Testing Ignition Timing

Using Pico Scope & WPS500X Pressure Transducer and kV Pickup

Use PgUp and PgDn keys or Mouse Scroll Wheel to navigate tutorial Setting up the Pico Scope Plug USB for Pico into Computer and Start Pico Software Use the Red ‘Stop’ Button (or the Space Bar) to pause the Scope before adjusting the settings Select the ‘Collection Time’ Box to adjust the time setting Use the drop down menu to select 10 s (This is a good time setting for most captures – adjust if needed) Select ‘CH A’ to set up this channel to measure pressure (Pressure Transducer connected to ‘CH A’) Select the ‘Probes’ drop down menu by clicking on the arrow next to ‘Probe’ (Do not select the pop up menu – Button with ‘3 dots’) In the ‘Probes’ drop down menu scroll down to ‘Library’ (Do not choose from the ‘Standard’ nor the ‘Automotive’ Menus) Under the ‘Library’ Menu Select ‘WPS500X 500 psi (Range 1)’ Make sure the filter is turned on the pressure transducer (1 kHz filter) Use the probe library to set CH D to ‘Secondary kV (Inverted) +/- 50 kV (If secondary pattern is upside dwon switch to ‘Secondary kV (Pos) +/- 50 kV) Set CH D to the +/-50 kV Scale Turn off the channels that you are not using (CH B and CH C) To adjust the zero position – select the scale and move down as needed Setting Up the WPS500X Pressure Transducer & Secondary kV Pickup WPS500X Pressure Transducer

Turn Power on

Press power button to turn on (Press & Hold Briefly to Turn Off) WPS500X Pressure Transducer

Lights will flash as the unit Self calibrates  Don’t Touch!

Unit will run a self calibration WPS500X Pressure Transducer

Range 1 should be lit When calibration is complete

Make sure ‘Range 1’ (500 psi) is selected and that none of the ‘Zoom’ lights are lit Danger: Never connect scope directly to secondary with back pins or alligator clips. Only use Secondary kV pickup on the secondary side

Secondary Capacitive Pickup  Clip to wire Always ground to an Engine Ground (Not Chassis or Battery) Remove Spark Plug from to be tested

Connect Spark tester to plug wire (if adjustable set a ‘S|E’ Gap)

Clip Secondary kV Probe to plug wire (Ground to Engine Ground)

Thread compression hose into cylinder

Connect Pressure transducer to compression hose

Connect Pressure transducer to scope ( CH A – Blue )

Use the Green Start Button to start the scope. Crank (or Run) Engine for at least 5 seconds and use the Red Stop Button to pause Select the ‘Windowed Zoom’ Tool to take a closer look Zoom in on one complete cycle of the engine (2 revolutions of the – compression to compression) (Note: COP and DI will not have the Waste Spark Eve WasteSystem w Typical for waveformCranking – aDIS

Spark TDC Comp Waste Spark Waste nt on the Exhaust ) ith ith ignition timinggood

Spark TDC Comp Degree Cursors

Use Degree Cursors to mark off 2 revolutions of the crankshaft (720 o) 0o Top Dead Center Compression

Degree Cursors

2 Revolutions of Crankshaft (720 o)

Use Degree Cursors to mark off 2 revolutions of the crankshaft (720 o) Measurement Cursors

Use measurement Cursor to measure when spark occurs (Note: Spark typically occurs 0 o to 30 o Before Top Dead Center Compression  0o to 10 o cranking) Measurement Cursor

Use measurement Cursor to measure when spark occurs (Note: Spark typically occurs 0 o to 30 o Before Top Dead Center Compression  0o to 10 o cranking) Rulers Menu

Use Rulers Menu to mark off 4 divisions (Rotation Partitions) TDC BDC TDC BDC TDC

Comp. Exhaust Comp. Power Intake

Typical Cranking waveform for a DIS – Waste System with good ignition timing With 4 strokes marked off 1 3 2 4 1

Use the engine and rulers to mark off when each cylinder is at top dead center compression (Example above: 4 Cylinder with firing order 1-3-2-4) 2 1 8 4 3 6 5 7 2

#2 Cylinder


Rulers Menu

Use the engine firing order and rulers to mark off when each cylinder is at top dead center compression (Example above: 8 Cylinder with firing order 1,8,4,3,6,5,7,2)