psoriasis R. Manhart1, P. Rich2

1Oregon and Research ABSTRACT the appearance of psoriatic arthritis Center, Portland, Oregon, USA; Nail psoriasis affects nearly 80% of by up to 12 years (7, 13). More severe 2 Department of Dermatology, Oregon patients with plaque psoriasis and is plaque psoriasis as well as psoriasis of Health Science University, Portland, even more prevalent in patients with the nails, scalp and intertriginous areas Oregon, USA. psoriatic arthritis. Nail psoriasis is not have been associated with the likeli- Racheal Manhart, BS simply a cosmetic problem but one that hood of developing PsA. The highest Phoebe Rich, MD effects the structure and function of the correlation with PsA appears in pa- Please address correspondence to: nail, resulting in negative psychological Racheal Manhart, tients with nail disease. Oregon Dermatology and Research Center effects. The first level in management of In a large retrospective study from Ger- 2565 NW Lovejoy, Suite 200 nail psoriasis is patient education. The many, 4,146 psoriatic patients were 97210 Portland (OR), USA. hierarchy of nail psoriasis therapy be- analysed for psoriasis history, clinical E-mail: [email protected] gins with topical medication followed findings, PsA, and nail involvement us- Received and accepted on September 2, by devices, intralesional injections, and ing standardised questionnaires to seek 2015. small molecules. For nail psoriasis pa- possible predictive features for psoriat- Clin Exp Rheumatol 2015; 33 (Suppl. 93): tients unresponsive to these treatments, ic arthritis. The strongest predictor for S7-S13. and especially in patients with severe concomitant PsA was nail involvement. © Copyright Clinical and plaque psoriasis, biologics are safe and By contrast, scalp involvement was not Experimental Rheumatology 2015. effective options. a significant predictor of PsA (14).

Key words: psoriatic arthritis, Epidemiology and prevalence Quality of life nail psoriasis, psoriatic , Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory Psoriasis can have a significant nega- pitting, crumbling, , disorder that affects nearly 2% of the tive impact on a patient’s quality of life NAPSI population and can involve the , (QOL) causing physical impairment scalp, joints, mucous membranes and and pain. Psoriasis of highly visible ar- nails (1, 2). A large study of 1,738 pa- eas of the body (including face, hands, tients with psoriasis showed that 79.2% scalp and nails) affects the patients of patients had involvement of the nails quality of life sometimes more when and estimated lifetime incidence of nail compared to other chronic diseases (8, psoriasis up to 90% (3-5). At the time 15-17). In a series of 1,369 patients with of presentation, psoriasis limited to the nail psoriasis, 90% reported the disease nails is uncommon and estimated to oc- as cosmetically distressing, and had cur in 5% to 10% of patients with pso- restrictions in their activities of daily riasis (6). Many patients who present living due to nail psoriasis (3). A study with psoriasis only in their nails later preformed in the Netherlands, reviewed develop psoriasis of their skin and/or 5,400 patients with psoriasis who com- joints, thus, the absolute number of pleted a self-reported Dermatology Life patients exclusively with nail psoriasis Quality Index (DLQI) and Nail Psoria- is not known. In patients with psoria- sis Quality of life 10 (NPQ10). Patients sis, adults are more likely to have nail with nail psoriasis scored higher on the psoriasis than children. In the pediatric DLQI than patients without nail psoria- population, the prevalence of nail pso- sis. Furthermore, patients with nail bed riasis ranges from 7% to 13% (7-9). psoriasis scored higher on the NPQ10, than patients with only nail matrix Psoriatic arthritis and nail psoriasis psoriasis. Overall NPQ10 scores were The prevalence of psoriatic arthritis higher in females (18). These results (PsA) in psoriatic patients ranges from underscore the negative impacts of nail Competing interests: P. Rich carries out 6% to 42% depending on the study (10, psoriasis in patients’ quality of life. clinical trials for Novartis, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Celgene, Janssen, Amgen, and AbbVie, 11). The prevalence of nail psoriasis in and also consults for Anacor, Eli Lilly and patients with PsA is high ranging from Clinical features of nail psoriasis Polichem; R. Manhart has declared no 50% to 87% (12, 7). Psoriasis of the The clinical features of nail psoriasis competing interests. skin, scalp and/or nails often precedes depend on the location of the psori-

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Nail matrix signs The nail matrix is responsible for the formation of the nail plate. When the nail matrix is affected by psoriatic in- flammation, changes in the nail plate include pitting, crumbling, psoriatic leukonychia (white spots), and red mac- ules in the lunula. Occurrence of these features depend on the duration and lo- cation of psoriasis within the distal or proximal matrix (Fig. 1). For example, foci of psoriasis in the proximal matrix cause pitting, whereas the same process in the mid or distal matrix results in pso- riatic leukonychia. The mid and distal areas of leukonychia resemble pitting, but these abnormal cells are trapped in the nail plate resulting in white spots Fig. 1. The location and duration of psoriatic causes the nail matrix psoriasis features. (leukonychia) rather than a pitted sur- These features include: pits, crumbling and psoriatic leukonychia. The proximal matrix which forms the superficial layers of the nail plate is responsible for pitting (1). Crumbling is confluent pitting that face. Crumbling represents confluent results from broad foci of inflammation in the proximal matrix for a longer duration (2). Leukonychia pitting due to a longer duration of nail is caused by psoriasis in the mid and distal nail matrix which forms the deeper layers of the nail plate. psoriasis in the proximal nail matrix. This causes the parakeratotic cells to be trapped within the substance of the nail plate (3). Leukonychia looks like pitting however, the surface of the nail plate is smooth rather than pitted. During the mini- mum time it takes for the nail to grow out, if the smooth surface of the nail plate overlying leukonychia Nail bed signs is worn away, the deeper parakeratotic cells of leukonychia become more superficial and may even The nail bed is responsible for the firm evolve into pitting. Drawing modified from Zaias 1969. Archives Dermatology. attachment of the nail plate. Psoriasis in the nail, and results in changes of atic Inflammation within the nail unit. or all of these structures can be affected oil drop/salmon patch , nail The scientific basis of our current with nail psoriasis. Generally, psoria- bed hyperkeratosis, and splinter haem- knowledge of the clinical features of sis of the nail matrix and nail bed re- orrhages, which disrupts the connection nail psoriasis comes from the research sult in most of the observed pathologic of the nail bed and nail plate resulting of Nardo Zaias done in 1969. He de- changes, whereas psoriasis of the hypo- in onycholysis. scribed the pathophysiology of the nychium and nail folds contribute less clinical features of nail matrix and nail to the pathologic changes (Fig. 2a-b). Assessment and grading of nail bed psoriasis (19, 20). None of the features of nail psoriasis psoriasis The nail unit is composed of four epi- are unique to psoriasis. It is the collec- There are many valid and useful nail thelial structures; the nail bed, nail ma- tion of features that allow us to recog- psoriasis assessment tools, including: trix, hyponychium and nail folds. Any nise a diseased nail as psoriatic. NAPSI, modified NAPSI, Target NAPSI,


Fig. 2. A Psoriasis involving the proximal nail fold results in nail plate surface irregularities similar to forms of ; B Psoriasis of the hyponychium causes hyperkeratosis and distal onycholysis.

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Fig. 3. Nail matrix psoriasis features: A. nail pitting B. psoriatic leukonychia C. psoriatic leukonychia D. crumbling E. red dots in lunula

Baran, N-Nail, Cannavo, PNSS, NASS assessment tool published in 2003, and Zaias’ research. His research explains and others (21). None of these tools are has been used in nearly all large phar- the pathogenesis of nail pitting, crum- perfect, and all have benefits and limita- maceutical trials in which nail psoriasis bling, and psoriatic leukonychia in nail tions which, are summarised in an ex- was evaluated (22). This includes more matrix, and of oil drop / salmon patch, cellent review of nail psoriasis assess- than 800 published reports, posters, hyperkeratosis and the resultant onych- ment methods by Kaalssen et al. (21). and abstracts over the past decade. The olysis in the nail bed (20). NAPSI di- NAPSI was the first quantitative nail principles of NAPSI are based firmly in vides the nail into imaginary quadrants

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Fig. 4. Nail bed psoriasis features: A. onycholysis, oil drop dyschromia; B. oil drop dyschromia, onycholysis; C. splinter haemorrhages, onycholysis; D. splinter haemorrhages, nail bed hyperkeratosis, onycholysis. and records the number of quadrants in household chores and gardening, and Treatment of nail psoriasis which any of the interchangeable fea- keeping diseased nails short when fin- Physician/provider prescribed thera- tures of nail matrix psoriasis and any gertip activities like typing and piano pies are numerous and are selected of the features of nail bed psoriasis are playing are performed. Patient should based on many individual factors in- seen. The composite score for each nail avoid excessive nail grooming, pick- cluding disease severity, comorbidi- is between 0–8. There are other quality ing, and filing or buffing the surface ties, and the impact of psoriatic nail assessments scales that are scientifical- of the nail plate. Woman can attempt dystrophy on the patient’s QOL due to ly sound, and are listed at the beginning to disguise unsightly psoriatic nails impaired function, pain and aesthetics. of this section (21). However, some by using nail polish (lacquer, enamel), Patient motivation, adherence, and out scales count pits and estimate percent but nail enhancements such as acrylic of pocket cost of medications are ad- of involvement of various features rath- nails are not advised. Patients should be ditional factors. The usual hierarchy er than the binary system of quadrants counseled that nail improvement occurs of treatment of nail psoriasis parallels (21). slowly and clearing often requires 6 or treatment of plaque psoriasis. Topical more months for fingernails, and up therapies such as corticosteroid, calci- Patient education to 12 months for toenails. Few studies potriol, corticosteroids, tazarotene, and The first level in the management of nail show significant nail improvement be- tacrolimus creams and ointments may psoriasis is to instruct patients about fore 12 weeks, and several studies with be helpful in mild or early nail pso- nail care. For example, it is important to infliximab, etanercept, and ustekinum- riasis (Table I). A Chinese botanical, instruct patients on how to avoid activi- ab demonstrate continued improvement Indigo Naturalis (Lindioil) is a newly ties that may result in Koebner (isomor- beyond 6 months (23-25). described topical botanical treatments phic) reaction where localised trauma Approximately 30% of psoriatic - for psoriatic nails (26). Intralesional including minor repetitive trauma to nails have concomitant onychomyco- triamcinolone and light based devic- the skin or nails induces or exacerbates sis. Treating the fungal may es such as excimer and pulse dye are psoriasis at the site of . Simple be helpful in some cases of thick dys- sometimes useful when few nails are advice includes, avoiding minor repeti- trophic psoriatic nails prone to Koebner involved and before systemic medica- tive nail trauma by wearing gloves for reactions. tions are considered.

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Table I. Management of nail psoriasis. When lower level therapy fails or when there is concomitant extensive plaque 1. Patient education a. Avoidance of minor repetitive nail trauma from typing and chores to prevent Koebner psoriasis, systemic treatment may be (isomorphic) reactions that may exacerbate nail psoriasis. employed. For nail psoriasis alone, tra- b. Manage expectations about the time necessary for to nail clearing ditional systemic medications such as c. Discuss nail cosmetics and other factors that may interfere with therapy Cyclosporine A (CsA), methotrexate, d. Discuss prevention and treatment of concomitant fungal infection in psoriatic nails and acetritin appear to be more effective 2. Topical products applied to the involved nails a. Pharmaceutical creams, solutions, ointments: calcipotriol, tazarotene, tacrolimus, etc. in clearing cutaneous plaque psoriasis b. Botanicals Indigo naturalis (Lindioil) than they are in clearing nail psoriasis. c. Treat concomitant fungal nail involvement, if present, with topical and/or systemic Cyclosporine A is associated with mini- as indicated. mal improvement in nail psoriasis (27- 3. Intralesional corticosteroids (when single or few nails are involved) 31). Methotrexate is effective in pso- 4. Devices riasis and psoriatic arthritis but efficacy a. Light energy based devices: excimer laser, PDL, Grenz Ray in nail psoriasis is not compelling (28, 5. Systemic therapy with small molecules 29, 32-34). Acitretin, a retinoid showed a. Traditional small molecule medications- methotrexate, acitretin , cyclosporine A modest effect for improving nail pso- b. Newer small molecules - apremilast, tofacitinib riasis (27, 29, 34, 35). Leflunomide 6. Systemic therapy with biologic agents showed limited efficacy in nail psoriasis a. Adalimumab (ADA), Etanercept ( ETN), Infliximab ( IFN), Certolizumab pegol (CZP), Golimumab, Ustekinumab (UST), Ixekizumab (IXE), Secukinumab (SEC) in a European trial (36). Dozens of clinical trials have been con- ducted of biologic agents for moderate Table II. Therapy of nail psoriasis including references. to severe plaque psoriasis, and many Therapeutic options for nail psoriasis Reference of these trials evaluated efficacy in nail psoriasis as a secondary endpoint Topical agents of treatment. In addition, there have Topial calcipotriol + betamethasone 60, 61 Topical clobetasol lacquer 0.05%, 0.1%, 8% 62 been numerous small trials specifically Tacrolimus ointment 0.1% 63 evaluating efficacy of the investiga- Tazarotene gel .1% daily 64 tional product in nail psoriasis. Some Topical Cyclosporine A 70% in corn oil 65 of the nail-specific trials included small Indigo naturalis lindioil 66 molecules and biologic agents as mono- Topical calcipotriol + betamethasone+ salicylic acid 67 therapy, combination therapy. Some of Devices and Procedural Interventions these aforementioned trials were open- Pulse Dye laser (PDL) 595 nm 68 label, some blinded, and some with Excimer laser 69 Intense pulse light (IPL) 70 comparators. Several excellent recent Photodynamic therapy PDT, PDL plus MAL 71 publications review the data concern- Grenz Ray 72 ing these clinical trials in nail psoriasis Intralesional (IL) corticosteroids 5 mg/cc triamcinolone 73 (Table II). Biologics have been shown with injector monthly x4 to be effective in the treatment of nail IL triamcinolone injection with needleless injector 74 psoriasis in a number of well controlled Combination Therapies studies with the tumour necrosis fac- Phototherapy with psoralen / acitretin 29 PDL + 0.1% tazarotene 75 tor alpha (TNF-α) antagonists, Adali- mumab (29, 31, 34, 37-44), Etanercept Traditional Small Molecule Medications (29, 34, 42-46), Cergtolizumab pegol Methotrexate 28, 29, 32, 33, 34 Cyclosporine A (CsA) 28, 29, 30, 31 (47), and Infliximab (27, 29, 34, 42-44, Acitretin 29, 35 48-53). Ustekinumab is very effective Leflunomide 36 in treating nail psoriasis, with weight Newer Small Molecule Medications based dosing (25, 54-57). Phase 3 data Apremilast 76 with Secukinumab and phase 2 studies Tofacitinib 77 with Ixekizumab showed very good nail Biologic Agents improvement (58, 59, 80, 81). Adalimumab (ADA) 31, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44 Etanercept (ETN) 43, 44, 45, 46 References Infliximab (IFN) 29, 34, 44 1. GELFAND, J, WEINSTEIN R, PORTER SB: Certolizumab pegol (CZP) 47 Prevalence and treatment of psoriasis in the Golimumab 78, 79 UK: a population based study Arch Dermatol Ustekinumab (UST) 54, 55, 56, 25, 57 2005; 141: 1537-4. Ixekizumab (IXE) 80, 58 2. TAN ES, CHONG WS, TEY HL: Nail Psoriasis: Secukinumab (SEC) 81, 59 a review. Am J Clin Dermatol 2012; 13: 375- 88.

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