Endocrine System

1 Table of Contents Page 3 - Page 4 - Anterior Kidney - Diseased Page 5 - Posterior Kidney - Diseased Page 6 - Anterior Pancreas Page 7 - Anterior Pancreas - Arteries Page 8 - Anterior Pancreas - Veins Page 9 - Anterior Pancreas - Ducts Page 10 - Posterior Pancreas Page 11 – Anterior Mammary Page 12 - Posterior Mammary Page 13 - Larynx Page 14 – Larynx with Thyroid Gland

***Sample does not include all pages provided in the full identification guide

Disclaimer: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information address Experience Anatomy, 101 S. Tryon, Suite 2700, Charlotte, NC 28280 2 Testicle

Vas Deferens Testicular (Ductus Deferens) artery Genital br. of Pampiniform Genitofemoral nerve Plexus

Spermatic Cord Internal Spermatic


Appendix of Testis Septa ()

Visceral Layer of

Seminal vesicle lobules Parietal Layer of Tunica Vaginalis

3 ESRD Kidneys - Anterior Celiac Trunk (cut) Adrenal Gland Superior Mesenteric Aorta Artery (cut) Renal Sinus (fat) Adrenal Gland Cysts in Cortex Interlobar Arteries & Veins

Renal Capsule IVC Minor Renal Calyx Major Renal Hilum Calyx

Renal Pelvis Distended Ureter Right Renal Vein Left Renal Vein Segmental Arteries & Veins (Right Kidney – Whole) (Left Kidney – Hemisected) 4 Adipose (fat) Anterior Mammary Tissue Pectoralis Major

Nipple Serratus Anterior

Rectus Abdominus

External Oblique Suspensory (Cooper’s) Ligaments 5 Larynx Lesser Horn of the Hyoid bone Epiglottis Greater Horn of the Hyoid bone Aryepiglottic Fold

Cuneiform Tubercle Thyrohyoid Membrane Larynx Oblique Line Thyroid Cartilage Corniculate Tubercle

Superior Cricothyroid Muscle Oblique Arytenoid Thyroid Notch Muscles

Cricothyroid Ligament Transverse Cartilaginous Arytenoid Muscle Rings of Trachea Cricoid Cartilage Trachea Posterior Cricoarytenoid Muscle

(Anterior) (Posterior) 6