*l month- rpet- in pie- h \ u 1 a .m 2. I- the Ministerial Vacation to be ami '£> lefininii-Urr. I Le-c go...I- tie t!.«■ :tr, mad* ! <■? th*- mo-t bon »r- ( Necessity? su« i-eedi-d in getting about three hundred came tlii- favorite seaside resort. bad for those who may be attacked as When Ha« day-. pi oombs. last Mr. < quin- she became she to ■ Friday evenfug. on rub** : * clung Cutons, ■I lla I «.t heii-i n u ... A A. Lew is. Discussed hy \V. Haskell, '. ta.- of No. Sedgwick— 1:1. Mi-, l. -i- A Katun, urge I /• ii Hie nun.no- w re fish, and the morning of Ju > jpti. on cold weather advauces. Mr. and Mrs Aug. ; ha- ju-t a new and i j Last Sabbath Mr (Jill a most ex- < Whin site Lad she iheui < tes of f ine Hr: I- rll» t- ai <1 -np« ■> completed very handsome Phelan. b* low. fie iioti.-ed .% ••* vv gave Clmdreu, gave aatoria aged »34 and ♦» month". going Charles Gordon’s has year* = to * #«>U dsboru <•!; -u w atv- pecu'iar a-bing** baby been dangerous- carpet marie \\ are -<>l» agent- >i .' brought inlay lien- '*arn. and so a 3. Rock which Christ build- Hi- elleiit -. riiion at the on f«*r bad “barn-re Wet" of Tin- upon sound. He ni.-d ••* hall “Sorrow by way I imiticdiateiy the pump- I ill with it. mxl shall !*»• plea-eri to -Low tin in i= = *- ly fuio .u r\ were *uidu< t**d church. I-. A. 1 artef. D‘*cti--cd IV. T. two tin on liavid's at Ale | pj.qnib t>y dedication. The novel event w l>> found alxmt feet of water in the hold, and dead" founded grief w anting a choice efleet in wn carpet celebrated S. A rev. lb v. -f itnr- 1* N - 4. done growing e. ed* J iu rbe Pure wa* »i i to r* -t n tin eriicten where hie making pump- -tick, but a- it ii- many tin*- sermons, this one particular- ern of the State to re- Linen (rash Ye. per {*le Umg by Invitation t«» on evil of Sahhath 11. L. Fr»h**« k. part recently help yd. present help the Breaking? was blowing hard. tl»e water soon ,m- not to < *’ j very came liome to the hearts of liis hearers, It i- the time .•inf>.its Lot it k ir 1 H* :i~ iefl i**d. :,d ! Ill a -ick Discus- i D. B. Phelan and Dunham. ly move his brother Edward to the Insane "ra*-k»t A New farm hy meueed tin in. an I k rid «v Ellsworth Price Current. to ft .ki one « a England collation was ! gaming upon »n>,ru- to those us w have buy # Lufi hieii t, •ft. "hall w e the c airn* of in inging comfort of ho ( For two or more he has w b v\ ui :w -u e. me urn tb** .,f a press vigorously ing. 2fith. thev w. re Asylum. years one «ri< re. A _• ti »■ 11 served, which no Dean-. tbel«a-t July obliged to flee to the (OMlIIAtTM. J1 IA 1. IHHW. proved, by the D. H. Sawyer. Di-cu-sed sat in silence in "the chamber over the been and we hear that ids case k nd bti->*aiid .>:»•! indulgent parent. Superannuated? boat- ami at -ix o'clock that morning, the old j deranged popular part of the evening'- eoj*»y imut. J. F. Haley and J. T. Crosby. banker gale.” The “unselfishness' of such sor- ; it* TRAINS RUN DAILY, SUNDAYS EX- hy disappeared fmm view -inking at her considered hopeless. CORK ECTKD WEEKLY. Laundered A l iilamulered we to each j ti. To what extent ought -• * was never to us in so clear help mooring*. I fit fi-hing d»*».u»*-r *»n* Louis" ! row presented AS FOLLOWS: W hut is * .i'<«ria ! -On Monday evening la-t the play “The other in Revival Work? F. F. Whubain. CEPTED, j of Itootbl'iv. vv ts about finlf a mi!.- and ligfit as iu this dix-ourse; and many pres- Two “night blooming cereus” t.» bloom Arm st 21’, 1889. I Shirts. w away BAK MABBOK To ItANOOK. 1 \V.*rldM a- at Discussed W. Lerutoud. Weed, .p *i. I' her roe ion presented Haiieork Hall, hv the j hy Conley. took the erew on hoar*f. Wood i i*nt were healed ami comforted the at Mrs II L. Smith’s and Flour- Mil*- 5.ft» ♦’’••flee lb rip! t'apt. kindly by to-night, eight per per .25aJ8 Fa-. Fa— Kr’t. Fa-. L g* ? iiN*b-r w iv. 6 nO ! s It mutate* neither Z Little company, in a most i a and lauded all but one ut e*lgw i« k. I gist the house and Ii i- ;i ... -u :.*r \ u-g >ri drops, succeeded in shipping «>f Air- S. V Bermis were beauti- ib .*•& ■ 53 *5 m»oth■>11g ii| .i-thi If i* }deu-ant. Havey. apt. I'eter- j ground- 2! I If- guarantee i- .irlv -rs' us.- by iuilli"n» specially the cast- cunt-book flying, while Cantin^ stone needing «n fully lighted, the occasion being a “Nas- ] Fnmklln Road. • at In Wlemoriam. pork, tU.PJ Yellow l\ 7 15 11 M 2oo 5 *1 •v y a id. no •> < .1- -ir**' — w .»rm— ah on-ul St. John- -* nt th* <-r*w to K11-worth.... per <*f a-'c-’t and aways floating on a raft in mid-ocean are res-' Halifax lurtium the of the, lb A'-Sa.lu quarry. party” given by boys Veal—per Maple, .Ifta 25 Ellsworth Kali-. 7 2" tli 50 2 |n 541 f*-\ei >!m»— :t-t«>ri:t per steamer Bounazarine. w hence ( apt. Ia»r*l 12».IS la>s prev.-i-t- vomiting cued a j aid of “secret M*.lasses- per B»l-- t. It 6 by passing ship. The company iu this vain*1 village in their organize- \ Reed Fond *2 45 06 India Linen Itemnanis w*ur ur-i. cure- u rm* .i —The extensive which are home by rail, the crew taking the "Car- Beet. Corned- per It U*ia. •* Havana. .40a.45 and wind colie. improvement* ami IlFAlKjrARTKRS I V-MKS A. GaRKIFFO •• 57 tl2 84 1- ** 22 was under the munag.-tneni of Mr. .1. roll for lion.” Ice cream, cake lemonade were ) Plate. m Porto ICico. 50* 5ft Holden. 7e. i. 1 a-torta re lie v it* lc* rouble*. eurea eon* city P. Boston. Tlie old banker will be much ■" «> only per par thing made at the A. O. I*. W. ball. Bucks- Post, No. 46, Department of Penobscot June. .• 1" 12 3 45 42 being She while was aflame with the Jerked, .33 Svrup, 75 ! Mi ion and flatiiieu \. < a-toria a—imitate* of mi—ed. ha*! been a -launch craft, titi- sold, everything s 3o 1 10 4 o5 Tot- pat Forrest, Bangor. room in the Maine, G. A. R. ) Tongue. .14 Syrup, 1.25 ! Ba.noor.ar > port. make It the finest society free as \4aple The food. * gulale- l*e-t unach and bowel*, usually from accidents and a veteran in masses of such gorgeous flowers gave lt> '•*» I" Ib— Rood Table Linen j B Vie re us. It 1ms the Com- Pork—4*er FniU—per HANOOK TO BAK H AKBOK. ft.\ -Last Saturday morning Irving Osgood timber* of the fourth floor have hanking service. Tld- was her * to a sum phased Supreme lb 10a.11 15a giving h* net nut urn sleep. < a-toria i» place. The fifty-ninth trip name thi- occasion. Quite little Lard—per Fig*. .20 A M A M. I' M. P. M at 25c. ■ to the Bank-. mander to call Comrade Benjamin Nutter from Pig’* !b U4 Uaivin*. 12a.20 the children’* panacea the mother’* friend. drove hi- cow to pasture, but could not find bees * ut nfi and carried to be uaed as collar 1 In one of her trip- during the i was netted, but ic* outsider* are not to Feet—per BanGok. 5 50 7 35 3 844 5 15 j up active service here below, and to muster lb .08 Prui.es. .oft We have just received another lot of t; -e war her fare of fi-h sold for Last him Trip*—per Penobscot June. 6 03 " 17 3 42 5 2* I her at night. A hunt was commenced and lasted fd.GOb. | know for w hat It is to be Hams—per lb 14 1 auiariiuls. .10 beam*, making the room* four feet higher. ! purpose expend- into that silent army from which there can be 25 H 50 8 59 5 341* spring Capt. Lord had her thoroughly over- ; Mutton -(wr lb (JWa.Io Lcuiona—per h>>x 5.00 H-dden,..6 tut Jrmton. until noon. Mr. ed. K. no discharge, *6 40 H 20 *14 6 Ua Patent Rockers Tuesday Osgood thinking The hall Is also lengthened about twenty feet hauled. new sails ami wire rigging, etc., ami Lamb—per lb 10*.12 Oranges--per doz .30* .35 Ih-clS Fond. Fancy ! Resolved. That we. the member* of James lb 26a.25 Hay—per ton Ls.iS*al»>.n0 En>. worth fc all*.. 7 06 'J 55 435 ICn-u'h Iceland -in l bride have been that she might still be in the pasture made a by carrying a partition back that distance. The hoped she was good for many years vet, hut i Butter—per at #2.s5 ami up L’apt A. Garfield Post, No. 46. Department of Cheese—per !b 1 las. 14 H.»> Seed— per b Ellsworth. 7 15 lo 10 4 89 6 80 A v i-it to think- a butt must have started well under her Maiue, in t \\ t. recent <>na hi* parents, : systematic hunt afternoon and found entrance is the ante-rooms on tinat Eggs—per do* .21) Herd* Grass, 2.25 Franklin Road,. 7 27 Ih.to 4 4!* Tuesday changed, being bottom or in G. A. R .while deploring the loss of Comrade and Mr- N han Leland. the garhoard. a- during the two I Klee—per lb .04a. Ked Top. 1.50 Hancock. 7 86 lo 45 4 57 Ash Chamber Mr. her in a thick of bu«hes with a the floor below a* i* also the hull, now for the Nutter bow with submission to the Great Com- -50 Antique Sels.$20. clump sprained banquet j •lays* struggle, they never got the water low 1 Haying Is over and Pickles per gal Ck»ver— per lb .12 Mt. I>*--*-rt 7 45 II oo 5 u5 6 55 inander’* will. .50 Kerry. Mr- !> ’. ».»k and of ankle. w to Olive*—per qt Wood—per cord-- .. daughter Wreo- She had been iibout w ater and food These change* have been made necessary by j enough hear the peculiar rushing sound j meadow. The weather has been bad since Bar Hakbok. .ar«80 12 00 5 45 7 35 Oak Hall Resolved, That the death of Comrade Nut- Craeked Wheat—per Ib ."6 l>rv Hard. 2.5oat 5«' Stands, $12 A Mas-., are here <»n a visit to her which sailors can in a up. thuin. for three days and in was the growth of the societies detect bid leak in a dog-days came in. Potatoes have lieen Oat lb .'<5 Dry Soft. 'iJOOtOM r>topi» on signal or notice to Conductor. consequence quite rapid meeting vessel. ter will leave a vacancy In our rank* that no Meat—per moth* r Mrs Roxalana ami other The insurance was light and it i- so is a Meal—per bu .50 Coal—per ton-- These Train* connect at Bangor, with through Haynes emaciated. very struck with the rusl the prospect one else can and \evt there. a fill; he had bu 50 6.75 Boston Style Antique Chamber and friends. heavy loss to Capt- Lord, who was her sole it although nearly Coni—per stove, trains on Main Line to and from Portland. relatives small crop Although crops look well, Meted the allotted age of Barley—per tu JJO Egg. 6 25 —There wh« another alarm Norma! owner. three-score years and St. John. of fire —The Castine Alumni association bu 45 Blacksmith *. bevel Mr. Na .ii'ii has recently return- Monday has been bad weather to harvest grain. ti. yet we shall mis* him a* a comrade Oat*—per 6.5©u7.5© vmr. City of Richmond leaves Bar Harbor at 10 Sets, plate glass 1H\I0, Haynes Cotton bag 1.90 M — evening a little before leu o’clock and this time was at Camden, the 12th. under —The fourth annual and mourn for him as Seed—per Lumber—per v m. and connecting at for ed lmiiie from sea and is having his new incorporated j re-union of the 2»Jih one that is gone never bag 1.25 H.OQaJO-OO every Monday Thursday, j $42 worth #.»0. It is rather doll here with Short*—per Hemlock, Fortland with morning train- for Boston, there can be no doubt as of State. compared to return. Fine 1*0 10.00al6.00 early finished the work whatever to its incen- the g«*uer»i laws the The following j Regimental Association will be he hi at Winfer- Feed—per bag Spruce, *»-If you want something t<. eat an it k boils*- neatly being what was when Mason «£. Cushman lb .Orta. 10 and leaving Portland at 11 P. m. every Tuesday and it oper- Resolved, That this for one our dried—per Blue, 12-"0a.«.Vtx will sell a -• an The fire call of Apples, at 7 P. you good barrel of Kl.ol it f. s H. Davis, diary origin. started in the are the Dr. A. A. 10, lvsc — or on arrival of train Boston done by Mr Charl expe- shed of officers: President, port, Sept. President Walls iu a no- is be that some Green—per bbl 1.5oa,3:- >f com- Resolved, That resolutions bespre.nl A good safe use ts for *ale at Maine for permanent encampment, it by pv-asura meeting your Fish—per lb— Brick —per M ft.0Oal2.iN> quite «•••> uwr ktr.opg them the j on our records, that a be »ent to the fam- the AMKKH AN office. done. Our citizen* are much excited but copy I»ry Cod, USa.'Sj White Lead per Ib iHa.Oft over the voted to add some feature of the Chautauqua rades, confer up*m them the favor of once H\n.-.h k <’oi ntt Pub.Co. NOTICE! Messrs. .VIcKarL.iui an Ee^ami nave j A conference over case of.our late and a sent to the Pollock. i«4 Hides— per lt»-- Ox .05 quite not what long the of ily comrade, copy event, knowing to expect next: but exercises, a committee to the same more greeting before those un- Salt—per cart 70a *«b Cow, .rt*> Kliswortli, Mii\ 2N, 1WW. tf22 a uncut and a- the weather at arrange you, they join Ellsworth American for and 1. Met havi quantity yet J Mrs Maybrick was held in the Home Sec- publication Dairy—per box 20 Cali .50 .«6> .My wife, Mary ,|. crime a lookout will be and no the in for Skins.—green sharp kept pains having been chosen. The of the asso- numbered who bivouac the river. hall draped mourning days. and my home, without ittniitiaMc i-e. proem extremely unfavorable for hay objects beyond retary's office in London; it was reported thirty Oil— |«*r gal— Pelt*, .75*1.00 any | the Present this notice when J. B. Barson Com. Linseed, .65 Tallow lb hereby forbid all persons her on getters make rather slow in spared to bring guilty party to justice* ciation are social and The old on- * you buy your ticket, ) -per iru.-ung tov ac- they progress literary. that Mr. Matthews would recommend that lOaH JOB as « and secure half fare. executive com- John <• on Kerosene. hough. 02 PRINTING, count, 1 shall pay no hilts of her tra. -ting :,f. same. “Pure is Notify Staples, harvesting the | cussed ness” the only motive which campment of the society will now be enlarged the woman’s punishment be to Blackberries, .08 Tried. .05 ter this date. mittee, Winterport, Me., if you can come, and changed Geo. C. Hall, ) Res. Com doz. 25 ITth. Roy can be per Wool—perlb 22a.2s ■"•'KM' E. Mtli< Aug. thought of for the dastardly act. and Into the new association. if can remain over penal servitude for life. im 1 KH merge*! you uigbt. Aug. 17, Sweet Potatoes per lb. .05 American Office, Hanwtk, ;=*:=. j Aug. 9, f -NEW- 5 A PUBLIC SCHOOL IDYL. A y/SIVFORyKD PROPHET B. T. RHEUMATISM ^ BANK SOWLE ’ f*r .Tiara (San Tvrrniy-Nv© Year*. —A Osat NATIONAL — BURRILL OOONSLLOR Rain it cram it in Pi win Smith written to ! AT LAW 1 00 YOU WANT Hair in, of. Gold has plrto Recovery-—The Tirana I s©«l. Ayer’s Children's heads are hollow! I aTATK sTi;i Vigor the London to tin* Timet, I had Inflammatory Rheumatism. For * STORE. 1 ideal*' Hair-dressing. It re- U'ggiug England nearly MUSIC Siam it in. it Ti c most lor tin* least i jam in— 1 had to Uj ME., goods ISstores the color to hair beware of woman which, ac- year fed and turtnd l:i bed. I could And OF ELLSWORTH, gray ; promote* Still there’s more to suffrage, -o—-— follow; mo ndief Mr stomach was ruined and cut to pieces BURRILI. RANKER.) It so to L. A. a fresh .ml \ igorou* growth; prevent* to him. lias worked _(SUCCESSOR TO CHARLESC. money? go Joy's Hygiene and cording very badly with powerful medicines tak* u to effort a cure ao the history, formation of Astronomn in this he that ( was c< j* !h .1 to lira on bread and 'I,si. harness and trunk store. He mystery. country Englishmen, says, water. I RAHIM...... »«;.1 "',7,l*» f«imi-»» money of LEKITIMATE :•••» |.m |k«m to w dandruff; makes tho 11 auff- redf rt five y.-ar* tn this I was In. for EVERY USD lork It... H;»rlH,i.aiMl Algebra, istology should make themselves way. FILLY KQIIIPPED Hm*4b*n w ltl» I The »ttbw< nU-r loan* the slock h.iirsoft and acquainted to try l»r l*a\i l ill ItiU has largest and silken; I.-rowdy's Farorit# Remedy "Ui-k l m lUMIIIWlr .WT-.,, I, Latin, Etymology, the ... with the American Woman nu.de at llond Ihlnjrin xXO and •* experience. >ut. N. Y.. ami wh,re,'> '* lowest in the market. imparts a deli- Botany. Geometry— j u. t,„. prices cate but Greek and ; suffrage has been tried in Nebraska lasting j*cr- Trigonometry— I Am Now - «• Well,_ I'Uiu*. ami Maciunw Harnesses of all from fume. Ram it in, cram it will be news to the Nebraskans) Paid $50,000.00. chine#. Or*»n«* oH grades in, (this thanks ‘.a this medicine. Dr. Kanmdy'a Tavortte Up Capital, GoverumnUAiau “Several months Children's heads are hollow! and was abandoned there. It is still Is U-«t .. aiJ(l 6lo lo 640. The best is the Ih'i.Mvly friend. With it I am enabled to ago mv hair com- under trial in one and the CTd y !»irood -tit’s rest. Also food, such aa meal Lumbermen, Business Men. new. — MerrhanU. Municipui menced it in. it in Territory, and We solicit accounts of Bankers. in the end. falling out, Rap tap ja*!ry. which 1 haw hro deprived of for yaara. respectfully Bonds. cheapest result is a refusal to it else- and in a few weeks What arc teacher* tor ? general try sh .win* t it *. ao Favorite* *r AM‘ Wem -tr *u want » factory harness,he can sell y«»u paid Remedy haa no espial for n' with sound Banking. stock of Violins, Banjos, head was and others, and will extend every favor consisti A "•‘•two, .uiviim* In the Mate. Trunk* <»f all my almost it it in— where. The adverse verdict is the ***' f I -I •*; n a-. 1 as cheerfully good M,.kT(1„‘".Al.ls Bang in, tdap Dysr*p«ia well. If Music, BOl OUT ami sou, .. l»al«i. I tried nianv ary > I d- t t',:i Sheet What were children made for? an statement I will send the Guitars, Mandolins, Agent fi»r y- more localise almost • > kr of and it has measure ever Mr. Glad- al».i 1 *r< d f •/ t o mail 38, MAIN STREET, ELLSWORTH. years, always given Children's heads are hollow ! proposed by phywi, one. Dr David Kennedy's postpaid. >\ BRYANT BRADLEY. HANCOCK if*. tne satisfaction. It is an excellent dress- r .(•> IP wm or mu- stone. This, from an ardent Tory, is mttly resorted to; not because any t^-Can furnish any music COUtm ing. the hair from turning h > a* l-c«d in but prevents Rub it in, club it in the utmost of dis- | it. Iss-au.se nothiuir els© rev. COltllESPO.S DESCE I.WITEP « ure insures iw vigorous and possible expression n. d All notice. Tho usual Six IVrl nt. InvcvtfiHMit IMhmiI limit)* gray, growth, All there is of means tj medicines had been tested IMS Bic books at short — Keep** the white and clean.’' learning *i'l. i.v.il Tbcefh kw %* J scalp little a Punch it in. crunch it in. approbation. | short r-f ralra- to teachers. A. Salem. Maas. cl At ? > discount Mary Jackson, never suf- I i* •; ah© had rwalmd their childish Nebraska has had woman ■tr**rurth. SO INVITKI*. 9% “I have used Hair for Quench yearning **’ * '■ t i.> tr aUnant has »RIIK"1*‘iMM Bank. Ayer’s rarovwrad.— Savings fully THE NATIONAL Vigor For the fields A bill is promoting the growth of the hair, and and grassy nook. frage. municipal suffrage la, ot, .Unsay. N. Y. 1033. NT %TI think it unequaled. For r**storing the Meadow green ami rippling brook ; pending in its legislature at the pres- ESTABLISHED SO. I«. M RI I.t. hair to its original color, ami for adress- l»ti\c »uch wicked afar! thoughts out time. In the “one t■•! H < -t Wyoming, Or. s F 4 i.tniurm itisj. cannot Is* Goo. Teach the that are Kennecy surpassed."—Mra. children they ! Eaton where woman is still y La Fe\er. Kupids, Mich. But to cram Territory suffrage M. machines it in. \ »\ JOY. ( : :: f»«»i v of < lt\ DH. nuin hi \. \ FRANK J AV. f f>A VIS, I'rrn Denomination* of $UH», Hair Vigor is a most excel- under trial.” a formidable of “Ayer's Bang it in, slam it in— phalanx butlia Mkt '■ lUrtMir. Hr. II.INMI. lent for the hair. il per u L, Bar prc|in:at}on 1 apeak and 1^1 r i> r r i \ * >• * llr*t of governors, judges ecclesiastical lvrfW mortgage- of it from my own exjierietire. Its use .‘-cold it mold hii«ine** In in. it in. ppt|M*itY promote* the growth of new hair ami dignitaries to its good effects, NKWH I X i» m.idi :n exu *. of I All that can swallow ; testify J AS Kl‘A Vh. fifty make*, it and —ft The is they -o g’rnssy Vigor and the advocates of woman 1 V that Fold it in, hold :t suffrage and Mason also a cure for dandruff." .1 W. Bow. in. mn i: i< k wun. s — .«*-«I -t f.v -louMo tJ»C n, only Mill there's more to follow have had a out for Lightning ii nut an-a'*o .lirwt Editor Enquirer. M* Arthur. Ohio. standing challenge rzmwxmFM “Bitjns- m Mi t- Faces at d sad III “it »||N f'.will !• .(1 aii'! m of tin-« oju “1 l.ave used Ayer's Hun Vigor for pi’ic.ied and pale years to its opjauients to find two j»er- IIIeS ! \ ! X 1 Itf X A 1 l"X \ I Tell the same tale t1i< pust two \em**. ami found it all it <• umlying sons in the whole who wiil I \- Territory Correct for all men. suitable for nil OCCASIONS and ()( (I r« po nted t*» Is It restores the natu- Tell <»t moments robbed from sleep. clothing lor to causes the assert, over their own names and ad- in JIBS. ral hair, hair Meals of FKUIT SI,000,000 gray untasted, studies deep. TlON's. ipiy- ("y The BKST everything < v Th|» l.aiik tia- im. Miff. re* I mil I’MI'ISi \>ll -I IT 1-1 to _ fre< and it soft and w dresses, that it has ly, keeps I i'C who pa-sed tin* fmnaer f had any had results W !h •! If.:*. l.« .1 r t* through. 1 rx-rp!' larg. cap AIi" M. V. Cohoes, N V. -r-. *!!v■; :• p I>ay, With brow will tell to you AND 2 QUART »H'I |*i*i*I Itr- x .,i' It.,, k Main*- Th< man aching whatever. Prot. (.oldwin Smith PINT, QUART Mv at at Mint the of ought father, age fifty, How t« at •' 1 !■; ii of ismjMTvttlrf l»u«tne** the her clammed it in. lift' oim- ti» 0~ o \p« or. the nx. -to nt of top. Rammed it in. iammed it in. •. \". r "ti. m* nth’s trial of Hair !•*» ! w in real .-tale Ayer’s experience, Indore ha undertakes to run I .7 «lnli;tr \ A’runt lied if :: p- m lied it in. it where loan* arc m.-oh igor the ha;; tiegau coming, and. in THE GREAT I Commodi Rubbed it others with it Dinner. Tea and ><*!(« tbe y*-nr .!«• t‘.>iit|Mtny ami tit* cun- .:»•«• month**. h. had a tine growth of in, clubbed it in. I acquaint It- iii ig, ip. cennl.lne to I lit of the n.dural colorJ. Cullen, Pc'-cd if iud cati ssod it in. >oine y* ars ago, another u*«! in If W ! * v i- opponent, ntor» lk.u.R alt tt.at .i.-.iaMe N A t •• Tin Ware, Saratoga Spring-, Rapped n a: d *1 d it in a member of tried l*» make Sets, Lamps | I tat fr-•• any -i*e« uia .tpp« Parliament, U» It- .-.It**r-*. an ! w "n ii " li their heads were i-t 'l.tng* ? of flu. tUHtton hollow' a woman out «»f PHEPARE TO BE PLI' ASKD. vl*. i. * a |w>int against suffrage flGerman elr. tt., -t"i Remedy! year. —/*iic k. ■ ;«»«»»•!• -potiilf% fiat tin* _ “the recent defeat of a woman suffrage 1 « •* •> «rnr totixot FOR THE constitutional amendment in the great ( 1 •!. -. -tor- are lux It* .1 to In DIXOLEY OX n UrEHAXCi: TTTSICK.| III NEVER HAVE BETTER GOODS BEEN SHOWN. JtllH* 1st. Isl. In r. M, I UK1AULD BY State of < Hiio”—a Mate where no such ftllious Hpell* r*©•*© wftMMNtSi In UnlYBrsal CB0kni£ Crock ti'*i fiti kIWrri K.* nit k Rittik* »il H NEVER BEEN OFFERED. Dr. J. C. Ayer A. Co Lowell, Mata. amendment has ever been submitted. HAVE GREATER VARIETIES anil War. 1st. S. <& J. ADAMS. < 1 * it o ri Till N'.Hf "M IS TALKS To Til K AN- m Kor rookin_ -mliim •' :»n*l pri j-t-ld t.y sad Perfumers. The triends in Ohio are to m. irr fat!*. re seeking IaTRUTHSrvj——— NEVER HAVE PRICES BEEN SO LOW. burn «>n Mu-i-. al in-tnitn* ut«. !».«»'' i*l',r Kllaworth, M«v i*. I I»Lost 111,1,1 s (i'HiH Tt.MPI KHH. m-l Maine. secure the submission of one now. ■t hatttrclnnd » < ri >«i « onfet tionery Ilangnr. illy I. in*- the un ited|T an.I p. ■ 're in*. If **••. n*. i.t.^d «(irn t.-u -•* rlQnriu Mr I > emnrke 1 One i** t say to these * gley in beginning really templed ■>llitt| U HiniiUs j* Imp critic-* hurst Earned gentlemen, in : that it if ! a l be* n any other p -pular parlance, II • wubjert Tl ere in n«> r | »• iiH'i n j h • n wnieh he had ««■ I FOK SALK. «o y bee: to he should hate ktow so much than to know munv engaged speak 1 -MBIT'S JLIT3D BOYS'- ... that are not so. .\I tell that lie must be excused, a* he wan things S i

    1 « « hate had HO' k « »l ST "'•lilted try w itcl.i? g hy the In-dside of Englishwomen municipal ll since it } | I M. rr‘. k T'm-et < *T* {•<: -.tie a • ei who had \«-i 1*69. and has 1 1 1 Cents’ Fur- >mp.v taught been v sj. k. suffrage proved I litni tk-nl >t ills Clothing, Hats, Caps, h’iv* f Timber Land null t»*« :r uilil -o 1 v> Pufctlirr a <*ause that tin* same _ ___ r.lll ■ But in lik this h. f.di that unobjectionable right il proper!-. »:tu4icd In h.n.l, u .-r line it Knot I swwcaiiixl « *• was cxieu tew p steamboat it.«. t..%* n. <>n the read |.m _• t .»..** 1 he roilld ut a w rd that led years ago to the (ompany. -ay lie should 1 Goods. M > in flr-t .*»•<* r* pci ant \» •»'•■; .i u Uh >- nishing women of n.-.ni l-id. as .,"".1 ”P .< I the m.n rot art do it. 1 fn< : lhnt s,.\, ut <*f Hence, |“I- " in-l'Ti IiIihT’ *.n»-?-*r !• ► e\erv ... limi!«cr, It. If. It-T-.m 1 »• If is ii tn be Our beauti- Summer iT'C .• Lithe ”k.- in ••!»>•!. .ird k;' ••• x -Mingle inne, niit-*m:*t.- ina.IiltM', is .t ! I k •! N If a et Ivor ‘•The to ’l-i tint u I- m ful stork bright, Iran ami fresh and consist* wholly of the latest and 1 *\ in.i hli.4- -tare not-Mn. t»< nit f->ur Inch '.'if* -xi'-at; b i*.|s an : in wi!| he likely « m suit g i. .should says. English j »•• I'.-- fi Mi 1 > j 111 1 MUkLK -.1 r:• u 1.1 IP* »r SALMON. KlALIBI T. III! « _ raon ! urn! ..• J V- II r .C. i{ »■ .iter m «re bv own j | pop styles IV w*»i h you ismi't resist. No ju- their — experienced tho*» engag* ! in judge experience ■ .* nrt'l, in f\r-t i-« -Maj- lloai*1.; ^ I urg< temperance woik •j 1* ,b. ut a « ...... a -c. r». (■. *'id dicious biiM-r < ,iu ell If best i* for « >> H’l — than liv \ L J*4»-. i». 1>«' : ■ renew. 1 x*mti !>-. j temptations. good euougli you II \DIMM k || ■' fOD. > the ■ ■ k KL, urged '■ >rl. ''tar I I f. #t **f wh *: -:n •!*• Slid TUgi :t, i.tlftcanil I » t!. X u f»g* <»r r 1 .... \\ vouing. Kai>as. or B stmi r«n: » :--r f"n-mv « !•••» ! into lighter* from iinjs•rtatice of hti Iding the *• iitnueut th« Krrnrauf k -nth, up i In inti.* m> »»■*«*••« an -si. h ilftlu .'li.' lot if full. of A I* r Slosh Hi v k w m \ND LOIISTKRS. an ! Physical s-tiilty. •? total ah*: it fin- > un *.,t\ th:*t thev h*‘s!th. wh-» arc a tn if.h .m* iiurk.tf"! i- umU-r. is h and -Min .ii>t km nvn» \ r f fi Mi I »«*• in tin* u*e of temperate ah oliolic o ■*i t.t-iii it lurn u- -* H M | _____ B L U E H I L L. ! t: 11 r« !•;.■»! a: !:»n 1 at a !<■« figure, and Y/Z/.V'r >0/ IK D Tin* M U S 1 Far" M 1 r. :»• term* lie:*-- .. i.n; .Ult t!.i -I M< p' OOTTsS MOORE ^4* I temperance ♦ *.. -* \ 1 |.w VI t T. f u *.«• t**r- -r -i >i « hi*d; is I t VI,. IV A «,, ttmlvrr. Use ! aleoh'-ln t .. re .»n l.e 1* (ut Rii.| III IMiln. It, » ...» -Itt.. M. -- « liquor* the \ client articles calb1 i It «i M. at .1 <- a n-; fr*-* I!.. i.* *f Chi 'p-To -n "ii or Among n, 1' n< w ing received a large and well selected stock of ad*In s- rnp!-tc.liav just A out on tlus side ot tie* water hy the yr W nrm >I'UI NO < »* >1 )S, whii-h are the N< MiHI KS T V I.* -i % <- a* lion of the tmg frrrtn hngllsh R«-m*>nstrant*, ■ ww. ever brought to this ami a ( »- •'•iatallu'i Kn.-r*. !.• ixl 1 I ti n.af.-ior. will r-.t .- deal with are tin tis that pity, drinking igc« was an editorial in the New York THOUSANDS ior W irit, ,•> — M vail l i e intlueiKvs of Av >11 uu-ki ! rri 4 1 i. ". Hamlin. pn drinking // -o •1 '*■ »•'*<. w hi it r. after re- WHO HAVE »rt ;x >.f -teamor fn ?n Agent, psp, work. It r. «!..=• p a**iK,late* <*n \ ou• ig men are «*<• J ." I : I 1 x at- v.,t. lay almost affirming its own steadfast iovnitv to PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. .l.nsr. euit., u ... i it; r. tfl > Maliir. rn.i M. Igvpt. irr* *!»:ihl*- flic man who irt*a» (•‘1*1 al- the cau*e. said : ■ \ .it ... k i. yoirig 1 Ff'-e. •••.» 1»i in !{ to a*s»H.*» I -■ anti r, Wt: ! -• ti. In g- ‘-.ti. w i- -,t*.f ate •'Woman i* not m* re k-i!.hr«l withcompnn- suffrage the M -- •!.'■« t I; k .an ! xx :tl. the l-.FCOLD AND JEAtLL! FOK SALS. '■s w md dg. it. drink. will alrn sl SUFFERED. A"’ Ii- ■. Is root privi «ge f voting. It means a social LI'WIS from tn*> Nation.» M.< c.»i FRIFND, ESSAY on NE p Ik. Uoarl li.x,\-i.'r • he. ko.J fMe K-t.C the it, llet-ct T H > -I it« 1 on eiV I ie for tna P«IZf rvvolutnc a !«•«'• n st run urn <*f *•, * Hu* k sport *a*1. t- :r e.J;.-- ;r < j-t**m H<*. PHYSICAL DE BILIY V. I .ntluein e* of *«M ial cw-’t-m* k-.« \ 1X Iora XI:, g> |; I lire "f «*f indul- >n a It ne * ;f DYSPEPSIA. f Aa-U' t I higher prim iple. ■ ■ X" 1A 1 I h- l'rx-ai*. an I \ g» t. I.' .. k : ** l*L N Mi HAIL. nee it' dr.i.k ,u. in-.-t on — baneful all \o,i will the word the noma BUswoztb, ,lf Maine* 4i» I*" ■■ilt' h nh. Me permit HslATlT*. N£k April It). 1 'Vj 111 r» \ «.«•!»> w i.o don t r« -1st ■ fin ■ sr. »... their M roarhrn- **f >1, tv. I: is not woman who TV.;r I hr. I A Atwood's \(, il. izing Ritt,-r* trvl I i.-r. I L • 4 Hie mistaken notion that her entrance into Ih rt drinking l»y political life will M MM nly ,»<> I1-- .» *; r.-j*l .. i u. '.Ukfl. » to v f »n«i I ki for lidh's hi la it at «ociul etno\ tnk. the mould of a- it n.j \ss4‘>m»K Notin' leading young men astra\ woman, ?4be will not lose thereto j A/mting Brothers, by h»^h-y f *•!.. r.** Atwoo.l'. Ktltt. r-. \N e want to infuse into the N \\ TT ill mind* of her distinctive attribute and charm, our* truly, n Haui'Sk. 1 M :i7 >i v i > s r. our the * rm :i: youth great danger there in but will infuse into .be social state the oVin It »• ¥ t. i• V F V' K 'TT, M \ \\ a**ocin:it.c with those in who indulge warmer the disinterested- I** ir >ir« F -r 1/km sympathies, r \ A;>p**t,t«*. i. ,4 h hahits. I are not 1.1 inking how good ness. the moral enthusiasm and the vt- tin in. wood’* lilllrr. ail I n,'!i.i).- r«-m. man an he. it he ntmues seu.se -f array *f “• young may profounder justice that are lrop*H.«:.w mpty •n’P u, rny faith in tut rmkIU »-••. N r« t r -1 k to t*s.»ci:tte with of drink- w Sr%ri.ty thlnl 'M’nil \nnual MjiU in.-nt, -l.owlng companions characteristic of her manhood. W NEW GO W. L. DOUGLAS tin .omlitl.i; of the ( Jan. 1 ■*•■•*.» Y Al inert. \ I'OIMO OPS 1, fr» ing ha hit** he will fall "lOpAQ}, <4 into their “In fine, the movement surely for woman < 14 i: \v v w *. a«h at>lta!, f 1, ia»,il>n m W n<»w :i\ n k a full lice of ay is but a of the CENTLCMEN. 1 suffrage part general $3 SHOE K< ntv•" f<>r Ke IntuniiMv. «A..’»7j 4.1 1 y r: -tu in \N e must educate the voting in our drill of modern soc tow ard a B«*»t in I hr* world, ft minim* !>!• H' ^rvr for ai. ,>i1m IJahtlttl. *, I »:, iety higher *Vo» «.| M | NI II \ n l» sft \t ft |» siioftU h me ! Srt surplua. «tVi/AS 71 dg. and chur-hethat alcohol of satin* than that M INI II VM> >> U I h \UI I sill >| pi iueiple organ up- » i..v> rol l< I \ N l» I Ut M > ICS* sHOft.. a and I**t»l A«WU J prison nothing more, and on which it now rest arid its great ■ vi >\ii; \ mi « \ii sum. Ml t 4(1^1 ail Men’s *:..*.*» W OICK IM.M \Ns slim. hI ■'ll1 uhl not he MM \ UY or AS>KTH u*ed except under tin* li«*H i the fact that it is an li:.UO mill tl.r. urns’ S( HOOI sHOft*. Pants, importance nltr Hi.it, « Working ’; value Al! ::fc W *•„••• »«. I t. and I.are. {too.|par dir* li'.n of an in Intelligent ph\*ician. f'-eutial »i«*p in tins revolution- a #h4 #i v*..r^ : v. the «:une lU.ml- am! In-In* ilrst way that arsenic | ! Ituproi lu-n 1 teid sometimes in* used *av In tin m may I woman’s i'ltn-4 of Vw 1 rk ami MAH larg, syiiipathies and finer S3 SHOE L A CHE S. ! Mrookivn, «.*,>«•>'» -l.11". >! '_!■'. Si..”'*. S1.7.1, and .’?•!.<*<• here to on of seieuce that s. ns, of !*• jht pair. lay authority justice may peacefiiliy ac- Beal Material. Beat Style. Beat Fitting. '•taU' am! < ;tyr it,unit. ’•I.ii*' 7 *- t I -v writ*- j the ritinned use of alcoholic i* If *oi d«alrr, I.nan# on 'all, ,|iat• li*po«it. .‘.v? These are made from the best uf stock and are not remedial beneficial. Po«sildv it k pants "The Church Cuiversai ! —that was W. L. KallnuMi rat M«>rV*#fi Hon-U, 7 • _* i> l»«- CT Examine Douglas S2.00 Hank .in ! Trint 1 M,* k->. a great trade at the we otter them. Ilau* also receiv- may iiee.h d occasionally. tempor- 11o fiction in mediaeval times when ompanv *o-,' price Itatlma.l an ! t«a* ouipany if .'txs a* a medi' ine under the Shoes for and ladies. « a ■.erancc work Church Universal ! it will cease to be (. It. Agent. Han- Intrrrtl, ju.’ol Young. m i* the | All other Property, widc-*pread impre«*ion among a fiction of mod.-rn times when society cock. Most Successful and Most Pop- tic that y. p'-ople alcoholic liquor? are is reconstructed on the basis #-V«irt»l Carpeting consistently (lark eA Parker. So. YVesI ular in the Market. HEM Ml IN -v VV \ 1.4 .rrr. Pre«l.lent f it medicine. Range I. Ilk «■*>..*. I.im \ i, AND good of justice Hnd that whi h j «• |*rv. v. fraternity « II OtI.E* I. If \ ll are ! will warm Harbor. lint.. \ v« > cold involves. It is to woman that Its "rent * they justice -’iperfority U nu. if arc you too warm thev will cool wt I«»ok for this reconstruction. It is I.. K. Ho«li?kins. Lamoine. ky .ill experts :m I the many *h<*»iamis liUKLM V. 'IUH. AmI wli » h thi in use M i.I •WJVLXj paper y• '!. many slight ailment* arc j>opu!ai- from her heart thd the vitalizing force Jvrt nil:'.* .»f the '•ry l»«st materials v tle*rm"h me- l>elie\cd to Is- r« lic\ed must by liquors. ci.v.l. It i- bv her active • m: WITH j.r pir- j ii \V warrant the Ko\al I ‘-is err*- neons belief mu-t la* eradi- tuipatiun alone that the great work C larion t.» e«»inpri«e mor<- improve Ohas.C.Burn'II.Agf., cated and the to see • *«»• nt> than ELLSWORTH, ME° p<*ople brought an be itchieved.” THE FORUM. any «»ther make. We furnish that alcohol is not a safe but th-rn with Plain Cabi- remedy I*he movement in favor of e*pial 1»^D net H nr l ow January l.at, should he Used H' as i^p, Top llot BORDERING TO MATCH. carefully other f*»r women owes much to the right- Closets Klevatnl Shelves, Kml like arsenic. // W«* h.»E* SI..E •• 't llr. t* EE ri «•' W! 1 69th Semi-Annual Financial Statement poisons for many timely w<>r 1>» Tank, Wicket l>«or and Pedal tor ( ASH we are selling cracked CORA and MEAL r* -.e t: I *i:i M w ltl> .e e work must be carried iu * Tact, Temperam spoken their behalf. Not the least -u; -. ipli MJ t«* f! l*E» ..rth Yoienean f**r attachment. In every variety «>k niK lor ward <*t th* I 11* m a :;*'•?'■» ir li • •r*»! v> w ant* ! u Vi us bushel. WHOLE (ORA lull at (Mlels. I more agencies. is its constant of the fact T;,.-pi; Kv.-ry Kan:*** warranted. per weight principally by recognition ••Hi. t-.riMM' *t \m- r; .in *.v f in.: Law alone F *r >ii hy all ri r * lass dealt rs. Man- will not do the work, and that the advent of women in f*. E ll!l •!•„* I* I* rt lit' T" Elf .'*• "f t.i* polities ufaetur. .1 and lea Hi.* w rster- d th* e r. t If „•:%.* author a f.»r sale ky u<» iuan ha* a higher estimate of the w ill lift and not drag Women society up, hi f PHtENIX INSURANCE CO., THE ONLY value of e ■ •*!*..• I'. \.*w Hrr '<4-l -.*■*• temp.-ram laws than myself. nviih' the F<»i*t M tfi Available for fire loa»«‘«, 1. «l7 17 in Chole«a infantum depend wholly legal agencies, Peoria, LaSalle Moline, Rock Island, In ILLINOIS Dav and Teething we shall lose be without them ! What a and Ottumwii, De* ground. souring I Ah Kftr.LoWs Onkftlootsft, Moln',rt1 Wintersot. Audi.: i: A Assimilated Food Bluffs. in IOWA Minneapolis and St Pau MINS'1 Quickly curdling there would be of the milk ■_ iii and up Ta-h on In am! with Sioux Falls, in DAKOTA Sv J ar. i for Dyspeptics. llaml, Bank, -Cameron, ; —The recent of the most "f human for want ol an out- MISSOURI Omaha. Falrbury, and in N F PL A. K A Consumptives. reports kindness Nelson, I mu-! ■'iaU-4 a.nl >lal*: >Un k* ami Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville, Abil-n*- CaJ .v.. Convalescents. careful life insurance show if there were no little cherubs to companies let, IWmmIh KtVMlo (1© Creek, Kingfisher, Fort Reno, in the INDIAN TERICTOmY A Perfect Nutrient that llaitf .pt Hank Spring*, in the mortality of beer-drinkers i* care** and be foolish over. Often and Ht.^kn, 1 ,'«o on Denver. Pueblo, COLORADO FI F I- I ir all Wasting Diseases. .... and from Mi*eellaneou» Hank hu« k.4. .4. Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchins n. an*! D V H' IM limit .Xi0j7.fi* Requires No Cooking. IMjUUTS often when entering, with some mis- or jm.ration ami KailroaH hu* k4 an«l lug Cars between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchins vast area* of rich farming and Keeps in All Climates diseases of tiie liver and kid- the a new t,£«V37uou grazing land* a.1 a produces givings, uall ol place, • < of great 'Mint\. lt> ami Water lb.ml*. lutAlu tw Intercommunication to all towns and nti.'r for oar Thf Cabs The and southwest Crun neys. plea tlia; these drinks as a heart ha* at of a Heal Estate. r\\ .y,^ ju of Chicago, and Pacific and tran.-tucoui.i > my leaped up sight 1 Ajro Kiti'isu Ij«- IxMtna on lo <. "1 later a :* FABTS,” niAiksd «« u> acj address. beverage conduce hculdi is not sus- woolen a rainbow of tiny lrootee, very lival Estate Eoann, 7»ri..V*M*i MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAIN tained the tiie ...... m,-. um Ul by facts in case. The on the waxed floor, while .Z.AH Wl all Doliber-Goodale Co., hope, lying Leading competitors in splendor of equipment u medical examiner of the Ancient Order Organized under .»|*«*ctal art ■: Maine, appr«*veil free from dust Through p diman Boston. Mass. the of a wrecked tin train, with Total Cash Assets, 147 17 Coaches, sight Mar* 11 .»Ui, l-v-’j. Tine Chair Cars, and east of Missouri River' Dining Car Du 1 of l nited \\ orktnen. at the last annual an without funnel or (olorsThat yrl^irrn engine wheels, ctherSMUT pes Moines, Council Blutfe, and Omaha, v.u* F held in New made UAB1LI1 IKs. North Platte, Neb, and between Chic it*- > ami < rad meeting York City, has been as welcome as a -ard of invi- and Wash out Pueblo, via St. or Kansas n.\ T a statement Joseph, City >; to the effect that "three- tation to a hall is to a I C Stork. ... OO < ash Hotels meals at young lady. apital f .10,000 rAnr Capita!, |» furnishing seasonable h< -V CKftOO Sliarew. par value each, •■TOO idauNr ll*»«r\u f«>r California Excursion* dally, with CHOICE of R ■ > fourths of the deaths in the order were God bless the ! it is a better lr*N onli Outstanding laosscs, jp j;», j.-, baby '’“stv*1 fur lie Insurant «•, 4i.» Ogdon. Portland, Los Angelos and Fan Fi due to to intoxicants; and, unless a tonic than all the ever adver- — BY LINE and from Pike's Garden -i u-G 1 Lead This! hitters .MADE Surplus, 1,172.413 4.1 Peak, Manitou, ums, and Scenic Grandeurs of change was made in the laws of the tised. -Using Colorado j fslIE'E ft. A M IlKlM.Ks Pretddeiit Total Assets, 5^1 <47 17 association, a state ( has. ( Hi kkili.. VIA THE demanding higher The baby has a mission and fulfills Treasurer. Total L«»»* PaM si nee Organisation ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Mku in s. an mi. ( lerk. of < ompaav, of sobriety, the loss would be even it ; it lias an in life and accom- #24,0*5,483 *3 Trains dailv between Chicago and Minn- : object with THROUGH ieCoioTs-'iSWES »». Reclining Chair Cars FkEE'to und 'ho-- more disastrous in the future.” These it. ever hdi.Wl President I: MONEY IS SCARCE! plishes If it becomes neces- Kansas City Through Chair Car and bet we *>n !*• •>-rua. Sold by druggists- I». W.( Sleeper facts to be so ALSO Skiltoii, Vlre-Preat. and Sioux Falls, via Rock Island The Favorite Line to Pipesto- V iiiL-t.. m 11 irools A. ri.r.lingly for tbe next TS A VM ought spread broadcast, to thin out the I 1'IUfc.CToK* •I H. 2d Vice 30 sary population hope PEERLESS IIRONZE PAINTS -6 Mitchell, Pres’t. town, Sioux Fall*, and the Summer Resorts and Hunting ar. that ail see Colon, (f**o If. Burdick, ! may that abstinence means the process will not at the small Daniel W. Brewer, Bar HarUir, Me. PEERLESS 1. \ I MIRY Bl I INO. Secretary. Grounds of the Northwest. begin C'has. K. tiaiacar, Ans't >ecretary health, economy, comfortable and end of the human for I allirm j Klthu T. Haiuor, PEERLESS INK POWDERS h kind* 7 Colors THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offer-. 'a. | hup- | race, S. II. PEERLESS shoe t>D lltUNLss travel between Y homes. If Kodick, DKkfcalABb Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council 1 py the wage workers, im- and maintain that there is not one i ("has. ( Hurrlil, Klisworth, Me. I’EERLLss h>(i MLa—S Colon, Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansa.- City, Minneapolis, and At. baby Kverard pressed with this trutii. would enroll too in the whole world. II.Greely, lyrio __For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, apply to a:. & many Amo W. King, Office in the Goods or Oress United States or Canada, address Trimmings, themselves abstainers, much of Hutson B. launders, among Win. F. Desisies, Kast I-amnlue, Me. and l — SHAWLS. LADIES' KEATS' ADERWEAK, HOSIERY. the and of the world Gcu.s ask them Youxa. C. C. E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN. misery poverty Every Halsey .1. Boardman, Boston, Mass. BURRILL, Aqt. John 0*MT»l I',L Qen I Ticket k Pi» Arf*o- v. can a would cease. Here is a field in which bird watches over and cares to her Shoenbar, K.uinjer OHIC/Oo, •.» t ryiiiing that be found in rtr^t-< la^- and Goods Store " Dry Fancy Sidney M. Hedges, will be sold at reduced our greatly prices. church temperance societies can own nest, though the numbers are so The of the uImivcemu|»any is now offered IjU __ to investors for a limited of time and until ELLSWORTH, MAINE. 1 <;t-< f Sateens for only 12 1-2 eta. 1 Case of Percale. work. In this we commend and the tumult so excessive that spat*e connection, great further notice at Sun-s ripti'-ns to the same Coeliico Print. .1 Print. par ] Indigo the following from the it is difficult to conceive how each gull will Ik* received at the following plan's Bar Temperance Harbor Banking and Tru*t ( Bar Harlior, can her own ompany, | Cause, published by the Massachusetts distinguish spotted eggs, Me.. First National Bank, Bar llarlmr, Me., Bur i UK SA LK! SHEETING IN ALL WIDTHS. rill First Nation- THE STATEMENT op THE Total Abstinence : "The iu the midst of so others, National Bank, KlUworth, Me.. SIMMER Society peo- placet! many al Bank. Me.. and the office. SERVICE, 1889. Patents Klisworth, company’s want more similar iu size, anti color ; 2*4 >t Boom 4tt. Boston.Mass. tflH CONDITION OK THE UNITED ple tcmiierance teaching. exactly shape Washington STATES -+> ++ ++■ ++ +d- There has been a complacent but alto- and when at length the young are BRANCH OK THE HAMBURGS ! gether mistaken assumption that every- hatched and are swimming about on The homestead of the late James fan-jit*. amt Tra-I* Mi’k- “THE i Patent lui-li «„•*.«* oifim tf.i »..j v knows the loch or some < ■ body all about temperance. We crowded together on I pavilion; W. Our nfi* ii 1 Davis, corner and 1 pine Franklin him- *>«» *uli i« Front C to 12 inches wide 2d do not hesitate to that one grassy point, the birds, as come ii/rtii -, I Jor cts., half say hardly they cantraiixaet i»aU-m u-m. -- only just price. EAST MAINE. BANGOR LINE. streets, in with the ! total abstainer in ten could au home from a distance with LAMOINE, nun thorough repair «»>T than n r. i, •• pass food, fly .lone Commencing Thursday, nth. steamers will Semi : leave Bangor, furniture therein : also one fuiHlt-J, ■lr.»-iin>; ..r (' THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! examination on the and amid thousands of ones dally, except Sundav as follows: AND of the hest Ion. W physiological rapidly young Eor Boston at II \.M. a Cainden and county \ l*»Ok, “H'>W to < P base of the even find Lumoiiie and Mount Desert Rockland at *; and 11AM temperance reform. And, at them, until they • reiu-ea to a.-tmil .int- n. \n. looking For Sear-port at 11 A. M. of farming tools, situated in the town if are their For Fort '»*ii,»ent free. A hlr.-- the ‘elect’ not well grounded in own offspring, which, recognixing Point and North port at 6 \ M. J. H. McDonald. Land Co., Proprietors. of Surry under fine eultivatien, cut- j faith and doctrine, what of the multi- their pareuts among all the other birds, RETURNING TO BANGOR. 1 From Bo-ton, tons of One tude without? There has been a dis- receive the morsel without of the daily, except Sunday at 5 P. M. ting fifty hay. fine fami- any From Rockland, at C. & 00. 1 This hotel and cafe will la* completed and ready touching Camden, Belfast, A. SNOW continuance of, and even an little creatures around to accommodate on the 2Mn of Sear-port, Buck-port, Wlnterport and HamiHlen horse,weighs about eleven hundred, outcry hungry attempt* guest* day June, *> ly Freedom Notice. at a M. on the first of vs i-: the 1 wj. It will lie conducted on the American and daily, except Monday. January, 1*0, Is a. follow. opposite Patent against, temperauce lecture and tile i to the each waiting From Rockland, at sound and kind, a ing dispute prize, Kuiopcan plans, under the management of an ex- touching Can den, Northport, good worker and Notice is hereby given that for a valuable con I tel fast, <>rt ASSETS. Nevertheless, it for its own iu perienced caterer. The cuisine will Ik* tir^t- Point. Buck-port, Wlnterport and ^deration I have given to my minor son. Willie E temperance meeting. patiently parent, perfect at 12.30 Real driver. Team class in respect, and the ap|Mtintnient* of Hampden P. M., dally, except Sunday. Estate, uivsiiss.ro wagons, i Cousins, the remainder of his time during his mi was the of : confidence that its turn will come iu every Ixjana nn carriages, temperance leaching fifty both establishment* modern and convenient. The ROCKLAND AND ELLSWORTH Bond and Mortgage, Institute. noritv, and that I will pay no debts of big con LINK. IjOi'kMiw harnesses, Ac., Ac. to Maine Central that made it us due Pavilion is supplied with th« purest of J.0O4.IS7 V, Apply tracting and claim none of bis earnings from ant years ago possible for season.—Science. sparkling CommenclngTuewlay. Jnne 18th, steamer Blue- ^tate and ( itv 'y""1"’ water from Blunt’s Lake, which has an altitude of will Ibinds, xa- a., after thisdatc. WM. | hllL leave Rockland for Northwest Cash In F.C’OUSIXS, to secure we have wou to- over two hundred fiTt aliove tide water. Drainage Harlior, Hanks, Tit u 2 GEO. Witness—W. W. everything •-Bth- Deer Isle, W. PITTSUKIIh MUM. Rragoon- and arrangements an* Sedgwick, Brooklin, Other admitted Assets, DAVIS, 1889. 3w32* The officers and veterans of the —The Department, of Agriculture sanitary perfect. Bluehill surry ami VfcViVj 71 at H. Kranklin, July 11, day. situation of the historic town of lamoine as Ellsworth, Tue-davs, Thurs- E. Davis' \ The « ami Sat a carriage factory, '.l>VAVI has made au exhaustive day unlay at (about) 6A.M. OFFERS EXCELLENT temperance army arc the ‘cold water investigation a pi n e of summer sojourning cannot lie excelled. #8303311 !»i Franklin It* elevated and attractive location, RETURNING- St-, Ellsworth, HH--i subseri I »er hereby gives public notice to a I ol of the sparrow question. The invigorating liabilities tfti Collejre preparatory. ciimernel that lie has l»eeu boys’ thirty years ago.” \ English climate, beautiful drives, picturesque scenery and From ttlsworth at 7 A. M.. m:il. common la) an*! mu-n-.i THE duly appointee Mondays. Wednes 1 conclusion is leached that this Uith land and water make and •n himself the trust of an admin sparrow easy accessibility by days frridavs, touching at all landings. Unearned Premiums, #2,968.4*4 79 both aexea. >«ri>n*r rorp-* j this a desirable resort for those a retired *'4'i r"r istrator of the estate of Willard W. Bragdon. uu —Hon. Wm. R. is the of the to seeking MOUNT DESERT LINE. Un|>aid Losses, 429,119X8 U'lftoa Momlay. Sept. of in the of Hancock, deceased Sessions, Secretary greatest pest century retreat within a short drive or sail of twenty min. Perpetual Poller L Sullivan, connty | Commencing June ability, 336313 83 bond as the law directs; he therefore of the Massachusetts Board of farmers and that a concerted movement utes’ duration, of fashionable and rhanning liar Tuesday, 18th, 18*9. xtcatner All other Liabilities, by giving Agri- Mount ( apt W.C. 229,.‘t*4 ll CALI 10 VIA Pitt«h«-H- V> |-t“ all who are indebted to the sak Harbor. Ijesert Sawulle, will leave Surplus, 28 3wti of Both Srieii ran eater on and requests persons is an ol its extermination l>e made. Bar Harlmr, #3300327 MikIhiIs am culture, enthusiastic advocate for should The staunch and commodious double end Ferry daily,except Sundav, at 1 P. M. ▼lathe deceased’s estate to make immediate payment at Northeast after *rpt. 2, 1M». steamer Chester W. Chapin, will tie on the route touching Harbor, Southwest Harbor those who have any demand* thereon to exhihl and that the is In ten it is estimated that the and Green s #6,963311 91 dairying says creamery [ years lietwcen lotmoine and the celebrated ovens on Mt. Landing, ami connecting at Rockland and Academic Studies in- the sarn** for settlement with steamer- for All Business taught, one of the which is to a of Desert, distance from shore to shore three- Boston. SANTA FE ROUTE, and ELISHA F. W’HITAKER. things going progeny of single pair sparrows only Ki>r Sen! Hurl cluding Short-hand Type-writing. Quarters of a mile, and will make trips between Mir, Mi.mlam ami Thurwlays. C. C. Fortnightly Excursions from East Maine Seminary, Sullivan, May 8th, 1889. «• the New farmers I will lie the recom- Eor Sorrento, Burrill, Boston to *ampU of pem-workt etc., tent frte. ; emancipate England 33,614. Among the place* named every Cfteen minutes. The estab- Sundayg. Agwit. 9m-i 'ataloguf. 1 Kansas, Colorado, New and i arc lishment of this ferry up land Old SmoflSS and their wives. A creamery in his mendations of the Department the practically opens RETURNING TO BAR HARBOR. su'iscrilier hereby gives public notice to ai communication lietwcen Lamoine ami Bar Harbor, Mexico, and California. BUCKS(pOnT. owr, town, started in June of last enactment of laws the a and From THEoooceraed, that he nas been duly appointed year, j protecting great affording pleasant interesting carriage ride Boston, daily, except Sunday at .1 P. M. In •i -. ami has taken upon himself. tl*e trust of an Ad of Stf miles mi Mt. Desert, amidst some of the From Rockland, dally, except at lollee. Rev. a. F. Chase, Ph made the butter the first month for northern shrike or butcher bird, the Mondar, Pauper tithing comfort and ■—. uinistrator of the estate of Mark Gray, lateoi ! most scenery to be found in the coun- (alxmt) fiA. M. or upon arrival of steamer The*- magnificent from The Undersigned arc ooutrnlle,I and t,v Mount in the of de cents a on a Lamoine can l»e reached the Boston and Boston, at Green’s lierel.y gives notlre that he has managed the Sane, tv I>esert, county Hancock, (our pound make of ! sparrow, hawk and the screech , try. by touching Landing, Southw est for MAN h« ouly Eastern railroads or lioats Bos- Harbor and Northeast Harbor. of Ellsworth for Urn map-, folder* and circular- full '! " retail other ceased, by giving liond as the law directs; Maine and by from of the S pany. giving K' f in be*, weilthl SUUIbe.: pricers a hundred a and six which feed on the From Seal !«>rt poor during the information regarding ala-re. also FA LI, TERM CoMMEN' A rare chance ’■efore tu,.ptie.i b!' liayinent. any Washington W* »£SL S. W. theot^** Safe Mol. Aoorea. exhibit the same for settlement. there is no ueed of a out- of all laws which afford to II. C. Main St., Bar HENRY T. wRhiut we are not troeerneO be on'to says costly protection St., Boston; SprouPs Block, SANBORN, Agent, Bangor. mno^JTTL?-?ten he hlnTAt MANNING, Ohio. C WILLIAM II. order, wl.) pay for no gooda so SAFE CO.. Ciaciaaatl. ABRAHAM FERNALD. — Harbor, Maine ami Fountain La Val HILL, General furnished. New ALPINE I fit.—Maine Farmer. this Lewiston Journal. Avenue, Manager, Boston. England Agent Santa Fe Route. 10, 1889. «wR* sparrow. East Lamoine, Maine. HARBY *' »e» «mS7 July Ellsworth, April *. M Washington *»., Boston. J#*Mention tills paper. j vr3j