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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 11 July 2019

Apologies: PC Rich Lymer and PCSO Mandy Hales

Present: Chairman Cllr Mark Flavell Vice Chairman Cllr Nigel Powlson Cllrs Sue Fulford, Barbara Marshall, Chris Norris and Ken Rudman Borough Cllr Philip Hudson Mr John Hewiston, Director HMP Dovegate (part) Parish Clerk Mrs Rita Hill 1 Member of the Public

Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting were agreed as read. Proposed by Cllr Ken Rudman. Seconded by Cllr Barbara Marshall. All in favour.

Chairman welcomed Mr John Hewiston, Director HMP Dovegate to the meeting and invited him to speak.

HMP Dovegate – Staff engagement with local communities. Mr John Hewiston spoke about the workshops where such items as wooden wheelbarrows / hanging baskets / wooden park benches / wooden signs can be made and then placed out in the community. Staff were willing to support local events such as raffles. A general discussion then took place regarding the prison; the paths round the lakes were overgrown with grass; visitors leaving rubbish along Moreton Lane and visitors requesting change (coins) at the village Post Office / Shop. Cllrs took up Mr Hewiston’s kind offer of a sign to be made for the playing field. Action – Cllr Ken Rudman / Parish Clerk.

Declaration of Interests

Cllrs Sue Fulford and Barbara Marshall both declared an interest regarding a planning matter.

Policies, Procedures and other related documents

Risk Assessment – review of document to be carried over. Action – Chairman.

Matters Arising

Defibrillator. Several dates have been put forward for the launch event – Cllrs were available to attend on any of the proposed dates – Mrs Corrine Blood to be advised of this. Action – Parish Clerk. Mrs Corrine Blood has advised that fundraising for the 2nd defibrillator was progressing (a raffle to be held on 21 July) and that the location of the 2nd defibrillator was still under discussion. A suggestion was made to approach Trent & Dove Housing – Mrs Corrine Blood to be advised of this. Action – Parish Clerk. The Parish Council was advised that the Village Hall Committee were adding the 1st defibrillator to

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their insurance and required confirmation that the Parish Council would be covering the ongoing maintenance costs (as already previously agreed). Action – Parish Clerk.

Police report for Crown Ward. Carried over from May meeting: No further update from Chief Constable of Gareth Morgan. Mr Andrew Griffiths MP advised that he had written to the Policing Minister and hoped to have a response soon and also offered to rewrite to the Chief Constable. Action - Mr Andrew Griffiths, MP Parish Clerk was asked to re-contact the Chief Constable of Staffordshire Gareth Morgan for an update. Action – Parish Clerk.

Accounts for Payment

Receipts: Interest £ 3.54


Willshee’s Skip Hire Ltd, Waste collection 01-07-19 to 31-07-19 (125734) £ 33.66

The above account was paid by Direct Debit on 24 June 2019. Payment proposed by Cllr Ken Rudman and seconded by Cllr Barbara Marshall. All in favour.

Mrs R Hill, Parish Clerk salary for July 2019 and expenses £551.09 Staffordshire Pension Fund, Pension (July payment) £171.86 Mrs R Hill, Parish Clerk salary for August 2019 £534.36 Staffordshire Pension Fund, Pension (August payment) £171.86 Bloomin’ Gardens & Landscapes Ltd, Grass mowing invoice 645146 £184.50 K Rudman, Reimbursement of expenses, paper for Parish Council £ 97.89 Newsletter and toner cartridges for Parish Council printer

All of the above accounts were proposed for payment by Cllr Barbara Marshall and seconded by Cllr Chris Norris. All in favour. Action - Parish Clerk to action the payments.

Chairman distributed the current receipts / payments accounts for 2019 / 2020.

The Village Hall Committee has expressed thanks for the cheque.

General Correspondence

ESBC, Parish/Town Council Representative on the Borough Councils’ Standards Committee. Cllrs were reminded of this invitation.

Planning Applications and Related Matters

East Staffs Brownfield Land Survey / SHLAA. Response received from ESBC - two points still not consistent - Borough Cllr Philip Hudson to follow up. Action – Borough Cllr Philip Hudson.

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Decision Notices: P/2019/00235: Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning 1990 relating to planning permission RT/01748/007 dated 10/10/1988 for the extension of permission to mobile homes park without complying with Condition 1 relating to the increase in number of mobile homes from 17 to 18 (Additional & Revised Plans Received). Poplars Mobile Home Park, Stubby Lane, Draycott in the Clay. Refused.

P/2019/00478: Erection of a single storey rear extension. Miller’s Cottage, Woodedge Lane, . Permitted.

P/2019/00224: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling and detached garage. Sunnymead, Toby’s Hill, Draycott in the Clay. Permitted.

Appeal Decision: Appeal Ref: APP/B3410/W/18/3219064. P/2017/01569: 72 Stubby Lane, Draycott in the Clay. Appeal dismissed.

Planning Applications: P/2019/00719: Prior Approval for the conversion of agricultural barn to form dwelling. Barn at Pumpfields Farm, Stubby Lane, Draycott in the Clay. No problem with the planning application in principle; though surface water does tend to flood the B5017 at this location and so attention to drainage needs to be considered. Action – Parish Clerk.

P/2019/00763: Prior Notification for the erection of an agricultural building for the storage of animal feeds. Draycott Field Farm, Station Road, Draycott in the Clay. Having received no representations from Parishioners, it was agreed that the Parish Council has no comment to make on this application. Action – Parish Clerk.

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Appeal Under Section 78 – Written Representation: Appeal Ref: APP/B3410/W/18/3219042. P/2017/01499: Appeal against the refusal of planning permission for the erection of 8 dwellings, comprising of 3 pairs of semi- detached dwellings and 2 detached dwellings and the erection of associated garages including the formation of a vehicular access. Land Off, Woodlands Rise. Draycott in the Clay. Cllrs Sue Fulford and Barbara Marshall both declared an interest and took no further part in the discussions or decisions. Rest of the Cllrs agreed to reiterate the Parish Council’s original concerns and add that the Planning Inspectorate recently refused the appeal at 72 Stubby Lane. Action – Parish Clerk.

ESBC, Supplementary Planning Document consultations – Shopfronts SPD and Separation Distance and Amenity SPD. Noted.

SCC, Consultation: Staffordshire County Council’s draft revised Statement of Community Involvement. Noted.

Planning Matters. Details of an appeal and a recent planning application had not received from ESBC. Borough Cllr Philip Hudson offered to look in to this. Action – Parish Clerk and Borough Cllr Philip Hudson.

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Circulars Received

Parish Magazine. Noted. Creative Play re Product literature. Noted. Staffordshire Police re Recruitment of Independent Advisors to Staffordshire Police. Noted.

Highway / Traffic Matters

SCC Scheme re A series of Permanent Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) to reduce traffic speed and increase traffic and pedestrian safety / 30mph Feasibility Study – Interim report / Playing field signage on A515. TRO Consultation – D6661T – A515- B5017. SCC has confirmed that the Order would be in place from Friday 12 July. The installation of the speed limit signs has been confirmed as Monday 15 July. The new speed limits would be enforceable once the works were complete.

Stubby Lane relief road. Borough Cllr Philip Hudson to contact Cllr George Allen; to ask for a copy of the commissioned report; plus consider setting up a meeting up with representatives from Marchington Parish Council and Draycott in the Clay Parish Council. Action - Borough Cllr Philip Hudson. Information from Hortons suggests approximately 20 articulated vehicular movements a day from the Kuehne & Nagel site – very small contributor to the overall total using Stubby Lane. An email including a video received from a Parishioner highlighting their concerns relating to traffic using Stubby Lane was discussed.

State of Moreton Lane roundabout. Carried over from May meeting: Mr Andrew Griffiths offered to take this matter up. Action – Mr Andrew Griffiths MP.

Staffordshire Freight and Communities Forum / A515 Working Group. The Parish Council was recently invited to attend a Parish Council meeting at Kings Bromley - Cllr Sue Fulford kindly attended and gave a resume of the outcome of the discussions held regarding the turnbans. Update awaited from Mr Andrew Griffiths MP regarding correspondence passed to him at the May Parish Council meeting. Action – Mr Andrew Griffiths MP.

Balfour Beatty (A50) - due to issues with SCC’s website and SCC’s time constraints their previous application for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) was not submitted due to the short timescale. Carried over from April meeting: Action – Chairman to contact Mr Richard Rayson.

SCC Highways. Faults have been logged with the team - call references:  4140046 Overgrown hedge, Moreton Lane opposite the Biffa site entrance. Exact details of the location have been sent to SCC. Action – Parish Clerk to re emphasis the danger.  4147327 Missing reflective posts from speed hump Toby’s Hill. Post meeting note: The works have been completed.  4155361 Broken tree branch in Pipehay Lane. On 3 May 2019 fault categorised by inspector. Awaiting works to fix the fault. Repairs to take place within 60 days. 60 days ends on 2 July 2019. Action – Parish Clerk to follow up.

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Woodedge Lane junction with Stubby Lane. Carried over from April meeting: Waiting confirmation from SCC of signage to be erected. Action – Chairman offered to take a photograph of the sign.

SCC, Divisional Highways Programme – chevrons and vehicles in the middle of the road signs. County Cllr Philip Atkins has advised that he has not had an opportunity as yet to meet with Mr Richard Rayson and would do so as soon as possible.

Green footpath – horsetail issue and weed killer, Stubby Lane. The horsetail has been treated. Chairman suggested that a contractor was approached to weed kill the remaining weeds on the green footpath – all Cllrs agreed. Action – Parish Clerk.

Highways Update. Carried over from May meeting: As no response from Highways England regarding clarification on timings and diversionary route during the resurfacing works to the A38 Chairman to re-contact. Action – Chairman. Mr Andrew Griffiths MP offered to find out details regarding the diversionary route and confirm HE’s position on the use of contraflows on the A38 when works of extended duration take place. Action – Mr Andrew Griffiths MP. Chairman has contacted Highways England with regard to the Parish Council not receiving advance warning of the A38 diverted northbound traffic – response awaited. Chairman to forward this correspondence to Mr Andrew Griffiths MP requesting that he raises this at an appropriate level. Action – Chairman.

Staffordshire’s Road Safety Grant Fund – Application. Chairman was pleased to report that the Parish Council had been awarded £5,000.00 of funding (subject to a vetting process) and wished to personally thank the Parish Clerk for her hard work in putting the application together. Next step was to arrange a meeting with Mr Tim Buxton, SCC. Action – Parish Clerk and Chairman.

Village Facilities, Maintenance and Landscaping

Weekly inspection reports. Inspection reports received – no new issues.

Funding for replacement of play equipment. Cllr Sue Fulford gave a resume of the meeting she had with a Contractor on 17 June. Chairman proposed that the project proceeded with replacement swings and recycled replacement posts only. Seconded by Cllr Barbara Marshall. All in favour. Cllr Sue Fulford to proceed with the application on this basis. Action – Cllr Sue Fulford. Parish Clerk to forward contact details to Cllr Sue Fulford. Action – Parish Clerk.

Play bark. Order has been placed.

Barrier and wooden steps. Order has been placed.

Overgrown weeds by metal gate. Contractor to be asked to cut this back. Action – Parish Clerk.

Willshee’s Waste Collection Contract. Proposed by Cllr Ken Rudman. Seconded by Cllr Chris Norris. All in favour. Parish Clerk to sign-off the contract on behalf of the Parish Council. Action – Parish Clerk.

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Village Hall Update

Chairman advised that Mrs Jackie Carnell has resigned as Chairman of the Village Hall Committee and that the Parish Clerk had already sent the Council’s thanks for her hard work.

Mr Eric Wagstaff, Treasurer of the Village Hall Committee has asked if the Parish Council would be willing to financially support the Senior Citizens Christmas Party this year. Cllr Sue Fulford declared an interest and took no further part in the discussions or decisions. Cllrs agreed to cover any excess of up to £150.00. Proposed by Cllr Ken Rudman. Seconded by Cllr Chris Norris. All in favour. Action – Parish Clerk.

Any Other Business

Councillor Vacancy - deadline 31 July. An expression of interest has been received.

Overgrown Public Footpath No. 6. Landowner to be contacted. Action – Parish Clerk.

Overgrown Public Footpath Nos. 9 and 10. Landowner to be contacted. Action – Parish Clerk.

Vice Chairman raised that a Parishioner had kindly offered to paint the noticeboards on the playing field – they did not want payment for the work but the Parish Council offered to pay for the cost of the materials. Action – Vice Chairman.

Borough Cllr Philip Hudson gave an update on the latest news at ESBC.

Cllr Sue Fulford remarked that Citizens Advice Bureau would hopefully be back in on 1 September.

As no other business arose the open meeting closed at 9.15pm.

Date of the next monthly meeting: Thursday 12 September 2019, 7.30 pm, Village Hall.

Signed M. Flavell Date 12 September 2019 Chairman

2019 – Dates of Parish Council meetings:

10 October, 14 November, 12 December

Minutes of the Parish Council meetings can be viewed in the noticeboard located outside the Village Hall and

Draycott in the Clay Parish Council has adopted the Model Publication scheme as approved by the Information Commissioner. Details are available via the Parish Council meeting or via the Parish Clerk.