The problem of defining rural areas is not new. Finding a person who never traveled outside the city could prove a difficult exercise. There is a rich literature on the area and its dimensions. Rural and rurality represented object of study for different sciences, including economics, geography, sociology, ethnography, agronomic particularly distinguished. In this context, the number of definitions and studies aimed at rural areas is important. A priority for the first chapter “DEVELOPMENT OF AGRITOURISM IN RURAL AREA” is to define the area of tourism and its manifestation. At European level the rural areas represents 85% of the territory ruled by the gap in quality to urban life. Study and definition of rural default was made in stages and different positions following the evaluation all the effort of understanding a very complex reality. A clear definition of rural is however a difficult endeavors; it is a generic term covering very different realities. The criteria used to define urban or rural character of an area or communities reveal different approaches that can be synthesized in one to three, namely: - Economic, rural areas are characterized by the predominance of farming and processing industry, rural areas with specific essential function of agricultural production; - Sociological, rural society is characterized by a specific lifestyle, behavior and a different value system than urban; - Geographical, rural areas differ in the way of space occupancy, mode of living, clustered or dispersed. Development of rural communities can be described as a process in which the community is actively involved in all initiatives to mobilize resources to capitalize on their social and economic benefit of the community. Romanian rural development has always been strongly influenced by non- agricultural activities, because they have a complementary function in the rural economy. Village community could not go there without certain services provided by some of its members, who realized an incremental work in agriculture and thus contribute to achieving a decent standard of living. Rural natural landscape is an invaluable heritage of mankind. Airy landscape, as flora and fauna, is far healthier for humans. Silence, peace, climate, clean air, peaceful landscape, social calm, cannot be quantified to measure habitat areas. Rural lifestyle, traditions and customs, together form the local or regional people's culture. Among other activities of potential value, village was born the idea of traditional activities with those of hospitality and recreation. The idea of forms of rural tourism based on the fact that agricultural households are generally in a natural, unpolluted, embodying the cultural strand specific area of existence, the agricultural farm has natural resources that can ensure complete any tourist stay, and not least because it opens doors for recovery of rural areas and agricultural products held by pure rural farmers. Current attaches great importance to tourism both in literature and in practice. The same objective I had in November during the second chapter entitled “AGROTURISM CONCEPT, DEFINING FEATURES AND EVOLUTION ROMANIAN AGROTURISM” defining characteristics. Regarding the definition of tourism, it is based on the need to find solutions for rural households, to increase revenue by exploiting their economic potential, developing and hosting services for its products and local recovery. From this fundamental necessity can be made different concepts or definitions derived to characterize agro specialized segments. In terms of accommodation space (the securing of material), agro-tourism can be defined as an activity able to capitalize on existing surplus accommodation peasant farm, trained and equipped specifically for hospitality. In terms of activities that revolve around the rustic, rural tourism can be defined as a set of goods and services offered by the peasant household consumption to persons who, for a given period, come into rural areas for relaxation, rest, recreation, course of therapy, or business transactions, and many other activities. In terms of entertainment, agro-tourism is a form of tourism with more variety and uniqueness in the delivery of services that gives people who love nature, culture and art houses. The general factors influencing the onset and development of agro-tourism activities can be grouped into the following categories: economic factors, psychological factors, demographic factors, natural factors, political factors, circumstantial factors: - Increasing levels of education - Increase the duration Time Recreation - Increased demand for tourism offer "personalized" - Increasing interest in health maintenance - Improvement of sports equipment industry and tourism - Authenticity rural areas; - Improving transport and communications; - Peace and wellbeing - Increasing number of retirees - Affirmation of individualism in the market; - Increasing interest of local administrative bodies and county; - Increased demand for a new kind of holiday, supported by a less polluted environment; - Become more frequent and important travel on weekends; - Rural tourism supports rural economic development - Accession to the European Union structures support the development of rural tourism. In its evolution, agrotourism, but had periods of growth and decline. The fact is that he has never been endangered. Forms big tourism boom currently known so far, because the yearning for freedom and lack of rigid programs. Conducted as complementary activities, tourism forms peasant life balance does not break, not until then leads to the disappearance of existing activities, but also allow higher turning their products and hence their development, along with the emergence of others. Keeping a rural world, with everything that has significant economic aspect, social, cultural, involves the initiation and development of this tourism. Furthermore, tourism may participate in maintaining rural viability and stability, while the depopulation clearly manifested by the departure of young people to urban areas and the old household and land abandonment. Meeting between rural, an extremely fragile and dynamism required by the occurrence of the phenomenon of tourism question the risks arising from restructuring. The importance of tourist hostels has increased as more and more tourists are oriented towards specific accommodation, “hospitality industry” less with cheap rates and preponderant located in rural or suburban areas. Application to practice agro intensified as a result of changing living conditions and attitudes aimed at practicing forms of tourism including tourist presence in nature and active participation of specific business processes. A potential area of interest in terms of tourism, since it provides natural tourist resources or man, whose recovery amid complex arrangements may cause a tourism activity and the inclusion of that territory in national and international circuit. During chapter three, the historic “RESEARCH ON THE POTENTIAL OF AGROTOURISM AND METHOD FOR RECOVERY HIS ACTIVITIY BY AGROTOURISM” we wanted to highlight the structure of Romanian heritage tourism. For , the structure of heritage tourism emphasizes its complexity, the chance of a secure future development. Inventory of natural and man-made targets in the tourism ministry is and will be involved, certainly, in outlining the basic motives in organizing recreational activities, rehabilitation of health or cultural ascent. The multitude and variety of these objectives is, undoubtedly, a guarantee of upward trends in tourism. In the category of natural tourism potential importance for tourism and tourism in general of: - Relief - Water Resources - Flora and Fauna - Climatic factors and treatment. For rural settlements, human resources (especially ethnographic) specific authenticity of any product that would give agro tourism are: - Traditional rural settlements - Traditional architecture - Traditional objects - Folk - Folk Sculpture, - Folk art - Traditional folk instruments; Rural areas where they will practice agro-tourism, will become the place where they will assemble all the elements of natural and human potential in the household and private farms UNEO. Launch tourist villages across the country will lead to special effects to be achieved on the links between hosts and tourists, how to assess the relationship between values and living standards between the two participants in the act of travel, how to resolve situations, communication and exchange of ideas, the relationships established between the provider (host) and client (guest / visitor). Full use of natural resources, economic and human resources of an area with rich tourism potential can be achieved by involving local communities in the tourism sector groups supporting the initiative to develop and promote local tourism product, to protect the environment and cultural assets. Agro- is an opportunity especially for locals, taking account of the crisis in the agricultural sector, are willing to try a new activity using to increase profitability, which already have infrastructure. Agro-tourism provides the possibility of a higher surplus from the farms, which often degrades through disuse. This is especially important because natural food is made without pesticides, so the best quality. Besides accommodation itself an entrepreneur in this area can offer its customers and other services. In most cases, the role of these services is to increase earnings, but to loyal customers. Throughout chapter four, “THE STUDY OF NATURAL AND ANTHROPIC POTENTIAL IN THE COUNTY ARAD” we focused on making statements that support the existence of tourism resources representative in the county that may or may assist the future Agro tourism development supported. Arad is located west of the city near the border with Hungary and its neighbors to the south are Timis, Bihor County to the north, and east of the county of Hunedoara. With an area of 7754 km2, Arad has a rate of 3.65% of the total area of Romania, stretching is the sixth county in the country. We chose a hilly area of research area that includes three parts: - Hălmagiu depression. In terms of ethnographic Halmagiu depression is an area with special features here like in the whole country, important changes have occurred that have changed the conditions of material existence and spiritual. If you know the recent achievements and recorded in pictures and documents, not the less - Zarand depression. Depresiunea Zărandului este una dintre cele mai renumite zone etnografice din ţară. In cities such as Bata, Bârzava, Capālnas, , save priceless valuables and originality. - Almas-Gurahont depreiunea. Almasul has much to offer in terms of tourism, especially since it is situated between mountains and mountains Zarand Woods Moma real attraction for hikers and nature lovers. The complexity of the county of Arad is highlighted by the relief association which outlines well-defined units of plain, piedmont hills nature, depression and low mountains and massifs. County landscape is varied, plains, hills and mountains (low altitude) areas occupying relatively equal - Apuseni Mountains (35%), Western Hills (15%), Western Plain (50%). Arad County Administrative territory overlaps the four main river basins. Vegetation district zone is characterized by the predominance of steppe and forest formations. Vegetation district zone is characterized by the predominance of steppe and forest formations. Only 46% of the county is occupied by natural vegetation itself (this includes forest, pasture and hay), the rest (54%) being replaced by growing vegetation or with other uses of land. Compared with other regions of predominantly plain relief, Arad county has a moderate climate with shades. Among the most representative natural attractions in the county of Arad. Mill Valley Cave mention wildlife (common Moneasa) Gurahont Baltele back of Laura (common Gurahont) Runcu- thick (common Bârzava), Poiana Balta moorish Rovina daffodil ( city), Moor Falcon (Lipova city), Forest Sic (common Carand), Duţu's Cave (village Săvârşin) Monoroştia fossil site (village Bârzava) Zăbalţ fossil site (common usus), pubescent oak forest at Carand (common Carand) Sărăturile (common ), stand (common MACE) Prundul Mare (Floodplain Park) and Mures Floodplain Natural Park which takes place both within the county of Arad and Timis county. Fund of the county historical tourism attractions may be the high value such as City of Arad (Arad), Citadel Falcon (city Lipova) Macea Castle (village MACE), wooden church (shared trees), Descent of Holy Spirit Church (common Hălmagiu), Ascension Church (village Plesca), Hodos monastery Bodrog ( village), Assumption Church (common Hălmagiu) Radna church (City Lipova), fortification Santana (Santana city), all historical and architectural monuments belonging to the national heritage, but also factors such as population, or economy. Peasant villages are the bearers of unparalleled wealth, the ancient traditions and customs handed down from generation to generation, something that emerges from chapter five, “AGRO TOURISM SPECIFIC ITEMS OF POTENTIAL AND LOWLAND AREAS OF COUNTY ARAD. Popular habits of life cycle have a very varied repertoire and a special charm. These habits are more commonly practiced during the winter holidays, Christmas and New Year. In this course we remember about the wedding and funeral customs. Romanian ancestral habits should be used by service providers to attract tourists agro in areas where these services are practical. To open plain area villages gathered Arad are characteristic regular structure consisting of households with open courtyards and small gardens in addition to falling within the linear or geometric plans. Agro-tourism is a form of rural tourism has gained momentum in recent years: the successful practice , Săvârşin, Taut, Moneasa, etc.. The potential development of this subtype of tourism is significant and in other cities, such as , Gurahont, Hălmagiu, bars, tip, and in rural areas on the Mures Valley. On the basis of the tourism potential of the environmental components of the physical- geographical and socio-geographical regional distribution of anthropogenic and natural sightseeing of the main tourist accommodation structures, could make an assessment of the potential that tourism recovery the locality in Arad. Accommodation units operating in tourist areas localities listed in the preceding paragraph represents 75% of the total number of establishments in the county of Arad, and their accommodation is within 88% of the total number of existing accommodation in the county. Arad County agro units belonging to categories 1, 2 and 3 stars. In Moneasa, Paulis, and Taut such structures are found accommodation in categories 2 and 3 stars, totaling 97 rooms (each with Moneasa and Paulis Taut with 41 seats and 15 seats); 2 star agro units located in Săvârşin (14locuri) and Hălmagiu (8 seats) and the 1 star is located in the Regiment (City township) with 15 seats and 20 seats Conop). In chapter four we made an overview of the existing areas are in the county of Arad, in the mountains and the plains. I thought us that during chapter six, “RESEARCH ON AGRITOURISM DESCRIPTION OF POTENTIAL ITEMS FOR LOWLAND AREAS ARAD COUNTY” requires first a detailed overview of areas in the lowlands, and then presenting the elements of agro-tourism potential, where any, of the areas are identified. In terms of ethnographic Halmagiu depression is an area with special features here like in the whole country, important changes have occurred that have changed the conditions of material existence and spiritual. If you know the recent achievements and recorded in pictures and documents, not the less true that such a concern in the past there was only sporadic. Throughout this chapter we presented some aspects of ethnography on housing, clothing and food of the hălmăgeni’s past and today. At first the peasant house was rudimentary: small houses made of oak planks, glued with yellow soil, washed and covered with straw on the floor - yellow earth beaten. The houses were composed of a camera and aim it is entering the porch. In the lobby there hearth oven for baking bread, the furniture was poor: small chairs, a dish Blidar "tronece" with polenta flour, "vredite" with food animals. Recently built houses in angle are higher, thicker, better ventilated and sunny. They are constructed of brick and covered with tiles, and their structure is the kitchen and three bedrooms. The interior is no longer follow the same rules, suffering strong urban influences and is forgoing the use of textiles, specifically those within the individual. Zarand area continues to be one of the most important areas where the traditions and craftsmanship were well preserved. Every year there are many cultural and artistic events: Treasures Folk Festival competition for folk and traditional instrumental groups, craftsmen fair, festival competition for young singers of popular music. Several prominent locations in this area are: Bats (costumes and ceramics); Bârzava (center ceramics); Birchiş-Capālnas (pottery red bolero) Buteni (folk: the predominant red suits and black coats, jackets). Tourist vocation of the region, that must establish itself within the national tourism, but also international rests on the following resources: a favorable climate for the whole of tourist traffic, tourism fund a large man-made wealth, variety and originality, not least zărăndenilor hospitality. Almas-Gurahont depression - can be considered as a sector of Zarand depression or a natural subunit contains distinct northern and southern ends piemonturilor Valley and large terrace between Gurahont White Cris and epigenetic gorge on Maundy Thursday. The area has much to offer in terms of tourism, especially that it is situated between mountains and mountains Zarand Woods Moma real attraction for hikers and nature lovers. Also, Crişul White is an important attraction for fishing enthusiasts. The community center is a beautiful church to visit, and Magura Hill is the most beautiful cross from the county, called the Cross of Peace. Another important attraction is to preserve the sanctity of traditions and folk customs. Another interesting destination for tourists is the Hermitage of the Annunciation. The area attracts and popular traditions and customs, the people here is being very welcoming, and the Valley and Valley Rădeşti Almaşului offers unforgettable scenery for those who have passed through this area. In the last chapter of the thesis, “STUDY CASE ON DEVELOPMENT OF LOWLAND AREAS IN THE HISTORIC ARAD COUNTY” I tried to make some proposals to exploit agro- tourism potential of the lowland area of the county of Arad. In the first part, we conducted a SWOT analysis of tourism Arad lowlands to highlight the positive elements of agro business, the unfavorable and opportunities. Although there are a great tourism potential, a large proportion of households do not exploit the full capacity of interest for several reasons: • Economic conditions and comfort allows them • The seasonality of tourism practice; • Lack of education and training of locals in tourism. The very people who live in rural areas should be the main actors in the tourism business to be the main beneficiaries, however, the traditional hospitality of the peasant must be accompanied by a specific training activity accommodation, offering visitor accommodation civilized consumer satisfaction and at the same time can discovery of places and people. Worldwide there is an intense competition between tourist destinations; you need to care for the adaptation of modern policies, aggressive and to increase service quality. Arad County can be harnessed and exploited rational criteria should be established to identify rural settlements and determine the potential resources available to them. The main objectives of tourism development in the lowlands Arad, the proposed guidelines are divided into four: - Development of rural infrastructure - Organization of tourist reception - Creating a historic and valuable product - Promoting agro tourism product A variant of some proposals to exploit the potential of ago tourism Arad lowland area could be grouped by several major guidelines that major objectives. To propose a realization of something you must first identical situation and existing resources. This is based on the actual inventory of existing tourism resources, and once this goal is achieved the basic problem achievement necessary accommodation. Once the inventory of existing tourism resources can move on to outline many ways to incorporate them into agro products. What could be more wonderful than a breakfast with fresh milk, a ride on mountain paths or valleys, unique panoramas look, a sunset or sunrise, hear the murmur of a stream or a waterfall noise, to walk around the village street, to sit a few moments before an exhibition or home to artisans, a horse-drawn sleigh ride, a few hours dreaming in front of the stove, resources are just some of the Romanian village life universe to be aggregated so that the following items through the historic and true beauty, simplicity and novelty elements. If you talk about accommodation then a peasant house land, for tourism, not involving huge investments in the area studied, taking into account that the farm already exists, has a surplus of rooms, there is a specific rural architecture and only needs some adaptations to tourist activity. Perhaps it's often hard to believe the owners operate in parallel with the agro-tourism farm to farm land than the actual pension. Maybe the posts in this vital step would be consulting expert evidence to convince the owner of the farm. If viable tourism profitability conviction is hard when appropriate details of the next step, how to make tourism is, at least currently, only achieved after rumors not based on expert advice. Consider essential to organize actions and means of popularizing and advertising such agro farms through mass media (print and broadcast), development of leaflets, guides and video advertising agro, agro supply catalogs. Capitalization of the lowland village of Arad can be done through various fairs, festivals, competitions, coming to complete the favorable image of the village. However the main mode, and most important use of these resources is rural tourism / agro - which helps to usher in national and international tourist circuit of various natural conditions and the capitalization of traditional or contemporary culture of the entire cultural and historical potential of space areas. Key areas to be targeted for the potential of Arad in the lowland areas are: - Restoration whole farms and agricultural policies - To stimulate additional non-agricultural activities, particularly by creating new business units and services especially AGROPRODUCT and potential of tourism and agriculture - The selection of specific localities Romanian ethnographic areas for phased funding of complex projects for tourism development; - Elaboration of studies and projects of local rural development, especially as a project for sports, entertainment and cultural entertainment, tourism programs to offer tourists in rural areas as a wide range of occupations and attractions. As the goals of recovery potential novelty of the lowland area of Arad and beyond, the geographical personality we could mention: - Reactivation and development of crafts in a wide range of services, ensuring a balance occupational and job fit - furthering of alternative or parallel generating additional income (rural tourism, agro- tourism); - To promote and stimulate local economies, food processing and food - The organization of production and processing structures in the framework guides model; - Organizing the Association in a wide range: the micro-family households, micro-family associations, professional associations, etc. - Creation of local institutional structures and partnerships, public - private. Lowlands of the county can offer its visitors a great variety of tourism products, but has to overcome many obstacles and reluctant. The biggest obstacle is the poor reputation of Romania abroad mainly determined by prices compared to the low quality of services offered. In these circumstances the question of what would come to a foreign tourist in this area. The answer to this question might be: - Traditions, customs and folklore from Banat. - Banat food, cooking and wine, special recipe sausages and sausage preparation is a key element of individualization of the product Banat. - Ruga from Banat, a celebration of the village of Banat is a reason for displaying the costumes. - Garana sculpture park. What is missing though? A bit of imagination and originality related tourism product and promote it. The second part of the chapter concludes with the creation of a catalog of resources to promote plain folk in the area of the county area as a potential model for the recovery of existing anthropogenic. The thesis concludes with a series of conclusions and references.