Sunflower June 18, 1969
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Stevens Memorial Ragdoll Concert Set For Sunday due to policemen harrasslng long- stopped by a law w forcem ent offi By JOE COULTER the permit, two of Wylie's friends The John S. Stevens M em orial hairs through city ordinances cer. Staff Wrltar preceded to petition for two s ^ Rag Doll Rock Concert got Its which left a question of Inter Wylie listed a few of the things arate permits. They succeeded in name from Wichita City Commiss H ie John S. Stevens M emorial pretation In Individual cases. the CSR has done since Its in opining permits for a concert ioner Stevens. Stevms made a ception. They sponsored the drlnk- Rsg DoU Rock Concert scheduled from 1 to 3 p.m. and another speech in which he characterized in, the downtown demonstration by the Com m ittee for Student from 5 to 6 p.m. Wylie still elements of the younger generation The first concert was held May against the loitering ordinance, a R t ^ s w ill be Sunday In R iver plans to start at 1 and continue as **rag d o lls ". W ylie thought 11. On May 18 the CSR held music festival in A prlL and a side Park with or without the r ^ til 6 p.m. Stevens should have a concert ded another concert. At the time of May Dayparadeasa "subtle Joke". quired P ark Board perm its. Wylie and his crew plantobreak icated to him because of his el<v these concerts no permits were They are Involved in setting up In an interview late yesterday the ordinance calling for a permit quent phraseology. required, so police took no action. a recreation center in Plalnvlew aftem o^ Ron Wylie, secretary by continuing the c<mcert from 3 to The puipose of the CSR is ex Playing at the concert Sunday w ill for disadvantaged children in addi of the CSR, revealed the group's 5 p.m. According to Wylie, they plained in their constitution. Wylie be the Outcasts, God Speed, and tion to the park concerts. intentions to hold the concert re will go along with law enforce summerized it by saying, "The J. L. McClure. The Christain Hie CSR itself has a'core of gardless of any threat of inter ment processes until th ^ can le- committee was formed to prom t^ Atheists Coalition will present a about 25 individuals with about 20 vention. ga ^ f l ^ their battle, in court. student participation in the Univer satire "Down with People". A auxiliary, ^leciallzed members. Wylie and the CSR originally An American Civil Liberties law sity and related areas. The com group of studentswillpresent skits W ylie noted that the CSR can plamied to have the concert firom yer is ready to handle the case, mittee feels that active participa which show what the American "m o b iliz e " 200 people in six 1 to 6 p.m . The department In he added. tion is in the best interests of the Civil L ib erties Union reccom - hours, 500 in twelve, and about charge of recreational facilities University community. Now the Wylie feels that the new ordi mends that pe<vle do If they are 2000 In two days. refused a permit to the group for nance is in direct apposition to CSR is moving in the direction the 1 to 6 p.m. conceit. A re the First Amendment of the Con of community activism Instead of cently passed city ordinance limits stitution whichguaranteesfreedom restricted campus activism." such gatherings totwohours. Since of q>eech and assembly. For this The reas<m the previous con Student Loan Squeeze the Pai^ Authority wouldn't issue reason WyUe will fight it. certs were held, said Wylie was Will Pinch WSU Aid THE Su nflo w er Due to a sizable reduction In of the federal government’s de federal funds for aid to higher cision to decrease funds, it will education for the coming year, be necessary to establish stlffer WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 VOL. L X X m NO. 52 many WSU students and students criteria to determine which stu at (rther colleges and universities dents we can h elp." nilght suffer as a result of the Local and privately funded scho "tight m oney" situation. larships w ill not suffer from the Program s such as the National federal cutback. Two federal pro Defense Student Loan have been grams besides the NDSL which will Second Speech in Summer Series cutback to such a great extent, suffer are the Educational Oppor that here on the WSU campus tunity Program and theWorkStudy one-eighth of the students pre Program. sently getting assistance will not Presently federal funds ave To Feature Blake Monday Night receive aid next year. This is raged $500,000 to $750-000 per only the National Defense Loans. year to WSU. Next year this Blake has served as a planning Jaddy Blake, assistant to the In past years WSU has received amount could be cut from $50,000 consultant for the City of Wichita, dean of students, will be the se approximately $250,000 per year to $100,000. Each program will a member o f the Board (rf D irec cond speaker In the Summer L ec from the NDSL program alone. suffer hi p rc ^ rtlo n to the cut of tors of the Urban League and Ad ture ^ r i e s . Monday at 8 p.m. This year NDSL w ill be cut by funds. visory Board of the Adult Basic he w ill speak on "H igh er Educa 30,000, almost one eighth of the Paul Chrisman, WSU Financial Education Program of the Wichita tion: Cloister, Blinders and/or original amount. Aids Director, o^imistically re Area Community Action Program, Bleach?" In me CAC Theater. Speaking In term s of numbers, lated, "TheSenateisholdingmeet- Blake, currectly enrolled in the Inc with an average loan of $600, Ings this week todetermine whe M aster's degreeprogram ln soclcv- VfWe at WSU, Blake has been this means that 500 students who ther the cutbacks are warranted. logy at W ^, has beoi assistant the fkculty advisor (pro tern) for got this type loan In the past This is routine when fUnds are the Black Student Union CBSU) and to the dean for about one year. w ill not be able to obtain one this cut. There is a chance that some has been on the CAC Board of Dir Ccmimenting on the content of year. It would be possible to give of the funds may be restored. At ectors. his talk, Blake said, "Unha|g>ily, out the same number of loans this time It Is virtually Impossible there Is, In too many Instances, iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiii but to reduce the amount given. to know for sure what we’ re go a dlrectcoirelation between higher The WSU Financial Aids Of ing to be able to do for the stu education and decreased 'human W bot’s lisid e fice has not a c c ^ te d the new bud dent next ye a r." ness* and concern for a larger get with Joy and thanksgiving. Lar Waiting on the outcome are not community." Ray Dryden, theatre maJor, w ill ry Rector, Financial Aids coun only the several thousand students " I submit that people should be receive a drama fellowship from selor surveyed the situation, say who utilize the Financial Aids the prime concern of all of us- Wayne State University. See page 3. ing "WSU has never before had programs at WSU, but the thou J i M y B la k t in spite of our discipline, c o llie , the necessary money to provide sands across the country who de or vocation," he added. TTie Robert A. Taft Institute Gov aid to all the needy students. Con pend on these loans togoto school. ernment Seminar will have as its sequently it has been necessary to Now there is waiting and hoping featured speaker Friday Guy Ven carefully screen each applicant," that the federal government can sec der Jagt, U.S. congressman. See he conlmented. the potttitial good In investing In page 3. "T h e re has always been a cut- her greatest resource, her young Oklahom a’ Opens iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii oO point for aids, and because people. Summer Theatre The fourth season of the Wichita as Curly: Pat Moline as Laurey; Summer Theatre opens tomorrow Howard McPherson as Ike; Dave night at 8:30 p.m . when the cur Henry as Fred; David Willis as tains swing apart for the first Slim; Bud Dlngman as Will; Harold performance of Rodgers and Ham- Davis as Jud; Barbara Wilkinson mersteln's famed musical, "Okla as Ado Annie; Rex Riley as Ali hom a!" Hakim; Donna Cline as Gertie; Ted The first in a series of six sum W h ite ^ d e as Carnes; and Steve mer productions in Wilner Audi Sowards playing Cord. torium, "Oklahoma" represents A 20-piece orchestra, under the a real chaOenge to the 31 east direction of A n ^ Nkislck willpro members. Coming from all areas vide the musical setting for the of education, business and home show. life, they w ert Just a conglomera Tickets are on sale In the Wil- tion of unique talents until Dr. ner Auditorium box office tirmn 10 Richard Welsbacher fashioned a.m. to 4 p.m, or ai*e available them into a competentactingcrew. H iurs^, Friday and Saturday For the past three and a half nigMs before the show. weeks Iw has been directing their efforts toward the finished pro General admission is $1.25, for WSU students it is $1, and for high duction.