The CGI Space Story Supporting the missions of over 200

2020 2019 2018 2018 2018 2017 2020 CGI developed the CGI supporting SENTINEL- 3 B launched by Grace-FO a JPL/German CGI developed the operational SENTINEL- 2 B funded The of the operational simulator for a New Era of ESA on 25th April 2018 was measuring ’s simulator, as well as the by ESA, CGI generated new space era ESA’s which Mega supported by CGI through the movement across the on-board software for ESA’s the modelling and launched in 2020 Constellations development of an planet, CGI developed the Aeolus, the first satellite to simulation for this Operational Simulator on-board software carry laser Doppler instrument satellite

2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 SENTINEL- 2A funded CGI develops security and ESA’s Lisa Pathfinder satellite SENTINEL- 3 A launched by ESA CGI contracted to develop 15 December 2016, by ESA, CGI generated safety systems for Iris measures gravitational waves, on 16th February 2016 was a transformation roadmap declares Initial Operational the operational Precursor helping to CGI developed the on-board supported by CGI through the for the UK SpOC Capability supported by CGI simulator for this Earth modernise Europe’s air traffic software development of an Operational ground Observation mission management Simulator

2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 CGI helps guide ’s CGI delivers eSurge project CGI supports ESA Estonia’s ESTCube-1 ESA’s constellation of Extension of ESA on the comet making satellite data available enterprise software launched, controlled by three satellites XMM mission by CGI 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko to storm surge modellers and services mission control software launched, CGI developed in-flight software forecasters developed with CGI the on-board software modification

2010 2011 2011 2012 2013 2013 ESA Croysat-2 CGI validates and CGI begins 10+ year programme CGI helps design EGS-CC, ESA's 5th ESA's Rosetta CGI helps develop mission is verifies information to help European countries generation mission control system and rendezvous with processing facilities for launched, CGI being broadcast for define and deploy national 2010s deploys innovative low-cost control comet; CGI staff help EUMETSAT's developed the safety of life EGNOS infrastructure for Galileo Public Bringing space into system for Estonia's cubesat guide it in 3rd generation (MTG) on-board software service Regulated Service (PRS) our daily lives satellites

2009 2009 2008 2006 2006 CGI develops ESA's ESA SMOS is lunched, CGI CGI helps develop the payload ESA’s Meteosat MSG 2nd CGI begins development GlobWave system for developed the on-board instrument data segment for ESA's GOCE generation, ground of security infrastructure maritime research control software gravity measuring satellite control systems for ESA's Galileo sat nav system

2004 2005 2005 2005 Rosetta an ESA funded satellite In January 2005, ESA’s probe descended through CGI supplies enhanced MPEF ESA’s launched, CGI were launched, CGI was responsible Titans and survived for several hours on the for EUMETSAT's Meteosat 2nd responsive for the Mission Control System for the development and surface. CGI supported the development of the mission control generation maintenance and contributed to contributed to maintenance of the spacecraft system and the host spacecraft simulator the spacecraft operations at ESA control mission control system centre, ESOC

2004 2003 2003 2003 2000 2000 ESA’s Cassini reached . CGI designs ground CGI supplies enterprise, service Beagle 2 launched with ESA's CGI uses satellite CGI supplies CGI supported the segment and and network management with CGI software on-board. CGI also helped communications image acquisition development of the mission security for ESA's systems for UK's Skynet 5 2000s mission control system development and network to link 400+ system for Japan's control system and the Galileo sat nav privately operated military Helping make maintenance, as well as contributing to the banks in its Indian MTSAT weather spacecraft simulator system satcom system space more secure spacecraft operations at ESA control centre, inter-bank settlement satellites ESOC system

1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 CGI develops CGI monitors UK Huygens launched with CGI begins 20+ years safety CGI helps design security Eutelsat's first potato acreage Cassini; lands in 2005 on critical development and requirements and mission control using satellite - controlled only by consultancy in the EGNOS architecture for UK's Skynet system images CGI on-board software sat nav programme 5 military sitcom system

1995 1995 1995 1995 1994 1994 1990 1990 CGI supports CGI develops SCTV ESA’s SOHO was CGI supplies CGI uses satellite CGI helps develop CGI developed the Hubble Space ESA's electronic trajectory monitoring launched, CGI EUMETSAT's first images to forecast SCOS-1 ESA's 3rd mission control software, document system for all Ariane provided software Meteorological 1990s UK sugar beet crop generation mission flight dynamics and launched system launches for the on-board Product Extraction To boldly go... yield control system planning and automation systems Facility (MPEF) for Skynet IV

1983 1985 1986 1989 CGI develops general purpose CGI helps develop M3S, ESA's flies past CGI-led team designs image processing suite for ESA's 2nd generation Halley's Comet; CGI tested for space, defence, industry, mission control system 1980s on-board logic and ESA's satellite health and other applications The building blocks for growth developed mission control

1978 1975 1974 CGI staff begin 35+ years of CGI helps develop ESA's first CGI helps develop ESA's support to ESA's flight dynamics generation mission control 1970s Meteorological Information software and operations systems The journey of a thousand miles Extraction Centre (MIEC) begins with a first step

1961 1969 Yuri Gagarin becomes Neil Armstrong was the the first human to first human on the moon 1960s journey into outer space The beginning

1957 Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite, is launched into

World Space Flight Space Enterprise Mission Data Security Applications milestones dynamics Missions solutions control exploitation