Source: (2012, January 30). New York Times Hypes Israeli Attack On Iran . Retrieved Oct 15, 2012, from Amaliateh Akhareh Donya Final Draft Rev. 1 16 October 2012 Source: (2012, August 31). in a limbo over Iran attack | Saach.TV. Retrieved Oct 16, 2012, from Amaliateh Akhareh Donya Final Draft 16 October 2012 Team Cyber Dragons

TL-Mark Shea Cesar Salas XO-Sandra O'Brien Christopher Rauseo XO-Cherilyn Neal Dae'Shaun Hodge Ops-Michael Larry Harris Chandler Lamar Jones Michael Levi Ravi Wurah

10/20/2012 Final Draft 3


Facts Issue #2 Defense Issue #1: Attack Boost Issue #2: Defense Boost Issue #3: Policies Rules/Regulations Conclusions References 10/20/2012 Final Draft 4 Issue #2 Defense ISSUE#1 ATTACK/DEFENSE- WHAT THREE TARGETS WILL MAXIMIZE THE EFFECTIVENESS AND IMPACT OF SUCH NUCLEAR ATTACKS?


ISSUE#3 POLICIES- HOW WOULD ISRAELI AND U.S. POLICY CHANGE IN RESPONSE TO AN IRANIAN ATTACK? 10/20/2012 Final Draft 5 10/20/2012 Final Draft 6 1948 – 1979

Israel Iran Established as a Supplied oil to Israel country Conducted joint Permanent military projects delegation in Tehran

10/20/2012 Final Draft 7 1979 -1989 Iranian Revolution brings Ayatollah Khomeini into power Became an Islamic nation under Khomeini

Ended all official ties to Israel

Referred Israel and the United States as enemies of Islam

10/20/2012 Final Draft 8 1989 – Present

Anti-Israel rhetoric increases within Iran Political support and weapons to terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah

Hamas and Hezbollah orchestrated attacks on Israel and are known enemies to Israel

Iran’s Nuclear program combined with the anti-Israel rhetoric has heightened Israel’s fear of a Nuclear attack from Iran

10/20/2012 Final Draft 9 Source: Zanotti, J., Katzman, K., Gertler, J., & Hildreth, S. Congressional Research Service, (2012). Israel: Possible military strike against iran’s nuclear facilities (R42443). Retrieved from website: 10/20/2012 Final Draft 10 Tehran

A Nuclear Research center created in 1967 Equipped with US supplied 5 megawatt nuclear research reactor fueled by highly enriched uranium Converted to low-enriched uranium after fuel supplies cut by the US

10/20/2012 Final Draft 11 Natanz

Iran’s main uranium enrichment facility Monitored by the IAEA with cameras and visits by Inspectors Intended to only produce electricity according to Iran Built 8 meters underground and protected by a 25 meters thick concrete wall According to the IAEA Director-General’s February 2012 report, Iran has installed 9,100 centrifuges in the facility

10/20/2012 Final Draft 12 Isfahan

A uranium conversion facility Reprocesses uranium concentrate known as yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride gas Hexafluoride gas is the feedstock that is spun in centrifuges for enrichment An above ground facility

10/20/2012 Final Draft 13 Fordow

An underground uranium enrichment facility Iran said it would move 20% of Natanz production of LEU to Fordow Existence of this site was disclosed to the IAEA after being discovered by Intelligence agencies

10/20/2012 Final Draft 14 Bushehr

Nuclear power plant with a pressurized water reactor Plant operated as a joint venture between Russia and Iran

10/20/2012 Final Draft 15 Ardakan

Plant for processing uranium into yellowcake Reported to IAEA that the facility would be hot tested in July 2004 As of 2008, no further information as provided to the IAEA

10/20/2012 Final Draft 16 Arak

Heavy water research reactor Expected to replace the Tehran Nuclear Research Center According to a February 2012 IAEA report, the plant appears to be operating

10/20/2012 Final Draft 17 Potential Ranges of Iranian Medium-Range Ballistic Missiles

Source: Zanotti, J., Katzman, K., Gertler, J., & Hildreth, S. Congressional Research Service, (2012). Israel: Possible military strike against iran’s nuclear facilities (R42443). Retrieved from website: 10/20/2012 Final Draft 18

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) came into force in 1970 190 countries are signatory as of 1995, includes five nuclear weapon states: United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China Four non-parties to the treaty possess nuclear weapons: India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel Iran is party to the Treaty (NPT) since 1970

10/20/2012 Final Draft 19

1995, UN Security Council demands halt to uranium enrichment activities 1996, US imposed sanctions on Iran 2009, concerns over Tehran's nuclear program increased July 2012, negotiations to resolve the nuclear issue fails 67th UN General Assembly 2012, September 25 – October 1

10/20/2012 Final Draft 20 US President said a nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained Sept. 27, 2012. Israeli Prime Minister to UN General Assembly

Source: (2012) Tama, M. (Photographer). (2012). Benjamin-netanyahu-bomb-chart.jpeg. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from nyahus-bomb-explodes-on-the-internet/

10/20/2012 Final Draft 21

Aug. 17, 2012. Hezbollah’s Secretary- General Hassan Nasrallah stated Iran’s retaliation response against by Israel military strike would be huge Sept. 28, 2012. Iran President dares Israel to attack on CNN interview with Piers Morgan Sept. 28, 2012. Iran’s military chief threatens Israel will be annihilated if it dares attack Iran

10/20/2012 Final Draft 22

2006, George W. Bush started a cyber warfare called Olympic Games against Iran 2009, President Obama increased attacks on Iran’s main nuclear enrichment facilities 2010, Iran’s uranium enrichment centrifuges were hit by the Stuxnet virus April, 2011 Iran’s main oil export terminal on Kharg Island hit by a computer virus forcing shut down

10/20/2012 Final Draft 23 July, 2011 Metasploit attacked the nuclear systems and shut down the automation network at Natanz and another facility These alternative means have included attacks carried out in Cyberspace with the use of malware such as: Flame Stuxnet Duqu Aimed against Iran and its interest around the world

10/20/2012 Final Draft 24 Sept. 2012. Cyber attacks on Middle Eastern banks in Lebanon, Syria and Saudi Arabia Oct. 2012. US banks; Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank, PNC, the New York Stock Exchange and others by cyber attack by Shamoon A group claiming Middle Eastern ties, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters, took credit for the attacks online on the US banks 2011 Iran opened their own cyber warfare department

10/20/2012 Final Draft 25 The ruling Royal Family of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is the largest oil producer in the world Saudi Arabia has the capacity to create an oil surplus that allows them to stabilize the oil market Following points are pushing Saudi Arabia towards a revolution or purification: Fighting within the Royal Family Poor conditions of Saudi citizens

10/20/2012 Final Draft 26

Saudi public opinion is changing to that of an anti- American view 15 members of the 9/11 attacks against the U.S. were Saudis Popular preachers all over Saudi Arabia call openly for a jihad against the west The Royal Family has in turn supported fundamentalists with money in order to stave off an uprising against them In 1997 a member of the Royal Family put together a $100 million aid package for the Taliban

10/20/2012 Final Draft 27

An aging crown prince passes away and his successor is promptly chosen: Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud Though seen as an island of stability, deep-seated structural changes may yet destabilize the monarchy Saudi Arabia continues to suffer from a high unemployment rate while inflation persistently erodes purchasing power

10/20/2012 Final Draft 28

Two-thirds of the population are under 30 years of age, creating demographic problems in the region House of Saud has predicated its authority on religious legitimacy and economic development The security and stability of Saudi Arabia is a major concern for the United States The stability of the House of Saud cannot be guaranteed through religious militancy and economic rewards to a restive citizenry

10/20/2012 Final Draft 29

House of Saud is the object of bitter resentment amongst the poor of the region and increasingly amongst its own subjects Saudi rulers are struggling to contain a new wave of public protests that has erupted across the Arabian kingdom Across Saudi Arabia, grievances in the populace against the House of Saud unite Shia, Sunni and non-religionists alike

10/20/2012 Final Draft 30

Despite Saudi Arabia’s vast oil wealth and official GDP per capita, unemployment and poverty are rampant Saudi Arabia’s rulers rely on a slave labor economy recruited from South Asia and Africa Many young Saudis have to endure a life of unemployment A collapse of the House of Saud could cause the price of oil to hit record levels beyond $150 a barrel

10/20/2012 Final Draft 31

Satellite television, the Internet and social media, educated the young on government corruption 40% of Saudis live in poverty and nearly 70% can't afford a home 90% of all employees are imported Sunnis Saudi government feared that the Shi’ites in the Eastern Province might seek independence and its oil Independence for the Eastern Province would have a catastrophic outcome for the Saudi state

10/20/2012 Final Draft 32 Source: Peters, R. (Photographer). (2012). the_20project_20for_20the_20new2.jpg . [Web Photo]. Retrieved from ro/ With the instability of the House of Saud in recent years, there is a strong possibility that the outbreak of a nuclear war between Israel and Iran will have an adverse effect on the House of Saud to sustain an already weak control over the region. 10/20/2012 Final Draft 33 What would happen to people? Most people within a few miles of an exploding nuclear weapon will be killed or seriously injured by the blast, thermal, or initial radiation People in the lighter damages areas would be endangered both by the blast and direct effects by heat Radioactive fallouts would be the main danger in the lighter damage areas In a nationwide strike, damages and causalities are highly dependent on people’s proximity to the nuclear detonation

10/20/2012 Final Draft 34 What is Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)?

Source: (1985, June ). Protection in the Nuclear Age. Retrieved Oct 02, 2012, from EMP affects all electrical and electronic equipment connected to a power source. 10/20/2012 Final Draft 35 What is Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)? an additional effect caused by a nuclear blast caused by a nuclear explosion that is detonated just above the earth’s atmosphere damage to electrical and electronic equipment for thousands of miles electrical in nature similar to the effects of a lightning strike on electrical or electronic equipment

10/20/2012 Final Draft 36 What is Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)? has no direct effect on living organisms EMP charges are collected by typical conductors of electricity, such as cables, antennas, power lines, or buried pipes, etc. Affects all electronic that is connected to its power source (except batteries) or to an antenna (except 30 inches or less) Damages could range from minor interruption of functions to burnout of electrical and electronic components

10/20/2012 Final Draft 37 What is Fallout?

Source: (1985, June ). Protection in the Nuclear Age. Retrieved Oct 02, 2012, from

Impact and effect of a nuclear and radioactive explosion.

10/20/2012 Final Draft 38 What is Fallout?

During a nuclear weapon explosion on or near ground, a nuclear blast sucks up a large amount of pulverized earth and other debris creating a vacuumed effect Radioactive gases are condensed on and into this debris, generating radioactive particles known as fallout Difficult to predict what areas would be affected Hard to predict when and where the particles would re- enter the earth

10/20/2012 Final Draft 39 What is Fallout? Distribution of the fallout are determined by the wind currents and weather conditions. Wind patterns will varied day to day Areas close to the nuclear explosion might receive fallout within 15-30 minutes upon detonation Might take 5-10 hours or more for radioactive particles to drift down on a community a couple of hundreds of miles away from the initial blast Actual size of fallout particles range in size, from granular (largest) to fine dust-like (smallest)

10/20/2012 Final Draft 40 What is Fallout? Quantity of the radioactive particles are determined by the size and the method of detonation (near the ground or in the air) Fallout participles can ONLY be detected by specialized instruments, available in inventories at local and state Emergency Service Offices

10/20/2012 Final Draft 41 Protection from Fallout

Source: (1985, June ). Protection in the Nuclear Age. Retrieved Oct 02, 2012, from

Source: (1985, June ). Protection in the Nuclear Age. Retrieved Oct 02, 2012, from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 42 Protection from Fallout

Three factors to consider: Distance, mass and time

The greater the distance between you and the fallout particles, will determine the rate of survivability and quantity of radiation you will receive

Materials such as bricks, concrete and earth absorb many of the gamma rays

10/20/2012 Final Draft 43 Protection from Fallout

The strength of the radioactive fallout will weaken over time

Fallout shelters are the best means of protection, during the first few days of an nuclear attack

Amount of time to remain in a fallout shelter will range from a few days to a few weeks

10/20/2012 Final Draft 44 Radiation Sickness

Radioactive rays from fallout particles are invisible Could cause physical or chemical damage to the human body Large dose of radiation can lead to serious illness or even death Radiation has a cumulative effect, acting like a chemical poison

10/20/2012 Final Draft 45 Three types of radiation from Fallout ALPHA – is halted by the outer skin layers BETA – is more penetrating and can cause burns on unprotected skins exposed to fresh fallout particles for a few hours GAMMA – is the greatest threat to life and is the most difficult to protect against  Penetrates the entire body, like the strong x-ray machine  Cause severe damage to the organs, blood and bones  The human body cannot recover from excessive exposure to gamma rays 10/20/2012 Final Draft 46 Three types of radiation from Fallout

Source: (1985, June ). Protection in the Nuclear Age. Retrieved Oct 02, 2012, from Illustration depicts the short-term effects on humans after a brief period of whole body exposure to gamma radiation. 10/20/2012 Final Draft 47 Psychological effects in civilian people after terrorist attack

The deliberate targeting of civilians, including women and children is an unconventional military tactics used in terrorism

Source: Glazov, J. (Photographer). (2010). israel.jpg. [Print Photo]. Retrieved from glazov/remembering-israels-victims-of-terror/

10/20/2012 Final Draft 48 Serious personal consequences produced in victims exposed to terrorism attack

Post-traumatic stress symptoms (Smith & Segal, 2012):

Re-experiencing the traumatic event Avoiding reminders of the trauma Increased anxiety and emotional arousal

Experiencing terrorism can lead to increased use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs, and to self-medication.

10/20/2012 Final Draft 49 Re-experiencing the traumatic event

Intrusive, upsetting memories of the event Flashbacks (acting or feeling like the event is happening again) Nightmares (either of the event or of other frightening things) Feelings of intense distress when reminded of the trauma Intense physical reactions to reminders of the event (pounding heart, rapid breathing, nausea, muscle tension, sweating)

10/20/2012 Final Draft 50 Avoiding reminders of the trauma

Avoiding activities, places, thoughts, or feelings that remind you of the trauma Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma Loss of interest in activities and life in general Feeling detached from others and emotionally numb Sense of a limited future (you don’t expect to live a normal life span, get married, have a career)

10/20/2012 Final Draft 51 Increased anxiety and emotional arousal

Difficulty falling or staying asleep Irritability or outbursts of anger Difficulty concentrating Hyper vigilance (on constant “red alert”) Feeling jumpy and easily startled

10/20/2012 Final Draft 52 Psychological Effects

Wayment, Barger, Tolle & O'Mara (2010) Mentioned: In the early weeks after the attacks, terrorism-related distress and perceived similarity may have uniquely contributed to different restoration strategies: Perceived similarity to the victims (helping) and terrorism-related distress (desire to retaliate)

10/20/2012 Final Draft 53 Survivor Family Reactions

For many survivors the first news of the violent homicide strikes a mortal blow to the self evoking their own sense of personal loss Irritability or outbursts of anger Families may clamor for information about the identity the dead and any possible relationship to the victim they may have had The survivors usual range of territorial and affiliative activity becomes constricted as the home is turned into a protective fortress, strangers are avoided, and unfamiliar surrounding are circumvented Survivors may over identify with the slain victims, sleeping in the dead relatives bed, wearing his or her clothing, or even assuming vocal and behavioral characteristics of the slain person

Family Therapy of Terroristic Trauma

Death Notification: Proper notification of family members, that a loved one has been killed or that the body of a missing relative has been located and identified Accordingly interventions with parents and their families should be directed at assisting the child to regain a sense of safety Young children may ask the same questions repeatedly until they are able to process and understand all the information Therapist should advise adult caregivers to be patient and respond to the child's questions

10/20/2012 Final Draft 55 The scale shows the range of Risk from Low to High.

10/20/2012 Final Draft 56 RISK (R) = f (1/ COUNTERMEASURES (C) Risk Prior to Attack(currently) is Medium-High at 68% as shown on the scale above

R • Potential for damage or loss of an asset

• Function of variables (0,1,…., Threat, N) that correlates positively with risk F

• The coefficient of variables that positively correlate with risk 1

C • Action taken to reduce/eliminate factors that increase risk

10/20/2012 Final Draft 57 Threat Variable Countermeasure R=f(1/C) Iran knows she is being watched Israel Suspicious of an Attack Medium High •Guard against preemptive strike •Israeli population preparedness by Israel •Efficient first responders’ system •Iran is Secretive 98% 30% 68% Sponsors Hezbollah and or Hamas Israeli Intelligence (Mossad) is one Medium High Attacks of the best 94% 26% 68% Iran’s weapons delivery systems Israeli Defense systems Medium High •Shahab 3 •Arrow II missile defense system •Musudan •Iron Dome •Seijil 98% 30% 68% North Korea missile export to Iran Help from western allies (US) Medium High 88% 20% 68% Iran government public statements Israel government public statements Medium High 92% 24% 68%


10/16/2012 Final Draft 59 Change in Threat R=f(1/C) Iran has a nuclear weapon High •Iran is keeping bomb a secret •Israel, US and IAEA unaware of bomb •No preemptive strike by Israel 99.5% 90.5% Hezbollah and Hamas attack Israel with High multiple rockets as a decoy 99% 90.5% Iran’s 3 Nuclear Weapon Missiles High • Shahab 3-50MT • Musudan-30MT • Sejil-30MT 97% 90.5% Nuclear missile targets; , Ashdod High and Be’ersheva. 98% 90.5% Attack Boost Risk Probability assessed at 91% 10/20/2012 Final Draft 60 Issue #1 Iran’s Missile and Nuclear related sites

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12,chemical,missile,nuclear10/20/2012 Final Draft 61 Date, Time & Targets

Date/Time : March 26, 2013 - Sunset 17:57 hours Attack: 1900 hours First night of Passover ( most important holiday in Jewish calendar) Most important part of Passover is ceremony of Seder, elaborate meals the first two nights of Passover No work permitted on March 26th or 27th Citizens at home (including military and government)

10/20/2012 Final Draft 62 Date, Time & Targets

Targets: Jerusalem - 50MT Be’ersheva - 30MT Nazareth - 30MT

10/20/2012 Final Draft 63 Nuclear and Radiological Weapons Actual impact and effect will be multiplied exponentially by 30-50 times due to the magnitude of the Nuclear Bombs ranging from 30-50 Megatons of destructive power…

Source: (1985, June ). Protection in the Nuclear Age. Retrieved Oct 02, 2012, from 10/16/2012 Final Draft 64 Israeli Defense Systems

Arrow II missile defense system – target long range missiles and projectiles

Iron Dome – designed to target shorter range rockets

Diversion tactic - Recruit Hezbollah and Hamas to launch thousands of rockets to increase the chances of successful delivery of nuclear Source (2012) TEIBEL , A. (2012, August 5). Israel Arrow Missile Defense System Upgraded. Retrieved weapons Oct 1, 2012, from system_n_1744959.html

10/20/2012 Final Draft 65 Israel Defense System: Iron Dome

Source (2010) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012 Final Draft 66 Missile Related sites in Israel

Source (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 l,chemical,missile,nuclear

10/20/2012 Final Draft 67 Nuclear Related Sites in Israel

Source (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12,chemical,missile,nuclearn 4 10/20/2012 68 WMD

Iran nuclear devices: 3 Nuclear Warheads • 50 MT • 30 MT • 30 MT Detonation height varies according to weapon size to create maximum destruction Method of Delivery: 3 missiles systems

10/20/2012 Final Draft 69 Weapons Delivery Systems Shahab 3 Country: Iran Associated Country: North Korea, Pakistan Class: MRBM Basing: Road mobile Length: 16.58 m Diameter: 1.38 m Launch Weight: 17410 kg Single warhead, 1,200 Payload: or 800 kg Nuclear, HE, chemical, Warhead: or submunitions Source (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12;in=15;PHPSESSID=2cd1e067009 Propulsion: Single-stage liquid 76a2a2a2ad316cb0db7d8 Range: 800-1300 km Status: Operational 10/20/2012 Final Draft 70 Shahab 3

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12;in=15;PHPSESSID=2cd1e06700976a2a2a2ad316cb0db7d8 10/20/2012 Final Draft 71 Shahab 3

Source: (2006) Retrieved 10/1/12 Missile Range – 800 to1300 km 10/20/2012 Final Draft 72 Weapons Delivery Systems Musadan Country: North Korea Associated Country: Iran Alternate Names: No Dong B; BM-25; Taepodong X; Rodong-B Class: IRBM Length: 12 m Diameter: 1.5 m Launch Weight: 19000 kg Payload: 1000-1200 Propulsion: liquid Range: 3200 km

10/20/2012 Final Draft 73 Weapons Delivery Systems Musadan

Based on Soviet R-27 Technology used by N Korea N Korea tested successfully April 2009 Iran Purchased 18 from N Korea Delivered in 2005 Launch platform – mobile, cargo ships, and submarines

10/20/2012 Final Draft 74 Musadan

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12;in=15;PHPSESSID=2cd1e06700976a2a2a2ad316cb0db7d8 10/20/2012 Final Draft 75 Weapons Delivery Systems Sejil

Country: Iran Associated Country: None Class: MRBM Warhead: Nuclear Range: 2000 Km Status: Operational

Two stage ballistic missile Powered by solid propellant rocket Payload - 2000 lbs Range/Distance - 2200 km

10/20/2012 Final Draft 76 Sejil

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12;in=15;PHPSESSID=2cd 1e06700976a2a2a2ad316cb0db7d8

10/20/2012 Final Draft 77 Source: (2012) SUSRISblog. Retrieved Oct 16, 2012, from 2000 km radius shows cities within Iranian missile range

10/20/2012 Final Draft 78 Weapons Delivery Systems

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012 Draft 79 The Greatest Political Target and the Holiest of Jewish Cities!

10/20/2012 Final Draft 80

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 81 Jerusalem Population – 801,000 Government Mayor Nir Barkat Located in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean Sea and Dead Sea Supreme Court of Israel Israeli Foreign Ministry Bank of Israel 10/20/2012 Final Draft 82


Home of the President Home of the Prime Minister Home of the Cabinet Headquarters for Israeli Police Leading logistics hub for Israel

10/20/2012 Final Draft 83

Jerusalem Several Prestigious Universities Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Academy of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jewish-Arab school “Hand in Hand”

10/20/2012 Final Draft 84

Jerusalem Dome of the Rock Place were Mohammed ascended to heaven Where Abraham attempted to sacrifice his son One of the most visited landmarks Temple Mount and West wall Jews states this were the world was created Church of the Holy Sepulchre The site where Jesus was buried The site of pilgrimage

10/20/2012 Final Draft 85


Elevation is about 800 meters above sea level 70 kilometers south-east of Tel Aviv Jerusalem central location makes it ideal for locals and tourist Jerusalem is close to many attractions: Tel Aviv The Dead Sea The Judean Desert Masada

10/20/2012 Final Draft 86


Chapel of the Ascension Site where Christ ascended to heaven Tomb of the Virgin Mary Resting site of the Queen Melisende Belz Synagogue Largest synagogue in the city of Jerusalem Capacity to hold 6,000 It’s one of the city’s prestigious Jewish landmark Jews attend Shabbat services on Fridays

10/20/2012 Final Draft 87

Overview of Jerusalem’s historical periods

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/14/2012 10/20/2012 Final Draft 88 Jerusalem Outlying Affected Areas Belt Shemesh Population 80,600 Founded in 1950 Mayor is Moshe Abutbul Name meaning “ House of the Sun” Abu Ghosh Population 5,700 Known for its good relations with the State of Israel Mayor is Salim Jaber Biblical Town Hummus Capital Mevaseret Zion Population 22,800 Located on the moutain ridge 750 meters above seal level The wealthies per capital in Jerusalem Mayor is Arye Shamam

10/20/2012 Final Draft 89 Jerusalem Outlying Affected Areas Kiryat Ye’arim  Population 3,100  Kiryat Ye’arim means “ Town of Forests  Predominantly Jewish with a growth rate of 1.2%

10/20/2012 Final Draft 90 Jerusalem, based on a height of blast = 0

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012 Final Draft 91

Jerusalem, based on a height of blast = 0

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 92 Jerusalem, Affected Nuclear/Missile Sites

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012,chemical,missile,nuclear Final Draft 93 Jerusalem Detonation Calculations Based on Scaling laws

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012 Draft 94 Jerusalem, Missile Detonation Altitude

5 psi is called the “kill radius”

Height of blast (HOB) = 0, 5 PSI = 10.53 miles

Height of blast = 4.2 km, 5 psi = 25.3 km = 15.7 miles

SUMMARY: A HOB of 3.4 km produces 5.7 more miles of kill radius or 426.1 more sq/miles of 5 psi destruction!

10/20/2012 Final Draft 95 Jerusalem Infrastructure FUELS

Ashdod – 2nd largest oil refinery in Israel

Type Production [Thousands tons per year] Gasoline 1,000 Gasoil 1,300 LPG 250 Jet fuel 300 Fuel Oil 1,300 Total 4,000

10/20/2012 Final Draft 96 Jerusalem Infrastructure FUELS

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 97 Jerusalem Infrastructure FUELS Natural Gas

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 98 Jerusalem Infrastructure TRANSPORTATION

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 Ben Gurion Airport: 13 million passengers a year 10/20/2012 Final Draft 99 Jerusalem Infrastructure TRANSPORTATION System – 130,000 passengers a day, 31 million in first year. Jerusalem Central Bus Station - one of the largest and busiest in Israel.

Source: (2012) Retrieved 9/15/12 Light-Rail.jpg

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012 Final Draft 100 Jerusalem Infrastructure WATER

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 101 Source: (2012) Be\'er-Sheva - Israel - SkyscraperCity. Retrieved Oct 16, 2012, from

10/16/2012 Final Draft 102 Be’ersheva

The largest city in the Negev desert of southern Israel. Often referred to as the "Capital of the Negev"

The seventh-largest city in Israel with a population of 194,300

10/20/2012 Final Draft 103 Be’ersheva - Negev Nuclear Research Center Israeli nuclear installation located in the Negev desert, about thirteen kilometers to the south-east of the city of Dimona

An estimate based on the known power of the reactor concluded that enough plutonium for 100 to 200 nuclear bomb

10/20/2012 Final Draft 104 Be’ersheva - Dimona Nuclear Reactor

Produce plutonium used in atomic bombs The reactor was purchased from France as part of a secret agreement related to the Suez War Construction of the reactor started late 1957, it began operation (became critical) in 1963 Fueled by natural uranium and deuterium

10/20/2012 Final Draft 105 Be’ersheva - Dimona Nuclear Reactor

The French (via the Alsace Corporation) delivered a reactor with a capacity of 24-26 megawatts, which was secretly increased by Israel, first to 70 megawatts and later to 150 megawatts It is estimated that Israel spends on its nuclear program more than $1 billion a year

10/20/2012 Final Draft 106 Be’ersheva - based on a height of blast = 0

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 e/intro/nuke/ m

10/20/2012 Final Draft 107 Be’ersheva - based on a height of blast = 0

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 108 Be’ersheva - Affected Nuclear/Missile Sites

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012,chemical,missile,nuclear Final Draft 109 Be’ersheva - Detonation Calculations Based on Scaling laws

Source: (2009) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012 Final Draft 110 Be’ersheva - Missile Detonation Altitude

Height of blast (HOB) = 0, 5 PSI = 8.73 miles

Height of blast = 3.4 km, 5 psi = 21.4 km = 13.297 miles

SUMMARY: A HOB of 3.4 km produces 4.567 more miles of kill radius or 316 more sq/miles of 5 psi destruction!

10/20/2012 Final Draft 111 Be’ersheva - Infrastructure FUELS

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 112 Be’ersheva Infrastructure FUELS Natural Gas

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 113 Be’ersheva Infrastructure AGRICULTURE

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 114 Be’ersheva Infrastructure WATER

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012 Final Draft 115 Source: (2011. Padfield, D. (2011, ). Israel, Greece, Turkey, Egypt and Italy in Bible Times | History and Geography. Retrieved Oct 16, 2012, from 10/20/2012 Final Draft 116 Nazareth

Largest city in the North District of Israel Population – 80000 Childhood home of Jesus Christ, Founder of Christianity 16 miles from Sea of Galilee (freshwater fishing)

10/20/2012 Final Draft 117


Top10 tourist destinations as is Sea of Galilee Arab Holocaust Museum Visited by Pope in 2000 Over half a million people effected outside Nazareth

10/20/2012 Final Draft 118

Nazareth - Outlying Affected Areas

Haifa Third largest city in Israel population 270,000 Home of Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Major seaport Haifa oil refinery (66 million barrels of crude a year)

10/20/2012 Final Draft 119 Nazareth - Outlying Affected Areas

Afula Population 46,000 Immigrants from Ethiopia and FSU Health clinics for immediate area

Kiryat Ata Population 50,000 some fact about Kiryat Ata

10/20/2012 Final Draft 120 Nazareth - Outlying Affected Areas Karmiel Population 50,000 Serves as major commercial, cultural, and industrial hub in western Galilee Beit She’an Population 17,000 Collective community based on agriculture 10/20/2012 Final Draft 121

Nazareth - Outlying Affected Areas

Tamra Population 27,000 Safed (Tzfat) Population 35,000 One of Jewish worlds holy cities and center of Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism Major tourist area

10/20/2012 Final Draft 122 Nazareth - Outlying Affected Areas

Tiberias Population 41,000 Major tourist area Host Israel’s largest marathon Afula Population 40,000 Immigrants from Ethiopia and FSU Center of area for healthcare, dining, and shopping

10/20/2012 Final Draft 123 Nazareth - Outlying Affected Areas

Umm el Fahm Population 43,000 Urban center for surrounding villages

Qabatiya Population 20,000 Agriculture and limestone industry

10/20/2012 Final Draft 124 Nazareth - Outlying Affected Areas

Jenin Population 39,000 Administrative center for Jenin Governorate Arab American University

10/20/2012 Final Draft 125 Nazareth - based on a height of blast = 0

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 nuke/effects.htm

10/20/2012 Final Draft 126 Nazareth - based on a height of blast = 0

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 127 Nazareth - Affected NUCLEAR MISSILES Sites

Source (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012,chemical,missile,nuclearFinal Draft 128 Nazareth - Detonation Calculations Based on Scaling laws

Source: (2009) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012 Draft 129 Nazareth - Missile Detonation Altitude

5 psi is often called the “kill radius”

Height of blast (HOB) = 0, 5 PSI = 8.73 miles

Height of blast = 3.4 km, 5 psi = 21.4 km = 13.297 miles

SUMMARY: A HOB of 3.4 km produces 4.567 more miles of kill radius or 316 more sq/miles of 5 psi destruction!

10/20/2012 Final Draft 130 Nazareth Infrastructure TRANSPORTATION

Haifa Airport Kiryat Shmona Airport

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 131 Nazareth Infrastructure FUELS

Haifa Bay - largest refinery in Israel

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012 Final Draft 132 Nazareth Infrastructure FUELS Natural Gas

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 133 Nazareth Infrastructure POWER

Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12

10/20/2012 Final Draft 134 Nazareth Infrastructure AGRICULTURE Source: (2012) Retrieved 10/1/12

Haifa Wastewater treatment plant used for agriculture, 3rd largest in Israel. 10/20/2012 Final Draft 135 Nazareth Infrastructure WATER

National Water Carrier of Israel Largest water project in Israel Freshwater from Sea of Galilee piped south Water pipes routed through Nazareth

10/20/2012 Final Draft 136 Nazareth Infrastructure WATER

Source: (2011) Retrieved 10/1/12 10/20/2012 Final Draft 137 RISK =90.5% Rounded to 91% Before Attack Boost Risk is 68% The Risk Difference is 91-68=23 So Risk increase 23% with Attack Boost Risk Probability Difference is assessed at 23%


10/20/2012 Final Draft 139 Boost in Countermeasure R=f(1/C) Israel Suspicious of an Attack Medium • Israeli Intelligence has credible information on Iran’s nuclear Preemptive strike on Iran’s Nuclear sites 44% 43% • Comprehensive family reaction planand training Medium • Population supplied with Disaster kits and protective gear • Family Evacuation and escape plan 34% 43% Israeli Defense systems Medium •Arrow II missile defense system tested and ready •Iron Dome ready and tested 36% 43% New US President affirms allegiance to Israel Medium 50% 43% Incident command center ready and tested Medium 50% 43%

Defense10/20/2012 Boost Risk ProbabilityFinal Draft assessed at 43%140 Objectives:

Emergency Management Plan for Israeli population Civil Defense Missile Shield Preemptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities Cripples Iran’s nuclear program

10/20/2012 Final Draft 141 Source: (2010). Retrieved from Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

Terrorist weapons are often referred to as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) because of the ability to kill large numbers of people

The four categories of weapons are:

1. Conventional Weapons & Explosives 2. Nuclear and Radioactive Weapons 3. Chemical Weapons 4. Biological Weapons

Since, we are dealing with an Nuclear Attack, we will focus on item # 2 “Nuclear and Radioactive Weapons”

10/20/2012 Final Draft 143 CBRNE Impact, Preparedness, Survivability, and Incident Planning The immediate impact of such attacks may reach much further than the scene of the disaster

Source: (2006). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 144 Conventional Weapons and Explosives

Most likely type of terrorist weapon is a conventional explosive device

Some of these conventional weapons pack a very powerful punch and can bring down large buildings

Casualties could number in the hundreds in this type of attack

10/20/2012 Final Draft 145

CBRNE Impact, Preparedness, Survivability, and Incident Planning For this reason is important to establish a plan

First Responders may be exposed to in a terrorist attack

Knowledge of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive weapons (CBRNE) is needed for every first responder

First Responders and community: Managing community emergency programs enough basic information to safeguard themselves and those for whom they are responsible

10/20/2012 Final Draft 146 Civil Defense Program: Family Plan Checklist How will family communicate? What supplies do you need at home If you remain home If you flee Destination Safe room or basement • No windows • Contains a telephone and a radio • Bring your supplies with you Someplace else? 10/20/2012 Final Draft 147 Family Emergency Action Plan Develop plan to deal with the emergency Find safe spots in the home Draw a floor plan and mark 2 escape routes from each room Post emergency telephone numbers Teach children to call emergency police and fire Turn on radio for emergency information

10/20/2012 Final Draft 148 Family Emergency Action Plan Pick a local and out of state friend to call if separated Pick 2 emergency meeting places One in and one outside of neighborhood Discuss The dangers Actions if someone is hurt Action if power goes out How to turn off the water, gas, and electricity at the main switches

10/20/2012 Final Draft 149 Family Emergency Action Plan

Take first aid and CPR training Keep family records in a waterproof and fireproof container Have cash on hand; ATMs may not be operable

10/20/2012 Final Draft 150 Family Emergency Evacuation and Escape Plan

Tune in to the radio Follow instructions of the local officials Wear protective clothing and sturdy shoes Take disaster supply kit Lock the house

10/20/2012 Final Draft 151 Family Emergency Evacuation and Escape Plan

Use official routes Take cash with you Shut off utilities Let others know where/when you are going Make pet arrangements

10/20/2012 Final Draft 152 Family Disaster Supply Kit 1 gallon of water per person per day Prescription medication for at least one week A supply of nonperishable packaged or canned food and a hand operated can opener Special foods for infants or special diets Non-prescription drugs (aspirin, antacids…)

10/20/2012 Final Draft 153 Family Disaster Supply Kit

Change of clothing and rain gear and sturdy shoes Thermal blankets and sleeping bags First aid kit Sanitation and personal hygiene Cellular phone

10/20/2012 Final Draft 154 Family Disaster Supply Kit Battery powered radio, flashlight & batteries and bulbs Credit cards and cash Extra set of car keys Family documents (passports, wills, financial records) Camping items – compass, matches, tent

10/20/2012 Final Draft 155 Family Car Getaway Kit

Flashlight Booster cables Fire extinguisher Tire repair kit Maps, flares Full gas tank and certified container gasoline

10/20/2012 Final Draft 156 Special Procedures

Away from home: Proceed home unless directed otherwise by the authorities Cover your mouth and nose with wetted towels or paper towels Shield your eyes

10/20/2012 Final Draft 157 Special Procedures

At home: Close all doors /windows Turn off ventilation system Seal all windows / doors with plastic tape Attempt to identify type of attack that has occurred

10/20/2012 Final Draft 158 Special Procedures

Children at school: Talk to school authorities Find out their plan of action Talk to your children Make a plan

10/20/2012 Final Draft 159 Self-Protection for Responders Barrier protection, reducing the time of exposure and distancing yourself from the hazard are the keys to survival for all first responders:

Put the best available barrier between you and the nuclear agent Keep the hazard from entering or coming in contact with your body is the best method of protection Cover your eyes and all of your skin quickly before you become contaminated Must adequately filter the air you breath 10/20/2012 Final Draft 160

Self-Protection for Responders

In some cases, respirator filters will not fully protect you from all CBRNE hazards, and supplied-air breathing apparatus must be used in the contaminated area Verify that a correct certified filter type is installed when using a filter respirator Reduce the time you are exposed to the agent You should not be in a contaminated area, if you are not properly trained to deal with a hazardous substance

10/20/2012 Final Draft 161 Self-Protection for Responders

Move out of the contamination quickly, if you are caught without a mask or other protective equipment Using any expedient means of creating a barrier between yourself and the hazard Layers of clothing, rain slickers, hats, ski goggles, wet towels or handkerchiefs over the face may be used as protection Get away quickly and decontaminate immediately

10/20/2012 Final Draft 162

First Responders: Incident Command Center Establish the Incident Command Center and all staging areas well outside the most pessimistic danger zone It would be possible to deliberately establish operating facilities within the zone of contamination with specialized equipment and highly trained teams, when no other practical solution exists Contact your regional Civil Support Team for advice and guidance for the need of this capability

10/20/2012 Final Draft 163

Preplanning and Training

Assume that any CRNBE terrorist attack creates at least a HAZMAT Level A situation involving Toxic-by-Inhalation- Hazards (TIH) Implement evacuation, isolation and protection distances in accordance with Green Pages Section of the Emergency Response Guidebook, for release of a TIH of best-guess quantity There are expedient defensive measures that will reduce risk, when Emergency response teams or command officers find themselves suddenly and unexpectedly in an area from which they cannot escape

10/20/2012 Final Draft 164

The following precautions may be helpful when forced to operate inside or near the hazard area

Locate the command post upwind from the hazard hot zone Locate the emergency refuge or command center inside a building as opposed to using a vehicle Buildings provide greater physical protection and are much easier to seal against chemical and biological hazards Select the most protected interior room available. Many hazardous fumes are heavier than air, an interior room on a middle floor of the building might be advisable

10/20/2012 Final Draft 165 The following precautions may be helpful when forced to operate inside or near the hazard area

Shut off central fans and air handling equipment Establish a decontamination station at the entrance to the facility to prevent contamination from being carried inside Windows and doors should be covered with plastic and sealed with duct tape

10/20/2012 Final Draft 166 The following precautions may be helpful when forced to operate inside or near the hazard area

If possible, a HEPA filter should be placed in the temporary field station and a positive room pressure generated The room should remain sealed until after the chemical or biological plume has totally passed the area If possible, keep escape vehicles in a nearby garage or other protected area in case emergency evacuation is needed Cover with plastic or blankets if left outdoors Establish a site evacuation and rescue plan

10/20/2012 Final Draft 167 General Safety Procedures at Terrorist Incidents

Suspect the worst at all terrorist incidents until the air is tested Use barrier protection until the area is tested to be safe Establish decontamination stations as soon as possible Contain all run off from decontamination activities 10/20/2012 Final Draft 168 General Safety Procedures at Terrorist Incidents

Be on the alert for structural collapses Be on the alert for secondary explosive devices You are part of a crime scene, preserve all evidence when possible

10/20/2012 Final Draft 169 Indicators of a possible CBRNE attack

Unusual numbers of people dying in an area, or from strange causes Unusual numbers of sick or dying animals, birds or fish Lack of insect life where it should be seen Unusual numbers of people in an area complaining of blisters/rashes, nausea, disorientation, difficulty in breathing, convulsions, localized sweating, conjunctivitis (reddening of the eyes), erythema (reddening of the skin), or any irregular symptoms

10/20/2012 Final Draft 170 Indicators of a possible CBRNE attack

Strange colored smoke coming from the area of a detonation Explosions that seem to do very little damage or which release an unusual amount of smoke, or leave droplets of liquid in the area, or fragments covered with liquid or droplets Unusual appearance of any liquid droplets, particularly where there should be none Abandoned aerosol sprayers in the area of sick people People reporting unusual odors or tastes

10/20/2012 Final Draft 171 Indicators of a possible CBRNE attack

Unexplained mists or hazes in urban area Sudden or unexplained appearance of low- lying clouds Unidentified, low-flying aircraft--particularly crop dusters--over a populated area

Whenever a CBRNE incident is suspected, immediately put on your protective equipment. Remember the time-distance- shielding rule for protection: Spend as little time as possible in the hazard zone, and keep your distance from the area Shield yourself from the hazard at all times Decontaminate as soon and as thoroughly as possible

10/20/2012 Final Draft 172 Source: (2007). Retrieved from Israeli Defense System Iranian integrated air defense system (IADS) composed of Cold War relics originally designed and built between the 1950s and late 1960s Soviet built SA-5B (S-200VE) has a range of 200 nautical miles Chinese HQ-2 30 nautical mile range U.S supplied Hawk system F-14 and Mig 29

Israeli Response

Source: (2009). Retrieved from http://www.iran- Electronic warfare principles to bypass an enemy IADS 10/20/2012 Final Draft 174

Israeli Defense System IDF Availability Total Population: 7,473,052 Military Age: 121,722

Active Military: 187,000 Active Reserve: 565,000

Source: (2012). Retrieved from Available Manpower: 3,511,190

10/20/2012 Final Draft 175 Israeli Defense System IDF Availability Total Land Weapons: 12,552 Total Logistical Vehicles: 7,684 Total Tanks: 3,230 Total APCs / IFVs: 6,278 Total Towed Artillery: 550 Total SPGs: 706 Total MLRSs: 138 Source: (2012). Retrieved from Total Mortars: 750 Total AT Weapons: 900 Total AA Weapons: 200 10/20/2012 Final Draft 176

Israeli Defense System

IDF Availability Total Aircraft: 1,964 Total Helicopters: 689

Total Serviceable Airports: 48

Source: (2012). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 177 Israeli Defense System IDF Availability Total Navy Ships: 64 Total Patrol Craft: 42 Merchant Marine Strength: 10 Major Ports & Terminals: 4 Total Submarines: 3 Total Aircraft Carriers: 0 Total Destroyers: 0 Total Frigates: 0 Source: (2012). Retrieved from Total Mine Warfare Craft: 0 Total Amphibious Assault Craft: 0 10/20/2012 Final Draft 178 Israeli Defense System Magic Wand: A multi-functional defense system Purpose of the system Deal with all threats Based on Highly advanced, cutting edge interception technology Operational Conditions Any weather condition System Analyzes/Intercepts Threats System Targets Specific area to detonate its warhead

10/20/2012 Final Draft 179 Israeli Defense System Magic Wand: A multi-functional defense system Defends against numerous threats: Missiles targeting low-flying helicopters Any imaginable ballistic threat Range Includes: Atmosphere to ground Long range Across wide areas Defends against several types of missiles Ballistic Short range cruise missiles

10/20/2012 Final Draft 180 Israeli Defense System Magic Wand: A multi-functional defense system Centrally located Protection area extremely wide Non battery based system Platform connects Additional Sites Allowing Regional / National Coverage Range Functionality Between Protected areas of Arrow missiles /Iron Dome

10/20/2012 Final Draft 181 Israeli Defense System Magic Wand: A multi-functional defense system

Intelligent Solution ability to Contact all other defense systems Serve as platform Operate additional interception systems Deal with multiple / simultaneous attacks Select most dangerous threat from different types of targets in barrage

10/20/2012 Final Draft 182

Israeli Defense System Magic Wand: A multi-functional defense system Deal with non targeted airborne elements such as own aircraft and missiles Mobile launcher platform Carries 12 vertical launch missiles Cover a 360-degrees spectrum Fast launches/high reload rate Platform Based Controlled remotely/deployable anywhere

10/20/2012 Final Draft 183 Israeli Defense System Arrow II and III: Interceptive capabilities Missile Defense System Developed In Israel Addresses transforming threats against Israel Development Includes Conjunction with Boeing American funding Impedes Missile Attacks Identifying /locating incoming missile Performs calculations finding optimal launch point Launches rocket intercepting missile before target is hit

10/20/2012 Final Draft 184 Israeli Defense System Arrow II and III: Interceptive capabilities Arrow III missile: Currently under development, Intercepts long-range ballistic missiles Higher altitudes than the Arrow II Exo-atmospheric Capabilities: Intercept rocket attacks in outer space Target ballistic missiles while airborne.

10/20/2012 Final Draft 185 Israeli Defense System Arrow II and III: Interceptive capabilities

Source: (2007). Retrieved from Raketenabwehr.html Intercept faraway missiles, outside the atmosphere, and enables a larger number of interception capabilities.

10/20/2012 Final Draft 186 Iron Dome System: Dual-Mission Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) and Very Short Range Air Defense (V-SHORAD) System

Source: (2010). Retrieved from 10/20/2012 Final Draft 187 Iron Dome System: Dual-Mission Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) and Very Short Range Air Defense (V-SHORAD) System

Source: (2012). Retrieved from Defense solution effectively: Counters rockets artillery & mortars (C-RAM) ( ranges of up to 70 km) aircraft, helicopters, UAVs, PGMs 10/20/2012 Final Draft 188 Iron Dome System: Dual-Mission Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) and Very Short Range Air Defense (V-SHORAD) System

Source: (2012). Retrieved from Defense solution effectively: VSHORAD protection (Up to 10 km) Handles simultaneously multiple threats efficiently Effective and selective handling of critical threats 10/20/2012 Final Draft 189 Iron Dome System: Dual-Mission Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) and Very Short Range Air Defense (V-SHORAD) System

Source: (2012). Retrieved from Defense solution effectively: Uses unique interceptor Special warhead detonates any target in air (seconds) Uses radar seeker to acquire target Guides interceptor within passing distance 10/20/2012 Final Draft 190 Iron Dome System: Dual-Mission Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) and Very Short Range Air Defense (V-SHORAD) System

Source: (2012). Retrieved from Defense solution effectively: Uses unique interceptor Special warhead detonates any target in air (seconds) Uses radar seeker to acquire target Guides interceptor within passing distance 10/20/2012 Final Draft 191 Iron Dome System: Dual-Mission Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) and Very Short Range Air Defense (V-SHORAD) System

Source: (2012). Retrieved from

Defense solution effectively: Targets warhead detonated over neutral area Reduces collateral damage to protected area

10/20/2012 Final Draft 192 Source: (2008). Retrieved from missile-test-after-dud-fails-to-fire.html Preemptive Strike: Iranian Nuclear Facilities

Tehran Natanz Isfahan Fordow Arak

Source: (2012). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 194 Iranian Nuclear Facilities: Tehran

Source: (2012). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 195 Iranian Nuclear Facilities: Tehran

Description Quantity

Elevation 1,200 m.

Area Metro 18,814 km 2

Population 13,413,348 Metro

Source: (2012). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 196 Tehran

Tehran Nuclear Research Center Cited as reason • enriching uranium (+-20%) • Research vs. Weapons Built & Fueled by • U.S Assistance (1967) • Weapons grade Uranium

Source: (2003). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 197 Iranian Nuclear Facilities: Tehran

Description Quantity

Elevation 1,200 m.

Area Metro 18,814 km 2

Population 13,413,348 Metro

Source: (2012). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 198 Tehran

Location Downtown Tehran Commercial facility Surrounded by Thousands of civilians Key location for research

Source: (2003). Retrieved from unlikely preemptive Target

10/20/2012 Final Draft 199 Tehran

Backup Complex Production Includes: 99Mo 131I and 133Xe radioisotope Wide range lab services

Source: (2003). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 200 Tehran

Main Facilities Include: Nuclear Spectrometry Lab Gamma-Ray Spectrometry System Alpha-Particle Spectrometry Liquid Scintillation Counting

Source: (2003). Retrieved from Spectrometry Neutron Activation Analysis facilities Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory

10/20/2012 Final Draft 201 Tehran

Instrumental Analysis Labs Include:


Source: (2003). Retrieved from ICP

10/20/2012 Final Draft 202 Tehran

Instrumental Analysis Labs Include:

Atomic Absorption Thermal Analyses GC

Source: (2003). Retrieved from GLC Health Physics Section

10/20/2012 Final Draft 203 Tehran

Source: (2012). Retrieved from 10/20/2012 Final Draft 204 Tehran

Strategic Importance Producing radioisotopes Produce plutonium from spent nuclear fuel

Yellow cake production Source: (2003). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 205 Natanz

Located approximately 130 miles south of Tehran Commercial facility-Fuel Enrichment Underground; hardened by steel-reinforced concrete covered by earth Capable of eventually holding more than 47,000 centrifuges First-generation centrifuges produce uranium enriched up to 5% uranium-235 9,100 centrifuges in the commercial facility and is feeding uranium hexafluoride into as many as 8,808 of those centrifuges. 10/20/2012 Final Draft 206 Natanz

Pilot Centrifuge Facility Produces uranium enriched up to 20% uranium-235 Testing ground for advanced centrifuges

10/20/2012 Final Draft 207 Natanz

Source: (2010). Retrieved from 10/20/2012 Final Draft 208 Natanz Strategic Importance Greatest immediate risk If converted to military use, the 9,000 centrifuges installed at Natanz might be capable of producing a bomb’s worth of weapon-grade uranium gas in about two months, assuming Iran fed them from Iran’s stockpile of uranium gas enriched to 3.5 percent

10/20/2012 Final Draft 209 Natanz

Challenges Underground Facility • Constructed using a form of ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) • GBU-28 “Bunker Buster” would be effective to penetrate, but several would be required – Bombs would have to be dropped at the same point repeatedly to break through one area of the barrier • Covered by multiple layers of SAM protection in • Close proximity to Iranian Air Force bases

10/20/2012 Final Draft 210 Natanz

Source: (2012). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 211 Defense Natanz

Source: (2012). Retrieved from 10/20/2012 Final Draft 212 Fordow

Located approximately 20 km north of the city of Qom Centrifuge Facility Underground; built into the side of a small mountain and specially hardened Facility is eventually supposed to contain approximately 3,000 centrifuges Configured to produce both uranium enriched to 5% uranium-235 and 20% uranium-235 700 first-generation centrifuges in the facility, and it is now reportedly producing 20%- enriched uranium

10/20/2012 Final Draft 213 Fordow

Source: (2009). Retrieved from in-iran-may-have-been-re-purpose/8 10/20/2012 Final Draft 214 Fordow

Strategic Importance Dedicated to the production of 20 percent enriched uranium gas, which is close to weapon-grade At full operation could produce 480 kg of 20 percent uranium gas each year Enough to fuel up to three nuclear weapons with further enrichment.

10/20/2012 Final Draft 215 Fordow

Challenges Built into the side of a mountain Nearly invulnerable to the GBU-28; the inner enrichment hall is buried by an estimated 80-120 meters (264-396 feet) of hard rock Covered by multiple layers of SAM protection in Close proximity to Iranian Air Force bases

10/20/2012 Final Draft 216


Source: (2012). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 217 Fordow

Source: (2012). Retrieved from

10/20/2012 Final Draft 218 Isfahan

Located approximately 295 km from the Iranian capital, Tehran Uranium Conversion Plant Above-ground; converts uranium oxide into several compounds, including gaseous uranium hexafluoride that can be enriched in centrifuges

10/20/2012 Final Draft 219 Isfahan

Source: (2011). Retrieved from 10/20/2012 Final Draft 220 Isfahan

Strategic Importance Only known location where Iran is capable of converting its domestic supply of raw yellowcake uranium into hexafluoride gas necessary for the centrifuges at Natanz, Fordo and other facilities Destroying the facility would impact the Iranians' ability to provide material for the enrichment work at Fordo and Natanz

10/20/2012 Final Draft 221 Isfahan Challenges Materials are stored in underground tunnel at the facility Valuable hexafluoride gas is stored in small, easy to move canisters Covered by multiple layers of SAM protection Close proximity to 2 Iranian Air Force bases

10/20/2012 Final Draft 222 Isfahan

Source: (2012). Retrieved from 10/20/2012 Final Draft 223 Arak Heavy-water reactor facility Above-ground; Iran Nuclear Research Reactor (IR-40) is designed to produce 40 megawatts thermal of power and is set to begin operating by the end of 2013 Moderates nuclear fission chain reaction either in a certain type of reactor or produce plutonium for use in a nuclear bomb

10/20/2012 Final Draft 224 Arak

Source: (2012). Retrieved from 10/20/2012 Final Draft 225 Arak

Strategic Importance Designed to produce 40 megawatts thermal of power Could eventually use the facility to produce enough weapons-grade plutonium to arm one or two nuclear weapons per year

10/20/2012 Final Draft 226 Arak

Challenges Covered by multiple layers of SAM protection Close proximity to Iranian Air Force bases

10/20/2012 Final Draft 227 Arak

Source: (2012). Retrieved from 10/20/2012 Final Draft 228 RISK = 43% Current Risk is 68% The Risk Difference after Defense boost is (43-68)=25 So Risk increase 25% with Attack Boost

Risk Probability Difference is assessed at 25%

10/20/2012 Final Draft 229 10/20/2012 Final Draft 230 Policy Change

Increased Sanctions Trade Embargos National Defense Changes United Nations Ban U.S. Cyberspace Policy

10/20/2012 Final Draft 231 Sanctions





10/20/2012 Final Draft 232 Economic sanctions

Freeze all foreign Iranian currency reserves held in any nation

Prevent all monetary transactions with any Iranian bank including loans

Deny access to any nations financial system

10/20/2012 Final Draft 233 Intellectual Sanctions

Stop all Information Technology exports to Iran

Prevent the export of all intellectual property to Iran, including but not limited to industrial designs, trademarks, artistic works, architectural design

10/20/2012 Final Draft 234 Material Sanctions

Prevent any nation from importing oil or natural gas from Iran

The Iranian government makes most of it’s money through the exportation of oil and natural gas

A complete ban on all importing of Iranian oil and gas will cripple it’s economy

10/20/2012 Final Draft 235 Material Sanctions

No country shall export aviation parts or planes to Iran

No exports of medical equipment or medicine

Stop all military exports to Iran

Iran does not produce commercial aircraft or aviation parts domestically

10/20/2012 Final Draft 236 Material Sanctions

Aviation equipment must be imported By banning aircraft companies from selling to Iran, their economy will suffer greatly. Their airlines Iran Air and Mahan Air will be forced to shut down flights All EU countries will also not be allowed to refuel any Iranian flight

10/20/2012 Final Draft 237 Travel Sanctions

Deny Iranians access to the U.S. or any European country

Withdraw all U.S. visas to Iranians

Deny any cargo or luggage to be exported out of Iran to any nation

10/20/2012 Final Draft 238 Travel Sanctions

About 2 million tourists visit Iran each year, mostly coming from Asian countries

Israel and the International community will place restrictions on travel to Iran

This shall further damage the Iranian economy

10/20/2012 Final Draft 239 Trade Embargo

Place trade embargo on Iranian goods to U.S., Israel, and all United Nation members

Further damage the Iranian economy

10/20/2012 Final Draft 240 National Defense Changes

Israel must change national defense strategies in wake of Nuclear attack from Iran Improve nationwide communication systems Train citizens in nuclear defense Provide wide access to nuclear personal protective equipment

10/20/2012 Final Draft 241 National Defense Changes Develop a national notification system to alert citizens of an incoming attack Provide CBRN (nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical) suits to all citizens. These will provide protection against direct contact with radioactive materials Educate citizens on CBRN attacks and how to prepare Construct radiological bomb shelters and evacuation plans

10/20/2012 Final Draft 242 Source: (2006). Retrieved from Source: (2012). Retrieved from with-dirty-bomb.html BA/TTcREOXDD_I/AAAAAAAAAFk/C1mQ5 Source: (2010). Retrieved from LB7yIM/S1600- R/FalloutShelterSignLarge.jpg CBRN Suits Mass Produced Shelters

10/20/2012 Final Draft 243 National Defense Changes

Israel will initiate more defense strategy post attack

Cyber defense of the country will be given more attention

With the help the United States and some European countries, the Israelis will step their cyber attacks in an attempt to shut down Iran’s nuclear facilities

10/20/2012 Final Draft 244 United Nations Ban

The U.S. and Israel shall prohibit Iranian leaders from entering the U.S. to take part in any United Nations event

Prevent Iranian president from addressing the UN assembly

10/20/2012 Final Draft 245 United Nations Ban

Israel should seek more international cooperation condemning the attack and assist in eliminating Iran’s nuclear program.

The Israel government should seek assistance from China and Russia to put pressure on Iran to eliminate their nuclear arsenal.

10/20/2012 Final Draft 246 United Nations Ban

Israel should seek more international cooperation condemning the attack and assist in eliminating Iran’s nuclear program.

The Israel government should seek assistance from China and Russia to put pressure on Iran to eliminate their nuclear arsenal.

10/20/2012 Final Draft 247 US Cyberspace Policy The United States will work internationally to promote an open, interoperable, secure, and reliable information and communications infrastructure that supports international trade and commerce, strengthens international security, and fosters free expression and innovation To achieve that goal, we will build and sustain an environment in which norms of responsible behavior guide states’ actions, sustain partnerships, and support the rule of law in cyberspace (The White House, 2011). Source: (2012). Retrieved from presence-overseas/

10/20/2012 Final Draft 248 Stability Through Norms

The United States will work with like-minded states to establish an environment of expectations, or norms of behavior, that ground foreign and defense policies and guide international partnerships

The last two decades have seen the swift and unprecedented growth of the Internet as a social medium; the growing reliance of societies on networked information systems to control critical infrastructures and communications systems essential to modern life; and increasing evidence that governments are seeking to exercise traditional national power through cyberspace

10/20/2012 Final Draft 249 The Basis for Norms

Upholding Fundamental Freedoms: States must respect fundamental freedoms of expression and association, which includes cyberspace

Respect for Property: States should respect intellectual property rights, including patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and copyrights

Valuing Privacy: Individuals should be protected from arbitrary or unlawful state interference with their privacy in cyberspace

Protection from Crime: States must identify and prosecute cybercriminals, to ensure laws and practices deny criminals safe havens, and cooperate with international criminal investigations

Right of Self-Defense: Consistent with the United Nations Charter, states have an inherent right to self-defense that may be triggered by certain aggressive acts in cyberspace

10/20/2012 Final Draft 250 Defense: Dissuading and Deterring

The United States will defend its networks, whether the threat comes from terrorists, cybercriminals, or states and their proxies

Just as importantly, we will seek to encourage good actors and dissuade and deter those who threaten peace and stability through actions in cyberspace

We will do so with overlapping policies that combine national and international network resilience with vigilance and a range of credible response options In all our defense endeavors, we will protect civil liberties and privacy in accordance with our laws and principles

10/20/2012 Final Draft 251

Risk with Attack Boost (23%) - Risk with Defense Boost(25%) = A/D Boost Difference (2%) Absolute value

The Risk Probability with Attack and Defense(A/D) Boosts is 2%

10/20/2012 Final Draft 252 We conclude that with a nuclear weapons Iran… Israel taking all the necessary defense postures. .. There is a 2% Risk Probability of a Nuclear Attack on Israel by Iran RISK= 2% So to achieve a 2 point Risk Probability, it will in monetary terms cost 2 million dollars.

10/20/2012 Final Draft 253 BBC News. (2012, January 9). BBC News Middle East: Iran's key nuclear sites. Retrieved from

CBS News. (2012, March 19). Nuclear Iran: Sites and potential targets. CBS News. Retrieved from 503543/nuclear-iran-sites-and-potential- targets/?pageNum=1&tag=MPnumbers

Cunningham, F. (2011, March 23). Saudi Arabia: House of Saud, Falling House of Cards | Global Research. Retrieved Oct 07, 2012, from cards/ Escobar , P. (2011, February 11). Will the House of Saud Be the Next to Go Down? | Alternet. Retrieved Oct 07, 2012, from o_go_down Eylon, L. (April, 1999). Jerusalem: Architecture in the late Ottoman Period. Retrieved Oct 5, 2012, from 10/20/2012 Final Draft 254

Heyer, R. J. (2006, Janurary 10th). Introduction to cbrne terrorism: An awareness primer and preparedness guide for emergency responders. Retrieved from WMD.pdf

Itzhaky, H, & Dekel, R (2005) Helping Victims of Terrorism: What Makes Social Work Effective? Social Work, 50(4), 335-343

Kaitz, M., Levy, M., Ebstein, R., Faraone, S. V., & Mankuta , D. (2009). The intergenerational effects of trauma from terror: A real possibility. Infant Mental Health Journal, 30(2), 158-179. doi: 10.1002/imhj.20209

Mangler Muldoon. (2012, June 29). What would an Israeli strike on Iran accomplish? American Innovation (blog). Retrieved from iran.html Heyer, R. The Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Association, (n.d.). Introduction to cbrne terrorism (10). Retrieved from DERA Monograph Series website: WMD.pdf

10/20/2012 Final Draft 255

Miller, L (2003) Family Therapy of Terroristic Trauma: Psychological Syndromes and Treatment Strategies American Journal Of Family Therapy, 31(4), 257-280 doi:101080/01926180390201963

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