VOLUME 85(3) July 1 985

British Journal of h l

PAPERS 569 BAYOL, A., BENVENISTE, J., BRINK, C., 647 WILSON, J.X. Conjugated and pressor CERRINA, J., GATEAU, O., LABAT, C. & RAFFES- responses to angiotensin, luteinizing hormone-releasing TIN, B. Response and sensitivity of guinea-pig airway hormone and in conscious toads muscle preparations to 5-hydroxytryptamine during 655 LEFF, P., MARTIN, G.R. & MORSE, J.M. Application ontogenesis of the operational model of agonism to establish condi- 575 HIKINO, H. & MURAYAMA, M. Mechanism of the tions when functional antagonism may be used to antinociceptive action of mesaconitine: participation of estimate agonist dissociation constants brain stem and lumbar enlargement 665 CORBETT, A.D., KOSTERLITZ, H.W. McKNIGHT, 581 ARCHER, T., FOWLER, C.J., FREDRIKSSON, A., A.T., PATERSON, S.J. & ROBSON, L.E. Pre-incuba- LEWANDER, T., MAGNUSSON, O., MOHRINGE, tion of guinea-pig myenteric plexus with P-funaltrex- B. & SODERBERG, U. Increased total activity in the rat amine: discrepancy between binding assays and bioassays after L-tryptophan plus the monoamine oxidase-A in- 675 GAGE, P.W. & ROBERTSON, B. Prolongation of hibitor but not after L-tryptophan plus inhibitory postsynaptic currents by pentobarbitone, clorgyline halothane and in CAl pyramidal cells in rat 591 ENDO, Y. Evidence that the accumulation of5-hydroxy- hippocampus tryptamine in the liver but not in the brain may cause the 683 ASK, A.-L., FAGERVALL, I., FLORVALL, L., ROSS, hypoglycaemia induced by 5-hydroxytryptophan S.B. & YTTERBORN, S. Inhibition of monoamine 599 BROWN, R.A., DIXON, J., FARMER, J.B., HALL, oxidase in 5-hydroxytryptaminergic neurones by sub- J.C., HUMPHRIES, R.G., INCE, F., O'CONNOR, stituted p-aminophenylalkylamines S.E., SIMPSON, W.T. & SMITH, G.W. Dopexamine: a 691 CENA, V., GARCIA, A.G., KHOGI, M.A., novel agonist at peripheral receptors and P2- SALAICES, M. & SANCHEZ-GARCIA, P. Effect of adrenoceptors the dihydropyridine Bay K 8644 on the release of [3H]- 609 BROWN, R.A., FARMER, J.B., HALL, J.C., HUM- noradrenaline from the rat isolated vas deferens PHRIES, R.G., O'CONNOR, S.E. & SMITH, G.W. The 697 BERRIE, C.P., BIRDSALL, N.J.M., HULME, E.C., effects ofdopexamine on the cardiovascular system ofthe KEEN, M. & STOCKTON, J.M. Solubilization and dog characterization of high and low affinity pirenzepine 621 DAUGHERTY. A. & WOODWARD, B. Carbachol binding sites from rat cerebral cortex and dibutyryl cyclic GMP on the vulnerability to ven- 705 ALI, H., BR0GGER CHRISTENSEN, S., tricular fibrillation in rat isolated hearts FOREMAN, J.C. PEARCE, F.L. PIOTROWSKI, W. & 629 HIRAI, K. & KATAYAMA, Y. Effect of the endogen- THASTRUP, 0. The ability of thapsigargin and thap- ous analgesic dipeptide, kyotorphin, on transmittter sigargicin to activate cells involved in the inflammatory release in sympathetic ganglia response 635 CHOUDHURY, L. & O'DONNELL, J.M. Effects of 713 NGUYEN, B.T. & STADTSBAEDER, S. Comparative chronic administration of or on effects of cotrimoxazole (trimethoprim-sulphamethox- rat cardiac and central adrenoceptors azole) and spiramycin in pregnant mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii (Beverley strain) 639 MIASIRO, N., PAIVA, T.B., PEREIRA, C.C. & SHIMUTA, S.I. Reactivity to bradykinin and potassium 717 DRAY, A., NUNAN, L. & WIRE, W. Central 6- ofthe isolated duodenum from rats with genetic and renal receptor interactions and the inhibition of reflex urinary bladder contractions in the rat FORTHCOMING MEETINGS