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Friday 3rd July, 2020 Friday 3rd July 2020 • £1.50 €2.00 The Catholic £18ONLY FOR 3 MONTHS Delivered to your you door! incorporating The CatholicTIMES Covid recovery offers a last chance to save the planet Government urged to create post-virus Marian Shrine at Lourdes announces August date for reopening economic revival plan that puts tackling climate change at its heart Nick Benson ficient, schemes to make it easier for The Government must seize the “once- people to cycle and walk, tree planting Our Lady is in-a-lifetime opportunity” to deliver and restoring peatland. a pandemic recovery that speeds up These kind of green policies can the fight against climate change, a create lots of jobs across the country ready to Catholic peer has said. in the short run, keep money and em- “The UK is facing its biggest eco- ployment within the UK and have nomic shock for a generation, but at other benefits, such as for health and the same time, the global crisis of cli- nature, as well as cutting emissions, welcome mate change is accelerating,” Lord it said. Deben, chairman of the UK’s inde- And investment in clean technology pendent Committee on Climate such as heat pumps, which are a clean Change, said. “We have a once-in-a- alternative to boilers, can help drive you back lifetime opportunity to address these down costs in the longer run, the re- urgent challenges together; it’s there port said. for the taking.” The committee also called for the The Catholic politician said a green target to phase out sale of new petrol recovery was the only way out of the and diesel cars and vans to be brought “terrible” situation of Covid-19 and forward to 2032. the economic crisis, that would create And to help protect the UK from resilience, jobs and prosperity – but climate impacts, the £5.2 billion ear- the “window of opportunity is closing marked for flood defences over five already”. years should be brought forward for “What is now happening is a real schemes that are ready to go. opportunity to make a change which Key priorities for investment and will be remembered forever as the action in the UK include: great leap forward, which really could • Insulating homes to make them be done, but it is now, it isn’t tomor- warmer and cheaper to heat, as well row,” he said. as measures to ensure they do not In its annual report to Parliament, overheat as temperatures rise, for ex- the Committee on Climate Change ample by improving shading through has warned the UK is not making the trees and ensuring better ventilation. progress it needs to drive down emis- There is also a need to boost the Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, the the ’s five auxiliary and inspired the prayer of the papal vicar of Rome who spent 10 will lead the group. diocese from the beginning of the sions and prepare for the impacts of use of clean heat pumps and to bring days in a hospital with Covid-19, An August pilgrimage to Lourdes lockdown.’ in proposed standards now for new rising temperatures. will lead a diocesan pilgrimage to is a Rome diocesan tradition and Fr Remo Chiavarini, administ- But recovering from the economic buildings to be low carbon and water Lourdes in August, the Vatican has will feature the customary Masses, rator of the Rome diocese, said the shock of coronavirus and at the same efficient. announced – the first diocesan pil- catechesis and processions. But it pilgrimage “is an opportunity to time accelerating moves to cut green- • Woodland planting and restoring grimage to the shrine since March. also will include everyone wearing reinforce our trust and hope, to feel house gas emissions to net zero by peatland to store carbon and protect The trip, from 24th-27th August, face masks and observing social comforted and reassured and to 2050 is ‘absolutely necessary and en- against future climate risks such as marks the official resumption of distancing, Roma Sette, the grow in a real sense of solidarity ... tirely possible’, the advisers said. flooding, restoring parks and planting diocesan-sponsored pilgrimages to diocesan newspaper, said. and keep in mind what The report calls for rapid ‘green trees in cities and towns. the shrine after they were halted by The diocese said it would be ‘a Francis said about people needing stimulus’ measures including upgrades the pandemic. journey of thanksgiving and of to learn from the pandemic.” to homes so they are more energy ef- Continued on page 2 Cardinal De Donatis and four of trust in Mary, who accompanied Rome news - see page 14

This week’s Companion Tom Bradby reveals his Skin care advice alter ego in latest for unexpected spy novel breakouts Socially distanced Home hygeine tips sun seeking - It’s without having to the future of travel deep clean 02 For extra news go to News Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress

Scottish pubs Joy as public Mass returns but to open but church doors ‘new normal’ rules must be remain shut The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has criticised the Scottish Government’s “unjustified” decision followed, warn to reopen pubs, restaurants and cin- emas earlier than allowing collective Nick Benson worship in churches. The Metropolitan Archbishops of the The Scottish bishops said it is “both in England have wel- disappointing and perplexing” that comed the resumption of collective the Government has decided not to worship in England this weekend but allow places of worship to open for issued a warning that this does not communal worship until 23rd July at mean everything is ‘back to normal’ the earliest, while allowing pubs, for our churches. restaurants and cinemas to reopen In a letter, addressed to the Catholic on 15th July. community in England, the archbish- “The Catholic Church has respond- ops ask all the faithful to adhere strictly ed positively to all official requests to rules put in place to counter any from the very beginning of the coro- possible spread of Covid-19, such as navirus lockdown and submitted de- limits on numbers, personal hygiene tailed protocols for infection control and social distancing, while asking and staged reopening to the Scottish Catholics to consider attending Mass Government over three weeks ago, on a weekday rather than all returning without any objection from the gov- to Sunday services. ernment,” the Bishops’ Conference The obligation to attend Sunday of Scotland said. Mass remains suspended. “The Church has continued to en- The archbishops – Cardinal Vincent gage with the Government and the Nichols of Westminster; reopening of churches for personal Malcolm McMahon OP of Liverpool; prayer since Monday (22nd June) has Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birm- allowed time to assess the procedures ingham; and Archbishop John Wilson in place to assure public safety. of Southwark – acknowledge that “With these considerations in mind, ‘members of all faiths have faced re- further delays to communal worship strictions on how they have been able appear unjustified. The Bishops’ Con- to celebrate important religious fes- ference will convey these views to the tivals’. They recall how this year’s Easter restrictions on worship with congre- of Mass with a congregation.’ Scottish Government as a matter of celebrations were ‘unlike any other gations, we tread carefully along the Tthere will be limits on the number urgency,” the Conference added. we have known’, but say they are look- path that lies ahead’. of people who can attend Mass and ing forward again to celebrating ‘the ‘Our lives have been changed by this will be determined locally. central mysteries of our faith in the the pandemic and it is clear that we ‘We therefore need to reflect care- Music to be left Holy Eucharist’. cannot return to how things were be- fully on how and when we might be out of services The opening of the Catholic Church- fore lockdown,’ they admit. ‘We remain able to attend Mass. We cannot return Brass and woodwind instruments es in Wales is devolved to the Welsh centred on the Lord Jesus and His immediately to our customary prac- should not be used in churches to Assembly, which is still evaluating its command at the Last Supper to ‘do tices. This next step is not, in any help combat the spread of Covid-19, position on opening places of worship. this in memory of me’. We must now sense, a moment when we are going MPs have been told. In Scotland, bishops there have criti- rebuild what it means to be Eucharistic ‘back to normal’,’ they stress. Conservative MP Andrew Selous, cised a continued ban on collective communities, holding fast to all that ‘We ask every Catholic to think care- in his role as the Church of England's acts of worship (see story right). Westminster Cathedral. we hold dear, while at the same time fully about how and when they will representative in the Commons, said The archbishops describe this week- Photo: Mazur/ exploring creative ways to meet return to Mass. Our may need there will be no cap placed on the end as ‘an important milestone on changed circumstances.’ to consider whether it is possible to number of people attending church our journey towards resuming com- The archbishops stress that at pres- celebrate additional Masses at the services as long as Covid-secure guide- munal worship’. systems of hygiene and infection con- ent, the obligation to attend Sunday weekends. Given there is no Sunday lines are met. ‘Our churches that have opened trol meet Government and public Mass remains suspended. ‘A significant obligation, we ask you to consider But singing and chanting are not have put in place all the measures health standards,’ they said. number of churches will remain closed the possibility of attending Mass on a allowed even at a distance, and certain needed to ensure the risks of virus Offering their thanks to the Catholic as they are unable to meet the re- weekday,’ to ease pressure om Sunday instruments cannot be used. transmission are minimised. This in- community for ‘sustaining the life of quirements for opening for individual services. Mr Selous told the House of Com- cludes effective hand sanitisation, so- faith in such creative ways’, including prayer. Fulfilling these requirements The archbishops also urge parishes mons that “singing, chanting and cer- cial distancing, and cleaning. We re- the livestreaming of Mass, the arch- is a precondition for any church open- to continue livestreaming Sunday tain woodwind and brass instruments main committed to making sure these bishops say that ‘with the easing of ing after the 4th July for the celebration Mass wherever possible. carry a higher risk of virus infection.” Recovery plan must target climate change Continued from page 1 and redeployed in areas such as tech- A Government spokesman said: “We Key priorities in the UK include: nology to capture and store carbon agree with the committee that tackling • Making it easier for people to walk, emissions from power plants and in- climate change should be at the heart cycle and work from home, with in- dustrial processes. of our economic recovery. “ vestment in safe spaces for walking The Government is also urged to He said the UK was investing to and cycling, more bike parking and encourage the public to stick with deliver more offshore wind than any shared bike schemes, and prioritising positive behaviours such as walking other country and to reduce emissions investment in 5G and broadband over and cycling, and to invest in science from homes and industry. improving the road network. and innovation in technology to help And he said: “We believe that the • Increasing recycling rates rapidly tackle climate change. actions we need to take to achieve and banning food and garden waste The report also calls for any bailouts our zero emissions target can help to from going to landfill within five years. of polluting industry to have ‘green deliver a stronger, cleaner, more sus- The committee’s report also called strings’ attached and for taxes to be tainable and more resilient economy for training programmes, for example used to drive emissions reductions – after this pandemic has faded.” for builders and plumbers to install for example increases on fuel duty – He pointed out that there were al- heat pumps. with the potential for carbon taxes ready over 460,000 UK jobs in low- And the highly skilled North Sea oil able to raise £15 billion a year over carbon businesses and their supply and gas workforce could be retrained the next decade. chains. The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 03 News

New Martin gives thanks to faithful unveiled to serve Kilmore who kept lockdown Church alive The end to the ban on public Mass in Ireland has coincided with the ap- Nick Benson pointment of a new bishop in Kilmore, As congregations across Ireland re- after Martin Hayes was announced turned to their churches for public as the new Bishop at the Cathedral of worship, the of All-Ireland St Patrick and St Felim on Monday, urged the faithful to be “people of 29th June following his appointment prayer, faith and witness”. by On Monday 29th June, during his In Co Cavan, Archbishop Jude Thad- first public Mass in St Patrick’s Cathe- deus Okolo, the Papal to Ire- dral, Armagh, since lockdown, the land, attended the service in the cathe- Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin, dral along with the new bishop. recalled that the white woollen palli- ‘This is a good day as um, which he was wearing over his we begin to gather shoulders, had been presented to him for the celebration by Pope Francis in Rome exactly five of Mass in our years ago. churches’ “Pope Francis told all the new arch- bishops that day that we ought to be In his address, Bishop-elect Hayes – like St Peter and St Paul – people of welcomed people back to the church. prayer, people of faith and people of “We are living in strange times as witness,” he said. Archbishop Martin offers we continue to cope with Covid-19,” The archbishop said he was re- communion to a he said. “This is a good day as we minded of those words as Catholics parishioner at the first begin to gather for the celebration of gathered to celebrate the Eucharist public Mass since March Mass in our parish churches.” publicly for the first time in fifteen Every other pew inside the cathedral weeks. was left empty as churchgoers kept “We are all called to be people of “I thank God today for all those is why we must continue in the coming have also been adjusted to take ac- to social distancing guidelines. prayer, of faith and of witness,” he who brought Christianity to life over weeks and months to be, like Peter count of health recommendations. I The bishop-elect offered his sym- said. “Thank God, during the lockdown the past 15 weeks by their generous and Paul – people of prayer, faith and appeal to you to be patient and un- pathies to the families of all those the Church was able to sustain our witness and example. Our healthcare witness,” he added. derstanding, and to co-operate with who had lost loved ones during the life of prayer, especially with the help workers and their back-up teams sur- Archbishop Martin also stressed our Church guidelines." pandemic, and acknowledged “the of the webcam and other social media! passed themselves, tirelessly serving that everyone must remain responsible He added that “the Sunday obliga- service of all the healthcare and all During this difficult period, some peo- the sick and witnessing powerfully to in keeping the virus suppressed by tion remains suspended and you may frontline workers who have been and ple felt drawn to God in a new way the compassion of God. practising safe physical distancing, prefer to wait, or to come to Mass at a continue to be involved in responding and actually found themselves praying “Many of you volunteered your serv- good hygiene and by continuing to quieter time during weekdays.” to the pandemic,” he added. more and being called to make ices, carrying groceries and other es- respect health guidelines on move- changes in their lives for the better.” sentials to those living alone, or reach- ment and gatherings. “It is such a joy Lockdown marked a time of great ing out with love and encouragement to gather physically for Mass today. uncertainty and anxiety, he said, with to the sick and housebound. In the coming weeks we will continue many people having to make sacrifices “Sadly the Covid-19 virus has already to reduce substantially the number for the Common Good and to protect devastated the economy, destroyed of people who can gather inside our life and health, he pointed out that livelihoods and brought untold grief church buildings. faith had kept many people going. to those whose loved ones died. That “Some of our liturgical customs TD joins clerics in criticising limits on congregation size Nick Benson the wonderful efforts of parish priests the week, ‘if I cannot go to Mass, A prominent Irish politician has urged in keeping communities together, that’ll be the finishing of me!’ the Government to re-evaluate the checking in on the vulnerable, the “What she was referring to was the cap on 50 people being allowed in grieving, the sick and the elderly in physical routine of getting up and churches and places of worship. any given parish,” he said. dressed on Sundays and making the Peadar Tóibín, the leader of all-Ire- However, he also noted that it is effort of going to Mass, where she can land political party Aontú, criticised not just the spiritual aspect of weekly pray and meet her friends. the limit, arguing that it doesn’t take worship that people are missing, it’s “This frail lady is fearful that if she into consideration the vast differences also the community spirit. doesn’t get back into her routine again in sizes of church buildings. “Weekly religious service is for many of getting up and dressed and physi- “What the guidelines fail to take a social occasion where the commu- cally leaving the house every Sunday, into account is the fact that you could her health may deteriorate. have a small chapel on the side of a Archbishop “It’s for people like her that I would mountain in rural Ireland that can Diarmuid Martin call on the Government to re-evaluate barely hold 50 people, and you could remains the situation and to use some common have a cathedral in a city that can disappointed by sense.” contain thousands. the cap on Mr Tóibín’s call comes after the “Churches are often by far the largest congregations Archishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, buildings in each town. The limit said he was disappointed by the cap should reflect the capacity of those nity can make sure everyone is in of 50 people per service regardless of building. The limit should be in pro- good health in mind and body. This the differing sizes and capacities of portion to ability of people to maintain is especially true for minority churches each church building. good social distancing,” he said. of recent immigrants. Speaking last month, the archbishop Mr Tóibín pointed out that faith “I have met with some of these expressed his hopes that it may be and spirituality plays an important churches. They offer much support possible to come to a “more reasonable role in so many people’s lives “now to the new Irish who are far away and responsible situation” in which more than ever”. from the normal supports of their numbers permitted to attend Mass “We see villages joining together in home countries,” he said. could be proportionate to the size of prayer for those who are sick, we see “As one lady of 93 years put it during each church. 04 For extra news go to News Like us on facebook - search Catholic Universe Newspaper

Guernsey baby discrimination MP attacks civil liberties with law passed Politicians in Guernsey have voted in threat to ban all abortion vigils favour of an extreme abortion law, doubling the time limit for abortions A new move by an MP to restrict the have obeyed the law.” Three women, who were approached from 12 weeks to 24 weeks and intro- rights of people to pray and offer help In September 2018, the Home Sec- by Pro-Life vigils outside of abortion ducing disability-selective abortion to women outside abortion clinics retary rejected calls to bring in na- clinics in London, stand outside the right up to birth. has been slammed by the Society for tionwide buffer zones around abortion Court of Appeal in London The law will also allow abortion up the Protection of Unborn Children clinics, following a hard-hitting cam- to birth for conditions such as cleft (SPUC). paign by the Society for the Protection lip and club foot, as well as Down Rupa Huq MP recently introduced of Unborn children. At that time, an Syndrome. a Ten Minute Rule bill ‘to restrict extensive review by the Home Office Other extreme changes include re- demonstrations in the vicinity of abor- found that the activities of pro-lifers quiring only one doctor to sign off on tion clinics; and for connected pur- were peaceful and that there was no an abortion, while healthcare profes- poses’. It passed by 213 to 47; however, justification for curtailing their free- sionals who conscientiously object to Ten Minute Rule Bills rarely become dom of speech and association in this abortions will be expected to ‘make a law, and are usually just used to cham- way. referral without delay to another health pion a cause by an MP. Antonia Tully added: “It is particu- practitioner without such objection’. However, pro-lifers reacted angrily larly unfortunate that Ms Huq has The proposals also raise the to what many people see as political launched this attack on civil liberties prospect of DIY home abortions, as point-scoring. “This is yet another at- at a time when pro-life people, like the requirement that terminations tack upon the rights of pro-life citizens most of the country, have been fore- may only take place in a medical set- to witness peacefully and offer help going their usual acts of witness be- ting will be removed. to women in need,” said Antonia Tully, cause of the restrictions during the “The extreme abortion proposals campaigns manager at SPUC. pandemic.” are named ‘Modernisation of the Abor- “Thousands of women who did not Mrs Tully concluded: “This attempt tion (Guernsey) Law’, but there is want an abortion but felt they had no to remove civil liberties from law- nothing modern about this law,” said choice have been helped by pro-life abiding citizens should not be forced Catherine Robinson, of Right to Life people outside abortions clinics.” through as restrictions on gatherings UK. “These proposals will ignore mod- She pointed out that pro-lifers had generally are lifted. ern equality legislation and discrimi- stopped their vigils outside clinics in “The lockdown has meant that nate against babies and people with deference to Government rules on many women have found themselves disabilities. social distancing. “Being unable to in a crisis pregnancy situation, and “What would be truly modern of offer that help, especially during lock- will need help more than ever. the Government in Guernsey would down when so many women might “As soon as it is safe to do so, pro- be to introduce new laws that show view a pregnancy as a crisis situation, lifers must be allowed to offer that that both lives matter,” she added. has been devastating – but pro-lifers help.” Debt crisis growing as Plans for a plastic-free month Covid-19 hits economy have the Columbans’ support Covid-19 is accelerating a growing Community Money Advice supports personal debt crisis, a Christian debt a network of 160 debt advice centres, Members of the St Columban Mis- the use of single use plastic cutlery protecting God’s Creation on earth. It advice charity has warned. where 1,200 trained advisors give free, sionary Society in Britain are backing and plates. is important that we support initiatives Community Money Advice said it confidential, face-to-face advice and this year’s Plastic-Free July initiative Office staff work hard to recycle pa- such as Plastic-Free July that highlight has seen a 400 per cent increase in support. The charity works with by looking for ways to slash their con- per, packaging and empty food con- these issues and aim to educate society enquiries from churches, food banks churches, community groups and sumption of the nature-destroying tainers, and try, where possible, to and bring about change. and community groups, exploring statutory organisations and helps over material. source office stationary, kitchen and “I’m very pleased that so many of ways to provide debt advice to their 19,000 people each year. Plastic-Free July is a global move- bathroom essentials from sustainable our staff and volunteers have agreed clients. Community Money Advice believe ment designed to raise awareness of resources and recycled products. to get involved. One member of staff The increase reflects a growing con- that it is not fair that face-to-face ad- the harm done by single use plastic During the month of July the region’s has decided she will swap all liquid cern in local charities that personal vice and support is only available in and encourage people to refuse single ordained Columbans, volunteers and soap for bar soap at home to avoid debt is now a serious problem for some communities and are keen to use plastic, opting instead for more staff have been asked to support the single-use plastic, while another has many people, as the economic effects work with local churches to make sure sustainable alternatives. Plastic-Free July initiative by personally pledged to avoid using Cling Film of Covid-19 are realised. advice and support is available to all The Columbans in Britain are al- pledging to avoid the use of one or plastic wrap and plastic bin bags. According to the Bank of England, who need it. ready working to reduce their plastic more plastic product, opting instead “There is so much plastic in our insecure consumer debt stood at £207 Responding to the demand from consumption. Residents in both the for recyclable or reusable alternatives. lives that avoiding it all completely billion at the beginning of June and churches, Community Money Advice Solihull and London houses are en- Emma Darling, communications would be very challenging. By chang- DWP recently confirmed that 3.2 mil- is launching CMA Connect, a simple, couraged to recycle clean and empty officer for the Columbans in Britain, ing our way of thinking and making lion people made Universal Credit low-cost way smaller churches and plastic packaging and have a ban on said: “Columbans are passionate about small steps, together we can make a claims during lockdown. A reduction food banks can help people experi- big difference!” or complete loss of income can cause encing debt problems. Local volun- Pope Francis’ great encyclical on debt to quickly become unmanage- teers provide support and the local the environment, Laudato Si’, ad- able, leaving people feeling trapped organisation has access to FCA au- dressed the global climate emergency and powerless. thorised debt advice provided by the and te need to reduce waste and pol- “Covid-19 has had serious economic Community Money Advice team. lution, particularly plastic and other effects on families across the UK,” “CMA Connect is an easy way single-use, throwaway products. said Heather Keates, chief executive churches, community organisation He said: ‘If we can overcome indi- officer of Community Money Advice. and food banks can help people strug- vidualism, we will truly be able to de- “At the beginning of the year personal gling with debt and money problems,” velop a different lifestyle and bring debt was at record levels. During the said Ms Keates. about significant changes in society.’ lockdown millions of people experi- “We hope this new programme will Plastic-Free July is an initiative of enced a reduction or complete loss enable more organisations across the the Plastic Free Foundation, one of of income. We are concerned that as UK to respond to the growing need the most influential environmental financial support is reduced some in their community and help people campaigns in the world. people will find that their debt be- find freedom from debt and hope for It aims to help millions of people comes unmanageable. We know this the future.” be part of the solution to plastic pol- can leave people feeling overwhelmed For more information, help and lution, enabling us to have cleaner and can lead to stress, relationship support, see: streets, oceans, and beautiful com- breakdown and health problems.” munities. The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 05 News

Bishop says prayer key The Bishop of East Anglia, Alan Hopes, celebrates last week’s Mass for the NHS, to weathering storm carers and the sick, in the Cathedral of St Actions speak louder than words was spect.’ You have responded generously John the Baptist, the message of the Bishop of East An- to those in need by dutiful service Norwich. glia as he celebrated a Mass at St and humble sacrifice,” he added. Screenshot by The John’s Cathedral in Norwich to show The bishop was speaking during Catholic Universe. spiritual solidarity with front-line med- the latest in the weekly online Masses ical, care and voluntary workers across from the Catholic Bishops of England the country. and Wales in recognition that this “The Lord Jesus teaches us by his time of the Covid-19 pandemic is af- life and by the words of the Gospel, fecting every person in the countries. that our deeds are more important “Storms come to every single age than a passing sentiment: our actions in human history,” he said. “We are speak louder than words,” Bishop no different in what we face than our Alan told his virtual congregation, as ancestors. And trials will come, also, he celebrated last week’s national to future generations.” Mass for the NHS, carers and the sick. “When they come, the apostle re- “We give thanks to God for his works minds us that we should not give up, of grace during these last three but stick to prayer. Because in speaking months. I would like to thank all those with God, in making friends with Him, who have responded to God’s call to we allow his grace to build up the virtues ‘love each other with a profound re- of faith, hope and love within us.” ‘Clap for carers’ Catholic Union urges Sunak to back on Sunday as annual event A nationwide clap to thank the NHS scrap two-child benefit limit will take place this Sunday, in what is hoped to become an annual tradi- The Catholic Union has called on the is expected to be announced this the Catholic Union is urging the Chan- to some of the most vulnerable fami- tion. Government to scrap the two-child month to address the economic shock cellor to reconsider the Treasury’s po- lies in society looks increasingly in- Following the success of the weekly limit for childcare support for those of the coronavirus. sition in light of Covid-19 and the risk defensible,” Mr Somerville-Meikle Clap for Carers at the height of the on low incomes and the unemployed. The Catholic Union has urged the of a significant increase in child pover- added. “At a time when public spend- Covid-19 lockdown, people are being The policy, introduced in 2017, limits Chancellor to consider all options for ty caused by the economic downturn. ing is increasing, levelling up support encouraged to reflect on the heroes the childcare element of Universal supporting children and families at “There has never been a better time for families should be a priority for of the pandemic with family and Credit and Tax Credits to two children to get rid of this deeply unfair policy, the Government. friends at 5pm on Sunday, 5th July - per household. The policy was widely Chancellor Rishi or a more pressing need to give fami- “Campaigners, including many faith the 72nd anniversary of the NHS. criticised by faith groups at the time, Sunak is planning lies the support they need,” said James groups, have worked hard over the Broadcasters will also suspend on the grounds that it discriminates a post-lockdown Somerville-Meikle, Catholic Union last three years to highlight the un- transmissions for a moment as a mark against larger families. emergency Budget head of public affairs. fairness of this policy. of respect. The Catholic Union has written to to boost spending “We all know that coronavirus is “But with more families relying on On 4th July, the evening before, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak to call for having a devastating impact on fam- Universal Credit and income support, people will also be asked to put a light the policy to be scrapped in light of this difficult time, including removal ilies’ incomes right across the country. it’s now vital that the two-child limit in their windows in remembrance of the coronavirus outbreak and the of the two-child limit. Existing support from the Government is removed. those lost to the pandemic. huge financial pressures faced by fam- Catholics attempted to get the policy is welcome, but it’s crucial that help “It’s time to end this family tax and Public buildings will also be lit up ilies across the country. changed ahead of the Budget earlier gets to those people most in need. give children and families the support in blue for the NHS including the A review of tax and spending plans this year but were unsuccessful. Now “The decision not to give support they deserve.” Royal Albert Hall, Blackpool Tower, the Shard and the Wembley Arch. NHS chief executive Sir Simon Stevens said he hopes the public will Liverpool never did ‘walk alone’, says sports chaplain use the anniversary as an opportunity to “say a heartfelt thank you” to hos- “We are indeed never alone,” the Westminster Chaplain for Sport has said Liverpool fans celebrate outside the Liver Building in the pital staff. while congratulating Liverpool FC on city. There was strong criticism after fans congregated in Sir Simon said: “This year has been winning football’s Premier League title huge numbers for a number of nights after their team the most challenging in NHS history, for the first time. secured the Premier League title, ignoring social with staff displaying extraordinary Mgr Vladimir Felzmann, Westminster distancing rules and leaving behind tons of rubbish dedication, skill and compassion to Chaplain for Sport and CEO of the John care for patients with Covid-19. Paul II Foundation for Sport, paid “During this testing time our nurses, tribute to the club and its anthem, You’ll doctors, physios, pharmacists and Never Walk Alone, saying the words of the countless more colleagues were sus- terrace favourite were more apt than tained by the support of the public, ever at present. not least through the weekly applause “When you follow the motto and ‘walk for key workers. together’, rather than alone, it leads to “No health service, not even the victory and success,” the monsignor said. NHS, could have coped alone with “Having heard Liverpool had won the this coronavirus pandemic. Premier League, their song awakened in “From bus drivers and teachers to my heart,” Mgr Felzmann added. “As we care staff and food retailers and, of are coming out of Covid-19 lockdown course, the public who took action to the words ofYou’ll Never Walk Alone stay at home to stop infection spread- seem to chime with me. Even when self- isolating, God was – always is – with us: ing, everyone played their part.” always there. We are indeed, never alone. The nationwide clap has been or- The words are worth a ponder.” ganised following a letter from the “As I read somewhere, ‘If you want to Together coalition, in which influential walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to figures including Sir Simon and the walk far, walk together’,” Mgr Felzmann Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Wel- added. “The Liverpool club and its fans by, voiced their support for making got there together – and made Cardinal 5th July an official day of commemo- Vincent Nichols a very happy man.” ration. 06 For extra news go to Comment

Peaceful protests at abortion clinics – Comment – are a rightful freedom of expression We’re still here for you – every week! Sir Edward Leigh

Freedom of speech is perhaps the Yet again this week we would like to most important civil liberty we have, express our thanks and gratitude to after the right to life. It has been a all the many parishes that have con- cornerstone of British society, allow- tinued to support our apostleship of ing us to eloquently express opinions, the Catholic press. criticise Government, and carry out It’s been very encouraging and passionate debates about the future uplifting to see that so many of our direction of our country. parishes have already re-opened, Every human being is different. many of them for extended times We examine life through the lens of and on numerous days. Huge credit our personal experiences, which must be given to all the volunteers, creates a bias in how we view our- stewards and parish helpers who selves and view the world. Anyone in have made this possible. the world of academia recognises We are also hearing that Catholics that bias deviates from the truth, have been returning in numbers, thus bias must be avoided at all with many churches already ‘fully costs for truth to prevail. booked’ for prayer slots and periods In society, for truth to prevail, we of private worship. It’s also great to must allow voices and differing hear that most parishes are making opinions to be expressed. Abolishing A matter of life and death: Demonstrators outside the Marie Stopes clinic on Mattock Lane in 2018, ahead of a vote by The Catholic Universe available. this freedom in our law results in a Ealing Council on whether to implement a ‘safe zone’ outside the west London abortion clinic. (Pic: John Stillwell/PA) We are running a list of open bias towards those who advocate for parishes on our website. Please do such a law; bad news for anyone tends beyond permitting the stand- groups this motion wants to ban. disruption to the life of the commu- let us know as soon as you are open. who wants to see ideas challenged ing of statues that may cause offence The website Be Here For Me has nity or if the purpose of the assem- for society to progress. to some people. many examples of women who have bly is to intimidate others. Debate surrounding freedom of Permitting views we disagree with been offered life-changing support “There are also offences under the speech and freedom of expression to be expressed in the public domain by people outside abortion clinics. Protection from Harassment Act has reignited with the targeting of challenges our mind to avoid the Facing a difficult pregnancy, but not 1997 when someone pursues a statues of people who do not con- bias we hold, forcing us to re- wanting an abortion, these women course of conduct which they know form to the views we hold as a socie- examine what we actually believe. wanted help but said they quickly will amount to the harassment of ty today. People who have argued in Any attempt to restrict freedom of realised that the support offered by another person.” favour of their removal cite the expression is an attempt to halt the abortion providers was very little, With existing legislation to deal cause of offence as the reason why progression we are making as a soci- except in providing abortions. with anyone who shamefully harass- these statues must go. ety, which makes me gravely con- Groups outside abortion clinics, es and intimates women, a blanket If we were to ban everything on cerned about the ten-minute rule however, provided the support the ban on groups outside abortion clin- the grounds of causing offence, motion being put forward by a abortion providers did not offer, al- ics appears not to be motivated by though, what would be left? There Labour MP this week: ‘That leave be lowing these women the opportuni- this, but motivated in an attempt to are things that have the potential to given to bring in a Bill to restrict ty to give birth to their child. Such restrict free speech, thus restricting offend me, but do not have the po- demonstrations in the vicinity of people should be supported by our the help, and choice, women receive tential to offend you. abortion clinics; and for connected Parliament, not barred from giving when going to an abortion clinic. As I noted on my Twitter account, purposes.’ support to those in need. Not all women going to an abortion for example, every time I walk up to Restricting demonstrations in the Those advocating for a law change clinic are 100 per cent sure they a committee room I see a glorifica- vicinity of abortion clinics is a re- cite harassment and intimidation of want an abortion. Often, women go tion of Queen Elizabeth I, the striction on our right to freedom of women as their reasoning for a law to abortion clinics for help, and are monarch who had the eldest son of expression, by making a legal activi- change, and of course harassment left shocked and disappointed that my family, Bl. Richard Leigh, ty illegal if done within a certain ge- and intimidation of women is totally the only support offered by the hanged, drawn, and quartered in ographical location. unacceptable. abortion providers appears to be an 1588 for no other reason than that Peter Tatchell, the Manifesto Club, The reality, despite the media nar- abortion. he was a Catholic . and Liberty, despite being in favour rative, however, is that, as was noted However, through freedom of Though offence may be given to- of abortion, are against the intro- by Sajid Javid when Home Secretary speech and freedom of expression, wards those who practise the reli- duction of censorship zones, argu- in 2018, there are laws already in support can be offered to these gion I practise, she should not be re- ing that such a policy goes against place to deal with anyone who women, sometimes resulting in pos- moved because she is integral to our our fundamental right to freedom of harasses or intimidates. itive life-changing experiences. history. speech and freedom of expression, Sajid Javid wrote, “under the Pub- I urge my fellow colleagues in the We have a duty to learn from our demonstrating that those against lic Order Act 1986, it is an offence to house to support freedom of speech Behold, I stand at the door and past, learning from the mistakes as this motion are not all pro-life. display images or words that may and to protect the support offered by knock; if any man hear well as the discoveries. Confronting Those promoting this policy, how- cause harassment, alarm or distress. women by voting against this motion. My voice, and open the door, reality is the best way to make ever, are not pro-choice, but anti- This Act also gives the police powers I will come in to him, and will progress; whereas hiding the past choice, pro-abortionists. They want to impose conditions on a static • Sir Edward Leigh is a British Con- sup with him, and he with Me. guarantees that the mistakes our an- to restrict the choice women have by demonstration if they believe it may servative Party politician who has cestors made will be repeated. removing the help that many result in serious public disorder, se- served as a Member of Parliament Freedom of speech, however, ex- women have been offered by the rious damage to property or serious for Gainsborough since 1983. Revelation 3:20 Supporting Catholic journalism As our Catholic churches start to re-open ... Universe Media Group Limited, Subscription rates: Our thoughts and prayers are with News and feature items: Editor: Joseph Kelly 2nd Floor, Oakland House, All enquiries: (Annual) £72 UK; €104 Ireland/Europe. you all in the days ahead. Email: joseph.kelly@ 76 Talbot Road, Email: pool@ Tel: 0161 820 5722 To subscribe, please use the order form in this issue or call us on 0161 820 5722 From all at The Catholic Universe Manchester M16 0PQ The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 07 News

Crowds attend a candle lit vigil in memory of Noah Safeguarding Donohoe in North Belfast is top priority vows Scottish Church leader The has insisted just clergy but the laity, too.” that “safeguarding remains at the heart Baroness Liddell insists that it “must of the Scottish Church’s mission” as be made easier for those with com- he welcomed the publication of the plaints to feel safe and secure coming Second Annual Report of the Inde- forward. There must be consistency pendent Review Group (IRG) moni- in investigation, compassion in caring toring the implementation of the rec- for those who are victims and first ommendations of the McLellan Com- class professional help for those who Community praised as school mission by the Catholic Church in need it. Scotland. “A constant striving to do better However, the IRG chair, Baroness will lead to improved training and a Helen Liddell, while acknowledging willingness to learn from the best mourns loss of its ‘perfect gent’ enormous progress on the issue, ad- practice of others.’ mitted that challenges remain, par- The IRG report notes that ‘challenges The mother of Catholic schoolboy “Noah loved his school and his Mr McBride said: “The whole college ticularly in creating a system “in which remain as the Church moves from the Noah Donohoe has said she “always friends at school, and we know that family mourns the tragic loss of our victims could feel safe and secure necessary focus on ensuring consis- told him that he would change the they will be grieving too and they young Malachian, Noah Donohoe. coming forward with complaints.” tency in its operational arrangements world”, his family has said. need to say goodbye too,” they said. “Noah embraced fully all aspects Thanking the report’s authors, Bish- towards a more challenging and re- The body of the teenager, who had A vigil was held on Sunday where of school life, and a natural leader op Joseph Toal, President of the Com- flective focus on evaluating the impact been reported missing several days prayers were said for Noah and his who led by example. His caring nature, mission for Pastoral and Social Care, of its actions. earlier, was found in a storm drain in family members. A total of 14 blue calm demeanour and big smile were said: “Safeguarding remains at the ‘Cultural change is still required to Belfast on Saturday, 27th June. balloons were released in his memo- some of his great gifts that helped heart of the Church’s mission and the ensure that safeguarding is a core el- The Donohoe family said on Sunday ry. others do their best.” maintenance of high standards is only ement of all aspects of the work of how much they had appreciated “the A vigil was also held in Strabane, A keen basketball and rugby player possible through independent scrutiny the Church. There remains a particular support, outpouring of love, and em- Co Tyrone, where the Donohoe family both in and out of school, Mr McBride of an autonomous body like the IRG.” need to reflect on the role of survivors pathy” they had received over his are originally from. added that he was was “the perfect The McLellan Commission was set and their ability to contribute to and death. “From walking with us, both Paul McBride, the principal of gentleman, with a genuine competitive up in 2011 to review safeguarding inform future provision. Furthermore, physically and spiritually, to feeling Malachy’s Catholic College where spirit on the court while in class he practice in the Church in Scotland, there is a need to develop a clear and our pain, we recognise that everyone Noah went to school, said the whole was measured and modest.” with the IRG established in 2017 under coherent ‘whistleblowers’ policy,’ the has lost Noah,” said the family. school mourned his loss. Superintendent Muir Clark appealed Baroness Helen Liddell of Coatdyke report adds. “He was very special. It is very hard He said the school was “deeply sad- to the public to refrain from posting to oversee implementation of the com- It adds: ‘Diocesan safeguarding to do justice or honour the extraordi- dened” by the death of Noah who he rumours about the teenager online. mission’s recommendations. plans, as yet, do not contain sufficient nary relationship Noah and his mum- described as a “natural leader” with a “This type of commentary and ru- Baroness Liddell said that challenges focus on measuring improvements to my shared. In his 14 years his mummy “caring nature, calm demeanour and mour is distressing for Noah’s family remain. “We must never forget that services for vulnerable adults, young got so much from their special bond, big smile”. and is extremely unhelpful.” survivors of abuse are at the heart of people and children.’ he taught his mummy so much. They Members of the search and rescue A huge search operation took place our work,” she said. “We need to learn ‘The Church must put survivors at were each other’s world. team who worked to help find Noah all week to find Noah, who was last from them and put in place structures the heart of this process so that justice “Noah’s mummy always told him gathered outside the gates of St seen in areas close to the Shore Road. that safeguard the vulnerable. can be both delivered and be seen to that he would change the world,” they Malachy’s in Belfast on Sunday evening Police believe he may have fallen “All of us have a part to play, not be delivered,’ says the report. said. to pay tribute to him. from his bicycle and hurt his head. Political pact Callous killing ‘ends civil war’ condemned The Bishop of Cork & Ross was among many from the Church to offer his Police have described the murder of congratulations to Micheál Martin on a 28-year-old man in west Belfast last his election as Irish Taoiseach. weekend as callous and reckless. Acknowledging that Mr Martin is Warren Crossan, who has strong taking on the role amid “a time of links to dissident republicans, was immense challenges”, Bishop Fintan shot dead in St Katharine’s Road on Gavin assured the second Cork-born Saturday after being chased by two Taoiseach of the prayers of the diocese. masked gunmen. His father Tommy “Micheál Martin assumes the office Crossan was a prominent dissident of Taoiseach at a time of immense republican and was shot dead in 2014. challenges,” said the bishop. “Pope Detective Chief Inspector Darren Francis encourages us to pray for McCartney said links to organised political leaders as they seek the crime have not been ruled out and it common good. He also calls us to be is too early to speculate on a motive. courageous in our care for people on He said: “This is a callous and reck- the margins. We pray for ‘a wise and less killing. Bringing firearms out into discerning heart’ for our new residential streets of west Belfast in Taoiseach.” broad daylight just beggars belief. Micheál Martin follows Jack Lynch “The gunmen did not give any as a Cork-born leader of his country. By forming a coalition with historic thought to the risk this posed to the political rivals Fine Gael, the former residents and members of the public Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said Martin in the area.” had finally “ended the political fighting Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin is presented with Crossan’s death is the latest in a from the civil war”, in a reference to the Seal of Office by President Michael D. Higgins series of tit-for-tat killings of men with the formation of the two parties. at Aras an Uachtarain in Dublin. Photo: PA links to organised crime in Drogheda. 08 For extra news go to Comment Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress

CAFOD is still out there, Outside the City says volumes helping others John about virtues of a quieter life Battle

Last week we held the annual meeting of our Leeds Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission as an open gathering on the popular Leon online meeting website, Zoom. Spence The principal reason for the meeting was to announce the refocusing of our project work: how we could respond as a diocese I have always counted myself very to the climate crisis; how best to lucky to have been born and grown develop our parish ‘Poverty in the up in the rolling countryside and UK’ workshop pack as an online craggy granite outcrops of Leicester- resource; and reasserting tackling shire’s Charnwood Forest. peace and non-violence. In days gone by mention of the We also introduced our new north of my county may evoke im- project organiser and our young ages of fields of grain and hosiery persons’ J& P Spark Project worker, factories. While the clothes industry and Christine Allen, director of closed down for exports from the far Cafod, was our guest speaker. east two decades ago, and fields Christine took us on an illus- have disappeared to warehousing, trated tour of the work Cafod is much of our countryside is as beau- continuing to support around the tiful as it ever was. world, in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, My hometown can be exposed to Sierra Leone, Uganda, Bangladesh, the elements. I’m told, though I can’t Ecuador and Jerusalem – all still confirm the veracity, that if I were to underway from the head office climb one particular outcrop a mile despite the lockdown. from my home and travel east at CAFOD, despite the serious that elevation then the next time my pressures of Covid-19, is still out feet would touch land would be there, tackling poverty and foster- somewhere around Moscow. ing real long-term development. Well, at least that’s what they say. For CAFOD the short-term issue is At the heart of this beautiful coun- a drop-off of funds to support tryside lies the imposing tower that these vital projects. rises above the altar of Mount Saint In Leeds in recent years, we Bernard Abbey. Mount St Bernard have been welcoming and sup- Of course, many of you will know porting fleeing refugee Syrians and Mount Saint Bernard’s only too well, I shall be the first to admit that de- Trappist ale, Tynt Meadow; and dis- easy to forget that the present is im- their families. Now, with accounts but for those of you who don’t, it is spite having known about the docu- cover the unlikely benefactor that portant, and that is a present in from their homeland of a currency the sole Cistercian monastery in mentary even before its limited the- made the endeavour a reality. which prayer and contemplation collapse and soaring food prices, England. atrical release I had been wary about Outside the City really is a wonder- can make, in our eyes, even the most leaving half the population hungry This Trappist house is a severe yet actually watching it. ful way to spend 82 minutes. trivial of jobs ones of huge importance. and over a million facing starva- somehow warm place, a place where To my mind the film could easily But among the narrative strands It could be shelling beans, throwing tion, those families now in Leeds the natural countryside perfectly fail on two counts. There was a real there is something much deeper to pots or brewing beer – each job is are seeing their hopes for the future meets simple architecture and potential that the documentary the film which captures the true carried out assiduously because it is turning to despair over the fate where the earthly made rightly suc- could be amateurishly shot; the spirit of the being offered to God as an essential their relatives are left to face. cumbs to prayerfulness. And I love greater risk was that it would fail to that I know. task of community life. Syria faces an immediate food it. capture the beauty and simplicity of Hamer films the reading to Now, I nearly forgot. I’m sure emergency and governments must When I was growing up I could monastic life, even potentially laps- his community during mealtime. Fr many readers will know by now I am press now for international aid to not comprehend that monasteries ing into the realm of parody. Erik, it strikes me as not by accident, theologically more than a little be allowed in to Government-run were not commonplace all over the So I steered myself away from reads from a book titled ‘In the Heart sketchy – I’m certainly not the one and rebel-held areas alike to avoid country; I couldn’t understand that watching the film. of the City, In the Heart of God’. The to come to if you want an essay of a humanitarian catastrophe. everyone didn’t have access to such Until last week, when I decided to words I’m sure were not selected at Augustinian thinking; I am the one All this is against the backdrop a special place. buy it on the Amazon streaming random: ‘The wise know how to who does politics. of Covid-19 where, in the UK, it Mount Saint Bernard’s has played platform. keep silent until the right moment, But it seems to me that those apepars that while many have a special place in the hearts of my I shouldn’t have worried for in speak if need be but briefly, be con- at Mount Saint Bernard have struggled, some report they are fi- family ever since. It’s the place fact, Hamer’s film is undoubtedly a cise and both understanding and a great deal to teach us about poli- nancially better off! Some who where my dad attended daily Mass labour of love which perfectly cap- quiet. The more words one uses the tics, too. have mercifully avoided or sur- after his cancer diagnosis, it’s where tures the spirit of monastery life greater is the emptiness of it all, and In a political world where every- vived the illness and have stayed my wife and I had our marriage which I have come to know over where is advantage in that?’ one is seeking to have their voice in may well have found they have blessed after getting married in a nearly half a century. Following scenes include the heard, there is a great deal to be said saved a bit of cash. Not all pension- church many miles away, it was the Outside the City, even in what I prayerfully contemplative labour of for keeping silent until the right mo- ers, for example, find themselves very first visit out for all three of our suppose is a relatively niche cate- throwing the perfect pot by a newly ment, that the more words we use, out of pocket and have saved by children and where our eldest was gory, is a multi-layered film. received , and two magical the more we dilute our thoughts. not going out. baptised. The abbey has been an We see a community which is fac- minutes watching several members That isn’t a lesson just for monks Perhaps some of that saved sur- ever present in my life. ing the unstoppable challenges of of the community silently shelling to contemplate but so many other plus could go to Cafod, an organi- Last year, local filmmaker Nick age upon its subjects and dwindling broad beans. spheres, too. Just imagine how much sation that desperately needs Hamer released a documentary numbers on the establishment itself. There’s discussion too about more refined social media would be funding if it is to carry on with its about life inside the abbey which he We journey with two monks as they whether the community can survive if we took the abbot’s words to vital work helping the poor and had commenced work on as far back both approach the moment of their its long-term diminishing numbers heart? desperate. as 2014. An initial approach had led own death, and sympathise with an- and that really epitomises the whole Outside the City is available on That way we can really promote to Hamer being set a reading list by other whose journey has not yet point of the documentary. streaming platforms. Tynt Meadow a ‘Summer of Hope’, as the latest the Abbot Fr Erik Varden, which in reached that point. It may be that Mount Saint Trappist Ale is available online and CAFOD campaign reads. turn led to 18 months of dialogue We walk with a, relatively, young Bernard’s sees a resurgence of men direct from the Monastery shop – Their work saves lives, too. before filming of the fly on the wall abbot looking for financial sustain- seeking to live a religious life, but if it and is really very tasty. See documentary could even com- ability for the community through doesn’t that isn’t perceived as a fail- coronavirusappeal/ mence. The resulting work is titled construction of a brewery and devel- ure, but as God’s will. Leon is a writer, political for more details ‘Outside the City’. opment of Britain’s first and only As others plan for the future it is commentator and charity trustee The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 09 News

PM told to Why a Warburton’s white, but no bread make mental health UK’s of life? The tragedy of church closures top priority More than 50 organisations have urged the Prime Minister to de- velop a new mental health plan to Chris prevent and respond to damage arising from the coronavirus out- Whitehouse break. The current system will not be Lockdown gave an unprecedented able to cope with an expected character this year to the major surge in demand as the nation celebrations of the great Abrahamic starts to rebuild after Covid-19, faiths. Boris Johnson has been warned. Those in the Jewish community The Samaritans, Rethink Men- endured Passover unable to join tal Illness and Mind are some of with family, friends and their wider the charities who have said he community to celebrate the escape must place mental health at the of the people of Israel from slavery heart of the Government’s recov- in Egypt. ery plan. Those of Muslim beliefs found Almost half of the UK popula- themselves daily breaking their tion have experienced high levels Ramadan fast alone, not together; of anxiety during the pandemic, and approached the culmination of while 80 per cent of people living that celebration, Eid, at best in small with mental illness say it has de- household groups rather than with teriorated, the charities say. communal rejoicing. They estimate a further half a The Christian faiths marked the million people are likely to go on Last Supper on Maundy Thursday; to experience mental health the Passion, Crucifixion, and Death problems as a result of the eco- of Jesus on Good Friday; and the nomic impact of the crisis. Resurrection of their Christ on The coalition of voluntary and Easter Sunday, without the usual social sector organisations is call- community support in the dark ing on the Government to work hours or the joyous celebrations of with them to develop a mental the greatest day in the Christian cal- larly uncomfortable to see the doors tainty that prevailed at that time, but path to religious ministry, but to health renewal plan. endar. of our Christian churches locked the closure could and should have share the love of God with his people Their letter reads: ‘We know, as No amount of digital alternatives – when they could, and should, have been only temporary while practical and to be with them in their times of you do, that no one organisation, Zoom meetings, live-streaming of remained open to allow private precautions were introduced. need. agency or Government department services, on-line communal singing prayer and socially distanced partic- It was not for our political masters Where was the priest to baptise can provide the solutions to the of religious songs – can really substi- ipation in services. to decide on the importance to the my new grandchild? To marry my enormous challenge facing us. tute for the mutual support in a time That Westminster Cathedral and faithful of access to spiritual suste- daughter whose wedding was post- ‘But as Prime Minister, you of crisis that comes from being to- Westminster Abbey have remained nance compared to other goods and poned? To hear my confession and have the authority to convene all gether both physically and emotion- closed, doors locked to keep out services. grant absolution. To offer the sacri- the right people to make this hap- ally with those who share values and their faithful, while the local Sains- This plague has claimed many fice of Mass and to let me take a per- pen. beliefs. bury’s and Tesco have remained lives, including those of ministers of sonal, risk-assessed decision as to ‘Together we can lead the world All those whose beliefs and cul- open, delivering socially-distanced religion, and for their passing we whether I should receive Holy Com- in delivering a Covid-19 recovery tural traditions involve them coming access to physical food and drink, mourn; but that they may have munion? To give the to that puts the nation’s mental together to pray, to worship and to has been to exacerbate that pain of spent their final weeks denied the those who have died during the pan- health at its heart.’ be in social communion have suf- separation. Why a Warburton’s white opportunity to share the sacraments demic? To comfort my elderly and Mark Winstanley, chief execu- fered as they endured separation medium sliced loaf, but not the with and to minister to the spiritual vulnerable mother, alone and fearful tive of Rethink Mental Illness, from their wider communities; but bread of life itself? needs of their flocks must have been in her home? said: “Mental health care has for those, in particular, whose faith That Church leaders surrendered a cause of frustration and anguish to For many people, these things are been chronically underfunded for is nurtured through holy sacraments, to this position at the outset of lock- many. not just rituals, they are the building decades and we were only just their separation from what they down was perhaps understandable Not to hide behind locked doors blocks of faith, the foundation upon starting to see the impact of in- believe to be the source of grace has given the sense of crisis and uncer- did they tread the long and difficult which their lives, their families, their vestment when the pandemic hit. been particularly painful. values, and their political views are “Covid-19 has changed the Gathering in supportive worship- based. Many are understandably course of the journey and we ping communities and maintaining frustrated, indeed angry, that these need to pool all our knowledge those horizontal relationships with needs have been ignored. and resources to navigate the other people is important. Faith leaders will have had trou- challenges ahead, with support at But for those whose beliefs involve bled consciences about these deci- every level of Government. a sacramental tradition, that vertical sions, and there is no desire to exac- “There’s an opportunity here to relationship to God that comes erbate their doubts and fears; but provide the nation with a renewal through their access to his grace in their redemption can come only plan for mental health and to re- the sacraments (for example, of Holy through them learning from these duce some of the most damaging Communion and confession), to tragic few months, and by them health inequalities in society. If deny them that access is to starve making plans for the future so that we do not seize this chance, we them of the spiritual nurturing and when the next plague comes they will feel the impact for decades.” sustenance their faith teaches them are ready, their lamps are full of oil, Kathy Roberts, chief executive to crave. and their wicks trimmed. of the Association of Mental For many of those Christians for Church doors closed for a few Health Providers, added: “This whom the sacrament of commun- hours for a deep clean and some so- means the Government and the ion, central to the mass, is the beat- cial distancing sticky tape is accept- voluntary sector working in part- ing heart of their faith, to be able to able; those doors being locked for 15 nership – so that whether you are be present in that sacrifice only re- weeks is not. a community-based service motely has not, for many, been to It must never happen again. provider, a school, or a business, sense participation. you know you are funded prop- On the contrary, it has exacer- • Chris Whitehouse leads the team erly to play your part in support- bated the sense of separation. at his public affairs agency, The ing mental health, and if you are a For a Church founded on the Whitehouse Consultancy and is a person with mental health needs blood of martyrs, persecuted, A wedding postponed: Christianne Whitehouse with her fiance Charlie papal Knight Commander of Saint you can be confident that support tortured and executed for their sub- Fordken outside Christianne’s restaurant, Gastronomy, in Cowes, Isle of Gregory. This article first appeared is in place if or when needed.” versive beliefs, it has been particu- Wight, where Charlie is Head Chef. on 10 For extra news go to Sacred Treasures: The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress ‘Light, joy and hope’: How St John Paul II placed the family at heart of his papacy

This year marks the 100th St John life”, as John Paul II would later af- anniversary of Karol Paul II firm (Evangelium vitae, n. 92). talks to Second, John Paul II points to the Wojtyla’s birth. As a priest, families link between love and marriage. bishop and pope, John Paul gathered Love is not simply a feeling or an im- II’s greatest pastoral concern for a pulse, but consists of a firm resolu- meeting tion of the will. In this act of love – in was undoubtedly the family. in Rome desiring the good of the other person Sadly, the centenary of this – one freely commits one’s being as a remarkable saint’s birth has gift to the other, creating a commun- ion of persons in the marital been inevitably muted by the covenant. Temporal fidelity and the constraints of the Covid social and institutional dimensions situation, but those same of this covenant are not extrinsic constraints have, for many, factors imposed in order to limit the freedom of love: they are intrinsic forced a greater focus on our exigencies of love’s true nature. own families. The final connection is that be- Mgr Livio Melina recalls the tween marriage and family. Matri- mony is the sole basis for a family Pope’s words at the first that is capable of safeguarding au- World Meeting of Families. thentic love and life. When a family is detached from matrimony (under- “Every family carries a light and stood as a stable union between a every family is a light”, Pope John Why this great concern for the man and a woman) the bond be- Paul II said, adding that it was “a family? The answer lies in Familiaris tween its members becomes very light which must illuminate the consortio n. 17: the family is an “inti- fragile; the only reference point that Church’s path and the future of the mate community of life and love… is left for the family is a subjective world.” [which] has the mission to guard, re- search for self-realisation. He said those words on Saturday, veal and communicate love, and this “This is the hour of the family”, 8th October, 1994 in St Peter’s is a living reflection of and a real both in the Church and in society! Square in the Vatican. He was ad- sharing in God’s love for humanity On that October evening of 1994, dressing thousands of families gath- and the love of Christ the Lord for Pope Wojtyla again passionately af- ered below him for the World Meet- the Church His bride”. firmed his profound conviction: the ing of Families. The piazza, recently He well knew that “man cannot future of humanity lies with the fam- drenched by an October downpour, The would-be pontiff’s live without love. He remains a being ily. The glimmering lights on the glistened with the light of the can- parents, Karol and that is incomprehensible for him- piazza inspired the Pope to say, dles they carried. No doubt this Emilia, with John Paul’s self, his life is senseless, if love is not “every family carries a light and helped to inspire the pope’s words, eldest , Edmund. revealed to him, if he does not en- every family is a light”. For ethical which had been “improvised, dic- Photo: Archidiecezja counter love, if he does not experi- imperatives only follow that which is tated by the heart and sought in Krakowska) ence it and make it his own, if he already given by God’s grace: namely many days of prayer”. does not participate intimately in it” a gift that is present in every family. His remarks were not merely an People], the light of the world!” The the communist authorities) to the (Redemptor hominis, n. 10). This affirmation does not refer to a extemporisation, however. Faced Church reflects the light of Christ; , this special In meditating on the mystery of generic reality, but to a singularly with an increasing confusion around and the family, as the “domestic care and concern carried over into the family, John Paul II defined hu- concrete one: “every” family that the family and “attempts to overturn church” according to Lumen Gen- his papal ministry. man love as a nexus of three funda- lives in “every” part of the world. If the family’s meaning, depriving it of tium n. 11, must therefore also re- As Pope, he convoked the Synod mental connections, which together prophecy is characterised by the its natural reference to matrimony”, flect the light of Christ in this world. on the Family in 1980, promulgated guarantee its authenticity according enunciation of the little seed of hope the Holy Father did not hesitate to John Paul II had always loved the such important documents as Fa- to the Creator’s original intention. for the future that is hidden in the ask this decisive question: “Family, family in an extraordinary way. Hav- miliaris consortio, created the Pon- The first connection is that inti- difficulties of the present time, John what do you say of yourself?” ing lost his own family early on, he tifical Council for the Family and the mate and intrinsic link between love Paul II did exactly this. “Dictated by Analogously, the Church had had placed families at the heart of Pontifical Institute for Studies in and life, which was affirmed by Pope the heart” and matured in “many asked herself the same question at his priestly and episcopal ministry Marriage and Family Life, and began Paul VI in a definitive and prophetic days of prayer”, he pointed to pre- start of the : in Krakow. From holidaying in the the World Meeting of Families. “I manner in his encyclical, Humanae cisely the family as that seed of ‘Church, what do you say of your- Tatra mountains with groups of fam- wish to be remembered as the Pope vitae. The authentic environment of hope: as every family that is born of self?’ The answer had been: “I am ilies, to his role as ‘uncle’ (a nick- of the family and of life”, he once love, in which human life can love and vivified by the grace of the Lumen Gentium [The Light of the name to protect his identity from confided to a friend. worthily be received and mature, is sacrament. the family founded on matrimony. Mgr Melina served as Professor of Without that generous openness to Fundamental Moral Theology at The future St John Paul II life, the human love between a man the Pontifical John Paul II Institute (centre of photo) relaxes and a woman becomes sterile and for Studies on Marriage and Family in the Tatra Mountains exposed to the danger of a hedonis- Life for over 30 years, for 10 of tic egoism, which collapses in on it- which he also served as the self. “The family is the sanctuary of Institute’s President. How to support The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst is a registered charity, established to increase access by the Catholic community to the Stonyhurst Collections. Images from the Collections are kindly reproduced by permission of the and Stonyhurst College. The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst has built Theodore House to enable visitors, scholars, parishes, schools and retreatants to deepen their Christian faith. Further details of how to support the project or to book Theodore House are available from 01254 827329. The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 11 News Faith leaders urge PM to give child refugees a home in UK More than 250 faith leaders have writ- ten an open letter to Boris Johnson, asking him to commit to offering child refugees a safe route to asylum in the UK. The signatories include Bishop Paul Protesters throw statue McAleenan, the Church’s lead Bishop of Edward Colston into for Migrants and Refugees, the former Bristol harbour. Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Photo: Ben Birchall Williams, as well as over 20 Church of England bishops, over 30 rabbis rep- resenting Reform, Liberal and other Archbishop says Jewish denominations, the former president of the Hindu Forum of Eu- it’s time to look rope and numerous senior leaders from the Baptist, Methodist, United again at statues Reformed, Army and Quaker traditions across the UK. Statues in Canterbury Cathedral are ‘Even in challenging times the UK going to be looked at “very carefully” has always remained a place of sanc- to see if they should be there, the tuary for those seeking refuge, from Migrants in the port of Piraeus Archbishop of Canterbury has said. the Kindertransport to the more recent near Athens after arriving from a Archbishop Justin Welby suggested Vulnerable Person’s Resettlement camp on the island of Lesbos. “some will have to come down” and Scheme, and we urge you to build on Photo: Angelos Tzortzinis/dpa that monuments would be put “in this proud tradition by urgently re- context”. He said justice is crucial to settling some of the world’s most vul- ping the scheme at 480 places. discuss the urgent need to continue The signatories also congratulate forgiveness, and stressed a need to nerable children,’ the signatories write. The decision by the Government the relocation of vulnerable children the Prime Minister on the UK’s recent learn from the past so that it is not The letter was organised by the to give safe passage to fewer than 500 from Greece. These children, ‘have bilateral work with the Greek govern- repeated in the future. charity Safe Passage in the wake of unaccompanied child refugees has escaped war, persecution, and poverty ment, which resulted in 47 refugees The archbishop was asked if people an announcement by the UK govern- dismayed faith leaders who argue that only to find themselves now trapped being transferred from Athens in Lon- should forgive the “trespasses” of peo- ment that the 480 places available to without a safe and legal route, children in desperate conditions, with little or don to join family in the UK, describing ple immortalised in the form of stat- child refugees under the ‘Dubs will be more likely to fall into the no access to the most basic necessi- the rescue operation as a “‘true ex- ues, rather than tearing them down. Scheme’ had been filled. MPs voted hands of smugglers or traffickers. The ties,’ they write. ample of the UK’s humanitarian lead- He told BBC Radio 4’s Today pro- to establish the route to sanctuary in charity Safe Passage estimates that ‘Inaction in the face of such depri- ership’. gramme: “We can only do that if we’ve 2016, to help bring children safely to over 10,000 children have arrived in vation and suffering is not an option. IPSOS Mori polling recently found got justice, which means the statue the UK from horrendous conditions the UK in lorries since 2010. Now, more than ever, the UK must that 79 per cent of the British public needs to be put in context. Some will in the Calais Jungle and Greek camps The letter asks the Prime Minister step in and offer sanctuary to children support child refugees being able to have to come down, some names will but the government insisted on cap- to meet with faith representatives to in urgent need,’ they add. join parents in the UK. have to change. “I mean, you go around Canterbury Cathedral, there’s monuments every- where, or Westminster Abbey, and Former PM some will have to come down. CARJ pushes Government to “But yes, there can be forgiveness, downplays I hope and pray as we come together, but only if there’s justice. support Windrush victims China threat “If we change the way we behave now, and say this was then and we The West will sometimes clash with learned from that, and change how A Catholic racial justice group has ‘CARJ welcomes the first steps by tained or deported to the Caribbean. China but it is “misleading and dan- we’re going to be in the future, inter- pledged to ‘hold the Government to the Home Secretary... and we will be Ms Patel said: “This group is crucial gerous” to think of it as a new Cold nationally, as well.” account’ on its promise to “right the working with others to hold the Gov- to delivering on our promise to right War, Catholic former prime minister Pressed on whether he was saying wrongs” suffered by the Windrush ernment to account,’ CARJ said. the wrongs experienced by the Win- Tony Blair said. statues will be taken down in the generation. Ms Patel will chair the Windrush drush generation.” A major survey of public opinion cathedral, Archbishop Welby said: “No, The Catholic Association for Racial Cross-Government Working Group Bishop Paul McAleenan, the lead by Mr Blair’s Institute for Global I didn’t say that. I very carefully didn’t Justice (CARJ) welcomed Home Sec- with Bishop Derek Webley, as part of Bishop for Migrants and Refugees at Change indicated ‘markedly more hos- say that,” but added “we’re going to retary Priti Patel’s acceptence of the the Government’s efforts to address the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of tile attitude’ by the West towards China. be looking very carefully and putting 30 recommendations in the Windrush the scandal. The Windrush Lessons England and Wales, has previously Mr Blair said China had “serious them in context and seeing if they all Lessons Learned Review, led by Wendy Learned Review ‘system operational told the Government that learning questions” to answer about the Covid- should be there.” Williams, and her decision to establish failings’ within the Home Office had lessons from history is an essential 19 outbreak as the YouGov survey of He said it is “what people do at the new Windrush Cross-Government let down the Windrush generation, part of the process to bring about citizens in the UK, US, Germany and times like this”, adding: “And it’s a Working Group, which she will co- meaning some people with a right to racial justice. France suggested attitudes to Beijing good thing, but there has to be, for chair. live in the UK, were wrongfully de- Additionally, CARJ has questioned had hardened during the pandemic. forgiveness, there has to be this turning the Government’s response to a num- The study indicated 60 per cent of round, this conversion, as the pope The Empire Windrush ber of reports into the life of people British and French citizens viewed called it. The change of heart that within the BAME community, includ- China as a ‘force for bad’ in the world, says we learned from [these people] ing the Public Health England report a view shared by 56 per cent in the not to be like that, and to change the on the impact of Covid-19, the Angi- US and 47 per cent in Germany. way we are in the future.” olini Review into deaths in police cus- Mr Blair said the poll showed “there With the growing surge in support tody, and Baroness McGregor-Smith’s has been a sharp move among Western for the Black Lives Matter movement, Review of workplace discrimination. public opinion, to a markedly more a number of petitions have emerged In a statement, CARJ said it agrees hostile attitude towards China”. demanding controversial monuments with David Lammy MP, who told his He urged the West to take a strategic in the UK are taken down. fellow MPs in the House of Commons view of the relationship with China In Bristol, a statue of slave trader that the time for implementation of rather than an “ad hoc or purely re- Edward Colston was pulled down and these reviews is long overdue.’ active” stance, adding that the rise of dumped in the harbour, while the fig- CARJ has called for the implemen- China was both “inevitable and right”, ure of slave owner Robert Milligan tation of many of the various reports’ but that Cold War analogies are mis- was taken down from its plinth at findings, adding that their impacts leading”. “It is in the interests of no- West India Quay in London’s Dock- needed to be monitored carefully and one that China is anything other than lands. evaluated after an appropriate period’. stable and prosperous,” he said. 12 For extra news go to Comment Like us on facebook - search Catholic Universe Newspaper

IN BRIEF Bishop salutes We should grasp this moment confession return The return of Confession from this weekend will “truly be a time of grace and healing”, the Bishop of of digital technology and use Shrewsbury has said after drawing up a timetable for them to recom- mence from 4th July. Bishop Davies said priests will it for good in our ‘new normal’ hear confessions both inside and outside of the church. An area has been marked out for confessions in the forecourt to the cathedral to ensure that the penitents and the CATHOLIC A lady watches Pope Francis speak on priests remain at the required dis- COMMENT her phone, as he invites clergy and tance from each other. faithful of all Christian communities The Sacrament will also be avail- and denominations to “gather able inside the Cathedral where Caroline spiritually” to pray for an end to the hygiene and distancing require- Covid-19 pandemic. Farrow Photo: © Mazur/ ments will also be observed. “Among the great losses endured in lockdown has been the few op- One of the effects of lockdown is portunities to approach the that it has, for better or worse, accel- and erated our increasing reliance on the Reconciliation,” said Bishop internet and digital technology. Davies. “May the return of Confes- People, especially those in older sion truly be a time of grace and demographics who were previously healing of this Sacrament given for sceptical about doing their shopping our conversion after .” online, have been forced to radically change their habits simply to be able to survive. MP finds yardstick There are scores of people within for some good cheer my acquaintance, including friends and family, who had previously A prominent Catholic MP has sug- eschewed online shopping as they gested that pub-goers should “go were wary of being financially back to drinking a yard of ale” to scammed and because, like many of celebrate the reopening of pubs us, they enjoyed the experience of while adhering to revised social going out shopping. I’m completely distancing guidance, but lamented with them, especially when buying the continued ban on club cricket fresh produce such as fruit, vegeta- as “a real loss for this country”. bles, meat or fish where you can When Tory MP Brendan Clarke- actually see what you are buying would not have entertained the To some extent this is true; real- a source of great hope to many of us Smith (Bassetlaw) asked what rather than relying on a picker to prospect of using Facebook, social life interactions with our friends and is that the pandemic has seen some- could be done to support the re- make the selections and being deliv- media or WhatsApp, these platforms family matter so much more than thing of a revival among Catholics. opening of pubs, the Leader of the ered a bunch of either over-ripe or and others have become increasingly the opinions of those on the internet I’ve seen photos of home altars and House of Commons, Jacob Rees- under-ripe fruit. I also quite like the essential just for basic human inter- and we should not attempt to live an even on my daily walk an increase of Mogg replied: “I think there’s a opportunity to peruse the bargain action and for people to keep in a virtual online existence divorced Christian religious images displayed very easy answer in pubs and that aisle and see what reduced fare is on touch with each other and reach out. and in parallel from our nearest and in people’s windows or caught a is go back to drinking a yard of ale. offer, in order to rustle up something There’s a strange paradox in as dearest. At the same time, however, glimpse of an icon on a wall, which “If you drink a yard of ale you different as cheaply as possible. much as that while on the one hand what happens on the internet, as I would have been unthinkable and will maintain social distancing The act of physical shopping isn’t society and the world has never can attest, can have massive reper- unfashionable not so long ago. while enjoying an extra large drink purely a utilitarian activity, unless been so connected, we are at the cussions on our emotional and I said a few weeks ago that I felt to celebrate the fact that they are you are hard-pressed for time, but is same time, more isolated than ever, mental health and wellbeing as well that despite the hardships of lock- back in the pub.” an important part of the lives of interacting with each other via as real life consequences, such as down, God would be working to Mr Rees-Mogg added that going many of those who are otherwise screens rather than human contact. being questioned by the police, be- bring something good out of this to the pub should be “encouraged vulnerable or isolated, giving them a This shift needs to be thought ing sued or losing one’s job, simply and the deprivation of Mass and the and welcomed” and carried out chance to get outside of the house about carefully, not least by the for expressing the wrong opinion. sacraments does seem to have re- “safely and properly”. and interact with other people. Church. It’s been really amazing and The internet is a real place and to newed the faithful and perhaps even But he lamented the difficulties While I was pleased for my parents encouraging to see how many peo- put it into a faith context, one the tradition of the domestic Church. in getting cricket back, with Rees- who told me that they had finally ple have watched Mass via live- Catholic has told me of how after It’s clear that we cannot entirely Mogg admitting that it is “a real loss embarked on the adventure of on- stream and while some Masses are years of having to receive home return to how things were before for this country” but “we have to be line ordering, after weeks of being going to be resuming this weekend, communion because of their dis- and even when the pandemic is as safe as we can be”. reliant on neighbours to help out, they are by necessity going to look ability that, thanks to the live- over, things are never going to be ex- Professional cricket will return because they are shielding, I was very different, with far fewer partici- streaming of Masses, they now feel actly as they were before. We do at the start of August. also a little sad. While online order- pants, meaning that the live-stream- far more involved in and a part of need to ensure that we are not sim- ing allowed them to retain their ing is still going to need to continue the parish than they have done for ply reliant on screens, but there is Facebook tightens dignity and independence and se- for quite some time for those people many years. This demonstrates how also an exciting opportunity for all lect items that they actually wanted, who are, for their own health and when used the right way and pro- of us, especially in an age where we rules on hate posts including the odd treat, I know that safety, needing to stay away from ductively the internet and social me- have more choice than ever before Facebook is to ban adverts con- they both enjoyed their trips to the church. dia can be a real force for good. about what comes into our homes, taining claims people of a specific supermarket and the inevitable trip The Scottish Bishop of Paisley, What needs to be distinguished is to grasp this moment of digital tech- race, religion or sexual orientation to a coffee bar before or afterwards. , reflected in an inter- the difference between online and nology and use it for good. are a threat to others as part of The loneliness of isolation and view this week, that the Church is real-life participation and the sacra- If you can’t come to morning or measures to tackle hate speech. shielding was also highlighted to me now going to have to learn how to ments still need to be administered evening Rosary – why not join the Founder Mark Zuckerberg said by my mother who has been posting blend this mix of both online and in person rather than by the process livestream? Fancy joining in a that the company wanted to do photographs on Facebook of some physical ministry in the years ahead. of the screen. Novena? Just plug it in on YouTube. more to prohibit “divisive and in- of the magnificent jigsaw puzzles Certainly one of the things that Hopefully, now that lockdown is Provided we do not neglect the flammatory language that has her and my father have been com- many people have tried to say to me beginning to be eased, sensible and sacraments, the possibilities for re- been used to sow discord”. The pleting in order to while away the over the years, whenever I have ex- cautious arrangements can be made vival and renewal are endless. company would also do more to monotony. A hobby which has only perienced significant difficulties as a to minister to those who have been I think it could be a very exciting protect migrants, refugees and been enabled by their ability to pur- result of online troubles, is that this shielded and still need to take great time. asylum seekers from adverts sug- chase jigsaws from an online store. world isn’t real and therefore I care to not expose themselves to gesting they are inferior or which Whereas a few years ago my par- should take no notice of it or not pay Covid-19. Caroline Farrow is a Catholic express contempt at them. ents and others of their generation it too much attention. One of the things which has been journalist and broadcaster The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 13 News

Your opinions: Letters to the Editor ‘I do the praying, you do We want to hear your views on the big Catholic issues. Write to: Joseph Kelly, Editor, The Universe, Universe Media Group Ltd, 2nd Floor, Oakland House, 76 Talbot Road, Manchester M16 0PQ the soldiering, and we’ll E-mail: [email protected]. Please keep letters concise; we reserve the right to edit. China still not free ments about white portrayals of all look after each other’ Jesus in our churches. for Catholics Yes, indeed, in most British and On 8th June, Stephen Li Side, the from many different parts of the UK European churches Jesus is por- Fr Patrick ‘PJ’ O’Driscoll of the Tianjin dio- and the Commonwealth. trayed as white. So what? In African When I joined the Army as a chap- cese in northern China, passed My saying since I have come here, churches he is mostly shown as lain in September 2017 it was always away after a long illness at the age and one I hold on to, to give me black. That is surely normal and my wish to go on deployment. Not of 92. He had been living under strength in my ministry, is: ‘I do the reasonable. People portray Jesus as only did I want to serve the Lord as a house arrest for 27 years. praying; they do the soldiering and one of themselves. padre but I also wanted to see the His funeral was held on 10th we look after each other inbetween.’ His Grace of Canterbury should world. June, with the Chinese Patriotic With all this we have also had be concentrating his energies on I was trained at the Royal Military Catholic Association (CPCA) en- many exercises when my main job is his primary task of leading the na- Academy, Sandhurst and at the Joint tirely in charge of proceedings, bringing a bit of happiness and tional Church rather than consis- Forces Chaplaincy Centre at Amport, prohibiting priests not recognised laughter to the soldiers in my differ- tently leaping aboard every pass- near Andover. My first regiment, 22 by the state from participating. Be- ent ways. My Irish accent, my lack of ing bandwagon and cataloguing Signals, gave me a great foundation lievers who were not members of military knowledge and the morale the memorials and monuments of of Army life but joining 1 Royal Regi- the CPCA were not allowed to at- booster which is the big bag of his cathedrals ready for alteration ment of Fusiliers gave me a new ex- tend the funeral. sweets I keep in my respirator bag or destruction. perience, not only experiencing life Co-adjutor Bishop Melchior Shi always makes the lads laugh, mostly Margot Gilbert with the infantry life but also giving Hongzhen, who had been appointed because they are wondering where I By e-mail me the possibility of going on a ‘with right of succession’, should in keep my gas mask! foreign deployment. principle automatically succeed Due to the virus I have not seen This hope was fulfilled when the the late diocesan bishop under Leave the statues much of the Estonian chaplains or regiment was named as the lead part Catholic Canon Law. The Commu- but tell the stories of the Battle Group for Operation of this country but now, with the nist authorities not only did not It is all very well saying we need to Cabrit 6. Op Cabrit is part of NATO’s country opening up more, along acknowledge his status as a bishop axe statues of people whose views duty to protect fellow members from with all the other soldiers, I hope to but didn’t even allow him to attend are now deemed unfit for modern hostile threats – in this case it is the get out and visit the places we want Bishop Li’s funeral, and threatened society, but where does this prac- Baltic state of Estonia from its next- to visit and meet the people we want to revoke his episcopal rights if he tice end? door neighbour, Russia. Other NATO to meet. would not join the CPCA. Bishop Churchill - war hero, but racist. allies take the lead protecting the On a side note the one big personal Shi has been living under house ar- Ghandi - peace lover and diplo- other Baltic States. The Fusilier Bat- advantage that this deployment has Fr Patrick in rest in the mountains for years. mat but viewed Black Africans as tle Group took over from Op Cabrit 5 helped me with is my running, combat fatigues. A week after Bishop Li’s death, beneath him. and the Queen’s Royal Hussars in speed and my fitness. I have used Inset, the crest for Tianjin city’s United Front Work Cromwell - iconic parliamentar- March 2020, and will remain in Esto- my time well to build up a running the Bishopric of Department demanded that ian but murderer of Irish Catholics. nia until the end of September when rate of 70 to 80 km a week and a the Forces Bishop Shi accept the appointment Martin Luther King - hero to they will hand over to 5 Rifles for Op speed which, for my age, makes the letter from the Chinese Catholic many but a man whose relation- Cabrit 7. became the local shopkeeper, pop- soldiers jealous and laugh. Our Dan- Church’s ‘one Conference and one ships with women would now From the moment we arrived in ping out to the cash and carry to buy ish NATO partners invited us to take Association’, support the principle cause great offence. Estonia the lads have said it is quite stuff for the soldiers. It was also part in what they call the Danecon of an ‘independent, autonomous But where do we go from there? different to previous deployments. good for me as it gave me my private March – 25km in military kit and and self- administered’ Catholic How about leaving the statues but The day I arrived, 10th March, Esto- personal and prayer time alone carrying a 12kg pack. That was an Church in China and accept the making sure the subjects’ stories nia, along with the UK, went into In between all this there was also invitation I could not refuse and I Communist Party’s leadership. are told, warts and all. Tell the lockdown due to Covid-19. This not the chance to develop a safe and pri- have a certificate to prove I com- Bishop Shi refused, saying that world about Winston Churchill but only threw up different dynamics on vate place outside the chain of com- pleted it. The soldiers are still trying the principle of independence and don’t lie about his views on racial how the Battle Group would work, mand where the soldiers could to work out, am I running away fast self-administration violates the superiority. bearing in mind health and safety talk about their worries and pains. from hell or quickly to Heaven, and teachings of Catholicism. Tell the world about how and social distancing, but also created Most of the time this is just having that is where my prayer life comes According to Catholic doctrine, the Cromwell helped found the UK’s new welfare and emotional worries that listening ear or offering words in – I am still trying to work it out! Church must accept the leadership parliamentary democracy but for the soldiers over their families of advice and support to them. It has Yes, like the rest of the world, of the Pope only – otherwise, it don’t ignore his legacy in Ireland. back home. also meant that they could make these have been trying and difficult cannot be called Catholic. It is ut- Too much history is hagiography For me it was all about knuckling that private phone call from my of- times for people wherever they are, terly absurd that the CCP, which is and hyperbole; we should hear down and working day-to-day to fice so that they can have, even at a but here in Estonia the soldiers, an atheistic political party, wants about these titans of our past, keep the lads and ladies happy and distance, contact with home. amid their worries for their families, to lead the Catholic Church. The warts and all. fulfilling their needs, no matter how On a spiritual side celebrating are still willing to stand up to the CPCA is simply a schism from the By ripping down statues we small. That’s why, for the first two Mass has been a joy and a break mark and do their professional duty Catholic Church, although this is eradicate all that they did that was months, making sure there was a de- from the usual humdrum routine of as soldiers, and it has been a privi- no longer the Vatican’s position. good while hiding all that was cent stock of TVs, Playstations, daily base life. Weekdays it can often lege and a blessing to be part of it. The Vatican allows priests and bad – and that is no way to teach games and films was a large part of be just myself, but on Sunday with Fr Patrick ‘PJ’ O’Driscoll is a priest bishops to join the CPCA and the next generation about this my day. Also, as the camp was gated up to 10 in the chapel, where we of the Diocese of Cloyne serving in seems to regard this as normal, al- country’s complex history. have a great celebration of Mass the Royal Army Chaplains and I was one of the very few who though it allows for ‘conscientious Lee Beaumont with prayer and music with soldiers Department. could get out for pastoral issues, I objection’ by those who believe Ripon joining is against their conscience. Since details of the Vatican- China deal of 2018 are secret, it is Black Lives Matter as unclear whether the Vatican ac- many say they don’t cepts this change in Catholic doc- There have been a few commenta- trine. The Vatican has also re- tors who have asked, surely all lives mained silent about the fate of matter, in connection with the arrested and disappeared bishops. Black Lives Matter protests. B. McKenna The point many miss is that the Dumbarton BLM movement is finally saying something that has been hidden Another day, yet for too long: that for some people, another bandwagon black lives matter less... which is Fr Patrick celebrates why I will continue to proudly say a socially distanced I fear that the Archbishop of Can- Black Lives Matter, despite being Mass with members terbury might well have taken white. of the battle group leave of his senses, with his com- Tina Flynn, Preston 14 For extra news go to Rome/World Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress

Pope Francis China needs taking celebrates Mass marking the to task over its feast of Ss Peter Philippines plans and Paul in St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. The ceremony, Fr Shay drew a socially Cullen distanced congregation of Filipino fishermen have worked several dozen. the Scarborough Shoal for genera- tions. But recently their fishing boats have been barred from the fish-rich shoal by the Chinese navy. In June 2019, a Chinese militia ship sank a Filipino boat in the West Philippine Sea in an act of aggression that left the Philippines looking weak and powerless. The Chinese Navy has boldly sailed its aircraft carrier and escort ships through the Philippine Sibutu Passage without permission, vio- lating Philippine sovereignty. China is claiming almost all of the South China Sea, including the West Philippine Sea. The Scarborough Shoal, the Spratlys and Pag-asa islands are well within the Philippines 12- nautical mile territorial sea and the 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone. This right has been upheld by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. In a historic decision the court de- clared ‘there was no legal basis for Less moaning, more praying China to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas’ Be like Peter, a rock for the door in our face, those whom we the . Conferring They also prayed instead of com- China does not recognise the in- find it hard to forgive.” a pallium on a new dean was a custom plaining about the injustice they faced, ternational arbitration decision the Church, says Pope The feast day celebration in St Peter’s begun by St John Paul II. the pope added. and did not attend the hearings. as he blesses Basilica was markedly different from The pallium symbolises an arch- “It is pointless, even tedious, for Instead it continues to build up its other years because of ongoing re- bishop’s unity with the pope and his Christians to waste their time com- military power in several islands palliums for world’s strictions in place to stem the spread authority and responsibility to care plaining about the world, about society, claimed by the Philippines, in- latest archbishops of Covid-19. Normally archbishops for the flock the pope entrusted to about everything that is not right,” he stalling long-range surface-to-air appointed over the course of the pre- him. The pope blessed the palliums said. “Complaints change nothing.” missiles, buildings and aircraft Some people always will want to de- vious year would have been invited after they were brought up from the “Are we protecting our unity with runways. In a belated response, stroy unity and stifle prophets, Pope to concelebrate the feast day Mass crypt above the tomb of St Peter. prayer, the unity of the Church?” the the Philippines has begun to build Francis said on the feast of Sts Peter with the pope and watch as he blessed In his homily, the pope said Sts pope suggested people ask themselves. up infrastructure in Pagasa Island, and Paul. their palliums, woollen bands worn Peter and Paul demonstrate unity in “Are we praying for one another? What one of its biggest inhabited islands And yet, Jesus challenges everyone around their shoulders. diversity; they were two very different would happen if we prayed more and in the Spratly Islands. to be – like Peter – a rock for building 54 archbishops from 33 countries individuals, who sometimes argued complained less?” Despite Chinese objections, it a renewed Church and renewed hu- have been named over the past 12 heatedly, but they saw one another The answer, he said, is what hap- has built a landing ramp and a manity, and – like Paul – a missionary months, but none were present to see as brothers, united by Jesus. pened to Peter in prison: closed doors wharf for small ships to dock and who brings the Gospel to others, he the blessing. Instead, a congregation Jesus “did not command us to like open and chains break. The pope land equipment to pave the exist- said during a Mass in St Peter’s Basilica of about 90 people attended the Mass one another, but to love one another,” asked people to pray for everyone, ing 1.2-kilometre dirt runway. on 29th June. concelebrated by the pope, nine of the pope said. “He is the one who especially those who govern. Pagasa Island is just 26 kilometres People also need to complain less the 11 cardinal-bishops resident in unites us, without making us all alike.” “God will judge them, but we should from Subi Reef, which is now a and pray more, especially for those Rome and the archpriest of St Peter’s When the early Church faced fierce pray for those who govern. Pray. They large Chinese military installation. who govern, the pope said. Basilica, Cardinal Angelo Comastri. persecution, the pope said, “no one need prayers. This is a task that the The Chinese send their warships People must ask themselves whether While now the actual imposition of ran away, no one thought about saving Lord has entrusted to us. Are we car- through the Philippines territorial they “simply talk and do nothing” be- the pallium was to take place in each his own skin, no one abandoned the rying it out? Or do we simply talk, in- waters as if they own them. In cause God wants people to pray and archbishop’s archdiocese, Pope Francis others, but all joined in prayer,” which sult them and that's all?” he told the 2018 as many as 434 Chinese ships “be mindful of those who do not think did place a pallium on Cardinal Gio- created “a unity more powerful than sparse crowd spread out in St Peter’s traversed Filipino waters without as we do, those who have slammed vanni Battista Re, the new dean of any threat.” Square. notice. For sure, the source of this information is the US Navy, which keeps a close watch on all ship movements in the region. The US has sent its own ships True love is about sacrifice, not selfishness - pope through the waters claimed by the Chinese to establish that they are True love is not defined by preserving trial, to give us strength and courage. demands of the Gospel seriously, even one”s love for Jesus, “it then becomes international waters and they have one’s personal interests but by a will- Nor is it necessary to get agitated to when that requires sacrifice.” totally fruitful and produces fruit for the ‘Freedom of Navigation.’ They ingness to sacrifice oneself for the preserve one’s own life through fearful Jesus’ words of caution to those the good of the family itself as well as are challenging the naval might of good of others, Pope Francis said. or egotistical behaviour.” who love their families more than him beyond it,” the pope said. the Chinese navy. In order to follow Christ’s call to In his address, the pope reflected are not meant “to undervalue love for The ‘Gospel paradox’ of losing one’s The Chinese taunting of the take up the cross and follow him, on the Sunday Gospel reading from parents and children,” but instead life to find it, he added, can be seen Philippines and probing of the US Christians must take the same path St. Matthew, in which Jesus tells his serve as a warning that family ties, “if today in the many people who sacri- response is a very serious problem he did “without looking for shortcuts,” disciples that whoever loves father, put in first place, can deviate from ficed themselves “to help others who for the Philippines. They are the pope said on 28th June before mother, son or daughter “more than the true good.” are in need in this pandemic.” caught in the middle of a global praying the Angelus with pilgrims me is not worthy of me.” ‘We see this (when) some forms of The consequence of generously giv- power struggle where the Chinese gathered below in St Peter’s Square. Whoever “does not take up his cross corruption in governments come ing one”s life for others, he said, “is a flex their muscles and the only “There is no true love without the and follow after me is not worthy of about precisely because love for the contagious gratitude that helps every check is the US Navy. Let us hope cross, that is, without a personal price me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, family is greater than love for one’s one of us to be grateful toward those it does not result in conflict. to pay,” he said. “And when borne and whoever loses his life for my sake country and so they place family mem- who take care of our needs.” with Jesus, the cross is not scary be- will find it,” Jesus said. bers in office,” he said. “Gratitude, appreciation is, first of Visit, and on cause he is always at our side to sup- The pope said that Christ’s words Instead, when love for parents or all, good manners, but it is also char- Facebook, Preda Foundation. port us in the hour of the most difficult are a call for his disciples “to take the children is “inspired and purified” by acteristic of a Christian,” he added. The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 15 Rome/World

Pope urges world to help Bishop in despair stricken Syria, Yemen as US gives up on With the coronavirus pandemic con- Pope tinuing to dominate the news, Pope the right to asylum Francis Francis asked people to remember places a the ongoing crisis in Syria, where the pallium on people were still living in a country A leading US bishop has He accused the Government of Cardinal declared that the days of the using the coronavirus as a cover “stricken by civil war” but which the Giovanni United States being a safe haven “to turn the screw even more world appeared to have forgotten. Battista Re, for oppressed and desperate tightly on migrants ” and “to He also asked for the international the new people were over, after visiting a justify the near total suspension community to offer more aid to dean of the group of pregnant migrants of due process.” Yemen – which the UN has described College of stranded on the Mexican side of Border Patrol officers “forcibly as the world’s number one humani- Cardinals. the border. return migrants, brutally tarian catastrophe – and said he was Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, stripped of the protections of the keeping the people of Ukraine in his Texas, made his comments after law, including women and thoughts after their country was hit the Trump administration children, to this, now the second by devastating flooding. revealed its ‘Remain in Mexico’ most dangerous city in the After reciting the Angelus prayer programme and other restrictive world,” he said, speaking of with visitors in St Peter’s Square, the immigration measures, which Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. He later pope noted that on 30th June, the Eu- either forcibly remove migrants visited the city to inaugurate a ropean Union and the United Nations uation of the Syrian people and neigh- because of the pandemic – and mil- from the US or denies them legal project supported by his diocese’s were to hold their fourth conference boring peoples, particularly Lebanon, lions of children suffering malnutrition protections. Both, the bishop Border Refugee Assistance Fund. on ‘supporting the future of Syria and in the context of serious sociopolitical and the threat of starvation. said, sends these vulnerable The project will help pregnant the region’. and economic crises that have been Pope Francis asked “everyone to people back to the squalor of migrant women in Juarez. Because of the pandemic, the con- made even more difficult by the pan- pray for the population of Yemen, es- migrants camps – or worse. He admitted his shame about ference was to be held virtually. A demic.” pecially the children, who are suffering “We are sending these the path the United States was desperate women, and many travelling down, saying that he statement from the EU said that ‘with “Think of the fact that there are as a result of the very serious human- more like them, back into the accepted he now came from a small children who are hungry, who itarian crisis.” the conflict entering its 10th year, the hands of narco-trafficking gangs, country “where the moral fabric situation in Syria and the region re- do not have anything to eat,” the pope He also asked people to pray “for ignoring the very laws we had is literally fraying, exposed and mains highly critical: the dire human- said. “Please, may the leaders be ca- those affected by the severe floods in written,” the bishop said. naked before the Lord,” he said. itarian situation, with millions of Syr- pable of making peace.” western Ukraine; may they experience Today, he said, the USA has And referring to the recent ians internally displaced and having The other dire situation in the region the comfort of the Lord and the help essentially put an end to asylum riots over the killing of George sought refuge in Syria’s neighboring is Yemen, which has been locked in of their brothers and sisters.” under its new Migrant Floyd and the Black Lives Matter countries, is now being further com- civil strife for five years. The UN defines Heavy rainfall from 22nd-23rd June Protection Protocols, which movement, he said the latest pounded by the consequences of the situation in the country as ‘the led to extensive flooding; three people force asylum-seekers to stay on moves by the Government were Covid-19 pandemic.’ world’s worst humanitarian crisis,’ died, hundreds were left homeless, the Mexico side of the border more proof of the “racism which Pope Francis asked Catholics to with some 80 per cent of the popula- roads and bridges were washed out until their cases are adjudicated we are again forced to confront “pray for this important meeting, so tion relying on humanitarian aid. The and hundreds of farmers’ crops have in immigration court. in the United States... a racism that it may improve the dramatic sit- agency warned that this is slowing been destroyed. But this process takes months, that enables us to look away if not years, and few cases from the mass of black and succeed. All the time the brown people huddled at our desperate are left to rot in transit gates in this city, kept at arm’s Revised Directory camps, many of which are length, denied due process, Publisher labels Pell’s jail riddled with Covid-19. There denied equal protection and for Catechesis they are also easy prey for people denied a gaze or glance of love.” smuggling gangs. He said that as Covid-19 has brings teaching journal a ‘spiritual classic’ In addition, migrants who taken the media spotlight, “there have their cases rejected by US has been a certain erosion of into modern day A prison journal penned by the now lions of dollars, but the feees were immigration courts now have no rights taking place there.” The Vatican has published an exten- freed Australian Cardinal George Pell not paid by the Church; the cardinal right to appeal, and the Trump “And even though many of us administration has used Public cannot see it, we may be living, sively updated Directory for Catechesis while imprisoned on child abuse told Sky News Australia that they were Health and Welfare Acts to right now, in the exact moment which aims, it says, to better prepare charges will be a “spiritual classic”, paid by “a lot of very generous people,” the company that is publishing it on some of whom were wealthy, and he instruct its Border Patrol agents when the American Catholics for the challenges of faith to expel anyone caught trying to commitment to asylum seekers in the 21st century. his behalf has said. dipped into his own retirement sav- Jesuit Father Joseph Fessio, editor ings. enter the US instead of and refugees has eroded away. The new directory, released by the processing them under existing “Eroded is too deceptive a Vatican on 25th June, lists the goals of the US-based Ignatius Press, said, Fr Fessio said the cardinal still has “I’ve already read the first half of the “the ongoing challenge of meeting immigration law. word. It obscures agency and and essential elements of catechesis “Respect for the truth responsibility. And we are all journal and it is extraordinary. I think the many legal expenses which were and is meant to guide the drafting of demands that I speak up to say responsible,” he said. “A future it's going to be a spiritual classic.” national catechisms and catechetical necessary to right the terrible injustice that this fundamental right to generation may look back and directories. Previous versions of the The complete journal, he said, is done to him.” asylum here at the border really hang its head in shame that in directory were approved in 1971 by about 1,000 pages, “so we will print it “One way of doing this is to publish is effectively over,” he said. this moment we did not act.” St. Paul VI and in 1997 by St John Paul in three or four volumes” with the his story,” the priest said, describing II. first volume expected to be out in the the cardinal as “a good man, and a The new directory ties in heavily to spring of 2021. good friend personally of mine.” Ig- Pope Francis’ 2013 exhortation Evan- In the meantime the publisher is natius Press has published books by gelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), asking for the public to donate to “re- the cardinal in the past. but adds in new focuses on, among move much of the worry the cardinal The cardinal still faces a number of other issues, the environment, mi- now has about his legal debts,” the civil suits in the Australian Supreme grants, working with the disabled, the priest said in a message published on court, with the latest lawsuit alleging role of social media and transgender the Ignatius Press website. that the cardinal knew about abuse issues. Cardinal Pell was found guilty in perpetrated by a now-convicted and Of the latter, the new volume urges December 2018 on five counts of former Christian Brother Ted Dowlan, all Catholics to ensure those that chal- abuse, a decision later upheld by Vic- and the cardinal was reportedly in- A migrant woman lenge their gender of birth are ac- toria’s Court of Appeal. volved in moving him to different bathes her son companied throughout their lives and However, after the 79-year-old car- schools. outside their tent at a never shunned, but adds that all peo- dinal had served nearly 14 months The final report of Australia’s Royal migrant camp in ple are designed by God, and that out of a six-year sentence his convic- Commission into Institutional Re- Matamoros, Mexico, ‘sexual identity and lived experience tion was dismissed by the High Court sponses to Child Sexual Abuse was where more than must be a response to the original of Australia. He was kept in solitary also critical of the cardinal, saying it 2,000 people live call of God.’ confinement 23 hours a day for 405 did not believe some of the testimony while seeking asylum days. he had given them about being un- in the US, as the Talking Point: On the New Cardinal Pell’s trial and appeal are aware of abuse being perpetrated by spread of Covid-19 Directory for Catechesis - see pg 20 estimated by lawyers to have cost mil- some priests. continues. 16 For extra news go to Asia focus Like us on facebook - search Catholic Universe Newspaper

Everyone praying for a miracle as Megadams: is China’s push to block torrential rain and floods hit China Asia rivers a weaponising of water?

If you think the week has been un- William Kelly seasonally wet here, please spare a thought for the citizens of China, The Covid-19 pandemic has been a where torrential rains have all but tumultuous time for legislators wiped out large swathes of the around the globe, which has seen the country’s southwestern region. traditional guardians of world peace Nearly 14 million people in 26 paralysed by the situation, leaving provinces had been affected by other nations to consolidate their storms and floods with 744,000 own hegemonies. evacuated, says the China Daily, It should come as no surprise, citing the Ministry for Emergency therefore, that China has been work- Management. ing rapidly to secure its foreign policy The ministry says 78 people are interests in Asia. This has often con- confirmed dead or missing, with di- sisted of covert infiltrations of free so- rect economic losses at 27.8 billion cieties where key democratic institu- yuan ($3.93 billion). tions have been attacked, as we’ve Much of the damage has hit re- seen recently in Hong Kong. gions like Guangxi and Sichuan, However, a far more direct approach and the municipality of Chongqing to annexation of its neighbours has on the upper reaches of the Yangtze also been adopted in recent years by river last week experienced its worst the Chinese. floods since 1940. One such project has been the Regions along the Yangtze and its Zangmu Dam. Started in 2009, it tributaries are traditionally vulner- began producing power in 2014. The able to flooding in China’s summer, dam was part of a broader scheme with the impact of heavy rainfall approved by Beijing that has seen the worsened by deforestation, creation of more than 22,000 new dwindling flood plains and the dams to satisfy China’s growing need diversion of natural river systems for renewable energy. for hydropower and irrigation. Collectively they generate 352 Gi- However, rainfall this summer gawatts (GW) of electricity, which is has been far heavier than usual, more than the capacity of Brazil, the with volumes in 148 rivers already US and Canada combined. at emergency levels by mid-June. However, Zangmu was unique in Main picture: The sacred Brahmaputra river is Local authorities are now under its construction as it was the first a trans-boundary river which flows through instruction to pay urgent attention dam to be built along the sacred- China, India and Bangladesh. It is the ninth to potential dam and reservoir col- largest river in the world by discharge, and the Brahmaputra River. lapses. Rumours have been rife in 15th longest. Below: the controversial Chinese Initially, Beijing planned to build recent weeks that the mighty Three dam that became operational in October 2015. 28 dams along the river, but then its Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, downstream neighbour India raised the world’s largest hydro power sta- vigorous objections to the project. tion, is at imminent risk of collapse, They argued that any manipula- placing 400 million people living tion of Brahmaputra flow would downstream in danger. drastically affect the wellbeing of affect each river Prominent German-Chinese hy- those living downstream. differently. Some drologist Wang Weiluo warned as Particularly this would affect the will see much early as 22nd June that the dam, poorest inhabitants, who would bear more reliable which is believed by some experts to the brunt of any change to the nature water flow, while have serious structural weaknesses, of the river. More fundamentally, others may could collapse at any moment. India had issues with a foreign nation completely dry As the water level in the reservoir controlling its water supply. up, leaving mil- behind the dam reached six feet When Beijing began the construc- lions of people above the flood line last week, Zhao tion of another three dams along the at risk from Yunfa, deputy chief engineer of the Brahmaputra in 2013 India once either flooding dam’s communications centre is- again raised concerns. or droughts. sued a further stark warning. In response, Chinese lawmakers This change in “The flood storage capacity of the claimed its new barriers would be climate condi- Three Gorges is limited. Do not pin built as ‘run-off’ hydroelectric facili- tions will also your hopes on the Three Gorges ties, which do not require a reservoir coincide with Dam,” he said. and are used on many international the growing The dam-building spree in China rivers across Europe. population of over the past decades has incited It was argued that these dams southern Asia have been attempting whole reason why the dams are being south-east Asia, which is on course to deep worries from neighbouring wouldn’t affect the flow of water as to prevent Chinese efforts to control constructed. reach its peak capacity. countries that are heavily reliant on they divert only part of the river to the literal lifeblood of their people. While it may never be acknowl- In 2050 the population of the sub- incoming Chinese rivers for their harvest electricity and then have the It’s a problem that originates in the edged publically, many commenta- continent will grow from the 1.9 bil- agriculture, sanitation and industry. water re-join the river further down- geography of Asia, as almost all of the tors find it strange that the Chinese lion to a staggering 2.4 billion, and There are currently more than stream. Water is stored during the significant river tributaries come are so persistent. Surely building this will only further increase the de- 23,000 dams splayed across China, day and is released at night when de- from Tibet, which is solely within dams on rivers affecting other na- mand for water in India. giving the Chinese phenomenal mand for electricity peaks. China’s borders. tions this drastically would be more Rapid urbanisation will also influ- geopolitical power and influence However, this ignores a fundamen- The Tibetan Plateau irrigates, trouble than it’s worth for the sake of ence the picture as, by 2030, China is across southeast Asia and the tal fact that storing water at such cleans and quenches the thirst of only generating electricity? expected to have at least one billion Indian subcontinent. large volumes reduces the available more than three billion people. This will only become even more people living in urban areas. Access to water is one of the most water beyond the dams. The stakes from a humanitarian of a problem in the future, as external This will increase significantly the basic human rights, and is vital for Public assurances by Beijing of perspective couldn’t be higher for the and environmental factors will begin demand for water and electricity, our survival, so it’s no surprise that water security to those downstream powers at play. If the flow of water is to affect the political situation. which is why Beijing initially wanted nerves are on edge around the effectively dismissed public interest thrown even slightly out of balance By 2050, for instance, it is expected to construct the dams – to satisfy the world over the unprecedented and concern in the issue, while not nations downstream would see mass that the annual rate of glacial melt in rapidly growing demand across Chi- flooding, and China’s relentless actually solving the problem. migrations, crop failure and millions Tibet will decline by two-thirds as a na for renewable energy. dam building activities ... But this isn’t just a dispute between dying of thirst. result of climate change. Of course, now the problem has India and China. All the nations of Of course, many believe this is the The resulting transformation will become a matter of geopolitics. The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 17 Asia focus

In 1995 Thailand, Laos, Cambodia strictions on China’s ability to alter one of the most powerful nations in and Vietnam sought to avoid such a the flow of international waterways the world, with the entirety of south- calamity. They called for a binding that originate within its own territo- ern Asia following their goals. agreement to be reached between ries, leaving them free to shape the Manipulation of the water supply their respective governments and lives of billions as they see fit. would give Beijing direct control over Mekong dams have grave Beijing that would protect the water Even so, the opposition to China’s more than three billion people. security of the Mekong River by de- hydroelectric projects isn’t universal Needless to say this would be a catas- consequences for SE Asia claring it did not belong to any one across Asia. Thailand, once a leading trophe, not just for Asia, but for the single state. It would be given a simi- member of the efforts to prevent Bei- rest of the civilised world. jing’s construction projects, has Yet what has already proven to be sealed a deal whereby it buys thou- China’s most significant advantage sands of megawatts generated by the might well be its greatest weakness. same dams it previously opposed. Not only do the rivers of the sub- Laos and Cambodia remain very continent originate in Tibet, but they passive in any disputes as they priori- are the lifelines of the Chinese state tise their stable economic partner- as well. Throughout history control of ship with China. the Yangtze and Yellow rivers gives you control of China. This is still very much the case today, which is why the Chinese have spent so much time and resources in securing Tibet. The simple truth is that if they do While it may never not, another power may do it instead, and another power may not have be acknowledged China’s best interests at heart. publically, many The greatest fear of the Chinese is ‘‘ that Tibet in particular could choose commentators find it to rebel and join its enemies, and strange that the Chinese China would then find itself in a sim- ilar position to the one that India and are so persistent. the rest of Asia are beginning to face. Surely building dams on It’s even more of a danger for China when considering the shared rivers affecting other history of Tibetan Buddhists and nations this drastically Indian Hindus, which makes the Tibetan people far more culturally would be more trouble affiliated with India than China. To us in the West this may seem a than it’s worth for the China’s frenzied damming of the Mekong River upstream for dispute that we have no part in, and hydroelectricity generation has had devastating consequences for sake of only generating there’s little we can do to help. While people living alongside Southeast Asia’s longest river, experts say. the global powers cannot do much in electricity? The authors of a new study say that the cascade of dams on the upper the way of diplomatic pressure to part of the river has altered the natural flow of the Mekong, which has help, we as a people can. caused grave environmental harm and is threatening the livelihoods of If this was jeopardised it would be The rest of Asia will not unite to tens of millions of people in six countries. far more damaging to their countries face the ‘dragon’ unless it feels confi- The two scientists, Alan Basist and Claude Williams, reached this than any lack of water. dent enough to do so, and that re- conclusion by examining satellite data from 1992 to 2019 as well as Pakistan enjoys an exceptional re- quires water security. Charities and river height gauge data at Chiang Saen in Thailand. lationship with China, as they act as a organisations like CAFOD and the “Currently 126.44 meters of river height is missing at the gauge in counterbalance to India on the sub- Caritas network may not seem signif- Chiang Saen over the 28-year record,” the authors note in their report, continent. As a result, Beijing has not icant to international disputes be- which was published by the UN-backed Sustainable Infrastructure announced any dam or waterway tween nations, but the work they do Partnership and the Lower Mekong Initiative, a multinational projects that would affect its down- is invaluable, and transforms lives. partnership among affected countries. stream ally. Whether it is a lack of water, or the “Huaneng Hydrolancang, a Chinese state-owned enterprise, built a India, therefore, stands alone in devastation caused by interfering lar status to that of the Danube in series of dams on the main stem of the Mekong during that time,” they this conflict, and without many with the flow of natural resources, Central Europe in that it would be an add. China constructed the first dam on the upper part of the river in diplomatic options. there is no substitute for creating au- international waterway. 1992 and now operates 11 dams along the Mekong. In any normal circumstance it tonomy and self-sufficiency. All of the nations signed the agree- It is planning to build yet more dams to generate hydropower. would be unreasonable to dictate Western governments will also ment but, at the last minute, China The two experts say that river water is stored in large amounts at the what a nation does within its borders, need to act equally quickly to assist withdrew, claiming to reserve the reservoirs of the Chinese dams upstream, holding it back from yet, if they do not demand the an support those affected by the right to exercise its territorial juris- countries downstream. This has led to a permanent alteration in the Chinese cease their activities, damming of their vital rivers if a diction. Another attempt was made river’s natural flow, causing “some of its lowest river levels ever Hindustan will remain at the mercy global confrontation is to be avoided. in 1997 in the United Nations, which throughout most of [last] year,” they write. of Beijing’s ambition. had a similar goal in mind. China China has denied these claims. With such a position of leverage • William Kelly is a student of poli- again voted against the measure. An estimated 200 million people depend on the 4,350-kilometer-long over her neighbours, China will be tics and International relations. As of now, there are no legal re- river, which originates in China and passes through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia before it empties into the South China Sea in Vietnam. Last year a prolonged drought saw the water level of the Mekong plunge to record lows for weeks on end, jeopardising the livelihoods of fishermen and the food supply of riverside communities who rely on the river’s water for agriculture. “China’s dam management is causing erratic and devastating changes in water levels downstream,” notes the Stimson Center, a US-based think-tank. “Unexpected dam releases caused rapid rises in river level that have devastated communities downstream, causing millions in damage and shocking the river’s ecological processes.” By cutting off water upstream, China is causing massive and irreversible environmental damage to the lower Mekong, stresses Fitch Solutions, an American risk assessment company. “We believe that the resultant threat to food security from this damage will put upside pressure on inflation for countries downstream Stopping the flow: a satellite image shows the dramatic impact of the in the Mekong River,” Fitch Solutions wrote in its own report this year. Chinese Zhikong dam and hydro power “The destruction of the natural ecosystem would also spur a shift in station on the Lhasa River in economic activity along the riverbanks away from agriculture and Maizhokunggar County to the east of towards manufacturing and hospitality services such as tourism.” Lhasa, Tibet. The river valley below the This trend could deal further blows to the environmental health of dam is one of the main agricultural areas the mighty Mekong and to the well-being of people who live beside it. of Tibet. (Pic. courtesy Google Earth). 18 For extra news go to World News Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress

IN BRIEF Turkish attacks are US panic as state governors new threat to Iraqi Christian groups Fresh Turkish airstrikes and attacks by ground troops on Kurdish posi- shut down over virus spike tions are threatening areas in northern Iraq populated by Chris- WHO fears ‘worst is yet Rohingya refugees tians and Yazidis. from Myanmar are Mount Sinjar, an area that is to come’ after surge of pictured being home to the Yazidi minority and new cases worldwide evacuated from a where the Islamic militants carried boat by locals off the out a genocide against them in Attempts by President Trump to re- coast of Sumatra, 2014, was struck heavily by Turkish open the US economy after its coro- Indonesia. A huge forces last week. Shelling hit the navirus lockdown was relaxed have rise in Covid-19 cases in the main town of Bersev, forcing Christian been hit by a surge in new virus cases, refugee camp on the families to flee, a Chaldean forcing state governors to reimpose Bangladesh/ Catholic priest reported, adding restrictions. Myanmar border that Christians who had not long Arizona told bars, movie theatres, has prompted many returned to their homes “are very gyms and water parks on Monday to flee by water to fearful about what is going to hap- that they must shut again, and ordered other countries, pen because neither the Iraqi nor all residents to wear facemasks in a with Indonesia the the Kurdistan regional government dramatic reversal of policy. preferred can do anything to stop this.” Florida made the same decision, destination. Turkish President Recep Tayyip potentially presenting mask-averse Caritias fears for Erdogan “is taking advantage of President Donald Trump with a major refugees: See below the fact that world powers are not embarrassment as he intends to accept making Iraq a priority, and Bagh- the Republican nomination in the dad and Irbil, the capital of the state next month. Kurdish region, are weak,” said Fr Arizona health officials reported Youkhana, who runs Christian Aid 3,858 more confirmed coronavirus Program Northern Iraq for dis- cases on Sunday alone, the most re- placed Iraqis around the northern ported in a single day in the state so city of Dahuk. far and the seventh time in the past 10 days that daily cases surpassed the China approves 3,000 mark. Since the pandemic began, it has reported 74,500 cases and 1,588 Hong Kong law deaths stemming from the virus. the state governor was “acting like a As infections rise along with sum- using what they describe as a world- China has approved a contentious “Our expectation is that our num- king,” and “unilaterally destroying our mer temperatures in the northern first saliva test for coronavirus in its law that would allow authorities bers next week will be even worse,” economy and trampling on our con- hemisphere, many governments are second-largest city, Melbourne in the in Hong Kong to crack down on the state governor, Doug Ducey, stitutional rights” after he announced stepping up testing and mulling more state of Victoria, where the disease is ‘subversive activity.’ warned on Monday. He ordered public the forced closure of bars, shops and aggressive moves such as renewed spreading at an alarming rate. The legislation claims to be schools to delay the start of classes hairdressers. lockdowns to stem fresh outbreaks. Victorian Health Minister Jenny aimed at curbing secessionist and until at least August 17 and stay-at- But Democratic New York Governor India’s new infections hit 20,000 – Mikakos said on Monday that 75 peo- terrorist activities, as well as for- home and business closure orders Andrew Cuomo said Mr Trump should a new daily record. Several states reim- ple had tested positive in the state in eign intervention in the city. It fol- were extended. order the wearing of masks. “States posed partial or full lockdowns after the latest 24 hours, bringing the total lows months of anti-government Texas, California and New Jersey that were recalcitrant ... are doing a the total number of cases jumped by number of cases to 2,099. The new protests that at times descended have also reintroduced lockdowns. In 180, and you have the same states nearly 100,000 in one week, to 548,318. cases led neighbouring state New into violence last year. The new New Jersey, Governor Phil Murphy now wearing masks,” Mr Cuomo said. Experts say the actual numbers, South Wales to close its borders and law has met with strong opposi- announced that he is postponing the “Let the president have the same both in the US and globally, are likely tell its citizens not to welcome Victo- tion within Hong Kong and con- restarting of indoor dining because sense to do that as an executive order, far higher due to the large number of rians into their homes or businesses. demnation from the UK, the US, people have not been wearing face and then let the president lead by ex- apparently asymptomatic cases and Brett Sutton, Victoria’s chief health the European Union and others. masks or complying with social dis- ample and let the president put a issues with testing. officer, admitted the outbreak could Human rights groups have tancing rules. Democratic governors mask on it, because we know it works.” In China, a spike in cases in Beijing surge out of control as pandemic re- warned the law could target op- in Oregon and Kansas said they would The US confirmed more than 40,000 led to 8.3 million people being tested strictions ease elsewhere in Australia. position politicians seen as insuf- require people to wear masks. new infections for the third straight out of 21 million, as officials raced to “I think it’s a genuine challenge ficiently loyal to Beijing for arrest. The new restrictions have been met day at the start of the week, with its corner off an outbreak centred on a now. I think we’re right at the edge in with fury by some citizens, with a total now over 2.5 million – a quarter a wholesale market. terms of being able to manage it,” Mr Trump order boosts right-wing group in Texas claiming of all the confirmed cases in the world. In Australia, health authorities are Sutton said. religious freedom President Trump has been praised by faith groups after he signed an Caritas warns refugees at risk as virus enters camp executive order on religious free- Flimsy shelters, inadequate space and overall hygienic measures cannot be accuracy of those numbers is unclear. Bangladesh, Biswas urged world lead- dom, laying out a strategy for ex- limited facilities for personal hygiene maintained “to provide the effective The spread of Covid-19 has also forced ers to act to protect the lives and dig- panding US support for interna- in Bangladeshi refugee camps are prevention against the spread of the the Bangladeshi government to limit nity of Rohingya refugees. tional religious freedom. making the spread of Covid-19 accel- coronavirus.” the refugees’ access to primary health “The international community must The US Commission on Interna- erate, compounding the sufferings of “Rohingya people living in care facilities. pay attention to the Rohingya com- tional Religious Freedom has been the already beleaguered Rohingya Bangladeshi refugee camps are victims “Initially, Rohingya who were criti- munity’s plight,” he said. “As yet an- urging the president to develop an community, Caritas has said. four times over,” Biswas said. “They cally ill with Covid-19 were referred other emergency hits these vulnerable overall strategy for promoting reli- “The key measures to prevent the are victims of the violent and traumatic to Ukhiya General Hospital or Cox’s people, we must work on all levels to gious freedom abroad for some spread of the coronavirus are social uprooting from their homeland in Bazar Medical College,” he said. “Now ensure there is an end in sight to their time, and welcomed the move, distancing and handwashing,” In- Myanmar; victims of the health emer- it is not possible because these hos- suffering.” saying it also ‘appreciated the work manuel Chayan Biswas, of Caritas gencies such as dysentery and pox; pitals are facing challenges to provide Caritas staff working in Yemen is- being done to release religious Bangladesh’s Rohingya Response Pro- victims of the repeated climate emer- treatment facilities to the local peo- sued the same plea, saying their prisoners of conscience, which is a gramme said, “but if you live in a gency they face when cyclones batter ple.” biggets fear is a huge increase in cases high priority.’ refugee camp, you can’t do this.” Bangladesh. And now they are also Caritas Bangladesh provided soap in the camps now homes to millions The presidential order states The Caritas programme is based in victims of the global pandemic, which and hygiene kits and have installed of displaced people. “Yemen cannot that ‘Religious freedom is a moral Cox’s Bazar, the southern Bangladeshi is bearing down on Bangladesh.” hand-washing stations in public places cope with this virus,” said a Caritas and national security imperative,” city hosting hundreds of thousands According to Caritas Bangladesh, and near toilets at the refugee camp. spokesperson. “If it gets into the camps and that religious freedom for all of refugees who have fled Myanmar the first coronavirus case in the Ro- “They know that they need to wash it will spread like wildfire and the people worldwide is a foreign poli- to escape a military crackdown in hingya community was registered May their hands frequently, but a big chal- death toll will be horrendous.” cy priority of the United States, Rakhine that began in August 2017. 14. As of late June, there were 45 con- lenge is the poor water supply and He begged the world to heed the and the United States will respect According to Biswas, overcrowded firmed cases and just four deaths. sanitation facilities at the camp,” he pope’s recent appeal for more aid to and vigorously promote this free- shelters in the Bangladeshi refugee But Biswas said that due to “lack of said. be sent to Yemen, particularly food, dom.’ camp mean proper distancing and expertise in the testing centres,” the Despite the efforts of Caritas medicine and hygience facilities. theCatholic David Chris Fr Francis Torkington McDonnell Marsden Learning to listen The crisis in our The war of religions in to God - p22 classrooms - p23 17th-century Ireland - p24 TIMESA CATHOLIC UNIVERSE SUPPLEMENT Pope prays for Poles who asked him to intervene in abuse cases

Carol Glatz and we can no longer remain silent in face of the evil growing in it.” Pope Francis said he was praying Allegations of abuse and cover- for the hundreds of Catholics in up by bishops have been increasing Poland who turned to him directly, over the years, it said, indicating urging him to “rebuild our Church” that even if only some of the charges and criticising the country’s bishops were true, it still shows “the outra- for hiding cases of abuse against geous scale of abuse connected with minors. hiding paedophilia” as well as cases Matteo Bruni, head of the Vatican of violence and harassment against press office, said the pope was aware priests and consecrated persons. of the appeal paid for by more than Among the bishops the group 600 Catholics in Poland so that it listed was Bishop Edward Janiak of could be published as a paid advert Kalisz, who came under scrutiny in in the Italian newspaper, La Repub- a recent documentary investigating blica, on 29th June. his reported lack of action and delay The pope “is praying for those in responding to accusations of the who have turned to him,” Bruni abuse of minors. said in a written statement released Pope Francis named an apostolic the following day. This is a screenshot from the website Pope Francis said he is praying for Catholics who administrator sede plena of the dio- “The entire Church must do every- asked him to intervene in Poland’s abuse cases. cese on 25th June, which means thing possible so that canonical guages at The appeal’s authors, who say The lack of decisive action being Bishop Janiak is still officially head norms are applied, cases of abuse The appeal begged the pope to they are a group of lay Catholics taken by the Vatican has been causing of the diocese while the administrator are discovered and those guilty of “look with care at the Church in who are actively involved in the division in the Church in Poland – takes on his appointed duties. these grave crimes are punished,” Poland where bishops are hiding Church and its ministries, “decided between those who care about the Archbishop Wojciech Polak, pri- Bruni said, referring to the pope’s cases of paedophilia.” to take a public stand and sign an institution’s image or reputation “and mate of Poland and the bishops’ position. “Loyalty to the institution is blind, appeal to Pope Francis” after seeing those who care (about the) victims,” delegate for child protection, an- The Vatican statement reflected deaf and more important than the no response was given concerning it said. nounced in mid-May that he would the response given to La Repubblica victims,” it said, criticising the body cases of abuse and negligence re- The group said: “We decided on ask the Vatican to initiate proceedings after the group of lay Catholics pub- of bishops and the Vatican nuncio ported to the Vatican’s Congregation this almost desperate move to appeal against Bishop Janiak for failing to lished the appeal in the paper and of “pretending not to see” abuse or for the Doctrine of the Faith and to Pope Francis in the Italian news- discipline a priest incriminated by on a website in four different lan- for remaining silent. the Congregation for Bishops. paper because we love the Church the documentary. Bishop describes ‘return from exile’ as churches prepare to celebrate public Masses once again

The Bishop of Plymouth, Bishop still suspended and asked people August. Even then, some of us… Bishop O’Toole acknowledged immanent death, does not matter. Mark O’Toole has described the an- “to be conscious of their fellow are scared….Please do not abandon the presence of real fear in people’s Am I just another statistic?” nouncement of the resumption of parishioners” and to go to Mass on us.” life, in the face of “how deadly this Instead, he reminded everyone public Masses as a “return from ex- a day other than Sunday, if possible, In looking forward to the resump- virus can be.” He recognised that that: “God is our Father. He looks ile”. Citing the experience of the so that those who could only go on tion of public Mass this weekend, people will return to Mass slowly at each of us with the self-same return of the Jewish people to wor- a Sunday would be able to attend Bishop O’Toole recalled the Gospel and anticipated that the numbers love with which He looks eternally ship in Jerusalem, after the Baby- Mass. of his Ordination day, 30 years ago, may be relatively small to begin at His Son……. Each one is infinitely lonian exile, Bishop O’Toole re- The bishop asked priests to con- from Matthew Chapter 11, which with. He asked people to wait and loved by our God, desired by Him, flected: “These last months have tinue the live streaming of Mass, happens also to be the Gospel to be see if this is, “a sign of a greater and looked upon by Him with a been an exile for us, too. An exile and quoted from a moving email he proclaimed this weekend. He re- shift in people’s practise of their continuous loving gaze.” In this even from our own churches. An had received, where one person minded people that this Gospel faith.” vein, the bishop asked all to re- exile from the regular celebration wrote: speaks of God’s preference for the He recognised that the last months member that, “it is in living close of the Sacraments. An exile from “As an old person living alone “little ones….for mere children”, have taught us that “as human beings to Jesus, making our way to him, the normal pastoral life of the who is shielding, I have hugely ap- and rejoiced in “how much is done, we are not masters of our world.” that we are given the rest for which Church”. preciated the daily masses online… how much influence and impact He pondered on the negative impact we all long,” Urging that the “steps we must ... Can I beg you not to stop them there is by a parish in its local com- the virus has had, noting, “because “It is no wonder” the bishop said, take in this return are to be gradual,” when public masses can be said munity, when there is a relatively this virus seems to be able to hit any “that our hearts…. are filled with he reminded people that the obliga- again? Please remember people small proportion of local people go- of us, at any time, we may be tempted deep gratitude to God that this ‘return tion to attend Mass on Sunday was shielding have to stay in until 1st ing to the church.” to believe that our life, and a possible from exile’ is coming soon.” 20 CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20

In brief TALKING POINT : The cause of greater justice for all will be best served when people unite Catechesis is about a relationship, with a focus on reaching strate- gic goals, Bernice King told . Racism can be defeated “first not just information, says Vatican by refusing to turn a blind eye, by gathering information on the issues and by educating ourselves on the root causes The Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation releases a new Directory and outcomes of racism,” said for Catechesis, providing guidelines for the Church’s mission of proclaiming the King, the youngest daughter of Martin Luther King Jr. and Gospel through catechesis and evangelisation. Cindy Wooden reports from Rome CEO of the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Teaching the faith is a work of Christ; belief in the ; and Atlanta, USA. evangelisation meant to lead “the definitive call to gather People have to start looking people to a deeper relationship scattered humanity into the at what makes “systemic and with Jesus and not just impart Church,” bringing people into institutional racism seem in- information, said the updated communion with God and visible. The more we want to Directory for Catechesis. fostering unity among them. see and the more we want to The directory, released by the While the 1997 directory effectuate change, the more ev- Vatican on 25th June, lists the insisted parishes provide suitable ident the destructive, dehuman- goals and essential elements of catechesis for members with ising nature of racism becomes,” catechesis and is meant to guide physical or developmental she said in a recent interview the drafting of national catechisms disabilities, the updated directory published online. and catechetical directories that expands the discussion to Education and information take into account specifics of the preparation for the sacraments. gathering are the first steps in local culture and the needs of “Persons with disabilities are bringing about nonviolent social Catholics at different ages and called to the fullness of change, she said. Next, people stages of life. sacramental life, even in the must be committed “to doing Previous versions of the presence of serious ailments,” it what my father describes as directory were approved in 1971 said. “The sacraments are the gifts ‘our nettlesome task’” of or- by St Paul VI and in 1997 by St of God and the liturgy, before ganising their strength into John Paul II. being understood rationally, is “compelling power” so that The directory was released in meant to be lived. Therefore, no government, institutions and Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and one can refuse the sacraments to other systems of power “cannot French; the English and other persons with disabilities.” elude our demands,” she said, translations are still being The revised directory also quoting her father. prepared. includes expanded sections on Asked what her father would The updated content, according catechesis tailored for migrants do in the current situation un- to the foreword, responds and refugees, for immigrants and folding in the United States, specifically to Pope Francis’ 2013 for people who are incarcerated. King said he would still be exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium Because the faith is lived in guided by his philosophy of (The Joy of the Gospel), and to the human communities, it said, nonviolence, “which corre- 2012 meeting of the Synod of catechesis must take into account sponded with his following of Bishops on the new evangelisation. the challenges and problems of the Jesus Christ.” Like the previous versions, the societies in which Catholics live directory insists on catechetical and should draw on Catholic social NAIROBI: St Mary’s Mission programmes that teach the basics teaching, which applies Gospel Hospital is one of the structures of Christian faith: God’s love for values to social, political and marked for demolition in a each person; salvation in Jesus economic questions. Kenyan government move to repossess illegally acquired (above) A file photo shows Ngong forest land. Since 2017, Pope Francis embracing a the hospital has been run by woman as he greets disabled people during his general the Assumption Sisters of Nairo- audience in St Peter’s Square bi, who won a six-year legal at the Vatican. A revised battle over its control. catechetical directory says “The issue of the hospital “no one can refuse the having been built on public forest sacraments to persons with land came up about five years disabilities.” ago, but since the matter was in court, it could not be resolved (left) Students read during a then. I think the Church and the religious education class. are aware of it,” said Father (Catholic News Service photos) Joachim Omollo Ouko, an Apos- tle of Jesus priest who is familiar with the facility. Keriako Tobiko, Kenya’s sec- retary for the environment, said the government would repossess all land held by illegal devel- opers inside the forest where the hospital stands. “Except the areas that were lawfully degazetted, all other parcels of this forest whether people have titles or not, whether they have built structures for business or residential houses, will be re- claimed.” CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20 TALKING POINT 21 Don’t ‘blackmail’ children into coming to church, says archbishop

Although he said: “I would never go to war” over the proper age to administer the sacrament of confirmation, Archbishop Rino Fisichella Learning aids hang from a line during a religious education class. said too often it seems that the sacrament is delayed to “Catechesis participates in the “The Church is well aware of the Rino Fisichella, president of the “blackmail” young people Church’s challenge to oppose complexity” some people face pontifical council told reporters. into continuing to come to processes centred on injustice, regarding their sexual identity, the “Evangelisation is the task that church. exclusion of the poor and the directory said. “It does not judge the Risen Lord has entrusted his The archbishop, president primacy of money in order to be a people but calls for them to be Church,” he said. “To ignore this of the Pontifical Council for prophetic sign” of promoting a full accompanied always and in every premise would be tantamount to Promoting New and dignified life for all people, it situation. However, it is aware that, making the Christian community Evangelisation, made the said. from the perspective of faith, one of just many meritorious comment on 25th June at the The new directory also sexuality is not only a physical associations, strong in its 2,000 Vatican presentation of the significantly expands the 1997 fact, but a personal reality, a value years of history, but not the updated Directory for directory’s entries on ecumenism, entrusted to the responsibility of Church of Christ.” Catechesis. relations with Judaism and the person.” Among its guiding principles, In his prepared remarks, he relations with other religions. “Sexual identity and lived the directory listed the Church’s said the directory hoped to Archbishop Rino Fisichella “Especially in contexts where experience must be a response to “firm trust in the Holy Spirit, who promote “a ‘pastoral presents the updated Directory the divisions among Christians are the original call of God,” it said. is present and acts in the Church, conversion’ in order to free for Catechesis at the Vatican. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) more visible,” it said, catechesis The 1997 directory had a in the world and in the hearts of catechesis from some should “take care to affirm that the paragraph on “environmental men and women.” That chokeholds that prevent its bishops and, besides, it is a divisions are a serious wound that catechesis,” which referred to the affirmation, it said, should bring effectiveness.” “lost battle” that can never be contradict the will of the Lord and fact that people living in a rural or joy, serenity and a sense of The first “chokehold,” he won. that Catholics are called to urban environment may have responsibility to all who are called said, was treating catechesis The archbishop said he was participate actively in the different experiences of nature, of to teach the faith. as if it were a school subject confirmed at the age of seven; ecumenical movement, especially poverty and of faith. The directory also insists that with information a teacher early in the morning he with their prayers.” The new directory has a section while faith is born of a personal imparts to students according received his first Communion Technology, social media, online on “catechesis and ecological encounter with Jesus, that to a fixed calendar and with a and later that morning the learning and biomedical commitment,” emphasising how encounter takes place through and fixed text. bishop came to confirm his questions – referenced only in faith in God the creator implies a grows within the community of the Instead, the directory class. In addition, he noted, passing in the 1997 directory – are responsibility to care for all that Church, that every baptised insists catechesis is the many of the Eastern Catholic treated in more depth, but always God created. Catholic is responsible for sharing process of leading a person to Churches have preserved the recalling that simply because “A catechesis sensitive to the faith and that belief always a personal relationship with tradition of administering all something is technically possible safeguarding creation will promote must give rise to witness through Jesus in the Church the sacraments of initiation – does not mean it is ethically a culture of attention both to the acts of charity. community and to a life lived baptism, chrismation acceptable. environment and to the people And while Church teaching does visibly with Christian values, (confirmation) and In other modern issues, the who inhabit it,” the directory said. not change from continent to particularly through works of Eucharist – to infants all at directory said that “a widespread In 2013, now-retired Pope continent, the way it is proposed mercy and charity. once. position about what today is Benedict XVI shifted and explained will be most The second “chokehold,” he While Archbishop presented under the title ‘gender’ responsibility for catechesis from effective only if it considers the said, “is the mentality by Fisichella said there were calls into question the revealed the Congregation for Clergy to the language, culture, age and which catechesis becomes the valid reasons the -rite fact: ‘Male and female he created Pontifical Council for Promoting experience of those listening, it condition for receiving a Church began administering them.’” New Evangelisation. said. particular sacrament of the sacraments separately, The position, it said, holds that a In the updated directory, the link “The Gospel is not addressed to initiation, with a consequent “saying that the sacrament of person’s gender “is no longer an between catechesis and the new an abstract person, but to each real, void opening up once confirmation is only for originating fact which the person evangelisation is clear and it calls concrete, historic person who is initiation has ended.” adults, to manifest maturity must accept and fill with meaning, for a “missionary transformation” living in a particular situation and Related to that, he said, “is in the faith, does not but rather a social construct which of catechism programmes. marked by psychological, social, the exploitation of a correspond to the nature of one determines autonomously, “Evangelisation occupies the cultural and religious dynamics,” sacrament in the name of the sacrament itself.” totally unconnected to biological primary place in the life of the the directory said. pastoral strategy, so that – for And while different sex. The person denies his or her Church and in the everyday Effective catechesis also must be example – the time frame for practices are acceptable, “I nature and decides to create it for teaching of Pope Francis. It could adapted to each person’s age and confirmation is dictated by don’t think it’s nice to exploit him- or herself.” not be otherwise,” Archbishop state of life, it said. “Faith is not a the need not to lose the small a sacrament for pastoral aims linear process” and each stage of flock of young people such as delaying for as long as The presentation of a new Directory for Catechesis occurred growth can bring new and different remaining in the parish possible the reception of three months after its approval on 23rd March, the liturgical challenges and raise new questions rather than by the confirmation, with the memorial of 16th-century St Turibius of Mongrovejo, bishop and about how best to live one’s significance which the necessary catechesis, to keep model catechist. Christian vocation. sacrament possesses of itself within the parish a group of In the intervening months between its approval and its And, it said, if faith is a gift that in the economy of the very faithful” young people. publication, the universal Church has endured unprecedented is passed on through and grows in Christian life.” In other words, he said, and devastating effects of a pandemic. In a post-pandemic a community, it is especially true Asked by a reporter to some parishes seem to want to Church, this new directory will surely serve as one trusted road of the family, which deserves the elaborate, Archbishop hold on to young Catholics map for a renewed proclamation of the Gospel unfolding in the assistance and support of the Fisichella said setting an age “as long as possible under a new evangelisation and in that one remarkable moment within it, church in carrying out its role as for confirmation is a decision kind of blackmail insofar as that is the Church’s ministry of catechesis. the first and primary teacher of the Vatican has left up to granting them the sacrament.” faith. 22 CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20

David Torkington MYSTICAL THEOLOGY Listening to God in ways that reveal His strength We continue James Robertson’s story times find helpful, we must never the reading of the Scriptures. During who is awake early in the morning forget the Bible and always turn the centuries when ordinary people in anticipation of Peter Calvay, the back to it as the Christian prayer were starved of the Scriptures, it ’s visit. book par excellence. was the particular prerogative of the I awoke at about five o’clock the The early Christians knew no other. great and spiritual leaders to next morning, and although I did Many of them knew vast chunks of present the central mysteries of faith not at first open my eyes, I became the Gospels, of the whole Bible, off to the people in a way they could immediately aware of a strange at- by heart. They had no other prayer grasp. Simple devotions grew up mosphere that was somehow com- books to hand, nor did they have any for the illiterate, techniques of mental municated to me. I opened my eyes need of them. Read Cassian’s de- prayer were introduced, and methods and sat up. The whole room was scription of the way the Desert Fathers of prayer came into vogue, culmi- permeated by an uncanny red glow used the Scriptures, particularly the nating in the meditation manuals that created a sense of expectancy, New Testament and the Psalms. that we have known almost up to as if some strange unearthly event He emphasises that they were not the present day. was about to take place. interested in how much they read, Many of these ‘helps’ to prayer I sprang out of bed, ran over to but how deeply they were able to have stood the test of time, like the the window and stared out in the penetrate the sacred texts. They Rosary and the Stations of the Cross, direction of the sea. The scene that would read a few verses at a time, the Exercises of St Ignatius, and met my gaze was indescribably en- going over them for a second and others, but many were second rate chanting and will haunt me for the even a third time, poring over them, and have been discarded. In general rest of my life. The long jagged entering more profoundly into their these various improvisations were inlet ended its landward thrust in a dynamic inner meaning. The monks good and still are, because they gen- sharp point not more than 50 yards would pause in moments of deep uinely represent the authentic teach- beneath my window. It looked like silence, to allow the same Spirit ing and spirit of the Gospels. Insofar a twisted dagger of brand-new metal, who inspired the Scriptures in the as they did this, and do this now, polished to perfection, but it shone, first place to inspire them also. they can be used with profit. How- not with the cold splendour of naked When they had fully savoured one ever, the Scriptures have been opened steel, but with the savage beauty of particular text, they would reverently to all once again, so they ought to newly spilt blood. My eyes followed move on to another and repeat the be put in pride of place. We should the shape of the cruel blade back to process, leaving pauses for silence, be only too eager to return to the its maker, spreading out to the hori- for the words to seep into the marrow most ancient and hallowed Christian zon like a vast petrified lake, glazed What do you mean by listening to God? Does he speak to us as he of their being. As their prayer grew prayer traditions, as practised by all with deep crimson death. The smooth spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai… more and more intense, the moments the great Fathers of the Church. motionless water mirrored its own of silence would become more pro- “Do you mean that the main body bloody complexion upon the sur- other. He would be sending off the listening to the words they use. longed until in the end words would of our prayer time should be devoted rounding countryside. week’s quota of mail. It was about Spaces between people are bridged give way to a deep interior stillness. to this slow, meditative reading of The sky was hidden behind thick, five past ten when he sat down once by words. They enable us to find In this stillness the would the Scriptures, in a similar manner evenly spread clouds that acted as a again in his usual chair. Conscious out more about them, they enable meet his Maker in a way and on a to that of those monks described by perfect backcloth, receiving the same that time was running out he began us to draw closer and closer, and level known only to the believer Cassian?” James asked. eerie light which suffused the entire immediately to talk about the main eventually to love them. This is why who has given his all to the One That was exactly what Peter meant scene with varying degrees of in- part of prayer, the prayer that grows all Christians have always regarded who is the All-in-All. and he explained in his own words. tensity. It was as if I had been trans- not so much from talking, but from the Bible with awe, because it con- “Why is it that Roman Catholics I always advise people to stick to ported back in time to some prehis- listening. tains the words that bridge the space have lost this ancient and traditional the New Testament; and I usually toric landscape long before the between God and Man: God’s words. way of using the Scriptures, if you recommend that people use St John’s primeval forests began to sprawl Learning to listen to God It even goes a step further by showing don’t mind me asking?” James asked Gospel to begin with, turning to his over the earth before the birth of Nobody will ever be able to pray how God’s words were eventually Peter. “Why have we not been famous discourses, especially the even the most elemental forms of properly unless they learn to listen embodied in the flesh and blood of brought up to pray in this way?” discourse at the Last Supper, from life. I cannot tell how long I stared to God speaking to them. This is a man, the man Jesus Christ. Peter explained. chapter thirteen to chapter seven- at the prodigious panorama laid out where most people fall down, espe- When we listen to his words, we When Christianity spread west teen. before me. I was so enthralled by cially beginners. At the beginning learn to listen to God; when we along the main trade routes of the There is enough food for prayer its primitive magnificence that time of any new friendship we usually learn to love him, we learn to love world, along the famous roads built there to last a lifetime, then turn to no longer had any meaning. talk too much, but as time goes on, God. This is why all authentic Chris- by the Romans, it found itself in the letters of St John and St Paul, Suddenly, I came to myself again that changes almost without our re- tian prayer begins not by flinging what were rude and primitive sur- and the other Gospels. I usually ad- and dressed as quickly as I could. alizing it. oneself into obscure transcendental roundings compared with the so- vise the use of the introductory sec- In a flash of practical insight, the James immediately intervened. “I states of awareness, but by trying to phisticated empire into which it was tion of the ‘Blueprint for Prayer’ as mystic was transformed into just see the importance of what you’re get to know and love Jesus Christ. born. a preparation for reading the Scrip- another snap-happy tourist. I grabbed saying, but can you be more explicit St Jerome said that to be ignorant How could you give the Scriptures tures. Then to open St John’s Gospel my camera and rushed outside. But in what you mean by listening to of the Scriptures is to be ignorant to a people who could not read or at the discourse at the Last Supper the scene had totally changed. It God? Does he speak to us as he of Christ, and so it goes without write? Although it was always the and read some of the texts several was a dull, cheerless Saturday morn- spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, or saying that the starting point for policy from the earliest days to trans- times, pausing over them, repeating ing, heavily overcast, with a touch in a dream as he spoke to Joseph, or getting to know Christ is to read the late the Sacred Liturgy and the Scrip- them, and asking God’s help to en- of freshness in the wind that bordered do we hear voices, like Joan of Scriptures. They were written for tures into the language of the people, able us to penetrate their meaning, on rain. Disappointed, I turned round Arc?” James was not intending to all of us ‘so that we may have life how could you do this when the and to allow the impact of that and went inside to an early breakfast. be funny, but only wanted Peter to and have it more abundantly’. They people had no language, or at least meaning to burst into our conscious- I don’t know why, but I did not tell explain exactly what he meant, be- were written specifically ‘for those no written language sufficiently de- ness. Let me show you what I mean Peter about my morning’s adventure. cause he had been misled in the who have not seen but who have veloped to allow such a translation after lunch Peter said, so we went I have never told anybody about it past by so much vague and woolly learnt to believe’, that we may come to take place? into the Kitchen to eat. until now. There was something in- talk about ‘listening to God’. Peter to know the ‘Lord Jesus Christ and By the time this became possible tensely private about the whole ex- was not offended by James’ unin- to find life through his Name’. and people were able to read, it was I David Torkington is the author perience that is wholly incommuni- tentional facetiousness and answered When we read the Scriptures slow- reformers, unacceptable to the tra- of Wisdom from the Western Isles cable. immediately. ly and prayerfully, allowing them ditional Church, who first gave the - The Making of a Mystic, Wisdom How does anybody speak to any- to sink into our hearts, then we from The Christian Mystics - How Peter arrived at the jetty at about people the Word of God in their to Pray the Christian Way and a quarter to ten, but he went to the body else? There is nothing myste- listen to the Word of God speaking own language. This is why for cen- Wisdom from Franciscan Italy - post office first, with his old sports rious about human communication. to us now. This is why, whatever turies the Catholic Church frowned The Primacy of Love. See bag in one hand and his stick in the We get to know someone else by other methods of prayer we may at upon, if not positively discouraged, CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20 23

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Chris McDonnell JOURNEY IN FAITH The emotional crisis in our classrooms

Much has changed since we first welcomed in the New Year back in January. None of us could have conceived just how far the accepted pattern of our lives would be disrupted and our comfort zone altered. The shut down of the High Street, the loss of jobs, albeit limited at first through the furlough measures adopted by the government and then the closure of schools, all served to remove the stability of familiarity of our day-to-day lives. I want to concentrate this week on the question of schools, their pupils and staff, the short term problems and the long term consequences. The American educator, Neil Postman opens his book, The Disappearance of Childhood with these brief words “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.’ There is therefore a trust placed in adults who care for and nurture young children during their A socially distanced formative years. lesson at Bovingdon Our present pattern is relatively Primary School in new. The Forster Education Act of Bovingdon, Hemel 1870 set the framework for Hempstead, schooling of all children between Hertfordshire. the ages of five and 12 in England (PA photo/Steve Parsons) and Wales. It established local security that they offered is Jeremy Paxman defined a teacher is our lot to experience might be Rashford, to bring about a education authorities with defined challenged. ‘as someone who tells you the seed bed for change, a change government U-turn over school powers, authorised public money These last few months have been something.’ What a narrow and in practice and a change in attitude meals this summer. to improve existing schools, and damaging for our children, both in restrictive view of education those towards schooling. A time of disruption can often tried to frame conditions attached the short term, and I fear with long few words portrayed. For many years as a serving lead to a radical re-think of to this aid so as to earn the term consequences. That is why it What have been the headteacher, I advocated a change accepted patterns. The options goodwill of managers. It has long is so disappointing that there consequences for our teachers, from the three term year to one of offered through the adoption of a been seen as a milestone in appears to be no constructive what has been their experience of five terms. The traditional pattern five term year are considerable and educational progress. programme for reopening our this hiatus in their professional of three terms with a long Summer would be well worth consideration In the last 150 years we have schools. Piecemeal suggestions are life? We must first recognise that holiday break arose from an as we move towards a re-opening seen educational provision expand made that are both impractical and very many schools have stayed agricultural society where help of schools. That is the option we and develop in to the complex inadequate. For example, the open in a limited way, as care from all quarters was required at must now face. Granted that there infra-structure that exists today. suggestion that we reopen all centres for the children of essential harvest time. It no longer is is still a small risk of further What happens when you disturb a schools in September with class workers. Alongside this has been suitable for purpose. Covid-19 infection, we have to fundamental societal root such as sizes limited to 15 pupils shows a on-line teaching for those children Writing in The Guardian weigh that against the emotional schooling, What are the basic misunderstanding of the at home, presuming that they have recently, Polly Toynbee quoted the damage that is being done to a consequences? realities and practicalities of a laptop, good quality broadband children’s commissioner for whole generation through the They are many and far reaching. school life. and the peace and quiet in which England, Anne Longfield, as continuing of our present action. The reaction of parents has been In the same way, social to work, sadly lacking in many ‘calling loudly for schools to fully Our churches are re-opening one of a domino effect. Many distancing in a Primary school is family situations. The staff of our open now, and for a children’s their doors for prayer to meet the families either have both parents cloud cuckoo land thinking. I saw schools are to be thanked for their catch-up plan lasting a year, with needs of the people. Yet still we employed or in the case of single a picture the other day of a response to a crisis beyond their a generous pupil premium. are in hazardous times, with the parent families, depend on one classroom with suitably spaced experience. That is why they Closure, she says, denies the risks of infection present in our adult to sustain the family income. tables and a scattering of children should be listened to when we seek fundamental right to education. towns and in city streets. How we Any disruption to the lives of their being taught. It presented a barren to re-open our schools. The damage done appalls her: she handle the immediate future will children has an immediate image of isolation and emptiness, School governors must also take points to research showing that 40 determine the long term outcome consequence. How to maintain an not only for the children being a share of the load that has fallen per cent of the social disadvantage for the planet where contagion has income and care for children when taught but also for their on the day to day tasks of gap between children is caused by hurried by, collecting in its path a school is closed? disconnected teacher. headteachers and senior the traditional long summer harvest of heavy loss. Viewed from the adult We forget too easily that management staff of schools. breaks: imagine what six months We urgently need a national standpoint, it is essentially a education is essentially about Being a school governor should be away will do.’ commission of recovery that will practical problem. From the relationships, the interplay of a supportive voice as the staff of Even in happier times, the recognise the complex issues children’s point of view it is a pupils with each other and their the school deal with the logistical summer months were a time of facing of our children and so bring disruptive change to the very teacher. The National Curriculum issues that they currently face. real difficulty for many families, about a carefully planned essence of their lives. When the has encouraged a process view of This crisis is being met within the let alone the cost of educational reopening of our schools. The daily pattern of attending school education, driven too often by the constraints of current school loss sustained through prolonged teaching of our children, our breaks down it doesn’t just affect acquisition of facts – it’s all about budgets and the old adage of being absence from school for many messages to a time we will not see, the taught curriculum. The the Levels! The late head of expected to do more with less still children. It says something about is one of the most important tasks relationships and friendship OFSTED, Chris Woodhead applies. our society that it took a young of our society. We should not treat patterns are called to question, the responding to a question from Maybe the difficult times that it professional footballer, Marcus it lightly. 24 CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20

Fr Francis Marsden CREDO The war of religions in 17th-century Ireland Coronavirus has achieved what under Felim O’Neill and Rory Sinn Fein never managed. The O’More staged a rebellion, to Battle of the Boyne between James II and William III, Orange parades in Northern recover the land stolen from them 11th July 1690, by Jan van Huchtenburg. Ireland are cancelled this July and drive out the settlers. 12th. On this 330th anniversary of Up to 4,000 Protestants were the Battle of the Boyne (1st July massacred, and 8,000 expelled. 1690), the day-long beat of the The horror of this episode still Lambeg drums, the bowler-hatted lingers in the Ulster Protestant Orangemen and Derry Apprentice psyche. “Here, if anywhere, the Boys will celebrate at home the mentality of siege was born, as the victory of “King Billy.” warning bonfires blazed from In 1688, the Catholic King of hilltop to hilltop, and the beating England, Scotland and Ireland, drums summoned men to the James II, lost his English throne to defence of castles and walled the Dutch usurper, Willem towns crowded with Hendrik van Oranje-Nassau, refugees.”(A.T.Q. Stewart) Stadholder of Holland, Zeeland, Anti-Papist propaganda in Utrecht, Guelders, Overijssel and England multiplied fifty-fold the Groningen. Treasonous Protestant numbers of victims. boyars, paranoid over a likely Orange marching banners often Catholic succession, betrayed their depict 1641, in particular the Stuart sovereign and invited him massacre at Portadown bridge in in. Armagh, where planters were The Scots Parliament declined to taken from their homes and forced depose James, but declared that he into the River Bann to drown. had abdicated by fleeing England. Now began Ireland’s Eleven They offered the Scottish throne to Years’ War, part of the War of the Willem. Three Kingdoms. Ireland was separately controlled In 1642, the Scottish Parliament by Catholics loyal to James. sent over a Covenanter army (right) James II, King of England and Ireland, James VII of Scotland, Franco-Irish Jacobites arrived 10,000 strong to put down the 1685-1688, portrayed as head of the army c.1685). from France with French forces in Catholic rebellion. Owen Roe civilians, prisoners, and Catholic loss of 616,000 lives, mostly Irish March 1689. They besieged O’Neill led the Ulster Army of the priests. The soldiers burnt alive Catholics, out of a population of Protestant-held Derry which Irish Confederates in an those who barricaded themselves 1,466,000. supported Willem. inconclusive war until 1649. Both inside St Peter’s Church. Cromwell furthermore had Willem sent the navy to support sides committed massacres and Cromwell ardently believed he 50,000 Irishmen deported to Derry in July. His army landed in atrocities. was doing God’s work. He wrote America as indentured labourers – August. Progress stalled, so Yet the worst was still to come of the carnage: “I am persuaded a form of temporary slavery for Willem intervened personally, for Catholic Ireland. that this is a righteous judgement seven years’ minimum. The last defeating James at the Battle of the Once the English of God upon these barbarous were only freed about 1680. Many Boyne on 1st July 1690. James Parliamentarians won their Civil wretches…I believe we put to the military prisoners were sold to fled back to France. War, Oliver Cromwell had King sword the whole number of the plantation owners in Barbados. The 17th century had indeed Charles I executed. He took the defendants. I do not think thirty of Widows and orphans, homeless been a “Time of Troubles” for title of Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland the whole number escaped with and destitute, were likewise Ireland. Eighty years earlier, in for himself in June 1649. With his their lives.” shipped across the Atlantic. Two- A third remark read: “Cromwell 1609, King James I & VI of New Model Army he set sail for Cromwell had a pathological thousand young Catholic boys and committed mass genocide in England began the Plantation of Ireland that August, determined to hatred of Catholics, whom he girls were transported to Jamaica Ireland. He burned people alive in Ulster. Seven-hundred and seventy crush the Irish Confederates, made blamed for the 1641 Ulster rising. to repopulate the island as slave churches. I have no problem with square miles of land was up of the native Irish and the Old He marched south and besieged workers. his statue being ripped from its confiscated from the native Gaelic English Royalists. Wexford, which fell on 11th Cromwell died in 1658. When roots.” chiefs of Ulster and handed to At the siege of Drogheda, 3rd- October. Two-thousand defenders the monarchy was restored, King Years ago, when Irish Taoiseach English-speaking, Protestant 11th September, Cromwell’s and hundreds of townsfolk were Charles’ II had Cromwell’s corpse Bertie Ahern was to meet Prime colonisers. troops killed 3,500 people after the slaughtered or drowned whilst dug up in January 1661. It was put Minister Tony Blair, he insisted Ulster had been the most town’s capture – around 2,700 escaping. on trial for treason, hanged in that a portrait of Cromwell be first Catholic, most Gaelic province of Royalist soldiers and all armed He moved on to defeat the chains at Tyburn and beheaded, on removed from the meeting room, Ireland. This was the Crown’s way men in the town, including remaining forces of the Earl of the 12th anniversary of the calling him “that murdering of bringing it under English Ormond, based in Kilkenny. So far execution of his father King bastard.” control, severing Ireland’s links as Cromwell was concerned, all Charles I. Cromwell thought he was God’s with the Gaels of the Scottish Papists should be sent “to Hell or Many have pointed out that as executioner, with divine warrant to Highlands and Hebrides. to Connaught” – to the poorer regards demolishing the statues of slaughter the Irish in revenge for By the 1630s there were as many counties beyond the Shannon with slave-traders and oppressors of 1641. Even Vladimir Putin as 80,000 planters. The Irish chiefs their thin stony soils and Atlantic native peoples, Cromwell is the justified his own re-erection of were “banished into other gales. Catholicism was to be prime candidate, especially his statues of Stalin by referencing countries where most of them utterly extirpated. 1897 statue outside the House of Cromwell’s statue outside the died.” A poem by the Irish bard English cartographer Sir Commons. Westminster Parliament, and Lochlann Ó Dálaigh laments the William Petty surveyed the land After Colston was thrown into noting there was little difference plantation, the displacement of the that was to be confiscated: 8,100 Bristol dock, Irish comments on between them. native Irish, and the decline of out of 11,700 square miles of Twitter included: “Dear England, How can Parliament demand Gaelic culture. “Where have the Ireland’s profitable land was taken Cromwell next. Please and thanks. respect, when it proudly exhibits Gaels gone?”……”We have in by Parliament and transferred to Ireland x.” the statue of a war criminal, their stead an arrogant, impure Protestant ownership – setting the A second said: “While you’re at genocidal murderer, plunderer, and crowd, of foreigners’ blood.” scenario for the Great Famine two it, would ye mind toppling the transporter of slaves in its In October 1641, taking A 1656 Samuel Cooper portrait of centuries later. Petty later Westminster statue of Oliver forecourt? How can he be an Oliver Cromwell. His measures estimated that Cromwell’s war, Cromwell in respect of the tens of honoured exemplar for a pluralist advantage of tensions between against Catholics in Ireland have King Charles I and the Scottish been characterised by some as along with the famine, plague, and thousands of Irish he butchered Britain? His statue defiles Presbyterians, the Ulster Catholics genocidal or near-genocidal. homelessness it caused, led to the back in the day?” Westminster. CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20 25


Caritas Plymouth’s first event to raise PRISONER OF CONSCIENCE awareness of Modern Slavery was held in March just before the Pastor Nadarkhani’s lockdown. sentence reduced, but he remains imprisoned Iranian Christian Rahimi (Moslem), Pastor Youcef Mehri Behjati Nadarkhani (Sakine) and Ramin (pictured) has finally Hassanpour, received a verdict in received summons his appeal, along from the 3rd branch with two other of the Public and members of the Revolutionary Church of Iran in Prosecutor’s Office Rasht. Pastor of Tehran on 19th Nadarkhani, the two June. others, and a fourth The four Christian had been serving Christians were initially ten-year prison sentences on arrested in February, charges of ‘acting against reportedly in relation to their Modern Slavery: national security’ by membership of a house- ‘promoting Zionist church. They have been Christianity.’ accused of spreading ‘Zionist The appeal verdict, which Evangelical Christianity,’ and was expected over a month ‘home church meetings.’ They Breaking through the ago, reduced the sentences had recently been released on against Pastor Nadarkhani bail after spending a week in and church Saheb Lakan Prison for failing to Fadaie to six years each. meet initial bail requirements. Another church member, Christians across Iran Mohammadreza Omidi continue to face a wide range veil of indifference (Yuhan), received a sentence of violations of their right to of 24 months, but is expected freedom of religion or belief over 40 million people in modern of over 1,000 port chaplains across Deborah Fisher OBE to be released this month. (FoRB), including raids on slavery around the world – around the world. They work closely with Christian Solidarity gatherings, arbitrary arrests, Caritas Plymouth was formed in 136,000 in the UK. Modern slavery a group of vulnerable people often Worldwide (CSW) is still and excessive prison sentences. 2019 as the Diocese of Plymouth’s encompasses many forms including hidden from sight and still do what awaiting confirmation on the Other religious communities response to Pope Francis’ call to forced labour, debt bondage, human they can despite the current restric- verdict issued to Yasser are also targeted, such as the establish a legacy to the Year of trafficking, forced and early marriage. tions on movement. Mossayebzadeh, who was Baha’i and Dervish Mercy. Our vision is that Caritas The event heard that people are now Participants at the event talked convicted alongside the three communities, who face a raft of Plymouth is an enabler and supporter seen as a commodity and victims about what more we can do to help. men in 2017. discriminatory and repressive for a network of parishes, charities of forced labour or trafficking may We discussed praying for those af- It is important to remember policies, including with regard and services engaged in charitable also be victims of debt bondage. fected by modern slavery; supporting that the charges against these to access to education and work in the name of the Church. Here, victims may be offered a job Caritas and its partner charities men are completely burial sites. CSW’s most recent Our core work focuses on children abroad with “free” transportation, through campaigning and fundrais- unfounded. The four general briefing on the and family life; refugees and mi- or they may borrow money from ing; looking out for the signs that Christians were initially country reported that there grants, elderly and isolated people; the employer for the travel and a someone may be a victim of modern found guilty and sentenced by are currently 97 Baha’is in poverty and homelessness. We are job-finding fee. Once they have ar- slavery and reporting our concerns; a judge who is accused of prison, all on false charges still in the early stages of our Caritas rived, they then find the job either buying fairly traded goods or pur- overseeing miscarriages of related to their faith. journey, understanding and cele- does not exist or is not what was chasing from companies which have justice, and who is subject to In addition, members of brating what is already happening originally offered and are trapped a modern slavery policy in place – financial sanctions in the minority religious or ethnic across the diocese and raising aware- trying to pay off the debt. but most of all we mustn’t assume United Kingdom. A source groups, particularly Sunni ness of issues where we would like Bishop Mark challenged everyone this isn’t happening where we live. informed CSW that the Muslims and Kurds, make up to do more. to, “break through the veil of indif- There will be those who seek to Christians’ lawyer is a disproportionate number of As part of our work looking at ference. We are all invited to become profit from the current coronavirus exploring the possibilities for those executed in Iran. Many how the Gospel imperative to ‘Wel- more aware of the extent of the outbreak, with the vulnerable most a further appeal. are executed after trials that come the Stranger’ can be translated problem and the suffering it causes.” at risk. With people feeling uncertain Responding to appeal fall short of international fair into practical action, we held our He placed the day under the protec- about the future, traffickers may verdict, CSW’s Chief trial standards. first event to raise awareness of tion and intercession of St Josephine seize the opportunity to take ad- Executive Mervyn Thomas Please continue to pray for Modern Slavery in March this year. Bakhita who was sold into slavery vantage of their anxieties. For those said: “While acknowledging Pastor Nadarkhani, Mr This topic is perhaps even more rel- as a child and encouraged everyone already trapped in modern slavery, that they have been reduced, Fadaie, Mr Omidi and Mr evant in the current crisis than it to renew their efforts, “to free our it may be more difficult than ever we continue to contend that Mossayebzadeh, asking God was at the time. brothers and sisters still caught in to seek help and they risk further the sentences should have to move powerfully to secure This issue is very close to the the scourge of modern slavery.” exploitation, poverty and untreated been dismissed altogether. their immediate and heart of the Bishop of Plymouth, During the day we heard from ill health. Caritas Plymouth plan to The spurious nature of these unconditional release. Pray Right Reverend Mark O’Toole who the Medaille Trust, Stella Maris and build in this introductory day with charges and the subsequent also for the freedom of all introduced the day saying: “Constant HM Border Force. The Medaille further events at Deanery level to excessive sentencing amount those detained or imprisoned cost-cutting creates an environment Trust works across the UK to help encourage people to take notice and to a criminalisation of on account of their religion or where slavery-tainted goods are hid- victims of modern slavery recover take action. Christianity.” belief in the country. Finally, den in layers of subcontracting and and rebuild their lives. They are the I In a separate development please pray that the Iranian outsourced production. It is some- largest provider of supported safe Deborah Fisher OBE is a four other Christians authorities would bring an thing perhaps we need to be more house beds in the UK. Around a Manager for Caritas Plymouth, is a member of CSAN (Caritas Social belonging to the Church of end to policies and practices sensitive to when looking for that third of all seafarers are Network), the Church’s Iran denomination, Katrin which violate the fundamental key bargain when shopping.” and Stella Maris works to reach the social action agency in England Sajadpour (Saeede), Hadi right to FoRB for all in Iran. Today there are estimated to be most vulnerable through a network and Wales. 26 HIDDEN GEMS CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20

Fr Michael Collins ‘The spirit which directed my life’ Last month marked 150 years since the death of Charles Dickens. Fr Michael Collins recalls the meeting with Mary Hogarth, his deceased sister-in-law, who became the inspiration for a number of characters in his novels While people look forward to the distresses” – observe, I never Dickens was an observant Great Britain for centuries and return of Coronation Street, our thought of saying “your mother” Anglican and shared the general generations of absentee landlords ancestors waited eagerly for the as to a mortal creature – “will you prejudice of the time against has impoverished the people, the weekly paper installments of extricate her?” “Yes.” “And her Catholics. When his son set sail majority of whom had remained Charles Dickens short stories. His extrication is to be a certainty to for Australia, Dickens gave him a faithful Catholics after Henry VIII first literary output were The me, that this has really copy of the Bible, saying it was the broke with Rome. They had Pickwick Papers, which first happened?” “Yes.” “But answer best book ever written. He also suffered enormous hardship in the appeared in 1836. When all the me one other question!” I said, in enjoined him to continue to pray face of the Elizabethan (above) Mary Hogarth, Charles installments had been collected, an agony of entreaty lest it should regularly. In 1846, Dickens turned persecutions. Catholics and Dickens’ sister-in-law. they were brought to a bookbinder leave me. “What is the True his talents to A Life of Our Lord, Protestants had inflicted atrocities (below) Dickens’ Dream by Robert who made them into a book. They religion?” As it paused a moment written primarily for families. on each other until Dickens’ day. William Buss, portraying Dickens were shared by family and friends, without replying, I said – Good The strange vision at the foot of Anti-Catholic sentiment had been at his desk at Gads Hill Place despite Dickens’ injunction never God, in such an agony of haste, his bed certainly caused Dicken’s further roused in 1829 with the surrounded by many of his to be a borrower or a lender. lest it should go away! – “You to think about his prejudices. Yet passing of Catholic Emancipation, characters. Charles Dickens was arguably think, as I do, that the Form of the year following his letter to which was intended primarily to the smell!” the most popular writer of the religion does not so greatly matter, Foster, Dickens wrote about dissipate political unrest in Ireland. What our Protestant and Victorian era. The characters of if we try to do good? – or,” I said, passing from a Catholic to a The arrival of shiploads of Catholic ancestors overlooked was David Copperfield, Heathcliff, observing that it still hesitated, Protestant Swiss Canton. He noted destitute Irish in Britain in the that they were all Christian. Fagan, Little Dorrit became and was moved with the greatest approvingly how tidy and clean the 1830s and 40s further stoked anti- Dicken’s world is full of heroes household names. Yet there is one compassion for me, “perhaps the Protestant canton was in Catholic feeling. Many English, and villains. The Artful Dodger, story which particularly caught my Roman Catholic is the best? comparison to the ‘dirt, disease, whose diet and hygiene was only Barkus, Nancy, Miss Haversham, attention. In September 1844, perhaps it makes one think of God squalor and misery’ of the marginally , despised the Heathcliff, Cathy, Mr Micawber, Dickens wrote to his friend John oftener, and believe in him more Catholic lands. That prompted him scruffy, uncouth Irish. Even Fr Tiny Tim, Scrooge all displayed Forster. In the letter he recounted steadily?” “For you,” said the to think about Ireland and to muse John Henry Newman, whose habits with which we are familiar. how he has woken one night while Spirit, full of such heavenly that ‘the religion of Ireland lies... kindness and hospitality to the Dickens’genius was simply to staying at the Peschiera Palace in tenderness for me, that I felt as if at the root of all its sorrows’. Irish was well-known, once let it make a sketch of each and Switzerland. He recalled seeing my heart would break; “for you, it Dickens was blind to the fact slip how challenging hearing everyone of us, making us smile, Mary, his deceased sister-in law. is the best!” that Ireland had been a colony of Confessions were. “Oh, the smell, laugh, weep and cry. “Let me tell you of a curious dream I had ... and of the fragments of reality I can collect, which helped to make it up ... I was visited by a Spirit. I could not make out the face, nor do I recollect that I desired to do so. It wore a blue drapery, as the Madonna might in a picture by Raphael; and bore no resemblance to any one I have known except in stature. I think (but I am not sure) that I recognised the voice. Anyway, I knew it was poor Mary's spirit. I was not at all afraid, but in a great delight, so that I wept very much, and stretching out my arms to it called it “Dear.” At this, I thought it recoiled; and I felt immediately, that not being of my gross nature, I ought not to have addressed it so familiarly. “Forgive me!” I said. “We poor living creatures are only able to express ourselves by looks and words. I have used the word most natural to our affections; and you know my heart.” It was so full of compassion and sorrow for me – which I knew spiritually, for, as I have said, I didn’t perceive its emotions by its face – that it cut me to the heart; and I said, sobbing, “Oh! give me some token that you have really visited me!” “Form a wish,” it said. I thought, reasoning with myself: “If I form a selfish wish, it will vanish.” So I hastily discarded such hopes and anxieties of my own as came into my mind, and said, “Mrs Hogarth is surrounded with great CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20 27

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‘Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and Learning from victorious is he, humble and riding on a Jesus when we donkey, on a colt, the foal of a are stressed with donkey.’ life’s burdens

1st Reading: Zechariah 9:9-10 dead because of sin, the Spirit is Their king-Messiah will come life because of righteousness. If humbly, riding on a donkey. the Spirit of him who raised Jesus Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion! from the dead dwells in you, he Shout aloud, O daughter who raised Christ from the dead Jerusalem! will give life to your mortal bodies children at heart can fully weary of living their religion as a would be good news for them. Lo, your king comes to you; also through his Spirit that dwells understand what Jesus tells us worn-out tradition. If they (José Antonio Pagola) triumphant and victorious is he, in you. So then, brothers and about God – that God reveals personally meet Jesus, they will humble and riding on a donkey, sisters, we are debtors, not to the Himself to “mere children.” learn to be alive, trusting in God as Who are the burdened of today? on a colt, the foal of a donkey. flesh, to live according to the Growing up means ceasing to be Father. They will discover an inner Who are those who labour and flesh – for if you live according to dependent. We exchange a child’s joy that they don’t know yet. They are heavy-burdened? It is easy to He will cut off the chariot the flesh, you will die; but if by dependence on people for an will follow Jesus, not out of forget that so many people still fit from Ephraim the Spirit you put to death the adult’s dependence on things, like obligation, but out of attraction. that description. Our children and the war horse from Jerusalem; deeds of the body, you will live. money, alcohol, success and 2) Shoulder my yoke; it is easy, might no longer work in mines, and the battle bow shall be cut off, influence. But these props are and my burden is light. and we no longer turn our fields by and he shall command Gospel: Matthew 11:25-30 notoriously fickle and the adult That is the second invitation. hand, but many workers have to peace to the nations; Gentle and humble in heart; his world is often plagued by stress Living in the presence of Jesus put in do long hours of demanding his dominion shall be yoke is easy and his burden light. and anxiety. Our props may doesn’t weigh anyone down. On work. Just to provide the basics of from sea to sea, At that time Jesus said: “I thank provide temporary relief but can the contrary, he frees up what’s food and shelter is still a heavy and from the River to you, Father, Lord of heaven and still leave us – as Jesus puts it – best in us, since he proposes that load for many people. the ends of the earth. earth, because you have hidden “labouring and burdened;” we live our lives making them In a contemporary setting, Jesus these things from the wise and the labouring under illusions of more human, worthy, whole. It’s might well have invited those who Responsorial: intelligent and have revealed them grandeur and burdened with not easy to find a more passionate were exhausted and stressed, who Psalm 144:1-2, 8-11, 13-14 to infants; yes, Father, for such was unrealistic targets. The heaviest way of living. Jesus frees us from belong to the “Squeezed middle R./: I will praise your name for your gracious will. All things have load we have to carry is that of our fear and pressure, he doesn’t bring class”. Struggle is as much a part ever, my king and my God. been handed over to me by my own unfulfilled ambitions, the them in; he makes our liberty of everyday life today as it was at I will give you glory, Father; and no one knows the Son burden of our bruised egos. Only a grow, not our slavery; he awaken any time in the past. It is also as O God my King, except the Father, and no one return to humility can restore our in us trust, never sadness; he draws silent and ignored as it has always I will bless your name for ever. knows the Father except the Son lost innocence and our lost us to love, not towards laws and been. This is not surprising. Those I will bless you day after day and anyone to whom the Son paradise, that honest humility that precepts. He invites us to live by who are labour and are heaven- and praise your name for ever. chooses to reveal him. “Come to accepts our creature-status, our doing good. burdened are unlikely to tell you (R./) me, all you that are weary and are status as children before God. To 3) Learn from me, for I am they are exhausted and stressed. The Lord is kind and carrying heavy burdens, and I will enjoy the peace of Christ we must gentle and humble in heart, and What use is faith when you truly full of compassion, give you rest. Take my yoke upon “put our hand in the hand of the you will find rest for your souls. exhausted and stressed? Having slow to anger, abounding in love. you, and learn from me; for I am man from Galilee’, who guides us That is the third invitation. We something to believe in is How good is the Lord to all, gentle and humble in heart, and along life’s journey and helps us to need to learn from Jesus how to essential and finding comfort in compassionate to all his creatures. you will find rest for your souls. find the way home. live like him. Jesus doesn’t faith can be a good start. If that (R./) For my yoke is easy, and my ‘Come to me’, he says, ‘all you complicate our life. He makes it faith makes you dutiful in your All your creatures shall burden is light.” who labour and are burdened, and clearer and simpler, more humble, dealings, quick to forgive, kind in thank you, O Lord, I will give you rest.’ In spite of all more whole. He offers rest. He your exchanges and conscious of and your friends shall Becoming like children our problems, we trust him when never puts onto his followers your own dignity, you have repeat their blessing. “Put your hand in the hand of he says, my yoke is easy and my something that he hasn’t lived accepted the invitation of this They shall speak of the man from Galilee” was the burden light. himself. He invites us to follow Sunday’s Gospel. the glory of your reign refrain of a popular Gospel song him on the same path that he has Faith tells us that we should see and declare your might, O God. some years back. Putting your Three invitations walked. That’s why he can ourselves as more than our work (R./) hand in somebody else’s is a 1) Come to me, all you who understand our difficulties and our and troubles. It allows us to re- The Lord is faithful gesture of intimacy, which is very labour and are overburdened, struggles, he can forgive our humanise ourselves and remember in all his words characteristic children with their and I will give you rest. stupidities and our faults, always that we are more than the things and loving in all his deeds. parents. To a loving father or This is the first of three encouraging us to get up again.We that make us feel helpless, isolated The Lord supports all who fall mother a child will give its hand invitations from Jesus, in today’s need to focus our efforts to and unappreciated. If you can truly and raises all who are bowed unquestioningly, with complete wonderful Gospel. It’s directed promote a more vital contact with believe in your own redemption, it down. (R./) trust. Holding his or her father’s towards all those who live their Jesus in our communities that are is easier to embrace every new day hand there is nowhere the child religion as a heavy burden. Not a so in need of courage, rest, and with hope. (Fergal Jennings) 2nd Reading: Romans 8:9-13 will not venture. It is not only few Christians live beaten down by peace. Sadly it is precisely their By the Holy Spirit dwelling in willing to be led, but positively their conscience. They aren’t great way of understanding and living I Published by kind permission of us, we live the new life of grace. wants to be brought somewhere. sinners. They simply have been religion that leads so many, almost The Association of Catholic But you are not in the flesh; you Somewhere in the growing up taught to have their sin always inevitably, to not know the Priests, an association for are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of process we outgrow our before them and they don’t know experience of trusting in Jesus. Catholic Priests who wish to have God dwells in you. Anyone who dependency on our parents, and a forum, and a voice to reflect, the joy of God’s continuous Think about so many people who, discuss and comment on issues does not have the Spirit of Christ having lost the need for their forgiveness. If they meet Jesus, both within and outside of the affecting the Church and society does not belong to him. But if guidance, even God can become they will find themselves relieved. Church, live without knowing at today. See www.associationof Christ is in you, though the body is remote for us. Only those who are There are also Christians who are what door to knock. Surely Jesus 28 CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20

CANONISATION CAUSES Couple says miracle child’s Down syndrome a ‘blessing’ for family

Andy Telli “A tear came to my eye,” Caulfield Mikey Schachle examines a statue of said. “I said I feel like I’ve got real When Dan Schachle told folks at Father Michael McGivney at the home people of faith here. To me, that the Knights’ Supreme Council in where he lives with his parents, Daniel and said this is why God has chosen Michelle, and siblings. (Catholic News Service New Haven, Connecticut, USA, photos/ Rick Musacchio, Tennessee Register) this family.” about his son Mikey’s cure in utero The next step was a tribunal held and his birth, they asked if they in the Diocese of Nashville to in- could inform those working on Father vestigate the case. It was the first Michael J. McGivney’s sainthood time since the diocese was founded cause. Dan quickly agreed. in 1837 that a tribunal had been Word of Mikey’s birth soon made convened to investigate a possible it to Brian Caulfield, vice postulator miracle. of Father McGivney’s cause. Part The tribunal serves as a fact-gath- of his job is to do an initial investi- ering body and interviewed the gation into possible miracles attrib- Schachles and all the doctors involved uted to the Knights of Columbus in the case. “It was like being de- founder’s intercession. posed,” Dan said of the process. “Basically, a miracle is defined Just as Caulfield had asked, mem- as an extraordinary event that has bers of the tribunal wanted to know no current medical or scientific ex- why the Schachles didn’t pray their planation,” Caulfield said. son would be cured of Down syn- Michelle Schachle became preg- drome as well. nant in late 2014, and on 25th Feb- “Why would we have asked for ruary, 2015, she and her husband, that,” Dan told the tribunal. “God Dan, were told their unborn son, made him that way. I’m good with their 13th child, had foetal hydrops that.” and had zero chance of living more “To ask for him to not have Down than a few days or weeks. So they syndrome is to ask that he not be decided to pray for a miracle. the way God wanted him,” Michelle They had already knew their child added. had Down syndrome – but it was The tribunal also asked how they the foetal hydrops for which they knew the cure was the result of Fr sought a miracle cure. McGivney’s intercession and not They turned to Fr McGivney for that of Our Lady of Fatima. help. The Knights of Columbus have The Schachles recounted how they been promoting his sainthood cause specifically prayed for the interces- since 1997 and the Schachles were sion of Fr McGivney and asked so members of the Father McGivney many others to do the same. At the Guild, an organisation established same time, Knights of Columbus to support the cause. They asked around the world have been offering others to pray to the priest for his up prayers for Fr McGivney’s canon- intercession, too. isation, which in general would re- While on a Knights-sponsored quire two miracles attributed to his pilgrimage in March 2015 to the intercession, Dan noted. One is need- Vatican, Spain and the Shrine of ed for beatification, and second one Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, for canonisation. the Schachles prayed for his inter- “There are so many coincidences, cession. Priests offered Masses for how can you look at this and not them in Rome and back home at know it was Fr McGivney,” said their parish in Dickson, St Christo- Dan as he ticked off a list: Mikey pher. was born on 15th May, the same Four days after their return from date in 1882 that the first Knights the pilgrimage, Michelle went back of Columbus council was chartered; to the doctor’s office for another ul- Michelle and Fr McGivney share a trasound to check the baby’s fluid birthday; Fr McGivney was the levels and the status of the hydrops. oldest of 13 children and Mikey is Doctors confirmed there was no the youngest of 13. sign of the life-threatening condition. “I looked at Fr McGivney and I Today Mikey is a healthy five-year- looked at what the Knights of Colum- old. “It looked pretty promising,” survive.” clear he wanted to pray to Fr Mc- bus does for special needs children, Two previous healings had been Caulfield said of Mikey’s cure. “You The second hurdle in having Givney.” for the pro-life cause,” Dan said. presented to officials in Rome as never know until you start getting Mikey’s cure declared a miracle was On a trip to Tennessee to interview “If there was ever a baby Fr Mc- possible miracles in the McGivney medical records and testimony of determining that the prayers to save the Schachles, Caulfield asked them Givney would want to help, this is cause, but both had been rejected, medical experts.” his life were specifically directed to why the child was healed of hydrops who it would be.” Caulfield told the Tennessee Register, “This was such a severe case that Fr McGivney, Caulfield said. but not of Down syndrome. “You couldn’t write with a human newspaper of the Diocese of it was distinguished from the others,” “It was pretty intentional” on the “We never prayed to have Down brain a more perfect story,” Dan Nashville. “It shows you the high Caulfield said of Mikey’s medical part of the Schachles, Caulfield said. syndrome healed. That wasn’t life said. “All these things we thought standard they have” when evaluating prognosis. “This was considered by “Once (Dan) saw the dire prognosis threatening,” they answered. “We were coincidences, were not coin- whether an event is indeed a miracle, the doctors to be such a severe case, and that a miracle was going to be thought a child with Down syndrome cidences. It was God writing the he added. that they did not expect the child to needed to save this child, he was would be a blessing for our family.” stor y.” CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20 29

After the diocesan tribunal com- pleted its report, it was sent to the postulator of the sainthood cause in Rome, who had it translated into Italian and submitted it to the Con- gregation for Saints’ Causes for its review. A panel of physicians in Rome examined the medical record and a panel of theologians examined the spiritual record of the case before making a recommendation for the pope’s approval, Caulfield said. “We never had any doubts” Mikey’s cure would be declared a miracle, Dan said. And on 27th May, it was. “About 6am our phones started blowing up with text messages,” Dan said. “Everything that the Knights stand for ... all of those things are in our story,” Michelle said. Reflected in Mikey’s miracle are the Knights’ dedication to respecting life in all its stages, the order’s sup- port for people with intellectual and developmental delays, its support for families, and the example of Fr McGivney for all parish priests, she said.

Daniel and Michelle Schachle hold their five-year-old son Mikey, near their home in Dickson, Tennessee, USA. Five years ago, Dan and Michelle prayed to Father Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, to intercede with God to save their son, still in his mother’s womb, who was given no hope of surviving a life- threatening case of fetal hydrops. Venezuelan doctor set for beatification

Manuel Rueda Venezuelan became a household item. A cottage Cardinal Baltazar industry of Hernandez healing cen- Dr Jose Gregorio Hernandez was Porras Cardozo ters has emerged in Venezuela and known for treating hundreds of poor of Merida holds neighbouring countries like Colom- patients for free, and he spent the photos of Jose bia, where traditional healers try to last years of his life helping Venezue- Gregorio invoke his spirit to treat their pa- Hernandez lans fight illness during the 1918 Cisneros, a tients. Spanish flu pandemic. Venezuelan While the Church does not approve The Venezuelan doctor – who has doctor born in of this practice, it shows how highly been approved for beatification, a 1864, following revered the doctor has become. step towards sainthood – also tried Mass in Caracas “There are Jews, Protestants, evan- to become a priest on two occa- on 19th June. gelicals, and even agnostics who sions. That day pray to him for health,” said Fr “He is a figure that unites all the Vatican Barachini. Venezuelans, regardless of their race, announced Pope Hernandez had become so popular their religion or their political affil- Francis had that in 1975, the Archdiocese of advanced the iation,” said Father Gerardino Bara- sainthood causes Caracas removed his remains from a chini of the La Candelaria church of the doctor and cemetery where his followers gathered in Caracas. “I’m sure that this will four others. and placed them in a church in the bring a spiritual rebirth to our coun- (Catholic News Service centre of the city. That way people tr y.” photo/Manaure had a safer place to pray, and his Hernandez was born in a remote Quintero, Reuters) bones were safe from tomb raiders. town in the Andes Mountains, but His miracles were never properly made his way to the country’s capital dreds of patients in their homes, Hernandez became well known gious. During a trip to Italy in 1909, documented, but in 2019, the Vati- city to study medicine at a time working as a general practitioner. for his charitable services, especially he entered a seminary but was sent can’s Congregation for Saints’ Causes when hospitals were scarce and doc- Medical students in Venezuela because in the early 20th century back home after a couple of months began to closely study one of them. tors got around on horse carts. now study his life and times. public health care was limited in because of health problems. Another It happened in 2017, when a young Shortly after graduating from med- “He was an excellent scientist,” Venezuela. Hundreds of people have attempt to become a priest failed in girl was shot in the head during a ical school in 1888, Hernandez re- said Dr Leopoldo Briceno, president credited him for saving them from 1913, also for health reasons. robbery. Doctors said she lost brain ceived a scholarship to study in of Venezuela’s Academy of Medi- near-death situations. Hernandez died in Caracas in tissue and was not expected to ever Paris, where he specialised in bac- cine. “But he was also a humanist. When a dictator closed the nation’s 1919; he was hit by a car after walk or speak properly again. But teriology and pathological anatomy. He would visit patients at their home main public university in 1908, Her- leaving a patient’s house. Following the girl recovered within a few weeks Upon returning to Venezuela, he and, if they didn’t have money, he nandez founded a private university his death, thousands of Venezuelans of a life-saving operation. During became a university teacher and wouldn’t charge them. And he would with several colleagues, defying the began to pray to him for health. that time, her mother had prayed to founded the country’s first bacteri- buy whatever medicine they re- political establishment. Hernandez statuettes that usually Hernandez to intercede for her ology lab. But he also visited hun- quired.” Hernandez was also deeply reli- depict him in a black suit and a hat daughter. 30 SPORT (SWIFT) CatholicTIMES supplement 03.07.20

Follow us on twitter @ukcatholicpress What a good sport: Top acts of sporting generosity

His ‘Tiger Woods Foundation’ pro- vides money for deserving, impov- erished students who want to go to college. It awards dozens of grants to improve under-privileged chil- dren’s health. Millions of young people have benefitted from his gen- erosity. Serena Williams, with her 186 consecutive weeks stay on the sum- mit of the WTA’s number one spot – she shares the spot with the German Steffi Graff – isn’t just a whiz on the court. She has been given many awards for her work with charities, such as the Young Heroes Award for her support of ‘Big Brothers Big Sisters’, the ‘Family Circle and Pru- dential Financial Player Who Makes a Difference Award’ and the ‘Celebri- ty Role Model Award’ from the ‘Avon Foundation’ for her work fighting breast cancer. May you be inspired by these Cristiano Ronaldo (inset) tops the list of the world’s most charitable sports star, having donated millions of pounds of his fortune to worthy causes. characters to do your bit. Maybe not with money but with your time Mgr Vladimir Felzmann perhaps to take another tack if that jump to any conclusion – as you spite losing her left arm, she went and interest in the needy of your is what you need to do. may have heard, it is unwise to judge on to realise her dream of turning neighbourhood. Little things can “Everything I know about morality As Dmitri Shostakovich, Russian a book by its cover – within that professional in 2007. Hamilton is mean a lot. and the obligations of men, I owe composer and pianist [1906-75] put Ferrari there beats a heart of gold. active in charity work. She has her Towards the end of the last century to football,” admitted Albert Camus, it: “Football is the ballet of the I know for a fact that while at own foundation, ‘Friends of – I keep the date vague to eliminate French philosopher [1913-60] author masses.” If you put your heart into Manchester United, 2016-18, without Bethany’, which provides support any possibilities of identification – and journalist, winner in 1957 of it, your love may convert the prose any publicity he used to send half to amputees. a woman came to me to confess. the Nobel Prize in Literature. Sport of your daily life into poetry: some- his monthly salary to support youth Lindsey Vonn, widely regarded as She had thought of suicide. “But is not just a metaphor, it’s also a thing beautiful you feel. clubs in the deprived areas of Malmö one of the world’s greatest female you look fine,” I said. “That’s what school for life. “With faith, discipline and selfless where he had been brought up. skiers after she won Olympic gold I wanted to tell you about. Yesterday, Jackie Robinson, the first African- devotion to duty, there is nothing To encourage their peers to be in Vancouver in 2010 and four World standing in the checkout queue at American to play major league base- worthwhile that you cannot achieve,” generous, some stars are happy to Cup championships, has her own my supermarket, a lady in front of ball, stated that “a life is not impor- said Muhammad Ali, American, publicise their generosity. Cristiano foundation, the ‘Lindsey Vonn Foun- me turned around and said: ‘Oh, tant except in the impact it has on three-times world heavyweight cham- Ronaldo has been named the world’s dation’, which focuses on community luv, you look terrible. Come on, other lives.” His conviction is backed pion, racial-equality activist and phi- most charitable sports star, having growth through the “empowerment push your trolley in front of mine.’ up by Roberto Clemente, former lanthropist. Nicknamed ‘The Great- donated millions of pounds of his of girls.” According to Kelley I did. I burst out crying. Someone Pittsburgh Pirates great and baseball est’, he is widely regarded as the fortune to worthy causes. The 35- McMillan of the New York Times, cared. I feel fine now.” Hall of Famer, with his, “any time most amazing boxer of all time. year-old Portuguese star was named Vonn has also done work with the [Alas, given the new health-pro- you have an opportunity to make a Talking of faith, “spirituality does by ‘’ as the ‘Wounded Warrior Project’ and tection measures, that would not be difference in this world and you two things for you. One, you are most charitable sportsperson, topping ‘Wings for Life’. currently possible. No room for don’t, then you are wasting your forced to become more selfless, two, the Athletes Gone Good list of 20 Tiger Woods – who passed through overtaking – at least at my local time on Earth.” you trust in providence,” taught Im- stars. some very dark days in his life yet store!] Generosity – the word comes from ran Khan, current Prime Minister Then there is Bethany Hamilton, is arguably the world’s best golfer – the Latin generosus: of noble birth of Pakistan. Before entering politics, a surfer who survived a shark attack has been involved in charity work I In two weeks time, we will – is hugely attractive in sport as in he captained the Pakistan national when she was just 13-years-old. De- and donations for some 20 years. take a look at ambitions. life. Helping others feel better is cricket team, which won the 1992 Ubuntu; ‘enlightened self-interest. Cricket World Cup. Bethany Hamilton. As you, dear reader, will have found Be grateful to providence. Thank out, while helping the beneficiary God for all you have. Never take generosity gives your own life a your gifts for granted. Use them as boost. well as you can. “I once cried because “Life is like a game of soccer. I had no shoes to play football, but You need goals. If there are no goals one day, I met a man who had no in your life then you can’t win.” feet,” admitted Zinedine ‘Zizou’ Zi- [Author Unknown] Circumstances dane, a French former professional change, so will your goals. As they footballer, currently manager of Real say, now is the start of the rest of Madrid. your life. Your past has been a re- “When you buy me, you are buying hearsal for the present. Ask yourself: a Ferrari,” boasted Zlatan Ibrahi- “What have I learnt from my life so movic, a Swedish professional foot- far? How best to go forward?” Decide baller currently playing for Milan. on a virtue to aim for. Maybe gen- Widely regarded as one of the best erosity? There are an increasing strikers of his generation, having number of people in need. Remember won 31 trophies in his career, he is ‘Father Vlad’s five a day’? ‘Select, the most decorated active footballer Serena focus, commit, work and learn’ – in the world. However, before you Williams. The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 31 Vatican Letter

Junno Pandemic spurs innovation, Arocho Esteves appreciation for sacred music

CNS From priests donning face masks and Schutte told that while lock- gloves while distributing Communion down measures have prevented him to exchanging nods with socially dis- from travelling across the United States tant parishioners during the sign of to lead parish missions, retreats, peace, the coronavirus pandemic has evenings of music and workshops, it changed how Catholics celebrate the has led him, like many others, to seek liturgy. ways “to minister virtually.” But on the register of what is most “It’s forcing me, as it has many of noticeable, singing tops the list. us, to become more adept with the In St Peter’s Basilica, where the Sis- technology that allows us to do things tine Chapel Choir once accompanied a few months ago we might never papal liturgies and a separate choir have imagined,” he said. “Music has led congregational singing, the pan- not lost its power to capture our minds demic practice is to have an organist, and hearts, to express our hunger for a cantor and a few choir members – God. It’s just that now we have to ex- all standing a safe distance from one plore new ways to deliver that mu- another. sic.” CNS In a recent phone interview with Mgr De Gregorio told that not Catholic News Service, Mgr Vincenzo only have the pandemic regulations De Gregorio, president of the Pontifical affected how choirs and the faithful Academy for Sacred Music, said that sing, but they have also greatly im- while social distancing measures for pacted the way sacred music is taught church choirs “are obviously indis- and studied. pensable, the liturgy may seem to While video-chat platforms have ‘suffer.’” made it possible to continue classes, What is important, he said, is that A file photo shows some members of the Sistine Chapel Choir singing while maintaining social distancing as “conducting lessons from a distance there is some music. Pope Francis celebrates Palm Sunday Mass in St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. The Mass was celebrated without and exams from a distance” is a whole “Thank God, the situation is also the presence of the public during the Covid-19 pandemic. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) new territory for the pontifical acad- very flexible from the point of view of emy, he said. the regulations so we can celebrate “Catholic worship is rooted in a of the worldwide Benedictine Con- blessing” that have not only led to an “Our way of teaching has been com- solemnly, even simply, with an organist community of believers who come federation, told CNS that although increase in prayer but also inspired pletely transformed,” Mgr De Gregorio playing and a cantor singing,” he said. together to express their faith through the Benedictine community of St “creative aspects of enlivening the said. “Obviously, as you can imagine, After 52 members of a church choir ritual word and song,” Dan Schutte, Anselm in Rome has continued to prayer within the community.” it’s one thing to listen to the tone, the CNS were infected with Covid-19 during a composer and member of the St Louis sing during their liturgies and daily Abbot Polan told that during timbre of a voice, a piano or an organ practice in Washington state in March, Jesuits, told CNS. prayers, social distancing measures Lent the Benedictine community not live and another thing to listen from the Centres for Disease Control and “Yet in most parts of the world, we have prevented them from welcoming only added a one-hour period of ado- a distance.” Prevention warned that singing, es- can’t gather in community yet to wor- guests to join them. ration every Thursday, but also found For Abbot Polan, singing remains a pecially when people are close to each ship safely. We’ve been uprooted from “We have really felt the absence of a new way to pray the Stations of the fundamental aspect of sacred music other, heightens the risk of transmit- the very sacramentality – music being people being able to come to pray Cross. that he hopes will return once Covid- ting the coronavirus. one of those ‘sacraments’ – through with us regularly because even though “We’re blessed with four very fine 19 vaccines are available. But sacred music has a fundamental which we experience the presence of we are not a parish church, we have a organists, and also a monk who plays “I’d like to think that when we get role in Catholic spiritual life. “Through God in our midst,” he said. good size group of and friends the oboe and another who plays the the vaccine and people will be able this form, prayer is expressed in a Not only does sacred music play on the Aventine (Hill) who regularly flute and so we did the stations by to be closer to one another and we more attractive way” and “minds are an important role in the life of prayer come to worship with us. So, from means of a musical rendering which will pick up singing again, that it will more easily raised to heavenly things for the faithful, but also for religious that point of view, it’s difficult,” he was really very inspiring. And the only pick up with a renewed spirit of joy by the beauty of the sacred rite,” said communities and congregations, es- said. words that were really spoken were a to be able to lift our voices in com- the Vatican’s 1967 instruction on music pecially the . However, he also admitted that the prayer to accompany the music,” he munion with one another for the litur- CNS in the liturgy. Abbot Gregory Polan, abbot primate new measures have been “kind of a said. gy,” he told . Beware of ‘radical nationalists’ trying to use Christianity ers, he said, “comes from the prominence Cindy Wooden graphical entity that can be defined as a ‘na- geschichte – the history of salvation.” tion’ that has within it a single homoge- Conscious of the fact that religion, in- given to a Samaritan instead of to a ‘good’ Using religion to prop up an exaggerated neous identity” – religiously, linguistically cluding Christianity, has been used in the Jew. While criticising the priest and the sense of nationalism perverts healthy patri- or ethnically – “radical nationalism is only past to prop up nationalism, Fr Lobo called Levite for their nonliberating religiosity, the otism in its attempts to solidify national possible if it eliminates diversity.” for a “liberating deconstruction of national- parable could have exalted any poor Jew. identity by excluding some members of so- Such nationalism was at the centre of ism” relying on theology and biblical val- Why does it exalt a Samaritan instead?” ciety, said an essay in an influential Jesuit Nazism in Germany, he said, but inklings of ues. Jesus’ “new category, that of the ‘neigh- journal. it also can be seen in some sectors of the While the Bible is filled with stories about bour,’ is an antidote to nationalist self-justi- “In some countries, a form of religious- United States. God’s special relationship with the Jewish fication. The neighbour does not coincide cultural nationalism is back in vogue. Reli- “Even a national sentiment as secular in people and their favoured status as a na- with the co-religionist and the compatriot,” gion is exploited both to obtain popular some ways as that of the United States has tion – stories that Christian nationalists like Fr Lobo wrote. support and to launch a political message cloaked itself in ‘religious’ guise with a kind to adopt – Fr Lobo noted there also are ex- “The love of one’s neighbour is really the that is identified with people’s of divinisation of the founding plicit criticisms of the way some Jewish love of the ‘other’ in contrast to ‘love of one- loyalty and devotion to a nation,” fathers and a narrative centred kings ruled, admonitions to treat others self or one’s fellow’ sustained by national- wrote Jesuit Father Joseph Lobo on the special role and favour justly and repeated references to how God ism,” he said, “because the latter is ‘love for of St Joseph’s College in Banga- given by God to that people,” he also created, loved and cared for other peo- me’ – a narcissistic self-love, which Christi- lore, India. wrote. “In the period following ples as well. anity cannot condone.” Fr Lobo’s essay, Against Reli- the Second World War, the exal- But for Christians, Fr Lobo said, the story “The fanaticism of religious-cultural na- gious Nationalism, was pub- tation of the American way of of the good Samaritan is perhaps the clear- tionalism,” Fr Lobo wrote, is not interested lished in late June in La Civilta life led to the apotheosis of na- est expression of how “justice and God’s in promoting lasting peace and well-being Cattolica, a Rome-based Jesuit tional life, the equivalence of na- love as they are revealed by the Christ event for all people, but works to keep society “di- journal reviewed by the Vatican tional values and religion, the lead to the unequivocal denunciation of all vided between ‘us’ and ‘them,’” while creat- before publication. divinisation of national heroes oppression and exploitation of any human ing a false hope “in a future glorious nation Because in today’s globalised and the transformation of na- being in any circumstance.” that will replicate an imaginary golden world, he wrote, “there is no geo- tional history into heils- The impact of the parable on Jesus’ listen- past.” 32 For extra news go to Heart of the Matter Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress

Villagers gather at a When even leprosy self- care group in Litamanda to the north of Cabo Delgado province, becoming Mozambique. The village was attacked by rebel armed groups in the early hours of a refugee is 4th June, with at least five people reported to be killed. a privilege (Picture credit: Paul Salmon)

Charlotte Walker Despite the ISIS flag being raised providing shelter to those fleeing the both in conflict zones and those risk from severe hunger and malnu- when a town is ‘captured’, the acts of violence. Other refugee families are they can reach in person with health trition. Violence, homelessness, hunger, violence often appear indiscrimi- staying with friends and relatives in messaging on Covid-19. “It is absolutely heartbreaking to leprosy and now Covid-19 are a daily nate. The terrorists have even been Pemba where possible. “The disease could have cata- hear and I cannot bear to even reality for the people of Northern known to set fire to mosques. There is widespread concern sur- strophic consequences on the peo- imagine the terror a captured village Mozambique. This year the attacks have esca- rounding groups of homeless people ple of Cabo Delgado. But tragically, faces.” Against a backdrop of breathtak- lated three-fold. Rebel armed groups sheltering in poor conditions. This for most, it currently feels the least “When you see the pictures of the ing natural beauty, white beaches have been moving south, targeting creates the perfect breeding ground of their problems. internally displaced people arriving and coral reefs, the very lives of the communities nearer to the provin- for the spread of Covid-19. Immune “I have been privileged to witness in Pemba by boat, it is very strange people of Cabo Delgado are at risk cial capital of Pemba. systems weakened by the effects of the most amazing transformation in as you realise they’re the lucky ones. each day. The Leprosy Mission works in extreme poverty leave people more poor communities in the north of “The boat crossing to Pemba and Mozambique is ranked among the some of the poorest and remote susceptible to the virus. It also puts Cabo Delgado. The Leprosy Mission relative freedom is extremely expen- poorest countries and is one of the communities in Cabo Delgado. Trag- them at greater risk of contracting has enabled thousands of subsistence sive. It is a desperate situation when world’s least developed nations. ically many can no longer be ac- leprosy, a debilitating disease preva- farmers to attend farming school. even becoming a refugee is a privilege.” Around two-thirds of the population cessed as a result of terrorist activity. lent in Cabo Delgado. They have learnt how to increase Dr Celiktemur said the terrorists live under the poverty line of £1.55 a Last month insurgents attacked the Many humanitarian aid agencies their crop yields, protect against cli- were recruiting young Mozambicans day. People in the Cabo Delgado village of Litamanda, reportedly have had to leave the north of Cabo mate change and grow a greater vari- resentful of a lack of employment province mainly survive through killing five people. Field workers Delgado. The Leprosy Mission is do- ety of crops. Their families are now far opportunities. subsistence farming. Many are still have made contact with members of ing its utmost to support the people better nourished as a result. “When you travel around the area recovering from the devastation and a leprosy self-care group in Lita- it serves in the north of the province, “Self-care groups have been set up there are so many young men sitting flooding caused by Cyclone Kenneth manda to check on their welfare. many of which now live in a conflict to protect the hands and feet of peo- around doing nothing,” he said. and Cyclone Idai last year. According to the UN more than zone. ple who have had leprosy and suf- “It could be argued that this is But since 2017 they have wit- 100,000 people have fled Cabo Del- Programmes Officer for Africa at fered associated nerve damage. It how disenfranchised youths become nessed a new threat from men with gado after losing their homes and The Leprosy Mission, Dr Bahadir was very emotional to see them militants and murderers. guns and machetes attacking com- property to the terrorists. Celiktemur, said that with Covid-19 working safely in the fields with a “I have incredible respect for our munities across the province. Many Mozambicans are escaping the cases reported in every province in confidence and pride that they were amazing team in Pemba and for the hundreds of civilians have been northern areas of Cabo Delgado ar- Mozambique, the impact of the providing for their families. churches providing aid. They are do- killed, property looted and homes riving in Pemba each day by boat virus could be severe. “But because of the insurgency we ing all they can to help those in destroyed. Government buildings, and by road. A new camp for inter- He said: “Our staff in Pemba are are increasingly hearing that people tremendously difficult circum- including schools and health posts, nally displaced people has been set doing everything they can to reach cannot safely return to the fields. As stances. Every day we pray for their have been burnt to the ground. up in Metuge, north-west of Pemba, the communities we serve. This is a result whole communities are at safety and an end to the violence.” Priest finds his niche working in Bangkok with poorest of the poor

Michael Sainsbury the Mercy Centre, which he set up in ing with the poorest of the poor. people. They come to Bangkok and 1973 with Sister Maria Chantavaro- “In those days, there was no re- other Thai cities and seaside islands Redemptorist Father Joe Maier, 80, dom of The Daughters of the Queen- frigeration in the markets in to work for 12 or more hours each opened his first school in Bangkok’s ship of Mary Immaculate. Bangkok, so they set up slaughter- day, seven days a week, so they can market-side slum district of Klong Fr Maier told me he joined the Re- houses right in town near the mar- send money home to their families. Toey in a swine slaughterhouse demptorists as a young man, disaf- kets so they could kill the pigs at “We contact the companies who more than 40 years ago. fected with life after a tough up- night and take them straight to the run the sites, many of them we have So it is not surprising when he ex- bringing. market in the early morning.” known for a long time, and simply plains that he comes from the The Redemptorists have long had The slaughterhouse where Fr set up with an umbrella and some “wrong side of the tracks” in his na- a major presence across Southeast Maier set up his first school was in chairs in a corner of the site,” Fr tive Seattle in the US. For that is Asia, focusing on Thailand, Vietnam Khlong Toey, home to the city’s most Maier said. Redemptorist Father Joe Maier largely where he has stayed for the and Laos. When he got to Thailand famous sprawling wet market where Over the decades, the Mercy Cen- is pictured in a file photo. bulk of the past 49 years since he in 1967, Fr Maier continued to ques- one can buy pork, chicken and an tre’s work has extended beyond (CNS photo/courtesy Tibor Krausz) settled in Bangkok after being sent tion his superiors. abundance of seafood along with schools to refuges for women, facili- by the Redemptorists to Asia on mis- “I didn’t really fit, whatever it was, acres of fruit vegetables. ties for people living with HIV/AIDS authorities, inside and outside the sion business. maybe they said, ‘Joe you drink too Many of the Mercy Centre’s and a hospice. The tireless work and church, Fr Maier has always found a He has built a large network of much,’ so they sent me to northeast schools are makeshift and outdoors, positive energy that the octogenar- way. schools that tend to the poor in the Thailand and then to Laos, and on building sites that cater to the ian exudes has captured the atten- “I have had to have a great work- heaving capital whose population, when I came back to Bangkok (in children of the vast army of migrant tion of some substantial donors, and ing relationship over the years with including surrounding towns, is now 1972), they sent me out to the workers who hail largely from Thai- in 2000 a single donation enabled the police, especially, and local au- approaching 15 million. He also has slums.” land’s poorer, border neighbours: modern and permanent facilities to thorities,” he said. “We are at our set up shelters for abused girls and a It was in the slums of Bangkok Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos. Esti- be built in the heart of the Khlong best when we work with the poorest hospice for people living with that Fr Maier found his calling, and mates of total workers and their Toey slums. of the poor; when we lose sight of HIV/AIDS, all under the umbrella of it is where he remains today, work- families run as high as four million Despite his disagreements with that, we fail.” The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 33 Faith Alive An old friend on the modern journey to recovery

FAITH land, Pope Francis stopped at Our covery from addiction, said Fr ALIVE Lady of Lourdes Church in Dublin to McKay, who is looking to create a pray before several relics of Talbot, national shrine to Matt Talbot in whose tomb is just feet from the Philadelphia. While addiction is a church’s altar. complex disease of body, mind and Gina For Pat, learning about Talbot was spirit, he said, too often treatment Christian life-changing, and he began praying only focuses on the first two, with- to the would-be saint, whose inter- out addressing the soul’s deep cession he also credits for his heal- hunger for connection with the di- ing from an intestinal rupture that vine. After 30 years of drug and alcohol required 14 hours of emergency sur- Globally, some 35 million people abuse, Pat – a Philadelphia native gery. now struggle with drug addiction, with tattooed arms and a Rocky Bal- After his hospitalisation, Pat at- according to the United Nations. A boa accent – made an unlikely new tended a Matt Talbot-themed re- separate study projects that alcohol friend: Matt Talbot, an Irish labourer treat, where he was able to release consumption (which rose 10 per who’d been dead for about a cen- many of the resentments that had cent between 1990 and 2017) will in- tury. fuelled his addiction. crease by another 17 per cent world- “I’d never heard of him until I got “I found forgiveness not only for wide over the next decade. sober,” said Pat, now a member of myself, but for the people who had In the face of such daunting statis- the Calix Society, a Catholic support molested me as a child, and for any- tics, Talbot’s appeal as a role model group for those in addiction recov- body that had ever hurt me,” he and intercessor continues to grow ery. said. “I finally saw everyone as being internationally, thanks to the dedi- During a Calix meeting that Pat at- worthy of God’s love.” cated efforts of those who work to tended after getting clean, the Longtime Calix member Kathy share, online and in person, the group’s national chaplain, Father Diering said that Talbot, in his res- Irishman’s message of hope. Douglas McKay, showed a film on olute example of holiness, “speaks From his native Poland, Gregory Talbot, who had battled the bottle volumes without even speaking.” Jakielski has been diligently spread- throughout adolescence and early “When you look at his hidden- ing devotion to this saint-in-the- adulthood. ness, his spirituality, you see that he making for the past seven years, After taking an abstinence pledge really knew that the body and blood maintaining both a website and at the age of 28, Talbot remained of Christ were his true source of life,” Facebook page that feature a num- sober for decades until his death in she said. “He was steadfast, and ber of Matt Talbot resources. In Au- 1925, living a quiet, ascetic life that that’s been an inspiration for me, gust 2018, he collected hundreds of included daily Mass, prayer, Scrip- because he shows what is possible.” names that were placed by a pilgrim ture reading and charitable works. Talbot’s conversion from sot to on Matt Talbot’s tomb in Dublin. Collapsing on a Dublin street en saint, made all the more dramatic by “These seven years have passed route to Mass, Talbot was discovered the severity of his alcoholism, res- like one day,” Jakielski wrote on to have regularly worn penitential onates with those looking to free Facebook, asking for the “strength chains. Declared “venerable” by themselves from addiction. In fact, and resources” to continue his mis- Pope Paul VI in 1975, Talbot is now many of those devoted to Matt Tal- sion. invoked as an intercessor by a num- bot say that his sanctity was the real For Pat, Matt Talbot’s simplicity ber of groups that minister to those key to his sobriety. makes clear the path to both sobri- suffering from addiction, including “He knew that everyone else ety and sanctity. the Calix Society, which was might leave him, but God wouldn’t,” “He had no real possessions,” he founded in the US some 20 years af- said Diering. “And that’s where his said. “He didn’t need anything but ter Talbot’s death. strength was.” God’s love, and he wanted to make During his August 2018 visit to Ire- Holiness is a sign of authentic re- others feel that too.”

(above) Medals depicting Matt Talbot are seen in a display case. A statue of Matt Talbot, declared “venerable” by Pope Paul VI, is seen in (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec) Dublin. Matt Talbot battled the bottle throughout adolescence and early adulthood. After taking an abstinence pledge at the age of 28, Talbot remained sober for decades until his death in 1925, living a quiet, ascetic (right) Fr Douglas McKay of Our life that included daily Mass, prayer, Scripture reading and charitable House Ministries, an addiction works. recovery outreach in Philadelphia, USA, displays an image of Matt Talbot painted by artist Terry For extra Nelson. Talbot’s conversion from Catholic sot to saint, made all the more dramatic by the severity of his news visit alcoholism, resonates with those looking to free themselves from our website addiction. (CNS photo/Gina www.thecatholic Christian, 34 For extra news go to

Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress AroundUniverse weekly pullout the Parishes CatholiC news and information from aCross the Uk and ireland Couple are paddling their own canoe to buy water tanks for Mutemwa

East Anglia: Teresa Yonge and James East Anglia: James will take their 15ft Perkins are taking to their local river open Canadian canoe on to their lo- in a canoe to help fund much-need- cal River Stour in East Anglia and ed water storage tanks for the paddle from Sudbury to Cattawade – Mutemwa Leprosy Care Centre in 24.2 miles – six times to make up the Zimbabwe. distance. Zimbabwe faces hotter summers The River Stour is a wonderful and and increased water shortages, mak- peaceful river which gently mean- ing water tanks a lifeline for the ders through the stunningly beauti- Mutemwa residents, giving them a ful Dedham Vale countryside. It’s more stable and reliable access to perhaps best known as the spot water in the future. Mutemwa is in artist John Constable chose to paint Mashonaland in Eastern Province many of his masterpieces, including and is where Teresa’s uncle, John arguably his best known piece, like Bradburne, lived for the last 10 years ‘The Haywain’. The Stour also marks of his life, caring for the community the border and boundary of Essex there who were living with the dev- and Suffolk and is full of river birds astating effects of leprosy. and wildlife. The situation in Zimbabwe is dire If you would to support their and people are suffering greatly all fundraising, please consider making over the country. Access to clean a donation. Your help and kind water is a high priority, after a series sponsorship is much appreciated by of droughts struck that part of Teresa and James, the John Bradburne Africa. Memorial Society and, of course, all Their original plan was to paddle those at Mutemwa. the length of the River Thames – See for that’s 134 miles – but coronavirus more details, and donate at restrictions put paid to that. Not to be undaunted, however, Teresa and JBMSwatertanks Pentecost Challenge raises £110,000 to meet match-funding goal The Friends of the Holy Land’s Pen- poor. Hotels in the West Bank remain of the authority’s income is spent of Fundraising for Friends tecost Challenge has seen donations closed with little prospect of opening staff wages. of the Holy land smash through its original target soon, and therefore the tourism sec- At the same time Israel is facing its and raise over £110,000 for its part- tor remains dormant. This is a par- biggest unemployment crisis in its ners in the region. ticular concern to the people of history, with over one million jobless This remarkable amount will now Bethlehem where 70 per cent work at the end of May. That is an un- be match-funded by three commit- in this sector. precedented unemployment rate of ted FHL supporters, allowing more Many have been unemployed 23.5 per cent, and has risne from of the charity’s projects in the Holy since early March and will continue around five per cent pre-virus. As in land to be completed. to struggle until tourism returns to many other economies, the lowest- Contributions to the challenge the levels of 2019, which many ex- paid, the youngest and the oldest fund came from all points Scotland perts predict may not be until mid- workers are bearing the brunt of this to Jersey, with supporters showing 2021. onslaught. creative ways to raise funds under The movement and other restric- FHL’s executive director Brendan lockdown conditions. Fundraising tions related to the pandemic have Metcalfe said: “We are hugely grate- events included socially distanced drastically reduced domestic eco- ful for the generosity of all of our strawberry teas, and sponsored gar- nomic activity and external trade supporters who have given to this den / neighbourhood walks. across the West Bank, which are also appeal and for their efforts to main- Plans are well underway to dis- expected to make matters worse over tain awareness of our mission in the tribute these funds directly to the the next year. Palestinian Authority public eye. most vulnerable across the West monthly revenues declined to their “The situation facing our brothers Bank, Gaza Israel and Jordan, with lowest levels in at least two decades and sisters is set to remain very chal- around 500 families identified so far and this will have significant conse- lenging for many months to come. I for support through this difficult quences for public welfare, employ- know I can rely on our supporters in time. ment and the financial and fiscal the UK to continue to raise aware- Curfew restrictions across the stability of the authority itself. Half ness of our mission and encourage West Bank and Gaza have been prayer for the relief of the suffering eased recently. However this, and of those affected by this terrible cri- the closely monitored reopening of sis. the crossing points to Israel, Jordan “Our team in Bethlehem and our and Egypt, has resulted in a slight partners in the Holy Land will need spike in the number of Covid-19 more financial support to provide cases reported, meaning that any practical help to our Christian improvement in the economy is Brothers and Sisters as these condi- looking uncertain for many months tions persist, and together with to come. This also means that em- those across the UK we will do our ployment prospects remain very utmost to meet those needs.” The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 35 Around the Parishes

Fr Peter’s diamond anniversary marked by thousands of friends at online Mass Middlesbrough: More than 4,000 your families, especially at times of friendship, adding: “I’ve also shared Canon John Lumley, parish priest people joined an online Mass to cel- sorrow or tragedy; it was marvellous friendship with groups of people of St Gabriel’s Church in Ormesby, ebrate the diamond anniversary of to be able to help in some way. and one that made a huge difference where the service was held, said: “Fr the priestly ordination of Fr Peter “Then there were all the joyful oc- to my life was in 1971 when I was in- Peter arrived at St Peter’s fresh from Ryan. casions as well when you very gener- vited to be chaplain to the Fellowship. ordination in the summer of 1960 Born in Limerick in Ireland, Fr Pe- ously included me, and I do appreci- “I couldn’t believe what I was ex- and baptised me that September. ter has ministered in the diocese of ate it. I want to thank you from the periencing – this was friendship, “When he first arrived as a newly Middlesbrough throughout all those bottom of my heart for being who love and humour of the very highest. ordained curate, South Bank was a 60 years, mainly on Teesside and the you are.” That fellowship is still very strong af- busy, thriving, community. He came Esk Valley but also with a year in Hull. As well as his dedicated parish ter all these years and we still share back years later to be its parish He was ordained along with 14 oth- work, Fr Peter also spent many years friendship, love, humour and loyalty. priest when it was a depressed and ers at Waterford Cathedral on 16th supporting people with disabilities in “I hope that when normality re- some would say, dying community. June 1960 and was immediately posted Middlesbrough Catholic Fellowship. turns, we can all be face to face “He faithfully served the people of to St Peter’s Church, South Bank. He spoke about the importance of again.” that area in good times and bad for There he built up a devoted fol- so many years, as well as many other lowing thanks to his gentle, caring parishes too. and deeply spiritual ministry during “He is a man who genuinely two separate spells, the second as knows how to create, build and sus- parish priest for 23 years, during tain communities of faith and love.” which he became a well-known and Before the Mass Fr Peter was pre- much-loved member of the commu- sented with cards, gifts and dona- nity. tions from his army well-wishers During the service, Fr Peter told and afterwards a small, socially dis- Fr Peter Ryan is pictured third from those watching at home: “There’s a tanced reception committee stood left with fellow clergy after a Mass of Thanksgiving to celebrate his long list of blessings for which I outside to applaud him as he left 80th birthday at St Peter’s Church, want to give thanks and number one the church. on my list of thanks is to every single South Bank, in 2016 Fr Pat Smith recently celebrated Photo: Michael Clark. one of you. the 50th anniversary of his ordina- “You have been wonderful to me, tion and Canon John Lumley and Fr Peter pictured on a diocesan you have made my life worthwhile, Fr James Blenkinsop both celebrate pilgrimage to Lourdes and it’s been a privilege to be part of their 25th anniversaries this summer. Photo: Joe Harrison Deacon fulfilled childhood ambition Virtual pilgrimage brings to work among poorest communities hope across the world Arundel & Brighton: A Sussex Deacon Peter Coates, from Wood- months later. Moldova had the low- woman has decided to complete a bridge, has died, aged 80, after a est GDP in Europe and, through vol- virtual summer pilgrimage, to- long illness. Fr Edmund Eggleston untary work with the Church and talling nearly 500 miles, to raise pays tribute. with Caritas Moldova and while liv- much-needed funds for the global ing in a village sharing people’s lives, coronavirus response. Peter Coates was born during the that early vocation to help the poor- Beginning on 2nd July, Bernadette Second World War in Darlington and est was fulfilled. He was later or- Goddard, 30, from Mayfield, will was never seen by his father who dained to the Order of on spend the summer walking a 480- died on active service in Egypt. In January 6, 2001 by the Rt Rev Anton mile long virtual pilgrimage, rais- infancy, Peter was severely ill on at Cosa, Bishop of Chisinau. ing funds for CAFOD. least two occasions but recovered; Peter continued to work in Bernadette hopes this ambitious the illness was linked to Ehlers Dan- British delegation to the East Ger- Moldova but also in Kyrgystan, but challenge will raise £480 for the los Syndrome (EDS), a congenital man Methodist Church. eventually the EDS caught up with charity – £1 for every mile walked gap year with CAFOD where I had condition which caused problems After leaving the Methodist him again and he was forced to re- – to help families in developing the amazing opportunity to travel for Peter throughout his life. Church, Peter worked in prison edu- turn to England in 2003. After recov- countries who are affected by the to Nicaragua to meet with some of However, he didn’t let it stop him cation before becoming deputy di- ering, he became an assistant to the coronavirus pandemic. the communities that CAFOD achieving his goals. After leaving rector of Replan, a government pro- Catholic Chaplain at Feltham Young Bernadette explained: “This works alongside. There, I met grammar school, he worked as a gramme working with FE colleges Offenders Institute until Bishop summer I was supposed to be some amazing women whose sto- mental nurse, then as a care assistant and the unemployed. Anton arranged an American con- walking the Camino De Santiago ries still impact me today. in a hostel for destitute people, and During this time, by separate tract, enabling Peter to commute to pilgrimage but, as it was cancelled, “One woman in particular finally for Dr Barnardo’s Homes routes, both Peter and his wife Kath- Moldova eight times per year to con- I decided to do it virtually. stands out: Darling from Natoso. before training for ministry in the leen, came to believe that it was tinue his work in that country. “I will now be walking 480 miles She was part of a beekeeping Methodist Church. right to ask to be received into the The charity Moldova not Forgot- to raise money for a charity close women’s group, and that business He claimed that his Bachelor of Catholic Church. ten was set up to continue the work to my heart, and the amazing work transformed her life. It showed me Divinity degree from the University In 1995, Peter went to Azerbaijan there, and Peter was the first perma- they are doing during this difficult how, by working alongside com- of London made him the only as team leader on a project to re- nent deacon in Eastern Europe. time. Plus, it’s a good reason to get munities, we can create real change. Methodist Minister with a degree in form the country’s Ministry of With permission from Bishop fit at the same time.” “Having seen how much of a dif- the Roman Catholic Mass, and he Labour. This project lasted for a Michael Evans, and later Bishop Bernadette’s challenge is part of ference that CAFOD’s projects also held a Master of Theology de- year and during that time Peter is Alan Hopes, Peter ministered in the CAFOD’s Summer of Hope. The make, it only feels right to try and gree in New Testament Theology. credited with having helped to found parish of Saint Thomas of Canter- campaign aims to inspire the nation help in these difficult times.” From the age of eight Peter had the Catholic Church there. Indeed, bury at Woodbridge, East Anglia to remain hopeful this summer by CAFOD’s emergency coron- told his mother that he had a voca- the first public Mass since the com- from 2005 and he wrote a regular recreating cancelled events, virtu- avirus appeal is scaling up its sup- tion to be ordained and to work munist revolution of 1918 was cele- column for our diocesan website ally, while supporting communi- port to local aid experts who are amongst the poorest people. he brated in his flat by Fr Colin Taylor newspaper, the Catholic East ties in developing countries providing food and sanitation fa- achieved that wish. Most of his min- from the Nottingham Diocese. Anglia. Peter continued to be incar- through fundraising. cilities in communities. istry in the Methodist Church was After Peter’s visit to the Nuncio in t |y£“–t ”“z”“v–”U|zp–w–”zn”ev|şw|yş£r i Bernadette has been volunteer- The charity is also helping in inner London and his last ap- Tiblisi, Georgia, two priests were Moldova. ing for CAFOD for over 10 years churches in developing countries pointment was as Chaplain to sent to Baku to establish the parish Peter died in Ipswich hospital on and was inspired to join in the use their networks to share hy- Rochester Borstal and Secretary of and build the new Church. June 23, 2020, age 80. He is survived challenge after seeing first-hand giene messages . the London South East Synod as well The following year Peter visited by his wife Kathleen, three children, the impact the charity has on You can support Bernadette at as Chaplain to the European Youth Moldova, to be joined there by Kath- and grandchildren. communities around the world. Council and Leader of the first leen and their son Alister a few May he rest in peace. She said: “In 2014, I completed a Bernadette-Goddardcamino 36 For extra news go to Education Leeds academics investigate global psychological impact of Covid-19

Academics from Leeds universities One of the outcomes expected by is a very important and exciting project social psychologist, I have a strong have joined a global network of over the researchers is that those with high to be part of. Few times in human sense of commitment to support our 100 researchers in 65 countries to in- levels of anxiety may have experienced history have seen the whole world society to overcome this crisis through vestigate the global impact of Covid- hoarding and preventive behaviours population fighting against a pan- academic work. 19 on people’s psychological behav- as a result of the pandemic. demic comparable to the current one.” “This cross-cultural research project iours and quality of life. Researchers also expect narcissistic She added: “Understanding how will be a cornerstone to extend our Dr Laura De Pretto, senior lecturer people who focused on themselves people behave to protect their own knowledge of human life and behav- in psychology at Leeds Trinity Uni- will be engaged in hoarding and pre- health as well as that of the collective, iours; especially how humans are re- versity and Dr Chanki Moon, lecturer ventive behaviours, but they will in- what factors influence their behaviour, acting to this global health crisis. We in psychology at Leeds Beckett Uni- dicate lower levels of pro-social be- and how culture affects these dynam- should all join hands to defeat the versity, are both working with aca- haviours such as helping the vulner- ics is fundamental not only to over- Covid-19 disaster in order to create a demics from across the world on a able with food shopping and volun- come the present challenges, but also bright future for everyone.” cross-cultural psychology study enti- teering. to be prepared to better face the future. COVID-19, personality and quality tled: COVID-19, personality and quality Researchers are collecting data Now we have theoretical frameworks, of life: Self-enhancement in the time of life: Self-enhancement in the time through an online survey, aiming to technological tools and global net- of pandemic was set up by the CSWU of pandemic. gather at least 250 responses per coun- works that allow us to undertake this Cross-Cultural Psychology Centre in Since April, the research project has try. As part of this, the study will con- type of research, and it is our duty to Poland and has collected over 5,000 been exploring how adults have ex- sider the cultural context of social be- do so.” responses from over 20 countries so perienced the Covid-19 pandemic haviours including trust in govern- Dr Chanki Moon, UK project co- far. based on their personalities and social ment, political culture, affluence and ordinator, said: “The Covid-19 pan- Participants in the UK can behaviours including narcissism, anx- the severity of the pandemic. demic is an unprecedented health complete the survey and for further Dr Laura De Pretto iety, fear, cynical hostility and con- Dr De Pretto, who is responsible crisis that has had a revolutionary ef- information, please visit the spiracy-based beliefs. for the project in Malaysia, said: “This fect on everyday human life. As a university website. Students delighted after university scholarship boost

Three Christ the King sixth form stu- dreamt of going on to University but studying A-Levels in English litera- dents have been awarded a scholar- faced financial challenges in doing ture, media studies and sociology, ship from Private capital fund man- so. said: “I can’t tell you how happy I am agement firm, Metric Capital worth John Sinik says: “Tuition fees are right now. A scholarship like this will £15,000 each. only a part of the expense of going to really help me financially and it will Each successful student was care- university. There are living expenses mean I do not need to find a part- fully selected according to their aca- that can be overwhelming for people time job and can concentrate on my demic performance and after a for- and ultimately drive their decision studies.” mal virtual interview process. not to go. The scholarship plays a Keona Burey, who is currently Temitope Idowui, who hopes to key role in allowing the students to studying a BTEC in Health & Social study English literature at the Uni- Temitope Idowui, Keona Burey and Jon Hamilton pursue their dream of obtaining a Care at CTK, said: ‘I am delighted to versity of Cambridge, Keona Burey group of sixth forms based in south positive impact on society, to award university degree”. have been awarded this scholarship who hopes to study primary teaching London and Kent, is in its ninth year the scholarship. Collegiate principal Shireen Razey and I know it will help me greatly at at the University of Chichester, and and to date has awarded almost The scheme is led by Metric Capi- says: “We are delighted to continue university,’ while Jon Hamilton, who Jon Hamilton, who hopes to study £500,000 in scholarships to hard- tal’s managing partner, John Sinik. working in partnership with Metric is currently studying A Levels in biomedical sciences at the Univer- working, ambitious Christ the King John was first introduced to Christ Capital with this fantastic venture. biology, chemistry and physics, said; sity of Southampton, will now receive students. the King by one of his mentees, and We are so proud of our hardworking “I am so happy to gain this scholar- a scholarship worth £15,000 over the Metric Capital worked with Our he was inspired to create the Metric students and it is a great opportu- ship. I had no idea my teachers course of their university degree. Turn Global, a charitable organisation Scholarship Programme after meet- nity to support them in their univer- thought so highly of me and it will The Metric Capital scholarship that uses social media to raise aware- ing high performing, aspirational sity aspirations.” be a great help in my ambition to programme with Christ the King, a ness about initiatives that have a students at Christ the King who Temitope Idowui, who is currently become doctor.” The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 37 Education

Thomas ready Derby’s mighty five are making to cast his net a splash in the swimming pool over the USA A member of Leeds Trinity University Five swimmers at Barlborough Hall course of this year and put in a lot of chaplaincy team is setting out to School and Mount St Mary’s College, training, but then of course I’ve had spend nine months promoting Derbyshire, have placed in the top 10 to stop because of the coronavirus Catholicism in the USA with the in the country for their performances pandemic,” she said. National Evangelization Team in the pool. “It has been so difficult to go from (NET) Ministries. Throughout the academic year IAPs, swimming every day to not being able Thomas Starkie started working the Independent Association of Prep to go to the pool at all, so getting at Leeds Trinity University as a Youth Schools, stages landmark champi- these results through is extra special 2000 Gap Year Volunteer in onships in different sports including and makes me realise why it’s all so September 2019, playing a key part cross country, hockey and football, worthwhile.” in chaplaincy events and as well as swimming. The highlight of the IAPS swimming supporting the delivery of the In the pool, Barlborough Hall School calendar would ordinarily be the finals Youth 2000 annual Leeds Retreat. pupil Erin Gent (11), who competes at the Aquatic Centre in London but In his new role as a NET in the Under 11 Girls Backstroke, was obviously this year, the event has been missionary, Thomas will travel placed second fastest qualifier out of cancelled. across America, speaking to young 165 swimmers drawn from across the Erin’s proud mum Sue, said she was people and their families about UK. thrilled with her daughter’s achieve- Catholicism and embracing the life In addition, 11-year-old Andy Edgar, ment and those of her friends. of the Church. was also second fastest qualifier in “Erin and the rest of the team have He is currently fundraising the boys’ Under 11 Freestyle compe- trained so hard and put in so many $6,000 to cover the cost of the tition, out of a total of 155 swimmers. hours, and obviously this year has training. If you would like make a Other outstanding results include: Erin Gent been particularly difficult for all those Ffion Elsby Adams donation to financially support • Ffion Elsby Adams (11), a pupil at who compete,” she said. Thomas, please visit the NET Barlborough Hall School, was seventh • Fellow Mount student Isabel John- “The support she has been given our students and their coaches. Ministries at, fastest qualifier in the country at 50m son placed 21st in the Girls Under 13 by Barlborough Hall School has been Barlborough Hall headteacher Karen and enter ‘Thomas Starkie 2020-21’ freestyle. Breaststroke, and so would have amazing and hopefully next year she Keeton said the results were a ‘truly in the comment box. • Sisters Ruby-Rose and Scarlett missed out on a spot in the finals by will continue to succeed when she amazing’ achievement. Thomas said: “Like all Catholics, Miller both at Mount St Mary’s College just one place. moves up to the Mount.” “We are so proud of each and every I am called to proclaim the Good also placed in the top five for their Erin who will move up to Mount St Head of games and sport at Barl- child who competes and represents News to all, and the work of NET individual strokes. Mary’s College, the senior school for borough Hall School and Mount St the school at whatever level and in Ministries is a great way to do that. Ruby-Rose (12), was third fastest Barlborough Hall School, in Septem- Mary’s College, Dylan Campbell, said: whatever sport,” she said. They also have a pre-mission qualifier in the country in Girls Under ber, said she was extremely pleased “These IAP results from the swimming “These results are exceptional and training programme which equips 12 Backstroke. Scarlett (13), was third for herself and the team to have placed pool are absolutely fantastic. They are are among the best results we have missionaries to serve the Church fastest qualifier in the Girls Under 13 so highly. a fitting result considering the hard ever seen in swimming at our school. effectively, and those skills will be Breaststroke. “I’ve tried so hard throughout the work and dedication put in by both They are remarkable.” with me for life.”

Letter from the Vatican is welcome boost to school Be part of the conversation... St Thomas More greetings” and that the Pope would students returned from the half- pray for the school and its families term holidays to the exciting news as he “sends his blessing”. that they had received a letter from The letter was a reply to one the the Vatican! school had sent expressing their We’re looking for articles Sent by Monsignor L. Roberto best wishes and prayers to remem- Cona on behalf of His Holiness, ber the Pope on his feast day on for future issues of Pope Francis, the letter addressed 10th April. to staff and pupils expressed the Headteacher Siobhan Bowen said Education magazine. Pope’s pleasure to receive “kind the letter’s arrival had “really lifted If you would like to contribute the spirits of the staff and students please contact me – to know that the Pope has been on details below. thinking of us and praying for us. “It has certainly provided a boost during lockdown.” The school have proudly displayed the letter and it is also able to be found on their website and so- cial media ac- counts.

Catherine Kelly Editor on 0161 820 5722 Left, the treas- or email [email protected] ured letter from the pope’s office PART OF THE UNIVERSE NEWSPAPER DIGITAL NETWORK

The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 39

YOUR WEEKLY LIFESTYLE PAGES INSIDE YOUR UNIVERSE FOOD | DRINK | MUSIC | BOOKS | HEALTH | FINANCE | TV GUIDE | GARDENING uuniverse Tom Bradby: ‘I’ve trained myself to live for today more’ The ITV News at Ten host talks about managing anxiety after suffering a meltdown, why he won’t be drawn on the royals and his latest spy novel.

looking back, I’d been offers her conclusive evidence that slipping for a long the British prime minister is a spy time.” His mother working for Moscow. had died and he’d Len Deighton’s ‘Game, Set and spent a lot of time Match’ Cold War thrillers provided and emotional en- the inspiration for his love of the ergy supporting his genre. father until he “They were set in Cold War Berlin died. and London and were incredibly at- “I used to be mospheric, brilliantly written and awake till dawn, full of complication, grey skies and then it would double crosses. happen again “Then the Cold War went away and then I very and those kinds of thrillers disap- quickly went peared. Writers who wanted to write into complete the type of thriller I do, where there’s panic.” This a rich political backdrop, struggled a chronic insom- bit. Tom and Claudia Bradby nia lasted two “Then, as a gift to writers but not weeks. to humanity, the Cold War came His profile was raised last year “There was a moment back. The Russian president decided thanks to his interviews with the when I was curled up in a that he wanted, in a very muscular Duke and Duchess of Sussex during ball on the floor outside our bed- way, to restore Russia’s sphere of in- the making of the documentary room and my wife came out to me, fluence and take on the west. Harry & Meghan: An African Journey. saying, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll get “So you’ve got this new Cold War Today, although he is still friends through this.’ I was saying, ‘I’m which is, if anything, greyer and with both Harry and William, he is never going to sleep again.’ more complicated than the last, be- keen to distance himself from the “You get to a dark place quickly cause the Russians are able to move debate. because you convince yourself you’ll around in our society and send their “The anxiety around that was that never sleep again, that you are going children to our schools and universi- you don’t want to let anyone down. I mad, that you will lose everything.” ties and are quite blatantly trying to know Harry and Meghan, and William, He was prescribed anti-depressants corrupt western democracies.” and I found myself dragged into a which he still takes to regulate his His protagonist Kate Henderson maelstrom which I didn’t enjoy and sleep and saw a psychiatrist every suffers from some of the issues which was quite stressful.” week during his time off. He still which Bradby has faced, including “I think I’ve said all I’m going to catches up with him. insomnia and a predisposition to say on that. I’m a working journalist So, has covering the pandemic anxiety, something he wrote about and not going to get involved with brought back any of the previous in Secret Service when he was going their battle with the press. It’s not anxieties? through his own mental turmoil. my argument. They have got their “I think I’ll probably be grateful “When I look back, I’d written Secret story to tell.” for the rest of my life for having had Service about five months before I His Covid-19 bulletins may be de- a massive meltdown which forced had to be signed off work. With very pressing, but he is much more aware His calm, friendly demeanour be- me to reboot my mental operating little psychological self-knowledge, I of how he can avoid plumbing the PROFILE lies huge anxieties which led to what systems at vast pain and expense.” was creating an alter ego, writing a depths of despair again. ITV News at Ten anchor Tom Bradby, he calls a meltdown two years ago, “I went through a very intense re- character who was on the way to “The way out of any mental health friend of the royals, seasoned corre- manifesting itself in chronic insomnia, booting process but one advantage having a breakdown, even though I crisis is to concentrate on today and spondent and documentary presen- which resulted in him being signed of that is that you’re much more had no concept that that was what this minute and ter, confesses he’s enjoying life in off work for three months while he mentally resilient. I’m much more was happening to me.” try to worry a lot lockdown with his wife Claudia and tried to sort out his mental health. accepting of what life’s going to less about what’s three grown up children at home As an ITN correspondent for the throw at me and that counts for going to happen near Winchester. best part of 30 years, from spells coronavirus as well.” tomorrow” “But then you come to work and covering Ireland and Asia, where he In between presenting the news, was shot and seriously injured while dip your head in a bucket load of Bradby has also become a bestselling Double Agent by covering a riot in Jakarta, to becoming misery,” he laments. “It’s odd living spy thriller writer. His eighth novel, Tom Bradby is royal correspondent and political with an all consuming news story Double Agent, a sequel to his bestseller published by editor, you would think there wasn’t that is killing a lot of people, with Secret Service, sees senior MI6 officer Bantam Press, much that fazed him. the frisson that you could get it and Kate Henderson become embroiled priced £12.99. “It happened very suddenly, but Duke and Duchess of Sussex die yourself. It’s really depressing.” in a plot in which a Russian defector Available now. 40 uuniverse HOME Home hygiene tips to keep your home virus free Keen to keep your home as clean as possible right now? Lisa Salmon finds out what hospital cleaning experts want us all to know. It’s always nice to have a clean home – and right now, home hy- giene is especially important. Here are their top tips... Although it’s unclear exactly how Don’t forget touchpoints Keep surfaces clear long the Covid-19 virus lingers on Places people always forget to surfaces and the risk of infection clean are regular household touch- “Try to keep surfaces depends on lots of factors, but points, such as door handles and clean and clear where you keeping aware and on top of clean- handrails on the staircase. They may ing routines is generally a good seem less important than food ar- can. This is especially idea. eas, for example, but they’re places important at the The UK Government and Ire- everyone in the house will come in land’s Health Service Executive to contact with all the time without moment, as most of us (HSE) recommend householders thinking. People returning home will be bringing in things clean and disinfect frequently from a trip outside will be heading touched objects and surfaces, such Donna Williams and Diane Cullen into different rooms, or up to the from the outside, such as as bathrooms, grab-rails in corri- bathroom to wash, and touching shopping, food or parcels dors and stairwells and door han- Donna Williams and Diane various communal points along the dles, and use regular household dis- Cullen work as part of the domestic way. This will become even more and placing them around infectants to clean surfaces. It’s team at NHS Property Services and important as lockdown measures the house, so keeping advised to use a disposable cloth over the past few months they’ve continue to ease in coming weeks, and clean hard surfaces with warm been on the frontline, undertaking and friends and family may be al- surfaces clean and clear soapy water. deep cleans and helping minimise lowed to visit each other’s houses. will help ensure germs But for deeper advice, who better the spread of Covid-19 in hospitals. to share some hands-on cleaning But as well as helping keep hospitals Wash your hands during don’t linger.” advice than cleaners who work in germ-free, the pair are keen to en- house-cleaning hospitals? sure householders know how to re- Just as we need to wash hands af- duce contamination risk in their ter being outside or handling things, “While the house may seem own homes too. we recommend always washing your They say: “Cleaning at home will hands after carrying out different Do use kitchen roll Take wipes when out and about like a safe place, it’s good to probably seem like a chore for most, tasks in the home. This will again Kitchen roll is a great alternative If you’re out and about, make sure take precautions. It’s especially now we’re expected to do ensure germs don’t spread to differ- for cleaning surfaces to help stop the you’ve got cleaning wipes to hand, important to keep up with it even more often, and in day-to- ent areas of the house. At work, we spread of germs. However, remember as these can be used for anything always make sure we have some that once an area’s been wiped, you take with you so you can clean it basic cleanliness around day life it’s easy to let it slip down the priority list. However, there are easy moisturiser at hand, as washing all you’ll need to dispose of it; don’t use before heading home. Remember to the house, to stop any ways to keep on top of it and simple the time can dry them out. it to clean more than one area. It’s clean toys you might take out; you bacteria we may pick up things you can do to stop the spread also good to clean in one direction, will be bringing them back into the so you’re wiping everything the spreading further.” of germs, without having to do really Don’t use cloths home and children might be putting deep cleans every time.” Our number one piece of advice, same way. them in their mouths. which people may find surprising, is not to use cloths when cleaning as they can cling on to germs and bac- Disinfect when necessary teria much better than other prod- ucts. We expect these will be one of Householders won’t always the top items in people’s cleaning ar- need to use disinfectant, unless tillery, but it’s just as important to someone in the house has, or think about how and where you might be spreading germs, as well as could have, coronavirus. If cleaning them in the first place. someone in your house does have Covid-19 or is Take care with takeaways When eating a takeaway meal, suspected to, ensure Williams has some advice. “I put you’re thoroughly down some kitchen roll first so it’s disinfecting all areas not touching the table and you have and surfaces. an extra barrier between the surface and the container.” The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 41

uuniverse Skin problems during lockdown

Face masks Katie Wright asks skincare experts for advice on how to deal While face masks aren’t compulsory with a sudden outbreak of spots. for members of the public in the UK and Ireland, many people are choosing to wear them. As if being separated from loved Mieran Sethi, specialist dermatology registrar with the NHS in London. “Increased condensation, sweat Vichy ones and forced to adapt to life and oil under masks are a breeding Normaderm spent largely indoors wasn’t chal- Skin health is intrinsically linked with mental health; there are many ground for skin bacteria and clogged SOS Anti- lenging enough, lockdown has pores,” says Denning. Keeping skin Blemish Sulphur caused an increase in skin issues for skin conditions shown to be exacerbated by stress, including as clean and oil-free as possible will Paste (£17/E15), many people. help prevent this occurring. Regular Boots Acne is the number one culprit. acne. Unfortunately, an increase in acne cleansing, exfoliation with gentle Even those who seldom had spots acids such as PHAs, and skin barrier before are suddenly finding clusters can lead to more stress, which in If altering your diet, turn can make the acne worse. The repair using ceramides, are all key springing up overnight. steps to keeping skin blemish-free. skincare routine and “Through my virtual skin consul- Dr Catharine Denning most effective way would be to find lifestyle doesn’t help, a way to minimise stress as much as tations, people have reached out Weather Denning recommends more than ever with problem skin possible, through exercise, medita- speaking to your GP. Diet The temperatures have been during lockdown, and breakouts are tion or whatever works for you. “There are excellent topi- If you’ve been indulging in comfort soaring, which is amazing to boost one of the most common,” says Dr cal treatments for mild foods or baking more cakes while in vitamin D levels and soothe the Catharine Denning, cosmetic der- Increased condensation, sweat acne that can be prescribed, lockdown, all those sweet treats soul,” says Janine De Costa, matologist and Curel skincare am- and oil under masks are a for example, those contain- could be impacting your skin. Dermalogica education manager. bassador. breeding ground for clogged ing a topical retinoid, such as “One thing we know can lead to However, increased UV exposure So why are we getting more zits pores and skin bacteria Differin. breakouts are foods that spike blood can deplete the skin of moisture. now? “This is likely to be multifacto- “Acne that is resistant to sugar levels,” says Denning. “I would The result is that the skin rial,” Denning says. “The skin is a topical treatment and a short never advise cutting out whole food instinctively produces more oil, complex organ and usually it’s a course of antibiotic therapy, groups in relation to treating skin, which can lead to increased combination of factors that cause should be referred to second- but a diet that’s healthy for you gen- breakout activity. problems to flare-up.” ary care dermatology for con- erally, is also going to be healthy for The good news is, no matter what sideration of oral Isotretinoin your skin. Skincare the cause, there are numerous ways (Roaccutane). “Make sure you’re eating green With more time available due to be- to tackle acne, and we’ve got the ad- “This can be prescribed for and colourful veggies, as these are ing stuck at home, some people are vice you need from three skin experts. the most severe cases of acne high in vitamin A and antioxidants.” spending longer on their skincare Here are five possible reasons for with scarring, although there She also recommends eating routines and experimenting with your lockdown breakouts, and what may be delays to initiation of wholegrain carbohydrates that pro- new products such as retinol, but you can do patients on this medication vide a slow release of energy, and that could be doing more harm than about during the lockdown period.” oily fish, as omega-3s and vitamin D good. them... are important for skin function. This over processing of the skin “This all being said, if you eat one can compromise the skin’s protec- or two meals that don’t fit into this tive barrier leading to dehydration, Then use a gentle moisturiser, la- advice don’t beat yourself up,” she sensitivity and increased breakouts. belled as ‘non-comedogenic’, which says. “Skin changes are multifactor- I tell people to start by reducing ideally should be perfume free and ial, and just by eating healthily your actives and definitely stop us- paraben-free, to reduce sensitivity. If you’re unlikely to completely sort ing any oils and rebuild the barrier possible, the moisturiser should out your skin issues.” using a light ceramide rich formula- contain niacinamide, an excellent tion skin care. active ingredient for acne-prone Stress A simple, easy skincare routine is skin. During the lockdown there have essential for dealing with acne. The For large pus-spots, Vichy Norma- been generalised reports of increased first step is choosing a cleanser that derm 10% sulphur paste is a gentle Dr Mieran Sethi, specialist stress levels and negative effects on contains salicylic acid to unblock and efficient product to apply to dermatology registrar peoples’ mental health,” says Dr the blocked sebaceous glands. these directly, at nighttime. 42 uuniverse

FOOD AND DRINK TRAVEL Rosés from around the world

Sam Wylie- Harris rounds up the best blushing beauties Sun, sea and sanitisation - to put on ice right now. How will our holidays look in the future? With our showy rose gardens in full bloom and rosé wine sea- son in full swing, now is the time to kick-start your holiday The pandemic will change the way we travel, but what can we rosé romance with the flurry of styles hitting the shelves. expect when we finally pack our suitcases and take to the road? Here’s a few rosés from around Sarah Marshall asks the experts. the world to snap up now... Casillero del Diablo Rosé 2019, Several weeks ago, the idea of even It’s hygiene on the high seas Chile, £8, Tesco stepping outside your local area felt from now on Touchless A warm-weather wine that like a fantasy. But slowly, as lock- The return to normality is set to temperature looks as good as it tastes, down restrictions ease, the situation be tricky for cruise ships. The float- screening is you might want to grab a seems to be changing, and there’s a ing hotels have a history of upsets being introduced sun lounger before pour- glimmer of hope it might be possible with virus outbreaks, and companies to passengers ing a glass of this rosey, to enjoy a holiday this year. are having to work much harder to travelling on coppery pink. With The situation, however, is far from regain their customers’ trust. But Norwegian hints of blackberry leaf normal. From beach breaks to es- many have already taken steps to- Cruise Line when and spice, there’s am- corted tours, the way we travel will wards making their fleets as germ- returning and ple raspberry, black look very different from now on. free as possible. dining on the fruits and a wash of Some hotels, tour operators and All passengers travelling on ship watermelon keeping it cruise lines have already published Norwegian Cruise Line’s fleet will be fresh with an attrac- details hinting at how we might nav- given a touchless temperature tive structure and igate a new world of socially dis- screening every time they return to crisp finish. A lovely tanced sun seeking and ethical es- the ship and when entering dining ing with Ecolab products specialised Group tours set to connect to chill out with. capism. These are some of the areas. Capacity will also be limited to prevent the spread of infections in new ways trends starting to emerge. to allow social distancing on board. and have promised supplies of PPE An entrepreneur and philanthro- 16 Little Black Pigs Rosé Princess, meanwhile, have to staff. pist who started one of the 2019, South Eastern Caravans and cottages promise peace pledged to constantly monitor the Family-run resorts like Elivi world’s most successful group Australia, £8.99, of mind global health map, cancelling stops Skiathos in Greece are upping their tour companies with nothing Wines Although the race is on to squeeze and modifying itineraries if areas cleanliness game: public areas will more than a vision and a credit Here we have a punchy, in a summer holiday, it’s likely, once have been impacted by Covid-19 be regularly disinfected and online card, Bruce Poon Tip, sees this copper pink (14.5% abv) government advice allows, that most outbreaks. Self-service buffets will check-in will reduce face-to-face post-lockdown period as an op- that’s Australian people will choose to staycation. be heavily reduced and the hand contact. OYO has introduced a new portunity to reflect upon the way through and through, Along with self-catering cottages, sanitiser will flow like water. system of “sanitised stays”. Plans in- we travel. with beams of vibrant demand for caravans and holiday River cruise company Uniworld clude removing excess furniture The G Adventures founder and summer fruits and parks is set to be high. has gone even further by discontin- from lobby areas; disinfecting room CEO used his time in lockdown to mouth filling flavours Auto Trader According to , uing self-service snacks, removing keys and TV remotes in zip-lock write a free e-book, Unlearn: The of strawberry and searches for caravans are up by 18%. all books and magazines, discontin- bags. Year The Earth Stood Still. The fu- redcurrants with an The National Caravan Council’s uing buffets and introducing set Lifts will be limited to one group ture revolves around the power alluring creaminess claims that caravans and motor- mealtimes. of room occupants at a time. and privilege we have as travellers and exuberance that homes are ‘socially distanced by de- Ikos, which runs luxury all- to make informed choices about is generous and sign’. There are no issues with shared Tech will replace human inclusive beach resorts in Greece where our money is invested. playful to the very facilities and camping lots are set contact in hotels and Spain, has designed a new Infi- “At the moment, people are be- last sip. five or six metres apart. As hotels across Europe plan to re- nite Care Protocol. Staff will be regu- ing sold amenities, the biggest open, companies have adopted a larly tested for Covid-19, and anyone ship, the biggest activity, etc, and Roche Bellemont Provence 2019, range of new measures to make sure staying at the properties given a free they are forgetting about the des- Coteaux d'Aix-en-Provence Lloyd Figgins, chairman of their guests feel safe. rapid antibody test upon arrival. An tination. This is no longer travel AOP, France, £15.49, the Travel Risk & Incident Although reputable hotels already in-resort ambulance and 24-hour in my mind. The travel industry Laithwaite's Prevention (TRIP) Group, says have high hygiene standards, scrub- medical support are reassuring ad- has made us into tourists, con- We all love to drink with holiday parks are a low-risk bing is set to become the norm. ditions, while a mobile app will al- sumers of culture, rather than con- our eyes and behind this option for similar reasons. Groups such as Wyndham are work- low contactless room service. tributors to it. We should take a bell shaped bottle is a rosé “With everything included different approach: Destination in full bloom. An alluring and local people are key.” within the four walls of your rose gold, it displays ripe G Adventures will berry aromas with hints holiday park rental, your continue to use local holiday can be as safe as of earthy spice and restaurants on their wild herbs, with silky, being at home. There’s the Online check-in tours with options for savoury fruit that's advantage that many holiday will reduce ‘grab and go’ boxes. delicate and lively parks are situated in stunning face-to-face Affordable ‘My Own with hints of lemon locations, allowing you to get contact as well Room’ rates will curd and finishing outside and enjoy the as the use of also make it with a fresh, mineral countryside or nearby beach, mobile apps to easier for solo note. A fast-track to a while still being able to allow travellers to Riviera lifestyle while avoid maintain social distancing.” contactless Bruce Poon Tip we staycation at home. room service sharing. The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 43


NICK’S MUSIC PICKS Window Shopping by Rory Butler Scottish musician Rory Butler urges the listener to examine their relationship with the digital world in his debut album, Window Shopping…

The Music Scene channel his frustration at cyber ad- numbing effect is That Side Of The Nick Benson diction and the detachment it creates World. In the midst of the Syrian from reality. The songs examines refugee crisis, many will remember It seems like music was always going how certain digital platforms have the devastating image of a young to play a big part in Scottish singer- led to desensitisation from what child washed up on the shores of a songwriter and guitarist Rory Butler’s should be shocking feelings towards Mediterranean beach. For Butler life. real world issues, and a warped per- and many others, this was a wake- As a child, Butler was surrounded spective of reality. up call. by music, as his parents ran a Armed with his guitar and a “The image triggered an emotional recording studio at their home in tongue in cheek sense of humour, response to the crisis. It’s easier Edinburgh, and Butler has vivid Butler’s songs dance on the di- sometimes to remove myself from a memories of a revolving door of mu- chotomy of happy tunes with a seri- reality, no matter how terrible, if it sicians and bands coming to record. ous message. Butler veils his anguish only appears as statistics and data The profound effect it had on him and exhaustion at social media and on a page. The photograph seemed sprung into his mind when recording trash TV with metaphors and intro- to have the impact of making things his debut album, Window Shopping, spective questions directed at the heartbreakingly real. I often struggle as he stepped through the doors of listener asking to examine their rela- with how strongly I can feel about Rory Butler London’s Konk studios to see an old- tionship with the digital world, and things, and yet how far they have to school analogue mixing desk in the to be mindful of how to spend time go before I act. I guess the song is a Butler’s effortless songwriting ically and wrapped up in four days. control room. connecting to others. reminder not to let that happen.” stands out and it’s easy to tell it is a Initially capturing live full band per- “It was a classy place, quite a step “My main issue is that it implants Mind Your Business was inspired key focus for him. From starting formances at Konk studios, the only up from most studios I’d been in. In a negativity in impressionable by a photo series by Eric Pickersgill, each song as guitar pieces, he overdubbing came from backing vo- a way it had some nostalgia attached young minds. It can be damaging to titled Removed, in which the photog- weaves together lyrics and themes cal performances by Butler recorded to it. The analogue desk made me younger generations where there is rapher captured people going about influenced by the feel of the tune, at the Slate Room when he returned feel quite at home from the old days. an ideal and image that is difficult to their everyday life glued to their using emotion to guide his thoughts. to Edinburgh. It just felt right and aligned with the aspire to, and its modelling young phones, then edited the devices out This intuitive approach, while yield- Rory Butler is undoubtedly a rising feelings of nostalgia already written people an impossible reality. It of their hands. The result is a comical ing a brilliant selection of songs, did star in the music scene and is one to into the music.” equates to addiction. I’ve even been showcase of gormless expressions cause an exercise in theory practice keep an eye, and an ear, on. Written and recorded between his caught up in it, and I resent it.” and the perfect example of people for the musicians. While learning the •Window Shopping by Rory Butler hometown Edinburgh and London, One song that gives a vivid example being disconnected from their envi- tunes was something of a process, will be realeased on 10th July 2020 Butler created Window Shopping to of how Butler sees social media’s ronment. the recording sessions flowed organ- on Vertical Records. NICK’S TV PICKS

Deborah James and Steve Bland. Mike Baldwin, Deirdre Barlow and Michael Vaughan. Ian West/PA Archive/PA Images Ken Barlow. ITV Plc Trevor McDonald. Plum Pictures Ltd. Martin Rickett/PA Vine House Farm. Shutterstock

Britain's Cancer Crisis - Panorama Coronation Street: Stories That The Secret Mediterranean With Cricket: England v West Indies The Fens: A Wild Year Monday 6th July Gripped The Nation Trevor McDonald Highlights Friday 10th July 7.30pm-8.00pm Monday 6th July Tuesday 7th July Wednesday 8th July 9.00pm-10.00pm BBC One 8.30pm-9.00pm 9.00pm-10.00pm 7.00pm-8.00pm BBC Two Covid-19 has claimed the lives of ITV ITV BBC Two Hidden away in the most easterly thousands in the UK, but what is This new eight-part clip-based Sir Trevor McDonald continues his Home Test cricket returns to BBC TV part of the British Isles lie the Fens the knock-on effect of those suf- series, narrated by comedian and epic journey across the for the first time in 21 years with of East Anglia. These ancient fering with cancer? Clinicians singer Jason Manford, looks back Mediterranean and visits three very highlights of the first Test between wetlands are home to the greatest warn there could be excess cancer over 60 years of the much-loved different destinations in this second England and the West Indies. The diversity of wildlife anywhere in deaths over the next five years as a northern soap Coronation Street, episode of the four-part series. three-Test series gets underway at Britain. result of the focus on Covid-19. with each episode carefully curated On the Greek Island of Santorini, the Ageas Bowl in Southampton. In the winter the Fens are a haven With the team from award-win- from the archives to bring alive a Trevor meets a spear fisherman who Isa Guha presents the action for flocks of Whooper swans, flee- ning BBC podcast You, Me And The theme via specially selected can hold his breath underwater for alongside Michael Vaughan, while ing from the frozen Arctic. Big C, BBC Panorama investigates highlights. seven minutes and he explores a commentary comes from England’s Bigger creatures have been en- how the focus on Covid-19 has im- Coronation Street has always con- most unusual hotel built into the Sir Alastair Cook, West Indies’ 2016 listed to help restore some of the pacted on cancer care. nected with its audience, made side of a volcano. Twenty20 World Cup final hero wider fenlands. Farmers here grow Reporter Deborah James, who headlines and broken new ground in On to the north African coast of Carlos Brathwaite, Phil Tufnell and unusual crops including acres of has stage four bowel cancer and television drama and this first the Mediterranean and in Tunisia, Alison Mitchell. yellow sunflowers produce seeds had treatment during lockdown, episode looks back at pivotal story- the legendary broadcaster meets Day two and three highlights will for bird tables all over the country explores what needs to be done to lines that captured the public’s movie mogul Tarek Ben Ammar, who continue on BBC Two on Thursday and millions of orange pumpkins get cancer services back to normal. imagination. brought Star Wars to Tunisia. 9th July and Friday 10th July. are gathered each autumn. 44 For extra news go to Feature Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress

NJPN Comment Sampling a better life Isolation of lockdown has Andrew brought us closer together Rollinson This year’s NJPN conference was team, and have started reaching out scheduled for 17-19 July, and it to those who need support. I will be had an environmental theme. It providing more help in the coming has been postponed. A sub-theme weeks, supporting yet more vulnera- was ‘Ecological Conversion: ble people. necessity, dream or delusion?’ With all this extra time on my To support the ‘necessity’ part, Ellen Martin hands I have also learnt how to knit promotional material described This period of lockdown has been a with my mum. Since learning this how ‘Five years on from Pope stressful and confusing time for all skill, we have knitted baby hats, Francis’ Lau dato Si’, we are learn- of us. booties, teddies and blankets – all ing that ecological conversion is a Before lockdown began, I was liv- for hospitals in Birmingham. matter of life and death’. ing in London and working for Knitting is such an easy and fun Scientists first announced this CAFOD’s government relations project to do in lockdown. I would warning three decades ago, and team, as part of a graduate intern- recommend it if you are bored and they have been joined in recent ship set up by the Catholic Bishop’s looking to help your community. I’m years by non-governmental organ- Conference of England and Wales – sure all hospitals would really appre- isations, young people and older ‘Faith in Politics’. The scheme seeks ciate this! activists trying to save humanity to prepare young Catholics for ca- I have also been working nights and ‘our common home’. Surpris- reers in public service, to contribute and weekends, stacking shelves in ingly, little has been done by the to public life. my local Tesco. I’ve never worked in Church to implement Pope Fran- Having to move back home to a shop before, but they had a short- cis’ encyclical; and, as the confer- Birmingham so abruptly, and to no age of staff as 12 people were off sick ence title suggests, at the start of longer be involved in public life and more were isolating. I wanted to help out and be a key worker, so I this year we had no way of know- through lots of exciting activities in Ellen and mum ing whether the necessary systemic Parliament, was a disappointment. show off their applied. I have been able to interact change was a ‘dream’ or a ‘delusion’. But I decided to not let this time go knitted gifts for with members of the public and I Before I explain my own per- to waste and to spin the situation in local hospitals am now working with a great team spectives on lockdown, I have to a new, positive light – to carry out that keeps me motivated. state that I practice not ‘social’ but my call to public service through long-term use in case of a second them once lockdown is over. Volunteering has helped me have ‘media’ distancing. I cancelled my helping my local community during peak of the virus. For now, I am Throughout the whole period of a more positive outlook during lock- TV licence many years ago and si- a time of crisis. awaiting my first shifts, but I cannot lockdown, I have been working with down. It is a way to fulfil my calling multaneously switched off the When I heard about the Nightin- wait to start. a local food bank charity. I collect to public service and to help others. propaganda from mainstream gale hospitals being set up, I knew I I was incredibly moved by the food that is near its use by date from I would recommend it to anyone. newspapers. I therefore have my had to sign up to be a volunteer. I funding efforts of Captain Tom local shops, and then deliver food Lockdown may be a stressful and own opinions on what has been am in the training stage, and the Moore. Because of him I decided I parcels on my motorbike to vulnera- confusing time, but it is also a time behind these recent times, and schemes will be rolling out in the would apply to become a case- ble people in the community. We of hope. All the wonderful people I with this I have observed the fol- approaching weeks, but I am excited worker with the RAF Foundation, as make 80 deliveries every morning, interact with (at a socially safe dis- lowing. Over a few months, people for what I will learn and already feel a way of helping vulnerable ex-force helping several families and reduc- tance) give me hope, and I feel hum- who don’t normally talk about more connected to the community. veterans and their families. This in- ing food waste in shops. bled by all the services available to wildlife have been talking about it. A few weeks ago I visited the volves regular calls to check in with The police in my local community help the community. It seems to me, Wildlife has come back. People newly set up hospital in Birming- ex-veterans. I keep a log of their have set up a Covid-19 community ironically, that lockdown has actu- have walked down empty roads ham, and I began the induction wellbeing. watch team. They identify the most ally brought us all closer together – a which were once traffic-jammed, process. After the visit I started my The Foundation helps these fami- vulnerable elderly people in the nation of kind people volunteering and cycled along them with family online training to be a non-clinical lies complete tasks such as applica- community and help with daily re- their time for the common good. members, free from the constant volunteer. My role covers a whole tions for benefits or providing emo- sponsibilities, like dealing with after Find out more about volunteering assault of traffic and noise. They spectrum of tasks; from cleaning, to tional support. care, deliverin g prescriptions and with CAFOD at have seen beautiful sunny skies, of greeting families and couriering I have connected with these fami- shopping. I have completed my in- a blue which they probably never documents. The hospital is built for lies and will continue to work with duction to become a member of the • E lle n Mart i n i s a C A FOD i nt e rn knew existed, free from aeroplane contrails. They have had a tempo- rary respite from full-stretch living and had time to slow down and A little soul-searching about all our histories experience God’s creation, and world and the Church. Someone said they have sampled how a better descendants were inferior, not to be I am not just the descendant of once that a saint is simply someone life could be. LETTER FROM trusted and decidedly second class. my grandma; I am the inheritor of you don’t yet know very well. At the ‘God moves in a mysterious way, AMERICA Grandma’s prejudices remind me this whole tradition. So are all root of each of us is a complex soul his wonders to perform’ said that even though the slave trade, the Americans, the heirs of goodness struggling toward God within the William Cowper in 1773. And, co- Civil War and Jim Crow seem like and grace, evil and sin. cultural context of our own time. incident with spring sunshine, in a Efie ancient history to some, they live. Currently, some are attacking the So, examine our statues and our matter of months we have been Caldarola History lives, translated into a litany past by attacking statues. Many saints. But let’s spend more time shown that rapid systemic change of sins of endemic racism today. statues in public places clearly need examining our hearts, for the bias is neither a ‘dream’ nor a ‘delusion’. When my old grandmother visited They live on in our implicit biases. to be removed, including those of we haven’t noticed, the un realised We now know that it is possible. Virginia in the late 1960s, it was her Grandma, who bequeathed to me Confederate generals erected to prejudice, our acquiescence with The NJPN conference will go ahead, first trip back home since her family her tiny stature and that Southern proclaim the suppression of Blacks. institutional sin. but rescheduled for 23-25 July 2021. migrated to the Midwest near the name ‘Effie’, reminds me of William In San Francisco, St Junipero What will our grandchildren look In the meantime, two mini con- turn of the 20th century. Faulkner’s famous quote: ‘The past Serra’s representation was knocked back on some day and ask, “How ferences by Zoom will be held on Nevertheless, there were memories is never dead. It’s not even past.’ off its pedestal. St Serra lived in the could they have done that? Thought 18 July this year with the theme: she held close, including the family There’s another aphorism, that as 18th century, founding California that? Missed that?” ‘Post-Pandemic Church: paralysed legend that after the Civil War ended, we look at our history we stand on missions during colonisation. He Did I protest children in cages? Do or energised? Recovered or re- and her grandfather had been the shoulders of giants. True, but we was canonised in 2015. I proclaim that life in the womb is imagined?’ This will lead into compelled to release his enslaved also stand on the shoulders of flawed, We had time to examine his sacred, yet fail to demand health preparations for ‘2021 – Action for persons, they hadn’t wanted to leave. sinful people, and many times those worthiness, but his canonisation care and a safety net for mothers in Life on Earth’. “They said to my grandfather,” she two are one and the same. was controversial, because the early Thomas Jefferson? How do we missionaries were often culturally desperate poverty? Do I become See: https://www.justice-and- told my cousins who travelled with reconcile his powerful, foundational insensitive and had little regard for angry in the face of injustice, but her, “we want to stay with you, massa.” words on freedom and equality with the way of life or faith of the Native quietly move on? Dr A nd re w Ne i l Rolli ns on i s an She held, until her death in the his commitment to the institution of Americans they encountered. The We decry those who justified independent energy engineer 1980s, the conflicting views that slavery? His political eloquence was goal was ‘conversion at all costs’. slavery, and well we should. But now and a member of the NJPN those long-ago African American rivalled only by Lincoln’s. Yet he kept Maybe we should re-examine this is the time to look at our own Envi ronm e nt Worki ng Grou p. people had been both close to and loyal to the family, and yet now, their an enslaved Black concubine. canonising business, in our secular institutions and at our own hearts. The Catholic Universe | Friday 3rd July 2020 45 Classified/Catholic Universe members

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