65th ational Council on Family Relations Annual Conference Program

Wednesday, Nov. 19 - Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 Pre-conference Workshops: Monday, Nov. 17- Wednesday, Nov. 19

Program Chair: Paul Amato, Penn State University The National Council on Family Relations thanks the following sponsors:

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

BC Council for Families

Blackwell Publishing

Envision Financial, British Columbia

Florida State University, College of Human Sciences

Greater Vancouver Convention and Visitors Association

Groves Conference

Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel

Johnson Printing, Rochester, MN

National Bar Association

Points of Light Foundation

Success By 6, United Way of the Lower Mainland, British Columbia

United States Department of Labor

University of British Columbia Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)

VanCity Credit Union, British Columbia

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Human Development

Work & Life Consulting, British Columbia r

Page Page Conference Sponsors ...... Inside front cover Tips for Families ...... 53 Alphabetic Index of Program ...... 1 2003 Media Award Winners ...... 54 Vancouver Information ...... 2 Program and Local Arrangements Committees ...... 55 General Conference Information ...... 3 NCFR Boards of Directors ...... 57 Ongoing Events and Services ...... 4 NCFR Journal Editors ...... 57 Subject Index ...... 5 NCFR Affiliated Councils ...... 59 Pre-conference \:Vorkshops ...... 6 NCFR Staff...... 59 2003 NCFR Award Winners and Exhibits ...... 11 Index of Prograrn Participants ...... 62 Save on l\ir Fares to the Conference ...... 12 Hyatt Regency Hotel Reservation Form ...... 75 Program Schedule ...... 13 NCFR Membership Forn1...... 77 Tour of Vancouver Family Agencies ...... 29 Registration, Hotel, and Travel Information ...... 78 2003 Proposal Reviewers ...... 30 Conference Registration Form and Information ...... 79 Silent .Auction ...... 40 NCFR Past Presidents ...... inside back cover Fmure Annual Conferences ...... 51 l'vieeting Room Facilities l\Iap ...... Insert NCFR Board and Committee Meetings ...... 52 Program at a Glance ...... Insert Allied Association Meetings ...... 53 Imernationall.-car of the Family ...... Insert Your Daily Schedule ...... Insert

Page Page Affiliated Councils/ Association of Councils (AC) Sessions ..... Legacy Circle ...... 49 ...... 9, 15, 2~ 3~ 36,40, 44,59 Local Arrangements Committee ...... 4, 55 Audio/Video Tape Sales ...... 33, 42, 43 l\farie Peters Award Address ...... 11, 31, 38 Awards ...... 11, 26,47 Media Awards \:Vinners ...... 54 Board of Directors and l\Ieetings ...... 52, 53, 57 Meditation ...... 19, 31, 41 CEU Verification ..... 3, 13, 43 (noted throughout the program) Meetings/Receptions of Other Organizations .... 31, 38, 52, 53 CFLE Sessions ...... 17, 24, 39, 40, 41 NCFR Business Meeting/Membership Forum ...... 27 ...... 3 NCFR Sraff...... 59 Committee Meetings (NCFR) ...... 52, 53 Newcomers Reception ...... 17 Diversity Action Session ...... 33 Plenary Sessions ...... 13, 15, 19, 21, 33,44 Editors and Meetings ...... 52, 53, 57 Poster Sessions ...... 21-24, 34-36, 45-4 7 Education & Enrichment (EE) Section Sessions ..... 14-16, 18, Pre-conference \Vorkshops ...... 6-10 ...... 19-22,24-26,28, 32, 34, 36, 38, 39,41-43, 45,47 Presidential Forum ...... 41, 47 Emergencies ...... 3, 4 Program Committee ...... 55 Employment l\Iatching Service ...... 4, 13, 19, 31, 41 Proposal Reviewers ...... 30 Ethnic Minorities (EM) Section Sessions ... 16, 20, 38, 39, 45, 48 Public Policy Sessions ...... 24 Exhibits ...... 4, 11, 19, 21, 31, 33, 41,44 Receptions and Parties ...... 18, 26, 40 Family & Health (FH) Section Sessions ...... 14, 15, 19,22-27, Registration Form ...... 79, 80 ...... 29, 3~ 37,42,43 Registration Information ...... 3, 4, 13, 19, 31, 78-80 Family Policy (FP) Secrion Sessions ...... 15, 16, 24, 26-28 Religion & Family Life (RF) Section Sessions .. 15, 27, 42, 46, 50 ...... 34, 35, 37, 38, 42, 43, 48, 50 Research & Theory (IU) Section Sessions ...... 15, 17, 20, 21, Family Science (FS) Section Sessions ..... 14, 18, 26, 28, 29, 32, ...... 23-25, 27-29, 32, 35-39, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49 ...... 36,39,43,45 Research Updares for Practitioners ...... 16, 36, 43 Family Therapy (FT) Section Sessions ...... 14, 20, 26-29, Round Tables/Teaching Rmmd Tables ...... 15, 25, 29, 38, 43 ...... 32,38, 3~43 Section l\Iembership Meetings ...... 18, 28, 29, 39, 40, 50 Feminism & Family Studies (FF) Section Sessions ...... 14-16, Silent Auction ...... 4, 40 ...... 18-20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39, 43 Special Sessions ...... 13, 14, 17, 19, 24, 28, 31, 37, 41, 48,49 Focus Group Sessions ...... 17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 31, 40, 41,50 Sponsors ...... Inside front cover Future Conferences ...... 51 Student/New Professional (SNP) Activities 21, 27, 33, 38, 44, 49 Hospitaliry Center/Local Information ...... 4, 19, 31, 41 Subject Index ...... 5 Hotel, Trav-el, Airline, and Site Information ...... 2, 12, 75 Tour ro Vancouver Family Service Agencies ...... 29, 79 International (IN) Section Sessions ...... 14-16, 19, 20, 25, Work-Life Smmnit ...... 6, 79 ...... 28, 29, 35, 37, 43, 48, 49

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 1 For complete information go to the degrees Fahrenheit. ver hourly. Your ticket lasts all day Vancouver website: ww-w.tourism (www. vancouverlookout. com). The Canadian/U.S. Open Skies policy vancouver.co1n makes Vancouver directly accessible 1b enter Canada, you will need a valid from all major U.S. cities at reasonable Yancom"er's hundreds of restaurants passport, or at tninimum: birth certifi­ airline rates (seep. 12 and NCFR's web­ offer \'ariet)', excellence and exceptional cate (certified with seal), photo identi­ site.) The Inrernational airport is only 11 ambience and service. Perched on moun­ fication & a license if you miles from the city center. taintops, rc\'olving restaurants, Euro­ have changed your last name. l\ Driver's pean-style cafes, coffee shops and The Canadian exchange rate is approxi­ License without od1er documentation is bistros, conference attendees can enjoy mately 2/3 of the U.S. dollar. Since rates insufficient. See www.cic.gc.ca for fur­ cuisines from around d1e world. Nature's change daily, you can check them on the ther information on customs. Sales tax bounty is altTlos t at our hotel doorstep web at ·www.x-rates.c01n. U.S. currency, on all pw:chases is 7%, on liquor it is by way of fresh seafood, valier-grown traveler's cheques, and credit cards arc 10%. The accommodations tax is 17% produce and farm-raised meats at afford­ accepted. which includes 7% GST. The GST is able prices. Gratuity is customarily 15°(). refundable to non-residents of Canada A list of suggested restaurants will be if you keep your receipts and apply for BC Transit offers convention goers a spe­ included in the registration packets. a refund. cial transit pass that allows you unlitnited travel on buses, light rail and harbour fer­ Regardless of taste for performance arts, Foreign ries for as little as $3 per dar, a very sports, music, or dance, Vancouver has exhibitors il]_ay export goods duty-free affordable way ro see all that Vancouver the wps in all. To get the best inform.a­ for the convention. Firearms are has to offer. The tion on what's going on during the con­ prohibited to enter Canada. Peak of Vancouver- is just 15 minutes ference, e-mail the Arts Hotline at: from downtown. The skyridc 'vhisks you Come early or stay later in Vancouver for [email protected] or W\v-w. on a 1-mile aerial journey to the peak. At culturenet.ca/va NCFR's 65d1 Annual Conference in this 3700 ft above tl1e city you can visit the specracuhr city hl.;:e no other. On July 2, endangered wildlife reserve, shop, or cat Ford Centre for the Perfor­ 2003, Vancouver was selected as d1e site at fine cuisines ('-'rww.grousenl.oun­ ming Arcs, Orpheum Theatre, Queen of rhe 2010 Winter Olympics. Nestled tain.com). Take a Elizabeth Theater, \'ancomTr Playhouse. bel:\veen water and wilderness, Vancou­ Sunser Dinner or luncheon cruise and The Vancouver Symphony, n:r was \TJted the most livable ciry in rhe enjoy a narrated tour of the inner har­ Vancomcer Opera, or Coastal Jazz and world by Business Travel A1aga:::.ine, and is bour, a secluded mountain fjord Blues Society. \'ancouvcr considered one of the 10 best cmwen­ (www.boatcruises.com). Canucks NHL team, golf, Hastings Park tion cities on the Nonh American conti­ A fully narrated thoroughbred horse racing, and the nent. You can ski alpine slopes in the hour tour departs from the 1-..:iosk on Park Vancouver Grizzlies NBA attraction. 111orning and golf or sail or shop in the Dr., just off tl1e Georgia Sr. entrance to There are fanrasric exhibits at the Arr afternoon, and for U.S. citizens a dollar Stanley Park. Rates arc ~)20.55 Adults, Gallery, the cliff-top l'VIuseum of Anth­ goes a long way. Breathtakinglv beautiful, $18.65 Seniors/Students and~; l3.U5 ropology which fealctres native his wry, this cosmopoliran city is clean, safe and Children. (vv...,vw.stanleypatktours.com). the sugar 1nusc:um, Canadian Craft musc­ friendly, and offers fascinating adven­ \Vhilc there, visit: the Yancouver Aquar­ Lli11 and Gift shop, and the I\Iariti.mc tures ro suit c1•eryone's taste and n1ost imTl with m"er 60,000 creatures. I\Iuscum. N()\". lS-20 the Vancouver sights and activities are within 30 Crosses Antique Shmv will bring dealers from minutes of the city core. 230 ft. abo\'e Capitano Ri1'er to the \Vest across Canada. Christmas at Hrcroft begins in November. Greater Vancm.1vcr has a population of Coast rainforest trails. i\Ieet First Nations 2.3 million people wirh 'h million in the artists, enjoy colorful gardens, totem Check out The Bay or Sears city itself. It is a mix of multi-cultural poles and exhibits as well as seasonal (Eatons) for depc stores downrmvn. groups and languages. After English and entertainment or guided tours - only 10 Allders International Canada is a dun· Chinese, the most common arc Punjabi, min. from downtown (info@capbridge. free shop. J\Iany fashion boutiques pro­ German, Italian, Filipino and Spanish. com). Get a vide quality fashions. Gift/Specialry The average November temperature is 48 spectacular 360 degree view of Vancou- shops prm-idc memorable souvenirs.

2 2003 N CFR Annual Conference Program .,

The theme, is high- Stop by the NCFR Conference Registration Desk during lighted in an outstanding and stimulating program. registration hours, and staff will gladly help you. NCFR staff will also be at the NCFR Exhibit Booth on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, dming scheduled hours. Feel free to ask questions of the Board, Cornrnittees, The NCFR conference presents a great oppornmity to Elections Council J\Iembers who are wearing colored rib­ enhance your professional skills. In addition to dynamic bons on their name badges. keynote speakers, plenary P'mels, special sessions, and Earn Valuable Ed Credits! Research Updates for Practitioners, the Sections have NCFR is approved by the Amedcan Psychological invited outstanding experts to discuss relevant issues on marriage and family. Come early or stay late to enjoy the v"'""'v'"' National Board for Certified pre-conference workshops or to explore the myriad wonders of the Vancouver area. In addition to over 450 presentations, you will network with leaders in the family field and meet NCFR Presi­ ~v."'~'"u to offer continuing education for dent, Carol A. Darling CFLE, President-elect Gay psychologists, therapists, and social workers and other Kitson and other Board members, Section Chairs, family professionals. NCFR maintains ali responsibility Journal Editors, and Executive Director, Michael L. for the program. Benjamin. They are anxious to talk with you about your To apply for CE credit certificates verifying your con­ professional goals and the future of NCFR. ference attendance you must indicate on the registration form which association you are applying for. A specific CE packet for that association will be available to you when you pick up your registration packet. .An admin- istrative fee of $25 is Certificates of atten- dance \Vill be mailed 2004. for each clock hour in content sessions. and introductions are '-"''-H-•u·... u.; Up to 40 contacr hours are given for CFLE Conference Coordinator, ext. 15; e-mail:

Additional copies will be sold at registration for ~5.00. Program changes arc listed monthly on the NCFR web-

. 1:\ printed copy of latest changes is enclosed in your conference program packet. Be sure to read it carefully.

Medical services listed on page 4.

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program For non-emergency situations, d1e follmving is a list of nearby Usc this room to meet colleagues, visit NCFR affiliated medical facilities. Councils displays, and review the Yancouver area tourist infor- mation. A in this room \vill feature items for Emergency numbers and a place for you to list a person to sale (sec page 40 for details). Ask d1e volunteers about dining, contact in an emergency will be printed on d1e back of your cultural e\Tnts, and tours. Sign up sheets will be posted for Conference name badge. attendees \vho would like to dine with colleagues and NCFR leaders. The emergency sen-ices list will be on file here. Browse the Mfiliated Councils State Exhibits and Publications for ideas on working with families at rhe local level. 8:00 a.m - 5:30 p.m. Ph: 604-683-3811. Hours: Regency Baiffroom A/B, Regency Foyer 3rd Floor­ J\Ion. 7:30 a.m.-5:00p.m., Tues. 7:30a.m.- 6:00p.m., Wed. Hyatt Hotel 7:30 a.m.-7:00p.m., Thurs. 7:30a.m.- 8:00 p.1n., Fri. 7:30 Daily draw-ings for prizes during the exhibits break. a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Coordinator: - Dr. Richard Hargreaves Ph: 604-683-3811. Hours: l\Ion- Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thurs. Nov. 20 - Grand Opening-Noon 5:30 p.m. - #1440- 700 Fri. Nov. 21- 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. West Georgia St. Ph: 604-681-5351. Hours: l\Ion-Fri. 8:30 a.m. Sat. Nov. 22- 9 a.m. -2 p.m. - 5:00 p.!Tl. Dra<.ving for prizes at 1:30 p.m. each day

1081 Burrard St. - Ph: 604-682-2344 Brighton & Kensington Rooms - 4i:h Floor -12th & Hyatt Hotel Oak St. Ph: 604-875-4111 Wed. Nov. 19 Sat. Nov. 22- Noon- 4 p.m. All fees for services rendered must be discussed with the Chair: physician at the time of the call. All individual travelers are This year's serv-ice will provide bod1 print versions of employ­ advised to obtain their own personal health, luggage or other ment information and electronic databases. This extends d1e trmTl insurance. However, regardless of fmancial status or sen-icc beyond d1e SL"\: conference days, and aids employers in health care coverage, B.C. hospitals will not refuse trcaunent to following up with candidates they don't have a chance to meet those ~who require it. in 'Vancouver. Candidates are included in rhe display notebooks and elec­ tronic database at no cost. Download the file on d1e NCFR 2nd Floor Foyer, Hyatt Regency Hotel website and complete the form and Mon. Nmc 17- 10 a.m.- 1 p.m.; 2-5 p.n1. Tues. Nov. 18- 8 a.m.- 1 p.m.; 2-5 p.m. Employers can list job openings for $35.00 per listing. Wed. Nmc 19- 7 a.m.- l p.m.; 2-5 p.m. Registered employers can place a classified ad in the December Thurs. Nov. 20-7:30 a.m.- 1 p.m.; 2-5 p.m. 2003 NCFR Report for a 15'~;o discount. Download this file Fri. & Sat. Ncr\' 21, 22- 8 a.m. l p.m.; 2-5 p.m. from the N CFR website, complete it, and email it to: vvinter­ [email protected]. To make payment, send a hard copy of d1e form Prim;e of Wales Room 2nd floor, Hyaf/:t Hotel with payment or purchase order to NCFR, 3989 Central Ave. \Vednesday - Saturday- 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. NE, #550, i\Iinneapolis, i\IN 55421 (Fax: 763-781-9348). Sponsored by rhe Local Arrangements Committee NCFR looks forward to your participation and encourages you and the BC Council for Families, NCFR Affiliated to act early in submitting your materials. Cmmcils and d1e Vancom-er Convention and Yisirors http://www.ncfr.m·g/ employment. Bureau. Cluir:

4 2003 N CFR Annual Conference Program s mmilmcr :J:JUJJ0JUO:J pmuuy 1!ti:JN SOUZ

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J. Dr. Dtn;bury and her colleagues recently published a report: Voices of Canadians: Seeking Work-L!le Balance which was released across Canada. ln rhar report the team interviewed 33,000 people, of which l2'c'o (nearly 4,000) were from British Columbia. Dr. DLcdJury is ana­ Wednesday, November 19,2003- 7:00 a.n1.- 3:30p.m. lyzing tl1c BC clara, and compiling a new report for the Summit. This will be released to tl1e press immecliately following her tall<. In her talk Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel and the report she will suggest ideas for implementing changes for This summit is designed for CEOs, 1-hunan Resource areas identified in tl1e survey. The talk will establish tl1e agenda for the Directors, Labour Leaders, Researchers, Program Development day as Smmnit participants identify what has been done in BC, the kcv Specialists, Marketing Executives, Employee Assistance players, and make plans for the future in moving ahead with improved work-life policies and culture. At the conclusion of Dr. DtL"\:bury's Professionals, Government Leaders and Legislators, Municipal tallc, Summit attendees will discuss pertinent issues. and Provincial non-profit leaders. 10:30 a.m. - Noon Emeritus Director, B.C. Government Work-Place Success Stories Employees' Union; co-chair, Success By 6 Council of Partners, Panel: Managing Director, BC Biomedical ; United Way of the Lower l\Iainland; Vice Representative ±i:om Canadian Postal \Yorkers Union (invited); President of Hunun Resources, Business Council of British Vice President, Human Resources, Electronic Arts Columbia Canada

Noon- 1:30 p.m. BC Council for Families; !Envision financial; Hyatt !Lunch Regency '\!cmcouver Hotel; Success By 6, United Way Speaker, CEO, Envision Financial, of the lower Mainland; University of British Columbia British Columbia Human !Early learning Partnership (HIElP); VanCil:y Credit Union; Work, !Family & life Consulting; National 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. Council on Family Relations Role of Public Policy: Keys to Success Continuing ed credits available from EAPA, APA, NASW Panel: (Metro Washington Chapter); CFLE, NBCC Saskatchewan; Exec. Dir., BC Progress Board; , University of British Columbia Hmnan Early Learning Partnership (HELP); panelists from local govern­ ment, and provincial or federal government.

3:00 - 3:30 pm for Partnerships and Acff:icm , Executive Director, BC Council for Families; Vice President, Human Resources, YanCity Credit Union Co-chairs:

Rappateurs will synthesize what has been learned during rhe day. They will ~:,rive implications for community agencies, employers, labour, and (All sessions arc in Regency Ballroom A/B) gm-ernment, and a challenge m cominue the efforts of tl1e day tl1rmtgh an implementation committee. 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Registration ar~d Showcase of Current Inr~oval:ive All attendees will receive a nmebook with sections that include Work-life Programs and Tools speaker h

6 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Opening Plenary Session 2 Theory and Its Relevance to Family Research Tomorrow, Vern L. Bengtson; Jon Turner; Alan C. Acock; Monday, N m~ 17 - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 Katherine R. Allen CFLE; Peggye Dilworth­ Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel Anderson; David M. Klein Discussants: To be announced Presider: To be announced

TCRM Workshop Session 3 Integrating Third Wave Feminist and Critical Race Theories: Implications for Family Theories and IVIethods, Lee Ann DeReus; Libby Balter Blume CFLE; April L. Few Discussants: To be announced Presider: To be announced You are ilwited to participate il1 the 33rd Annual Theory Construction and Research 1\Iethoclology \Vorkshop (TC&\1). TCRM Workshop Session 4 TCRJ\I's mission is to facilitate tl1e creation and refinement Accounting for Some of the People Almost None of of tl1eory and methods relative m tl1c study of families. The the Time: Rethinking Approaches to Families and \'York, TCILM \Vorkshop strixes to create an environment of Shelley M. MacDermid CFLE; Kevin M. Roy discovery, ilucllcctual ch

TCRM Workshop Session 6 Opening Plenary Session 1 Cullclre, Cognition, and Parenthood, Ralph LaRossa Contemporary and Emeq:,>ing Research Methods in Discussants: To be announced Studying Families, Manfred H. Van dulmen; Alan C. Presider: To be announced Acock; Fred Piercy; Katherine R. Allen CFLE Discussants: To be announced Presicler: To be announced Contilmed on pages 8 and 9

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 7 TCRM Workshop Session 13 Role of Context in Identity Theory: Making it More Than Just Background Noise, Kari L.A. Henley; B. Kay Pasley TCRM Workshop Session 7 Couple Identity and Self-verification: Extending Identity A Dialectical Approach to Theorizing About Violence Between Theory to Gay Male Couples and Families, Brad S. . Intimates, Loreen N. Olson; Mark A. Fine; Sally A. Uoyd Mootefield; Christine M. Proulx Discussants: To be announced Discussants: To be announced Presider: To be annmmced Presider: To be announced

TCRM Workshop Session 14 TCRM Workshop Session 8 How Moral Agency Theory 1'v1akes it Possible to Change the Theorizing Sibling Ties in Adulthood, Alexis J. Wall(er; Past, Terrance D. Olson Katherine R. Allen CFLE; Ingrid Arnet Connidis Discussants: To be annmmced Discussants: To be annoLU1Ced Presider: To be announced Presider: To be announced

TCRM Workshop Session 15 TCRM Workshop Session 9 Arc Questions Abom the Future of Marriage Responsible or Di\·ergem and Shared Realities of Shared Family Relationships, Nai:vc?: Revisiting Jessie Bernard's "The Future of Marriage," Alan C. Acock; David H. Demo Jetse Sprey Measuring Parental Control With Consideration of Children's Discussants: To be announced Perspectives, Yan Wang; Angela R. Wiley Presider: To be announced Discussants: To be announced Presider: To be announced TCRM Workshop Session 16 Families and Technology: De\·elopino Thcory in an Emcrgu·1g TCRM Workshop Session 10 . b . c Area of Research, Yvette V. Perry; William J. Doherty CFLE An Ecological/Exchange Model on Adult Intimate Discussants: To be announced Relationships, Karen J. Ripoll; Ronald M. Sabatelli CFLE Presider: To be announced Discussants: To be announced Presider: To be announced

TCRM Workshop Session 11 TCRM Workshop Session 17 Developing and Validating a Measure of State "Elderly Cultural Contradictions of Children, Chores, and J\Ionev, Friendliness," Jean Giles-Sims; Charles Locld1art . Kristine C. Manwaring; Kathleen Slaugh Bahr . Discussants: To be announced Discussants: To be annmmced Presider: To be annoLmced Presider: To be announced

TCRM Workshop Session 12 TCRM Wm-kshop Session 18 Intimate Relationships as Ethical, and More Than Ethical, A Critical Analysis of ]\.[easurement Issues in the Assessment Inspired by I'viartin Bubcr and Emmanuel Levi.nas: Toward an of Adult /\.ttachJTtent Style: Implications for Research and Exis[ential Phenomenological Family , George Theory on Couple Relationships, Carissa A. Englert; Linda Kunz; George Sayre J. Roberts Discussants: To be annmmced Discussants: To be announced Presider: To be announced Presider: To be announced

8 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program ..,


Tuesday, Nov. 18, 10:00 a.m.-5:00p.m. Plaza CRoom, Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel TCRM Workshop Session 19 Workshop Leaders: Can the "New Sociology of Childhood" Inform Family Bobbye and Britton Wood Studies? Sarah H. Matthews Ambassadors for Better Discussants: To be announced Association for Couples in Marriage Presider: To be announced Enrichment (AClviE)

TCRM Workshop Session 20 Clinical Applications of the Family Life Cycle: Integrating Recent Conceptual Developments, Dale R. Hawley; Brooke Pettis; Tammy Bednar Discussants: To be announced Presider: To be announced

TCRM Workshop Session 21 The Ties That lVIatter: Towards a Reconceptualization of A practical hands-on workshop for practitioners, d1erapists, Adoptive Kinship Affiliation, Yvette V. Perry family life extension personnel, clergy, and organizational Discussants: To be announced leaders who welcome assistance to begin or to enhance an Presider: To be announced ongoing marriage enrichment emphasis in and through d1eir organization, their congregation or d1e denomination. Although d1e future of marriage is the stated issue for the TCRM Workshop Session 22 2003 NCFR conference, d1e future of heald1y grmving mar­ Pepper's World Hypotheses: A Pllliosoplucal Rubric for riages continues to be ilie concern of most manied couples. Understanding Fanuly Theories, Hilary Rose CFLE How can organizations that care about d1e health of the mar­ Discussants: To be announced riages widun their arena of influence provide an ongoing Presider: To be announced marriage enrichment emphasis fuat works? The "Resources for BetterMarriages™ \'Vorkshop" is designed to assist leaders of institutions and organizations in d1e development of a "better marriage" emphasis that includes d1e following: TCRM Workshop Session 23 Theories of Iviarriage Development, Jason S. Carroll; One: Expanding the Vision for Marriage Enrichment Thomas B. Holman CFLE; Stan J. Knapp Clarify an organization's vision of marriage enrichment for its Discussants: To be announced members and assist in d1e assessment of d1e marriage enrich­ Presider: To be annotmced ment needs \V:ithin d1e organization and its community. Two: Meeting the Needs of Married Couples Demonstrate how effective researched-based resources can be utilized to meet the many issues of married couples duough­ out the marital lifespan. TCRM Business Meeting and Reception Three: Taking the Next Steps to Build Better Presider: Stan J. Knapp, 2003 Chair Marriages - Guide participants in d1e preparation of an immediate action plan to implement an ongoing marriage enrichment emphasis.

2003 N CPR Annual Conference Program 9 Rescn.llrces for BeUerMarriagesTM Conil:iUIIIlied The ,-alue of this ACME "\Vorkshop is enhanced with the qual­ ity programs that have joined RBM including: Interpersonal Wednesday, November 19, 2003 Comtnunication Programs, Inc., Life Innovations, Inc., and 8:30 a.m. - 1.:00 p.m. PREP, Inc. Real Talk, Inc. also provides assistance to RBM Stanley, Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel with its "beating couple stress" themes. \Vith these research­ based partners, RBJ\1 provides a well-balanced approach to assist organizations as their leaders make plans to develop their ongoing marriage enrichment programs.

(Choose one round table to attend. These same round tables will be repeated two more times, giving attendees the opportunity to attend all 3 discussions.) Sponsored by State Family Life/Human Development Specialists 1. Fundraising Suggestions for Affiliates, Britton Wood Tuesday, November 18, 2003 CFLE 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 2. Planning a Conference, Debra L. Berke CFLE; Georgia A/B, Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel Raeann R. Hamon CFLE 3. Involving Affiliate Members in Public Policy, Ann Henderson

The purpose of the conference is to share cutting edge practices, procedures, and programs that have been developed through creative collaborations and partner­ ships in this time of diminished resources. The conference will offer a series of: Round table discussions about "proven" strategies for working in extension with diminished resources Posters focused on current Extension-related pro­ grams, projects, and research Networking sessions based on I(ansas City initiatives Discussion groups for prospective and new extension faculty focused on career I\Ioderator: Raeann R. Hamon CFLE, Association of paths and opportunities. Councils President

In addition, you will have an opport1.mit:y to see old Workshop Presiclers: Raeann Han1.on CFLE, AC friends, meet new ones, and participate in our time President; Arminta L. Jacobson CFLE, AC Program honored Awards ceremony! Chair Information about the program as well as tl1e conference registration form, registration fees (reduced fees for stu­ dents) and schedule will be sent to you in September. Anyone interested in presenting at the conference is asked to contact: Maureen T. Mulroy. E-mail mmul­ [email protected]

10 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program On Saturday, Nov. 22, 2:00 p.m., the following awards wi1l be pre­ Outstanding Contributions to Feminist Scholarship Paper Award in sented during the Special Presidential Forum organized by Honor of Jessie Bemard: Carol Darling, NCFR President. The 2002 Marie Peters Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Distinguished Service to Families Award in Recognition of Area of Ethnic Minorities presented to: Exceptional Leadership and/ or Service to Improve Family during the JJeters Award Address on Friday, Nmc 21, 4:00p.m. Living: Ernest G. Osborne Award for Excellence in Teaching of The following appreciation awards will be presented during the Annual Family Studies: Business l\Ieeting, Thursday, Nmc 20, 6:00 p.m. Jan Trost Outstanding Contdbution to Cornparative Family 2001 2003 NCFR President: Florida Studies Award: State Univ. 2003 Annual Conference Program Chair: Penn Reuben Hill Award for the Best Research Article of 2002: State Univ. Local Anangeme11ts Committee Co-chairs: Uni\c NCFR Student Award for Excellence as a Student With High of British Colmnbia; Douglas Col. Potential for Contribution to the Field of Family Studies: Awards given by various NCFR Sections and Focus Groups will be Uni\c of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign presented during their respective membership meetings. Outstanding Research Proposal From a Feminist Perspective in Honor of Jessie Bernard:

Regency Ballroom A/B and Regency Foyer - Adjacent to Plenary Sessions and Posters

Thmsday, Nov. 20, Noon 5:30p.m. Friday, Nov. 21, 9:00 a.n1.- 5:30p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Thursday, Nov. 20, Grand Opening, Noon; Prize drawings, 1:30pm Friday, Nov. 21, Prize drawings, 1:30pm Satutday, Nov. 22, Prize drawings, 1:30 pm

Exhibits are an integral part of d1e Conference. A complete listing of all exhibitors will be in your registration packet. Review the newest materials, look for books written by your colleagues, and learn about other family organizations. Prizes are awarded during the exhibit breaks at 1:30 each day. During the noon hours the Poster Sessions are held adjacent to the Exhibits area so you can visit the Exhibits, pick up somed1ing to eat at the Hotel Deli, and participate in the Poster Session.

2003 N CFR Annual Conference Program 11 Us orthwest or

NCFR has negotiated special rates with • As NCFR's official carriers, they offer special air fares to Vancouver for the NCFR confer­ ence. These prices are valid from November 14-November 25, 2003.

You are eligible for up to a 15% discount below the lowest published fares, and additional discounts if you purchase 60 days or more before your travel date. These airlines also have Zone Fares available for attendees who are unable to stay over Saturday night.

To take advantage of these fares you or your travel agent must phone the airlines directly using the num- bers and reference codes below. They are not available on the airline websites. NCFR researched and discovered that these fares were $40 -$50 lower than online.

When you book your flights with tl1e special Continental, Delta, Northwest or Air Canada Meeting Services, not only are you getting great discounts, but you are enabling NCFR to build a successful airline profile that helps us negotiate better conference discounts in the future!

12 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Program Chair: Penn State Univ.

Local Arrangements Co-chairs: Univ. of British Columbia Douglas Col., BC

Plaza Foyer (2nd Floor) 7:00a.m.- 1:00 p.m.; 2:00- 5:00p.m. 7:30a.m...... Work-Life Smnmit Keynote Speaker: Linda Duxbury 1:00 p.m.... Special Session- The Intersection of Law, Family and Race, Boddie, Skyles, Henderson Prince of Wales (3rd Floor) 2:45 p.m.... Plenary Session - Marriage: Current Status 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.1n. and Alternative Futures, Andrew Cherlin 4:30 p.m...... Research Update for Practitioners - Revising Marital Therapy Using an Empirically­ based Theory, John Gottman Brighton & Kensington Rooms (4th Floor) 6:30p.m...... Newcomers Reception Noon - 4:00 p.m. 6:30p.m ...... Getting Your Research Project Fcmded Through NICHD, Lynne Casper 8:00p.m...... President's Welcon1ing Reception

( 1) All sessions are Wednesday sessions begin with the number 100 (e.g. #100, #101, etc.). Thursday sessions begin wid1 #200; Friday sessions wid1 #300; Saturday sessions with #400.

(2.) Presentations are classified as to research, 1 practice, or a combination of both research and prac­ rice. If nothing is listed, the author did not indicate the emphasis of the presentation. Continuing Education Credits for APA are listed as and for NASW are listed as Session formats are indicated by: - Paper; - Symposium; -Workshop. Sedion Programs sponsored by NCFR Sections are indicated by symbols or 2 letter keys:

1 [J Education & Enrichment (EIE) Family Science (fS) Religion & Family Life

Ethnic Minorities (IEM) Family Therapy (FT) mResearch & Theory

Familv and Health (FH) Feminism & Family Studies (FFJ Association of Councils

Family Policy (fP) International (!N) Stlldents/New Professiomls (SN)

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 13 and Theit Mothers Negotiate Coresidence, Kimberly J. M. DownsCFLE R Older Parents' Experiences of Intergenerational Ambiva­ lence: Time Away From and Wid1 Theit Children, Cheryl Peters; Karen Hooker; Anisa M. Zvonkovic R Negotiating Poverty and Family Ties: Adult Daughters' Ambivalent Relationships With J\Iothers, Margaret Manoogian; Leslie N. Richards; Cheryl Peters The panel will discuss Child Welfare, Affmnative Chair: Margaret Manoogian Action, and the Role of Family Professionals in Discussant: Katherine R. Allen CFLE 1.mderstanding the intersection of race and family law. Tammy Henderson CFLE is associate professor, Dept. of Human Development, Virginia Tech, and a former NCFR Expanding Opportunities for Family Science Board member. Professionals Elise C. Boddie is recipient of the NAACP LDF Fried Frank P Recasting the Undergraduate Family Science Fellowship. She was an associate in the New York office of Fried " Curriculum: A Proposed Contextual Learning Frank Elise joined the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Mau-ix, Mary Ann Hollinger CFLE Ftmd as assistant counsel in 1999. 18 Evaluating d1e Missouri Family Development Training and Ada Skyles, is associate director, Chapin Hall Ctr. for Children, Univ. Credentiality Program: Results for Frontline Family Workers of Chicago, a research and development center dedicated to bringing and Theit Employees, Deborah B. Smith CFLE sound information, rigorous analyses, innovative ideas, and an inde­ 18 Teaching About International Families in Multicultural and pendent perspective to the ongoing public debate about the needs o International Classes, Carol D. Harvey CFLE; Nilufer children and the ways in which those needs can best be met. Medora CFLE Sponsored by the National Bar Association 18 Internationalizing Existing Family Courses: The Cases of "Social Change" and "Grief in a Family Context," Mark Hutter; Kathleen Gilbert Discussant/Presider: William E. Rose

Strengthening Marriages, Couple, and Co- Relationships During the Transition to Parenthood (AP; SW) 18 "Baby Mak:es Three": Effects on the Parental Relationship of Two Interventions for Couples Going Through the Negotiating Marriages Today (AP; SW) Transition to Parend10od, Alyson Shapiro; John Gottman R Husbands' Marital Friendship Behaviors: The 18 "Marriage Moments": A Self-guided Intervention in Child­ Influence of Family Expressiveness, Gender Role bitdl Classes to Strengd1en Marriages During the Transition to Conflict, and Emotional Intelligence, Steding K. Wall; Donna Parend1ood, Alan J. Hawkins CFLE; Blaine Fowers; Jason L. Sollie; Anthony J. Guarino S. Carroll R Resisting Gender Stereotypes: The Process of Creating an 18 "Parenting Toged1er": An Intervention for d1e Transition to Equal Marriage, Anne Ranldn Mahoney; Carmen Knudson­ Fatherhood, William J. Doherty CFLE; Martha Farrell Martin Etickson; Ralph LaRossa R Spousal Satisfaction Wid1 Division of Childcare Labor in Chait: Alan J. Hawkins CFLE Families of Mentally Delayed, Learning Disabled, Multiple Discussant: Philip A. Cowan Disabled, and Normal Children, Ozkan Ozgun; Alice S. Honig Discussant Leigh A. Leslie Negotiation and Mixed Emotions in Adult Child and Presider: Brian P. Masciadrelli Older Parent Relationships (AP; SW) Recorder: Susan K. Taldgiku R Returning Home: How Divorcing Daughters

14 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Romantic Unions and Risk Behaviors: Ttajectories Across Relationships (AP; SW) ~ R Relationship Trajectories Among Young Men: Distinc­ Session 23 ~J rive Sociodemographic and Attitudinal Characteristics, Theories of Marriage Development, Jason S. Carroll; - Gary J. Gates; Joseph H. Pleck; Freya Lund Thomas B. Holman CFLE; Stan J. Knapp Sonenstein Discussants: To be announced R Young Heterosexual Men's Progression Across Romantic Presider: To be announced Relationships: Qualitative Trajectories, Joseph H. Pled:; Brian P. Masciadrelli; Kristy Y. Shih; Freya Lund Sonenstein R Partners and Protection: HIY Risk Trajectories Among Young Men, Randy Capps; Freya Lund Sonenstein; Jason Ost; Gary J. Gates Chair: Joseph H. Pleck

Current Status and Futures J.

Rmmd tables are limited to 10 attendees each. Participants \\/elcome: Carol A. JU'

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 15 B Community and School Interventions for Underachieving Urban Studet~ts: SLcident, J\1entor, Parent, and Teacher's Perspectives, C. Anne Broussard; Susan Mosley-Howard; Anita Roychaudhury; Kimberly Boys R Exploring the Connections Between Cultural and Family Factors and J\1exican-American Adolescents' School Achieve­ mem and Aspirations, Melissa Y. Delgado; Kimberly A. Updegraff Ph.D, R Attribution of Success in Science: The Role of Minority Families, Sandra L. Hanson Presider: William D. Allen CFLE Discussant: Edith Lewis Session goals: (1) To describe limitations o Presider: Estella Martinez current mru:ital therapy. (2) To summarize new findings from observational research on maniage. (3) To outline new directions for marital therapy based on an empirically-grounded theory. R The European Paragon? European Family John Gottman, is a Professor, Univ. of Washington and the Policies and Their Impact on Female Employ­ Founder and Director of The Gottman Institute in Seattle. He ment Patterns, Dirk Hofaecker is well-lmown for his work on the links between matital stabil­ R Single or Married ... I'm Still Working and Poor, Catherine A. ity and emotions, physiology, and communications patterns. Huddleston-Casas; Sally A. Gillman He has earned nun1erous awards, including the NCFR Burgess B Family and Work Identities of Divorced Parents: The Rela­ Award for career contributions to family sh1dies. tionship to Well-being and Overall. Life Satisfacrion, Sandra J. *Research Update for Practitioners srumnarizes the latest research and Bailey CFLE methods and provides a practical base for practitioners and educators. Chair: Patricia Hyjer Dyk Discussant: Leigh Ann Simmons

R Help-seeking Women in Violent Relationships: Intergenerational and Late Life Challenges (AP; SW) Factors Associated with Formal and Informal 8 Family of Origin Expetiences and Attitudes About Help Urilizarion, Janel Leone rn Father Involvement, John M. Beaton; William J. R What About the Abuser? Interventions in Doherty CFLE; Martha A. Rueter Cases of Domestic Yiolence and , Ruth E. B Evaluating Multimedia Technology in Gerontological Fleury-Steiner; Laura Thompson Education, Sally R. Bowman; Cory R. Bollmn; Deborah P. B Are Mothers ReaUy "Gatekeepers" of Children?: iviothers' Coehlo; Clara C. Pratt Perception of Nonresident Fathers' Involvement After B Parenting is Prevention: Effectiveness of an Intensive Separarion, Yosbie Sano; Leslie N. Richards Parenting Program With At-risk Parents of Young Children, Discussant: Michael P. Johnson Esther L. Devall CFLE; Lisa Shields Presider: Jennifer L. Hardesty CFLE P Interventions With Grandparent-headed Families: \)(!hat Can Recorder: Roxanne G. George We Learn From Therapeutic Tasks for ? Megan L. Dolbin-McNab; Dena B. Targ Discussant/Presider: Carolyn S. Will-,:en CFLE Parent-Child Relations in Contemporary Japan (AP; SW) R Quality of Parent-child Relationship and Its Community and Parental Intervention Programs (AP; SW) Determinants in Japan, Yoshinori Kamo R Planning Behaviors of Canadian First Nations R Maternal EmploytTtent and Early Adolescent's ]\{others of School Age Children: The Maternal Social Independence in Japan, Kei Suemori Role Attih1de and Planning Model, Marlene R. Atleo 16 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program R A Comparison Between Japanese Fathers and Mothers in the Situation With Their Three-year Old Children, Kuniko Kato; Kiyomi Kondo-Ikemura R Paternal Involvement, Maternal Anxiety, and Children's Spedal Session - Getting Your Research Social Development: A Comparison of Two Japanese Cohorts, Project Funded Through NICHD* Leader: Lynne M. Casper Masako Ishii-Kuntz; Kuniko Kato; Katsuko Makino; Michiko Tsuchiya Every college and university is cutting budgets, and it is very Chair: Masako Ishii-Kuntz important to find money for funding research projects from Discussant: Teru Toyokawa outside sources. Lynne Casper presents the status of social and behavioral sciences fw1ding within NIH, and NICHD.

Situated Fatherhood: Negotiating Involvement in Physical and Social Contexts (AF; SW) [iirQl R Contextual Scenarios for Stepfathers' Identity Con­ ~~ struction, Boundary \'i/ork, and "Fad1erly" InvohTment, Co-sponsored by rl1e NCFR CFLE Department and Family William Marsiglio Information Services R "Nobody Can be a Father in Here": Identity Construction and Institutional Constraints on Incarcerated Fatherhood, Presider: Dawn Cassidy CFLE, Certification Director Kevin M. Roy By invitation only. R The Haunted Hero: Reality and Idealism in d1e Fathering Accounts of d1e Long-haul Truck Driver, Jeremy Sayers; Greer Litton Fox Co-chairs: William Marsiglio; Kevin M. Roy Discussant: Kerry J. Daly

Sponsored by d1e NCFR Board of Directors and Program Committee. All who are attending the NCFR Conference for the first or second tinle are invited. Come and netxvork wid1 the NCFR Board members, od1er professionals who share your research interests, textbook authors, and Section leaders. Complimentary light refreshments. Work and Families Presiders: Barbara D. Ames CFLE; Tara Saathoff-

All attendees are cordially invited to the President's All attendees are welcome to attend Focus Group sessions. Welcoming Reception from 8:00 -10:00 p.m. tonight in Topics are discussed informally. The sponsoring Section is the Plaza Ballroom - 2nd Floor of the Hyatt indicated by a symbol.

2003 N CFR Annual Conference Program 17 All attendees are welcome to attend d1e business meetings of Sections. This is an opportunity for you to become more All attendees ate cordially invited to come involved in NCFR in the Sections d1at match your areas of and meet NCFR President, Carol A. interest. Darling CFLE, Margaret Rector Sandels Professor of 1-hunan Sciences, Florida State . ...sr.._, Family Science Univ., Col. of Human Sciences, d1e GlQ Presider: Laura S. Smart CFLE, Section Chair NCFR Board of Directors and Section Chairs. After a busy day of meetings, stop and relax and enjoy appetizers wiili your Feminism and Family Studies colleagues. Presider: Anisa M. Zvonkovic, Section Chair Sponsored by Blackwell Publishing and Florida State University, College of Human Sciences

Open Discussion Time - Qualitative Family liTQl Research Network l___c:tlj J'vioderator: Kit Chesla

18 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 8:30 a.m...... Special Session - Intimate Relationships Plaza Foyer (2nd Floor) in Later Life, Ingrid Arnet Connidis 8:00a.m.- 1:00 p.m.; 2:00- 5:00p.m. 10:15 a.m.. Plenary Session- Understanding and Altering the Longitudinal Course of Marriage, Thom2s Bradbury Noon ...... Grand Opening of Exhibits 12:30p.m...... Poster Session 1 Prince of Wales (3rd Floor) 2:15 p.m..... Special Casey Foundation Seminar- Newcomer 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.n1. Families in Emerging Gateway Cities: Intersections o Research, Policy, and Practice, Ray, Morse, Valsamakis, Penny Brighton & Kensington Rooms (4th Floor) 4:00 p.m.... High Tea Fund Raiser for Margaret Atcus Award Noon - 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.... Annual NCFR Membership Meeting and Forum 8:30p.m...... Special Session - Getting Your Grant Funded From the National Science Foundation - Regency Ballroom AlB/Foyer (3rd Floor) Marguerite Barratt Noon-5:30p.m.

rou See page 17 for an explanation of Focus Groups.


Families and Technology Presider: Teresa W. [iifQl Presiders: Derek A. Gwinn CFLE; Peggy S. Today's more complex and varied partner histories and d1eir l____c:'t!j Meszaros, Focus Group Co-chairs implications for family ties across the life course are explored in relation to shifting views about forms of and entitlement to intimate unions. Anet is Professor of Sociology, Univ. of All attendees are welcome. Each day's meditation will be led by \Vestetn Ontario, London, Canada. She is k:no\vn for her work a different facilitator. This toOlTl may be used during the day on aging and family relationships and fue application of for meditation whenever sessions are not held in d1e room. ambivalence to inter- and intracgenerational ties, tl1e conse­ quences of varied Family situations for social networks and ilie link between current trends and social policy. Her recent book, Ties has been popular. She was fue 2001 Petersen Visiting Scholar at Oregon State Univ. Sponsored by Family and Health, Feminism and Family Studies, Education and Enrichment, Family Therapy, and International Sections and Issues in Aging Focus Group

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 19 MFTs and the Medical System (AP; SW) R Estimating Increases in Cost to Medicare: The Effects of Covering Psychod1erapy Services Provided by Marriage and Family Therapists, Jacob Christenson; D. Russell Crane Growing Campus Affiliated Councils B Health Care \Yorkers' Perceptions of Psychosocial Care, P Starting an Affiliated Cmmcil With Students: Ideas Julie Coffey; Kathleen Briggs From i\Ianitoba, Sabrina Moraes; Carol D. Harvey RAn Analysis of the Usefulness of Self-reported Medical Use CFLE in Marriage and Family Therapy Research, D. Russell Crane; P Increasing d1e Membership Base and d1e Participation Rate of Jacob Christenson; Mac Hafen Students in Campus Affiliates, Richard Herbert; Erin Kainer Discussant/Presider: Colleen M. Peterson P Reaching Out From Within, Karen Goldrich Eskow CFLE; Gina Steflm P How Campus Affiliates Can Promote Professional Develop­ Cohabitation and Marriage (AP; SW) ment, Kimberly L. Arva; Lauren P. Smith; Raeann R. Partnership Formation and Stability, Hamon CFLE [iiTQl R ~ Ruth E. Weston; David A. DeVaus; Chair: Raeann R. Hamon CFLE Lixia Qu R Cohabitation: Linkages to Mental I-Ieald1 and Marital Stability, David A. DeVaus; Lixia Qu; Ruth E. Weston Effective Family Life Education Through Mass Means: R Negotiation of Marriage Decisions Between .Muslim Reaching a Larger Audience With a Better Message Immigrant Mothers and Daughters in d1e U.S., Aida Orgocka P Practical Recommendations for the Scholar Who OJ B Balancing Work and Family in Spain: Sharing Domestic \Vants to Address a Message to a National Audience, Responsibilities and Its Implications for Marital Satisfaction, William J. Doherty CFLE Robert Reyes CFLE P Understanding \Vhat the Media Need, Martha Farrell Discussant/Presider: Bahira Sherif-Trask Erickson Recorder: Hee-Kyung Kwon P Practical Ideas for Designing and Marketing Family Life Education, H. Wallace Goddard CFLE P The Perils and Promise of Using Mass Media for Family The Effects of Parental Cohabitation on Child Well-being Life Education Outreach, Judith A. Myers-Walls CFLE. (AP; SW) Chair: William J. Doherty CFLE [iifQl R Differences in Behavioral Outcomes Between Young ~ Children Born to Married and Cohabiting Parents, Academic Success as it Relates to Cynthia Osborne; Sara McLanahan; Jeanne Brooks­ (AP; SW) Gunn R Socio-cultural Aspects of Body Image Among R Parental Cohabitation Transition and Adolescent Well-being, Female University Sh1dents From Migrant Farm Susan L. Brown Worker Families, Tianna L. Hoppe-Rooney; R Maternal Cohabitation and Children's Risk of Premarital Jaime D. Goff; Wilma Novales Birth, Kelly R. Raley R Getting Ready for School: A Look at l\Iexican-American Co-chairs: Susan L. Brown; Wendy D. Manning Mod1ers Teaching Their Preschool Children, Robert P. Discussant: Wendy D. Manning Moreno B Divorce Among Unmarried Muslims, Arabs in Israel: Women's Reasons for the Dissolution of Unachmlized Closure, Context, and Social Support: Mixed Marriages, Orna Cohen; Rivka Sovaya Methodological Strategies for Understanding Friendships R Reconstituted Lives: Changing Intergenerational Relations in in the Lives of Parents and Children (AP; SW) a Transnational Context, Wei-Shan Hsu; Kogila Adam­ [iifQ1 R Overtime Continuity and Change in Children's Moodley LJd::lJ Community-based Friendships: Influences of Context, Discussant: Paul Rosenblatt Peer Characteristics, and Parental Involvement, Anne C. Presider: Velma McBride Murry Fletcher; David Troutman; Andrea G. Hunter

20 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program R Crossing and IVIaintaining Boundaries: Race, Class, and Faid1 Exhibits offer an array of new materials and services to en­ Identity in d1e Development of Closure Relationships, Andrea hance your work. Visit with representatives at all the booths. G. Hunter; Christian Friend; Meeshay Williams; Anne C. Pt'izes will be awarded daily. Today you need not be present dur­ Fletcher ing the drawing to win a prize. Winners will be posted at rl1e R Understanding d1e Impact of Social Support and I<:in and NCFR Bood1. If your name is listed claim your prize there. I...::id1 Closure Relationships on Maternal Self-efficacy Among IVIothers of Black Boys, Meeshay Williams; Anne C. Fletcher; Andrea G. Hunter Chair: Anne C. Fletcher Discussant: Deborah Johnson

Posters are clustered by Section. Get something to eat at the First floor Deli, visit d1e Exhibits, and go to d1e poster session to talk in-depd1 ·with d1e presenters. Awards will be given for d1e best posters in each Section every day. Education Enrichment Section Adlolescenil:s Performance by The Red (Royal 212-1 EE B The Effects of Different Living Arrangements on Canadian Mounted d1e Parenting Practices of Adolescent Mothers, Ellen Introduction of d1e NCFR Board of Directors Abell; Kelly Don; Anthony J. Guarino and Staff 212-2 EE B Romantic Attachment Styles of Parenting and Presider: Paul R. Amato Non-parenting Adolescents, Eunjee Joo; Jerelyn B. Session goals: (1) To summarize what current research says Schultz; Ted G. Futris CFLE about how maniages change over time. (2) To describe how 212-3 EE B Adolescent/Young Fad1ers' InvolYement With lmowledge gained from longitudinal studies can be used to Their Children: The Role of Social Support, Jerelyn prevent adverse marital outcomes, (3) To outline promising B. Schultz; Ted G. Futris CFLE; Janette Wheat directions for basic and applied research 011 mardage in the 212-4 EE R Adolescents as Parents: A Comparison of Parenting future. J\Iales and Females and Their Non-parenting Male Peers, Stacy Thompson; Cathy Hockaday CFLE Thomas Bradbury is Professor, Clinical Psychology, Univ. of 212-5 EE P The Adolescence Resource Center: A Statewide California Los Angeles. Dr Bradbury's research focuses on the Collaboration to Support Adolescents' Well-being, development of mardages and families, the causes of adverse Kristine M. Baber marital outcomes, and the enhancement of marital function­ 212-6 EE B Teens Talk About Divorce: Results of a Pilot ing. He is a well-known aufuor and speaker, and past ;,v:inner Program for Teens \\7ho Have Experienced Their of fue NCFR Reuben Hill Award. Parents' Divorce, Ann Diede; Jacqueline J. Kirby Wilkins CFLE 212-7 EE B Examining Remaniage: Parental Views on Half­ Students/New Professionals N etworldng sibling Relationships as Compared to Youth's Views, Stacy N. Howard All sh1dents (graduate and undergraduate) and new profes­ 212-8 EE BAn Exploration of d1e Role of Family Addiction, sionals are invited. The session is informal and social. Parental Divorce and Sorority :tviembership in Presider: Jennifer Parker, S/NP Program Representative Moderating College Women's Alcohol and Substance Use, Boyd W. Pidcock; Larry F. Forthun CFLE; Judith L. Fischer

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 21 Educational Programs, Kelly M. Roberts; David G. Fournier; Christine A. Johnson 212-22 EE P Preparing Unmarried New Parents to Make Heald1y Decisions About Marriage, Pad1er Involvement, and Family Formation, Karen A. 212-9 EE B Parental Style and Adolescent Crowds, H. Shirer; Jodi L. Spicer; Francesca Adler-Baeder Wallace Goddard CFLE; Brent G. Goff 212-10 EE B Internalization of Religiosity by Adolescents, Feminism and Family Studies Sedion Charles B. Hennon CFLE; Cory Gillen; Glenn 212-23 FF R Gender and Organizational Culture: Correlates of Stone; Mary Link Companies' Responsiveness to Fathers :in Sweden, 212-11 EE R Timing of Sexual Onset in Black and White Linda L. Haas; Philip Hwang Adolescents and Self-concept, Paul R. Springer; 212-24 FF R The Social Construction of Lesbian Gender Carmella Sheppard; Scott Ketring Roles, Page Heisser; Gwendolyn Sorell; Marilyn 212-12 EE B Parent-Adolescent Conflict in Hispanic Families: Montgomery I111plications for Family Life Education, Barbara N. 212-25 FF B Women's Attitudes Towards Job Career, Family Allison CFLE and Gender Roles: How (Un)Happy are Women Wid1 212-13 EE R The Relationship Between Peers and Family Life Current Gender Roles? Detlev Lueck Satisfaction for Adolescents in IvW:itary Families, 212-26 FF R Women at Work: A Gendered Perspective of Moira A. Fallon; Theresa J. Russo CFLE Organizational Interventions, Marianne M. Miller; Work-life Issues Laura A. Bryan 212-14 EE R Exploring Potential Gender Differences in the 212-27 FF R The Juvenile Female Offender: A Feminist Sexual Harassment Beliefs of Pre-workforce Partici­ Development Analysis, Goldie M. Morton; Leigh pants: A Descriptive Study, Heather M. Whaley; A. Leslie Mary Lynn Berry; Michael Lane Morris CFLE 212-28 FF B Overcoming d1e Cinderella Myth: Interviews With Successful Stepmod1ers, Donna R. Smith; Resource Exchange Jason B. Whiting; Karen L. Alexander CFLE; 212-15 EE P Partnering With Parents: Walking the Journey Margaret Machara Together, Kimberly A. Greder CFLE 212-16 EE P The Influence of a Home Visitation, Parent Health Sedion Education Program on Parenting Behaviors: Are 212-29 H-1 B The Predictive Nature of Taking a Family Changes Sustained Over Time? Dawn Koger; Jodi History as Effective Management of Childhood L. Spicer; Dawn Contreras Obesity Among Pediatricians, Crystal Gilbert; 212-17 EE B Enhancing Young Children's Sibling Relation­ Gregory Paul Hickman; Tom Moreau ships Wid1 ilie Ptm With Sisters and Brothers 212-30 FH R The Effects of Childhood Obesity: \'{!hat :is d1e Program, Laurie Kramer CFLE; Denise Kennedy Role of Parenting? Julie Schluterman; Greer Litton Kubose; James Hoelzle Fox; Michael L. Benson 212-18 EE P TANF and Marriage Education: Utilizing 212-31 FH R Stress, Social Support, and Parenting in Families Marriage Legislation to Design a New Educational Living Wid1 a Child Wid1 a Chronic Illness, Laura R. Curriculum That Meets d1e Needs of Low-income Hoard Families, Marta S. McClintock-Comeaux; 212-32 FH R Living Wid1 a Child Wid1 Cancer: Brazilian Katherine A. Kuvalanka Families' Experiences, Lucila C. Nascimento; 212-19 EE P From Marriage to Divorce: An Extension Virginia E. Hayes; Semiramis Melani M. Rocha Response to ColmTlunity Needs, Charlotte Shoup 212-33 FH R Daily Stressors of Siblings Living With a Child Olsen CFLE \'Vid1 Down Syndrome or Autism, Susanne Frost 212-20 EE P Using a Developmental Assets Approach for Olsen; Tina Taylor Dyches; Barbara L. Parenting Education, Rhonda A. Richardson Mandleco; Elaine Sorensen Marshall; Shannon CFLE; Audrey R. Kraynak CFLE; Kathleen K. Martino; Natalie Pope; Erin Hamblin Walker; Maureen S. Blankem.eyer CFLE 212-34 FH B Over the River and Through the Woods: 212-21 EE B Exploration of Supply and Demand: Striking a Grandparental Influences on Heald1y Grandchild Balance Between Service Delivery and Citizen Development, Gregory E. Kennedy; Joyce I. Participation Wid1in State Marriage Initiative Chang

22 2003 N CFR Annual Conference Program 212-48 FH B Aging Couples' Beliefs in Sickness and in Health, Wendy L. Watson; Eric Milne; Aislinn Kelly Research Theory Sedion Methodology 212-35 FH R Factors Associated With Maternal HIV Disclo­ 212-49 RT R Family Boundary Ambiguity: A 30 Year Review sure to Children and Perceived Child Reaction, Robin of Research, Iv1easurement, and Theory, Jason S. Ostrom; Julianne M. Serovich Carroll; Pauline Boss; Nicolle Buckrniller 212-36 FH B Parenting Styles and Allocation of Time With 212-50 RT R Vietnam Veterans and Their Families: An Children, Poppy M. Liossis; Patricia Noller Analysis of Methodologies and ilie Use of Theory in 212-37 FH R Psychological Distress and Sexual Intercourse Research, Melanie Evans; Alan C. Taylor CFLE Among Adopted Adolescents, Mathew Christensen; 212-51 RT R Measuring Intergenerational Farnily Obligations, Brent C. Miller; Kyung-Eun Park; Bryan Lawrence H. Ganong; Marilyn Coleman; Winward; Xitao Fan; Harold D. Grotevant Elizabeth A. Sharp; Jason D. Hans CFLE 212-38 FH R Adopted Adolescents' l(nowledge of and Con­ 212-52 RT R A Multi-dimensional Typology of Parent-adoles­ tact Wid1 Bird1 Parents, Kyung-Eun Park; Brent C. cent Relationships, Melissa R. Head Miller; Mathew Christensen; Bryan Winward; 212-53 RT R Development and Validation of a Brief 4-Item Xitao Fan; Harold D. Grotevant; Manfred H. Version of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale: Using a Van dulmen; Erin Morgan; Steven Lee Non-parametric Item Analysis Model, Yvan Lussier; 212-39 FH R Timing of Motherhood: Factors Influencing Stephane Sabourin; Pierre Valois Women's Decisions to Delay Childbearing, Karen M. 212-54 RT RAn Interdependence Approach to Studying Benzies; Suzanne Tough; Karen Tofflemiere; Roles, Influence, and l'viarital Quality: An Alexander Faber; Christine Newburn-Cook Examination of Four Models, Dan Weigel; 212-40 FH R Interactions Among Users of an Online Bulletin Kyrnberley K. Bennett; Deborah Ballard-Reisch Board for Assisted Reproductive Technologies: A 212-55 RT R Typologizing Sibling Relationships: A Review and Qualitative Content Analysis, Susan K. Wingert; Application of Three Analytic Approaches, Shawn Carol D. Harvey CFLE D. Whiteman; Ji-Yeon Kim; Susan M. McHale 212-41 FH R A Qualitative Inquiry Into the Resiliencies of Work-family Battered Women \V'ho Seek Shelter Assistance in 212-56 RT R Marital Conflict Tactics and the Effects of Rural Communities, April L. Few; Sandra Stith; Influence in Employment Decision-malcing and Erin Richman Satisfaction With Influence in Decision-making: A 212-42 FH R The Impact of Home Computer Use on Family TVIulti-group Cross-domain Growth Analysis, Miriam Functioning Wid1 an Emphasis on ilie Spousal R. Hill; Margaret K. Keiley Relationship: .An Exploratory Study, Jane D. 212-57 RT R Double Income and I<::ids: On the Management of Lanigan; Lillian C. Chenoweth; Mary Bold CFLE Work and Family-related Goals in Working Parents 212-43 FH R The Social Construction of Sex Work: An With Preschool Children, Christiane A. Hoppmann; Exploratory Investigation of Sexuality, Masculinity, Petra L. Klumb and Farnily Structure, Andreas G. Philaretou 212-58 RT R Accour1ting for Relative Work-Home CFLE; Katherine R. Allen CFLE Satisfaction, K. Jill Kiecolt 212-44 FH R Socioeconomic Status and Heald1: The Role of 212-59 RT R Spousal Concurrence on Career Hierarchy, Joy Family Structure and Family Processes, Adam D. E. Pixley Shapiro; Joseph G. Grzywacz Misceilaneo1.11s Topics 212-45 FH R Incarcerated Failiers: Managing d1e Conflicting 212-60 RT R Transitions in Sibling Relationships When a Identities of Inmate and Fad1er, Bradley Ttipp Niece or Nephew is Born,Jana L. Meinhold 212-46 FH R Mexican- and Anglo-Americans in Cardiac 212-61 RT R Grandparent-Grandchild Role Perceptions as Rehabilitation: Do Cultural Differences Make a Viewed by Young Adults, Laura Hess Brown Difference? Ada Wilkinson-Lee; Michael J. 212-62 RT R Depression Among Women in Midlife: The Rohrbaugh; Vanda Shoham; Joshua Schoenfeld Roles of Caregiving and Physical Health, Timothy S. 212-47 FH R Nonsupport and Advocacy Among Family Killian; M. Jean Turner; Rebekah Cain Caregivers, M. Anne Neufeld; Margaret J. 212-63 RT R Managing for Success From a Place Seen as Harrison; Miriam Stewart; K. Hughes Second Best, Katherine A. MacTavish 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 23 212-64 RT R Expanding Family Resiliency Theory to Rural Low-income Families, Maria Vandergriff-Avet·y; Marriage Growth and Challenges (AP; SW) Bonnie Braun; Elaine A. Anderson BUsing Video Tape Feedback to Improve Self-aware­ 212-65 RT R Can Two Wrongs Make a Right? Premarital OJ ness \'Vith Married Couples: A Longitudinal Perspective, Cohabitation, Parental Divorce, and 1\Iarital Quality Edgar C. J. Long; Jeffrey J. Angera; Mikiyasu Hakoyama and Stability, Claire M. Kamp Dush B Coming to Terms With Difficult Events in the Family of EdlUication Enrichment Sedion Origin and Relationship/Marital Quality, Vjollca K. 212-66 EE R Factors in Effective Comtmmity Partnerships: Martinson; Thomas B. Holman CFLE An Assessment Over Time, Lydia I. Marek CFLE; B The Relationship Evaluation (RELATE): A Test of Its Donna-Jean P. Brock; Jay A. Mancini Effects on Premarital Relationships and Participant Satisfaction With T\vo Interpretation Formats, Rebekka S. Vatter; Jeffry Sedion H. Larson CFLE; Thomas B. Holman CFLE 212-67 FP B Connections Benveen Communities and Com­ B A Formative and Summative Evaluation of a J\Ianiage munity-based Programs: Effects on Program Preparation Program Using Mentor Couples, Steven A. Wages Sustainability and Success, Jay A. Mancini; Lydia L CFLE; Carol A. Darling CFLE Marek CFLE; Donna-Jean P. Brock Discussant/Presider: Charlotte Shoup Olsen CFLE

Family and Health Research: Lessons Learned and New Approaches (AP; SW) How to Become a Certified Family Life Educator R Where Have We Been and Where Do We Go? A Leader: Dawn CFLE Decade Review of Family Health Research With Asian Families, Mayumi A. Willgerodt; Marcia G. Killien Learn about the advantages and processes of becoming a R Lessons Learned Through Participatory Action Research in Certified Family Life Educawr. Dawn Cassidy is the Director the Indian Family Stories Project, Ann E. Garwick; Sally of the CFLE program. Auger

: Brian The "Building the American Community" demonstration project was created in response to the increasing of refugees and immigrants in the United States and the devolution of for support services from federal to state government. This session examines intergenerational family-based challenges in three communities and how coalitions of institutions developed practices and resources to facilite integration for these families. Brian is Policy Analyst, :Migmtion Policy lnst., Washington, · Ann Morse is Program Dir., Policy Project, Natl. Conf. of State Legislatures.; Arlene McLaren is Prof. of Simon FraseJ: and Research for a Project funded by Vancouver Metropolis Valsamakis is a social worker in Portland, OR; Dana is Adm.in., Employment & Training, Office of Apprenticeship Employer & Labor U.S. Department. of Labor.

24 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Men as Family Caregivers (AP; SW) 1iifQ1 R Men, Fad1ering, and Generativity: What Experiences 2 are Necessary? Brian P. Masciadrelli; Joseph H. Pled: R Addressing Racial Disparities in the Incidence of Infant R Uncling: A Place at d1e Table, Robert M. Milardo Mortality: Lessons Learned From the Onondaga County Case R A Comparative Analysis of Fad1ers' and Mothers' Caregiving Study, Mark D. Thomas With Young Adult Sons and Daughters, Chdstine M. Proulx; R A Daily Diary Approach to Understanding Health and Well­ Heather M. Heims-Erikson; Sara Neeves being, Mari S. Wilhelm; David M. Almeida; Rodney M. R Changing Social Expectations and Caregiving Experiences Cate; Amy Howerter; Shevaun D. Neupert; Bdan G. for l'viiddle-class and Working-class Fad1ers in Korea, Young Ogolsky; David Rice; Joyce Seddo; Cindy Simon In Kwon; Kevin M. Roy Discussant: Sharon A. Denham Chair: Robert M. Milardo Moderator: Elaine Sorensen Marshall Discussant: Stephen R. Marks

Daily Experiences of Sex: Individuals, Relationships, and Envisioning Women's Futures: Multiple Vantage Points Emotions (DESIRE) (AP; SW) and Contexts (AP; SW) liiTQl R What's Lust Got to do Wid1 It?: An Examination of R Themes of Undergraduate \'Vomen's Life Stories: 2 College Students' Definitions of Lust, Dawn M. Voices From d1e 1950's, 1960's and 2000's, Lee Ann Collins; Amy Lynn Reesing; Carl A. Ridley; Rodney DeReus; Lorrie Ryan; Anupama Joshi; Pamela M. Kani; M. Cate; Sean Banks; James E. Hunt; Ana A. Lucero; Paul A. Moore Brian G. Ogolsky; Rochelle Plush R The Lives of Jewish Lesbian Women and Gender Dynamics R The Semantics of Sexual Attraction: The Need for Semantic in a LGBT Congregation in d1e United States, Batya Hyman Clarity in the Study of Intimate Relationships, James E. R Embodied Context: Social Institutional Influences on Family Hunt; Amy Lynn Reesing; Dawn M. Collins; Carl A. Heald1 Decision-making, Kaysi Eastlick Kushner Ridley; Rodney M. Cate; Sean Banks; Ana A. Lucero; R The Impact of Marital Status on \'Vomen's Retirement, Brian G. Ogolsky; Rochelle Plush Christine A. Price CFLE; Eunjee Joo R Sexual Intercourse: Sexual Desire, Relational Power, and Discussant: Leslie N. Richards Couple Closeness, Ana A. Lucero; Dawn M. Collins; Amy Presider: Lori A. McGraw Lynn Reesing; Carl A. Ridley; Rodney M. Cate; Sean Recorder: Catherine Richards Solomon Banks; James E. Hunt; Brian G. Ogolsky; Rochelle Plush R Daily Stress and Dating Relationships, Sean Banks; Carl A. Older Adulthood (AP; SW) Ridley; Rodney M. Cate; Dawn M. Collins; Amy Lynn Reesing; James Hunt; Brian G. Ogolsky; Ana A. R IVIarriage and Kinship Regime and Intergenerational E. Lucero; Rochelle Plush Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Rela­ Co-chairs: Rodney M. Cate; Carl A. Ridley tionships Between Mothers and Grandmothers in Japan, Korea, China, Indonesia, Israel, Germany and Turkey, Bernhard Nauck; Jana Suckow R Expectations for Caregiving Assistance by Elderly Parents and Their Adult Children in Rural Thai Families; Poonsuk Wachwithan; Daniel F. Detzner; Catherine A. Solheim Limited to 10 attendees at each table. Participants change tables every R Across Generation and Gender: Acculturation, Gender Role 40 minutes to allow participation in two discussions. Attitudes, and Conflict in Iranian Immigrant Families, Mahtab 221-1 FH PIn Sickness and in Health: The Amelioration of Moradi; Kyle D. Killian Suffering in Couples Experiencing Illness, Janice M. R Grandparents as Caregivers to Their Grandchildren in Bell; Nancy J. Moules; Janet Fraser; Kari China: A Multiple-Case Study, Xiaolin Xie; Yan R. Xia CFLE Simonson Discussant/Presider: Marilyn Bensman 221-2 EE P FLE Substance Area/Competency MatrL'\: for Recorder: Faline Bateman Christensen CFLE Tracking Students' Knowledge and Skill Develop­ ment, Ellen Bryce Dickey CFLE; Lori Farrer; Kristy A. Smith CFLE; Karen R. Blaisure CFLE 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 25 221-3 FF P Integrating Commtmity Into the Classroom: Giving Yoicc to the J\Iissing Discourse of Women's Family Roles in Times of War, Beth C. Emery CFLE; Catherine D. Stogner CFLE 221-4 EE P Professionals in the Making: Teaching Parent Education at the Graduate Level, Jo Ann Engelbt·echt CFLE; Arminta L. Jacobson CFLE 221-5 FT Researching Clinical Talk Utilizing Discursive 1\Iethodology, John Lawless; Jerry E. Gale 221-6 FP P !\laking Collaborations Work for Children, Youth, R Codependency as a Mediator and Moderator Between and Families, Daniel Francis Perldns CFLE; Family of Origin Dysfunction and Young Adult Lynne M. Borden Offspring Dating Relationship Satisfaction, Neetu 221-7 FS Training Students to be Better Consumers of Arora; Judith L. Fischer; Jacld Fitzpatdck CFLE Research: Evaluating Empirical Research Reports, R The Course of Depression, Negative Affect, and Physical Ariel Rodriguez; Michelle L. Toews Symptoms Throughout Pregnancy, Bdan G. Ogolsky; Amy 221-8 FP B Teaching About Family Advocacy, Activism, and Howerter; Joyce Seddo; Cindy Simon; Mad S. Wilhelm Lobbying, William E. Rose; Steven K. Wisensale; B Coping With Family Stress: Implications for Long-term Elaine A. Anderson; Donna S. Lero; Kimberly A. Marital Outcomes Among Couples in Step families, Dayna Greder CFLE; Debra L. Berke CFLE Lee-Baggley; Susan B. Holtzman; Anita DeLongis; 221-9 FP P Are We Making d1e Anger Worse? The Anger Melady Preece Triangle in Children and Implications for Family Policy R Girls' Body Image Distortion: The Influence of Research and Practice, Malcohn L. Smith CFLE Socialization Techniques on the Discrepancy Between 221-10 FT B The Future of MFT: Web-based Continuing Perceptions of Weight and BMI, Abbey Fruth; Monica A. Education Program for Head Start Workers, Volker Longmore K. Thomas; Kafescioglu Nilufer Discussant: Marie Elise Radina CFLE J\Ioderaror: Miriam H. Mulsow

Unwed Parents: Barriers to Healthy Marriage and Potential Strategies for Overcoming Them (AP; SW) B The Effects of Welfare and Policies on This Union Formation, Marcia J. Carlson; Irwin Garfinkel; Advances in Sara McLanahan; Ronald Mincy; Wendell Primus; of tamily life education scholars and nr:Ktiltio,ne.rs Christina Gibson; Kathryn Edin; Barbara Devaney the field through research, B \X!lw Don't Low-income Couples i\Iarry? A J\Ii'>:ed Med1ods u:aditio11 that is Appro;Kh, Christina Gibson; Katlu·yn Edin; Sara McLanahan LU<-•v'""'-'V consists of baked scones served with Devon- Toward Building Interventions to Su:engthen Relationships shire cream and preserves or jat11, fancy assorted and Encourage Healthy J\larriage Among Unwed Parents, and of course tea There will be a short pro- Robin Dion; Barbara Devaney gratn at 5:30 p.m., including Yocal selections Bert ruuuu,, Discussant: Theodora Oon1s NCFR past president, his wife Diane. Presider: Bonnie Campbell The cost of the tea is $40 U.S. or $50 CAD. Canadi.at1s who wish to receive a t:L'i: for Conceptual Models to Improve Therapist .Award Endowment fund should make checks Decision-n1aldng and Client Change (AP; SW) Council for Families. U.S. attendees make checks to Targeting Interventions [0 Maximize Client Change: and you will receive a ta_x for for tl1e Using Conceptual Models, David G. Fournier; Award. Kathleen Charles C. Hendrix

26 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program B Teaching Family Therapy Using Problem-based Learning, Heather D. J. Coleman; Don Collins; Peter Baylis B Turning Differences Into Opportunities: Using Discourse Presider: Carol A. Darling CFLE, 2001-2003 NCFR Analysis to Investigate Change in Therapy, Wid1 Adolescents President and Their Families, Shari J. Couture; Tom Strong Presentation of Appreciation Awards to NCFR President, Carol A. Darling CFLE; NCFR Program Chair, Paul R. Religious Influences on Multicultmal Families (AP; SW) Amato and Local Arrangements Co-chairs: Phyllis Johnson R I\Iaking d1e Intangible Tangible: Quilts as Symbolic and Cheryl Jeffs, and the Local Arrangements Committee. Expressions of Familial and Community Belonging in All NCFR members are welcome. Learn about NCFR and its Amish, Appalachian, and Mormon Cultures, Cheryl L. future Programs. Participate in discussions. This is an Cheek; Kathleen W. Piercy opporttmity for members to provide input to the Board. R Sacred Sacrifices Made by Children and Adolescents in Jew­ ish, Chtistian, and Muslim Families, David C. Dollahite CFLE B How and Why do Religious Beliefs Influence Marriage? Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Perspectives, Loren Marks Discussant/Presider: DonaldS. Swenson

The Effects of Co-parental Relationship on Nonmarried Female Adolescent Smoking: A Family Health Concern Teen-aged Parenting (AP; SW) (AP; SW) lif9l B Predictors of Ymmg Fad1ers' Prenatal Involvement, Panel: Peggy S. Meszaros; Angela J. Huebner; Fred ~ Jay Fagan; Marina Barnett Piercy; Jenny Matheson; Sean Davis; Lauren B Predicting Contact Between Children and Non-residential Shettler Fad1ers: A Mediating Model of Teen-aged Mothers Desire for B Ecological Factors: Does Family Make a Difference? Fad1er Involvement, Debra A. Madden-Derdich; Melissa J. B Female Adolescent Smoking: A Work in Progress Herzog; Stacie A. Leonard B Female Adolescent Smoking: A Delphi Study on Best B She Says Versus He Says: The Effects of Teen Mother­ Prevention Practices Father Relations on Father Involvement, Ted G. Futris Discussant and Chair: Peggy S. Meszaros CFLE; Katherine J. Dean Recorder: Fred Piercy B Young Mothers and Partners: Exploring Intra-generational and Inter-generational Co-parenting Relationships and d1e Effects on I\Iod1ers' Parenting Practices, Francesca Adler­ The Strengths and Challenges of Low-income Families Baeder; Ellen Abell (AP; SW) Chair: Ted G. Futris CFLE B The Resilience and Strengtl1s of Low-income Discussant: Kevin M. Roy Families, Dennis K. Orthner; Hincldey Jones-Sanpei; Sabrina Williamson B Family Tics: Constructing Family Time in Low-income Families, Carolyn Tubbs; Kevin M. Roy; Linda Burton B Private Safety Net: Childcare Resources From d1c Perspec­ tive of Rural Low-income Families, Mary Jo Katras; Virginia Solis Zuiker; Jean W. Bauer P Passing d1e Torch: Feminist Mcntoring of Graduate B The Working Poor: From tl1e Economic Margins to Asset­ Students, Aine Marie Humble CFLE; Catherine Richards Building, M. Janice Hogan-Schiltgen; Catherine A. Solomon; Katherine R. Allen CFLE; Michael P. Johnson; Solheim; Susan M. Wolfgram; Nicola Dominique Ronald Karen R. Blaisure CFLE; Haniette P. McAdoo Rodrigues (India); Busi Nokosi (Soud1 Africa) Prcsiders: Jennifer S. Parker; Anisa M. Zvonkovic

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 27 Japanese Sojourners' \'Vives' Community in the U.S., Noriko Toyokawa; Teru Toyokawa R General Life Stress, Parenting Stress, and Parenting Behav­ iors Among Chinese Immigrant Parents, Yan Wang; Angela Chair: Dennis K. Orthner R. Wiley Discussant: Patricia Hyjer Dyk Discussant/Presider: Bernhard Nauck Recorder: Debra L. Berke CFLE

Institutional Rankings in Family-Science Based on Faculty Publication Productivity - Methods, Issues, Implications Panel: Steven L. West; Carolyn Woody Graham; Keri K. O'Neal; Myra D. West B Research ProductiviL-y and lnstimtional Rankings of Journal Articles B I\Iethod to Overcome a Major Shortcoming of Research Productivity B Uses for Instih1tional and Departmental Rankings in Family Therapy Advancing the Field of Family Science Presider: Kathleen Briggs, Section Chair Chair: Steven L. West Discussant: Rebecca A. Adams CFLE 15 m.

Power, Privilege, and Representation in Feminist Family See page 17 for an explanation of Focus Groups. Research: Negotiating Ethical Information ~ Workshop Leaders: Katherine R. Allen CFLE; l___Q:!J April L. Few

What Can We Learn From Europe: Evolution of European Family Policies, Gender Attitudes, and Implications in a Globalizing World (AP; SW) _. R I\Iacro-struch1ral Context of Family Life in ~European Countries, Dirk Hofaecker R Culh1ral Persistence of Traditional Gender Role Attitudes Over Time: Cross-national Comparisons, Detlov Lueck Youll" Reseall"ch R Labor Force Participation of \'Vomen and Mothers and Fmm the Attitudes Toward the Labor Force Participation, Dana Hamplova Leader: Marguerite Barratt, Program Director, Devclopmenc Discussant and Chair: Heather Hofmeister and Learning Sciences, Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, National Science Foundation Every college and university is cutting budgets, and it is very Lifespan/Lifestyle Transitions (AP; SW) important to find money for funding research projects from R Cultural Diversity and Leaving the Parental Home in outside sources. Dr. Barratt presents the stah1s of social and Canada, Barbara Mitchell behavioral sciences funding within the National Science R A Qualitative Analysis of Gender-EgualiLT Among Dual­ Foundation. Income First Year Married Couples From a CulL1.1re With a Collectivistic Culmre, Karen Quek Dr. Barratt will be available on Friday morning from 9:00 R The Reproduction of Traditional Household Systems in a.m. - Noon in the Lmd Byron Room to tall\: vvith foll\:s about their specific funding questions.

28 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 242-S EE B Bridging Theory and Practice Through Service­ learning, Kevin A. Galbraith

Round tables are limited to 10 attendees each. Participants Meetangs remain at the same table for d1e entire session. No advance registration is required. 242-1 RT R Mothers' Different Treatment of Their Unwanted, 1\Iis-timed, and I mended Children, Jennifer S. Barber; Patricia East 242-2 RT RAre Estimates of Family Processes From Long­ term Studies Biased by Attrition? An Empirical Test in a Twenty-year Panel Study, David R. Johnson; International Zhiqun Tang 242-3 IN P Sharing Experience, l(nowledge, and Tips: Perspectives of International NCFR Attendees, Seonju Koh; Hee-Kyung Kwon; Kyung-Eun Park 242-4 FF B Saving Young Women: An Examination of Relational Aggression, Michelle J. Krehbiel CFLE See page 17 for an explanation of Focus Groups 242-5 FF R Meet [VIe Online: A Comparison of Internet and Face-to-Face Qualitatiw 1\Iethods in Studying Gay Families, Brad S. Moorefield; Christine M. Proulx; G/L/B/T B. Kay Pasley 242-6 FT R "Till Death Do Us Apart" Informing MFT Through the Voice of Older Couples, Allison Sievers; Xiaolin Xie; Teresa McDowell 242-7 FS P A University NPO (Non-profit Organization) Marriage and Farnily Enrichment Model for Working With Federal Healthy Presider: Phyllis E. Michael CFLE, Focus Group Marriages/Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives, S. Chair Greg Thompson; Gladys J. Hildreth CFLE

During the 2002 Annual Conference, members of the International Section were asked to sponsor a tour of Farnily Life Agencies in Vancouver during the 2003 Conference. \Vith the assistance of the Local Arrangements Committee, a great day has been planned:

an agency for low-income substance-abusing women who are pregnant or parenting infants. The majority of those served by the program are Fitst Nation women. Also they will visit the program, sponsored by the United Chinese Community Enrichment Senrices Society, \Vhich assists new Canadians to overcome language and cultural barriers, achieve self-reliance and contribute fully to Canadian society. Their programs span thelifespan and induce family life education.

Complete information will be e-mailed to those who register.

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 29 The heart and soul of d1e NCFR Annual Conference are the Concurrent Sessions sponsored by Sections. Colleagues submit proposals fOr presention at the Conference. All proposals are blind, peer reviewed by three reviewers from the NCFR Section to which it is subnitted.

The reviewers role is key to ensuring tl1at conference presentations are of tl1e highest quality for a tich, rewarding, and stimulatng confer­ ence expc1ience. Reviewers donated many homs to evaluate d1e proposals. \'Ve are grateful to the follmving reviewers dus year:

l'vlixon Ware Chris tine Price Kathleen Briggs, Leslie Richards Alan Booth Jmuce G. Weber CFLE Section Chair Bill Rose Susan Brown CFLE M. Elise Radina Russ Crane Elizabed1 Sharp Matt Bumpus Kevin Allemagne Jason Wilde Diane Rose Chris Estes Rebecca \Varner Pamela Choice Alice Atkinson j\Ji'mn Ware David Fournier Mati Wilheh11 CFLE CFLE Brandt Gardner Anisa Zvonkovic, Ann Crouter, Sandra]. Bailey Lizbed1 Gray Section Chair Section Chair Betty Barber William r'\llen Deborah Berke Carmen Guanipa Kerry Daly Andrew Behnke Wynona Bryant- CFLE James Harper Jim Deal l(aren DeBord Williams, Section Lydia Blalock Dale Hawley Dave Demo Jodi Dworkin Douglas A. Abbott Chair Tom Chibucos Charles Hendti'l: Donna Dempster- JoAnn Engelbrecht Carolyn Ball;cwell Margaret Crosbie- Patricia Hyjer Dyk, Cody Hollist McLane CFLE Asli Carkoglu Bmnett Section Chair I'-tisten Hohn David Eggebeen 1Iichael Fleming Faline Bateman Cad1erine Jeffrey Hill Elena IGm Greer Litton Fox Ted Futris CFLE Christensen Cushinberry Jackie Kirby Jeff Larson CFLE Ted Fuu-is CFLE l(ev:in Galbraith Serdar M. April Few Leslie Koepke l'vlichael Olson Jean Gerard Wallace Goddard Degirmencioglu Curtis Fox Bethany Letiecq Colleen Peterson Jane Gilgun CFLE, Section Judiili L. Fischer Katia Paz Goldfard Karen McCurdy Karen Rosen Alan Hawkins CFLE Chair J acki Fitzpattick Heather Had1away Terrance Olson Marlo Rouse-Arnett Melissa Head Jacqueline Haessly CFLE, Section 1Iiranda Tara Saad1off-Wclls Voll,er Thomas Head1er Heh11s CFLE Chair Tammy Henderson Jean Scott Judy Watson Tiesel Lynnette Hoelter i\ine Humble Marcy Floyd CFLE Leigh Ann Simmons David Van Dyke i\hl;ce Johnson Abraham Hwang Gregory P. Hickman Edid1 Lewis Tasha Snyder Mark Wlute Wendy Manning Arminta Jacobson Hee-Kyung Kwon Estella Martinez Donald Unger Darren \Vozney Sharon McGroder CFLE Wenli Liu Magalenc H. Taylor Frmcisco Villarruel Sus;m McHale Jackie Kirby Wilkins Andrea McCoun Linda Trollinger N a11 cy \'<7all;ccr Lam-ie Meschke CFLE Frances L. 1Iurphy Francisco A. 1lixon \Vare Maureen Perry- Shirley R. IQein Judidl A. Myers- Jenkins Villarruel Steve \Visensale Dorothy Berglund Walls CFLE Sally Martin CFLE Joe Pittmm Farrell Webb David Yarbrough Debra Berke CFLE Bernhard Nauck \'

30 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 8:30 a.m .... Special Session- Gay and Lesbian Relationships, Plaza Foyer (2nd Floor) J'vfarriages, and Families, Patterson 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.; 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. 10:15 a.m ...... Plenary Session- Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Marriage, Noon ...... Exhibits Break 12:30 p.m...... Diversity Action Session Prince of Wales (3rd Floor) 12:30 p.m...... Poster Session 2 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 2:15p.m...... Research Update for Practitioners- Fragile Families: Extending Ametican Models of Family Formation, Ronald Mincy Brighton & Kensington Rooms (4th Floor) 2:15p.m...... Special Workshop- Strengthening Noon - 4:00 p.m. Families Through Volunteetisn1 and Research, Cihlar & Shrestha 4:00p.m... Marie Peters Award Address, Norma J. nrlt'O•P"" Regency Ballroom AlB/Foyer (3rd Floor) 8:30 p.m...... Receptions sponsored by Universities and 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Allied Associations

See page 17 for an explanation of Focus Groups

J. In d1e U.S. >md Canada gay and lesbian households are common, and an increasing num­ ber of children are being raised by gay and les­ bian parents. Session goals: (1) 1o review­ Moderator: Norma J. Bond Burgess research on long-term gay and lesbian relation­ This session is for college/university administrators. Come to ships and how these relationships differ or are share inJormation with od1ers about d1e unique opportunities similar to heterosexual relationships. and challenges for administrators of universities and colleges. (2) To consider the impact of gay and lesbian parenting on children's development and well­ being. To assess d1e impact of recent legal and political decisions in d1e U.S. and Canada on the gay and lesbian marriage debate. All attendees are welcome. Each day's meditation will be led by AJ.:n:aeK. is Professor of Psychology, a different facilitator. This room may be used during the day Wright State Univ., Dayton, OH. Danielle C. Patterson for meditation whenever sessions are not held in the room. is Prof., Dept. of Psychology; Univ. of Quebec at Montreal, and Center for d1e study of biological inter­ actions between organizations and their environments. Charlotte Patterson is Professor of Psychology, Univ. of Virginia. All are well-known researchers in this field.

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 31 R Mentoring, Expertise and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Debra L. Buke CFLE R Developing a New Generation of Scholars Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Deborah Barnes Gentry CFLE R The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and Family Adolescent and Early Adult Issues (AP; SW) Science, Barbara H. Settles B Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention: A lviultiyear Chair: Bahira Sherif-Trask Evaluation of an Abstinence-only Program,Jo Lynn Discussant: Ramona Marotz-Baden Cunningham; Delores E. Smith B College Student Stress: The Influence of Interpersonal Rela­ tionships on an "I Can Do Tlus" Attitude, Carol A. Darling Couples' Issues in Therapy (AP; SW) CFLE; Lenore M. McWey CFLE; Stacy N. Howard B Couple Profiles: Identifying Risk and Protective R Reconnecting Youth in Iowa: A Four Year Study of a High Factors Across the Lifespan, Heidi Brunner; Eric School Prevention Class, Cathy Hockaday CFLE; Jerry Milne; Elizabeth Bullough; Jason S. Carroll Stubben; Robin Heinemann B Does the Future of Marriage Depend on Premarital Educa­ B Family Rituals, Risk Factors, and Deviant Behavior: tion? Marlo T. Rouse-Arnett; Jennie E. Dilworth CFLE Incarcerated Respondents Versus College Students, Joanne Roberts CFLE; Rudy Ray Seward B Infertility: A Couples' Disorder, Joyce Serido P What Does It Mean to Be Relational? Issues for Couples Therapy Assessment and Practice, Rachelle S. Wright; Amy R. Tuttle; Linda Buxbaum; Carmen Knudson-Martin; Douglas Huenergardt Discussant/Prcsider: Ian Feinauer

Substance Abuse and Family Health (AP; SW) New Research on Marriage (AP; SW) B Treatment Considerations for Co-morbid Substance ~~J~ ~I: ow Does Pe~sonality Affect Connubial Bonds? Abuse and ADHD, Miriam H. Mulsow I u- SllVla K. Bartolic; Mark 0. Jarvis; Ted L. Huston B Fanlliy-bascd Substance Abuse Prevention Program R Explaining Racial Differences in Marital Quality, Jennifer Effectiveness, Kimberly A. Ryan; Steven L. West Roebuck R The Assessment of Prenatal Alcohol Usc: A Statewide Study R Marital Status and Well-being Arnong Older Adults: The of 1\Iinnesota, Laurie L. Meschke; Joyce Holl; Sara Messelt Significance of Cohabitation, Susan L. Bruwn; Jennifer Roebuck B Family Relationships of Women in Substance Abuse Treat­ ment: Charactetistics and Effects on Outcomes, Jacqueline R Marital Instability and Psychological Srress: An Assessment Wallen of Panel A mit-ion, Gretchen R. Ruth; David R. Johnson Discussant: Heather M. Helrns-Erikson B A Cross-domain Growth Analysis of Drug-abusing Women's Presidcr: Melissa R. Head Drug Use and Relationslup Adjustment With Partners Over Eighteen Months, Susan K. Takigiku; Margaret K. Keiley; Shelley M. MacDermid CFLE; Robert A. Lewis; Megan L. Dolbin-McNab Discussant: Teresa W. Julian Moderator: Jennifer L. Hardesty CFLE Presider: Raeann R. Hamon President, Association of Cotmcils Prom~ting Mentoring, Expertise and Reflection in Family Tlus session is for presidents or representatives from student Sc1ence Through the Scholarship of Teaching and affiliated colUlcils to meet with Association of Councils offi­ Learning cers, enjoy a light breakfast, and discuss issues relevant to R Developing a Scholarslup of Teaching and Learning, student councils. Bahira Sherif-Trask

32 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Prograrn Presider: Pm:il R. Amato

R. Mincy R. S. Oropesa M. Ishii-Kuntz P. Johnson This session will focus on vadations in marriage across different racial and ethnic gtoups in d1e United States and Canada. Session goals: (1) To describe how fmnily structures and processes dif­ fer between groups such as African Americans, Latinos, and Asians. (2) To delineate the specific strengths and challenges facing d1ese groups as they form and maintain marriages in the current social environment. (3) To reflect on probable futures for mm:riages within these communities. Ronald is Maurice V Russell Professor of Social Policy and Social Work Practice, Sch. of Social Work, Columbia Univ. His research focus is on the effects of welfare, child support, fatnily support, housing and employment and training policies and practices on family formation and father involvement.

R. S. is Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography, Dept. of Sociolog;~ Penn State Univ. His research interests currently focus on the consequences of migration and assitnilation (or lack thereof) for family formation, health, and inequality among Latinos in the lJnited States. Masako Ishii-Kuntz is Associate Professor of Sociology, Uni\c of California-Riverside. She was the Director of the Tokyo Study Ctr., Education Abroad Program of d1e U of California in Japan for 5 years. She is also a Fellow of the Inst. of Asian Culnrral Studies at the International Christian Univ. of Tokyo. Her comparative research focuses on gender dynamics in families and workplaces, with emphasis on fad1ers' involvement it1 housework and childcare. ;otmsonis Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator, School of Social Work and Fmnily Studies, Univ. of Bdtish Columbia. She is noted for her research b1idgit1g fmnily resource management witl1 other areas of family studies.

Students/New Professionals Nenvoddng All students (graduate and undergraduate) and ne\v profession­ als arc liwited. The session is informal and social. Presidcr: Jennifer Parker, S/NP Program Representative Wrap-up: A, The purpose of this session is to highlight the accomplish­ ments of NCFR and to explore areas for future growtl1 and action in tl1e areas of diversity. r'\ll attendees are welcome.

Exhibits offer an array of new materials and services to enhance your work. Take time to visit with representatiYes at all the booths. Ptizes will be awarded daily. Today you need not be present during the drawings to wi11 a prize. All ptize winners will be posted at the NCFR Booth. If your name is listed you can daitn your prize there.

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 33 314-10 EE P Student Reflections of Service Learning in Parenting Education, Kathleen K. Walker; Maureen S. Blankemeyer CFLE; Rhonda A. Richardson CFLE; Audrey R. Kraynak CFLE

Miscellaneous Topics 314-11 EE B Gearing Up for College: An Examination of Posters are clustered by Section. Get something to eat at the Parental Knowledge of College Requirements and Deli, visit the Exhibits, and be in the poster session to talk in­ Aspirations for Post-secondary Education, Sean A. depth with the presenters. Awards will be given for the best Lovitt; Daniel A. McDonald; Mari S. Wilhelm; E. posters in each Section each day. Yvette Florez; Stephanie Hazel Education and Enrichment Section 314-12 EE R Spouse Perceptions of Fit and Satisfaction in a Children Greedy Institution, Jennifer Morris McFadyen; 314-1 EE B September 11th and Terrmism: What Do Kristy Crombie; Jennifer L. Kerpelman Children Know? Liang-Yu Flora Deng; Karen S. 314-13 EE R Problem Solving in Early Adult Romantic Myers-Bowman CFLE; Kathleen K. WaU;:er Relationships: The Influence of Family of Origin, G. 314-2 EE B Grandparent Involvement and Support in Kevin Randall; Chalandra M. Bryant CFLE; K. A. Families With Children Wid1 Disabilities, Gary L. S. Wickrama Schilmoeller; Marc D. Baranowski 314-3 EE B Child Abuse and Mandated Reporting: Attitude Polky Section and Knowledge of Sh1dents IVIajoring at Early 314-14 FP B Straight From d1e Horse's Moud1: What State Childhood Care and Education in Soud1 Taiwan, Legislators Say l'viakes Research More Useful to Cluh-Hung Yang; Yu-Chi Yu Them, Karen Bogenschneider; Bettina M. Friese; Elizabeth Gross; Carol Johnson; Jennifer Reiner family life !Education 314-15 FP P Harms to Clllidren and Parents Inherent to Abuse 314-4 EE B A Cost-effective Approach to Family Life Investigations, Gordon E. Finley; Sandra D. Mira Professional In-service Training, Millie Ferrer 314-16 FP R Family and Child Processes as Mediators of CFLE; Suzanna D. Snlith CFLE Influences of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Child 314-5 EE P Reducing the "Distance" in Distance Education: Conduct Problems, Mark W. Roosa; Shiying Deng; Integrating Theory and Practice in Developing and Ginger Burrell; Vera Lopez; Ehl'i Ryu; Saldna Delivering an Online Family Studies Degree, Joanne Crowder; Jenn-Yun Tein G. Keith; Rochelle Dalla; Jill Thorngren; 314-17 FP P Stepparents' Rights and Obligations Toward Francisco A. Villarruel Their Stepchildren: Is d1e Only Option? 314-6 EE R The Role of Theory in Family Life Education Sarah E. C. Malia Programs: A Content Analysis of Research Published 314-18 FP R Grandma's Hands: Black Grandmothers in in Korean Family Studies Periodicals, Soyoung Lee; Virginia Speak About Their Experiences Wid1 TANF, Jay A. Mancini; Sun Wha Ok Tammy L. Henderson CFLE; Jennifer Cook; 314-7 EE B The Family Storyteller: A Collaborative Model for Lauren Behrens; Soyoung Lee Reaching At-risk Families \'Vid1 Specialized Family 314-19 FP The Influence of Teenage Clllidbearing, Family Life Education, Sally Sommer Martin CFLE; Dan Structure, and Social Support on Educational Weigel; Pat Behal Attainment Among Rural, Low-income Women, 314-8 EE B A Community Approach to Family Strengthening Melissa A. Rudd; Bonnie Braun Programs: Lessons From Partnership for Strong 314-20 FP B Does Marital Stahls Matter Among Low-income Hmong Families Project, Geetika Tiwari; Stephen Fathers? Implications for Marriage Promotion A. Small Policies, Julie K. Kohler; Bethany L. Letiecq Parenting Education 314-21 FP R Choosing a "Grade A" l'viarriage: Covenant 314-9 EE B Not Just for Vuh1erable Populations: The Need Marriage and President Bush's Healthy Marriage for a Policy Framework for J\Iainstream Parenting Initiative, Laura A. Sanchez; Steven L. Nock; Julia Education Programs in Canada, Melanie H. Moore; C. Wilson; James D. Wright; Jill Deines Berna J. Skrypnek 314-22 FP B The Caregiving Compromise: Influences on Rural, Low-income \'Vomen Decisions Around Work,

34 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 314-36 IN R Gender Role and Elder Care in China: A Pilot Shldy With College Shldents, Guoshi Zhang; Xiaolin Xie; A. Prawitz; Yan R. Xia CFLE; Xiaofan Liu Family, and Child Care, Susan K. Walker; Kathy L. 314-37 IN R Chinese College Shldents' Perceptions of Filial Reschke Obligations, Yan R. Xia CFLE; Xiaolin Xie; Sherry 314-23 FP B Adaptation to Change: Western Rural Families in (Shi-Ruei) Fang; Xiaofan Liu Transition, Ranwna Marotz-Baden 314-38 IN B Learning a Second Language: Taiwanese Mothers 314-24 FP R Support Net: Expatriate Use of Communication Beliefs About Their Young Children Learning English Technology in Times of Perceived Stress, Bruce D. Language, Li-Ching Sun; Robert P. Moreno Covey; Tara Saathoff-Wells 314-39 IN R Housework and Family Life Satisfaction Among 314-25 FP B Intimate Partner Relationship Changes as a Result Three T)1Jes of Families: A Taiwan Case, Shain-May of Participation in a Family Literacy Program, Tang Marina Merrill 314-40 IN R Attitudes Toward Divorce and Related Factors in 314-26 FP R Marital Satisfaction and Perception of Ec]uity in Korea: Implication for the Futme of Marriage, Work-Family Role Responsibilities in Dual-earner Gyoung Hae Han; Yoo Jin Kang; Min Ah Han Shiftworkers, Marty J. Elquist; Jeanne M. Hilton 314-41 IN R The Effects of Work-Family Spillover on the Psychological Well-Being of Korean Men: Focusing on the Age Group Difference, Won Jee Cho; 314-27 IN R Emotional Expressiveness and Marital Gyoung Hae Han Adjustment: A Follow-up Cross-Cultural Analysis, 314-42 IN R The Effects of Family Life Events, Work Role Mark A. Mathews; Gary T. Horlacher; Bron Reward, and Children's Emotional Support on the Ingoldsby CFLE Alienation and Life Satisfaction of Female Heads of 314-28 IN R The Future of the Hutterite Family, Suzanne R. Low Income Households in South Korea, Sun Wha Smith; Bron Ingoldsby CFLE Ok; Miai Sung; Jae Yeon Lee 314-29 IN BAn International Perspective on the Fuhlte of 314-43 IN R Work and Family Conflict of Korean Fathers and Marriage: Trends and Issues, Illm K. Pfister; Julie Japanese Fathers, Sookhyun Lee; Young In Kwon Koivunen 314-44 IN R Impact of Economic Hardship on Adolescent's 314-30 IN R Daughters' Perception of Relationships With Socioemotional Adjustment in Japan, Katsuko Their Fathers in the United Arab Emirates, Kennon Makino; Masako Ishii-Kuntz; Kuniko Kato; Rider; Douglas A. Abbott; Annita Sani Michiko Tsuchiya 314-31 IN R lVIultidimensional Analysis of Negative Daily 314-45 IN R U.S. and Japanese Nursing Students' Experiences Occmrences: A Cross-Culhlral Perspective, Adital With Family and Older Adults, Stereotypes, and Ben-Ari; Yoav Lavee Knowledge of Physical and Mental Health, Colleen 314-32 IN R Conflict Between the Traditional and the L Murray; Maki Muroi Christian Meanings of \X!hat It Means to Be a 314-46 IN R Associations Between Interparental Conflict and Kenyan I-,::ikuyu Man and Sexual, Julia A. Malia J'viothering and Fathering: A Cross-National Analysis, CFLE; Michael Njoroge Mbito Kay P. Bradford; Brian K. Barber 314-33 IN B The Meaning of Seclusion During the Circumcision Ritual for Boys Reported by Kenyan Researa:h and Sedion Kikuyu Men Living in the U.S., Michael Njoroge Parell'ilti1111g 314-47 RT Adolescents' Perceptions of Parental Roles in Mbito; Julia A. Malia CFLE P Taiwan, Abraham Shann-Hwa Hwang CFLE 314-34 IN R Parental Positive Induction, Monitoring, and 314-48 RT R Parental Process in Adolescent Extra-curricular Punitiveness: Evidence for Construct Validity Among Activity: Controlling for Individual and School-level Indian Adolescents, Hamida Amirali Jinnah; Kevin Selection Biases, Amy F. Feldman Ray Bush; Sheryl B. Lash; Gary W. Peterson 314-49 RT R Information Games: How Adolescents Exercise 314-35 IN R Same Sex and Opposite-Sex Friendships Among Power in Relationships With Non-resident Parents, Indian, Tmkish, and American Youth: A Cross­ Chadwick Menning Culhlral Investigation, Nuran Hortacsu; Nilufer Medma CFLE; Parul Dave

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 35 Kerri L. Modry; Wendy C. Gamble; Donna Hendrickson Christensen Research Theory /Family Science Sections 314-50 RT R Adolescents' Perceptions of 1\Iarital Conflict: 314-63 RT/FS R The Predictive Nature of Htm1or, Examining the Influence of the Parent-child r\uthoritatiye Parenting Style, and Academic Achieve­ Relationship, Melissa J. Herzog; Debra A. ment on the Initial, Personal-emotional, Social, Madden-Derdich; Kimberly A. Updegraff Academic, and Commitment to College Adjustments 314-51 RT R Adolescents' Autonomy and Connectedness Among College Freshmen, Garnet L. Crossland Development as a Family Project, Anat Zaidman­ 314-64 RT /FS R Inftdelity and Styles in Couple Zait; Jose Domene; Sheila K. Marshall; Richard Relationships, Li-Wen Lin CFLE Young; Juliette Arato; Revital Hayoun; Emily G. Marshall Association of Councils 314-65 AC B "Healthy Couples, Healthy Clllidren" in Alabama: 314-52 RT R Youth Perceptions of Fathers' and Mothers' Evaluating a Marriage Education Program, Brian J. Parenting Styles: Does It Predict Youth Problem Higginbotham; Francesca Adler-Baeder Behavior? Cory R. Bollwn; Alan C. Acock; 314-66 AC B The Marriage Enrichment Factor: Testing the Jennifer L. DeCosta Effectiveness of the Process, Lane H. Powell 314-53 RT R Parental Depression and Youth I\Ialadjustment: CFLE; Sharon E. Powell; Charles Lee Cole Mediating Effects of Parenting Behaviors, Karen CFLE; Anna L. Cole; Preston M. Dyer CFLE; Franck; Gary Cuddeback Genie H. Dyet· CFLE 314-54 RT R Family Structure and Parents' Perceived Obligation to Support Children Economically Over the Transition to Adulthood, William S. Aquilino 314-55 RT R Financial Support for Divorced Parents and Stepparents in Older Families, Marilyn Coleman; Lawrence H. Ganong; Jason D. Hans CFLE; Elizabeth A. Sharp 314-56 RT R Child Severity and Parenting Stress: The lndirecr Roles of Social Support and Parenting Self-efEcacy Among Families of Children With Autism, Atny Buchanan; Mary Anders; Richard Fabes 314-57 RT R Prediction of Children's Empathy-related Presider: Paul R. Atnato Responding From Their Effortful Control and Session goals:(l) To provide an update on emerging Endings Parents' Expressivit:y, Carlos Valiente; Nancy from the Fragile Families Study. (2) To describe the circmn­ Eisenberg; Richard Fabes stances and challenges faced by mothers, fathers, artd children 314-58 RT R Does It Matter Who Hits Whom? Child in fragile families. To oudine the implications of research Outcomes and Parental Violence, Greer Litton Fox; on ti:agile families for policy artd Michael L. Benson; Julie Schluterman practice. 314-59 RT RAre Stepfathers Bad for Children? Sandra L. Hofferth 314-60 RT R Father's Tall.;:, Father's Advice About Future Fanlliy Plans, Fanlliy Cohesion, Interparental Argtm1ents, Fanlliy Structure, and Young Adults' Romantic Relationship, Sun-A Lee; Bonnie L. Barber 314-61 RT B The Social Construction of Fatherhood Narratives, Dana S. Matta Court-Mandated Parenting Classes and the Future: Is 314-62 RT R Fanlliy Emotional Climate and Child Adjustment: Psychoeducation All We Have to Offer? (AP; SW) the 1\Iediating Role of Sibling Relationship Quality, P Workshop Leaders: Mary R. Langenbrunner CFLE; Graham Dis uc 36 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program CFLE; Baomei Zhao Discussant/Presider: Yan R. Xia CFLE Recorder: Wenli Liu CFLE

Happy Marriages, Happy Life?: A Multidisciplinary Look Community Initiatives to Enhance Family Well-being at the Positive Influences of Martiage (AP; SW) (AP; SW) R Taking the "Blues" Out of Blue-collar Marriages: B The Relationship Betvveen Out-of-School Activities fiif9J' Linkages Between Positive Assessments of Marriage and and Positive Youd1 Development: An Investigation of z New Parents' Mental Health, Maureen A. Perry-Jenldns; the Influence of Families and Communities, Kathleen M. Elizabeth Turner Morrissey; Ronald Jay Werner-Wilson; Erin Chapman R Intimacy and Partner Responsiveness in Daily Mariml Life, B Developing Stakeholder Consensus for a Family Psychoedu­ Jean-Phillipe Laurenceau; Shelly Gable cation and Skills Training Program for Schizophrenia, Roger H. Rubin; Norman Epstein R Happy IVIarriages and Cooperative Sibling Relationships, Brenda L. Volling; Alysia Blandon; Amy Rauer P Partners in Diabetes: Action Research on a Democratic Family and Commw1ity-based Initiative in a 1\Iedical Setting, R Long-term Spillover Between Job Satisfaction and Marital Quality: The Importance of Marital Quality, Stacy J. Rogers Tai J. Mendenhall; William J. Doherty CFLE Co-chairs: Brenda L. Volling; Mameen A. Perry-Jenkins P Attaining Cultural Competency and Enriching Health Discussant: Ted L. Huston Service Solutions (ACCESS), Marie Elise Radina CFLE Discussant: Janice M. Bell i'vioderator: Marcia VanRiper

Policies to Support Family Relationships: Lessons Being Learned in the United Kingdom (AP; SW) B Reasons for d1e Decision for Policies to Support Family Relationships, Janet WaU;:er B Family Mediation: Policy and Practice in the U.K., Sherrill Watson Hayes B Supporting Couple Relationships in the U.J..,::., Karen R. Low-income families and communities in general are often Blaisure CFLE times viewed by service providers, traditional volunteer organ­ Discussant/Chair: Joseph Homiek izations, and even d1e researchers who study them, primatily as subjects - the recipients of services and not as providers of services or change agents. The reality is that many low-income Early to Late Adolescence SW) residents volunteer and play a critical role in restoring the R Family and Peer Contex(s of Adolescent Sexual health and well-being of d1e neighborhoods in which they Activity in Ecuador, Paul L. Schvaneveldt CFLE; live. Agencies from outside the community who fail to recog­ Abbey Davenport; Corey Eddington; Derek Larsen; nize this jeopardize both the effectiveness and sustainability of Doug Rose projects they might undertake in the community. This session R ['diddle Class Parenting in Bogota: Supportive, Monitoring, discusses d1e nature of volunteering in low-income communi­ and Punitive Parenting as Predictors of Adolescent Self­ ties and is based on the findings of research undertaken by Esteem, Sheryl B. Lash; Kevin Ray Bush; Patdck C. the Points of Foundation. The workshop -.vill help McKenry CFLE; Kate Mosack participants develop an tmderstanding of how agencies can R The Importance of Fitting In: Identity Formation and build and maintain effective partnerships with low-income Psychological Well-being Among Youd1 in Kazakstan, Linda communities and how volunteering can help strengthen L. Pallock families and transform neighborhoods. R Individualism Versus Collectivism in the Chinese Parent­ is Director of Evaluation, and Bandana Adolescent Relationship: Predictors of Youthful Autonomy Sh,. .,,,tr•<> is Director, Model Programs and Partnerships, and Conformit-y, Gary W. Peterson; Stephan M. Wilson Points of Light Foundation.

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 37 bles

Round tables arc limited to 10 attendees each. Participants remain at the same table for the entire session. No advance registration is required. 322-1 EE P Wall.;: a 1vlile in My Shoes: Process Evaluation of a Couples Empathy Program, Jeffrey J. Angera; Edgar C. J. Long; Mikiyasu Hakoyama 322-2 EE B Relationships Between Childhood Overindulgence and Parenting Attributes: Implications for Family Life Educators, David J. Bredehoft CFLE; Jean Illsley Clarke CFLE; Connie Dawson 322-3 FT B What's So Supportive About Internet-based Social Networks? Perceptions of Online Caregivers of Older Adults, Jan Colvin CFLE; Lillian C. Chenoweth; Mary Bold CFLE 322-4 RT B A Participatory Exercise in Coding Qualitative Interview Data, Jennifer L. Hardesty CFLE; Jason D. Hans CFLE 322-5 FF P Children of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Parents: The Latest Research Findi11gs and Resources Available for Family Professionals, Katherine A. Kuvalanka; Marta McClintock-Comeaux 322-6 RT R Does the Reason l'viatter? Distress Among Women With Fertility Banicrs, Julia McQuillan 322-7 FP B The Termination of Parental Rights for Children in , Lenore M. McWey CFLE; Tammy L. Henderson CFLE 322-8 FF P Reflections on Ferninist Mentoring and AdYising: What Is It? How Do We Do It? What Do Students Want? Suzanna D. Smith CFLE; J. Elizabeth Miller; Sonja Coning

Madtal Relationships and Its Influence on College Success (AP; SW) R Marriage and Its Connection to Kin-based Support Students/New Professionals Business Meeting Network Participation: A Cross-racial Perspective, Lara Presider: Ad1iana J. Umana-Taylor CFLE, Students/New J. Descartes Professionals Board Representative R Marital Relationships in Immigrant Chinese Families, Catherine Costigan; Daphne P. Dolds; Tina F. Su R Parental Matital Status: Docs 1t Influence Black Students' College Success? Chantel L. Lumpkin Open Discussion About Groves Conference R A Countcrfactual Approach to the Black-White Marriage Prcsider: Roma Hanks, Groves Conference President Trend Differential: The Effect of a Total Institution, Jennifer Hickes Lundquist Learn about the history and projects of the Groves Discussant: William D. Allen, CFLE Conference. Everyone is welcome. Presider: Wynona J. Bryant-Williams

38 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program R Cohabitation and Child Well-being Among J(indergarten Students, Julie E. Artis R Family Processes Mediating the Relationship of Neighbor­ hood Disadvantage to Child Internalizing Problems, Shiying Deng; Vera Lopez; Mark W. Roosa; Ehri Ryu; Ginger Burrell; Sakina Crowder; Jenn-Yun Tein Stability and Change (AP; SW) R Dynamic Cumulative Family Risk: Correlates of Adolescent P Gender or Biology? Issues for Family Therapy, Developmental Continuity and Change, Jennifer L. Matjasko Carmen Knudson-Martin; Anne Rankin Mahoney Discussant: Mark J. Benson R Clients' Perspectives on the Facilitation of Hope in Therapy: Presider: Shawna Marie Thayer A Qualitative Study, DanielL. Morales R Utility of 3-Category and 4-Category Adult Attachment Scale Scores in a Clinical Setting, Richard S. Wampler; Karen The Future of Internships to Family Science: Developing Smith Wampler; Sterling T. Shumway; Scott P. Gardner Professional Standards (AP; SW) Discussant/Presider: Larry Dumka l\~[)7 P Panel: Rebecca A. Adams CFLE; Joyce M. Buck ~~~ CFLE; Sandra S. Osborne Co-chairs: Laura S. Smart CFLE; Debra L. Berke CFLE Futures Outside Marriage (AP; SW) R Being Never Married Past the Median Age of Marriage: Women's Experiences of Missing the Marital Transition, Elizabeth A. Sharp; Lawrence H. Ganong R I Don't (At Least Not Now): A Qualitative Exploration of the Reasons Cohabiting Couples Delay Marriage or Never Marry, Dorian Solot R A Qualitative Study: A Lesbian Perspective on the Concept of Marriage, Susan M. Wolfgram; Heather Haberman R Same-sex Commiunent Ceremonies: Prevalence, Timing, and Prediction, Ramona Faith Oswald; Rebecca Grossman; Grace Chung Discussant: Margaret Crosbie-Burnett Presider: Rebecca L. Warner Recorder: Aine Marie Humble CFLE

Romance, Romance, and More Romance (AP; SW) fiiiTQl R Romantic Attachment Style and Psychological L_riJJ Adjustment in l\Iothers of Children With Autism: The Mediating Role of Perceived Social Support, Mary Anders; Parent Education Amy Buchanan; Richard Fabes Presiders: Byran B. Korth CFLE; James J. Ponzetti R Relational Risk, Interpersonal Competence, Conversational rn Jr.; Jody Johnston Pawel CFLE, Focus Group Co­ Tone, and Romantic Satisfaction: A Test of the Contextual chairs Model, Jacki Fitzpatrick CFLE; Judith L. Fischer Discussant: Pamela Choice CFLE Prcsider: Susan K. Takigiku

Undet·standing Child and Adolescent Well-being Dawn Cassidy CFLE, NCFR Certification Director, and (AP; SW) members of the Certification Review Committee will be avail­ fiiiTQl R Child Temperament and Parental Beliefs: Pathways to able to give assistance in completing d1e CFLE application L_riJJ Children's Early Learning-related Social Skills, Megan form. Sign up at the NCFR Exhibit Bood1. Open to all McClelland attendees.

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 39 Focus Groups See page 17 for an explanation of Focus Groups.

CFLE Presiders: Kevin Allemagne CFLE; Janice Weber Tbp off the evening by attending receptions sponsored by var­ [0 CFLE, Focus Group Co-chairs ious universities and allied associations. Each reception will have separate seating and display areas.

Those who reserved space by July 10 include:

Ethnic Minorities Oral History and Presentation of Oral History: Leanor Boulin Johnson; Ouida E. Westney Presider: Wynona J. Bryant-Williarns, Section Chair


Northwest Council on Fanuly Relations Human Get-together Presider: Suzanne R. Smith, NWCPR President

a British Columbia not-for-profit "o,,uc.lcct.l'.JJ.l, rhe NCFR loGll 'lttangements committee as the recipient of the 2003 Silent Auction uL\Ju:cu,. this is a special honor coinciding with the 20th Anniversary Year of The The mission of the J\Ianiage Project is "Helping to create Preparing for Marriage .Marrying marion: Over the next months, The Board of Directors will be items for the November NCFR 2003 silent auction at the Hyatt Hotel in Vancouver. We welcome NCFR n1.embers and conference uctc""''-" to conb:ibute an item (or two) to the silent auction to support this special fund raising event. A note if you are uuu;:,,,u;:, an item from outside Canada keep it unwrapped and, if asked, declare it as a gift. is welcome to The Silent Auction 'vvill be held in the Local Room of Wales - 3rd Floor of the

40 2003 N CFR Annual Conference Program lllil iii I Meeting rooms are on nmltiple floors.

Plaza level (2nd Floor) Plaza level (2nd Floor) 1-3 Plaza Rooms Concurrent Sessions, Pre-conference Workshops, Special Sessions, Receptions 4-5 Georgia Rooms - Concur­ rent Sessions, Pre-conference Workshops, Special Sessions, Rmmd Tables 6 Plaza Foyer- Regist.ration

Convention level Floor) Convention level (3rd Floor) 7-10 Regency Rooms C/D/E/F -Plenary Sessions, Pre-conference \vorkshops, Special Sessions, Receptions 11-12 Regency Rooms A/B/Foyer- Pre-conference Workshops, Exhibits 13 Queen Charlotte - Oftices 14 Prince of Wales- Hospitality Cencer/Silent Auction 15 Oxford - Concurrent Sessions, Pre-conference \vorkshops, Floor Fourth Floor C01mnittee Meetings 18 Cavendesh Room - Committee 16 Windsor - Concurrent .Meetings Sessions, Pre-conference \'York­ 19 Tennyson- Conunittee Meetings shops, Committee Meetings 20 Dover - Committee :Meetings 17 Balmoral- Posters, Cyber Cafe 2.1 lord Byron - Meditation, Meetings 22. Constable - Committee l\Ieetings 2.3-2.4 Kensington & Brighton - Employment Service 25 Turner - Conunitree Meetings

Perspectives level (34th Floor) 26 Grouse - Concurrent Sessions, Rmmd Tables, Receptions 27 Seymour - Concurrent Sessions, Round Tables, Receptions 28 Stanley - Concurrent Sessions, C01mnitree Meetings 29 Cypress - Concurrent Sessions, Corm11ittee l\Ieet:ings 30 English Bay- Receptions, Concurrent Sessions for lenath of -~_,..,__ _ Prn"nrl'llm aJt a~Giarru::e = Mondav. Nov. 2003 Thi!!!i chart iis1l:s a::onsU,!]Htthe


8:00am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am Noon 1:15pm 2:00pm 2002/3NCFR Board of Directors 3:30pm TCRMWksp. Registration 4:30pm TCRMWksp. #1 I8:00pm TCRMWksp. #2

Progra~mat lill Giance - MondaJy, Nov. 2003 {NOTIE: This chart lists ONlY STARTING TIMES; COIIilSU,ilt the Program for He111gthof sessio111s.) Program ail: a GIO>lfi'i~te- il,;:ll~ll'll::l\v_ Nov. 2003 This chart iists consuit the Program for lefi'igil:h of sessi«:JHY'\ls.)


8:00/8:30am Tour of VancouverFamily ExtensionFamily Life Specialists ServiceAgencies. (8:00) Wksp.(8:30) TCRMWksp. #3, 4 (8:00)

9:30am TCRMWl

at a Glance- Nov. 2003 This ~thartii:!iill:S ccm>u!t the forr le11gth of sessions.) at ii'!l GBan«::e- Nov. 2003 This chart li5!!:s consMit the for !enath of sessions.


i:3!lf7:45/ Meditation(7:45) #300 FP: Rural Fams. & 2004 Program Com. #30·JUniv. • I!:OOam Communities(7:30) (7:30) Admi". CFLEAcad. Prog. #302 Fam. Sci. ReviewCom. (8:00) Assn. 8:30am #303• Special Panel: Gay #304• 309 Concurrent Sessions 7: EE -Ado I./ #310 SNP Coun. Reps & Lesbian Relation-ships YoungAdults; FH- SubstanceAbuse; FS- Mentor- Editors/Press/Staff - Kurdek,Julien, Patterson ing; FT- Couples;RT- New Researchon Marriage 111:15am #311 Plenary: Racial/ Ethnic Diversityin Mar· riage - Mincy, Oropesa, Ishii-Kuntz,Johnson Noon/ #312 Exhibits Break SNP Networking(Noon) Fam. Rei. Editors 12:15pm (Noon) ElectionsCouncil (both 12:15) 12:30 pm #3131JiversityAction #314 Posters 2: EE- FLE/ Par. Ed.; FP- State Leg., Abuse/ LeadershipForum Session Child Conduct;Stepparent Rights; Grandparents/TANF;Teen Comm.Mtg. (1:45pm) Childbearing/Low-incomeFathers; Healthy Marr. Initiative; Rural Poor Women/Fams.;Stress Support;Prog. Sus- tainability; Partner Intimacy;Mar. Satis../WorkEquity; IN- Mar. Adjust; Int. Views on Futureof Marr.; UnitedArab Emirates Fathers/Daughters;Kenyan Males/Sexuality; Indian, Turkish, Amer. Youth; ChineseElder Care/Studs.;Parental Discipline; TaiwaneseMothers; Korean Divorce Attitudes: Work-Fam.; South KoreanLow-income Female Heads; Korean/Japanese Work-Fam.Conflict; Cross-nat!.Parental Conflict Analysis; RT-Parenting;RT/I'S- Miscellaneous;AC- Miscellaneous 12:30) 2:15pm #315 RUP- Fragile #316 • 320 Concurrent Sessions 3: EE - Court- #322 Round Tables EE; FH; RT; FF; FP Open Families· Mincy mandatedParenting Classes; FH- Commun,/Fam. Discussion

1132'1: Speci~l Session • Well-being;FP- Fam. SupportPolicies in UK; IN- About Groves wuoum~~"~"'Cihlar & Early-LateAdo!.; RT- HappyMarriages? Conference Shrestha #323 SNP BusinessMtg.

2:30pm CFLECRC Com.. 4:00pm #324 Marie Peters Award Address: Bond-Burgess 5:15pm #325 • 331 Concurrent Sessions 9: EE - FLE Prof. PublicationsCom. Dev. Model; EM- Marital Relshps./Col.Success; FT -Stability/Change;FF- Futures Outsideof Marr.; RT -Romance/Relationships;RT Child/Ado!.Well- being; FS- Future Internships 7:00pm #335 - CFLE Help Session #332 EM Sect. Memb.Mtg. #334 EE: Parent Ed Public Policy Com. #333 RT Sect. Memb.Mtg. 8:30pm #339- Univ. Receptions #337-EMOral History #336 EE: CFLE #338 NW Coun. ••

Proaram ail: GUance - Nov. 2003 This chart lists Cil:illlilsu!t the Proaram for !enath of sessnons. !Program at a Glance- Wedlf\lesday, Nov. :!1.90 201013(NOTE: TMs chart Qists ONlY STARTING TIMES; collilsult the !Program for length of sessuolf\ls.)

STARTING PLENARIESAND SPECIAl SECTIONSAND POSTERSAND ROUND TABlES FOCUSGROUPS NCFRBOARD, OTHERORG. TIMES SESSIONS STUDENTS/NEW COMMITTEE,ASSN. OF PROFESSIONALSSESSIONS COUNCilS 7:00am Exec. RoundTable Breakfast 7:30am Work-LifeSummit !1:00am TCRMWksp. #17, 18 8:30am Assn. of Councils LeadershipTraining Wksp. 9:30am TCRMWksp. #19, 20 11:00am TCRMWksp. #21, 22 1:00pm "#11!0Intersection of law, #101-106Concurrent Sessions #1- #107·Round Tables- FH; FP; FF; RT; IN; RF; #108- Assn. of Councils Family & Race- Boddie, Skyles, lEE- StrengtheningMarriage; FH - EE BusinessMtg. Henderson Older Parent/ChildRelations; FS -

<11TCRM Wksp. #23 Professionals;fT- MarriageTune-up; FIF- NegotiatingMarriages; RT-

Romance/RiskBehaviors. i 2:45pm #1119Plenary: Marriage ! Overview/Future- Cherlin 4:45pm #110RUP Revising Marital #111·116Concurrent Sessions2- Therapy- Gottman EE • lntergenerationai/LaterLife; EM- InterventionPrograms; FP ·Work/Mar- riage Policy; FF - Intimate Violence;IN - JapaneseParent/Child Relations: RT -Fatherhood 6:30pm #117Newcomer's Reception #11B EE: Families& Grief #119 NICHD·Getting Research Funded 7:00pm #120- CFLE Reception 7:30pm TCRM Bus. Mtg./Reception B:!lllpm #125 President's Welcoming #123 FS Sect. Memb.Mtg. #121 FH: Aging Reception #124 FF Sect. Memb.Mtg. #122 FP: Work & Families #125 RT: Open Discussion Time Qual. Fam. Res. Network

Pmal!"am at a G!alf\lce - Wedlnesi!llay, Nov. 19, 2003 (NOTE: Thns chart lists ONILY STARTING TIMES; com;;uBt the Program for length of sessions.) E p s

Department of Family and Sciences Fellowships and Scholarships for Historically, Florida State University's Department of Family and Child Sciences has ranked as one of the top 10 programs in the field nationally. Graduates of the program are leaders in their disciplines nationally and Doctoral Fellowship Programs internationally. The curricula focuses on research and applications of theory and scientific knowledge to the fields of family and child sciences, The College of Human Sciences offers doctoral­ family and consumer sciences education, and marriage and family level fellowships for new students who have been therapy. Outstanding teaching and research faculty help create a accepted in a program in the College. With a challenging academic environment with an applied developmental science minimum stipend of $10,000, the fellowships are focus. Faculty members' scholarly interests are in the substantive areas highly competitive awards based on GRE, GPA of adolescence, child care issues, family life education, family therapy, and letters of recommendation. human sexuality, identity formation and juvenile justice. Scholar Awards Program

The Scholars Award Program is designed to Master's Degrees: Doctoral Degrees: provide funding to outstanding student applicants The Department of Family and Child The Department also offers two interested in graduate programs in the College of Sciences offers two Master of Science doctoral degree programs. The Ph.D. Human Sciences. Scholar Awards are intended degrees. Both programs require a in Human Sciences is available with to supplement stipend support and range from $1,000 to $3,000 per student annually. thesis or a special project. The M.S. in an emphasis in Family and Child

Family and Child Sciences focuses Sciences or Family and Consumer Other Scholarships on applied development science and Sciences Education. Areas of Within the College of Human Sciences, several emphasizes advance understanding of specialization within the emphasis College-wide and departmental scholarships are research related to include administration, family life available to graduate students. The Florence and family relations. The M.S. in education, juvenile justice, public policy, Smith McAllister Endowed Fellowship is awarded Family and Consumer Sciences research and teaching. The Ph.D. in to a graduate student enrolled in the College that Education focuses on program Marriage and Family Therapy is the has maintained a GPA of 3.75 or higher and has a record of outstanding character, leadership and development, history and philosophy of oldest clinical program in the U.S. for participation in university activities. This fellowship FCSE, educational measurement and training in marriage and family therapy ranges from $5,000 to $7,000. evaluation, and research methods. and is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation, American Association Detailed information on the Doctoral Fellowship for Marriage and Family Therapy. Programs, Scholar Awards Program and other Students demonstrate their scholarships can be viewed at www.chs.fsu.edu/college/gradscholarships.php. competency through pratica experiences.

Contact: Florida State University (850) 644-3217 College of Human Sciences (850) 644-3439 fax Dept. of Family & Child Sciences [email protected] 225 Sandels Building www.chs.fsu.edu/fcs Tallahassee, FL 32306-1491 at a Giance- Thursdav, Nov. 2003 This chart iis'!;:s consuilt the for fiength of

STARTING PLENARIESAND SPECIAL SECTIONS& STUDENTS/NEW POSTERSAND ROUND TABLES FOCUSGROUPS NCFRBOARD, OTHERORG. TIMES SESSIONS PROFESSIONAlSSESSIONS COMMITTEE,ASSN. Of COUNCILS 7:301 Meditation(7:45) #200 FP:Adoption Fam.Rei. EditorSelect. 7:45am #201 RT: Families& Com Technology FellowshipCommittee S/NPSection Reps 6:00am GrovesConf. Brd. Mtg. 8:30/ #202 Special Session: Intimate #203-209Concurrent Sessions 3: AC- Campus Qualityof Annual !l:llllam Relationships • Connidls (8:30) Affil. Coun.;EE- FLE/MassMedia; EM/FF- Acad. Conference(9:00) Success/ParentingStyles; FT- MedicalSys.; IN/FT/FF- Cohabitation/Marriage;RT- Co-hab./ Children;RT- Friendships-Parents/Children(8:30)

11l:15am #210 Plenary: Marriage • Bradbury Noon #211 Exhibits Grand Opening SNPNetworking lnt Yr. of Fam.Com. JMF Editors 12:30pm #213Special Session: How lo #212- Posters 1- EE- Ado!.,Work-Life; Re-source Become a Certified Family life Exch.;FF- Sweden& Org. Culture,Les-bian Gender Educator Roles,Women/Roles; FH- Fam.Hist./Child Obesity/ChronicallyIll Child., Grand-parents/Ado!., DelayedChild-bearing, Computers, Battered Women, Sexuality/Socio-economicStatus, Incarcerated Fathers,Mexican/Anglo-Am Cardiac Rehab., Aging Couples;RT- Method.;Work-Fam.; Misc. FP- Commun. 2:15pm #214 SpecialSession: New Fams.in #215-220Concurrent Sessions 4: EE-Marr.;FH- #221 Teaching RT - FH; EE; FT; FP; FS; FP GatewayCities - Morse,Ray, Res. Lessons/NewApproaches; FF- Women's Mclaren, Valsamakis,Penny Futures;1111- OlderAdults; RT- Men as Care-givers; RT- DESIREProg. 4:00pm #222Arcus flE Award Fundrsiser #223-228Concurrent Sessions 5: EE - Stronger ·High Tea- Marr.;FH- Hlth & Reshps.;I'P- Un-wedParents; FT- Concept.Models; RF - Multi-cultural Fams./Religion;RT- Teen Parents #229 SNPDevelopment Seminar 6:00pm #230 IIICFRMemb. Mlg./Forum 7:00pm #231·236Concurren!Sessions 6: FH- Ado!.Fe-male #239 FH: ChronicIllness Smoking;FP- Low-incomeFams. #240 FP-Prevention/Fam. Strengths/Challenges;FS- Facultyran kings/ Support Publish.;FF/RT- FeministFam. Res.; FF/FP- EuropeanFam. Policies; 11\1- Life-spanTransitions #237 EE Sect. Memb.Mtg. #238 FT Sect. Memb.Mtg. 8:30pm #241· Special Session: Ge!!ing #243 FH Sect. Memb.Mtg. #242 Round Tables RT; Ill!; FF; FT; FS #245 FF: G/UB/T/ 2004 LocalArrangements Granls from NSF #244 IN Sect. Memb.Mtg. #246 EE: Marr./Fam Com. Enrichment.

Pfl'il'lll1'llll"~mat a Giance - Nov. 2003 Tho:!ii ~thart!i:!iits ONlY STARTING TIMES; a::onsuftt the Program f«llll" Qength of ser:»sfions)

Glam:e - "'"''nnl:rn•~"- This lists consuit the for Henath of sessnons.

STARTING PlENAR!ESAND SECll!ONS& STUIJIENTSINEW POSTERSAND ROUND TABlES FOCUSGROUPS NCFRBOARD, OTHERORG. TIMES SPECIAlSESSIONS PROFESSIONAlSSESSIONS COMMITTEE,ASSN. OF COUNCilS 7:30/7:451 Meditation(7:45) #400 EE: Mari(eting 2004 ProgramComm. Groves 8:00am FLE (7:30) (7:30) Conference #400 RT: Menin Board(8:00) Families(7:30) 8:30am #402 Professional Dev. Sem. #403- 409 Concurrent Sessions 10: EE-Age- #411 Teaching Round Tables: FP; FS; EE; FF; FT; Jl. of Fam. #410 Teaching Update- pacedParenting Newsletters; FH- AdolescentHealth; IN Issues Editors FF/FS: Safe Spaces for FP- Work& Fams.;FT- Clients& Therapistsat Risk; S!udenls RF- Spirituality& Religionin StrongFamilies; RT- ParentalConflicts; RT- Genderin Families 9:00am Exhibits open IncomingNCFR Section ChairsTraining Assn. of CouncilsExec. Com.

11l:1!iam #412~~~~tlaJ~ Coha!J.& 1\ilarr. -' oRn~1 Seltzer, Trost Noon #413· Elihi!Jits Break/Closing SNP Networking #414 Apprec.Lunch 2003 Lac. Arr. Chairs/Forming NCFRAff. Coun.. 12:15pm #415 Posters 3- EE- Marr. Enrich/Ed;EM- Latino, AfricanAmer., Mexican,Native Amer. Famsilntermar.; SexualAbuse/Ado!.; FS -Genogram/Fam.Process; FT- SexuallyAggressive Men; Latina Single Mothers; BreastCancer Survivors; Family-of-Origin/Premar. Couples;Statistical Meths.; Use of Humorby FTs; RF -Sexuality & ReligiousValues; Religious Convictions/ Marital Processes;Family Worl(; Marriage/Same-sex Relationship/ReligiousHomosexual individuals; Mus- lim Children'sUnderstand. of War, Peace,Terrorism; Neo-functionalism;RT- Marr.;Ado!.; Miscellaneous. 2:00pm #415 Awards Presenla!ion & Presidential Forum: In!. Initiatives in FlE ·Huang, Chou, Kim, Korve!a, Arcus 4:00pm #411 Special Session: The #418-422 ·Concurrent Sessions 11- EE- Future of Marriage: Diverse Teens/Parent'sDivorce; EM- ParentingStyles & Viewpoints - Coontz, EthnicAdol.; FP- Bldg./Wk.Fam.; IN- Ooms, Huston lnfancy/Child./Adoi.RT-Early & Mid-adol.Fam. 11424Work-family Forum & Antecedentsof Educ.,Relationship and Health Reception Outcomes #423- SNP StudentSkills Exchange

6:00pm #425legacy Circle Recep. #427 FP SectionMemb. Mtg. #428 RT: Qual. Fam. • 11426Special Session: Federal Res. Network Evaluation Research on #429 EE: Sexuality HealthyMarriages 7:30pm #430 RF SectionMemb. Mtg. #431 EE: Peace !1:00pm #432 • SINPISeciion- Dance sponsored ......

at a Glance - ~:Minnli"n:;:Q~ffNov. 2003 This chart lists tb:onsult the foil" lellllath off se~sh:ms.)

Congressional Briefing and Poster Session Thursday, Aprill from 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. NCFR and AAFCS will host a congressional briefing on Capital Hill. Invited guests will include Members of Congress and their staff, conference attendees, press, and the public. The briefing will feature NCFR and AAFCS experts and focus on family policy topics that are relevant to the 1 08th Congressional Session. I (Italicized sessions are for NCFR Board or c01mnittee members only.) Monday, November 17, 2003 Thursday, November 20 Continued 2:00 p.m 0 2002/2003 NCFR Board 8:30 pm 0 Special Session • Getting Grants from Nat!. Science Found. 3:30 pm 0 TCRM Workshop registration 0 Section Member Meetings 4:30 pm 0 TCRM Workshop Session 1 0 Focus Groups ______8:00 pm 0 TCRM Workshop Session 2 D Round Tables, ______0 Additional appointments ______0 2004 Local Arrangements Committee 0 Additional appointments ______Tuesday, November 18, 2003 7:30 am 0 TCRM Workshop registration friday, Novembeli 21, 2003 8:00am 0 Tour of Vancouver Family Service Agencies 7:30am 0 Focus Groups ______0 TCRM Workshop Sessions 3, 4 ______0 NCFR Committee Meeting (See Program at a Glance) _____ 8:30 am 0 Extension Family Life Specialists Workshop 0 Meeting of University/College Administrators 9:30 am 0 TCRM Workshop Session 5, 6 7:45 am 0 Meditation 10:00 am 0 Resources for Better Marriages Workshop 8:00 am 0 CFLE Academic Program Review Commiffee 11 :00 am 0 2003 Local Arrangements Commiffee 8:30 am 0 Special Panel • Gay/Lesbian Relationships • Kurdek, Julien, 0 TCRM Workshop Session 7, 8 Patterson Noon 0 Association of Councils Officers 0 Concurrent Sessions 7______1:15pm 0 TCRM Workshop Session 9, 10 ______0 NCFR Committee Meeting ______2:00p.m 0 2003/2004 NCFR Board 0 Reps of New Student Affiliated Councils 3:00pm 0 TCRM Workshop Session 11, 12 10:15 am D Plenary Panel • Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Marriage • Mincy, 4:45pm 0 TCRM Workshop Session 13, 14 Oropesa, Ishii-Kuntz, Johnson 7:00pm 0 Section Chairs Noon D Exhibits BreakJHalf Price Book Sale 7:30pm D TCRM Workshop Session 15, 16 0 Students/New Professionals Networking 0 Additional appointments ______12:15 pm 0 Elections Council 12:30 pm 0 Poster Session 2 ______Wednesday, November 19, 2003 D Diversity Action Session 7:00 am 0 Work/Life Summit Executives Round Table Breakfast 1:15pm 0 A Mock Emerging Leadership Institute for Future NCFR Leaders 7:30 am 0 WorklLife Summit 2:15pm 0 RUP • Fragile Families • Mincy 8:00am 0 TCRM Workshop Session 17, 18 D Special Session • Volunteerism & Research • Cihlar & Shrestha 8:30 am 0 Association of Councils Leadership Training Workshop 0 Concurrent Sessions 8 & Round Tables. ______9:30 am 0 TCRM Workshop Session 19, 20 0 Students/New Professionals Business Meeting 11:00 am 0 TCRM Workshop Session 21, 22 0 Open Discussion About Groves Conference 1:00 pm 0 Special Session • Law/Family/Race· Boddie, Skyles, Henderson 2:30pm 0 CFLE CRC Committee 0 Concurrent Sessions 1 & Round Tables ______4:00pm 0 Marie Peters Award Address • Burgess 0 TCRM Workshop Session 23 ______5:15pm D Concurrent Sessions 9 ______0 Association of Councils Business Meeting 0 Publications Committee 2:45 pm 0 Plenary Session • Marriage· History/Future· Cheri in 7:00pm D CFLE Help Session 4:45 pm 0 RUP • Revising Marital Therapy • Gottman 0 EM/RT Section Member Meetings D Concurrent Sessions 2 ______0 Focus Groups------6:30 pm 0 Newcomers Reception 0 Public Policy Committee 0 Special Session· Getting Research Funded- NICHD 8:30pm 0 EM Oral History 0 Focus Groups ______0 Focus Groups ______7:00pm 0 CFLE Reception 0 Northwest Council Get-together ______7:30pm 0 TCRM Business Meeting/Reception D College/University/Allied Associations Receptions 8:00pm D FS/FF Section Member Meetings ______0 Additional appointments ______0 Focus Groups ______0 President's Welcoming Reception Saturday, Novembeli 22, 2003 0 Additional appointments ______7:30am 0 Focus Groups ______0 NCFR Committee or Other Association Meeting, ______Thursday, Novembeli 20, 2003 7:45 am 0 Meditation 7:30 am 0 NCFR Committee Meeting (See Program at a Glance) _____ 8:30am 0 Concurrent Sessions 10 & Teaching Round Tables ____ 0 Focus Groups ______0 Committee Meeting (See Program at a Glance) ______7:45 am 0 Meditation 9:00am 0 NCFR Committee Meeting ______8:00 am 0 Groves Board 10:15 am D Plenary Panel· Cohabitation & Marriage· LeBourdais, Seltzer, 8:30 am D Special Session • Intimate Relationships/Later Life· Connidis Trost D Concurrent Sessions 3. ______Noon D Exhibits Break/Closing 9:00 am 0 Quality of Annual Conference Commiffee 0 Students/New Professionals Networking 10:15 am D Plenary Session· Marriage· Bradbury 0 Appreciation Luncheon for 2003 Local Arrangements Comm. Chairs & Noon 0 Exhibits Grand Opening Information About Forming NCFR Affiliated Councils 0 Students/New Professionals Networking 12:15 pm D Poster Session 3 ______0 NCFR Commiffee Meeting (See Program at a Glance) _____ 2:00 pm D NCFR Awards Ceremony/Presidential Forum • Int. Initiatives in 12:30 pm 0 Poster Session 1 FLE Address • Huang, Chou, Kim, Korvela, Arcus 0 How to Become a Certified Family Life Educator - Cassidy 4:00 pm 0 Special Session • Future of Mariage ·Coontz, Ooms, Huston 2:15pm D Public Policy Seminar· New Families in Gateway Cities· Morse, D Concurrent Sessions 11 ______Ray, McLaren, Valsamakis, Penny 0 Students/New Professionals Skills Exchange D Concurrent Sessions 4 & Teaching Round Tables 6:00 pm 0 Legacy Circle Reception 4:00 pm 0 High Tea Fund raiser for Margaret Arcus FLE Award 0 Special Session • Federal Eva!. Research on Healthy Marriages 0 Concurrent Sessions 5______0 FP Section Member Meeting D Students/New Professionals/FF Development Seminar 0 Focus Groups------6:00 pm D Annual NCFR Business Meeting & Membership Forum 7:30 pm 0 RF Section Member Meeting 7:00 pm 0 Concurrent Sessions 6 0 Focus Groups ______D EE/FT Section Member Meetings. ______9:00 pm D Dance Sponsored by Students/New Professionals & Sections 0 Focus Groups ______0 Additional appointments ______8:00a.m...... Teaching Update- "Safe Spaces" for Students: Plaza Foyer (2nd Floor) Making the Campus Welcoming for Gay, Lesbian, and 8:00a.m.- 1:00 p.m.; 2:00- 5:00p.m. Bisexual Students, Anne-Marie Long 8:30 a.m...... Professional Development Seminar, Leigh Leslie, et al 10:15 a.m ...... Plenary Session- Cohabitation and Marriage Prince of Wales (3rd Floor) in \\!estern Countries, Seltzer, Trost 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Noon ...... Exhibits Closing/Half-Price Book Sale 12:15 p.m...... Poster Session 3 2:00 p.m..... Awards Presentation and Presidential Forum - Brighton & Kensington Rooms (4th Floor) International Initiatives in Family Life Education, Noon - 4:00 p.m. Chou, Korvela, Arcus 4:00 p.m...... Special Session - The Future of Marriage: Diverse Viewpoints, Coontz, Ooms, Huston Regency Ballroom AlB/Foyer (3rd Floor) 4:00p.m...... Work.-Family Forum 9:00 a.n1. - 2:00 p.lil. 6:00 p.m...... Special Session - Federal Evaluation Research on Healthy Marriages ... , Stagner, Fishman, Kelly 9:00p.m... Dance Sponsored by Students/New Professionals and NCFR Sections

Focus Groups

See page 17 for an e:s:planation of Focus Groups. Leslie Marketing Family Life Education This professional development seminar ·will be a follow-up of Presidcr: Jody Johnston Pawel CFLE, Focus Group last year's, which focused on balancing work and family demands. Chair Last year's panel consisted of individuals following the traditional academic path, where this year will focus on individuals who have chosen other professional routes to find a balance between work and personal life. Men in Families The Canadian Father Itwohccment Research Alliance, Kerry J. Daly; Edward Kruk Presidcrs: William Michael Fleming CFLE; Jeffrey L. Stueve CFLE, Focus Group Co-chairs

Age-paced Parenting Newsletters Come of Age: A Means Meditation to Provide Specialized Information and Engage Difficult-to-Reach Parents (AP; SW) All attendees are welcome. Each day's meditation will be led by a different facilitator. This room may be used dming the day B Adding Specialized Information to Parenting for meditation whenever sessions arc not held in the room. Newsletters: An Exploratory Study of Nurturing Partners: A Guide to Feeding Babies, Sally Sommer Martin CFLE; Magdeleine Sigman-Grant; Dan Weigel; Jo Anne Kock

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 41 R Competing Demands: The Impact of Eldercare on Employment, Jason W. Walker; Janet Fast; Donna Dosman Discussant: B. Jan McCulloch Presider: Jacqueline J. Kirby Willcins CFLE

B Adding Specialized Information to Parenting Newsletters: Clients and Therapists at Risk (AP; SW) Evaluation of Two Inserts on Recognizing Developmental B Preventing Secondary Trawnatization: Effective Self­ Disabilities in Children and Publicizing Current Parent care Strategies for Helping Professionals, Kyle D. Killian Education Opportunities, Patricia Tanner Nelson CFLE B Identifying Coping Strategies for Managing Vicarious Trauma B Reaching High-risk Hispanic Farnilies in a Home-visiting Associated With Working With Child Victims of Sexual and Program With Age-paced Newsletters, Joni Weatherspoon; Severe Physical Abuse, Rene Pogue; David N. Yarbrough Sally R. Bowman P A Collaborative Reflection of Selves: Integrating Internal B Age-paced Parenting Newsletters in Rural Appalachia: A Family Systems Therapy and the Reflecting Team Approach, Kentucky County's Story, Carole A. Gnatuk; Peggy H. Hye-Stm Ro; Meredith Hedges Powell R What Adults are Looking for in a Spouse and the Role of Chair: Sally R. Bowman Spousal Support in Transcending a Trawnatic Childhood, Discussant: Susan K. Walker Linda M. Skogrand; Daniel Woodbury; John D. DeFrain; Presider: Patricia Tanner Nelson CFLE Jeane Jones

Adolescent Health and Family Relations (AP; SW) Spirituality and Religion in Strong, Enduring Families R Developmental Trends in Family Predictors of Adoles­ (AP; SW) cent Suicide: Stressors and Problem Solving, Christine R. B Developing Traits Associated With Strong and McGeorge; Kristen E. Holm; Martha A. Rueter Resilient Families: A Family Leadership Model, Kevin R Protecting Adolescents From the Long-term Effects of A. Galbraith; Sterling K. Wall Economic Pressure: The Moderating Role of Parenting, Hee­ R The Role and Dynamics of Friends and Parents as Signif­ Kyung Kwon; Martha A. Rueter icant Predictors of Adolescent Religious Belief and B " I Just \'Van ted to Be the I

42 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program bles

Limited to 10 Attendees each. Participants change tables every 40 Minutes to allow participation in two discussions. Gender in Families (AP; SW) 411-1 FP P A Review of Field Exercises for Teaching Fanllly liiTQl R The Gender Double Standard and Parents' Attitudes Policy, Thomas M. Coleman; Vanessa Tymes l Toward Family Formation, William G. Axinn; Linda Yaung-Demarco; Mee-So Caponi 411-2 FS P Developing and IVIaintall-llng Partnerships: Launch­ ing Family Science Students in Field Placements R The Influence of \'Vomen's Employment on Housework \Xlhile Meeting the Needs of Social Science Agencies, Allocation Over the Life Course, Mick Cunningham Georgia A. Franyo; Linda S. Reymam1 R Emotional Availability and Fatherhood, Todd Goodsell 411-3 FF R The Adoption of Environmentally Responsible R Refuting Efforts to Disentangle Fathering and Mothering: Behaviors in tl1e Context of Family Life: Theoretical The Moderating Role of Youtl1 Personality, Heidi E. Stolz; and Empilical Perspectives, Brooke Judkins; Brian K. Barber Priscilla White Blanton Discussant: Stacy J. Rogers 411-4 IN B Teaching About International Families in Cross­ Presider: Jennifer L. Matjasko Cultural Contexts, Raeann R. Hamon CFLE; Sylvia M. Asay CFLE; MahaN. Younes; Tami James Moore; Lauren A. Lutz; Cherie K. Snavely 411-5 FS P Sustai11ing Campus-Comnmnity Partnerships to }-\ddress Co1111mmit:y Identified Needs Through Service-learning Courses, Mary E. Henry 411-6 FT P Teaching Family Therapy Witl1 Technology: The Development of an Electronic Textbook for Introduction to Maniage and Family Therapy, Laura M. Maggio Presiders: Phil Adkins CFLE; Laura S. Smart 411-7 FH B Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression CFLE During the Perinatal Period, Carol Elaine Mertens CFLE; Scott Stuart; Michael O'Hara; Laura Heterosexual allies are an important component of creating a Gorman positive environment for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgen­ 411-8 EE P Distance Education Metl1ods and tl1e Preparation der (GLB'I) students in academic environments. This is a mini­ and Training of Family Life Educators, Michael J. workshop designed to sensitize persons who would like to help create a positive emrironment for GLBT students on their cam­ Walcheslci CFLE; Trish F. Anderson pus. The session will also include information on how to set up 411-9 IN P Resources for Teaching About Families From an Safe Spaces training at your insitution. International Perspective, Carrie L. Yodanis; James J. Ponzetri Jr.; Raeann R. Hamon CFLE Anne-Marie Long, JVLA, is an Equity Advisor with UBC's Equity Office and coordinates UBC's Positive Space Can1paign. She works with students, staff, and faculty to help resolve human rights complaints of discrimination and harassment, facilitates training sessions and creates educational materials and equity ini­ Audio and Video Tapes. Take your favorite tiatives. The Positive Space Campaign, one such initiative, works sessions to your colleagues. Purchase audio and video tapes. to address patterns of invisibility on campus that lead to the Audio tapes can be picked up before you leave. Video tapes exclusion, discrimination and harassment of lesbian, gay, bisel>-'U­ will be sent within two weeks after the Co11ference. al, queer, transgender, t:wo-spilit and intersex (LGBQTTI) stu­ fill out Education forms and either dents, staff, faculty and the denial or erasure of their issues. By Re,gistralti(lll'l Desk or mail to NCFR trail-ling resource persons and identifying Positive Spaces on campus, the campaign works to make UBC more visibly wel­ Prepare to submit a fo the 2004 con-llng to and supportive of its LGBQTI1 population. Conference. Deadline is February 15, 2004.

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 43 = 1 m, ...... Students/New Professionals Networldng All students (graduate and tmdergraduate) and new profession­ als are invited. The session is informal and social. Presider: Jennifer Parker, S/NP Program Representative

Presiders: Raeann R. Hamon CFLE, Association of Councils President; and Michael L. Benjamin, NCFR Executive Director Last chance to visit the Exhibits Take time to stop by all the booths and look for new materials that you can take home with you. Stop by the NCFR booth and introduce yourself to the staff. Prizes will be awarded at 1:30pm. You must be present to win today.

44 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Ginger Burrell; Mark W. Roosa 415-13 EM B Black/White Biracial Identity Transitions Among IYiiddle-Childhood Aged Children and Prevention of At-risk Behavior, Megan E. Cox 415-14 EM R Entering Parenthood: A Look At Black and White Men's Considerations and Behavior, Kimberly Posters are clustered by Section. Awards will be given for the B. Holland best posters in. each Section each day. 415-15 EM R Family Stressors, Academic Socialization Edli.!ication and Enrichment Sedion Practices, and Academic Competence in African­ Marriage IEnrkhmentjfEch.llcation American, Hispanic-American, and Asian-American 415-1 EE R Implications of a Longitudinal Study: Does Families, Kwanghee Jung; Naomi Prakash; Marriage Matter? Ann P. Blackwell CFLE; Anne Ambika Krishnakumar M. Stanberry CFLE; Ashley Doughty 415-16 EM R Exploring Relationship Functioning in Pre­ 415-2 EE B Marriage Potential, Intentionality, and Relationship marital Caucasian, Latino, and Mexican Couples: Depth: An Outcome Study of Marriage Enrichment, Applying Gottman's Cascade Model of Marital Charles Lee Cole CFLE; AnnaL. Cole; Jennifer Dissolution, Jose R. Parra; Dean M. Busby Fort; Michelle Robertson 415-17 EM R \'Vhat Do We Really Know About Latino Fam­ 415-3 EE B Motivation to Participate in Marriage Preparation ilies? A Content Analysis of Refereed Publications, Among College-educated Yow1g Adults With Greater Gloria E. Gonzalez-Kruger CFLE; Adriana J. Family Related Risks for Marital Disruption, Stephen Umana-Taylor CFLE; Katia Paz Goldfarb CFLE; F. Duncan CFLE Francisco A. Villarmel 415-4 EE R Predicting :Marriage Education Workshop Atten­ 415-18 EM B Evaluating From Outside the Circle: White dance, Keith D. Goforth CFLE; Michael Lane Academics Conducting Evaluation Research on a Morris CFLE Native American Reservation, Bethany L. Letiecq; 415-5 EE B Choosing an Effective Iviarriage Enrichment Sandra J. Bailey CFLE; Nate St. Pierre; Shannon Program: A Critical Review, Scott F. Jakubowski; McRaith Eric Milne; Heidi Brunner; Richard B. Miller 415-19 EM R Investigating Adolescent Self-image in Trinidad 415-6 EE P Couple Therapy and Marriage Enrichment: and 'Tobago: The Place of Family Structure, Curtis Partners in Fostering Relationship Potential, Phyllis A. Fox CFLE; Isa A. Ribadu E. Michael CFLE; Rand Michael Pro 415-20 EM B Intermarriage: Cause or Consequence of 415-7 EE B Development and Validation of the Remarriage Assimilation? Matthew A. Jendian Belief Inventory, Brian J. Higginbotham; 415-21 EM B Utilizing Focus Groups to Determine Barriers Francesca Adler-Baeder to Prenatal Care Adequacy Among African-American 415-8 EE R The Role of Stress Appraisals and Social Support Adolescents, Mary K. Madsen; Lisa Bradford; Among Couples Living in Step families, Susan B. Mary K. Casey; Jeanette Kowalik Holtzman; Dayna Lee-Baggley; Anita DeLongis 415-22 EM R Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Interpersonal 415-9 EE B Utah's l\Iarriage Initiative: Su:engthening Marriage Violence in Adulthood: A Cumulative Impact on in Utah, James P. Marshall; David Schramm; l'viaternal Depression, William M. McGuigan Linda M. Skogrand; Thomas R. Lee 415-23 EM R Can't We All Just Get Along?: Exploring the 415-10 EE BAn Assessment of Marital Adjustment, Marital Relationship Between Social Networks and Satisfaction, and Problematic Areas During the First Adolescent Ethnic Identity Development, Ani Few Months of Marriage, David Schramm; Fay Yazedjian Belnap; Thomas R. Lee 415-24 El\1 R Social Skills and Behavior Problems of African­ 415-11 EE P Balancing Work and Life: What's an Educator to American Preschoolers: Roles of Parenting, Social Do? Kate Branscomb; Angela R. Wiley Support, and Children's Exposure to Family and Commtmity Violence, Linda M. Oravecz; Sally A. Ethnic Minorities Section Koblinsky; Suzanne M. Randolph 415-12 EM R The Relationship Between Cultural Adaptation and Mental Health in Mexican-American Adolescents: Family Sdence Section A Socio-cognitive Model of Culture and Adjustment, 415-25 FS P The Comic Genogram: A Tool for Understanding

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 45 415-39 FT B Grievance and Dismissal Policies in Accredited Marriage and Family Therapy Programs, Colleen M. Peterson; Kara Z. Me Daniel; Candyce S. Russell 415-40 FT B Living Wid1 Children Wid1 Autism: A Qualitative Family Processes, Kyle L. Kostelecky; William Study of Couples and Families, Christina Robert Michael Fleming CFLE 415-41 FT B Reducing the Harmful Effects of Violent TV, Lawrence I. Rosenkoetter; Sharon Rosenkoetter; Therrapy Section Rachel A. Ozretich CFLE; Alan C. Acock 415-26 FT B Family System Dynamics and Sexually Aggressive 415-42 FT B Educational and Vocational Risk in the Lives of Men: A Cross Group Comparison, William Michael Court-involved Adolescents: Findings From a Prelim­ Fleming CFLE inary Study of Global Risk Assessment Device, 415-27 FT B Latina l'viothers Parenting Alone, Carmen Christiana Russell; Stephen M. Gavazzi; Ji-Young Aguirre; Richard S. Wampler; Marie Bermudez; Lim Nenetzin Angelica Reyes; Mary Ann Gutierrez 415-43 FT P Cinematherapy for Couples: A Technique for the 415-28 FT B Auxiliary Treatment and Quality of Life in Breast Future, Connie Sharp; Michele Litchy; Lori Stukey Cancer Survivors and Their Partners, Kathleen 415-44 FT R What Adoption-specific Family Challenges do Briggs; Julie Coffey Adoptive Couples Face With Special-needs Adoptive 415-29 FT B The Effects of Relationship Breakup on Attach­ Placements? Darren A. Wozny; Sedahlia Jasper ment Style, Elizabeth Bullough; James M. Harper; Crase CFLE Jason S. Carroll 415-45 FT B Marriage and Family Therapy: Strengthening 415-30 FT B Putting Emotional Reactivity in its Place: Explor­ Relationships and Changing Biology, Eric Milne; ing Family-of-Origin Influences on Emotional Wendy L. Watson Reactivity, Conflict, and Satisfaction in Premarital 415-46 FT B Importance of Grief and Loss: Depressive Couples, Brandt C. Gardner; Dean M. Busby; Symptoms of Foster Children, Mariana K. Andrew S. Brimhall Falconier; Jacqueline Wallen; Summer Meyers; 415-31 FT R Emotional Reactivity, Depression, and Marital Debbie B. Riley Satisfaction: A Comparison of Two Statistical Med1- ods, Aaron C. Glade; Suzanne Bartle-Haring; life Section Arpita Lal 415-47 RF B Changes in Sexual and Family Patterns Confront 415-32 FT R Assessing the Use of Humor by Licensed I\1ar­ Religious Values and Behavioral Expectations, riage and Family Therapists, Haven H. Goulding; Marjorie L. Coppock Steven L. West 415-48 RP B Mutual Respect in Family Work, Leslie D. Hall 415-33 FT B The Emerging Family Therapy Movem.enr in CFLE Thailand: Analysis of Trends, Liz beth A. Gray; 415-49 RF R Marriage and Same-sex Relationships of Highly Methinin Pinyuchon Religious, Homosexual Individuals, Gary T. 415-34 FT R Publication Patterns Among Marriage and Family Horlacher Therapy Faculty: A Content Analysis, Dale R. 415-50 RF B The Role of Religion- A Comparison of JVIuslim Hawley; Chris Gonzalez and Non-Muslim Children's Understanding of \'Var, 415-35 FT B Exploring Critical Race Theory in MFT Training: Peace, and Terrorism, Roshan A Khosravi; Judith A Study Group, Teresa McDowell; Sherry (Shi­ A. Myers-Walls CFLE Ruei) Fang 415-51 RF RAn Empirical Test of a Nco-Functionalist 415-36 FT B Being Successful as a , MarciaL. Theoretical Model, Donald S. Swenson Michaels; Sarah Gellhaus Thomas; Melissa 415-52 RF R The Role of Religious Convictions in Marital Mahan Processes: lVIediating Effects of Altruism, Empad1y, 415-37 FT R Gender Differences in Marital Satisfaction: A and Attributions, Duane Alan Dowd CFLE Meta-analysis, Richard B. Miller; Ryan G. Henry; Section Sherie Christensen Marriage 415-38 FT B Is There Room for Diversity in the Sexual 415-53 RT R The Relationship Between Tribulations and Crucible? Margaret L. Morgan; Jose R. Parra; Marital Satisfaction: Mediating Effects of Self-disclo­ Neetu Arora sure, Marge Means; Duane Alan Dowd CFLE

46 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program In Recognition of the 10th Anniversary of 415-54 RT R Arranged Selves: Role, Identity, and Social the International Year of the Family Transformation Among Women in Indian Hindu Arranged Marriages, Devika Chawla 415-55 RT R Strained Finances, Strained Marriages: The Interaction of Financial Strain, Marital Cmruniunent, and I\Iarital Distress, Jeffrey P. Dew 415-56 RT R Effects of Civil Status on Person Perception: Similarities and Differences Among Married, Cohabiting, and Single Persons, Jessica E. Donn; Julia Y. Wernke 415-57 RT R Premarital Perspectives on Marriage: Young Adults' Beliefs About Iviarriage and Associated Family­ of-Origin and Dating Experiences, Scott S. Hall 415-58 RT B Effects of Participation in Youth Activities on Iviarriage and Divorce, Blythe Kneedler; Sam Vuchin.ich 415-59 RT R Emotional Expression and Neuroticism: Do They Predict I\Lu1tal Quality? Yoav Lavee; Adital Ben-Ad Introduction of President, Ralston, Dean, Florida 415-60 RT R To \'\!hom Do Adolescents Turn for Advice? A State Univ:, CoL of Hmnan Sciences Comparison of Adolescents From Married and Moderator: Carol A. Darling CFLE Divorced Families, Renee L. Peltz; Margaret R. Various countdes beyond d1.e U.S. have developed extensive pro­ Stone; Bonnie L. Barber grams in family life education, passed legislation to support family life 415-61 RT R Gender-role Identity in the Context of Mat1tal education, ptoposed mardage/ couples/ parent education, and/ or Separation: A Qualitative Study of Abusive Men, focused on issues of concern to families. However, d1ere is litde infor­ Michelle L. Toews mation and communication about the progress of these initiatives worldwide. The purpose of this forum is to learn about fue status of Adlolescents family life education and family policy within our global community in 415-62 RT R Resiliency in Single Mother Families: Ethnic order to faciliL'lte an international information exchange and support Differences in Effects of Family Structure on network for countries dealing with sinillar issues. As we approach Adolescent Delinquency and Acadetnic Performance, rhe1 Ofu anniversary of fue International Year of d1e Family, it is Michael P. Farrell; En-Ling Pan appropdate to have d1is dialogue. Presenters are from Taiwan, Korea, 415-63 RT R Family Processes and Adolescent Offending, Finland, and Canada.

Katherine A. Paz; Jennifer L. Matjasko .ovu~o:--''-''"'" Kim is Professor, Chungbuk Univ., So. Korea 415-64 RT R Adolescent Temperament and Family Conflict: Li-Tuan Chou is Professor, National Taiwan Normal Univ., The Mediating Role of Conflict Management, Taipei, Taiwan Shawna Made Thayer; Kimberly A. Updegraff Nei-yuh is Professor, National Miscellaneous Topics Taiwan Normal Univ., Taipei, Taiwan 415-65 RT R Adoptive and Biological Children: Who Feels Closest to Father and \'\lho to Mod1er? Gordon E. Korvela is Professor, Univ. of Helsinki

Finley; Anthony L. Burrow; Howard Heller ~~n'"i~"'J''" Arcus is Facully Emeritus, Univ. of British 415-66 RT R The Experience of Sexual and Emotional Online Columbia, Canada, and a former NCFR Board member. Infidelity, Branden H. Henline; Leanne K. Lamke CFLE 415-67 RT R The Relation of Family Socialization, of the awards and a list of d1e wilmers. Connectedness With Community, and Perceived School Safety to Adolescent Sexual Responsibility, Sponsored by Florida State Univ., College of Human Sciences Kathleen Boyce Rodgers

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 47 Helping Teens Who Have Experienced Their Parents' Divorce: Teens Talk About Divorce B Workshop Leaders: Jacqueline J. Kirby Wilkins OJ CFLE; Ann Diede

Parenting Styles: Its Impact on Ethnic Adolescent Identity

"1, R Black Paternal Presence and Involvement: The Flip __, S1de of Black Paternal Absence: A Rev1ew of the Literature, Toinette M. Pilgrim; Thomas Blume R Parenting Adolescents in Hmong Families, Andrew J. Supple; Stephen A. Small Presider: Paul R. Amato B Latino Fathering Styles in Three Contexts, Brent A. Taylor; Andrew 0. Behnke; Mayra Frank Using a relatively open-ended format, this session will allow sev­ R Ethnic Identity Formation Dm1ng Adolescence: The Critical eral prominent marriage experts to comment broadly on trends Role of Families, Adriana J. Umana-Taylor CFLE; Ruehl in marriage and to reflect on mate1-ials presented earlier in the Bhanot conference. Session aims: (1) To place current marriage t.rends in Discussant: April Few a historical context (2) To assess current policies proposed by Presider: Ani Yazedjian d1e Federal Government to strengthen marriage. (3) To consider whether marriage is resilient or is declining as an institution.

Stephanie Coontz, is Professor of history and family studies at Building "Family" Into Work-Family Facilitation The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA and national co-chair R Work-Family Facilitation, Working Fathers and of the Council on Contemporary Families, author of The Way l\Iothers, and Flexible Work Policies, E. Jeffrey Hill We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap, CFLE and The Way We Really Are: Coming to Terms T1lith Americas R Facilitating \Vorker IdentitT and Involvement: A Qualitative Changing Families Study of Women Who Travel for Work, Anisa M. Zvonkovic; Theodora Ooms, is Director, Center for Law and Social Policy; Cheryl Peters and Director of Couples and Man1age Policy Resource Center, R Capturing Daily Variation in Work-Fmnily Facilitation for and author of presentations to Capitol Hill policy analysts, and Non-professionals, Brenda L. Bass; Adam B. Butler; publications focused on low income families, teen pregnancy; Kirsten Draper Linney unwed fad1ers, family-school links, and marriage policy. R Utilization of Workplace Supports and Coping Stratet,>ies: Ted Huston is d1e Amy Johnson McLaughlin Centennial An Examination of Cross-over Effects Among Dual-earner Professor of Human Ecology and Psychology; Univ: of Texas­ Couples in the Sandwiched Generation, Leslie B. Hammer; Austin, and the P1-incipal Investigator of the PAIR Project. Using Margaret B. Neal; Jennifer C. Cullen; Ginger C. Hanson data drawn from a 15-year longitudinal study funded by both the Chair: Joseph G. Grzywacz National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Discussant: Shelley M. MacDerrnid CFLE Mental Heald1, Professor Huston studies how and why intimate relationships change over time. He was the third President ofthe International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, and Infancy, Childhood, and Early Adolescence he has received d1e society's award for Paper of d1e Year. B Austrian and American Families' Sleeping Arrange­ ments: How Do They Affect Families' Breastfeeding and Routines During Infancy or Todcllerhood? Tanja Rothrauff; Wendy Middlemiss CFLE; Lauren P. Jacobson

48 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program A. Rudd; Virginia Leigh Robinson 423-4 B Grant \vriting for the New Professional: Successful Strategies and Helpful Resources, Kathleen A. O'Rourke 423-5 B Blaze or Burnout? Guiding Principles for New R The Inyolvement of Mothers and Fathers in Their Young Professionals, Jennifer S. Parker; Veena Khandke Children's Everyday Activities: Observations in the U.S., Russia, 423-6 B Soliciting the Perfect Letter of Recommendation: and Estonia, Jonathan Tudge; Fabienne Doucet; Eileen Who to Ask and How to l\Iake Their Job Easier, Colon; Paula Heilbrun Anne C. Fletcher B A Comparison of Parental Discipline Approach Among Chinese and American Parents, Sherry (Shi-Ruei) Fang; Linda E. Derscheid; Xiaolin Xie; Hong Ying Chen R J\Iatemal Depression, Parenting Behaviors and Child Adjustment Interrelationships in Romanian Families, Mihaela Robila CFLE; Ambika Krishnakumar This forum will discuss work-life issues relevant to researchers Discussant/Presider: Annita Sani and e1T1ployers. Recorder: Paul L. Schvaneveldt CFLE Sponsored by NCFR and The Awareness Conference

Early and Mid-adolescent Family Antecedents of Education, Relationship and Health Outcomes During Emerging Adulthood R Influence of Adolescent Family E::.;:periences on Educational Attainment During Emerging Adulthood, Gather with your Legacy Circle f1iends and colleagues for hors Janet Nieuwsma Melby CFLE; Shu-Ann Fang; Katherine d'oetrnes and beverages. By invitation only to those who have J. Conger been NCFR members for 25 years or more. Influence of Early Family Experiences on Romantic Relationship Beliefs Expressed During Emerging Adulthood, Hosts: Michael L. Benjamin, and NCFR Board and Staff Chalandra M. Bryant CFLE R Influence of Early Initiation Into Family Responsibilities on Physical and Mental Health Trajectories During Emerging Adulthood, K. A. S. Wickrama; Ajith Gtmarathne Chair: Janet Nieuwsma Melby CFLE Discussants: Rand D. Conger; Martha A. Rueter

Builcling Strong Families Robin Mathematica Policy Research Service Delivery and Evaluation Design Options for Strengthening and Promoting Healthy Marriages, Matt EYery 40 minutes attendees change rables. Round tables are The Urban Institute limited to 10 participants at each table. Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Community 423-1 P Diversity in the Classroom: The Need and the "} ..:now Demonstration Initiative, Mike The Lewin How", Alan C. Taylor CFLE Group 423-2 P ABD: Strategies for Ph.D. Candidates to Complete New and Planned Administration for Children and Families Their Degree While They Work, Fi"ed W. Coulter Activities Related to Healthy 1\Iarriage, Brendan C. CFLE; Tom Case; Mat"y Mather Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, 423-3 R Families, Policy, and Practice: Students Speak Out of Administration for Children and Families Policy Internships, Leigh Ann Simmons; Melissa Chair/Discussant: Brendan C.

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 49 See page 18 for an explanation of business meetings.

Family Policy Presider: Patricia Hyjer Dyk, Section Chair

Groups See page 17 for an explanation of Focus Groups. #428 Qualitative Family Research Network Rmmd table format. Attendees change tables every 30 minutes to allow participation in two discussions; fol­ lowed by d1e focus group business meeting. 428-1 R The Use of Testimonials and Poetry The Cutting Peace Edge, Jill Black; Liz Gray; Karen S. Joest rn Presider: Kathleen K. Wall\:er 428-2 R Using "Bracketing" and "Triangulation," Kimberly Downs; Tashel Bordere; Elizabeth Sharp 428-3 R Tips for Qualitative Research as a Grad Student and Beyond, Andrew Behnke; Tammy Harpel 428-4 R Template Analysis, M. Elise Radina 428-5 R Qualitative Work in End-of Life Settings, Barbara Elliott 428-6 R Using List-serve Technology, Jennifer Lambert­ Shute; Kathedne Hertlein 428-7 R Some Twists on Ed1nography- Heuristic Elicitation, Mixon Ware 428-8 R Exploring the Emotional Linkages to Obesity and Overeating in African-American Women, Patricia Bell-Scott; Terri Earl-Kullmsky 428-9 R Work with Special Populations: Fatherhood and Incarcerated Women, Tara Woolfoll'; Rob Pallmvitz; Kimberly Flemke 428-10 R Focus Groups wid1 Latino Populations, Mayra Bamaca-Gomez; Adriana J. Umana-Taylm 428-11 R Qualitative Research and Practice: Action Research, Ethnography, and Ethnomethodology, Pauline Erera; Cathedne S. Powell Presider: Denise S. Berg, Focus Group Chair

50 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 17- Saturday evening, Nov. 20, 2004

Monday afternoon, November 15- \'Vednesday morning, November 17 Hyatt Orlando Hotel Orlando, Program Chair: Jay Teachman, Western Washington University

Arland Thornton, Univ. of JVIichigan (and colleagues) -Families in Countries at Various Levels of Development Tim Smeeding, Ctr. for Policy Research and d1e LtL\.embourg Income Study, Syracuse Univ. -Income Inequality in Families Across Westem-developed Nations (U.S. and Europe) Peggye Dilworth-Anderson, Univ: of Norili Carolina-Greensboro -Inequalities Associated With Race

Inequalities are inclusive. Inequalities are ubiquitous and overlapping and include dimensions involving nations, cultures, power, income, gender, religion, race/ ethnicity, health, etc. There is a diversity of families, many facing several of these inequalities simultaneously. The intersection of multiple inequalities may be one of d1e most difficult obstacles faced by disadvantaged fami­ lies. There is plenty of evidence shmving d1at inequality is rising (particularly with respect to income) both widun d1e US and internationally. A vast array of research has already docmnented the impact that inequalities can have on families.

Thematic Paper Sessions wid1 discussants Poster sessions scheduled against few competing events Research Updates for Practitioners on relevant topics related to the theme \\forkshops focused on new methods and practices providing hands-on experience for beginners and those needing a refresher course. Symposia on research and practice topics just emerging or for which there is renewed interest Professional Development Seminars Opportmuties to earn Continuing Education credits

2005- November 15-20- PhoenL\., AZ Program Chair: Jane Gilgun, University of l'viinnesota 2006 -November 7-12- Niinneapolis, MN

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 51 Board and Committee 1\Ieetings are for members of the appropriate Board or Committee only.

Meeting Prcsider: Carol A. Darling, CFLE, 2001-2003 NCFR Prcsidcr: Jacki Fitzpatrick CFLE, Committee Chair President

and the

Presiding: Alexis J. Walker, JMF Editor

Presiders: Phyllis J. Johnson; Cheryl Jeffs, 2003 Local Arrangements Co-chairs Presiders: Constance L. Shehan CFLE; Suzanna D. Smith CFLE, 2004 Local Arrangements Co-chairs of Councils Officers Presider: Raeann R. Hamon CFLE, Association of Councils President

Prcsiders: Chloe D. Merrill CFLE, Committee Chair; Presider: Carol A. Darling CFLE, NCFR President Laura Eiklenborg, Director, CFLE Academic Programs


Prcsider: Michael L. Benjamin, NCFR Esccutivc Director

Presider: Michael J. Sproakowski CFLE, Committee Chair Presidcr: B. Kay Pasley, FR Ediror

Presider: Harriette P. McAdoo, Committee Chair Presider: Edith A. Levv:is, Com.mittee Chair

Institute Presider: Adriana J. Umana-Taylor CFLE, Students/New Professionals Board Representative (Invitation Only) Presidcr: Maxine Han1.monds-Sn1ith CFLE

52 2003 NCFR .Annual Conference Program auma>AD Committee Presiders: Karen S. Myers-Bowman CFLE, Thursday, Nov. 20, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Committee Chair; Dawn Cassidy CFLE, CFLE Board Meeting Director Saturday, Nov. 22, 8:00- 10:00 a.m. Board Meeting Friday, Nmc 21, 2:15 3:45 p.lTJ.. Open Forum/Discussion Presidcr: Michael L. Benjamin, NCFR Es:ecuti\"C Presider: Roma Hanks, Groves President Director All meetings are in the Groves Suite

Presider: Thomas R. Chibucos, Committee Chair Friday, Nov. 21, 7:30- 8:30a.m...... O.,ford

Saturday, Nm~ 22, 8:30- 10:00 a.m ...... Cm•c;;dc.rb Presider: Jay D. Teachman, 2004 Program Presider: Connie Shehan, CFLE, JFI Editor ComlTlittee Chair

Prcsider: Raeann R. Hamon CFLE, Association of Councils Presidem

Training of NCFR. Sections Presider: Cindy Winter, NCFR Conference Coordinator

The National Council on Family Relations is enhancing its mission and is reaching out to help families directly by providing practical, research-based information about family life. Tips for Families is a growing database of expert information provided by NCFR members. Stop by the exhibit area to learn more about how you might use Tips for Families, and how you can submit your work for publication on this peer-reviewed website (http:/ /www.ncfr.org/families/index.asp). This project is a collaboration between NCFR and tl1e University of Minnesota. Project Co-directors: Heather Haberman, M.S., Dept. of Family Social Science; and Jodi Dworkin, Ph.D., Dept. of Family Social Science and J\Iinnesota Extension Service.

Please send questions and conuTlents to [email protected]

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 53 Runner-up - Foster f\ids, Our Kids­ Prucluccd bY Nc\\-isr/C:c-sa #I Runner-up - UfeSteps: Building 1sr Place·- Degrassi: Tile Next Generation CIJaracter- Prncluccd br l·kanland Media "IJlllwn Doves C1y" Prc•duccd br Linch 1st Place- Active Parenting Now Video Schudcr & Srcphcn St< ,hn Library Tape #3- Pruducccl b1 '\ctil"l· Runner-up -ABC News: Florida {"oster Parcming Publi,hcrs 1sr Pbcc - T!Je Way Home- Produced br Care- Prncluce·cl br Rhnneb Sch,,·artz Runner-Up- ABC News: 20/20 "Triplet jcssica ;\ Lmin Hunnrablc \knrion- Teen Dating Dads"- Prmlucccl b1· Jcffrc\· L. Diamond .Runnc'Htp -!·lard Working Families, Violence Public Service f.tnnouncetnerd­ [-Junc>J::iblc i\ lcminn- Parem' Sense The Caring for t!Je Elderly- Pn >duccd hr Proclucccl b1 Jim c;< •in & Da1·id !~arc Meaning of Play- Pn >duccd 1)\ :\lind c~c Ellzabcrh 1\. Nardone l\ !celia, Inc. 1st Place - Living I!Vit!J It- Pwclucccl lA ~us an 0! c:~sin1 I"-et"ncy H unmablc !\ knrion - Life With Dad­ Runner-up - OCD: Tile Vilar Inside­ Pmduced br Jerr\· D. l~rCjl!tkc\·ich and 1;;t Place·- ililyU1 of Fat!Jer- Pruducccl by Pmducecl b1· \lark P,rncer and D;t\·id Fr:unclinc Bonnic- llu Hnp~nn Hoffc·rt 1\_unncr-Up Degrassi: Tfue NeJtt' Generation H• •n< •rabk ;1 lcmiun -Degrassi: The Next "Careless l!l!hisper"- l)rcJLluccd h1- I jncla Generation - Prncluccd hr I jncb SchuYin and Stephen Srolm 1sr Pbce ABC News: Prirneiime Schudcr /:.Zc Srephcn Sr< >1m H, ,n; ,rablc 1\It:milln -ABC News: 20/20 Thursday •topen /l1rrrus:~ - Pn lduct·d b~­ Age inappropriate- Pruclucccl by Gcuff i\bn;c Pcncl< >pe Fkming Runner-up - F.A.S. When The Children 1sr PbcL'- Degrassi: The Next Generafion Grow Up- Producc·cl br Banlctr-Lm>se "Don't Believe 1-!ype"- Pruducccl IJI" [-fun<>Ltblc ]\knrion- Speak New York PnKlucrillns L lD. Limb Schu\ ler & Src·phcn Srnhn - Pruduced :\Lmhc\1. Cl'Ncill

5-l 211113 1"JC:r'·R '\nnual Conference Prugum Chair ...... Paul R. Amato, Penn Sratc: Universin· ...... Jay D. Teachman, \Vcstern \Vashingwn Unin:rsity

Section Chairs: Eduurion and Enrichmcm...... H. 'V/allace Goddard, CFLE, Uni1·. of Arkansas Coop. E';l. Ethnic \finoritics ... J. Bryant-\JVilliams, Educational Consultant. Little Rock, AR and Health . . Teresa \V. Julian, Otterbein Cui. Policy ... Patricia Hyjer Dyk, Uni1·. of [~entucky Paul Anwto Famih· Scic·ncc ...... Laura 5. CFLE, Nonhc:rn lllinois Uni,~. . ... ICathleen Oklahoma Stare LTniY. ! 'L·minism and F:11nill· Srudic·s...... A.... nisa IVJI. Zvonkovic, Oregon Stare LTni1·. I merna tiona!...... Fitzpatrick, CFLE, Te:-;as Tech Uni1·. and Family Life· ...... Thomas San Diego Srate Uni1·...... Ann C. Crouter, Penn State Uni1~ P[( >fcssinn:tls Prngum Rep ...... Jennifer S. U ni1·. of So. Caruuna-Span:mbcrg \so:(lci:triun nf C()uncils Prugram Chair ...... A.rn1inta L. CFLE, UniY. of North Texas Public Policy Scssiuns ...... Laura ·rhL·i 1n· C~(~n~rrucri~ .. Sta:r.t J. Brigh~1111 \ -oung LT niY.

;,1 I :FR C•>nfcrcncc· Cc .. n:din:tt<•r ...... CMP. NCFR Prcsicknr ...... (Carol ;luricb State LTniY. Pt:c·sicknr-clc-cr. U ni\·. of Akron ;,;I :FR E;;ccurin· Dircccc'r ...... Michael L. Benjamin i >;hibirs Courdinat

C:1~cha~~- ...... Oougbo; CcJ!., BC Emplr>\'111L'l1i i\ brching Sc·ryicc ...... (Carrie L. l-odanis, Chai1· Hnspir:tli;y C:nrc-r ......

Li:1i:c:on t(,r ...... Sheila K. MarshalL Cluir Sruclcni Assist: mrs ......

Phyllis Johnson Cheryl .Jeffs \'!P

:21111_1 N CFR Annual Conference Program 1925


sponsor a November 19, I Council on m1


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56 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program President ...... Carol A. Darling, CFLE, Florida State University President-elect ...... Gay C. Kitson, University of Akron Member-At-Large ...... Martha Farrell Erickson, University of ·Minnesota l\Iember-At-Large ...... Lawrence H. Ganong, University of J\!lissouri-Colwnbia Member-At-Large ...... Leslie A. Koepke, University of Wisconsin-Stout Member-At-Large ...... Judith A. Myers-Walls, CFLE, Purdue University Member-At-Large ...... Jane B. Tornatore, Screen Inc., Seattle Carol A. Darling, Association of Councils President ...... Raeann R. Hamon, CFLE, Messiah College CFLE Students/New Professionals Representative .. Adriana Umana-Taylor, CFLE, University of Illinois- Urbana/ Champaign

Ex Officio: NCFR Executive Director...... Michael L. Benjamin NCFR Executive Assistant ...... Jeanne A. Strand

President ...... Gay C. Kitson, University of Akron President-elect ...... Pamela A. Monroe, Louisiana State Univ. Member-At-Large ...... Martha Farrell Erickson, University of Minnesota l'dember-At-Large ...... Lawrence H. Ganong, University of l\lissouri-Columbia Member-At-Large ...... Leslie A. Koepke, University of Wisconsin-Stout l\fember-At-Large ...... Judith A. Myers-Walls, CFLE, Purdue University l\Iember-At-Large ...... Jane B. Tornatore, Screen Inc., Seattle Gay C. Kitson Association of Councils President ...... Raeann R. Hamon, CFLE, Messiah College Students/New Professionals Representative. Adriana Umana-Taylor, CFLE, University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign

Ex officio: NCFR Executive Director ...... Michael L. Benjamin NCFR Executive Assistant ...... Jeanne A. Strand

loumal oj'lllfarriage and Fami(y ...... Alexis J. Wall.;:er, Oregon State University

Family Relations ...... B. Kay Pasley, University of North Carolina-Greensboro

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 57 58 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Toll Free Phone NLm1ber (U.S. and Canada) ...... 888-781-9331 President ...... Raeann Hamon CFLE NCFR Phone Ntm1ber ...... 763-781-9331 Program Chair ... Arminta Jacobson CFLE Fax ...... 763-781-9348 Secretary /Treasurer & Affiliate ...... General E-Mail ...... [email protected] Connection Editor ..... Janice Weber CFLE Website ...... www.ncfr.org Past President; Nominating Cmmnittee ...... Lane H. Powell CFLE Student/New Professional Reps ...... Executive Director ...... Raeann Hamon, ...... Michele Genest; Joi Woodard Michael Benjamin Michael L. Benjamin, M.P.H. CFLE ext. 21; e-mail: [email protected] Section Liaison ...... J. Lyn Rhoden Conference Coordinator ...... Cindy Winter, CMP Staff Liaison ...... Lynda Bessey ext. 15; e-mail: [email protected] Certification Director ...... Dawn Cassidy, M.Ed., CFLE ext. 12; e-mail: [email protected] California ...... Pamela Gardner Finance Manager .. Jolm Pepper, ext. 16; e-mail: [email protected] Illinois ...... Beth Metke Projects Director ...... Laura Eiklenborg, M.P.H Indiana ...... Lorraine Blackman CFLE ext. 17; e-mail: [email protected] Michigan ...... Martin Covey CFLE Executive Assistant/Exhibits Coordinator...... lvlinnesota ...... Vicki Thrasher Cronin Jeatme Strand, ext. 11; e-mail: [email protected] Ohio ...... Ted G. Futris CFLE Accmmting/Data Entry Coordinator ...... Oklahoma ...... Laura Gruntmeir CFLE Deanna Forrest, ext. 14; e-mail: [email protected] Pennsylvania/Delaware/Maryland ...... Cynthia Drenovsky J\Iarketing Coordinator/ Associarion of Councils Liaison ...... Texas ...... Richard Sale CFLE Lynda Bessey, ext. 22; e-mail: [email protected] Utah ...... Joyce Buck CFLE Membership/Newlsetter/Customer Service Coordinator ...... Sasha Smith, ext. 10; e-mail: [email protected] l\fidwest ...... David Lloyd Briscoe CFLE Mail Clerk/Inventory ...... Judy Schutz Nord1west...... Suzanne Smith Sherry McManigal Greater Greensboro, NC ...... Cindy Dorman ext. 20; e-mail: [email protected] Taiwan, ROC...... Hsiang-Ming Justine Kung Washington Representative ...... Margaret Feldman, Ph.D. e-mail: [email protected] Bowling Green State University ..... Laura Landry-Meyer CFLE U.N. Representative ...... Marilyn Bensman, Ph.D. Chowan College ...... William Gattis CFLE e-mail: [email protected] East Carolina University ...... Elizabeth Carroll CFLE Kent State University ...... Mary M. Dellman-Jenkins Louisiana Tech University ...... Duane Dowd CFLE Messiah College ...... Raeatm Hamon CFLE Univ. of Nord1 Texas ...... Tommie Lawhon CFLE Purdue University ...... Janie Long Samford University ...... Dan Sandifer-Stech CFLE South Carolina State Univ...... Sheila Littlejohn-Blake CFLE Syracuse University ...... Robert Moreno Tech Cmmcil ...... Lane Powell CFLE Texas Soud1ern University .... Maxine Hammonds-Smith CFLE Towson University ...... William Rose University of Detroit Mercy ...... Libby Blume CFLE University of Illinois ...... Adriana Umana-Taylor CFLE University of Kentucky ...... Gladys J. Hildreth CFLE University of Louisiana-Lafayette ...... Janice Weber CFLE University of .Manitoba ...... Carol Harvey CFLE Back row, left to right: Jeanne Strand, Dawn Cassidy, University of Maryland ...... Roger Rubirt Jolm Pepper, Deanna Forrest, Lynda Bessey, lvlichael Benjamin, University of J\•fissouri-Colurnbia ...... Jason Hans CFLE Sherry McManigal, Laura Eilclenborg University of Tennessee .. Julia Malia CFLE; James Malia CFLE Front row: Judy Schutz; Cindy Winter, Sasha Smid1 Weber State University ...... Chloe Merrill CFLE

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 59 THRICE TOLD TALES BULLYING IN AMERICAN SCHOOLS Married Couples Tell Their Stories A Social-Ecological Perspective on Prevention and Intervention DIANE HOLMBERG, TERRI 1. ORBUCH, JOSEPH VEROFF Edited by DOROTHY L. ESPELAGE, SUSAN M. SWEARER 0-8058-4099-0 [cloth] I July 2003 I 256epp. I In Presst 0-8058-4559-3 [cloth] December 2003 464epp. In Presst 0-8058·4100-8 [paper] J July 2003/256epp./ln Presst I I I 0·8058-4560-7 [paper] I December 2003/464epp./ln Presst COUPLE OBSERVATIONAL CODING SYSTEMS Edl\ed by INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON PATRICIA K. KERIG, DONALD H. BAUCOM FAMILYVIOLENCE AND ABUSE 0-8058-4357-4 [cloth] I April 2004 I 320epp. I In Presst A Cognitive Ecological Approach KATHLEEN MALLEY-MORRISON CHILDREN'S INFLUENCE ON FAMILY DYNAMICS 0-8058-4245-4 [cloth] I February 2004 I 304epp. I In Presst The Neglected Side of Family Relationships 0-8058-4246-2 [paper]/ February 2004/304epp./ln Presst Edited by ANN C. CROUTER, ALAN BOOTH FAMILY STORIES AND THE UFECOURSE 0-8058-4271-3 [cloth]/2003 I 280pp. I $59.95 Across Time and Generations Special Discount Price! $29.95* Edited by MICHAEL W. PRATT, BARBARA. H. FIESE FAMILY INVESTMENTS IN CHILDREN'S POTENTIAL 0-8058-4282-9 [cloth] I February 2004 I 392epp. I In Presst Resources and Behaviors That Promote Children's Success Edlled by CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN FAMILY RELATIONS ARIEL KALIL, THOMAS DELEIRE A Volume in the Monographs in Parenting Series Theory, Methods and Empirical Findings Edited by 0-8058-4871-1 [cloth] I Mid 2004 I 280epp. I In Presst RAND D. CONGER, FREDERICK LORENZ, K.A.S. WICKRAMA A Volume in the Advances in Family Research Series CONCEPTUALIZING AND MEASURING 0-8058-3699-3 [cloth] I December 2003 I 392epp. I In Presst FATHER INVOLVEMENT Edited by RANDAL D. DAY, MICHAEL E. LAMB HANDBOOK OF PARENTING, SECOND EDITION Edited by I'I0-80:i8-'135'9-0 [cloth] I August 2003 I 416epp. I In Presst MARC H. BORNSTEIN Volume l: Children and Parenting HANDBOOK OF FATHER INVOLVEMENT 0-8058-3778-7 [cloth] I 2002 I 600pp. I $135.00 Multidisciplinary Perspectives Special Discount Price! $65.00* Edl!ed by Volume 2: Biology and Ecology ofParenting CATHERINE S. TAMIS-LEMONDA, NATASHA CABRERA 0-8058-3779-5 [cloth] I 2002 I 552pp. I $135.00 0-8058-3702-7 [cloth] I 2002 I 672pp. I $150.00 Special Discount Price! $65.00* Special Discount Price! $59.95* Volume 3: Being and Becoming a Parent 0-8058-3780-9 [cloth] I 2002 I 792pp.l $180.00 Special Discount Plice! $75.00* INVOLVED FATHERING AND MEN'S Volume 4: Social Conditions and Applied Parenting ADULT DEVELOPMENT 0-8058-3781-7 [cloth] I 2002 I 576pp. I $135.00 Provisional Balances Special Discount Price! $65.00* ROB PALKOVITZ Volume 5: Practical Issues in Parenting 0-8058-3564-4 [cloth] I 2002 I 320pp. I $69.95 0-8058-3782-5 [cloth] I 2002 I 696pp. I $160.00 0-8058-3565-2 [paper] /2002 /320pp. I $32.50 Special Discount Price! $75.00* INTRODUCTION TO FAMILY PROCESSES Fourth Edition RANDAL D. DAY 0·8058·4038·9 [paper] I 2003 I 432pp./ $45.00 0-8058-4543-7 [Instructor's Resource Guide] I 2003 I 120pp./ Free Upon Adoption

60 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program MARRIAGES AND FAMILIES: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths, Fourth Edition, with PowerWeb David H. Olson, University of Minnesota John DeFrain, University of Nebraska 0-07-295067-6 /2003 /640 pages

This best-selling introduction to marriages and families accentuates the positive aspects of relationships and focuses on enriching students' knowledge and experi­ ence in building strong, successful couple and family relationships. Seasoned family scholars and therapists, the authors integrate research, theory, and practical appli­ cation with on interdisciplinary perspective on marriage and family. This edition features the most current statistics and cutting-edge research studies, with more than 200 new post-2000 references. Relationship skills, communication and conflict, and roles ore now introduced early in the text and a new theme, intimacy, is discussed in every chapter. AWARE (Awareness of Attitudes and Relationships Expectations), on optional computerized student assessment tool, is available for use with this text. A new Online Learning Center website offers PowerPoint slides, interactive chapter quizzes for students, flashcards, Web links, and PowerWeb. Visit www.mhhe.com/olson4

INTIMATE RIHATIONSHIPS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE MARRIAGES, AND fAMiliES, fAMiliES: An Introduction, Fifth Edition, with PowerWeb Third Edition, with PowerWeb Mary Kay DeGenova Andrew J. Cherlin, E. Philip Rice, University of Maine Johns Hopkins University

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is a password-protected course-specific Web site that offers current articles about Marriage & Family (refereed and selected by course instructors), curriculum-based materi­ als, weekly updates with assessment informative and timely world news, research tools, refereed Web links, student study tools, interactive exercises, and much more.

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2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 61 The following people are listed in the previous pages in the following order: Last Name, First Name, Employer, Session Number(s) in which the person is a participant or listed, Page Number(s) in which the person is listed. Bennudez, Marie Texas Tech A Anderson, Elaine A .. Uni\c of Barber, Jennifer S. Univ. of Abbott, Douglas A. Univ. of J\laryland #212-64, 221-8, 405 1\iichigan, Ann Arbor Uni\c #415-27 ...... p. 46 Nebraska-Lincoln, ...... pp. 24, 26, 42 #242-1 ...... p. 29 Berry, Mary Lynn Univ. of #314-30 ...... pp. 30,35 Anderson, Trish F. Self­ Barnett, Marina Temple Uni\C Tennessee-I(noxville Abell, Ellen Auburn Univ., Employed LJ\IFT, #411-8 #228 ...... p. 27 #212-14 ...... p. 22 #212-1, 228 ...... pp. 21,27 ...... p. 43 Bartle-Haring, Suzanne D. Ohio Bessey, Lynda NCI'R ...... p. 59 Acock, Alan C. Oregon State Angera, Jeffrey J. Central State Uni\C #415-31 ...... p. 46 Bhanot, Ruehl Univ. of lllinois­ Univ., #TC1, TC2, TC9, 314-52, l\iichigan Univ. Bartolic, Silvia K. Uni" of Texas- lJ rbana/ Champaign #419. p. 48 415-41...... pp. 7,.8, 36, 46 #215, 322-1 ...... pp. 24, 38 Austin #309 ...... p. 32 Blackman, Lorraine Indiana Adam-Moodley, Kogila Univ. of Aquilino, WilliamS. Uni,·. of Barratt, Marguerite Nat!. Science Council President ...... p. 59 British Colmnbia, #205 ... p. 20 Wisconsin-J\1adison Foundation #241 ...... p. 28 Blackwell, Ann P. Uni\~ of Adams, Bert Univ. of Wisconsin-. #314-54 ...... pp. 36 Bass, Brenda L. Univ. of Southern l\ciississippi #415-1 J\Tadison, #222 Arata, Juliette Uni\~ of British Northern Iowa #420 ..... p. 48 ...... p. 45 ...... pp. 26, inside .back cover Columbia #314-51...... p. 36 Bauer, Jean W. Un.i\C of Blaisure, Karen R. Western Adams, Diane State of \'X/isconsin Arcus, Margaret E. Emeritus, l'viinncsota #232 ...... p. 27 Michigan Univ. #221-2, 229, Dept. of Early Childhood Educ. Univ. of British Columbia, Baylis, Peter Univ. of Calgary 318 ...... pp. 25, 27, 37 #222 ...... p. 26 #222, 416 .... pp. 26, 41, 47, 55 #226 ...... p. 27 Blandon, Alysia Univ. of Adams, Rebecca A. Ball State Arora, N eetu Texas Tech U ni,·. Beaton, John M. Un.i\c of Guelph l\Iichigan #320 ...... p. 37 Blankemeyer, Maureen S. Kent Uni\·., #233, #331 #224, 415-38 ...... pp. 26, 46 #111 ...... p. 16 State Univ. #212-20, 314-10 ...... pp. 28, 30, 39 Artis, Julie E. DePaul Univ. Bednar, Tammy Uni\C of Adkins, Phil West Liberty State #330 ...... p. 39 Wisconsin-Stout #TC20 ... p. 9 ...... pp. 22, 34 Col., #410 ...... p. 43 Arva, Kimberly L. Messiah Col. Behal, Pat Univ. of Nevada, Reno Blanton, Priscilla White Univ.. of Adler-Baeder, Francesca, Auburn #203 ...... p. 20 #314-7 ...... p. 34 Tennessee-Knoxville #411-3 Univ. #212-22, 228, 314-65, Asay, Sylvia M. Univ. of Nebras- Behnke, Andrew 0. Pmdue Univ...... p. 43 415-7 ...... pp. 22, 27, 36, 45 ka-I(earney #411-4 ...... p. 43 #419 ...... pp. 30, 48 Blume, Libby Balter Univ. of Aguirre, Carmen Texas Tech Atleo, Marlene R. North Ishmd Behrens, Lauren Virginia Tech Detroit-Mercy #TC3, TC5 Univ., #415-27 ...... p. 46 Col. #112 ...... p. 16 #314-18 ...... p. 34 ...... pp. 7, 30, 59 Aldous, Joan Univ. of Notre Auger, Sally Univ. of Minnesota Bell, Janice M. Univ.. of Calgary Blume, Thomas W. Oakland Univ. #419 ...... pp. 30, 48 Dame #408 #216 ...... p. 24 #221-1, 317 ..... pp. 25, 30, 37 ...... pp. 42, inside back cover Axelson, Leland J. Emeritus, Belnap, Fay Utah State Un.i\C Boddie, Elise NAACP Legal Alexander, Karen L. Univ. of Virginia Tech . inside back cover #415-10 ...... p. 45 Defense and Education Fund, Kentucky #212-28 ...... p. 22 Axinn William G. Un.i\C of Ben-Ari, Adital Univ. of Haifa, #100 ...... p~ 13,14 Allemagne, Kevin Northern J\iichigan #409 ...... p. 43 Israel #314-31, 415-59 Bogenschneider, Karen Univ. of Illinois Univ. #336 ... pp. 30, 40 , .... , , ... , , . , , .. , pp. 35, c(7 Wisconsin-1\[adison #107-2, B Allen, Katherine R. Virginia Tech Bengtson, Vern L. Uni\C of 314-14 ...... pp. 15, 34 Baber, Kristine M. Univ. of New #TCl, TC2, TCS, 102, 212-43, Southern California #TC2 . p. 7 Bold, Mary Texas Woman's Univ. Hampshire #212-5 ...... p. 21 229,234 Benjamin, Michael L. NCFR, #212-42, 322-3 ..... pp. 23, 38 Baht, Kathleen Slaugh Brigham ...... pp. 7, 8, 14, 23, 27, 28 #321, 414, 425 Boll

62 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Branscomb, Kate Univ. of Burrell, Ginger Arizona State Cherlin, Andrew Johns Hopkins Colon, Eileen Rutherfordton lllinois-Urbana/ Champ;ugn Univ. #314-16, 330,415-12 Univ. #109 ...... pp. 13, 15 Hospital, NC #421 ...... p. 49 #415-11 ...... p.45 ...... pp. 34, 39, 45 Chesla, Catherine A. Univ. of Colvin, Jan Louisiana Tech Univ. Braun, Bonnie lhuv. of l\laryland Burrow, Anthony L. Florida CA-San Francisco #322-3 ...... p. 38 #212-64, 314-19, 405 International Univ. #107-1, 125 ...... p. 15, 18 Conger, John D. Lipscomb Univ...... pp. 24, 34, 42 #415-65 ...... p. 47 Ch.ibucos, Thomas Bowling #407 ...... p. 42 Bredehoft, David J. Concordia Burton, Linda Penn State Unhc Green State Univ. .... pp. 30, 53 Conger, Katherine J. Uni" of Univ. #322-2 ...... p. 38 #232 ...... p. 27 Cho, WonJee Seoul Nat!. Univ. California-Davis #422 .... p. 49 Briggs, Kathleen Oklahoma State Busby, Dean M. Texas Tech Univ. #314-41 ...... p. 35 Conger, Rand D. Uni~C of Uni\c #206, 226, 238, 415-28 #415-16, 415-30 ...... pp. 45, Choice, Pamela Self-employed, California-Davis #422 .... p. 49 ...... pp. 20, 26, 28, 30, 46, 55 Bush Kevin Ray Uni1c of Georgia Cerritos, CA #329 ... pp. 30, 39 Connidis, Ingrid Arnet Uruv. of Brimhall, AndrewS. Texas Tech #314-34, 319 ...... pp. 35,37 Chou, Li-Tuan National Taiwan Western Ontario #TC8, 202 Univ. #415-30 ...... p. 46 Butler, Adam B. Unh~ of Normal Univ. #416 .. pp. 41, 47 ...... pp. 8, 19 Briscoe, David Lloyd Midwest Northern Iowa #420 ..... p. 48 Christensen, Donna Contreras, Dawn Miclugan State Council on Fmnily Relations Buxbaum, Linda Loma Linda Hendrickson Univ. of Arizona Univ. #212-16 ...... p. 22 President ...... p. 59 Univ. #308 ...... p. 32 #314-62 ...... p. 36 Cook, Jennifer Univ. of Georgia Brock, Donna-Jean P. Virginia Christensen, Faline Batenun #314-18 ...... p. 34 Tech #212-66, 212-67 ... pp. 24 c Texas Tech Unh~ #218 ... p. 25 Coontz, Stephanie Evergreen Cain, Rebekah Utuv: of Arkansas, Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne Columbia Christensen, Harold T. Emet~tus, State Uni\C #417 .... pp. 41, 48 #212-62 ...... p. 23 Univ. #208 ...... p. 20 Purdue Univ.. inside back cover Coppock, Marjorie L. Texas A & Campbell, Bonnie #225 ... p. 26 Brosi, Whitney A. Michigan State Christensen, Mathew Utah State M Unilc #415-47 ...... p. 46 Campbell, Deborah Early Univ. #405 ...... p. 42 Univ. #212-37, 212-38 .. pp. 23, Costigan, Catherine Unilc of Childhood Ccr., Sank Rapids, Broussard, Anne C. Uni\c of Christensen, Sherie BYU-Idaho Victoria #326 ...... p. 38 MN #325 ...... p. 38 New Hampshire #112 .... p. 16 #415-37 ...... p. 46 Coulter, Fred W. Defiance Col. Caponi, Mee-So Uruv. of Brown, Laura Hess, SUNY­ Chdstenson, Jacob Brigham #423-2 ...... p. 49 i\lichigan #409 ...... p. 43 Oswego, NY #212-61 .... p. 23 Young Unil'. #206 ...... p. 20 Couture, Shari J. Private Practice Capps, Randy The Urb;m Tnst. Brown Susan L. Bowling Green Chun, Kevin Univ. of San #226 ...... p. 27 Wash. D.C. #106 ...... p. 15 State Uni\c #208, 309 Francisco #107-1 ...... p. 15 Covey, Bruce D. Central Michigan Carlson, Marcia J. Colwnbia ...... pp. 20, 30, 32 Chung, Grace Uni\'. of Illinois­ Univ. #314-24...... p. 35 Uni\c #225 ...... p. 26 Brunner, Heidi Brigham Young Urbana/Champaign #328. p. 39 Covey, Martin Spt~ng Arbor Col. Carroll, Elizabeth East Carolina Uruv. #308, 415-5 ... pp. 32, 45 Cihlar, Christopher Points of ...... p. 59 Uni1~ ...... p. 59 Bryan, Laura A. Texas Tech Uruv. Lights Foundation, Cowan, Philip A. Univ. of CA., Carroll, Jason S. Brigham Young #212-26 ...... p. 22 #321 ...... pp. 31, 37 Berkeley, #1 01 ...... p. 14 Uni'c #TC23, 101, 212-49, 308, Bryant, Chalandra M. Iowa State Clarke, Jean Ills ley, Self­ Cox, Megan E. Uru" of 415-29 .pp. 9, 14, 15,23,32,46 Uni,·. #314-13, 422 .. pp. 34, 49 Employed, l\linneapolis, i\IN Kentucky #415-13 ...... p. 45 Case, Tom Defiance Col. Bryant-Williams, Wynona J. Eel. #322-2 ...... pp. 38 Crane, D. Russell, Brigham #423-2 ...... p.49 Consult, Little Rock, AR #324, 326, Coehlo, Deborah P. Oregon State Young Unil~ #206 ... pp. 20, 30 Casey, Mary K. Uni\c of 332,337 ...... pp. 30, 38, 39, 40,55 Univ.#ll1 ...... p.16 Crase, Sedahlia Jasper, Iowa \'Visconsin-.tvlilwaukee Buchanan, Amy Arizona State Coffey, Julie Oklahoma State State Unh~ #415-44 ...... p. 46 #415-21 ...... p. 45 Univ. #314-56, 329 .. pp. 36, 39 Uni,~, #206, 415-28 .. pp. 20, 46 Crawford, Andrea Victoria Univ., Casper, Lynne M. NICHD, Buck, Joyce M. Weber State Univ. Cohen, Orna Tel Aviv Uni'~ New Zealand, #408 ...... p. 42 #119 ...... p~ 1~ 17 #331...... pp. 39,59 #205 ...... p. 20 Crombie, Kristy Auburn Uni\~ Cassidy, Dawn NCFR #120, 213, Bucknliller, Nicolle Brigham Cole, AnnaL. Univ. of Louisiana #314-12 ...... p. 34 335 ...... pp. 17, 24, 39, 53, 59 Young Uni\C #212-49 .... p. 23 at l\Tonroc #314-66, 415-2 Cronin, Vicki Thrasher Cate, Rodney M. Unhc of Buehler, Cheryl A. Univ. of ...... pp. 36, 45 Minnesota Council on Fmnily Arizona #216, 220 ...... p. 25 Tennessee-K.noxville #408 .p. 42 Cole, Charles Lee Uni\c of Relations President...... p. 59 Chang, Joyce I. Central i'vlissomi Bullough, Elizabeth Brigham Louisiana at Monroe #314-66, Crosbie-Burnett, Margaret Uni\C State Univ. #212-34 .. pp. 22, 30 Young Unhc #308, 415-29 415-2 ...... pp. 36, 45 of l\Iiami #328 ..... pp. 30, 39 Chapman, Erin Univ. of ...... pp. 32, 46 Coleman, Heather D. J. Univ. of Crossland, Garnet L. Penn State Nord1ern Iowa #317 ..... p. 37 Burg, James Purdue Uruv. Calgary #226 ...... p. 27 Univ. #314-63 ...... p. 36 Chawla, Devika Purdue Uni\C #223 ...... p. 26 Coleman, Madlyn Uruv. of Crouter ,Ann C. Penn State Univ. #415-54 ...... p. 47 Burgess, Elisabeth 0. Georgia l\Iissouri-Columbia #212-51, #333 . . ... pp. 30, 39, 55 Cheek, Cheryl L. Penn State State Univ. #TC5 ...... p. 7 314-55 ...... p~ 23,3~ 36 Crowder, Sakina At~zona State Uruv. #227 ...... p. 27 Burgess, Norma J. Bond Coleman, Thomas M. Uni\'. of Univ. #314-16, 330 .. pp. 34, 39 Chen, Hong Ying Northern Syracuse Uni'c #301, 324 Georgia #411-1 ...... p. 4 3 Cuddeback, Gary Univ. of Illinois Uni\c #422 ...... p. 49 ... pp. 11, 31,38 Collins, Dawn M. Uni1c of Tennessee-K.nowille #314-53, Chenoweth, Lillian C. Texas Burr, Wesley R. Emeritus, Arizona #220 ...... p. 25 408 ...... pp. 36, 42 Woman's Uni\C #212-42, 322-3 . Brighmn Young Univ. Collins, Don Uni\C of Calgary Cullen, Jennifer C. Portland State ...... p~ 2~38 ...... inside back cover #226 ...... p. 27 Uni~e #420 ...... p. 48

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 63 Cunningham, Jo Lynn Univ. of Descartes, Lara J. Univ. of Dumka, Larry E. Arizona State Fang, Sherry (Shei-Rei) Tennessee-Knox\cille Connecticut #326 ...... p. 38 Unh~ #327 ...... p. 39 Northern Illinois Utuv. #314-37, #304 ...... pp. 30, 32 Detzner, Daniel F. Univ. of Duncan, Stephen F. Brigham 415-35,421...... pp. 35, 46, 49 Cunningham, Mick \\/estern Minnesota #218 ...... p. 25 Young Univ. #415-3 ..... p. 45 Fang, Shu-Ann Iowa State Utuv. Washington Univ. #409 ... p. 43 Devall, Esther L. New Mexico Duxbury, Linda Carleton Univ., #421 ...... p. 49 State Uni'' #111...... p. 16 Ottawa, ON ...... pp. 6, 13 Farrell, Michael P. SUNY-Buffalo D Devaney, Barbara l\Iathematica Dyches, Tina Taylor Brigham #415-62 ...... p. 47 Dalla, Rochelle Univ. of Policy Research #225 ..... p. 26 Young Univ. #212-33 .... p. 22 Farrer, Lori Western tvlichigan Nebraska #314-5 ...... p. 34 Dew, Jeffrey P. Penn State Univ. Dyer, Genie H. Baylor Univ. Uni'" #221-2 ...... p. 25 Daly, Kerry J. Univ. of Guelph #415-55 ...... p. 47 #314-66 ...... p. 36 Fast, Janet Uni\c of Alberta #116, 401...... pp. 17, 30, 41 Dickey, Ellen Bryce Western Dyer, Preston M. Baylor Uni'' #405 ...... p. 42 Damiano-Teixeira, Karla Maria Michigan Univ. #221-2 ... p. 25 #314-66 ...... p. 36 Feinauer, Ian Brigham Young t>lichigan State Univ. Diede, Ann Washington State Dyk, Patricia Hyjer Unh~ of Univ. #308, 404 ..... pp. 32, 42 #405 ...... p. 42 Univ. #212-6, 418 ... pp. 21, 48 [\:entucky #113, 232, 427 Feldman, Amy F. Uni\C of Texas, Dannison, Linda L. Western Dilworth, Jennie E. Georgia ...... pp. 16, 28, 30, 50, 55 Austin #314-48 ...... p. 35 t>lichigan Univ. #107-7 ... p. 15 Southern Univ. #308 Feldman, Margaret, NCFR Darling, Carol A. Florida State ...... pp. 30,32 IE Policy Representative, East, Patricia Uni\·. of Ct\-San Unh·. #109, 126,215, 230, 304, Dilworth-Anderson, Peggye Washington D.C...... p. 59 Diego #242-1...... p. 29 313, 416 .... pp. 11, 15, 18, 24, Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Ferrer, Millie Unhc of Florida Eddington, Corey Weber State ...... 27, 32, 33, 47, 52, 55, 57, Hill #TC2 ...... p. 7 #314-4 ...... p. 34 Uni" #319 ...... p. 37 ...... inside back cover Dion, Robin 1\Iathematica Policy Few, April L. Virgiiua Tech Edin, Kathryn Northwestern Dave, Parul M.S. Univ., India Research #225, 426 #TC3, 112, 212-41, 234, Utliv. #225 ...... p. 26 #314-35 ...... p. 35 ...... pp. 26, 41, 49 #419 ...... pp. 7, 23, 28, 30, 48 Eiklenborg, Laura, NCFR Davenport, Abbey Weber State Disque, Graham East Tennessee Fine, Mark A. U niv. of tvlissomi. - ...... pp. 52, 55, 59 UniY. #319 ...... p. 37 State Uni'' #316 ...... p. 36 Columbia #TC7 ...... p. 8 Eisenberg, Nancy Ati.zona State Davis, Sean Virginia Tech Doherty, William J. Univ. of Finley, Gordon E. Florida Univ. #314-57 ...... p. 36 #231 ...... p. 27 l\linnesota #TC16, 101, 111, International Uni\C #314-15, Elquist, Marty J. Univ. of Dawson, Connie Self-employed 204,317 ... pp. 8, 14, 16, 20, 37, 415-65, 414 ...... pp. 34, 47, Nevada, Reno #314-26 ... p. 35 #322-2 ...... p. 38 ...... inside back cover Fischer, Judith L. Texas Tech Emery, Beth C. JVliddle Tennessee DeCosta , Jennifer L. Oregon Dokis, Daphne P. Univ. of Uni\C #212-8, 224, 329 State Univ. #221-3 ... pp. 26, 30 State Univ. #314-52 ...... p. 36 Victoti.a #326 ...... p. 38 ...... pp. 21, 26, 30, 39 Engelbrecht, JoAnn Texas DeFrain, John D. Univ. of Dolbin-McNab, Megan L. Fishman, Mike The Lewin Woman's Univ. #221-4 Nebraska-Lincoln #406 ... p. 42 Purdue Univ. #111, 306 Group #426 ...... pp. 41, 49 ...... pp. 26, 30 DeLongis, Anita Univ. of British ...... pp. 16, 32 Fitzpatrick, Jacki Texas Tech Englert, Carissa A. #TC18 .. p. 8 Columbia #224, 415-8 Dollah:ite, David C. Brigham Univ. #224, 244, 329 Epstein, Norman Uni'' of ...... pp. 26,45 Young Univ. #227 ...... p. 27 ...... pp. 26, 29, 30, 39, 52, 55 !viaryland #317 ...... p. 37 DeReus, Lee Ann Penn State Domene, Jose Univ. of Bti.tish Flenling, William Michael Univ. Erickson, Martha Farrell Univ.-llltoona Columbia #314-51...... p. 36 of No. Iowa #401, 415-25, Children, Youth, & Families #TC3, 217 ...... pp. 7, 25, 30 Donn, Jessica E. l\lianu Univ. 415-26 ...... pp. 30, 41, 46 Consort. #101, 204 DeVaus, David A. LaTrobe Univ. #415-56 ...... p. 47 Fletcher, Anne C. Univ. of Nord1 ...... pp. 14, 20, 57 #207 ...... p. 20 Dorman, Cindy Greater Carolina-Greensboro #209, Eskow, Karen Goldrich Towson Dean, Katherine J. Ohio State Greensboro Family Life 423-6 ...... pp. 20, 21, 49 Uni,·. #203 ...... p. 20 Uni'~ #228 ...... p. 27 Council ...... p. 59 Fleury-Steiner, Ruth E. Univ. of Evans, Melanie Syracuse UtU\~ Deines, Jill Bowling Green State Dosman, Donna Uni'' of Alberta Delaware #114 ...... p. 16 #212-50 ...... p. 23 Univ. #314-21 ...... p. 34 #405 ...... p. 42 Flick CFLE, Marilyn North Delgado, Melissa Y. Arizona Doucet, Fabienne Harvard Univ. F Eugene, OR High Sch. State Univ. #112 ...... p. 16 #421 ...... p. 49 Faber, Alexander Trinity Uni\·. #313 ...... p. 33 Dellmann-Jenkins, Mary Kent Dorr, Kelly The Enrichment Sch. of Medicine Florez, E. Yvette Univ. of State Unh~ ...... p. 59 Center #212-1 ...... p. 21 #212-39 ...... p. 22 Arizona #314-11 ...... p. 34 Demo, David H. Univ. of North Doughty, Ashley 1\Iethodist Reha­ Fabes, Richard Arizona State Force, Elizabeth Emeritus, Carolina-Greensboro #TC9 bilitation Ctr. #415-1 ..... p. 45 Univ. #314-56, 314-57, 329 American Sociall-leald1 Assn...... pp. 8, 30 Dowd, Duane Alan Louisiana ...... p~ 36,39 ...... inside back cover Deng, Shiying Ati.zona State Tech Univ. #415-52, 415-53 Fagan, Jay Temple Uni'~ Forrest, Deanna NCFR .... p. 59 Univ. #314-16, 330 .. pp. 34, 39 ...... pp. 46, 59 #228 ...... p. 27 Fort, Jennifer Star Family Sen-ices Deng, Liang-Yu Flora Kansas Downs, Kimberly J. M. Uni'~ of Falconier, Mati.ana K. Univ. of #415-2 ...... p. 45 State Univ. #314-1 ...... p. 34 JVIissouti.-Colwnbia #1 02 Maryland #415-46 ...... p. 46 Forthun, Larry F. Penn State Denham, Sharon A. Ohio Univ...... pp. 14, 30 Fallon, Moira A. SUNY­ Univ-Dubois #212-8 ..... p. 21 #216 ...... pp. 25, 30 Drenovsky, Cynthia PA/DE/MD Brockport, NY #212-13 .. p. 22 Fournier , David G. Oklahoma Derscheid, Linda E. Northern Council on Family Relations Fan, Xitao Univ. of Virginia State Univ. #212-21, 226 Illinois Univ. #421 ...... p. 49 President...... 212-38...... 23 ...... pp. 22, 26, 30

64 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Fowers, Blaine Brigham Young Gentry, Deborah Barnes Illinois Graham, Carolyn Woody Han, Gyoung Hae Seoul Nad. Uni,-. #101 ...... p. 14 State Uni\c #307 ...... p. 32 California State Cni\C-Fresno Univ. #314-40, 314-41 ... pp. 35 Fox, Curtis A. Loma Linda Uni,·. George, Roxanne G. Oregon #233 ...... p. 28 Han, Min Ah Seoul Nad. Univ: #415-19 ...... pp. 30, 45 State Uni,: #114 ...... p. 16 Gray, Liz beth A. Oregon State So. Korea, #314-40 ...... p. 35 Fox, Greer Litton Univ: of Gerard, Jean M. Bowling Green Uni': #415-33 ...... pp. 30, 46 Hanks, Roma S. Univ: of South Tcnnessee-I<:noxville #116, State Univ. #408 .... pp. 30, 42 Greder, Kimberly A. Iowa State Alabama ...... pp. 38, 53 212-30, 31~-58 .. pp. 17, 22, 30, Gibson, Christina Duke Univ: Unh: Hans, Jason D. Uni\: of ...... 36, inside back cover #225 ...... p. 26 #212-15, 221-8 ..... pp. 22, 26 Nlissouri-Columbia #1 07-4, Franck, Karen Univ. of Gilbert, Crystal Midwestern Gross, Elizabeth Uni'~ of 212-51, 314-55, 322-4 Tcnnessee-I.;:noxville Univ., #212-29 ...... p. 22 Wisconsin-Madison #107-2, ...... pp. 15, 23, 36, 38, 59 #314-53 ...... p. 36 Gilbert, Kathleen R. Indiana 314-14 ...... p~ 1~34 Hanson, Ginger C. Portland State Frank, Mayra San Diego State Univ:-Indianapolis, #103 .. p. 14 Grossman, Rebecca Uni,-. of UniYC #420 ...... p. 48 Uni,-. #419 ...... p. 48 Giles-Sims, Jean Texas Christian Illinois-Urbana/ Champ>tign Hanson, Sandra L. Catholic Univ Franyo, Georgia A. Yilla Julie Univ: #TC 11...... p. 8 #328 ...... p. 39 #112 ...... p. 16 College #411-2 ...... p. 43 Gilgun, Jane Univ: of Minnesota. Grotevant, Harold D. Univ. of Hardesty, Jennifer L. Johns Fraser, Janet Univ. of Calgary, ...... pp. 30, 51 i\linnesota #212-37, 212-38 Hopkins Univ. #114, 306, 322-4 Canada, #221-1 ...... p. 25 Gillen, Cory Miami Univ: ...... pp. 23 ...... pp. 16, 30, 32, 38 Friend, Christian Univ: of Nord1 #212-10 ...... p. 22 Grunttneir, Laura Oklahoma Harper, James M. Brigham Carolina-Greensboro Gilh11an, Sally A. Col. of St. Mary Cmmcil on Family Relations Young Uni" #415-29 #209 ...... p. 21 #113...... p. 16 President ...... p. 59 ...... pp. 30, 46 Friese, Bettina M. Unh: of Glade, Aaron C. Ohio State Univ. Grzywacz, Joseph G. Wake Harrison, Margaret J. Uni,-. of 1 \\ isconsin-i\Iadison #415-31 ...... p.46 Forest Univ. Sch. of Medicine Alberta #212-47 ...... p. 23 #107-2, 314-14 ..... pp. 15, 34 Glick, Paul C. Emeritus, U S. #212-44, 420 ...... pp. 23, 48 Harvey, Carol D. Univ: of Fruth, Abbey Bowling Green Bureau of the Census Guarino, Anthony J. Auburn Manitoba #103, 203, 212-40 State Univ: #224 ...... p. 26 ...... inside back cover Univ. #lOS, 212-1 ... pp. 14, 21 ...... pp. 14, 20, 23, 59 Futris, Ted G. Ohio State Univ: Gnatuk, Carole A. Uni" of Gunarathne, Ajith Iowa State Hawkins, Alan J. Bt~gham Young #212-2, 212-3, 228 ...... Kentucky #403 ...... p. 42 Uni" #422 ...... p. 49 Uni\C #101 ...... pp. 14, 30 ...... pp. 21, 27, 30, 59 Goddard, H. Wallace Uni,-. of Gutienez, Mary Ann Texas Tech Hawley, Dale R. Uni\C of Arkansas Coop. Exc. #204, G Uni\~ #415-27 ...... p. 46 Wisconsin-Stout #TC20, 415-34 212-lJ, 237 Gable, Shelly Uni\c of California- Gwinn, Derek A. Univ. of ...... pp. 9, 30, 46 ...... pp. 20, 22, 28, 30. 55 Los Angeles #320 ...... p. 37 Minnesota #20 1 ...... p. 19 Hayes, Sherrill Watson Uni" of Goff, Brent G. Uni\C of Houston Galbraith, Kevin A. Penn State Nord1 Carolina-Greensboro #212-9 ...... p. 22 H Uni\-.-Altoona #242-8, 496 #318 ...... p. 37 Goff, Jaime D. Tllichigan State Haas, Linda L. Indiana Univ: ...... pp. 29, 30, 42 Hayes, Virginia E. Uni\~ of Univ. #205 ...... p. 20 #212-23 ...... p. 22 Gale, Jerry E. Unh: of Georgia Victoria #212-32 .... pp. 22, 55 Goforth, Keith D. Unh: of Haberman, Heather Uni,-. of #221-5 ...... p.26 Hayoun, Rev-ita! Uni\C of British Tennessee-Knoxville Tllinnesota #328 ...... p. 39 Gamble, Wendy C. Univ. of Cohunbia #314-51...... p. 36 #415-4 ...... p. 45 Hafen, Mac Brigham Young Uni\: Arizona #314-62 ...... p. 36 Hazel, Stephanie Uni,-. of Goldberg, Abbie E. L niv. of #206 ...... p. 20 Ganong, Lawrence H. Uni,-. of Arizona #314-11 ...... p. 34 TIIassachusetts-i\mherst Hakoyama, Mikiyasu Central 1\Iissouri-Columbia #212-51, Head, Melissa R. Penn State #107-3 ...... pp. 15, 30 i\Iichigan Univ. #215, 322-1 314-55, 328 UniY: #212-52, 309 Goldfarb, Katia Paz Montclair ...... pp. 24, 38 · · ...... pp. 23, 30, 36, 39, 57 ...... pp. 23, 30, 32 State Uni\C #415-17 .. pp. 30,45 Hall, Leslie D. Uni\~ of Oregon Gardner, Brandt C. Texas Tech Hedges, Meredith Texas Tech Gonzalez, Chris Better Life #415-48 ...... p. 46 Univ: #415-30 ...... pp. 30, 46 Unh: #406 ...... p. 42 Counsel. Center, r\R Hall, Scott S. Purdue Univ. Gardner, Pamela California Heilbrun, Paula Uni'~ of Nord1 #415-34 ...... p. 46 #415-57 ...... p. 47 Council on Familr Relations Carolina-Greensboro #421 Gonzalez-Kruger, Gloria E. Hamblin, Erin Brigham Young President ...... p. 59 ...... p. 49 Uni\C of Nebraska-Lincoln Uni\c #212-33 ...... p. 22 Gardner, Scott P. South Dakota Heinetnann, Robin lowa State #415-17 ...... p. 45 Hammer, Leslie B. Portland State State Univ. #327 ...... p. 39 Uni\C #304 ...... p. 32 Goodsell, Todd Univ. of Univ: #420 ...... p. 48 Garfinkel, Invin Columbia Univ: Heisser, Page Texas Tech Uni\c Michigan #409 ...... p. 4 3 Hammonds-Smith CFLE, #225 ...... p. 26 #212-24 ...... p. 22 Gorman, Laura Univ. of Iowa Maxine Texas Southern Univ.. Garris William Chowan Col. p. 59 Heller, Howard Florida Inrcr­ #411-7 ...... p. 43 ...... pp. 52, 59 Garwick, Ann E. Univ. of Minn­ national Univ. #415-65 ... p. 47 Gottman, John Uni\~ of Hamon, Raeann R. Messiah Col. esota #216, 404 .. pp. 24, 30, 42 Hehns-Erikson, Heather M. Washington #101, 110 #AC, Hl8, 203, 310, 411-4, Gates, Gary J. The Urban Inst. UniY: of North Carolina-Greens­ ...... pp. 13, 14, 16 411-9, 414 ...... pp. 10, 15, 20, #106 ...... p. 15 boro #219, 309 .. pp. 25, 30, 32 Goulding, Haven H. VA ...... 32, 43, 44, 52, 53, 57, 59 Gavazzi, Stephen M. Ohio Stare Henderson, Ann Brigham Young Commonwealth UniY., Hamplova, Dana Uni\c of Bam­ Univ: #415-42 ...... p. 46 lini\C, UT #AC...... p. 10 #415-32 ...... p. 46 berg, Germanv #235 ..... p. 28 Genest, Michele ...... p. 59

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 65 Henderson, Tammy L. Virginia Holm, Kristen E. Univ. of Hwang, Philip Goteborg Univ. Judldns, Brooke Univ. of Tech #100, 314-18, 322-7 j\ linnesota #404 ..... pp. 30, 42 #212-23 ...... p. 22 Tennessee-l(noxv·ille ...... pp. 13, 14, 30, 34, 38 Holman, Thomas B. Brigham Hyman, Batya Salisbury Univ. #411-3 ...... p. 43 Hendrix, Charles C. Oklahoma Young Univ. #217, 245 ...... pp. 25, 29, 30 Julian, Teresa W. Otterbein Col. State Univ. #226 .... pp. 26, 30 #TC23, 215 ...... pp. 9, 15,24 #202, 243, 306 I Holtzman, Susan B. Univ. of ...... pp. 19, 29, 30, 32, 55 Henley, Kari L.A. Univ. of Ingoldsby, Bron Brigham Young British Columbia #224, 415-8 Julien, Danielle Univ\ of Quebec North Carolina-Greensboro Univ\ #314-27, 314-28 .... p 35 #TC13 ...... p. 8 ...... pp. 26, 45 #303 ...... pp. 31 Ishii-Kuntz, Masako Univ. of Honig, Alice S. Syracuse Univ. Jung, Kwanghee Syracuse Univ. Henline, Branden H. Texas Tech California-Riverside #115, 311, Univ. #415-66 ...... p. 47 #105 ...... p. 14 #415-15 ...... p. 45 314-44 ...... pp. 17,31, 33,35 Hooker, Karen Oregon State Hennon, Charles B. J\Iiami Univ. K Univ. #102 ...... p. 14 .] #212-10 ...... p. 22 Kainer, Erin Texas Tech Univ. Hoppe-Rooney, Tianna L. Jacobson, Arminta L. Univ. of Henry, Mary E. J\Iontclair State #203 ...... p. 20 J:vlichigan State Univ. Nord1 Texas #AC, 221-4 Univ. #411-5 ...... p. 43 Kaissi, Christina Univ. of #205 ...... p. 20 ...... pp. 10, 26, 30, 55, 59 Henry, Ryan G. Brigham Young Delaware #305 ...... p. 32 Hoppmann, Christiane A. Jacobson, Lauren P. Penn State Univ·. #415-37 ...... p. 46 Kamo, Yoshinori Louisiana State Technical Univ., Berlin, Uni.v. #421 ...... p. 48 Herbert, Richard Texas Tech Uni\\ #115 ...... p. 16 Germany #212-57 ...... p. 23 Jakubowsld, Scott F. Brigham U niY. #203 ...... p. 20 Kamp Dush, Claire M. Penn Horlacher, Gary T. Brigham Young Univ. #415-5 ..... p. 45 Herzog, Melissa J. Arizona State State Univc #212-C>5 ...... p. 24 Young Univ. Janson, Gregory Ohio Univ\ Univ. #228, 314-50 .. pp. 27, 36 Kang, Yoo Jin, Seoul Nad. Univ., #314-27' 415-49 .... pp. 35, 46 #429 ...... p. 50 Hey, Richard N. Emeritus, Univ. Soutl1 Korea #314-40 .... p. 35 Hornick, Joseph Uni\c of Calgary Jarvis, Mark 0. Univ. of Texas, of Minnesota. inside back cover Kani, Pamela M. Penn State Univ. #318 ...... p. 37 Austin, #309 ...... p. 32 Hickman, Gregory Paul Penn #217 ...... p. 25 Hortacsu, Nuran Middle East Jeffs, Cheryl Douglas Col., State Univc #212-29 .. pp. 22, 30 Kato, Kuniko Hitachi Family Technical Univ. #314-35 .. p. 35 #230 ..... pp. 4, 11, 27, 52, 55 Higginbotham, Brian J. Auburn Education Institute #115, Howard, Stacy N. Florida State Jendian, Matthew A. California Univ. #314-65. 415-7 314,44 ...... pp. 17, 35 Univ. #212-7, 304 ... pp. 21, 32 State Univ.-Fresno #415-20 ...... pp. 36,45 Katras, Mary Jo Univ. of Howerter, Amy Univ~ of Arizona ...... p. 45 Hildreth, Gladys J. Univ. of J\linnesota #232 ...... p. 27 Kentucky #242-7, 419 #216,224 ...... pp.25,26 Jinnah, Hamida Amirali Univ. of Keating, Norah C. Univ·~ of Hsu, Wei-Shan Univ: of Bt~tish Georgia #314-34 ...... p. 35 ...... p~ 29,59 Alberta #405 ...... p. 42 Columbia #205 ...... p. 20 Johnson, Carol Univ. of Hill, Jeffrey Brigham Young Univ. Kelley, Margaret K. Purdue Univ. Huang, (Theresa Barco) Nei­ Wisconsin-Madison #314-14 #420 ...... pp. 30, 48 #212-56, 306 ...... pp. 23, 32 Yuh National Taiwan Normal ...... p. 34 Hill, Miriam R. Family Services Keith, Joanne G. f'vlichigan State Univ·. #416 ...... pp. 41, 47 Johnson, Christine A. Oklahoma Inc. #212-56 ...... p. 23 Univ. #314-5 ...... p. 34 Huddleston-Casas, Catherine A. State Univ. #212-21 ...... p. 22 Hilton, Jeanne M. Univ. of Kelly, Aislinn Brigham Young Univ. of Nebraska #113 Johnson, David R. Penn State Nevada, Reno #314-26 ... p. 35 Un.i.\\ #212-48 ...... p. 23 ...... pp. 16, 30 Univ·. #242-2, 309 ... pp. 29, 32 Hoard, Laura R. Univ. of Kelly, Brendan C. US Dept. of Huebner, Angela J. Virginia Tech Johnson, Deborah .!\Iichigan State J\laryland #212-31 ...... p. 22 Hf-IS #426 ...... pp. 41, 49 #231 ...... p. 27 Univ. #209 ...... p. 21 Hockaday, Cathy Iowa State Kenkel, William F. Emeritus, Huenergardt, Douglas Loma Johnson, Michael P. Penn State Univ. #212-4, 304 ... pp. 21, 32 Univ. of Kentucky Linda Univ: #308 ...... p. 32 Univ. #114, 229 .. pp. 16, 27, 30 Hoelzle, James Univ. of Illinois­ ...... inside back cov-er Hughes, K. Univ\ of Alberta, Johnson, Phyllis J. Univc of Urbana/ Champaign Kennedy, Gregory E. Central #212-17 ...... p. 22 Canada #212-47.. . .. p. 23 British Co!LUnbia #230, 311 J\lissouri State Uni\~ Humble, Aine Marie 1\It. St...... pp. 11,27, 31, 3~ 5~ 55 Hofaecker, Dirk Univ. of #212-34 ...... p. 22 Vincent Univc #229. 328 Johnston Pawel, Jody Parents Bamberg, Germany #113, 235 Kennedy, Kubose Denise Univ: ...... pp. 27, 30, 39 Toolshop Consulting ...... pp. 16, 28 of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign Hunt, James E. Univc of Arizona #334, 400. . . . pp. 39, 41 Hofferth, Sandra L. Univ. of #212-17 ...... p. 22 #220 ...... p. 25 Jones, Jeane Univc of Nebraska- Maryland #314-59 ...... p. 36 Kerpelman, Jennifer L. Auburn Hofmeister, Heather Bamberg Hunter, Andrea G. Univ•. of NC­ Lincoln #406 . . . p. 42 Uni\~ #314-12 ...... p. 34 Greensboro #209 ... pp. 20, 21 Jones-Sanpei, Hinckley Univ. of University #235 ...... p. 28 Kershaw, Paul Univ. of BC Huston, Gordon Envision North Carolina-Chapel !-Jill Hogan-Schiltgen, M. Janice Human Early Learning Financial, Vancouver ...... p. 6 #232...... p. 27 Univ·. of J\;linnesota #232 Partnership (HELP) ...... p. 6 Huston, Ted L. Uni.v. of Texas- Joo, Eunjee Ohio State Univ...... pp. 27, inside back cover Ketring, Scott Auburn U nivc Anstin #309, 320,417 ...... #212-2, 217 ...... pp. 21, 25 Holl, Joyce JYIN Org Fetal #212-11 ...... p. 22 ...... pp. 32, 37, 41,48 Jorgensen, Stephen Univ. of Alcohol #306 ...... p. 32 Khandke, Veena Univ. of SC, Hutter, Mark Rowan Univ~ 1\Iissouri-Columbia Holland, Kimberly B. Brigham Spartanburg, #423-5 ..... p. 49 #103 ...... p. 14 ...... inside back cover Young Uni\c #415-14 .... p. 45 Khosravi, Roshan A. Purdue Hwang, Abraham Shann Joshi, Anupama California State Hollinger , Mary Ann Messiah Uni\c #415-50 ...... p. 46 Col. #103 ...... p. 14 Messiah Col. #314-47 Univ.-Los Angeles #217 .. p. 25 35

66 2003 N CFR Annual Conference Program Kiecolt, K. Jill Virginia Tech Kowalik, Jeanette Univ. of Le Bourdais, Celine Institut Nat! Lloyd, Sally A. l\liami U niv. #212-58 ...... p. 23 Wisconsin-Milwaukee #415-21 De La Recherche Science #TC7 ...... p. 8 Killian, Kyle D. Univ. of ...... p. 45 #412 ...... pp. 41, 44 Lockhart, Charles #TC11 ... p. 8 Houston-Clear Lake Kramer, Laurie Univ. of Illinois Lee, Jae Yeon Sookmyung Long, Anne-Marie Univ. of #218, 406 ...... pp. 25, 42 #212-17 ...... p. 22 Women's Univ., So. Korea, British Columbia Killian, Timothy S. Univ. of Kraynak, Audrey R Kent State #314-42 ...... p. 35 #410 ...... pp. 41, 43 Arkansas #212-62 ...... p. 23 Univ. #212-20, 314-10 Lee, Sookhyun Yonsei Univ. Long, Edgar C. J. Central Killien, Marcia G. Unh~ of ...... pp. 22, 34 #314-43 ...... p.35 l\lichigan Univ. #215, 322-1 Washington #216 ...... p. 24 Krehbiel, Michelle J. Kansas Lee, So young Virginia Tech ...... pp. 24, 38 Kim, Ji-Yeon Penn State Univ. State Univ. #242-4 ...... p. 29 #314-6, 314-18 ...... p. 34 Long, Janie Purdue Univ. ... p. 59 #212-55 ...... p. 23 Krishnakumar, Ambika Syracuse Lee, Steven Univ. of l\llinnesota Longmore, Monica A, Bowling Kim, Jin-Hee Seoul Nat!. Univ. Univ. #415-15, 421 .. pp. 45, 49 #212-38 ...... p. 23 Green State Univ. #224 ... p. 26 So. Korea, #405 ...... p. 42 Kruk, Edward Canada, Lee, Sun-A Univ. of Arizona Lopez, Vera Arizona State Univ. Kim, Yeong-Hee Chungbuk Univ. #401 ...... p. 41 #31 '~-60 ...... p. 36 #314-16, 330 ...... pp. 34, 39 So. Korea, #416 ..... pp. 41, 47 Kung, Hsiang-Ming Justine Lee, Thomas R. Utah State Univ. Lovitt, Sean A. Uni" of Arizona Kirby Willdns, Jacqueline J. Taiwan ROC Council on Family #415-9, 415-10 ...... pp. 45 #314-11 ...... p. 34 lntelliSolve, Inc. #212-6, 405, Relations ...... p. 59 Lee-Baggley, Dayna Univ. oF Lucero, Ana A. Univ. of Arizona 418 ...... pp. 21, 30, 42, 48 Kunz, George #TC12 ...... p. 8 British Columbia #224, 415-8 #220 ...... p. 25 Kitson, Gay C. Univ. of Akron Kurdek, Lawrence A. Wright ...... pp. 26,.45 Lueck, Detlev Univ. of Bamberg-;- - pp. 52, 55, 57, inside back cover State Univ. #303 ...... pp. 31 Leldes, Kristi S. Cornell Univ. Germany #212-25, 235 Klein, David M. Univ. of Notre Kushner, Kaysi Eastlick Univ. of #300 ...... p. 31 ...... pp. 22, 38 Dame #TCZ ...... p. 7 Alberta #217 ...... p. 25 Leonard, Stacie A. Arizona State Lumpkin, Chantel L. Western Klumb, Petra L. Technical Uni\C, Kuvalanka, Katherine A. Univ. of Unhc #228 ...... p. 27 l'vlichigan Univ. #326 ..... p. 38 Berlin, Germany Maryland #212-18, 322-5 Leone, Janel Penn State Univ. Lundquist, Jennifer Hickes Univ. #212-57 ...... p. 23 ...... pp. 22, 38 #114 ...... p. 16 of Pennsylvania #326 .... p. 38 Knapp, StanJ. Brigham Young Kwon, Hee-Kyung Univ. of Lero, DonnaS. Univ. of Guelph Lussier, Yvan Univ. of Quebec Univ. #'I'C23, TC24 Minnesota #207, 242-3, 404 #221-8 ...... p. 26 #212-53 ...... p. 23 ...... p~ 7,9, 15,17,55 ...... pp. 20, 29, 30, 42 Leslie Leigh A. Univ. of Lutz, Lauren A. Berlin, NJ Knaub, Patricia Kain Oklahoma Kwon, Young In Purdue Univ. Maryland #105, 212-27, 402 #411-4 ...... p. 43 State Univ.... inside back cover #219, 314-43 ...... pp. 25, 35 ...... pp. 14, 22,41 Kneedler, Blythe Oregon State Letiecq, Bethany L. Montana M Univ. #415-58 ...... p. 47 l State Univ. #314-20, 415-18 MacDermid, Shelley M. Purdue Knudson-Martin, Carmen Loma La Rossa, Ralph Georgia State ...... pp. 30, 34, 45 Univ. #TC4, 306, 420 Linda Univ. #105, 308, 327 Univ. #TC6, 101 ..... pp. 7, 14 Lewis, Edith A. Univ. of ...... pp. 7, 30, 32, 48 ...... pp. 14, 32,39 La!, Arpita Ohio State Univ. l\lichigan #112, 205 MacTavish Katherine A. Oregon Koblinsh.)', Sally A. Univ. of #415-31 ...... p. 46 ...... pp. 16, 30, 52 State Uni\". #212-63 ...... p. 23 Maryland #415-24 ...... p. 45 Lamke, Leanne K. Auburn Univ. Lewis, Robert A. Emeritus, Machara, Margaret Uni\c of Kock, JoAnne Univ. of Nevada, #415-66 ...... p. 47 Purdue Univ. #306 ...... p. 32 I;:encucky #212-28 ...... p. 22 A. Reno #403 ...... p. 41 Landry-Meyer, Laura Bowling Lim, Ji-Young Ohio State Unhc, Madden-Derdich Debra Koenig, Karel M. Yale Univ. Green State Univ...... p. 59 Colwnbus, #415-42 ...... p. 46 Arizona Sta[e Univ. #228, #239 ...... pp. 28, 30 Langenbrunner, Mary R East Lin, Li-Wen Univ. of Nebraska 314-50 ...... pp. 27, 36 Tennessee State Univ. #316 Madsen, Mary K. Univ. of Koepke, Leslie Uni\~ of #314-64 ...... p. 3(> Wisconsin-Stout ..... pp. 30, 57 ...... p. 36 Link, Mary Miami Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee Koger, Dawn J\lichigan State Lanigan, Jane D. Washington #212-10 ...... p. 22 #415-21 ...... p. 45 Univ. Extension #212-16 . p. 22 State D.-Vancouver #212-42 Linney, Kirsten Draper Univ. of Maggio, Laura M. Springfield Koh, Seonju Seoul Nat!. Univ...... p. 23 Nortl1ern Iowa #420 ..... p. 48 Col. #411-6 ...... p. 43 #242-3 ...... p. 29 Larsen, Derek Weber State Univ. Liossis, Poppy M. QUT Univ. of Mahan, Melissa Iowa State Univ., #319 ...... p. 37 #415-36 ...... p. 46 Kohler, Julie K. John S. & James Technology, Australia #212-36. L. [(night Found. #314-20, 405 Larson Jeffry H. Brigham Young ...... p. 23 Mahoney, Anne Rankin Univ. of ...... pp. 34,42 Univ. #104, 215 .. pp. 14, 24, 30 Litchy, Michele Life Develop­ Denver #105, 327 ... pp. 14, 39 Lash, Sheryl B. Univ. of Georgia Maldno, Katsuko Ochanomizu Koivunen, Julie Uni\~ of ment Counselor, l\IO Delaware #314-29 ...... p. 35 #314-34, 319 ...... pp. 35, 37 #415-43 ...... p.46 Uni", Japan #115, 314-44 Kondo-Ikemura, Kiyomi, Japan Laurenceau, Jean-Phillipe Univ. Littlejohn-Blake, Sheila South ...... pp. 17, 35 of Miami #320 ...... p. 37 Malcolm, Sandra L. Univ. of #115 ...... p. 17 Carolina Sta[e Uni\~ ...... p. 59 Korth, Byran B. Auburn Univ. Lavee, Yoav Univ. of Haifa, Israel Liu, Wenli Univ. of Nebraska- Alberta #107-5 ...... p. 15 #334 ...... p. 39 #314-31, 415-59 .... pp. 35, 47 Lincoln #319 ...... pp. 30, 37 Malia, James Univ. of Tennessee- Korvela, Pirjo Uni\'. of Helsinki Lawhon, Tommie Univ. of Nortl1 Liu, Xiaofan Guangdong lnst. of Knm.-ville ...... p. 59 #416 ...... pp. 41,47 Texas ...... p. 59 Technology #314-36, 314-37 Malia, Julia A. Univ. of Kostelecky, Kyle L. Univ. of Lawless, John Drexel Univ...... pp. 35, 49 Tennessee-Knoxville #314-32, Nortl1ern lowa #415-25.. 46 #221-5 ...... p. 26 314-33 ...... pp. 35, 59

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 67 Malia, Sarah E. C. Univc of Mathews, Mark A. Brigham Medora, Nilufer California State Montgomery, Marilyn Florida l'vlissomi-Columbia #314-17 Young Univ•. #314-27 .... p. 35 Univ.-Long Beach #103, 314-35 International Univ...... p. 34 Matjasko, Jennifer L. Univ. of ...... p~ 14,35 #212-24 ...... p. 22 Mancini, Jay A. Yirginia Tech Texas-Austin #330, 409, 415-63 Meinhold, Jana L. Oregon State Monroe, Pamela A. Louisiana #212-66, 212-67, 314-6 ...... pp. 39, 43, 46 Univ. #212-60 ...... p. 23 State Univc ...... pp. 24, 34 Matta, Dana S. Caratas Melby, Janet Nieuwsma Iowa ...... pp. 57, inside back cover Mandleco, Barbara L. Btigham Counseling #314-61 ..... p. 36 State Univ. #422 ...... p. 49 Moore, Melanie H. Univ. of Young Univ. #212-33, 404 Matthews, Sarah H. Mendenhall, Tai J. Univ. of Alberta #314-9 ..... pp. 30, 34 ...... pp. 22, 30, 42 #TC19 ...... p. 9 I\linnesota #317 ...... p. 37 Moore, Paul A. Penn State Univ. Manning, Wendy D. Bowling Matusicky, Carol BC Council for Menning, Chadwick Indiana #217 ...... p. 25 Green State Univ. #208 Families ...... p. 6 Univ. #314-49 ...... p. 35 Moore, Tami James Univ: of ...... pp. 20, 30 Mbito, Michael Njoro Univ. of Merrill, Chloe Weber State Univ. NE-Kearney #411-4 ..... p. 43 Manoogian, Margaret Ohio Tennessee-1-.::.noxv:ille #314-32, ...... pp. 52, 59 Moorefield, BradS. Univc of Univ. #102 ...... pp. 14, 30 314-33 ...... p. 35 Merrill, Marina Oregon State North Carolina-Greensboro Manwaring, Kristine C. McAdoo, Harriette P. I\lichigan Univ. #314-25 ...... p. 35 #TC13, 242-5 ...... pp. 8, 29 #TC17 ...... p. 8 State Univ·. #229 Mertens, Carol Elaine Univ. of Moradi, Mahtab Cniv. of Texas Marek, Lydia I. Yirginia Tech ... pp. 27, 52, inside back cover Iowa #411-7 ...... p. 43 Medical Branch #21 8 .... p. 25 #212-66, 212-67 ...... pp. 24 McClelland, Megan Oregon Meschke, Laurie L. Good Moraes, Sabrina Univ. of Maring, Elisabeth Foster Univ. State Univ. #330 ...... p. 39 Reason Consulting, Inc. #306 I\Ianitoba #203 ...... p. 20 of Maryland #405 ...... p. 42 McClintock-Comeaux, Marta S...... pp. 30, 32 Morales, Daniel L. Iowa State Marks, Loren Louisiana State Univ. of Maryland #212-18, Messelt, Sara MN Org. of Fetal Univ. #327 ...... p. 39 Univ., #227 ...... p. 27 322-5 ...... pp. 22, 38 Alcohol #306 ...... p. 32 Moreau, Tom I\lidwestern Univ. Marks, Stephen R. Univ. of McCulloch, B. Jan Univ. of Meszaros, Peggy S. Yirginia Tech #212-29 ...... p. 22 I\Iaine #TC5, 219 . pp. 7, 25, 30 Minnesota-St. Paul #405 .. p. 42 #201, 231 ...... pp. 19, 27 Moreno, Robert P. Syracuse Univc Marotz-Baden, Ramona McDaniel, Kara Z. Kansas State Metke, Beth Illinois Council #205, 314-38 .... pp. 20, 35, 59 Montana State Univ. #307, Univ. #415-39 ...... p. 46 President ...... p. 59 Morgan, Erin Univ. of l'vlinnesota 314-23 ...... pp. 32, 35 Me Donald, DanielA. Univ. of Meyers, Summer Univ. of #212-38 ...... p. 23 Marshall, Elaine Sorenson Atizona #314-11 ...... p. 34 Maryland #415-46 ...... p. 46 Morgan, Margaret L. Texas Tech Brigham Young Univ. #212-33, McDowell, Teresa Pacific Michael, Phyllis E. Warner Uni>: #415-38...... p. 46 216 ...... pp. 22, 25, 30 Lutheran Univ. #242-6, 415-35 Pacific Col. #246, 415-6 Morris, Michael Lane Univ. of Marshall, Emily G. Univ. of ...... pp. 29, 46 ...... pp. 29, 45 Tennessec-K.noxville #212-14, British Colmnbia #314-51 McEwan, Tim BC Progress Michael, Pro Rand George Fox 415-4 ...... pp. 22, 45 ...... p. 36 Board...... p. 6 Univ. #415-6 ...... p. 45 Morrissey, Kathleen M. Iowa Marshall, James P. Utah State McFadyen, Jennifer Morris Michaels, MarciaL. Iowa State State Uni\C #317 ...... p. 37 Univ. #415-9 ...... p. 45 Auburn Univc #314-12 ... p. 34 Univ. #415-36 ...... p. 46 Morse, Ann Nat'!. Con f. of St,~te Marshall, Sheila K. Univ. of McGeorge, Christine R. North Middlemiss, Wendy Penn State Legislatures #214 .... pp. 19,24 B1itish Columbia #314-51 Dakota State Univ. #404 .. p. 42 Univ.-Shenango #421 .... p. 48 Morton, Goldie M. Univ. of ...... pp. 35, 55 McGraw, Lori A. Oregon Srate Milardo Robert M. Univ. of I\faryland #212-27 ...... p. 22 Marsiglia, William Univc of Univ. #217 ...... p. 25 Maine #219 ...... p. 25 Mosack, Kate Ohio State Univ., Florida #116 ...... p. 17 McGuigan, William M. Penn Miller, Brent C. Utah State Univc #319 ...... p. 37 Martin, Judith Deputy Min. of State Univc #415-22 ...... p. 45 #212-37, 212-38 Mosley-Howard, Susan I\liami Labour, Prmc of Sask...... p. 6 McHale Susan M. Penn State ...... pp. 23, inside back cm·er Univ. #112 ...... p. 16 Martin, Sally Sommer Univ. of Univ. #212-55 ...... pp. 23, 30 Miller, Marianne M. Texas Tech Moules, Nancy J. Univ. of Nevada, Reno #403 McKenry, Patrick C. Ohio State Univc, #212-26 ...... p. 22 Calgary #221-1...... p. 25 ...... pp. 30, 41 Univ. #319 ...... p. 37 Miller, Richard B. Btigham Mulroy, Maureen Univ. of Martinez, Estella A U ni\c of McLanahan, Sara Princeton Univ·. Young Univ. #415-5, 415-37 Connecticut ...... p. 10 New Mexico #112, 326 ...... #2U8, 225 ...... pp. 20, 26 .... pp. 45, 46 Mulsow, Miriam H. Texas Tech ...... pp. 16, 30 McLaren, Arlene Simon Fraser Milne, Eric Brigham Young Univ·. Univ: #224, 306 .. pp. 26, 30, 32 Martino, Shannon B1igham Univ. #214 ...... pp. 19, 24 #212-48, 308, 415-5, 415-45 Muroi, Maki,Japan Young Univ·. #212-33 .... p. 22 McManigal, Sherry NCFR ...... pp. 23, 32, 45, 46 #314-45 ...... p. 35 Martinson, Vjollca K. Btigham ...... p. 59 Mincy, Ronald Columbia Univ. Murray Colleen I. Univ. of Young Univ•. #215 ...... p. 24 McQuillan, Julia Univc of #225, 311,315 Nevada, Reno #118, 314-45 Masciadrelli, Brian P. Uni\c of Nebraska-Lincoln #322-6 ...... p~ 2~31,33, 36 ...... pp. 17, 30, 35 Illinois-Urbana/ Champaign ...... p. 38 Mira, Sandra D. Flmida Interna­ Murry, Velma McBride Univ: of 105, 106, 219 .... pp. 14, 15, 25 McRaith, Shannon Montana tional Univ·. #314-15 ..... p. 34 Georgia #205 ...... p. 20 Mather, Mary Defiance Col. State Univ·. #415-18 ...... p. 45 Mitchell, Barbara Simon Fraser Myers-Bowman, Karen S. #423-2 ...... p. 49 McWey, Lenore M. Virginia Tech Univ. #236 ...... p. 28 l(ansas State Univ. #314-1 Matheson, Jenny Virginia Tech #304, 322-7 ...... pp. 32, 38 Madry-Mandell, Kerri L. Univ...... pp. 30, 34, 53 #231 ...... p. 27 Means, Marge Louisiana Tech of Arizona #314-62 ...... p. 36 Univ·. #415-53...... 46

68 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Myers-Walls, Judith A. Purdue Olson, Loreen N. #TC7 .... p. 8 Patterson, Charlotte J. Univ. of Powell Peggy H. Univ: of Univ. #204, 415-50 Olson, Terrance D. Bt~gham Virginia #303 ...... pp. 31 Kentucky #403 ...... p. 42 ...... pp. 20, 30, 46, 49, 57 Young Univ. #TC14 .. pp. 8, 30 Pattison, Rosina Victot~a Unh:, Powell, Sharon E. Univ. of N O'Neal, Keri K. Univ. of Nortl1 New Zealand, #408 ...... p. 42 l\linnesota #314-66 ...... p. 36 Carolina-Chapel Hill #233 Nascimento, Lucila C. Uni\C of Paz, Katherine A. Univ., of Texas, Prakash, Naomi Syracuse Univ...... p. 28 Sao Paulo #212-32 ...... p. 22 Austin, #415-63 ...... p. 47 #415-15 ...... p. 45 Ooms, Theodora Ctr. for Law Nauck, Bernhard Chemnitz Peltz Renee Univ. of Arizona Pratt, Clara C. Oregon State Univ. and Social Policy #225, 417 Technical Univ~ #218, 236 #415-60 ...... p. 47 #111 ...... p. 16 ...... pp. 26, 41, 48 ...... pp. 25, 28, 30 Pepper, John NCFR ...... p. 59 Pratt, Patrice BC Government Oravecz, Linda M. Univ. of Neal, Margaret B. Portland State Perkins, Daniel Francis Penn Employees Union ...... p. 6 Maryland #405, 415-24 Univ. #420 ...... p. 48 State Univ: #221-6 ...... p. 26 Prmvitz, A. Northern Illinois Univ...... pp. 42, 45 Neeves, Sara Univ. of North Perry, Yvette V. Univ. of #314-36 ...... p. 35 Orgocka, Aida Univ. of Illinois, Carolina-Greensboro #219 l\linnesota #TC16, TC21 Preece, Melady Univ. of Btitish Urbana-Champaign #207 ...... p. 25 ...... pp. 8, 'J Columbia #224 ...... p. 26 ...... pp. 20, 30 Nelson, Patricia Tanner Univ. of Perry-Jenkins, Maureen A. Univ. Price, Christine A. Ohio State Oropesa, R. S. Penn State Univ. Delaware #403 ...... pp. 30, 42 of Massachusetts #320 Univ: #121, 217 .. pp. 17, 25, 30 #311 ...... pp. 31, 33 Neubeck, Gerhard Emerirus, ...... pp. 30, 37 Price, Sharon J. Univ. of Georgia O'Rourke, Kathleen A. Eastern Univ. of l\linnesota Peters, Cheryl Oregon State Univ: ...... inside back cover Illinois Univ. #423-4 ..... p. 49 ...... inside back cover #102, 420 ...... pp. 14, 48 Primus, Wendell Ctr. on Budget Orthner, Dennis K. Univ. of Neufeld, M. Anne Univ. of Peterson, Colleen M. Univ. of & Policy Priorities #225 .. p. 26 Nortl1 Carolina-Chapel Hill Alberta, Canada, #212-47 Nev·ada-Las Vegas #206, 415-39 Proulx, Christine M. Univ: of #232 ...... p. 27 ...... p. 23 ...... pp. 20, 30, 46 Nortl1 Carolina-Greensboro Osborne, Cynthia Princeton Neupert, Shevaun D. Univ: of Peterson, Gary W. l\liami Univ. #TC13, 219,242-5 Univ: #208 ...... p. 20 J\rizona #216 ...... p. 25 #314-34, 319 .... pp. 30, 35,37 ...... pp. 8, 25, 29, 30 Osborne, Sandra S. l\Iontana Newburn-Cook Christine Univ. Pettis, Brooke Univ. of Wiscon- Pryor, Jan E. Univc of Wellington State Univ. #331...... p. 39 of Alberta #212-39 ...... p. 23 sin-Stom #TC20 ...... p. 9 #408 ...... p. 42 Ost, Jason The Urban lnst. Nichols Jr., William C. Pt~vate Pfister, Ill

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 69 Reyes, Nenetzin A11geli Texas Rogers, Stacy J. Penn State Uni\c Sabatelli, Ronald M. Univ. of Sheppard, Cannella Auburn Tech Uni" #415-27 ...... p. 46 #303,320,409 Connecticut #TC10 ...... p. 8 Unh: #212-11...... p. 22 Reyes, Robert Messiah Col. · · ...... pp. 30, 31, 37, 43 Sabourin, Stephane Laval Univ. Sheppard, Heather M. Univ. of #207 ...... p. 20 Rohrbaugh, Michael J. Univ. of #212-53 ...... p. 23 New Brunswick #404 .... p. 42 Reymann, Linda S. Villa Julie Arizona #212-46 ...... p. 23 Sale, Richard Tarleton State Uni\: Sherif-Trask, Bahira Unhc of Col. #411-2 ...... p. 43 Roosa, Mark W. Arizona State ...... p. 59 Delaware #207, 307 Rhoden, J. Lynn ...... p. 59 Univ. #314-16, 330,415-12 Sanchez, Lama A. Bowling ...... pp. 20, 30, 32 Ribadu, Isa Lama Linda Univ...... pp. 34, 39, 45 Green State Uni\: #314-21 Shettler, Lauren Virginia Tech #415-19 ...... p.45 Rose, Doug \'Veber State Univ...... p. 34 #231 ...... p. 27 Rice, David Univ. of Arizona #319 ...... p. 37 Sandifer-Stech, Dan Srm1ford Shields, Lisa New Mexico State #216 ...... p. 25 Rose, Hilary \'Vashi.ngton State Uni\: ...... p. 59 Univ.#ll1 ...... p.16 Richards, Leslie N. Oregon State Univ. #TC22 ..... pp. 9, 30, 55 Sani, Almita Zayed Univ. Shih, Kristy Y. Univ. of Illinois­ Uni\C #102, 114, 217 Rose, William E. Towson Univ. #314-30, 421 .... pp. 30, 35, 49 Urbana/Champaign #lOG ...... pp. 14, 16, 25, 30 #103, 221-8 .. pp. 14, 26, 30, 59 Sana, Yoshle Oregon State Univ...... p. 15 Richardson, Rhonda A. Kent Rosenblatt, Paul C. Uni\c of #114 ...... p.l6 Shirer, Karen A. J\lichigan Smte State Unhc #212-20, 314-10 l\linnesota #205, 326 ..... p. 20 Sayers, Jeremy Clarence, NY Unhc Ext. #212-22 ...... p. 22 ...... pp. 22, 34 Rosenkoetter, Lawrence I. #116 ...... · · · · P· 17 Shoham, Vanda Univ. of At~zona Richman, Erin Agnes Scott Col. Oregon State Univ. #415-41 Sayre, George #TC12 ...... p. 8 #212-46 ...... p. 23 #212-41 ...... p. 23 ...... p. 46 Schi.hnoeller, Gary L. Univ. of Shrestha, Bandana Points of Rider, Kennon Zayed Univ. Rosenkoetter, Sharon Oregon Maine #314-2 ...... p. 34 Light Foundation #321 #314-30 ...... p. 35 State Uni\·. #415-41 ...... p. 46 Schluterman, Julie Univ. of ...... pp. 31,37 Ridley, Carl A. Univ. of Arizona Rothrauff, Tanja, Uni\c of Tennessee-Knoxville #212-30, Shumway, Sterling T. Texas Tech #220 ...... p. 25 Missouri, Columbia #421 314-58 ...... pp. 22, 36 Univ. 1-Icalth Sciences Ctr. Riley, Debbie B. lJni,-. of ...... p.48 Schoenfeld, Joshua Uni\c of #327 ...... p. 39 Maryland #415-46 ...... p. 46 Rouse-Arnett, Marlo T. Georgia Arizona #212-46 ...... p. 23 Sievers, Allison N orthcrn Illinois Ripoll, Karen J. #TClO ..... p. 8 Southern Uni" Schramm, David Utah State Univ. Univ. #242-6 ...... p. 29 Ro, Bye-Sun Texas Tech Urrhc #3(18 ...... pp. 30, 32 #415-9, 415-10...... pp. 45 Sigman-Grant, Madeleine Univ. #406 ...... p. 42 Roy, Kevin M. Purdue Univ: Schultz, Jerelyn B. Ohio State of Nevada, Reno #403 ... p. 41 Robert, Christina Univ. of #TC4, 11 G, 219, 228, 232 Univ. #212-2, 212-3 ...... p. 21 Simmons, Leigh Ann Univ. of l'vlinncsota #415-40 ...... p. 46 ...... pp. 7, 17, 25,27 Schutz, Judy NCFR ...... p. 59 Georgia #113, 405, 423-3 Roberts, Joanne Hill CommuniLy Roychaudhury, AtUta Ohio State Schvaneveldt, Paul L. Weber ...... pp. 16, 30, 42, 49 Col. #304 ...... p. 32 Uni\: #112 ...... p. 16 State Univ. #319, 421 Simon, Cindy Univ. of Atizona Roberts, Kelly M. Public Rubin, Roger H. Univ. of ...... pp. 30, 37, 49 #216, 224 ...... pp. 25, 26 Strategies - 0 klahoma l\ Iarriage Maryland #317 ..... pp. 37, 59 Schwartz, Kelly D. Nazarene Simonson, Kari Uni,-. of Calgary lnitiat #212-21 ...... p. 22 Rudd, Melissa A. Univ. of Univ. Col. #407 ...... p. 42 #221-1 ...... " .. p. 25 Roberts, Linda J. Univ. of Maryland #314-l'l, 423-3 Sears, Heather A. Univ. of New Skogrand, Linda M. Utah State Wisconsin-f'vladison #TC18 ...... pp. 3.t, 49 Brunswick #404 ...... p. 42 Univ. #406, 415-9 ... pp. 42, 45 ...... p. 8 Rueter, Martha A. Uni\C of Seltzer, Judith A. Unhc of Skrypnek, Bema J. Univ. of Roberts, Thomas W. San Diego J'vlinnesota #111, 404, 422 California-Los Angeles #412 Alberta #107-5, 314-9 State Uni\C #107-6,430 ...... pp. 16, 42, 49 ...... pp. 41, 44 ...... pp. 15, 30, 34 ...... pp. 15, 30, 50, 55 Russell, Candyce S. Kansas State Serido, Joyce Univ. of Arizona Skyles, Ada Uni,-. of Chicago Robertson, Michelle Louisiana Uni" #415-39 ...... p. 46 #216, 224, 308 ... pp. 25, 26, 32 #100 ...... p~ 13,14 Methodist Children's Home Russell, Christiana Ohio State Serovich, Julianne M. Ohio State Small, Stephen A. Uni\·. of #415-2 ...... p. 45 Un.h: #415-42 ...... p. 46 Univ. #212-35...... p. 23 \'Visconsin-Madison Robila, Mihaela Tulane Univ. Russo, Theresa J. SUNY­ Settles, Barbara H. Univ. of #314-8, 419 ...... pp. 34, 48 #421 ...... p. 49 Oneonta #212-13 ... pp. 22, 30 Delaware #307 ...... p. 32 Smart, Diana #314-63 ...... p. Robinson, Virginia Leigh Unhc Ruth, Gretchen R. Penn State Seward, Rudy Ray Univ. of Smart, Laura S. Northern Illinois of Georgia #423-3 ...... p. 49 Uni" #309 ...... p. 32 North Texas #304 ...... p. 32 Unh: #123, 331, 410 Rocha, Semiramis Melani Univ. Ryan, Kimberly A. Yirginia Shapiro, Adam D. Univ. of North ...... pp. 18, 30, 39, 43, 55 of Sao Paulo #212-32 .... p. 22 Conu11onwealth Univ. #306 Florida #212-44 ...... p. 23 Smith, Andrea B. Western Rodgers, Kathleen Boyce ...... p. 32 Shapiro, Alyson The Relationship l'vlichigan Univ. #107-7 ... p. 15 Washington State Uni\C Ryan, Lorrie Central Michigan Research lnst. #10 l. . . . . p. 14 Smith, Deborah B. Univ. of #415-67 ...... p. 47 Univ. #217 ...... p. 25 Sharp, Connie lJittsburg State Missouri-.Kansas City #103 Rodrigues, Nicola Ronald Unhc Ryu, Ehri Arizona Smre Llni\: Univ. #415-43 ...... p. 46 ...... p. 14 of Minnesota #232 ...... p. 27 #314-16, 330 ...... pp. 34, 39 Sharp, Elizabeth A. Univ. of Smith, Delores E. Univ. of Rodriguez, Ariel Southw·cst Texas !\'lissouri-Co1umbia Tennessee-K.11mcville #304 p. 32 State Univ. #221-7 ...... p. 26 s #107-4, 212-51, 314-55, 328 Smith, Donna R. Univ. of Saathoff-Wells, Tara Central Roebuck, Jelmifer Bowling Green ...... pp. 15, 23, 30, 36, 39 l(entucky #212-28 ...... p. 22 l\lichigan Univ. #122, 314-24 State Univ. #309 ...... p. 32 Shehan, Constance L. Univ. of Smith, K.r:isty A. Western ...... pp. 17, 30, 34 Florida #412 . . . . 44, 52, 53 Univ. #221-2 . . . 25

70 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Smith, Lauren P. Messiah Col. Stogner, Catherine D. Middle Tein, Jenn-Yun Arizona State Tymes, Vanessa Univ. of Georgia #'203 ...... p. 20 Tennessee State Univ. #2'21-3 Univ. #314-16, 330 .. pp. 34, 39 #411-1 ...... p. 43 Smith, Malcolm L. Kansas State ...... p. 26 Thayer, Shawna Marie r\rizona Univ. #'2'21-9 ...... p. '26 Stolz, Heidi E. California State U­ State Univ. #330, 415-64 u Smith, Sasha NCFR ...... p. 59 San Bernardino #409 .... p. 43 ...... pp. 39, 47 Umana-Taylor, Adriana J. Univ. Smith, Suzanna D. Univ. of Stone, Glenn Miami Uni\C Thomas, Marie D. Syracuse Univ. of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign Florida #314-4, 3'2'2-8, 412 #212-10 ...... p. 22 #216 ...... p. 25 #323, 415-17, 419 ...... pp. 34, 38, 44, 5'2 Stone, Margaret R. Univ. of Thomas, Sarah Gellhaus, Iowa ...... pp. 38, 45, 48, 52, 57, 59 Smith, Suzanne R. \'Vashington Arizona #415-60 ...... p. 4 7 State Univ., #415-36 ..... p. 46 Unger, Donald G. Univ. of State U.-Vancom·er #314-'28, Strand, Jeanne NCFR Thomas, Volker Purdue Univ. Delaware #240 ...... pp. 28, 30 338 ...... pp. 35, 40, 59 #'211, 312 ..... pp. 4, 55, 57, 59 #221-lll ...... pp. 26, 30 Updegraff, Kimberly A. Arizona Smith, Jr., William M. Emeritus, Straus, Murray A. Univ. of New Thompson, Laura Uni1c of State Univ. #112, 314-50, Penn State lJ nile Hampshire ... inside back cm·er Delaware #114 ...... p. 16 415-64 ...... pp. 16, 30, 36, 47 ...... inside back cm-cr Strong, Tom Uni1·. of Calgary Thompson, S. Greg Univ. of Snavely, Cherie l\Iessiah Col., #226...... p. 27 Kentucky #242-7 ...... p. 29 v #411-4 ...... p. 43 Stuart, Scott U n.iv. of Iowa Thompson, Stacy Oklahoma Valiente, Carlos Arizona State Solheim, Catherine A. Uni" of #411-7 ...... p.43 State llniv. #212-4 ...... p. 21 Un.iv. #314-57 ...... p. 36 l\Iinnesota #218, '23'2 Stubben, Jerry Iowa State Univ. Thorngren, Jill Montana State Valois, Pierre Laval Univ...... PP· '25, '27 #304...... p. 32 Univ. #314-5 ...... p. 34 #212-53 ...... p. 23 Sollie, Donna L. Auburn Uni1c Stueve, Jeffrey L. llni1~ of New Tiwari Geetika Univ. of Valsamalds, Anne, Social Worker, #lOS ...... p. 14 Mexico #401 .... p. 41 Wisconsin-l\Iaclison #314-8 Portland, OR #214 .. pp. 19, 24 Solomon, Catherine Richards Stukey, Lori Pittsburg Stare Univ., ...... p. 34 Van dulmen, Manfred H. Univ. Svracuse Unilc #217, 229 #415-43 ...... p. 46 Toews, Michelle L. Soud1west of Minnesota #TC1, 212-38 ...... pp. 25, 27 Su, Tina F. Univ. of Victoria Texas State Univ...... pp. 7, 23, 30 So lot, Dorian Alternacives to #326 ...... p. 38 #221-7, 415-61 ..... pp. 26,47 Van Riper, Marcia Uni'~ of Marriage Project #328 .... p. 39 Suckow, Jana Chcmnitz Tech Tofflemiere, Karen Alberta Nord1 Carolina-Chapel Hill Sonenstein, Freya Lund The Unilc #'218 . . . .. p. 25 Children's Hospital #21'2-39 #239,317 ...... pp. 28,37 Urban Inst. #106 ...... p. 15 Suemori, Kei Tokyo Metropolitan ...... pp. 23 Vandergriff-Avery, Maria Sorell, Gwendolyn Texas Tech Un.iv: #115 ...... p. 16 Tornatore, Jane Screen Inc., Catawba Col. #212-64 .... p. 24 U ni'~ #212-24...... p. 22 Sun, Li-Ching Syracuse Unil~ Seattle ...... p. 57 Vatter, Rebeldm S. Brigham Sovaya, Rivka Tel Aviv Univ. #314-38 ...... p. 35 Tough, Suzanne Alberta Young Univ. #215 ...... p. 24 #205 ...... p. 20 Sung, Miai Seoul Nat!. Univ. Children's Hospital #212-39 Villarruel, Francisco A. J'vlichigan Spanier, Graham B. Penn State #314-42 ...... p. 35 ...... P· 23 State Univ. #314-5, 415-17 Uni" ...... p. 5'2 Supple, Andrew J. Univ. of Nord1 Toyokawa, Noriko Pacific ...... pp. 30, 34, 45 Spicer, Jodi L. 1\lichigan State Carolina-Greensboro #419 Lutheran Uni,·. #236 .... pp. 28 Volling, Brenda L. Univ. of Univ. Extension #'212-16, ...... pp. 30, 48 Toyokawa, Tern #115, #236 i'vlichigan #320 ...... p. 37 '21'2-'22...... pp. '22 Sussman, Candace R. Ctr. for ...... pp. 17, 28 Volpe, Julia D. E. Univ. of Sporakowski, Michae~ Emeritus, Familv & Adolescent Research Tripp, Bradley Univ. of Florida Delaware #305 ...... p. 32 Yirt,cinia Tech ...... pp. 5'2, 59 #107-8 ...... p. 15 #212-45 ...... p. 23 Vuchinich, Sam Oregon State Sprey, Jetse Emeritus, Case Swenson, DonaldS. l\[t. Royal Trost, Jan Uppsala Univ., Sweden Univ. #415-58 ...... p. 47 \Vestern Resen·e Uni\C CoL #227, -115-51 ... pp. 27, 56 #412 ...... pp. 41,44 w #TC15 ...... p. 8 Troutman, David Unil'. of North Wachwithan, Poonsuk Sokhothai Springer, Paul Auburn Uni1•. T Carolina-Greensboro #209 Takigiku, Susan K. llni1~ of Thammathirat-Open Univ #'212-11 ...... p. 2'2 ...... p. 20 t\rkansas #1 05, 306, 329 #218 ...... p. 25 St. Clair-Christman Jean Marie Tsuchiya, Michiko Ochanomizu ...... pp. 14, 30, 32, 39 Wages, Steven A. Abilene Univ. of Delaware #305 .. p. 3'2 Univ., Japan, # 115, 314-44 Tang, Zhiqun Penn State Univ. Christian Unilc #215 ..... p. 24 St. Pierre, Nate Montana State ...... pp. 17, 35 #242-2 ...... p. 29 Walchesld, Michael J. Concordia llni1~ #415-18 ...... p. 45 Tubbs, Carolyn Penn State Univ. Tang, Shain-May Nacional Open Uni1: #411-8 ...... p. 43 Stagner, Matt The Urban lnst. #232 ...... p. 27 Univ. #314-39.. . .. p. 35 Walker, Alexis J. Oregon State #426 ...... pp. 41, 49 Tudge, Jonathan Univ. of North Targ, Dena Purdue Univ. Univ. #TC1, TC8 .. pp. 7, 8, 52, Stanberry, Anne M. Univ. of B. Carolina-Greensboro #421 #111 ...... ~ 16 ...... 57, inside back cover Southern Mississippi #415-1 ...... p. 49 Taylor, Alan C. Syracuse Univ. Walker, Janet Univ. of Newcastle ...... p. 45 Turner, Elizabeth #320 .... p. 37 #212-50, 423-1 ..... pp. 23, 49 #318 ...... p. 37 Stefko, Gina Towson Uni'~ Turner, Jean M. Univ. of Taylor, Brent A. San Diego State Walker, Jason Uni\c of Alberta #'203 ...... p. 20 r\rkansas #212-62 ...... p. 23 Univ. #419 ...... p. 48 #405 ...... p. 42 Stewart, Miriam Uni1:, of liJberta Turner, Jon #TC'2 ...... p. 7 Teachman, Jay D. \"~?estern Walker, Kathleen K. Kent State #'212-47 ...... p. '23 Tuttle, Amy R. Lorna Linda Univ. Washington LJ ni1c #412 Univ. #212-20, 314-1, 314-10, Stith, Sandra Virginia Tech #308 ...... p. 32 ...... pp. 44, 51, 52, 53, 55 431 ...... pp. 22, 30, 34, 50 #212-41 ...... p. '23 Tyler, Crystal Univ. of Maryland #405...... 42

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 71 Walker, Susan K. Un.ivc of Westney, Onida, Emeritus, Wilson, Stephan M. Un.iv. of Yazedjian, Ani Univ. of Illinois­ i\Iaryland #314-22, 403, 405 Howard Univc #337 ...... p. 40 Nevada, Reno #319 .. pp. 30, 37 Urbana/Champaign #415-23, ...... pp. 30, 35, 42 Weston, Ruth E. Australian Inst. Wingert, Susan K. Univc of #419 ...... pp. 11, 45, 48 Wall, Sterling K. Univ. of of Family Studies #207 ... p. 20 l\lanitoba #212-40 ...... p. 23 Yodanis, Carrie L. Univ. of \'Visconsin-Stevens Point Whaley, Heather M. Univ~ of Winter, Cindy NCPR British Columbia #411-9 #105,407 ...... pp. 14,42 Tennessee-}.::no:-..-v-i.l.le, #212-14 ...... p~ 52, 5~ 55,59 ...... pp. 4, 43, 55 York, Pat Electronic Arts Canada Wallen, Jacqueline Univ~ of ...... p. 22 Winward, Bryan #212-37, 212-38 Maryland #306, 415-46 Wheat, Janette Ohio State Univc ...... PP· 23 ...... p. 6 ...... pp. 32, 46 #212-3 ...... p. 21 Wisensale, Steven K. Univ. of Younes, MahaN. Univ. of NE- Walters, James Emeritus, Univc of White, Jim Univ~ of British Connecticut #221-8 .. pp. 26, 30 l(earney #411-4 ...... p. 4 3 Georgia ...... inside back cover Colwnbia ...... p. 55 Wolfgram, Susan M. Univc of Young, Richard Univc of British Walters, Lynda Henley, Un.iv. of Whiteman Shawn D. Penn State "Minnesota #232, 328 Columbia #314-51 ...... p. 36 Georgia ...... inside back cover Univ. #212-55, 408 ...... pp. 27, 39 Young-Demarco, Linda Univ~ of Wampler, Karen Smith Texas ...... pp. 23, 30, 42 Wood, Bobbye Britton Wood & 1\Iich.igan #409 ...... p. 43 Tech Univ·. #327 ...... p. 39 Whiting, Jason B. Univ. of Assoc...... p. 9 Yu, Yu-Chi Chengshiu Institute of Wampler, Richard S. Texas Tech J(entucky #212-28 ...... p. 22 Wood, Britton Britton Wood & Technology #314-3 ...... p. 34 Univ. #327, 415-27 .. pp. 39, 46 Wickrama, K. A. S. Iowa State Assoc. #i\C ...... pp. 9, 10 z Univ. #314-13, 422 .. pp. 34,49 Woodard,Joi ...... p. 59 Wang, Yan Univ. of Illinois Zaidman-Zait, Anat Univ. of Wiley, Angela R. Univ. of Illinois Woodbury, Daniel Utah State #TC9, 236 ...... pp. 8, 28 British Columbia #314-51 #TC9, 236, 415-11 Univ., #406 ...... p. 42 Ward, Margaret J. Arizona State ...... p. 36 ...... pp. 8, 28, 45 Wozny, Darren A. i\Iississippi Univc #200 ...... p. 19 Zhang, Guoshi Univ. of Illinois- Wilhelm, Mari S. Un.iv. of State Un.ivc #415-44 .. pp. 30, 46 Warner, Rebecca L. Oregon State Chicago #314-36 ...... p. 35 Arizona #216, 224, 314-11 Wright James D. Univ. of Cenrral Univ. #328 ...... pp. 30, 39 Zhao, Baomei Un.iv. of Kentucky Florida #314-21 ...... p. 34 Watson, Wendy L. Brigham · · . · · ...... pp. 25, 26, 30, 34 #319 ...... p. 37 Wilken, Carolyn S. Un.iv·. of Wright, Rachelle S. Loma Linda Young Univ. #212-48, 415-45 Zuiker, Virginia Solis Univc of Florida #111...... p. 16 Univ. #308 ...... p.32 ...... pp. 23, 46 Minnesota #232 ...... p. 27 Weatherspoon, Joni Oregon State Willd.nson-Lee, Ada Univ. of X Zvonkovic, Anisa M. Oregon Univ. #403 ...... p. 42 Arizona #212-46 ...... p. 23 Xia, Yan R. Univc of Nebraska­ State Univ. #102, 124, 229,420 Weber CFLE, Janice Louisiana Willgerodt, Mayumi A. Un.iv. of Lincoln . #218, 314-36, 314-37, ...... pp. 14, 18, 27, 30, 48, 55 State Univ.-Lafayctte #336 Washington #216 ...... p. 24 319 ...... p~ 2~3~37 ...... pp. 30, 40, 59 Williams, Carl AY Consultant, Xie, Xiaolin Northern Illinois Weigel, Dan Univc of Nev·ada, Philadelphia, PA ...... p. 55 Univ. #218, 242-6, 314-36, Reno #212-54, 314-7, 403 Williams, Meeshay Univ. of 314-37, 421 ...... pp. 23, 34, 41 North Carolina-Greensboro ...... pp.25,29,30,35,49 Werner-Wilson, Ronald Jay Iowa #209 ...... p. 21 State Univ. #317 ...... p. 37 Williamson, Sabrina Un.iv. of y Wernke, Julia Y. Univc of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Yang, Chih-Hung Chengshiu Cincinnati #415-56 ...... p. 47 #232 ...... p. 27 Institute of Technology West, Myra D. Univ. of Chicago Wilson, Donna Van City Credit #314-3 ...... p.34 #233 ...... p. 28 Union, BC...... p. 6 Yarbrough, David N. Univ. of West, Steven L. Yirginia Wilson, Julia C. Univ. of Virginia Louisiana-Lafayette Commonwealth Univc #233, #314-21 ...... p. 34 #406 ...... pp. 30,42 306, 415-32 ...... p. 28, 32, 46

72 2003 N CPR Annual Conference Program series

340 W. State St. Box 19, Athens, OH 45701

Fathering invites submissions of original " fathers' roles in dual-earner families scholarly articles and essays (not published or under consideration by " paternal involvement in divorced another journal). Send four (4) families manuscript copies (APA format) to Dr. step-fathers' roles in blended families Jay Fagan, Editor, Fathering, School of father presence/absence and its Social Administration, Temple University, impact on children Ritter Hall Annex, 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Editors prefer IIi child-custody issues electronic version in MS Word for PC measures of father involvement sent as attachment to [email protected]. Ill fathering in the context of marital relationships " co-parenting issues consequences of becoming a father Individual Institution for men Print $50 (USA) $150 $65 (lnt'l) $165 outcomes of intervention programs Electronic* $30 (All sites) $90 on fathers and families Print & $70 (USA) $180 fathers' social-emotional involvement electronic* $85 (lnt'l) $195 in their children. Send name, address, payment to: Fathering publishes peer-reviewed Fathering, P.O. Box 32, papers addressing all aspects of Harriman, TN USA 37748 fatherhood. or online at mensstudies.com Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men Fathering is a multi-disciplinary journal t Prepayment in U.S. currency payable to as Fathers (ISSN: 1537-6680) is Men's Studies Press. Shipping and handling devoted to the promotion of knowledge included (surface mail). published three times a year in February, about fathers and families as well as * Must send email address to June, and October. knowledge of practice with fathers. [email protected] to activate.

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 73 I I



74 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, November 17-22, 2003

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Daytime Phone: ______E-mail:------

Room Type/Daily Rate (17'Yo t;L'\:CS will be added) Date/Time of Arrival Date of Departure No. of Nights _Single ~p123 USD* (191 CAD) (1 person) _Double $123 USD* (191 CAD) (2 persons) _Suite (Ask for price) *Due to the fluctuation of exchange rate between the U.S. (USD) and Canada (CAD) currency, the U.S. rate is approximate and is determined at the time of payment.

Name of roommate(s) if applicable:

To guarantee your hotel reservation, please enclose the first night's deposit including tax \vith your credit catd munber, expiration date, and authorization for billing of deposit. Creilltcatdtype: ______

Credit card number:------Exp.date: ______


"I understand that I am liable for one nights room and tax which will be billed through my credit card (all major credit cardsacceptecij. A fill! rejimd is available by obtaining a cancellation numberfi-om the Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel Resen1ations Departmentat least 24 hours prior to the date of atriJ!al. .,

_I desire a non-smoking room (based on availability). __ I need a room equipped for persons with special needs. Please call me for specific details. __ Please provide separate bills (split folio) for each roommate.

After Oct. 27, NCFR's block will be released, and reservations will be on space availability only. Reserve your room early. NCFR's block tends to fill several weeks before the deal­ line. Once the NCFR block is filled (even if the block fills before Oct. 27), you will be charged regular hotel rates which are hig1er than the NCFR group rates. NCFR group rates are applicable November 13-25, 2003. All hotel accounts are subject to creillt arrangements at time of registration and payable at deparhu:e. Check-in time is 3:00pm. Check-out time is Noon. Any guest who departs earlier than the departure date confirmed at check-in will be assessed an early departure fee and must inform the front desk the night before Mail or fax (if you are using a major creillt card) this hotel reservation form to: Hyatt Regency Vancouver, 655 Burrard St., Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 2R7; Fax: 604-689-3707. You may also register by phone: 604-683-1234 or 1-800-233-1234 (national reservations). You must identify yourself as a NCFR Conference attendee to obtain the group rate discount NCFR sh1dent members who wish to reserve rooms in the Student block must contact NCFR for a special form (phone: 888-781-9331). This form is also on NCFR's Website: http:/ /www.ncfr.com/pdf/STUDENT_CONFERENCE_HOUSING.pdf

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 75 507.288.7788 S-C:olor Printing Electro 800.298.7780 In-Line Coating Fax 507.282.1743 Bindery

color printing johns o n-p rin ting. com nsor Co ce

m on nttme.

Uncommon sennce.

76 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Name ______Please answer the following questions. (These questions are voluntary.) r\dclress __ Home __ Business ______1. Highest degree attained 0 Associate 0 Bachelor 0 Master 0 Doctorate Year received City 2. Title of present position ------State/Province 3. Present employer type------,----,-~-----..,.----..,.---,. (university, agency, private practice, etc.) Zip/Postal Code 4. List areas of expertise------Phone Home Business ______

E-mail 5. Etl1nicitv (For purposeo~'-:-oj 7f7a--c""i1--i t-at;:i ,--,g:-:et;-;h __ n..,ic-· c'il,-.v-e!-.s-,i 1):-,-:;,-, 'N-;;C:;-F;::'R;:;-;Ie_a_cl'e-rs'h'ip_a __ n'd __ g __o __v-:-e,--n--a_n __ c-:-;e) Fax 6. How did you hear about NCFR? ______

~ 7. Why did you join NCFR? c >, c 0" ::l E ~ 0 " i5 :;: Membership Type: (Circle one) 'U"" c i5 (See chart on left side) c 0 u.s. Canadian Foreign ., ,1-J" " .2-- .c Benefactor $175 SlSO $190 "tJJ ~ tJJ E ""' ~ c ~ ~ c i:2 0 ·a" ::l 'Ef.J '!:l Colleague S130 Sl35 Sl45 § .!J" 0 tJJ ·o E s ~" u ~" 0 ~ 'U " Organization c .c Q) s230 $240 S250 '"-< Qj" " tJJ 0 u "' 0 ~ i5 c D.. ~ ~" i:2 :I: "'" Associate 8 u ii < ~ >. ~ oJl u ,.1J w 'U .,..,c u Select one jourmt! 0 JMF OFR $103 suo S120 8 E " " c ....1 "" u "'~ 8 ,0 "-' 0 \..!., Membe~rship Type ,___,"0 " ""z < "- __.. "'0 u u Supporting S58 S65 $75 Benefactor members receive all "" Emeritus (resen·ed for retired indi,iduals) membership benefits, and make • • • • •• • • • $58 S65 $75 a contribution that helps subsi- Student- Student status is open to all persons considered full-time students dize the cost of 2 student by their universities. You must mtach a copy of your current tuition fee memberships. NCFR encour- scatetnent as proof of student status. 2 journal option S75 $85 S95 ages established professionals to 1 jomnal option choose this categOJy. Select OIIC journal 0 .JMF 0 FR S50 $60 S70 Colleague members receive all membership benefits. • • • • • • • • • i\ great way to enhnce your NCFR membership. Select the Sections that emphasize your educational/ Organization members receive career interests. (Only NCFR members may belong to NCFR Sections.) all membership benefits except • • • • • • Cost is $5 per Section; student members $3 per Section office holding rights, affiliate 0 Education & Enrichment 0 Family Therapy membership, and CFLE dis- 0 Ethnic !1-linorities 0 Feminism & Family Studies conn ts and may send up to 2 c 0 Family & Health 0 International § persons at the member rate to 0 Fmnily Policy 0 Religion & Family Life 1'- " 0 Family Science 0 Research & Theory NCFR's annual conference. ~' Total for Membership $ _____ Associate members receive all Total for Sections $ ______membership benefits but must •Choose • • • • • • • • Sub 1T'oil:al $ _____ choose one of NCFR's journals. one Canaclian orders must addS ______7% GST or 15%J-IST #123-830-465 Supporting and Emeritus members receive all membership • • • • • • • benefits except NCFR journals. 0 Check 0 Postal l\-loney Order 0 Visa 0 MasterCard Student with 2 journals -same benefits as Colleague member- • • • • • • • • • Visa/MasterCard# ------ship. Exp.Date ______

Signature -----,7-7"-----..,.--;-;:---,.----;--,---..,.------­ Student with 1 journal- same (Signarurc required for credit card orders.) benefits as Associate member- • • • • • • • • • ship. Choose one Please mail your application and payment to: National Council on Family Relations, 3989 Central Ave. NE, Please note: There is a service on all returned checks. U.S. funds $30 Suite 550, IVIinneapolis, MN 55421 ~ Toll free (U.S. and drawn on U.S. banks only. Overpayments of $10 or less are consid­ NCFR. Canada): 888-781-9331 ~ 763-781-9331 ~E-mail: ered a contribution to NCFR. l\Iake check or money order payble to ncf1"[email protected] "' Website: www.ncfr.org NCFR. FEI 41-0762436.

2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 77 Restaurants: " Mosaic Bar & Grille Latte Cafe & Bistro The Gallery Lounge Note: You must wear your name badge at all tin1es. Badges are checked at fue door before you can enter the room. Those not registered may not be admitted to sessions. Single or Double Rooms: Approximately $123 U.S. funds (depends on rate of exchange); $191 Canadian funds per night(+ ta_xes; U.S. residents may apply for refund of 7% GST). Children age 16 and w1der stay free in d1eir parents' Plenmies, symposia/workshops, papers, public policy semi­ room. NCFR's block is guaranteed at these rates until nars, round tables, posters the block is filled or by Monday, Oct. 27, 2003, whichever Special sessions, Section and Focus Group business/member­ comes first. ship meetings + NCFR Group Rates are applicable for rooms from Nov. 13- All Receptions and Exhibits 25,2003. Newcomers Reception for first or second time conference ' Phone: 604-683-1234: Fax: 604-689-3707 National attendees Reservations: 1-800-233-1234. You must identify yourself as an NCFR Conference attendee to obtain d1ese rates. After d1e NCFR block is filled, even if d1ere are rooms available in d1e Pre-conference \'Vorkshops on Monday, Nov. 17 - Wednesday, hotel, you will be charged d1e regular hotel rates which are Nov. 19 higher ilian d1e NCFR group rates. See page 73 for instruc­ Association of Cow1eils Leadership Workshop and Buffet, tions to reserve a room on-line. Wednesday, Nov. 19 Pre-conference 1our of Vancouver Service Agencies. A limited number of discounted rooms are available for NCFR Od1er tours arranged for privately. Checks and reservations student members. For more information contact d1e NCFR must be sent directly to Grayline Tours. office toll free at 888-781-9331, phone: 763-781-9331, or ptint a student housing form from d1e NCFR Website: I

The Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel, 655 Burrard St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 2R7; Phone: 604-683-1234: Fa_'c 604-689-3707; On-line reservations: http:/ /vancouver. hyatt.com/ reservations/ flow6 / propCheck Availability. jhtml Shuttle serv-ice is available from rl1e Vancouver Intemacional Airport to d1e Hyatt Hotel through The cost is approxi- mately $12 Canadian each way. Catch the Shuttle outside rl1e bag­ Guest room amenities: voice mail, dataport telephones w-id1 gage claim area. The airport is approximately 11 miles and 30 rnin­ message light/ speaker phone video messages, account review utes from d1e Hyatt Ta_xi fares are appro:-.-imately $27 Canadian. and check-out iron, ironing boards, hair dryer ·~ coffee makers business center assiscive devises for disabled baduobes outdoor heated pool •• complimentary I-Ieald1 Club wid1 state­ Check online at Mapquest or d1e Hyatt website: http:/ /vancou­ of-d1e-art equipment ver.hyalt.com.

78 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program Register only one person on each registration form. Please T\'PE or print name exactly as you wish it to appear on your name badge.

Name~,------;;--;:-;,..,--;;-~:-;-----;;------First l'viiddle Initial Last J\Iailing Address (0 home 0 business)------­ City------State/Province/Country------Zip/Posml Code------­ Phone (0 home 0 business) E-mail Address------f:Lx Employer (or college/university where you arc attending)------ls this your first NCFR Conference? 0 ves 0 no I am a 0 stLtdcnt enrolled in a graduate degree program; 0 new professional who graduated less than 5 years ago.

Type of Registration (please check): (U.S. Funds only)

Full Conference Registration: Single Day Registration: By 10/15 10/16-11/12 Onsite By 10/15 10/16-11/12 Onsite 0 NCFRMember $220 $240 $260 0 Full Day Professional $140 $140 $150 0 NCFR Organization J\Iemb. $220 ~2,~0 $260 0 Full Day Full-time Student* \>85 ~\85 1\90 0 NCFR Student Member* Sl10 SilO $120 Ci1:cle dav of attendance: Wed. Thur. F1i Sat. 0 NCFR Emeritus Member*''' :1)110 ~~110 $120 0 Second Member of Family $210 $215 1)230 *Students must enclose verification of smdent status. D Non-member Professional $320 $3-+0 $360 To qualify your membership must be current in tl1e "Emeritus" 0 Non-member Student* S140 $140 $lSO category.

(U.S. Funds only) 0 Verification of Attendance for Continuing Education Units, $25. Specify Organization(s) from which you want CE credit D Here is my gift to help NCFR (t:a..'C deductible according to law) Amount S.c______0 Unresu1cted gift 0 Resrricted fund (i.e. Annual Conference)

(U.S. Flmds only) Student NCFRMember Non-member __ Resources for Better Marriages $85 1;85 $100 (Tue., Nmc 18, 10 am 5 pm includes Noon Lunch, packet of mate1"ials and annual membership in ACi\IE) (Ihose not registering for d1e NCFR Conference pay the Non-member fee.) __ Pre-corrference Tour of Vancouver Service Agencies ~35 :S-+5 $65 \I'ue., No'" 18 includes transportation and box llllKh at noon) __ Work-Life Summit $75 $85 S100 (\'Ved., Nov.. 19, 7:45am 3:45pm- includes Light Continental Breakfast and Ltmch) __ Affiliated Councils Brunch and Leadership Training Workshop Free for Affiliate ColllKil Presidents. (\'Ved., Nmc 19, 8:30 :m1 1 pm- includes brunch) Must pre-register by November 1. __ High Tea Fundraiser for the Margaret Arcus Award for Family Life Education $40 $40 b40 \Timrs., Nmc 20 -includes food; the remainder of tl1e fLmds arc for d1e Award.)

FEI No. 41-0762436

All PRICES ARE IN U.S. fUNDS ONlY DRAWN ON U.S. BANKS Method of Payment: 0 Check 0 Money Order 0 Visa 0 MasterCard. You may register by FAX: 763-781-9348 (credit cards onJy). Credit Card Number: Exp. Date: 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program 79 0 I need a roommate: 0 non-smoking 0 smoking female D male D Date and time of arrival ______0 Date of departure [! Daytime phone DE-mail D Please send information about child care. 0 I am seeking employment (no cost). D I have a job opening, please contact me regarding details.

Payments may be made by check, money order, or Visa/l'viasterCard. Payment by check or draft drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dol­ lars, payable to the National Council on Family Relations. Mail or Fax (if using a credit card) your completed registration form and payment to: NCFR Annual Conference Registration, 3989 Central Ave. NE, Suite 550, Minneapolis, MN 55421 Toll Free: 888-781-9331; Phone: 763-781-9331; Fax: 763-781-9348; E-mail: [email protected]. Overpayments of $10.00 or less will be considered a contribution to NCFR. $30.00 sen-ice charge on all returned checks. Payment must accompany registration or d1e form will be returned to you (with exception of purchase orders). REFUND REQUESTS MUST BE IN WRITING AND POSTMARKED BY NOVEMBER 12, 2003.All refunds are sub­ ject to a 30'Yo administrative fee. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE AFTER NOVEMBER 12. No reftmds for special events unless the event is cancelled. r"Jl refund checks will be mailed approximately 2 weeks after the Conference. Students must send a copy of current fee statement as verification of studem status >vid1 dus registration form. Student Aides must submit the conference registration fee with tlus form (checks are deposited UTtmediately). After complet­ ing 8 hours of work and returning d1e appropriate aide form, a refund check for half of your registration fee will be mailed approxiLTtately 2 weeks after d1e Conference.

NCFR Member: An active member of d1e National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) in any membership category. Your dues must be current at the time you register for the conference and remain current: d1rough the conference, or you will be charged d1e non-men1ber rate. NCFR Organization Member: The organization belongs to d1e National Council on Fanlliy Relations. Up to 2 staff members from the organization may register for d1e conference at d1e member rate; additional staff nmst pay the current non-ntember rate. The organization's dues must be current at d1e time of registration and rentain current through the conference, or you >vill be charged the non-member rate. NCFR Emeritus Member: An active member of NCFR, who has membership il1 the Emeritus category, and is retired from employment. Your dues must be current at d1e tll11e you register and remain current d1rough d1e conference, or you will be charged the non-member rate. Student Member: An active member of NCFR, in any membcrslup category, \vho is currently enrolled full-tll11e in a college or tmi­ versity. Dues must be current at d1e tllTte you register and remau1 current through d1e conference, or you will be charged the non­ member rate. Verification of student status must be enclosed with your registration.

NON lHlo!\'lD.tcJ.' Second Family Member: Additional family JTtember who is attending the conference. Non-Member Professional: Attendee who is not a current dues-payu1g member of NCFR. Non-Member Student: A student who is currently enrolled il1 a college or university, and is not a current dues-payil1g member of NCFR. Verification of student status must be enclosed wid1 your registration.

Professional: A person attending the conference for onlv one clay. The day of attendance must be indicated on d1e form. Full-Time Student: A student attendll1g the conference for onlv one day. The day of attendance must be indicated on the form.

80 2003 NCFR Annual Conference Program ~ Nf tt' .11 Cmmcil on Family Relations (NCFR) is the oldest 1hela 0 11 • ...... ·eli cl'plinarv famiily orga111Zat1on 111 the U.S. It ls a non-prof- mutt1 s . , . . . The Conference provides a forum for discussion of family issues. • lZ. au· on of profess10nals who work 111 the mulu-faceted 1t organ ~· Approximately 1,300 family professionals attend each year. areas of the family field. The Conference goals are:

To provide attendees with valuable continuing education credits. NCFR is approved by the American Psychological Association, National Association of Social Workers (Metro Washington Chapter), National Board for Certified Counselors, George Mason University, Employee Assistance Professionals Association, and NCFR Certified Family Life Educators to offer continuing education for psychologists, social NCFR is highly regarded as an authority for information on a workers, and therapists and od1er fam.ily professionals. broad range of family concerns, such as psychology, sociology, To provide a means for family professionals to disseminate d1e cross-cultural families, family health, family therapy, work-life, latest research with implications for practice. parenting, family stress, gender roles, divorce, family violence, To share stimulating presentations by plenary speakers and adolescent issues, aging, child development, and life cycle leading family scholars. changes. NCFR publishes two widely acclaimed journals - To obtain the latest family research duough a variety of learning formats including plena1ies, poster sessions, symposia, papers, and cr•··~···~·s• an applied journal; and rmmd tables. the oldest and one of the top five scholarly social To provide a fonun for public policy discussion. science journals in America. To enable attendees to network with leading professionals in the NCFR. is the only professional organization focused solely on family field family research, policy, and practice. To give NCFR members an opportunity to learn more about the governance of the organization and provide opporhmities for involvement in various conference activities

Past Presidents: 1999-2001 Stephen R. Jorgensen 1971-72 Eleanore B. Luckey (deceased) 1998-99 Willia~n J. Doherty, CFLE 1970-71 Gerald R. Leslie (deceased) 1997-98 Greer Litton Fox 1969-70 Ricl1ard N. Hey 1996-97 Pauline G. Boss 1968-69 Elizabeth Force 1995-96 Ivlichael]. Sporalmwski, CFLE 1967-68 William F. Kenkel 1994-95 Alexis ]. Walker 1966-67 Willia1n M. Smid1 Jr. 1993-94 Haniette Pipes McAdoo 1965-66 F. Ivan Nye 1992-93 Patlicia Kain l(naub 1964-65 Clark Vincent (deceased) 1991-92 Brent C. Ivliller 1963-64 Blaine R. Porter 1990-91 Lynda Henley Walters 1962-63 Wallace C. Fulton (deceased) 1989-90 l\L Ja~uce .Hogan 1961-62 David Mace (deceased) 1988-89 David H. Olson 1960-61 Harold T Christensen 1987-88 Graham B. Spanier 1959-60 Aaron Rutledge (deceased) 1986-87 I-Ia~nilton I. McCubbin 1958-59 Henry Bowma11 (deceased) 1985-86 Joan Aldous 1957-58 Ivlildred I. Morgan (deceased) 1984-85 Sharon]. Price 1956-57 David Treat (deceased) 1983-84 Bert N. Ada111s 1955-56 Judson La11dis (deceased) 1982-83 Ja~nes Walters 1955 Gladys Groves (deceased) 1981-82 Wesley R. Burr 1954 Dorod1y Dyer (deceased) 1980-81 Kate Garner (deceased) 1952-53 Robert Foster (deceased) 1979-80 Ira L. Reiss 1951-52 John O'Grady (deceased) 1978-79 Paul C. Glick 1950-51 Nadina Kavinoky (deceased) 1977-78 Gerhard N eubeck 1948-50 Ernest G. Osborne (deceased) 1976-77 William C. Nichols Jr. 1946-48 Lawrence Frank (deceased) 1975-76 Carl fred B. Broderick (deceased) 1944-46 Sidney Goldstein (deceased) 1974-75 Richard K. Kerckhoff 1942-44 Ernest W Bmgess (deceased) (deceased) 1940-42 Ernest Groves (deceased) ~ 1973-74 Leland ]. Axelson 1939-40 Adolf Meyer (deceased) ~ 1972-73 Murray A Straus 1938-39 Paul Sayre (deceased)

~' $ I ! iW Wednesday, Nov. 19- Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 Pre-conference Workshops: Monday, Nov. 17 - Wednesday, Nov. 19

Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel Vancouver, BC

Registration Forms Enclosed

Register by October 15 and SAVE up to $40 on your registration fees.

For complete Conference Information check NCFR's website: http://www.ncfr.org/conference_ info/index.asp

National Council on Family Relations Nonprofit Org. 3989 Central Ave. NE, Suite 550 U.S. Postage l\1inneapolis, MN 55421 PAID

Printed in the U.S.A. Rochester, MN Permit No. 289

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