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The BG News November 11, 1987

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 11, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4723.

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Anthony Kennedy's selection to Fitzwater said the press office by Tim Baker the Supreme Court could come would be open for business. reporter as early as today, the White House said yesterday, as offi- Fitzwater said a preliminary Hazardous airborne asbestos cials reviewed FBI checks into investigation could be eorri- is in many of the tunnels and Kennedy's background to guard fileted by today but that a full maintenance rooms at the Uni- against surprises. ield check of Kennedy's back- versity, according to Lewis ground, including interviews Johnson, industrial safety hy- With Kennedy's selection ap- with associates and colleagues, gienist and asbestos coor- parently imminent, President will not be finished for some dinator. Reagan's chief advisers met at time. Asbestos is known to be pre- the White House along with a sent in 60 of the University's 105 team of FBI investigators "to White House officials went to buildings and is probably in review the status of the FBI's unusual lengths to guard against more, and is concentrated in work" in checking Kennedy's the failures that brought down tunnels and maintenance rooms, background, said presidential President Reagan's previous Johnson said. spokesman Marlin Fitzwater. two choices. Asbestos is a naturally occur- ring fiber that was commonly Fitwater said there was "a Attorney General Edwin used as insulation in buildings possibility we'll have an an- Meese, White House chief of built since World War II. nouncement tomorrow." staff Howard Baker, counsel A.B. Culvahouse and FBI Direc- Because of the high cost of "It just boils down to whether tor William Sessions met at the removing asbestos, Johnson has he's (Reagan) ready," Fitz- White House along with a team developed a maintenance pro- water said. "If we're ready, of FBI investigators. And ad- gram which would have the pur- we'll do it." ministration officials arranged pose of sealing exposed areas of courtesy calls with leading sena- asbestos. Originally, Reagan had no ac- tors for Kennedy amid Republi- He called the removal of all tivities on his schedule because can bickering over the defeat of asbestos on campus a "long- it is Veterans Day, a federal Robert Bork and the withdrawal term goal," that would cost an holiday, and the White House of Douglas Ginsburg. estimated $60 million and would not be completed until the turn of the century. He said the only practical method to remove aU asbestos is to wait until a build- ing is being renovated and do it USG drafts then, as is being done at Wil- liams Hall. But, his containment plan may prove too costly. It would cost $100,000 to initiate and evaluations $60,000 yearly to maintain. With the University's financial prob- lems, Johnson is not optimistic Plan needs Board approval about getting the money. Johnson said his program would have part-time contrac- by Julie Wallace learning they are receiving." tors who would do containment copy editor Baker said USG has received and some small-scale removal 20 studies backing up the impor- of asbestos. The University will A departmental evaluation tance of a student opinion eva- have to purchase costly safety system may be implemented at luation program, ana the studies equipment like respirators. the University during the cur- will be presented to the Board "Safety should take a prior- rent school year. along with the evaluation plans. — , ,, BG News, Mike McCune ity," Daniel Parratt, manager Kelly McConnaughy, aca- The student opinion on the de- Saving lives of environmental services, said, demic affairs coordinator for partments, Baker said, is im- "but in the real world, it has to the Undergraduate Student portant for long-range planning. Janet Keller, a junior recreational administration major, gives blood while she talks to Denise Dohse. a take priority with all the other Government, said members of "This input will be very bene- freshman elememtary education major. The Red Cross blood drive will continue 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today reasons why the institute (the USG are preparing the "evalua- ficial to the University's educa- through Friday. The Red Cross needs more donors and volunteers, since the only mobile unit is at Bowl- University) is here." tion of learning" program plans tional level," Baker said. "We ing Green and Northwestern Ohio needs 275 pints a day to meet the demand for blood. to present to the Board of aren't just trying to change to See Asbestos, page 4. Trustees at their December departments, but we are trying meeting. to improve them." If approved, the uniform eva- At the moment, the plans are luations program should be in being developed to evaluate the effect for spring semester, she department as a whole, Baker Education combats racism said. said, but the plans can later be Currently, all University de- narrowed to evaluate individual Krtments are required to eva- faculty members. Editor's note: This is the second have people being educated ite each faculty member, "We first want to get ratings of a three-part series on the here, and yet they show unedu- Eloise Clark, vice president of established for the departments, problem of racism at the Uni- cated views through these racial Academic Affairs, said. then we can work to implement versity. Racism at the comments," he said. "Many of However, the faculty evalua- instructor evaluations," he said. these students were freshmen tions do not require the use of "The thing to remember with by Amy Burkett University: and lacked the education in high student opinion. instructor evaluations is that staff reporter school —perhaps we can change "Each department does an students can't try using them as Understanding their opinions through education annual evalution of faculty, and a power play against the in- Racial myths and stereotypes now that they're here." most (departments) use student structor." about blacks linger on in the the problem Although some people think X'nion evaluations for it," The committee is preparing minds of some University stu- the University has a large prob- rk said. "Essentially though, the standardized form based on dents. * lem with racism, Dean Purdy the type of evaluation used is the examples provided by other It appears that some fresh- has some positive discoveries. choice of the department." universities with across-the- men entering the University Kraig Baker, chair of the board evaluations and the Col- have racist attitudes based on Purdy, director of evaluations Academic Affairs committee, lege of Arts and Sciences senior the results of a poll conducted by at the University, conducted a said the program's purpose is to exit survey. Baker said. Conrad Pritscner, professor of ■ "They are less educated like everyone else." survey of last year's white in- show departments what areas Plans for the form include EDFI, to a Political Science 101 than whites." Despite the racist comments coming freshmen to find out students think need improve- eight to 10 "core" questions and course. He asked them, "What Although there were many of some students, University their feelings about minorities. ment or in wiiat areas the de- the option of adding questions do you believe to be true about negative comments, there were President Paul Olscamp said he partments are excelling. chosen by the department from black people?" a few positive comments also, does not think the University is "I can't say that the now- A main focus of the evaluation a provided list. More than a few student's he said. Some were: institutionally racist. sophomores are racist. They plan, he said, is to develop a The core questions will be re- views were clearly racist, he ■"Blacks seem to have a "Institutions without people have some prejudices, but gen- standardized form applicable to quired on all department eva- said. Some of then- responses unity among themselves. They would be nothing but bricks, and erally are not racist," Purdy all University departments so a luations, while each department were: group together like a nation who bricks can not be racist — peo- said. ratings system can be developed can "specialize" the form by ■"Black people are the cause cares about its citizens. They ple are," he said. Jack Taylor, assistant vice for comparison purposes. adding their choice of optional of a lot of bad crimes." have a strong brotherhood." Pritscher said he believes the president of minority affairs, Baker said tne program de- questions, he said. ■"The majority tend to be ■ "I think they are all unique survey is a sign of the Uni- said prejudicial attitudes are not sign is being based on programs Clark said she has "no idea" less intelligent. They don't ex- individuals just the same as versity's racial problems and easy to remedy, although many required by other universities. how the departments will re- Sress themselves well, although whites. They are no worse than that something needs to be done. blacks want to see changes Most of the bigger colleges spond to the program. ■ere are exceptions. They use white people I think they should He said he believes education, made at the University. have evaluation programs like "I think they will evaluate it jive language. have the same ana equal such as the University's pro- "We have an institution that this," he said. "After all, stu- carefully," she said. "The de- ■"There are some who feel rights." posed cultural awareness pro- was created by whites for dents are the consumers at a col- partments are commited to im- they need to act the stereotypi- I 'They suffer from institu- gram, can aid in fighting ra- whites. We should not be sur- lege and should be given the proving, but they have different cal view other people hold of tionalized discrimination." cism. Erised if blacks want changes," chance to evaluate the quality of ways they use evaluations." them and act like assnoles." ■"They have feelings just "I'm disappointed that we esaid. Wednesday News in brief

uttl ChaUengerand deathof itssevencrew C Professor to "fly" off to Kenya, see Shuttle joints successful m be "^ Survey: drug use irrelevant story page 3. BRIGHAM CITY, Utah (AP) - Morton Thiokol Monday's 122-second test "is another success on U Planetarium offers new show, see on Monday successfully tested for the second time the way to re-flying the (shuttle) vehicle," said NEW YORK (AP) — Most Americans ques- 1 story page 4. a new joint design for its space shuttle booster Royce Mitchell, solid rocket program manager for ttoned in a recent survey said someone who has 1 rockets, a federal official said. the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- smoked marijuana should not be disqualified from 1 D Last Solidarity leader arrested in The test firing in the company's Joint Environ- tion. serving on the U.S. Supreme Court, according to a 1 Poland, see story page 6. ment Simulator allowed engineers to study the New York Times-CBS News poll released Monday. 1 ability of the joints' "capture feature" to with- In the redesigned joint, sections of insulation are □ Students in Dayton protest CIA re- stand and contain super-hot gases generated dur- bonded together with an adhesive and a metal lip, The telephone survey conducted Sunday showed I cruiting, see story page 6. ingan actual launch, called the "capture feature," that has been instal- that 26 percent said "someone who has ever I The escape of such gases through a booster joint led on the interior of the joint to secure it during smoked marijuana" should be disqualified, while 1 was blamed for the Jan. 28, IMMestruction of the launch. » percent said they should not be disqualified. Editorial 2 November 11,1987 Uniformity goal Women, take responsibility

Responsibility means traveling of evaluation plan By Mary Menuez in groups or taking self-defense I believe that most women still have a classes until you can break The Undergraduate Student Government is someone's neck. If you're still working toward implementing a uniform long way to go in accepting responsibility afraid, buy a gun. Put it by your system for the evaluation of faculty members. When you live on a campus for themselves. bed or in your purse. I don't It is developing a proposal for presentation to the full of mostly drunken, often de- think I would ever buy a gun. pressed young idealists, you're But on the other hand, I would Board of Trustees at its December meeting, and we bound to have a vast collection have no problem with shooting a urge the Board to accept the proposal quickly so the of popular causes. And we do; rapist between the eyes, except evaluations can be used for the spring semester. peace coalitions, minority or- Let's start out simple. During What about domestic violence that it might ruin the carpet. Currently, every department is required to eva- ganizations, feminist groups. Rape Awareness Week, Women and rape? Things get sticky Working from another angle, luate all of its faculty members, but the type of eva- It's the last croup that interests for Women hung up a banner here. we can support lobbyists or be- me at the moment. From the let- representing women who had come a lobbyist for tougher rape luation to use is an individual decision. Depart- ters I've read in the BG News been raped on campus and in the My mother always said that a laws. Laws that are consistently ments are currently not required to take student and comments I've heard, I'm community. It was torn down, man might hit her once but he'd enforced. Personally, I support opinion into consideration. beginning to think that the fem- and some women took that as a never hit her twice, meaning ,the controversial "genital am- USG is proposing a uniform and consistent re- inists on this campus are losing sexist act aimed at them. she'd pack her bags and leave. putation" punishment for rape. view process that would be done every semester their focus. This is a logical and responsible However, I can see where it First, look at the history. Any- reaction to domestic violence. doesn't quite mesh with our and has based its plan on the programs in existence First of all, I'm tired of thing not made out of concrete country's democratic ideals. at many other colleges. It has also consulted about women claiming to be victims of on this campus is routinely tom But what of the woman with no (Sigh.) 20 studies on the usefulness of student opinions. sexism. Come on. You can be a down or smashed by vandals. Sob skills and three children? Of course the rape issue is not The purpose is to provide departments with in- victim of a tornado or an ava- You can whine and whine about Ihe can hardly leave the kids that simple. Even if a woman formation about what areas students think need to lanche, but not sexism. I believe sexist behavior or you can get with a wife beater until she finds did all these things, she could be improved and also to tell them in what areas the that no one can treat me in a se- smart. Hang the banner higher, a job. Even if she does find work still be raped. But by taking re- xist manner unless I allow them from the top of the tree or the top she probably won't be making sponsibility for your own safety, departments are excelling. to. of Hayes Hall or even behind enough to support a family. So you lessen the chances of being Hopefully, one of the results of standardizing the glass in a showcase somewhere. she stays in an abusive situation raped. If it still happens, it's cer- evaluation form will be that a ratings system can Secondly, I believe that most Care about your banner? Care because she has no way out. tainly not your fault and you be developed for comparision purposes within the women still have a long way to about your cause? Become re- have the small consolation of University. go in accepting responsibility sponsible for its protection. What's the lesson here ladies? knowing you did everything you for themselves. Instead of say- Sing it with me this time. "We could to avoid it. The form USG is advocating will include about 10 ing "That person is a sexist, I'm What about sexism in class? must begin taking responsibility There was a time when core questions that will be on all evaluations and such a victim," I want to say, OK, let's say your history for ourselves." If you're in col- women were victims. They were departments can add optional questions that per- "that person is a sexist but I professor requires your class to lege, stay there until you're kept dependent and uneducated tain to their specific needs. won't let him affect me with it." read four autobiographies all marketable. If not, then get from birth. They were laced into We believe this proposal has merit because stu- Instead of blaming some half- about men. Don't fume silently some skills somewhere. Be a corsets 'til they couldn't wit, red neck, misogynist for my through the class and then run to beautician or a plumber, or a breathe. Their feet were bound dents are the employer of faculty members, and it problems, I turn inward and your feminist support group to mime. Don't let yourself become until they couldn't walk and they is time student input be unilaterally accepted as a say, "What can I do to change cry. Approach your professor entirely dependent on the grace were virtual brood mares, bear- valid method to review faculty performances. Ad- this situation?" I think J.D. Sa- after class and ask her if you can of a man who might decide to ing children until they dropped ministrators and department heads are not the linger was singing the same substitute an autobiography on use you as a sparring partner dead. For the most part that is ones who sit in class with the professor every day song when he wrote, "You're Eleanor Roosevelt for one of the some day. all history. The ties that hold way off when you start railing on assigned books. Explain why, women down are now mostly in and no one is more qualified to make suggestions people and things instead of at without accusing her of being a The same goes for rape. It's our heads. and recommendations than the students. yourself." sexist. Remember the point is ridiculous that I am responsible The only flaw with USG's proposal is that it was I'm sure by now you want to not to rid the world of all sexists, for protecting myself from some Menuez is a junior special ed- not developed sooner. know how women can take re- but to keep yourself from being psycho, but if I don't want to be ucation major from Millers- sponsibility for sexism. affected adversely by it. raped, that's what I have to do. burg, Ohio. Constructive criticism ? HOWS THe I! *rv> college writing course?" — Ralph Nader f HANG ON, 1 By Scott Munn BGSU student Leslie Moynihan "Get a dictionary, select any protesting in fall of '86" 1,000 words at random, and they J fit ASK "Right on the money, and he's couldn't be any better or worse M MV STOCK Criticism is usually homeless. a snappy dresser." — John T. than an average column." — Just about everybody likes to Molloy Partisan Review give it, virtually nobody cares to "I wish I'd said it." — Senator "Goes quite nicely with bacon [I BROKER..,A receive it (unless it's construc- Joseph Biden and orange juice." — Mary Bax- tive with an undercurrent of "It is the best in 20 years... ar- ter, food service worker flattery), and that seems sad at ticulate — sensitive — percep- "The point, get to the point." first. Because a critic is, in real- tive...." — W.R. Hoskins, — Bob Bortel, long-suffering Di- ity, a small fuzzy creature that professor emeritus at BGSU in rector of Student Publications" wants nothing more than to curl an unprinted (and unpreceden- itself in the warmth. Like a ted) News letter and referring to •Not really. friendly puppy. a June '86 column" "Really. Quotes have been Trouble is, a warm grate or "Like Freud, John Travolta taken out of context when possi- your charcoaled remains makes and a Domino's Pizza put in a ble. little difference to the puppy; he blender, set at puree and left to •"Or a synonym; reconstruc- wmR just likes the heat. sit for a week. — John Bark- ted from memory. And we're all critics at heart ham Reviews Final note: any errors are the I >) Itf (or hearth). "A free-fall through the stra- result of typos. This includes er- Wmm I, myself, have always invited tosphere." — Shirley MacLaine. rors in logic. criticism, providing no one 'long as War and Peace, points out any of my faults. though (they) often seem much Munn is a freelance writer liv- In the spirit of inevitability, longer." — USA Today ing in New York City. ^wtwBMSwvMKSJ WtFMmkg*t& below are various comments "This is wonderful writing." that I've actually* gotten re- — Cheryl Lachowski, English garding columns, etc. instructor" "Similar to scribblings on the "Not quite palatable." — Kir- beach ... made by a drunk crab Letters- kus Reviews as it drags its legs across the "He'll make you laugh, he'll sand." — Detroit Free Press for students to have that con- that students fail to realize just person should take advantage make you cry, he'll make you "... original ..."— Don Lee, Minority faculty- stant contact with instructors of how important their votes are. of. If all of the students on this cheer." —Jeffrey Lyons, Sneak former News cartoonist" beneficial to students a similar background. I hope Everyone has their own criti- campus alone voted we could Previews "A good read, and he's a hel- that all those offended by the cisms about the government, make a substantial difference on "Not something I'd show to luva nice guy." — Ron Coulter, a Last week in the BG News I statement will accept and un- but voting time is the time to this campus, in this town and in my mother, my therapist or my good friend who is otherwise was quoted as saying, "By min- derstand this clarification. make one's voice heard. De- our nation. The polls are our dog, and not in that order, and unavailable for comment. ority faculty I mean professors, Franc Castro bated candidates can be asked forum to this nation just as the not for any particular reason." not administrators, not in the President L.S.U. Suestions and put on the spot for editorial page is to this campus. — L.A. Times "If I see him I'm going to ... Office of Minority Affairs, and leir answers, yet no one is ask- I urge students to take advan- "A slow, painful cancer that poke my thumb in his eye." — not foreign professors who fit ing questions! So how is a poli- tage of their voting rights be- grows on you till you die." Roger Ebert the'minority image.' " Many Voting privileges tician to know what the public's cause those who don't, don't —Cleveland Plain Dealer '1 disagree, I'm going to tell people misunderstood what was ignored by students views are or what he is repre- have much room for complain- "Just a fool on the hill." — you why, and then I'm going to meant and I would like to clarify senting by representing the peo- ing. John Lennon, former Beatle, via poke my thumb in Rogers eye." this statement. We recognize, Upon reading the campus vot- ple? When it comes time to vote satellite — GeneSiskel appreciate, and benefit from the ing statistics on Nov. 5 in the BG it seems like no one is around. Heather Swift "We love you, yeah, yeah, "Were he properly motivated work of these officials such as News, I was shocked. I believe The right to vote is one that each 102 Batchelder Seah." — Former Beatle Paul ... he just might be able to write Dr. Mary Edmonds, Dr. An- tcCartney, via satellite his way out of a paper bag." — drade, Dr. Buron, and Manny "He never really got over his BGSU grad assistant Vadillo. However, we feel an SOCICDV oral stage ... and then there was "Should be more liberal with emphasis should be placed in DAVID HARRIS that cofic in '68...." — Judith the white-out." — Shopper's hiring more minority instruc- tors. It would be very beneficial JUST «en\£rr,fteC foO'ftC UU£D UP P\klE AWt> TV£ VRwftWN cejfaiME Munn World Ke£P Y-OOR TJOUO "Has the man ever taken a "Unsafe at any speed." — STEENJ, A CoCfj> H£AD OF -mis aome \s TO «t>- Tee-sHcir CAVJ YbuK Eopoujc, LOCKED VAMCE TXvJkl THE CouftSt SET THe?AC£ Vouft peer snowee, W Mtat\»AC CoHTACTvirtH FoA THe MST WIDTH AftSAr, AUD ^AT LiTTie BALL. Respond of -rue SWI»JC. AVJAT THE BG NEWS HOLf. Editor . RooFnw Asst Photo Editor. MarkThalman / Managing Editor Mehssa McGillivray Cruet Copy Editor Kim Garn The BG News editorial / Assl Managing Editor Bern Thomas Cluel Copy Editor Judi Kopp Stage is your campus News Editor Julie Faut*) Copy Editor JuteannBel Drum. City Editor Caroline Langer Copy Editor MaryHnoar Letters to the editor Editorial Editor Betfi Murphy Copy Editor JohnMeola should be a maximum of Wire Editor Linda Hoy CopyEdilor Rebecca Thomas 200-300 words, typewritten, Sports Editor Jetl McSherry CopyErMor JaredO Wadley double-spaced, and signed. Asa! Sports Editor TomSKemiv« CopyEdrtor Jute Wallace Address or OCMB number Friday Editor J'm Voul Production Sopr MiKeGt and phone number must be Aaat Friday Editor Deborah Gottschafc Production Supr Chnstme Rogers Photo Editor Bob Upton Production Supr David Simpson included. The BG News is pubssned dairy Tuesday through Friday dunng the academic year and BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed _,.nl-; during me summer season by the Board ol Student Pubecaeone ol Bowing Green Columns may be longer, State Unrversify although a length of 600-700 Ootfuone eipreaeed by columnists do not necessarily reflect the opMone of the BG words is preferred. These rue HOVW should also be typewritten THATHCHMA l\CnvHPI A/r nrns ■VCXY eff€CTM~ 600P- The BG News end Bowing Green State University ere equal opportunity employers and and double-spaced. Uni- IN ne me~ SOCKS/ do not aeenrmnete «i Using practices versity students writing i touve The BO News «* not accept edvertwng that • deemed dejcrlmlnelrxy. degreang or columns must provide mjCHBerm rauejng on the bee* ol rece. sen or national origin class rank, major and cooKmo. copyright 1988 by •» BG News el rights reserved hometown. Business Office ErjrtorteJ Ottlce Address submissions to: 2<4WeetHal Ph (410) 372 2801 2lOWeslHal Ph (4101 372 2803 Bowling Green State university Editorial Editor Bowing Green Ohio 43403 0278 Summer Hours 7 30 am »5pm Monday through Thursday The BG News 730am lo1130am Fndev ZM West Hall aM Local November 11,1987 3 Fruit flies studied BG still 'traditional' Professor to go to Africa on research award school year-round because most are trying to by Debbie Roger* figure out how to work shorter hours and days. Traveling halfway around the "Ten years ago it was as- staff reporter It's not proper for adults, but it's okay for by Debbie Hippie kids,"hesaB. reporter world, Woodruff will be studying sumed that the drosophila me- The Board of Education would organize a a species of the fruit fly called lanogaster was genetically sta- Although Los Angeles schools will operate committee before it adopted a year-round po- drosophila melanogaster. After ble,' he said. Now, however, the year round because of overcrowding, and 67 A University professor is one collecting them in the wilds of flies are useful in studying the licy of attending school. Brown said. A group of of the recipients of the 1987 Ful- Kenya, he will take the flies to other districts already have the year-round students, parents and teachers would study the same transposable elements system, Wood County schools will stay on a bright Research Award in the University of Nairobi where humans have. goals, philosophy and cost of the year-round Science and they will be further studied. nine-month schedule. program before it would be implemented. "My goal is to go to Kenya and Delbert Brown, director of instruction for the will be travel- Brown said there are good points to a year- ing to Africa in The flies will then be sent back collect and screen these strains Wood County Board of Education, said Nov. 4 round school system, though. to learn more about the jumping that tradition will keep the schools from operat- May to con- to the University's stock center, Utilization of buildings and standards would duct research. the Mid-American Drosophila genes," Woodruff said. "They ing year round. be increased. For example, he said, some stu- are a model system. Humans 'I think most people are used to the tra- Ron Woo- Stock Center, he said. It is the dents complain about the four years of English, druff, profes- largest of its kind and supplies have the same jumping genes." ditional system, and I think they might object the three years of science and a foreign lan- fruit flies to universities all because of tradition," he said. "They've done it sor of biologi- guage, etc. that is required, and they do not cal sciences, around the world. He said Africa is very Impor- for 200 years that way — let's have another have time to take the classes they would enjoy 100." will be travel- Fruit flies are very valuable to tant to his research because, as such as art and music. ing to Kenya in <^»~ a geneticist because their gene- it is for humans, it is the ances- Most students would probably strongly object As the system is now, some schools have edu- search of fruit Woodruff tic structure is better under- tral homeland of the fruit flies. to attending Wood County schools in the sum- cation options such as independent studies and Woodruff believes the transpo- mer. Brown said. Students tend to see summer flies. He has been studying the stood than that of any other correspondence classes, Brown said. fruit fly for nearly 20 years. higher organism of its kind, sable elements found in nis school as "we have to go" instead of as the re- He added students' beliefs about not going the research might be in the same gular school term. Established in 1947, the Ful- Woodruff said. summer term may change since some high bright awards money to those Woodruff will be studying the African flies. Also teachers would not be enthusiastic schools are now requiring 20 units to graduate During his four month stay in about having to teach year round, Brown said, wishing to teach or do research melanogaster's transposable instead of 18. in another country in a specified elements. These elements, Africa, Woodruff will visit and contracts would have to be negotiated. "That's two more courses the student has to field of interest. This federal which move from one chromo- different sites in Kenya with the "My guess is this would be greeted with a squeeze into the day," he said. "Students are government program, enacted some to another, Woodruff calls aid of a graduate student from statement...'we'd have to negotiate that,' " he just now starting to feel the crunch." as a law in 1961, "enables the "jumping genes." Africa, because of language said. "Our union would say that we couldnt do Another "crunch" students are feeling is barriers. Also, he will be record- that without certain stipulations." government ... to increase mu- The chromosomes and sex coming from universities, Brown said. Some tual understanding between the cells are similiar to those of hu- ing data collected in a genetic Some of these stipulations would probably in- are only admitting students if they attend a people of the U.S. and the people mans, and a better understand- journal while presenting lec- clude more money and air-conditioning for summer term or take classes without credit to of other countries," according to ing of the drosophila melanogas- tures and seminars to the facul- classes in the summer term. Brown said. make up for deficiencies in high schools. a pamphlet given to all appli- ter would give a better under- ty and students of the University "They might say classes have to be air- 1 Despite reasons to switch to a year-round cants. standing of numans, he said. of Nairobi. conditioned,' he said. "It is kind of warm when system, Brown said it will not happen soon in you have ZWO warm bodies roasting together.'' Wood County. Brown said it is hard to believe adults actu- "I will probably not live Ion? "tiough to see It ally came up with the idea of students attending happen in Wood County," he j. laughing. Senior Portraits Shot Now! 372-8086

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4 November 11,1987

Asbestos Planetarium D Continued from page 1. Pan-art said Karl Vogt, vice president of operations, is fighting to obtain the shows 'scope money for the asbestos con- tainment plan, but it is un- h* C • likely he will be able to do so l^^l because of the tight budget. by Jeff Baldorf Hr^f^T " ^^■j reporter Vogt is also pursuing other sources of funds outside of the P|H'; University. rW ^^^H 1 The University's planetarium is presenting a program on a teles- Johnson has detected small cope that will be launched into space next year. The program, "First amounts of asbestos in the air k ^^H I jght," will be presented in the planetarium through Dec. 18. of the tunnels. He said, ^^B The program will take place on Tuesday and Friday nights at 8 however, it is unknown how F/Lw^H ^^ and Sunday nights at 7:30, and there will also be a show at 2 p.m. much asbestos is dangerous. Saturday, Dec. 5. He said asbestos was used XT * rSc ^^ The planetarium asks for a $1 donation from each participant, but to insulate hot water pipes it is not required. and heating pipes which run The program describes the history of the telescope, and focuses on underground from the heat- the largest telescope to be launched into orbit next year on one of the ing plant into all of the cam- space shuttles. pus buildings. m±+ "M^ Dale Smith, planetarium director and assistant professor of phys- This asbestos was original- ics and astronomy, said the telescope is seven times more powerful ly sealed with a containing than land-based telescopes. tape but age has exposed it. r^ftt' ' .M He said the telescope has the "best existing technology" and with Also, maintenance workers W/' gHEvk the use of this technology, the telescope may find new phenomena. often have to cut the it to get One of the advantages with launching the telescope is that scien- to a pipe. tists can look into outer space without interference from the earth's "Asbestos is only a problem BG News/Mike McCune atmosphere, he said. The telescope will also be able to provide scien- when it is airborne and Asbestos was used as insulation for hot water and heating pipes, but is now exposed in many places be- tists with daily views of Jupiter and will provide pictures of the breathed in," Johnson said. cause of age and maintenance work. This pipe Is in the tunnels where maintenance people work regularly. planet such as those taken by the Voyager expeditions. The small fibers of asbestos When small fibers of asbestos enter the lungs, they cause fibrosis and possibly cancer. The main goal for the use of the satellite will be to see back to the enter the lungs causing fibro- beginning of time, he said. The telescope will allow scientists to view sis and possibly cancer. "When I cut it, it blows in panels and scrape the gir- However, He said the Envi- the light of stars that were created when time began about 15 billion Maintenance workers are my face," he said. "They say ders. ronmental Protection Agency years ago. Smith also said the telescope will be able to show scien- aware of the danger of asbes- we should carry around a recently passed legislation tists if the universe goes on forever or if it wraps around itself. tos, but have been working water bottle to wet it down, Johnson has found traces of forcing public grade schools Smith said other goals of the telescope will be to investigate the around it for years and are but who's going to carry it in the Math Science build- to develop and implement as- mystery of the quasar and to see if there are other possible life forms not overly concerned, he said. around a bottle all the time? ing. It may have been used to bestos maintenance plans. He on other planets. Ray Chico of the plumbing Chico laughed at a memo give the ceiling its rough tex- said he hopes they will do the "New telescope discoveries are made which are never expect- shop walks the Vh miles of he received recently telling ture. same for commercial and ed,"he said. tunnels three times a week to him not to work around ex- public buildings which would check for water, steam leaks posed asbestos, tie did this Because the records of apply to the University be- or faulty wiring. He said he is would be impossible. where asbestos was used on cause, otherwise, he won't get worried about asbestos, but campus are rare, Johnson the money. ■ there's little he can do. Johnson said asbestos was has to test for it in the air or in "It's all over the place," he also used on the iron girders building materials which is Johnson's first priority for said. "I've been around it for of taller buildings like the very costly. asbestos management was cmm£g=iig years." Administration and Psychol- the residence halls, he said. He said he doesn't know of ogy buildings which protects Johnson said there is little Asbestos has been removed any protective equipment to them from fire. This is dan- legislation to force the Uni- from Kohl Hall and will be use when working around as- gerous for maintenance versity to remove or manage removed from Rodgers Qua- STOPPERS bestos. workers who remove ceiling asbestos. drangle next summer.

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November 11-14 ^^^# at 8 p.m. be E. Brown Thcata- I im»TMl\ Hill THESIS. cafe?*>'■" i Running WE DELIVER. WWW»»«»W«W»»ISM|S)i||)>(»>WW»M»l You've survived months of labor pains. Out And you've produced a beautiful, healthy thesis. Now breathe easy and let National Student Kinko's reproduce your brain-child with Exchange V T Eight Days Left speed, efficiency and plenty of TLC. For 5r*no a term or a vear at any of over Find out more! B0 colleges in the Wed. Nov. 114 p.mT- US Senior Portraits Campus Room Union kinko's / Great copies. Great people. Call372-8086 113 Railroad St for your appointment 354-397? Center for A«;nl. niit Oplion»231 Administration- 372-8202. November 11,1987 5

Parents i:impressed 9 for the day

Students, Mom, Dad enjoy football, food and Rich Little

BG News/Mark Thalman BG News/Mike McCune Rich Little makes a point while he imitates former President Richard With all the extra cars in town over the weekend, many people had to park in the grass. Nixon.

BG tows/Mike McCune Lynne Dressel, sophomore elementary education major, walks to the Kappa House Brunch with her parents Lois and Ed, from Columbus. Elsewhere 6 November 11,1987 Iraq and Syria reconcile News Briefs

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - Iraq and Syria, the Arab nation as a whole," Barakat said. anonymity, said he didn't know what Arafat Iran's main ally in the 7-year-old Persian Assad said Monday night he would veto said. Sept. flights arrive late Gulf war, have ended their feud, a Jordanian any attempt to readmit Egypt into the Arab Afterward, King Hussein of Jordan and official announced yesterday at a summit League. That appeared to be the price he Arafat met over a private lunch without WASHINGTON (AP) — riers with a 67.4 percent on- dedicated to Arab unity. was demanding tor ending his rift with Iraq. their aides, the source said. The two leaders, Almost one-fourth of major time performance. An official spokesman for the 21-member The rapprochement opens the way for a at odds for 21 months, also met for nearly airlines' flights arrived at The statistics released by summit announced that President Hafez As- united Arab front to pressure Persian Iran to one hour in the morning. least IS minutes late in Sep- the Transportation Depart- sad of Syria and President Saddam Hussein observe a United Nations call for a cease- It was their first encounter in Amman tember, the government an- ment were provided by the of Iraa reconciled at a Monday night meet- fire in the gulf war. since a joint effort for peace with Israel col- nounced yesterday. airlines and do not include de- ing wiui other key Arab leaders. The agreement emerged after the 21 Arab lapsed early last year. The two met in Kuw- New statistics aimed at lays caused by mechanical This meeting promises a promising start leaders at the Arab League summit met for ait last January. helping travelers choose air- problems. to a new era of brotherly relations between the third day and went into closed session to lines with the best service Syria and Iraq/' said Akram Barakat, a work out a common stand on the Iran-Iraq The conference source said Syria's Assad showed that American Air- The department also an- Jordanian who is the official spokesman for war. spent much of a two-hour speech Monday lines had the best on-time nounced that service com- the summit. A reliable conference source said Yasser arguing against a proposal to reinstate Srformance, arriving within plaints from travelers were "God willing, good news will emerge as a Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Lib- Egypt, which was suspended from the Arab minutes of its schedule 84.5 off for the second month in a result of this reconciliation for the best in- eration Organization, addressed the closed League after signing a peace treaty with Is- percent of the time. USAir row, dropping by one-third terests of both peoples and for the benefit of session. The source, speaking on condition of rael in 1979. was last among the 14 car- from September to October. CIA recruiting College pres. attacked Pole seized MANILA, Philippines (AP) assailants opened fire with — Gunmen yesterday ambu- .45-caliber pistols and M-16 ri- shed the car of a university fles. picketed at CID Eresident whose campus had Police said Nemesio Pru- een raided in a roundup of dente, president of the Po- for fake I.D. alleged communists. The lytechnic University of the DAYTON (AP) - About 40 Martin said. "I think they want president was wounded and Philippines, was wounded in shouting demonstrators protest- to get arrested for publicity." one of his three companions the left thigh and right arm. Fugitive Solidarity leader ing CIA recruiters on campus Administrators videotaped was killed, police said. Hospital sources said the in- occupied the lobby of a Universi- the demonstrators, but campus juries were not serious. has been hidden since '81 ty of Dayton building yesterday police let the demonstrators Police said the four were in but were prevented from getting stay in the lobby. Occasionally, a car traveling across a Alex Martaia, an attorney WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Police yesterday captured Kornel close to an interview room. the protesters would bang on the bridge in suburban Santa Ana for the school, was killed in Morawiecki, the last major underground Solidarity leader and The march across campus to glass doors and break into a about 10:30 p.m. when their the attack, police said. a fugitive since the 1981 martial law crackdown. the Jesse Philips Center turned chant of "let us in" or "UD-CIA, Morawiecki, leader of a militant Solidarity faction known as to a sit-in when the protesters partners in crime." Fighting Solidarity, was arrested at an apartment in Wroclaw were met at the inner doors by Martin said the interview Expert: 'Ivan' photo false in southwestern Poland, government spokesman Jerzy Urban school administrators and a half rooms, about 30 feet away, were announced. dozen students wearing red soundproofed. But Rick Kern, a Arrested with him was a 46-year-old woman identified only T-shirts emblazoned with the senior electrical engineering JERUSALEM (AP) — A not belong to Demjanjuk. as Hann;i L., Urban said. Greek letters for SDI, the ab- major from Cincinnati who prosecutor yesterday failed Grant said he came to the He said Morawiecki was being investigated on suspicion of breviation for the nation's pro- interviewed with the CIA re- to shake a defense expert's conclusion after discovering smuggling and possessing false identification papers. posed anti-missile defense cruiter, said he could hear the contention that a photograph evidence the original photo- Morawiecki's daughter, Anna, said from her home in Wro- system. chanting. and a signature had been graph on the card hatf been claw that she had learned of the arrest. She said her brother, "We think we ought to be able faked on a key piece of pros- removed and replaced with a Mateusz Morawiecki, a university student, also was seized. to interview with whomever we "They're a lot of people with ecution evidence against picture of Demjanjuk. She said security agents from the Interior Ministry searched John Demjanjuk in his Nazi The Ukrainian-born Dem- her father's home for six hours after the arrest. want," said Karl Horning, a really good intentions, but I senior electrical engineering guess they're a bit on the unrea- war crimes trial. janjuk, 67, is charged with be- Morawiecki, a physicist formerly employed as a researcher Julius Grant, an 86-year-old ing "Ivan the Terrible," a at Wroclaw Technical University, became active in opposition major and counter- listic side,'' Kern said. demonstrator. He said he was considering a chemist who uncovered the Ukrainian guard who oper- politics after university protests in 1968, his daughter said. The confrontation provoked 1983 Hitler diaries hoax, said ated gas chambers at the Morawiecki was on trial on charges of attacking Poland's job with the CIA for the travel he was convinced the docu- Treblinka death camp in Na- foreign alliances but not in custody on Dec. 13,1981, when Po- some sharp words, but the dem- and because the recruiter told ment, an SS identity card, did zi-occupied Poland. lish leader Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski imposed martial law. He onstration, which began at about him CIA engineers retain con- happened to be out when security agents came to arrest him, 10 a.m., remained peaceful and trol over their projects, such as and has been a fugitive ever since, his daughter said. continued into mid-afternoon. It the design of bugging devices. "He is one of the most outstanding opposition activists, in came a day after Central Intel- Dan Kovazik, a protest leader Secretary of Ed. tells all hiding the longest of all," said Jozef Pinior, a leader of Soli- ligence Agency recruiters were and co-chair of the campus darity in Wroclaw. "His political and moral authority is very met at Ohio State University in chapter of Democratic Socia- WASHINGTON (AP) — dents tor a Democratic Soci- great, so there will certainly begin actions in his defense." Columbus by a small band of lists of America, said it was un- William Bennett, who ety as an undergraduate, Solidarity, once the first and only independent labor move- protesters. conscionable for a Catholic brought the hemlock for worried about whether he ment in the Soviet bloc, was suppressed^ and later outlawed school to condone the CIA, which Douglas Ginsburg to drink would go to Vietnam if draft- under martial law. William Schuerman, dean of he said was behind Central after the Supreme Court ed and once had a blind date students at UD, told the demon- American death squads. nominee admitted he had with rock legend Janis Joplin. strators they could face unspeci- smoked marijuana while a What did he do with the fied university discipline and "They say they kill commu- professor of law, knows all hard-living rock siren, who Brother Raymond Martin, di- nists, but they've killed Catho- about what it was like grow- later died of a drug overdose? MAJ<£ CONTACT rector of the job placement lics. They've killed a lot of ing up in the 1960s. "Hey, that really is none of EyE center, said they could be ar- priests and nuns," he said. your business or anybody's rested. Martin said CIA recruiters The Secretary of Education business.... Drank a couple of "This is a private piece of have been at UD since 1972 and is an unabashed fan of vin- beers," Bennett told The As- property and as long as they are treated like any other busi- tage rock'n'roll who toyed sociated Press in an inter- want to demonstrate, they can ness people. He said the CIA with joining the radical Stu- view Monday night. do it on the sidewalk outside," scheduled 13 interviews. Sound off against Grant is best-dressed noise pollution. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. The council's president, (AP) — Cary Grant had so Jack Taylor, also said the much style, and the current group named Republican Hollywood crowd has so little, 6residential hopeful Sen. that the late actor was named obert Dole of Kansas the one of America's 10 best- best-dressed man in govern- dressed men by the Tailors ment and Ted Koppel as the Council of America. best-dressed man in the media. t Miistdt-nnK ionl«l leftm! In its list released Monday, the Beverly Hills-based group Grant was chosen due to the NOW SOFT TACO SUPREME ONLY 99*. named Grant the best- lack of any current motion Hrfvi* »uu wen v«ur options* dressed in the motion picture picture actor who sartorialiy category. He died on Nov. 29, represents the motion picture 1986. industry, said Taylor. Why W4i1 .my longrrf EAT SOFTLY Sue's Optical r STUDENT LEGAL ' 715 II,,.kin- - 353-3937 AND CARRY A BIG COUPON. SERVICES Student Legal Services Board of Directors is ac- Pre - P.T. Majors Introducingi>ur new Si>n TJCI> supreme' With tangy cepting petitions for one opening of its Board of gnwnd beef, crfep lettuce, mat) cheese, red ripe tomatoes Directors for the remainder of the 1987-88 school and i ool x mr ere-.ini All wrapped up in .1 M)lt. Ilxir (< irtilki year. SLS Board of Directors is responsible for And now \ve\e e\en gone s ill I in the price So come cry our new s<»ii TUco Supreme* making all policies concerning the operation of |(KLI\ Withsrvinu> like thh it's more $100,000 budgeted Student Legal Services. Physical Therapy students will than si supreme IIK;II It's a supreme deal. be on campus to meet with you Any University registered Organization may apply.

and answer your questions Petition should include: 1. Statement of organization's purpose

2. Statement on why your organization When: Thursday, November 12, wants a seat on the Board. 1987 7:00pm Petition Deadline Nov. 20 Where: Room 111 South Hall SAVE m ON OUR Petition Should be sent to: NEW SOFT TACO SUPREME" Student Legal Services I I VIM |*iMnMht--i.ii|««iwlKiHn.l».ni»[ I Htm < »t* ptttpvf prf%«l|*l inn I IVn^i.-luillnm Uhl-rtA-f ( *llmkniilxHi*.ilt» ft I SNllUII Iiith Jl I Christopher Helmick, Chair Board of Directors l<.itiht|i.iiiii>! L.iIV II u-M.iur.tnis i tflm-XpNl-s '- *l M~ BCN 3rd Floor Union Hello QTaco Bell I Please try to attend! I Current Members: USG, Pre-Law, GSS, RSA, Stu- dent Court, WSA, COCO, IFC, Panhel, BSU. 320 E Wooster Bowling Green Sports November 11,1987 7

Lakers to fail in quest to repeat Bedrosian captures by Andy Woodard first two months of the year re- come playoff time. Portland over Utah, Dallas over sports columnist covering from off-season ankle Utah, behind Karl Malone and Commentary Denver and Seattle over Hous- surgery. Mark Eaton, are just good ton. Cy Young Washington, behind center enough to move uplo second, It has often been said that his- Moses Malone and guard Jeff ahead of Houston. The Rockets this year. In his debut last Fri- In the Eastern semifinals, tory repeats itself. Yet, in the Malone, will take second. Also, have one of the best front lines in day against LA, McKey played Boston will down Washington NEW YORK (AP) - National Basketball Associa- the Bullets will have the shortest the league in center Akeem Ola- Philadelphia reliever every position on the court ex- and Chicago will defeat Atlanta, Steve Bedrosian, who led tion, it has been 18 seasons since Slayer. Tyrone Bogues (5-2) and juwon and forwards Ralph cept for point guard. In 24 while the West semifinals will a team has been able to repeat le tallest player, Manute Bol the major leagues with 40 Sampson and Rodney McCray, minutes, he scored 18 points and see LA over Portland and Seat- saves, won the National as champions. (7-7), in the league. but the guard situation is uncer- grabbed four rebounds. tle over Dallas. The team which will be trying Charles Barkley will lead Phi- League Cy Young Award to repeat this year will be the ladephia to third, followed by In the conference finals, Seat- yesterday by the slimmest Los Angelos Lakers, who New Jersey and New York. The Supersonics have a solid team which tle, which lost four close games margin in the award's his- defeated the Boston Celtics last In the Central Division, At- to LA in the West finals last tory. June to win its fourth champion- lanta will defend its title behind will finish a close second to LA. The year, will defeat the Lakers in Bedrosian, who set a ship in this decade. Dominique Wilkins, the league's scoring will fall on Xavier McDaniel, Tom six. Last Friday, the Superson- major-league record with The last team to repeat was second leading scorer last year, ics played tough in LA before fi- saves in 13 consecutive ap- the '69 Celtics, led by aging and guard Doc Rivers. Chambers and Dale Ellis, all of whom nally falling by four points. Be- pearances, edged Rick center Bill Russell. The Lakers My suprise pick for second is fore this long NBA season is Sutcliffe of Chicago 57-55 in are also paced by an eleder Chicago, paced by last season's averaged over 20 points per game last over, Seattle will find the right voting by the Baseball statesman — 40 year-old scoring leader, Michael Jordan. year. With the addition of rookie Derrick chemistry to defeat LA. Writers Association of Kareem Abdul Jabbar, the lead- He will be helped by Charles America. Rick Reuschel, ing scorer in NBA history. Oakley, who will increase his McKey, Seattle will be full of surprises The Celtics, behind Bird, will who played for Pittsburgh But the LA center is not alone. offensive production this season. once again this year. take the Bulls in five, despite and San Francisco, fin- He has the aid of last year's Rookie Scottie Pippin will con- what will be a great perform- ished one point behind Sut- league and championship series tribute substantially and new ance by Jordan. cliffe in third place. Most Valuable Player, Magic center Artis Gilmore, who In past years when LA has Bedrosian had a 5-3 re- Johnson, and forwards James Slayed for the Bulls before being tain and will hinder them. Portland, Golden State, the stumbled in the conference play- cord and earned run aver- Worthy and A.C. Green. ■aded to San Antonio, will give Denver will take fourth, ahead LA Clippers and Phoenix will offs, Boston has been the oppor- age of 2.83 in 1987. He Most NBA experts agree this the team some needed help in of Sacramento and San Antonio. round out the division. tunist, like in '81 and '86 when struck out 74 and walked 28 squad is one of the best in league the middle. In the Pacific Division, the The first round of the plavoffs they defeated Houston in the in 89 innings. Despite his history and should repeat. Detroit will finish third with Lakers will again take the title, in the East will see Boston over finals. But this year, history will outstanding season, the I disagree. Isiah Thomas pacing the squad, followed by the surprise of the Cleveland, Washington over not repeat itself in any way, Phillies finished tied for But before I let you know who followed by Milwuakee, Cleve- playoffs a year ago, Seattle. The Philadelphia, Atlanta over Mil- shape or form. fourth in the National I think is the best team, let's go land and Indiana. Supersonics have a solid team wuakee and Chicago over De- The Supersonics will win the League East with an 80-82 through how I see the regular Moving to the Western Con- which will finish a close second troit. The West first round will title by defeating the Celtics in record. season and playoffs shaping up. ference's Midwest Division, Dal- to LA. The scoring will fall on have LA over Golden State, Starting in the Eastern Con- las will take the title. The Mav- Xavier McDaniel, Tom Cham- ference's Atlantic Division, the ericks have a solid starting bers and Dale Ellis, all of whom team which will finish first is lineup, led by guard Rolando averaged over 20 points per Boston. They are led by three- Blackman and forwards Mark game last year. time MVP Larry Bird, Kevin Aguirre and Sam Perkins. New With the addition of rookie *i B McHale, and Dennis Johnson, coach John McLeod will give the Derrick McKey, the Seattle will % although McHale will miss the team the extra push it needs be full of surprises once again 'woodland moll GREEN ,fcm\t^Pfrg 4* Phone No. jwfcum. BASKETBALL ACTION! cinema 354-0558 '■■-, FATAL ATTRACTION BEiTH WISH 4 Baby Boom VS. S*I*IA 1 10 3 36 SAI/SUN 1 00 3 25 SAI/lu, ' 15 3 20 U< 7 05 5 30 [Vt 6 46 9 15 ivi 7 00S45

mrttay lovtmMr 1211 it Anderson trail For Recycling Information TIP-tff: SUSPECT PRINCE OF P» WOMSI 5:M i.m. 372-8909 DARKNESS &J» MM KM Ml. •ltd ft*CTCMn«. Oft* D*C>I Ot N.lur.l fU»o*rc*a. HKfcar* ' C*WM| SAI/SUN 3 '5 SMISUN 1 00 SAI/HA 1 20 3 30 TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOORI lum [vt 0 50 IVI 0 20 ■■ ■ '

Madhatter Productions Attention in cooperation with Howards Club H All Organizational Presidents presents: You're invited to attend the a live music showcase of local bands Intra-University Tues. NOV. 10 Wed. NOV. 11 President's Council Meeting Gestalt School Blank Schatz Nov. 12, 6p.m. Living End Blitzen 408 Moseley Hall Opiates of the Masses Emerald Rage Sheepish Grin Madhatter For more information, call the USG Office Tamtara Sex Beatles gmmmmm*tmmzm**mrmm*«z**xm»«z»ro«

Wanna Be's XHOA mi im inn noi am =inn 8pm till 2am No cover-continuous music ALL EDUCATION MAJORS

PLANNING TO STUDENT TEACH FALL SEMESTER, 1988 OR Do you have skill or talent? SPRING SEMESTER, 1989 If you would like to teach a UAO sponsored mini- course, please drop by the UAO office on 3rd You are required to attend floor, Union or drop the ticket below in the cam- a sign-up and information meeting: pus mail-addressed to: UAO TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1987 3rd floor Union ALUMNI ROOM, UNIVERSITY UNION BGSU nrrrv?\ MEETINGS AT: 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m. 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30 p.m. MINI-COURSES INFORMATION: Name: Address: ATTEND ONE MEETING ATTEND ONE MEETING ATTEND ONE MEETING Phone #: What you can teach: ■ Don Classifieds 8 November 11,1987

The Selang and Sales Management Club la hav- • "BEER UNTIL 2 30" OZ-Theta Chi Voesybel Tournament Votaybal Tournament Happy Hours CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS sig a sales representative from MCI on Wed BEE-IN BEE-OUT CARRY-OUT DZ-Thata Chi Votaybal Tournament Friday. November 13 Nov 11 at 7 00 In McFal Center Al are IN FRONT OF STINGRS CAFE DZ-Thela Chi Votaybal Tournament 4-8 Uptown FOR SALE welcome SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 14TH 10-3 1 OF 10 COLLEOES ACROSS REC CENTER THE U.S. IS WAITING FOR YOU" UAO I RES. LIFE TWISTER TOURNAMENT "CARRY OUT BEER UNTIL 2 30" WEDNESDAY NfGHT CLUB 1983 Firebird, gold color. 53.000 mtea, 30 DONT MISS IT' NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE offers you Prizes and fun lor SI signups start Monday. AT STATE MINIMUM PRICES 10 00 AT MARKS mpg. automatic. T-tops. power steering snd ■ WORLD of experience without leaving Ih. Nov 18th » UAO Office BEE-IN BEE-OUT CARRY-OUT TOPIC JUST SAY NO" FARCE brakes, new brakes, Wee, and shocks, very countiyl FIND OUT MORE'" INFORMATION IN FRONT OF STINGERS CAFE FADI • 'WHERE IS DARLENE SHUTTV?' • dean. $5,000 or offer, cal 353 5023 leave WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS, INC. I WANT YOU!! COME TO $1 BEER NIGHT! message SESSION TODAY at 4 PM In tin CAMPUS (WICI) MEETING1 JAIIBREAK '17 ROOM ol Ih. Union I OR coll Cm., lot OONT MISS THIS' Or Bruce rUopfenslem. "DELI SANDWICHES 79" 1985 Fuji Regis 24" 10 Speed bike with lock. Academic Option. .1 372-12021 iad.otelevision Mm. will speak TONIGHT. MON-FRI AFTER 10 00 PM WEDNESDAYS SPAGHETTI A GARLIC BREAD Great condition $225 or best offer Car double ACM Wednesday. Nov 11 at 8 PM In 104 BA about STINGERS CAFE GOLDEN KEY NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY S2 25 txke carrier-S30 Nice Rip-stop wsterprool bike w.lcom.i guost speaker Mr. Deve Stona the future technology m communications thai Applications! letter oeadkne THURSDAYS LASAGNA I GARLIC BREAD bag $20 Klunker Nielvki 28" bike-best offer wet aflecl YOUR career' SEE YOU THERE' IMS Sunday. November 15! $2 25GONLY AT POLLYEYS 440 E. COURT 353-8708 after 4 30 PM. ask lor Jenny from Ow.n»-Corning Flbergles In Toledo. Hla "LARGE PIZZA $2 50 1 ITEM" EAT IN OR CARRY OUT praaantatlon In on "Computer Technology In UNCOOKED ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT DonT lorget send yours In now! a Manufacturing Environment." Non- World Student Association welcomes you to BEE-IN BEE-OUT CARRY-OUT 1988 BIANCHI RACING BIKE members welcome alao. That", tonlta. Wad.. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Hey Alpha Xi's- Campy-Modolo-Otmega equipped ■ PMIn 515 Llla-Scianca Only 2 more days III Jalbreak" Sal Nov 21 at St Thomas Moore. 7 00-10 30 • 'STATE MINIMUM PRIZES UNTIL 2 30" • WANTED $800 Cal Adam 353-1588 PM- BEE-IN BEE-OUT CARRY-OUT Ad Club Exotic Food, entertainment and booths wi be HMS 7 ft couch, earth tones, excellent condition. Ad Club presented-Free and open lo al Welcome Sack! 1 or 2 roommate(a) for Spring Semester House ATTENTION ENTIRE CAMPUS Best otter Cal Ed 352-831 7 NEXT MEETING: WED. NOV. 11 Donations w4l go lo SAVE THE CHILDREN Is New York sti In one piece? with two car garage, washer-oryer-dishwasher The Wednesday night Night Guards ol Ashley 7:30 PM Ohio Sulta. Union Cal 352 6505 Can you buy Jeeps. Cars, 4 X 4'a Seized in SEE THE WORLD'S BEST ADVERTISING are having the annual "Barry Manithon" For drug raids lor under $100? Cal lor facts today WITH OUA OWN VIDEO PRESENTATION OF a donation ol S 25 or more. Hal and Kevin wi IMPORT NIGHT WEDNESDAYS a Needed Spring Term Male roommate, non- 802 837 3401 Ext 299 THE CLEO AWA OS. LOST & FOUND sing a portion ol one ol Maneows greatest hits SATURDAYS smoking Very close to campus 526 E Merry "Coma to this meeting to llnd out mora aboul Tins only lasts Irom 12.00 to 4:00 and the pro- TOUR THE WORLD OF BEER SI20amo 1 low utleties Cal soon 3544818 Cartton Cordless Telephone Features include auto redial. mule, base to our annual Ad Club Christmas Party! ceeds go to some undisclosed charily OVER 70 IMPORTS AT POLLYEYES One male non-smoking rmte needed lor spring handsel page and wal mount option Jusl $45 FOUND Free Sprit Bike 353-3538 440 E COURT 362-9638 semester. Fum Haven House apts Cal Cal Jeff at 354 8502 ASM-MIS MEETING ATTENTION SKIERS! 3528722 TONIGHT FOUND Pair ol sunglasses m Ian case Contact This Wednesday al 7 30 PM m 070 Overman JAN MEEHAN Charcoal Grey 1979 Chevy Monza Looks and Responsible, ratable roommate needed lor Spr- runs great New paint aluminum mags and extra 114 BA 7 30 PM Com Ed 372-8181 Hal the BGSU Ski Club wi be hosting a Ski Happy 21st Birthday! mg Semester Large apt flat Musi see WI snow hres $ 1200 Cal Dave at 353 4628 ALL MEMBERS WELCOME Tuning Seminar sponsored by viking Ski Shop Hang in there-Friday is Help' I lost my Driver's License near Brathaus have own bedroom and workroom Cal Victoria ol Toledo Everyone Welcome' last approaching Sat mghi Reward If relumed Please cal if after S 00 PM $140 a mo New carpet and -Paige 1 Fly anywhere m U S. Three one-way car- Attentai All Political Science Maroib1 found 353-3731 Attention Al Organizational Presidents paint 353 1577 No smokers please Imcslss tor sale $90 ea Cal alter 5 30 PM or Speaker Irom Agency lor international Develop intrn University Presidents Council Meeting - LOST JEAN JACKET weekend 353-4822 mem Wednesday. November 11 7 00 PM LS Nov 12. 6 PM. 408 Moseley Hal MXheseO TO THE PERSON WHO STOLE MY PINK JEAN ROCK-N-ROLL 112-Sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha For more mlo. call the USG Office "You're Stupid Tony!" Thanx for being the best JACKET AT MOTOWN-I KNOW WHO YOU FOR SALE friend Ever Hang m There' G-sqared Loves SINGER needed for college band CLASSIC ARE AND I AM GIVING YOU UNTIL MON NOV Light Blue Honda Accord |1982| Good You! RoCK Cal 354-8983 condition-new brakes, new struts, new wiring. ATTENTION SKIERS! 18 BEFORE I TAKE LEGAL ACTION DROP BethO Thai Wed at 7 30 PM m 070 Overman Hal the OFF AT SBX-NO QUESTIONS ASKEO Roommate needed for Spring Semester Apt $ new stereo. Asking $4300 (very negotiable) BAND CONCERT Cal 353-7020 Ask lor Rob BGSU Ski Club wl be hosting a Ski Tuning located on East Merry Cal 353-0709 LOST Black Ful Length Wool Tweed Top Coat Fall Wind Ens.mOle-Conc.rt Band Seminar sponsored by Viking Ski Shop ol NASER Left m Student Services Forum Wed . October Mart S. Kelly, Conductor WANTED. 1 MALE (OR FEMALEI ROOMMATE For Sale Toledo Everyone Welcome1 YOU ARE WANTED" 28 Please Cal Bill al 354 2765 lor Reward"1 Buddy Baker, Trombone Soloist NEEDED FOR SPRING SEMESTER ALL 1978 Ford Mustang Good Condition Call JAILBREAK '87 UTILITIES EXCEPT ELECTRIC PAID. 2 372-5594 Attention As Organizational Presidents Seturday, November 14 Intra-Unrversity Presidents Council Meeting • ■:00 PM BEDROOMS. LARGE LIVING SPACE IF IN- For Sale 1980 Toyota 4X4 pick-up with cap Nov 12. 6 PM. 408 Moseley Hal Kobacker Hall OMEGA PHI ALPHA'S FIRST ANNUAL TERESTED. CALL 354-5121 No mat. good tires AM FM Tape Call RIDES FREE For more mlo. can the USG Otlice ROLL AWAY WANTED: MALE ROCIMMATI 352-0194 Proceeds go to Chldren's Resource Ctr SPRING SEMESTER For Sale Government Model 45 cal NEED RIDE TO PITTSBURGH Nov 14 - watch for us!M Attention al campus clubs, groups and 21 OR OLDER $160 S ELEC FRI OR SAT -BACK SUN This Weekend Rol Away with O-Pra-A! Automatic Pistol One year old Extra clip and organizations This is your Mat chance lo have BE AN ORIENTATION LEADER 354-3045 BEATE 352-1503 new noisier incl $250 or best offer Call Rob your picture in the 1988 KEV Deadline lor all If you enjoyed your orientation and want to help 354 5324 pictures Is Nov 20 Contact Cyndi at the KEY others adjust to BGSU. then being an ORIEN- ONE GUN SIX BULLETS Wanted Roommates Help' 372-8086 or stop by 28 West Had lor informa- TATION LEADER is lor you Apply in 405 Stu- Boast 1 - Bets Letras 1 or 2 needed For more information cal Dawn I need a good home Voung parakeet complete tion sheets dent Services until Nov 13 Apply today and Bute! 2 • Anesthetized or Mac before 10 AM-after 10 PM 354 0568 SERVICES OFFERED show thai m BG "We Care'" Bullet 3 Pinney with cage Price nog Cal 1874-9210 alter 5 Bake Sale In Unlveralty Hall Butel 4 - Proviso PM lor details Sponsored by the French House Bullet 5 - Deguerrotype ABORTION Chi 0 Pledges" HEY YOUII 11 00 AM -4 00 PM Butet 6 - Gelding HELP WANTED Morning after treatment We gave you a ctialengs Buy my 12-strmg FENOER GUITAR or typewriter-computer keyboard with memory Personal ft Private "Discover the Colors of CM Omega"... BGSU Center lor Choice II But how could we know PLEASE HELP ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR NEEDED Make offer CALL 354-8983 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL NOW INTERVIEWING lor the summer ol 1988' Toledo 419-255-7769 The spmt and energy you'd show' THE BROTHERS OF SIGMA PHI EPSILON Nlahlkl Custom Sport 12 sod Thursday 4 O0 PM 400 Moseley Need a summer job? Why wait til the last We're so proud SUPPORT THE BLOOD DRIVE Two Months Old. rode very little $300 Brad st Please Jom Us* minute'? Wei. then, as Yogi Bear says, "Hey. We want to shout out loud GIVE BLOOD THIS WEEK 372-6331 PACKAGING CM Omega Pledges are No. 1...second lo Lenhart Grand Ballroom. 10 AM-4 PM Hey-ft's your lucky day'" HAVE TO SHIP A PACKAGE? Our campground. Yogi Bear's Jelyatone Camp TECHNICS RECEIVER tor sale FRIDAY MAGAZINE nonel" For more mlo Cal Mark at 352-7307 For al your shipping needs Resort, is lookmg for 2 creative, outgoing in- 35 watts per channel. 1 year old Excellent Weekly meetings are Monday al 7 30 PM in the We love you. Federal Express 'UPS dividuate to coordinate and direct activities lor a Cond $85 Cal 372 5837 Commons. 2nd ttoor ol West Had Writers Your Active Sisters A-Z Data Center ' 352-5042' Punkin tamty camping resort. LOCATION Aurora Ohio photographers and artists are needed Non- To my long-distance Love. Hang in there. I Love 5 mass form See World ol Ohio snd Geauga journalism motors are welcome to attend Cal COLLECTIVE VISION You with al my hear! and I hope I never lose Lake Park "77 Ponfiec Aalre sta wagon Runs wel. but 372-6967 or 353-2935 lor more mlormalion Pregnant? Were here to help you thru Call First Music from the you' "OonT forget" Happy 1 yr ft a halt Anniver- Coasge Jr or Sr level prelerrd body needs work Asking $500 00 or best oi- Hope 354-HOPE lor free pregnancy tests, sup- LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW TO DO FOR Great Peace March sary Yours lorever Punki Experience preferred but not a must ler. If Interested cal Jerry at 354-4922 latter portive services NEXT SEMESTER? 9 PM. Sunday Nov 15 Living facilities provided 6pm) HOWARDS CLUB H THE UNDERGRADUATE ALUMNI IYPING StRVlCE s lor an types ol papers using Puzzled with He? Overwhelmed by your rl interested, send resume to Jelystone Camp Brought to you by the Peace Coalition ASSOCIATION Xerox Memorywriler 352-3987 Irom 8am lo classes? Bored? Baffled by al me campus Reson. 3392 SR 82. Mantua. Ohio 44265 •UAA' 9 p m. organizations? Lookmg lor something lo do next FOR RENT 1 has the answer Coming 2nd Semester- - semester? TYPING? RESUMES? ELECTRICIANS Monday. November 16th at 6 30 PM The Btoch-Heskett Ethnic Arts Documenl Storage on Diskette What about the Undergraduate Alumni APPRENTICESHIP 1 A 2 bdrm fum apt Close to campus lor 110 BA Award Competition Assoclstlon? A-Z Data Center 352-5042 OPPORTUNITY 1988 Spring Semeiler--svail mid Oec Are You Ready? Monday. Nov 18 at 6 30 Men a Woman) 1-267-3341 or 354-0383 PLEASE HELP BA 110 The Toledo Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and WOMEN'S CLINIC I FEMALE NEEDED TO SUBLEASE THIRD ST THE BROTHERS OF SIGMA PHI EPSILON Dan "Erotica" Schuller Training Committee w« be accepting eppeca- 2700 Monroe St , Toledo Offering APT WITH 3 OTHER GIRLS $130 MO S SUPPORT THE BLOOD DRIVE gynecological services ft pregnancy termination I just can't wait any longer QUESTIONS tons for apprenticeship Irom November 30. GIVE BLOOD THIS WEEK ELEC CALL 353-5717 by licensed physician Including prenatal I want my private performance* ABOUT FINANCIAL AID? 1M7 through December 11, 1M7. Applies Lenhart Grand Ballroom. 10 AM-4 PM obstetrics, pregnancy tasting. Pap last (lor cer • Dance for me. please' then meeel Conrad McRoberta. Dkeclor, Finan- lions wil be available at the Apprenticeship 1 non-smoking lemale lo sublease nice (urn 2 For more into Cal Mark at 352-7307 vical cancer). VD screening, bulh control mlo . XOYour Dartmg cial Aid al the Coffee Break Thurs Nov 12 2-3 Training Center 803 Ume City Road. Rosslord. bedrm apt tor spring semester Rent Tube! Ligafion. termination of pregnancy up Nikki PM Oft Campus Student Ctr. Ohio (behind Local 8) horn 1:00 p.m. lo 3:00 negotlablei Please cal 352-66841 through to weeks (special rates lor students ) p.m., Monday through Friday. If you are at Representative needed Seen and David (Bursar BUS) 1 or 2 lemale roommates needed to sublease least 18 years ol age. have successfully com- for W.S.A. position In Student Legal Service By appointment 1-241-2471 DAVE- Mark and Carlo iShrmers) lerge 2 bdrm apt Becky 364-3445 or lor more mlo. contact Phi at 354-4510 HAPPY 19TH'" I LOVE YOU SO MUCH- pleted one year ol high school algebra or a post Maybe you guys weren't meant to be pro- high school algebra course, or GED and are in 352 2429 CANT WAIT TILL YOU'RE HOME lootbal players, but to us you are simpley No Special Coffee Hours good health, you qualify to apply for said Pro- 2 bdrm apt newly redecorated Heat includ FOREVER. SHEZ 1 "California: The Stale and lha State of Mind" PERSONALS gram. YOU MUST APPLY IN PERSON. Avail Jan 1 352 7454 a 823-7555 Come and listen to our guest speaker. Robert Love you bunches. Recruifmenl. selection, employment and train- Dawn and Jennifer 2 BEDROOM APT. FOR SUBLEASE FOR SPR- Gluckson and watch sides presentation Thurs - - Davy Jones Locker ing ol aporenticea ia dona without diacrimination • " HAPPY HOURS ING SEM. NICE AND CLOSE TO CAMPUS. Nov 12. 4ti South Hal at 2 45 PM SATURDAY 4 TO 8 PM Closed Nov 1012 Opening Nov 13 due to race, religion, color, national origin or Sponsored by W S A IDEAL PLACE FOR 3-4 PERSONS. CALL • • UPTOWN * • at 1002 S Main St Sorority Mascot Sweaters sex Wall SPORT MANAGEMENT CLUB Jeans N Things 531 Ridge THERE WILL BE A GENERAL ASSEMBLY DO IT IN YOUR 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED TO SUBLEASE TWO •' KATHY TALLMAN ■' Evening Office Cleaning BEDROOM APT. SPRING SEMESTER. 1130 MEETING TONIGHT 9 00 IN BA 110 HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY" SCRUBS STEPHANIE SCHWAB GET INVOLVED Pan and Ful Time PER MONTH. THIRD 4 HIGH 354-0688 I LOVE YOU" SCRUBS Congratulations on your ENGAGEMENT lo CM 352-5822 SCRUBS Dale FINALLY!! Student Personnel Association Meeting Love Lisa Jennie, end Karen 2-bdrm . 2-battl apt lor spring semester Close EXOTIC DANCERS Wednesday. November 11 DO IT IN YOUR lo campus 353-0504 WANTED FOR NEW CLUB IN TOLEDO 7 30 PM 112BABueding SCRUBS DON'T MAKE PLANS FOR SATUROAV. NOV The Selkng and Sales Management Club is hav- BIG MONEY EASY HOURS 3 lemales looking lor 4th non smoking room- Guest Speaker Jim Burch. Manager ol Profes- SCRUBS 14 ing a sales representative from MCI on Wed CALL (l) 472-8485 mate for Spring Semester 8th and High For sional Recruitment OwensCornmg Fiberglass SCRUBS DZ-Theta Chi Voteybal Tournament Nov 11 st 7 00 m McFal Center Al are more mlo Cal Laura (364-4135) DZ-Theta Chi VoieytaK Tournament welcome HELP WANTED CASHIERS DZ-Theta Chi VoMeyball Tournament DON'T MISS IT' Think It's Fun to Pull a FIRE ALARM?? Student Rec Center 3-9 BUTTONS NOW HIRING Delta Zeta-Theta Chi 9th Annual Here's the fun you could get ACROSS FROM OFFENHAUER Be THERE1 MUST BE 18 YRS OR OLDER VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT Up To TRAILER TO SUBLET FOR SPRING SEMESTER. 2 BEDROOM. CLOSE TO CAM- PUS. CALL MITZI OR TRACY AT 353-4035 An Encore Presentation I Month. In Jail HIRING' Government jobs - your area School Suspension $15.000-$88.000 Cat |802| 838-8885 EXT FREE SECURITY DEPOSIT 4244 9th Big Week in BG! Criminal Record 2 Bedroom apt close to campus Available (or -looks great on a resume UFEGUARDS Spring Semester 353-9916 Gel your summer Job kned up eerty' Certified Limited Semester Leases Avsllable Can't you find some other "FUN'' thing |o do? tfeguards needed for al ahifts If Inlereafed. FYI Student Legal Services Two locations lo choose Irom Very reasonable contact Jelystone Camp Resort. 3392 S R rates. Cal R E Management 352-9302 82. Mantua. Ohio 44255 iOitw»5j!v , TO MY CRAZY ROOMeS IN NO 20 \< po«i.nrols>| a- LAMAR. BOOGER. DEXTER Need two male graduate students for Spring- "YOU GUYS ARE TOO MUCH!" Mature responsible babysitter with own Summer Semesters. 2 bedroom lurnisned AZ transportation needed 2-3 afternoons per week apamtmenl. close to campus Rent-share room m\ ex HERE'S TO BEING "SRS"" and a GREAT YEAR THANKS DUDES' GILBERT lor a 3 year ok) gal 1 -878-2393 (Watennlel ($130). own room ($165) Cal 353-5023 two rw ,-QX ol- leave message P'«*n'Tickets to. FOLLOW me S, ,' At/0 WDtMCM, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts .- Fum. & Unfurn. ! you HIT '€*. WHtM IT Includes: Heat, Water, Full Time Maintenance -.RCAUY HURTS.''.■

SAVE $'s WITH SPECIAL RATES DURING NOVEMBER Office: 400 Napoleon Rd. Hrs: Mon-Frl 9-8 332-9135 Sat & Sun 10-4