

129. Wikler, A., Fraser, H. R., Isbell, H. & Pescor, F. T. 130. Wulff, M. H. (1959) Electroenceph. clin. Neuro- (1955) Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 7, 1 physiol., Suppl. 14, 1-173 (The with- (Electroencephalograms during cycles of addic- drawal syndrome: A clinical and electroencephal- tions to in man) ographic study)


This is a group of very weak, slowly acting 132. Glatt, M. M. (1958) Brit. med J., 2, 1100-1101 (Table II), some of which act by releasing (Addiction to unrestricted drugs) . In many countries, they are nearly obsolete 133. James, I. P. (1962) Med. J. Aust., 2, 277-283 (The and not readily available. A small number of cases recognition and management of addiction and chronic intoxication with drugs) of abuse can be documented for (S 70), 134. Kay, W. W. & Copas, D. E. (1959) Lancet, 1, 1097 (S 69) and (S 67) and a (Carbromal intoxication) few cases still seem to be occurring in some countries. 135. Lehoerky, T., Sos, J., Selineci, L. & Halasy, M. They are not known to cause physical dependence. (1966) Ideggy6g. Szle, 19, 161-176 (Experimental All three can cause poisoning. No reference porphyrinuria and its importance in human to abuse of the compound ectylurea (S 71), which pathology) does not contain bromine, was found. None of 136. Maynert, E. W. (1965) In: DiPalma, J. R., ed., these compounds has had a thorough evaluation for Drill'spharmacology in medicine, 3rd ed., pp. 169- liability in animals. 187, McGraw-Hill, New York (Chapter 13: dependence Sedatives and I: Nonbarbiturates) 137. Rossum, J. 0. van (1964) Ned. T. Geneesk, 108, 1217-1218 (Masking of organic cerebral defects by REFERENCES addiction to carbromal) 138. Steel, M. & Johnstone, J. M. (1959) Brit. med. J., 2, 131. Candura, F., Favino, A. & Pozzi, U. (1963) G. Clin. 118 (Addiction to carbromal) med., 44, 802-819 (Urinary and biliary excretion 139. Stolk, D. P. (1962) Ned. T. Geneesk, 106, 2620-2623 of porphyrin isomers in experimental intoxication (Chronic hallucinations with paranoid features by allylisopropylacetylcarbamide) due to misuse of carbromal [diacid, adaline])


Bromine is the only relevant representative of this 141. Hanes, F. M. & Yates, A. (1938) Sth. med. J. class. At one time bromide poisoning was quite (Bgham. Ala.), 31, 667 (Analysis of 400 instances common; today it is rare but still occurs occasional- of chronic bromide intoxication) ly - appear to cause only mild psychic 142. Pren, P., Romano, J. & Brown, W. F. (1936) New dependence, no physical dependence and no toler- Engl. J. Med., 214, 56 (Symptomatic psychoses ance. Bromides cause direct psychotoxicity mani- with bromide intoxication) fested by drowsiness, impaired cognition, confusion, agitation, ideas of persecution and hallucinations. 143. Sharpless, S. K. (1965) In: Goodman, L. S. & The dependence potential of bromides appears to be Gilman, A., ed., The pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 3rd ed., pp. 129-131, Macmillan, quite low. New York (Chapter 10: Hypnotics and sedatives. II. Miscellaneous agents) REFERENCES 144. Wagner, G. A. & Bunbury, D. E. (1930) J. Amer. 140. Ewing, J. A. & Grant, W. J. (1965) Sth. med. J. med. Ass., 95, 1725 (Incidence of bromide intoxi- (Bgham, Ala.), 58, 148 (The bromide hazard) cation among psychiatric patients) 0 a 0s C: Co 0 In E0 C 0 C : D- c- C- ~Ezz6Eas_ CCZ

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