SAVE THE STATE. CHANGE THE GOVERNMENT. Pay your share Winners are grinners Bush whacked Australia’s worst Gladys takes a High The disappointing tax avoiders Court loss Nationals





Authorised by Stewart Little, General Secretary, Public Service Association of NSW APRIL–JUNE 2019 CONTENTS

News 04 Highlights from our fight for you

From the General Secretary 08 The most important election in decades

President’s message 10 What have the Nationals done for us?

Giving credit 12 Behind the franking debate

Avoidance games 13 Why Australia’s Treasury has a shortfall 07 From the Assistant General Secretary 14 Who wins in the ’s war on compliance?

Wins 15 Victories on your behalf

Feature 18 Save the state. Change the government

WHS 26 Keeping safe on site

Women at Work 28 Meet your new Women’s Officer

Election nominations 30 Put your hand up 18

Managing Editor Stewart Little, General Secretary PSA Head Office Issue Editor Jason Mountney A 160 Clarence Street, NSW Art Direction Mine Konakci GPO Box 3365, Sydney NSW 2001 T 1300 772 679 F (02) 9262 1623 Printers Spotpress, (02) 9549 1111 W www.psa.asn.au | www.cpsunsw.org.au www.spotpress.com.au E [email protected] | [email protected]

Enquiries PSA Communications Unit, 1300 772 679 All members of CPSU NSW are also members of the Public Service Association. Membership T 1300 772 679 E [email protected] The PSA is the associated body that manages and resources CPSU NSW. NEWS


THE CPSU NSW’s reach does not stop at the border. Members at First State Super renegotiated their Enterprise Agreement last year. The agreement came into effect in September and covered, among other members, employees in First State’s call centre in Victoria. The agreement maintained all conditions with a wage increase of 2.5 per cent each year for two years. First State has provided superannuation coverage for public servants in NSW for decades.

CPSU NSW strives for healthy returns for members

THE AUSTRALIAN HEALTH Practitioners Registry Agency “We will be looking at real wage increases while maintaining or has just commenced bargaining with the CPSU NSW to improving current conditions,” says CPSU NSW Industrial Officer replace the current agreement, which came into effect two Graydon Welsh. years ago. Formed in 2010, Health Practitioners Registry The Enterprise Agreement will be a nationwide agreement with Agency administers the National Registration and Accreditation the CPSU NSW given the role as bargaining agent. Scheme across Australia.

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Lack of consultation on Numbers out of scale with the job shark response policy STAFF NUMBERS in Fisheries have THE DEPARTMENT of Primary Industries has not bothered to consult with the PSA before failed to keep up with the seeking “volunteers” to aid its new shark response policy. increasing demands of the job. The PSA wrote to the Secretary of Industry on 13 November 2018 seeking clarity regarding a While staff numbers have revised policy on this matter, as members had expressed concern that it may affect them. The remained the same for years, extra letter reminded management of the obligation to consult, as required both by the award and under demands on Fisheries staff have the WHS Act. included multiple fishing licence “The PSA and its members in Fisheries do not take lightly any issues that impact on the safety reforms, a new all-waters fishing fee of the public,” says Industrial Officer Nick Player. “But this appears to be another example of more and additional marine parks. Their being asked of an already overworked group of workers. work is also governed by a confusing, “Management is working on the goodwill of its employees to volunteer. While the agency advises and increasing, array of acts. you will be recompensed appropriately if you work outside your usual hours of work, this is still More ominously, there is still a additional work for an already overworked workforce and there is a potential risk.” high level of organised-crime involvement in illegal fishing, posing additional workload and safety issues.


AS NSW TREASURY is looking for cuts all over the state public service, the Department of Transport is rolling out the welcome mat to an ever-increasing number of executives earning the big bikkies. Lane Cove Tourist Park falls Comparing the 2016-17 and 2017- 18 annual reports, the Department increased the number of people on more to privatisation mantra than $150,000 by 92 per cent. In nearly OPERATED BY the National Parks and resorts around Australia, including Lizard every other wage category, numbers Wildlife Service, the Lane Cove Tourist Island, Heron Island, Kings Canyon Resort dropped. Park was an affordable way for thousands and El Questro Wilderness Park. Delaware Even category 9 staff members earn of people in the Sydney basin to experience North is also the catering provider for the less than $150,000 per annum. a camping trip to a national park. SCG and the Sydney Football Stadium. In news that will surprise precisely So the Government has naturally flogged Before the sell-off, the tourist park had a no-one, more than two-thirds of the it off to a high-end operator. set fee 365 days a year, making it affordable high-earners were male. Over the past few years the caravan accommodation for families, pensioners “While our members struggle with park has increased revenue by a couple and school children. smaller staff numbers and greater of million dollars, ploughing the proceeds “This is yet another blow against workloads, there seem to be a lot more back into the national park system. Australian egalitarianism,” says PSA well-paid bosses for them to answer However, in a move reminiscent of the Industrial Officer Michael Sinclair. “This to,” says PSA Industrial Officer Shane handover of the land titles service, the Government is so close to the big end of Howes. “It hardly seems fair.” State Government has leased the tourist town that it has been blinded to the joys The report also revealed more than 50 park to Delaware North Companies an affordable holiday in a national park can overseas fact-finding trips were billed to Australia, which operates a number of posh provide.” the department.

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Back row; left to right, John McLoughlin MEMBERS MAY not see the PSA/CPSU (Communications), Gwyneth Silva (ETIO), NSW administrative staff at meetings or Christina Joannou (Health and out on the hustings, but your union could Education), Jenny Gleeson (Health and Hall leading not do without this diverse section of its Education), Viji Varghese (Justice), Dylan Moore (Communications). Front row; left workforce. to right, Meredith Best (Justice), Jennifer the retirees’ Each team in the union has administrative Campbell (Industrial Support), Patrick staff whose tasks vary from preparing Norton (Building Management), Melanie bulletins for distribution to updating websites Green (Secretariat) and Lesley Twigger march to (Secretariat). and booking space for meetings. March

AS VOTERS GO to the polls in March, then later when the federal election is called, an army of true believers will be aiding the cause. The Retired Associates will be GO WEST among people campaigning for an end to privatisations and a return to the respect the public sector was once afforded. THE CPSU NSW stood up for TAFE during a One person among the volunteers is rally in Sydney’s western outskirts. Bill Hall, who has served as Chairman As part of the Don’t Mess With the West and Secretary of the Retired Associates. rally in Penrith, CPSU NSW State Branch Recently awarded an Order or Secretary Stewart Little (pictured right Australia, Mr Hall is a Life Member with Labor MP ) talked about the of the PSA, having worked in the importance of vocational training. public service since the 1980s. He Mr Little’s defence of TAFE was part spent much of his career in the of a rally highlighting how the Berejiklian TAFE system – himself a graduate Government has let down the region. in Electrical Engineering at Sydney Other organisations included groups Technical College. opposing the raising of Warragamba Dam A lifelong unionist, Mr Hall joined to appease developers and bodies looking the Electrical Trades Union at the age for better infrastructure in the region. of 17.

6 | RED TAPE April-June 2019 NEWS UNION HITS THE STREET THE PSA is continuing to alert voters to the damage created by eight years of Liberal/ National Government. Members, staff and supporters have been at railway stations, suburban streets and the Sydney CBD highlighting the Government’s destruction of the state’s public services in its privatisation frenzy. “We owe it to our members to get on the street and up close to voters,” says PSA Campaign Organiser Nigel Miles, who is coordinating the handouts. “There’s been an incredibly positive reaction from the public. They’ve had enough of privatisation and understand the value of our essential public services.” Read more about our Save the State campaign on page 18.


THE PSA PUT ON A BARBEQUE for members at Macquarie Tower in Parramatta. It was an opportunity for members from several different departments to get together to discuss important issues in the lead up to the state election | | on 23 March. | | The building, with its wide range of tenants, is a great chance for the PSA to get its message out to a diverse range of members. Departments there include Planning and Environment, the Office of Environment and Heritage, the Environmental Protection Authority, National Parks and Wildlife Service, the Western Sydney Parklands Trust

and the Departments of Lands and Industry.

April-June 2019 RED TAPE | 7 COLUMNS




FOR THE PAST FEW MONTHS, the PSA However, to those members, I It is important for us all to reflect on these has been engaged in highlighting what the respectfully pose these questions: do you types of issues before we vote. I know I Liberals and, most recently, the Berejiklian believe the job you do and the service you certainly will be. Government have done to NSW since 2011, provide is now of greater benefit to the For all these reasons and far too many and how important it is to save our state. community than before Barry O’Farrell led others, I truly believe the future of our state I make no apologies for this. the Liberals into office in NSW in 2011? rests on the outcome of this election. Next month when we vote will be the Has the outsourcing or even potential The privatisation of public services in moment of truth for NSW. offshoring of your job been a positive and NSW has to stop. It is easy, too easy in fact, to distil this productive development in the delivery of The sidelining of an expert public sector situation down to a simple matter of public services in this state? workforce and instead favouring and politics: Liberal/National versus Labor. Has a sea of consultants, a virtual pouring countless millions of dollars into The fact is I have been a Labor voter secondary public sector workforce the non-government and private arena, as all my life but, under my leadership, this operating in an almost parallel universe, has been the case with child protection, union will always hold the Government been of cost effective benefit to the people must come to an end. of any political persuasion to account – of NSW and assisted you in doing your job? Unions should be free to argue for public particularly an administration that has For those members in regional areas, has sector wage rises in the Industrial Relations sold the Land Titles Registry to private the enormous investment in new stadiums Commission without a law that caps those commercial interests, flick passed all and toll roads in the Sydney metropolitan rises to 2.5 per cent a year, irrespective of moral and ethical responsibility for the area boosted your local community and circumstances. care of people with disability to the non- economy? TAFE must regain the mantle of being Government sector and reduced TAFE to Has the forced downward spiral of TAFE and one of the world’s foremost vocational a shell of its former glory. the rise of some less than world renowned training providers and give our kids proper But then this is the same Government vocational training providers assisted the accredited training for their future. that thought it politically astute to close career opportunities and employment And there is absolutely no reason the the Epping-to-Chatswood rail line in Sydney prospects of young people in your region? State Government should not have a key for seven months, not just in the lead up to I raise this to make some critically role in providing disability services in NSW. the election but until well beyond the state important points for us all to consider; it is Please, join me in resetting the path going to the polls. not my intention to in any way belittle or and moral compass of NSW when you The puzzling thing is the Government patronise anyone. vote in March. seems to think the tens of thousands of people who have had their daily commute turned into a special kind of POVB still up for the fight hell will thank them for all this pain at the ballot box. TWO YEARS into her term as Chair of a Commissioner from the Industrial And that appears to have been their the Prison Officers Vocational Branch Relations Commission to come see first general strategy from the get go; make (POVB), Nicole Jess is still fighting to hand the reality of benchmarking.” people angry, upend their jobs and lives, keep NSW prisons properly staffed. spend billions doing so and they will vote “In the past two years the Government’s for you. benchmarking process has threatened These are the great strategic minds that staffing levels,” she says. “But the POVB run our state, that direct and govern every has worked to keep disruption to a aspect of your life. minimum. Strike action kept numbers in Yes, I am mindful that some members the MSPC and we’ve had wins in of this union are Liberal or National Party Goulburn and the MRRC.” voters. POVB Assistant Chair Jason Charlton I respect that position and their right to says, “The POVB has succeeded in getting hold such views.

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Corrections staff walk off the job at MRRC

STAFF AT THE Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre (MRRC) went on a 24-hour strike due to staff being disciplined and an officer being suspended. Prison Officers Vocational Branch (POVB) members at the MRRC took the industrial action in January in support of fellow members who were suspended or facing investigation from the Professional Standards Branch (PSB). POVB members were angry about the length of time it takes the PSB to investigate matters and reach a decision. The process can often take over two years with Officers suspended and not allowed to contact friends or colleagues employed by Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW). JJs take action POVB members were also concerned about the inconsistencies in the final decisions handed down by the PSB and CSNSW Senior Management. PSA MEMBERS in Juvenile Justice The industrial matter was heard in the IRC on Wednesday 30 January before Chief walked off the job across the state in Commissioner Kite who ordered that all staff return to work as soon as possible. POVB/ January to put pressure on the PSA Industrial Officer David McCauley represented the POVB in the matter and Government for an enhanced-support requested greater transparency in the investigation process, as well as greater support unit for high-risk detainees. for our members who are suspended. He also requested that regular meetings with the The walk-off was spurred by Assistant Commissioner of Governance and Continual Improvement take place to Government inaction to a spate of ensure regular updates are provided in order to assist POVB members who are assaults and threats to staff. suspended or facing investigation. Since the Chisholm Behaviour Unit The POVB State Executive attended a meeting with PSA General Secretary Stewart for high-risk offenders in the Cobham Little and Corrective Services Minister David Elliott regarding this issue. facility was closed in 2016, dangerous detainees, including those convicted of terrorism offences, are housed in the general detainee population. Legal Fund gives Justice The action was recommended by the PSA’s peak state delegates committee members piece of mind and followed the Department’s decision to end a moratorium on the transfer of IN JANUARY 2019, the PSA established • Making a claim under the Victims dangerous A1(b) detainees.  a legal fund as a protective measure for Rights and Support Act 2013 which members who may be charged with a arises out of or in the course of criminal offence in the workplace. employment The Justice field can be dangerous, with • Any Coronial Enquiry where the staff often placed in positions of direct interests of the member and their conflict with inmates, court attendees and employer diverge other members of the public. • Any commission of inquiry or tribunal This can lead to unfair accusations of conducting an inquiry whose findings criminal behaviour. could have an adverse effect upon the As the PSA does not provide financial member of the Legal Fund assistance to any member who has To contribute to the fund, contact the been charged with a criminal offence, PSA delegate at your workplace for an Guy and polls: Zangari the PSA Executive decided to establish application form. in pre-election talks the legal fund. Alternatively, talk to the PSA Member The legal fund, modelled on a similar Support Centre (MSC) on 1300 772 679. with PSA scheme available to Prison Officers, The MSC can also assist if you wish to OPPOSITION Corrections Spokesperson provides a range of enhanced legal access the fund, with any such requests met PSA members in services for members commonly passed on to the trustees. Wellington to discuss what an elected Labor exposed to difficult and dangerous Only financial members of the PSA are Government would do for them. situations in the course of their entitled to contribute to the legal fund, Mr Zangari, who met with members employment including: which will cost $2.00 per week. and Delegates from Correctives and • Alleged criminal offences arising out The fee is tax-deductible and includes Juvenile Justice, talked about issues such of or in the course of employment GST. as benchmarking and the need for a secure unit for high-risk young offenders. 

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FOR TOO LONG, the regions have been The debacle with the TAFE system shows let down by the people who swear to just why regional voters are unhappy with the represent us. Nationals. In towns such as Quirindi, cuts to The junior party in the Coalition TAFE pull money from local communities, Government, the National Party was formed dampen already limited employment in 1920 as the Country Party, from the outset opportunities for school leavers and create THE PARTY OF THE BUSH badging itself as a political organisation with labour and skill shortages in smaller centres. ACQUIESCES WHENEVER regional interests at heart. Even more bizarrely, they limit the scope THE LIBERAL PARTY DECIDES Nearly 100 years later, the party has for people to become self-employed JOBS NEED TO BE CUT changed its name and its outlook. Sadly, tradespeople, which is one of the National the party is now better known for rubber- Party’s core constituencies in country towns. THROUGHOUT NSW stamping the decisions hatched in Sydney The Nationals’ inability to stand up to urban by the more numerous Liberal Party MPs. Liberal Party bean-counters is actually suburbs or a road system in the inner city And people in the regions need someone costing it future voters. that even the locals there don’t want. All the to stand up for them. Public sector job cuts In 2016, we saw this anger spill out when while, our water resources are plundered by hurt wherever they take place – but in the the voters of Orange went into their booths big agricultural firms. regions, the damage is particularly acute. during a by-election and threw out the The privatisation of ports in Newcastle and Lack of other work opportunities often means National Party for the first time since 1947. Wollongong, which are conduits to the world a job loss in a small town leads to an entire We saw Wagga Wagga voters direct their for primary products from regional NSW, family moving elsewhere – reducing the anger towards the Liberal Party last year, has also seen the proceeds of our primary customer base for local businesses, cutting voting in an independent and voting against industries go straight to corporate offices in numbers in local schools and certainly taking the conservatives for the first time since 1957. Sydney or abroad. money out of the local economy. And country voters have reason to be The sell-off of Newcastle’s port has also But the party of the bush acquiesces angry. The Government’s spending priorities constrained its expansion, further limiting whenever the Liberal Party decides jobs need are firmly planted in Sydney: think a shiny economic growth in the regions. Roads to be cut throughout NSW. new football stadium in the city’s eastern Minister refused to even discuss its expansion in Parliament, making a mockery of National Party leader ’s earlier claims that the outsourced facility would be accessible to more farmers. Sell-offs are a recurring theme in the abandonment of regional NSW. Corrective Services NSW’s benchmarking process is not Got BIG Plans? only making the state’s prisons less safe, it is also cutting the number of local workers in communities. The Pillar superannuation firm sell-off saw As a PSA Member you are entitled to this Special Personal Loan Offer valuable jobs cut in the Illawarra.

Many of our regional members have long supported the National Party and will % % 1 2 continue to do so. Whatever the result of pa pa the coming state election, we hope the party 6.99 6.99 Variable Interest Rate Comparison Rate works harder to return this support to our members. And it is up to our members to hold them to account. 1Rate based on a 1% discount off the Standard Personal Loan Rate, for loans $5,000 to $30,000 and on a term of up to 7 years. Not available for debt consolidation loans or refinance of existing SCU loans. The 1% rate discount applies for the term of the SCU Loan Contract or until you are no longer a PSA Member. 2Comparison rate based on a $30,000 loan over 5 years unsecured. Warning: This comparison rate is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. All applications are subject to 10 | RED TAPE April-June 2019 SCU normal lending criteria. Redraw fees, terms and conditions apply. Full details available on application. All information is correct as at 31.1.2019 and subject to change. © Sydney Credit Union Limited | ABN 93 087 650 726 | Australian Credit Licence Number 236476 | AFSL 236476 | BSB 802 084 | Trading as SCU. NEWS

Micromanagement leads PSA waiting for next step on to FACS work bans Schools Pay Equity THE PSA has implemented work bans at the Family and Community Services (FACS) Helpline after it emerged staff were being micromanaged – to the extent that toilet breaks THE STATE Government is expected to were timed. lodge its expert evidence on Pay Equity “FACS has so far ignored our serious concerns about these changes which allow increased to the Industrial Relations Commission monitoring of caseworkers and micro supervision by management, including timed toilet breaks,” (IRC) in late March. says Industrial Manager Kris Cruden. “It is unacceptable that FACS is ignoring its work, health and The PSA launched the Pay Equity case safety obligations to staff and attempting to introduce employment conditions more commonly in 2017, pushing for better wages for our found in off-shore call centres in developing countries. It beggars belief that FACS management members in schools. considers it appropriate to introduce a practice which is fundamentally inhumane.” Your union believes support staff in The work bans cover tasks such as code alerts and the observation of calls. schools are underpaid on the basis that “What FACS should be doing is ensuring that the Helpline is properly funded and more than 95 per cent of them are resourced,” says Ms Cruden. “A good place to start would be converting the 45 caseworkers women. on temporary appointments to ongoing employment. The PSA filed its evidence in the IRC in “Instead of spending large sums of money on external consultants who don’t understand November last year. The evidence child protection, funds should be directed to ensuring the Helpline is staffed to meet the compared pay rates for staff in schools needs of vulnerable children, young people and families. with employees in male-dominated “This is yet another case of the State Government getting it wrong by engaging private industries and those with an even split in sector consultants instead of seeking the advice of the experts in the public sector – in this men and women.  case highly experienced professionals dedicated to child protection.”

Got BIG Plans?

As a PSA Member you are entitled to this Special Personal Loan Offer

% % 6.99 pa 1 6.99 pa 2 Variable Interest Rate Comparison Rate

1Rate based on a 1% discount off the Standard Personal Loan Rate, for loans $5,000 to $30,000 and on a term of up to 7 years. Not available for debt consolidation loans or refinance of existing SCU loans. The 1% rate discount applies for the term of the SCU Loan Contract or until you are no longer a PSA Member. 2Comparison rate based on a $30,000 loan over 5 years unsecured. Warning: This comparison rate is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. All applications are subject to SCU normal lending criteria. Redraw fees, terms and conditions apply. Full details available on application. All information is correct as at 31.1.2019 and April-June 2019 RED TAPE | 11 subject to change. © Sydney Credit Union Limited | ABN 93 087 650 726 | Australian Credit Licence Number 236476 | AFSL 236476 | BSB 802 084 | Trading as SCU. NEWS SPEAKING FRANKLY

AS THE FEDERAL ELECTION draws near, Conservative lobby groups such as the prepare yourself for a deluge of information Centre for Independent Studies, as well as on Labor’s proposed changes to tax laws poorly disguised front organisations for the relating to refundable dividend franking Liberal Party, think differently. They see the credits. issue as a vote winner, particularly among THERE HAS TO BE A MINIMUM Under the ALP’s plans, refunds of franking Baby Boomers. LEVEL OF TAX CORPORATE credits will be phased out. The system, Cue parliamentary inquiry hearings set PROFITS BEAR IN AUSTRALIA; introduced by the Hawke Government in up by Liberal MP Tim Wilson in retirement 1987, was designed to prevent the concept hot spots such as the Sunshine Coast, IT IS HOW OUR PUBLIC of double taxation – the idea that company complete with forms handed out to SERVICES ARE FUNDED profits that have been taxed should not attendees to join his party. be taxed again once they are earned The Australia Institute’s submission pensioners and Canberra. for shareholders. It was boosted by the to the inquiry into the implications of “The view that the company is an Howard administration, which gave users removing refundable franking credits found extension of the individual shareholder credits back even if tax hadn’t been paid. that the image of self-funded retirees forced is somewhat quaint in a world in which However, the plan has seen a large back on to pensions by a draconian change even very rich individuals rarely have a shortfall in government revenue, with some to laws is an exaggeration. significant share of the larger companies rather well-off beneficiaries. “Anyone hurt by this plan can most in which they invest. By the same token Labor maintains the changes are likely rearrange their affairs to minimise the modern corporation has outgrown its designed to claw back more than $5 billion the impact of the change,” reads the ultimate owners. Natural persons own less in lost revenue – more than the entire submission. “To regain full access to than 10 per cent of Australia’s listed shares federal education budget. As the Grattan franking credits anyone adversely affected for example.” Institute points out in its report on the need only change the composition of their Missing from the opponents’ spin is that mooted changes, “growing net transfers portfolio in favour of assets that generate planned provision to the changes brought to older households are being financed taxable returns against which the franking forward by Labor would protect more than partly by higher income taxes on working- credits can be applied.” 300,000 low and middle income recipients age Australians and partly by a decade of As the Grattan report points out, “a self- from the changes, with pensioners still able sizeable deficits that today’s young (and funded retiree couple with a $3.2 million to claim cash refunds. perhaps their children) will be left to repay”. super balance, plus their own home, and Self-managed superannuation funds that “Restricting the access to tax-free $200,000 in Australian shares held outside had at least one pensioner or allowance dividends from companies and trusts is a super, even drawing $130,000 a year in recipient before March 28, 2018 will also be fair way to help improve the budget and superannuation income, and $15,000 a year spared the changes. wind back the growing intergenerational in dividend income, they would report a General Secretary Stewart Little says this transfers in our tax system,” adds the combined taxable income of just $15,000 shortfall affects the services offered by PSA Grattan submission. and pay no income tax whatsoever”. and CPSU NSW members. The Australian Institute report also “If a big business is owned by wealthy Liberal MP Tim Wilson is using savages the argument that this is a David- retirees who pay no tax, any business franking credits as an election tool and-Goliath battle between hard-done-by income they derive is also not bearing tax,” he says. “There has to be a minimum level of tax corporate profits bear in Australia; it is how our public services are funded. “Australia has tax rules that prevent employment income being split by a large earner amongst his or her associates, but the Coalition’s current system allows business profits to split and avoid tax altogether. Imputation was not meant to be a method by which the profits of Australia’s largest business – which thrive from our natural resources and political and economic stability – avoid tax. “Labor’s proposal – together with the minimum level of tax on trusts – is the best way to assure appropriate funding for the needs of all of us.”


ANYONE SCRATCHING AROUND to pay work in, gaols we protect, services we offer; a tax bill – or anyone wondering why their these all require citizens and companies local schools and hospitals are looking a paying their fair share. little shabby – will find journalist Michael Falls in revenue give governments licence West’s recent research on tax minimisation ENERGY AUSTRALIA IS NOW to cry poor and impose wages caps, sobering reading. RUN FROM A COMPANY IN organise sell-offs and hand out reams of The story, which you can read on redundancies. THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS michaelwest.com.au, lists a number of And the effects go further than Australia’s biggest companies that pay little underfunded public services. tax or, in too many cases, no tax at all. Taxpayer dollars, it seems, go one way As former Treasurer Wayne Swan wrote in In many cases, resource companies are with Lendlease: into its coffers. a feature on tax avoidance for news website the biggest culprits of all. On his site, Mr More galling, some of the companies Crikey, “it is simply not possible to have West says, “Once again, despite the avoiding paying tax are making money from prosperous middle class societies without a nosebleed rise in gas prices, the gas giants enterprises built on previous generations’ level of taxation that can deliver decent skimped on their tax. That’s zero from tax revenues. We pay, they play. chances for everyone and sustain successful, Origin, Shell, Chevron, Santos, BG and “Before electricity prices doubled over legitimate democratic government”. Exxon. Here they are drilling Australia’s the past decade, Energy Australia used to Mr Swan linked the rise of large scale natural resources, finite stuff, sending it be owned by Australians,” wrote Mr West. companies minimising tax with a loss in offshore, and paying no tax.” “It was the property of the governments of confidence in the very structures that make Companies such as Chevron arrange NSW and Victoria, state assets. Chasing a democracy possible. loans with subsidiaries in low-tax locations short-term buck, and urged on by “Widening economic inequality is such as the Cayman Islands or Luxembourg. investment bankers and assorted fee- driving forms of populism and nativism This allows them to repatriate the profits to hunters, politicians sold them off.” that raise unsettling parallels with the era those countries or territories, avoiding Energy Australia is now run from a that followed the crash of 1929,” he wrote. paying tax in Australia, where the product company based in the British Virgin Islands. “History records that, 10 years after that was actually extracted. It has been four years since the Australian Wall Street meltdown, World War II Of course, the mining tax would have at Treasury has received a cent from the began.” least negated some of this loss but Tony company in income tax. As people see services cut and politicians Abbott and the Liberal Party had hardly Members of the PSA and CPSU NSW rubbing shoulders with tax-dodging warmed the Treasury benches before should be concerned – and not just because corporations, they start looking to the political scrapping it. they pay a far greater rate of income tax fringe for solutions, turning their backs on Making the whole deal even more than industrial behemoths with an army of democratic structures and demonising unpalatable is that many companies creative accountants at their disposal. Our minorities and foreigners. minimising their tax bills are the first to stick members work in jobs that depend on Mr Swan stated in his Crikey piece, “Pay out their hands when public money is being revenues from Treasury. The schools we taxation, buy civilisation.” spent. One of the country’s most efficient tax minimisers, Lendlease, is working on the Berejiklian Government’s largely unwanted stadium rebuilds. “Lendlease has earned total revenue of $89 billion over six years, declared profit before tax of $5.3 billion, paid distributions to owners of $2.1 billion but still paid no income tax in Australia,” wrote Mr West in his expose on the company. Lendlease has also won a contract for the maintenance of what the company describes as “maintenance of more than 2,260 traffic assets on behalf of Roads and Maritime Services in the Metro East Zone of Sydney” after privatisation.





THE ENVIRONMENTAL disaster befalling from illegal activities such as abalone realise the sell-off mania displayed by the our state’s west is not simply the case of poaching and excessive catches, unaware current Premier and her two predecessors not enough rain; it is yet further proof that of the extent of their legal rights if they get has its roots in their distrust of the state’s the Government’s attack on our public into violent situations. common assets. It comes as no surprise that services affects the entire community. As we have seen in the case of the dying the same people who sell off as many public Talking to a PSA member who has worked river and lake systems in the state’s west, assets as possible have no interest in caring as a water compliance officer, it is clear too often compliance officers get in the for what remains in our hands, and indeed much of the problem is an unholy alliance of way of Government supporters making a display a desire to see them rot instead. big agriculture and a State Government that fast buck. Since the election of the O’Farrell National Parks are seen not as a mode to believes its mates in business should be Government in 2011, for example, rates of preserve our natural assets, but as the able to do what they want. land clearing in northern NSW have more missed potential for more grazing, mining And it is not only the environment that than tripled. There are now an estimated and logging land. Limiting irrigation suffers. Cuts to compliance staff in Roads 14 football fields of koala habitat bulldozed doesn’t mean more water for those and Maritime several years back led to in NSW every day. downstream, just less cotton on the semitrailers driving our highways In Fisheries, there is only one officer for market. A top-heavy semi-trailer on our unbothered by roadside inspections. every 8,006 square kilometres of NSW. highways is more profitable for business, Cuts to Rangers in the beleaguered What is behind this devaluing of the not a hazard to other road users. NSW National Parks system have left parks work performed by our members? PSA and CPSU NSW members work hard in disarray and wilderness open to feral Too often privatisations and cuts to to make our state a better, safer, cleaner animals and invasive plants. On Christmas compliance rules are sold to the public as place to live. As we enter the last weeks of Day, one of the busiest in the year, only belt-tightening measures to reduce the a state election campaign, think about two staff were rostered on at the world burden on taxpayers. But when sell-offs how candidates value the work you and famous Royal National Park. include the land title service of Land and your fellow members do. Elsewhere, Fisheries Officers are Property Information, which earned the required to protect vast tracts of the state Treasury about $130 million a year, you


JOHN HUGHES, Chair of the PSA’s Communications Advisory Group in NSW Police, has been presented with the Medal of the Order of Australia for his work in NSW Police Radio and his volunteering as the Local Controller of the Blue Mountains State Emergency Service (SES) Unit. “This medal is a great honour which recognises the skill and dedication that John has displayed in the field of emergency management since 1981, both in his paid and volunteer capacities,” says PSA Organiser Roland Harris. “John has been a proud PSA member for almost 30 years and contributed significantly to representing his fellow members as a workplace delegate.”

14 | RED TAPE April-June 2019 WINS

IRC clarifies its powers

AS REPORTED IN the last issue of Red the industrial relations legislation and Tape, a full bench of the Industrial any industrial instrument). Relations Commission of NSW (IRC) has Commissioner Newall decided he was recently clarified its powers to interpret not empowered to grant any relief under documents and to make consequential Section 136 of the IR Act, whether in the orders resolving industrial disputes in terms of the directions sought by the PSA arbitration. or relief of any other kind. Even though the These powers had been placed in doubt PSA did not seek any determination under during a dispute on the suspension from s 175, Commissioner Newall nevertheless duty without pay of a Senior Correctional adopted the approach that: Officer, Mr Craig Reynolds. • the Commission could not grant relief The PSA had contended that Mr to the PSA without interpreting the Reynolds should be suspended with pay. Premier’s Memorandum; In the course of a compulsory conciliation, • the only power to interpret the Commissioner Newall expressed the view Premier’s memorandum is found in Above, the new IRC building in the suspension without pay was contrary Section 175; Parramatta to the Premier’s Memorandum 1994-35, • the Premier’s Memorandum is not an which established guidelines for the “instrument” for the purposes of • however, the IRC does not have power suspension of public employees from duty. Section 175 (because it is not under Sections 136 to make a direction The Department rejected the enforceable and does not create, limit which would have the effect of Commissioner’s interpretation of the or confirm a right); and requiring the respondent to pay Mr Premier’s Memorandum, and decided to • the Commission was not empowered Reynolds during the period of his continue the suspension without pay. to express or state its view as to the suspension. In the arbitration proceedings before the proper meaning of the Premier’s In his notes on the case, Barrister for the Commissioner, the PSA sought directions, Memorandum “in any formal way in the PSA, David Chin, says the decision confirms including a direction that the decision- context of arbitration”. the right of the IRC to “determine any maker comply with the Premier’s However, the PSA appealed this decision question concerning the interpretation, Memorandum and suspend Mr Reynolds in front of a full bench of the IRC. application or operation of any ‘instrument’ with pay. The appeal was successful, with the within the ordinary meaning of that word. However, the PSA did not ask the Commissioners ruling: This includes documents or writing of a Commission to determine the meaning of • the Premier’s Memorandum is an formal nature such as the Premier’s the Premier’s Memorandum pursuant to “instrument”.. Memorandum and any ‘policy documents Section 175 of the IR Act, which states: • even if the Premier’s Memorandum impacting on industrial matters’. Documents The Commission may, for the purpose was not an “instrument” under that have the necessary quality of formality of exercising its functions in connection Section 175, the Commission can are likely to include memoranda of with a matter before it, determine any interpret it as a necessary step along understanding between industrial parties, question concerning the interpretation, the way to the ultimate exercise of its and policy directives promulgated by application or operation of any arbitration functions under the various public sector departments and relevant law or instrument (including Industrial Relations Act. agencies.”

HEALTH CHECK TO REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL AFTER PRESSURE from the PSA, Department of Education has agreed that members in its Health and Safety Directorate, where Price Waterhouse Coopers is undertaking a mental health check, can directly to arrange a confidential appointment with PwC. Previously the Department had failed to address privacy concerns and ensure members were able to participate in the health check in a fair and confidential manner. “The PSA is supportive of the concept of a health check, but the confidentiality of staff in this process was vital to ensure its integrity,” says PSA Industrial Manager Kris Cruden. 

April-June 2019 RED TAPE | 15 WINS

CORRESPONDENCE CPSU NSW member wins in overpayment stoush THANKS AND GOODBYE A TAFE EMPLOYEE called the CPSU NSW simply sit back and dictate the terms of the Member Support Centre (MSC) when she repayment. I AM RELUCTANTLY resigning also was advised to repay an overpayment in The member emailed the MSC that from the PSA as I have resigned from two instalments. afternoon to report TAFE agreed to the my position at Family and Community When the member requested a more repayments being made over five instalments. Services and am now working for the reasonable timeline of five or six instalments, The member told the MSC she is very happy Department of Justice in Victoria and I TAFE refused, claiming the relevant software with the advice provided by her union.  have joined the CPSU Victoria. was only programmed to accept the Please may I thank everyone at the PSA repayments over a maximum of two pay for all of their help and support over the periods. years. I have made so many friends through The MSC advised her TAFE had provided my time in the union. The union has always incorrect information and that the correct been the main source of strength for me as process was for the parties to engage in a two- a child-protection worker. The PSA has way conversation and work out an agreed worked solidly for members and for children repayment plan. THE CORRECT PROCESS and families and taken up the fight to Armed with this information the member WAS FOR THE PARTIES TO government countless times. contacted TAFE payroll. This time she informed ENGAGE IN A TWO-WAY Best wishes to everyone at the PSA. them of the advice provided by the union and CONVERSATION AND AN In solidarity, Joy Stevens the need for TAFE engage in the process, not AGREED REPAYMENT PLAN

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Balancing act wins union support WHO YOU A QUICK LOOK at her leave balance had a PSA member on the phone straight away to GONNA CALL? her union’s Member Support Centre (MSC). The member had transferred from NSW THE MEMBER SUPPORT CENTRE (MSC) this is identifying when a member Health to the Justice Department and had is often the first port of call for members inquiry requires an individual response, arranged to transfer all entitlements. and delegates seeking advice in relation is a collective issue or is an organising After she was making inquires to take and to industrial matters. opportunity. Key to this process is use her recreation leave, she noticed the So what happens if you contact us? referring matters on to industrial staff balance didn’t look correct and contacted the The MSC is a structured work that require a higher level response. MSC to see how the PSA could assist her. environment that responds in a timely The Member Support Officer seeks the The MSC contacted her payroll manager manner to high demand from members advice of the Supervisor MSC, Manager with an inquiry and requested information and delegates. Member Support Officers Member Services and other industrial that would include transferred entitlements assist members and delegates by staff as required. along with current leave balances. empowering them to identify solutions The Member Support Officer is With PSA’s inquiry, the payroll department and actions they can take to resolve responsible for ensuring the accurate noticed a discrepancy and immediately ran an issues at the local level. and real time collection of data, which is audit and corrected the balances. They also provide guidance and used for analysis and planning across the industrial advice as required. Part of organisation. CPSU NSW ends decades of temporary status for members

TAFE EMPLOYEES, some of whom were employed as temps for more than 10 years, have been converted to permanent status thanks to work by the CPSU NSW. Work by the union and delegate Wrong amount at wrong Patrick Kiss secured permanent status for five staff, two of whom had been hired as temps for 11 years. time sends union into action At the time of press, the CPSU NSW was negotiating on behalf of a member A PSA MEMBER PAID too much by his organisation replied acknowledging his who had worked for an incredible 14 employer has turned to your union’s query. GovConnect issued the relevant years under the uncertainty of Member Support Centre (MSC) to make information to our member allowing temporary status. sure he wasn’t drastically out of pocket. him to be fully advised about what Delegate Glenda Pryor also The member was contacted by went wrong with his pay. Even better, managed to get five library positions his manager and advised he had an it supplied information to negotiate a filled in the TAFE system. The positions, overpayment of $3200 due to the “late suitable payment plan. in the Blue Mountains and Sydney’s notification of wage reimbursement “This member was lucky to have this west, had been left vacant following schedule”. Despite it being the electronic process stopped in time to retirements, adding to other department’s error, he was told the entire have an overpayment reconciliation employees’ workloads. amount would be garnished from his next process commence due to the delay The CPSU NSW also secured fortnightly pay. in contacting the PSA two weeks after temporary status for seven TAFE Worried how this would affect being advised,” says PSA Member employees who were in long-term casual his family, the member contacted Services Manager Kym Ward. “Members positions. One staff member had been GovConnect about his plight but did need to contact the MSC as soon as an on an ongoing roster for seven years. not receive a reply. It was then he called overpayment is advised and to contact CPSU NSW Industrial Officer Phoebe the MSC. their relevant payroll in the first instance. Dangerfield says these cases “prove the After the MSC placed the matter And always request all information either need for as many employees as possible in dispute with GovConnect, the by email or mail.” in TAFE to be members of their union”. 

April-June 2019 RED TAPE | 17 FEATURE


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PRESSURE FROM the PSA and CPSU NSW TAFE and Skills, Prue Car, promised to “deliver has extracted promises from Labor and, to at least 600,000 free TAFE courses in areas a lesser extent, the Coalition, to do more with skills shortages, such as childcare, aged for our members and the vital work they care, construction, plumbing, renewable do for the people of NSW. energy and many more”. Ms Car has also Opposition Leader used an promised to restrict government funding to WHAT IS SEPARATING THE address to members in PSA House to give TAFE, and not to private operators. PARTIES IS PRIORITIES Corrections Officers a commitment for “no Federally, the Labor Party has vowed to more privatisation” in the state’s prison re-energise the TAFE system and ensure The Government has also been system, citing the fiasco that has befallen most public money on vocational education spectacularly channelling tens of billions of the revolving door of companies running is spent in the public sector. dollars into infrastructure partnerships that, Parklea Gaol. Even the Coalition has realised the folly in the end, will lead to users paying multiple He also committed a Labor Government to of slashing TAFE, announcing 100,000 additional tolls to use the great gift the NSW ensuring officers receive the same workers’ additional places and a new campus in Government has dumped on them. compensation coverage as other ‘first western Sydney. Equally, few will probably be grateful responders’, such as police and fire fighters, for the light rail project that has brought as well as assuring the members that Long What is separating the parties is priorities. central Sydney to a standstill and for a Bay Gaol would remain operational. In a letter to PSA General Secretary Stewart period work was abandoned over not On the environment, which has taken a Little, Treasurer promises one but two major contractual disputes battering under the Coalition, the Opposition to continue to work with “non-profit and Leader and his deputy are looking to improve private sector organisations”. So, more a dire situation. outsourcing. In a letter to an Environmental Protection Meanwhile, a staggering sum has been Agency Delegate, Mr Daley promised to channelled towards the stadium projects reinstate biodiversity conservation laws that by the NSW Government – more than $2 have been neglected to the extent that “land billion – building replacement facilities at clearing has tripled the rate of deforestation Parramatta and Moore Park and refurbishing in parts of northern NSW”. and redeveloping the cavernous ANZ Deputy Opposition Leader complex. has also listened to the PSA, telling a The existing stadiums of ANZ and Allianz meeting of National Parks Delegates she were only ever filled to capacity a few times a would stop cuts to Ranger numbers and year for major fixtures such as Rugby League allow the National Parks and Wildlife Service State of Origin and Grand Final or visits by to operate as a stand-alone agency. a hugely popular English football club or The CPSU NSW’s campaign highlighting American baseball team. the decimation of the TAFE system has So, in reality, the Government is forking gained plenty of attention. out billions to house the same few thousand In February 2019, NSW Shadow Minister for fans in new, state-of-the-art arenas.

Below, Michael Daley promises Corrections staff an end to prison privatisation. Above, Treasure Perrottet’s letter refusing to rule more outsourcing out. A full version of his letter can be found on the PSA and CPSU NSW websites.

April-June 2019 RED TAPE | 19 FEATURE

public disability services and the privatisation NSW Government agencies that will have a of the 150-year-old Land Titles Registry. In the direct impact on the quality and provision of west the bone-dry Darling River shows why we services to the community. need more compliance staff and fewer political The PSA did the maths and a cut of that THIS ELECTION IS ONE OF donations from big agriculture. magnitude equates to the loss of roughly THE MOST IMPORTANT TO While the Government pinches pennies 12,000 jobs. of course, when it comes to the public sector, it cried foul over our calculations. CONFRONT NSW IN DECADES spends big. The pointless relocation of So what does the Premier think will be cut totalling more than $1 billion dollars. Yet the the Powerhouse Museum from Ultimo to if not jobs and services? stadium and roadway issues are really just Parramatta has been estimated to blow out “Child protection workers, prison officers, the most prominent – and expensive – in a to as much as $2 billion, while almost $1.5 park rangers and countless other vital succession of poor calls and inept reads of billion has been shelled out on hiring a virtual public -sector jobs across the state will be the community by the NSW Liberal National alternative parallel universe workforce of dumped and services cut or reduced so Government from Barry O’Farrell to Mike private consultants, while the public sector departments meet the three per cent annual Baird and now Gladys Berejiklian. continues to be put in a headlock. reduction target mandated in the State Many of their decisions will have far reaching Then there was the ongoing assault budget,” said Public Service Association social and economic consequences such as via an increase of the annual “efficiency General Secretary, Stewart Little. “The end the destruction of TAFE and the apprenticeship dividend” from two to three per cent – a result will be understaffed jails, degraded system, the dismantling and total sell-off of mandatory cut to the operating costs of all national parks, schools struggling to meet educational and local community needs and child protection reduced even further.” This election is one of the most important to confront NSW in decades. Think about your vote. WHAT STATE TAFE In a pattern sadly repeated throughout Australia, the NSW TAFE system has been slowly neglected. Smaller centres such as Bega and Quirindi have been kicked in the guts, as local campuses are shut down and the land sold off, with locals looking for vocational education shunted into Connected Learning Centres, which in essence, are rooms with a number of computers with tuition provided remotely from campuses in larger towns. WOULD NSW BE IN Facilities such as libraries, workshops and one-on-one teaching have no place in this cut-price learning model. While TAFE has floundered, fly-by-night private colleges receive public money for courses that are often rudimentary at best. There have been multiple examples of colleges going broke before students finish courses, of fraud and of vulnerable people being coerced into debts they cannot pay. All the while, TAFE enrolments are down 200,000 students. The lack of funding has meant broken lifts WITHOUT TAFE? in Newcastle and staff and students told to bring their own toilet paper to campuses across the state. In February 2019, NSW Shadow Minister for TAFE and Skills, Prue Car, promised to “deliver at least 600,000 free TAFE courses in areas SAVE THE STATE. CHANGE THE GOVERNMENT. with skills shortages, such as childcare, aged care, construction, plumbing, renewable Authorised by Stewart Little, General Secretary, Public Service Association of NSW energy and many more”.

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Federally, the Labor Party has vowed to re-energise the TAFE system and ensure most public money on vocational education is spent in the public sector. Powerhouse Museum

Few areas reflect the Government’s supine relationship to the big end of town as much as plans to relocate the Powerhouse Museum. In 2015, the State Government announced the facility was to be moved to a flood- prone site by the Parramatta River. The announcement touted the decision as bringing a cultural institution to the western suburbs, downplaying the fact it would also give developers another crack at land in the already congested Ultimo-Pyrmont region. The decision is understood to have been opposed by Arts Minister , as With the sell-off come concerns about well as sections of the National Party who security of financial details and the integrity were worried constituents visiting Sydney of the way property is recorded. would have one less cultural facility to MOVING THE POWERHOUSE Adding fuel to the fire is that the land visit. However, the Premier persisted on WOULD GIVE DEVELOPERS titles service was a valuable earner for the announcing the museum was to move A CRACK AT THE ULTIMO- Government, bringing in $1.3 billion a year in – even after it emerged the move would revenue that could be spent on services such PYRMONT REGION cost NSW taxpayers more than $1 billion as schools and hospitals. Yet the Coalition, and place several of the museum’s most again demonstrating its contempt of anything valuable exhibits at risk of serious damage. through the public sector has now gone. in the public sphere, sold the service off for a But there is hope. In late 2018, the Labor The CPSU NSW has been campaigning fraction of its earning potential. Party announced the decision would be intensively for the introduction of a public reversed if it won power, with a separate safety net for people with disability, that is, Housing facility built in Parramatta and the present a Government role in their care. site remaining in use. Labor spokesperson The Coalition is in the process of handing over has committed Labor to implementing the more than a third of the state’s public housing Disability services findings of an Upper House Inquiry in disability stock to non-government operators. If it is re- funding, which has found a need for a public elected, we can expect this trend to continue. The State Government’s decision to safety net – a position even supported by It has outsourced property maintenance, completely privatise public disability services Coalition members of the inquiry. resulting in a threefold increase in the amount has set the scene for a social tragedy on of correspondence received by the Minister an unprecedented scale that is already Land and Property as the backlog of repairs grows ever longer. beginning to unfold. Information Meanwhile, staff, many in temporary From June 2018, the Government no employment, have been subjected to a longer had any role in public disability PSA protests over the sell-off of the constant stream of restructures. This adds services in NSW. land titles division of Land and Property stress to their already difficult jobs dealing The Government simply washed its hands Information (LPI) even attracted lifelong with some of the state’s most disadvantaged of all responsibility and walked away. Liberal voters who’d normally cross the road people. On top of widespread bullying from NSW is now the only state in Australia to avoid a trade unionist. clients, this has created a toxic workforce for with no Government disability safety net, The PSA, along with legal and real estate many PSA members and their colleagues. throwing the care of people with disability bodies, warned this would cost consumers, The Government’s moves to co-locate into free fall. Many will land heavily in the a fact denied by a government spruiking yet Housing and Family and Community Services state’s hospitals, mental health facilities another sell-off. receptions will also adversely affect the and even the criminal justice system, areas We’ll let you guess who was right. safety of clients. lacking expertise in specialist disability care Prices have gone up, while in addition, and already at breaking point. management tried to use a loophole in Schools All access to group homes, respite, large the legislation to charge title fees per residential units, therapy services, case search, rather than per customer service Schools have too many staff employed on management and behavioural intervention transaction, as was the case before the sale. a temporary or casual basis, sometimes

April-June 2019 RED TAPE | 21 FEATURE

the NSW Government is forging ahead with plans for further privatised prisons. The Government in addition is “market testing” the operations and functions of existing facilities to frame them against the private sector. In a surreal set of circumstances, Corrective WHAT STATE WOULD Services – that is, the public sector – had to submit a tender to handle the continued operation of the John Morony Correctional Centre. Thankfully, despite bids from the private sector, the public sector was successful – but how on earth did it ever come to a bidding war? Benchmarking, a process that gauges the cost and operations of public prisons against those that are run privately, has not surprisingly meant nothing more than job NSW PRISONS BE IN cuts over the last 18 months with the loss of almost 400 experienced officers and an associated impact on security and safety for the remaining Correctional Officers. Meanwhile, prison overcrowding remains a major issue with almost 14,000 inmates cramped into facilities built for 11,000. Overcrowding feeds directly into health and safety as it increases the potential for violence that Correctional Officers are required to put their bodies on the line to resolve. Some gaols have three inmates to AFTER PRIVATISATION? a permanent cell. When he addressed correctional staff at PSA House Labor leader Michael Daley made an “immutable commitment” to end the sell-off of public prisons. “[One thing] you might want me to SAVE THE STATE. CHANGE THE GOVERNMENT. talk about today is privatisation,” he told Correctives Delegates. “This is an easy one. Authorised by Stewart Little, General Secretary, Public Service Association of NSW No more, end of story.” Mr Daley also promised to give Correctives Officers the same Workers’ for years at a time; and a predominantly Prisons Compensation coverage as other female workforce paid at a fraction of the frontline workers and to keep Long Bay rate earned by staff in similar roles. The law-and-order issue has long been Gaol where it is. The PSA, with its Pay Equity case, is doing an effective tool for political parties in its bit to ensure staff in schools are paid at elections and the ballot in NSW in March Environment a commensurate rate earned by workforces should shine the light on a major but often with a small gender skew. overlooked element in that argument: The environment has not fared well under The union has also had constructive talks Corrective Services. the Coalition, symbolised by the sight of with Opposition Education Spokesperson, Community safety in NSW has as much to millions of dead fish floating in rivers and , about moving staff from do with the various inter-related elements of lakes in the west of the state. precarious employment status to more the corrections system as it has with policing The Darling River has been drained to the concrete career paths. and the courts. point of total exhaustion under the watch of Mr Dib, who spoke to the PSA’s schools Despite the public relations and real life a National Party too eager to take the side delegates in February, has also agreed to disaster that Parklea private prison has of big agriculture. look at the way General Assistants’ staffing proved to be – with the public sector being And as compliance officers’ numbers is calculated. Rather than be worked out by sent in on more than one occasion to are cut, the appalling rate of land clearing student numbers, staffing should reflect the clear up the mess and the PSA leading the in NSW compares with that under tin-pot school’s physical size and layout. successful push for an inquiry into the gaol – dictatorships in the developing world.

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Then there is our National Parks system. The Labor Opposition has also indicated Minister David Elliott has announced early In early 2019, Gladys Berejiklian it will push for Heritage sites such as the plans for an enhanced support unit. announced the creation of a new national Sirius building and the Windsor Bridge to PSA members in Juvenile Justice have park. This would be great news, except her be preserved. been subjected to repeated violent acts government has slashed the amount of Fisheries is also understaffed, with from inmates, as well as threats, including staff expected to cover the parks system. changes to fishing laws and marine parks beheading. Regardless of which party holds Throughout NSW, one Ranger in three introduced without additional staff. As one power after the election, the PSA will be has been cut from duty. NSW once had 30 member in Fisheries points out, ”Now is demanding a stand-alone secure unit for Pest Management Officers covering the a good time to be an illegal fisher in NSW high-risk offenders, including those who have entire state. It now has eight. This leaves because the playing field is weighted heavily shown signs of dangerous radicalisation. the parks and surrounds vulnerable to and demonstrably in their favour.” destructive pests such as wild pigs, horses, Child protection deer and invasive flora. Juvenile Justice Fire management has been neglected, The NSW Government has stripped placing communities around the parks at The PSA is continuing its campaign to millions from the Department of Family risk and taking rangers off their usual tasks separate dangerous, radicalised young and Community Services, diverting funds to fill the shortfall. Rangers are also picking offenders from the general population in to unqualified private providers and then up the slack for cuts to administration staff. Juvenile Justice. slamming the government sector if its lack In a meeting with National Parks As a result of the campaign so far, Justice of funding affects the care of vulnerable kids. and Wildlife Service delegates, Labor’s Environment Spokesperson Penny Sharpe committed her party to stopping the cuts to staffing levels, agreeing “we have to fix this mess”. Ms Sharpe also told Delegates Labor would make the National Parks and Wildlife Service a stand-alone body. And in another encouraging move, WHAT STATE WOULD NSW Opposition Leader Michael Daley wrote a letter to a PSA Delegate assuring him that Labor would tighten the Government’s lax land-clearing laws that have allowed wholesale environmental destruction and threatened the state’s koala population.

Below, Michael Daley promises more work on the environment. A full version of his letter can be found on the PSA website. BE IN WITHOUT CHILD



Authorised by Stewart Little, General Secretary, Public Service Association of NSW

April-June 2019 RED TAPE | 23 FEATURE

Government and warned that the current “immature” form of legislation that treats system is “ineffective and unsustainable”. staff the same way it would treat any It took two years of intense pressure for commodity, free to be transferred between the Government to release the Tune report. departments at ministerial whim. A STAGGERING SUM HAS BEEN The NSW Government desperately did not There have also been indications that CHANNELLED TOWARDS THE want the community to know that “the system while the 2.5 per cent wages cap remains STADIUM PROJECTS BY THE is failing to improve long-term outcomes in place, Labor will give the Industrial NSW GOVERNMENT for children and families with complex Relations Commission greater freedom to needs, and to arrest devastating cycles of circumvent it. intergenerational abuse and neglect”. The $120 million ChildStory has been a Mental health debacle since it went live prematurely in NSW Police December 2017 – despite strong opposition Forget the Sydney-Melbourne rivalry, NSW from the PSA – and has led to the provision The Re-Engineering process thrust on needs to follow Victoria’s lead and adopt a of child protection in NSW sliding backwards NSW Police cut 20 metropolitan local area public service mental health charter. rather than moving productively forward. commands to 10, with further consolidation In 2016, the Government The program has forced already stressed in the bush, such as the merger of the launched the new Mental Health and and overworked child protection workers Mudgee and Orana commands. Wellbeing Charter that aims to “collaborate to spend even more time in front of a Workloads across the force increased, to promote a working environment and computer rather than visiting children at with sworn officers now more likely to be safety culture that places a high priority risk of serious harm. At-risk carers were performing administrative tasks rather on the health, safety and wellbeing of staff also readmitted to the system in error. than police work on the beat. With ice use and clients”. Staff workloads have also increased due up in country areas, this has made NSW At present, only the Police force in to the need to now use two systems; KiDS communities less safe. NSW is protected by a similar charter. Our as well as ChildStory. There have also been job cuts in crime membership includes employees in many This situation is on top of the fact the scene and intelligence staff. workplaces where mental health is at risk; department needs more staff, as well as such as prisons, juvenile detention centres, the Government’s push to shift out-of-home Cut the cap and the often confronting world of child care for vulnerable kids to an ill-equipped protection. private sector. The PSA holds out hope the ALP is likely to Whoever wins power in NSW needs to David Tune’s report into Out Of Home scrap the Government Sector Employment take the mental health of all employees Care in NSW was critical of the State Act, which your union described as an seriously.  UNIONS WIN IN HIGH COURT THE HIGH COURT has overturned Berejiklian Government laws designed to hobble unions in the lead-up to the state election. The laws, limiting election spending to $500,000 and restricting collaborative campaigns, were found to be unnecessary limits to implied free political expression. The Government was also ordered to pay costs. 

24 | RED TAPE April-June 2019 Profits that go to members, not shareholders. The right support and advice to help you

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CHEMICALS POSE a risk across the public • making sure labels are correct sector. • keeping a register of chemicals used, Many chemicals used for commercial and stored and handled GENERAL industrial purposes pose a risk to human • having a safety data sheet for all health. Without the proper controls they chemicals ASSISTANTS can cause illness and injury, including • displaying warning signs respiratory illnesses, skin and eye irritations • keeping chemicals stable IN LIMBO OVER and fire and explosion-related injuries. • managing spills and leaks There are numerous hazardous chemicals • storing, handling and disposing of CHEMICAL used or present in the workplace – paints, chemicals safely pesticides, glues, cleaners and fuels. They • cleaning chemical containers when HANDLING come in various forms – powders, solids, emptied liquids and gases. • consulting with workers THE DEPARTMENT of Education will no “Off-gassing” can also be a serious • training and supervising workers longer pay for Certificate Three issue in workplaces. Off-gassing is the • monitoring of workplace contaminant chemical-handling training for General release of harmful gases trapped in levels for chemicals with exposure Assistants (GAs) in NSW schools. products and materials during production, standards Instead the department has delegated commonly office furniture and carpeting. So please consider the following… the responsibility for training to Off-gassing happens because organic • are your risk assessments up to date? individual schools. chemicals in liquid or solid form can be • Safe Handling and Storage – are your “They have said the course is too trapped during the manufacture of certain Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs) expensive for a GA to need,” says PSA goods. Eventually, the product will release current and adequate? Organiser for GAs, Brett Hammond. these chemicals as particulate matter and • do you have Safety Data Sheets? “If the school wants the GA to do it, gases, called volatile organic compounds • do you have quantities of chemicals that the school will have to pay for it.” (VOCs). require chemical signage? The PSA is still waiting for a Your employer has a duty under section • does your workplace contain chemicals replacement course to be offered to 19 of the WHS Act 2011 to provide a safe in the form of VOCs? staff. and healthy working environment. “Staff who have not undertaken the The employer must identify all harmful For further information on hazardous existing course should not be handling substances and materials and prevent or chemicals click on the SafeWork NSW chemicals,” says Mr Hammond. control exposure by: website: safework.nsw.gov.au.

26 | RED TAPE April-June 2019 WHS

KEEP SAFE IN FAST ACTION HUMID WORKPLACES MAY SAVE LIVES AS HIGH HUMIDITY grips NSW, YOU COULD BE the one who saves a to raise limbs can be a sign of stroke members should be aware of how colleague’s life. • Speech – slurring, incomprehensible increased mould affects workplaces. The PSA and CPSU NSW are urging speech is another symptom that should “Mould can cause health problems,” members to recognise the symptoms of raise alarm bells says PSA/CPSU NSW Health and Safety stroke in case a colleague is affected in the • Time – you have four to five hours to Officer Suzanne Mann. “Airborne mould workplace. make a real difference to a stroke victim’s spores can be easily inhaled, posing a Sash Bracher of the National Stroke chances of recovery. Call 000 as soon as potential risk for people with Foundation visited PSA House to show how possible to get treatment fast. sensitivities, allergies, respiratory members can brush up on the FAST With the Christmas and summer season conditions or weakened immune approach to stroke awareness – Face, Arms, of excess behind us, it is the ideal time for systems.” Speech and Time. members to assess their own risk of stroke. Ms Mann says health conditions can • Face – look for symptoms such as People over the age of 45 should be in include: drooping of the face regular contact with their general • Nasal and sinus congestion • Arms – uncontrollable loss of the ability practitioner to assess the risk posed by their • Sore throat /cough lifestyle and genetic history. • Breathing difficulty It is also a good time to keep an eye on • Asthma / blood pressure, blood sugar levels, weight, • Chest tightness diet and exercise. In particular, look at the • Nose bleeding level of salt in your food. Virtually all • Respiratory tract infection processed and take-away food will have • Bouts of headache excessive levels of salt. • Eye and skin irritation With smoking a major contributor to The PSA/CPSU NSW says members stroke, it is also a good time to kick the need to do the following to hinder coffin nails. mould growth: One in every six Australians will suffer Clean – keep the area as clean as some form of stroke – an affliction that kills possible more women than breast cancer and more Light – allow light into the room or men than prostate cancer. space as much as possible More information is available at Air – ventilation/air flow strokefoundation.org.au. Dry – reducing moisture in the air You may also want to investigate PSA WHS Officer Ian Tuit and Sash Bracher of the National Stroke the benefits of a dehumidifier. Foundation.


THE PSA has slammed the Government’s a rapid review system for workers whose emergency agencies who have been response to the Inquiry into Emergency complaints of bullying have not been bullied. Services Agencies. resolved,” says PSA/CPSU NSW Health “In the 14 months since this inquiry was The inquiry found there was widespread and Safety Officer Ian Tuit. “The employers established, the committee has been bullying in the state’s emergency services, are not preventing bullying and properly inundated with emergency services coupled with a failure of current managing reports of bullying, while the workers telling their stories of mechanisms to prevent and manage the workplace safety regulator is not tough experiencing bullying, harassment and menace. enough on this issue. discrimination in their respective “The key recommendation from the “However, the Government response to agencies. Inquiry is Recommendation 1, which called Recommendation 1 is ‘No’. This is an insult “A key purpose of this inquiry has been for the creation of a new entity to provide to all workers and volunteers in the to give these workers a voice.”

April-June 2019 RED TAPE | 27 WOMEN AT WORK

‘If not why not’ still an elusive goal

ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY resistance from some in higher positions 2016, then-Premier of NSW who do not rate the position as important. stood up and announced “that 100 per “In many cases, if they really thought it cent of public service jobs will be flexible was important, they’d work out how to do it. by 2019 on the basis of ‘if not, why not’”. “Luckily for them, we have so much to THE ‘IF NOT, WHY NOT?’ So how’s that turned out? teach them.” STATEMENT WAS SUPPOSED Not that great. Industrial Officer Katy Ambler came TO GIVE WORKERS With women still overwhelmingly across barriers to workplace flexibility in CERTAINTY WHEN LOOKING responsible for caring roles, both of children the Office of the Children’s Guardian (OCG). FOR FLEXIBILITY and elderly relatives, flexible workplaces “Our members in the team reported that are a vital component for equality. Rigid after years of doing flexible hours, they had for flexibility, the Government needs to nine-to-five schedules are a leftover from an been recently directed to attend work from front up and make sure its wishes are era where workplaces were dominated by 9am-5pm daily in order to share the duties carried out,” says Women’s Industrial men, with married women expected to be equitably amongst the team,” she says. Officer Rachel O’Shea. “This directive has at home taking care of children, parents and What followed was a long series of come from two successive premiers. performing school pick-ups and drop-offs. correspondence and meetings over the “The Government needs to back up its In addition, flexible workplaces give issue. words with actions.” men a more active role in child-rearing “It was agreed that the OCG Customer Do you believe you are being unfairly and care for aged parents. Flexible starting Service Team Leader would facilitate a team denied flexible working conditions? Contact and finishing hours reduce pressures on meeting to allow people to communicate the PSA/CPSU NSW on 1300 772 679. transport infrastructure and give users of their preferred hours and how they would government services access to a greater equitably divide time on the phones and spread of hours. other duties,” says Ms Ambler. “This only Little wonder workplace flexibility has happened after further correspondence in-principle support from both sides of the from the PSA to remind them of the political divide. undertaking. However, it is in the execution that “It is noted that flexible hours are most problems arise. difficult to access for Customer Service/ Women’s Industrial Officer Rachel Front line staff. Now the team no longer O’Shea says management too often is at has Labour Hire staff covering the phones a loss about how to deal with organising a from 9-5pm, it will be even more important flexible workplace. for management to manage how staff can Her experience working with CPSU NSW equitably access flexible hours.” members in superannuation company CPSU NSW Industrial Officer Phoebe It’s what’s Mercer revealed that management Dangerfield says the appointment of TAFE was generally ignorant about workers’ Managing Director Dr Caralee McLeish inside that entitlements to flexible working conditions. has the potential to improve workplace But with union intervention, issues flexibility in that area, as she was part of counts improved. the team that formulated the original “if KIM VILLANTI and Sarah Page are two “After we raised the issue with the HR not, why not” pledge from then-Premier Corrections Officers looking to make a Director in a Joint Consultative Committee Mike Baird. difference. (JCC) meeting, Mercer organised training for “We are optimistic that she will The two officers, who are employed managers and things improved,” she says. understand the pressures many members, at Sydney’s Long Bay Gaol, have set up “CPSU NSW members in Mercer now have particularly women, are under and how a collection box at their worksite for better access to workplace flexibility simply workplace flexibility can help them,” says the Uplift Project, which sends bras to because their managers now know what to Ms Dangerfield. women in regions such as the south do and how to organise it. And that is due The “if not, why not?” statement was Pacific, where such products are to pressure from our Delegates and union supposed to give workers – and particularly considered a luxury. staff utilising the JCC process. women – certainty when looking for The items are then forwarded to the “It was all done within a fortnight.” flexibility in the workplace. However, as we PSA during the union’s annual Women’s Ms O’Shea believes implementing have discovered, implementing this benefit Conference, before being shipped off to the flexible-working system is hitting appears to be at the whim of managers. recipients around the world.  management hurdles through a mix of “While the PSA and CPSU NSW will ignorance in how it is done, as well as always go in to fight for members looking

28 | RED TAPE April-June 2019 TRAINING

Gearing up for International Women’s Day Training schedule: Sydney Dealing with Member Issues Thursday 21 MORE POWERFUL TOGETHER was the theme for International Women’s Day this year. March “The campaign aimed to get a better gender balance in workplaces worldwide, with Public Speaking Tuesday 9 April more equal pay, more equal chances at promotion and flexible workplaces free of Achieving Workplace Flexibility sexual harassment,” says PSA/CPSU NSW Women’s Industrial Officer Rachel O’Shea. Wednesday 10 April The event featured functions at PSA House and members’ workplaces, with the Care & Resilience Thursday 2 May union represented at the march. Role of the Delegate Tuesday 7 May Dealing with Restructures Tuesday 14 May Meeting/Negotiation Skills Friday 17 May Dealing with Workplace Bullying Women’s Unit set New Women’s Industrial Wednesday 5 June Officer named Introduction to the Union Tuesday 11 June up to protect WHS 2 Day Thursday 13 & Friday 14 June RACHEL O’SHEA is the new PSA/ Role of the Delegate Wednesday 19 June female interests CPSU NSW Women’s Industrial Officer. Training schedule: Regions THE PSA/CPSU NSW Women’s Unit was Ms O’Shea, a former social worker, WHS 2 day – Wagga Wagga formed last year to ensure your union school teacher and women’s services Thursday 21 & Friday 22 March – Rules Club properly represents the 65 per cent of officer, has worked in all industrial WHS 2 day – Wollongong Wednesday members who are female. areas in her career as an Organiser and 10 & Thursday 11 April – Venue to be Representing all industrial sections of the Industrial Officer with the union. confirmed union, the Women’s Unit will meet regularly “When I read The Women’s Room Role of the Delegate – Lismore and review policies to ensure they promote in 1978, it had a profound impact on Wednesday 17 April – Southern Cross equality in the workplace. me and women’s role in society,” University – Room to be advised Members with gender-specific workplace she says. WHS 2 day – Coffs Harbour Wednesday issues are encouraged to contact the Member “I hope as Women’s Industrial 15 & Thursday 16 May – Venue to be Support Centre (MSC) on 1300 772 679. Officer to keep the pressure on the confirmed “All member issues are treated with Government and society to look at Role of the Delegate – Newcastle confidence by the MSC,” says Member workplace issues and participation Wednesday 22 May – Hunter Workers, Services Manager Kym Ward. for women in our social and political 406-408 King Street (Entry Via Devonshire Members should monitor bulletins for lives.”  St), Newcastle West events close to them.  Care and Resilience – Wollongong Tuesday 4 June – City Diggers, 82 Church St, Wollongong Dealing with Workplace Bullying – Newcastle Tuesday 18 June – Hunter Workers, 406-408 King Street (Entry Via Devonshire St), Newcastle West Care and Resilience – Dubbo Tuesday 4 June – Dubbo RSL, Cnr Brisbane and Wingewarra Streets, Dubbo WHS 2 day – Dubbo Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 June at Dubbo RSL, Cnr Brisbane and Wingewarra Streets, Dubbo Health & Safety Representative Training Health and Safety Rep (HSR) One-Day Refresher 22 May HSR 5 Day Training 24, 25, 26 July and 1 & 2 August We Won’t Wait, but we can bake Service NSW members in Newcastle celebrate We Won’t Wait, the nationwide campaign for Family and Domestic Violence Leave to be available for all Australian workers.

April-June 2019 RED TAPE | 29 ELECTIONS


NSW Police Departmental Committee NSW Police Communications Advisory Group NSW POLICE FORCE (other than Special Constables and the Communications Group) 7 DELEGATES REQUIRED 18 DELEGATES REQUIRED The NSW Police Communications Advisory Group shall consist of The NSW Police Departmental Committee shall consist of 18 7 delegates from the electorates as listed below: delegates and one representative from each of the following groups: Special Constables Advisory Group and Electorates Communications Delegates Communications Advisory Group. Each representative will be Centres Required appointed from and by the elected delegates of each respective Electorate 1 Metro Sydney 2 group. Electorate 2 Metro Penrith 1 GROUP A ELECTORATES. Electorates 1 - 3 are described by Electorate 3 Newcastle 2 function. Members are required to restrict their nominations to the Group A Electorate 4 Tamwor th 1 electorates as described by function if they work within those Electorate 5 Oak Flats 1 areas.

Group A Description Delegates Special Constables, NSW Police Force Electorates Required Advisory Group Electorate 1 Forensic Services Group 1 5 DELEGATES REQUIRED Electorate 2 Policelink 1 Nominations are called for 5 Executive Committee Members for Electorate 3 Potts Hill 1 the above group. GROUP B ELECTORATES – Electorates 4 – 13 are described by Each nomination must be seconded by two other Special location. Constables. Nominees, nominators and seconders must be Members who are outside the function areas specified above financial members of the Association as at 29 March 2019. are included in the Group B electorates. Should you be unsure about your electorate details, your current worksite address is sufficient. Trustee and Guardian Advisory Group Group B Location Delegates 9 DELEGATES REQUIRED Electorates Required The Trustee and Guardian Advisory Group shall consist of 9 Metro Central (Police Region delegates from the electorates as listed below: – incl. Sydney Police Centre Electorate 4 2 who are not in the Communications Group) Electorate Trustee And Guardian Delegates Metro North West (Police Electorate 5 2 Locations Required Region) Electorate 1 Parramatta 5 Metro South West (Police Electorate 6 2 Region) Electorate 2 City (O’Connell St/Surry Hills 1 Metro Parramatta Newcastle and Northern Region Electorate 7 3 Electorate 3 1 Headquarters (Combined) Electorate 8 Newcastle (Hunter) 1 Southern/Western Region Electorate 4 (Bathurst/Broken Hill/Wagga 1 Lismore (North Coast) incl. Electorate 9 1 Wagga/Wollongong) Firearms Registry Office of Public Guardian Electorate 10 Tamworth (North West) 1 Electorate 5 (Downing Centre/Gosford/ 1 Parramatta Electorate 11 Bathurst (Central West) 1 NOMINATIONS AND CLOSING DATE: Electorate 12 Wagga (South West) 1 Each nomination must be seconded by two other members in the same electorate as the nominee. Nominees, nominators and Electorate 13 Wollongong (South East) 1 seconders must be financial members of the Association as at 29 March 2019. Nominations must be submitted via Survey Monkey.

30 | RED TAPE April-June 2019 ELECTIONS

The Survey Monkey link for nominations will be emailed to all Aboriginal Education Officers Advisory eligible members early April 2019. Group Nominations will close on 30 April 2019. Forms must be completed via Survey Monkey by 5pm on 30 April 2019. 7 DELEGATES REQUIRED If there is a ballot, candidates who wish to have a profile available The Aboriginal Education Officers Advisory Group shall consist of 7 for voters to read should provide a brief statement of 300 words or delegates from the electorates as listed below: less stating how they will best represent members’ interests. Electorate PSA Regions And Offices Delegates Space is provided for this purpose on the form available through Required Survey Monkey. Sydney Metro Electorate 1 1 (PSA Head Office) Environment and Heritage Departmental Central West Electorate 2 1 Committee (Bathurst PSA Office)

26 DELEGATES REQUIRED Hunter Electorate 3 1 The Environment and Heritage Departmental Committee shall consist (Newcastle PSA Office) of 26 delegates from the electorates as listed below: North Coast Electorate 4 1 (Lismore PSA Office) Delegates Electorate PSA Regions And Offices North West Required Electorate 5 1 (Tamworth PSA Office) Group A: Office Of Environment & Heritage South East Electorate 6 1 1.Metropolitan Sydney PSA Head Office 9 (Wollongong PSA Office)

2. Central West Bathurst PSA Office 2 South West Electorate 7 1 3. Hunter Newcastle PSA Office 2 (Wagga PSA Office)

4. North Coast Lismore PSA Office 3 NOMINATIONS AND CLOSING DATE: 5. North West Tamworth PSA Office 1 Each nomination must be seconded by two other members in the 6. South East Wollongong PSA Office 3 same electorate as the nominee. Nominees, nominators and seconders must be financial members of the Association as at 22 7. South West Wagga PSA Office 2 March 2019. Group B: Nominations must be submitted via Survey Monkey. Environment Protection Authority The Survey Monkey link for nominations will be emailed to all 8. Metropolitan 2 eligible members 1 April 2019. 9. Hunter and 1 Nominations will close on 3 May 2019. Forms must be completed North via Survey Monkey by 5pm on 3 May 2019. 10. Central West 1 If there is a ballot, candidates who wish to have a profile available and South for voters to read should provide a brief statement of 300 words or Total 26 less stating how they will best represent members’ interests. Space is provided for this purpose on the form available through NOMINATIONS AND CLOSING DATE: Survey Monkey. Each nomination must be seconded by two other members in the same electorate as the nominee. Nominees, nominators and seconders must be financial members of the Association as at 22 March 2019. Nominations must be submitted via Survey Monkey. The Survey Monkey link for nominations will be emailed to all eligible members 27 March 2019. Nominations will close on 24 April 2019. Forms must be completed Nominations for each Disability via Survey Monkey by 5pm on 24 April 2019. Employer will be advertised in If there is a ballot, candidates who wish to have a profile available for voters to read should provide a brief statement of 300 words or March 2019. A Survey Monkey link less stating how they will best represent members’ interests. for nominations will be sent to all Space is provided for this purpose on the form available through eligible members. Survey Monkey.

April-June 2019 RED TAPE | 31 TEA BREAK


According to Richard Denniss, chief economist at the Australia Institute think tank, people are waking up to the myth that neoliberalism helps everyone – producer and customer alike. Instead, the relentless privatisations, deregulations and cutbacks public figures determined to upset what Opening with the infamous ABC interview of the past 40 years have let companies they thought was a system hindered by that thrust her into the public eye as the accumulate unseen levels of wealth, yet industrial harmony and protectionism. political right’s enemy No. 1, ACTU contribute little to the common good. Among them was mining magnate Hugh Secretary Sally McManus’s book covers He adds that far from stripping us of Morgan, Treasury Secretary and sometime her love for the union movement and its burdensome rules, the deregulation frenzy race-baiting senator John Stone and think past role in making Australia a more equal in recent decades has instead just made tank regulars such as the Kemp brothers society than, say, the United States or the rules more onerous for workers while and Gerard Henderson, aided and abetted Britain. freeing red tape for private enterprise. by such Murdoch cheerleaders as Greg However, she points out that in the 21st And, as many of our members will attest, Sheridan. century, this equality – or fairness – is at risk. Mr Denniss points out neoliberalism’s Theories pushed by these figures, “It has not escaped notice that glaring moral failings, adding that “handing sometimes backed by even the Labor remuneration for company bosses continues over the care of vulnerable kids, the elderly Party, have thrown open the country to to ascend to stratospheric levels, while the and the disabled to companies with a legal widespread privatisation, every-man-for- people who work at these companies obligation to maximise profits is, literally, a himself industrial disharmony and the struggle to get a pay rise,” she writes. risky business”. trickle-down fiasco. Not satisfied with Adding to this disquiet is the rise of ruining economic equality, the movement casual work, where “less than half of POLITICAL TROGLODYTES AND has also set back social movements such employed Australians now hold a ‘standard’ ECONOMIC LUNATICS: THE HARD as Aboriginal reconciliation and stood in job: that is, a permanent, full-time paid job RIGHT IN AUSTRALIA the way of climate change action. with leave entitlements”. Dominic Kelly But On Fairness is not just the union leader $32.99 ON FAIRNESS shaking her fist at clouds and pining for Black Inc the good old days. She uses the 100-page Sally McManus Tracing its roots to the 1970s, the $16.50 (purchase through book to urge the union movement to return neoliberal takeover of the Liberal Party australianunions.com.au to donate to the to the pivotal role it had in our economy was the brainchild of a few hard right Change the Rules campaign) before Hayek-spouting think tanks thrust Melbourne University Press neoliberalism on an unwitting populace.

CROSSWORD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ACROSS DOWN H H

7. 8. 1. Fruity seat lost by National Party in 2016. (6) 1. First Premier out of the current eight-year I I 6. Region of Sydney with plenty of safe ALP revolving door of Coalition leaders. (8) seats (abbrev). (2) 2. Early NSW political correspondent __ 9. 7. Nickname of State Parliament lower Patterson; better known as Banjo. (2) N N N N N I

chamber. (4,3) 3. Region of NSW where Nationals are 10. 11. 10. ALP Premier 2008-09, Nathan ____. (4) giving way to Green voters (abbrev). (2) I I R 11. Abbreviation of State Parliament lower 4. Former Roads Minister who surprised no- 12. chamber. (2) one when taking up job with roads-based lobby group. (3) 13. Marginal ALP seat on Central Coast; I I I I I I 5. Official initials of NSW symbolic head. (2) The ______. (8) 13. 14. This Australian state fell to Marshall law in 6. Nickname of State Parliament: Macquarie I 2018. (2) __. (2) 14. 15. Dominant party in Coalition. (7) 8. Lobby group that has the Liberal Party at its beck and call. (3) D N B U U A 17. ALP seat with large Vietnamese-born 9. Marginal Liberal Party seat held by Gareth population. (10) 15. 16. Ward. (5) A A 11. Level of government below state. (5) 12. ALP won this state in 2017. (2) 14. Goal for election candidates. (4) A O A O O S P P 16. First name of Labor Premier who served 17. in 20th and 21st centuries. (3)



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SUBURB POSTCODE AFTER COMPLETING YOUR FORM, YOU CAN: Hand it to your organiser SCAN AND EMAIL TO: Employment status: FU LL-TI M E PART-TIME [email protected] or fax to 02 9262 1623 YOU CAN POST IT TO: CASUAL LABOUR HIRE Membership Section, PSA of NSW PERMANENT TEMP/ GPO Box 3365, SYDNEY NSW 2001 Employment type: /ONGING CONTRACT I, the undersigned, hereby apply to be enrolled as a member of the Public Service Association and Professional Officers’ Association Amalgamated Union of (PSA) and the Community & Public Sector Union SPSF Group NSW Branch (CPSU NSW) in accordance with the Rules of both bodies, by which I agree to be bound, and I appoint the PSA and CPSU NSW as my bargaining agent. I agree that a copy of this form Are you a current Health Safety Rep (HSR)? YES NO (whether as a scanned image, photocopy, facsimile or otherwise) may be used or dealt with as if it were the original. I have read and understood the information detailed overleaf relating to financial obligations and the circumstances and manner in which I may resign my membership.


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Terms and Conditions:

Automatic Payment Service Agreement » If the charging arrangements are stopped by you or your nominated bank or financial institution, you will arrange a suitable alternative We, the PSA, make the following commitment to you: payment method with the PSA. » The PSA will debit/charge your membership fees as they fall » Resignation from the PSA/CPSU NSW will be notified by you as due. However, if this day falls on a non-business day, they will be per the conditions in the section “How to resign from the PSA and debited/ charged on the next business day. CPSU NSW”. Repayments will not be made for late notifications. » The PSA will only use this authority to debit/charge regular fees. How to resign from the PSA and CPSU NSW If you miss a payment, it will be picked up in the following period i.e. two instalments will be taken out. You may resign from membership when either you cease to work » Resignation from the PSA must be notified according to the section in an area covered by the Association or by giving 14 days notice in “How to resign from the PSA and CPSU NSW”. Should you resign writing of your intention to resign to the PSA General Secretary. your membership, the PSA undertakes to cease debiting your Resignation from the PSA will also be taken as resignation from the account upon the termination of the written notice period. CPSU NSW, subject to confirmation. » The PSA will notify any changes to your union fees in “Red Tape”. Resignation from the CPSU NSW can be by notice in writing of two weeks or more, such notice being delivered to the Secretary of the » The PSA will act in accordance with our Privacy Statement, while CPSU SPSF Group NSW Branch. noting that your financial institution may require such information to be provided in connection with a claim made on it relating to an Please note that you are obliged to pay any dues owing to the PSA alleged incorrect or wrongful debit. up to the date of effect of the resignation and that fees are not refundable on resignation from the PSA/CPSU NSW. » The PSA will investigate and deal promptly with any queries, claims or complaints regarding debits/charges and provide a response Privacy Statement within 21 days of receipt. Information collected in these applications is used for the purposes Your commitment to the PSA: of the PSA and the CPSU NSW only. » You will ensure that the account details provided to the PSA are When we use third parties to carry out union functions (eg identical to the account details held by your bank or financial mail-houses, electoral offices, candidates to union office, union institution. delegates, etc.) only necessary information is released, and subject » You will ensure that you have sufficient funds or credit available to the condition that it not be used for any other purpose. in the nominated account on the due date for payment of your Information requested for payment of membership fees is provided fees. You will let us know in writing within 14 days if the nominated only to the relevant financial institution or employer. account is altered, transferred or closed. Any member may at any time arrange to see and correct their » You will be responsible to ensure that the amounts debited/charged membership record by contacting [email protected] to your nominated account for your PSA fees are correct.

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