11/13/17 Volume 21, No. 23

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Urban, rural score vote wins Quality reviews rise quickly Trend: School success rate above 80% Three-dozen schools in academic takeover pipeline for 2020 Three out of four school districts triumphed A record 38 schools have qualified to receive a School Quality Review (SQR) in special elections on Tuesday, November 7, from a state-led team of education experts beginning in January, as Indiana as five out of six referenda were approved, implements a more aggressive schedule for attempting to help turnaround its including all three operating referenda. lowest-performing schools. For calendar year 2017, 13 out of 16 school In the past, Indiana would send in an external expert team once a school referenda passed muster with voters (81.25%). earned four consecutive F ratings, a standard that in some years resulted in In 2016, 17 of 20 prevailed (85.0%). Over the no more than five schools receiving a review. But legislation passed in 2015 past two years, 30 of 36 school referenda have shortened the timeline by two years, meaning schools qualify after only two been approved (83.3%). The 16 referenda on consecutive F ratings. 2017 ballots represented a three-year low. Legislators correctly anticipated that the number of review-eligible schools The School City of Hammond received would soar, so they proactively gave the State Board of Education the approval for both tax hikes: one to generate discretion to choose which among the qualifying schools should participate. $10 million annually for operations (55.31% said yes), and the other for a $110 million Of the 38 schools that qualified for an SQR for 2017-2018, SBOE staff project to build a new middle/high school determined that 11 would not benefit. The exempt list includes five from and update other buildings (53.41% Indianapolis Public Schools and one from Evansville Vanderburgh School approval). Eggers Middle School and Corporation that have already been through an internal review as part of a Hammond High School will be consolidated. transformation zone. Schools in the Gary Community School Corporation would be excluded, in deference to the oversight of the Distressed Unit The School City of Hobart also won on both Appeals Board, as would any school that received a share of federal School its tax increases: the first generating $2 Improvement Grant (SIG) dollars. million annually for operations beginning in 2020 when the property tax caps take full This leaves 27 schools. effect in Lake County (68.17% approved) and the other a $41 million project for a new One-third of the 27 are located in the South Bend Community School facility for Ridge View Elementary School Corporation, six are from the Indianapolis Public Schools, three are in the and a new pool for Hobart High School Fort Wayne Community Schools, and two are in the Kokomo School (67.62% said yes). Of note: The $0.800 Corporation. property tax rate for the construction referenda is the highest rate ever approved in The expert review teams will be selected by the State Board of Education and Indiana school referenda history. will range in size from five to eight members. SBOE plans to enlist “expert Southeastern Indiana continues to be an instructional consultants” and “Hoosier educators and expert advisors” and unfriendly environment for construction has asked for recruitment assistance from the Indiana Association of School referenda, as the West Clark Community Principals (IASP), Indiana Principal Leadership Institute (IPLI), The Mind Schools suffered defeat in its bid for a $95 Trust, Teach Plus, and Marian University. Each team will be led by a staff million facility referendum that would have member from the Indiana Department of Education. Mandatory team paid for improvements at eight buildings. member training occurs in December, and school visits begin in January. Since 2014, school construction asks in The assigned external improvement team will complete a needs assessment Floyd, Clark, and Jefferson counties have and a proposed plan of action after only a brief three-day site visit that been defeated in four out of five tries. includes classroom observations, interviews with principals and district West Clark saw 69.95% say no, with turnout leadership, and stakeholder focus groups. Prior to the visit, school and exceeding expectations. Now the district will district leaders participate in a planning meeting with SBOE and/or IDOE have to consider one or more small bond staff, and schools also receive a one-day follow-up visit focused on issues next year to address the most urgent implementation. needs (potentially reconfiguring front entrances to enhance security). But for the most part, school staff are left to implement the superficial action plan on their own. With 92.14% of the vote, the Westview School Corporation in rural LaGrange The 27 schools set to receive an SQR includes five still on the original four- County won a request to raise $3 million per year intervention timeline, and 22 schools on the accelerated schedule. year for operations. Westview serves a large population of Amish (who tend not to send For more please see the following page . . . their kids to public school after eighth grade). November 13, 2017/2

Schools remain subject to the Q Cabinet members will include original intervention clock if they the (new) commissioner of the received their first F rating prior Department of Workforce to the 2015 state law change. Development, the commissioner of Schools that received their first F the Indiana Commission for after 2015 are on the short leash. Higher Education, the director of the Office of Management and Staff from IDOE and SBOE did Budget, and the superintendent of not totally agree on which of the public instruction. As a separately 38 eligible schools should be elected official, the state included or excluded. superintendent would not normally be included in the Ron Sandlin, the senior director We’re proud to tell you that we’ll be beginning Governor’s cabinet . . . prompting of school performance and our 30th year of newsletter publication under speculation that Republicans will transformation, leads the School the imprimatur of Hannah News Service- try to push up the date for making Quality Review project for the Midwest. the Office of State Superintendent State Board of Education. of Public Instruction a gubernatorial appointment. SPI Many of you are already familiar with Hannah – Jennifer McCormick (R) said in a founded in 1986 – from having introduced its statement, “We are happy to be a IN Elementary & premier legislative tracking and reporting part of Governor Holcomb’s Secondary Ed software to Indiana in 2014, along with its education efforts, and any efforts detailed coverage of legislative committee that promise to bring more success to students is something we will IN General . . . meetings. ! On the one-year anniversary of stand behind.” his 2016 election, Governor Eric Q Holcomb (R) releases his 2018 You can expect a seamless transition, but the The Governor’s #NextLevel governing agenda. The ambitious Hannah team has in mind additional features agenda devotes more attention to and coverage going forward that we believe will workforce and education than any gubernatorial package calls for other issue. The workforce piece is “more systemic change” in benefit you. education and a “new system” for guided in part by a plan developed preparing a skilled and ready by none other than David Shane . workforce that meets the needs of And the big news: subscription rates will not be In addition to being a smart guy the 21st Century economy, and raised for 2018. Your favorite education and valuable civic asset, Shane said his administration plans “to newsletter will remain at 2017 prices. served as the K-12, higher create a framework so local education, and workforce advisor to then-Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) in leaders can build and align Over the next few weeks we will be in touch with education and training to local 2005 and 2006 before accepting an needs.” The state will “build the you over some transition details: how you can appointment to the State Board of framework” that supports local pay your 2018 renewal, and an improved email Education. At the request of Gov. and regional stakeholders with delivery service beginning next year. Holcomb, Shane quietly spent the “the flexibility and funding to Summer meeting with stakeholders design education and workforce like the Indiana Manufacturers training programs that make sense Adam VanOsdol and Ed Feigenbaum – the most Association to derive a set of for their economic foundations experienced news team at the State House, with recommendations for improving and employment needs and 40+ years of State House coverage between the coordination and delivery of aspirations.” He further explains them – promise that you can expect the same the multitude of workforce and training programs and services. that “our plan to align workforce strong content that you’ve been accustomed to and education” will enable Q “resources and operations to be since 1989, when our flagship weekly newsletter, As we understand it, rather locally determined and managed.” INDIANA LEGISLATIVE INSIGHT debuted five than having the State of Indiana impose or devise yet another Q state superintendents of public instruction ago What might this mean in . . . when , Gary Hogeboom, and system of color-coded geographic regions, what you can expect to see practice? Gov. Holcomb will now were sharing duties establish the Governor’s is local communities empowered to Education to Career Pathway for the and Ronald Reagan was band together to pursue common Cabinet to be led by Secretary of president, Bob Orr was Governor, and Dan educational and workforce interests Career Connections and Talent Quayle was still Indiana’s junior senator. in whichever way, shape, or form Blair Milo , the Navy veteran who they choose. Communities won’t most recently served as mayor of even have to be contiguous to LaPorte. create a coalition.

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Q For example, LaGrange County could decide to team up Q Almost 30% of the 2016 graduating cohort could have in a workforce partnership with 10 other rural counties across graduated in three or more pathways, according to an Indiana. The City of Batesville might determine that its local estimate from the Indiana Department of Education. End of economy is so unique that it’s better off flying solo. This course assessments would be eliminated and would not be a might be messy at first as communities sort themselves out, pathway. The SAT/ACT would satisfy the Every Student but the goal is to allow the local planning structure to be self- Succeeds Act requirement that states test at least once in high selected rather than prescribed by bureaucrats at the state school. The use of SAT/ACT for federal accountability has level. never passed federal peer review, but peer review of SAT is Q currently underway in a number of states. Because SAT/ACT Indiana has tried before to empower local communities are off-the-shelf tests aligned to the Common Core, Indiana to identify and expand the educational and workforce might have to “augment” in order to have complete coverage programs that best align with their local job and business of the state standards that were written by Hoosiers, for needs. The Regional Works Councils have brought multiple Hoosiers. That could mean a separate, augmented test for the stakeholders to the table and have pushed out stacks of plans, 10%-15% of state standards that do not overlap with but they never had any authority over the one area that can Common Core. Non-Common Core states that require the actually drive change. SAT have decided not to have an augmented test; they’ve Q determined that although the SAT does not provide full Who controls the money will be a huge piece of this coverage of their standards, the coverage is enough to meet effort. We’ve already heard the phrase “education block federal and state accountability purposes. “I don’t think we grant.” When we ran this by top officials in the Holcomb want more assessments, so it would have to be a pretty Administration, we were told that the preferred term is dramatic difference” between SAT and Indiana’s standards to “funding flexibility.” In anticipation of the 2019 budget support an augmentation, suggested SBOE’s David Freitas session, the upcoming year will likely be a time to consider hopefully. Rep. Behning noted that Indiana’s Technical which of the existing state, federal, local, or even Advisory Committee has said that Indiana would likely need philanthropic funding streams could be bundled together to augment. Indiana would not set its own proficiency cut into an education and career block grant for maximum local scores for SAT/ACT but would rely on the established spending control. benchmarks. “I want it to have ‘street cred’ across state lines Q because not every kid is going to stay in Indiana,” said Rep. The Holcomb 2018 #NextLevel agenda embraces critical Behning. Indiana would competitively bid this to select thinking as a vital educational outcome. The Governor calls between SAT or ACT. “I know it’s a big shift,” he added. for increasing education programming aligned to STEM. He wants to enhance career pathways for high school juniors and Q Rep. Behning said the SAT/ACT language came forward seniors that lead to industry credentials and certifications. He after he talked the day before with House Committee on seeks to require every K-12 school to offer at least one Ways and Means Chair Tim Brown (R) of Crawfordsville. computer science course by 2021. He will pursue greater Replacing the end of course assessments with SAT/ACT will licensing flexibility for career and technical teachers so they require another re-configuration of Indiana’s high school don’t have to complete transition to teaching program accountability model. Special education advocates who raised requirements. Gov. Holcomb will create the Office of concerns during the meeting were told that the College Board Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning within the Indiana recently made changes to streamline the process and expand Department of Workforce Development, and will direct the the opportunities for granting student accommodations to Indiana Commission for Higher Education to incentivize colleges and universities to measure the job placement of comply with IEP requirements. Rep. Behning also added, graduates. His agenda also seeks to expand Workforce Ready “That could be part of the contract requirements that you Grants, Jobs for America’s Graduates, the Excel Center adult have to provide accommodations for students.” Indiana is high schools, and other efforts that encourage working adults one of about 17 states that still has a GQE, said Rep. to return to college and complete a high-quality credential. Behning. The final plan was approved November 7 by a vote He’ll look to partner with higher education to retain talented of 13-1. Dr. Freitas says he is pleased the plan incorporates international students. Although not explicitly listed in the soft skills while honoring local control. SBOE’s B.J. Watts agenda, rest assured that continuing to expand pre- says the panel has given schools exactly what they asked for: kindergarten will be a priority for 2019. flexibility. Pathways Panel Chair Byron Ernest received universal praise for the level of stakeholder participation ! The Graduation Pathways Panel approved a proposal put during the process. forth by Rep. Bob Behning (R) of Indianapolis, chair of the Q House Committee on Education, to require all high school At the November 1 State Board of Education meeting, students to take a national college entrance exam like SAT or Bard member Steve Yager said asking SBOE to vote on the ACT. Students would not have to pass the test to receive a recommendations on December 6 is neither practical, high school diploma. Achieving a college-ready score would reasonable, nor professional. He asked for a delay until at be but one of many new diploma pathways available to least the January SBOE meeting to allow time to gather students in addition to obtaining industry credentials, AP, meaningful feedback from the practitioners who would dual credit, IB, ASVAB, and CTE concentrations, among implement the recommendations. I continue to ask “what’s others. the rush?” and continue to not get an answer, said Yager.

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Q Public comments have raised concerns about who would Q Data from IDOE shows that 28.0% of Indiana’s 2016 pay for certain assessments, career and technical education graduates could have qualified for a diploma via the industry staffing shortages, administrative and counseling time credential pathway, 20.6% met the CTE concentrator burdens, programmatic inequities among communities, pathway, and 57.1% met the AP, IB, and dual credit pathway. students having equal access to pathway opportunities, the About 10,000 Hoosier students per year take the Armed negative impact on fine arts, and pathway portability for Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, but it’s unclear how students who are mobile. Several high school principals say many receive a passing score. they support keeping the end of course assessments as a pathway option, as a fallback of sorts for students who Q The plan does not address the requisite courses of study, struggle, are mobile, or who change their career aspirations diploma types, or how students might quality for a waiver. midstream. Both high school principals and district When the State Board of Education picks back up the superintendents have been running the numbers based on the discussion in December, we wouldn’t be surprised to hear talk proposed plan and have been sharing that data with SBOE about whether the goals of the pathways panel could more members and the Department of Education. Many high easily be met by simply updating the requirements of schools have found that 15% to 20% of their previous Indiana’s diploma types and allowing the existing diploma graduating cohorts would not have met the new expectations, options to serve as categories, or containers, for organizing and at least one estimates the impact would be as high as 50 the new options and expectations. percent. M.S.D. of Wayne Township Superintendent Jeff Butts estimated his large district could see a 16% decline in ! The Indiana Department of Education releases for public its high school graduation rate based on the Pathways plan. comment a draft of a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Greenfield Central High School Principal Jason Cary believes Betsy DeVos (R) formally requesting a waiver of the new that 25% of his students might not graduate in 2022 based on federal definition of “regular high school diploma” in the proposal. Westfield Washington Schools Superintendent 8101(43) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The Sherry Grate estimated a hit of 23% in her affluent district. definition only allows states to count in their graduation rates the diploma received by “the “preponderance of Q SBOE’s Vince Bertram says he’s quite concerned about students,” or a higher diploma. The definition prohibits making sure every child will have access to as many options Indiana and Indiana schools from including the General as possible. “If you live in a metropolitan area with hundreds Diploma in the high school graduation rate since it’s not the of employers, you’re in a very different situation than being diploma earned by the majority of students. Roughly 8,000 in rural America and having 800 students needing internships students in Indiana graduate high school with a General or workplace experiences.” Bertram said he’s also very Diploma (12% of all high school graduates). concerned about cost. “Will the state pay for every student in Indiana to take the SAT or ACT? From my perspective, if it Q The Indiana waiver request notes that Alaska, Illinois, is a condition of graduation, I don’t think there should be a and Maine each award a single high school diploma that’s question who pays for it. If that is the pathway to graduation comparable to the General Diploma in Indiana. All students to get a high school diploma in the state of Indiana, it is our who meet the requirements in those states will be counted obligation to pay for it.” Bertram also questioned whether the while Hoosier students who meet essentially the same course state would pay for retest opportunities for students to take requirements will not (and the IDOE letter smartly points SAT/ACT a second time or third time. “To say to students out that single-diploma state Maine has already received ‘this is your pathway but only if you can pay for it’ is wrong. approval from the Secretary of Education for its ESSA plan; Morally wrong.” Bertram added, “We can’t just create Maine’s “regular high school diploma” and Indiana’s least pathways and not give every child the opportunity to pursue rigorous diploma have the same core course requirements in those pathways.” English, math, science, and social studies). Q Bertram continued: “If the question is ‘are our students Q The IDOE letter explains that if the waiver is not college and career ready?’, what in this plan is going to ensure granted, “Indiana as a whole, as well as many of its schools, that? I don’t believe giving another test is the answer.” He will in fact see double digit graduation rate drops. This will added, “In my assessment of this whole plan, I think some of hurt schools, confuse parents and community members — and the things are really good. But, and I have said this before, just as importantly — fracture constituent confidence in the not just on graduation pathways, I think we have missed it credibility of our accountability systems. Worse still, this from the very beginning with No Child Left Behind, should not be an issue for Indiana. The four Indiana accountability, everything on outputs in terms of test scores. diplomas offered are all aligned to our academic standards We have really missed the whole issue around curriculum and and students’ attainment of any of the four diploma types instruction. We’ve also missed, with high school pathways — allow high school graduates to pursue careers or to access it’s not just a high school issue. So much of this starts in higher education opportunities.” preK through grade 8. Students decide whether they are good at math or science as early as second grade.” ! A survey of 3,878 teachers, school board members, principals, and superintendents conducted by the Indiana Q The Indiana Department of Education estimates that Department of Education as required by Senate Enrolled Act 12.6% of 2016 graduates would have failed to satisfy a 29 (2017) finds that 70% favor mandatory cursive instruction. pathway, while nearly 30% of the 2016 graduating cohort met Just 20% of respondents indicate that cursive writing is three or more of the pathway requirements. currently taught in their local elementary school.

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Q The online survey was open from August 4 through Q The Distressed Unit Appeals Board on Halloween October 1. Responses were received from public, charter, and approved a $3.255 million loan for the Gary Community accredited nonpublic schools. School Corporation to cover costs for CIGNA, SEIU, and the Q November 10 and November 24 payrolls. “We are still in this Sen. Jean Leising (R) of Oldenburg vows to once again period where we expect loan requests on a fairly regular file a bill for 2018 to require cursive writing. She has filed a basis,” says DUAB chair Micah Vincent . We know “we must cursive writing bill each year for the last six years, and all six bring aggressive reductions in expenditures,” says Emergency have passed the Senate but did not receive a hearing in the Manager Peggy Hinckley . Employee groups represented by Indiana House. “I hope the results of this survey will help my SEIU can expect fewer perks in the new labor agreement. “I’m bill finally get a hearing in the House of Representatives,” not used to having 12-month contracts for every person in a Sen. Leising says. building,” Dr. Hinckley, who has run several Hoosier school Q districts, noted. “Beyond that, we need more kids,” adds While the Governor calls for state leaders to work with MGT’s Parish, who figures that Gary needs to grow students around the state to adopt the Say’s Firefly as the enrollment back to about 6,000 heads. Reductions in salaries state’s insect (which will endear him to Rep. Sheila Klinker and expenses are a given, but “the biggest change has to come (D) of Lafayette), mandatory cursive writing classes failed to from achievement and the narrative around the Gary make the cut for the 2018 gubernatorial legislative agenda. schools,” says Parish because GCSC simply can’t cut its way ! out of this $100 million hole. The ADM decline registered on The Indiana Department of Administration denied the the September 2017 count date resulted in a cut of about protest filed by Data Research Corporation and upheld the $700,000 a month in state tuition support. ILEARN/IREAD contract award recommendation to American Institutes for Research (AIR). Q One of the two high schools in Gary is likely to be ! The Old National Bank/Ball State University 2017 closed at the end of the academic year. The Times of Hoosier Survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Northwest Indiana reports, “Emergency Manager Peggy Associates (600 adults, margin of error ± 3.5%) finds that Hinckley told the State Board of Finance on Tuesday that she 23% of respondents believe the quality of public schools has doesn’t yet know whether West Side Leadership Academy will worsened, compared to 18% who report improvement, and be combined with Wirt-Emerson Visual and Performing Arts 48% who responded that they’ve stayed about the same. The High Ability Academy, or vice versa, but she insisted the percentage of people who believe public schools are getting district does not have the enrollment to justify more than worse has exceeded the percentage who believe public schools one high school. ‘High schools are the most expensive are getting better in every year the question has been asked facilities to operate, and we must move to one,’ Hinckley since 2010. said.” Q Q As for accountability and transparency, the vast majority The 2018 GCSC budget approved by DUAB shows the of respondents answered yes (78%) when asked “The state district spending $21 million more than it takes in. The allows families to use tax supported vouchers to send their budget does not reflect the structural deficit elimination plan children to the school of their choice, including private or that MGT anticipates finalizing by January 31. MGT was charter schools. Should the state require private and charter retained August 1, which was too late in the year to make schools receiving vouchers to meet state performance staffing changes given the statutory deadlines for providing standards, or not?” employee notification. This has proven to be a major factor constraining the ability of MGT staff to quickly reduce expenditures. !IN Budgets & Finance . . . The Gary Community School Corporation owes the ! Internal Revenue Service (IRS) $5.68 million in employee The Distressed Unit Appeals Board schedules a public payroll withholdings that it failed to remit on a quarterly hearing in Muncie on November 13 in preparation for basis during 2013 and 2014, as well as $2.5 million in interest making a future decision on whether to release the Muncie and civil penalties. IRS liens on all GCSC buildings prevent Community Schools from distressed status. the district from shedding its surplus real estate (there are ! more than two dozen closed sites) and complicate the ability When the Monroe County Community School of the Emergency Manager to attract new school operators. Corporation eliminated alternative meals for students in The law firm of Laszlo & Associates, P.C., has been engaged response to community concerns over “lunch shaming,” the to negotiate a settlement with the IRS, with Laszlo to be district budgeted $20,000 in the General Fund to cover hot compensated 12 cents on every dollar of the reduced lunches for students that wouldn’t or couldn’t pay, but based indebtedness. Laszlo will not be paid any upfront fees. on the charges that students racked up in September, the Negotiations with the IRS will likely take a year or even years. district is on pace to spend more than twice that amount. “There is no case history of a school corporation with IRS debt of this magnitude,” says Eric Parish , executive vice IN School Choice . . . president of MGT Consulting Group. “This is a one of a ! Mater Dei High School unveils a new scoreboard for the kind situation.” Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union Baseball Field.

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! The Indianapolis Charter School Board votes to renew the ! The Independent Southern Wells Association of Teachers charters for KIPP Indianapolis, SENSE charter school in and the Southern Wells Community Schools Board of School Fountain Square, and one of the Tindley schools. Trustees signed a one-year agreement on Halloween providing ! $1,800 base salary increases for teachers rated “Effective” or The rural Otwell Miller Academy charter school applies to “Highly Effective,” plus an additional base pay bump based the charter school facility financing non-profit IFF for a on years of experience: 1-5 years - $200; 6-15 years - $400; and $500,000 loan to help pay for the new building that the 16+ years - $600. school had constructed. Facility challenges have proven to be extremely common with new charter schools. A drywall ! As the Garrett-Keyser-Butler School Corporation now contractor has filed a lien on the new building seeking back transitions to a salary chart with equal differentials, teachers payment, reports the Dubois County Herald . The school will be eligible to receive a maximum pay bump of $950 for previously received a $300,000 loan from a local lender, but the 2017-2018 school year. Teachers with a bachelor’s degree construction costs ultimately added up to approximately currently earning a base salary of more than $45,320 will $800,000. receive the eligible increase as a non-recurring stipend. Q The Otwell school board has also gone through some ! The Hanover Organization of Professional Educators, an recent upheaval. affiliate of the Indiana State Teachers Association, secures a ! 2.5% base pay raise for Hanover Community School In a hard-hitting story about the Indiana Virtual Academy, Corporation teachers for the 2017-2018 school year in the Shaina Cavazos of Chalkbeat Indiana reveals the Daleville new collective bargaining agreement signed by parties on Community Schools Board of Trustees has authorized a October 30. second virtual charter school, this one an alternative school called the Indiana Virtual Pathways Academy (IVPA). Between ! The Southeastern Career Center Faculty Organization and Pearson, Edison Learning, and Edmentum (PLATO), IVPA the Southeastern Career Center Board of Managers reach a will offer more than 600 online courses. Students will receive deal on a 2.0% increase in compensation for all eligible individualized service plans augmented by internships and teachers for the 2017-2018 school year. industry certifications. The “top end” student/teacher ratio will be around 250:1. IVPA opened in August and already ! Teachers in the Lake Central School Corporation are reported an enrollment of more than 2,500 students. eligible for a $1,100 pay raise in the new collective bargaining ! The Indiana Charter School Board meets November 13 at agreement that runs through June 30, 2018. 2:00 p.m. in Conference Room A in the Indiana Government ! Center - South to vote on new school applications. The Hamilton Southeastern Education Association and the Hamilton Southeastern Schools come to terms on a two- year contract that sees teachers receive an average pay increase IN Contracts & Compensation . . . of 2.73% in 2018 and 2.66% in 2019. ! The first 15 teachers in the Noblesville Schools rated Effective or Highly Effective who submit a retirement letter ! The new collective bargaining deal ratified by the effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year will receive Association of Porter County Educators does not include any either a $3,000 stipend (if submitted before February 1); a $1,500 stipend (if submitted between February 2 and April 1); money for the compensation plan for 2017-2018. “Rather, or a $1,000 stipend (if submitted after April 1). The same one-time salary adjustments to address compression during enticement will also be available on the same terms for the this transition year . . . will be retroactively applied within 2018-2019 school year. four pay periods after all relevant information is known.” ! ! Teachers in the Gary Community School Corporation will The Plainfield Professional Educators Association secures not receive a pay raise for the 10th consecutive year. a 3.4% pay raise for teachers, while the beginning teacher salary will be among the highest in Indiana at $42,000. Q The new collective bargaining agreement between GCSC ! and the Gary Teachers Union, which was approved by the The Knox Community School Corporation school board Distressed Unit Appeals Board on Halloween, tightens up unanimously approves 1.0% raises for classified staff effective teacher leave policies by allowing the administration to January 1. Some administrators will see raises of up to $2,000, require evidence substantiating the need for leave. Each with all of this new action coming one month after teacher teacher absence results in the district paying double for daily salaries saw a boost. instruction, noted Eric Parrish , executive vice president of ! MGT Consulting Group. “I imagine there’s also an Sunman-Dearborn Community School Corporation and educational loss,” observed Micah Clark , chair of DUAB. the Sunman-Dearborn Educators Association arrive at a new collective bargaining agreement that offers a salary increase ! Teachers in the Carmel Clay Schools will receive an for all teachers retroactive to July 1. The package, average raise of 2.5% in each year of the new 2017-2019 unanimously approved by the school board, runs through collective bargaining agreement. June 30, 2019.

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! The Marion Community Schools board approves a new ! The new teacher labor agreement in the Bartholomew two-year collective bargaining agreement with its teachers that Consolidated School Corporation provides an average 3.2% will run through the 2018-19 school year. The deal will ensure salary increase for the current school year and 2.29% pay that each teacher earns a raise of at least $950, and that the raise next year. The starting salary grows by 5.5% to $38,750. minium teacher salary will grow to $39,000. ! IN Early Education . . . Teachers in the Duneland School Corporation will receive ! The Family and Social Services Administration announced a salary bump of $2,000 each year in the new 2017-2019 in June the selection of 15 additional counties to participate collective bargaining agreement. Teachers who attained a in the On My Way Pre-K pilot program. Ten of the 15 have Master’s degree after August 1, 2016, and who have at least since agreed to start in January 2018. They’ll offer half-year five years of experience with the district are eligible for a one- programs during the second half of the 2017-2018 school year time $1,000 stipend and a supplemental base salary increase for children who plan to enroll in kindergarten in August of $2,000. Extracurricular pay will grow by 10% in 2017-2018 2018. and by 5.0% in 2018-2019. Q ! The 10 are Bartholomew, Delaware, Elkhart, Howard, Following just three bargaining sessions, the Richmond Madison, Kosciusko, Marshall, Monroe, St. Joseph, and Community Schools board unanimously approves a two-year Tippecanoe counties. The other five expansion counties — contract with the Richmond Education Association DeKalb, Floyd, Grant, Harrison, and Vigo — will begin with retroactive to July 1, and effective through June 30, 2019. the 2018-2019 school year. Q The RCS board also approved a pay raise for non-union ! Early Learning Indiana recommends that children enrolled school employees, most of whom will receive a 2.0% raise, in publicly funded pre-kindergarten programs be assigned a with some substitute teachers and food service workers in line “tracking number.” Mile Markers: Smoothing the Transition for a bigger increment. from Pre-K to Elementary School notes that Indiana spent ! Teachers in the Baugo Community Schools are eligible for $24 million on kindergarten retention in 2016 and asserts a $700 base salary increase for 2017-2018. that “Incorporating data from early care and education into the K-12 system allows communities to make more informed ! Teachers in the South Vermillion Community School decisions about effective policies and programs.” Corporation will bring home an extra $1,500 for 2017-2018. !IN Programs & Curriculum . . . ! Teacher pay in the Maconaquah School Corporation will Indiana schools assign special education students to tasks be based on a Compensation Model utilizing the following such as handling the wrestling team’s laundry and cleaning categories and percentage weights: the cafeteria, reports the Indianapolis Star in a story that B examined how programs that provide special needs students B Experience - 15% with opportunities for obtaining key life skills sometimes B Education and/or Meeting the Needs of Students - 15% appear to cross the line into exploitation. B Evaluation - 55% for Highly Effective, 45% for Effective Instructional Leadership Roles - 15% ! The Indianapolis Public Schools approves the opening of Q Instructional Leadership Roles may include: National a Butler University Laboratory School at the Eliza Blaker Board Certification, unpaid committee membership, School 55 located near College Avenue and 54th Street. All supervision of a student teacher, mentor new teacher, current School 55 students will be offered a seat at the new conducting staff training, and unpaid student activity Butler Lab program. This will be the second Butler Lab sponsorship. program in IPS. ! ! The Madison Consolidated Schools board votes 4-1 for a An extended instructional day funded by Federal Title I merit raise plan covering classified and administrative staff dollars began November 1 at Beveridge and Marquette, two that generally provides for 2.0% raises with supervisor of the lowest-performing elementary schools in the Gary discretion to offer no or lower raises, or increments ranging Community School Corporation. GCSC is also considering up to five percent. Merit raises are also on the way for a longer day beginning in January at Williams, Bailly, and classified and administrative staff with ratings of “effective” Glen Park elementary schools, but “We are too early to tell or “highly effective.” you whether we can afford or staff that,” revealed Emergency Manager Peggy Hinckley during a Halloween meeting of the Q Non-certified staff with perfect attendance will also be Distressed Unit Appeals Board. eligible for special stipends. Bus drivers with commercial ! drivers licenses will see an increase of $5 per day, boosting The South Bend Code School has graduated more than their daily base pay to $80.48. Substitute bus aides and 200 completers since its founding and launch in 2015. The trainees and other drivers will also enjoy various raises sop school offers classes for three age groups: 7-9, 10-12, and MCS can maintain a competitive position with respect to 13-18, and in addition to South Bend, operates a second site nearby districts and businesses. in Fort Wayne, with a third expected to open in Goshen.

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! The Panic Button app will be installed on smartphones of Q The City of South Bend and St. Joseph County have all teachers and staff in all Hancock County public and adopted a Human Rights Ordinance. private schools, thanks to funding provided by the Hancock County Board of Commissioners. !IN Referenda . . . Q The Lake Central School Corporation retains consultant In the event of an emergency situation, a single click of Steve Klink of First Tuesday Communication in Tippecanoe the app can simultaneously call 911, alert law enforcement, County in preparation for what may be an operating and notify everyone in the building. referendum in May 2018. ! Approximately 30% of weekly teacher collaboration time ! Divisions within the West Clark Community Schools that at New Albany High School is devoted to training in HELEn contributed to the definitive defeat of its facility referendum (Highly Engaged Learning Environment), while all math on Tuesday were immediately evident post-election as district teachers have been working on implementation of the “Five schools went on heightened alert Wednesday in response to Easy Steps to a Balanced Math Program.” an individual who took to Twitter calling for someone to ! “blow up Borden and Henryville.” The Clark County The Indiana Commission for Higher Education completes Sheriff’s Office investigated the purported threat and its statutorily mandated review of the Indiana Academy for ultimately concluded that it was not credible. Science, Mathematics, and the Humanities — the two-year public residential high school for high-ability students located Q Residents in the Borden and Henryville areas were said on the Ball State University campus — and concludes that the to resent the fact that Silver Creek High School in Sellersburg college going rates of Academy graduates are well above state would have been a bigger beneficiary of the construction and peer averages; the overwhelming majority of Academy dollars. The atmosphere will likely remain tense as additional graduates are college ready; and graduates complete college at discussions ensue about high school consolidation . . . and a rate much higher than the state average. even de-annexation. Q Among the Academy grads enrolling in Indiana public IN Construction & Facilities . . . colleges, none needed remediation (vs. 18% statewide) and ! S&P Global Ratings assigns an 'A+' long-term rating and 75% earn a college degree within six years (vs. 50% statewide). underlying rating to the Hanover Community School ! Corporation’s series 2017A first mortgage refunding and Verizon announces that it will provide grant funding to improvement bonds. State aid does not cover maximum help middle schools implement Project Lead The Way annual debt service by at least 2X, so the 'AA+' program does (PLTW) computer science courses. Schools with at least 70% not apply. of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch can apply for one of a number of $20,000 grants to support the computer ! S&P Global Ratings lowered its underlying rating to 'A+' science curriculum and teacher training. The deadline to from 'AA-' on the outstanding debt of one Central Indiana apply is December 15. school corporation “based on the district’s worsening debt burden, following the expected issuance of nearly $85 million !IN Policy . . . in additional debt within the next year, coupled with high Clark County will place probation officers on site at the fixed costs.” middle and high schools in the Clarksville Community Schools, Greater Clark County Schools, and West Clark ! The Concord Community Schools issues $2.15 million of Community Schools. Clark County Circuit Court Judge General Obligation Bonds to fund a portion of the cost of Vicki Carmichael says research shows that having probation the high school renovation and construction project. officers in schools is an effective strategy for reducing absenteeism and moderating problem behaviors. Q Concord expects that its Building Corporation will issue ! an estimated $7.85 million in bonds in Spring 2018 to fund The M.S.D. of Pike Township erects a billboard at the the balance of the project. Construction is slated to begin in intersection of 86th Street and Georgetown Road in May 2018 and last approximately 15 months. Indianapolis to congratulate Pike High School for its “A” rating. ! The future of the historic Muncie Fieldhouse is in jeopardy ! again after a storm on November 5 led to falling bricks from After months of back-and-forth discussion, the Elkhart the entrance facade, a new hole in the roof, and serious City Council votes 6-3 to eliminate funding for local school flooding that inundated the entire basketball court. crossing guards, effective December 31. ! ! The Crawfordsville Community School Corporation The Indiana Liberty Coalition contacted the South Bend receives approval for a Common School Fund loan of $1.65 Community School Corporation with concerns after learning million to help fund basic improvements to Nicholson that students were being exposed to a transgender individual Elementary School. who had been hired as a substitute teacher.

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! The M.S.D. of Lawrence Township selects Fanning Howey ! The Indiana State Board of Education votes to initiate the as architects for the softball stadium renovations at Lawrence rulemaking process to amend the special education Central and Lawrence North high schools. regulations in the Indiana Administrative Code to address educational surrogate parents, parental requests for re- IN Transition . . . evaluation, developmental delay, annual communication in ! New hires or promotions at the Indiana Department of high school on a student’s progress to a high school diploma, Education include Dwayne Marshall , assistant director of transition IEPs and the participation of school counselors in Title I and Title II; Maggie Rowlands , educator effectiveness the Case Conference Committee, and the deadline for Choice senior specialist; and Debbie Dailey , director of strategic Scholarship schools to convene a meeting with the parents of projects and project management. a student with special needs. References to scientifically based research would also be deleted. ! Walter O’Brien has been named to the board of advisors ! for STARBASE Indiana, the U.S. Department of Defense- The existing Indiana Education job bank will transfer to sponsored § 501(c)3 entity that supports STEM education in Teachers-Teachers.com by January 1. The Indiana Department grades 5-9. O’Brien is the inspiration for the popular of Education has the national online recruitment service television show Scorpion . STARBASE Indiana operates three Teachers-Teachers.com to help school administrators connect academies in Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, and South Bend, with with job seekers nationwide free of charge. Districts are able a new academy in Gary set to open in Spring 2018. to post job openings, quickly review standardized resumes and applications, store interview notes within each Q STARBASE Indiana was founded in 2012 at the 122nd candidate’s profile, send automated reference surveys to Fighter Wing, Fort Wayne Air National Guard Base. applicants’ listed references, send mass communications to applicants and new hires, and much more. ! Wabash College alumnus Kevin Chavous joins K12 Inc. ! as president of academics, policy, and schools. First Lady Janet Holcomb found time to visit the Christel House school located in Bangalore, India, while on an ! State Board of Education member Byron Ernest leaves economic trade mission with her husband and state economic Hoosier Academies where he served as head of schools. development officials during late October. Rachel Goodwin , senior director of academics for K12’s ! school development team, will be the interim leader. Douglas Rapp , president of the non-profit Cyber Leadership Alliance based in Zionsville, testified in support Q Dr. Ernest is on the November 15 agenda of the State of allowing coding to substitute for a high school foreign Ethics Commission as SBOE General Counsel/Ethics Officer language credit during “Public-Private Solutions to Educating Tim Schultz seeks a request for a formal advisory opinion on a Cyber Workforce,” a hearing jointly convened by the his behalf (look for the AO to address conflicts of interests Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce and outside employment) Development of the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce, and the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity ! Valparaiso High School Principal Reid Amones resigns and Infrastructure Protection of the U.S. House Committee abruptly from the position. on Homeland Security. ! ! The Northeastern School Board votes 3-2 to cancel the Look for Rep. Ryan Hatfield (D) of Evansville to take the contract of Northeastern High School Principal Wes Wisner , lead on 2018 legislation allowing courts to issue “no contact” who had been on paid leave since September over assorted orders when bullying occurs through social media. incidents. ! State law requires schools to report bullying incidents to ! The M.S.D. of Lawrence Township hires Mike Bottorff as the Indiana Department of Education on an annual basis, but chief technology officer. Bottorff currently serves as director many schools haven’t done so, a WRTV-TV Call 6 of technology for the Nineveh-Hensley-Jackson United investigation finds. Almost 60% of Hoosier schools reported School Corporation, and is a first term school board member zero bullying incidents for the 2016-2017 school year. in the Hamilton Southeastern Schools. Q IDOE tells the Indianapolis television station it plans to ! The Madison Consolidated Schools re-posts the implement an additional check during the data submission superintendent position after the final choice withdrew in process moving forward. mid-October. Q Rep. Greg Porter (D) of Indianapolis expects to IN Government . . . brainstorm with child and school advocates ahead of the ! The Indiana Department of Education will accept 2018 legislative session to consider “possible legislative applications from education providers until December 15 to solutions, including tweaking the language in the law, adding participate in a pilot of the Indiana Course Access program. a penalty for districts who fail to report bullying, or giving Providers will be selected and notified by January 16. the Indiana Department of Education more tools to verify bullying figures,” reported rtv6 .

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! EdChoice President and CEO Robert Enlow supports ! A police presence was mandated Wednesday for North language in the U.S. House Republican tax reform bill Posey High School after a sophomore allegedly made a verbal expanding the § 529 college savings program to include threat . . . and was observed wearing a bullet-resistant vest in expenses for private K-12 education, saying it would “give the hallways on Tuesday. The student was detained on families in non-choice states more opportunity to find the intimidation charges and taken to Youth Village. right fit for their children and offer additional purchasing ! power to families in states with educational choice programs After Southwestern Jefferson County Consolidated School on the books. These funds should be available for use at any Corporation Superintendent Trevor Jones was notified of a K-12 school recognized at the state level. We understand this “general threat” via social media to his schools, the district is not a solution for every family — especially for families with was placed on lockdown for about one hour one day earlier limited means — and we hope lawmakers will continue to this month until the person responsible for the post was find ways to expand K-12 educational access at the state level located. and where it’s appropriate federally. But unlike some recent proposals out of Washington, this is not a top-down plan held together with red tape and regulation; rather, it mirrors our mission to empower families to make decisions about IN Higher Education their children’s education the same way they make decisions about every other aspect of their lives. It’s a good start, and !IN General . . . we must work to expand access as quickly as possible,” Enlow The Indiana Department of Education issues a Request for concludes. Proposals for a provider of online, graduate-level courses to serve dual credit teachers who need help meeting the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) expectations. !IN Courts & Conduct . . . The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held Q IDOE plans to “provide an additional funding source to oral argument October 31 in Freedom from Religion Fndtn. be coordinated by an Indiana institution. The Institution/ v. Concord Commty. Schools , No. 17-1683, the case pitting Bidder must have an existing, high quality online program the Freedom From Religion Foundation and American Civil specifically designed for completers to meet the new dual Liberties Union of Indiana against the Concord Community credit requirements in advance of the deadline. The funding Schools. The plaintiffs (including a father and his child) source will be managed and distributed by the challenge the district’s annual 90-minute “Christmas Institution/Bidder with monies applied to the cost of tuition Spectacular” concert as an impermissible endorsement of or credit fees, plus any other required program fees, charged religion. to registered teachers.” IDOE writes in the RFP that teachers Q participating in the program will not incur any costs for Attorneys for the plaintiffs asked the federal appellate participating and that IDOE expects to serve up to 200 court to invalidate the Christmas performance because the teachers via the program. final 30 minutes are dedicated to religious musical selections and hymns, the telling of the story of the birth of Jesus, and ! Grace College eliminates traditional textbooks in favor of a nativity scene. “Does the First Amendment prevent any open educational resources (OER) for all three of its online presentation of a nativity scene?,” asked Judge Frank GOAL (Grace Opportunities for Adult Learners) programs, Eastbrook . No, of course not, replied the attorney for the which will save each student hundreds of dollars a year. plaintiffs. Judge Diane Sykes questioned where the line Currently Grace offers three online bachelor’s degree should be drawn when distinguishing between worship in programs through GOAL: Business Administration, public schools, which is clearly forbidden, and performance Management, and Human Services. A fourth program in art. Whether this concert falls on the same side of the line as Quality Management will launch in January. public school prayer is the crux of the case, said Judge Sykes. Judge Jon DeGuilio of the U.S. District Court for the ! IUPUI has saved students more than $2 million this Northern District of Indiana found in March that the overall semester via an inclusive-access model for textbooks and program did not violate the constitution, with the court’s course materials, reports Inside Higher Ed. decision arguably turning on the fact that the district used ! mannequins for the nativity scene rather than student actors. An 11-member task force appointed by Indiana University- During oral argument the federal appellate court judges Purdue University Columbus Vice Chancellor and Dean seemed to be skeptical that mannequins should be the Reinhold Hill delivered a Strategic Enrollment Management deciding factor. Plan with recommendations for short, medium, and long- term actions that Dr. Hill should take to address the ! As we were headed to press with this issue Thursday, a recruitment and retention of full-time, part-time, non- number of Indianapolis-based news organizations were traditional, adult, and transfer students to drive annual reporting that a Hamilton Southeastern Schools bus driver student enrollment growth of three to five percent. IUPUC was facing termination and criminal charges after she would like to increase total enrollment within the next three allegedly tested positive for alcohol while operating her bus years to 1,800 students and could even accommodate up to (reports were unclear as to whether she was transporting 2,000. Total enrollment at the satellite campus of IUPUI fell students at the time). from 1,783 in 2014 to 1,526 in 2017.

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Q Recommendations set forth by the task force include a ! The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau finds that the “buy one get one (BOGO) course offering” for newly total outstanding student loan debt balance of Hoosiers as of admitted part-time undergraduate students; full 2016 was $26.71 billion. implementation of Salesforce as a tool for recruitment and admissions; a “Welcome Center” at the main entrance of IN Rankings . . . campus; enhanced targeted recruitment efforts by making ! Kelley Direct, the online MBA program of the Indiana better use of data when awarding financial aid packages to University Kelley School of Business, has been ranked first determine which populations of students already have nationally by the Princeton Review on its list of Top 25 external sources of aid; creation of a staff position focused on Online MBA Programs. recruitment and advising for the Mechanical Engineering program; providing each division with annual enrollment IN Administration . . . targets and incentives for meeting them; establish a position ! Ball State University has a new brand: We Fly. “Frankly, focused exclusively on minority student enrollment, we’ve been a little bit quiet,” says President Geoffrey Mearns , especially Latinos; implementing best practices for utilization in an interview with Inside Indiana Business. “We admire of the FLAGS early alert system, with a goal of decreasing people who are humble, but it’s not a good marketing student attrition by 5-10% per year; supporting a strategy when it comes to a university, so we’re going to comprehensive Early Start program that follows students become more visible and vocal.” throughout their freshman year, with a goal to reduce attrition of conditionally admitted students by 20%; Q A number of media reports statewide questioned the increasing evening and weekend course offerings to attract expense of the rebranding effort from the “Education more non-traditional learners; partner with Work One to Redfined” campaign. convert Work One clients into adult undergraduate enrollments; dedicating a position within the Office of ! IUPUI Chancellor Nasser Paydar directs Indiana Recruitment and Admissions to serve as a transfer specialist; University Communications to begin the process of accelerate online course offerings; creating a scholarship for transitioning from using the full Indiana University Purdue legacy students and new merit scholarship programs; University Indianapolis to just the initials IUPUI on the establishing a five-year program for students to graduate with website and in print materials. He notes that several years ago a bachelor and master’s degree; cultivate the look and feel “of the name was featured on Jeopardy in a question about the a private school on a public campus”; and building a student university with the longest name. center to “increase the perception of offering a total college experience.” ! As the future Purdue University Fort Wayne develops a Q new core brand strategy, Chancellor Ronald Eisenbaumer The plan also recommends filling current and future announces that the campus will adopt the Purdue University faculty vacancies “with lecturers instead of tenure-track colors of black and gold. “While there are several factors that faculty to increase overall student to faculty contact.” The played into this decision, the findings of the market research task force explains that the goal of this strategy is “to are clear: the Purdue University brand is known for academic improve student retention by creating an environment where quality and is recognized as being a quality brand locally, faculty are focused primarily on teaching and can be available nationally and globally. As a result, the brand equity of to students more often. The recommended action may have Purdue will serve to enhance and elevate perceptions of a positive effect on enrollment, retention and completion. As Purdue Fort Wayne. Yet we also know that our campus has its a result of this recommendation, there will be more student own personality and assets, unique from the main campus, accessibility to office hours and more full-time faculty and that will be capitalized on and highlighted through our fewer adjunct faculty.” IUPUC engaged enrollment marketing and brand positioning statements. To be clear, consultant Ruffalo Noel Levitz. determining our colors is just one step in the process of ! rebranding our institution and we will continue working to IUPUI is one of 14 colleges and universities participating develop the creative pieces of our brand. A brand in the Essential Employability Qualities (EEQs) pilot implementation team comprised of university stakeholders program funded by the Lumina Foundation to develop a new has been engaged in the process and will be critical to the certification of soft skills. brand rollout,” he explains in a letter to the community. ! Indiana will be one of the first states to participate in the Credential Engine, a new project funded by the Lumina !IN Programs & Policy . . . Foundation to catalogue the increasing array of credentials Ivy Tech Community College enters into a “Pipeline available to students and workers. The Credential Engine Interviews Agreement” with DEFENDERS, a national aims to be the go-to online repository for comparable provider of residential security services. The company information about the marketplace of degrees, certificates, guarantees that it will give an interview to any student who industry certifications, licenses, badges, apprenticeships, and attends specific Ivy Tech business and sales programs. micro-credentials. “Opportunities to work and learn during college at great companies like DEFENDERS help students skill up more Q The Credential Finder search app is expected to be quickly,” says Aaron Baute , vice president for business, publicly available in December. logistics, and supply chain for Ivy Tech.

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! Trine University joins the Webster International Network Q Randall Tobias is the former CEO of Eli Lilly and of Schools to give students the opportunity to participate in Company and former CEO of AT&T Communications. study abroad experiences at Webster’s multiple international campuses and global partnership sites. Trine already had ! First Bank Richmond makes a $375,000 gift to Indiana offered students the opportunity to participate in programs University East, and in recognition, IU East plans to rename at the Athens campus. the Whitewater Hall Community Room to the First Bank Richmond Community Room. IUE has also renamed the ! The University of Southern Indiana becomes one of only annual Red Wolf Classic, featuring men’s and women’s two public universities in the United States approved by the basketball, as the First Bank Richmond Classic. government of Panama to receive Panamanian government funding to train students in STEM disciplines. ! Indiana University hits the $2 billion mark in its bicentennial fundraising campaign that initially set a goal of ! Alexander Its , a professor of mathematics at IUPUI, has raising $2.5 billion by IU’s 200th anniversary in 2020. been awarded the President’s Medal for Excellence, the President Michael McRobbie increased the goal to $3 billion highest honor an Indiana University president can bestow. by June 2020. Since the launch of the For All campaign in September 2015, IU has added 3,500 new scholarships and ! According to the Bloomington Herald-Times , “Doctoral 147 endowed chairs and professorships across the seven students in Indiana University’s theater department are IU-administered campuses. feeling stunned and betrayed after learning their program will be discontinued.” Michael Reschke reports Thursday that IN Construction & Facilities . . . “Students in the Ph.D. program for theater history, theory ! Purdue University West Lafayette announces planning for and literature said they first heard about the decision late last the construction of a new lab facility for the College of week. It came as a shock and left them with questions.” Science. As a first step, the university is soliciting proposals from qualified construction firms in preparation for the IN Gifts & Fundraising . . . project, which will require approval from the university’s ! University of Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins Board of Trustees and other governing bodies. Prospective says he’s quite concerned about language added to the U.S. construction timelines, sites and project costs have not yet House Republican tax reform bill, the “Tax Cuts and Jobs been finalized, but it is anticipated that support will come Act,” that would impose a 1.4% tax on the investment from donors and university funds, and Purdue may also seek income of private colleges and universities with the largest additional assistance from the state. endowments. The tax “will have serious repercussions for our budget” and would reduce Notre Dame’s ability to provide ! As Ivy Tech Community College sells the unoccupied financial aid for poor and moderate-income students, fund Lung Building on the Elkhart campus, South Bend and programs that help the community, and support research and Elkhart Chancellor Thomas Coley issues a press release to education, says President Jenkins. tamp down rumors that the Elkhart campus is slated for closure. Q As the tax reform deliberations were heating up, the New York Times dropped an article on November 8 that begins ! IUPUI is in the proposal stage for Discovery Hall, a new “In 2006, the endowments of Indiana University and Texas building to be located on the east side of campus for Science, Christian University invested millions of dollars in a Engineering and Technology, and Informatics and partnership, hoping to mint riches from oil, gas and coal.” Computing. The story goes on to explain that the new partnership was established in the Cayman Islands, a tax haven. “A trove of ! Notre Dame Stadium is expected to be the site of the millions of leaked documents from a Bermuda-based law January 1, 2019 National Hockey League “Winter Classic” firm, Appleby, reflects some of the tax wizardry used by outdoor hockey game between the Chicago Blackhawks and American colleges and universities. Schools have increasingly the Boston Bruins. turned to secretive offshore investments, the files show, which let them swell their endowments with blocker corporations, Q Don’t be surprised if the 80,000+ seats are sold out for and avoid scrutiny of ventures involving fossil fuels or other the nationally televised game. issues that could set off campus controversy.” Q IN Research & Technology . . . IU said in a statement, “The use of blocker entities is an ! In just the last year, the University of Notre Dame has accepted and long-standing common practice by university created the IDEA Center to house commercialization, foundations across the country.” Innovation Park, and campus-wide entrepreneurship ! education; has hired a new associate provost and vice A gift of $5 million to Indiana University from Randall president of innovation to run the new center; has Tobias and his wife Deborah Tobias will establish the restructured university commercialization operations; and Randall L. and Deborah F. Tobias Center for Innovation in began construction on the second building in Innovation International Development. Park, Quinn Hall.

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! IN Transition . . . Steven Setchell has been appointed to serve as interim vice ! Deborah J. Curtis , current provost and chief learning president for development and alumni engagement at officer at the University of Central Missouri, is selected as the DePauw University. He has been serving as associate vice next president of Indiana State University. Dr. Curtis will be president for alumni engagement and campaign initiatives. the second Indiana State graduate and the first woman to Q serve as president of Indiana State. Indiana State trustees will Setchell takes over for Melanie Norton , who recently vote to confirm the appointment during a special meeting on announced she is leaving to establish an independent November 15. She is expected to assume her duties in Terre philanthropic consulting practice. Haute in early January. ! Lee Feinstein , dean of the School of Global and Q She earned her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from International Studies at Indiana University Bloomington, will Indiana State after completing a master’s degree in music chair the committee to identify candidates for the position of education from the University of Illinois and a bachelor’s in dean for the School of Education at IUB. music education from MacMurray College. The only other Indiana State president who was an alumnus of Indiana State Q Current School of Education Dean Terry Mason is was the third president, William Wood Parsons. Prior to coming to the end of the two-year appointment he accepted becoming provost at Central Missouri, Curtis served as dean in 2015. He will return to the faculty. of the College of Education at Illinois State University from 2006 to 2012. She served on the faculty of Illinois State ! Valerie Eickmeier intends to step down as dean of the University for 26 years, advancing to the rank of full Herron School of Art and Design at IUPUI, effective June 30, professor. Her husband retired in 2007 after a lengthy career 2018. She will have spent 20 years in the deanship. in public education that included service as a school superintendent. ! Indiana University names Chuck Carney as director of ! media relations. He’s a former news director and on-air Sherri Harter has been named chief of staff to Taylor personality for WTIU-TV in Bloomington. University President Paul Lowell Haines . Harter has served Taylor for more than 30 years, most recently as vice president ! Marlon Mitchell , president of the Gary campus of Ivy for advancement and executive director of development. Tech Community College, is one of four finalists to become the next president of Southeast Arkansas College. ! Michael Reed Dora of Rush County, chair of the Ivy Tech Community College Board of Trustees, has been appointed ! Purdue University names Dr. Jay Akridge as provost and by the Trump Administration as state director for U.S. executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity, Department of Agriculture rural development in Indiana. effective immediately. Akridge has served in the position in ! an interim capacity since July 1. He also holds a faculty Governor Eric Holcomb (R) announces a pair of re- appointment as professor of agricultural economics and appointments and three new appointments to the Ivy Tech previously served for more than eight years as the Glenn W. Community College Board of Trustees. Sample Dean of Agriculture. Q Remaining on the Board of Trustees for Region 7 — Clay, Q Expect him to advocate a new data science initiative as a Greene (western portion), Parke, Sullivan, Vermillion, and key priority. Vigo counties — is Darrel D. Zeck , vice president and CAO of STARK Industries (June 30, 2021) and Region 10 — ! Fred Payne takes over as the commissioner of the Bartholomew, Brown, Decatur, Jackson, and Jennings Department of Workforce Development on December 12. counties — is Jesse Brand , president of Brands, Inc. (June 30, Payne is currently the chief administrator for Honda 2020). Manufacturing of Indiana (HMIN). Payne joined HMIN in Q 2008 as an attorney focusing on employment and labor issues The Governor also made three new appointments to the and in 2011 became general counsel, secretary, and corporate board. Region 11 — Dearborn, Jefferson, Ohio, Ripley, and affairs and administration manager. He is a graduate of the Switzerland counties — Harold Hunt , president and founder Indiana University Maurer School of Law and holds a of SuperATV, will serve until June 30, 2021; Region 13 — master’s degree from the University of Northern Iowa and Clark, Crawford, Floyd, Harrison, Orange, Scott, and bachelor’s degree from Grambling State University. Washington counties — Kerry Stemler , owner and CEO of KM Stemler Co., Inc., will serve until June 30, 2021; and ! Dr. Maggie Stevens , a former executive director of the Region 14 — Greene (eastern portion), Lawrence, Martin, Indiana Campus Compact who most recently served as the Monroe, and Owen counties — Gretchen Gutman , vice Vice President, Organizational and Community Development president of public policy for Cook Group, will serve until at Thomas P. Miller and Associates, joins Indiana Connected June 30, 2020. By 25 as the nonprofit’s new chief operating officer. Indiana Q Connected By 25 provides financial, educational and social Gutman replaces Lee Marchant , who stepped down from support to foster youth who age out of the foster care system the Ivy Tech State Board after serving since 2005. without permanent families.

INDIANA DAILY INSIGHT Copying, FAXing, or e-mailing without written www.ingrouponline.com publisher’s permission violates federal law! November 13, 2017/14

Q IN Government . . . The suit was filed by the National Women’s Law Center ! As the U.S. House Committee on Education & Workforce and Americans United for Separation of Church and State. considers legislation to re-authorize the Higher Education Notre Dame had announced following the rule change that Act, U.S. Rep. Todd Rokita (R), a member of the panel, has it would end birth control coverage for employees and been meeting privately with the leadership of Indiana colleges students but later reversed itself and said the coverage would and universities. He recently sat down with Butler University continue without UND funding it. President James Danko . ! A new Fast Track Award from the State of Indiana and Indiana Commission for Higher Education will make it easier for students to graduate from college early. The Frank O’Bannon Grant rewards students who take accelerated schedules through an incentive given in the subsequent year, requiring students to pay out-of-pocket on the front end, explains ICHE. As a result, some students who wish to enroll in Summer courses find that they have already used up their aid for the year and must wait until a new academic year begins in the Fall. This creates a “hurry up and wait” cycle in The 26th Annual Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP which students accelerate coursework but then must stop and Legislative Conference in association with wait for financial aid to catch up. The new Fast Track Award INGroup convenes Wednesday, December 13 at solves this problem and will be available for the 2017-2018 the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. school year, with the first award claims expected in Summer 2018. You can register online by Friday, December 8 at www.bgdlegcon.com . ! The University of Notre Dame had announced that it would discontinue allowing employees and students to obtain free birth control . . . but a few days later reversed itself and The 2017 BGD Legislative Conference will said employees and students could continue to acquire feature a luncheon keynote address by CNN contraceptive services at no charge through the University’s senior political analyst David Gergen . As an third-party insurance providers. advisor to four U.S. presidents, Gergen will Q provide a perspective on key lessons for leaders of In October, Notre Dame settled its lawsuit against the the future. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services over the Affordable Care Act rule obliging certain religious organizations to provide contraception coverage in their You will also hear from Indiana Governor Eric health care plans. The settlement came after the Trump Holcomb , and learn about key public policy Administration revised the rule to exempt more employers issues facing the state from a day-long series of from the contraception mandate. panels and expert panelists. ! On Thursday, November 9, during a return trip to Indianapolis, Second Lady Karen Pence stopped in at the Indiana University Health Neuroscience Center to visit an art therapy program involving the Herron School of Art and Design. Mrs. Pence has chosen art therapy as one of the big causes that she’ll champion. ! The Navient Corporation Political Action Committee INDIANA EDUCATION INSIGHT © 2017 INGroup. All makes a $3,500 mid-October contribution to the Oorah! rights reserved. Photocopying, FAXing, or reproducing in any Political Action Committee, the leadership PAC associated form, in whole or in part, is a violation of federal law, and is with U.S. Sen. Todd Young (R) . . . and a $1,500 contribution strictly prohibited without the publisher’s written consent . the same day to Supporting United States of America’s Next Subscriptions available via FAX and e-mail. Published biweekly. Leaders PAC (Susan PAC), the leadership PAC operated by Printed on recyclable paper; advertising rates available upon U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks (R). request. Base subscription rate for January-December 2017: $345. Additional copy rates and past issues available. IN Courts & Conduct . . . ! Three female students from the University of Notre Dame For subscriptions: call 317/817-9997 ; FAX 317/817-9998 . are among the five plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed against the Editorial offices: call 317/955-9997 ; FAX 317/955-9998 . Trump administration challenging the rollback of a rule E-mail: < [email protected] > implementing the contraception mandate of the Affordable Internet: < www.ingrouponline.com > Care Act.

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