Civil Service Rule VI
§ 5.4 5 CFR Ch. I (1±1±99 Edition) the agency shall, upon request of the laws, rules, and regulations, and Director, restore the employee to duty records pertinent to these matters. All or otherwise reverse any action taken. such employees, and all applicants or (2) Reporting the results of evalua- eligibles for positions covered by these tion or investigations to the head of rules, shall give to the Office, the Merit the agency concerned with instructions Systems Protection Board, the Special for any corrective action necessary, in- Counsel, or to their authorized rep- cluding cancellation of personnel ac- resentatives, all information, testi- tions where appropriate. The Director's mony, documents, and material in re- findings resulting from evaluations or gard to the above matters, the disclo- investigations are binding unless sure of which is not otherwise prohib- changed as a result of agency evidence ited by law or regulation. These em- and arguments against them. If, during ployees, applicants, and eligibles shall the course of any evaluation or inves- sign testimony given under oath or af- tigation under this section, the Direc- firmation before an officer authorized tor finds evidence of matters which by law to administer oaths. Employees come within the investigative and prosecutorial jurisdiction of the Spe- are performing official duty when tes- cial Counsel of the Merit Systems Pro- tifying or providing evidence pursuant tection Board, the Director shall refer to this section. this evidence to the Special Counsel for appropriate disposition. PART 6ÐEXCEPTIONS FROM THE (b) Whenever the Director issues spe- COMPETITIVE SERVICE (RULE VI) cific instructions as to separation or other corrective action with regard to Sec.
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